GTG Etops Vol II Issue01

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The document discusses Extended Twin Operations (ETOPS) and the flight operations view of ETOPS requirements and procedures.

ETOPS stands for Extended Twin Operations and refers to twin-engine commercial flights over large bodies of water or remote areas. It allows twin-engine planes to fly routes that were previously only possible with three- or four-engine aircraft.

ETOPS alternate airports must meet weather minima, be within the maximum diversion time, and have adequate runway length and services in case one engine fails during the ETOPS sector.

Getting to Grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Getting to grips with

Flight Operations Support
& Line Assistance


Getting to Grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Left Intentionally Blank

Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Table Of Content

Table of Content

Table of contents
Table of Content........................................................................................................................... 3

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 5

WHAT DOES ETOPS MEAN? ............................................................................................... 5


THE ADVANTAGES OF ETOPS ........................................................................................... 6

AREA OF OPERATIONS ..................................................................................................... 7


IS ETOPS NECESSARY? ..................................................................................................... 7

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 7
WHAT IS AN ADEQUATE AIRPORT? ................................................................... 8
WHAT IS THE APPROVED OEI DIVERSION SPEED? ........................................ 9


WHAT IS THE REQUIRED MAXIMUM DIVERSION TIME? ............................................... 14

EEP/EXP AND ETOPS SECTOR ........................................................................ 14
COVERING THE ETOPS SECTOR ..................................................................... 15
SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... 17

FLIGHT DISPATCH ............................................................................................................ 18


ETOPS ALTERNATE AIRPORTS ....................................................................................... 18

ETP AND TIME WINDOW .................................................................................... 18
DISPATCH WEATHER MINIMA .......................................................................... 23
SURFACE CONDITIONS ..................................................................................... 25
ETOPS ALTERNATE AIRPORT SELECTION FORM ......................................... 28


OBSTACLE CLEARANCE ................................................................................................... 29


FUEL CONSIDERATIONS................................................................................................... 29
REQUIREMENTS AND SCENARII ...................................................................... 30
FUEL RESERVES ................................................................................................ 33


TIME-LIMITED SYSTEMS ................................................................................................... 35


PLOTTING CHART .............................................................................................................. 36


DISPATCH CHECKLIST EXAMPLE .................................................................................... 37


ETOPS BEYOND 180 MINUTES SPECIFICITIES .............................................................. 38

Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Table Of Content

THE ETOPS FLIGHT.......................................................................................................... 39


THE FLIGHT PREPARATION ............................................................................................. 39


ETOPS ELEMENTS OF THE CFP ...................................................................................... 40


COCKPIT PREPARATION .................................................................................................. 42

PREFLIGHT CHECKS.......................................................................................... 42
DATA LOADING ................................................................................................... 43


BEFORE REACHING THE EEP .......................................................................................... 45


FLYING THE ETOPS SECTOR ........................................................................................... 45


DIVERSION.......................................................................................................................... 46

Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View




Due to the poor reliability of piston engines in the early 1950s, the ICAO recommended that no
aircraft be operated beyond 90 min with all engines operative, from a diversion airport, except
if the route could be flown with two engines inoperative. The FAA was even more restrictive,
because they limited the use of tris, for a short while, and twins, to areas where they were less
than 60 min away, at any time, from an en-route diversion airport. With the change from piston
engines to much more reliable jet engines, it became clear that this limitation would have to be
revised. This resulted in the creation of a new regulation: ETOPS.
At the beginning, ETOPS stood for Extended Twins OPerationS. It was made of sets of
certification and operational requirements. These requirements were to be fulfilled in order to
operate beyond the above-mentioned thresholds. The requirements are fully described in
Volume 1 of this publication.
Since its creation, ETOPS has evolved, mainly to enable operations of twins beyond 180 min
diversion time:
Today, the ETOPS acronym has different meanings:
o For the EASA, it still stands for Extended Twins OPerationS
o For the FAA, however, it now stands for ExTended OPerationS, in order to take
into account the application of this US regulation to passenger-carrying aircraft
with more than two engines (i.e. that exclude freighters with more than two
The ICAO has changed the name of its revised ETOPS regulation to EDTO, that stands
for Extended Diversion Time Operations. EDTO is, as the FAA ETOPS, applicable to
twins, and to aircraft with more than two engines (Including freighters with more than two
The EASA has been working on a new regulation, LROPS, or Long Range OPerationS,
that is the adaptation of ETOPS requirements to aircraft with more than two engines. The
decision to publish this LROPS rule depends on the conclusion of the EASA review of the
new ICAO EDTO rule.
In this brochure, we will use the generic term ETOPS and pinpoint the differences of the
various regulations when necessary.

Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View




One of the main advantages from ETOPS is to enable twins to fly routes that used to be
restricted to aircraft with more than two engines. For example: A charter airline flies regularly
between Milano (MXP) and Caracas (CCS). The travel distance is approximately 4350 nm.

Milano to Caracas: 4350 nm.

In order to fly this route with a non ETOPS-certified twin, the crew would have to remain close to
the diversion airports, leading to a 30 % increase in flight distance.

Complying with the 60 min threshold: 5700 nm.

With ETOPS 180 min, the route can be the shortest one, because a larger area of operations
requires less en-route alternates, and therefore, provides a much greater operational flexibility.

The shortest route, with 180 min ETOPS.

Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Area of Operations



2.1.1 Introduction
An Operator wants to open a new route, or to change the type of aircraft used to fly an existing
route. Does this Operator need to apply for an ETOPS operational approval?
ETOPS regulations apply when commercial air-operations are conducted on a route that
contains a segment where the aircraft flies beyond a defined flight-time distance from all
adequate airports. For a twin-engine aircraft, this threshold is set to 60 min flight-time, in still air
and ISA conditions, at an approved one-engine-inoperative (OEI) speed schedule. For tri- and
quad-engine aircraft, this threshold has to be set by the National Authority. ICAO regulations
recommend that this threshold be set to a 180 min flight-time, in still air and ISA conditions, at
an approved all-engine-operative speed.

Operators can take advantage of an ISA deviation (Increased True Air Speed (TAS)) is possible if the deviation is
constant during the entire year for the considered route.

