Aerial Robotics Lecture 3A - 1 2-D Quadrotor Control

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Lecture 3A.

2-D Quadrotor Control

Now that we understand how to write the equations of motion for a quadrotor, let's
turn our attention to the model for a planar quadrotor. We saw the equations of motion
for the planar quadrotor earlier:

These can now be rewritten in state-space form as shown here:


x 2 y

And the derivative is given by:



1 sin
x m
0 1
g cos


0 u1

u 2

I xx

The first three elements of this derivative are velocities. The bottom three elements
are accelerations. This is just a compact way of writing the equations of motion. On
the right hand side, we have two inputs, u1 and u2. This vector is the input that will

drive our dynamical system. By specifying appropriate values for u1 and u2, we can
change the state of the quadrotor and get it to go where we want it to go.
We can see that the equations of motion, non-linear:

sin( )

z g

cos( )

I xx
The non-linearity here comes only from the fact that we have sin() and cos() in the
equations. Let's consider these equations of motion at a hover configuration.
We define a hover configuration as:
y 0 , z 0 , y 0 0, u 0,1 mg , u 2, 0 0
The hover configuration can only be in equilibrium if the thrust vector, u1, opposes
the gravity vector, so, at hover, the nominal value for this input must equal mg.
Further, the nominal value of u2 must be zero. If it were not, then the vehicle would
try to accelerate.
Next we obtain a linearised version of this nonlinear model by considering how the
non-linear functions sin() and cos() behave in close proximity to the hover
configuration. When is close to 0, sin() behaves roughly like and cos() is
roughly constant. If we replace sin() with , and cos() with 1, we get the linearised
equations below:


z g


I xx
We call this the linearised dynamic model.
Let's now look at the control problem. Imagine a planar quadrotor trying to follow a
specified trajectory, rT(t).

rT(t) denotes a position vector. The fact that it's changing in time is denoted by the
function rT(t) as a function of t:
y (t )
rT (t )

z (t )
Of course, this means that both y and z are changing as functions of time. Let's also
assume that this function is differentiable. That is, we can differentiate it to calculate
the velocity and differentiate again to calculate the acceleration.
We're interested in taking the vector, rdes - r, and reducing it to 0. rdes being the point
on the trajectory that we want to follow, and r being the robots current point. Let's
define the error vector as rdes - r, rdes being the same as rT(t), so the position error is:
e p rT (t) - r
The velocity error is given by the derivative of the position error:
ev rT (t) - r
And what we really want is for this error to decay exponentially to 0:
rT (t) - r K d ev K p e p 0
As we've seen before, if we take the error term and make it obey a second-order linear
differential equation with positive coefficients, we will guarantee that the error goes
exponentially to 0. So we command an acceleration which forces this error term to
obey this second-order differential equation

This idea can be extended to develop a hierarchical control structure:

Before we consider the block diagram in its entirety, lets focus on the inner loop,
which is the attitude controller.

Lets imagine that were just trying to control the attitude of the robot. In other words,
we're trying to control the roll angle, , to have it follow a specified trajectory. What
that means is, we want to synthesize u2, such that goes to some desired value. That
desired value is shown as the reference input, c. Of course, as before, we assume that
c is differentiable, so we can calculate the derivative of c, and likewise, calculate the
derivative of .
The equations of motion are shown on the bottom left of the figure. The last equation
essentially gives the relationship between u2 and . This is a linear second-order
differential equation in one variable, and it's not too hard to determine u2 such that
converges to c.

Let's assume we can do that and move onto the next sub-problem. We want to follow
a specified trajectory. Let's focus on ydes, the y component of that trajectory. If we
rearrange the top equation of the equations of motion, we can set the roll angle to be
given by:


This effectively ensures that the roll angle will track the desired acceleration in the ydirection.
In summary, the inner loop is designed so that converges to c, and c is obtained
from the y-component of the desired trajectory. Given c we can write an expression
for u2:
u2 K p , (c ) K d , (c )
Finally, the z-component tells us how to calculate u1. We take the middle equation, of
the equations of motion and the desired trajectory, looking specifically at the zcomponent, and we can write u1 such that the z-component tracks the desired z-value.
u1 m( g zdes K d , z ( zdes z ) K p , z ( zdes z ))
So we now have two equations, one for u1 and one for u2. In fact, when we put
everything together, we actually have three equations:
u1 m( g zdes K d , z ( zdes z ) K p , z ( zdes z ))
u2 K p , (c ) K d , (c )
c ( ydes K d , y ( y des y ) K p , y ( ydes y ))
The one at the bottom tells us what c is. From that, we get u2, and then u1 from that.
These are the three control equations we can use to drive a quadrotor, assuming that
our assumption that it's close to the operating point is valid, and assuming that it stays
on the y-z plane.
The only thing left to do is to calculate the constants. These are the gains, and there
are actually six of these that need to be calculated.

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