Report of The Polical Bureau 1987

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The key takeaways are that the Political Bureau was established to conduct a nationwide debate on Nigeria's political future and recommend a new political order. It was tasked with reviewing Nigeria's political history, identifying problems, collecting public input, and providing guidelines for consensus.

The purpose of establishing the Political Bureau was to conduct a national debate on the political future of Nigeria and legitimize public discussion of issues of historical and political relevance in order to reawaken the democratic spirit.

The terms of reference given to the Political Bureau were to: review Nigeria's political history and problems; identify a basic philosophy of government; collect relevant information and data; gather and evaluate public contributions; and deliberate on other referred political problems.

Report of Political Bureau Nigeria (March 1987)

Reproduced for Mass Distribution by the Directorate for Social Mobilisation

(MAMSER), PMB 27, Abuja (Nigeria)
256 pages

Page 3: Report of the Political Bureau (March 1987)
On January 13, 1986 the Federal Military Government inaugurated a Political Bureau
to conduct a national debate on the political future of Nigeria. The action of the
Federal Military Government marked a significant milestone in the history of Nigeria,
as the activities of the Bureau legitimised public debate, encouraged open
discussion of issues of historical relevance and re-awakened the democratic spirit.
On its part the Political Bureau did not disappoint the nation. It submitted a
comprehensive Report to Government on March 27, 1987. The Report was detailed
in logic, profound in research, factual in presentation, and impartial in analysis of
our historical and political development, together with recommendations on the way
forward. The Report, no doubt, has become an indispensable encyclopaedia on
socio-political development of Nigeria, a scientific diagnosis of the countrys
political problems, together with recommended antidote to identified ills.
For the government and those actively involved in the administration of the Nigerian

State, the Political Bureau Report will ever remain a Reference material of immense
value it was a compulsory text of members of the CONSTITUTION REVIEW
COMMITTEE (CRC) and the CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY (CA). It enabled members
to properly grasp the key issues and discharge their duties. It is also worthy to note
that the Bureau Report informed the design of Transition to Civil Rule Programme.
For MAMS ER, the Political Bureau Report not only gave birth to the Directorate but
helped it to chart an acceptable course for its mobilisation strategies and
programmes. It also provided a background reading material of inexhaustible value
with vital insights and direction.
It is for these reasons plus our conviction that the wisdom contained in the Report is
an invaluable prerequisite for any meaningful social engineering endeavour, that we
decided to provide more copies of the document for the reading public in the hope
that wider circulation of the Report will act as a catalyst toward the realisation of a
free and democratic society in Nigeria.
On behalf of the Governing Board of the Directorate, I wish to encourage the
reading public to take time to study the contents of this Report, with a view to
facilitating the creation of a principled, purposeful, peaceful, disciplined and
development-oriented political culture in Nigeria. So help us God!


Pages 4 - 6: Report of the Political Bureau (March 1987)
(An Address by General lbrahim Babangida. President and Commander-in-Chief of
the Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria at the Inauguration of the Political
Bureau at Abuja on January 13, 1986)
It should by now be clear to all that this Administration is firmly set on a course of
Government by consultation with the people. Since my assumption of office, I have
repeatedly reaffirmed my faith, and that of the Armed Forces Ruling Council, in the
sense of responsibility of the Nigerian people and their responsiveness to
challenges of whatever nature. Indeed, as a nation, we have repeatedly
demonstrated these qualities whenever the occasion arose.
Only a few months back, the whole nation undertook the IMF debate and, after
thoroughly considering the options, decided to forego the IMF Facility as well as
accept to bear the consequential hardship and sacrifices. We were indeed
encouraged by this debate. We were also gratified by the sincere and widespread

support repeatedly given to this Administration, especially after uncovering of a plot

