Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Form

CSUDH - Teacher Education Department

Grade Level(s):
Jessica Bartman
5th Grade
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and with
decimals to hundredths.
5. Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard

To be determined
Single/Multi-Day Lesson:

Single Day Lesson

Writing Standards 3 - 5
Production and Distribution of Writing
4. With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which
the development and organization are appropriate to task and purpose.
Language Standards K-5
Conventions of Standard English
1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
I. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENT & CONTENT TYPE (Fact, Procedure, Concept, or Principle):
Multi-digit whole numbers can be multiplied together with the understanding of place value and orders
of operations, students will be asked to multiply multi-digit numbers together efficiently and accurately.
The students will fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.
III. CURRICULUM CONNECTION (How lesson fits into larger unit sequence):
Using their previous knowledge of place-value, students will understand and correctly use their
knowledge of place-value when multiplying multi-digit whole numbers. This will provide students the
understanding necessary for dividing multi-digit whole numbers, in the next lesson.
A. ENGAGEMENT (Motivational Activities):
The students will play multiplication bingo, which allows the students to practice multiplying
multi-digit whole numbers, efficiently and accurately.
B. INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE (Teaching Methodology with Student Activities):
C. Step #1:Reviewing how to multiply multi-digit numbers
a. Students will be asked to help solve several multi-digit numbers on the board. Problems will
be solved in more than one way (vertical multiplication, lattice, and partial products)
b. Students will share solutions on the board.
Step #2:BINGO
a. Students will be asked the rules of bingo, and determine that all the students understand the
rules of the game.
1. Each child will be given a game card
2. Teacher will show other multi-digit problems on the board, for students to compare
solutions with their individual boards
*Note: Use CTRL + TAB for indents in outline format.

1. Problems with the same solution can be marked on their board

3. Game will continue until someone wins bingo
4. Everyone wins a prize
b. Ask questions, to ensure all students understand the game, and how to use the free space
Step #3: Game cards
a. The students will receive their game cards, which will display 12 multi-digit multiplication
problems, students will be asked to solve each problem.
b. Teacher will walk around and assist the students with the problems they were given.
Step #4: Game time
a. Students will begin playing multiplication bingo
b. Teacher will observe each students understanding of the numbers being called, as well as
asking for the solutions to given problems
Step #5 : Summarize
a. Students will be asked to record in their journals, the steps they used in solving the
multiplication problems for the game.
b. Teacher will read journals.
B. APPLICATION ACTIVITY (Practice and/or Reflection):
See step 4
a) Whiteboard
b) Whiteboard markers
c) Bingo boards
d) Paper
e) Pencils
f) Journals
V. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES (Methods for Obtaining Evidence of Learning):
Formative: Students will be asked a series of questions to check for understanding, and teacher will
walk around to ensure students are able to answer the problems correctly.
Summative: Students will be asked to record in their journals each step theyve taken to correctly solve,
multi-digit multiplication problems.
a) All students will be able to discuss problems with their tablemates, to provide extra guidance to
those students who are still struggling with the concept.
b) Visual representations of problems and solutions
c) If students are able to solve problems to quickly, call a blackout so students must have all
squares marked before calling Bingo
No Homework

*Note: Use CTRL + TAB for indents in outline format.

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