Is ETOPS necessary? The answer may be obvious for some routes, for example, the routes
that cross the Atlantic Ocean. But perhaps a little less obvious if the route is flown over areas
where only few adequate airports are available. To correctly determine if ETOPS is necessary
for a specific route, the Operator should apply the following steps:
1.Determination of the intended route to be flown
2.Determination of the possible diversion airports, also called adequate airport(s) (Refer to
section 2.1.2 of this volume)
3.Determination of the maximum diversion distance with a diversion time of 60 min, also called
the ETOPS Threshold Distance (Refer to section 2.1.4 of this volume)
4.Drawing of circles, with a radius equal to the ETOPS Threshold Distance, centered on each
adequate airport
5.If the route goes outside these circles, ETOPS operations are required on the section(s) of
route that are outside these 60 min circles.
This chapter and the following use an example to illustrate the steps that Operators should
apply, in order to determine the need for ETOPS, on a specific route. The example is a case
study of an Operator that wants to open a new route from Madrid (Spain), to Buenos Aires
(Argentina), with an A330 aircraft.

Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Area of Operations

2.1.2 What is an adequate airport?

An adequate airport is an airport that the aircraft can safely divert to, in the case of an
emergency, i.e.:
It satisfies the aircraft performance requirements applicable at the expected landing
It is available at the expected time of use
Overflying and landing authorizations are granted
It has ground operational services like:
o Meteorological and air information offices
o Lighting capabilities
It has, at least, one let-down navaid available to conduct an instrument approach, like:
o An ILS
o An NDB, etc.
The Rescue and Fire Fighting category of the airport is at least a level 4 (ICAO SARP
Annex 14 (Paragraph 9.2, Table 9-1)). If the diversion time is beyond 180 minutes, the
FAA requests that the Rescue and Fire Fighting category be at least a level 7.
The FAA requests also a passenger recovery plan for each adequate airport, if the maximum
diversion time is beyond 180 minutes, or if the flight is conducted in a polar region. This
passenger recovery plan must address the safety and comfort of stranded passengers and
crewmembers at the diversion airport. The passenger recovery plan must also address the
prompt retrieval of passengers and crewmembers from the airport.
In order to select the adequate airports, the Operator may also consider the following criteria:
The consistency of the Pavement Classification Number (PCN) of the runway(s) with the
Aircraft Classification Number (ACN), even if, in the case of an emergency, it is not
necessary to satisfy a runway pavement requirement normally considered for the regular
use of an airport (ICAO Convention - Annex 14 and ICAO Airport Manual, Document
9157 - AN/91).
The existence of health-care facilities
The existence of maintenance facilities
The existence of airport services to handle the aircraft and provide catering (fuel, food,
The existence of airport facilities to receive and accommodate the passengers
Any other specific requirements applicable to the Operator.
The above-mentioned requirements do not take into account the actual weather at the airport:
The study is based on theoretical weather conditions only. The actual weather will be taken
into considerations later on, for the dispatch of the flight.
Finally, the local operational authorities must validate the list of adequate airports that the
Operator has selected.
The following chart illustrates the adequate airports for the route from Madrid to Buenos Aires:

Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Area of Operations

MAD-EZE: Adequate Airports

2.1.3 What is the approved OEI diversion speed?

It is a Mach/IAS speed schedule an Operator is expected to use in the case of a diversion after
an engine failure. This speed is approved by the Operators National Authority.
In practice, this OEI diversion speed ranges from Green Dot speed (Best lift-over-drag-ratio
speed) to VMO/MMO (Maximum certified operating speed). The aircraft is designed, tested and
certified to safely fly within this range of speeds, even with one engine inoperative, and with
the remaining engine thrust set to Maximum Continuous Thrust (MCT).
Each individual Operator selects its OEI diversion speed in accordance with their route
structure and associated constraints.

In flight, and as permitted by the operational regulations, the pilot in command can decide to deviate from the OEI
diversion speed, after the flight crew assesses the current situation.

A diversion at high speed maximizes the diversion distance. A diversion at low speed reduces
it. But, at the same time, a diversion at low speed allows a higher level-off and minimizes the
fuel consumption.
What diversion strategy should the Operator select?
For non-ETOPS operations, in the case of an engine failure, the Operator can select either the
standard or the obstacle clearance strategies:
The standard strategy corresponds to a descent at cruise Mach/300 kt IAS down to an
altitude near the LRC ceiling, and a diversion cruise at LRC speed
The obstacle clearance strategy corresponds to a drift-down at Green Dot speed until the
obstacles are cleared, and the application of the standard strategy thereafter.
The operational documentation (e.g. the Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM)) describes
both diversion strategies, in detail. For ETOPS operations, in the case of an engine failure,
there is no objection to use either the standard strategy, or the obstacle clearance strategy.
However, the associated diversion speeds, respectively LRC speed and Green Dot speed, are
substantially low speeds, that limit the maximum diversion distance.

Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Area of Operations

Therefore, for ETOPS operations, Operators should select an OEI diversion speed that is
higher than that of the standard or obstacle clearance strategies. A higher diversion speed
extends the diversion distance. This typical ETOPS diversion strategy is referred to as "Fixed
Speed Strategy" in the FCOM.
The word "fixed" emphasizes the fact that a selected OEI diversion speed schedule is applied
during both the diversion descent and cruise phases (But not in the case of a
For each aircraft type, the FCOM provides a sample of OEI speeds (With the relevant graphs
for the related aircraft performance), or references to the performance program to compute the
single-engine aircraft performance. The FCOM provides, for each single-engine speed
associated to the Fixed Speed Strategy, all related aircraft performance data. Depending on
the aircraft, the FCOM provides the following single-engine speeds: 300, 310, 320, 330, 340,
or 350 kt (By comparison, the LRC speed is usually less than 300 kt). This speed range
complies with most Operator requirements. However, if an Operator selects an intermediate
diversion speed, they should compute and include all associated aircraft performance data, in
their Operations Manual.

When the aircraft reaches the diversion cruise Flight Level (FL), the selected IAS might not be maintained and might
be limited to a lower speed due to thrust limitation (MCT), until it increases due to weight decrease. However, this
should not be a criterion to select a lower speed schedule.





60 min

Descent Profile Example: Max Speed/MCT

The selected OEI diversion speed affects all of the following:

The diversion distance
The fuel consumption
The obstacle clearance.
As an example, an increase in the OEI diversion speed induces:
An increase in the available diversion distance
An increase in the fuel consumption
A decrease in the level-off altitude.

The regulations do not require that Operators take the obstacle clearance limitations into account, when they select
the diversion speed. However, the dispatchers will take these limitations into account, for flight planning (Refer to
section 3.2 of this volume).

For the Madrid/Buenos Aires route, the selected OEI speed is MMO-VMO/MCT, due to the fact
that there are no limiting obstacles. This maximizes the ETOPS threshold distance. The fuel
impact will be assessed at a later stage.


