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قواعد اللغة الانجليزية

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Unit 1
New Friends
‫أصدقاء جدد‬
Wait of ‫ينتظر‬ Turn into ‫يتحول الى‬ Meaning ‫معنى‬
Complete ‫أكمل‬ Friend ‫صديق‬ Introduce ‫يقدم‬
The form ‫االستمارة‬ Favourite ‫مفضل‬ Cool ‫يبرد‬
First name ‫االسم األول‬ Hobby ‫هواية‬ Business ‫إعمال التجارية‬
Age ‫ العمر‬/ ‫السن‬ Sport ‫رياضة‬ Get colder ‫يثلج‬
Nationality ‫الجنسية‬ Reading ‫قراءة‬ We both ‫نحن االثنان‬
Date of birth ‫تاريخ الميالد‬ Were born in ‫ولدوا‬ Injured ‫مصاب‬
Place of birth ‫محل الميالد‬ Was born in ‫ولد‬ Puzzle ‫ لغز‬/ ‫فزورة‬
Address ‫العنوان‬ A hotel ‫فندق‬ Clothes ‫مالبس‬
Length of stay ‫ مدة االقامة‬An office ‫مكتب‬ Sales assistant ‫بائع فى محل‬
Information ‫معلومات‬ Move ‫يتحرك‬ Doctor ‫طبيب‬
Preparatory ‫اعدادى‬ Move to ‫ يعزل الى‬Secretary ‫سكرتيرة‬
Laboratory ‫معمل‬ Ideas ‫افكار‬ Customer ‫زبون‬
Sales assistant ‫ بائع فى محل‬Clothes ‫مالبس‬ Sport ‫رياضة‬
Policeman ‫رجل شرطة‬ A nurse ‫ممرضة‬ Interests ‫اهتمامات‬
Scientist ‫عالم‬ A mechaanic ‫ميكانيكى‬ Programm ‫برنامج‬
Make sure ‫يتاكد‬ Comfortable ‫مريح‬ Garage ‫جراج‬
Busy ‫ مشغول‬Engines ‫محرك‬ Work for ‫يعمل عند‬
Making ( wh……/ How …) questions
‫ كلمة االستفهام‬+ ‫ فعل مساعد‬+ ‫ فاعل‬+ ........ ‫?تكملة‬

When go you go to school ?

How long does it take from Cairo to Alex?
Who are you ?

Making ( Yes …/ No…) questions

) ‫ فعل مساعد ( فعل ناقص‬+ ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫? تكملة‬

Yes ,……………………………..

‫الرد يكون بـــــــ‬

No ,………………………..not.

1- do you speak English ? - Yes , I do - No, idon't

2-are you good at English? - Yes , I am - No, I am not
3-have you got a Car ? - Yes , I have - No, I haven't
4- can you swim ? - Yes , I can - No, I can't

Verb + er
Verb + or
Manage ‫يدير‬ Manager ‫مدير‬
Design ‫يصمم‬ A designer ‫مصمم‬
Report ‫يذيع‬ A reporter ‫ميع‬
Teach ‫يدرس‬ A teacher ‫مدرس‬
Write‫يكتب‬ A writer ‫كاتب‬
Sail ‫يبحر‬ A sailor ‫بحار‬
Invent ‫يخترع‬ An inventor ‫مخترع‬
Visit ‫يزور‬ A visitor ‫زائر‬
Cook ‫يطبخ‬ a cook ‫الحظ هذا الفعل الشاذ‬ ‫طباخ‬

Regular verbs ‫افعال قياسية‬

Guess Guessed ‫ يعتقد‬/ ‫ يخمن‬Phone Phoned ‫يتصل تليفونيا‬
Work Worked ‫ يعمل‬Report Reported ‫يذيع‬
Help Helped ‫ يساعد‬Manage Managed ‫يدير‬
Ask Asked ‫ يسال‬Design Designed ‫يصمم‬
Watch Watched ‫ يشاهد‬Travel Traveled ‫يسافر‬
Cook Cooked ‫ يطبخ‬Live Lived ‫يعيش‬
Play Played ‫ يلعب‬Want to Wanted to ‫يريد ان‬
Move Moved ‫ يتحرك‬Try to Tried to ‫يحاول ان‬
Cool Cooled ‫ يبرد‬Turn Turned ‫يتحول‬
Like Liked ‫ يحب‬enjoy enjoyed ‫يستمتع‬

Introduce yourself
‫قدم نفسك‬
My name is ………………… I am ……………….. years old.
I go to prep school. I am in class two. My interests are……….

Enjoy ‫يستمتعـ ب‬
like ‫يحب‬ V . + ing
[be] interested in ‫مهتم ب‬
1- I enjoy reading stories .
2- he like listening to the radio .
3- she is interested in designing clothes .

Unit 2
Running water
‫المياة الجارية‬
Dining room‫ حجرة السفرة‬Through ‫خالل‬ Liquid ‫سائل‬
Grandmother ‫جدة‬ Neighbour ‫جار‬ A mount of ‫كمية من‬
Water vapour‫بخار الماء‬ The ground ‫االرض‬ Full of ‫مملوء من‬
Steam ‫بخار‬ Kettle ‫غالى‬ Rain ‫يمطر‬
Newspaper ‫جريدة‬ A shape ‫شكل‬ A half ‫نصف‬
Experiment ‫تجربة‬ A form ‫ شكل‬/ ‫استمارة‬ A quarter ‫ربع‬
Homework ‫ واجب مدراسى‬Minute ‫دقيقة‬ Clouds ‫سحب‬
Go outside ‫يخرج‬ Grey ‫رمادى‬ Weather ‫طقس‬
Surface ‫سطح‬ White ‫ابيض‬ Map ‫خريطة‬
Science ‫علوم‬ Together ‫معا سويا‬ Winds ‫الرياح‬
Scientist ‫عالم‬ Air ‫هواء‬ Fill (ed) ‫يمالء‬
Kitchen ‫مطبخ‬ Ticket ‫تذكرة‬ Empty ‫يفرغ‬
Nature ‫طبيعة‬ Sugar ‫سكر‬ Cup ‫فنجان‬
Drops ‫قطرات‬ A pan ‫ حلة‬/ ‫اناء‬ Plate ‫طبق‬
The bathroom ‫الحمام‬ Toys ‫لعب‬ Money ‫ اموال‬/ ‫نقود‬
Mountain ‫جبل‬ Stone ‫حجر‬ Floor ‫طابق‬
An address ‫عنوان مكان‬ A trlle ‫ قصة‬/ ‫عنوان كتاب‬ Join (ed)‫يربط‬

Giving advice ‫اعطاء نصيحة‬

1- You should + ‫ينبغى عليك ان‬..…………………… ‫مصدر‬
2- you shouldn't + ‫ال ينبغى عليك ان‬.…………………… ‫مصدر‬
3- The best thing to do when you …. Is to + ‫هو ان …افضل شيئ نفعله عندما تكون‬.… ‫مصدر‬

1- You should study English well.

2- You shouldn't go to bed late.
3- The best thing to do when you have an exam is to revise your lessons.

Asking for advice ‫طلب النصيحةـ‬

- Should I + ‫مصدر ……………………………………? هل ينبغى على ان ؟‬
- should we + ‫?هل ينبغى علينا ان ؟‬.………………………………… ‫مصدر‬
- Should I tell my dad? ‫هل ينبغى على ان اخبر بابا ؟‬

The Present Simple Tense

‫زمن المضارع البسيط‬

: ‫يتكون من التصريفـ االول للفعل‬-1

I / ‫مصدر الفعل‬ ‫جمع‬

‫الفعل‬ ‫ مفرد‬+ (ies , es , s )

1- I always help my mother. 2- They always help their mother.

