Grading Rubric - Chaco Canyon Essay Ap Human Geography Mcneil High School

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Grading Rubric – Chaco Canyon Essay

AP Human Geography
McNeil High School

Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement

20 Points 16 Points 12 Points

Essay addresses one Essay does not

Addresses Essay addressed the
part of the address the
assignment entire assignment.
assignment. assignment.

Introduction clearly Introduction states

Introduction does not
Introduction states the theme of the theme of the
state the theme.
the essay. essay.

Essay provides three Essay contains body

Essay provides body
body paragraphs paragraphs not
paragraphs supported
Body paragraphs supported with supported by
with information from
information from the information from the
the text.
text. text.
Conclusion does not
Conclusion clearly Conclusion restates
restate the theme
restates the theme the theme and
and/or does not
Conclusion and addresses addresses some of
address the
information in the the information in the
information in the
body paragraphs. body paragraphs.
body paragraphs.

Essay contains
Essay contains less Essay contains more
Spelling and between 6 and 15
than 5 grammatical than 15 grammatical
Grammar grammatical or
or spelling errors. or spelling errors.
spelling errors.

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