Lab 1-Resonance Tube
Lab 1-Resonance Tube
Lab 1-Resonance Tube
Hithadhoo/ Addu
Topic: Waves
1. Lower the tube into the water until the end of the tube is at the bottom.
2. Now gently raise the tube while vibrating tuning fork is kept near the
mouth of the tube.
3. Stop the tube when a loud sound is heard.
4. Mark the water level on the tube using a pencil.
5. Remove the tube from the water and measure the length of the air column
that resonates.
6. Repeat the procedure for all the tuning forks.
7. Enter the result into the table 1 below and complete all the blank columns.
8. Calculate the average speed of the sound in air.
9. Now use the long pipe and using the same procedure as mentioned at
steps 2, 3 and 4, find the length of the resonating air column at
fundamental frequency and first overtone. Use only one tuning fork.
10.Continue the steps 2, 3 and 4 until a loud sound is heard again at first
overtone. Even now use same tuning fork.
Table 1
Frequency, f,
Length of the
column (m)
Wave length,
, (m)
Speed of
v, (ms-1)