All in One Golden CPSP Questions

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* Check List of Last 7 Terms Total 42 Papers from 31 December 2014 to 31 December 2015 *

1st Session/Term-31 December 2014 (1 combined Paper)

31 to 5th Jan 2015- Surg n Med Online-by SeaShell

2nd Session/Term-4 Feb 2015 (1 combined Paper)

4-6th FEB 2015 Conv+Online SeaShell
3rd Session /Term-15 April 2015(5 Papers)
16 & 17 April 2015 Paper by Atya Khan, Fareeha Anjum,
18 april medicine and allied by angina

Medicine paper -16th april 2015 by Afzal Haq Wazir

19th April 2015 by Mezaab-e Rahmat-Tayyaba Haque -Amir Sohail
20th april 2015 online medicine solved paper-Shaheen khan

4th Session/Term-10 June 2015 (4 Papers)

10th June 2015 Medicine paper 1 by Dr MA and Dr MUTW
10th June 2015 Medicine paper 2 by Dr MA and Dr MUTW

10th June 2015-Conv-Surgery-SeaShell

5th Session/Term-12 August 2015(11 Papers)
12 august by ar soomro
12th August 2015
13th Aug 2015 Medicine by Surpex Aba
14th Aug 2015 Medicine by Saqib Hassan
15Aug2015 Medicine Zaid tayyab
17th Aug 2015 Gynae Obs By Dr Saiqa, Ammara
18th Aug 2015 Surgery (solved) v1 by M. Abdullah Khalid
19th Aug 2015 Surgery paper by Saqib Gondal
MIX papers of August 2015 Dr. Muhammad Husnain Akram
AUGUST 2015 BCQS must do-Solved)

6TH EXAM/Term- 18 November 2015(9 Papers)

1.Nov 18 2015 Medicine by Sher Khoh Qaisrani -200 mcqs

2.18 nov 2015 Medicine n allied paper2 by Dr-Bushra Anwar
3.18 nov surgery revised Paper-2 by Muhammad Saqlain
4.18 November Gyane 2015 by Sara Khan
5.20 November Surgery
6.Online radio 2015,,22 NOV Dr Muhammad Din Ulnar Nerve
7.Psychiatry-18 Nov 2015-Online-Paper2-Rida Hanif
8.Radiology 18th nov 2015 by Ulnar Nerve
9.Online Surgery 20th Nov 2015 by Rafael Aariq

7th Term 31 December 2015 (11 Papers)

31 Dec 2015 Gynae Evening by Dr.Sara Ali
31 Dec 2015 gynae-dr sumaira
2 January Eveneing MEDICINE by Usman Dar
2 Jan Evening 2016 Dr-Saad Ullah Siddique
2 jan paper-1 Evening Medicine
2 Jan Morning Medicine by Sher Khoh Qaisrani
1 Jan Surgery Kool Medic
Final 1st Jan Surgery Evening-Waqas Arif 2016
1-Jan Surgery-2016 by Dr.Sadia Hyder
1-Jan-2016 Surgery MORNING by Sam Sagitt
1ST january morning shift surgery paper 2 by Lumber Plexus

31 Dec-2nd Jan 2015 Surgery And Medicine

Salam Everyone, Here i have combined Dec Jan 2015 Papers. Pls make sure that whatever is in
Red are Correct answers and whatever in Blue are just references or info added for ur
knowledge or when corrects options werent recalled.
1. Most appropriate about Clavipectroral Fascia:
A. Above the clavicle connects wid Pretracheal Facia
B. Part of Endothorac Fascia
C. Covers Pectoralis Major
D.Covers Pectoralis Minor
2. If Lateral Cord of Brachial Plexus will damage which muscle will get paralysed
most likely:

A. Pectoralis Major
B.Pectoralis Minor
C. Teres Major
D. Teres Minor
(As Pectoralis Major is supplied by Lateral and Medial Pectoral Nerves both and
Pectoral Nerve arises from Lateral Cord of Brachial Plexus, All other muscles
listed nerve
supply arises from Medial and Posterior Cord)
3. Patient with fluid loss now show metabolic acidosis e hypokalemia. most fluid
loss will be
A. Stomach
B. Colon
C. Pancreas
D. Duodenum
E. Jujenum
4. Fracture of surgical neck of Humerus damage to:
A. Axillary Nerve
5. Inversion of foot by which muscle:
A. Peronues Longus
B. Peroneus Brevis
C. Peroneus tertius
D. Tibialis Posterior
6. Pain from Gallbladder felt in Anterior Triangle of neck, this mechanism of
Reffered Pain
appropraite statement is:
A. Vagus Nerve has wide distribution in thorax and most of abdominal organs
B. Accersory nerve gives fibers to Gallbladder
C. Parasympathetic something
7. Lateral foot dermatome:
A. S1
B. S3
c. L4
8. Regarding jerks corresponding with spinal segments:
A. Biceps- C6
B. Tricep- C8
All other options were wrong but didnt know what to choose among above two.
9. MELAS syndrome histological finding:
A. Loflar bodies
B. Inclusion bodies
C. Granulomas
D. Cyst
E. Red ragged fibers
10. Giant Cell Tumors histo finding:

A. Spotted calcifications
B. Soap Bubble appearance
11. Blast Cells in peripheral blood:
A. Iron deficiency anemias
B. Erythroblastosis fetalis
C. Folate deficiency
D. Bone marrow depression
12. Most common cause of Hepatocellular CA in developing countries:
B. Hep C
c. Hep B
13. Young adult with raised ALP, jaundice and decreased Hb Scenario:
A. Cholesterol Stones
B. Pigment Stones
C. CholangioCA
D. Hepatitis
14. Regarding Lymph drainage of breast except:
A. Apical
B. Supraclavicular Nodes
C. Pectoral Nodes
D. Inferior Phrenic Nodes
15. Closure of lips involve: or unable to close lips which muscle involved:
1. Depressor anguli oris
2. Depressor labii inferioris
3. Depressor labi superioris
4. Orbicularis oris
5. Lateral pterygoid
16. Superior Thyroid artery arise from:
A. First branch of Subclavian Artery
B. External Carotid Artery
C. Internal Carotid Artery
17. Incubation period of which disease is longest:
A. Measles
B. Rubella
C. Chicken pox
D. Infectious Mononucleosis
E. Mumps
18. Chronic Fungal infection with rhinosinusitis causing medial erosion and
A. Cryptococcosis
B. Mucormycosis
C. Rhinophycomycosis
D. Histoplasmosis
E. Aspergillus
19. Which of following has highest chances of developing endometrial cancer:

A. Simple hyperplasia
B. Complex hyperplasia without atypia
C. Complex hyperplasia with atypia
D. Squamous metaplasia
E. Chronic endometritis
20. Regarding CSF
A. Formed by ependymal cells
B. Formed 500ml/day
C. Formed only 30percent by chorioid plexus
D. Arachnoid villi are visible
There were two questions about CSF So i am adding some discription to review about CSF.
The brain produces roughly 500 mL of cerebrospinal fluid per day. This fluid is constantly
reabsorbed, so that only 100-160 mL is present at any one time.
Ependymal cells of the choroid plexus of Lateral third and Fourth Ventricle produce CSF. The
choroid plexus is a venous plexus contained within the four ventricles of the brain.
CSF contains a higher concentration of sodium and chloride than blood plasma, but less
potassium, calcium and glucose and protein
CSF circulates within the ventricular system of the brain.
Lateral Ventricle --> Foramen Monro (Interventricular foramen) --> Third Ventricle
----> Cerebral aqueduct (Sylvius) ---> Fourth Ventricle ---> Subarachnoid Space
(Thru Foramen
Magendie in midline and (2) Foramen Lushcka laterally )
The CSF moves in a pulsatile manner throughout the CSF system with nearly zero net flow
21. Age estimation at 5th to 12th week is done through:
A. Biparietal diameter
B. Crown rump length
C. Crown heel length
D. Abdominal circumference
22. A sprinter during running had injury to his ankle. He can stand on his toes but
with severe
pain. There is a visible ecchymoses around ankle joint:
A. Plantaris tendon
23. Otic ganglion is between mandibular nerve and tensor tympani. It's superior
border is
formed by:
A. Foramen lacerum
B. Foramen ovale
C. Foramen rotundum
D. Styloid process
24. Amoeba causes lesions in which part of gut:
A. Terminal ileum
B. Cecum
C. Ascending colon
D. Transverse colon
E. Sigmoid and rectum

25. A young boy with inc appetite weight gain and sleep problems. On
examination he is
having genitals hypoplasia:
A. Hypothyroidism
B. Pineal tumor
C. Craniopharyngioma
D. Narcolepsy
E. Cushing disease
26. Sensory supply of uterus passes through which ligament:
A. Broad ligament
B. Round ligament
C. Cardinal ligament
D. Uterosacral ligament
E. Uterocervical ligament
27. Highest number of alpha receptors are present in:
A. Trigone
B. Neck of bladder and Proximal Urethra
C. Penile urethra
D. Membranous urethra
E. External urethral opening
28. Regarding elbow joint:
A. Capsule deficient posteriorly
B. Covered all around by muscles
C. Hinge joint
D. Supination occurs here
E. Joint between humerus, radius, ulna
29. A needle when inserted 2cm below and lateral to pubic tubercle will be closely
related to
A. Obturator nerve
B. Ilioinguinal nerve
C. Sciatic nerve
D. Femoral nerve
30. Regarding Pterygopalatine Raphe:
A. Buccinator
B. Inferior constrictor
C. Parts from all constrictors
D. Middle constrictor
31. Most important characteristic of Glycogen Storage diseases are:
A. Hyperglycemia with Hepatomegaly
B. Hyperglycemia with splemomegaly
C. Hypoglycemia with Hepatosplenomegaly
D. Hypoglycemia with Hepatomegaly
32. Buccopharyngeal Membrane:
A. Stomodium from Foregut

B. Nose from Pharynx

33. PTU:
A. Inhibits synthesis of thyroid hormones
B. Inhibits release of thyroid hormones
34. Most common position of appendix:
A. Retrocecal
B. Pelvic
35. Pretracehal fascia infections spreads to:
A. Anterior mediastinum
B. Posterior mediastinum
36. Sensations from tip of fingers by:
A. a fibers
B. a beta fibers
C. a delta fibers
D. c fibers
37. Shivering center is located in:
A. Anterior hypothalamus
B. Posterior hypothalamus
38. Which tumor involves extension to nerve sheath:
1. Myxomas
2. Adenomas
3. Hemangiopericytoma
4. Carcinoma expleomorphic adenoma
39. Anterior epithelium of Cornea is:
1. Stratified squamous keratinized
2. Simple squamous
3. Simple columnar
4. Stratified Squamous non keratinized
40. A 30 year old woman in azad kashmir was injured mildly in an earthquake that
many people apart from her distant uncle. She would most probably be in
A. Social crisis
B. Personal crisis
C. Situational crisis
D. Developmental crisis
41. While a surgery on Submandibular gland which has more chances of injury:
A. Superior thyroid artery
B. Lingual nerve
C Mandibular nerve
D. Facial nerve
(Nerves Injured in Submandibular Gland Surgery are: in order of chances
Marginal Mandibular branch of Facial Nerve
Lingual Nerve
Hypoglossal Nerve
Mylohyoid Nerve)

43. Which one combination is correct:

1. Thiopental reduces heart rate
2. Profofol increases cerebral blood flow
3. Morphine reduces apnoeic threshold
4. Ketamine causes bronchodilation
44. A 31 year old young man has heaviness in his scrotum for six months. On
examination a
solid 5cm mass is palpated. On labs his alpha feto protein level was 81ng/ml
while bHCG level
was 15 IU/l. Same side orchiectomy was done and Which of following could be
the cause
1. Leydig cell tumor
2. Embryonal carcinoma
3. Choriocarcinoma
4 Teratoma
45. Which ligament supports odontoid process of axis on atlas( stem not sure)
A. Posterior longitudinal ligament
B. Anterior longitudinal ligament
C. Tranverse ligament
D. Ligamentum nuchae
46. A patient came in ER, with bleeding from i guess Femoral Artery something.
and due to
hypovolemia which will be LEAST affected:
A. Myocardium
B. Brain
c. Retina
D. Skeletal Muscles
E. Intestines
47. Medial geniculate body
A. Receives oculomotor fibers
B. Optic tract fibers
C. Fibers ascend to thalamocortical areas
D. Solely to thalamUS
E. Project to Visual Cortex
48. Cerebral Malaria caused by:
A. Plasmodium Falciparum
B. Plasmodium Malariae
49. C7 Vertebrae has:
A. Longest spine
B. Broad body
50. PT Is indicated by:
A. XIII (PT AND APTT are normal in Factor XIII def)
D. Prothrombin (as Prothrombin is factor II)

(and 7 wasnt in da options)

51. Percentage of Plasma out of ECF:
A. 30%
B. 20%
C. 50%
52. Direct Inguinal Hernia:
A. Medial to epigastric Artery
53. Newborn with a Erythroblastosis Fetalis having Bloodgp Bpos what is best for
A. Any blood with Rhpostive
B. B Negative
54. A man during fasting his urine become concentrated because of:
A. Decrease intake of water
B. ADH secretion
55. Regarding Thalesemia
A. Defect in ratio of chains
B. Defect in globin production
56. For assessment of nutritional status of a person alongwith weight loss and
something u
will assess:
A. Minerals
B. Vitamins
C. Albumin and something
(Option and stem were imp in this question which no one could recall properly so cant really
confirm the answer now and offcourse most of us didnt know if whatever they marked was
57. Most radiosenstive tumour:
A. Glioblastoma multiforme
B. Glioglioma
C. Craniopharyngioma
58. If a person is taking Protein in his diet which will be necessary:
A. Riboflavin
B. Thiamine
59. Regarding ADH secretion:
A. Released in increased Plasma osmolarity
60. Scenario on Marfans wid mitral valve prolapse died and on autopsy is
prolapse this was
due to defect in
A. Fibrillin
B. Spectrin
61. Group of young men bathing n beech next day develop blisters on back
shoulder limbs
region cause is:
A. Mast cell destruction

B. Endothelium venules destruction

62. Obstruction to RCA after giving Marginal branch will affect:
A. AV Node
63. Regarding HEART what is appropriate:
A. SA Node generates spontaneous impulses.
64. Second Heart sound produced by:
A. Closure of aortic and pulmonary valve
65. Left Atrium supplied by:
66. Inferior Wall MI artery involved:
A. Right Marginal Artery
67. Aortic valve closure outsets:
A. Rapid filling
B. Isovlumic Relaxation (or Isovolumetric relaxation)
C. Isovoulmetric Contraction
68. Highest Cardiac Output in:
A. Anemia
B. Pregnancy
C. Beri Beri
69. Most suitable NSAID during Lactation:
A. Ibuprofen
B. Peroxicam
C. Naproxen
70. Malignant tumour mesenchymal in origin:
A. Sarcoma
71. Renal Column:
A. Collecting Duct
B. Interlobar artery
C. Interlobular artery
D. Minor calyces
72. 18 year old girl has fever tenderness in right ileac fossa. On labs WBC
Appendicectomy was preformed. Which of the following would be seen on
1. T lymphocytes in wall of appendix
2. Polymorphonuclear neutrophills
3. Glissening mass at apex of appendix
73. Myxomas most common location:
A. Left Atrium
(I remember it like this: MXYOMAS are common in Left Atrium which is supplied
by LCX :)
74. Regarding Bain Bridge Reflex:
A. Increases HR
B. Decreases HR
C. Maintains posture and balance

(The Bainbridge reflex, also called the atrial reflex, is an increase in heart rate due
to an
increase in central venous pressure. Increased blood volume is detected by
stretch receptors
(baroreceptors) located in both atria at the venoatrial junctions)
75. Surgeons injects dye during surgery through:
A. Ligamentum Teres
76. Appendicular Artery is a branch of:
A. Posterior Cecal Artery
B. Iliocolic Artery
(Confirmed by all seniors, donot confuse urself AND mark Iliocolic not Posterior
78. Bladder carcinoma:
A. Schistosoma hematobium
79. Regarding Thymus:
A. Hassals corpuscles
B. synthesis of t lymphocytes within lobule
80.Inion is:
A. Part of pterion
B. Posteroinferior prominent part of occipital bone
C. Posterior to frontal bone
D. Internally to occipital bone
81.Function exclusively linked with vit E:
A. Carbohydrate metabolism
B. Endothelial protection
C. Skin integrity
D. Germinal epithelial protection
82.Heterophile antibody is seen in:
A. Infectious mononucleosis
B. Herpes simplex
C. Gonorrhea
83.Deep to post digastric and near palatoglossus a structure runs obliquely
A. Facial artery
B. Lingual artery
C. Maxillary artery
D. Sup thyroid
84.Nucleus of general visceral efferents of tenth nerve to palate muscles is
present in:
A. Locus ceruleus
B. Tractus solitarius
C. Nucleus ambiguous
D. Nucleus raphe
86.Loss of abduction and adduction of fingers and adduction of thumb with intact

sensations involves:
1. Recurrent branch of median
2. Deep branch of ulnar
87.A 52 year old man underwent coronary artery bypass graft two weeks ago and
presents with purpuric patches on skin. On labs his PT and aPTT were normal.
Following is
A. Heparin induced thrombocytopenia
B. Drug induced thrombocytopenia
88.Regarding pneumotoxic center following is true:
A. Increases inspiratory potential
B. Fires dynamic respiratory drive
89. What is correct about thyroid:
A. Supplied by 3 paired arteries
B. Surrounded by prevertebral fascia
C. Isthmus attached to cricoid
D. Venous drainage in bracheocephalic vein
90. Regarding Pituitary gland:
A. Secretes TSH
91. Color differentiation due to red and green:
A. Protonopia
92. Dental carries due to: (or infection due to)
A. Bacillus
B. Lactobacillus
C. Sretptococcus
D. Staph
(Viridans wasnt given in option specificly)
93. Layer of the viscera from outermost to innermost:
A. Serosa subserosa muscularis mucosa submucosa mucosa
(all of the options were very close and with slight shuffling)
94. Dysphagia due to liquids only:
A. Plummer Vinson syndrome
B. Neuromuscular blockade
95. Cholangiocarcinoma spread by:
A. Clonorchs sinuses
96. Post 1/3 of the tongue supplied by:
A. Cranial nerve 9
97. Blood group A+ transfusions reaction due to:
A. A+
B. B+
C. OD.
H2O2 found in:
A. Peroxisome
B. Mitochondira

c. Lysosome
99. ICAM and VCAM are for:
A. Leucocyte adhesion
100. Breast atrophy in young female is due to:
A. Estrogen
B. Estrogen and Progesterone
C. Progesterone
101. Regarding cancer mutations in:
A. Protooncogen
102. Essential amino acid:
A. Phenylalanine
103. Fecal incontinence after trauma damage to:
A. External anal sphincter
104. Joining of ICA and Basilar artery:
A. Posterior communicating Artery
105. Regarding Beta Agonists:
A. Increase HR
106. Poliomyelitis:
A. Anterior horn cell defect
108. Regarding P Value:
A. Checks probability
B. Percentile something.
109. Regarding H2 Blockers:
A. Inhibits both gastric acid secretion and parasympathetic
110. Mechanism of Vibro cholera:
A. Cl channel
B. dec HCO3
C. IP3 something
Cant really recall correct statements about this questions so its better to read the topic and
save it in ur mind if question comes again you can choose da correct one :)
(The cholera toxin (CTX or CT) is an oligomeric complex made up of six protein
subunits: a
single copy of the A subunit (part A), and five copies of the B subunit (part B),
connected by a
disulfide bond. The five B subunits form a five-membered ring that binds to GM1
on the surface of the intestinal epithelium cells. The A1 portion of the A subunit is
an enzyme
that ADP-ribosylates G proteins, while the A2 chain fits into the central pore of
the B subunit
ring. Upon binding, the complex is taken into the cell via receptor-mediated
Once inside the cell, the disulfide bond is reduced, and the A1 subunit is freed to
bind with a

human partner protein called ADP-ribosylation factor 6 (Arf6).[13] Binding

exposes its active
site, allowing it to permanently ribosylate the Gs alpha subunit of the
heterotrimeric G
protein. This results in constitutive cAMP production, which in turn leads to
secretion of H2O,
Na+, K+, Cl, and HCO3 into the lumen of the small intestine and rapid
111. Two point discrimination: (repeat mcq)
A. Scapula
B. Lips
C. Palms
112. Spread of renal tumor will be through:
A. Renal Vein
113. About ankle joint:
A. Supplied by superficial artery
B. Supplied by superficial paroneal nerve
C. Fibrocartilage on hyaline surfaces
D. Lateral mallaeolar ligament on medial side
E. Deltoid is on malleolar side
all these are exact statements
(It is supplied by deep peroneal, saphenous, sural and tibial nerves. Occasionally,
superficial peroneal nerve also supplies the ankle joint)
114. Regarding Lesser Omentum:
A. Contains Hepatic DUCT and artery
B. Attaches to second part of duodenum
C. is a bilayer structure
D. have no attachment to liver
115. Nucleous Pulposus herniation will cause compression of:
A. L5-S1 (OR L4-L5) was in a option
other options seemed incorrect
116. Retention of C02:
A. Respiratory failure
117. Lymph drainage of Testes:
A. Paraaortic LN
118. Regarding Lower Limb:
A. Short Saphenous Vein form from superficial arch something.
B. Long Saphenous ends at mid of thigh
(so hard to recall this question options, they were weird n confusing. better to
read the topic)
119. Antiseptic for skin:
A. Phenol with clorhexidine
Cant recall other statements but this seemed the best answer as Phenol and Clorhexidine are
used for skin disinfectants.

120. Cardiac disease scenario wad there and they asked about the fluid
proteins more than 3.2 g/dl:
A. Exudative
B. Transudative
123. Scenario was given about massive splenomegaly:
A. Leishmanias
B. Chornic Malaria
(Both does so choose da option on ur own risk :)
124. Repeat mcq from asim regarding Gray matter foot processes:
A. Protoplasmic Astrocytes
125. Most important renal tubular buffer is:
A. hB
B. hC03
C. Protein
D. Phosphate
126. Cause of global blindness:
A. Herpes Simplex
B. Rubella
C. Chlamydia Trochamatis
127. Which is normal HB:
A. HbA
B. HbF
C. HbC
128. Thalesemia carrier percentage in Pakistan:
A. 5%
B. 10%
C. 15%
129. Surgery for removal of ovary done which is damaged:
A. Internal Iliac Artery
B. External Iliac Artery
C. Uterine Artery
130. In respiratory Alkalosis renal compensation is:
A. NaHC03 excretion
131. True regarding ig A nephropathy cause?
A)Mesengial proliferation deposits
B)Local cause of wound healing
D)Vit c def
132. During mitosis chromosomes double in which phase?
A. Prophase
B. Metaphase
C. Anaphase
D. Telophase

E. Interphase
134. Early changes in asthmatic attack:
A)Inc o2 in pulm artery
B)Dec co2 in pulm artery
C)Inc co2 in pulm artery
D)Inc compliance
135. Level of lead in blood is estimated by:
a. Absorption frm GIT
b. From nasal mucosa inhalation
c. Skin
d. As a bi product of chemical reaction
136. A woman is presented in opd with history of rash on face while playing
cricket outside.
On investigations she has bilateral plueral and pericardial effusions also. The
most likely
pathology in her kidneys would be:
A: antibodies against glomerular membrane
B: immune complex deposition
C: focal segmental sclerosis
137. Example of observational study:
a. Cohort
b.cases (include case reports )
c.mata anylasis
138. Tumor of anterior pituitary causes lesion of which nerve:
A. Optic
B. Trochlear
C. Trigeminal.
139. After haemorrhage Plasma protein return to normal after how many days:
A)2-3 days
140. Fat in adult male:
A)7 prcnt
141. Local Anesthetic having Intirnsic sympathomimetc activity:
A. Xylocain
B. Tetracaine
C. Procaine
D. Cocaine
142. 100 pts of int.homorrhoids surgeon divided them into 2 groups ,One group

medications And onther on dietary contol, After one year surgeon call them all
and asked
about their experience: Type of study
A)Case control
C)Clinical trial
D)Prospective cohort or retrospective
143. Nitrous oxide produces:
A. Good analgesia
B. good muscle relaxation
C. cardiac depression
144. Infection in superficial perinal pouch will go to:
A. Deep transverse perineal muscle
B. Great vestibular gland
C. Bulbiurethral gland


(This 5th Jan paper was uploaded by Mitral Valve, i just included it
here for
convinience and edited it a bit)
Femoral vein palpated at:
a.pubic tubercle
b.adductor canal
Megaloblastic anemia in 35yrz old man:
a.loss of intrinsic factor
Pregnant woman e spoon shaped nails:
a. low mcv,mchc
Q fever caused by:
itz caused by ticks bite n by ricketsia like organism not riscketsia according to first aid
T/t of chloroquine resistant malaria:
Trachea is:
a.25cm long
b.17cm external dia (all other options incorrect.15-20cm dia)
c.bifurcation at T3
What loops around arch of aorta:
a.left recurrent laryngeal nerve
First artery given by abdominal aorta:
a.celiac trunk

b.inferior mesenteric artry

Masseteric fascia derived from:
a.prevertebral fascia
b.pretracheal fascia
c.buccopharangeal fascia
(Masseteric Fascia is also known as Parotideomasseteric Fascia,) is a strong
layer of fascia
derived from the deep cervical fascia on the human head and neck. It covers the
and is firmly connected to it. Above, this fascia is attached to the lower border of
zygomatic arch, and behind, it invests the parotid gland.)
Infusion of isotonic N/S:
a.hypo osmotic overhydration
b.hyperosmotic overhydration
(Options needed, as Isotonic doesnt cause any change in Osmolarity)
Right shift O2 dissociation curve:
a.Inc pcO2 pH
Autosomal is:
a.both males n females are affected
Supra renal gland:
a.right is pyramidal in shape
Peripheral neuropathynumbness mcv 112
a.Vit b-12
Prevention of ATT side effect:
a.vit b6
Carbonic anhydrase
Conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin..what will be detected in blood?
Poly arthritis nodosa
a.fibrinoid necrosis
b.renal failure
Mode of action of chemotherapy drugs:
Imp characterstic of irreversible cell injury
a.cell memb damage
b.calcium influx
Antibiotic for pseudomonas:

Inability to brush hair:

a.suprascapular nerve injury
Mode of action of gemifibrozil:
This increase in the synthesis of lipoprotein lipase thereby increases the
clearance of
Ketogenic amina acids:
a.lysine n leucine
Immunogenic stimulatnt:
a.growth hormone
c.beta endorphins
Doesnt act via receptors
b.aluminuim hydroxide
Cephalic vein:
a.starts at anatomical snuff box
Costo diaphragmatic recess:
a.b/w diaphragm n parietal pleura
b.b/w diaphragm n visceral pleura
SLE sensr?
30.helper T cells
a.dec in AIDS
Lethal chemical carcinogen
2/3rd of TBW:
Physiological response not occur in cold:
a.pooling of blood in cutaneous vessels
A. Dec gastric emptying
Fusion of sternum occur at which age:
(option should contain 25 yrz or 30 yrz which will be answer)
Terminal ileum resection: loss of water in feces
b.dec absorption of amino acids
c.dec loss of fats in feces
Rt colectomy done pt on Parentral Nutrition what will happen:
A. Hypophodphatemia
B. Hyperglycemia

A. Low estrogen,high LH n FSH
A. Converted to androstendione in target tissues
B. Causes muscle n bone growth
Billiary obstruction:
a. ALP
During pharyngeal phase of swallowing:
A. Vocal cords adducted
B. Soft palate moves downwards
Carbon laiden macrophages:
a. Pneumoconiosis
Antimicrobial activity and preventing infections in lungs:
a. Alveolar macrophages
b.secretng IgA
Farmer rt lower lung calcification:
b. Aspergillosis
Constrictive pericarditis:
a.ST depression in ECG
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy:
a. Myofibrill disarray
Metabolite of vit A used in vision cycle:
b.retinoic acid
c.retinaldehyde (or retinal)
Endotoxin causes:
a.lowers bp when ingested
Which of the following is benign:
Which of the follwing is precancerous:
Intradermal nevus
Which of the following process cause prto-oncogens to oncogene:
Point mutation
A female after surgery has loss of extension of wrist to comb her hair nerve
Sub scapular
Supra scapular

Spinal part accesary
Vitamin A given in deficiency:
Retinoic acid
Retinic acid
Most appropriate TB Histological picture:
Acid-fast alcohol bacteria
Caseous necrosis
Giant cells
Epithelial cells
Abundant cells in a patient with allergy and protective against parasitic infection:
mast cells
Single most impotant factor in delayed wound healing:
A patient with Mid diastolic murmur incresed PCWP pulmonary HTN he could
Left venticular hypertrophy
Right venticular hypertrophy
Both right and left venticular hypertrophy
Partial ptosis and pain during eating both bilateral:
Myesthenia Gravis
Nerve that surrounds arch of aorta:
Left vagus
left phrenic
Post intercostal artey supplied by
Internal thoracic
Thoracic aorta
Cutting root of lung will spare:
pulmary ligametn
pulmonary artery
Vagus nerve
A group of smokers is gatherd and half volunteer for drug for decresing
dependance which of
the following is missing in study
Random assignment
From renal tubules:
All bicarb is absorbed in acidosis
Which of the following is affected by nervous system:

Renin secretion decrease by:
Afferent constriction
Dec NA+ delivery
A patient on hypertensive drugs presents postural hypotension. in heart rate
while standing
is mediated by:
A. Increase fire rate of baroreceptors
B. decrese sympathtic
C. In vagal tone
D. In vasomotor tone
Gabercula is located in: (It should be GLABELLA i guess)
Frontal bone
Two point discrimnation:
Un myelinated fibres
Palpitation following hyperthyroidsm:
due to b receptor
Denticulate ligament:
b/w dura and CSf
Extension of Piamater
CSF contained / associated with sub arachnoid
Lesion at L1 will damage:
Cauda equina
Conus medularis
Middle cerebral artery :
Supplies infero medial part of temporal lobe
Glucagon effect on heart is like:
Post gang sympth to sweat glands:
Collagen contraction:
Causes bleeding
Back muscles supplied by
Dorsal Ramus
A Gardener with fever cough on x-ray lower right chest calcified lesion:
Hemisection of spinal crd on right:
Contralateral loss of pain and temp
Taste fibres pass through:

Int cpsule
Right coronary Artery:
SA node
Post intervent septm
arises frm ant aortc sinus
Sepsis shock
Max amount of blood is present in:
Xerostmia,keratitis,painful joints:
Creascents are protective for Glomerulous. they are produced by:
Endoth cel
Endo and mesangial
Skin relatd cancer wid hiv aids:
Adrenal gland and Kidney enclosed in:
Same membrane
Regarding thyroid:
Suplied by External Carotid Artery
(Through Superior Thyroid Artery)
In 3rd week embryo has how many layers:
Autosomal disease transmittd by:
Male part
female part
Male and female both
Right lung has how much broncho pulmonary segments:
Sternum ossify at age of:
6mnths to 18yrs
Mid trimester production of blood:
Yolk sac
Atheletes heart from normal
Increase Stroke volume
Maximum inpiration and expiration of tidal:
inspiratory capacity

Vital capacity
Bicrbonate chloride shift in rbc which protein:
Band 3
Regeneration of Brain cells can not occur due to:
Same Property of cardiac and skeletal muscle:
Ca-calmodulin complex
Transplant 5 yrs back Max chances of:
A. Brain tumors
B. Renal tumors
C. Lymphoproliferative
D. Cervical dysplasia
Cycloplegic refraction dangers in:
Shallow anterior chamber
Sweat glands:
more on feet than back
have cuboidal epithelium
Hepatic region with least blood supply:
zone 1
zone 4
zone 3
Q fever is caused by:
Question about Kulchitsky cells:
These cells are neuroendocrine cells lining epithelia of gi tract mainly stomach
small intestine
colon n secrete serotonin
Post Ganglionic sympathetic to Sweat glands:
For ur Knowledge I am adding these lines: cuz it includes an imp point.
In the Parasympathetic division, neurons are cholinergic (that is, acetylcholine is
the primary
In the Sympathetic division, neurons are mostly adrenergic (that is, epinephrine

norepinephrine function as the primary neurotransmitters.) Two exceptions to

this rule are
the sympathetic innervation of sweat glands and arrectores pilorum muscles
where the
neurotransmitter at both pre and post ganglionic synapses is acetylcholine and
the vessels in
the renal cortex where dopamine is used as the main neurotransmitter. Another
exception is
the sympathetic innervation of the medulla of the adrenal glands, which is
accomplished by
preganglionic fibers, and subsequently uses acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter.
The cells of
the adrenal medulla are actually modified postganglionic neurons which secrete
and norepinephrine directly into the blood stream rather than into a synapse
Post intercostal arteries n 5th to 9th space are produced by:
Thoracic aorta
Thyrocervical Trunk
Regarding cerebellum which is true:
6 layers
Purkinje r excitatry
Fluconodular lobe balance control
Abt DNA and histone proteins:
Nucleoli forms ribosomes in their immature form
Question about Mobius syndrome:
Facial paralysis, inability to move eyes
JazakAllaha Everyone!
Goodluck for Exams!
Keep Us in ur Duas


Please make sure that options in RED are correct answers and text in BLUE is for
and includes refernces also. Text in GREEN means that couldnt find any proper
reference yet.
Thanks to all dear seniors who helped me with refernces and answers. Pls feel
free to discuss
any doubtful answers. JazakAllaha!
1. Cervical rib attached to transverse process will compress:
B. C8

C. T1
(Compresses both C8 and T1 though)
2. Aortic aneurysm which structure not compressed:
A. Esophagus
B . Trachea
C. Left primary bronchus
D. Thoracic duct
E. Phrenic nerve
3. Resting membrane potential achieved by:
A. Diffusion of potassium outside the cell
B. Na K pump
C .is same for all types of cell
(Achieved by K efflux, maintained by N K ATPase Pump)
4. Liver weight:
A. 1.5
B. 2.5
C. 2.0
D. 1.0 kg
(1.44-1.66 kg is Range)
5. What is median if values are 20 20 25 30 35 40 25 30:
A. 27.5
(Arrange in Ascending order 20 20 25 25 30 30 35 40 than take middle two values

6. Dead organisms in vaccine :

A. Measles
B. Mumps
C. Tetanus
D. Pertussis
(Pertusis/ Cholera/ Influenza /Inject Polio/Rabies all Killed or inactivated vaccines
. Tetanus is
Toxoid (toxin rendered non toxic by formaldehyde) and MMR is Live attenuated)
7. Esophagectomy done , stomach is mobilized to upper portion of thorax, To
with phayrnx Which artery is responsible for stomach supply ( not exact wording
some thing
like that ) (repeat question from 1 Jan 2015 PAPER)
A. Left gastric
B. Right gastric
C. Left gastroepiploic
D. Short gastric vessels
E. Right gastroepiploic
8. Patient is pregnant and suddenly faints. She'll be positioned in left lateral and
not right
lateral to avoid compression to which abdominal structure:

C. Liver
9. Post op wound having greenish pus discharge organism involved:
A. Staph Aureus
B. Pseudomonas
C. Streptoccocus Viridans
D. Kliebsella
10. Prevalence is:
A. All cases
B. Old cases
C. New cases
(Prevalence:All current cases (old & new) existing at a given point of time in given
11. Common carcinogen of CA Cervix:
C. Chronic irritation
12. Apex of the heart:
A. 8 cm from median plane
B. 3RD intercostal space
13. After normal delivery in primigravida the alive n healthy new born is given
A. After 2 hours
B. After half hour
C. After 12 hours
14. Diagnostic tumor marker for ovarian CA:
B. CA 125
15. Which of the folowing prolong use of drug will cause persistent increase in
A. Antacids
B. Antichollenergic
C. B blockers
D. H 2 antagonist
16. A pt presented to his dentist due to inability to put his dentures, dentist
referred back to
physician saying there is no dental problem, where is the lesion: (STEM NOT
A. Substantia nigra
17. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia:
A. Chromosome 9 & 22

B. chromosome 11& 22
C. chromosome 14 & 22
18. Steroids drug action on cells:
A. Act on Genes
B. Adenyl cyclase
C. CGmp
D. Ip3
19. ADH is inhibited by:
A. Alcohol
B. Aldosterone
C. Renin
20. A tumor with all germ layers:
A. Teratoma
B. Mixed mesodermal tumor
C. Cysts
21. Following has high clearance value:
A. Inulin
C. Glucose
D. Na
22. Scanty bar bodies:
A. Klienfelter
B. Downs
C. Turner
23. Which parasite is not transmitted thru orofecal route:
A. Giardia
B. Entemoeba
C. Enterobius (Pinworm)
D. Trichuris trichuria (Whipworm)
E. Trichenella Spiralis
24. Organelle having microtubules in its structure:
A. Golgi apparatus
B . Mitochondia
C. Centriole
25. S1 nerve root lesion:
A. Loss of Ankle jerk
B. Loss of sensation of sole and medial side of foot
C. Trophic ulcer of dorsum of foot
D. Babnisk positive
E. Plantar flexion
26. Mucus not secreted by:
A. Larynx
B. Trachea
C. Terminal bronchioles
D. Nasopharynx

27. Which of the following increases lower eosophageal tone n speeds up gastric
A. Aluminium hydrooxide
B. Metoclopramide
28. Stem about Diphtheria vaccine reaction:
A:type 1
B:type 2
C:type 3
D:type 4
29. Femoral nerve drived from which section of spinal cord:
A. L2 L3
B. L2 L3 L4
C. S1 S2
30. Prolong coma is caused by lesion of which nucleus:
A. Nucleus cerelous (Confirmed with seniors)
B. Periaquedactal of gray of mid brain
32. A man of 70 has recurrent UTI cause (No clue was mentioned regarding
A. Instrumentation
B. Outflow Obstruction
C. Diverticulum
(As pt is old age so more chances of BPH which can lead to outflow obs leading
to recurrent
33. Normal FEV/FVC1 Ratio:
A. 0.8
B. 0.95
C. 0.6
34. Compression effects on esophagus by which organ enlargement:
A. Aorta
B. Left Atrium
C. Pulmonary artery
D. Right atrium
E. Left ventricle
35. Plasma Protein Binds With All Except:
A. Oxygen
B. CO2
C. Iron
D. Bilirubin
E. Thyroxin
36. Patient presented in emergency ,deeply comatosed,not responding to
A. Heroin
B. Morphine

C. Methadon
D. Phenobarbital
E. Pethidine
37. Cause of Mental retardation:
A. Fragile X Syndrome (Downs wasnt in options)
38. In IV drugs abusers:
A. Bacterial Endocarditis
B. Libman Sacks endocarditis
C. Mitral valve carditis
D. Rheumatic heart disease
39. Highest bioavailability of anti emetics:
A. Metacloprmide
B. Qdansetron
40. X.ray of elbow of 12 yr girl, which Secondary ossification center will appear
last on x.ray:
A. Trochlea
B. Lateral Epicondyle
C. Capitulum
D. Medial Epicondyle
(capitellum > radial head > medial epicondyle > trochlea > olecranon > lateral
1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 (ODD Numbers so 11 is lateral epicondyle)
41. Baby born on 4th day most common cause of Meningitis:
A. Gp A streptoccous
B. E.Coli
C. Nesseria Meningitis
(Causes: Group B Srept , E.coli, Listeria)
42. A tall man with normal external genitalia married but had no kids he had
ejaculation period but semen analysis showed azospermia cause may be:
A Epidydymis
B Sertoli cell
C Scrotum
D Tubules in male
43. Pregnant lady anaemic, Best lab investigation:
B. S. ferritin
D. Chylomicrons
45. Soft Keratin with no nucleus found in:
A. Cortex of hair

B. Matrix of nail
C. Stratum corneum
46. A newly married female came with pain in rt illiac fossa her TlC 12000 she has
fever n
vomiting her lmp was 3 weeks back what is diagnosis:
A. Acute Appendicitis
B. Salpingitis
C. Uterine cause
D. Fallopian tubes
47. Open wound healing includes:
A. Contraction of myofibroblast
B. Fibroblast
C. Macrophages
D. Lymphocyyes
48. Patient aged 65 years, is diagnosed to have severe aplastic anemia. HLA
sibling is available. The best option of treatment is:
a) Anti thymocyte globulin followed by cyclosporine
b) A conventional bone marrow transplantation from the HLA identical sibling
c) A non-myeloablative bone marrow transplantation from the HLA identical sibling
d) Cyclosporine
49. Most common S/E of use of histamine 1 blocker:
A. Blurred vision
B. Blindness
C. Sedation
50. Decrease Insulin will:
A. Ketogenesis in Liver
B. Increase activity of Lipoprotein Lipase
51. An obese man with h/o atherosclerosis underwent laparotomy due bleeding in
abd n
during surgery his small gut was purple n sup mesenteric vein was ok so what is
A. Wet gangrene
B. Dry gangrene
C. Thrombosis
D. Volvulous
E. Red infarct
52. First heard sound:
a) Atrial systole
b) Isovlumic contraction
c) Isovolumic relaxation
d) Rapid ejection
53. A patient came with c/o hemianopia so a blockage was seen at:
A. Optic nerve
B. Upper part of optic chiasma

C. Lower part of optic chiasma

D. Post medulla Oblangata
54. 30 yr male newly diagnosed wth HTN, on ECG lt ventricular hypertrophy,
cholesterol 200, FBS 88 mg%, urinary sugar ++ RFTs were normal, K 2.5 , Na 140,
what is cause
of his HTN:
A. Diabetic nephropathy
B. Essential hypertension
C. Pheochromocytoma
D. Primary hyperaldosteronism
55. Man With Weakness And Dysphagia, Blood Profile With Target Cells:
A. Iron Deficiency Anemia
56. Which of the following in maternal serum for rubella should b an indication for
termination of pregnancy:
A. Ig G
B. Ig M
C. IgE
57. Epithelium of Conjunctiva:
A. Stratified Columnar Epithelium
B. Simple Couboidal
C. Simple Columnar
58. Antioxidant Vitamin:
A. A
B. E
C. C
(Vit E >>> Vit C)
59. Which of the following does not increase in stress for surgery:
A. Insulin
C. Glucagon
60. Monitoring of HEP B virus can be done via:
A. S. Bilirubin
B. SGPT (or ALT)
D. Serum Protein
E. Serum Albumin
(PT is to monitor Liver failure)
61. Diseased ovary pain radiating to medial thigh of body due to nearby presence
A. Pudendal Nerve
B. Obturator Nerve
C. Pelvic Nerve

D. Obturator Nerve
62. Biguanides side affects:
A. Diarrhoea and flatulence
B. Elevated ALT
63. Patient with Gastrectomy presents with Anemia after One and half year, what
will you
A. Vit B12
B. Vit C
C. Iron
D. Blood transfusion
64. Data is collected for some clinical trial based on presence or absence of
Vomiting. What
type of data it is:
A. Nominal
B. Ordinal
C. Parametric
65. Aphasia (Non-fluent) after stroke or Trauma which area of Brain is involved:
A. Brocas
B. Wernickes (if fluent aphasia was in stem)
C. Temporal region
D. Pyrimidal gyrus
66. What cytoskeletal structure connects Extracellular matrix to Intracellular:
A. Cadherins
B. Integrins
C. Intermediate Filaments
D. Microtubules
67. Wich Antiemetic has high bioavailability:
A. Metoclopramide
B. Prochlorthiazide
C. Ordansetron
D. Droperidol
68. Cardiac defects in fetus of mother suffering from rubella infection will occur
A. 3 rd month
B. 4 th month
C. 5 th to 10th week
D. 7 th month.
69. Dorsal Column Medial Leminsical carries:
A. Proprioception
B. Pain
C. Temperature
(Pain and Temp is by Anterolateral System)
70. Contralateral loss of pain and temp at T9 and ipsilateral loss of proprioception
below T8,

bilateral normal reflexes:

