A Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Project Management Improvement Model
A Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Project Management Improvement Model
A Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Project Management Improvement Model
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 119 (2014) 912 920
Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia (FCT), da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Caparica, 2829-516, Portugal
UNIDEMI, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Caparica, 2829-516, Portugal
Current economic crisis raises the constant demand for profitable solutions that allow organizations to gain competitive
advantage. For this reason, more and more companies search for management methodologies that allow them to improve their
products and/or service characteristics, perfect their processes, decrease costs, improve the capitals profitability and costumers
satisfaction. This have been attempted through Lean Management and Six Sigma integrated approaches in their managerial and
production processes in which, Lean focus mainly on the waste elimination, using simple and visual techniques whenever
possible and Six Sigma on the control and processes variability reduction, using statistical tools for this purpose.
The present article proposes a Lean Six Sigma (LSS) project management improvement model supported by the DMAIC cycle
and integrating an enlarged and adapted set of statistical tools, given the nature of the project management main variables and
the involved processes. The proposed model was tested in a Portuguese telecommunication company context which project
management processes system are based on Project Management Institute (PMI) standards. The model allowed identifying
companys main project management problems and associated causes and the selection of the causes to be first attended. The
proposed model also permitted to systematically address the actions and solutions to be implemented in order to keep, in the
long run, the continuous improvement of the project management processes in the organization.
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2014 The Authors. Published
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Keywords: Lean Management, Six Sigma tools, Lean Six Sigma, DMAIC, Project Management
1877-0428 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Alexandra Tenera and Luis Carneiro Pinto / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 119 (2014) 912 920
1. Introduction
Lean Six Sigma (LSS) has been seen as a business improvement methodology (Pamfilie, Petcu and Draghici,
2012) integrating two distinctive management philosophies: Lean and Six-sigma (Pepper and Spedding, 2010)
complementing each other in order to improve enterprises processes and results. This integration has been achieved
blending their methods and principles (George, 2003) using the DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve,
control) cycle as the conjoint continuous improvement framework (Cheng and Chang, 2012) and conjointly
making efforts to reduce production defects and process variability along with process simplification and
standardization and waste reduction (Qu, Ma and Zhang, 2011).
Some attempts to enlarge the DMAIC cycle to project management practices and process improvement have
already been proposed. For example Puga, Soler, Maximiano and Wagner (2005) argue that Six Sigma initiatives
are projects carried out to create a single result, such as the project management, whereas there is a great potential
for integration between the DMAIC and project management practices, in which DMAIC will focused on finding
solutions to problems and opportunities based on data sustained decisions and project management standards will
provide the formal procedure for the implementation of these solutions. Also for Rever (2010) the incorporation of
DMAIC steps in each project should help project managers to become not only more effective but also to achieve
innovative results, arguing that Six Sigma can be add to project management providing:
Suitable statistical process knowledge to better understand and improve future results;
A set of solid step and tools for process improvement;
Variability knowledge in order to reduce instinctive reactions;
Based decisions on facts and concrete quantitative analysis.
From the lean perspective Williams and Gerber (2009) argue that in project management there is usually
bottlenecks and conflicts to be attended, making necessary powertrain an integration in project management. The
author suggests an ID value stream map (VSM) corresponding to the project stream, identifying the existence of
losses and trouble spots and the root causes of these problems. Once understood the current value stream map, a
future value stream mapping can be designed, with the improvements already defined, being adjusted in real time
to the project management.
Nevertheless the existing integration already proposed still little efforts have been developed to address the
LSSDMAIC based approach to the improvement of project management processes which should support
continuous results and business process improvement.
2. A LSS model to project management improvement
According to the project management process nature, the main steps of each DMAIC phase are sequential and
the determination of each steps output is supported by specific tools and methods chosen according to the
processes which are shown in figure 1.
The define phase is the beginning of a classical DMAIC approach, which defines the main problem detected, as
well as the initial targets, based on knowledge and in organizational historical of the problem linked including the
Customer view of it and also identifying the related main process team structure and project main charter to be
implemented to resolve the identified problem. So, like in project management practices, which begin the project
with the creation of the project charter, the final output in the first phase of a DMAIC Project is the Project Charter
which contains all the information needed to the next phase, defining the Critical-to-Quality specifications (CTQs),
the actual process mapping as well as the problem and goals description.
In LSS classical approaches statistical parametric descriptive analysis is generally done (Brook, 2010).
However, due to the projects data nature and the reduced reproducibility levels and/or unique nature of the projects
by definition, non-parametric statistical tools must be introduced and exploit in LSS classical approaches. One of
the most frequent question in project management improvement processes is what management process needs to be
improved where since the available information is generally reduced, dependent and discrete, classical statistical
Alexandra Tenera and Luis Carneiro Pinto / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 119 (2014) 912 920
six sigma parametric tools must switch or integrate non-parametric descriptive and inference alternative
approaches, like the one presented in figure 2. Analysis
Fig. 1. The Lean Six Sigma project management approach improvement main steps.