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Area of Operations

2.1.4 What are the reference gross weight and diversion FL?
Regulations do not define the aircraft Reference Gross Weight (RGW) to be considered. The
RGW may range from the Takeoff Weight (TOW) to the Landing Weight (LW), depending on
the authorities. A conservative method is to initialize the RGW with the aircraft weight after one
hour flight (i.e. TOW minus the weight corresponding to one hour of fuel used), for the
calculation of the ETOPS threshold.
The diversion FL is the optimum diversion FL associated with the RGW. This optimum
diversion FL provides the maximum diversion distance.
The calculation of the RGW and the diversion FL may require some iteration.
The FCOM provides the ETOPS MAXIMUM DIVERSION DISTANCE and the diversion FL.
Operators can also compute the diversion FL and the ETOPS maximum diversion distance
with a performance software (e.g. PEP).
In the Madrid/Buenos Aires example, the A330 weights 210 000 kg one hour after takeoff from
By entering the following FCOM table with these values:


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Area of Operations


One can obtain the diversion FL and the maximum diversion distance, as follows:


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Area of Operations

On the plotting chart, circles of 433 nm are drawn, centered on every adequate airport. Due to
the fact that part of the route is outside these circles, ETOPS is required.

MAD-EZE: ETOPS is Required

Useful tip: How to draw the ETOPS threshold circles on a plotting chart?
On a meridian, one minute of angle (1) is equal to one nautical mile.
Therefore, one degree (1) is equal to 60 nm.
In accordance with this rule, the ETOPS threshold of 433 nm corresponds to an angle
of seven degrees and thirteen minutes (7 13). Therefore, to obtain the radius of the
433 nm circle on the chart, use the divider to measure the above-mentioned angle on
the longitude scale near parallel 45.


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View


Area of Operations


This chapter describes the method that Operators should apply to determine the required
maximum diversion time, on an ETOPS route.

2.2.1 EEP/EXP and ETOPS sector

The plotting chart illustrates that a part of the route extends beyond the 60 min circles centered
on each adequate airport. This part of the route is called the ETOPS sector. The beginning of
the ETOPS sector is called the ETOPS Entry Point (EEP). The end of the ETOPS sector is
called the ETOPS eXit Point (EXP).

The ETOPS Sector, the EEP and the EXP

The selected route should indicate the obstacles to be cleared (If any), and the location of the
selected adequate airports, well distributed along the route. The next step is to select a
diversion time that ensures a possible diversion, from any point of the route, to the
corresponding adequate airports.
A diversion time and a diversion speed provide a diversion distance that can be drawn on the
chart as circles, centered on the adequate airports. The Operator should select a maximum
diversion time and a speed schedule that ensure coverage of the entire ETOPS sector, with a
minimum overlap of the circles. The higher the diversion speed, the longer the diversion
distance and the lower the level-off.
The following illustration shows three circles, associated with two adequate airports, for three
speed schedules:
At LRC speed, the corresponding circles are substantially small
At 300 kt IAS the circles are wider but do not provide a continuous area of operation
At 310 kt IAS the circles are tangent, and provide a continuous area of operation along
the route. This ensures the feasibility of the ETOPS operation.


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Area of Operations


M0.80/310 kt
M0.80/300 kt

LRC speed

LRC speed

M0.80/300 kt


M0.80/310 kt

Effect of Single-Engine Speed Selection on the ETOPS Area of Operation

(For a Specific Maximum Diversion Time)

Therefore, in this example, 310kt IAS is the required minimum speed schedule. In practice, the
Operators select a diversion speed higher than this minimum speed schedule. This provides
the flight crew with more flexibility in the aircraft routing, if they need to perform either of the
The avoidance of an adverse weather zone
The use of a more direct route
The coverage of the possible variations of an organized track system, such as on the
North Atlantic
The Operator should select a diversion speed that is between the minimum diversion speed
and VMO.
The diversion strategy should also be determined taking into account the diversion fuel
requirement, as the ETOPS regulations require the Operators to use the same diversion speed
strategy to determine both the area of operation and the diversion fuel. Therefore, a
compromise between speed and fuel should be found: For example, a diversion at VMO
provides the widest area of operation but requires the highest diversion fuel quantity. In this
case, a reduction of the diversion speed, that reduces the area of operation and the diversion
fuel quantity, may be a better option, provided that the flight routing is not modified.
The used fuel (kg) is equal to the distance covered (nm) divided by the specific range (nm/kg).

2.2.2 Covering the ETOPS sector

The ETOPS MAXIMUM DIVERSION DISTANCE table, already described in section 2.1.4 of
this volume, contains various diversion times (60 min, 90 min, 120 min, 180 min, etc.) This
ETOPS maximum diversion distance is the maximum distance from an ETOPS alternate
airport at which an aircraft can operate under ETOPS regulations. The Operator's authorities
must approve the defined maximum diversion distance.


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Area of Operations

The table provides, for each of these diversion times, a maximum diversion distance, in
accordance with the selected speed schedule and RGW. As for the ETOPS threshold, the
ETOPS maximum diversion distance is a function of speed, weight and altitude (Cruise and
diversion FLs).
The speed:
The ETOPS OEI diversion speed must provide a compromise between the maximum diversion
distance, the diversion fuel quantity, and the obstacle clearance. This is the speed defined in
section 2.1.3 of this volume. The approved OEI diversion speed, for our example, is VMO.
The weight:
Regulations do not define the aircraft weight to be considered: The Operators can compute
their own reference weights taking into account their ETOPS route structure. The weight,
defined by the Operator, should be as realistic as possible and submitted for approval to the
airline's national authority. ETOPS regulations recommend that the aircraft reference weight be
computed as the highest of the estimated gross weight values at the Critical Points (CPs) of
the various routes within the defined area of operation. A CP is a specific diversion point along
the route. It is called critical, due to the fact that a diversion at this point is the least favorable,
in terms of fuel planning. The Operator should initiate the computation with a takeoff at the
maximum takeoff weight (structural or runway limitation or landing weight limitation) and a
standard speed schedule, in still air and ISA (or delta ISA) conditions. When applicable, the
above-mentioned computation should be conducted considering that a given route may be
supported by various sets of declared en-route alternates (Thus resulting in different CP
locations). For additional information on Critical Points, refer to section 3.3 FUEL
CONSIDERATIONS. In this brochure, the Maximum Diversion Distance is computed with the
weight at CP. In our example, the A330 weight is 180 t at the CP.
The cruise FL:
Regulations do not define the initial cruise FL to be considered. Due to the fact that the
influence of this parameter on the ETOPS maximum diversion distance is low, in our example,
the maximum diversion distance is computed with the initial cruise FL 350.
The diversion FL:


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Area of Operations

Regulations do not define the diversion FL to be considered. In our example, the Maximum
Diversion Distance is based on the diversion FL that provides the greatest distance.

