Vocabulary Lesson Plan - Hungry Caterpillar
Vocabulary Lesson Plan - Hungry Caterpillar
Vocabulary Lesson Plan - Hungry Caterpillar
Vocabulary Activity
Lesson Plan Template
Gunning Page # 279
Title of Vocabulary Activity:
Word Sort
o Synonyms of Hungry & Synonyms of Full
Full Citation for the Literature (Book) Used:
Carle, Eric. (1987) The Very Hungry Caterpillar. New York, NY: Philomel Books.
Approximate Grade Level:
1st grade
2nd grade
Tier II Vocabulary Words (list 5 8 target vocabulary if appropriate to the activity):
o Starved
o Unsatisfied
o Empty
o Famished
o Stuffed
o Satisfied
o Overflowing
o Bursting
Learning Objective:
Students will learn target vocabulary.
Content Standard
o Strand
o Topic
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
o Standard Statement
With guidance and support from adults, demonstrate understanding of
figurative language, word relationships and nuances in word meaning
A. Sort words into categories to gain a sense of the concepts the
categories represent.
Lesson Procedures:
Introduction to the Vocabulary Lesson:
To start the lesson, the teacher will read aloud, The Very Hungry Caterpillar by
Eric Carle.
o While reading aloud the teacher will direct the students to think about
everything the caterpillar is eating and what happens to the caterpillar
when he is eating.
He would eat an item on one day and he was still hungry so he
started to eat more.
On Saturday he ate a lot of food and got a stomachache- What
would you call that feeling? When you eat too much and you feel
The students have already learned the concept of synonyms.
o Synonyms have the SAME meaning.
Guided Practice:
Brainstorm together as a class how the caterpillar felt- he was Hungry and he was
o Talk about what Hungry and Full means related to your stomach and the
caterpillar. Also, mention how your stomach feelings when you are
Hungry and how it feels when you are Full.
Independent Practice:
The students have lots of practice with word sorts. This is a closed sort, with the
headings of Hungry and Full.
There are 8 vocabulary words.
o 4 synonyms for Hungry
o 4 synonyms for Full
The students are to cut out the synonyms and glue the words under their proper
column; Hungry, Full.
There will be 2 blank lines under each heading.
o The students are to think of 1 synonym for Hungry and 1 for Full.
The students must write a sentence using a correct synonym for Hungry and the
same for Full.
Assessment of Learning Objective:
The students will be assessed on their completion of their word sort. The word
sort itself is word 10 points, 1 point for the students coming up with the own
synonym for Hungry and Full (2 points), and each sentence that properly used the
correct synonym is worth one point, making the sentences worth 2 points; totally
the word sort activity of 12 points.