to effect a bloody change of Government. I would like to believe that this mutual
confidence between the people and government is due to an understanding that the
intention and activities of government are geared towards the good of all.
We are gathered here this morning to continue this process by inaugurating the
Political Bureau which I promised in my Budget address to the nation. Indeed, this
mornings ceremony is intended to kick off, as it were, the national debate on a
viable future political ethos and structure for our dear country. I am happy that the
search for a new political order is taking place at Abuja, the political capital of the
Federal Republic of Nigeria.
We are all familiar with the political conditions which brought about military regimes.
Invariably military administrations have come about as a result of bad government;
indeed, our present economic predicament can be attributed to the nature and
practice of partisan politics.
It has contributed, in part, to the increasing cynicism and apathy of individuals,
economic mismanagement as well as the apparent social chaos and disorder in our
society. It has also adversely affected our capacity, as a nation, to realise our vast
economic potentials. This Administration would therefore like to shift our attention
to the need to create a relevant political system. Consistent with our stated
philosophy of government, we are committed to popular participation in the process
of evolving such a viable political order.
In commemorating our countrys 25th anniversary as a Sovereign State, I reminded
the nation that what really lies at the bottom of our past dilemma is the absence of a
viable political arrangement. The political history of this nation is partly one of
disillusionment with politics and politicians. As you all know, the history of the past
twenty-five years has been dominated by this political question. The search and
solutions have hung around by this political system without adequate care of the
supportive values. Our search has been to remedy immediate problems without
sufficient attention to the long-term issues. Not surprisingly, our efforts so far only
succeeded in producing inept and inherently unstable political arrangements, which
have failed to syncronise our cultural ideals with our economic and political
To put it differently, apart from the immediate and more visible problem of salvaging
our battered economy, our other task is to bring about a new political culture which,
like a veritable fountain head, would bring forth a stable, strong and dynamic
economy. Such an arrangement must enable us to harness the vast human and
natural resources of Nigeria towards building a cohesive and self-reliant society.
These ideas and values have already been clearly articulated in the fundamental
and directive principles of state policy as enshrined in the 1979 Constitution.
This Administration is firmly committed to the realisation of these objectives.
Today, we commence the search for a new political order. The setting up of this

Political Bureau is the first step. As part of the strategy towards evolving a viable
political order, I expect the ensuing debate to capture the nature of the threshold of
the transition process. In particular. I expect the debate to come up with
suggestions as to how we can evolve a political system which can enable us to
aspire to a predictable political life. I believe the time is now ripe for us to have a
system which can guarantee an acceptable and painless succession mechanism.
Finally, I would want the debate, as far as possible, to be rooted in a truly Nigerian
political experience. Thus, I would expect the debate to identify and clarify issues in
a manner as to ensure a higher political order that is capable of sustaining our
enthusiasm for a healthy future.
It is important to point out, at this stage, that this Administration does not conceive
the Political Bureau as an agency set up simply to serve the national political
debate. The Political Bureau will do much more. In addition to guiding, monitoring,
analysing and documenting the national political debate, the Bureau will provide an
objective and indepth critique of our past political experience in order to serve as
background information for the debate. It will also produce the blueprint of a new
political model (or models) for the consideration of the Administration. It shall be its
responsibility to eventually place options before this Administration as well
as work a realistic implementation programme for the agreed model.
Our primary political objective is to bequeath to posterity a new political order that
can endure stresses as well as contain the competitive demands in our national life.
Furthermore, the Bureau will ensure that Nigerians collectively secure for
themselves a more meaningful political future through open and free debate. As an
administration, we have stated our commitment to a decision-making process that
will always be guided by the principles of discussion and consultation. We are
committed to these basic tenets of democratic government, and we will adhere to it
in order to remove the mistrust attached to the leadership by our people. We are
convinced that we cannot truly make progress as a nation unless and until we
collectively take our destiny in our own hands. We equally accept that the challenge
of leadership dictates that government must remain responsive to popular wishes in
order to foster a sense of greater belonging.
In this regard, it is important that all those who will contribute and participate in the
debate need not be afraid to be both daring and imaginative. As you are well aware,
we are committed to an order that will check the excesses of government and the
abuse of power by the political leadership. We shall equally frown at a system in
which a small group of individuals shall be allowed to misuse power to the
detriment of our national aspirations. Simply put, the new arrangement must
promote and enhance a self-reliant society.
As you ye well know, every socio-economic order has a political arrangement
appropriate to it. It will be the duty of the Political Bureau to suggest the blueprint
that will promote meaningful socio-economic development of our country. However,
and it is important to emphasise this, both this Administration and the Political
Bureau will have to operate within parameters set by the will and aspirations of our
people, as well as the historic requirements that Nigeria should emerge, in the