3- she always helps her mother. 4-he usually tries to help his mother.

2- ‫ يعبر عن‬:
1- I get up at 6 O'clock every day.‫عادات متكررة‬
2- We often go to the cinema.
3- Water vapor rises in the sky.‫حقائق علمية ثابتة‬
4- When water boils, it changes into vapor.

3- ‫ يستخدم المضارع البسيط مع هذه الكلمات‬:

Sometimes ً ‫احيانا‬
Usually ‫ً عادة‬
Often ً ‫غالبا‬ ‫نفي‬ never ً‫ابدا‬
Always ً ‫دائما‬

( Every …..) ‫تأتى في أول الجملة و أخرها‬ ‫كل‬

the present continuous tense

‫زمن المضارع المستمرـ‬
1- ‫ يتكون من‬:
I am
‫مفرد‬ is ‫ فعل‬+ ing
‫جمع‬ are
2- ‫ يعبر عن‬:
1- children are playing football ‫فعل مازال مستمر حتى االن‬
2- I 'm traveling tomorrow. ‫فعل سوف يقع فى المستقبل‬
3- ‫ الكلمات الدالة‬:
* now ‫االن‬ * look ! ‫انظر‬
*at this moment ‫فى هذه اللحظة‬ * listen ‫استمع‬

* at the time ‫فى هذا الوقت‬

4- ‫ السؤال فى المضارع المستمر‬:

What + ( is / are ) + ‫ فاعل‬+ doing ?

1- what are you doing? I am watching T.V.

2-what is he doing? He is playing football.

Complete the missing parts

1- Ahmed :………………………………………….?
Samy : I 'm doing a science experiment.
2- Mother : …………………………………………?
Children: we are doing homework.
3- Hala : ………………………………………….?
Mona : she is cooking Lunch.

Opposites ‫كلمات وعكسها‬

Evaporate ‫ يتبخر‬Condense ‫ يكثف‬Boil ‫ يغلى‬Cool ‫يبرد‬
Evaporation ‫يتبخر‬ ‫ تكثيف‬Inside ‫ داخل‬Outside ‫خارج‬
Get warmer ¢‫ يدفئ‬Get colder ‫ يبرد‬Heavy ‫ ثقيل‬Light ‫خفيف‬
Get wet ‫ يبتل‬Get dry ‫ ينشف‬Big ‫ كبير‬Small ‫صغير‬
Float ‫ يطفو‬Sink ‫ يغرق‬Cold ‫ بارد‬Hot ‫ساخن‬
Dry ‫ جاف‬Wet ‫ مبلل‬Turn off )‫ يغلق(جهاز‬Turn on ‫يفتح جهاز‬

Quantity expressions ‫تعبيرات الكمية‬

-a liter of ‫لتر من‬ - a quarter of ‫ربع من‬
- a half of ‫نصف من‬ - amount of ‫كمية من‬
- a cup of‫فنجان من‬ - drops of‫ قطرات من‬lots of ‫كثير من‬
‫تعبيرات هامة‬
Fall to ‫يقع على‬ Rise into ‫يرتفع الى‬
Wait for ‫ينتظر‬ Turn into ‫يتحول الى‬
Late for ‫متاخر عن‬ Change into ‫يتغير الى‬
Ask for ‫يطلب‬ Condense into ‫يتكثف الى‬
Join together ‫يتحد سوويا‬ Snow ‫جليد‬
High up ‫المرتفع لالعلى‬ Ice ‫ثلج‬

Conjunctions ‫الروابط‬

: ‫ ) لربط فكرتين متوافقين‬and ( ‫ تستخدم‬-1

1- I turned on the TV. I watched the TV.
I turned on the TV and I watched it.
‫ـ‬:‫ ) لربط فكرتين متناقضتين‬but ‫ تستخدم ( ولكن‬-2
2- I am hungry. I don't want to eat.
I am hungry but don't want to eat.
: ‫ ) للربط بين السبب و النتيجة‬so ‫ تستخدم ( لذلك‬-3

‫سبب‬ ( so ) ‫نتيجةـ‬
3- It's raining . I'm not going outside.
It's raining so I not going outside.

Use and , so or but to make one sentence.

1- Fill the kettle with water. Don't fill it to the top. ( but )
- …………………………………………………………
2- Boil the water. Don't forget to make the tea. (but)
- ………………………………………………………….
3- The sun shines on the water surface. It evaporates water. (and)
4- Water vapour is light. It rises high into the air. (so )
5- He bought a book. He read the book. (and )
- …………………………………………………………….

Unit 3

Friends and neigh bours

‫اصدقاء وجيران‬
Tired of ‫متضايق من‬ Friendly ‫ودود‬ Canal ‫ترعة‬
Get in ‫يدخل‬ Carpenter ‫نجار‬ Score ‫تسجيل‬
Factory ‫مصنع‬ Tools ‫ ادوات‬Model ‫نموذج‬
Magazine ‫مجلة‬ Scissors ‫مقص‬ Blade ‫شفرة‬
Story ‫قصة‬ Pliers ‫زردية‬ Different ‫مختلف‬
Metal ‫معدن‬ Spoon ‫معلقة‬ Next door ‫الشقة المجاورة‬
Wood ‫خشب‬ Drill ‫مثقاب‬ Roof ‫ سقف‬/ ‫سطوح‬
Wooden ‫خشبية‬ Needle ‫ابرة‬ Kind ‫ طيب‬/ ‫نوع‬
Plastic ‫بالستك‬ Nail ‫مسمار‬ Careful ‫حريص‬
Made of ‫مصنوع من‬ Hammer ‫شاكوش‬ Village‫قرية‬
Apiece ‫قطعة‬ Saw ‫منشار‬ End ‫ نهاية‬/ ‫طرف‬
A hole ‫فتحة‬ Knife ‫سكينة‬ Body ‫جسم‬
A handle ‫ منشار‬/ ‫يد سكينة‬ Sharp ‫حاد‬ Grocer ‫بقال‬
Cheese ‫جبن‬ Hard ‫صلب‬ Helpful ‫متعاون‬
A brick ‫قالب طوب‬ Flat ‫شقة‬ Town ‫مدينة صغيرة‬

Relative pronouns ‫ضمائر الوصل‬

Person who ‫التى‬/ ‫الذى‬ = that

Thing which ‫ التى‬/ ‫الذى‬ = that
Place where ‫حيث‬
1- I met the man who helped me.
2- This is the car which I drive to my work .
3- This is the shop where I buy cheese.