90 min

120 min

MAD-EZE: 90 and 120 min Circles

The circles that entirely cover the ETOPS sector, with an optimum overlap, define the ETOPS
maximum diversion time. On the illustration above, 862 nm circles cover the ETOPS sector.
This corresponds to a maximum diversion time of 120 minutes. Intermediate diversion times
(For example, 75 min or 105 min, in order to reduce the circle overlap) can be computed via
interpolation. The Airworthiness Authorities can also grant a 15 % increase of the diversion
time, to be used on a case by case basis only. Therefore, in our example, the Operator could
be authorized to operate an aircraft up to 138 or 207 min instead of, respectively 120 or 180
min, but with the constraints associated with the initially approved diversion time (i.e. 120 or
180 min). The purpose of the 15 % increase is to permit continuation of safe operations in case
of sudden adverse weather that would prohibit the selection of usually selected alternates. The
maximum diversion circles define the ETOPS area of operations. In other words: The area of
operations is the airspace in which the distance to an ETOPS en-route alternate airport is less
than the ETOPS maximum diversion distance.

2.2.3 Summary
The area of operations depends on the following parameters:
The selected speed schedule
The Reference Gross Weight
The maximum diversion distance or time.
The area of operations illustrates the following:
The ETOPS en-route alternates
The ETOPS Entry Point(s) (EEP)
The ETOPS eXit Point(s) (EXP)
The ETOPS sector.
The area of operations is computed, with the following assumptions:
ISA conditions, or ISA, if the deviation is constant during the entire year
No wind.

It is not required to modify the area of operation if the actual weather conditions differ from the ideal ISA or ISA
conditions used for the computation.


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Flight Dispatch



To be selected as an ETOPS alternate airport, an adequate airport must be usable and must
satisfy a number of weather and field conditions. These conditions ensure a safe approach and
landing, during a required time window, that was previously called the period of suitability.

3.1.1 ETP and time window

The ETP:
ETP stands for Equal-Time Point. An ETP is the point of equal flying time between two
diversion airports. The ETP can also be defined as: The point at the farthest air mile distance
from a pair of ETOPS alternate airports.

MAD-EZE: The ETP Location


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Flight Dispatch

In the example above, if a diversion is necessary during flight in the ETOPS sector, from the
EEP to the ETP, the nearest diversion airport is Amlcar Cabral International Airport (SID).
After the ETP, and until the EXP, it becomes Fortaleza International Airport (FOR).
The ETP is determined only for the engine-failure case. Therefore, the effects of wind and
temperature are considered at the OEI cruise altitude. If the FL, wind force and temperature
are the same in both directions, the ETP is the midpoint.

+50 kt/ISA


+50 kt/ISA


One-engine-inoperative cruise alt.

Same Weather Conditions: The ETP is the Midpoint Between SID and FOR

If the weather conditions are different, the ETP moves towards the most adverse weather

-50 kt/ISA

+50 kt/ISA



Different Weather Conditions: The ETP Moves Towards the Most Adverse One

The following formula provides the value of the ETP displacement, :

=0.5 D x (RWC CWC)/(2 TAS + RWC + CWC)
D is the great circle distance between the two diversion airports.
RWC is the Returning Wind Component at the OEI altitude.
CWC is the Continuing Wind Component at the OEI altitude.
TAS is the average diversion TAS.


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Flight Dispatch

On ETOPS flights longer than the MAD EZE example, additional en-route alternate airports
are necessary, and for each additional airport, the Operator has to define another ETP.










Example of a Longer ETOPS Flight

Before the aircraft reaches ETP 1, the nearest diversion airport is Airport 1. Between ETP 1
and ETP 2, Airport 2 is the nearest diversion airport, etc.
The time window:
For each adequate airport along the route, the time window is a period during that the airport
must be technically usable and with appropriate weather minima. This time window is based
on the earliest and latest Estimated Times of Arrival (ETAs) at this airport.

MAD-EZE: Earliest ETA at SID


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Flight Dispatch

For SID, we use the EEP to calculate the earliest ETA, because it is the point where ETOPS
begin. Before the EEP, the usual 60 min regulations apply.
The estimated time of departure
+ The flight time to the EEP (Normal cruise)
+ The flight time from the EEP to SID (Normal cruise speed and FL)
= The earliest ETA at SID
For a generic airport, the earliest ETA is computed as follows:










For a Generic Airport: Earliest ETA at Airport 3

In practice, the earliest ETA at an alternate airport is equal to the sum of all of the following:
The estimated time of departure
The flight time to reach the ETP between the considered alternate airport and the
previous alternate airport along the route
The diversion flight time (Associated with a diversion at the normal cruise speed and flight
level) from this ETP to the considered alternate airport.
For the illustration above, the earliest ETA at Airport 3 is:
The estimated time of departure
+ The flight time to ETP 2 (Normal cruise)
+ The flight time from ETP 2 to Airport 3 (Normal cruise speed and FL)
= The earliest ETA at Airport 3


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Flight Dispatch

MAD-EZE: Latest ETA at SID

In practice, the latest ETA at an alternate airport is equal to the sum of all of the following:
The departure time
The flight time to reach the ETP between the considered alternate airport and the next
alternate airport along the route
The diversion flight time from this ETP to the considered alternate airport, associated with
a diversion at LRC speed and FL 100, or Minimum Off Route Altitude (MORA).
For the example above, the latest ETA at SID is:
The estimated time of departure
+ The flight time to the ETP (Normal cruise)
+ The flight time from the ETP to SID (LRC speed and FL 100/MORA)
= The latest ETA at SID
The definition of the time window, based on these earliest and latest ETAs, is slightly different
for the FAA and EASA: The EASA takes into account an additional in-flight delay of one hour.



1 hour

FAR 121.624b


EU-OPS 1.297

The Time Window

For each adequate airport along the route, the dispatcher must check that, for its time window:
The airport is open, or can be open, if requested (By checking NOTAMs)
One or more of its instrument approaches are available (By checking NOTAMs)
The forecast weather at the airport is better than the dispatch weather minima (By
checking TAFs, SNOWTAMs, etc.)


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Flight Dispatch

The time window is provided for the estimated time of departure, and must be adjusted to the
actual time of departure, in the case of a delay:
For EASA Operators: Airbus recommends that if the dispatch of a flight is delayed by
more than one hour, pilots and/or operations personnel should monitor weather forecasts
and airport status of the ETOPS alternate airports, to ensure that they remain within the
specified planning minima requirements, until dispatch.
For FAA Operators: Pilots and/or operations personnel should monitor weather forecasts
and airport status of the ETOPS alternate airports, to ensure that they remain within the
specified planning minima requirements, until dispatch.

