Twig Story

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The last ray of sun has disappeared over the horizon.

The telltale signs of sleepy eyes and dragging feet remind you the time has come.
Bedtime for your little one awaits

Once upon a time,

there lived two kingdoms at the very ends of the earth. One of the kingdoms was the 7th kingdom. The
people there were very devoted to their Gods thus blessed with a wonderful land. Meanwhile there was
also the 6th Kingdom right next to the 7th kingdom. The 7th kingdom was a kingdom with a land of milk
and honey where birds chirp all day long and wild flowers greets every flying little pixies. Majestic oat
trees speak while all kinds of big and small creatures sing.

On the other hand, the 6th kingdom was a cursed kingdom ruled by wicked wizards, witches,
dominated by treacherous beasts and demons that crawled the earth, they are all envious of the 7th
kingdom. Darkness covers this land as it is filled with demonic sorceries and spells that are detrimental
to every living creatures. Irrevocable and massive spells were often casted upon the 7th kingdom but to
no avail. They were always coveting for the 7th kingdoms throne and one very special apparatus or
instrument that belonged to king.

In the 7th kingdom lived the sovereign King Charles and his beautiful wife, Queen Victoria,
together they ruled the 7th kingdom in peace, love and harmony for many years. King Charles and his
people were faithful and dedicated to their Gods thus, they were granted a magical twig as a gift by the

Gods in exchange of their gratitude for the good services to the Gods. That twig was second to none
and served as his apparatus or instrument. King Charles had always fought a good fight in defeating the
Gods enemies and protecting the land.

One day in a cold frosty winter, the king's wife died of childbirth during the snow blizzard and
ever since the first war between King Charles and the demons from the 6th kingdom started because
they figured it was the best time to attack the King when he was at his weakest and lowest point in life.
Their firstborn was named Prince George.

In the month of May during on the 15th where the moon is the roundest and fullest at night one
piece of leaf will fall off that stupendous twig, it has divine power in performing certain miracles. One
of it was turning every fallen leave into a mountain of gold. The twig is resilient and has survived all
seasons and all battles, the only weakness it has was only known by the king and the Gods. The twig was
the apparatus to sustain and prolong the King Charles life, he would surely die if the twig dies. With
the extraordinary twig by his side, he became half-god blessed with extraordinary strength. However, he
also had a weakness.

One day, the flawless Princess Ariel of the 6th kingdom was sent by the wicked witch to seduce
King Charles so that the bountiful and spectacular kingdom would belong to the princess and
hopefully someday Princess Ariel could inherit King Charles riches, glory and the magical twig.
Princess Ariel was a beautiful princess with the face of an angel and a seductive body that attracted all
eyes. From the very beginning, princess Ariels plan was never to fall in love with King Charles but to

capture his weaknesses in order to destroy him thus, Princess Ariel entered the 7th kingdom disguising
as a commoner during a crowded and auspicious promenade event just to approach King Charles.

It was love at first sight for King Charles who had always been feeling lonely, he thought to
himself that the right love has finally came searching for him. After all, all King Charles had with him
during his rise and sleep, his meal and even in battle was just the twig. He wanted something more than
just gold to fill the void in his heart he had always been feeling ever since Queen Victoria died and
Princess Ariel had what it takes to be the next Queen.

King Charles and Princess Ariel had finally gotten married and all Princess Ariel wanted was to
help fulfill her own fathers desire of taking over the wealth of the 7th kingdom because she knew how
important and significant wealth is to them. For the entire year of constant persuasion and seduction,
Queen Ariel had finally gotten to know the secret in destroying King Charles. She said to herself,
Finally! The hour has cometh, I have found King Charles weakness!

The only way to kill King Charles is to kill his apparatus-the twig. His weakness was his hair. By
chopping off King Charles hair, his precious twig would cease shedding any more leaves and
transforming into mountains of gold and at the same time taking away the kings soul. Upon doing so,
the kings strength will be gone and so will his power, strength and money. His kingdom will then be
destined to doom which was exactly what Queen Ariel wanted.

After King Charles said good night to Queen Ariel, he soon fell soundly asleep in that breezy

night. Queen Ariel took out her sharp pair of scissors and snipped off the kings hair in no time
without the king even realizing it. The next morning, the king woke up to an excruciating pain,
shocked and sensed his time was near, he panicked and thought to himself, Someone must have
known the secret in taking my life away! But hold on now, the act of true love will end this! I have my
wife with me! That's it! My wife loves me, her kiss will cure all of it. Immediately he summoned upon
Queen Ariel and commanded her to kiss him so that the twig will be restored and he too will then be
well again.

With an evil laugh, Queen Ariel reveals her true color and refused to kiss King Charles. Two
days passed, the weather changed so drastically it was like an apocalypse in the 7th Kingdom. The
flowers were wilting, the trees no longer sing. He finally came into realization that she had it all
planned, to stage a murder of the king and his son so she could sit on the throne and rule. All she
coveted was the kingdom and money. The King was devastated and could only mourn at heart and
blaming himself for his stupidity.

When Prince George, the kings son kneeled and begged Queen Ariel not to execute his father,
she took out a spear and pointed at his throat and when she was about to pierce him, King Charles was
pierced instead as he blocked the razor sharp spear. With his last breath he said to his son, Son, I love
you. The scene was witnessed by a troop of soldiers and so they had queen tied down. A few moments
later, the king resurrected from his death, everything including the twig and the kings health was
restored. Prince George shouted in excitement, Father, you are alive! Both father and son were
wrapped in each others arm happily rejoicing. The flowers, the oat trees and every creature and

inhabitants of the 7th kingdom rejoiced and sung gleefully in unison. The act of King Charles true love
had save himself and his beloved son!

Queen Ariel who was thrown back to her own kingdom and was forbidden from ever coming
back into the 7th kingdom. Once again, the twig flourished and blossomed, there were more leaves on
the twig than before and every fallen continued to transform into mountain of gold for the king and
his people. The secret of the twig was never revealed and from that day onwards everyone lived happily
ever after.

In this epic origin story, King Charles learned that blood is thicker than water, and one should
never judge a book by it's cover because not every pretty face has the heart of gold. A beautiful person
may appear presentable but can be even more malicious than an ordinary person. Apart from that, true
love knows no bound and love is not only about uttering I love you but is sacrificial and loving.
Covetousness and greed will bring one to destruction one way or another just like how it brought
Queen Ariel to a path no one wants to trudge.

In real life, the twig represents riches and wealth one earned from working for employers or the
Gods, and the 6th kingdom represents the world we live in today, filled with shrewd people who often
misuse their power or authority and are mostly selfish and wicked trying their best to use and destroy
one another just to gain benefits. Prince George represents our loved ones while Queen Victoria
represents the material things we hold on dearly to.

When we lose something we love, we tend to feel empty at heart and would probably need
something new in order to replace the void, however we must always remember that temptations like
Queen Ariel who comes to steal, to kill and to destroy will be lurking around for victims like you and I,
therefore, we must be as resilient as we can and always bare in mind that our families are the most
important and trust worthy people in our lives. Vigilance is important for survival and so is the act of
true love towards one another because it can save lives or touch lives in so many possible ways.

The End

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