shortest possible time, as a modern State of World Power Status. Therefore, you
must see the search for the new political order as the launching pad for the New
Nigeria: prosperous, humanist and stable at home, a nation that possesses real
capability in the African context, and one that commands and compels respect in
international affair
Today tne majority of our people must begin the process of altering the course of
our history for the better by debating and discussing our way forward. Let the
search for a new political order be the starting point for forging that collective
consciousness. It is a matter for every Nigerian. It is a matter that touches on the
stability, peace and progress of our nation. I urge you all to participate in earnest in
the debate. It is therefore the additional responsibility of the Bureau to sensitise and
energize the ordinary people towards the search for this order.
I would like to warn that this Administration does not want a regurgitation of the
political models of the so-called advanced countries of the world. If this were our
desire, we would not have wasted your time and ours, by inviting you here. Rather,
we would simply have turned to the many volumes and various encyclopaedia on
these alien constitutions and political models. That should not be your way forward.
We share neither the political history nor the political culture of these lands. Our
demographic settings and social structures differ vastly from theirs. We presently
lack the sophisticated and advanced industrialism that provides the economic
foundations for these alien political models.
At this juncture, I wish to make it abundantly clear that the ensuing debate is not an
open invitation for partisan politics. it is a collective search for a new political order;
it is a call for a country-wide debate in order to illuminate our path towards the
search. It is neither a call for political party formation, nor the assertion of claims
and plea for leadership on behalf of the people. It is certainly not a call for post
factor wholesale justification for past systems and their operations both of which
have failed us as a nation. The exercise is a call to all Nigerians to search, identify
and select options that can lead this country to better heights.
This search will be conducted by a Political Bureau composed of men and women
of ideas and experience. I expect the Bureau will carry Out the assignment by
canvassing the view and opinions across the Federation. You should bear in mind
that our country is blessed with experienced and seasoned politicians,
administrators and industrialists. I implore you to tap and utilise their collective
experience for the good of our nation. The Bureau is also empowered to make
adequate administrative arrangements including the creation of zonal centres in
order to enable it reach as many people as possible.
I want to make it quite clear that government does not intend to abandon its
responsibility in this regard. We will not tolerate the emergence of leaders of
thought for any hamlet, village, town, local government area or community, state or
any combination of parts of sections of this country. The ban on partisan political
activities and political parties is still in force and shall remain so until the AFRC has
taken a decision on the report of the Political Bureau.

The debate can, of course, be carried out by socio-economic groups; professional

associations can and should also participate. In short, participation must be
completely divorced from partisan leaning. It must not seek to muzzle or even
harness individuals views in the name of providing leadership at the grassroots. In
order to enhance wider participation therefore, I hereby lift the ban on the Medical
Association and the National Union of Students.
The Political Bureau shall comprise the following
S.J. Cookey Chairman
E.O. Awa
A.D. Yahaya
Haroun Adamu
Ibrahim HaliIu
Paschal Bafyau

Oye Oyediran
Tunde Adeniran
S.E. Oyovbaire
Bala Takaya
O.E. Uya
Sani Zahradeen

Mrs. Hilda Adefarasin

Mrs. R. Abdullahi
Ola Balogun
Edwin Madunagu
Abdullahi Augie Executive Secretary

In the course of my Budget Speech, I identified a number of factors which have

contributed to our political instability. I would like the Bureau to regard my Budget
Speech integrally with my present address as key notes for their work.
I hereby inaugurate the Political Bureau with the following terms of reference
(a) Review Nigerias political history and identify the basic problems which have led
to our failure in the past and suggest ways of resolving and coping with these
(b) Identify a basic philosophy of government which will determine goals and serve
as a guide to the activities of governments.
(c) Collect relevant information and data for the Government as well as identify other
political problems that may arise from the debate.
(d) Gather, collate and evaluate the contributions of Nigerians to the search for a
viable political future and provide guidelines for the attainment of the consensus
(e) Deliberate on other political problems as may be referred to it from time to time.
Finally, I wish to reiterate my promise in the Budget Speech to the effect that this
Administration will not stays day longer than it is absolutely necessary. Your
assignment must therefore provide time-sequences for the transition to be achieved
(by October 1, 1990).
I would like to end this address by commending you to Allahs guidance. You are
about to embark on a difficult assignment, but I believe there is no greater
satisfaction than a call to serve ones country. It is a call to duty. It is my hope that

the new political arrangement would enrich our faith and rekindle our hope in the
future of this great country.
Good luck end God bless.

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