3.1.2 Dispatch weather minima

The dispatch weather minima for the ETOPS alternate airports are usually more restrictive
than the normal weather minima necessary to initiate an instrument approach. This is due to
the following two main factors:
The possible degradation of weather conditions
The need to determine the suitability (During the above-mentioned time window) of a
specific en-route alternate airport, before departure of the ETOPS flight.
These more restrictive minima are necessary to ensure that the flight crew can safely perform
an instrument approach, in the case of a diversion to the corresponding alternate airport.

These ETOPS dispatch minima apply only until the aircraft is airborne.
After takeoff, the normal minima apply.
The ETOPS dispatch weather minima may be slightly different from one regulation to another:
The FAA ETOPS dispatch weather minima take into account the possible degradation of
the weather conditions at the diversion airports (Refer to FAR 121.624/121.625/121.631
and AC 120-42 B):
Available Instrument

IFR Weather:
Minimum Ceiling

IFR Weather:
Minimum Visibility

NPA, CAT I or Circling



Approaches to a Single RWY

+ 400 ft

+ 1 sm (1 600 m)

Two or More Instrument

Approaches (1)

Highest (DH, MDA)

Highest PM

(Can be associated
with the same runway)

+ 200 ft

+ sm (800 m)

CAT II Approach

300 ft

CAT III Approach

200 ft

Definitions: PM

= Published Minima
= Decision Height
= Minimum Descent Altitude
= Non Precision Approach
= Runway Visual Range.


3/4 sm (1 200 m) or
RVR 4000 ft (1 200 m)
1/2 sm (800 m) or
RVR 1 800 ft (550 m)

Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Flight Dispatch

The EASA ETOPS dispatch weather minima, in addition to the FAA definition, also take
into account the possible degradation of the let-down aids capability (Refer to EASA EUOPS 1.297, AMC 20-6 rev.2):

Available Instrument

Precision Approaches



IFR Weather:
Minimum Ceiling

IFR Weather:
Minimum Visibility



+ 200 ft

+ 800 m



+ 400 ft

+ 1 500 m

The weather minima for precision approaches of the table above, apply only to CAT I approaches. For CAT II
and CAT III approaches, the increments required by this table have to be approved by the national authority.

For geographical areas where weather conditions are very stable (The variations are well
known and occur at a low rate), a decrease of the dispatch minima can be considered, but only
with the agreement of the Operators National Authority.
It is worth recalling that most Airbus twin-engine aircraft are category C aircraft for the
determination of the normal minima (Only some A321 are category D aircraft). These normal
minima are provided on the approach plates.
Example: Fortaleza (SBFZ)
ETOPS Dispatch
Weather Minima

Normal (Operational)



CAT I Ceiling (ft)


408 (208 + 200)

608 (208 + 400)

Visibility (m)

1 200

2 000 (1 200 + 800)

2 800 (1 200 + 1 600)


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Flight Dispatch


290 (208)

Fortaleza, ILS 13 Approach Chart

For aircraft certified for Low Visibility Operations (LVOs), Operators can consider lower
weather minima than that published, in the case of a failure in the airframe, and/or the
propulsion system, that may cause a diversion. This is subject to approval by the Operators
National Authority on a case-by-case basis.
In principle, an aircraft approved for lower-than-standard minima will be dispatched with the
minima of the next higher approach capability (For example, an aircraft approved for CAT II
approach will be dispatched considering CAT I minima).
Remember that this concept of ETOPS dispatch weather minima applies only for dispatch:
Once airborne, the flight crew uses the normal (operational) weather minima.

3.1.3 Surface conditions

In addition to specific ceiling and visibility, tailwind and crosswind limits must be checked for
each ETOPS alternates. The following elements must be within acceptable limits to enable the
flight crew to perform a safe approach and landing with one engine inoperative:
The forecast surface crosswind, gusts included
The forecast tailwind, gusts excluded
The condition of the runway expected to be in use.


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Flight Dispatch

The maximum crosswind and tailwind values are in the limitations part of the FCOM:
For dry runways (Demonstrated crosswind values and maximum tailwind)

For contaminated runways (Computed values)

A330 FCOM Limitations: Environmental Envelope, Airport Operations and Wind Limitations


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Flight Dispatch

Remember that there are no forecasts for braking actions. Hence, the company policy should
be based on available SNOWTAM, METARS and forecast analyses.

Useful tip: How to avoid the wind traps

METARs, TAFs and VOLMETs provide the surface wind in degrees TRUE
The Runway QFU is in degrees MAGNETIC
The Magnetic variation can significantly change along the route
Add the magnetic variation to the reported wind direction
to get a correct runway/wind correlation.
Fortaleza METAR: SBFZ 151500Z 08026G38KT 9999 BKN020 31/22 Q1010


Fortaleza Runway

In the example above, the magnetic wind direction is: 080O + 22 O = 102 O. Therefore,
the crosswind component on runway 13, is equal to the following:
38 kt * sin (127 O - 102 O) = 16 kt


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Flight Dispatch

3.1.4 ETOPS alternate airport selection form

The result of the previous checks and calculations can be reported in a form designed to ease
dispatch. The illustrations below are examples of ETOPS alternate airport selection forms. This
form includes the list of adequate airports for the route, their associated approaches and
weather minima and their time window. The ETOPS alternate airport selection form also has
two specific columns, that provide the following information:
The NOTAM column indicates if an approach is available or not, in accordance with the
NOTAMs at dispatch
The last column indicates if the approach is OK or not, taking into account the weather
forecast of the airport (TAF, etc.), for the computed time window.

Examples of ETOPS Alternate Airport Selection Forms (EASA FAA)


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View


Flight Dispatch


As already mentioned in section 2.1.3, the regulations do not require that the Operator take the
obstacle clearance limitations into account for the definition of the speed strategy. However,
the Operator must check the obstacle clearance constraints during the flight planning.

The Effect of Speed on the Net Flight Path

If the OEI diversion speed does not provide the required obstacle clearance, the dispatcher
should ensure the following:
The computation of a lower OEI diversion speed, and the communication of this speed to
the flight crew
The check of the fuel quantity: There should be enough fuel to cover the diversion at the
new lower OEI diversion speed.