Irregular Verbs
‫افعال شاذة‬
Shine Shone Shone ‫ تشرق‬/ ‫تسطع‬
Show Showed Shown ‫ يوضح‬/ ‫يورى‬
Hold Held Held ‫يمسك‬
Lend Lent Lent ‫ يسلف‬/ ‫قرض‬
Choose Chose Chosen ‫يختار‬

Regular verbs
‫افعال قياسية‬
Retire Retired ‫ يتقاعد‬Use Used ‫يستخدم‬
Add Added ‫ يضيف‬Describe Described ‫يصنف‬
Mend Mended ‫ يصلح‬Start Started ‫يبدأ‬
Fix Fixed ‫يصلح‬/‫ يثبت‬Happen Happened ‫يحدث‬
Answer Answered ‫يجيب‬/ ‫ يرد‬Kick Kicked ‫يركل‬
Reply Replied ‫ يجيب‬/ ‫ يرد‬Thank Thanked ‫يشكر‬
Push Pushed ‫ يدفع‬Sew Sewed ‫يخيط‬
Borrow Borrowed ‫ يسلف‬/ ‫ يقترض‬Sew Sewed ‫يخيط‬
Type Typed ‫ يكتب على حاسب‬Remember Remembered ‫يتذكر‬
Surprise Surprised ‫ يفاجئ‬pass passed ‫ينجح‬

‫يستخدم لـــــــــــــ‬ used to ( ‫) مصدر‬

‫يستخدم لـــــــــــــ‬ used for ( ‫ فعل‬+ ing)
‫مصنوع مـــــــــن‬ made of (‫)مادة ال تتغير‬
‫مصنوع مـــــــــــن‬ made from (‫)مادة تتغير‬

1- Knives are used to cut food.

2- Scissors are used for cutting cloth.
3- A drill is made of metal.
4- The hand of the knife is made of wood.

:‫ ) الجمع وتعامل معاملة الجمع‬s ( ‫* االدوات التى تتكون من قطعتين مزدوجتين يضاف لها‬
- These are scissors. We use them.
- These are pliers. We use them.

:‫ ) تعامل معامله المفرد‬a pair of ( ‫* اذا جاء قبلهم كلمة‬

- This is a pair of scissors. We use it.
- This is a pair of pliers. We use it.
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The past simple tense

‫زمن الماضى البسيط‬
) went ‫ ) ( شاذ‬mended ‫ يتكون من التصريفـ الثاتى للفعل ( قياسى‬-1
‫ يعبر عن حدث تم وانتهى فى الماضى‬-2
: ‫ الكلمات الدالة‬-3
Yesterday ‫امس‬ last ‫الماضي‬ ago ‫منذ‬
One day ‫ذات يوم‬ once‫منذ‬ ‫اى تاريخ فى الماضي‬

1- I visited my uncle yesterday.

2- My neigh bour lent me money last month.
3- One day, I helped an old man.
4- I was good at English in prep 1.
5- They were poor but now they are rich.

‫السؤال فى الماضى البسيط‬

Asking questions in the past
‫ كلمة االستفهام‬+ did + ‫ تكملة الجملة‬+ ‫ مصدر‬+ ‫? فاعل‬

What did you use to cut wood?

How did he mend the car?

Revision A
Exercise‫تدريب‬ Point to ‫يشير الى‬ Circle ‫ ضع دائرة‬/ ‫دائرة‬
Photo ‫صورة‬ Round ‫مدورة‬ Laugh‫يضحك‬
Interested in‫مهتم بـ‬ Glass ‫زجاج‬ Comic ‫كومدى‬
Behind ‫خلف‬ Injured ‫مصاب‬ Hungry ‫جوعان‬
Name ‫ اسم‬/ ‫يسمى‬ Patient ‫ مريض‬/ ‫عليل‬ Then ‫ بعد ذلك‬/ ‫ثم‬
Rules‫قواعد‬ Daughter ‫ابنة‬ Accident ‫حادثة‬
Student ‫طالب‬ About ‫ شان‬/ ‫عن‬ Decide to ‫يقرر ان‬
Correct‫يصحح‬ Fill to the top‫مليئ كلة‬ Revise ‫يراجع‬
Clinic ‫عيادة‬ Fall over ‫سقط على االرض‬ Revision ‫مراجعة‬
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Regular verbs ‫افعال قياسية‬

Examine Examined ‫ يفحص‬Listen to Listened to ‫يستمع الى‬
Walk Walked ‫ يمشي‬Laugh Laughed ‫يضحك‬
Arrive Arrived ‫ يصل‬Correct Corrected ‫يصحح‬
Cry Cried ‫ يصرخ‬Change Changed ‫يتغير‬
Carry Carried ‫ يحمل‬Circle Circled ‫يضع دائرة‬
Name Name ed ‫ يسمي‬Rest Rested ‫يستريح‬
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Unit 4
Unusual stories‫قصص غير عادية‬
Usual ‫عادي‬ A photographer ‫ مصوراتي‬Frightened‫خائف‬
Unusual ‫غير عادي‬ A butcher ‫جزار‬ Terrified ‫مرعوب‬
Cartoon ‫رسوم متحركة‬ A policeman ‫رجل الشرطة‬ Worried ‫قلق‬
A sentence ‫جملة‬ (be)on fire ‫يشتعل‬ Surprised ‫مدهش‬
A zoo ‫حديقة حيوان‬ Ambulance ‫عربة اسعاف‬ Dream ‫حلم‬
The lorry ‫الشاحنة‬ Police station‫قسم شرطة‬ Important ‫مهم‬
Meat ‫لحمة‬ Fell better ‫يشعر بانتعاش‬ Fantastic ‫رائع‬
Tea ‫شاي‬ Smoke ‫ يدخن‬/ ‫دخان‬ Suddenly ‫فجأة‬
Near ‫قريب‬ Shopkeeper ‫صاحب محل‬ America ‫امريكا‬
Wedding ‫حفل زفاف‬ Trip‫رحلة قصيرة‬ Look after ‫يعتني بـــــ‬
Flight ‫رحلة طيران‬ Noise ‫ضوضاء‬ Lucky ‫محظوظ‬
Attendant ‫مضيفة‬ Busy ‫ مشغول‬/ ‫مزدحم‬ Ill ‫مريض‬
Fine‫بخير‬ Sitting room‫حجرة جلوس‬ Illness ‫مرض‬
Game‫لعبة‬ Fire station ‫المطافي‬ Loudly ‫بصوت عال‬
Sound ‫صوت شئ‬ Goal ‫هدف‬ Glue‫صمخ‬
Flame‫لهب‬ Circus ‫السرك‬ Afraid ‫خائف‬
‫كلمة تجمع مجموعة كلمات تتماشيـ مع بعضها‬ web word

Hospital Sport School Hotel

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The past continuous tense ‫زمن الماضي المستمرـ‬
: ‫ يتكون من‬-1
‫مفرد‬ was
V. + ing
‫جمع‬ were
: ‫يعبر عن فعل كان مستمرا في وقت ما في الماضي‬-2
Ali was eating lunch at 2 O'clock yesterday.
: ‫ الكلمات الدالة‬-3
- At …………….. o'clock yesterday
- While ‫ اثناء‬/ ‫بينما‬ - When ‫عندما‬
While ‫ماضي مستمرـ‬ ‫و‬ ‫ماضى بسيط‬
While we were playing. Samy fell over.
When ‫ماضي بسيط‬ ‫و‬ ‫ماضي بسيط‬
When I heard about the accident , I went to help the injured.
When ‫ماضي بسيط‬ ‫و‬ ‫ماضي مستمرـ‬
When father came , I was doing homework.

Regular verbs ‫افعال منظمة‬

Water Watered ‫ يروي‬/ ‫ يسقى‬Check Checked ‫يراجع‬

Climb Climbed ‫ يتسلق‬Search Searched ‫يبحث عن‬

Escape Escaped ‫ يهرب‬Chase Chased ‫يطارد‬

Shop Shopped ‫ يتسوق‬Smell Smelled ‫يشم‬

Stop Stopped ‫ يقف‬Heat Heated ‫يسخن‬

‫يوجد‬ there is ‫اسم مفرد‬

V = ing
‫كان يوجد‬ there was ‫اسم مفرد‬

1- There is a photographer taking photo.

