Philosophy Statement

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Philosophy Statement
After reading textbooks and peer-reviewed articles, talking with different
professors, discussing educational concepts in college classes, and reflecting on the
professional skills of past teachers, I began forming my own educational philosophy.
Multiple experiences have helped mold and shape the way I value all aspects of
instructing and learning. My beliefs about the purpose of education, a positive classroom
environment, specific classroom management strategies, diversity and students with
exceptionalities, and how faith impacts a classroom setting have developed throughout
my time at Hope College. This philosophy statement provides a glimpse of the type of
future educator I desire to be.
First, I believe the purpose behind education is to develop self-directed learners
by building on students interests, prior experiences, and current understandings. As a
future educator, my job is to teach to the whole child and create well-rounded students.
My hope is to develop a community of individuals who become wonderful listeners,
investigators, problem solvers, critical thinkers, and life-long learners. I think school is a
place for students to expand creativity, be responsible for their learning, understand their
strengths, work through their weaknesses, and overcome adversity. Individuals grow and
mature mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually in a student-centered education.
The driving force behind education, however, does not simply take place. In order
to put my educational philosophy and beliefs into action, a positive classroom
environment must be established. I plan to build rapport with each of my students
individually because trust, classroom management, appropriate behavior, and enjoyment
of learning often stem from supportive relationships. Both relationships between teachers


and students as well as students and their peers are crucial in strengthening a positive
classroom environment. My hope is to create a welcoming and safe setting for students to
feel comfortable and confident about being their unique selves. I will model pro-social
school behavior with a firm but loving approach. My students will know that I truly care
and want them to succeed in all areas of life. Finally, my bulletin boards will have
colorful paper and encouraging posters. My desire is to create an enjoyable, engaging,
healthy, and safe classroom climate where all students can reach their full potential.
Rules, regulations, procedures, and instructional strategies will be implemented
into the classroom to help with behavior management. On the first day of school, I will
establish clear expectations, consequences, and goals for the entire year. After setting the
regulations, I plan to have consistency and follow-through. Teaching, rehearsing, and
reinforcing (I do, we do, you do) are extremely important (Wong and Wong, 2014). I
plan to speak in a controlled voice to create a calm atmosphere. In addition, I will check
in with students when necessary to maintain appropriate behavior and quickly and quietly
stop inappropriate behavior. Smooth transitions and different seating arrangements will
play a role in my classroom management plan as well. I will engage with the students and
also keep them engaged in the lesson. From the beginning of the school year, students
will know that I will wait to speak until everyone is silent and ready to listen and learn.
Overall, I plan to manage my classroom with an established positive behavior support
system that sets boundaries, encourages students to act appropriately, and gets them
excited about school.
Building a special relationship with students and better understanding their
background will allow me to know how to accommodate every learner. My lessons,


worksheets, assignments, and tests will be authentic and differentiated. I plan to

incorporate movement, auditory, visual, musical, and written components in my
classroom. Through traditional worksheets/unit tests, presentations, individual/group
projects, class/small group discussions, inspiration maps, journals/essays, interviews/oral
tests, portfolios, and peer/self evaluations, I will be able to assess student work. These
authentic assignments will cover many different ways students learn best. Each child will
come to me with his/her own story that I will accept with open arms. By knowing a
students home life, strengths, and areas in need of improvement, I will be able to help
them succeed and enjoy learning along the way. With a positive classroom climate and
strong community, each child will be supported and encouraged throughout his/her work.
For me personally, faith is extremely important and plays a part in all areas of my
life. Every day I do my best to live in a way that reflects my faith. I will continually strive
to be Christs hands and feet wherever I go and in whatever I do. I want to be a shining
light to everyone I come in contact. My prayer is that all my students will feel the love of
God through the love I shower on them at school. I may not always agree with choices
parents and other individuals make, but I will always respect them and show them I care.
I want my actions to reflect my faith. In other words, I will continue to live out what I
believe and practice what I preach.

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