Bondurant-Farrar Community Schools Artifact Artifact Title: Parent Email

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Bondurant-Farrar Community Schools

Artifact Title: Parent Email
Portfolio Author: Nicole Bruhn
Date: 12-5-15
Iowa Teaching Standard 8 Fulfills professional responsibilities established by the school district.

Demonstrates habits and skills of continuous inquiry and learning.

Adheres to board policies, district procedures, and contractual obligations.
Contributes to efforts to achieve district and building goals.
Demonstrates an understanding of and respect for all learners and staff.
Collaborates with students, families, colleagues, and communities to enhance student learning.

I chose this artifact to show:

_____ growth in this standard
__X_ strength and competency in this standard
Evidence to support attainment of this standard:
Description of artifact and how the artifact meets the standard:
While teaching fourth grade at Anderson Elementary, it is essential to send out emails to convey information to parents
about forms, items, or situations of which they needed to be aware. This artifact was an email that was sent towards the
beginning of the year. I was concerned with behavior that I was seeing in the classroom with a particular student. This
student was in TAG but was not performing in the classroom.
Reflection on artifact:
The need for communication between parents and the teacher is essential. It is important for there to be a strong
relationship between parents and teachers to help students thrive at school and at home. In this situation, I was very
concerned with this particular students behavior and academic work. We were able to work as a team and help the
student be successful at school and at home. Building this relationship early on helped to get the problems solved.
Some consideration for improvement would be to send emails more frequently to all parents containing a newsletter.
Sending a newsletter home would be a great way to notify parents of what is going on in the classroom and ways that
they can help their student. I would also be able to share any important information with them. This would be a great
way to get the parents involved.

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