2- there was a butcher cutting meat with a knife.
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‫يوجد‬ there are ‫اسم جمع‬

V + ing
‫كان يوجد‬ there were ‫اسم جمع‬

1- There are two boys playing with a ball.

2- there were two women shopping in the market.

) he is( ‫ ) تحل محل الضميرـ المفرد‬there is ( ‫نالحظ ان‬

) they are ( ‫ ) تحل محل الضميرـ الجمع‬there are ( ‫وان‬

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Unit 5
Things we will do
‫اشياء سوف نفعلها‬
Certainly ‫ بالتأكيد‬/ ‫بالطبع‬ Enormous ‫ هائل‬/ ‫ضخم‬ Sum ‫مسألة‬
It's Ok‫ال باس‬ Large ‫ ضخم‬/ ‫كبير‬ Main ‫رئيس‬
Vegetables ‫خضروات‬ Patient ‫مريض‬ Reason ‫سبب‬
Difficult ‫صعب‬ With ‫ بـــــــ‬/ ‫مع‬ Flexible‫مرن‬
Overseas ‫للخارج‬ Without ‫بدون‬ Quantity ‫كمية‬
Company ‫شركة‬ Accurate‫دقيق‬ Finally ‫اخيرا‬
Electric ‫كهربي‬ e-mail ‫بريد إلكتروني‬ The same ‫نفس الـــــ‬
Electronic ‫الكتروني‬ Ways ‫طرق‬ Rocket ‫صاروخ‬
Robot ‫انسان آلي‬ Compass ‫بوصلة‬ Probably ‫من المحتمل‬
Space ‫فضاء‬ History ‫تاريخ‬ Able to ‫قادرا علي‬
Modern ‫حديث‬ Get married ‫يتزوج‬ Language ‫لغة‬
Invention ‫اختراع‬ Pilot ‫طيار‬ For you ‫من أجلك‬
Machine ‫ مكينة‬/ ‫آلة‬ Still ‫مازال‬ Most ‫معظم‬
Every where ‫في كل مكان‬ Carrots ‫جزر‬ Help with‫يساعد مع‬
Courgettes ‫كوسة‬ Forming ‫الزراعة‬ Onion ‫بصل‬
Do the vegetables ¢‫يقطع الخضروات‬ make sure ‫يتاكد‬
(be) able to ‫يكون قادرا علي‬ I think so ‫اعتقد ذلك‬
will be able to ‫سوف يكون قادرا علي‬ don't worry ‫ال تقلق‬

‫صفة‬ ‫حال‬
accurate ‫دقيق‬ Accurately ‫بدقة‬
Quick ‫سر يع‬ Quickly ‫بسرعة‬
easy ‫سهل‬ Easily ‫بسهولة‬
good ‫جيد‬ well ‫جيدا‬
) 16 (

Regular verbs
Need needed ‫ يحتاج‬Switch on Switched on ‫يفتح‬
Invent Invented ‫ يخترع‬Tick Ticked ‫ضع عالمة‬
Close Closed ‫ يغلق‬Open Opened ‫يفتح‬
Control Controlled ‫ يتحكم‬Wash Washed ‫يغسل‬
follow Followed ‫ يتبع‬Store stored ‫يخزن‬

‫ هل تعتقد ان‬do you think……………? ‫عندما نسال شخص عن راية نستخدم‬

‫والرد يكون حسب درجة احتمال حدوث هذا الشى‬
1- Yes, I think so ‫نعم اعتقد ذلك‬ 2- Yes , probably ‫نعم من المحتمل‬
3- No , I don't think so ‫ال اعتقد ذلك‬ 4- I don't know ‫ال اعرف‬
5- I' m not sure ‫لست متاكد‬

Ali : Do you think robots will help us in our homes?

Mona: Yes , I think so.
Hala: Do you think people will be able to live on the moon?
Hagar: No , I don ,t think so.
The future simple tense ‫زمن المستقبل البسيط‬
'll ‫ يتكون من‬-1 ‫ مصدر‬:
2- ‫يعبر عن حدث سوف يقع فى‬
1- My uncle will telephone me tomorrow.
2- I think Ahmed will be a doctor ( ‫)تنبو‬
3-I 'll make you some tea (‫)عرض مساعدة‬
4- Study hard or you won't pass exam. (‫)تهديد‬

if you study hard , you will succeed (If)3- ‫يستخدم مع الحالة الشرطية االولى‬

4 ‫الكلمات الدالة‬-
- tomorrow ‫غدا‬ - next ‫القادم‬
- soon ‫قريبا‬ - in the future ‫فى المستقبل‬
( 2011 – 2015 -2020) ‫أي تاريخ في المستقبل‬
-Will you travel to Luxor next week?
) 17 (

I am
‫مفرد‬ is able to + ‫مصدر‬ ‫يكون قادر علي‬
‫جمع‬ are

(was – were ) able to + ‫مصدر‬ ‫كان قادرا علي‬

will be able to + ‫مصدر‬ ‫سوف يكون قادرا علي‬

Read and correct the underlined words :

1- Will you opening the door for me?
2- I don't think she will be able to cooked well.
3- I think robots will probable help us in our hoes.
4- No, I don't think saw.
) 18 (

Unit 6
On the farm
Farm ‫مزرعة‬ Husband ‫زوج‬ Tractor ‫جرار‬
Crops ‫ حبوب‬/‫محاصيل‬ Wife ‫زوجة‬ Grass‫حشائش‬
Sheep ‫اغنام‬ Greedy ‫طماع‬ Note ‫ملحوظة‬
Cotton ‫قطن‬ Let's ‫هيا‬ Mine ‫ ملكي‬/ ‫خاصتي‬
Plants ‫نباتات‬ Gold ‫ذهب‬ Pretty ‫جميل‬
Sugar cane‫قصب السكر‬ Golden ‫ذهبية‬ Harvest ‫يحصد‬
Wheat ‫قمح‬ Pound ‫جنية‬ Special ‫خاص‬
Goat ‫عنزة‬ Rich ‫غني‬ Product ‫منتج‬
Flour ‫دقيق‬ Poor ‫فقير‬ Delicious ‫لذيذ‬
Flower ‫ وردة‬/ ‫زهرة‬ Litter ‫قمامة‬ Useful ‫مفيد‬
Wool ‫صوف‬ Excited ‫منفعل‬ Fat ‫سمين‬
Milk ‫لبن‬ Excitedly ‫بانفعال‬ Show me ‫ارني‬

Lay Laid Laid ‫ تبينـ‬Study Studied Studied ‫يدرس‬

Die Died Died ‫ يموت‬Keep Kept Kept

Kill Killed Killed ‫ يقتل‬Make Made Made ‫يصنع‬

Get to Got to Got to ‫ يصل الى‬Get out Got out Got out ‫يخرج‬
Pronounce Pronounce
Plant Planted Planted ‫ يزرع‬Pronounce ‫ينطق‬
d d
Plough Ploughed Ploughed ‫ يحرث‬Learn Learned Learned ‫تعلم‬
Harveste Harveste
Harvest ‫ يحصد‬Learn Learnt Learnt ‫يتعلم‬
d d
show showed Shown ‫ يوري‬walk walked walked ‫يمشي‬

) 19 (

The Present Perfect tense ‫زمن المضارع التام‬
: ‫ يتكون من‬-1
I / ‫جمع‬ have
‫مفرد‬ has
:‫يعبر عن حدث تم في الماضي وله اثر في الحاضر‬-2
- Ahmed has lost his book.
- I have had an accident.
: ‫يعبر عن حدث بدأ في الماضي ومازال مستمرـ‬-3
We have learnt English for five years.
‫ حاال‬/ ‫يعبر عن حدث وقع توا‬-4
They have just left.
: ‫الكلمات الدالة‬-5
Already ‫بالطبع‬ / just ‫حاال‬ / recently ‫حديثا‬ / ever ‫من قبل‬
Yet ‫حتي االن‬ /since ‫منذ‬ / for ‫لمدة‬
: Negative ‫* النفى‬

have (never) have ( not )

+ P.P + P.P
has ( never) has ( not )
1- We haven't visited the pyramids. 2- She hasn't read the book.
3- I have never lost my book . 4-he has never ever visited USA.