To be authorized for dispatch, an aircraft must have sufficient fuel on board to perform the
intended ETOPS flight. The required fuel quantity depends on the applicable operational
Contrary to the area of operation, that is determined in still air and ISA conditions (Or
prevailing delta ISA), the fuel planning must take into account the expected meteorological
conditions along the considered routes (Forecast wind components and temperature).
In order to dispatch an aircraft for an ETOPS flight, the dispatcher must determine, for the
considered route, both a standard and an ETOPS fuel planning. The dispatcher should select
the most restrictive fuel planning (i.e. the fuel planning that requires the highest fuel quantity),
to determine the minimum block fuel required for the flight."
The Operator should always consider an up-to-date aircraft performance factor to determine a
realistic fuel planning.
The performance factor reflects the airframe/engines deterioration with time, and is used to
define the real fuel consumption. The computation of the performance factor is based on in-


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Flight Dispatch

flight recordings (Manual or automatic) of engine and aircraft parameters. Therefore, for a new
aircraft, whose performance is equivalent to the baseline, the performance factor is equal to
one. The performance factor should be defined for each individual aircraft of the Operator's
The FCOM and the in-flight performance computer programs (IFP and FLIP) provide the fuel
consumption data for a baseline aircraft. To determine the real fuel consumption, the baseline
data should be multiplied by the performance factor. For example, a performance factor equal
to 1.03 indicates a 3 % increase in the fuel consumption.
This fuel planning is the one used for non-ETOPS operations. Therefore, the standard block
(Ramp) fuel includes all of the following fuel quantities:
Fuel for taxi-out
Trip fuel from departure to destination
Alternate fuel (Including go-around)
30 minutes holding at alternate
En-route reserve (Usually 3 % or 5 % of the trip fuel, or the fuel quantity corresponding to
10 % of the trip time)
Extra fuel reserves (Operators policy).
The block fuel is the sum of the above-mentioned fuel quantifies, and should be corrected with
the relevant performance factor.
The following graph describes a standard fuel planning. All relevant fuel data are provided by
the FCOM.

Standard Fuel Planning

3.3.1 Requirements and scenarii

For ETOPS operations, the dispatcher should compute a specific ETOPS fuel planning, also
called Critical Fuel Reserves in the regulations.


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Flight Dispatch

The ETOPS fuel planning has two parts: The first part corresponds to a standard fuel scenario
from the departure airport to the Critical Point (CP) and the second part corresponds to the
critical fuel scenario from the CP to the diversion airport.
The ETOPS critical fuel scenario is based on the separate study of three failure cases, that
occur at the critical point, with their respective diversion profiles.
Critical fuel scenario
This scenario is based on a case that occurs at the CP, and that requires a diversion.
The diversion profile is defined as follows:
Descent at a pre-determined speed strategy to the required diversion flight level
Diversion cruise at the pre-determined speed
Normal descent down to 1 500 ft above the diversion airport
15 minute holding at this altitude
Instrument approach (IFR).
The three separate failure cases and their respective diversion profile are the following:
a) Engine failure
Descent at VMO/MMO down to the OEI optimum diversion FL,
Diversion cruise at the speed schedule that was selected for the determination of the area
of operation.

Flight Profile: Engine Failure

The OEI FL is higher than FL100, used for the two remaining scenarii (Based on
decompressions). As the aircraft flies higher, the required fuel quantity is much lower than the
fuel quantity required for the two remaining scenario. Therefore, this scenario is never limiting,
and the analysis of this scenario ends here.
b) Aircraft depressurization
Emergency descent at VMO/MMO (Speed brakes extended) down to FL100 (or MORA)
Diversion cruise at Long Range Cruise (LRC) speed.


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Flight Dispatch

Flight profile: Aircraft Depressurization

However, in the case of a depressurization, a diversion above FL 100 may be necessary, for
example, to clear obstacles with a sufficient altitude margin. A diversion above FL 100 is
authorized if the aircraft is equipped with supplemental oxygen for both the flight crew and a
defined percentage of passengers, in accordance with regulatory requirements
The following table summarizes the regulatory requirements:
EU OPS 1.5.043

ICAO Annex 6 4.3.8


FAR 121.329

Flight crew
(cockpit + cabin)

All flight crew members for

max. diversion time

All flight crew members for All flight crew members for
max. diversion time
max. diversion time


30 % of passengers for max.

diversion time at 15 000ft

30 % of passengers for max. 10 % of passengers for max.

diversion time at 15 000ft
diversion time at 13 000ft



10 % of passengers for
diversion time in excess
of the first 30 minutes
at 14 000ft

10 % of passengers for
diversion time in excess
of the first 30 minutes
at 14 000ft

Oxygen Requirements


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Flight Dispatch

c) Engine failure and aircraft depressurization:

FL 100/MORA,
Diversion cruise performed at the speed schedule adopted for the determination of the
area of operation.

Flight profile: Engine Failure and Aircraft Depressurization

However, a diversion above FL100 is authorized if the aircraft is equipped with supplemental
oxygen as mentioned above.
For each scenario, the dispatcher must compute the required block fuel, in accordance with
the Operator's ETOPS fuel policy, and with the regulatory ETOPS critical fuel reserves
described in the following chapter. Depending on the strategy and on the OEI speed selected
for the single-engine diversion scenario, any one of the remaining two scenarios may result in
the highest fuel requirement. The scenario that requires the highest fuel quantity is referred to
as the ETOPS critical fuel scenario, and the associated block fuel quantity is referred to as the
ETOPS critical fuel planning.

3.3.2 Fuel reserves

ETOPS regulations require the addition of specific fuel reserves to the ETOPS diversion fuel.
For the computation of the ETOPS critical fuel reserves and of the entire ETOPS critical fuel
planning, the diversion fuel must include the following fuel reserves:
The required fuel quantity to fly from the CP to the diversion airport (1 500 ft above the
The required fuel quantity to perform a 15 minute holding at 1 500 ft at Green Dot speed
(Best lift/drag speed)
The required fuel quantity to perform an Instrument approach (IFR)
The fuel mileage penalty: 5 %, or a demonstrated performance factor computed by a
performance monitoring program, of the trip fuel
Contingency fuel:


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Flight Dispatch

The required fuel quantity to account for a 5 % increase in the forecast wind, if
this forecast wind is based on a wind model validated by the Authority, e.g. the
World Area Forecast System (WAFS), or
o 5 % of the required fuel quantity to fly from the CP to the diversion airport,
Effect of any CDL and/or MEL item
Icing: The fuel to account for icing must compensate for the additional fuel consumption
due to the most restrictive of the following effects:
o The effect of the use of Nacelle Anti-Ice (NAI) + Wing Anti-Ice (WAI) systems
during the entire time icing is forecast, or
o The effect of ice accretion on the unheated surfaces of the aircraft (Additional
drag) plus the effect of the use of NAI and WAI for 10 % of the time icing is

The fuel reserves to be considered for standard and ETOPS fuel planning (Before and after
the CP) are summarized in the table below:
Fuel Reserves