Alexandra Tenera and Luis Carneiro Pinto / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 119 (2014) 912 920
One of the most important steps of the LSS project aims to detect the Critical-to-Quality process factors
(CTQs), considering the Customers opinion. In fact, the focus on the customers is a priority of the LSS philosophy.
So, their opinions and needs must be reflected in the final product or service to be produced. In Project
Management practices is usual to implement customer satisfaction surveys in the closing phase of every project
managed. This common practice of Project Management can then be used to detect the main requirements of the
Client, in order to detect the Voice of the Customer (VOC) on the DMAIC approach.
Another common survey tool option is the inclusion of free-response questions on costumers surveys which can
be systematically and objectively analyzed with data/text mining approaches (see for example Witten, Frank &
Hall, 2011) in order to discover what, from the client perspective, will be the main improvement variables to be
In the Process Mapping phase is necessary to focus on the process and their main stakeholders that will be later
relevant to the improvement target that should be directly related to the identified CTQs. To get a better view, on a
high level process understanding, the SIPOC (Supplier, Input, Process, Output and Customer) diagram can be very
useful, for detailing the involved stakeholders as well as the main project activities to be addressed.
In the second phase, the Measure phase, as shown in figure 1, all steps are focused on measuring the process
performance (sigma level), as well as updating consequently the goals which were defined in the phase before.
The third phase is particularly important and aims to analyses in detail the process, supported by a large group
of tools and methods: Lean tools like i) Value Stream Mapping to obtain a closed looked of the improvement
process opportunities and ii) Root cause identification and analysis, using Affinity diagrams which are important
LSS available tools to support Ishikawa diagrams development.
The root-causes defined in the previous phase needs now to be treated. So, the Improve phase aims to identify
potential solutions as well as doing their prioritization, by the use of six sigma tools such as: Prioritization Rootcauses matrix (Pereira & Requeijo 2008) and Pugh matrix for root-causes tiering.
In the last phase of the LSS proposed approached proceedings and control tools should be implemented in order
to obtain systematical improvement results in a continuous base.
3. Testing the proposed LSS proposed model
To test the proposed LSS model an instrumental case study was developed in a private telecommunications
Portuguese company with an approximately 65 million customers worldwide, covering several areas of activity,
like fixed and mobile communication, multimedia data and business solutions (Pinto & Tenera, 2013). The
company uses formal project management processes based on PMI (2008) standards. The research study was based
on a project sample of data available on 33 different projects from different enterprise sectors, which were
developed and concluded between 2006 and 2010. For the enterprise point of view the main study objective was to
analyze and improve their current project management processes practices and results.
3.1. Define phase implementation
As exposed in figure 3, project performance classical indicators like, the difference between Project Duration
and Baseline Duration, shown that in 42,4% (14 projects) of the projects, actual durations exceeded 15 days of the
baseline durations, resulting in additional wasted costs of about 36 773,39 which the organization would like to
reduce and achieve a performance level of 99% on future project durations, to be developed inside of the enterprise
defined deadlines set, meaning in less than 15 days of the project baseline duration.
The three different question groups of the survey used to detect the Voice of the Customer (VOC) costumer
survey are shown in table 1, which also shows the respective analysis type, as well as the answers rating scale.
For both group 1 (Project Manager Performance) and 2 (Project Implementation), the population of surveys
from 2006 to 2010 was used to determine which questions had average ratings significantly inferior than the global
average. However, its necessary to determine which averages are statically inferiors compared to the global mean
on both groups. From the data analyses done (see figure 2), statistical evidence was reached about the main
Alexandra Tenera and Luis Carneiro Pinto / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 119 (2014) 912 920
problems indicated by the customers namely failure of the key-dates scheduled for the implementation and risk
management issues.
Analysis Method
Statistical Analysis
Statistical Analysis
Content Analysis
Rating Scale
0 up to 10
0 up to 10
From the third group of the Customer Satisfaction Survey questionnaire a text mining approach to the openresponse questions about the key project management factors to improve project results indicated that, from the
client perspective, the major improvement would be on a greater involvement and awareness of the deadlines and
project goals by the technical teams. From this VOC results the main critical quality factors of process (CTQs)
were defined. The VOC factors were than deployed into requirements, which were then translated into CTQ
specifications that can be measured (see table 2).
Table 2. Critical to Quality (CTQ) specifications
Project Duration
Technical Implementation
Alexandra Tenera and Luis Carneiro Pinto / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 119 (2014) 912 920
After the CTQs identification is now necessary to focus on the directly related processes that will be improved.