: Interrogative ‫* االستفهام‬
1-Have you found your lost book? 2- Has she finished her homework?
3-What has he taken ? 4- Where have they gone?

Revision B
Correct ‫صحيح‬ The top ‫القمة‬ Field ‫حقل‬
Mistake ‫خطأ‬ The middle ‫الوسط‬ Machines ‫اآلت‬
e-mail address ‫عنوان‬
The bottom ‫القاع‬ Life ‫الحياة‬
Memory ‫ذاكرة‬ A partner ‫شريك‬ Town ‫مدينة صغيرة‬
Job ‫وظيفة‬ Question ‫سؤال‬ City ‫مدينة كبيرة‬
End ‫نهاية‬ Building ‫بناء‬ Air port ‫مطار‬
) 20 (

Problem ‫مشكلة‬ Again ‫مرة ثانية‬ Money ‫نقود‬

Pick Picked Picked ‫يقطف‬
Store Stored Stored ‫يخزن‬
Type Typed Typed ‫يكتب علي الكمبيوتر‬
Shout Shouted Shouted ‫يصرخ‬
Talk Talked Talked ‫يتحدث‬
Come Came Come ‫ياتي‬
Shout Shouted Shouted ‫يصرخ‬
Talk Talk ed Talk ed ‫يتحدث‬
Come Came Come ‫ياتي‬

Come up ‫ يتسلق‬X come down ‫ينزل‬ come home ‫ياتي للبيت‬

Shout up to = shout at ‫يصرخ في وجة شخص‬

Will you ‫…………… مصدر‬.., please ?‫تستخدم هذه الصيغة عندما نستعطف شخص ان يفعل شئ‬
‫من فضلك ؟‬--------------------- ‫هال‬
1- Will you open the door , please ? - Yes , I will - No, I won't.
2- please, will you lend me some money? - Yes , I will - No, I won't

Difference between
The present perfect and the past simple
1- We played football yesterday.‫الماضي البسيط تم وانتهي وليس له اثر في الحاضر‬
2- We have won the match.‫المضارع التام له اثر‬
The tag questions ‫االسئلة المذيلة‬
: ‫لتكوين سؤال مذيل نتبع االتي‬
) 21 (

) do – does – did ( ‫ نأتي بالفعل المساعد الموجود في الجملة إن لم يوجد نستخدم‬-1

‫ ننفي الجملة المثبتة ونثبت الجملة المنفية‬-2
‫ نأتي بفاعل الجملة علي شكل ضمير‬-3
) n't not ( ‫ نختصر النفي‬-4
1- Ali has arrived , hasn't he? 2- Mona hasn't left, has she?
3- That's not your pen, is it? 4- Ali and Ahmed played football,didn't they?
5 Hala goes to school everyday, doesn't she?6-They help the poor,don't they?
) 22 (

Unit 7

The pyramids ‫االهرامات‬

BC Before Christ ‫قبل الميالد‬ Museum ‫متحف‬ The great pyramid ‫الهرم االكبر‬
Plan ‫خطة‬ Horse riding ‫ ركوب الحصان‬The sphinx ‫ابو الهول‬
Plane ‫طائرة‬ Toy camel ‫جمل لعبة‬ Not yet ‫ليس بعد‬
Tired ‫متعب‬ Visit ‫زيارة‬ Washing up ‫غسل االطباق‬
Tried ‫حاول‬ Train station ‫محطة القطار‬ Boat ‫قارب‬
Ticket office ‫مكتب التذاكر‬ Collect ‫يوصل شخص‬ Present ‫هدية‬
Reserve ‫يحجز‬ Entrance ‫مدخل‬ Sailor ‫جندي‬
Ceremony ‫مراسم احتفال‬ Group ‫مجموعة‬ Slave ‫عبد‬
Body ‫جثة‬ Desert ‫صحراء‬ Pull up ‫يسحب العلي‬
Tomb ‫مقبرة‬ Ramses II ‫رمسيس الثاني‬ Ramp ‫ممر منحدر‬
King Khufu ‫الملك خوفو‬ Temple ‫معبد‬ Dead ‫ميت‬
Rock ‫صخر‬ Around ‫حول‬ Ancient ‫قدماء‬
Lake Nasser ‫بحيرة ناصر‬ Thieves ‫لصوص‬ List ‫قائمة‬

Regular Verbs
Paint Painted ‫ يرسم بااللوان‬Stay Stayed ‫ يظل‬/ ‫يبقي‬
Enter Entered ‫ يدخل‬Bury Buried ‫يدفن‬
Reserve Reserved ‫ يحجز‬Lift Lifted ‫يرفع‬
Transport Transported ‫ ينقل‬Hope Hoped ‫يأمل‬
cover Covered ‫ يغطي‬Collect Collected ‫ يوصل شخص‬/ ‫يجمع‬

) 23 (

Comma ( , ) ‫الفاصلة‬
‫ تفصل بين جملتين تربط بينها رابط في االول‬-1
- If …………………. , …………. - When ………… ,
- After ……………... , …………. - Before ………... , ……………
- As soon as ……….. , …………. - yes , ………… / - No , ……..
) ‫ تفصل بين اجزاء الجملة ( الجملة االعتراضيةـ‬-2
Ex/ The manager , who was called Ali , knew a lot about the pyramids.

‫تعاقب أو تتابع االزمنة مع‬
As soon as ‫بمجرد‬
After ‫بعد‬
Before ‫قبل‬ ‫مضارع بسيط‬ (be) going to + ‫مصدر‬
When ‫عندما‬

1-As soon as he arrives home , he is going to have a drink .

2- When she finishes her homework , she is going to sleep.
3- They are going to visit us after they phone.
4- they phone before they are going to visit us.
Correct the underlined words
1- They are going to playing football after they study.
2- We revise our lessons before we are going to talks exam.
3- As soon as he finish the university, he is going to fly to USA.
The past passive ‫صيغة المجهول في زمن الماضي البسيط‬
‫ نستخدم صيغة المجهول عندما يكون الفاعل الجملة غير معروف او غير مهم‬.
1- The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids . ‫معلوم‬
- The pyramids were built by ancient Egyptians .‫مجهول‬
2-Workers did the work yesterday. ‫معلوم‬
- The work was done by the workers yesterday.‫مجهول‬
) 24 (