A. Lesion of spinothalamic tract at T8
B. Complete spinal cord section
C. Hemisection at T12
D. Hemisection at L1 or 2
71. Downs Syndrome:
A. Increase incidence with increasing mother age
B. Extra chromosome
72. Pulmonary vasoconstriction occurs due to:
A. Raised PCO2
B. Reduced systemic PO2
C. Reduced pH
73. Most imp buffer in blood:
A. HCO3 (most imp is HCO3 anywhere)
B. Hb
74. Gastrin secretion is inhibited by:
A. Epinephrine
B. Protein food
c. Stomach dilatation
D. Somatostatin
75. Which vitamin act as cofactor in oxidation of fatty acids:
A. Biotin
B. Vit B1
C. Vit C
76. Oxytocin and vasopressin originated from:
A. Neurohypophysis
B. Adrenal medulla
C. Hypothalamus
77. If FACTOR IX not available:
B. Cryo (Lacks Factor IX)
78. All of the following will cause lesion at genital tract except:
A. Syphilis
B. Gonorrhoea
C. Chancroid
D. Condyloma Accuminatum
79. Vagus decreases HR by which mechanism:
A. Na (permeability)
B. Na, K
C. Ca
80. Maximum absorption of salt and water:
A. Jejunum
B. Ileum
81. Patient with beta blocker ECG show increase PR:
A. Drug induced block1

82. Drug causing peripheral neuro and pancreatits:
A. Ziduvudine
B. Interfron
C. Diadenosine
83. Left Kidney is not related to:
A. Diaphragm
B. Splenic flexure colon
C. Spleen
84. What age the head of fetus become exactly half the length at CRL:
A. 3rd month
B. 4th month
C. 7 month
85. Prostatic carcinoma spread to skull bones through:
A. Internal carotid artery
B. External carotid artery
C. Vertebral plexus
86. First heard sound:
a) Atrial systole
b) Isovlumic contraction
c) Isovolumic relaxation
d) Rapid ejection
87. Pregnant women 1st trimester develops Atrial fibrillation what would u give:
A. IV Heparin
B. IV Heparin Oral Aspirin
C. Aspirin
D. Anticoagulant
88. The tumor which is the ovarian counter part of seminoma of the testis is:
A Chorio carcinoma
B Dysgerminoma
C Embryonal cell carcinoma
89. Patient came in with sore throat, fever and lymphadenopathy. His monspot
test was
positive. His blood shows atypical leukocytosis. What is the type of cell that is
A. T-cell
B. B-cell
C. Neutrophil
(In Infectious mononucleosis ATYPICAL T CELLS (T-CELLS) react against
90. Pt was brought into the Emergency Department and his family wanted to
accompany him.
What is the most appropriate response:
A. Physian should discourge the anger of pt n atendents againt department

B. Only pt should be allowed in the ER

C. Physcological support should be provided for patients and attendants in the Emergency
91. A pregnant full term patient came into the ER with pre-eclampsia. Her Blood
pressure was
190/110. She was admitted for emergency ceserean section. What is the best
medicine to
bring down the blood pressure:
A. Hydralazine
B. Sodium Nitroprusside
C. Verapamil
D. Propranolol
92. Patient was admitted in the ICU. HE had a central venous catheter for 10 days.
HE started
having fevers. Blood cultures were sent. It came back positive for Gram positive
cocci in
clusters. What medication will you start?
A. Amoxicillin
B. Imipenim
C. Ampicillin-Getamycin
E. Vancomycin
(Always mark Vancomycin if CVP line,Indwelling catheter or double lumen site
especially in hospitalized patient and that too in ICU or dialysis units. High
prevalence of
93. Pt comes in to the emergency department with seizures. His BP is 90/60. His
calcium level is 6, serum cortical level is 6 microg/dl , blood sugar level is 80
mg/dl. Serum
Sodium level ?, Serum potassium level ?. What is the diagnosis?
A. Addisonian Crisis
B. Cushings diseaes
C. Tetany
94. About Lignocaine what is true:
A. Blocks generation of impulses from free nerve endings
B. Prevents influx of Na ions across membrane
95. INR is for:
A. Heparin
B. Oral anticoagulation therapy:
96. A Person wid malignant melanoma. Risk factor:
A. Xeroderma pigmentosum
B. Prolonged sunlight
97. Diabetic patient with DKA died due to:
A. Histoplasmosis

B. Coccidiodomycosis
C. Cryptococus
D. Mucormycosis
98. Urethra is narrowest at:
A. Pelvic brim
B. Prostatic part
C. Membranous
D. External meatus
99. Married man had no children for few years and was diagnosd as sterile with
wat is investigatn of choice:
A. Serum FSH and LH
B. Serum Prolactin
C. Serum testosterone
100. A man goes to a high altitude 02 delivery to tissues is maintained by:
A. Hb conc is increased
B. Po2 is normal
C. Hypercapnia
D. Pa02 is higher than normal
101. Regarding indication of furosemide:
B. Acute pulmonary edema
102. A patient was brought to the hospital after a roadside accident. On
examination he was
pale with low blood pressure and fracture of left 10th rib. Which organ is most
likely to be
A. Kidneys
B. Liver
C. Pancreas
D. Spleen
E. Stomach
103. Most common cause of premalignant change in mouth in adults:
A. Chronic ulcer
B. Lichen planus
C. Submucous fibrosis
104. Female showing cervical dysplastic changes, etiology:
A. Vaginal cream
B. Grand multiparity
E. Chronic irritation
105. Tumor in children with blue cells and high levels of catecholamines:
A. Nephroblastoma
B. Neuroblastoma

C. Wilms tumor
106. Ligament that prevents anterior dislocation of femur on tibia:
A. Collateral
B. Anterior cruciate
C. Posterior cruciate
107. Cholangiocarcinoma caused by:
A. Schistosoma Hematobium
B. Schistosoma Mansoni
C. Cholonorchis Sinensis
108. Trauma to left 10 rib causes damage to:
A. Kidney
B. Liver
C. Spleen
109. Farmer wid migratory lesion on foot:
A. Leishsmania
B. Strongyloides stercoralis
C. Cutaneous Larva migrans
110. Washed RBCs are used for prevention of:
A. Hypersensitive Reaction
B. Febrile reaction
C. To avoid infection
111. Eating raw or undercooked meat can cause infection by:
A. Hookworm
B. Roundworm
C. Tapeworm
D. Echinococcus
112. Man comes 1st time to Pakistan develops fever than coma, on investigation
retics10%..platelets wbcs
A. Meningoencephalitis
B. Dengue
C. Falciparum
113. Correct about Aorta:
A. Lies to right of Cisterna chyli
B. Divides at L5
C. Give branches to parities at L1
D. Gives renal arteries at L2
114. Scrotum drains to:
A. External Iliac Nodes
B. Internal Iliac Nodes
C. Superficial Inguinal Nodes
D. Deep Inguinal Nodes
115. Medullary rays of kidney contain which part of kidney:
A. Collecting ducts
B. Vasa recta

C. Glomeruli
116. Pancreatitis(acute) will cause fluid accumulation in:
A. Lesser sac
B. Greater sac
C. Paraa colic gutters
117. Deep ring present in:
A. External Oblique Aponeurosis
B. Rectus Abdominis
C. Fascia transversalis
118. Eversion is done by:
A. Peroneus longus
B. Tibialis anterior
C. Tibialis posterior
119. True about Thoracic duct, drains into:
A. Right brachiocephalic
C. At Confluence of left Subclavian and left Jugular
120. Gustatory sweating is caused by:
A. Submandibular Excision
B. Superficial Parotidectomy
C. Wisdom tooth extraction
(Freys Syndrome produces flushing and sweating instead of salivation in
response to taste of
food after injury of Auriculotemporal Nerve which carries Parasympathetic
fibers to PAROTID gland and Sympathetic fibers to SWEAT gland. When the
nerve is severed
the fibers can regenerate along each pathway and innervate the wrong gland. It
can occur
after Parotid surgery and may be treated by cutting the tympanic plexus in middle
ear- Ref
BRS Anatomy)
121. Analgesic causing tachycardia in therapeutic dose:
A. Pethidine
B. Morphine
C. Fentanyl
122. Following is a good analgesic but weak anaesthetic:
B. Isoflurane
C. Sevoflurane
123. About Posterior Triangle of Neck what is true:
A. Apex is mid of clavicle
B. Formed by ant border of sternocaleidomastoid and ant border of trapezius
C. Contains subclavian , three trunks of brachial plexus
124. Herpez simplex virus transmitted by

125. Pt came in with abdominal pain, his amylase was high, he was diagnosed
Pancreatitis. What is his omentum going to show ?
A. Caseous necrosis
b. Fatty necrosis
c. Liquefactive necrosis
126. During Parturition and Menstruation which layer involed:
A. Basalis
127. Which carcinoma doesnt show distant metastasis:
A. Basal cell Carcinoma
128. Orofecal transmission:
129. When tension in muscle increases near to rupture which does the relaxation:
A. Golgi tendon organs
130. Golgi tendon organs respond to:
A. Tension
131. Pacemaker of Heart:
A. SA Node
132. Parasympathetic stimulation:
A. Decreases HR
133. Sacral hiatus is formed due to:
A. Failure of fusion of laminae of 4th and 5th sacral vertebrae
(Sacral Hiatus is used to administer Caudal (Epidural) anesthesias)
134. Effect of drug on a body:
A. Pharmakokinetics
B. Pharmodynamics
135. Which is not blood supply of scalp
A. Maxillary artey
B. Occipital artery
C. Supra orbital artery
D. Supra trochlear artery
136. Hydroxyindoacetic acid in urine:
A. Pheochromocytoma
B. Alkaptonuria
C. Phenylketonuria
D. Carcinoid syndrme
137. Pt came with testicular mass. It was diagnosed as a yolk sac tumor. What is
the follow up
marker for this patient?
A. Alpha-Fetoprotein

(Yolk sac tumor (endodermal sinus tumor) is the most common germ cell tumor
in children. In
those cases, the prognosis is good. In adults, the tumor is often mixed with other
so the prognosis may depend on what the other components are. i.
Microscopically, yolk sac
tumor shows scattered Schiller-Duval bod ies, which have a mesodermal core
with a central
capillary, all lined by flattened layers of both visceral and parietal cells
resembling a
glomerulus-like structure. The tumor marker is alpha-fetoprotein)
138. In the hospitals most common cause of wound infection:
A. Klebsiella
B. Pseudomonas
C. Staph aureus
D. Streptococcus
E. Ecoli (2nd most common)
139. Nerve loss in urogenital triangle which nerve involved:
A. Pudendal Nerve
B. Obturator Nerve
140. Neck of femur supplied by:
A.Obturator and medial circumflex
B. Medial and lateral circumflex
C. Posterior and medial circumflex
141. A man having recurrent bacterial infections with streptococci also having
diarrhea which
on examination showed giardiasis, urther exam revealed normal T cells but B
cells levels of
igM,igG and igA were given
A. Diabetes
B. Altered immunodeficiency
C. Bruton's agammaglobulinemia
142. True about Pituitary:
A. Drains to dural sinuses
B. Optic chiasma is in anterior relation
C. Partly derived from Foregut
143. About Quadrate lobe, true is:
A. Functionally part of right lobe
B. Drains by left hepatic duct
C. Lies between IVC and Ligamentum venosum
144. A girl has midline neck swelling histology shows normal thyroid tissue,
epithelium is:
A. Cuboidal follicular
B. Simple columnar ciliated
C. Stratified Squamous
145. Barr body is found in the following phase of the cell cycle:

A. Interphase
B. Metaphase
C. G1 phase
D. Telophase
146. Old woman with swelling on external ear she also had gout wd -ve bifringent
crystals scenario was given:
A. Calcium pyrophosphate
B. Monosodium urate
C. Sturvate
147. After Cholecystectomy surgeon places drains into:
A. Right Subhepatic Region
B. Left Subhepatic region
C. Paracolic gutter
148. Pt having H/o cough cloudy yellow colour effusion fluid containing 98 %
neutrophil nd
2% lymphocyte the fluid was dull to percussion:
A. Purulent exudate
B. Abcess
C. Fibrinoid inflammation
149. Isoniazid causes side effects which can be prevented by taking which
A. B12
B. Riboflavin
C. Pyridoxine
D. Folate
150. Gas gangrene. Cause of death?
A. Septecemia
B. Bacteremia
C. Toxemia
151. Not a feature of malnutrition in adults?
A. Thrombocytopenia
153. A tumor with all germ layers:
A. Teratoma
B. Mixed mesodermal tumor
C. Cysts
154. Scenario of Downs syndrome
A. Trisomy 21
B. Trisomy 23
C. Trisomy 18
D. Trisomy 13
155. Ankylosing spondylitis is associated with

156. Female with fever for 10 days and chest pain that aggravates on lying down.
Pain is
originated at:
A. Myocardium
B. Pericardium
C. Pleura
157. 6 years old patient presents with rhinitis, edema and urticaria on external
A. Type I hypersensitivity
B. Type II hypersensitivity
C. Type III hypersensitivity
D. Type IV hypersensitivity
158. Immediate effects of severe hypotension?
B. Cerebral hemorrhage
C. Oligouria
159. Transfusion reaction will occur if we transfuse a person with A+ve blood
group, the
following group:
A. A-ve
B. AB-ve
C. O-ve
D. O+ve
160. Epidural space is widest at:
A. T12
B. L2 (5mm)
C. Just below foramen Magnum
161. Commonest cause of hepatocellular carcinoma in developing countries?
A. Aflatoxin
B. Hepatitis B
C. Hepatitis C
D. Both Hepatitis B & C
162. Connections that connect cells; with movement of ions across:
A. Gap junctions
B. Tight junctions
163. HLA B27 associated disease?
A. Reiters Syndrome
164. Pregnant lady with bile duct obstruction. Diagnostic investigation?
D. Alkaline phosphatase
165. About Trichomonas vaginalis what is correct:
A. Can b a commensal in vagina

B. Is sexually transmitted
C. Is treated wid Quinolones
166. Anion gap:
A. Diff between measured cation and measured anion
167. Occulomotor nerve supplies:
A. All extraocular muscles
B. Ciliary ganglion
C. Parasympathetic to Cilliary muscles (Via Short Ciliary Nerves)
168. Infective endocarditis diagnostic investigation:
A. Blood culture
B. ASO titre
169. Essential fatty acid:
A. Linoliec acid
(Also Linolenic Acid)
170. Patient was brought to the ER unconscious. The doctor gave Naloxone but it
was not
working. What is the likely cause of toxicity?
A. Methadone
B. Phenobarbital
C. Morphine
171. Patient lacerated the dorsal part of his wrist accidentally. He came in with
difficulty to
adduct the fingers and difficulty abducting the thumb. Which nerve was
A. Dorsal-medin nerve
B. Ulnar Nerve
C. Radial Nerve
D. Median Nerve
180. Pain from lower inferior segment of Diaphrgam:
A. Phrenic (supplies central tendon of diaphrgam)
B. Subcostal Nerves
181. Cingulate gyrus blood supply:
A. Anterior cerebral Artery
B. Middle Cerebral Artery
C. Basilar Artery
D. Post Comm Artery
182. Dorsal Vein of penis drains into:
A. Greater Saphenous Vein
B. Internal pudendal Vein
C. Femoral Vein
183. Internal carotid bleeding stopped by compressing:
A. C6
B. C2
C. C7
184. A patient has nodule on vocal cord. The most likely mechanism?

A. Hyperplasia
B. Atrophy
185. Edema of acute infection. Feature
A. Transudate
B. Specific gravity of 1020
C. Proteins >3gm (EXUDATE)
186. Vein not draining to great cerebral vein?
A. Basal
B. Occipital
C. Middle cerebral
D. Posterior colossal
187. Extent to which a tissue gets disturbed by occlusion of its blood supply
depends on :
A. Velocity of blood in tissue
B. Anatomical pattern of vascular supply
C. General state of blood
D. Rate of development of thrombosis
188. A 15 years old girl with fixed dilated pupils. Lesion is at?
A. Oculomotor nerve
B. Trochlear nerve
C. Facial nerve
189. Axon arise from conical shape part of neuron cell body called:
A. Perikaryote
B. Axon hillocks
C. Dendrites
190. Peptic ulcer profusely bleeding from posterior wall of duodenum which
artery involed:
A. Gastroduodenal Artery
B. Gastroepiploic Artery
192. Epithelium of kidney (glomerulus or something was specifically mentioned)
a) endoderm only
b) ectoderm only
c) mesoderm only
d) endoderm + mesoderm
e) ectoderm + mesoderm
193. 8 mnth Baby boy with repeated rhinitis 2episodes of pneumonia in less then
2 mnth.low
plasma B cells n decreased immunoglobulins:
B. IgA deficency
C. IgG deficiency
194. Which is not a 'basic tissue of body'?
A. Nerves
B. Muscles
C. Blood

D. Epithiliuem
E. Connective tissue
195. A 30 year old man had a road traffic accident and sustained fracture of
femur. Two days
later he developed sudden breathlessness. The most probable cause can be:
A. Pneumonia
B. Congestive heart failure
C. Bronchial asthma
D. Fat Embolism
196. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:
a) Wasting of thenar muscles
b) Anesthesia of thenar muscles
c) Injury to ulnar nerve
d) Injury to radial nerve
197. Which of the following statements about carcinogenesis is false?
a) Asbestos exposure increases the incidence of lung cancer
b) Papilloma viruses produce tumours in animals but not in humans
c) Exposure to aniline dyes predisposes to cancer of the urinary bladder
d) Hepatitis B virus has been implicated in hepatocellular carcinoma
198. Regarding Parotid gland:
A. Lat pterygoid lies anterior to pterygoid
B. Ext carotid passes through superficial gland
C. Facial nerve supplies it
199. Max potassium absorption occurs in:
C. Descending loop
D. Prox straight tubule
200. Epidural anestheisa given to the patient.Nerve spared:
B) L1,L2
C)s1,s2 (Most seniors agreed to this option)
201. Lung capacity increased in inspiration by 2/3 by:
A. Bucket handle action of rib
B. Pump handle action of ribs
C. Elastic recoil of lungs n chest wall
D. Diaphragm
202. Pitutary Gland Causng Bitmemporal Hemianopia .Where is the lesion?
A)middle of Optic Chiasma
B)upper of Optic Chiasma
C)Med To Optic Nerv
D)Right Optic Tract
203. Cancer is Least Related To:

E)Traumatic injury
204. What Age The Head Of Fetus Become Exactly Half The Length At CRL:
A. 3rd Month
B. 4th Month
C. 7month
205. Not Included In Blood Coagulation Profile:
C. Platelets
E. Anti thrombogin 3
205. Starling Law of the heart:
A)Doesnot operate in the failing Heart
B)Doesnot operate during Exercise
C)Explains increase in Cardiac Output that occurs when venous return is
D)Sympathetic nerve supplying Heart are stimulated
E)Explains increase in Heart rate produced by Inspiration
206. Scenario Of Fissure. Pain Due To Which Nerve:
A. Inferior Rectal
B. Pudendal
C. Perineal
207. About Ureter which statement is unlikely:
A)Terminal part is supplied by uterine Artery
B)Crosses Ischial Spine
C)Behind mesocolon
D)Pierced parietal peritoneum before entering bladder
(Most probably its D on exclusion criteria, although A is unlikely also but senior
said that
RJLAST says Uterine Artery also)
208. Pendular knee jerk is the result of?
A. UMN lesion
B. LMN lesion
C. Hypothyroidsm
D. Parkinson
E. Hyptonia
209. Medial side of arm is supplied by?
A. Medial cord
B. Lateral cord
C. Musculocutaneous nerve
D. Median nerve
210. Bare area of liver is limited by?

A. Right and left traigular ligament

B. Falciform ligament
C. Ligament teres
D. Ligament venosum
E. Coronary ligament
211. During a surgery a surgeon nicks hepatoduodenal ligament. Which structure
is likely to
be damaged?
A. Portal vein
B. Bile duct
D. Hepatic Duct
212. Capsule of left kidney prevents the spread of infection to?
A. Other kidney
B. Lesser sac
C. Upper part of greater sac
D. Lower part of greater sac
E. Deep pelvis
213. Which structure develops from 3rd n 4th pharyngeal arches
A. Hyoid
B. Cricoid
C. Mandible
D. Thyroid
214. Which one is secreted after sweating:
A. Increase ADH
B. inc Na
C. dec water
215. A man with 70 cardiac output 60mmhg po2 8mg/dl hb o2 bind to:
A. 1.21ml/l
B. 10ml/l
C. 15l/lt
216. Baby born edematous aftr 2 days shows signs of renal failure on
examination rounded
mass in pelvic area on autopsy cystic mass is seen. Diagosis?
A.failure of mesonephros development
B. failure of metanephros development
C. failure of union of mesonephros n ureteric bud
D. renal a genesis
217. B lymphocytes are associated with:
A. CD 4
B. CD 8
C. CD 19 & 20
D. CD 10
218. All anti psychotics are alike in:
A)anti emetic effect

B)anti pyschtic
C)potency in mili grams
220. Which of the following ulcer is caused by synergistic infection by
microaerophilic non
hemolytic streptococci and aerobic hemolytic staphlococci:
A.Bazon ulcer
B.Marjolin ulcer
C.Meleney's ulcer
D.Venous ulcer
EArterial ulcer
221. Which of the fallowing structures doesnot receive innervations from
branches of
A)Ischiocavernosus muscles
B)Labium Minora
C)Skin of Penis or Clitoris
D)Posterior Fornix of Vagina
E)Urethral Sphincter
222. Sructure attached to Lumbar Verebra:
A)Anterior Longitudinal ligament
B)Extensors of thigh
C)Obturator Muscle
223. Right horizontal semicicular canal stimulated:
A. Head tilt to left
B. Head tilt right
224. Athetosis is due to defect in:
A. Caudate
B. Putamen
C. Globus pallidus
D. Subthalamic nucleus
225. Opsonization occurs:
A. Help of c3b
226. Abt parotid gland:
A. Lies lateral to lateral pterygoid
B. Stylomandibular ligament separates parotid frm submandibular
C. External carotid lies in its substance superficial to facial nerve
227. Propulsive movement of intestine effected due to lesion of:
A. Aurbach
B. Myntric pleuxes
228. Main class associated wid antigen presenting cells:
229. About small intestine true is:
A.valvae connivents most numerous in ileum

B.mesentry start from the rite of L2

C.valvae connivents 5mm wide
D.small intestine 6-8 meters long
230. Lysosome has secretion against bacterial iron because they contain:
A. Hydrolases
B. Oxidases
231. Blood supply of heart is regulated by:
A. Local metabolites
232. Post synaptic sympathatic mainly secretes:
A. Nor epinephrine
B. Acetylecholine
C. Adrenalline
233. True abt vertebral column:
A. Cervical nerves originate above corresponding vertebra
B. Vertebral artery arches ant part of post arch of axis
(Xcept C8 cervical nerve which is below C7 vertebrae , and all Spinal nerves also
below the coressponding vertebrae)
234. Confidence interval:
A. Mean n its standard error of mean
B. Mode n its standard deviation
C. Median n its range
235. Positive Predictve valve is affected by:
A)Remission of cases
C)Prevalence of disese
236. In PPD induration u will find:
A. B cells
B. macrophages
C. Eiosinophils
D. T cells
237. Which of the following drugs is contraindicated in a patient with raised
a) Thiopentone
b) Propofol
c) Midazolarn
d) Ketamine
238. If circumflex branch of left coronary artery is blocked which area will b
A. Anterior surface of left ventricle
B. Posterior surface of left ventricle
C. Interventricular septum
239. Draining to Sup Mesenteric nodes:
A. Splenic flexure

B. 4th part of duodenum

C. Jejunum (As you can see in below picture that Duodenum also drains into
Mesenteric Node but Jejunum is solely into SMN so we choose here)
240. Diabetic pt came to ER insulin given what change will happen in blood: K in blood
B.increased ketogenesis
C.increased pH
241. Potassium will be lost mostly frm which segment following dietary
A.straight proximal tubule
B.convoluted proximal tubule
C.distal tubule
D.thin descending limb of loop of henle
E.thick ascending limb of loop of henle
242. Main diagnostic feature of DIC:
A.raised aptt
B.raised pt
C.presence of D dimers
243. A man wd his gut removed some weeks ago now showing gastric motility
wid diarrhea,
A.due to secretin released frm normal gut
B. Osmotic+secretory diarrhea
244. CO poisoning,methemoglobulinemia,anemia dont result in hyperpnoea..this
is because
A.carotid bodies are stimulated
B.aotic bodies are stimulated
C. Po2 remains normal
(Anemia- Pa02, Sa02 - Normal
MethHB and CO Poisoning - Pa02 - N, Sa02 DECREASED- Ref Goljan)
245. Ductus deferens end in:
C.seminal vesicle
D.ejaculatory duct
246. Sjogren associated with?
247. Ovarian pain related to:
A. Femoral nerve
B. Obturator
C. Pudendal
248. Most common cause of premalignant change in mouth in adults is:
A. Chronic ulcer

B.lichen planus
C. Submucous fibrosis
249. Subdural hematoma due to:
a) rupture of cerebral vein
b) rupture of meningeal vessel
Epidural--> Middle Meningeal Artery-->Lens shaped-BiCONVEX hematoma
Subarachnoid--> Cerebral arteries and Vein (Berry Aneurysm in Circle of Villis)
Subdural--> Superficial Bridging cerebral Veins--> Cresecent shaped hematoma
Subpial--> Small vessels of Pia and Brain tissue
250. Enzyme in saliva that prevents iron utilalisation by bacteria:
A. Lactoferrin
B. IgA protease
C. Lysozyme
251. Fio2 max dose which does not cause fetolental adrenoplasia:
A. 0.5
B. 1
C. 2.5
D. 0.6 (Safe limit is 0.6 or less than that)
252. Gardener right side chest pain 3.5 cacific on rt lower lobe:
A. Aspergilosis
B. Hydatid cyst
C. Abcesss
253. Recurrent renal stone associated with which amino acid abnormality:
A. Tryptophan
B. Lysine
C. Glutamate
D. Alanine
254. Nerve supply of Lattisimus dorsi: Thoracodrosal Nerve
255. Nerve supply of Rhomboids: Dorsal scapular nerve
256. Nerve supply of Sartorius: Femoral Nerve
257. Unlocking of knee: Poplitues
258. Vitamin produced by intestinal bacteria: Vitamin K
259. End product of purine metabolism: Uric acid
260. Arrangement of renal segments: Renal-> Interlobar->Arcuate->Interlobular>Afferent
261. Cervical CA metastasize to: Internal and External LN
262. Prader Willi Syndrome: Hyperphagia and Hypergonadism


263. A patient comes to you in your clinic with lab findings of RBS 198 G/dl and
FBS 122 G/dl;
what is your diagnosis?
A) normal glucose

B) Diabetes Mellitus
C) Impaired glucose
Fasting >110 <126 ------------ IGT ------------For DM ---- RBS must be > 200 with Classical Symptoms -------- and FBS must be >
264. Which of the following have direct relationship?
A) coronary blood flow and venous return
B) pulmonary blood flow and venous return
C) coronary blood flow and pulmonary blood flow
D) cerebral blood flow and venous return
(Factor That control Cardiac Output also control Pulmonary Circulation-Guyton)
265. In hypoxic vasoconstriction; which of the following is decreased?
A) arterial pO2
B) arterial pCO2
266. What causes pulmonary vasoconstriction?
A) increased arterial pO2
B) increased arterial pCO2
C) decreased arterial pO2
D) decreased arterial pCO2
267. In athletes, which of the following is increased even in resting state?
A) heart rate
B) cardiac output
268. Muscle of quiet inspiration:
A) diaphragm
B) external intercostals
C) internal intercostals
269. If a foreign body is inhaled; which of the following lung lobes it will go to:
A) Left superior lobe
B) Rt inferior lobe
C) Left inferior lobe
270. Intracellular ANIONS:
A) K
B) Na
C) Proteins
271. Type of junction present in smooth muscles?
A) tight junction
B) gap junction
272. Type of junction present in cardiac muscle?
A) tight junction
B) gap junction
273. A man moving in an elevator; which of these is working:
A) semicircular canals
B) semicircular ducts
C) utricle (responds to gravity and linear straight line acceleration and

D) saccule
E) neck proprioception
274. Which of the following has normal anion gap?
B) Diarrhea
275. Which of the following is diagnostic of tuberculous granuloma?
A) giant cells
B) epitheliod cells
C) multinucleated cells
D) fibroblasts
276. A lady with 26 wks gestation has uterine height of 24 wks. On ultrasound
there is no
fetus and snowstorm appearance. Which of the following probably associated
with it?
A) choriocarcinoma
B) karyotype 46 XX (CPSP DEMO)
C) 47 XX
D) 69 XXX
E) 45 XO
277. A soldier comes with heavy bleeding. The ideal fluid replacement would be?
A) whole blood
B) packed RBCs
D) cryoprecipitat
278. Which of the following is diagnostic of tuberculous granuloma?
A) giant cells
B) epitheliod cells
C) multinucleated cells
D) fibroblasts
279. Which of the following causes hypocalcemia:
A) 25 hydroxycholecalciferol
B) 1, 25 di hydroxycholecalciferol
D) Calbindin
280. Genotype of a true hermaphrodite is?
281. Calcitonin is secreted by which tumor:
A. Pancreatic
B. Thyroid
C. Parathyroid

282. Angiotensin 2 is responsible for:

A) systemic vasoconstriction of venules
B) release of aldosterone
C) vasoconstriction of affernt glomerularr an adult in sitting position,
283. Most common skin malignancy in pt with HIV:
A. Kaposi sarcoma
B. Basal cell carcinoma
C. Squamous cell carcinoma
284. Left gastroepiploic artery is branch of:
A) Right hepatic
B) Splenic artery
C) Gastrodudenal
D) common hepatic
285. Organelle that binds carbohydrates with protein enclose them in vesicles n
(don't remember the exact stem ):
286. Child with recurrent infection, which of the following physiological antibody
is missing
on peripheral smear:
A) igA
B) igM
C) igG
D) igD
287. Plasma membrane thickness is:
A) 0.4
B) 7-11
(7.5 - 10nm is Range- Guyton)
288. Lady with ventricular rate of 40/m most likely
A) atrial fibrillation
B) mobitz type 1
C) mobitz type 2
D) complete heart block
E) first degree heart block
289. Iron binds to:
A) transferrin
B) ferritin
C) albumin
290. Highest carbohydrates is in
A) rice (23gm CHO)
B) maize
C) wheat (71gm CHO)

D) soghrum
291. Resonance of the lungs can b auscultated from back of the chest till:
a. 6th rib
b. 8th rib
c. 10th rib
d. 11th rib
e. 12th rib
(Demarcation Line is 3rd-9th Intercostal Space)
292. Flexion of knee and extension of hip is the action of:
A) rectus femoris
B) semitendinosus
C) sartorius
(Also Biceps femoris, Semitendinous, Semimembranous - Posterior Comp Thigh
Tibial Nerve)
293. Which of the following bones has no muscular attachments?
A) cuboid
B) navicular
C) lateral cuneiform
D) talus
294. Lymph drainage from outer nipple is to which group of lymph nodes:
A) anterior axillary
B) central
C) internal mammary
D) apical
295. Dorsal scapular nerve supplies which of the following muscle:
A) levator scapulae
B) rectus capitis
C) trapezius
(Dorsal scapular Nerve also supplies Rhomboids)
296. Which of the following is a pivot joint:
A) atlanto occipital joint
B) atlanto axial joint
C) distal radioulnar joint
297. Small muscles of hand are supplied by:
A) C6
B) T1
298. Motor supply of pharynx is by:
A) nucleus solitarious
B) nucleus ambiguous
(Nucleus Solitarius: Sensory
Ambigous: Motor)
299. Sacroiliac joint:
A)less mobility
B)plain variety of synovial joint

C)covered by psoas &iliacus

D)is supplied by post division of external iliac artery
E)Is innervated by ventral rami of S1+S2 and lateral branches of dorsal rami of S1+S2
300. Left gastroepiploic artery is branch of:
A) Right hepatic
B) Splenic artery
C) Gastrodudenal
D) common hepatic
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16 &17 April 2015 paper

Questions collected from Atya Khan, Fareeha Anjum,
Aortic Arch, Rabia Arain,
16th April 2015 Medicine
Q1- FRC means....??
-Volume of air left at the end of tidal vol ?
-residual vol?
-can b measured by spirometery
-is the sum of all lung volumes
Q2Falciparum causes..
-black water fever
Q3At high altitude, O2 is shifted by
-shift of o2hb curve to right
-inc pH
-dec temp
Q4Person is A+, most likely transfusion reaction will occur due to?

A. A- group
B. O+
C. ABD.oQ5
6 yr child, rhinitis , eczema etc etc
What's the process??
A. Type 1 hyper sensitivity
B. Type 2
C. Type 3
D. Type 4
The blood level of wc of the following drugs is monitored usually after administration??
A. Cloxacillin
B. Penicillin
C. Vancomycin
D. CiprofloxAcin
Doc for Neisseria Meningitidis ?
A. Penicillin G
B. Cloxacillin
C. Ampicillin
Anticoagulantion e heparin is C/I in patients e?
A. Hypertension
B. Thrombocytopenia
Which on has highest bioavailibilty ??
A. Ondansetron
B. Metoclopramide
In a pt of asthma and IHD, which drug should b used to control bp during an operation?
Q11A female pt in a remote area gave birth to child, after 10 hrs her gums start bleeding, she was

brought to Hosp in a critical cond, investigations show dec platelets , dec hb, raised tlc, pt 30 sec.
It is most probably ???
A. Sepsis
C. ENDOtoxic shock
D. Hypotension
Q12Patients whose small gut is resected due to any disease, they present e "hyperoxaluria". The
cause of this cond is...?
A. Dec blood calcium to form calcium oxalate
B. There is increaed calcium abs from gut
C. There is increased phosphate in blood
Q13The end product of purine metabolism in humans, which is excreted in urine is ??
A. Uric acid
B. Xanthine
C. Oxalate
1.Amanorrhea in lactating women is due to
Gnrh antagonist
2.side effect of cemitidine
Inhibition of p45o
Anti estrogen
3.aminophylline matabolism is inhibited when used with
Othr option dnt remember
Membrane hyperpolarization is
K effulx
Cl infux
Na k atps
4..adverse effect of cortico steride in dm.

Imblnce suger levl

5..internl capsul lies medial to
Red nucleus
Othe dnt remember
6.steriode harmone act by
Increse CAMP
Cyckic gmp
Nucler transcriptn
7.iitching is carried by
C fibrs
Dorsal colm
Othr dnt remembr
8.memory n alertness is cntrl by which nuclus of thalamus
9.smthng else vas also asked abt limbic systm n thalams.
10.paractmol over dose anti dot?
stress hormone.... Cortisole ' catacholamins
Micro 3 questions on t.b ek me characteristic and ek me diagnostic point,or ek me constructive
pericarditis after t.b
Single crease...down syndrome
Phrenic nerve relation to....digestric ..
Sternocledomestoid ..scleneius anterior Golgi tendon organ measure tension of muscle
Golgi tendon ...relaxation
Transverse ancission supra pubic structure injured... Inf epigestric
Cardiogenic shock maintend by
Urinary bladder innervation
Anterior division of internal illaic artery.
Vagina supplied by
Vaginal and uterine artery.
long pre-erythrocyte phase occur in

cervical dysplasia caused by
Melanocyte origin from
Neural crest
diarrhea main options were Hyerkalemia alkalosis hypernatremia n hyponatremia n i thought
most probable is hypo natremia
clonidine is an alpha blocker n baki sabbb option main Ca channel blockers thay
Data .. 2 grps .. Vominting and non vomiting .., nominal data ...
Thirst stimulated by ... Inc plasma osmolarity ?
Structure at the end of 5th week .. Limb buds appear ?
2% bupicaine .. In 4ml .. 0.08 ?
In 100ml = 2 mg
In 1ml = 0.02
In 4 ml = 0.02 * 4 = 0.08
CHO diet ... Is vit B1 ( thiamine ) was in option ?
In diarrhea there is hypernatremia or normal sodium .. Hypokalemia .. Normal anion gap ...
Metabolic acidosi
1.Cardgenic shock is due to?? Post MI
2.Neurogenic shock due to?? Dec vasomotor tone
3.two percentage givenon which data will b plotted? Pie chart
4.One group of individual with vomiting one without??type of Data??
5.14 weeks pregnant ladt after fracture? Fat embolism
6 n 7. Two questions of amniotic fluid embolism?
8.Cardiogenic shock 1st drug? Dopamine
9.hypophysectomy n ovulation induction?? HMG n Hcg
10.uterine prolapse? Metaplasia n chronic cervicitis
11.GB pain to shoulder? C3,4,5
12.Pudendal nerve root value?
13.Thirst stimulated by??
14.Child with diarrhea? Dec sodium
15.Increase in GFR? Afferent arteriolar dilatation

16.Renin inhibited by? Angiotensin 2

17.person taking increase carbohydrate which vitamin should be supplemented?
18.Fetal head at 0 station..landmark?ischial spines
19.urogenital sinus divided by ? PMN ducts
20.Labia majora counter part?
21.Mullerian tubercle related to?
22.fetal hydrocephalic head at -2 station ?from where CSF is drained?
23.structure in definitive form at the end of 5th week?
24.HIV association? Invasive Ca cervix in Hyderabad..camping n sleeping on floor..fever lymphadenopathy.history of tick bite?
27.Stress hormone? Cortisol
28.ACTH increased?HTN Hirsutism??
29.Achondroplasia? Autosomal dominant
30.Down Syndrome? Trisomy 21
31.fisher man..dec intake of veggies? Folate def
32.pregnant veggies? Anencephaly
33.Growth hormone?
34.Thyroxine? female breast atrophy?
36.Estrogen? Dec osteoclastic activity
37.Dead space decreased? Tracheostomy
38.Thyroid isthmus? 2 3 4 tracheal ring
39.Hyoid bone location?
40.corticospinal decussation?
41.pre central gyrus left cerebral cortex damage?
42.Inguinal ligament
43.artery incised in suprapubic incision? Inferior epigastric
44.Muscles of Back supply? Dorsal spinal rami
45.Anterior spinal nerve as well as cutaneous branches?T1
46.Corticosteroid dec? lymphocytes
47.Incised wound healing?factor aiding? Sutures
48.15 yr boy with megaloblastic anemia?? Which investigation?
49.55 yr women with megaloblastic anemia?cause
50.Mg abundant in? bones
51. Artery supply to bones?/
52.IUCD in place?? Cervical metaplasia??
53.Cervical dysplasia?? treated for TB dies suddenly.autopsy shows blood in pericardium?
55.Renal cause of edema? have sensory loss on foot n ulcer? Neuropathy n Angiopathy
57.Pt treated fr MI 10 years developed edema?cause??
58.12 yr old girl.multiple episodes of staph abcesses n Klebsiella attack?girl deficient in?
59.cause of sexually tramitted infections?
60.Radiation exposure injury mechanism? Free radicals
61.No of barr body in Klinefelters? 2?? inc of GH in pregnancy due to ? placental somatotropin

63.Glucose transfer in placenta??
64.Oxygen transfer from placenta?
65.Thalasemia major in pak? 5%
66.Relation of left renal vein with aorta?
67.Parasympathetic stimulation? Intestinal sphincter relax
68.micturation reflex?
69.sympathetic stimulation??pupil affected
70.Alpha blocker? Clonidine
71.beta blocker?hypoglycemia
72.not a calcium blocker?enalapril
73.prolactin inhibition? Dopamine
74.during lactation?prolactin inhibit GnRH
75.milk ejection? Oxytocin
76.carbidopa+levodopa?dec peripheral conversion
77.Carotid bodies?baroreceptors
78.Chemoreceptors respond to? Dec PCO2
79.Calcitonin tumor marker in malignancy??Thyroid
80.Menopause?dec response from ovary
81.Left shift: hypothermia
82.Left shift:CO poisoning
83.Difference in RBCS in veins??
84.largest cross sectional area?capillaries
85.Hyaline cartilage: meniscus
86.Christmas Disease?Factor 9 def
87.Anal triangle drainage??lateral horizontal inguinal??
88.Labia majora drainage? Sup inguinal
89.Middle rectal?Internal Iliac
90.Uterus is supplied by?uterine n ovarian a
91.Factor 8 def given? Cryoprecipitate
92.half life of dopamine? 2 mins much 2% bupivacaine in a vial of 4 ml?
95.Confidence interval can b found out by? Standard error of mean
96.Defination of mean?
97.Pt with some ingestion of drug.NaHCO3 given?drug? Phenobarbitone
98.costochondral surface of heart? Left ventricle
99.Posterior third of ventricular septal supply? RCA
100.Pregnant pt shield used during which test? Xray
Which step iz same in glycolysis and gluconeogenusis
Correlation is said perfect when r iz

Staph aureus and aspergillus ka recurrent infection ha,what iz cause

Ig_A deficiency
Nadph deficiency
Or option don't remember
Calcitonin secreted by
Scarlet fever ka toxin
IgA % age
Thalasemia percentage
Part of brain receive excitatory input from brain but does not send back axon
Ventroanterior thalmus nucleus
Globus palidus
Carduogenic shock caused by
Gram-ve sepsis
1.spleen sequestration of Rbcs n old Rbcs phagocytosis in which part...
Red pulp sinusoids n marginal sinusoids
2. Carotid bodies.. 2 qs
Respond to change of pco2
3.plasma cells 70%
4.thalasemia 15%
5. Bronchi pulmonary segmnt fornix
7.vagina..posteriorly rectovaginal fascia
8.epiploic foramen.. Post aorta
Sup. Caudal lobe
Rt. Gastrosplenic ligament
9.bladder control.. S234
10.micturition reflex
Mechanoreceptora in wall
Inhibition of reflex by center located in pons
Which step iz same in glycolysis and gluconeogenusis

In sever diarrhea what happen

Alkalisis instead of acidosis
Increase body potassium
Decreased sodiym
One question from bupivacaine
Rabia ali micro mcq no 100 exact statement,

=-=18 april medicine test mcqstried to remember all but few remain

Cervical rib attached to transverse process of cevical rib will compress

B. C8
C. T1


. Resting membrane potential acieved by:

A. Diffusion of potassium outside the cell ..
B.Na K pump same for all types of cell


Diagnostic tumor marker for ovarian CA

B. CA 125 C. AFP


Which of the folowing prolong use of drug will cause persistent inc in gastrin secretion
c.b blockers
d.H 2 antagonist


Compression effects on esophagus by which organ enlargement

:A. Aorta
B. Left atrium
C. Pulmonary artery
D. Right atrium
E. Left ventricle


Normal FEV/FVC1 Ratio:

A. 0.8
B. 0.95
C. 0.6
7. Prolong coma is caused by lesion of which nucleus:
A. Nucleus cerelous
B. Periaquedactal of gray of mid brain

Stem about diphtheria vaccine reaction:

A:type 1
B:type 2
C:type 3:
d type 4


Which of the following increases lower eosophageal tone n speeds up gastric emptying time:A. Aluminium
B. Metoclopramide

