Ted 531 Alesson 2

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Lesson Plan Design

Subject: Math 1 Grade: High School 9th

Lesson Topic: Solving Mulit-step Equations

Candidates Name: Christina Smith

ID # 023058173

Site Supervisor: Mr. McFerren

NU Supervisor: Mr. Winzenread

Date: Sept. 30, 2015___

1. Introduction: (Identify Grade Level K12 Academic Content Standard(s), rationale, focus learner,
create bridges from past learning, behavior expectations)

8.EE.C.7: Solve linear equations in one variable.

Rationale: Knowing where my two focus

HSA.REI.A.1: Explain each step in solving a simple

equation as following from the equality of numbers
asserted at the previous step, starting from the
assumption that the original equation has a solution.
Construct a viable argument to justify a solution

students are will help me keep track of

HSA.REI.B.3: Solve linear equations and inequalities

in one variable, including equations with coefficients
represented by letters.
Focus students are my EL (David), and special needs
(Javier), students which there is 1 one of each. EL student

their progress through the lesson. I can

measure their understanding through facial
expressions and body language. Having
the students remember the pervious lesson
will help them see how I am relating it to
the new lesson. I will have the students
raise their hands when I need them to help
me with a problem or to clear up

sits in the front middle of the class and my special needs

students sits on the right middle side of the class.
I remind students of the last lesson that we did on
simplifying expressions and ask them questions on how
they went about simplifying.
Students should be able to tell me things such as, combining
like terms.

2. Learner Outcome(s)/Objective(s): (What will students learn from this lesson? How will you
measure mastery of the outcome?)

Objective: By the end of class students will solve

equations in one variable that contain more than one
operation to complete the problems in the lesson.
I will know that the students have mastered the
material by their classwork.

Rationale: Students can become confused

on how to begin when solving multi-step
equations. This lesson will help students
solve multistep equations by combining
like terms, using order of operations, and
understanding properties of equality. I
will check the students work at the end of
class for clarity and mastery.

3. Pre-assessment Activity: (Determine students abilities to achieve the Learner Outcome and
prescribe instruction accordingly. Consider: linguistic background, academic language abilities,
content knowledge, cultural and health considerations, interests and aspirations, physical
development, social development, emotional development. )
Students will know terms, such as, like terms and variables
and know how to use order of operations. I will remind
students about simplifying expressions to recall these terms.

Rationale: Students should remember

how to simplify expressions which will
help them solve for variables in an

4. Differentiation, Adaptation & Accommodation Strategies: (Based on the pre-assessments, modify

Learning Activities based on learner characteristics to meet the needs of ELL & special needs
students, highly achieving students and low achieving students)
To help my EL student I will either read the objective or
have one of the other students read the objective. I will pay
attention to my EL student to make sure that he is
understanding what the instructions are asking. I will repeat
often, referring to like terms and properties of equality. I
will restate steps and operations so that he can understand.
To help my Special need student I will use the same
strategies as I used for my EL student. I will speak a little
slower and give more time for writing notes and solving
problems. If I have to help this student with any problems I
will make sure that I will not interrupt him when he is
explaining his process to me.

Rationale: Reading the objective out load

will alleviate my EL and special need
students misunderstanding the directions.
Paying attention to their expressions will
help me see if they are following along.
Repeating myself, speaking slowly, and
restating instructions will help give the
students different perspectives and more
time to think about questions. My Special
needs students has a stuttering problem
and I do not want him to feel inferior if I
interrupt him or finish his statements for

5. Resources: (Identify materials needed for this lesson accounting for varying degrees of skill level)
Student will need their interactive notebooks, pencil, and

Rationale: Students need have their

calculator will be provided if needed.

interactive notebook to be able to write

their essential questions, complete practice
problems and begin their in class/
homework assignment.

6. Learning Activities: Explicit Teacher Instruction - (Explain, Model, Demonstrate, Check for

I will begin the class with 5 minutes of ST Math. I will

Rationale: ST Math helps the students

record the scores and move on to homework. I will have

with their arithmetic skills. I will check

the students get their homework out and I will walk around

their homework for completion and any

the room stamping and checking the homework. If their are

work that they needed to show. I will ask

simple individual questions on the homework that I can

any students if they created a formula for

answer quickly I will do so. If I notice that a majority of

any of the sequences. The homework of

students are having problems on particular problem I will

the night before was on pattern sleuthing

go over it on the board as a class.

so there was not to much connection with

When homework is completed and checked I will go over

solving multi-step equations so I will not

the objective with the students. I will read the it out loud

go over it in to much detail. After the

and then I will have the students create their essential

homework I will remind the students

question: How will I solve equations with one variable that

about simplifying expression to bridge the

combine more than one operation? After I will go over

material. I will go over the first example

examples problems on the board together as a class. There

as a class. After the example is done I will

are several examples problems so I can have one or two

have the students complete the rest on

students come up to the board to do and explain their work.

their own. The students should have

After the example problems are finished I will give the

already seen this material in middle school

students a reflection summary and assigned homework. I

so this should be a review for them. I may

will ask the students to do 2 to 4 problem before they can

just let the students go right to the

leave my class to ensure that they are utilizing their time

examples on their own to see how much

appropriately in class.

they remember. If there are many

problems I will stop the class and then we

Check for Understanding: I will check for understanding

will go over examples together. The exit

through the class discussions and the examples. I will be

ticket will ensure that the students are

able to clear up and misconceptions that arise during this

doing the work in the class.

time. I will walk around while students are working on

their examples and classwork/homework. I can answer
individual questions or address common errors that I notice.