Unit 8
World pen friends club
‫النادي العالمي ألصدقاء المراسلة‬
Pen friend ‫صديق بالمراسلة‬ Make friends‫يكون اصدقاء‬ Young people‫شباب‬
Club ‫نادي‬ Others ‫االخرون‬ Free ‫مجانا‬
Message ‫رسالة‬ Application ‫طلب إلتحاق‬ Friendly ‫خطاب ودي‬
Polite ‫مهذب‬ Form ‫استمارة‬ Address ‫عنوان‬
Funny ‫ ظريف‬/ ‫مرح‬ Quiet ‫هادئ‬ Date ‫تاريخ‬
Kind ‫ عطوف‬/ ‫طيب‬ Quite ‫ الي حد ما‬/ ً ‫تماما‬ Cheap ‫رخيص‬
Lazy ‫كسول‬ Sad ‫حزين‬ Expensive ‫غالي‬
Greedy ‫ جشع‬/ ‫طماع‬ Tonight ‫هذه اليلة‬ Card ‫كارت‬
Boring ‫ممل‬ Romans ‫الرومان‬ History ‫التاريخ‬
Noisy ‫صاخب‬ Married ‫متزوج‬ Religion ‫الدين‬
Good at ‫جيد في‬ Single ‫اعزب‬ Text ‫النص االصلي‬
Bad at ‫ردئ في‬ Common ‫شائع‬ Friendly‫ عطوف‬/ ‫ودود‬
Careful ‫حريص‬ Short for ‫اختصار لـ‬ Envelope‫مظروف‬
Helpful ‫متعاون‬ Dear ‫عزيزي‬ Letter ‫خطاب‬

Regular Verbs

Contact Contacted ‫ يتواصل مع‬/ ‫يتصل‬

Complete Completed ‫يكمل‬

Prefer Preferred ‫يفضل‬

pay payed ‫يدفع‬

Pay Paid – paid ‫يدفع‬
Hate Hated ‫يكره‬
Remember Remembered ‫يتذكر‬
It sounds easy ‫يبدو االمر سهال‬ hard- working ‫مجتهد‬
Be careful ‫كن حريص‬ I don't mind ‫انا ال امانع‬
Best wishes ‫اطيب االمنيات‬ look forward to ‫يتطلع الى‬
Face to face ‫وجها لوجة‬
) 25 (

Important notes ‫مالحظات هامة‬

(be) good at
(be) bad at
look forward to
prefer gerund want to
like v. + ing would like to inf ‫مصدر‬
enjoy would prefer to
(be) interested in
don't mind
1- I'd prefer to stay at home -I prefer staying at home
2- I look forward to seeing you - I want to see you
3- I 'm interested in reading - I'd like to read
Abbreviations ‫االختصارات‬
Mister= Mr ‫استاذ‬/‫ سيد‬Road = Rd ‫طريق‬
Missis = Mrs ‫متزوجة‬/‫ مدام‬Doctor= Dr ‫دكتور‬
Ms. ¢‫استاذة‬/‫ امراءة‬Monday= Mon ‫االثنين‬
Preparatory = prep‫اعدادى‬ Saturday= Sat ‫السبت‬
Laboratory= Lab ‫ معمل‬November = Nov ‫نوفمبر‬
Mathematics = maths‫رياضيات‬ P.S ‫ملحوظة(تضاف فى نهاية الخطاب‬
For example = E.g.‫على سبيل المثال‬ I have got= I've got ‫لدى‬
Etcetera = etc ‫ اخرة‬¢‫الى‬/‫ الخ‬He has got =he' s got
Street = St. ‫ شارع‬He has +P.P = he's
) 26 (

Unit 9
Our senses
Title ‫عنوان‬ Circle ‫دائرة‬ Village ‫قرية‬
Sense ‫حاسة‬ Deaf ‫اصم‬/‫اطرش‬ Salty ‫صالح‬
Since ‫منذ‬ Sign ‫اشارة‬ Rough ‫خشن‬
Science ‫علوم‬ Language ‫لغة‬ Horrible ‫فظيع‬
Teaching ‫التدريس‬ Blind ‫كفيف‬/‫اعمى‬ Loud ‫عال‬
Skin ¢‫البشرة‬/‫الجلد‬ Taste ‫يتذوق‬ Smooth ‫سهل‬/‫ناعم‬
Tongue ‫اللسان‬ Spell ‫يتهجى‬ Hard ‫صلب‬
Mouth ‫الفم‬ See ‫يرى‬ Way ‫طريقة‬
Eyes ‫اعين‬ Touch ‫يلمس‬ Shoulder ‫كتف‬
Fingers ‫اصابع‬ Smell ‫يشم‬ Singer ‫مغنى‬
Nose ‫انف‬ Hear ‫يسمع‬ Palm ‫كف اليد‬
Ears ‫اذن‬ Part ‫جزء‬ Surface ‫سطح‬
Thumb ‫االصبع االبهام‬ The rest ‫الباقى‬ Health ‫صحة‬
system ‫نظام‬ although ‫بالرغم من‬ captain ‫قبطان‬
Regular verbs

Communicate communicated ¢‫يتواصل‬/‫يتصل‬

Look like Looked like ‫يشبة‬
Look for Looked for ‫يبحث عن‬
Injure Injured ‫يصيب‬
Dream of Dreamed of ‫يحلم ب‬
Copy Copied ‫ينسخ‬
Spell Spelled ‫يتهجى‬
Touch Touched ‫يلمس‬
Important notes ‫مالحظات هامة‬
Go deaf ‫يفقد سمعة‬ went deaf The‫صفة‬ ‫ صيغة الجمع‬+
Go blind ‫ يفقد بصرة‬went blind The deaf ‫الصم‬ The dumb‫البكم‬
Go wet ‫يبتل‬ went wet The blind ‫ المكفوفين‬The poor‫الفقراء‬
) 27 (

a , e , I , o , u ‫ أي صوت يخرج عن نطق الحروف االتية‬:
b , c , d , f, g , h , j , k , ……‫أي صوت يخرج عن نطق حروف اإلنجليزيةـ ما عدا المتحركة‬

By V. + ing ‫ عن طريق‬/ ‫بواسطة‬

1- "O" is made by touching the top of the third finger.

2- " C" is made by using one hand.

1- What does it fell like ? - it feels………………

2- What does it sound like? - it sounds……………
3- What does it taste like ? - it tastes …………….
4- What does it look like ? - it looks ……………..

Revision C
Tutankhamen ‫توت عنخ آمون‬ Treasure ‫كنز‬ Advice ‫نصيحة‬
Tomb ‫مقبرة‬ Scientist ‫عالم‬ Market ‫سوق‬
Shirt ‫قميص‬ Opposite ‫عكس‬ Delicious ‫لذيذ‬
Sweets ‫حلوي‬ A . M ً ‫صباحا‬ P . M ‫مساءا‬
Dry X Wet Hard X Smooth
Good X Bad Quiet X Noisy
Big X small Dangerous X Safe
Sharp X Rough Expensive X Cheap
Hard working X Lazy Right X Wrong
Hot X Cold Sweet X salty

Kind = friendly Search for = look for

Fantastic = nice beautiful = pretty
Change into = turn into communicate = contact
Get to = arrive (in/at) rest = break
Reply = answer modern = new
Fall = drop plant = grow
Switch on = turn on think = guess
Switch off = turn off take out = get out

The present simple passive ‫صيغة المجهول في زمن المضارع البسيط‬
I am
‫مفعول مفرد‬ is P.P
‫مفعول جمع‬ are

1- English vowels are made by touching different fingers.

2- " C" is made by using our hand.