10. Scanty bar bodies:

A. Klienfelter
B. Downs
C. Turner
11. A pt presented to his dentist due to inability to put his dentures, dentist referred back to physician saying there is
no dental probe, where is the lesion: (STEM NOT PROPER)
A. substantia nigra
12. Cause of Mental retardation
:A. Fragile X Syndrome (Downs wasnt in options)
13. Rt optic tract damage
Left homonymous hemianopia
14. 30 yr male newly diagnosed wth HTN, on ECG lt ventricular hypertrophy, serum cholesterol 200, FBS 88 mg%,
urinary sugar ++ RFTs were normal, K 2.5 , Na 140, what is cause of his HTN:
A. Diabetic nephropathy
B. Essential hypertension
C. Pheochromocytoma
D. Primary hyperaldosteronism (asim gynea page 328 )
15. Soft Keratin with no nucleus found in:
A. Cortex of hair
B. Matrix of nail
C. Stratum corneum
16. Monitoring of HEP B virus can be done via: A. S. Bilirubin
B. SGPT (or ALT)
D. Serum Protein
E. Serum Albumin(PT is to monitor Liver failure)
17. Patient with Gastrectomy presents with Anemia after One and half year, what will you give:
A. Vit B12
B. Vit C
C. Iron
D. Blood transfusion
18. Dorsal Column Medial Leminsical carries:
A. Proprioception
B. Pain
C. Temperature(Pain and Temp is by Anterolateral System)
19. Contralateral loss of pain and temp at T9 and ipsilateral loss of proprioception below T8, bilateral normal
A. Lesion of spinothalamic tract at T8 B. Complete spinal cord sectionC. Hemisection at T12

D. Hemisection at L1 or 2 (asim surgery page 21 4 edition)

20. Downs Syndrome:
A. Increase incidence with increasing mother age
B. Extra chromosome
21. Aphasia (Non-fluent) after stroke or Trauma which area of Brain is involved:

A. Brocas B wernik
22. Maximum absorption of salt and water
:A. Jejunum B. Ileum
C. colon
23. Parasympathetic effect on SA node is due to
A. K
B. Na
Na and K
D, calcium
E cal and k
Confirm it yourself .some senior says a ..some c


Mcqs on Gap junction

25. Metaplasiaa change in function

Functional change in epithelium
26. Dysplasia ,,sixe and shape
Loss of cellular orientation size and shape
27. Pallegra ..which vitamin def..nicotinic acid
28. Aids pt wd treatment side effect pancreatitis neuropsthydidonosine
29. Poorly cross bbb..levodopa
30. Wrist injury deep ulnar nerve injury (asim and shoab gynea)
31. Primary hyperparathyroidismasim and shoab gynea mcq no 79 page 320..very imp mcq
32. Contration of smooth musle
anp aldosterone. Adh
33. Parasyphetic effect ..
dec intestinal motility..
pupillary muscle contraction..
34. Tachyphylaxix means
Acute rapid decrease in response after its administration
35. Insulin s stimulated by glucogan
36. Pubertyestrogen..hypothalamic sensitivity to estriol
37. Chorea..
Sudden jerkey purposeful movements
38. Tremor of teacher tx..proprnolol
39. S4 due to ventrilur fiilling ganong mcq
40. B cell cd19 and cd 20 asim and shoab

41. Activated t cell in mononucleases asim and shoab

42. B cell damage in mononucleases asim and shoab
43. Young pt wd Atypical cell wd lymphadenopathy..invest monospot
44. chrons and UC defrntitng lesioins Perianal lesion,.,,, asim
45. if 100 cm ileum is resectd wht will happenInc water loss / inc bile salts loss.. asim
46. urine osmlarity 600mosm
urea 15
Na 110
K 3.4
47. muscles for foot eversion..peroneus longus
48. young female wd recurrent abortion and dvt that is nt corrected even aftr giving. FFPs
mutated factr 5 laden
49. musle spindle or golgi tendon asim surgery mcqs..
50. myxoma.left atrium.asim
51. bells palsy
lesion at cerebelopontine
lesion just befre stapidius
52. testicular ca markers
alpha fetoprotein
53. gas cangrene is due to RAbia plus asim
clostridium welchii/ clostridium perfinges
54. membranous coilitis is cuased by
clostridium difficle
55. dilated pupils occulomotr nerve damage
56. trochealor nerve damage..
extortion and medial squint
57. drug causes acidosis ulcers salycylate
58. treated wd naloxone not responding..phenobarbitol
59. . in pregnent womn whch is incrsd
60. pO2 will be equal to 100mmhg in
left to rt shunt
rt to left shnt
high altitude
61. whch spreads via orofcal trnsmsn
hep b

hep e
62. qstn abt secretin pancreatic hco3

63. pain ovry reaching medial side of thigh ..whch nrve is involvedObturator nerve..pudendal nerve
64. qstn abt SMA brnchs Middle colic artry
65. progestrne is precusr to whch hrmnes asim gynea
66. sjogrens is assocated wd RA (ans)
67. neutrophils 98% lymphocytes 2%
cloudy plerual effusion of an old man wd h/o cough, no fvr
options were
chronic inflmtn serpous effusion
abscess,,,, purulent effusion./..
fibrinoid inflmtn
68. following splnectmy immediate finding will be >
Howel jolly bodies
69. left adrenal vein drain
left renal vein
70. dif b/w anaphylctc shock nd hypovlmc shck
71. cavrns sinus contains ->
ICA and abducnt nerve
72. vit acitvated in intstines >
vit k

73. CRF ->///low co2 oral intake is limited to 0.5 l/day

74. eclmptc ldy
drug given to her before GA
sodm nitropruside
75. puberty starts wd increase in
gondotrophins (pulsatile gnrh from pitituary)
gonadal hormones
76. malaria scenario
77. bby wd urine frm umblcs
ans.presistent urcharus
78. qstn abt aziothioprine mech of action.Inhibits both immmune plus serological response..
79. chemotactix c5a
80. smthng abt amyloid light chain
81. axillary fascia is derived from deep cervicalprevertebrl
82. thyroid epithelium..changes its shape wd function

83. macroprolsctinemia asim gynea page 325

84. inclusions smthing ..parkinsons/basal ganglia invlvment
85. qstn abt carcinoid tumors

all anti psychotics are likely in

anti ematic effect
anti pyschtic
potency in mili grams

87. Pregnant women 1st trimester..develops atrial fib..what would u do...

Iv hep(ANS)
Iv hep plus oral anticoag
88. 55yr old Pt allergic to penicilin..prev h/o rhematoid heart disease..get dental treatment..
Vanco plus genta
89. Sup to inf in intercostal space
Nerve artery vein
vein artery nerve
90. Inguinal region below inguinal ligamnmedial to lat..navel
91. Ligamentam arteriosum is between
Arch and left pul artery
92. Pt wd high bpdec afferent arteriole resiistnce..bowmane cappilaryy high pressure
93. Gonococcus.. dx gram staining
94. Rt Horinzal semicircular canal..when moves head to left
95. Yeloow color pleural effusion..neutrophils 90 percentbasophils 2 percnt serous effusepurulent effusion
96. Folic acid source..
raw vegetable liver

97. Lp site..upper boerder od l4 asim key

98. Pheochromocytoma
99. Brain area 321
postcentral gyrus
agranular cortex.
primary somatosensory
100. Cerebellumafferent from motor cortex

101. Supralateral Floor of 4 ventricle frmded by medulla pons

inferior cerbllm peduncles

superior cerebellar peduncle

102. Cortisol..which has diffrnt function in adispose tissue and liver in protein syntheses
Cortisol protein and lipid synthesis in liver and breakdown in other parts of body

103. Uncoupling of oxidation reaction..

thyroisds hormone
104. Atps 38 total
105. Product btwn glycolysis and tca..pyruvate and acetyl coa
106. Dead space volume is not changedstanding
deep breathingdo cheetara note on dead space
107. Venous return in exercise..
contraction of leg muscles
108. Primary billiary cirrhosis..
antimitochondrial antibody
109. Mean

The mean is the average of the numbers. It is easy to calculate: add up all the numbers,
then divide by how many numbers there are. In other words it is the sum divided by the
110. Aldosterone mainly act on ..
proximal distal loop collcting
late distal collecting tubule
111. Sulphur containg amino acid cystine

112. Cs f..glucose lower than normal

113. Hla.grft rejection..not necessary in liver transplant if abo compate
114. Hlaother bcq ..asim
115. High level of estrogen..endometrial hyperplasia
116. Pt wd recurenr throat infection ..diarheaaselective igA deficient
117. Pancreatitis fat necrosis
118. Ankylosing spondy b27
119. Thymusno lumph nodules..rabia
120. Psudohyphea and budding..candidiasis
121. Second week..hypo epiblast..rabia

122. Metaplasia asim

123. Dysplasiawd big nuclei of cervical cell asim
124. Alpha feto protein testicular ca
125. Bipolar disorder..
lithium tx
126. Mitral reg..
pansystolic murmur
127. Beta blockers
Av block

128. Dilated cardiomyopathy..

coxsackie virus
129. Dvt..
femoral vein
130. Wegener granul scenario.
.focal necrotizing vasculitis
131. Inc gastric motility.
132. Vitamin k def scenario
133. Duchene dystrophy.
.investgation cpk
134. Ornithine transcarbamoylase def scenario..forgotten options of investigation
Incomplete stem so read topic on page 106 of fa 2015 edition
135. Inc triglyceride
chylomicron remnnt
chylomicron if not in option then vldl
136. A scenario wd increase jvp..lung translucency etcpulmonary aneurysm..vasculitis..forgotten the stem but
tukkaa lagay
137. Red blood cell in csf.
subarachoind hemmrhage
138. Mcq about upper motor neuron lesion
139. Multiple sclerosisreactive gliosis demyelination
140. Rennin release..jg cell
141. Insulin sec stimulated by glucagon

142. Succinyl..psudocholinsterase
143. Plasma fibrinogrn..invlved in blood clotting
144. Tbt cell macrophages type 4 reaction

145. Slescenario
146. Pernicious anemia..
147. Staph aureus inf after thorn prick
148. Apoptosis
149. Anti oncogens
150. Vibrio cholera.
151. MyeloperoxidaSE.
152. Rta
1st vasoconstriction.
153. Dead space unchanged..
deep inspiration
154. Female wd silicon breast implant having inflamtory ..
plasma cell nuetrophils esinophils
giant cells
155. Deudenal ulcer.
.gastroduedenal artery
156. Sa node,
,upper part of crista terminalis
157. Respiratory segmnta tree
one atery for each segmnt
158. Diabetic nephropathy
urine albumin
159. Fastest conduction..
160. Dorsal rami..extensor of trunk
161. Rapid adaptation
Pascinian corpuscle
162. Infra orbital artery
maxillaery branch
163. Memory areaoperculum of insula
temporal lobe
164. Olfactory cell
bipolar cells
165. Virus causes cancer by

changing protein synthesis

166. Feco oral route..
hep E
167. Dvt.
168. Adh ..
supraoptic nucleus
169. ttypical case scnro of asprgilosis
170. local edema..
171. creatinine is formed in
muscles liver;;; kidney
172. amputation and then tumor of nerver
173. Fetal life po2 is 80 % in which vessel
umbilical vein
174. Nasal scraping for leprosy
175. Atrial fib..digo,,,,atria fib ..
pulse deficit
176. Female cant open mouth,,
lat pterygoid damage
177. Dobutamine action ..
bet 1 agonist
178. About skeletal muscle
aponuerosis is fibrous and membranous
belly is fleshy all along length
origins are proximal and mobile
insertions are distal and immobile..
179. Branch of whch artery is end artery
central retinal artery
180. Remnnt of allontios
persistant urachus
181. Taste center???
Anterior insula on the insular lobe on inferior frontal gyrus of forontal lobe
182. Ionizing radical cuases cancer ,,
183. Dif btw primary abd secondary wound healing
A. Granulation tissue
B. Wound contraction
184. Primary hepatocellular carcunoma caused by
A. Aflatotoxin
B. Heptatis c
C. Alpha 1 anti trypsin def
Hep B >>>>> hep C
185. Medical ethics pillars..
autonomy beneficience male efficeience justice
186. Thyroid Medullary ca.marker..

187. Pubic bone joint type in last trimester
188. Pulmonary atery ends in .
.alveoli .
189. Diagnostic feature of folic acid def
a megaloblstic erythropoisis.
b..low serum folate ..
c low rbc folate level
190. Pul artery dilation is due to .
.a atherosclerosis

Compiled by Anginaneed prayers



1. Gas gangrene. Cause of death?

A. Septecemia
B. Bacteremia
C. Toxemia

2. Extent to which a tissue gets disturbed by occlusion of its blood supply

depends on
A. Velocity of blood in tissue
B. anatomical pattern of vascular supply
C. General state of blood
D. Don't remember other options
E. Rate of development of thrombosis

4. Apex of the heart:

A. 8 cm from median plane
B. 3RD intercostal space

5. True about Osteogenesis

A. All cartilage changes to bone
B. Clavicle ossifies in cartilage
C. Intramembranous bones ossify from cartilag

6. A tumor with all germ layers:

A. Teratoma

7. Following has high clearance value:

A. Inulin
C. Glucose
D. Na

8. Organelle have microtubules in its structure:

A. Golgi apparatus
B . Mitochondia
C. Centriole

9. S1 nerve root lesion:

A. Ankle jerk
B. Loss of sensation of sole and medial side of foot
C. Trophic ulcer of dorsum of foot
D. Babnisk positive
E. Plantar flexion

10. A man of 70 has recurrent UTI cause (No clue was mentioned regarding bedridden):
A. Instrumentation
B. Outflow Obstruction
C. Diverticulum
D. Cathetrization

11. Plasma Protein Binds With All Except:

A. Oxygen
B. CO2
C. Iron
D. Bilirubin
E. Thyroxin

12. Highest bioavailability of anti emetics:

A. Metacloprmide
B. Qdansetron

13. X.ray of elbow of 12 yr girl, which Secondary ossification center will appear last on x.ray:
A. Trochlea
B. Lateral Epicondyle
C. Capitulum
D. Medial Epicondyle


D. Chylomicrons

15. Open wound healing includes:

A. Contraction of myofibroblasts
B. Fibroblast
C. Macrophages
D. Lymphocyyes

16. feature share by diazepam and chlropromazin:

A. Blurred vision
B. extra pyramidal effect
C. Sedation

17. Decrease Insulin will:

A. Ketogenesis in Liver
B. Increase activity of Lipoprotein Lipase

18. An obese man with h/o atherosclerosis underwent laparotomy due bleeding in abd n
during surgery his small gut was purple n sup mesenteric vein was ok so what is dx
A. Wet gangrene
B. Dry gangrene
C. Thrombosis
D. Volvulous

19. First heard sound:

a) Atrial systole
b) Isovlumic contraction
c) Isovolumic relaxation
d) Rapid ejection

20. Man With Weakness And Dysphagia, Blood Profile With Target Cells:
A. Iron Deficiency Anemia

21. Antioxidant Vitamin:

A. A

B. E
C. C

22. Patient with Gastrectomy presents with Anemia after One and half year, what will you
A. Vit B12
B. Vit C
C. Iron
D. Blood transfusion

23. Data is collected for some clinical trial based on presence or absence of Vomiting. What
type of data it is:
A. Nominal
B. Ordinal
C. Parametr

24. Aphasia (Non-fluent)

A. Brocas
B. Wernickes
C. Temporal region
D. Pyrimidal gyrus

25. What cytoskeletal structure connects Extracellular matrix to Intracellular:

A. integrine
B. ecadherin

C. Intermediate Filaments
D. Microtubules

26. Wich Antiemetic has high bioavailability:

A. Metoclopramide
B. Prochlorthiazide
C. Ordansetron
D. Droperidol

27. Cardiac defects in fetus of mother suffering from rubella infection will occur if:
A. 3 rd month
B. 4 th month
C. 5 th to 10th week
D. 7 th month.

28. Downs Syndrome:

A. Increase incidence with increasing mother age
B. Extra chromosome

29. Pulmonary vasoconstruction occurs due to:

A. Raised PCO2
B. Reduced systemic PO2
C. Reduced pH

30. Most imp buffer in blood:

A. HCO3 (most imp is HCO3 anywhere)
B. Hb

31. Which vitamin act as cofactor in oxidation of fatty acids:

A. Biotin
B. Vit B1
C. Vit C

32. Oxytocin and vasopressin originated from:

A. Neurohypophysis
B. Adrenal medulla
C. Hypothalamus

33. Lesion causing bitemporal hemonopia

A. optic tract
B. chiasma

34. Cricoid cartilage

A. Forms incomplete circle
B. Attached to laryngeal folds
C give attachment to inferior constrictors?

35. About thyroid gland?

A. recurrent laryngeal nerve lies anterior to thyroid isthmus

B. it moves with deglutition due to attachment with prevertebral fascia

C. Drains into deep cervical L Nodes

36. Sympathetic have which neurotransmitters at all postganglionic ends?

A. acetylcholine
B. Norepinephrine
C. Adrenaline

37. Parasympathetic stimulation causes

A. decreased heart rate
B. Viscous saliva in mouth

38.patient has malignant melanoma at buttock which lymph nods vl b involved

A. deeo inguinal
B. horizantal group superficial inguinal
C vertical group
D internal iliac

39. Scenario of Downs syndrome

A. Trisomy 21
B. Trisomy 23
C. Trisomy 18
D. Trisomy 13

40. Essential fatty acid?

A. Linoleic Acid

41. In emergency situations

A. Doctor should provide psychological support to patient and the family
B. Family should not be allowed inside

42. Pregnant lady with bile duct obstruction. Diagnostic investigation?

D. Alkaline phosphatase

43. Female with fever for 10 days and chest pain that aggravates on lying down.
Pain is originated at?
A. Myocardium
B. Pericardium

44. 6 years old patient presents with rhinitis, edema and urticaria on external
A. Type I hypersensitivity
B. Type II hypersensitivity
C. Type III hypersensitivity
D. Type IV hypersensitivity

45. Resting membrane potential is maintain by

A.Na K pump

B.outward k ions
C. is same for all types of cell
D inward Na

46. The specific feature of Apoptosis

A. cell shrinking
B. karyolysis
C. hyperchromasia
D. cell swelling

47. Occulomotor nerve supplies

A. all exta ocular muscles
B cilliary ganglion
C cilliary muscle

48. Cardiac out put depends on

A venous return
B exercie
C stroke vol

49. FRC is sum of

A. vital capacity plus tidal vol
B. vital capacity plus exp reserve vol
C. residual vol plus resp capacity
D. can b measured on spiromrtry
E. Gases in lungs after tidal volume

50. GFR
A. increases with vasoconstriction of afferent arterioles
B. increases with vasoconstriction of efferent arterioles

51. Quadrate lobe?

A. functionally part of right lobe
B. drains into left hepatic duct
C. lies between inferior vena cava and ligamentum venosum.

52. Intrinsic pathway is activated by

A. contact of tissue collagen when it comes in contact
B. factor X

53. Transfusion reaction will occur if we transfuse a person with A+ve blood
group, the following group
A. A-ve
B. AB-ve
C. O-ve
D. O+ve

54. Commonest cause of hepatocellular carcinoma in developing countries?

A. Aflatoxin
B. Hepatitis B
C. Hepatitis C
D. Both Hepatitis B & C

55. Connections that connect cells; with movement of ions ,electricl porntials
A. Gap junctions
B. Tight junctions

56. At high altitudes, O2 is delivered to tissues because of?

A. Decreased temperature
B. Alkalosis
C. High pH
D. Right shift of O2 hemoglobin dissociation curve

57. Patient is pregnant and suddenly faints due to loss of blood. She'll be positioned in left
lateral and not right lateral to avoid compression to which abdominal structure:
C. Liver

58. What is median if values are 20 20 25 30 35 40 25 30:

A. 28.1
B. 27.5
C. 25
D. 30

59. About Pitutary gland?

A. Foregut derivative
B. Lies posterior to Optic chiasma
C. Venous drainage into cavernous sinus?
60. Which spreads via orofaecal route?
A. Hepatits C
B. Hepatitis E

61. ADH is inhibited by:

A. Alcohol
B. Aldosterone
C. Renin
D. Anxiety

62. Post op wound having greenish pus discharge organism involved:

A. Staph Aureus
B. Pseudomonas
C. Streptoccocus Viridans
D. Kliebsella

63. Recurrent Oral ulcers

A. sle
B opthus stomatitus

64. Steroids drug action on cells:

A. Act on Genes
B. Adenyl cyclase
C. CGmp
D. Ip3

65. Intestinal flora synthesize a vitamin which takes part in coagulation. Vitamin?

A. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin K
C. Vitamin D

66. Broder classification of tumor depends on?

A. Differentiation and mitosis

67 regarding neutrophils

A. come in and out of cell

B. activlly phagocytic in blood stream

68. which is involved in opsonization

A. c3b
B C5a

69. End product of purine metabolism?

A. Urea
B. Uric acid
C. Ammonia

70. Plasmodium falciparum causes?

A. Black water fever

71. Regarding realtions of Basal ganglia

A. Internal capsule lies medial to globus pallidus

72. Size of head of embryo is about of the CRL at the intraembryonic age of?
A. 3 months

B. 4 months
C. 6months
D. 7 months
73 hyperxyloria occur eithr due to intestinal inflammtry diseas or ileal resection is due to
A decreas ca-oxalat formation pedglri, proband mean

75 kallaman syndrome
A hypergonadism
B hyperanosmia
C lesion to arcuat necleus
76 patient has fever,murmurs,splenomegally and splinter hemorrhag frm few weeks
,investigation of choice
(infective endocarditis)
A cold agglutinin
B blood culture
C blood serology
D throat swab

77 prozon phenomenon
A inflammtry condition
B antibody depleted
C antigen excess?

16th april 2015 MEDICIN PAPER B

1 overdose of antidepressant cause
A high blood pressur
B urination
C tonic clonic seizures

2 aspirin toxicity cause

A coma
B alkalosis
C acidosis

3 anticoagulant are cantaindicated

A anemia
B thrombocytopenia

4 cimitidin cause
A hepatic enzyme inducer
B heapatic enzyme inhibitor

5.regarding action of cimetidin

6 superfacial cardic plexus is formd by

A left vagus
B phrenic nerve
C right vagus
7. Right border of heart is formed by
A right atrium
B ivc
C right ventricle

8. regarding starling law of heart

A.cardic output is increase when venous return is increased
B.explain increase heart rate during exercise
C. does not operate during exercise

9 if parasympathetic is demag whch vil b effected most


10 patient has right sided loss of vibration and left sided loss of pain and temperature
(spinal cord hemsisection)
A Right hemisection

10 scenerio on right sided hemiplegia lesion is

A left internal capsul

11.child present wth fever ,rash appear ist behind ear then spread to chest and
A q fever
B measles

12 patient present wth anemia,numbness and gastrectomy done 1 year back ,whch cell
is lost
A gastrin cell
B chief cell
C parietal cell

13 chlornanchis sinensis is associated wth

A CA colon
B Cholengiocarcinoma
C CA gall bladder

14 regarding nesseria meningitides

A penicillin G is the drug of choice

15. scenario on fisherman wth anemia ,whch parasitic infection

A asc/ lumbricoid
B entrobius vermicolaris
C diphylbothrium leutm

16.early chang in lymph nods in HIV +ve patient

A mantl zone involved
B hyperplastic changes

C lymphocyte depleted

17 patient has anemia mcv 65 ,mch 24 wth target cells

A anemia of chronic diseas
B iron difficiency anemia

18 pregnant lady has enemia,numbness in feet mcv 110 ,wbc 3500,platelats 130000
A aplastic anemia
B leukemia
C megaloblastic anemia
19 patient has cirrhosis ,ascits and develop bruisingwhch vl b difficient
C vitK

20 in stomach H/K pump is inhibited by

A ranitidine
B omeprazol

21.pregnant lady which one is increase


22.effect of drug on body

A pharmacokinetic
B pharmacodynomic

23.regarding growth harmones ,secretion is increase by

A rem sleep
B hypoglycemia

24.patein has swelling in right thigh,which is increasing in size, x ray show no

connection wth bone,best marker
A cytokeratine
B vementin? (confirmd it)

25 neonat has jaundice,pamper is staind yellow ,diagnosis

A gilbert syndrome
B criglr nijar
C dubin Johnson
D roter syndrome

27. young pregnant lady present wth histry of recurrent abortion,and

A antiphospholipid syndrome?
B antithrombin3 difficiency?
C Factor v leidin

28.hard keratin is found in

A cortex of hair
B nail
C stratium corneum
D stratium basalis and stratium spinsum

29 patient has wading gait and pelvic sink to one side while walking, demag is to
A inferior gluteal nerve
B femoral nerve
C superior gluteal nerve

30.patient has difficulty in rotating foot medially while lateral rotation is normal,demag is
A Flexur hallucis longus/extensor halucis longus
B tibialis ant/tibialis post
C extensor hallucis longus/tibialis posterior

31 patient aftr fall from 2nd storey develop difficulity in voiding urine and overflow
incontinence,demag is
A S1 S2 S3
B S2 S3 S4

32 patient has weakness of forarm,wasting of thenar muscls,and loss of sensation of

lateral3 fingrs and palm whch nerve demag
A radial nerve
B musclucutenous nerve
D ulner nerve

33 scenrio on patau syndrome trisomy 13

34.scenerion on placenta,same mcq as in feb conventional exam

35 most common site of obstructive hydrocephalus

A foramen monro
B foramen magendi and lushka
C sylvis equiduct

36. patient has aplastic anemia,antithymocyts globulin was given,develop arthritsie

iffusion,hepatosplenmegaly fever,diagnosis
A type1 hypersensitvty reaction
B type iv hypersensitivity reaction
C type3 hypersensitvity reaction dermatitis
A Type iv hypersensitivity reaction

38 in myasthenia gravis whch antibody is involved

B IgG ans(confirmd it)
C igM


40.regarding menupaus
A high estrogen ,low fsh ,lh
B low estrogen high lh,low fsh
C low estrogen,high fsh,lh

41 patient has high antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody on lab investigation,diagnosis

A vasculitis

42.carcnoid syndrome
A 5hydroxy indol acetic acid
43.patient with asthma and emphysema which one is decreas

44. diabetic patient has ulcer in foot,pathophysiolgy

A infection
B neuropathy and angiopathy

45.patient has thyrotoxicosis,has decreas visual acuity and visual field defect
A exophthalmos?(cconfirmed it)
B oculomoter nerve demage?
C optic nerve compression

46.regarding main pancreatic duct

A open into ileum
B open separately
C develop from dorsal pancreatic bud

47.regarding bile duct

A cystic duct join common hepatic duct form common bile duct

48.scenerio from primry hyperaldosternism

49.female wth amenorrhea,hirsutism,U/S multiple cysts in ovary bilaterally,diagnosis

A polycystic overian syndrome

50.patient has multiple sclerosis develop urinary incontinence which drug should be
A beclofen
B methacholine
C oxybutynin?

51. aschoff body

52.patient has fever,lymphadenopathy,lymphocytosis with atypical

lymphocyts,investigation of choice
A lymph node biopsy
B blood culture
C monospot

54.feamle give birth of baby in remote ares develop bleeding into gums,nose,low
BP,increase pulse,WBC 17000, platelats 20000..diagnosis
A dic

55.content of cavernous sinus

A abducent nerve

56.first branch of external carotid artery

A maxilry artey
B occipital artery
C superior thyroid artery

57.viruses cause cancer because it has

A proto oncogen
B oncogen

58.child present with right sided facial weakness and right sided intention tremors,lesion
is at
C.cerebelo pontine angle

59.which of the following valvuler heart disease is associated with angina

A mitral stenosis
B aortic stenosis
C.mitral regurgitation

60.Left Ventriculer Failure occur in

A. tricuspid insufficiency
B.aortic valve diseases

61.person lying naked,humidity 80% ,21 degree temperatue.heat lost by

A.conduction and radition

62.oesophagus is constricted at
A right bronchus
B left ventricle
C.where crossed by arch of aorta

63.septic shock differ from hypovolumic shock

A.incease cardic output

64.which one is specific for diagnosis of SLE

B anti double stranded DNA

65.scenerio that patient has seizures and muscular contraction in extremities,serum Ca

is 6..not remember completely
A tetny
B.primry hyperaldostrinsm?(dilutional hyponatremia)

Dr afzal haq wazir
Remember me in your prays.


FCPS Part-1 Exam Sunday 19th April, 2015.

Some questions, i have confirmed, only Answer is given.
Questions i have not confirmed, Options are given.
Questions i don't remeber, Topics are given.
if anything wrong, Kindly Correct me, You all are welcome to Correct.
1. Prolonged APTT, scenario.
Ans. Christmas disease.
2. Byssinosis?
Ans. Textile Industries.
3. Mother Blood Group A, One Child O and one child AB, Father have?
A. A
B. O
D. B
E. Two childs have two fathers.
4. Collagen?
A. Abundant in Ligament Flavum
B. Elastic
C. freely rejoin
D. Yellow Colour
E. Lightly Stain with Eosin
5. Diaphragmatic opening, Aortic Aneurysm at opening, compress which structure?
Ans. Thoracic Duct and Azygous Vein.
6. Whole Wheat contain Vitamin?
A. Thiamine (Answer)
B. Riboflavin
7. Highest Cholesterol content?
A. White meat
B. Red meat (Answer, not sure)
C. Milk
D. Egg
(some says Red Meat and some says Egg)
8. Tip of scapula, vertebral level?
A. T10
B. T9
C. T8 (Answer)
D. T6
9. Breast Atrophy caused by?
Ans. Lack of Estrogen and Progesterone.
10. Metaplasia?
A. Increase number and size of cell
B. Functional change of Epithelium (Answer)
11. Scenario, Councilmans bodies are present?

Ans. Apoptosis.
12. Scenario, Ascites+Pleural Effusion, Alcoholic Hepatitis, finding?
Ans. Mallory Bodies
13. Scenario of Alcoholic Patient.
Ans. Fatty Liver.
14. Opsonization.
Ans. C3b.
15. In Acute Inflammation Fluid present is?
A. Specific Gravity of Fluid is 1010
B. is known as Transudate
C. Protein more than 3gram (Answer)
16. Pleural Effusion present, Specific Gravity is low than 1002, cause?
Ans. CCF.
17. Chronic cervical adenopathy, tuberculous suspected, diagnosis by?
Ans. Caseous Necrosis.
18. Young patient on corticosteroids therapy, Abscess on upper outer quadrant of Rt. Arm excised,
after one month wound not healed, cause?
A. decreased neutrophil infiltration (Answer)
B. decrease formation of collagen
C. Re-epithelialization defective
19. Self Replicative Organelles, Peroxisomes, contain Oxidase developed from?
A. Golgi Apparatus
B. Nucleus
C. Mitochondria
D. S ER (Answer)
20. Pulmonary Embolism, caused by?
Ans. Deep Venous Thrombosis of Leg.
21. Helmintic disease by caused by Mosquito bite?
Ans. Filariasis
22. Scenario of Patau Syndrome. Microcephaly, Polydactyly, cleft Lip and Palate.
Ans. Trisomy 13.
23. female short Vagina, no Uterus, O/E testes present, cause?
Ans. Testicular Feminizing Syndrome.
24. Fragile X Syndrome?
A. Trinucleotide repeat (Answer)
B. Defect in X chromosome.
25. Scenario, female with Oligomenorrhea, karyotype XO/XX, cause?
Ans. Gonadal Agenisis and Hypogonadism.

26. Hallmark of HIV?
A. Immunodeficiency.
B. Proliferation of virus inside T lymphocyte.
27. Female have Butterfly Rash, first test performed?
Ans. Antinuclear Antibody.
28. Esophageal Stage of Swallowing effected by?
Ans. Scleroderma.
29. Tumor, not melagnant?
Ans. Adenoma.
30. Tumor with 3 germ Layers?
Ans, Teratoma.
31. Tumor invading Nerve Sheath?
Ans. Hemangiopericytoma.
32. Squamous Cell Carcinoma associated with?
Ans. Marjolin Ulcer.
33. Scenario, pateint have half/one side headache, biopsy of Artery show granuloma formation?
Ans. Giant Cell Arteritis.
34. Drug which stable plaque in Acute Coronary Syndrome?
A. Atorvastatin (Answer, not Sure)
B. Diuretics
C. Morphine
D. Nitrates
35. First Biological marker of Myocardial Infarction?
Ans. Troponin-T.
36. Myocardial Infarction due to block of LCA, which site of heart damaged?
Ans, Left Atrium and Left Ventricle.
37. Lumbago Patient have chest pain and Tenderness at Posterior 2-4 Intercostal Space, CK and
Trop-T normal, B.P normal, no retrosternal burning, cause?
B. Aneurysm of Aorta
C. Costochondritis (Answer)
D. Pleurisy
38. Aortic Aneurysm, cause?
Ans. Medial Necrosis.
39. p53, Tumor Suppressor Gene, if mutated, what occur?
Ans. Cell survival.
40. Pneumonia not respond to Antibiotics, Boat shaped cysts are seen?
Ans. Pneumocystis carinii.

41. Characteristic/diagnosis of Asthma?
Ans. FEV1/FVC <75%
42. Chron's disease different from Ulcerative Colitis?
Ans. Perianal Lesions.
43. Diabetic nephropathy diagnosed by?
Ans. Albuminuria.
44. Goodpasture syndrome?
Ans. sub-endothelial deposits of IgG.
45. Urothelial Carcinoma associated with?
A. Bladder exstrophy
B. Horse shoe shaped kidney
C. Duplication of bladder
D. Polycystic Kidney
46. Scenario of Berry Aneurysm/hemorrhage, association?
Ans. Adult Polycystic Disease.
47. Testes in Abdomen/ Cryptorchidism associated with?
Ans. Malignancy.
48. ACTH Incresed, hirsutism, central Obesity, cause?
Ans. Cushing Syndrome.
49. (another Question also related with ACTH/Adrenocortical condition, i don't remeber exactly)
50. Pateint suffered Head Trauma, Urine Osmolarity decresed, symptoms Polydipsia and Polyuria,
Ans. Central Diabetes Insipidus.
51. Patient came to clinic with complaints of Polyuria and poldipsia, urine Osmolarity decrased,
Incresed Thirst and Thirst not relieved by drinking water, Injection of ADH given but symptoms
Ans. Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus.
52. Patient with tachycardia and Palpitations, TSH low, after giving Thyrotropin TSH is Increased,
cause is?
A. Problem in Pituatry
B. Problem in Thyroid (Answer)
C. Thyroid Adenoma
52. Multiple Fractures occur in which disease?
A. Osteoporosis
B. Vitamin D deficiency
C. Hyperparathyroidism
D. Hypoparathyroidism
E. Cushing Synrome
53. Meningitis, CSF shows, Gluscose 40 (less) Lymphocytes.

Ans. Tuberculous meningitis.

54. Chorea and Athetosis, disease of?
Ans. Basal Ganglia.
55. One gram of Protein gives?
Ans. 4 calories.
56. Counselling is?
Ans. Help patients themselves.
57. A Girl of 8 years, at terminal illness, parents told to doctor that dont anything about disease to
our Child, and now Patient is asking "am i going to die?" Doctor response should be?
Ans. first docor should ask "what Your parents have told you?"
58. Individuals have the independent and Same vhance of being selected?
A. Random Sample
B. Systemic Sample (Answer)
59. CCK causes?
Ans. Inhibition of Gastric Emptying.
60. Gastric Motility increased by?
Ans. Gastrin.
61. Steatorrhea, deficincy of Pencreatic enzyme?
Ans. Lipase.
62. Bile Salts absorbed in?
Ans. Ileum.
63. Anterior PItuatry Histology Features.
A. Corticotropes constitute more than 50 percent of Ant: Pitutary.
B. Chromophobes are of smallest cell type.
64. ADH and Oxytocin produced in?
Ans. Hypothalamus.
65. Insulin inhibits?
Ans. Glycogenolysis.
67. Adenosine?
A. Half life 30 seconds
B. Transient Tachycardia
C. action with thephylline
D. Inhibit SA and AV node
68. Patient, Accident, multiple Fracture, B.P 90/60, Pulse 120 b/min?
Ans. Fluid Replacement.
69. Patient transfused with 2 weeks old Bood, Blood contain mainly?
A. RBC (Answer)
B. Platelets

C. Monocytes
D. Neutrophills
70. Chemical Synapse, most likely?
Ans. Ca uptake and release of ACh into cleft.
71. Isotonic and Isometric contraction, Isotonic contraction is different by?
A. Consume more phosphate bonds
B. Less work done
C. Have more energy of recovery
D. Heat production
72. Major Stress harmone?
A. ACTH (Answer)
B. norepinephrine
C. Epinephrine
73. Major Blood Buffer?
A. Bicarbonate (Answer)
B. Hemoglobin
C. Protein
D. Phosphate
74. Vasodilation cause by which Adrenergic Receptors?
Ans. Beta 2.
75. Autonomic Nervous System?
Ans. Parasympathetic Increase GIT Motility.
76. Regarding Epithelium and Glands?
Ans. Simple Squamous occurs at sites of Gaseous Exchange.
77. 2nd heart Sound?
Ans. Closure of Semilunar valves.
78. Humans start burning sensation of skin, when surface exposed to Temparature is?
A. 35
B. 40
C. 45 (Answer, not sure)
79. Tricuspid valve Auscultation.
Ans. Lower end of Sternum on Rt. Side.
80. Mean Systemic Filling Pressure?
Ans. Affects Mean Arterial Pressure.
81. Difference of Pulomanary and Systemic Circulation?
Ans. Pulmonary have low Resistance.
82. Organ have no change of Blood Supply during Exercise?
Ans. Brain.

83. In CCF, edema caused by?

Ans. Increase Hydrostatic Pessure.
84. Extreme left shift of Curve?
A. HbF
B. CO poisoning (Answer)
85. Low Affinity of Oxygen?
Ans. Methemoglobin.
86. Increased Ph, causes?
Ans. Hypo ventilation.
87. Rapid Ascent to high Altitude?
Ans. Pulmonary Edema.
88. Increase in Renal Blood Flow and GFR?
Ans. Dilatation of afferent Arteriole.
89. Digoxin Toxicity by?
Ans. Loop Diuretics.
90. Aldosterone causes?
Ans. Hypkalemia.
91. Osteogenesis Imperfecta?
Ans. Collagen Disorder.
92. Testosterone function?
A. Thickening of laraynx
B. Darkening of areola
C. Deposits of Fat on Medial side of thigh
93. Virus Transfer information of one cell to another?
Ans. Transformation.
94. Respiratory Symptoms?
Ans. Ascariasis.
95. Amoebic Liver Abscess, diagnosed by?
A. Liver biopsy
B. Ultrasound
C. CT scan
D. Serology
E. Stool Antigen Testing
96. Typhoid at day 6, diagnosed by?
Ans. Blood Culture.
97. Typhoid in week 2, diagnosed by?
Ans. Blood culture+Widal Test.
98. Thorn prick form Abscess, bacteria?

Ans. Staphylococcus Aureus.

99. Charecteristic Finding in Clostridium botulinum?
Ans. Flaccid paralysis.
100. Finding of Falciparum Malaria?
Ans. Black water fever.
101. Scenario, pap smear +ve, after 2 years?
Ans. Ca Cervix.
102. Drug for MRSA?
A. Co-trimaxazole (Answer)
B. Co-Amoxiclav
103. Drug contraindicated in Chronic Renal Failure?
Ans. Gentamycin.
104. Anti-Tuberculous Drug cause Hyperuricemia?
Ans. Pyrazinamide.
105. Chronic Renal Failure, Anmeia, Drug will be given?
Ans. Erythropoietin.
106. Route by which first pass Metabolism occur?
Ans. Oral.
107. Phase I Biotransformation, example?
Ans. Oxidation.
108. Scenario of organophophorus poisoning, Miosis+ Salivation, Antidote is?
Ans. Atropine.
109. Drug which causes release of Histamine?
Ans. Morphine.
110. Drug causing hypoglycemia when given with sulphonylureas?
Ans. Phenylbutazone.
111. High calcium in serum, hyperparathyroidism, drug will b given?
A. Bisphosphonates
B. Loop diuretics (Answer, not sure)
112. ECG, shows 2 P waves to 1 QRS complex?
Ans. Mobitz Type II.
113. In complete Heart block?
Ans. Fainting may Occur during ventricle unable to pump Blood.
114. cause Thrombocytopenia in Child after Infection (don't remember Options)
115. Regarding Low molecular weight heparin?
Ans. Antagonizes factor Xa and Thrombin (not sure about answer)

116. Protrusion of Mandible by Muscle?
Ans. Lateral Pterygoid.
117. Rt. Gastric Artery is branch of?
Ans. Hepatic Artery.
118. Subclavian Vessels groove over?
Ans. First Rib.
119. Carotid Sheath?
Ans. Thickening of Investing layers of fascia of neck.
120. Parotid Duct open?
Ans. Upper 2nd Molar between gum and Cheek and lips.
121. DIabetic Old Lady, Scenario of Weakness of Vision?
Ans. Cataract.
122. Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis, Eye swelling, block to Vein?
A. Infraorbital.
B. superior ophthalmic (Answer)
c. Inferior Ophthalmic
123. Difficulty in moving foot medially/Inversion, cause is?
Ans. Loss of Function of Tibialis Anterior and Tibialis Posterior.
124. Appendicitis, Tenderness in moving thigh medially and medial rotation, appendix position?
Ans. Pelvic.
125. Artery in True Pelvis?
Ans. Middle Rectal Artery.
126. Muscles of back supplied by?
Ans. Dorsal Ramus.
127. Scapula attached to Thoracic wall by muscle?
A. Quadratus lumborum
B. Lattismus Dorsi
C. Rhomboids Major
D. Serratus Anterior (Answer, not sure)
128. Patient with Hemoptysis, damage to?
Ans. Bronchial Arteries.
129. Tip of Nose, herpes Infection, Nerve?
Ans. Ophthalmic division of Trigeminal.
130. Upper Motor neuron Lesion. (don't remember answer)
131. Lower Motor neuron Lesion.
Ans. Wasting.

132. Nerves involve in Light Reflex.

Ans. II and III
133. Notochord.
Ans. Induces overlying Ectoderm to form Neural plate.
134. Cerebellar Lesion.
Ans. Dysmetria.
135. Medial Leminscus formed by?
Ans. Internal Arcuate Fibers decussate.
136. Nerve accamponies Superficail Temporal artery?
Ans. Aurico-temporal Nerve.
137. Head tilt to left and Right Eye upward moved, muscle effected?
A. Rt. Superior Oblique (Answer, not sure)
B. Lt. Superior Oblique
C. Inferior Rectus
138. Vertical Cut of Optic Chiasma.
Ans. Bitemporal hemianopia.
139. Regarding blood supply in the brain?
A. Middle cerebral artery supplies foot area (Answer)
B. Arteries don't anastomose on the surfac of the brain
C. Arteries don't anastomose after entering the brain substance
D. Internal capsule is supplied by anterior cerebral artery
140. Area of the Brain most activated before performing skilled movements?
Ans. Cortical association area.
141. Person Sitting Calm and Eyes closed, which pattern on EEG?
Ans. Alpha.
142. Patient during eating, Increased lacrimation, misdirection of which nerve?
A. Facial
B. Vagus
C. Glossopharyngeal
143. X-Ray, Rt. border of Heart shadow formed by?
Ans. Superior Vena Cava.
144. Nucleolus?
A. Contain Euchromatin during replication
B. Ribosmal RNA formation
C. Contains DNA and nonhistone proteins
145. Carbohydrates and proteins combined and secreted from?
A. Golgi
D. Lysosomes

E. Mitrochondria
146. DIC, caused by (related question, i dont remember exact)
A. Thromboplastin
B. Factor X
C. Factor IIV
d. Factor IX
147. Peroxisomes originate from?
A. Golgi?
148. Thymus?
A. Contain Lymphocytes (Answer, not sure)
B. Developed from 4th pouch
C. Glandular structure
149. Most likely feature of thyroid?
A. Goiter moves on deglutation bcoz attach to prevertebral fascia
B. Thyroid drain to deep cervical (Answer, not sure)
C. Rt. Recurrent laryngeal nerve on isthmus
D. Supplied by Internal Carotid artery
150. Radioactive Strontium causes?
A. Small cell Ca of Lung
B. Osteosarcoma (Answer, not sure)
C. Kaposi sarcoma
151. Diagnosis of Leprosy at initial stages by?
A. M Leprae in Nasal Scrapings
B. M Leprae in sputum (Answer, not sure)
C. Blood C/S
152. True Hermaphrodite genotype?
C. XXY (Answer, not sure)
153. Slow growing Thyroid Tumor?
A. Papillary Carcinoma (Answer)
B. Follicular Carcinoma
C. Medullary Carcinoma
D. Anaplastic Carcinoma
154. Primary Center of Ossification at Epiphysis of Long bone at Birth?
A. Lower end of Femur
B. Lower End of Humerus
C. Upper End of Fibula
D. Upper End of Tibia
155. Question about Immunodeficiency. (don't remember exactly)

156. Oblique Fissure?
Ans. T3 to 6th Chostochondral junction.
157. Antiemetics during chemotherapy.
Ans. Ondansetron.
158. Which is a function of Parasympathetic Nervous System?
Ans. Increase in salivary gland secretion.
159. Gamma Efferent fibers supply?
A. End of intrafusal muscle fibers (Answer)
B. Central portion of muscle fibers
160. Shortened PR Interval?
Ans. WPW Syndrome.
161. A child with recurrent infections decreased levels of all Immunoglobulins?
Ans. X linked Agamaglobulinemia.
162. Pulmonary Artery supplies?
Ans. Alveoli.
163. Estrogen is produced by?
Ans. Ovary.
164. Most common bone fractured?
Ans. Tibia.
165. Scenario, B.P 220/110, defect in?
Ans. J.G Apparatus.
166. Patient having raised PO decreased calcium?
Ans. Acute Renal Failure.
167. Smoking associated?
Ans. Bronchogenic Carcinoma.
168. Lipoprotein with highest cholesterol content?
Ans. LDL.
169. Venous Return increased by?
Ans. Muscle contraction of leg.
170. Organ with high arteriovenous oxygen difference at rest?
Ans. Heart.
171. Drugs causing Neuroleptic malignant sydrome?
Ans. Haloperidol.
172. Mediator of pain?
Ans. Bradykinin.

