Initial/Re-accreditation: Citystate Centre Building, 709 Shaw Boulevard, Pasig City Healthline 441 7444
Initial/Re-accreditation: Citystate Centre Building, 709 Shaw Boulevard, Pasig City Healthline 441 7444
Date: ________________________
Name of Institution: ______________________________
Address: __________________________________________
Sign the applicable items if you agree with the statements below:
1. For applications for Initial Accreditation or Re-accreditation that are filed during
the last quarter of the current year:
OPTION A: I agree with the following provisions:
1. To pay the accreditation fee equivalent to one (1) accreditation cycle and the start date
of accreditation of our health facility shall be before January 1 when it has complied
with the requirements for accreditation.
2. I agree that in case, my application is only approved by the Corporation after
December 31st of the current year, I shall submit my application for continuous
accreditation within 30 days from receipt of the approval letter.
Signature over Printed Name of the
Authorized Person
OPTION B: I agree with the following provisions:
1. To pay the accreditation fee equivalent to one (1) accreditation cycle and that the start
date of accreditation of our health facility shall be on January 1 of the succeeding year.
Signature over Printed Name of the
Authorized Person