Connectors ‫الروابط‬
:( but – Although ) ‫ لربط بين فكرتين متناقضتين‬:
1- He couldn't see but he went to school.
2- Although he couldn't see, he went to school.
. ‫ ) بين الجملتين ان كانت الرابط في االول‬comma ‫نالحظ استخدام ( الفاصلة‬
. ‫ ) تعبر عن المقارنةـ او المسارعة بين الحديثين‬as soon as ‫( بمجرد ان‬
3- As soon as the accident happened, I phoned the police.
4- He can't hear or speak. ( or ‫) وال‬

‫ بوهة شطانوف امام المسجد الكبير‬TEL : 0106481192 ‫ السيد فوزى‬/ ‫ادارة أ‬ ‫اعداد مكتب الكراون مكروسوفت‬

Unit 10

What have they been doing? ‫ماذا هم يفعلون ؟‬

Test (n) ‫ اختبار‬Do a hobby ‫ يمارس هواية‬Chess ‫شطرنج‬
Test (v) ‫ يجري اختبار‬Captain ‫ رئيس فريق‬Sailing ‫االبحار‬
Office ‫ حجرة مكتب‬China ‫ الصين‬Practice ‫تدريب‬
Desk ‫ مكتب للجلوس‬Geography ‫ جغرافيا‬Practise ‫يتدرب‬
Studio ‫ استوديو‬Japan ‫ اليابان‬Instructions ‫تعليمات‬
Tyre ‫ اطار دراجة‬France ‫ فرنسا‬Pot ‫اناء فخار‬
The news ‫ االخبار‬Australia ‫ استراليا‬Each ‫كل‬
Pump ‫ مضخة‬Free time ‫ وقت فراغ‬Person ‫شخص‬
Enough ‫ كاف‬Interesting ‫ شيق‬Team ‫فريق‬
Stamps ‫ طوابع‬Term ‫ فصل دراسي‬From ‫من‬
History ‫ تاريخ‬Weekend ‫عطلة نهاية االسبوع‬ About ‫بشأن‬

Hang Hung - hung ‫يعلق‬
Pump Pumped ‫يضخ‬
Collect Collected ‫يجمع‬
sail sailed ‫شراع‬
Bump up the football ‫ينفخ الكرة‬ play for a team‫يلعب في فريق‬

The present perfect continuous tens ‫زمن المضارع التام المستمرـ‬
‫يتكون من‬
I / ‫جمع‬ have
Been + ‫فعل‬ + ing
‫مفرد‬ has
Ex/ Ali has been playing all morning.
‫ بوهة شطانوف امام المسجد الكبير‬TEL : 0106481192 ‫ السيد فوزى‬/ ‫ادارة أ‬ ‫اعداد مكتب الكراون مكروسوفت‬

: ‫الكلمات الدالة‬
‫ حديثا – قريبا‬Recently = in the last few weeks

‫ رقم‬+ ‫مدة‬
For ‫لمدة‬ a + ‫مدة‬
An +‫مدة‬

1- I have been studying English for five years.

2- I have been waiting for an hour.

‫ ( يوم‬Saturday – Sunday - …………)

‫ ( شهر‬January – February - ………..)
‫ ( ساعة‬O'clock )
Since ‫منذ‬ yester day
Last …………….
‫ ( فترة من يوم‬morning – evening - ……)
).…1998- 2004- 2005( ‫تاريخ من اربع ارقام‬

1- I've been studying English since 2001.

2- She has been working since nine o'clock.
3- I haven't seen Ali since yesterday.

(since – for ) ‫ضع‬

1- ……………….1995 7- ……………... 6 years
2- ………………. Six days 8- ……………… I was young
3- ……………….. Wednesday 9- ……………… evening
4- ……………….. two week 10-……………...a long time
5- ……………….. yesterday 11- ……………..an hour
6- ……………….. last week 12- …………….. morning

what ( have / has ) ‫ فاعل‬been doing?‫السؤال‬

1- what have you been doing since morning?
2- Have you been pumping up your football?

‫ تام مستمرـ‬/ ‫مضارع تام‬ ( since ) ‫ماضي بسيط‬ (since)‫قاعدة‬

3- He has been playing football since he was a child.

‫ بوهة شطانوف امام المسجد الكبير‬TEL : 0106481192 ‫ السيد فوزى‬/ ‫ادارة أ‬ ‫اعداد مكتب الكراون مكروسوفت‬

‫السؤال عن حالة الطقس‬

What is the weather like?
It is very hot ‫انه حار جدا‬
It is warm ‫انه دافئ‬
It is cold ‫انه بارد‬
‫الرد‬ It is sunny ‫انه مشمس‬
It is windy ‫انه عاصف‬
It is cloudy ‫انه مغيم‬

Letter Writing
‫ شارع‬- ‫ رقم‬St.,
‫مدينة‬ ,
‫الدولة‬ ,
‫التاريخ‬ ,
Dear ‫ المرسل اليه‬,
Thank you for your letter. I am very happy that you want to be my pen friend
‫تعريف نفسك‬ ‫موضوع الخطاب‬
Please write and tell me more about yourself and your country.
Best wishes

E- mail writing ‫كتابة رسالة البريد االلكترونيـ‬

From : ……………………………………….‫اسم المرسل او عنوان بريده االلكتروني‬
To : ………………………………………….‫اسم المرسل اليه‬
About :………………………………………‫موضوع الرسالة‬
Message : ……………………………………‫الرسالة‬
: ‫الحظ هذه االسئلة‬
1- How long has Ali been in Cairo?
- He has been in Cairo for 5 years.
2-How long has Ann been in Australia?
- She's been in Australia for 7 years.

‫مفرد‬ has been in

‫موجود في‬
‫ بوهة شطانوف امام المسجد الكبير‬TEL : 0106481192 ‫ السيد فوزى‬/ ‫ادارة أ‬ ‫اعداد مكتب الكراون مكروسوفت‬

‫جمع‬ ‫‪have been in‬‬

‫‪ TEL : 0106481192‬بوهة شطانوف امام المسجد الكبير‬ ‫ادارة أ ‪ /‬السيد فوزى‬ ‫اعداد مكتب الكراون مكروسوفت‬

Unit 11

Safe at home and at sea ‫امن في البيت وفي البحر‬

safe ‫امن‬ dangerous ‫خطير‬ tiny = very small ‫صغير جدا‬

wallet ‫محفظة‬ cooker ‫ بتجاز‬/ ‫موقد‬ octopus ‫اخطبوط‬
traffic ‫مرور‬ A lone ‫ وحيد‬/ ‫بمفرده‬ the same as ‫تماما مثل‬
light ‫اشارة‬ blue ‫ازرق‬ the world ‫العالم‬
tap ‫صبورة‬ whale ‫حوت‬ the beach ‫البالج‬
bath ‫الحمام‬ each other ‫كل منهما االخر‬ lifeboat ‫قارب‬
shopping ‫المشتروات‬ shark ‫سمكة القرش‬ radio ‫الالسلكي‬
pan ‫ اناء‬/ ‫حلة‬ snake ‫ثعبان‬ ready ‫مستعد‬
downstairs ‫الطابق السفلي‬ killer ‫قاتل‬ storm ‫عاصفة‬
pacific ‫الهادي‬ dead ‫ميت‬ rocket ‫صاروخ‬
ocean ‫محيط‬ worse ‫سواء‬ fire ‫نيران‬
clinic ‫عيادة‬
waves ‫امواج‬ surface ‫سطح‬
dictionary ‫قاموس‬ tangerines ‫اليوسفي‬ sink ‫حوض‬
restaurant ‫مطعم‬ engineer ‫مهندس‬ fruit ‫فاكهة‬

spell spelled ‫يتهجي‬
spill spilled ‫يسكب‬
cross crossed ‫ يمر‬/ ‫يعبر‬
weigh weighed ‫يزن‬
hurt hurt ‫يؤلم‬

The conditionals ‫الجملة الشرطية‬
If ‫مضارع بسيط‬ , will + ‫مصدر‬ ‫الحالة االولي‬
If you study hard , you will pass the test.
: ‫الحظ االتي‬
Will ‫سوف‬ ‫تنفي الي‬ won't = will not
Will ‫سوف‬ ‫تختصر الي‬ 'll
‫ بوهة شطانوف امام المسجد الكبير‬TEL : 0106481192 ‫ السيد فوزى‬/ ‫ادارة أ‬ ‫اعداد مكتب الكراون مكروسوفت‬

: ‫ ) ال حتمال حدوث الفعل‬will ( ‫ ) في المستقبلـ بدال من‬might ( ‫يمكن استعمال‬

If you spill the water , some one might fall over it.