173. Lady with dypnea at rest, cause?

Ans. Pulmonary Embolism.
174. Regarding Thiazides?
Ans. Cause Hypokalemia.
175. Dyspnea on lying down, cause?
Ans. Retrosternal Goiter.
176. Warfarin?
Ans. Not given in pregnancy.
177. IgE interacts with?
Ans. Eosinophils.
178. 1st line cell in inflammation?
Ans. Neutrophils.
179. Scenario, Lady with decreased levels of plasma cells and recurrent infections?
Ans. Complement deficiency.
180. Factor that maintains the lungs not to collapse?
Ans. Negative Intrapleural pressure.
181. Thrombocytopenia appropriate?
Ans. DIC occurs due to decrease in platelet count.
182. Regarding Amniocentesis?
Ans. Performed after 14 weeks.
183. Local Cause of delayed Wound Healing.
Ans. Infection.
184. Plasma volume increases alot by giving??
A. Distilled Water
B. Hypertonic Saline (Answer, not sure)
C. Hypotonic Saline
185. Vagus Nerve Nucleus?
Ans. Nucleus Ambigus (not sure, not remember exact question)
186. Question of Biostatistics, Answer was Variability.
187. Discharge from muscle spindles decreases when?
A. end of the intrafusal muscle fiber contracts
B. muscle contracts
C. when the muscle spindle is stretched
188. Cause of Hypernatremia?
A. Heart failure (Answer, not sure)
B. excessive ADH
189. Injury to spinal cord does not effect Respiration?

Ans. below C5.

190. End product of Purine Metabolism in Urine?
Ans. Uric Acid

20th April 2015 online

examination medicine Solved
(composed by Shaheen khan) late pregnancy placenta consist of Synctiotrophoblast+fetal endothelium

2. ADH is inhibited by - Alcohal
3.compression of optic chiasma will cause bitemporal hemianopia
4.patient presented with Left homonomous
hemianopia where is lesion -right optic
5.serum osmolarity will decrease when incease ADH
6.what id sensory supply to dura of midle
cranial fossa trigeminal nerve
7.spinal shock will cause - loss of
vasomotor tone
8.parasympathetic action - pupil constrictn
9.RTA case what will you give first - I/V
10.insulin secretion is stimulated by - GIP
11.which drug causes Increse LES tone and
increase Gut motility - metoclopramide.
12.P falciparum - Blackwater fever.
13. Barrbody diagnostic for - klinefilter.

14.bioavailability is for drugs that are

taken - orally
15.worm coming from nose of child ascaris.
16. Stomch fundus consist of - 3 layer
17. Adrenalectomy will lead to taste pref
- Na.
18 typical von willibrand disease scenario
19. Sensory loss in dermatone will occur in compresion of sp. Nerve or post root
20. Grave ophthalmopathy which nerve
involved - optic nerve
21. muscle that cause Eversion - perones
22. renal arteries are at - L2.
23. which drug decreases the risk of
hypercholestrolemia - Statins
24.patient taking warfarin how to monitor
25. Not in intrnsc pathway - factr 7 .
26 rochlear nrv lesio cause
(a)uniocular nystagmus and diplopia
(b)impaird downward gaze on adduction
(c)impaired downward gaze on abduction
27 vagus nerve on - rite sid of trachea
28.true statement regarding blood supply
of heart - LCA gve Lad+LEFT CIRCMFLEX
29.renal ven is in front of aorta and renl
30.bicep origin, - supraglenoid tubercle
31.infection in front of pretrachial gos to

ant. Mediastinum
32. Barbiturates-, enzyme inhibitors
33. Severe Mg defeciency cause hyocalcemia
34. Aldostron is stimulated by hyperkalemia
35. U wave is sue to hypokalemia
36 aspirin toxicty treatment - H2co3.
37Typical snario of SIADH.
38 Definition of metaplasia
39. Definition of hemosiderin
40. Liquefactive necrosis occurs - brain
41. poor prognostic signs of acute
transplant reject - vasculitis nd
42. Bruton agammaglobulinemia causes pyogenic infectns
43. Glucagn causes - gluconeogenesis
44 scenario of leukemia what will be
Investigatn of choice ,
(a)bone marow biopsy
(b)ctogenetic testing
(c) CBC
45 CML genetics - chr 9,22
46.immunoglobulin involve in
Erythroblastosis fetalis - IgG
47.Mode of transmission of HIV- transmits
from mother to baby. 48.typical scenario of
49.fisherman presented with pallor
diphylobothrium latum
50.which cells first present antigen from

GIT M cells
51.Maximum h2o and Na is absorbed in jejunum
52. Sickle cell genetics- point mutation
53. Asthma test- FEV1/FVC
54. True about carotid sinus- it detects
rapidly changing pressure
55.End arteries are present in vital organ
56.Polyarteritis nodosa pathologyfibrinoid
57. At end of Marathone raceincrease
glucagon decrease insulin
58.hormone which inhibit ganodotropins
59.typical scenario of cushing disease
60.slow growing thyroid tumor-papillary
61.cotton wool exudates are present in _DM
62.h.pylori affects which organ-stomach
63.a quack prescribes drug to a patient
which cause liver necrosis which enzyme
will be raised- ALT
64.which structure separated mouth from
pharynx in embryo-buccopharyngeal membrane
65. ANA will be positive in Mixed CT
dieseae(SLE was not in option)
66.most common cause of metaplasia
chronic irritation
67.infarct of broca area which artery
68. step of cardiac cycle b/w S1and S2
ventricle systole

69.cause of high output cardiac failure beriberi

70.peritoneum is a double layered structure
71.drug to be given in status epilepticus lorazepm(diazepam was not in option
72. short transient action of AT2 vasoconstriction
73.increase delivery on NaCl to macula
densa will inhibit - renin release
74.which drug will be appropriate for
ureteric stones - hydrochlorothiazide
75.derivative of second arch - styloid
76.dfinitioin of vitall capacity
77.person working in construction company
which lung disease he will develop asbestosis
78.obstruction of IVC will lead to decreade cardiac output
79.which cause right shift of O2_HB
dissociation curve decreade pH
80.pregnant lady presents with jaundice
which test to be performed - GGT
81.dopamine and epinephrine are deried from
which amino acid - tyrosine
82.scant barr body present in turner
83.Most common nerve damage in
thyroidectomy- recurrent laryngeal nerve(
confirm it from book other option was
external laryngeal nerve)

84.Fragile X syndrome is which type of

disorder - trinucleotide repeat
85.angina like pain occur in aortic
86.local cause of edema - allergy
87. 5yr old child presented with
generalized edema which test to be done urine albumin
88.maximum wol of blood is present in
veins and venules
89.diabetic patient present with gangrenous
foot cause is -angiopathy+neuropathy
90.cause of death in gas gangrene - toxemia
91.QRS complex represent- ventricular
92.HLA B27 genetics is associated with ankylosing spondylitis
93.memory is stored in - temporal lobe
94.Drug absorbed from GIT depends upon its
Lipid solubility
95.Blood flow to Heart is controlled by Local metabolites
96.Muscle involved in normal resting
breathing - diaphragm
97.transverse diameter of chest is
increased by External I/C muscles
98.confirmation of TB- detection of AFB
99.hormone inhibit gastric emptying - CCK
100.Type 2 DM drug of first choice Metformin
101.which structure damages in eversion of

foot - deltoid ligament

102.structure not palpable on DRE - ureters
103. in case of diaphragm irritation
refered pain will be feel at which site head and neck
104.which artery is present along phrenic
nerve - pericardiophrenic artery
105.apex beat location - 8cm from midline
106.scenario of compensated metabolic
107.function of dead space - humidifies and
warms inspired air
108.which is requied for collagen synthesin
- vit c
109.thirst will decrease when - ECF vol
110.characteristic feature of malignancy metastasis
111. the characteristic microscopic feature
of malignancy is -- pleomorphism
112.most common source of Hep B and C are
contaminated needles
113.patient presented with protienurea
which structure is damaged basement
114.chewning betal nuts will cause
submucous fibrosis
115.complication of OCP thromboembolism
116.dfinition of incidence no.of new
cases per unit time
117.dfiniton of prevelance mass affectd

by diseseae
118.most common reaction of parents in
peadiatric ward after hearing morbid
illness - denial
119.function of SER Detoxefication
120.DNA is present in mitochondria
121.true statement regarding pituitary
pituitary gland sends its venous drainage
to dura space
122. Echo viruse causes
123.correct combination of CSF finding
TBM leads to decrease glucose
124. most potent chemotactic factor C5a
125.Dobutamine stimulates which receptors
126.finding in hyperthyroidism decrease
127.apical mitochondria are present in
which structure cilia
128.feature that promotes blood clotting
rough endothelial surface
129. fatty acid enters kreb cycle as a
kreb cycle molecule
130. thyroid is enclosed in pretracheal
131. hormone of slow wave sleep serotonin
132. staging described extent of tumor
133.true statement regarding circle of
villus posterion communicating artery
connects PCA with ICA beneath oculomotor

134. counseling is to help people
135. cause of carcinoma benzidine
136.true statement regarding
erythroblastosis fetalis immunoglobulins
are produced in RH- mother with RH+ baby
137. patient presents with proteinurea and
nose lesion diagnosis Wegener
138.athetosis slow writhing movements which organ changes occur in
sequence of metaplasia to anaplasia to
dyslpsia to carcinoma in situ cervix
140. ultraviolet radiation causes
(a) cataract
(b) teratogenic , (confirm it from book
which option is right)
141. prostatic secretion contains acid
142. true statement regarding antibiotics
metronidazole can readily crosses blood
brain barrier.
143.patient presented with loss of pain and
temp sensation below T9 where is lesion
spinothalamic tract at T8 bitemporal hemianopia which part of
optic chiasma is involved middle part of
optic chiasma
145. urine osmolarity is controlled by

146. muscle blood during exercise is

controlled by local metabolites
147 CD4+ cells are which type of cells
helper T cells
148. which system is affected in bomb blast
hematopoietic system
149.findig in sever diarrhea acidosis
with normal anion gap
150.administration of which of the
following will incease blood flow to Muscle

(a)alpha 1 antagonists
(b) norepinephrine
151.a patient after stroke presents
motivation which lobe is involved
(b) temporal
152.function of basal ganglia initiation
of voluntary movements
153.concentration of which hormone does not
change in pregnancy
(a) cortisol
(d) PTH
154.characteristic finding of megaloblastic
anemia oval macrocytsa
155.ECG of a patient shows absent P wave
normal QRS complex where is pacemaker

(a)SA node
(b)AV node
(c)bundle of HIS
156.6yr male child presented with hirsutism
and adult size external genitalia.urinary
17-ketosterods are elevated.what is
(a) adrenogenital syndrome
(b) congenital adrenal hyperplasia
157. a breat fed baby after 2 days of birth
develops jaundice, direct=1 indirect=9
diagnosis physiological jaundice
158.radiation injury depends upon
(a) type of radiation
(b) dose of radiation
(c) type of tissue exposed
(d) dose with shot duration
158.patient presented with rectal propse
finding revealed an organism in recal
mucose which will be this organism
159.what is the most effective way of to
prevent DVT in hospitalized patients
(a)pneumatic compression
(b) warfarin
160.patient presented with erythematous
swelling of back side of hand what will be
drug of first choice.
(a) pencillin G

(b) cloxacillin
161.which cells are present in
atherosclerotic plaque which are derived
from circulation
(a) macrophages
(b) monocytes early leprosy investigation of
nasal scraping of lepra bacilli
163.ashoff bodies contain
(a) Giant cells
(b)necrotic substance
164.propranolo block which receptors B2 (
non selective was not in option)
165.biopsy from 80yr old man shows re wear
and tear pigment lipofuscin hyaline cartilage
(a) collagen fibers are visible
(b) fibers are absent
(c) elastic fibers are present
167.true statement regarding helper T
cells.(forgot options)
168. a neutropenic patient with fever
admitted in oncology ward with fever what
will be mediator of this - TNF
169. Max steatorrhea will occur in
(a)ileum resection
(b) jejunum resection
(c)total pancreatectomy
(d) gall bladder resection
170. what is correct pairing of reflexes
with root value

(a) biceps- C6
(b)knee L4 L5
171.injury to ulnar nerve will cause
(a) compete claw hand
(b)atrophy of hypothenar
172.patient presented with swelling on face
on examination axillary lymph nodes are
enlarge what will be cause sunlight
173.A lobourer while working in hot sunny
day collapsed down investigation revealed
Na=120 what will be cause excessive
174.175. there were two stupid questions
from muscles spindles and stretch reflex
that are not rememembered.
176.a man during exercise keeps balace this
is due to activation of which receptors
(a) proprioceptors
177.pectoralis major flap will get its
blood supply from
(a)intercostal arteries
(b)thoracoacromial arteries
178. during phonation
(a)vocal cards adducts
(b)vocal card abducts
(c)occurs only during inspiration
(d)occurs only during expiration
(e) occurs during inspiration and

179.allele are identical genes on same

180.true regarding posterior frontanellearea
is smaller than anterior frontanelle
181. during an outbreak 150 out 200
students get infected with S.aureus. among
150 only 50 shows signs of clinical
illness. This is due to which property of
(d) something else
182.cephalohematoma is located at
(c) epicrnium
(d) something else
For any queries feel free to contact at

AOA Medicine 10 june 2015 paper 1 conventional

Q with yellow highlight ans are not confirmed , others with red color are
confirmed .still may have some errors . if u have any doubt plz get help
from text books .we tried to remember how much we.
1.Regarding Fat Stores (Adipose tissue)
A.insulin cause lipolysis in size by dividing adipocytes [I marked]
C.Growth hormone cause deposition of fat
dont remember other options
2.Insulin causes
A. dec ketogenesis

B. inc lipolysis
C .inc glycogenolysis
3.Thorn prick...abscess formation..most likely organism
A.Strept Pyogenes
B.Staph aureus
C.Pseudomonas aeruginosa
4.In Pregnant lady blood, there will b increase of
A. ferritin
C. iron
5.Pregnant lady normocytic normochromic anemia appropriate
A.plasma volume expansion
B.iron def anemia
6.after total gastrectomy what occurs
A.iron def anemia
B.Pernicious anemia host defence system in alveoli
B.alveolar macrophages
C.nasal cilia
D. IgA secretions
8.Most common cause of DVT ?
A.prolonged bed rest
B.After surgery
C.inherited thrombophilia
9.14 yr old child with 8%creatinuria BP 180/110.. what is damaged A.glomeruli
B.JG cells
C.Macula densa
10.Mechanism involved in RMP is mainly
A.k efflux pump [I marked]
11.blockage of alpha recepters
12.dec arterial PO2
A.CO poisoning
B.anemic hypoxia
C.hyoxic hypoxia
13.4th Heart sound [S 4] due to
A.Atrial contraction causes ventricular wall vibration
B.aortic rebound
C.verntricular filling
14.which doesnt cross BBB

B.Dopamine beginning of 2nd week
B.epiblast and mesoderm
C.Epiblast and hypoblast
16.regarding Transitional epithelium
B.Stratified columnar
C. Stratified with outer cells bigger n rounder
17.regarding Cerebellum
A.receive preprioceptive info from spinal cord
B.afferent input from motor cortex
18.regarding free water diuresis
A.positive water clearance [ I marked ]
B.negative water clearance
c. palsma osmolarit . dont remember exactly
19.floor of 4th ventricle's superolateral relation
A.superior cerbellar peduncle
B.middle cerebellar peduncle [ I marked ]
C.inferior cerbellar peduncle
D. Lower Pons and pyramidal tracts
20.regarding atrial fibrillation
A.p waves prominent
B.regular rhythm
C.pulsus deficit
21.Most sensitive marker in MI
A.creatine kinase
B.Troponin T [I marked ]
22.uterine leiomyoma. endometrium around the mass has few glands and a
lot of stroma...wat has happened to endometrium around fibroid
E. Neoplasm [ I marked ]
23.alpha sympathetic stimulation
A.pupils constrict
B.pupils dilate
24.parasympathetic stimulation
A.pupils dilate

B.sphincteric muscle of iris constrict heart rate
D.dec GI motility
25.Free radicals formed by radiation they will damage
B.cell membrane
26.virus cause disease action
B.altering protein synthesis
C.membrane damage ejection fraction causes
A.dec EDV
28.SA node location
A.superior aspect of sulcus terminalis
B.lower part of crista terminalis
29.tumor suppressor gene
30.Diabetic nephropathy diagnosed by blood urea nitrogen levels creatinine urinary albumin
31.Gastric lymphoma most common cause
B.atrophic gastritis
32.Host defence against neoplasm
B.good health family history
33.most common cause of neoplasm
A.overexpression of proto-oncogenes
B.non-lethal injuryof genes
34.abdominal aorta
A. divide at L5 vertebra
b.give renal artery at L2
C. Give lateral branches to parites [ I marked ]
35.Regarding Down syndrome incidence with inc maternal age
36.Dorsal rami supply
A.Flexors of trunk
B.extensors of trunk

37.localized edema cause

38.Regarding Red cells
A.larger than all WBCs
B.Mean MCV is 85 fl
C.contain remnants of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum
39.myeloperoxidase is present in
40.Succinylcholine toxicity in individuals having deficiency of
A.Acetyl cholinesterase
41.Lady had breast implant 2 yrs ago since then she is having firmness and
shape distortion something . Now the implants are removed and implant
fluid is leaking inside. Which cells will most likely be present
A. Neutro
B. Mast
D.Giant cell [ I marked ]
E.Plasma cell
42.vessel having 80% saturation in fetus
A.umbilical vein
B .Aorta
43.which hormone causes extrahepatic protein catabolism and hepatic
protein anabolism
A.Thyroid hormone
D.growth hormone
44.GFR is increased by
A.afferent artiolar constriction
B.dec plasma proteins
C increase pressure of bowman capsule
45.Patent lumen of allantois
A. Urachal sinus
B.urachal cyst [ I marked ]
C.umbilical vein
D.urachal fistula ?
46.left adrenal vein is drained into

B.left renal vein
C.Inf mesenteric vein
47.Tissue not regenerated
B.adrenal medulla
C.lens lymphoid nodules seen in
B.Lymph node
49.pseudomembranous colitis caused by which
A.clostridium perfringens
B.clostridium dificile
50 a.most common cause of gas gangrene lower limb
A.clostridium birefrengens (this is the exact spelling as in paper)
B.clostridium welchii
C.clostridium septicum
51.joint b/w pubic bones allowing slight movement during birth of baby
52.Heart contractility depend on ions
53.Regarding thyroid gland
A.change in epithelium occurs with function
54.rapidly adapting receptors
B.Baroreceptors nerve endings
55.which of the following inhibits the muscle to stretch beyond limits
A.golgi tendon organ
B.muscle spindle
56.Dead space does not change in
A.standing [ I marked ]
B.old age
C.shallow breathing
D.Deep inspiration
57.max triglycerides found in
B.chylomicrons remnants ? [ I marked ]

58.most common source of SYSTEMIC arterial emboli
A.femoral vein thrombosis
B.pulmonary vein thrombosis
C.right atrial thrombus
D.portal vein thrombus
E.left ventricular mural thrombus
59. pyruvate is intermediate between
A.glucose and acetyl coA
B.acetoacetic acid and actyl coa
C.Fat metabolism and acetyl coA
D.carbohydrates and proteins
60.pulmonary atery supply
61.Regarding bronchopulmonary segment
A.airated by primary bronchus
B.airated by secondary bronchus
C.airated by tertiary bronchus
D.not in touch with all other segments
62.A 45 yr old female presents with two years history of pruritis, months
history of jaundice. On clinical examination she has bruises xanthomas
and hepatosplenomegaly. The investigation which will confirm the
diagnosis would be:
B. Alkaline phosphatase
C. Anti-mitochondrial antibodies
D. CT abdomen
E. ultrasound abdomen.
63.ADH formed in
A.posterior pituitary
B.supraoptic nucleus
C.ventromedial nucleus
64..metaplasia is caused by
A.chronic irritation
65.most common cause of PRIMARY HCC (I think I also add this q in paper
A.hep C [ I marked ]
B.alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency

66.Two liters Normal saline infusion

A.dec urinary sodium blood volume
C.dec intracellular volume
A.Rapid dec in drug action
B.Gradual dec in drug action
C. Is like Anaphylaxis
68.Fastest speed of impulse in heart conduction system
A.ventricular fibers
B.AV node
C.AV bundle
D.purkinje fibers cant open mouth which muscle injured
B.medial pteryogoid
C.lateral pterygoid
70.There are no blood agglutininns in which blood group .A.AB- [I marked] ,
C .O+
D. O71.Insulin increased by
B.Growth hormone has Gonococcus infection what is quicked way to check it
A.ZN stain
B.Gram stain
A.functional change in cells
B.change in size and shape of cells
74.Which artery has branches that are end arteries A.Coronary artery
B.Central artery of Retina
75.which are bipolar neurons
A.posterior root ganglion cells
B.anterior horn cells
C.posterior horn cells
D.Olfactory cells
76.memory function of which lobe?

D.Occipital E.insula
77.Pellagra caused by def of A.Vit B1
C.nicotinic acid
78.Area 3,1,2
A .All somatic sensation
79.Which hormone causes smooth muscle constriction In Arteriols
A. Aldosterone
B.ADH [By V1 Recep ]
80.Ethics principle
A. Autonomy ,Beneficence, Non-maleficence , justice
81.Regarding mean is some of all individual value divided by total number of values
B.its a good measure of central tendency
82.Brocas Area
A.Sup temporal lobe
B.afluent aphasia
83.infraorbital artery is a branch of
84.Ther is painful swelling at site of below knee amputation
85.Sulfur containing amino acid
86.pyogenic meningitis
A.dec glucose
87.Axillary sheath from
A.pretracheal sheath
B.prevertebral fascia
C.carotid sheath
88.hormone responsible for oxidative phosphorylation and inc in body
A.Thyroid hormone
B.Growth hormone
89.Pt had severe headache...CSF showed blood tinge
A.sub-dural hemorrhage
B.sub-arachnoid hemorrhage

90. Young pt has bleeding history from minor trauma and also had chronic
diarrhea , with no family hstry of any bleeding disorder , PT deranged ,
platelets normal , hb normal
A.Vit k deficiency.
91.Edema is caused by
A.dec hydrostatic pressure osmotic pressure
C.blocked lymphatics
92.first response for bleeding
A.wound contraction
93.potent chemotactic factor
94.Left coronary artery divides into
A.LCX and anterior interventricular artery
95. CSF wrong statement ..
A.valve of arachnoid villi stop working in high pressure ?????
B.Lying on left lateral position pressure will b 60 to 150
C.pressure on internal jugular vein increase the CSF pressure.
96. case in which 2 year histroy with HPV infection in female cervix +
nucleus prominent and enlarged ??
A.Hyperplasia B. carcinoma C. metaplasia D. dysplasia[ I marked ]
97) regarding VDRL wrong statement
Widal test in best 1st week
98) XX + pseudohermaphroditism
A. androgenital syndrome
99) Question regardingGap junction

Medicine paper-2 10 june 2015 conventional

Questions with yellow highlight we have no confirmation about it ,
others in red color are confirmed . Still have chance of error , so plz if u
have any confusion , get help from text books .
[Plz Remember in ur prayers] by Dr M.A and Dr M.U.T.W
1) About Flexor retina culum not passed posteriorly
A. Flexor Palmaris longus
B. flexor digitorum profundus
C. median nerve
D. ulnar nerve
2) 2nd pharyngeal arch

A.Zygomatic bone
B. styloid process of temporal bone
C.Maxillary bone
D.squamous part of temporal bone
3) In male on PR examination which not palpable
B. bulbourethral part etc
4) Ankle sprain durind eversion , ligament torn
A .Deltoid ligament
5) Eversion of foot .peroneus longus
6) Quiet inspirationdiaphragm
7) Transverse diameter during inspiration by . Ext intercostal
8) Internal thoracic artery wrong statement
Terminates on 8th intercostal space [it divides at 6th intercostel leve]
9) Regarding abdominal wall. Dont remember options
10) Wernickes damage.rapid speech but make little sense
11) Athetosis..slow writhing movement
12) Optic nerve terminates at
A.Lat geniculate body
B. medial geniculate body
D. Viusal cortex
13) Thyrotoxicosis + some eye sign .optic nerve compression
14) Thyroidectomy common nerve injured
A. Reecurrent Laryngeal Nerv
B. ext laryngeal nerve
15) Biceps brachhii .attached to superior glenoid tubercle of humerus
16) Case with no prick sensation on Rt and vibration on left below lesion
A.Complete transection of cord
B. hemisection at T11
C.Complete transection at T9
17) RTA + hemisection of rightt cord.left side temp and pain loss
18) Barbiturates..induce hepatic enzyme
19) Lincosamides[drug]..dont remember options
20) Dobutamine action
A. On alpha and beta
B. alpha, beta and dopamine
C. on only beta
21) Propranolol action to dec HR on
A. Beta 1 receptor

22) Dm 2 + elderly
A.Metformin B.tolbutamode C.glibenclamide
23) Most effective Dvt prophylaxis
A.Warfarin ? B.heparin C. low molecular wt heparin ?
24) Chlorpromazine s/e except
Convulsion cholestatic jaundice porphyria constipation
25) Warfarin check .PT, aPTT,INR
26) CML 9:22 chromosome
27) Not caused Hookworm
B. macrocytic anemia
C. bronchitis
D. intesitinal effect
28) Echo virus
29) Scanty barr body..klinefelter syndrome
30) Chromosome wrong statement is 13 is edward
31) Case bleeding gums + BT and aPTT prolonged .vWD
32) Anemia + bleeding gums + fever 103 ask Ix .Bone Marrow
33) Megaloblastic anemia.oval macrocytes
34) rash pattern started from back of ear and spread down towards
35) On ecg ,QRS + T wave and no P wave where will be pacemaker
Sa node av node internodal fibers ventricals
36) Rt homonymous hemianopialeft optic tract
37) Rt optic tract lesion ..left homonymous hemianopia
38) Preload determined by .
A.Left Ventricular EDV
C.left atrial pressure(wedge pressure)
39) High CO beriberi
40) Low CO ..IVC obstruction
41) Construction business+ pulm s/s .asbestosis
42) Obstructive and restrictive pattern .FEV1/FVC
43) O2 dissociation curve movies to right by decrease in ..pH
44) ANA positive in
A.Progressive systemic sclerosis
C. mixed connective tissue

45) Least specific about SLE .ANA some other options??

46) Cephalhematoma which layer.
A. Under pericranium
B. 3rd loose areolar tissue
47) Pain from peritoneal diaphragm radiate to ..A.11 th and 12th rib site
B. neck and shoulder
48.During lactation dec ovulation due to decrease GNRH by
49.Case in which first metaplasia then dysplasia then ca in situ
HPV in uterine cervix
50 . Recurrent ca stone in kidney hydrochlorthiazide
51.Cotton wool in retina
52. Ph 7.36 hco3 16 co2 30 ..compensated metabolic acidosis
53. NA + active reabsorption In kidney
A.Loop of henle B. in pct by active transport along with k+
54. Skelatal muscle blood flow increased.alpha recp blocker
55. Urine Osmolarity regulated by .ADH
56. Alzheimers disease case brown color pigment found on heart autopsy
A. lipochrome
B .wear and tear lipofusion
C. hemosidderin
57. UV radiation fron sun cause
B. teratogenic
58. Radition effect on .hematopoitic system
59. Case of nodular swelling on dorsum surface of hand , brown pigment +
axillary Ln enlarged
A.Uv radiation
B. latex gloves exposure
D. prior exposure to asbestos
60. Aschoff bodies in early stage
A.fibrinoid degenration
B. giant cells
61. Food poisioning cae. Virulence infectivity
62. LES competency drug given metoclopramide
63. Antibiotics. Metronidazole cross BBB
64. Aspirin poisoning treatment . A.Bicarbonate administration

65. Decrease motivation and depression frontal lobe
66. During Exercise stimulation goes by .
A. Mechanoceptor B. proprioceptor
67. Case hirsutism HTN wt gain and inc ACTH . Cushing disease
68. Lung carcinome + Adh and s/s .. SIADH
69. Gluconeogenesis stimulate by glucagon
70. Most common cause Primary HCC .
A. Alpha 1 AT deficiency B.aflatoxin C.hep-C
71. 3 layers of smooth muscle . Fundus of stomach
72. S/E and water reabsorption . A.Jejunum B.colon C. ileum
73. Gastric emptying delayed by . CCK
74. Primary hypercholesterolemia prevention A.statin B. niacin C.fibrin
75. Quac give medicine and jaundice occur Ix . ALT
76. More than 48 hour shizogony. Falciparum malaria
77. Pseudo infction + earache + fever due to . TNF
78. Agammaglobulenemia.. pyogenic infection
79. Acute renal transplant rejection bad prognosis. A. thrombosis
B .Vasculitis and Lymphocytic infiltrations
80. Monotherapy of CCF ACE as captopril
81. Angina symptoms in A.Aortic stenosis B. AR
82. Leprosy early Ix. Nasal scraping of lepra
83. On ECG QRS due to vent depolarization
84. Atypical mycobacteria not respond to ATT
85. Ades mosquito which not occur
A.raft velly B. yellow fever C. japanese encephalitis, D.dengue
86. Foam cell in atheroma
A.Neutrophil B. Monocyte (remember no macrophage option )
87. Phonation occur .. A .During expiration B.When vocal
cord adducts
88. Neoplasm least associated .. A. Age , B. Physical trauma
89. Severe steatorrhea .. A. total pancreatectomy B.terminal ileal
90. About bleeding from duodenal ulcer
Post wall duodenal ulcer bleeds due to gastroduodenal artery
91. Antibody not cross placenta
A.IgM B. IgG A. IgE
92. Angiotensin 2 short term mechanism vasoconstriction
93. Pneumothorax case.. inward collapse and chest wall spring outward
94. Regarding skeletal muscle

A.Belly is fleshy throughout length B. aponeurosis and fibrosis

Some option mixed with origin and insertion
95. Why vein are bigger resorvoir .A.increase blood vol capacity ? ,
B.Veins has no smooth muscles ?
96. Slow wave sleep NT A.norepinephrine B. serotonin
97. Free Ag to digestive system ??
A.Hassels corpuscle B. M cells C. dendriocytes
98. Difference between primary and 2ndry wound healing
A.Wound contraction
99. About b-hcg wrong statement ???
Similar action as LH on ovary molecular structure similar as LH
100. One is regarding pregnancy or mensturation ?? wrong statement
Increase estrogen in 2nd half of periods or pregenacy
Dont remember options


Salam everyone, This is SeaShell again, I am sorry for delays, I am really busy with family and work,
Still managed to solve this one. I am having some issues with my "SeaShell" ID unfortunately , I am
not able to open it because of verification issues, as soon as I sort out any solution for it InshALLAHA I
will be back with my NOTES, Below is FCPS-Surgery n Allied 2015- June Paper , I have included all
repeat questions from books at beginning and All new and controversial questions are included after
that. I can make mistakes also feel free to discuss any doubtful questions.
My official page for NOTES is below: Please report any fake accounts or improper posts!!
I request to share this paper on other FCPS prep group aswell for all members there, Blocking can not
really stop the chain of SHARING and HELPING!
GOODLUCK , ACE IT ! Remember me in your Prayers!
RED is the correct answer
BLUE is explanation

Ganongs Questions:

What is the clearance of a substance when its concentration in the plasma is 10 mg/dL, its
concentration in the urine is 100 mg/ dL, and urine flow is 2 mL/min?
A. 2 mL/min
B. 10 mL/min
C. 20 mL/min
D. 200 mL/min
The fourth heart sound is caused by
A. closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves
B. vibrations in the ventricular wall during systole
C. ventricular filling
D. closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves
E. retrograde flow in the vena cava.

Asim MED (Physio) Questions:

( Q.144 ) A person comes in your clinic with difficulty in walking on examination his knee and anke
jerks are brisk and biceps reflex is absent. his resp rate is 16/min. he was diagnosed as a case of cord
compression. the most likely site of compression is:
C3 C4
C5 C6
C8 T1
T8 T9
( Q. 197 ) Hypoxic Hypoxia
(Q. 284 )Intercellular connections having Protein channels and low electrical resistance are:
belt desmosomes
Gap Junctions

Tight junction
(312 )(GFR increaseses)
(317. ) Receptors in muscles which prevent their length to go beyond limits are:
Muscle spindles
Ruffinis end organs
Pacinian corpuscles
(Q. 333 )Uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation with increased heat production in the body results
from the excess of:
Growth Hormone
Thyroid Hormones
(Q. 334) Protein catabolism in extrahepatic tissues and protein syntheses in the Liver is the action of:
Growth Hormone
Thyroid Hormones
(Q. 335) Growth hormone secretion is increased by:
A. Cortisol
B. REM Sleep
C. Exercise

E. Glucose
Non-REM > Exercise > REM
(364 ) Atrial Fibrillation is characterised by:
Pulse deficit
Multiple P waves
Increase CO
Saw Tooth appearance in ECG (occurs in atrial flutter)
(410) 55 years old male, Plumber by occupation came with history of Dyspnoe on exertion and dry
cough for last two years. His arterial blood gases revealed pH-7.4 P02 62 PCO2 31, HCO3 19. What is
the correct discription of his biochemical state.
Compensated Metabolic acidosis
Compensated respiratory alkalosis
Mixed respiratory and metabolic alkalosis
Respiratory Alkalosis
(Q. 422) A 16 years old boy is prescribed CO-trimaxole for fever. After 12 hours he developed red color
urine and profound weakness. Lab tests show intravascular hemolysis. The most common cause of his
problem is:
A. G6PD Deficiency
B. Immune Hemolysis
D. Malaria
E. Sicke cell diseases
(Q. 457.) Pneumothorax-- Ipsilateral lung collapse and chest wall spring out

PATHO Section: Asim Med

(Q. 30) A 40 years old female presents with two years history of Pruritis, jaundice. She has brusises
xanthomas and hepatosplenomegaly. What investigations will confirm diagnosis.

C. Anti-mitochondrial antibodies
D. CT Abdomen
E. Ultrasound Abdomen
206(Schistosoma Hematobium)
244(Myoglobin or CK)
21. 280(Granuloma with asteriod bodies)
290(Chronic irritation)
406 (Hep E)
488 (RCA)
548. Red cell concentrates
506. Insulin icreases entry of glucose into skeletal muscles

Medicine Portion:
191. Natural killer cells are known to be:
Able to kill virus infected cells without prior sensitization
Cytotoxic T cells
B cells that can kill widout complement
Have CD 19, 20 , 21 on their surface
Increase by immunization

56- Myocardium-unrelated to respiration

59. A 30 years old woman has presented with red color urine. Lab tests show ALBUMIN presence of
Rbc, RBC Casts. Which structure damaged:
Urinary Bladder
Renal calyx
91. Ureter lined by transitional epithelium
95. Facial Artery
147. A 50 years old man known case of Hepatoma develops dependent edema with dilated abdominal
wall veins. The most likely structure involved is:
Hepatic Artery
Hepatic Vein
Right side of heart
203. Abdominal angina is caused by:
Middle colic Artery
Left gastric Artery


285. Transitional epithelium long statement
403. Epiblast and Hypoblast

170. Clostridium Diffcile

244. Edema by Lymphatic Blockage

338. Edema by Allergy
407. Welchii
520. Adrenogenital Syndrome


87. The MGB a thalamic nucleus:
A. is atttached with main mass of thalamus
B. receives fibers to visual cortex
C. recieves fibers from occuolomotor nerve
D. relay fibers to frontal lobe
E. lies on ventromedial aspect of thalamus
lies on midbrain (key) This is asim key but this option wasnt there in paper so most appropraite here is
The medial geniculate body, a thalamic nucleus which relays auditory impulses, is separated from the
main mass of the thalamus and lies on the midbrain. It receives fibres from the cochlear nerves by
way of the nuclei of the nerves and the lateral lemniscus, and relays them through the sublentiform
part of the internal capsule to the auditory cortex in the temporal lobe. (RJLAST)

Gynae Portion:
364. MCV-85
410. Uracha Fistula

39. Cervical Smear
206. Hemolytic crisis-sickle cell

-----------------------------------------------------------------------Regarding Thymus:
A. Supplied by Superior Thyroid artery

B. Arch of Aorta lies infront of it

C. Infron of sternohyoid and sternothyroid
D. Extend from below thyroid to 4th costal cartilage
E. One lobed structure
(The thymus may appear to be a single organ, but in fact it consists of right and left lobes closely
applied to each other for much of their extent (Fig. 4.15). It is usually most prominent in children,
where it may extend from the level of the fourth costal cartilages to the lower poles of the thyroid
gland. In front of it lie the sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles, the manubrium and upper part of
the body of the sternum and their adjacent costal cartilages. Behind it are the pericardium, the arch of
the aorta with its three large branches, the left brachiocephalic vein and the trachea.- Ref RJLAST)
Which hormone causes vascular smooth muscle contraction:
Angiotensin Pt has creatinine 6, BP 210/130. Which one is damaged:
Peritubular capilaries
Macula densa
JG cells
45 years old day with bloody discharge from nipple only with no palpable mass:
Fibrocystic diseases
Intraductal Papiloma
Which vessel has highest amount of smooth muscle in tunica media:
A. Great Saphenous Vein

C. Brachial Artery
D. Aorta
Child is having more bleding from minor wounds. No such family history is there. He also have
diarrhoea BT is 6 min CT is 50 mins, there is no family hx of any disease. Diagnosis?
A. Factor 9 def
B. Classic hemopholia
C. Renal failure
D. Liver failure
E. Vit K deficiency
Myeloperoxidase present in:
A. Basophils
B. Lymphocytes
C. Neutrophils
D. Platelets
Muscle which helps in flexion of elbow but is supplied by Radial Nerve:
Which drug can not cross BBB?
A. Phenobarbitone
B. Diazepam
C. Dopamine
D. Levodopa
E. Phenytoin
Vibrio Cholera:
A. Inreases CL secretion in mucosal/intestinal crypts
B. Inreases HCO3 secretion in intestional lumen
DNA Virus:

A. Infectious Mononucleosis
B. Mumps
C. Measles
SA Node location:
Superior portion of sulcus terminalis
Middle Colic Artery most appropraite:
A. Branch of SMA
Axillary sheath formed by:
A. Carotid sheath
B. Prevertebral layer
C. Pretracheal layer
D. Platysma
2 year old baby failure to thrive, Hb 4, on examination anisopikilocytosis, NUCLEATED RBCS, present:
Iron def Anemia
Sideroblastic Anemia
Thalesemia Major
A lady with dysphagia, and complains that she is not able to type on keyboard but no other joint
problems noted, also she has lost her wrinkles over face which had developed due to aging:
CREST Syndrome
Mixed Connective Tissue Disease
Sjogren Syndrome
Difference between primary and secondary peristaltic wave:
A. Primary has oropharangeal phase
B. Primary wave relaxes lower esophageal sphincter
C. Secondary propels food forward

D. Primary Peristaltic waves have no intrinsic nerve input involved

(Primary thru-Vagus
Secondary-Intrinsic nervous system)
Max triglycerides found in:
B. Chylomicrons remnants
(Go with Chylomicrons if it was given.)
Pregnant lady most appropriate is:
A. Inc Ferritin
C. Inc Iron
Pregnant lady normocytic normochromic anemia appropriate:
A. Plasma volume expansion
B. Iron def anemia
Aids associated skin lesion:
A. Kaposi sarcoma
Ca channels disease:
A. Myasthenia Gravis
B. Lambert Eaton syndrome
After total gastrectomy what will occur:
A. Iron def anemia
B. Pernicious anemia

Best host defence system in alveoli:

A. Lymphatics
B. Alveolar macrophages
C. Nasal cilia
Breast surgery done patient cant comb hair due to paralysis of serratus anterior, nerve involved:
A. Suprascapular nerve
B. Long thoracic nerve
DVT most common cause:
A. Prolonged immobilization
B. After surgery
C. Inherited thrombophilia
RMP is mainly by:
A. K efflux
B. NA/K pump
Urinary osmolality 1200 serum osmolality 310 diagnosis:
Pt with hyperplastic endometrial cyst. Cause
Increase Estrogen
Excess progesterone
Excess LH
Women who has Leiomyoma and epithelium covering endometrium shows abundant stroma with less
number of endometrial glands, whats happening in Endometrium:
A. Hyperplasia
B. Dysplasia
C. Metaplasia
D. Neoplasia

E. Atrophy
Osteoblastoma most commonly occurs at:
A. Epiphysis
B. Metaphysis
C. Epiphyseal plate
D. Diaphysis
E. Vertebrae
Bipolar cells found in
A. Nasal epithelium
B. Olfactory
C. Ant horns
D. Spinal nerves
Commonest cause of systemic arterial emboli
A. Femoral vein thrombosis
B. LV mural thrombi
C. Pulmonary artery thrombi
Subclavian artery aneurysm occurs mostly in third part distal to scalene muscle, Nodular swelling will
be present in which part:
A. Suprasternal area
B. Anterior Mediastinum
C. Posterior Mediastinum
D. Vertebral triangle
Sertoli cell appropriate is:
A. Secrete FSH
B. Secrete LH
C. Secrete Testosterone

D. Provide blood testis barier

Urethra damaged distal to urogenital diaphragm urine will leak into:
A. Retropubic space
B. Sup perineal pouch
C. Medial thigh
D. Ischiorectal fossa
Submandibular gland surgery nerve damaged:
A. Marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve
B. Lingual nerve
Bile duct relation with duodenum:
A. Supraduodenal retroduodenal infraduodenal intraduodenal
B. Omental supraduodenal intraduodenal
C. Omental supraduodenal infraduodenal
Dorsum of noise supplied by:
A. Ethmoidal branch of ophthalmic artery
B. Branch of facial artery
Free radicals formed by radiation they will damage:
B. Cell membrane
C. Mitochondria
Viruses cause disease by:
A. Direct action
B. Altering protein synthesis
C. Membrane damage
Tumor suppressor genes:

A. Ras
B. Cmyc
C. P53
D. Nmyc
Post abdominal and gynaecological surgeris cause is: which is beta lactamse resitant and doesnt
respond to penicillin:
After amputation of leg, scenario was given and asked what will develop:
A. Neuroma
B. Neuroglioma
Regarding Down syndrome:
A. Increase incidence with increased maternal age
Dorsal rami supply:
A. Flexors of trunk
B. Extensors of trunk
Increase ejection fraction causes:
A. Dec EDV
B. Dec ESV
Abdominal contents pushed through remains of processus vaginalis which occurs:
A. Indirect inguinal hernia
B. Direct inguinal hernia
C. Hydrocoele
Left adrenal vein is drained into:
B. Left renal vein

C. Inf mesenteric vein

Prostate arterial supply:
A. Inferior vesical artery
B. Superior vesical artery
C. Internal ilac artery
Localized cause of Edema:
A. Allergy
Sulphur containing amino acid:
A. Arginine
B. Tyrosine
C. Cystine
Upper origin of external oblique forms interdigitation with which muscle:
A. Latissimus Dorsi
B. Pectorals major
C. Serratus anterior
Lady had breast implant 2 yrs ago since then she is having firmness and shape distortion something .
Now the implants are removed and implant fluid is leaking inside. Which cells will most likely be
A. Neutro
B. Mast
C. Eosinophil
D. Giant cells
Remnant of gubernaculum in females:
A. Spermatic cord
B. Testis

C. Round ligament of ovary

D. Prostate
Vessel having 80% saturation in fetus:
A. Umbilical vein
B. Aorta
C. Pulmonary vein
Host defence against neoplasm
A. Apoptosis
B. Good health
C. No family history
Most common cause of neoplasm:
A. Overexpression of proto-oncogenes
B. Non-lethal injuryof genes
IVC is formed at:
A. L5 vertebra
No lymphoid nodules seen in:
A. Thymus
B. Lymph node
C. Spleen
Joint b/w pubic bones allowing slight movement during birth of baby:
A. Synchondrosis
B. Syndesmosis
C. Symphysis
Heart contractility depend on
A. Ca++ ions

Regarding Thyroid gland:

A. Change in epithelium occurs with function
Gastric lymphoma most common cause:
A. H-pylori
GFR is increased by:
A. Afferent artiolar constriction
B. Dec plasma proteins
Human is intermediate host in:
A. Schistos
B. Hydatid disease
Otic ganglion is located immediately below:
A. Foramen ovale
B. Foramen rotundum
C. Foramen lacerum
DIC initiated by:
A. Thromboplastin
B. Factor 13
Fastest speed of impulse in:
A. Ventricular fibers
B. AV node
C. Purkinje fibers
Thyroid CA operated 3cm mass which has congo stain. Marker used:
A. Calcitonin
Pyruvate is intermediade between:

A. Glucose and acetyl coA

B. Acetoacetic acid and actyl coa
C. Fat metabolism and acetyl coA
Regarding popliteus:
A. Assist in knee extension
B. Cause medial rotaion of femur on tibia
C. Located in between lateral meniscus and lateral collateral ligament
D. Supplied by obturator nerve
Patient cant open mouth which muscle injured:
A. Masseter
B. Medial pteryogoid
C. Lateral pterygoid
D. Buccinator
E. Platysma
Patient on oral anticoagulation which test for monitoring:
Most common cause of PRIMARY HCC:
A. Hep C
B. Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency
C. Aflatoxins
Two liters Normal saline infusion:
A. Dec urinary sodium
B. Inc blood volume
Succinylcholine toxicity in individuals having deficiency of:

A. Acetyl cholinesterase
B. Pseudocholinesterase
Knee cant b flexed and hip cant be extended which muscle damaged:
A. Rectus femoris
B. Sartorius
C. Semitendinosus
Female with exophthalmos inc HR sweating antibodies present:
A. Hashimoto
B. Graves
Which hormone causes vasoconstriction:
A. Aldosterone
B. ADH (Via V2 Receptors)
Ethics principle
A. Autonomy Beneficence. Non-maleficence Equity
Regarding MEAN:
A. It is some of individual value divided by total number of values
B. Its a good measure of central tendency
Blockage of alpha recepters:
A. Vasoconstriction
B. Vasodilation
Macrocytic Anemia cause:
A. Folate deficiency
B. Loss of intrinsic factor
Blood gp with no aglutinin:

A. AB+
B. ABC. O+
D. ODiabetic patient with miosis and partial Ptosis of right eye cause:
Diabetic Opthalmoplegia
Horners Syndrome
Regarding Muscles:
A. Origin is mobile
B. Insertion is fixed
C. Belly is fleshy through out
D. Aponeurosis is fibrous
E. Ligaments are round and fibrous
Scenario of Rheumatic Fever. Death occurs due to:
Chlorthiazides cause:
A. Hyperuricemia
B. Hyperkalemia
C. Hypercalcemia
Neurotransmitter present in brainstem:
A. Dopamine
B. Epinephrine

Platelet rich plasma is stored at:
A. 0 deg
B. 4 deg
C. 22 deg
D. 40 deg
Most sensitive cardiac marker:
A. Creatine kinase
B. Troponin T
C. Myoglobin
Parasympathetic stimulation:
A. Pupils dilate
B. Pupils constrict
C. Increase heart rate
D. Decrease GI motility
A. Lax ligament leads to wandering Spleen
B. Accesorry spleen present in 25% cases
Insulin secretion increased by:
Beta blockers
Most Potent chemotactic is:
A. C5A
B. IL-6

Dead space remains unchanged

A. Standing
B. Old age
C. Deep inspiration
D. Shallow breathing
Renal artery segments arrangement:
A. Interlobar lobar segmental arcuate
B. Lobar interlobular segmental arcuate
C. Segmental interlobar arcuate
Renal artery --> Interlobar artery --> Arcuate artery --> interlobular artery --> Afferent arterioles
Femoral artery pulse is felt
A. Apex of femoral triangle
B. Midpoint of inguinal ligament
C. Mid-inguinal point
Diabetic nephropathy 1st manifestation:
A. Inc blood urea nitrogen levels
B. Inc creatinine
B. Inc urinary albumin
Regarding cerebellum:
A. Afferent fibers are excitatory to purkinje cell
B. Cerebellar cortex consist of six layers
C. Deep nuclear cells are excited by purkinje cells
D. It has no connection with vestibular nuclei
E. Flocculonodular lobe is primarily concerned with equilibrium
Regarding dilute urine(enuris):

A. Positive water clearance

B. Negative water clearance
Floor of 4th ventricle's Superolateral relation:
A. Superior cerbellar peduncle
B. Middle cerebellar peduncle
C. Inferior cerbellar peduncle
D. Pyramidal tracts
E. Pons n Medulla
FLOOR: Pons and Medulla
ROOF: Superior cerebellar Peduncle
SUPEROLATERAL RELATION: Superior Cerebellar Peduncle
INFEROLATERAL RELATION: Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle and nucleaus cuneatus and gracilis
A. Hypersensitivity reaction
B. Diminish unresponsiveness adapting quickly
C. Diminish unresponsiveness adaing slowly
D. Caused by morphine
Patient bp 90/50, why is isoflurane contraindicated:
A. Decrease cardiac contractility
B. Vasodilation of blood vessels

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------These are questions whose answers I wasnt able to find because of improper recalls or

Which one is true about Lignocaine overdose:

A. Hydrocortisone is used to treat it

B. Perioral paresthesia
C. Causes Laryngeal edema/ urticaria
D. Can cause prolonged Seizures
A patient can not move his right eye laterally cause is:
Right sided cavernous damage
Pituitary adenoma
When GFR increases , absorption of Na and Water increases also thru tubuloglomerular mechanism.
how ?
Due to Increase tubular blood flow
increase pericapillary blood flow
Due to decreased sodium in peritubular capillaries
Due to increase sodium in peritubular capillaris
Patient with history of multiple myeloma now has hypercalcemia , polyuria and confusion urine
osmolality is 310mosm/l , what is the reason of polyuria
A.ADH cant act on tubules
B.dec ADH formation
C.psychogenic polydipsia
Dorsum of foot after Sciatic nerve damage sensation intact due to:
A. Sural nerve
B. Common peroneal nerve


Medicine paper - Online 11th June 2015 (mixed ques from paper I and II)
By Dr Lubna Jafri
I have tried to state the main point of the ques as clearly as possible...yes some answers can be
wrongso you may double check in doubt.
For now these are all i can recall...will add more as i remember. Hope this helps!
1) Most common cornyebacterium in clinical cases
2) Green discharge - pseudomonas
3) CSF had inc protein dec glucose and polymorph - give Ceftriaxone
4) # of cervical sclerotomes, vertebrae and nerves - 8,7,8
5) Nursing mother with herpes lesion - Acylcovir
6) Eversion damages - Deltoid ligament
7) formula needed to be applied for clearance in kidneys - ans was 20 ml
8) Alveolar ventilation to be calculated when Tidal volume is 500 and RR 10
9) After trauma and amputation - Neuroma
10) Most common cause of HTN - idiopathic
11) Left vent hypertrophy and pulm edema - Bicuspid aortic stenosis
12) JVP a wave due to Mitral stenosis (i think)
13) Cause of cervical and genital Ca - HPV
14) Heart shaped vertebra - Thoracic
15) About renal vessels - Left renal vein is ant to aorta and renal art
16) Neiserria - Penicillin G
17) Heart base formed by Left atrium
18) Biceps - supraglenoid tubercle
19) Difficulty abduction of arm only till 30 degrees, fine after that - supraspinatus
20) Aspirin overdose causes Alkalosis
21) Common carotid artery bifurcates at Upper border of thyroid cartilage
22) What is therapeutic window
23) Tachyphylaxis - rapid decrease in response to drug
24) Glycogen storage diseases cause Hepatomegaly and hypoglycemia
25) benign tumor - Leiomyoma
26) function of alpha macroglobulin
27) Metastasis feature - tumor invasion by loss of E cadherin
28) In our culture support to patient is by Family
29) Good patient doctor relationship depends on Active listening
30) Opioid stimulated chemoreceptor trigger zone
31) Construction work history along with pleural plaques - Asbestosis
32) betal chewing causes submucosal fibrosis
33) Some patient with visible peristalsis - pyloric stenosis
34) Dorsal column transmits Propioception
35) Conus medullaris is at L3 in children
36) PCOS scenario
37) Menopause - inc LH and FSH
38) Nucleus in midbrain - CN III
39) 2nd week of typhoid fever - Widal plus blood culture
40) kallman syndrome - arcuate nucleus
41) Atypical TB - resistant to anti TB drugs
42) Corneal epithelium
43) Bitemporal hemianopsia - lesion at optic chiasm
44) Vibration from Dorsal column
45) Pseudo mem colitis - C difficile
46) RIver blindness
47) Man is intermediate host in Hydatid cyst
48) Sheehan syndrome typical scenario

49) Diffuse loss of vibration - check gastric mucosa biopsy

50) Medially rotated arm of child - lesion in upper trunk of brachial plexus
51) Something about gastrocolic refles
52) B12 def check urine for methylmal acid
53) In late preg uterus becomes sensitive to Oxytocin
54) Bleeding after pregnancy complication - DIC
55) Child born at home has echymosis - Vit K def
56) Some symptoms including facial palsy - cerbellopontine angle
57) Asthma - < FEV1
58) Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - disarray of myocytes
59) Skin lesions along Ophthalmic branch of CN V
60) raised direct bili and Alk Phosph - extra hepatic cholestatis
61) Maximum AV difference of O2 in Cardiac muscle
62) Carbohydrate product of digestion
63) Spindles attaching to chromatids - Anaphase
64) Autosomal dominant - half of the children affected
65) Heterozygous trait and both express fully - Co dominance
66) left shift of Ox Hb curve - CO poisoning
67) Diarrhea - Non anion gap metab acidosis
68) Reciprocal but not dual supply - Salivary gland
69) PPD - cytotox T cells
70) Atropine causes Dry mouth
71) what indicates pt given Warfarin and not heparin - inc prothrombin (i think)
72) Cimetidine dec clearance of Warfarin
73) Dermis contains type I collagen
74) Kidney Tranplant rejected within 10 mins - antibody mediated
75) Labetalol - A and B receptors
76) Anaphylxis due to penicillin - Broncospasm is typical feature
77) Collagen - abundant in Lig flavum ?
78) Severe flexion of neck injured - Lig Nuch ?
79) Uterus to lab majora - round lig
80) Cardiogenic shock due to MI
81) Anaphylatoxin - C5a
82) Helps in phagocytosis - C3b
83) Virus - Alt proteins
84) Cancer mostly due to inc protoncogene
85) no occurence of chromosome shortening - Telomerase ?
86) typical picture of microcytic hypochromic anemia
87) Which lobe has 2 segments - Right middle
88) Iron tranfered as Transferrin
89) Thiazide - hypokalemia
90) Infarction mostly due to Art occlusion
91) Reactive hyperemia not seen in - ischemia
92) Aplasia - lack of cell production
93) Splenectomy most effective in - Heredit Sphero
94) Basilar artery forms 95) most common chromosomal abnormality - Downs
96) ESR more than 100 in Multiple Myeloma
97) MHC - HLA antigens
98) Thirst stimulated by AT 2
99) Erythropoetin secreted from Mesangial? or Renal tubular cells
100) Something about free water clearance
101) Vit D acts by gene expression

102) Normal saline causes ... ? inc plasma Na, inc plasma osmolarity, inc urine osmolarity
103) Blood loss, dec BP - symp activity inc
104) most imp factor delaying wound healing - infection?
105) CSF - 500 ml/day
106) Glucocorticoids cause - dec glucose utilization in cells
107) Hormone inc during sleep - Cortisol (not sure though)
109) Growth hormone inhibited by Somatostatin
110) HIV hallmark - progressive immunosupression
111) Hep B infection - keep checking SGPT
112) Machinery murmur - PDA
113) Something about long bones - i marked haversian canal (total fluke)
114) As compared to ICF, ECF has - low K
115) pO2 close to 100 in Left to Right shunt
116) Some values given and asked which graph represents better. Confusion between bar or pie
117) Primordial germ cells - by 3rd week
118) After bed rest leg pain and swelling - DVT
119) megaloblastic due to - folate and cobalmin
120) Philadel chromosome - CML
121) Metab acidosis - causes inc breathing
122) X linked agammaglob - pyogenic infections
123) Dead space - humidifies and filters air
At the moment I dont even remember the most difficult onesPlease pray for me.

12th August 2015 Medicine Online FCPS Part 1 Paper

Remember me in Your Special Prayers
(Dr. AR Soomro)
1. Type of cells in acute viral infection
A. Neutrophils
B. Lymphocytes
C. Macrophages
Answer is B
2. Microscopic Characteristics of Malignancy is
A. Pleomorphism
B. Nucleus to Cell Ratio
C. Invasion
Answer is C
3. Lesion of dorsal column
A. Anesthesia
B. Analgesia
C. Loss of tickling n itch
D. Sensory ataxia
E. Motor ataxia

Answer is D
4. Vibrio cholera diarrhea mechanism
A. Inhibit Ip3
B. Inhibit cAMP
C. Increase Cl channels
Answer is C
5. Asthmatic with IHD hypertension intra operatively management for Blood Pressure
A. I/V Nitroprusside
B. I/V Nitroglycerine
C. I/V Hydralazine
Answer is A
6. Pulmonary blood flow lit/min?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6
Answer is D (Same as Cardiac Output)

7. Defecation occurs due to

A. Gastrocolic Reflex
B. Mass Movement
Answer is A
8. Patient develop scarlet fever
A. Exfoliation
B. Exotoxin
C. Erythrogenic Toxin
Answer is C
9. Person working in farm develop lesion on foot
A. Cutaneous larva migrans
B. Cutaneous leshminiasis
C. Dracanculus
Answer is A
10. Young patient burning pain during urination, afebrile, thin yellowish discharge
A. Chlamydia
C. Gonorrhoea
Answer is A
11. Which of the following most likely cause malignancy
A. Haemochromatosis
B. Benzidine
C. Asbestosis
Answer is B
12. Number of Bronchopulmonary Segments in Right Lung
A. 7
B. 10
C. 12
Answer is B
13. Oral With Genital Ulcers
Answer is Bachet Disease
14. Regarding MCA

A. Supplying

inferomedial part of temporal lobe

B. Olfactory part

C. Supplying

of frontal lobe

the Medial Surface of Cerebrum

Answer is A
15. Below 1 inch to the Inguinal Ligament Femoral artery relation with vein

A. Lateral

B. Anterolateral

C. Posterolateral

D. Anteromedial

Answer is A
16. Which physiological function loss in lab test of urine specific gravity
A. Concentration
B. Filtration
C. Secretion
D. Blood flow
E. Reabsorption
Answer is A (Reference Goljan)
17. Trachoma
A. Bacterial Conjunctivitis
B. Viral Conjunctivitis
C. Inclusion Conjunctivitis
Answer is C
18. Superior thyroid artery is branch of
A. External carotid
B. Internal carotid
Answer is A
19. Person having systolic pressure 132mmhg. diastolic pressure 66, mean arterial pressure
would be
A. 66mmhg
B. 111mm Hg
C. 88mmHg
Answer is C (1/3 of Pulse Pressure + Diastolic Pressure)
20. Normally physiological function of placenta is barrier b/w
A. Maternal n fetal blood
B. Barrier for drugs
C. Barrier for nutrition
D. Barrier for immunoglobulins
Answer is A
21. Anterior pituitary tumor will mostly cause damage to which nerve
A. Trochlear
B. Optic
Answer is B
22. PTH most sensitive to
A. Total serum
B. Serum calcium
C. 1,25(OH)D3

D. Serum PO4
E. Serum Mg
Answer is B

23. Woman having whiplash injury during RTA, damage C5 C6 nerves, which of the most
disability she is having
A. Flexion at Elbow
B. Extension of arm
C. Adduction of shoulder
D. Medial rotation of shoulder
E. Extension of finger
Answer is A
24. A new research, study on some therapy regarding smoking, cessation. he divide 40 smokers
and on volunteer therapy, after some time he asked about the daily smoking cigarettes from all
40.what key component is missing
A. Hypothesis
B. Random distribution
C. Dependent distribution
D. Independent distribution
Answer is B
25. Thyroid follicles cell releasing thyroxin derived from
A. Endoderm
B. Ectoderm
C. Mesoderm
D. Endo and Mesoderm
Answer is A
26. In Circus man developing sudden excruciating chest pain, BP 90/50 mmHg with dislocation
of crystalline lens what is cause
A. Mallory-Weise Syndrome
B. Rupture aortic aneurysm
Answer is B (Scenario of Marphan Syndrome)
27. Regarding heart sounds
A. S2 is usually long
B. Audible on area of heart valves more precisely
All the options are irrelevant
28. Cystic fibrosis
Answer is sweat chloride test
29. What cause gastric emptying
30. Female symptoms of hypothyroidism and lymphocytes
A. Hashimoto Thyroiditis
B. Colloid goiter

C. Thyroid Ca

D. Thyroid lymphoma
Answer is A
31. Single local factor for delay wound healing
A. Infection
B. Ischemia
Answer is A
32. Posterior 1/3rd of tongue sensation, nucleus involve
33. Masseteric fascia develop from
A. Superficial layer of deep cervical fascia
B. Carotid sheath
C. Pre-tracheal
D. Prevertebral
Answer is A
34. Situs Inversus
Kartagener Syndrome
35. MAO Inhibitor and hypertensive crises
A. Coffee
B. Chocolate
Answer is A
36. Oral glucose load increase
A. Secretin
B. tripeptide
C. Dipeptide
Answer is Dipeptide
37. Fungi causing Meningitis
A. Histoplasma
B. Aspergillus
C. Cryptococcus
D. Cocadiomycosis
Answer is C
38. Aldosterone major action
B. Collecting Duct
Answer is B
39. Similarity between Cardiac & Skeletal muscle
A. Transverse striations

B. Transverse Tubules
Answer is A (Confirm It)

40. Which of following drug cause hyperuricemia

B. Rifampin
C. Pyrazinamide
Answer is C
41. Enlargement of arch of aorta compresses
A. Esophagus
B. Lung
C. Left Bronchus
Answer is C (If Trachea in option the It is Best Ref: Big Snell)
42. Traumatic lesion at L1, which will affect
A. Cauda Equina
B. Conus Medularis
Answer is B
43. Injury above sacral spinal cord result in
A. Dilatation of bladder sphincter
B. Constriction of bladder sphincter
C. Atonic bladder
D. Neurogenic bladder
Answer is A (Atonic bladder is due to damage of Sacral Spinal Cord. Injury above the Sacral Spinal
Leads to Automatic or Spastic Bladder that leads to Overstretched Bladder, the periodic
unannounced emptying occurs)
44. Highest energy content
A. Fats
B. Proteins
C. Carbohydrates
D. Vitamins and minerals
Answer is A
45. Thyroid secreting tumor
A. Small call carcinoma of bronchus
B. Squamous cell carcinoma of lungs
Answer is B
46. During short period of ATP synthesis, energy is provided by
A. Phospho-creatine
B. Kreb Cycle
Answer is A
47. A 40 year old Non Smoker presents with splenomegaly and congested face. The feature
which best support the Diagnosis of Polycythemia is:

A. Hematocrit more than 50%

B. Hyperplastic bone marrow
C. Increase number of all cell series

D. Increase Red Cell mass

E. Increased serum uric acid
Answer is D
48. Active transport of ions across the Cell membrane of a cell is mainly due to :
A. Carriers
B. Enzymes
C. Pumps
D. Receptors
E. Structural Protein
Answer is C
49. Vascular component of meninges
A. Dura Matter
B. Arachnoid Matter
C. Pia Matter
Answer is C
50. Isoniazid Toxicity Prevented By
Pyridoxine (Vit B6)
51. Regarding Kidney

A. Posteriorly related with 11th and 12th rib

B. Having same renal Fascia with adrenal glands

Answer is B
52. Most Abundant Antibody in Serum
A. IgA
B. IgG
Answer is B
53. A man comes from Cairo presents Hematuria. On cystoscopy a mass is found likely to be a
A. Transitional Cell Carcinoma
B. Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Answer is B
54. During Third Week Embryo has
Answer is Three Layer Ectoderm Endoderm Mesoderm
55. Primordial Germ Cell derived from
Answer is Yolk Sac
56. A 25 years old lady had Metallic Mitral Valve replacement 2 weeks after she was sent home
on routine medications. She reported to causality with two hours history of severe epistaxis.
She looked pale, rest of Clinical Examination was unremarkable. Investigation HB 6.5%, TLC
7500/CUMM, Platelets 75000/CUMM, PT 5, INR 5.5. The most likely cause of her bleeding is:

A. Drug Induced
B. Idiopathic
C. Infection
D. Thrombocytopenia
E. Trauma
Answer is A
57. The Internal Carotid Artery (Asim Shaoib Anatomy Bcq 380)
A. Enter the cranium through the squamous temporal bone
B. Give a branch to the choroid plexus of the 3rd ventricle
C. Has an ophthalmic branch entering the orbit through the superior orbital fissure
D. Lies within the dural covering of the cavernous sinus
Arise lateral to the external carotid & turns Posteromedially
E. Pierces the diaphragm sella medial to the optic nerve
Answer is D (Both Statement are right, from both only one is given)
58. Therapeutic Index
Safety of Drug
59. Rectus Sheath Posteriorly
Arcuate Line
60. Scenario MCV 108 Sensory Symptoms (Asim Shaoib)
Answer is Vita B12 Deficiency
61. Post Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis
A. Type I Reaction
B. Type II Reaction
C. Type III Reaction
D. Type IV Reaction
Answer is C
62. Helper T Cell
A. Helps to induce Antibody Formation via Th2 Pathway
63. Immunoglobulins (Antibodies) are Produced By
A. Basophils
B. Helper T Cells
C. Plasma Cells
D. Lymphocytes
E. Monocytes
Answer is C

64. Anaplasia Denotes

Lack of Differentiation

65. Parasympathetic nucleus are included in

A. Greater Splanchnic
B. Lesser Splanchnic
C. Inferior hypogastric Plexus
Answer is C
66. True About CNS Neurons
A. Neurotransmitters are synthesized by soma & transported to the terminals
67. About Trachea
A. 16 Tracheal Rings
B. 25 cm in Length
C. 10 cm diameter
D. Bifurcate at L3
Answer is A (16 to 20 tracheal Rings)
68. Dorsal Rami Supply
A. Flexor of Trunk
B. Extensor of Trunk
Answer is B
69. T3 and T4 Increased & TSH is Decreased
A. Primary Hypothyroidism
B. Secondary Hyperthyroidism
C. Primary Hyperthyroidism
D. Secondary Hypothyroidism
Answer is C
70. Mechanism of Sulfa Drugs
A. Inhibit the Tetrahydrofolate
71. The Cardiac Reserve (Asim Shoaib BCQ)
A. Decrease in Athletes
B. Increase in vitamin Deficiency
C. Is increased in Ischemic Heart Disease
D. Is the cardiac output per square meter of the body surface area
E. Is the maximum percentage by which the cardiac output can be increased above normal
Answer is E
72. Parasitic Infection Which Cells are Involved
A. Mast Cells
B. Lymphocytes
C. Eosinophils
D. Basophils
E. Macrophages

Answer is C

73. Diagnostic Case of COPD

Nicotine worsen the Condition
74. A case in which All the sensory Interpretation is Lost
Answer is Complete Transection of spinal Cord
75. Athetosis Chorea defect in
Basal Ganglion
76. Person Visited Pakistan first time and develops fever with chills, confusion and coma and
renal involvement
A. Dengue Fever
B. Plasmodium Vivax
C. Plasmodium Falciparum
D. Leishmaniosis
Answer is C
77. A Scenario of Post Streptococcal Infection mechanism is involved
A. Antigen Antibody Complex Deposition in tissue
B. Antibody Mediated
Answer is A
78. Mechanism of Heparin
Inhibit the Thrombin Formation
79. Neural Crest Cells Helps in the Formation of
A. Adrenal Cortex
B. Autonomic Ganglion
Answer is B
80. Neck Injury Person has Meiosis
Involvement of Cervical Sympathetic Ganglion
81. Sweat Glands
A. Ducts Lined By Stratified Squamous
B. Supplied by Ach Releasing Sympathetic
Answer is B
82. If Alveolar Air has PO2=100mg then it will present in
A. Pulmonary Artery
B. Pulmonary Vein
C. Aorta
Answer is B
83. Patient with Loss of Tear and Nasal Secretions involvement in
A. Salivary Glands

B. Pterygopalatine Ganglion
Answer is B

84. Which of the Following decrease the secretion of K (Potassium)

A. Loop Diuretic that inhibit the aldosterone receptor (eg. Spironolactone)
B. Addisons disease
Answer is B
85. Patient with Hypovolemia given Benzodiazepine results in
Answer is Hypotension
86. Spermiogenesis
Spermatids converted into spermatozoa
87. Costocervical Trunk

A. Arise from 2nd subclavian artery

88. Which of the Following Develops into Cancer
Bowen Disease
89. Which of the Following Completely Absorbed in Kidney
A. Glucose
90. Blood Volume is decreased it Leads to
Increase the ADH
91. Serum NA osmolarity is decreased due to
92. Nephrotic Syndrome
93. Collagen Atrophy Leads to
94. Ig A Nephropathy
Answer is Mesangial Cell Proliferation
95. Non Fluent Aphasia
A. Wernicke
B. Bocas
Answer is B
96. SLE
Answer is Low Complement
97. HLA B27 is Associated with
Ankylosing Spondylitis

98. A Patient is on Beta Blocker leads to increase PR Interval on ECG is due to

A. Drug Induced Heart Block
99. Soldier Comes with heavy bleeding. The Ideal Fluid Replacement would be (Asim Shoaib
A. Packed RBCs
B. Crystallines
C. Colloids
D. Whole Blood for 3 days
E. Whole Blood for 18 days
Answer is D
100. Biliary Obstruction will raise
101. Chemotaxis
A. Migration of Cells
102. Irreversible Injury
A. Massive Ca Influx
103. Drug without known receptor
A. Al(OH)3
104. G6PD Deficiency having Hemolysis most commonly due to
A. Drug Induce
B. Favism
Answer is A
105. Regarding Adrenal Glands
A. Right Adrenal gland is Pyramidal in shape
106. Protoncogen converted into Oncogen causing Cancer due to
A. Gene Amplification
B. Point Mutation
Answer is B
107. Patient 5 years old produce severe protein mal nutrition
A. Kwashiorkor
108. Right Shift of O2-Hb dissociation occurs due to decrease in
A. Ph
109. Left Shift of O2-Hb dissociation occurs due to
A. Fetal Hemoglobin

110. Death in Clostridium Perferingens due to

A. Septicemia

B. Toxemia
Answer is B
111. Red Infarcts is due to
A. Dual Blood Supply
112. Infarction of brain is due to
A. Ischemia
B. Emboli
Answer is Ischemia
113. Line of Defense in Lungs
A. Alveolar Macrophages
114. Which one is directly controlled by CNS
A. Precapillary Sphincter
B. Arterioles
Answer is B
115. Main Reservoir of Blood is
A. Veins
116. Blood is lost which will maintain the blood
A. Veins
117. Testosterone
A. Increase the protein synthesis in Muscle & Bones
118. Resistance is increase when
A. Viscosity of blood is increased
119. Metastasis form Uterus to External Genitalia through
A. Round Ligament
120. Cells which don not regenerate
A. Labile Cells
B. Stable Cells
C. Permanent Cells
Answer is C
121. 2/3 of Water is Found in
C. Plasma Volume
D. Interstitial

Answer is B

122. Which of the Following is not a malignant tumor

A. Adenoma
123. Gastrin Release due to Ingestion of
A. Protein
B. Alcohol
Answer is A
124. Regarding Pertussis
A. Infants are not carrier (Options not remember completely)
125. Regarding H ions in Arterial Blood
A. They directly act on Brain respiratory center
B. They act on Carotid (Peripheral) Chemoreceptor
Answer is B
126. TB Granuloma Histological Findings
A. Casseous Necrosis
B. Epithelioid Cells
Answer is A
127. Chloride Bicarbonate Shifts in RBC due to
A. Band 3
128. Which of the Following increase the metabolic rate
A. Thyroxine
129. Which of the Following response doesnt occurs in Cold
A. Pooling of Blood in cutaneous Vessels
B. Decrease Sweating
Answer is A
130. Vitamin A in Eye Pigment
A. Retinaldehyde
131. Ture About Blood Group
A. Secreted in Salvia
B. Agglutinins are Blood Antigens
Answer is A
132. In case of Typhoid Fever For 6 days, which investigation is first choice?
A. Widal Test
B. Blood Culture
C. Typhi dot test
D. Bone Marrow Culture
E. Urine Culture

Answer is B

133. Labetalol
A. Alpha Blocker
B. Alpha Beta Blocker
C. Beta Blocker
Answer is B
134. Regarding Lymphatics
A. Cystic Hygroma
135. About Thymus
A. If Removed in Adult decrease in T Cells
136. Absorption from the Ileum
A. Vitamin B12
137. Regarding Cardiac Coronary Autoregulation
Answer is Basic need of O2 Supply
138. Collagen Fibers
B. Most of Abundant Protein in the Body
139. Mechanism of Propyl Thiouracil
A. Causing uncoupling of Iodine
B. Decrease the Formation of Thyroid Hormone
Answer is B
140. Chlamydia is the Etiological Agent For (Asim Gyne BCQ)
A. Acute endometritis
B. Acute salpingitis
C. Chancroid
D. Condyloma latum
E. Lymphogranuloma inguinale
Answer is E
141. Defecation Reflex
A. Gastrocolic Reflex
B. Mass Reflex
Answer is A
142. Muscle of Quite Inspiration
A. Diaphragm
143. About Heart
A. Right Ventricular Pressure is 25/10
Other options are very tough & not resembling

144. Glucagon Effect on Heart Like

A. Ach

B. Catecholamine
Answer is B
145. Increasing Age is associated with decrease of
A. Blood Pressure
B. Pulse (Heart Rate)
C. Vital Capacity
Answer is B (C is also right but in CPSP lecture classs slide answer is B)
146. First Heart Sound
A. Isovolumic Contraction
147. Endotoxin Found in Patient of
A. Sepsis syndrome
148. Neurotransmitters at Preganglionic Sympathetic Fibers is
A. Nor epinephrine
B. Acetylcholine
Answer is B
149. AIDS is Associated with
A. Decrease in Helper T cells
150. Arteriolar Dilation is associated with
A. Increase in Venous Volume
151. Soft Tissue Tumor are Associated with
A. Increase Vascularity
152. Middle Esophagus is Supplied by
A. Descending Thoracic Aorta
153. Respiratory Alkalosis & Metabolic Acidosis
A. Salicylate Poisoning
154. Which of the Following is more in Dialysis Fluid
A. Glucose
B. Potassium
Answer is A
155. Elbow Joint
A. Hinge Joint
156. Regarding Injury at Root of Lung Which one is Spared
A. Bronchiole
B. Pulmonary Ligament

C. Vagus Nerve
D. Pulmonary Artery

Answer is C
157. Costodiphargmatic Recess
A. b/w diaphragm and parietal pleura
158. In Acidosis
A. All Bicarbonates are reabsorbed from Kidney
159. Renin Secretion is Inhibited By
A. Afferent Constriction
B. Decrease Na+ delivery
C. Aldosterone
Answer is C
160. A Patient on hypertensive drugs presents postural hypotension, increase heart rate while
standing is mediated by:
A. Increase Fire rate of baroreceptors
B. Decrease Sympathetic
C. Increase Vagal Tone
D. Increase Vasomotor tone
Answer is D
161. Right Coronary Artery
A. Supplies SA node
B. Supplies Posterior Interventricular Septum
C. Arise from Anterior Aortic Sinus
Answer is C
162. Crescents are protective for Glomeruli, they are produced by
A. Endothelial Cells
B. Endothelial & Mesangial
C. Mesangial
D. Parietal Epithelium
Answer is D (Some Time Fibrin is given in spite of Parietal Epithelium)
163. Ketogenic Amino Acids
A. Leucine and Lysine
164. Zinc is Co Factor for
A. Carbonic Anhydrase
165. Infusion of Isotonic N/S what will happens
A. Increase Blood Volume or Plasma Volume
166. Regarding cerebellum which is true:
A. 6 Layers
B. Purkinje are excitatory

C. Fluconodular lobe for balance control

Answer is C
167. About DNA
A. Euchromatin is transcriptionally Active to form mRNA
B. Nucleolus helps in formation of ribosomal RNA
Answer is A
168. Organophosphorus Poisoning
A. Irreversible Ach esterase Blocker
169. Sickle Cell Defect in
A. Beta Globin Chain
170. Cell hindering the Regeneration
A. Astrocyte
B. Oligodendrocytes
C. Neuroglial
D. Microglial
Answer is C
171. Lesion of Nucleus Gracillis and Cuneatus
A. Asterognesia
B. Anesthesia
C. Analgesia
Answer is A
172. Spinal Nerves and Cranial Nerves are
A. Upper Motor
B. Lower Motor
C. Motor Unit
Answer is B
173. Uterine Atony occurs after delivery drug of choice
A. Oxytocin
B. Ergometrine
Answer is B
174. Patient having Hemoptysis and Hematuria
A. Burger Disease
B. Wegner Granulomatosis
C. Good Posture Syndrome
Answer is C
175. Child having Epistaxis and Thrombocytopenia and superficial bleeding diagnosis is
confirmed by
A. Bone Marrow Biopsy

Answer is A

176. Right Iliac Fossa Pain less than 24 hours, appendectomy is done and sample is given to
pathologist. The Pathologist says Inflammation is limited Serosa.
A. Normal Appendix
B. Acute mild Appendicitis
C. Acute Peritonitis
Answer is B
177. About Thyroid
A. Both Lobes are Identical
B. Isthmus is Related to cricoid
C. Moves on Deglutition due to attachment of Prevertebral Fascia
Answer is A
178. A 25 year old sprinter developed acute Leg pain while running. The next day he noticed
Ecchymosis around Ankle. He can stand on his Toes thought it Hurts. The most Likely cause is
(Asim surgery Anatomy 31 BCQ)
A. Acute arterial embolism
B. Deep Vein thrombosis
C. Herniated lumber disc
D. Ruptured Achilles tendon
E. Ruptured Plantaris tendon
Answer is E
179. Which one of the following is the characteristics microscopic feature of parietal cells of the
stomach (Asim Surgery Anatomy 119 bcq)
A. Copious eosinophilic cytoplasm and a central nucleus
B. Extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum
C. Extensive smooth endoplasmic reticulum
D. Granular cytoplasm with basally located nucleus
E. Located at the basal third of gastric glands
Answer is A
180. The Roof of the Anterior Horn of the Lateral Ventricle is Formed by (Asim Surgery
Anatomy 125 bcq)
A. Body of the corpus callosum
B. Genu of the corpus callosum
C. Head of caudate nucleus
D. Rostrum of the corpus callosum
E. Superior surface of thalamus
Answer is A
181. Axons of the Alpha Motor Neurons of the Spinal Cord (Asim Surgery Anatomy 319 bcq)
A. Are myelinated
B. Are non-myelinated
C. Pass through the dorsal root

D. Terminate in intrafusal fibers of neuromuscular spindles

E. Terminate on the motor end plates

Answer is A
182. Acetyl Choline Stimulation (Parasympathetic)
A. Relaxation of Intestinal Sphincters
183. Stored Blood has one of the following disadvantage? (Chandkian Med 1309)
A. It has unstable factor ii, vii, ix, x
B. It has un stable factor viii, ix
C. Platelet has half-life of 5 days
D. There is risk of exaggerated hemolysis
Answer is D
184. Regarding Autosomal Dominant
A. Both males and Female are affected
185. During Strenuous Exercise blood flow to muscle is maintained by?
A. Decrease pH
B. Increase arterial O2
C. Increase arterial PCo2
D. Decrease arterial O2
E. Collateral signs from Higher Centers
Answer is A or E (Chandkian Medicine 1319)
186. Regarding Ossification
A. Ossifications starts in Intrauterine Life
187. Regarding Hodgkin Lymphoma
A. Contiguous Spread
188. Patient is Hypertensive what will you prevent
A. Bouts of Cereals
B. Soup
C. Pulses
Answer No idea
189. Which of the Following is related to Lung Cancer
A. Asbestosis
190. Psos Major Muscle
A. Contain Lumber Plexus
B. Covered by Medial Arcuate Ligament of Diaphragm
Answer is A
191. A case of Comb Test Positive with increase Reticulocytes
A. Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
192. Coagulation Necrosis

A. Preserved Margins

193. Brain Ischemic Infarctions are

Answer is Pale Infarcts
194. Slow Pain
A. C Fibers
195. Fascia Transversalis
A. Contain Deep Inguinal Ring

12th August 2015

1-Type of clls in acute viral infection?
2-Myasthenia Gravis is which type of hypersensitivity (type 2)
3-how much amount of air is required for pulmonary embolism (100cc)
4-Facial nerve exits through? stylomastoid foramen
5-Damage to capsule and articular capsule of temporomandibular joint causes damage to which muscle?
lateral pterygoid
6-Universal donor O neg
7-Side effects of chlorpromazine parkinsona or dystonia
8-QRS waves on ECG ventricular depolarization
9- P waves ECG atrial depolarization
10-U wave hypokalemia
11-Which structure is formed by the end of first week of fertilization? (blastocyst)
12-When does stomach appear as a dilatation of gut during intrauterine life? a.blastocyte c.amnion b.blastocele
d.chorion (blastocele)
13-Cause of Pulmonary edema in CCF Increased hydrostatic pressure
14-How is fat transported from small intestine? a.Mixed micelles b.Chylomicrons c.Free fatty acids
15-Osmosis helps to maintain a.Shape of cell b.Contents of cell c.Volume of cell (vol)

17-Involvement of actin, myosin and clathrin. Which type of transport is this? a.Primary active b.Secondary
active c.Facilitated d.Simple e.Carrier mediated (c.m)
18-Most carcinomas contain a.Keratin b.Desmin c.Vmentin
19-Characteristics of malignancy a.Pleomorphism b.Invasion
20-Characteristics of dysplasia -Microscopic feature in prolonged use of alcohol
21-41% hematocrit means?
22-Most common inherited bleeding disorder? a.Factor X b.Factor VIII c.Von wilibrand
23-In case of Vitamin K deficiency which factor is depleted first? a.XI b.II c.VII d.V
24-Calculation of Urinary clearance and Dead space
25-Vessel along left phrenic nerve? a.Internal thoracic artery (internal thoracic ) b.Superior thoracic artery
26-Hemorrhagic shock of 2L of blood. What is expected? a.Coronary blood flow of 250ml b.Increased venous
return Increased tpr
27-Intake of 140mEq/mL. What will happen? a.Increased plasma osmolarity b.Increased icf osmolarity
c.Increased ecf osmolarity d.Both icf and ecf osmolarity
28-RTA. Patient in shock. Cause? a.Profuse blood loss b.Bladder injury
29-Immunosuppressants given after transplant surgery. What is the important concern? a.Decreased T cells
Increased susceptibility to bacterial infections
30-Which of the following is immunostimulant? a.Cortisol b.Beta endorphin GH
31-which of the following is assessed in triple assessment for congenital defects? a.Serum estrogen b.Serum
progesterone Serum estriol Serum estradiol Serum estrione
32-Female gravida 1 is unable to lactate her baby even after her utmost desire . She has a history of post
partum hemorrhage. What could be the cause? a.Asherman syndrome b.Sheehan syndrome
33-Turner Karyotype?
34-Bee sting allergy. Most important mediator: a.Bradykinin b.Heparin
35-Hylaine cartilage is present in which tissue?

36-what type of joint is present between two parts of mandible during 1st year of life? a.Gomphosis
b.Syndesmosis c.Symphysis d.Suture
37-nerve supply of central part of parietal diaphragm
38-Prolonged use of paraffin leads to deficiency of which vitamin? a.Thiamine b.Biotin c.Vitamin A d.VITAMIN
B e.Vitamin C
39-Hypothyroidism increases? a.Tolerance to cold b.Serum cholesterol c.BMR
40-Hippocrates Oath a.Confidentiality b.Doctors rights c.Sexuality
41-Patient with atypical TB. Hes most likely to be? aResistant to ATT
42-Which nerve arches over the arch of aorta? a.Left phrenic b.Left vagus c.Left recurrent laryngeal d.Left
sympathic trunk
43-Location of geniculate ganglion
44-most common site of abscess in brain
45-Where is glabella located?
46-enzyme in salive that prevents utilization of iron by bacteria? a.lactoferin b.igA proteases c.lysozyme
47-Sequestration of ca a.SER b.T tubules c.Trponin (SER)
48-Pluropotent stem cells signald by a.Bone marrow edothelium b.Reticular bone marrow cell c.Regenratve
cells d.Blood cells n epithelium are labilr (bonemarrow endo)
49-Neoplasm is malignat v put in stage 1 -4 stage 1 would b a.Ca in situ b.No malignant potential
50-2nd wk of life development of which structure blastocyte
51-Sympethetic effect a.Inc heart rate b.bronchocnstricton (inc heart rate)
52-Stress hormone inc in stress a.Cortisol b.Cortol c.Cortorele d.Catecholamine (coritsol)
53-Adrenlectomy taste inc for a.Nacl
54-Inherited disease a.Won willbrand b.Factor 9 def (WVB)
55-Senario like BT 20 Ct 18 i thnk plt 180,000 disordr

56-Fibrinogen def a.Platelt function disorder b.Itp

57-Which of the following most likely cause malignancy a.. Haemochromatosis b. Benzidine C. Asbestosis
58-Lesion of dorsal column a.Anesthesia b.Analgesia c.Loss of tickling n itch d.Sensory ataxia e.Motor ataxia
(sensory ataxia)
59-Vibrio cholera diarrhoea mechanism a.Inhibit Ip3 b.Inhibit cAMP c.Increase Cl channels (Increase Cl
60-most common cause of ppremalignant change in mouth a.chronic ulcer b.lichen planus c.submucous
fibrosis (submucous fibrosis)
70-female showing cervical dysplastic changes, etiology? a.vaginal cream b.grand multiparity c.HSV d.IUCD
e.chronic irritation (grand multiparity)
71-Conducting system of heart is located in? a.Endocardium b.Subendocardium c.Epicardium d.Myocardium
72-Asthmatic e IHD hypertension intra operatively a.Iv nitropruside b.Iv nitroglycerine c.Iv hydralazine (iv
73-regarding endotoxin most of patients having endotoxin in sepsis
74-cardiac reserve decrease in a.athletes b.can be used to increase cardiac output
75-Gaba deficiency in substania nigra nd globus pelidus cause a. chorea b.athetosis C)Parkinsons
D)hungtinton (hungtinton)
76-Pulmonary blood flow lit/min? a.2 b.3 c.4 d.5 e.6 (5)
77-Cause of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
78-Conducting system.of heart which layer
79-Scapula ossifies at what age ?
80-What is main adhesion of a cell ?
81-Pt ct disturb of a 12 y/o child pathology behind it ?
82-Thrombin converts fibrinogen into fibrin what elevates in blood ?