This process comprises different stakeholders involved to the project management processes. In this case, because
of the enterprise project management system based standards, the SIPOC (Supplier, Input, Process, Output, and
Customer) diagram was developed considering the project cycle phases: initiation, planning, execution and also
control and closing phase, detailing the key involved stakeholders as well as their main activities.
According to the findings, the LSS project team was then defined, as well as an initial planning, which describes
the most important project details to pursue namely: i) the problem, ii) the target to achieve, iii) the VOC results,
and iv) the project team and timings to be achieved.
3.2. Measure phase
Based on CTQs and data gathering a plan partially synthetized in table 3 was settled and the project sample
sigma levels were calculated (see table 4) indicating that technical execution was the CTQ who presented the
lowest sigma level followed by the project duration indicating that they would be the major variables to be
Table 3. Data Collecting partial plan and Results
SPI value
Project Schedule
Project Closing
Project Schedule
Project Closing
Project Plan
Planning Phase
Closing Phase
Project Plan
Planning Phase
Enterprise FSEs
Closing Phase
According to the nature of each metric variable the minimum representative sample size (n) was controlled
following classical six sigma equations (1) and (2) for continuous and discrete data, respectively (George,
Rowlands, Price & Maxey, 2005) where and represent the chosen significance level and the standard deviation
of the metric respectively. For the discrete data p represent metrics proportion in concern.
n = /2
n = / 2 p (1 p)
The classical six sigma process performance measures as Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO) and the
Sigma levels considering the approximated Schmidt e Launsby equation (Breyfogle III, 2003) were defined (see
equation (3) and (4), respectively) where the number of opportunities (NO) for failure (Mehrjerdi, 2011) were
Alexandra Tenera and Luis Carneiro Pinto / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 119 (2014) 912 920
estimated by the number of process steps where defects may occur, or by the number of features that can cause
non-conformities and the Number of Units (NU) the number of projects on the sample.
Defect results
Number of opportunities
Number of Units
Project Duration
Project Risk
Sample Means
Sample Standard
Deviation (days)
- 13,50
Post-adjudication phase:
t/2, n-1
As exposed in table 5, because of the reduced sample size available, instead of the classical z-test, the t-test was
used to establish what project phase had more project durations outside the duration confidence interval,
characterized by a considered significance level (), e.g. how many project in each phase were faster or exceed
their expected statistical durations. The obtained results indicated that the project execution and closing phase was
where many project didnt reached the expected Lower Limit (LL) and also exceeded their Upper limit (UL),
which causes should be address critically to reduce project duration variability and improve targeting durations.
Based on the known results and through brainstorming sessions with key project process players and main
project stakeholders, affinity and Ishikawa diagrams were used to main root-causes identification and correlation
Alexandra Tenera and Luis Carneiro Pinto / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 119 (2014) 912 920
between causes and the CTQs addressed using root-causes matrix evaluation with results were later prioritized by a
Pareto analysis.
3.4. Improving and control phases
Because most of the technical work done was proven to be outsource supported, the identified solutions ranged
from several project management areas mostly from: scope, communication, integration, schedule management
and product and management project risks.
Based on the obtained results 24 improvement actions (from A to X) were identified that could be implemented,
that were later tiered by a Pugh Matrix considering 4 main importance criteria: i) lower implementation cost; ii)
implementation quickness iii) problem resolution impact level; iv) implementation risk, which results are
summarized on figure 4.
Total ponctuation
Solution identification
As presented in figure 4 and giving each improvement action cost solution, solutions within the most positive
values were than proposed to be implemented. As a result of the last phase of the LSS proposed project
management improvement approach, control and monitoring methods of the involved process considering the
proposed solutions were suggested based mainly on internal audits, training actions, manuals updating and periodic
measurement of the processes sigma levels.
4. Main conclusion
The present article presented a Lean Six Sigma (LSS) project management process improvement model and a
case study test developed in a real enterprise environment which has a formal and established project management
system PMI based. The LSS proposed approach is a DMAIC cycle-based proposal.
Given the nature of the project management available data, some classical six sigma tools have been tested and
also adapted during the implementation of the DMAIC cycle-based proposal, including the integration of nonparametric tools on the classical statistical six sigma analyses and that new tools like text mining can be useful to
support factual data treatment.
The study results shown that through the LSS proposed approach, processes improvement on project
management stable practices can be reached through a continuous identification and evaluation of improvement
opportunities in project management processes and decisions, enabling organizational results and process waste
The study also indicates that classical LSS tools can be used and adapted to formally and continuously improve
project management processes and practices on organizations, if stable project management systems are in use.
Alexandra Tenera and Luis Carneiro Pinto / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 119 (2014) 912 920
The authors gratefully acknowledge Portugal Telecom and Ministrio da Cincia, Tecnologia e Ensino
Superior, FCT, Portugal, under grants PEst-OEEME/UI0667/2011, for their support on this study.
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