7. Learning Activities: Guided Practice/ Collaborative Practice (Check for understanding and
provide feedback and re-teaching)

During the lesson I will have several examples for the

students to do as a class. The first example I will go over
the process as a class. I will have the students raise their
hands to help me solve the equation. Depending on how
well they do I will either have them do the next example by
themselves or again as a class. The other examples I will
have the students do on their own and I will have the
students raise their hands to either come to the board and do
the problem or have them explain form their seats. After the
lesson the students will work on their homework assignment
in class and will complete 2 to 4 problems before leaving.
Check for Understanding: During the lesson I will
formative assessment to check for understanding. I will
walk around the class trying to assess each student. I will
answer questions and help guide the students through the

Rationale: I will give the example

problems to show and demonstrate how
they should begin to solve equations with
one variable with more than one operation.
If the students understand the concept
easily I will have them do the next couple
of examples on their own. If I see or hear
a lot of confusion I will go over another
example with them. Some students may
catch on right away and others may need
more time. If a majority are having
problems that will determine if we go over
the next example together. When a
majority of the students understand what
they are doing I will have the class do the
problems on their own. I will walk around
the room to help those students who are
still have problems. I can answer
individual questions and go over other
concepts that need to be cleared up.

8. Independent Practice: (Provide practice that supports the learning outcome. Note: Independent
activities are assigned assuming that students understand the concept well enough to work on their
Independent practice will include the homework page form

Rationale: Depending on how much time

their interactive notebooks. I will have the students

the students have left to complete their

complete 2 to 4 problems before they leave the class. The

assignment I will assign 2 to 4 problems

students will also have to complete the reflection summary.

that the students will have to complete

before leaving class. This will ensure that

Check for Understanding: agin I will walk around the

the students are utilizing their time in the

room and check the students work. I will notice mistakes

class for math.

that they make. If there is a common mistake I will address

it to the entire class.

9. Assessment and Evaluation: (Describe how you will assess and/or evaluate the students learning.
Describe differentiating assessment strategies you will use for ELL, special needs students, highly
achieving students and low achieving students.)

For my ELL and special needs students I will walk next to

Rationale: I want to make sure that I am

them a majority of the time. I will ask them repeatedly,

available to help my ELL and special

questions about their understanding. My special needs

needs students when they need me, so

student has a sever stuttering problem so will not have him

spending more time around them may

do any speaking that he does not feel comfortable with. I

encourage them to ask me questions. My

will use the students homework to assess how well they

EL student will most likely not do his

understood the material. I will use formative assessment to

work, so by walking by him repeatedly

check their homework. I will not go over every problem,

will motivate him to do some of the

but I will look for common errors so that I can discuss them

problems. I will also ask him if he is ok

with the class before the next lesson. I will encourage my

and if he needs any help each time I pass

higher achieving students to explain their work and process

by. I will not have time to go over every

to lower achieving students. I will give my lower achieving

problem on the homework so by picking

students more time to think about their process. If I notice

the ones that caused the most difficulties

that my lower achievers are moving to slow I will let them

will clear up a few misconceptions and I

leave class after they have attempted the problems correct

can also have my high achievers help me

or not.

explain. By having the higher achievers

explain their process will help them
understand the material better.

10. Closure: (Describe how students will reflect on what they have learned.)
I will ask the students a reflection question: 2 = 6 + 3k, In

Rationale: Students will be able to

order, what math operations are happening to k? If you

explain inverse operations without having

were to solve for k, opposite operations would you do?

a lesson on it. Students will see that k is

Describe in words.

being multiplied by 3 so to get rid of the 3

we need to divide by 3 to both sides of the

11. Lesson Reflection/Assessment: (Collect student learning data to determine: What went well?
What needs to be changed? Were learning outcomes met? What activities will you add, change,
modify in the future? What can be done to follow up on the learning from this lesson? Who needs
additional help? Who needs enrichment or higher level work?)

I do not believe that this lesson will give the students much difficulty. They did very well on combining
like terms and simplifying expressions. I have a few students who have already completed the upcoming
assignments. The only problem that I can foresee is the students having arithmetic problems. For this I
will tell the students to take their time and not rush the problems and to make sure that they write out
each step so if they make a mistake they can go back through their work and find the mistake easily.

Revised: 10/23/2008
Note: An electronic copy of the Lesson Plan Design may be found on the Nu-Fast website:
http://www.nu-fast.com . Links: Fileshare - SOE TED TED 629 Student/Faculty

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