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Black Stump Soccer Club

Committee Meeting
5 January 2004

Meeting opened 7:15pm

D.Brown, K.Jones, F.Smith, A.Greaves, K.Holmes, L.Johnson, G.Edwards, S.Davies


Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting

Moved by A.Greaves that minutes of the previous meeting on 1st December 2003 be adopted as a
true record.
Seconded: G.Edwards; Motion was Carried

Matter Arising
a. In the matter of Chris Thompson, minutes recording the committee decision have been
located and, if time allows, the matter will be added to the agenda for this meeting.
b. Concerns and issues raised by M.Owens at the previous committee meeting (1 Dec 2003) re
his contract of employment, have received attention by Messrs K.Jones and S.Davies in the
time since.
c. The committee is resolved to re-examine the clubs need for refinancing in March 2004 in time
for General Meeting after Easter. This may involve choosing a new banking institution.

Finance Report
The Treasurer tabled the Monthly Financial Reports for December 2003
Moved: K.Holmes that the Financial report be accepted. Seconded: A.Greaves. The motion was

Correspondence Inwards
a. P.Beattie Volunteer Awards 2004
Committee agreed with suggestion from F.Smith to nominate Matthew Gray for an award for
his services to the club.
b. Fun Sports Australia Ideas for fun fundraising activities
c. IEA Sport Newsletter
d. Blackstone Shire Council Newsletter
e. Commissioner for Children Blue Card for Bill Morwick
f. Buffalo Sports inquiry about sponsorship possibilities
Letter passed to K.Jones.
g. Miles and Associates Auditors recommendations for improved management of the club
h. Steve and Debbie White Disappointment that son was not selected. Academy Manager
informed the committee that discussions with the Whites have already taken place.


Brisbane Mens Soccer Notice of Forum same day as AGM. Invite passed on to B.Bloggs.


Lance Brooks Prospective new senior player. Letter passed to K.Jones.

Correspondence Outwards
a. Office of Fair Trading Submission of Annual Return
b. Office of Gaming Regulation (QOGR)
Copy of Annual Report must be sent to QOGR by 14 January
Annual Report includes (1) Audited Financial Statements (2) Auditors Report (3) Statement
of Club Members
Moved A.Greaves, Seconded D.Brown that correspondence inwards and outwards be accepted.

Minutes of Committee Meeting

05 January 2004

Black Stump Soccer Club

Coach Update Clinic with Geoff Pike

Event will take place on 26 Jan 2004, 2:00 pm 8:00 pm
Coaches attending will receive coach update points. The target for participants is 50. S.Murray
may bring 10 20 participants. Cost for participants will be $33 incl GST.
Contact BMS and BSD to list event on their website Action John Boston
Write some publicity editorial Action - A.Greaves.
Call secretaries of local clubs Action M.Owens
Email flyer to clubs in Brisbane Action L.Johnson


Academy Update
G.Edwards gave an update of the Academy which included:


Black Stump Soccer Club has also gained a coach from Sunshine Bay Soccer Club

John Hopkins will coach U17

G.Edwards will coach U13 Development Squad

Raffle Tickets have arrived and will be distributed to Academy Players

Guest coaches for Intensive Training Weekend in February at Runaway Bay are
G.Hiddink and G.Arnold

Academy Goal Keeper Coach will be Pat Jennings at the cost of $2,000 for the season.

Further Harry Kewell soccer clinics will take place on Black Stumps fields.

Blackstone Shire Grant $5,000

The grant will be used to patch up the roof of the clubhouse. Quotes have been obtained from
Roofmasters (quote $7,000) and All Roofs (quote $5,500).
Action: K.Jones to talk to All Roofs to increase scope of work and make full use of the total grant
monies. This action to be taken before end of January.


Senior Membership Fees

The committee has become aware that anomalies exist in relation to the fee structure paid by
senior players and those playing in Over 35 and Over 45 competitions. It was reported that O35
and O45s had been paying only $10 sign-on per year in previous seasons. The committee
resolved to bring the membership fees paid by O35 and O45 players into line with other senior


The clubs entire shirt inventory is being reviewed. Missing numbers are being identified.
Action: David Brown to call Buffalo Sports and report back to committee by 10 February.


Delivery of Phone Books

This fundraising project was cancelled by the committee due to lack of volunteers.


New Committee Member

Following advice from John Hopkins it was moved by A.Greaves and seconded G.Edwards that
John Hopkins be appointed as a committee member. Carried unanimously.


Should seek sponsorship from Group Training Queensland


Canteen Convenor
Ideas were put forward on how to obtain a canteen convenor and voluntary support for the
canteen. Expression of interest for position to go up in club, and circulated by email. All teams
should be rostered to assist in the canteen.


Meeting closed 10:15 pm

Minutes of Committee Meeting

05 January 2004

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