83-Paraffin inhibits what !

84- MOA of gemfibrazol ?
85-girl cannot comb her hairs . Nerve damage ?
86-Lt atrial hypertrophy + inc pcwp + pulmonary odema . Dx ?
87-Nerve to uretheral sphicter
88-How much cc will cause embolism
89-Parotid will form what ligament
90-Why immunosuppressents have disadvantages . delay onset ..or
91-recurrent bacterial infec
92-Na is antagonized by which ion
93-Which enchances immunity
94-Cortisol acth growth hormone
95-In mid trimester blood is formed by
96-Pseudomonas antibiotic coverage ?
97-Which hormones stops gastric motality ?
98-Which agent slows gastric motility ? Suralfate aluminum oh omega mg oh
99- Barbiturates uses what ?
100-Mural thrombus from which organ
101-Adh syndrome !!!!! Hypertronic rehydration ya hypotonic rehydration ..
102-Virtual image : a.Image on microscope b.Image in scren. c.Image behind lens
103- Use of atrial neutric peptide in diagnostic !!!
104-Long pr interval bp 120 80 echo clear

105-lt axsis deviation ??? Dx

106-Sick sinus syn option a.Biferengent block b.uniblock c.Triiblock d.complete herat block
107-Lesion in rt lower lung lobe . Pt is gardner
108-Ca store in muscle where ?
109-Action myosin clathrin transport ? How ?
110-decrease in diffusion is due to
111-Defecation occurs due to? a. gastrocolic reflex b. Mass movement (mass movement)
112-Patient develop scarlet fever a.Exfoliation b.Exotoxin (exotoxin)
113-Person working in farm develop lesion on foot a.Cutaneous larva migrans b.Cutaneous leshminiasis
c.Dracanculus (Cutaneous larva migrans)
114-Young patient burning pain during urination, afebrile, tnin yellowish discharge.. a.Chlamydia b.HSV
115-Which of the following most likely cause malignancy a. Haemochromatosis b. Benzidine C. Asbestosis
116-Vibrio cholera diarrhoea mechanism a.Inhibit Ip3 b.Inhibit cAMP c.Increase Cl channels (increase cl
117-Mother cant lactate her baby Sheehan syndrome
118.Pseudomonas doc Cipro
119.Inc num of lyphocytes in a.Tb b.Hay fever c.Pneumonia
120.Lady cant comb her hair nerve damage? a.Suprascapular nerve b.Spinal accesory nerve
121.Chi quare 2*2 table
122.cycloplegic refraction complication Shallow chamber
123-Warthin starry stain used for
124-regarding MCA? a.supplying inferomedial part of temporal lobe b.olfactory part of frontal lobe

125-regarding ICA a.enter in skull through squamous temporal lobe. b.lie on lateral side to ECA at origin n then
move medially as in ascends in skull give ophtalmic branch
126-femoral artery relation with vein a.lateral b.anterolateral c.posterolateral
127-which physiological function loss in lab test of urine specific gravity? a.concentration b.filteration
c.secretion d.blood flow e.reabsorption
128-trochoma? a.bacterial conjunctivitis b.viral conjunctivitis
129-superior thyroid aretry is branch of? a.external carotid b.interal carotid
130-person having systolic pressure
132mmhg. diastolic pressure 66, mean arterial pressure would me..? a.66mmhg b.111mm Hg c.88mmHg
131-normally physiological functionn of placenta ,is a barrier b/w? a.maternal n fetal blood b.barrier for drugs
c.barrier for nutrition d.barrier for immunoglobulins
132-anterior pituitary tumor will mostly cause damage to which nerve? a.trochlear b.optic
133-PTH most sensitive to? serum b.serum calcium c.1,25(OH)D3 d.serum PO4
134-woman having whiplash injury during PTA, damage C5 C6 nerves, which of the most disability she is
having? a.flexion of forearm b.extension of arm c.adduction of shoulder d.medial roation of shoulder
e.extension of finger
135-a new research, study on some therapy regarding smoking, cessation.he divide 40 smokers and on
volunteer therapy.after some time he asked about the daily smoking ciggerates from all 40.what key
component is missing? a.hypothesis b.random distribution c.dependent distribution d.independent distribution
136-thyroid follicles cell releasing thyroxin derived from? a.endoderm b.ectoderm c.mesoderm d.endo n
137-in developing sudden exeruciating chest pain, bp 90/50 mmHg with dislocation of crystalline lens, cause?
a.mallory-weise syndrom b.rupture aortic aneurysm
138-regarding heart sounds? a.S2 is usually long on area of heart valves more precisely
139-cystic fibrosis sweat chloride test
140-what cause gastric emptying metoclopramide

141-female symptoms of hypothroidism n lymphocytes a.hashimotor b.colloid goiter c.thyroid cA d.thyroid

142-single local factor for delay wound healing infection
143-posterior 1/3rd of tongue sensation, nucleus involve? glossopharyngeal
144- masseteric fascia develop from ? a.superficial layer of deep cervical fascia b.carotid sheath c.pretracheal
145-situs inversus kartagena syndrome
146-MAO inhibitor n hypersentivity crises coffee?
147- oral glucose load increase? a.secretion b.tripeptide (secretion)
148-fungi causing meningitis a.histoplasm b.asperigillus c.cryptococcus d.cocadiomycos (cryptococcus)
149-aldosteron major action a.dct b.collecting duct (collecting duct)
150-pulmonary blood flow 5lit/min
151-similarity b/w cardiac n skeletal muscle a.transverse striations b.transverse tubules (transverse tubules)
152-which of following drug cause hyperurecemia? a.ISH b.rifampin c.pyrazinamide (pyraznamide)
153-enlargement of arch of aorta compresses a.esophagus b.lung c.trachea (esophagus)
154-traumatic lesion at L1, which will affect? cauda meclularis
155-astgmatic pt having high BP during surgery, drugs used will be hydralazine
156-injury above sacral spinal cord result in a. dilatation of bladder sphincter b. constriction of bladder c. atonic
bladder d. neurogenic bladder (atonic bladder)
157-highest enrgy cntnt a.fats b.proteins c.carbohydrates d.vitamns nd minrls (fat)
158- genu a.lateral ventricle b.ant horn c.roof
159-buccinator from pretracheal fascia?
160-benzodiazepene least like cause: a.hypotension b.hypovolemia old age
161-thyroid secreting tumo a.small call car of bronchus b.squamous cell carcinomma of lungs

162-during short period of atp is provided by a.phosho creatine b.kreb cycle
163-cvs part solely controled by? ANS?
164-most characteristc feature of polycythemia: a.hyperplastic change b.>50% in hct
165-active transport require pumps or carrier protein (pumps)
166-vascular component of meninges (piamatter)
167-excessive use of liquid paraffin on skin causes?
168- thorn prick on skin, organism? vit A deficiency niacin thiamine
169-gemfibrozil? increase TG clearance
13th August 2015
1-Surfactant Increase compliance
2-Cell mem strct primarily maintain by a.Endoplasmic reticulm b.Cholesterol bilayr c.Golgi apparatus
3-adverse reaction of drug depend upon a.Small dose small b.variable
4-Enzyme may b fall in liver injury a.Alt b.Alp c.Ast d.Ldh
5-Diarrehea normal anion gap met acidosis
6-Thorn pick absess Staph aureus
7-Rite kidney ant relation a.Duodenum b.liver c.hepatic colonic flexure
8-Loss of memory senario Temporal lobe
9-Senario pt havin acute appedixitis havin forgetdulness unable to give consent,came wd a wife,take consent
from a.Wife b.Ask senior c.Reaskd from him
10-resection of terminal ileum?
11-after gastrectomy (vit b12)
12-fracture neck of fibula (peroneus longus)
13-pt cannot comb hair ( spinal accessory)

14-one third of body water in icf ecf

15-max pressure in aorta during whic phase ?
16-supply of pericardium
17-leukocyte adhesion
18-branch of basilar artery?
20-which antacid dec gastric emptying ?
21- which part of liver with poor supply?
22-stomach become dilated in which week? a.3rd b.4rth c.5th? (4th)
23-femoral vien palpated at a.pubic tubercle b.aduuctor canal
24-megaloblastic anemia in 35yrs old man a.loss of intrinsic factor b.transcobalamin
25-pregnant woman a spoon shaped nails a. low mcv mchc
26- fever caused by a.tick b.ricktessia (tick)
27-trachea is a.25cm long b.17cm external dia c. bifurcation at t3 (17)
28-what loops around arch of aorta a.left reccurrent laryngeal nerve
29-1st artery given by abdominal aorta a.celiec truck b.inferior mesentertic artery
30-hyper eosinophilia occurs in ? a.atypical cml b.hodgkin c.eosinophilic granulum
31-turner karyotype? a.44 xo b.44xyy c.44xxy?
32-41% oh hematocrit means?. a. 41% of formed fragments of rbc b.41 of red wbc and platelets?
33-kidney activates which of following? a.renin b.adh c.cholecalciferol d.erythropoetin
34-pulse pressure max. amplitude in? a.lft vntrcl b.aorta c.atrium
35-a patient inspired maximally with efforts and expires as usual? a.IRV b.FRC c.IC

36-corticopsinal track ends at which level? a.upper cervical b.mid thoracic c.lumber d.spinal cord e.ower
37-person working in farm develop lesion in foot a.cutaneous larva migrans b.cutaneous leshminiasis
38-soldier in balochistan came with complaint of fever mailaise hepatomegaly spleenomegaly, used to sleep on
floor, history of bites of fly? a.malaria b.kalazar c.cml (kalazar)
39-warthin starry stain used for a.spirochete b.chlymdia c.mycobacterium d.neisseria
40-nerve loops around arch of aorta? a.vagus b. reccurrent laryngeal
41. phrenic nerve runs on left side with? a. RCA b.LCA c. pericardicophrenic artery
42-after abdominl n gynaecological surgery cause which kind of Infection (becteroids)
43. Which factor def causes thrombosis instead of bleeding Factor 5
44. hypovolaemia with hypotension isoflurane shud not be given,why? Potent vasodilator
45. Otic ganglion location foramen was asked Superior border of foramen ovale
46. Increase in interstial fluid cause Inc. capillary permeability
47. Rite sided weekness with babinkis positive all UMN lesions no sensory loss whr is the the lesion a.left
internal capsule b.left broadman area 4 resection
48. Epitheluim of preterminal bronchiole Pseudostratified squamous
49. Mesiothelioma exposure to wat Asbestos
50. Trachea coverd by pretracheal fascia True
51. Radiation causes cancer aftr how much yrs 5-10 years
52. Premalignant lesions are a.Metaplasia of endocervix b.Dysplasia c.Condyloma, skin
53. Weeknes in abduction of fingers nerve involve is Ulcer
54. Sciatic nerve severed, dorsam of foot supplied by which nerve?? a.saphenous nerve b.Sural nerve
c.Comman paroneal nerve
55. Lidocaine overdose seizures

56. Loss of knee flexion and hip extension muscle involved is Semitendinous
57. muscle which causes flexion of elbow and supplied by radial nerve Brachioradialis
58. Breast lower medial quadrant will not drain into a.inf phrenic nodes b.Pectoral nodes c.supraclavicular
59. volume of distribution
60. Probablity of difference between the two medians
61. lack of comunication and understanding between doctor and patient is due to?
62-a know patient of lumbago, presented with acute chest pain, o/e tenderness found in the left posterior 3rd
and 4th intercostal space, bp normal, pulse normal likely diaganosis a.costochondritis b.spondylitis c.dissecting
aortic anurysm
63-denticulate ligament
64-dura matter extension is present b/w
65-hormones during sleep
66-which vascular leison is present in rheumatic fever>
67-Most comman skin cancer in HIV a.sq. Cell carcinoma b.Basal cell carcinoma c.Malignant lymphoma
68-Collagen tat gives strenght during wound healing a.Type 1 b.type 3
69-major blood buffer? a.hb b.hco3
70-Whch type of joint is it, TMJ?
71-whch type of articular cartilage TMJ has?
72-Whch ligament is formed by parotid fascia?
73-chest pain and fever not related to respiration a.Costochondral junction b.Pericarduim c.Myocarduim
74-in later stage of pregnancy oestrogen and progesterone produce by a.corpus luteum b.ovaries c.placenta
d.ant pituitary pituitary
75-Q.which one of the following cause coronary vasodilation a.adenosine b.NO

76-.true about skeletan develop from a.ectodem b.mesoderm only c.mesoderm and neural crest. d.somatic
mesoderm e.splanic mesoderm
77-In carcinogenic shock u vl give first a.adrenaline b.dopamin
78-.a pallor child xray skull showing hair end appearance next invasion a.xray skeleton b.peripheral smear
c.bone marrow aspiration d.Hb electrophoresis
79-.true about denticulate ligament a.extension of duramater b.separate dorsal & ventral root c.extension of
filam terminale D.BTW vertebrae and spinal cord
78- A patient has hypercouagable state having def of a.factor viii b.factor ix c.factor x D.factor xiii E.factor v
79-difference BTW skeletal and smooth muscle calmodulin b.directly activated by ca
80-Infectious mononucleosious
81-which valve is involved in Limb sack endocarditis
82-Graves disease scenario
83-V wave denotes?
84-Abdominal angina cause by obstruction to a.Inf mesenteric b.Sup mesenteric
85-middle colic is the branch of? Superior mesenteric artery
86-geniculate ganglion is located in?
87- taste sensation is carried to the cortex through?
88-folic acid deficiency leads to ? megaloblastic anemia
89-anterior fonatnelle closes at?
90-sphincter urethra is supplied by? pudendal nerve
91-two point discrimination? merkel disc
92-ANP theraptcally useful in? hypertension
93-beta blocker?
94-functional platelet defect

95- oxygen hb curve towards left increase in pH

96-cephalic vein anatomical snuff box
97- atlantoaxial joint is type of pivot joint
98-atypical lymphosytosis EBV
99-edema of legs after bite? histamin
100-stomach tube 4th week
101-oesophageal atresia drooping of saliva
102-AL(OH)2 delays gastric emptying
103- Acute liver damage ALT
104-actin myosin clatherin pinocytosis
105-sternum ossification 21 years
106-mandible symphsis menti
107-cord hemisection
108-brocas area
109-CSF subdural space
110-anterior spinothalamic tract ends at
111-benzidiazepein GABA
112-renin activation by
113-anatomical dead space
114-dopamin acetycholin intolerance in Parkinsonism
115-adhesion integrins
116-crest syndrom

117-immuniospressant caused teeth disease?

118-brain liquification necrosis?
119-metaplasiachanges character of epithelium
120-carcinoma spread by?
121-femoral pulse at inguinal point
122-heparin VS LMW heparin common function?
123-adrenalectomy increased taste for Na
124-homonymous hemianopia
125- 2 human virus cause cancer?
126-metabolic acidosis with normal anion gap
127-negative feedback in hemorrhage
128-kidney cholecalciferol
129-cholesterol increases by eating saturated fat
130-decreased cholesterol dec adrenal hormones
140-level of thyroid isthmus?
141-long refractory period heart
143- increased urea in loop of henle
144- IV drugs endocarditis
145-alcohol fatty change
147-parasympathetic supply of bronchioles?

148-defeciency of glucose 6 Phosphatase causes

149-Increase GFR causes inc absorbtion of salt and water from PCT
150-The most imp mechanism for thiz tubuloglomerular feedback is A. Inc peritubular colloid presure B. Dec
peritubular soduim concentration
151-Increase in viscosity of blood Inc radius of capacitance Inc radius of resistance arteriole Inc mean arterial
152-infection in cavournes sinus
153- cause of damage to lateral rectus
154-During hysterctomy ureters can be damaged while ligating which artery ???
155-which one is the DNA virus Influenza Measles Mumps Yellow fever Infectious mononucleosis
156-injury to surgical neck of humurus damage to which nerve
157- Axillary nerve damage will cause wat Dec abduction 0-20 degree Dec abduction 20 -90 degree Dec
abduction above head Dec flexion
158-intermenstural bleeding and post coital bleeding no othr abnormality on per speculum examination.. cervix
hyperplasia present.. wat initial test u vl do a. Colposcopy b.Pap smear
159-14 yrs old chronic diarhea. bleeding time, CT=50min, diarrhea since 6m,no family hstory vit k def/ liver
160-posterior ventricular branches of RCA, branches no. and area of supply?
161-crown rump length at 15-20 wks?
162- right lung, superior,medial and inferior lobes, no. of segments in each?
163- purkunji cells typically present in a.cerebral cortex b.cerebellum c.cerebellar nuclei
164- storage of glycogen is called?
165-case with 8% bleed in 30min ..response? bleed from?
166-severe sudden hypovolemic shock effect?
167- mechanism of response in bleeding of finger cut for a few sec? vasoconstriction

168-in shock, which will pressure body as a whole? adreno-sympathetic or CNS inchemic response?
169-scenario: dec BP and activation of renin angiotensin system, which response will help? Vasocontriction
Thirst ADH
170- crecenteric morphology associated with?
171-least creatinine clearance? a.glucose b.urea c.HCO3
172- most abundant antibody? IgG
173-case od blunt abdominal trauma, whch of the following will NOT go from G node to G1? a.smooth muscle
b.liver parenchyma cells c.symphysis
174-b/w pubic bones type of joint ?
175-what is true regarding T cells? a.mostly t cells present peripherally b.processing done in thymus after birth
176-in long bones, after birth, secondary centre of ossification? a.diphysis b.epiphysis c.metaphysis
d.membranous bone
177-after hepatectomy, mitogenic factors for genration?
178-related to sex linked disorders usually cause in males
179- which is pre malignant lesion? a.dysplasia b.condyloma skin
180- most imp factors for metastasis a. migration of tumor cells b.attachment wid extracellular matrix
181-case of study done in pts with t4N1M1 stage with survival of <50% of 5 years. what will be true? cachexia
182- epicardium is supplied by?
183- a statistical test observed differences b/w 2 means been by chance? a.variance b.correlation c.ratio
184- definition of volume of distribution
185- which amino acid deficiency in cell injury? a.histamin b.glycin c.tyrosine
186-Damage to male urethra below uroginital daighram, urine vl go into a.Retropubic space b.Medial thigh
c.Superficial perineal space d.Isciorectal fossa
187-Sartoli cells, most appropriate is a.produce fluid rich in glucose and protiens (nutrients) b.Mentain blood
testis barries

188-Rapidly adapting receptors ???

189- blood supply of prostat?
190-12. dr prescribing ANTICOAGULANTfor a lifetime, before that investigation is impotent
191. lung ca., small cell (oat cell) biopsy will show tumor marker? a. prathormone ralated protein b. ACTH
192.lady has loss of little finger due to weakness of interrossei muscles, nerve involed a.ulnar nerve b.radila
nerve c.median nerve d.dorsal interrsoe nerve
193- primary esophagela reflex different from secondary reflex as in any relation of inferior sphincter
194- pubic bones move during labor slightly due to joint Symphysis
195-. pubic symphysis is a a type cartilagnous joint
196-reed sternberg cell mostly diagnosis a. hodgkin disease b. non hogdkin lymphoma
197-. Hic associated with a. Kaposi sarcoma
198-. related to ca. of bladder a. schistosoma japonicum b. b schistosoma heamatobium c. c. schistosoma
199-Chronic backache,longest nerve frm which plexus a.lumbosacral b.thoracosacral brachial c.Pia matter ,
d.invaginate gyri
200-anaomic aphasia dua to lesion of a. brocas b. wernickes
201- ESOPHAGUS a.related anteriorly to recurrent laryngeal b.starts upper border of C6 c.commences at T8 d.
continues with pretechial fascia
202-. SCLENUES ARTERY third part sweling will appear in which area a. prevertebral b.supraclavicular c.axilla
203-.posterior intervetricularr artery a. two in no and supplies diagphramatic surface of ventricle
204- accident, fracture of femur,tibia,fibula, pulse 110/min, bp 110/80 (near normal) BEST managemnt a. joint
stability b. fluids
205-C5-C6 damage
206-M.I 207-horner syndrome,
208-remant of geburnaculum,

209-relation of cbd wid doudenum

210-left renal vein relation to aorta,
211-most important to do in ICU
212-calculation of GFR
213-abdominal oblique digit insertion in which muscle
214-pregnant lady on lateral side to avoid IVC
215-cold sensation
216-tail of pancreas goes into. Spleen
14th 15th 16th August 2015
1-KALLMANS SYNDROME. a.hyperosmia b.hypergonadism c. mutattion of KALIGI gene on Y
chromosome(something like that) d. lesion of arcuate nucleus (lesion of arcuate nucleus)
2- eversion of foot by. peroneus longus
3-inversion and eversion at.. a.subtalar joiny b.ankle joint (subtalar)
4- injury of ulnar nerve at elbow. claw hand
5- loss of sensation on lateral side of palm median nerve
6- dermatome of lateral side of elbow a. c7 b. t1 c.C5 (c5)
7- diagstric muscle central tendon is attached to? a. styloid process b. hyoid bone (hyoid bone)
8- damage to cervical sympathtic ganglion . a mydriasis b ptosis (ptosis)
9-Lambda light chain protein accumulation a. amyloidosis b. alport syndrome. (amyloidosis)
10-csf goes to subarachnoid space via a. medial aperture in 4th ventricle b . lower apertures in lateral ventricles
(medial aperture)
11- loss of pain and temp sense but intact touch.. a. tabes dorsalis b. syringomyelia (syringomyelia)
12- purkinje cells in a. cerebellum b. cerebellar cortex (cerebellar)

13-screening test for sle. ANA

14-peri articular erosions on xray a. RA b. osteoarthritis c. sle (osterarthritis)
15-pt had dyspnea and then died. autopsy shows wedge shaped leison.
16-45 year old previousl normal lady start having dyspnaeo, dry cough, fever 3 months back.. recovered for
one month when she went on vacation..again developd symptoms when she got back to her canaries. xray
multiple nodular lesions in all lung zones. dx a.anrigen antibody mediated rxn b. progressive interstitial lung
17- young pt has jaundice . total bil 10mg conjugated. 1.2 .. a. hepatitis causes unconjugated
hyperbilirubinemia b. unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia causes hemolysis c. bile duct obstruction causes
unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
18-pt had rta e blunt trauma to abdomen.. which of the following cells will not enter into G1 phase of cell cyccle
and will remain in G0 a. hepatocytes b. skeletal muscle c. endothelial cells
19- maranatic endocarditis mainly involves. a. aortoc valve b aortic and mitral c. aortic and pul valves d.
somethong about vegetations
20-cresentic glomerlonephtitis is due to a. fibrin leakage b. antigen antibody complex deposition c. subepithelial
deposits 21-graves disease.. type of hypersensistivity
21. serotonin syndrome a. tricyclic and flauxetine b. chlorpromazine
22-which one can be elicited in pt with complete brain stem resection a. spontanous respiration if pco2 >50 b.
intelligable speech c. flexor reflex aftr piching the toe
23-left optic tract lesion
24- example of choristoma a. pancreatic tissue in gastric mucosa b . pancreatic tissue in mouth c, thyroid tissue
in mouth
25- strusture 2 feet from caecum meckles
26-. pt had red raised lesions on skin since 3 months on rt arm which are increasing in size and number.. he
also had watery diarrhea one month back and has generalized lymphadenopathy.. which is the cause of
lesions a. HHV8
27-. generalized painful lymphadenopathy, fever, sore throat. mononucleosus
28-.. True for cricoid cartilage ??? A. Vocal cords are attached to it B. Inferior constrictor attached to it

29. true regarding vertebal colmn a. all thoracic vertebrae hav articular facet for ribs b. lumbar curve is
maintained in adults c. aeach vertebrae can be identified individually in adults
30. regarding heart a. left atrium has thicker wall than rt atrium
31. least clearance is for (something like that) a.hco3 b. urea c. glucose
32. the amount of plasma required to reach the nephron to excerete the amount of it in urine is (something like
that) a.filtration rate b. clearancE
33. young male with malar rash, arthralgia/arthritis, endocarditis ANA postive.. something about complement
C1q (dont rem the full scenario), a. antigen antibody complexes (is it SLE?)
34. pt lost 8% blood in 30 mins, whch volume is significantly reduced a venous blood b. capillary blood (venous
35. thyoid gland a. active forms had follicles with colloid b. isthmus at 4 and 5 tracheal rings c.
36. most of active thyoid hormone released into circulation is a. T3 b. T4 (t4)
37. NON FLUNT aphasia.. brocas
38. all the sensry input to primary somatosensory cortex will be lost if following set of structures are damaged
a. dorsal column , grey matter of spinal cord, trigeminal , solaitray nucleus b. dorsal coulm, grey matter of sp
cord, trigeminal 39, retinal changes in hypertension a. AV nipping b.retinal detachment c. exudates.. it wasnt
hard exudates. some other kind of exudate was mentioned. dont rem its name
38.thymus a. single lobed structure b. lies on sternothroid and sternohyoic. c.aorta lies ant to it d. it regress aftr
39. virus related cancer a. T cell leukemia b.renal carcinome c.small cell carcinoma
40. paraneoplastic syndrome a. small cell carcinoma
41. construction worker with resp problem, plaque like lesion on lungs a. silica b. Asbestosis (ANS)
42. ingunal canal. a. ant sup ilaiac spine to pubic tubercle b. conjoint tendon forms its upper boundry
43. abundant antibody.. igG
44. histamine release a. fentanyl b. morphine (morphine)
45. arterial supply of epicardium a. internal thoracic b. pericardio phrnic

46. regarding renal vessels a. rt vein is longer than left b. left renal vein lies ant to aorta and lft renal artery
47. adrenal is seperated from kidney by?? a) peritoneal fascia b) renal fascia c) perinephric fat (ANS)
48. bladder cancer.. schistosoma hematobium
49. young boy e pallor.. crew cut appearance on xray.. dignostic test. a. hb electrophoresis b. bone marrow
aspiration (hb electrophoresis)
50. iron stored in females a.6gm b. 4gm c. 3gm (3gm)
51. olfactory cortex a. ant perforated substance b. calcrine sulcus c. lateral olfactory area
52. hepatocyte regeneration 10 days
53. whch of these stimulate erythroid stem cells to proliferate and differentiate a. erythropoiten b. growth factors
c gorwth hormone d, androgens (growth factor)
54. pt with lower back ache and pain at posterior thigh. dr tells him the longest nerve of body is involved.
origin? a. saccral plexys b lumbosaccral plexus c thoracolumbar. d.brachial
55. saliva a. normally acidic ph b. predominantly mucoid in normal conditions c. has Na and K less than plasma
(mucoid in normal condition)
56. dialysis fluid. a. has less hco3 than plasma b. has more glucose than plasma (has more glu than plasma)
57. one question was regarding glysolysis in rbc,..
57. pt has defeciency of glucose 6 phosphatase finding a. hyperglycemia b. hypoglycemia c. no glycogen
58. puberty a. high gonadotrophs
59. hashimoto thyroidistis. a. anti tsh antibodies b. anti microsomal and anti thyroglubulin (anti tsh antibodies)
60. source of estrogen and progesteron in late pregnancy a. ovary b. corpus leuteum c. placenta (placenta)
61. ovarian fossa related injury.. vessel involved a. internal iliac b. external iliac (internal iliac) mature follicle, the ovary is surrounded by mound of cells called a. cumulous oophrous b. corona radiata
c. antrum (corona radiata)
63-Defeciency of surfectant causes A. Decrease recoil of lungs B. Decrease complaince

64-at basal side of seminefeous tubules there are cells that form mature sperm cells a. spermatis b. type A
sprematogonia c. typre b spermatogonia d. primary spermatogonia
65-.diphylobotrium latum causing megaloblastic anemia
66- rt cornoary artery a. has two branches that supply ant surface of rt ventricle b. has two branches one of
which supplies diaphragmatic surface of rt ventricle
67. angiotension does long term regulation of BP thorugh a. vasoconstrictiom b. activating aldosterine release
(activating aldosteron release)
68. inc interstitial fluid by a. hypertension b. inc cappilary permeability capiilary hydrostatic pressure (inc
hydrostatic pressure)
69. pt with Ph7.4.. po2 8KPa , hco3 4kpa diagnosis a. resident at high altitude b. compensated resp
alkalosis. c. metaolic acidosis d. resp alkalosis
70. premalignant lesion a. dysplasia b. condylomata c. cystic hyperplasia of endometrium d. endometrial
hyperplasia (dysplasia)
71. cimetidine differ from ranitidine bcz ranitidine a. has lesser cns toxicity b. causes acid secretion (lesser CNS
72. digoxin is a doc for a. atrial fib b. heart block c. vt (atrial fib)
73. in shock body response as a whole a. cns ischemic respoce b. adrenosympathetic (adrenosympathetic)
74. After removing fundus of stomach wat will happen ??? A. Decrease receptive relaxation B. decrease
production of gastrin
75-75-1: After adrenalectomy taste is increased for ??
76: Adrenal vein drains into ??
77: Insulin secretion increased A) GIP B ) VIP C ) Somatostatin
78: End of marathon, levels of insulin and glucagon
79: Definite diagnosis of malignancy a.Local invasion b.Metastasis
80- Hypertrophy definition?
81-Which nerver lateral to trachea

82-Throid moves with deglution coz its wrapped in what fascia?

83: Coin lesion on chest x ray of a woman, how to differ btwn granuloma and neoplasia: a.Recurrence after
excisions b.Rapid inrease in size c.Sensitive to chemo and radiotherapy
84: pregant lady in last trimester with profile of hypochromic and microcytic anemia , cause?? B12,iron etc
85: Which somits first formwd a.Cervical b.thorax sacral
86: Right main bronchus differs from left one because: a.Its more vertical, b.Its has large diameter (more
87: Digitalis toxicity increased by : a.Hyperkalemia b.Hypercalcemia c.Hypomagnesemia d.Hyperchloremia
e.Hypernatremia (hypercalcemia)
88-Patient can not abduct and adduct his 2nd to 4th fingers of a hand. And he also has clawing of the 3rd and
4th finger.
Which nerve involved. a.Radial b.Median c.Ulnar d.Anterior interosseous e.Posterior interosseous (ulnar)
89- how we can increase resolving power of microscope
90)insulin deficiency causes a)increase activity of lipoprotein lipase b)lipid deposition in adipose tissues C)
gluconeogenesis in liver
91)GFR and RPF both increase in a) afferent dilation b) efferent dilation
92)cellular vault plays role in a) endocytosia b)sth abt mRNA
93)2 bronchopulminary segments in a) right upper b)right lower c) rt middle d) left upper e) left lower
94)compaction,seggregation of innercellular mass occurs after a) 1st cleavage b) 2nd c) 3rd d) 4th e) 5th
95)sympathetic stimulation a) reduced sweating B) gluconeogenesis c) reduced cardiac output
96)after parturition utrus size reduces due to action of a) lysosomes B)mitochondria
97)method of studying categorial data
98) slowest fibers a) a alpha b) c fibers C) b fibers
99) opsonization a) cC3b

100) chemotaxis a) C5a

101-gfr increased by ; constriction of efferent arterioles
102-burkit lymphoma is caused by. EBV
103-questn about conducting system of heart a.SA b.av c.bundle of his d.purkinji
104-random sampling
105-preterm labour caused by?
106-left renal vein drains into?
107-structure similar to labia majora in males?
108-in environment malignancy through proto oncogenes caused by?
109-Tachycardia on normal dose. a.Verapamil b.Dilitazem c.Isosorbise
110-heart mass in right ventricle Myxoma
111-Regarding ACE can be given in high dose in htn crisis May increase k+levels
112=tb granuloma Caseous necrosis
113- MHC1 a.Nk cell b.Cd4+ c.Cd8+
114- anti jo1 a.Arthritis b.Polyneuro c.Rash
115- tourette syndrome DOC
116- post column senstaions lost a.Tabes dorsalis b.polio c.Syringomyelia d.Syringobulia
117- finger sensation a.A beta b.A alpha
118- slow pain neurotransmitter Substance p
119- aik genes wala tha a.Retinoblastma b.Neruoblastoma c.Nephroblastoma
120- termal stress temp 105F a.heat shock b.Heat exhaustion
121- vita minB12

122- apthous stomatitis

123- 1st somite a,1st occipital b.Sacral c,Coccygeal d.Thoracic
124- compaction a.1st division b.2nd c.3rd d.4th and 5th
125- t4-t8 bilateral pain temp lost Medial cavitatiry leison t4t8
126- cellular vault a.Endocystosis b.Apoptosis c.Phagocytosis
127- apoptosis a.Prevent overpopulation b.Mutant cells
128- sisters not affected. Hemphilia 8 Autosomal recessive
129- occulocardiac reflex
130- conductiom system of reflex
131- mother child bonding lost Fos-b gene confirm (ganong mcq)
132- scenario of prolactinoma
133- cell organelle which can replicate a.Mito b.Centriole c.Golgi
134- microscope Decrease wavelength increase lens power
135- relaiblity
136- correlation coefficient
137- increase gfr plus increase plasma flow Dilate afferent
138 ADH Not secreted by decreae plasma osmolality
139- osmosis a.Passive process b.Active process c.Solutes determine osmolality
140- regarding osmolality a.Mesured by dedicate instrument b.Value im renal failure
141-butyrophenones Centrally acting (confirm)
142- pregnancy Dic
143- malar rash, proteins8 albumin 3.5 generalized lymphadenopthy palor ana+ further test a,Hiv b.C1
estersse c.Anticentromere

144- prostate large lobe a.Periprostatic b.Central c.Isthamus

145- 70yrs recurrent uti Bladder outflow obs
146- highly differentiated sw cell ca a.Nuclear hyperchromatism b.Keratin nest c.Atypia
147- patient came.. Ask about name adress occupation
148- verbal communication a.Presentation b.Vocabulary c.Workshops
149- during inspirstion a.Jvp drop b.Intrathoracic rise c.Abdomn muscles bulge
150-jvp C wave ventricular comtraction
151-gram neg causing shok in which system urinary
152- iron is transferred to tissues in form of??
153-a senario of female having fever and something like that. Taking antibiotic for it and developed
pancytopenia, cause is.
154- Corneal opacities caused by.. a.ethambutol, B .quinolones, c. phenothiazinez 154-Blood suply of rectum
155-inferior rectal artery is a branch of
156-ligament wich held utererus a/v n palpated on per rectal examination only
157- spinal cord space contain. venous plexus
158-Serratus anterior -> long thoracic
159-Trachea damage-> recurrent laryngeal damage 160-Facial artery course.. Complete stems??
161-phimosis organism involved a.HPV b.HSV
162-relation of kideny with hilum a-left bronchus b-right bronchous
163-gap junction in cardiac muscle
164-no synapse Dorsal root ganglion
165-bullet injury common peroneal damage movemnt lost Eversion
166- injury to common peroneal site? Head of fibula Neck of fibula

167-what is given preoperativey for Reduction of acidity? Cimetidine

168-Reversible inhibt h2
169-Waves in stomach Abolished after vagotomy a.3/min b.10/min
170- long latent period to develop carcinoma a,Vinylchloride b.Benzopyrine c,Asbestos
171- diastolic hypertension depend a.HR b.SV c.MAP
172- Aid healing a.-c5a b-c3b
173-lungs 2.5 cm Leison how will u differentiate btw neoplasm and granuloma a.Uncontrolled growth
b,Recurrnce after chemo c.Radio d.Necrosis
174-another leison in lungs with strep pneumoniae how cells will remove this organism a.Prostaglandins
175-what is given to prevent Alzehimer disease apo E4 gene
176- tonsilectomy done now pt in shock how will u check it a.Pulse rate b.bp c.Sweating palor
177-Cells at irregular spaces Dysplasia
178-Blood supply to heart a,2coronary auricular atrioventricular septal b,2coromary atril ventricular..
179-lungs lobe having only two a.Segments b.Right middle
180-patient taking ATT, now develops pain in the big toe, cause ???
181-tongue is developed from ???
182-DLA4 associated with which disease ??
183-larget part of the prostate??
184-Mother lost her maternal behavior, cause ?
185.All of the following cause horner syndrome except a. Klumpkes paralysis b. Cervical lymphadenopathy c.
Syrangiomyelia in pons
186-Which upper-eyelid structure is considered to be analogous to the capsulopalpebral fascia of the lower
eyelid? a. Mllers muscle. b. levator palpebrae superioris. c. levator aponeurosis. d. Whitnalls ligament. e.
orbital septum

187- loss of heat by sweating most probably involve? a. loss of heat by radiation b. by evaporation c.
vasodilation d. excessive sympathetic activity
188- age of embryo for an 14 dat of which is commonaly used? a. last mentural period b. fertilization
189- pt having 2 litr of blood loss show a. dec in stroke vol b. negative feedback compensation
190- about stomach a.parasympathetic activity increASE the muscular movement b. parasympathetic activity
increase enzyme secretion
191- pt with SIADH show hyposmolar overhydration
192- slow growing tumor of thyroid? papillary carcinoma
193-which condition show normal MCV MCHC MCH? a. a pregnant lady taking no vit b. blood loss before 2
days c. thalasemia
194-renal excretion of drug? affected by glomerular filtration
195-depression of parasympathetic activity increase pulse rate
196- stomach fusiform bud appears in a. 6 wk b. 4 wk c. 4 mnth d. 10 wk
197- virus cause cancer orcosones
198-left afrenal drain into left renal
199- mifipristone is a.antiprogestin b.antiestrogen
200-child with fever nausea vomiting- tender swelling of submandibular gland along with left tensticular
enlargement, his collegues also suffer from this mumps n measls
201-40 yrs lady hypothyroidism having mass-endrocrinologist advise FNAC, it shows increase lymphocytes a.
thyroid lymphoma b. follicular adrenaloma c. thyroid carcinoma
202-increase bone growth, irregular thickening due to? increase parathyroid hormone
203- epidural space contain? venous plexus
204- female; changes in RBC shape n size, microcytic hypochromic, what is missing in her diet? iron
2 05- SVC commence opposite to L5
206- heart shaped body thoracic vertebrae

207- which is neural tube defect meningeocoel

208- compaction, seggregation of inner cell mass occur after? a. 1st cleavage b. 2nd cleavage c. 4th cleavage
d. 5 cleavege e. 3 cleavage
209-cardiac cycle if heart rate double? 0.8 sec
210-vaginal secretion igA 70%
211- stretch sensation carried by ? c fibres
212- proprioception dorsal column
213- ketamine- emersence delirum, cvs depression doesnot cause amnesia
214- atropine- antagonize acetylcholine by dec formation of acetycholine
215- regarding intestinal epithelium villi absent in duodenum
216- swallowing a. pharyngeal stage 20 sec b. center located in medulla n lower pons c. 2ndry peristalsis
217-hormone involved in lymphocyte prduction a. zona fassiculus b.thyroid cells
218- new antihypertensive drug going to be tested by which technique a. sequential trial b
219- direct inguinal hernia? hesselbech triangle
220- hernia after surgery, layer involved fascia transversalis
221- inferior mesenteric artery obstruction, ischemia in descending n sigmoid colon
222-Which of the following increase HR a.EXERCISE b.STRESS ANXIETY c.EPINEPHRINE
223- How axillary vein is formed. Vena comiates of brachial artery and basiliac vein
224-which stage of mosqito enter into human -> schozont
225-Amino acid deficiency that leads to cell injury A. tyrosine. B. Adenine C. Glycine (tyrosine)
226- Numeours apical mitochondria A. Hepatocytes B. Squamous cells C. Skeletal cells. D. Ciliated cell.
e.Steroid secretIng cells (ciliated cells)
227- One question was regarding lesion of optic chiasm

228-. Strep pneumonia A. Common cause of meningitis

229- Male pt RTA, multiple fractures. Intial A. Vol replacement
330-pt has sevre pain in chin region with eruptions A. Trigeminal neuralgia B. Herpes zostr (herpes)
331. Difference between first and second heart sound. A. S1 is louder B. S1 has higher frequency
332. About s2 spiliting. A. Split is increaseD if aortic valves close early B. Split increase with delayed aortic
valves closure C. delayed Mitral valve closure.. dont rememeb this option correctly..
333. Doctor patient relation regarding question. Aisa question tha k which will have adverse effect on doctor pt
relation.. (dont rem the exact words) A. the hurrying attitude of doctor and angry Behaviour .something like that.
B. Use of jargon
16th August 2015
1-Renin is incresed by Increased K Increse plasma osmolarity
2-Regarding IVC most appropriate is A. commences at the level of L5 B. has tributries similar to that of aorta
3-Primary esophageal peristalsis is diferent from secondary by a.Presence of oropharyngeal phase b.Doesnt
cause relaxation of LES
4-Malar rash plus raynod syndrome plus ana positive plus anti jo1 positive tha us na mixed connective tissue ki
disease abnaye thi anti RNP
5-increase venois return that was correct as due to thoracoabdominal pump of diaphram during inspiration
6-Tachy cardia Isobro dinitrate karta ha normal therapitic dose pa poocha tharight venteicle walay ka
typical myxoma ki picture thi. Ace Can cause inc plasma potasium bcoz if hypertension crisis due to renal
artery stenosis bilateral we cant use it
7-Blood group antigens a.Glycoproteins b.Glycolipids
8-glycoprotein confirm goljan
9-Sample for traponema pallidum Genital swab
10-Right gastroepiploic artery b/o gastroduodenal artery
11-Mao inhibitor tundra fish/cheese
12-Platelet aggregator TXA2

13-Primary cartilage joint Costochondral

14-TCA interation cause hypertensive crisis
15-Virulence factor?
16-alzhemer ka us mein us na association de thi or 14 15 21 ka sath or apo e2 tha ya e4 ?? apo e4
17-single layer epithelial cells .. primordial foliicle
18-Fingers say sensation. a.Aplha one b.Aplha 2
19-Pain fibers tracts end at?
20-Thermal stress? Heat stroke
21-Granulocyte colony stimulating factor
22-middle thyroid vein drains to a anterior jugular b. external jugular c. internal jugular
23- what type of joint is present between two parts of mandible during 1st year of life? a.Gomphosis
b.Syndesmosis c.Symphysis d.Suture
24- Which of following is primary cartiliginous joint?? a.Costochondral b.syndesmosis c.Symphysis d.Tooth in a
25- A patient with moon facies, hypertension n osteoporosis. Which of following finding will be present?? a.Inc
BLood Glucose b.Dec Blood Glucose c.Dec calcium d.Inc calcium e.Dec phosphate
26- A patient with chronic renal failure. Which gland will be hypertrophied?? a.Parathyroid b.Pancreas
c.Thyroid d.Adrenal Cortex
27- ulnar nerve lesion will cause? a.Loss of abduction b.adduction of fingers c.hypothenar
28-End stage renal disease with severe anemia. cause of anemia? Dec erythropeitin
29-Na absorption in DCT is influenced by?? a.Aldosterone b.Brain Natriuretic Peptide c.ANP d.ADH
30-Weakest phase in amalgam? a.Sn2Hg b.Sn3Hg c.Ag3Sn d.Ag2hg
31- A paedodontist send a stainless steel crown for repair. the technician was unable to join the fractured parts.
The primary ingredient missing which chromium oxide ko kuch karta hai aisa likha tha a.Sodium Chloride
b.Fluoride c.Zinc d.Chromium