Making instructions ‫اعطاء تعليمات‬

: ‫في أول الجملة لألمر و النهي‬ )Never – Always ( ‫نستخدم‬
- Never play with match.
- Always be careful when you cross the road.

‫نهي‬ Never ‫مصدر‬ or ‫وإال‬ ………..

‫امر‬ Always‫مصدر‬ or‫وإال‬ ………..
- Never play with knives or you might cut yourself .
- Always wash fruit before you eat or you might be ill.

Irregular plural ‫جمع شاذ‬

A man men ‫رجال‬ a knife knives ‫سكاكين‬
Woman women ‫نساء‬ thief thieves‫لصوص‬
A child children ‫اطفال‬ a tooth teeth ‫اسنان‬
A person people ‫أشخاص‬ a foot feet ‫اقدام‬

‫ بوهة شطانوف امام المسجد الكبير‬TEL : 0106481192 ‫ السيد فوزى‬/ ‫ادارة أ‬ ‫اعداد مكتب الكراون مكروسوفت‬

Unit 12

Fitness , diet and health ‫اللياقة البدنيةـ و الرجيم و الصحة‬

fitness ‫اللياقة البدنية‬ reason ‫سبب‬ energy ‫طاقة‬

fit ‫الئق بدنيا‬ vacuum ‫ينظف بالمكتب‬ health ‫صحة‬
diet ‫رجيم نظام لكل‬ builder ‫عامل بناء‬ healthy ‫صحي‬
died ‫مات‬ certainly ‫بالتاكيد‬ yogurt ‫زبادي‬
dessert ‫الحلو بعد الطعام‬ get fit ‫يصبح الئقا‬ butter ‫زبد‬
desert ‫صحراء‬ calorie ‫سعر حراري‬ potatoes ‫بطاطس‬
walk up ‫يصعد‬ calories ‫سعرات‬ tomatoes ‫طماطم‬
stairs ‫الساللم‬ quantities ‫كميات‬ sugar ‫سكر‬
a taxi ‫تاكسي‬ lift (n) ‫يرفع‬ sweets ‫حلوي‬
interview ‫حوار صحفي‬ lift (v) ‫مصعد‬ body ‫جسم‬
stamp ‫طابع‬ train (n) ‫قطار‬ taste ‫يتذوق‬
interviewer ‫محاور‬ train (v) ‫يدرب‬ salty ‫ ملح‬/ ‫مملح‬

put on weight ‫يزيد في الوزن‬ take exercise ‫يتدرب‬
exercise classes‫حصص التدريبات‬ healthy diet ‫غذاء صحي‬
go for a walk ‫يتمشيـ‬ cooked food ‫طعام جاهز‬
bought food ‫طعام يشتريـ‬ do sports ‫يمار رياضة‬
do exercise ‫يقوم بتدريبات‬ diet ‫يلتزم بنظام غذائي‬
Discuss ‫يناقش‬ / explain ‫يشرح‬ / taste ‫يتذوق‬

Too many & too much ‫كثير جدا لدرجة غير مرغوب فيها‬
- Too many + ‫اسم جمع‬ / too much ‫ اسم مفرد‬+
1- I've been watching too much T.V. 2-She's been drinking too many drinks.

Expressions of quantities ‫تعبيرات الكمية‬

Much ‫ كثير‬-more ‫اكثر‬ many ‫ كثير‬- more ‫اكثر‬
‫اسم مفرد‬ ‫اسم جمع‬
little‫ قليل‬- less ‫اقل‬ a few‫ قليل‬- fewer‫اقل‬

1- Ali has been eating more fruit recenthy. 2- I'm only eating a few biseuits.
3- I thinks Salma should eat fewer sweets. 4- He should drink less tea.

‫ بوهة شطانوف امام المسجد الكبير‬TEL : 0106481192 ‫ السيد فوزى‬/ ‫ادارة أ‬ ‫اعداد مكتب الكراون مكروسوفت‬

5- you should use your computer more.

question words
‫كلمات االستفهام‬

Who ) ‫من ( فاعل عاقل‬ Who is he ? he is Ali.

What ) ‫ما – ماذا ( فاعل غير عاقل‬ What is that ? it is a chair.
Which ) ‫اى ( لالختيارات‬ Which sport do you play ? tennis
Where ) ‫اين ( مكان‬ Where the teacher ? he is at school.

at ( ‫) ساعة‬
on (‫) يوم‬
When ‫متى‬ in ( ‫ سنة‬، ‫ فصل‬، ‫) شهر‬
What time yesterday – ( last ……)
tomorrow – ( next ….)
because ‫الن جملة‬
as ‫جملة‬ ‫الن‬
Why ‫لماذا‬ to ‫لكى‬
What for in order to ‫مصدر‬
for ‫ ( لكى‬+ v. + ing )
my , his , her , its
Whose ‫لمن ملك من‬ your , our , their ‫صفات الملكية‬
( 's / s' ) ‫الملكية‬

how ) ‫كيف ( تسأل عن الحال‬ fine ‫بصحة جيدة‬

well ‫جيدا‬
How are you ? very well‫جيد جدا‬
bad ‫بصحة سيئة‬

How ) ‫كيف ( تسأل عن الوسيلة‬ by + ( v. + ing ‫اسم‬ ‫) او‬

How do you go to your school ? by car.

How can the team win the match ? by scoring goals .
How much )‫كم ثمن (فعل مساعد‬
How much does it cost ? how much is it ?

‫ بوهة شطانوف امام المسجد الكبير‬TEL : 0106481192 ‫ السيد فوزى‬/ ‫ادارة أ‬ ‫اعداد مكتب الكراون مكروسوفت‬

How much ‫كم كمية‬ )‫(اسم ال يعد‬

How much water is there in the bottle?
How many ) + ‫( اسم جمع‬ ‫كم عدد‬
How many students are there in the class?
‫نالحظ ان‬
How much ‫كم كمية‬ ‫اسم ال يعد‬
How many‫اسم جمع‬ ‫كم عدد‬

How often ‫كم مرة‬

Once ‫مرة واحدة‬
twice ‫مرتان‬
How many times Three times3 ‫مرات‬

How good ‫كم اجاده‬

very good
How good is your English ? bad

Ten minutes
How long ‫كم مدة‬ Three hours
four days
How long does it take from Cairo to Alex? Two months
How long have you been in Egypt ? Five years

How long ‫كم طول‬

How long is the stick ? it's one metre .
How heavy ‫كم وزن‬
How heavy is the box? Five kilograms.

How wide ‫كم اتساع‬

How wide is car ? two metres wide .

How high ‫كم ارتفاع‬

How high is car? 1.5 metre high.

‫ بوهة شطانوف امام المسجد الكبير‬TEL : 0106481192 ‫ السيد فوزى‬/ ‫ادارة أ‬ ‫اعداد مكتب الكراون مكروسوفت‬

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