Fuel Planning

Performance factor

ETOPS Fuel Planning

From Departure to

From CP to




Contingency Fuel


Per company policy



Effect of MMEL

Effect of CDL

Effect of WAI + NAI



Effect of ice


Notes: (1) The performance factor demonstrates the effect of airframe and/or engine degradation: It is either a
demonstrated factor from a performance monitoring program or 5%
(2) As per company policy: Usually 5 % of the trip fuel, or the fuel quantity corresponding to 10 % of the trip time
(3) Based on experience, Airbus recommends that the Operators consider a contingency fuel of 2 to 3 % of the
required fuel quantity to fly from the departure airport to the CP
(4) The fuel to compensate for any error in the wind forecast is either based on a forecast wind speed increased
by 5 % (If the forecast wind is based on a wind model validated by the Authority), or 5 % of the required fuel
quantity to perform the diversion (Critical scenario)
(5) If forecast icing conditions
(6) The fuel to account for icing is the greater of:
The fuel to account for the use of NAI and WAI during the entire time icing is forecast, or
The fuel to account for airframe icing (drag) plus the use of NAI and WAI for 10% of the time icing is
For current Airbus ETOPS aircraft, the highest fuel quantity is the fuel to account for the use of NAI and WAI
during the entire time icing is forecast.

Fuel Reserves Summary

As part of an accelerated ETOPS process, the operational authorities may require additional
fuel reserves until the Operator demonstrates the accuracy of its fuel predictions.
The entire ETOPS critical fuel planning for the ETOPS critical fuel scenario (i.e. from the
departure to the CP, and then from the CP to the diversion airport) must be compared to the
standard fuel planning (i.e. from the departure to the destination and destination alternate)
computed in accordance with the company fuel policy and applicable operational
requirements. The highest of both fuel requirements shall be considered as the required block
fuel for the flight. Therefore, the flight crew is assured they can safely complete the flight,
regardless of the flight scenario (normal flight or diversion).


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View


Flight Dispatch


As described in Volume 1 of this publication, the aircraft has Time-Limited Systems (TLS), for
example, the Cargo Fire Suppression System (CFSS) and some other ETOPS significant
systems. The dispatchers and the flight crew must check that TLSs capabilities can sustain the
entire diversion. The time capabilities of the TLS (CFSS and all other ETOPS significant
systems) are listed in the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM), Appendix 6.
There are two different time capabilities: One for the CFSS and one for all other ETOPS
significant systems, for which the computation of their time capabilities is based on their
reliability assessments.
The following is an extract from the A330 AFM, Appendix 6:

A330 AFM, Appendix 6

Depending on the granted maximum diversion time, the dispatcher must perform checks of the
time capabilities of ETOPS significant systems:
ETOPS up to 180/207 min: If the ETOPS diversion time is up to 180/207 min, the
dispatcher must check that the time capabilities of ETOPS significant systems exceed the
ETOPS diversion time. In order to add a safety margin, the checks done are that the
ETOPS diversion time is lower than the time capabilities minus 15 min. These checks are
usually performed one time.
In the case of the MAD EZE example, the ETOPS maximum diversion time is 120 min,
significantly below the time capability of the CFSS (260 min) minus 15 min and also
below the time capability of all other ETOPS significant systems (222 min) minus 15 min.
ETOPS beyond 180/207 min: If the ETOPS diversion time is beyond 180/207 min, the
checks are slightly different and must be performed for each flight.
o For the CFSS, the actual diversion times from the ETPs (All engines operative
and at cruise altitude) replace the ETOPS diversion time. These actual diversion
times are provided by the Computerized Flight Plan (CFP).









CFP Example, Beyond 180/207 min

For the other ETOPS significant systems, the actual diversion times from the
ETPs (One Engine Inoperative (OEI), and at the OEI diversion altitude) replace


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

Flight Dispatch

the ETOPS diversion time. Note that these actual OEI diversion times can be
longer than the ETOPS diversion time. OEI diversion times are also in the CFP.




330 KT

330 KT




CFP Example, Beyond 180/207 min



The dispatcher prepares a plotting chart, that contains the following details:
The intended A/C routing
The ETOPS area of operation, clearly defined by the circles centered on the ETOPS enroute alternate airports
The EEP(s) and EXP(s), that define the ETOPS sector(s)
The ETP(s) and the CP, as computed, or from the Computerized Flight Plan (CFP).

MAD - EZE Plotting Chart Extract

The flight crew is provided with this plotting chart during the flight preparation.


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View


Flight Dispatch


The Operator should consider the use of an ETOPS dispatch check list. This document lists all
the steps to be completed, in order to dispatch the ETOPS flight.

ETOPS Dispatch Checklist Example


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View


Flight Dispatch


As indicated in the example above, the ETOPS checklist includes the following specific checks
for ETOPS beyond 180 min flights:
The dispatcher and the flight crew must check that the requirements related to SATCOM
are fulfilled (FAA only)
The dispatcher and the flight crew must check the Time Limited Systems before each
flight (Refer to section 3.4)
The diversion distance must be below the granted Maximum Diversion Distance, if any.
E.g. A330 Maximum Diversion Distance: 1 700 nm.
In addition to these specific checks, the dispatcher must inform the flight crew that the route is
operated with ETOPS beyond 180 min.

The ETOPS 207 min certification (15 % extension of the ETOPS 180 min certification) is based on the requirements
of the ETOPS 180 min certification. Therefore, it is not considered as an ETOPS beyond 180 minutes certification.


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

The ETOPS Flight




During the flight preparation, the dispatcher (or dispatch office) collects and processes the
information described in the previous chapters of this publication. This information is provided
to the flight crew in the following documents:
A Computerized Flight Plan (CFP), also referred to as a Reference Flight Log (RFL),
established with forecast en-route winds and temperatures
Navigation and plotting charts, that describe the following:
o The ETOPS area of operations defined by the relevant circles centered on the
ETOPS en-route alternate airports
o The not authorized areas (Hatched)
o The aircraft routing, that includes the EEP, EXP, ETPs and CP, based on the
prevailing wind conditions. The position of ETPs, based on the current wind
forecast, is provided either by the CFP, or with a manual wind correction
Airport charts, to perform a diversion to any ETOPS en-route alternate airports
The MEL and CDL ETOPS capability: Specific dispatch standards may apply and
depending on the status of the aircraft, additional fuel may be required
Relevant additional information:
o For the destination, destination alternate and ETOPS en-route alternate
NOTAMs, if any
TAFs and METARs (The TAFs must be valid for the required time
windows in accordance with the CFP).
o Significant weather charts that provide synoptic weather information and
forecast (e.g. turbulence and icing conditions)
o Wind and temperature forecast charts for FL 100, for the typical single-engine
cruise altitude and for normal cruise flight levels. These charts may be used for
icing forecast
o All other documents provided for a standard flight.
The flight crew then checks this documentation, and conducts a briefing that highlights any
specific diversion strategy related to the route (Maximum diversion time, obstacle clearance,


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

The ETOPS Flight

etc.) CFP fuel and time predictions are usually very accurate. However, the flight crew must
also perform the following checks, to detect any possible gross error:
Conformity of the CFP routing with the ATC flight plan
Aircraft type, date, Estimated Time of Departure (ETD), estimated ZFW/TOW/FOB
Wind data compared to the en-route weather forecast
Trip fuel, fuel to alternate, ETOPS fuel from ETPs to en-route alternates compared to
flight-crew-computed values (Including performance factor).



