How To Write A Good Abstract

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Research abstracts are used throughout the research community to provide a concise description
about a research project. It is typically a short summary of your completed research. If done well,
it makes the reader want to learn more about your research. Some students present their research
findings at local and national conferences. Research abstracts are usually requested as part of the
application process for conference presenters. These are the basic components of an abstract in
any discipline:
1) Motivation/problem statement: Why do we care about the problem? What practical,
scientific, theoretical or artistic gap is your research filling?
2) Methods/procedure/approach: What did you actually do to get your results? (e.g.
analyzed 3 novels, completed a series of 5 oil paintings, interviewed 17 students)
3) Results/findings/product: As a result of completing the above procedure, what did
you learn/invent/create?
4) Conclusion/implications: What are the larger implications of your findings,
especially for the problem/gap identified in step 1?
However, it's important to note that the weight accorded to the different components can vary by
discipline. For models, try to find abstracts of research that is similar to your research.

Qualities of a Good Abstract

Well developed paragraphs are unified, coherent, concise, and able to stand alone
Uses an introduction/body/conclusion structure which presents the article, paper, or
report's purpose, results, conclusions, and recommendations in that order
Follows strictly the chronology of the article, paper, or report
Provides logical connections (or transitions) between the information included
Adds no new information, but simply summarizes the report
Is understandable to a wide audience
Oftentimes uses passive verbs to downplay the author and emphasize the information
Steps to Writing Effective Abstracts
Reread the article, paper, or report with the goal of abstracting in mind. Look specifically for
these main parts of the article, paper, or report: purpose, methods, scope, results, conclusions,
and recommendation. If you're writing an abstract about another person's article, paper, or report,
the introduction and the summary are good places to begin. These areas generally cover what the
article emphasizes. After you've finished rereading the article, paper, or report, write a rough
draft without looking back at what you're abstracting. Don't merely copy key sentences from the
article, paper, or report: you'll put in too much or too little information. Don't rely on the way
material was phrased in the article, paper, or report: summarize information in a new way.
Do not commence with "this paper, "this report" or similar. It is better to write
about the research than about the paper.

Do not explain the sections or parts of the paper.

Avoid sentences that end in "is described", "is reported", "is analyzed" or similar.
Do not begin sentences with "it is suggested that "it is believed that", "it is felt
that"or similar. In every case, the four words can be omitted without damaging the
essential message.
Do not repeat or rephrase the title.
Do not refer in the abstract to information that is not in the document.
If possible, avoid trade names, acronyms, abbreviations, or symbols. You would need to
explain them, and that takes too much room.
The abstract should be about the research, not about the act of writing.
Where to Find Examples of Abstracts:
The best source of example abstracts is journal articles. Go to the library and look at
biology journals, or look at electronic journals on the web.
Read the abstract; read the article. Pick the best ones, the examples where the abstract
makes the article easier to read, and figure out how they do it.
Not everyone writes good abstracts, even in refereed journals, but the more abstracts you
read, the easier it is to spot the good ones.

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