32- Corrugated plaque on lateral surface of tongue. a.Hairy Leukoplakia b.Leukoplakia c.candidiasis
33- Painles swelling on mid palate. firm non tender Pleomorphic adenoma muco epidermoid CA
34-Painless hard swelling on mid hard palate?? palatine torus
35-anti thrombotic effect of aspirin is by?? Blocking cyclo-oxygenase pathway
36-venous return decreases in a. skeletal muscle paralysis b. femoral arteriovenous fistula
37-decreased ventricular filling in increase HR (stem) due to a/ diastole is decreased more than systole b.
diastole decreased, systole remains normal
38-abscess contain a. dead bacteria b. dead neutrophils
39-post interventricular branches of riye coronary artery a. 2 in no. b. 3 in no. c. 2 no, n supply the
diaphargmatic surface of heart
40-trigeminal nerve a. has 3 ganglion temporalis c. area around angle of jaw
41- among following hooks/ arches around the root of left lung a. left vagus b. left phrenic nerve
42-pt with paller, dysphagia .. hb.6h/dl, MCV 68, MCH 24, loner cells, cause is a. iron def b.ACD c.thalassemia
43-most common cause of fat necrosis in peritoneum acute pancreatitis
44-acute appendicitis, a young man had appendectomy predominant cells found neutrophils
45-lady has breast implant leakage of implant some lump/ inflamation found, most likely cells to found giant
46- most commonly associated with bronchigenic CA asbesbs silica berylium
47- non IDDM woman, had abdominal surgery,8 days after developsy SOB, shock cause of P.E is a. fat
embolism b. amniotic c.thromboembolism
48-aphasia , damage in a.parietal lobe b.temporal lobe c.frontal lobe
49-p5 with water deprivation n SIADH secretion difference will be
50- plasma osmolarity will be decreased by injection of a.aldosteron b.vassopressin c.hypertonic glucose
d.normal saline e, albunism

51-amino acid cant be synthesized by body a.alanine b.glycine c.glutamate d.phenylalanine

52- hypermagnesia cause a.hyper reflexia b. dec ach uptake c. dec ach release d. smooth muscle contraction
53-in flight fright response a. dec airway resistance
54- placenta a. hemochorea type b. lined by amnion on internal surface c. removed due to rupture of uterine
55- most common remnant of allontois? a. urachal cyst b.uracgal fistula c. urachal inus d. umblical sinus e.
56-cause of thromboembolism a. prolobged immobilization c. surgery
57- a hypersensitive lady, came with shock, with K 6.1 mmol, mist likely due to a. renal failure b. diuretic
58- edema in renal failure is due to A.hypoalbunemia b. na retention
59- if a drug is transported by simple diffusion, then a.its not suitable b. require energy
60 regarding statistics a. positive showing towards R 61- one molecule of glucose how many ATP molecules
a.32 b.30 c.34 d.16
62- information cession is a.information to pts regarding development of new b. session with pts c. attendents
alleviating misbelief d. taking informed consent
63- basic drug binds a.albumin b. glycoprotien c. gama globulin d. lipoprotiens
64- jaundice in pregnancy (past BCQ) a. ALP b. GAMA GGT c, ALT
65-pt of acute haemorrhage component which will be replaced in the end a. RBC b. K or some electrolyte c.
plasma volume 66- FRC is a.vol of air remains in lung after tidal vol
67- commonest cause of shift of K from intracellular to extracellular a. strenous exercise b. alkalosis c. insulin
d. aldosteron
68- in summer, a fasting man has concentrated urine due to a. dec water intake b. ADH secretion c. inc
69- regarding trachea a. is 15cm long b. commence at lower end of cricoid cartilage
\70- damage to medulla oblongata during hanging a. C3 b.C4 c. odontoid process d. axis

71- sternocleidomastoid causes a. movemnt of head in opposite direction against force

72-platelets a. have half life of 10 days b. increases after spleenectomy c. granules conatin actin molecule d.
are stimulated by growth hormone
73- lymphocytes a. immunity against cancer cells b. not affected by hormone c. monocytes
74- most severe reaction a. A+ to O+ b.A+ to AB+ c.O+ to A+ d. A- TO A+
75- immunioglobulins are produced by plasma cells
76- CO2 diffuse easily high diffusion co efficient
77- chromosomes arrange themselves on equitorial plate in which phase a. prophase b.metaphase c.
prometaphase d. telophase
78- highest clearance by kidney a. insulin b. PAH c.glucose d.urea
79- rapidly adapting receptors a.puccinian corpuscle
80- nerve endings are non encapuslated receptors
81- young man , 2 hrs after tonillectomy have tachycardia and hypotension,type of shock hypovolemic
82- prolong OCP intake, increased risk of a. thromboemolism b.breast cancer
83- about healing a. old age after 60 causes delayed healing b. ascorbic acid deficiency cause delayed
84-.ribosomes Organ of protein synthesis
85-Menopause women most likely a.Inc fsh and lh b.Anovulatory cycl
86-Do hypertensive drugs k liye apne hypothesis diya ha.. your research has rejected null hypothesis. what it
means? a.Your hypothesis has been rejected b.There is no difference between two drugs c.Your hypothesis
has been accepted
87-Mifpristone?? a.Antihypertensive b.Anticarcinogenic c.Used to treat premature uterine contractions
88-2.corpus striatum includes Caudate plus putamen
89-intracellular buffer is a.HB b.Bicarb c.Phosphat
90-12yr old child not respondind to antidiarrheal treatment have partial villous atrophy with PAS positive
macrophages.diagnosis is a.Imunoproliferative disorder b.Lymphoma c.Giardiasis d.Celiac e.Whipple

91-.Philadelphia chromosome is in a.Cml b.Hodgkin

92-baby observed after birth that no anus present but diaper had stained meconium.diagnosis is a.Imperforate
anus b.Rectovaginal fistula
93-most reliable investigation/observation for diagnosing tb is a.Afb b.Caseating granuloma
94-.classical findind in tb is a.Epitheliod collection b.Caseating granuloma
95-.hormone for neural/brain development in intrauterine life TSH
96-factor k shifting out of cell a.Insulin b.Alkalosis c.Strenuous exercise d.Diabetes inspidus e.Alkalosis
97-12 yr old pale.lethargic.HB.6.TLC 4.8.plt 240.hbf 97%.hba2 is 3%.diagnosis a.B thalasemia major
b.Thalasemia intermedia
98-for detecting thalasemia in intrauterine life a.CVS b.Mothers bld electrophoresis
99-branch of middle cerebral artery a.Posterior communicating b.Choroidal artery
100-Common or most likely feature of shock a.Hypotension b.Hypoxemia c.Dec perfusion all over in tissues
101-Septic shock a.Is misnomer bc blood pressure is maintained b.Caused by psuedomonas species c.Pt is
usually hypertensive
102-urogenital diaphragm is injured which nerve will b damaged?? some thing like a.Ilio inguinal nerve
b.Genital br of genitofemoral nerv
103-Most likely cause of atherosclerosis a.Diastolic hypertension b.Cholesteatoma
104-which carcinogen has its carcinogenic effect after long use or as late complication?? a.Benzene
b.Asbestosis c,Estrogen
105-Digoxin toxicity? ? a.Hyperkalemia b.Hypernatremia c.Hypochloremia female pelvis structure between ureter and peritoneum is a.Obturator artery b.Obturator nerve c.Uterine
artery has vesicular eruption and burning sensation just below clavicle.area is supplied by a.C3.c4. b.T2
c.T3 d.T4
108-.diminished knee jerk due to injury of a.L3 b.L4 c.L5 17th plus
18th August

1. 6 weeks pregnancy tenderness in RIF.she tested at home and preg test was positive a.appendicitis
2 .there is a stone in ureter at pelvic brim which structures surgeon must know are near to it a.Sigmoid colon
b.Desending colon
3.receptor on adrenal gland a.Alpha 1 b.Beta 1 c.Beta 2 d.Nicotinic
4-.skeletal muscle neuromuscular plate a.Acetylcholenestrase b.Norepi
5-.breast cancer after manopause a.Drug give b.Tamoxifen?
6-.NMDA blockade related to a.GABA b.Glycine c.Glutamine d.Serotonin 7.36 a.Pco2 30 b.Bicarb 16
8-.patellar tendon hit a.Quadratus contracts b.Golgi tendon c.Muscle spindle afferent
9-.sigmoid colon a.Supplied by left colic b.At pelvic brim
10-.pectoral lymph nodes drain which breast quadrant
11-.least malignant a.Hepatoma b.Adenoma
12-.appendicectomy may damage whic structure?
13.processus vaginalis a.Covers only testis?
14-.inguinal ligament a.Iliohypogastric passes through it b.From anterior sup iliac spine to pubic tubercle
15-.which one in amniotic fluid is specific for doagnosis Wbcs under treatment for pulm tb
17-Which drug causes (eye related koi side effect tha) a.Ethambutol b.Pyrazinamide c.Isoniazid d.Rifampicin
18-.flu like illness self limiting ,On gram stain no identifiable organism but neutrophils seen M.avium
19.difference btw plasma and ICF osmolarity No difference?
20-.on ecg QRS complex starts a bit early to a.Ventricle systole b.Ventricle filling
21-.least movable joint during child birth a.Symohysis 22-.y ovaries dont go or fall in pelvis Uterus

23-.Gnrh secretes Fsh and lh

24-.oxytocin and vassopressin are produced by a.Neurohypophysis b.Hypothalamus
25-.initiation of labour a.Fetal ACTH b.Maternal ACTH 26-.GH Half life/time it stays is 6 to 10 min?
27.Fast pain fibers> A delta
28-.Arches over right main bronchus a.Arch of aorta b.Azygous c.Hemiazygous d.Esphagus
29-.In cancer> keratin
30-.serum lactate raised ,cardiac output 2 L, cvp 2 Type of shock
31-.Lateral part of vaginal fornix is more closely related to a.Uterine artery b.Broad ligament c.Ureter
32-.Urogenital diaphragm laterally attached to
33-.vit b12 absorbed in Ileum
34-.terminal ileum absorbs Vit b12
35-.lady with rigors and chills n after 2 days blackening of urine a.Post strep glomerulonephritis b.Plasmodium
36-.arteries and veins(coronary) Run in their spaces on heart
37-.tricuspid valve sound felt at Lower border R sternum
38-.rectus abdominous a.Starts near xiphoid process b.Anchored to anterior n post sheath via
intersections(aisa e kuch tha) c.Ends at level of arcuate line around anus lymphatic drainage is to?
40-.scalenus anterior a.Inserts in ist rib b.Abv subclavian vein near ist rib
41-.mcv 58 Ferretin 15o Hypochromic hypocytic Iron def anemia Thal minor
44-.multiple bone fractures history,blue sclera Which products enzyme is deficient a.Collagen b.Myosin
45-.medial part of thigh n sole of foot medial is supplied by which dermatome
46-oligurea a.Less than 500ml b.Less than 100 ml

47-.25cholecalciferol to 1.25 reduces in a.Chronic kidney disease b.Liver etc

48-.common cause of fatty liver in our population a.Hep b c b.Alcohol
49-.a mother deliverd n 2 days afterwards died Most common cause postmortem in ojr country a.Malnutrition
b.Sepsis c.Hemorrhage
50-.2nd pharyngel arch forms(2 questions) Stylohyoid ligament
51-.regarding embryo of heart Septum primum n secundum fuse to form interatrial septum
52.uterus is supported by a.Broad ligament b.Uterosacral ligament c.Transverse cervical ligament
53-.Under action of insulin glucose enters a.Liver b.Muscle
54-pelvic diaphram formed by Levator ani
55-. German measles in mother cause what in babies a.Congenital catarct b.Mental deformities c.Ear
deformities reduce incidence of congenital catarct Immunize girls with rubella vaccine 57-.toxoid Tetanus
58-.botulism Flaccid paralysis 59-T3 is produced by a.Principle cells of thyroid b.Parafollicular cells of thyroid
60.In case of factor ix deficiency Blood Cryopreciptate Ffp Platelets 61.recurrent abortions Lupous 62- In
AID/HIV patient which skin malignancy occur A.melanoma B.squamous cell CA 63 .in neoplasm which natural
mechanism occur3- A. Apoptosis B. Bacterial immunoglobulin produce defence mechanism 64-. CBD A.
Supradudenal, infradudenal , intradudenal , retro dudenal B. Omenal, supradudenal, intradudenal 65-.
Connection of lesser sac closed to greater sac except for A. Epiploic formen (ans) B. IVC 66-. Caput me dosa
most commonly occur at A. Para umbilical vein (ans) B. Inf rectal veins 67-. Fundas of stomach lymph node
lymphatic drainage A. Celiac node ( ans) B. SM node C. Hepatic node 68-. Arch of aorta compress A. Left
bronchus ( ans) B. Oesophagus C. Left atrium 69-. Mixed venous blood found at A. Pulmonary artery (ans) B.
Pulmonary vein 70-. Coronary venous drainage of heart, at coronary sinus greatest ( sum thing like that in
question ) A. Greater cardiac vein (ans) B. All cardiac vein C. Small cardiac vein D. Anterior cardiac vein 71.
Fastest conduction/ Myelination at A. Panic anion corpuscles (ans) B. Free nerve ending 72-positive predictive
value All Postives (dn remember exact options) 73-.if patient z having fatal disease a.Provide info bed side
b.Provide in presence of all staff c.In prezence of all relatives d.In outdoor exclusively 74-.a female after child
birth is having severe bleeding from vagina Which drug to be given of DM uses daltone(aisa e koi nam
tha)Also uses drugs for symptoms exagerrated which drug causes interaction a.B blocker
b.Steroids 76-.haloperidol given oral anesthesia.pain n anesthetic effect is achieved but not optimum,What
should be added a.Sevoflurane b.Nitric oxide c.Suxamethonium 77-.lipid soluble anesthetic a.Spreads rapid
b.Stays for long 78-Derivative of ectoderm A. Lens (ans) B. Retina C. Autonomic ganglia 79-. Trigone of
bladder A. Ureter open as oblique slits ( I marked it but not sure) B. Develop from urogenital sinus 80-.
Regarding sigmoid colon A. Start at pelvic brim B. Supply by left colic artery ( both options seems to correct)
81-. Testicular CA metastasis A. Testicular lymph node (ans) B. Renal lymph node C. Inf mesenteric lymph
node 82-. Ejaculatory duct open into A. Prostatic urethra (ans) B. Penile urethra C. External urethral sphincter
83-. Antibodies are formed by A. Plasma cell ( ans) B. Macrophages C. Lymphocyte 84-. Aphasia due to
damage of A. Temporal lobe ( ans) B. Paretial lobe C. Hippocampus 86-. Inter acellular buffer A. Protein (ans)

B. HCO3 C. Phosphate 89-. Essential amino acid not produced but include in diet A. Phenylalanine (ans) B.
Tyrosine C. Guanine D. Alanine 90-. Silicon breast implant scenario later inflammatory changes A. Neutrophil (
marked ths but not sure) B. Plasma cells 91-pleural effusiin best drained from a.Upper border of lower rib b.Mid
axillary line c.Mid clavicular line 92- Immunological way to attack (some thing) a.TB b.Treponema
c,Mycobacterium leprae 93-. Regarding polycytemia Vera A. Increase blood concentration B. Increase RBC
mass C. Increase RBC concentration D. Melo fibrosis 94-. Type 1 hyperlipidemia A. Defect at HDL surface
receptor or antigen 95-. Most common cause of congenital male infertility A. Cryptoradism (ans) B. Malunion of
ejaculatory duct C. Loss of function of seminal vesicles D. Blockage of vas deferens
96-. Most commonly fractured bone in hand A. Scaphoid (ans) B. Pisiform C. Lunate D. Hemate
97-. Ulnar nerve supply A. Medial 2 lumberical (ans) B. Small muscles all
98-. Frontal eye field blood supply by A. ACA (ans) B. MCA C. PCA
99-. Thumb n finger representation area A. Dorsal n ventral nucleus gracilis B. Dorsal n ventral nucleus cute
ous C. Medial n lateral nucleus gracilis D. Medial n lateral nucleus cunatous E. Lateral n medial nucleus gracilis
100-. Regarding posterior cranial fossa A. Facial nerve pass through internal acoustic meatus ( ans) Forgot
other options
101-. Patient with increased intracranial pressure n papilledema A. Hydrocephalus (ans)
102-. 12 years old boy not responding to antidiarrheal drugs, n have partial villus atrophy with positive PAS
positive macrophages, diagnosis A. Giardiasis (ans) B. Celiac disease C. Whipple disease D. Lymphoma
103-. CO2 diffuses greatly than O2 due to A. Diffusion coefficient ( ans) B. Increase pH C. Increase water
104-. Ribosomes A. With ER formed cytoplasmic protein synthesis (ans but nt sure) B. Protein synthesis
105-. Pus in boil of nose or any organ A. Dead neutrophils (ans) B. Dead bacteria
106-. Greatest renal clearance by A. Inulin (ans) B. PAH C. Albumin
107-. About plasma osmolarity A. Vasopressin (ans) B. Hypertonic saline solution C. Isotonic saline solution D.
Aldosterone E. 20% albumin
108-. Which bone formed medial longitudinal arch A. Tallus (ans) B. Calcaneus
109-. Cavernous sinus thrombosis which vein involve A. Inferior ophthalmic vein (ans) B. Sup ophthalmic vein
110-. Rupture of middle cerebral artery A. Epidural hematoma (ans) B. Subdural hematoma C. Subarachnoid

111-. About thyroid gland A. Epithelium changes according to function ( ans)

112-. Most appropriate about diaphragm A. Innervated by phrenic n intercostal nerves (ans)
113-A 48 yr old lady c/o inc. weight..TSH=4..T3= 4 T4=8. A..hyperthyroid B..hypothyroid C..over eating
114-most imp strong exotoxin of strep pneumonia a.leucocidin b.streptolysin c.catalase d.coagulase
e.fibrinolysin 1
15-PS nerves are a.3 b.7 c, 9 d, 10
116- hepatic pedicle a. Hepatic artery b. Portal vein
117- COPD bed ridden pt is havin SOB cause Pulmnry embolism
118- tractus solitarius 2 nd neuron for taste receptors
119- muscles o back are supplied by Post. Spinal Ganglion
120- which of the following is prevent unwanted transport b/w 2 epithelium of 2 cells Gap junction
121- leasy movable joint during child birth Symphysis
122- SK muscle neuromuscular plate Acetylcholenestrase
123- botulism Tetanus 124- neutrophils increase in Cardiac failure
125- recurrent abortion Lupus
126-most common cause of bronchogenic CA A.aesbestos B.tobacco smoke Regards: Dr. Muhammad
Husnain Akram



Thanks to all my colleagues who knowingly or unknowingly contributed to this effort
The keys are made by me. Feel free to question and change them, but with a proper reference, please.
I would greatly appreciate if those of you who gave the exam would add questions so that this effort could

reach completion.
Best of luck to all those who have yet to give their exams.

ventricles contract from apex to base






loss of ganglion cells of the vagus nerve


mean arterial pressure


cuboidal epithelium


ulnar nerve


extends from lower pole of thyroid to 4th costal cartilage


located to the left of L2 (?)


pretracheal fascia


Destroying first order neurons of somatosensory pathway would involve destruction of:
A. dorsal column, grey matter of spinal cord, main trigeminal nucleus
B. dorsal column, grey matter of spinal cord, main trigeminal nucleus, facial nucleus
C. dorsal column, grey matter of spinal cord, main trigeminal nucleus, nucleus of tractus solitrius
D. medulla/pons, grey matter of spinal cord, main trigeminal nucleus (?)


Question about AIDS(?)

A. low cd4 count


Patient has severe pain in a dermatomal distribution at and around his chin and a skin eruption
A. Herpes zoster
B. Trigemminal neuralgia


Most important role in inflammation (?):

A. prostaglandin


Most important sign in hypertensive retinopathy:

A. AV nipping
B. Exudates
C. Retinal detachment
D. Retinal hemorrhage


A. functional change in cell (?)


The greatest pH gradient across gastric mucosa will be when (?):

A. intact mucosal barrier with HCL secretion


During the night secretion of which hormone is increased:

B. cortisol
C. growth hormone


old lady, bed bound after CVA, has an episode of SOB, develops pleuritic chest pain 2 weeks
later, later on has another CVA and dies. at autopsy lung shows wedge shaped infarct/lesion (?).
Which is most likely:
A. thromboembolism


Which of the following do not adapt (?)

A. cold receptors (?)


Which of the following will adversely affect the doctor-patient relationship (?)
A. Hurried attitude
B. Use of jargon


Which is most important in preventing spread of infection between patients in the ICU:
A. frequent hand washing between patients


A 28 year old (?) female with 12 weeks amenorrhea, frequency of micturition and burning
sensation during urination. What is the most likely dx:
A. Early pregnancy


During dissection of the ovary which artery is at risk of damage:

A. internal iliac
B. uterine
C. external iliac artery
D. common iliac


Recurrent serotonin syndrome is most likely to be seen with:

A. fluoxetine and TCA
B. high doses of chlorpromazine
C. (other options included high doses of other CNS active drugs)


Which of the following will cause severe steatorrhea:

A. colonic resection
B. ileal resection
C. pancreatectomy


During moderate stimulation of salivary glands

A. Na and K are equal to plasma
B. only buccal glands secrete saliva


A. useful in hypervitaminosis D
B. is a 32 amino acid peptide
C. must be administered parenterally


Deficiency of which amino acid results in cell injury

A. tyrosin
B. carnitine
C. acylcarnitine
D. glycine
E. adenine


Inguinal canal:
A. roof is formed by conjoint tendon
B. floor is formed by fascia of thigh
C. transmits iliohypogastric nerve
D. extends from anterior superior iliac spine to pubic tubercle


question regarding anatomy of lung root

A. bronchus is located superiorly
B. pulmonary vein is located superiorly


Location of olfactory cortex:

A. anterior perforated substance
B. calcarine sulcus
C. hypothalamus
D. lateral olfactory area
E. posterior inferior temporal lobe


most likely cause of megaloblastic anemia in a 35 year old man

A. transcobalamin II deficiency
B. intrinsic factor deficiency


which of the following is a pre-malignant lesion:

A. dysplasia
B. condyloma skin
C. metaplasia of cervix


most important for metastasis:

A. migration
B. degradation of extracellular matrix
C. deficiency/degradation of "E-cathedrin" (sic)
D. loss of attachment of tumor cells with each other


which of the following is responsible for preserving the organism "as a whole" in shock state
A. sympatho-adrenal discharge
B. pulmonary circulation
C. CNS ischemic response


red blood cells:

A. have greater respiratory quotient than parietal cells
B. life span of 30 days


a 45 year old (?) man comes to you as he is concerned about coronary heart disease and his
high cholesterol. He is asymptomatic. What would be the most appropriate advice to him at this
A. reduce fat intake
B. reduce carbohydrate intake


body weight is maintained week to week by:

A. regulation of food intake


radiotherapy causes cancer after:

A. more than 10 years
B. 5 years
C. 5-10 years


...lambda light chain deposition:

A. amyloidosis
B. alport syndrome

[A - Big Robbins, 8e, ch6, table 6-15]

specific dynamic response (?):

A. digestion
B. shivering
C. muscle activity


6 year old child (?), "total bilirubin 11.1, conj 10 unconj 1.1":
A. hepatitis
B. wilson's disease
C. hemolysis
D. gilbert's syndrome
E. criggler-najar syndrome


A. dermatome at junction of costal margin and midclavicular line is T8 (?)


epithelium of post-terminal bronchiole:

A. pseudostratified columnar epithelium
B. cuboidal epithelium
C. stratified squamous epithelium
D. columnar epithelium
[A Junqeira 11e ch17: In the larger bronchioles, the epithelium is ciliated pseudostratified
columnar, which decreases in height and complexity to become ciliated simple columnar or
cuboidal epithelium in the smaller terminal bronchioles]


Presence of normal tissue at an abnormal site is known as choristoma. An example of this is:
A. Pancreatic tissue in submucosa of stomach
B. Thyroid tissue in posterior third of tongue
C. Pancreatic tissue in tongue
[A big robbins 8e ch7: For example, a small nodule of well-developed and normally organized
pancreatic substance may be found in the submucosa of the stomach]


Which of the following is most frequently associated with paraneoplastic syndromes:

A. Renal cell carcinoma
B. Small cell carcinoma of lung

[B -]

Which of the following has the lowest clearance:

A. glucose
B. urea
C. creatinine
[A Guyton 13e ch28 p368]


Periarticular erosions are a characteristic feature of:

A. Osteoarthritis
B. Rheumatoid arthritis
[B big robbins 8e ch26 fig 26-45]


Libman-Sacks endocaraditis most frequently involves which valce(s):

A. Mitral and tricuspid
B. Aortic only
C. Mitral and aortic
D. Tricuspid and pulmonary
E. Tricuspid
[C -]


Regarding lymphocytes (?)

A. Continue to mature in thymus after birth
B. T lymphocytes are mostly present in blood
C. B lymphocytes are mostly present in blood
[A Guyton 13e ch35 p467 Most of the preprocessing of T lymphocytes in the thymus occurs
shortly before birth of a baby and for a few months after birth. Beyond this period, removal of the
thymus gland diminishes (but does not eliminate) the T-lymphocytic immune system
among lymphocytes, T cells have greater conc in peripheral circulation, but mostly, both T and B
lymphos are present in lymphoid organs]


Amount of iron in a womans body:

A. 1gm
B. 5gm
C. 2gm
D. 3gm
E. 4gm
[C Harrison 18e ch103 table 103-1 and
0grams&f=false ]


Regarding binding of drugs to plasma proteins (?)

A. albumin binds acidic drugs
B. albumin binds basic drugs
C. does not depend upon available binding sites
D. does not depend upon concentration of drug
[A Rang&Dale 8e ch8 p106]


Crown Rump length during 17th to 20th week:

I dont remember the options, but apparently its 13-17cm according to the internet


Which fluoroquinolone is the preferred drug for treating combined infection with gonorrhea and
A. ofloxacin
B. ciprofloxacin
C. nalidixic acid
D. levofloxacin
[A/B/D? CMDT 2013 ch33 p1453 and 1462 (& others) current recommendations may have
changed, according to CMDT quinolones are no longer recommended, previously cipro was used
for both and may be the correct answer in the key. CMDT mentions levofloxacin for both
gonorrhea and Chlamydia but not in combined form, over the net, you may find that oflox is the
preferred drug]


Regarding the cricoids cartilage:

A. attached to the thyroid cartilage via a fibrous joint
B. provides attachment to the inferior constrictor of pharynx
C. provides attachment to vocal cords
D. is crossed by the isthmus of thyroid gland (?)
[B Lasts anatomy 12e ch6 p384]


Which of the following is mitogenic for liver cells following hepatectomy

A. TNF-alpha
B. TGF-beta
C. Hepatocyte growth factor (scatter factor)
D. VEGF (?)
[C Robbins 8e ch3 With the exception of the autocrine activity of TGF-, hepatocyte replication
is strictly dependent on paracrine effects of growth factors and cytokines such as HGF and IL-6
produced by hepatic nonparenchymal cells] not 100% definite, especially as I dont clearly
remember whether TGF-beta or alpha was given.


A statistical test to determine whether the difference observed between two means is by chanec
is a test of:
A. variance
B. significance
C. reliability
D. validity

[B ch11 p176 table 11-1]


Scenario of allergic reaction, which of the following is the mediator:

A. histamine


Scenario of surgically mass (renal?) which will indicate malignant nature:

A. Necrosis
B. Invasion
C. high nuclear to cytoplasm ratio
[B Robbins 8e ch7 Nearly all benign tumors grow as cohesive expansile masses that remain
localized to their site of origin and do not have the capacity to infiltrate, invade, or metastasize to
distant sites, as do malignant tumors]


Which of the following is the action of acetylcholine/parasymaptheti nervous system:

A. relaxation of detrusor
B. contraction of intestinal sphincters
C. relaxation of sphincter pupillae
D. relaxation of intestinal sphincter
[D Guyton 13e ch61 table 61-2]


Two groups of patients, one exposed to a risk factor and the other unexposed are followed over a
period of time, this type of study is known as:
A. case-control
B. cohort
[B First Aid 2015 p48]


Description of a cancer patient with metastatic cancer including TNM staging, the most prominent
feature would be:
A. cachexia
[A Goljan 4e ch9 p218 very common complication of disseminated cancer]


Regarding sex linked disorders:

A. usually causes disease in females

B. usually transmitted by males
C. usually causes diseases in males
[C Robbins 8e ch5 these disorders are expressed in the male]

The parts of bones which develop by secondary centres of ossification after birth are called:
A. metaphysis
B. diaphysis
C. growth plate
D. epiphysis
[D Lasts anatomy ch1 p6]


Which of the following hormones causes vasoconstriction of both arterioles and veins:
A. angiotensin 2
B. epinephrine
C. angiotensin 3
Guyton 13e ch19 p235 (regarding angiotensin 2) Vasoconstriction occurs intensely in the
arterioles and much less so in the veins.
Guyton 13e ch76 p949 Whereas minute concentrations of ADH cause increased water
conservation by the kidneys, higher concentrations of ADH have a potent effect of constricting the
Rang and Dale 8e ch12 table 12.1 both arterioles and veins bear alpha adrenergic receptors]


Deficiency of glucose-6-phosphatase will result in:

A. deficiency of glycogen in skeletal muscle
B. increased deposition of glycogen in liver
C. increased deposition of unbranched glycogen
D. hypoglycemia
[D CDTP 21e ch36 p1067 and severe fasting hypoglycemia. These include glucose 6
phophatase deficiency]


A. if Vd < 10L, drug is mostly present in blood
[unreliable references over the internet confirm A, but without knowing the other options and
question there is no way to be sure]


A man injured in an RTA with fractures of humerus, femur and collarbone; pulse 120; BP 90/60
which should be done first:
A. fluids
B. X ray of fractured bones

C. splinting
D. reduction and casting
E. tracheostomy

6 year old (?) child with history of excessive bleeding from cuts and easy bruising, no such
family history. Also complains of diarrhea/steatorrhea. What is the cause of bleeding?
A. liver failure
B. vitamin K deficiency
C. Christmas disease


Which of the following irreversibly impairs platelet function:

A. Aspirin
[A Katzung 12e ch36 p641 ... the irreversible platelet inhibition induced by aspirin]


Most important step for metstasis:

A. migration
B. loss of attachment of neoplastic cells with each other
C. breakdown of E-cathedrin (sic)
D. breakdown of extracellular matrix


Purkinje cells are present in which organ(?):

A. Cerebellum
B. Cerebellar cortex
C. Cerebellar nuclei
D. Cerebrum
[B Junqueira 11e ch9 The cerebellar cortex has three layers (Figures 919 and 920): an outer
molecular layer, a central layer of large Purkinje cells, and an inner granule layer]


Which of the following anions is present in greater concentration intracellularly:

B. Na
C. K
D. Ca
E. Cl+
[A Guyton 13e ch4 fig 4-1]


Which of the following will not affect respiratory centre:

A. CO2
B. Na+
C. H+

D. HCO3E. pH


Connections between cells involved in the transfer of ions:

A. Gap junctions
[A Junqueira 11e ch2]


Dilation of coronary vessels is caused by:

B. adenosine
[B Guyton 13e ch17 p205]


Epicardium is supplied by:

A. coronary arteries
B. pericardiophrenic arteries
[B Lasts anatomy 12e ch4 p197 which describes blood supply of pericardium and Snells
anatomy which mentions that visceral pericardium is also known as epicardium]


Which of the following will be seen in Diabetes Insipidus:

A. increased urine specific gravity
B. reduced urine osmolality
C. reduced plasma osmolarity
[Davidson 21e ch20 p793 This is of low specific gravity and osmolality]


Loss of 8% blood volume gradually over 30 minutes(?), without fall in BP, greatest amount of
blood is lost from:
A. veins
B. arterioles
C. capillaries
D. arteries
[A Guyton 13e ch15 p180 Enhancement of sympathetic tone, especially to the veins, reduces
the vessel sizes enough that the circulation continues to operate almost normally even when as
much as 25 percent of the total blood volume has been lost.]


Joint between two pubic bones is a type of:

A. primary cartilaginous joint

B. secondary cartilaginous joint

C. gomphosis
D. syndesmosis
[B - Lasts anatomy 12e ch1 p6]

Joint between two pubic bones which, in the female, may spread apart during pregnancy:
A. symphysis
[A - Lasts anatomy 12e ch1 p6]


Number of brochopulmonary segments in upper, middle and lower lobes of right lung3,2,5
A. 3,2,5
[A Lasts anatomy 12e ch4 p216]


Which of the following groups of cranial nerves carry parasympathetic fibers:

A. 3,7,9,10
B. 2,9,10,11
C. 2,3,7,9
D. 3,7,9,11
[A Guyton 13e ch61 fig 61-3]


Deficiency of which factor predisposes to thrombosis:

B. V
E. X
[B Davidson 21e ch24 p1049]


Side effect of estrogen containing OCPs

A. thromboembolism
B. breast cancer
C. vaginal cancer
[A Rang and Dale 8e ch35 p434 there is a small increase in diagnosis of breast cancer,
possibly attributable to earlier diagnosis, and of cervical cancer. There is an increased risk of
thromboembolism other books also lay a greater emphasis on thromboembolic effects
compared to breast cancer]


Feco-oral route is the primary means of spread of:

A. Hepatitis E
[Robbins 8e ch18 table 18-4. Hep A was not included among options]

Viruses are classified based on:

A. characteristics of capsid protein and "cone" (sic) DNA and RNA


Long term effect of angiotensin II on blood pressure is:

A. increases production of aldosterone
B. vasoconstriction
[A? Guyton 13e ch19 p236
Angiotensin has several direct renal effects that make the kidneys retain salt and water. One
major effect is to constrict the renal arterioles, thereby diminishing blood flow through the
Thus both the direct effect of angiotensin on the kidney and its effect acting through aldosterone
are important in long-term arterial pressure control. However, research in our laboratory has
suggested that the direct effect of angiotensin on the kidneys is perhaps three or more times as
potent as the indirect effect acting through aldosterone, even though the indirect effect is the one
most widely known.]


Deficiency of pulmonary surfactant:

A. increases surface tension, increases compliance
B. increases surface tension, reduces compliance
C. decreases surface tension, decreases compliance
D. decreases surface tension, increases compliance
E. increases surface tension, no effect on compliance
[B Ganong 23e ch35 p596-7]


35 year oldA woman complains of chronic cough for 3 months, cough is relieved after she goes
on vacation, it restarts upon her return when she starts taking care of her pet birds again. CXR
shows pattern diffuse interstitial and nodular shadowing. What is the cause of this pattern: (?)
A. Mycobacterium kansasii
B. diffuse interstitial fibrosis
[B? Davidson 21e ch19 p710-11 and table 19.86 Hypersensitivity pneumonitis/Bird fanciers
lung see also Robbins 8e ch15 Hypersensitivity pneumonitis/Bird breeders lung]


Construction worker X ray shows pleural plaques most likely cause: (?)
A. asbestosis
B. silicosis
[A Robbins 8e ch9 and 15]


Which of the following drugs would you prescribe in a patient with cardiogenic shock:
A. epinephrine
B. acetylcholine
C. dopamine
(Dobutamine not an option)
[C? Davidson 21e ch8 p194]


CVP may be reduced in:

A. pericardial tamponade
B. restrictive cardiomyopathy
C. septic shock
D. pneumothorax
E. positive pressure ventilation
[C - Schwartz 9e ch5 table 5-2; Davidson 21e ch8 p180 box 8.1]


Young male with raised red-purple nodular lesions on arms, also has watery diarrhea, oral thrush.
Causative agent:
A. human herpesvirus 8
[A? Robbins 8e ch11 Kaposis sarcoma?]


Which of the following cancers is associated with virus:

A. T cell leukemia
B. renal cell carcinoma
C. small cell carcinoma
[A Robbins 8e ch13 table 13-6]


[clinical scenario of goiter] which would confirm the diagnosis of Hashimotos thyroiditis (?)
A. anti-thyroglobulin and anti-microsomal antibodies
B. anti TSH antibodies
[A - Davidson 21e ch20 table20.8]


Regarding second heart sound which of the following is true:

A. s2 has shorter duration than s1
B. it has lower pitch than s1
C. it is of longer duration than s1
D. it occurs after atrial contraction (?)
E. splitting of second heart sound can occur occasionally in otherwise healthy persons
[A - Guyton 13e ch23 p282
The duration of each of the heart sounds is slightly more than 0.10 second, with the first sound
about 0.14 second and the second about 0.11 second
The second heart sound normally has a higher frequency than the first heart sound
E (?)]


Splitting of the second heart sound is due to

A. late closure of the aortic valve
B. early closure of aortic valve
C. early closure of the pulmonic valve
D. closure of AV valves(?)
E. late closure of mitral valve
[B Ganong 21e ch29 during inspiration, the aortic valve closes slightly before the pulmonary]


An ABG report from a patient shows pO2 8kPa pCO26kPa pH 7.4, diagnosis/cause:
[normal values were NOT given]
A. resident at high altitude
B. compensated respiratory alkalosis
C. metabolic acidosis
D. respiratory alkalosis
E. alveolar hypoventilation
[E Davidson 21e ch28 table 28.2 partial pressure of oxygen is markedly reduced, while other
values are within normal ranges]


Physiologic dead space:

A. increased in lung disease
B. equal to the anatomical dead space
[A/B (?) Guyton 13e ch38 p504 In a normal person, the anatomical and physiological dead
spaces are nearly equalbecause all alveoli are functional in the normal lung, but ina person with
partially functional or nonfunctional alveoli in some parts of the lungs, the physiological dead
space may be as much as 10 times the volume of the anatomical dead space, or 1 to 2 liters]


Absence of red cones is known as:

A. deutranopia
B. tritanopia
C. protanopia
[Guyton 13e ch51 p654 A person with loss of red cones is called a protanope]


A woman cuts her finger, the bleeding stops after a few seconds, which mechanism is

A. vasoconstriction
B. platelet aggregation
C. clot formation
[A (?) Robbins 8e ch4 After initial injury there is a brief period of arteriolar vasoconstriction.
The effect is transient, however, and bleeding would resume if not for activation of the platelet
and coagulation systems.

Formation of crescents in glomeruli is associated with:

A. fibrin
[Robbins 8e ch20 Fibrin, which leaks into the urinary space, often through ruptured basement
membranes, has been long thought to be the molecule that elicits the crescentic response]


Question about lupus nephritis:

A. immune-complex deposition
[A - Robbins 8e ch6 The principal mechanism of injury is immune complex deposition]


Graves disease shows which type of hypersensitivity reaction?

A. type 3
B. type 2
C. type 1
D. type 4
[B Robbins 8e ch6 table 6.4]


The volume of plasma that would be necessary to supply the amount of substance excreted in
the urine per unit of time is known as:
A. Clearance
[A Guyton 13e ch28 p365 Thus, clearance refers to the volume of plasma that would be
necessary to supply the amount of substance excreted in the urine per unit of time.]


Most abundant antibody:

A. IgG
B. IgA
C. IgM
D. IgE

E. IgD
[A Guyton 13e ch34 p470 IgG, which is a bivalent antibody and constitutes about 75 percent
of the antibodies of the normal person

Patient has RTA and blunt trauma to the abdomen, cells will enter G 1 from G0 to begin
regeneration, which will remain in G0:
A. Hepatocytes
B. Gut epithelium
C. Skeletal muscle
D. Endothelial cells
[C - Robbins 8e ch3 Nondividing tissues contain cells that have left the cell cycle and cannot
undergo mitotic division in postnatal life. To this group belong neurons and skeletal and cardiac
muscle cells


Kallmans syndrome:
A. hyperosmia
B. hypergonadism
C. arcuate nucleus
[C -]


Dissociative anesthesia; loss of pain and temperature but intact touch and vibration (?)
A. tabes dorsalis
B. syringomyelia
[B - Davidson 21e ch26 p1157 Lesions in the centre of the spinal cord (such as syringomyelia
(see Box 26.108 and Fig. 26.56 (p. 1225)) spare the dorsal columns but affect the spinothalamic
fibres crossing the cord from both sides over the length of the lesion. The sensory loss is
therefore dissociated (in terms of the modalities affected)]


Most fibers of the optic tract terminate in:

A. lateral geniculate body
B. medial geniculate body
C. visual cortex
[A Lasts anatomy; 12e ch7 p464-5]


Which of the following will be present in someone whose brainstem is dead(?)

A. withdrawal from painful stimulus at toe
B. nystagmus on instillation of cold water into ear canal
C. dolls eye response
D. (other reflexes centred in the brainstem)
[A Ganong 23e c9 p164]


Inversion and eversion takes place at

A. subtalar joint
B. ankle joint
C. tarsometatarsal joints
[A Snell 8e ch10 p638 The important movements of inversion and eversion of the foot take
place at the subtalar and transverse tarsal joints


Scenario of sciatica. The doctor informs the patient that the longest nerve in the body is
involved. Fro where does this arise:
A. lumbosacral plexus
B. brachial plexus
C. sacral plexus (?)
[C (/A?) Lasts anatomy 12e c5 p327 the sciatic nerve is the largest branch of the sacral


During the last 7 months of pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone are secreted by :
A. placenta
B. corpus luteum
C. pituitary
D. ovary
[A Guyton 13e ch83 p1060 If the corpus luteum is removed before approximately the seventh
week of pregnancy, spontaneous abortion almost always occurs, sometimes even up to the 12th
week. After that time, the placenta secretes sufficient quantities of progesterone and estrogens to
maintain pregnancy for the remainder of the gestation period. The corpus luteum involutes slowly
after the 13th to 17thweek of gestation.]


Infection with which of the following is associated with the development of gastric cancer:
A. helicobacter pylori
[A Robbins 83 ch17]


A mass(?) is found 2 feet from the iliocolic junction on the antimesenteric border of the small
intestine, this is likely to be:
A. meckel's diverticulum
[A Snells anatomy 8e ch5 p238]


Bullet passes through axilla and exits at shoulder, loss of sensation over lateral aspect of palm:
A. median nerve

[A Snell 8e ch9 p468 fig9-38]

question regarding anatomy of the kidney:

A. left renal vein passes anterior to left renal artery and aorta
B. kidney and suprarenal gland are enclosed in different fasciae
C. perinephric fat is located within renal capsule
[A - Last's anatomy, 12e, p277 and 284]


middle thyroid vein drains into:

A. external jugular vein
B. internal jugular vein
C. anterior jugular vein
[B Lasts anatomy 12e ch6 p340]


Cardiac output is increased in which of the following:

A. anemia
B. pericardial tamponade
[A Davidson 21e ch18 p545 Conditions such as large arteriovenous shunt, beri-beri (p. 126),
severe anaemia or thyrotoxicosis can occasionally cause heart failure due to an excessively high
cardiac output.


Universal recipient blood group:

A. OB. O+
C. AB+
[C Ganong 21e ch27 Persons with type AB blood are "universal recipients"]


Lesion of the right optic tract will cause:

A. left homonymous hemianopia
[A Lasts anatomy 12e ch7 p501]


A young boy with pallor; skull x-ray shows crew-cut appearance; which investigation will be

A. hemoglobin electrophoresis
[A - Robbins 8e ch14 crew-cut has been described in sickle cell anemia and thalassemia.
Both are hemoglobinopathies best diagnosed by Hb electrophoresis]

Pregnant female with anemia; peripheral smear shows microcytosis and hypochromia:
A. iron deficiency
B. volume expansion
[A Robbins 8e ch14 Whatever its basis, iron deficiency produces a hypochromic microcytic


Drug of choice for gas gangrene:

A. penicillin
B. clindamycin
[A Bailey 26e c5 p57 Once gas gangrene infection is established, large doses of intravenous
penicillin and aggressive debridement of affected tissues are required.