The CFP contains the following specific ETOPS information:

The Operator's certified maximum diversion time with its associated distance, and the
selected OEI speed strategy

The list of ETOPS alternates and their time windows


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

The ETOPS Flight

The list of ETPs and, for each ETP, the following data:

The total flight time to the ETP

The position of the ETP
The estimated aircraft weight and fuel on board at the ETP (With the
assumption that the contingency fuel is already burned)
The distances, FLs, winds and temperatures to the corresponding alternates
The fuel scenario and the required fuel quantity to reach the corresponding


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View


The ETOPS Flight


In the FCOM and QRH, the cockpit preparation checklist and some abnormal procedures are
adapted to ETOPS flights.
The Procedures-Special Operations-Extended Range Operations FCOM section describes all
flight crew procedures related to ETOPS flights.

4.3.1 Preflight checks

The flight crew must verify that the aircraft has not been degraded to NON-ETOPS and must
acknowledge the ETOPS release from line maintenance (Refer to Volume 3 of this publication:
Depending on the aircraft type, the usual cockpit preparation may require additional checks.
On A320 family aircraft, for example, the flight crew has to check the fuel X-FEED valve before
each ETOPS flight.

Example of the Checks to be Carried-Out on an A320

The flight crew should refer to the FCOM of their aircraft to obtain the list of preflight checks.


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

The ETOPS Flight

4.3.2 Data loading

In order to display an ETOPS ETP on the Navigation Displays (NDs), the flight crew has to
create a NEW WAYPOINT in the FMS. However, the flight crew must not insert the new
waypoint in the active flight plan, due to the following reasons:
The waypoint is not part of the ATC F-PLN
An error in coordinates may cause a dangerous track deviation
The waypoint would corrupt position reporting (CPDLC/ADS).
The flight crew should select a waypoint identification ("IDENT") for the ETOPS ETP, that
clearly refers to the associated ETOPS alternate airports. In addition, the waypoint
identification for the ETOPS ETP must be sufficiently different from other waypoints of the
active flight plan, in order to avoid any confusion. In the following example, the selected
identification of the ETP between Amilcar (SID) and Fortaleza (FOR) is SIDFOR.
The flight crew obtains the latitude and longitude of the ETOPS ETP from the CFP, and inserts
the coordinates in the LAT/LONG field of the NEW WAYPOINT page.

Creation of the SIDFOR ETOPS ETP on the MCDU


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View

The ETOPS Flight

Note that the FMS can compute an ETP. However, the FMS ETP is different from the ETOPS
ETP of the CFP. The FMS computes an ETP for a normal cruise flight level and with all
engines operative. Therefore, for a specific pair of alternate airports, the FMS ETP and the
ETOPS ETP may have slightly different positions.

The FMS ETP as Shown on the MCDU

The flight crew can display both ETPs on the Navigation Displays (NDs). SIDFOR, the ETOPS
ETP of the MAD-EZE flight appears when the flight crew presses the WPT pushbutton on the
EFIS control panel.
The ETOPS ETP, inserted as a waypoint

The ETP, computed by the FMS

ETOPS and FMS ETPs Displayed on the ND


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View


The ETOPS Flight


During the flight, the flight crew and the dispatcher must monitor the significant changes in
conditions at the ETOPS alternate airports (Weather, NOTAMs, etc.)
Before the aircraft reaches the ETOPS Entry Point (EEP):
The weather conditions at all ETOPS alternate airports must satisfy the operating minima
If the weather conditions at any ETOPS alternate airport do not satisfy the operating
minima, the flight crew should select another ETOPS airport, select another route (if there
is enough fuel on board), or turn back to the departure airport
If an alternate airport becomes unavailable, and the flight crew selects another route, the
dispatcher and the flight crew must check that the new route remains in the Operator's
ETOPS area of operation.
The above-mentioned requirements do not override the authority of the pilot in command, who
remains responsible for the selection of the safest course of action. However, the flight crew
should not accept an ATC clearance that would cause the aircraft to fly a route beyond the
Operators approved diversion time.



The flight crew should fly the ETOPS sector just as any other part of the flight, and perform the
The standard flight monitoring, that includes regular checks of the fuel on board.
The monitoring of the status of the various diversion airports. However, beyond the EEP,
if one diversion airport closes, or becomes unavailable, the flight may continue.
The flight crew's decision to divert should be based on the same criteria as for any nonETOPS flight. However, the flight crew should also consider ETOPS diversion requirements,
included in the AFM/FCOM/CMP (e.g. the diversion is mandatory if only one electrical
generator remains available after a multiple failure).

Example of ETOPS Diversion Requirements as Found in the FCOM


Getting to grips with ETOPS:

The Flight Operations View


The ETOPS Flight


As discussed in section 4.5 of this publication, the flight crew may have to divert, due to
ETOPS requirements. However, there are no specific procedures for ETOPS diversions, i.e.
the flight crew should perform an ETOPS diversion as any standard diversion. The flight crew
still has to comply with route requirements (NAT, MNPS, etc.) as for non-ETOPS flights.
The selected diversion speed may be different from the approved OEI speed: Based on
circumstances and judgment, the Captain may decide to select another diversion speed.
Operational Approval Considerations (AMC 20-6 Rev 2)
Contingency procedures should not be interpreted in
any way that prejudices the final authority and
responsibility of the pilot in command for the safe
operation of the aeroplane.
However, if the Captain decides to select a diversion speed that is different from the approved
OEI speed, the flight crew should also remember that the Operator's approved maximum
diversion time is partly based on the time limitations of the ETOPS significant systems (e.g.
CFSS). Therefore, when they select an OEI speed other than the approved OEI speed, the
flight crew should check that the resulting diversion time does not exceed the time limitations
of the ETOPS significant systems.


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