501 801-Layers of The Skin Lesson Plan

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CMAVTS Cosmetology Lesson Plan

Donna Driscoll - Instructor

Name of Instructor
Donna Driscoll
Program Title: Cosmetology
Course Title: General Sciences
Unit Title: Skin Structure
Lesson Title: Layers of the Skin
Given textbook reading, a lecture followed by a review/discussion, and followed by a
student activity:
The student will describe dermatology and the role of an esthetician
Demonstrate professional ethics when directing a client to a dermatologist.
List and describe each layer of skin using a rubric
List and describe the nerves of the skin following a chapter test with a minimum
of 80% test accuracy
Theory: 30 Minutes
Clinic: 2 Hours
Equipment and Materials:
Educators Reference:
Milady Standard Cosmetology 2012 9th Grade, Chp. 17 Text read 606-610
Milady Standard Cosmetology 2012 10th Grade, Chp. 7 Text read 155-159
Milady Standard Cosmetology 2012 Theory Workbook
Learning Activities:
- Silent pre-reading layers of the skin worksheet
- Description of group/team activity
The students will build the five layers of the skin using candy to help retain the correct
order with a fun activity
- Stratum Corneum: (candy corn) as known as the horny layer, the outer most layer that we
see, protective & waterproof layer; its scale-like cells are continually being shed and replaced

- Stratum Lucidum: (laffy taffy) Clear layer just under skin surface
- Stratum Granulosum: (sour lemon heads-round) Cells look like granules; these almost dead
cells are pushed to surface to be shed

- Stratum Spinosum: (sour patch kids) spiny layer, shedding process begins here
- Stratum Germinativum: (nerds - multicolor granular candy) Basal cell layer; composed
of several layers of different shaped cells and pigment and is responsible for the growth
of the epidermis; protects the cells below from the effects of ultraviolet rays.
Standards/Assessment Anchors:
CC.3.5.11-12.C Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out
experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results
based on explanations in the text.
CC.3.5.11-12.B Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex
concepts, processes, or information presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still
accurate terms.

CC.3.5.11-12.D Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific
words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades
1112 texts and topics.
CC.3.5.11-12.I Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g., texts, experiments,
simulations) into a coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept, resolving
conflicting information when possible.
501 Identify the structure and composition of the integumentary system
801 Identify the functions of the integumentary system
Before you can care for, treat, and improve your client skin you must have the knowledge of the
structure and composition.
Anatomy of the Skin
o Dermatology
o Esthetician
o Layers of the Skin (an activity around Halloween)
Stratum Corneum (candy corn)
Stratum Lucidum (banana laffy taffy)
Stratum Granulosum (sour lemon heads-round)
Stratum Spinosum (sour patch kids)
Stratum Germinativum (nerds - multicolor granular candy)

o Derma, corium, cutis, true skin
Arrector pili muscle
Papillary Layer
o Dermal papillae
o Tactile corpuscles
o Epidermal-dermal junction
Reticular layer
Subcutaneous tissue
o Adipose tissue
o Subcutis tissue
Nerves of the Skin
o Motor
o Sensory
o Secretory

Now that we have a complete understanding of the structure and composition of the skin we can
treat our clients with confidence that they will truth in you and that will keep them coming back.
Along with this knowledge we will educate our clients with the proper at-home-maintenance

keeping their skin healthy, protect it from sun damage, and even slow down the aging process by
maintaining that youthful glow!
Evaluation/Student Assessment:
1. The student will be grouped into 4 working stations
2. Students will complete work for a daily participation individual grade using a daily rubric
3. End of the chapter test with an 80% accuracy
4. DOK assignments listed below:
a. Define the difference between dermatology and dermatologist.
b. Explain why we need to have an understanding of the skin.
c. What is our end goal with our new found knowledge about the skin?
d. Identify and explain the three types of nerve fibers found in the skin.
Special Needs & ESL Accommodations:
Use of student handbook; extended time for tests & lengthy assignments; alternate test
sites; tests read; prompt & cue to task; preferential seating; retesting opportunities; repeat
Special Needs & ESL Adaptations:
Student may have alternate/adapted tests; reduced reading/writing assignments;
individualized task sheets

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