Central tendon of digastrics muscle is attached to:

A. hyoid bone
B. styloid process
[A Snell 8e ch11 table 11-5]


Hormone secreted by sertoli cells which inhibits secretion of FSH from pituitary
A. inhibin
B. relaxin
[A Junqueira 11e ch21 They also secrete a peptide called inhibin, which suppresses synthesis
and release of FSH in the anterior pituitary gland]


Cells present on the base of seminiferous tubules (?):

A. primary spermatocytes
B. spermatogonia
C. secondary spermatocytes
D. spermatozoa
E. spermatid
[B - Junqueira 11e ch21 fig 21-5]


Regarding posterior interventricular artery:

A. commonly two in number and supply the diaphragmatic surface of heart
[A Grays anatomy 39e ch60 p1016 Up to three small posterior ventricular branches,
commonly two, arise from the second segment of the right coronary artery (between the right
border and crux); they supply the diaphragmatic aspect of the right ventricle]


Sympathetic supply to the lower airways comes from:

A. T2-4
[A Lasts anatomy 12e ch1 p20 fig 1.14]


Denticulate ligament:
A. lies between dura and vertebra
B. extension of dura
C. between anterior and posterior nerve roots
[C - Lasts anatomy 12e ch6 p453 This flange crosses the subarachnoid space between anterior
and posterior nerve roots]


Most sensitive/screening test for SLE:

[A Davidson 21e ch25 p1108 Patients with active SLE almost always test positive for ANA


Non-fluent aphasia:
A. broca's area
B. wernickes area
C. angular gyrus
[A Davidson 21e ch26 p1160 fig26.19 Broca aphasia: non-fluent aphasia]


Eversion of foot is by:

A. peroneus longus
B. tibialis anterior
[A Snell 8e ch10 table 10-6]


Which of the following would most likely require modification of the dose of warfarin:
A. cimetidine
[A - cimetidine will
increase the level or effect of warfarin by affecting hepatic/intestinal enzyme CYP3A4]


Ranitidine differs from cimetidine because it has:

A. less CNS effects
B. causes acid secretion
[A Katzung 12e ch62 p1085]


Clinical scenario or statement suggestive of strep pneumoniae, which of the following is

appropriate about it:
A. frequent cause of meningitis
B. beta hemolysis
[A Medical Microbiology 7e ch19 p199 (it exhibits alpha hemolysis) and 203 is now a leading
cause of disease (meningitis) in children and adults]


Associated with bladder cancer(?):

A. schistosoma hematobium
[A Robbin 8e ch21 Schistosoma haematobium infections in endemic areas (Egypt, Sudan) are
an established risk]


A. progressive fibrosis throughout the body
[A - Robbins 8e ch6 it is characterized by excessive fibrosis throughout the body]


Tender lymphadenitis, fever sore throat, after the fever settled it took the patient a couple of
weeks to recover fully (?) A. infectious mononucleosis

[A Davidson 21e ch13 p316 In most cases fever resolves over 2 weeks, and fatigue and other
abnormalities settle over a further few weeks]

Puberty is initiated by:

A. increased gonadotrophin release
[A Guyton 13e ch82 p1039 At age 9 to 12 years, the pituitary begins to secrete progressively
more FSH and LH, which leads to the onset of normal monthly sexual cycles beginning between
the ages of 11 and 15 years. This period of change is called puberty


In mature follicles, the ovum is surrounded by a mass of cells called the:

A. corona radiata
B. zona pelucida
C. antrum
D. cumulus oophorous
[D Langman 12e ch2 p23 Granulosa cells surrounding the oocyte remain intact and form the
cumulus oophorus]


Regarding the heart:

A. Left atrium has a thicker wall than right atrium
B. Ventricles contract from apex to base
C. Right ventricle has thicker wall than left ventricle
[A Grays Anatomy 39e ch60 p1004 Although smaller in volume than the right, the left atrium
has thicker walls
B Grays anatomy 39e ch60 p1014 Hence, papillary muscles contract first, followed by a wave
of excitation and ensuing contraction that travels from the apex of the ventricle to the arterial
outflow tract]


Digoxin is the drug of choice for:

A. Heart block
B. Atrial fibrillation
C. Ventricular tachycardia
[B (although it may not be the drug of choice for it, I recall Digoxin was not indicated in any of
the other options]


Macrocytic anemia/symptoms of B12 deficiency in a fisherman (?)

A. diphylobothrium latum
[A Medical Microbiology 7e ch85 p811 A small percentage (0.1% to 2%) of people infected with

D. latum develop clinical signs of vitamin B12 deficiency]


Which of the following stimulate erythroid stem cells to proliferate and differentiate:
A. erythropoietin
B. growth factors
C. androgens
D. growth hormone
E. hypoxia (?)
[A Guyton 13e ch33 p448 the important effect of erythropoietin is to stimulate the production
of proerythroblasts from hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow. In addition, once the
proerythroblasts are formed, the erythropoietin causes these cells to pass more rapidly through
the different erythroblastic stages than they normally do
E is incorrect Guyton 13e ch33 p448 hypoxia has little or no effect to stimulate RBC


Regarding renal blood vessels:

A. left renal vein lies anterior to aorta and left renal artery
B. right renal vein is longer than the left
[A Lasts anatomy 12e ch5 p277 The renal veins lie in front of the renal arteries The left
renal vein is three times as long as the right and usually crosses in front of the aorta]


Most of the active form of thyroid hormone released into the circulation is:
A. T3
C. thyroxine
[C Guyton 13e ch77 p951 About 93 percent of the metabolically active hormones secreted by
the thyroid gland is thyroxine, and 7 percent is triiodothyronine]


True about the thyroid gland:

A. poles reach upto thyroid cartilage
[A Lasts anatomy 12e ch6 p339 extending from the oblique line of the thyroid cartilage to
the sixth tracheal ring.]


True regarding vertebrae:

A. all cervical vertebrae have bifid spines
B. all thoracic vertebrae have articular facets for ribs
[B Lasts anatomy 12e ch6 p433-4 the distinctive feature of a thoracic vertebra is the presence
of costal facets]


Which of the following is an anti-oxidant:

A. Vit E
[A Guyton 13e ch72 p900 Vitamin E is believed to play a protective role in the prevention of
oxidation of unsaturated fats]


Mitochondria are concentrated in the apical portions of:

A. ciliated cells
B. gastric parietal cells
C. steroid secreting cells
[A Junqueira 11e ch2 They tend to accumulate in parts of the cytoplasm at which the utilization
of energy is more intense, such as the apical ends of ciliated cells]


A patient has AIDS but does not wish to inform his wife and asks you not to tell her, you should:
A. perusade him to tell his wife, and if he doesn't tell her your self
B. advise contraception


FCPS 1 MEDICINE 15. Aug. 2015

I tried to recall all the mcqs but couldnt make it. Only confirm answers are marked
others are left with blanks.

1. Right gastoepiploic artery is a branch of (chandkians)

A. Splenic artery
B. Hepatic artery
C. Gastroduodenal
E. Celiac trunk
Correct. C
2. Blood group antigens are
A. Glycoproteins
B. Glycolipids
C. Sphingomyelins
D. Inosital choline
Correct. A/B. I marked A
3. Oral glucose/ carbohydrate load increase which hormone
A. Secretin
B. Glucagon
C. Gastrin
D. Gastric inhibitory peptide
E. Somatostatin
Correct. D GIP also known as glucose dependant insuliontropic peptide
4. A scenario was on cartilages around synovial joint.
Rabia Ali mcqs for gen. Anatomy chapter 1 v.v.v imp.
5. Which of the following is a primary cartilaginous joint. (Rabia Ali)
A. Manubrium sterni
B. Symphysis

C. Syndesomosis
D. Costochondral
Correct. D
6. Platelet aggregation by (chandkians)
Correct. A
7. Action of MAO Inhibitors is potentiated by
A. Cheese
B. Tundra fish
C. Beta blockers
D. Alpha agonist
Correct. I marked A some people were saying tundra fish. Not confirm!
8. Utricle action (asim surg)
A. Role in angular acceleratiom
B. Role in linear acceleration
C. Role in horizontal acceleration
D. Role in vertical acceleration
Correct. B.
C,D also correct as utricle helps in streamline smooth acceleratiom wether vertical or
horizontal. But B is most appropiate as it cover the both options. Semicircular canals
are for angular acceleration.
9. A mcq was on virulence factor of bacteria. Stems very long and

10. Sample taken for traponema pallidum infection detection

A. Blood
B. Urine
C. Stool
D. Oral
E. Genital swabs
Correct. E
11. Alzehimer's association. Read alzehimer from First aid. There are
mentioned two genes ApOE2,E4. Both these genes were in options.
12. Single layer of epithelial cells around
A. Primary follicle
B. Secondary follicle
C. Tertialry follicle
D. Primary spermatogonia
Correct. I marked B. Some where in favor of A.
13. Tachycarida is adverse affect of
A. Verapamil
B. Isosorbide
C. Propanaplol
Correct. B
14. Scenario on heart mass.
Answer was MYXOMA
15. Regarding ACE inhibitors (Chandkians mcq)
A. Can be given in high doses

B. Increase k+ levels
Correct. A
16. Tb granuloma microscopy (chandkians)
A. Caseous necrosis
B. Epithelial cells
Correct. A
17. MHC 1
A. Cd4 + cells
B. Cd8+ cells
C. Th1 cells
D. Nk cells
Correct. B
18. Anti jo-1 antibody, rash, neuropathy, arthritis, muslce biopsy
neutrophilic infiltration
Difficult to recall stems. Answer was dermatomyositis
19. DOC for Tourette Syndrome
A. Haloperidol
B. Carbamazepine
Other options ---20. Only posterior column sensation lost in which disease
A. Syringomyelia
B. Syringonulia
C. Tabes dorsalis
D. Polio
Correct. C

21. T4-T8 bilateral pain temp lost

Correct. Central cavitation of spinal cord
22. Slow pain neurotransmitter
A. Glucagon
B. Glutamate
C. Glycine
D. Substance p
Correct. D
23. Finger sensation by receptors
A. A alpha
B. A beta
C. Delta fibers
D. C type
Correct. B
24. Scenario was on genes disorder in disease. Complete question not
Options were retinoblastoma, medulloblastoma, wilms tumor,
Answer was retinoblastoma
25. Thermal stress to a man. Not sweating, temp104F no mechansim to
release heat was functioning
A. Heat stress
B. Heat stroke
C. Heat exhaustion
Correct. A

26. Stem cells producing leucocytes are stimulated by

Answer was granulocute colony stimulating factor
27. Muscles of tongue are developed by
A. 1st arch
B. 2nd arch
C. 3rd arch
D. 4th arch
E. No arch development
Correct. ?
28. Scenario on anemia which neurpatheis
Answer. Vit B 12 def.
29. Scenario on anemia with recurrent oral ulcers
Answer. Apthous stomatitis
30. Parasite with respiratory symptoms
Answer. Ascaris
31. Parasite with iron def. anemia
Answer. Ancyclostoma duodenale
32. 1st somite to develop in human fetus
A. 1st occipital
B. 1st thoracic
C. 1st lumber
D. 1st sacral
E. Coccygeal
Correct. ? I marked A

33. Heart shaped vertebrae

Answer. Thoracic
34. Compaction?
A. 1 division
B. 2 divisions
C. 3 divisions
D. 4 divisions
E. 5 divisions
Correct. ? I marked E
35. Cellular vault helps in
A. Endocytosis
B. Phagocytosis
C. Detoxification
D. Apoptosis
Correct. --36. Regarding apoptosis, correct is
A. Destroy mutant cells
B. Prevent overcrowding of cells
C. Membranes break
D. Contents leak
Correct. B
37. Bleeding disorder. Only sons affected hemophilia A
Mode of transmission

C. X linked
Correct. Autosomal recessive
38. Which of the following decrease the blood pressure
A. Bainbridge reflex
B. Cushing reflex
C. Occulocardiac reflex
D. Hering bruer reflex
Correct. C
Bainbridge increase blood pressure.
Hering bruer decrease breathing
39. Conducting system of heart.
(Asim mcq surg book. Anatomy portion page 55)
40. Arteries of heart.
Clear your concepts about atria/auricular/septal/ventricular
41. Axillary vein is formed by
A. Combination of basiliac and cephalic vein
B. Combination of basilic and vena comitantes of brachail artery
C. Combination of cephalic and vena comitantes of brachial artery
Correct. B
42. Mother child bonding lost due to
A. Ovarian failure
B. Pituitary adenoma
C. Menopause
D. Fos B gene.

Correct. D.
This mcq is taken from ganong physiology. Do read all ganong mcqs. Very imp!
43. Scenario of prolactinoma
44. Growth hormones produce affect on bones and chondrocytes by
Answer. Somatomedians
45. Left hemianopia
Lesion site.
Answer. Right optic tract lesion
46. Cell organelle which can replicate
A. Mitochondira
B. Centriole
C. Golgi
D. Endoplasmic reticulum
Correct. A
47. Microscope how will you increase visiblity something like that..
Answer. Decrease wavelength increase power
48. Scenario on PEFR. difficult one!
49. Scenario on surfactants. Difficult options!
50. Scenario on corellation co efficient. Biostats
51. Scenario on relaiblity. Biostats.
Typical definition was asked which is written in high yield biostats.
52. How both GFR and plasma flow rate were increased.
A. Dilate afferent
B. Constrict afferent

C. Dilate efferent
D. Constrict efferent
Both a b
Correct. A
53. How GFR decreased
A. Dilation of afferent
B. Constriction of efferet
C. Dilation of efferent
Correct. C
54. Regarding ADH
Answer. Inhibited by low serum osmolarity
55. Osmosis
A. Active process
B. Passive process
C. Solutes determine osmolarity
Correct. B
56. Regarding osmolarity
A. Measured by delicate instrument in lab
B. Helpful in renal failure
Other options irrelevant.
Correct. A?B?
57. Centrally acting antiemetics
A. Metochlopromide
B. Butyrophenones

C. Dopamine antagonist
Correct. B
58. Young lady, delivery, village, low plts, high tlc, deranged clotting
Answer. DIC
59. Prostate large lobe structurally
A. Periurerthral
B. Median
C. Posterior
D. Peripheral
Correct--60. 70 years old man with recurrent uti, cause (asim)
A. Bladder outflow obstruction
B. Repeated cathetarization
C. Prostatic CA
Correct. A
61. Feature of a highly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma
A. Hyperchromatism
B. Keratin pearls
C. Caseous material
D. No relevance with parent cell
Correct. B?
62. Patient came to your clinic. How will you begint the conversation
Answer. Ask name, address, occuption

63. Verbal communication

Answer. How will you present yourself
64. During inspiration, JVP drops what happens with it
A. Increase heart rate
B. Increase stroke volume
C. Increase venous return
D. Decrease ef
Correct. C
65. C Wave in JVP show
Answer. Right ventricular contraction.
66. Viruses cause cancer due to oncogenes
67. 45 years old lady scratch marks on abdomen typical scenario of
primary biliary cirrhosis. What will you do to confirm the diagnosis
Answer. AMA
68. Nerve supply of serratus anterior
Answer. Long thoracic
69. Trachea damage which nerve at risk of damage
A. Vagus
B. Facial
C. Recurrent laryngeal
D. External karyngeal
E. Phrenic
Correct. C
70. Scenario on course of facial artery.

71. Phimosis, utis, fever, chills, organism involved

A. Hsv
B. Candida
C. Staph. Aureus
D. Asperigilus
Correct. C
72. Right and left kidney differ due to
Answer. Relations with hilum.
73. Regarding right bronchus.
Long stems. Answer was it was large diameter and more in line.
74. Regarding left bronchus.
Long stems again. Answer was has long main bromchus (length).
75. Which lobe of the lungs has only two segments.
A. Left upper
B. Left lower
C. Right upper
D. Right middle
E. Right lower
Correct. D
76. Contractility is cardic muslces
Answer. Presence of gap junctions.
77. No synapse
Answer. Dorsal root ganglion

78. 3rd ventricle is connected with 4th ventricle through

Answer. Aqueduct of sylvius
79. Regarding relation of 3rd ventricle
Answer was. Posterior and inferior side subthalic nuclei was answer.
Relations of ventricles very imp.
80. Bullet fired on leg and patient has damaged peroneal nerve which
movement is lost.
Answer in options was eversion lost.
81. Peroneal nerve damaged at site
A. Head of fibula
B. Neck of fibula
C. Shaft of tibia
D. Head of tibia
Correct. B
82. Pupillary reflex lost, accomodation present. Where is the lesion
A. Optic nerve
B. Optic tract
C. Papez circuit
D. Pretectum
Correct. D
83. After pregnancy, original size and shape of uterus (shrinkage) due
A. Peroxisomes
B. Lysosomes
C. Centrioles

Correct. B
84. Cimetidine given pre operativey because
A. It is a ppi
B. Irreversible antagonist of h+/k+ pump
C. Reduce gastric acidity
Correct. C
Cimetidine is a reversible antagonist.
85. Waves in stomach.
Answer 3/min. (Brs-physio)
Duodenum small intestime 10-11/min
86. Long latent period to develop CA
A. Benzopyrine
B. Smoking
C. Asbestos
D. Vinylchloride
Correct--87. Regarding diastolic hypertension
A. Increase HR
B. increase venous return
C. Increase stroke volume
D. In old people
Correct. B

88. Trisomy 21
Answer. Downs syndrome
89. Mining, coal worker, crust stones what will be present
A. Silicosis
B. Anthracosis
C. Aspergilosis
Correct. A
90. Laceration 3.5cms longs. Which of the following will aid healing
A. Infection
B. Smoking
C. Ischemia
D. Sutures
Correct. D
91. Mcq on C5a
92. Mcq on C3b
93. Which of the following secretion has lowest Ph
A. Pancreatic
B. Intestinal
C. Oral
D. Gastric
Correct. D
94. Middle aged lady with no history of cough, sputum, fever has
incidental finiding of 2.5cm right lower lobe lesion. How will you
differentiate between tumor and granuloma
A. Uncontrolled growth

B. Hyperchromasia
C. Epithelioid cells
Correct. A
95. Penumonia due to strep. Pneumonie body combat by the production
B. Prostaglandins
C. IgE
Correct. B
NADH for peroxide producing organisms klebsiela, staph, influenza
96. Same above question was repeated in paper 2 also.
97. Tonsilectomy done. Patient in shock which happened
Answer. Hypovolumia
98. Tonsilectomy done now patient is shivering, tachypneic and there
were many other things in scenario. Which clinical sign you will check
to know the status
Answer was increase pulse rate.
99. Regarding dysplasia
A. Not all cells present on same surface
B. Irregularly shaped cells
C. Irreversible
Correct. B
100. Malarial parasite enter in human body in which form
A. Merozoite
B. Shizont

C. Sporozoite
Correct. C
101. Secont time degue fever what complication cam develop
Answer was hemorrhage
102. Which organsim can cause myocarditis
Answer was cox Sackie
103. Which of the following increase heart rate
A. Epinephrine
B. Exercise
C. Sleep
D. Salbutamol
Correct. B
104. After adrenlectomy patient increase in diet
A. Sugar
Correct. B
105. Aldosterone is inhibited by
A. Increase serum osmolality
B. Decrease serum osmolality
C. Angiotensin
D. Low blood volume
Correct. A

106. Corneal opacities due to

Answer. Chloroquine
107. Lesion of caudate nucleus, sunstantia nigra, putaman each and
every structure of basal ganglia was mentioned which will he the
A. Chorea
B. Athetosis
C. Memory lost
D. Parkinson
Correct. I marked A due to involvment of caudate. But it can be parkinson due to
substantia nigra. So the reason is in parkinson caudate is NEVER involved.
108. HLA D4 strongest association.
Answer. Rheumatoid arthritis
109. FSH is inhibited in males by
A. Estrogen
B. Testosterone
D. Inhibin
Correct. D
110. Regarding juxtamedullary nephrons.(chandkians)
Answer was vasa recta
111. Secretion of renin is increased by ( asim/chandkains)
Answer was increased by serum K+
112. Regarding ammonium ions generation increased in
Answer. RTA1

113. Difficult mcq on ductus arteriosus. Read its remnants in adult

body, its function, its conmections. Options were regarding its
114. After amputation patient feels impulses on amputated limb (
Answer. Neuroma
115. Regarding aqueous humor production
A. Passive diffusion of plasma
B. Active filtration
C. Increased osmolality
Correct. B
116. Atrial fibrillation (chandkians/asim)
A. Irregular p-p interval
B. Irregular r-r segemnt
C. Absent p waves
D. Qrs absent
Correct. B
117. Which segement in ecg shows ventricular systole.
A. PR segment
B. ST segment
D. RT segment
Correct. B
118. Which enzyme is raised in first hour following MI
Answer. CK-mb

119. Which antituberuclar drug can aggravate gout(asim)

Answer. Pyrazinamide
120. Recurrect respiratory infections with variable organisms. Which
of the following is deficient. (Chandkians)
A. IgA
B. IgM
C. IgG
D. IgE
E. IgD
Correct. A
121. Which of the following is present in epidural space. (Chandkians)
Answer. Venous plexus
122. Which of the following is a antifungal
A. Rifampine
B. Cimetidine
C. Erythromycin
D. Ketoconazole
Correct. D
123. Mcq on myeloma panel of immunoglobulins.
Also a repeat mcq of chandkians but percentages were changed.
IgA, igM, igG
124. In a patient of atopic asthma what will be found.
A. Neutrophilia
B. Basophilia

C. Eosinophilia
Correct. C
125. Scenario on emphysema and copd in smoker due to deficiney of
Answer. Alpha 1 antitrypsin
126. Absorption of food in ileum depends upon
A. Presence of sodium
B. Presence of sodium plus glucose
C. Doesnot depend on solutes conc.
D. No absorption took place in ileum
Correct. B
127. Dirrhea corrected by fasting
Answer. Osmotic diarrhea
128. Repeat small numerical based mcq of chandkins in which tidal
volume was asked.
Answer. 3500 ml/ min
129. Ulner nerve damaged
A. Claw hand
B. Ape like hand
C. Wrist drop
D. Hemianesthesia of arm
Correct. A
130. Diabetic patient having ulcer on foot. Due to
Answer. Angiopathy and neuropathy

131. Neurovascular bundles present in intercostal space

A. In between external and internal intercostal
B. Lower border of ribs
C. Upper border of ribs
D. In the middle of ribs
Correct. B
132. Left testicular vein drains into
A. Renal vein
Correct. A

Little sharing of my experience regarding PART1
Exercise mcqs as much as you can. Read mcqs of ALL THREE ASIM & SHOAIBS whatsoever
your speciality is.
Chandkians must be on your finger tips. You will never cut the sorry figure InshaAllah.

17TH AUG,2015 ( total 173 BCQs)

Paper 1 by DR. SAIQA & DR. AMMARA
17th August, 2015
Correct answers are given in bold : these are all "i marked" except 2,3 which i
confirmed frm my senior Dr. Ammara Abid who recalled mcqs with me,, thanks to

1. scenaro: Klinefilter syndrome ,genotype: 47xx

2. which of the following cranial nerves have parasympathetic nuclei : III, VII, IX, X
3. What is hamartoma : totaly benign, always malignant, dysplastic growth,focal
malformation that resembles a neoplasm in the tissue of its origin ,ectopic but
normal tissue
4. Adrenergic Receptors of Adrenal medulla : alpha-1, beta-1, alpha-2, beta-2,
5. Serology can be performed for : amoebic liver abcess/cyst, hydatid Cyst
6. Stylohyoid ligament : 2nd arch
7. 70 years old bed ridden male patient of COPD developed sudden shortness of
breath and chest pain , Dx ? MI, pulmonary embolism , pneumothorax
8. Positive Predictive value : same as sensitivity, same as specificity, indicates true
positives from all positives, indicates true negatives from all negatives
9. Scenario of case control study,, somewhat 500 smokers with Copd and 500
non-smokers or so
10. Coronary Arteries : essentialy branches of both right and left have same

names , always run in the respective AV septal depression, anastomes with each
other at arteriolar level
11. Scalenus Anterior Muscle : arises from c3-c6 vertebral bodies, inserted at
anterior border of first rib, phrenic nerve passes anterior to it, subclavian
artery/vein passes anterior to it.
12. Man with deviated angle of mouth, drooling, can not tightly close his eyes
........ facial nerve palsy
13. loss of sensation of nose, cheek, maxilla, zygoma : maxillary division of
trigeminal nerve
14. Which of the following have subcapsular afferent sinuses : thymus, spleen,
tonsills, submucosal pyer's patches , lymph nodes
15. which of the following hormone increases content of skeletal muscle proteins
: testosterone , growth hormone, progesterone, cortisole, dihyrotestosterone
16. An Ovum is surrounded by corona radiata which is formed by : granulosa
cells, theca cells, germinal epithelium
17. Oxidases are present in : mitochondria , lysosomes , cell membrane,
18. Scenario of Metaplasia
19. Patient underwent colostomy after colon resesction for colonic cancer, best
way to monitor for recurrence : alpha-feto protein levels, B- HCG, colonoscopy,
CEA levels
20. Growth harmone : acts through somatomedians on skeletal muscles and
bones to cause growth , is a polypeptide
21. Insuline dependant uptake of Glucose into : brain, skeletal muscles, kidneys,

22. which of the following mantain sodium concentartion in the body :

osmoreceptors , barorecptors, carotid sinus
23. Man with hx of repeated URTI, hx of passage of fowl smelling stools for 10
years , he would have deficiency of which of following : vit B, vit B12, folic acid ,
vit D ( passage of fowl smelling stools indicate loss of digestion and absorption
of bowel fats resulting in defi of fat soluble vitamins, vit D is fat soluble, rest in
options were water soluble)
24. Barorecptors will respond intensly by increased rate of firing impulses in
which of the following: rapidly increasing b.p, rapidly decreasing b.p (senior said
so), hypovolumia (i marked)
25. neurogenic shock is different from other types of shock because of : loss of
vasomotor tone
26. bleeding time increased : VWbrand's disease
27. Mean arterial pressure : difference of systolic and diastolic b.p., sum of pulse
pressue plus one third of diastolic pressure, roughly 80mm Hg correct ans. rest of
the options are totaly wrong
28. left kidney grossly identified from right kidney by : arrangment of structures
in hilum
29. which of the following have highest incidence of bronchogenic carcinoma :
asbestosis , smoking
30. A positive blood group have antibodies in serum : anti B antibodies
31. Difference of osmolarity b/w interstial fluid and plasma : 0 milliosmol, -5
milliosmole, 1 milliosmol
32. Plasma colloid osmotic pressure is mantained by : plasma albumin , plasma
globulins, water
33. 65% of Na is absorbed in : PCT, dct, collecting ducts

34. A man with third degree burns have increased risk of developing : keloid ,
35. Scenario of active transport
36. Which of the following arches ovar root of right lung : hemiazygous vein,
azygous vein , thoracic duct
37. Tractus Solitarius : contains 2nd order neurons from taste pathway, contain
first order neurons from taste pathway, wrong option related to is location
38. Stored blood has following charcteristics : platlets will degenrate after 5 days,
deficient in factor V, VIII, dec. affinity for O2, dec. factor II, IV, VI, X, increased
39. Fibrocartillage : contains type II collagen, Basophilic, present in Pinna of Ear,
present b/w intervertebral discs
40. Regarding vertebrae : lumbar are heart shaped , thoracic vertebrae have
formin thoracis, spine of C7 vertebrae is longest
41. Vitamin B12 is primarily absorbed in : distal ileum
42. scenario of Iron def anemia
43. scenario of breaking bad news : should be told to patient in a formal session
44. for efficient patient doctor relationship best way to start conversation with
the patient is : asking abt complains, asking abt his name, age, adress
45. regarding thyroid : active follicles are filled with colloid
46. regarding oxytocin and ADH : produced by ant. pituitary, produced by post.
pituitary, produced by hypothalamus
47. QRS complex is slightly prior to : ventricular systole
48. which of the following predispose to malignancy : proto-oncogenes

49. Myxoid degeneration will occur in which : mitral valve prolapse, libman sacs,
mitral valve stenosis
50. Cancer cells predominantly have Increased conc. of : vimentin, desmin, glial,
51. which of the follow prevents flow of substances in intercellular space : tight
52. most common cause of fatty liver in our country : Hep B & C , alcohol
53. Infective stage of Hep B : HBs antigen + and hbs antibody+,HBs antigen + and
hbs antibody+,HBs antigen + and hbs antibody-,HBe antigen + and hbe
antibody+,HBe antigen + and hbe antibody-, confirm it urself
54. 9months pregnant lady fainted, liad down in left lateral position to prevent
compression of : IVC
55. Aspirin prevents formation of : PGI2, PGE2, thromboxin A2
56. Strongest chemotactic agent : C5a
57. best way to diagnose thyphoid fever at 2nd week of presentation : blood
culture , stool culture, serology, blood culture and serology
58. Antharax is 90 % associated with : cutaneous lesions
59. scenario of DIC
60. Hairy Leukoplakia is associated with : AIDS
61. Strongest prepotential is in : SA node
62. LevoDOPA is given in combination with Carbidopa : to increase its diffusion
through BBB , to dec. its peripheral degenration
63. total parenteral nutrition : aminoacids are given in isomer form, all caloric
requirment can be fullfilled by glucose only ,dec. chances of infection via enteral

64. boundaries of Digastric Triangle : anterior and posterior bellies of diagstric

muscle and ramus of mandible
65. TB can be confirmed by : Presence of caseous necrosis , presence of
epitheloid cells, presence of multinucleated giant cells
66. To tap pleural effusion best site to insert needle is : lower border of upper rib ,
upper border of lower rib, upper border of lower rib at maximum area of
67. blood supply of foregut is primarily derived from : celiac trunck
68. man encountered fracture of femure in RTA, died after 5 days, cause of death
: pulmonary embolism , sudden MI, Fat embolism
69. Neutrophillia will be seen in : chronic infection, viral infection, after an acute
attack of MI
70. Hepatic pedicle is formed by : portal vein only, portal vein, common hepatic
duct, hepatic artery (yes common hepatic duct was written in this option)
71. scenario regarding development of tunnal vision while taking ATT , caused by :
Isoniazid , rifampicin, streptomycin, pyrezinamide, ethambutal
72. scenario of patient with b.p. 80/60, dec. CVP, inc. serum lactate
dehydrogenase, tachycardia : septicemia , cardiac temponade, stroke ,
hypovolumia , CCF ( i marked)
73. adult male of long hight, well developed , presented with complain of
infertility what could be the cause : klinefilter syndrome
74. Nor-Epinephrine and Serotonin are degraded by : MAO, COMT
75. Most potent Response in massive haemorrhage is : CNS ischemic Response
76. regarding metaplasia wrong is : irreversible

77. In nephrotic syndrome oncotic pressure decreases due to : hypoalbuminemia

78. joint b/w pubic bones : symphysis
79. Isthmus of thyroid gland is present in front of : 2nd,3rd, 4th tracheal rings


1. Alternative of schwan cells in CNS : oligodandrocytes
2. A surgeon has to operate a patient of ureteric stone located where ureter enter
bony pelvis , best approach reagarding surface anatomy through which he can
easily reach at this level of ureter is : at the level of bifurcation of aorta, at the
level of formation of IVC, at the level of umbilicus , at the apex of sigmoid
mesocolon (i marked)
3. transpyloric plane is located at : upper border of L1 vertebral body, middle of
L1 vertebral body , lower border of L1 vertebral body ,upper border of L2
vertebral body, lower border of L2 vertebral body
4. Regarding Rectus sheeth tendoneous intersections : are 10 in no. , anterior and
posterior rectus sheaths completly meet here, upper most is located near
xyphoid process
5. Regarding Hymen : richly innervated , lined by stratified squamous

6. Histology of Vagina : str. squamous epithelium with abundant elastic tissue in
submucosa, highly vascular, smooth muscles around
7. Histology of Ureter : small lumen tubular str. lined by transitional epithelium,
with complete muscular coat
8. Mother contracted german measles during pregnancy , fetus is on risk of
developing : congenital Catract, congental deafness
9. Risk of Congenital catract by Rubella virus can be prevented by : vaccination of
girls of child bearing age
10. Which of the following can be palpated via lateral fornix of Vagina : ureter
11. tapping of patellar tendon causes : contraction of quadriceps muscle ( only
quadriceps muscle was written , and this one was the correct one)
12. Which of the following is true regarding ureter : crosses superiorly to uterine
artery (crosses posteriorly is right) , enters bladder at 90 degree ( always enter
bladdder diagonaly ), located away from uterus
13. A statistical constant R is used to show relationship b/w two variables, best
relationship can be demonstrated if the value of R is : +1, -1, 0 (i marked) , 0.5, 0.5
14. Pts of different races are coming at emergency , 50% are whites, 20% blacks,
20 % asians, best way to depict there percentages is : pie chart
15. Scenario of Randomised control trial
16. A diabetic asthmatic patient on Sulfonylurea developed acute attack of
asthma, treatment was given, next morning she woke up drowsy with blood
glucose of 40%, which of the following is responsible : STERIODS ( rest of the
drugs given in options are not used for asthma, think reasonably :p )

17. A Diabetic Patient on Biguanides can complain of : diarrhea and flatulence

18. Mechanism of action of MgSo4 : on NMDA receptors act via : glycine, GABA (
i marked), glutamate?
19. During later stages of pregnancy , Ripening of Cervix is caused by : Hydration
of Collagen
20. Simple columnar Epithelium with Goblet Cells and submucosal lumphoid
tissue : Ileum
21. Complication of Sepsis showing adverse prognosis : development of DIC
22. Patient presented with coagulopathy with dead fetus in uterus most imp. step
of initial managment : Evacuation of Uterus
23. Diphosphoglycerate in stored blood : Inc. affinity of HB for O2, con. inccreases
ovar time , shifts oxy-heamoglobin curve to left, product of glycolsis
24. Cytokine which causes damage to vascular endothelium : TNF-alpha
25. Most Common cause of hospital acquired infection is : Staph. aureus
26. IF factor IX is not available best replacement could be done by : Fresh frozen
28. Most common injury encountered to pelvic diaphargm after difficult labour :
levator ani ? sphincter urethrae ?
29. A pregnant lady presented to mobile medical team with high grade fevr, chills
and rigors and black urine : Falciparum Malaria
30. Regarding autosomal Dominant disease : requires mutation of both genes ,
Often pleiotropic, expression and transmission is variable ( I marked )

31. Halothane is a weak analgesic anaesthetic, it is always given in combination

with which of following to increase efficacy : Nitrous oxide
32. Rapidity of action/potency of anaesthetic agents is affected by : lipid
solubility ( lignocaine and another drug was given for comparison, )
33. Blood supply to which of the following is reduced during intense exercise :
brain, kidney, skeletal muscles , Skin
34. A lady is receiving radiotherapy for CA-Cervix, which of the following will be
seen on histology : karyorehexis and karyolysis ( chemo and radio both cause
35. Acute effect of high dose Radiation : desquamation of skin , anemia,
leukemia, endarteritis obliterans (confirmed from net)
36. Blockade of Sympathetics will cause acute onset of shock b/c of : loss of
vasomotor tone
37. Oliguria is production of urine in 24 hours : less than 500ml, less than 100 ml,
more than 1500 ml
38. Question related to aqueduct of syalvius : lateraly formed by mid brain , bad
recall mcq
39. which of the following is benign : adenoma , hepatoma, carccinoma, sarcoma
40. which of the following cranial nerves have parasympathetic nuclei : III, VII, IX,
41. Derivative of 2nd branchial arch : stylohyoid ligament ( repeated both in
paperI and II)
42. muscles of the back are supplied by : dorsal rami of spinal nerves
43. wound healing impaired/delayed by local factor : infection
44. labour is initiated by : fetal ACTH ( no option of cortisol )

45. Patient with normal amount of semen production but azospermia : defect in
sertoli cells
46. GnRH regulates secretion of : FSH and LH
47. Transport of glucose across placenta is carried out by : na-glucose antiport,
na-k-glucose cotransport, simple diffusion, biport( co-transport) yes these were
options, since it is Na-glucose cotransport, i marked it , as co transport was
given in brackets too
48. IN preganancy mother feels respiratory distress b/c of : effect of progesterone
, inc. mint. ventilation , dec. in TLC ( asim shoib mcq)
49. young female with hx of multiple recurrent abortions : LUPUS/antiphopholipid antibody levels
50. In females neck of bladder rests on : upper part/surface of urogenital
51. Hypophysectomy will effect primarily : principle cells of thyroid, beta cells of
pancrease, aplha cells of pancreas, cells of adrenal medulla, C-cells of parathyroid
52. Tricuspid valve can be best auscultated at : around right lower half of body of
53. Fast pain is carried by : A-Delta fibers
54. A young female patient presented with pain RIF with hx of amenhorrea for 6
weeks, pregnancy test is positive : ectopic pregnancy, acute appendicitis ( if
leucocyte count, nausea and fever mentioned)
55. Urogenital diaphragm lateraly attaches to : ischiopubic rami
56. Pregnant patient presented at 3rd month of pregnancy with Hb 12.5 g/dl,
later on presented on 9th month with HB 10 g/dl normocytic, normochromic,
cause of anemia : iron def anemia, normal physiological change

57. Pregnant patient presented with complain of easy fatiguiblity, HB 7.5 g/dl,
MCV 58, MCH 15 cause of anemia : iron deficiency anemia , thalassemia trait
58. In patients with Thalassemia major diagnosis can be made by : increased
levels of HBA2 and HBF
59. local anaesthetic MOA of ionized substances : cause blockade of Na-channels
60. Neuromuscular junction motor end plate : contains acetylcholinestrase
61. Female patient presented with hx of cough for 1 week, CXR showed diffuse
patchy infiltrates of both lungs, gram stain of sputum showed normal flora few
neutrophills and recovered in 2 weeks : H-influenzae
62. OLd male patient on immunusuppresive therapy psented with s/s of
meningitis, Gram stain of CSF showed no bacteria but gram positve cells having
halos around them : Cryptococcus Neoformens , Histoplasmosis, CMV
63. Patient presented with Hx dyspepsia, anemia, pale hands, spooning of nails,
stool test showed OVA : Ancylostoma Duodenale , Ascaris
64. Sphincter Urethrae is content of : deep perineal pouch
65. 34 weeks pregnant lady died in RTA type of death is : Fortitious death, direct
obstetrical death , indirect obstetrical death (i marked), perinatal death,
antenatal death
66. While doing appendectomy via incision at Mc'burney's point structure
damaged is : deep circumflex Iliac artery ( i marked)
67. superior boundary of inguinal canal is formed by : conjoined tendon
68. Primigravida presented with excessive bleeding after delivery drug of choice is
: ergometrine , oxytocin

69. Which of the following acts through cAMP ,: Nor Epinephrine, GH

70. Elderly patients are prone to develop drug toxicities b/c of : dec. renal
71. 45 years old lady complain of weight gain , T3: 4, T4: 15 , TSH :8 , cause of
weight gain : hypothyroidism, parahypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism,
parahyperthyroidism, excessive eating ( i marked consider these values as
normal, no range/normal value was given in statment, confirm it)
72. type-II hypersensitivity disorder : erythroblastosis fetalis
73. Graft rejection is caused by : HLA-mismatch
74. Withdrawal reflex is caused by : nociceptors
75. falling of ovaries into abdomen is prevented by : broad pelvis (i marked) cant
recall correct statment and options
76. Uterus remains in position by : Cardinal Ligament , broad ligament, round
77. Prolactin secretion is controled primarily by : prolactin release inhibiting
78. Patient presented in ER with PCO2 30 %, PO2 : 95% , Ph 7.35, bicarbonate :
15, PCO2 40 % ( pco2 value was given two times) : compensted respiratory
alkalosis, compensated metabolic acidosis, uncompensated respiratory acidosis
79. Patient having menstrual cycle of 32 days will ovulate on : 18th day, 16th day,
10th day, 14th day
80. Which of the following will cause bradycardia : occulocardiac reflex, rest
options were wrong
81. Neoplasm having rete ridges , malignant infilterating epithelial cells :
Verrocous carcinoma

82. In pregnancy there is : hypoalbuminemia

83. Lymphatic drainage of skin around anus : medial group of superficial
horizontal lymph nodes
84. Toxiod used for vaccination purpose is : tetnus
85. Bite cells will be seen in : G6PD def, thalassemia , sickle cell anemia
86. Mst lethal toxin produced by streptococcus pneumoniae is : streptolysin( i
marked) , fibrinolysin
87. patient presented with enlarged pectoral group of lymph nodes , maliganat
tissue will be present in which lobe of breast most likely : upper,outer quadrant
88. Inferior layer of urogenital Diaphragm : perineal membrane
89. Breast lobes surgicaly are : discrete entity with in breast tissue, separated by
interlobar stroma (yes it was written as stroma, not septa, i marked)
90. which of the following is benign tumour: wilm's tumor, warthin tumor
91. septum primum and septum secundum fuse to form septum which separtes :
common atria into right and left atria
92. testies drain into : para-aortic lymph nodes
93. Best way to diagnose intraamniotic infection is by : detection IL-6, Gram stain
of amniotic fluid ( i marked)
94. Full term pregnant lady presented with high grade fever of 103F and complain
of clear water discharge from vagina : chorioamnionitis ? , UTI ( i marked) (
medsacpe said in chorioamnionitis there would be foul smelling vaginal or
amniotic fluid discharge, with high grade fever, maternal and fetal tachycardia,


1- Eating undercooked and raw meet can cause infestation by...
dracunculous medinesnsis
echinococcus granulosis
liver fluke
tape worm [Ans]
2- Iodine which is not used in the thyroid hormone syntheseis is secreted from body via
urine [Ans]
3- Gustatory sweating is caused by
Diabetes Mellitus
4- Rupture of penile urethra, extravasation of urine into
ant abdominal wall
scrotum [Ans]
superficial perineal pouch
deep perineal pouch
5- Mass movement is affected in colon due to problem in
Auerbach plexus [Ans]
Submucosal plexus
6- In an adult Ileactomy and jejunectomy has been done. He has diarhoea and 15-20
bowel sounds per minute. The most likely cause of this decreased transit time in the
intestine is due to
secreroy plus osmotic [Ans]
High concentration of bile salts in the colon
7- treatment of vWD ( a confusing scenario was given).
Cryoprecipitate [Ans]
Vit K
Aminocaproic acid
8- The head of femur in adult is supplied by
Anterior circumflex artery
Sciatic artery
Femoral artery
Medial and lateral circumflex artery [Ans]
posterior circumflex artery
9- Head of humerus is supplied by
Anterior circumflex [Ans]
posterior circumflex
10- In acute pancreatitis, fluid will most like accumulate in
a) Righ paracolic gutters [Ans]

b) Subphrenic space
c) Retroperitoneal space
d) Left paracolic gutters
11- most prominent feature of water intoxication:
a) juglar vein distention
b) fast pulse
c) low pulse [Ans]
d) thirst
12- True about internal juglar vein
a) Present most posterior in the carotid sheath
b) Is present on the medial side of internal carotid artery in the carotid sheath
c) Originates on the posterior aspect of jugular foramen [Ans]
13- A young boy is sitting in a room at 26 centigrade, he is profusely sweating his pulse
rate is 120 and BP is 150/110 mmHg. What is the most likely cause?
a- Stress [Ans]
b- exercise
14- Washed RBCs are indicated to
a- avoid ABO conflict
b- Avoid Rh conflict
c- avoid fever after transfusion
d- avoid hypersensitivity reactions [Ans]
15- A middle age female with recurrent chest infections, long history of diarrhoea. On
stool examination cysts of Giardia lamblia were detected. Periferal smear reveals normal
T cell but B cells are slightly decreased. Serum IgA 73, IgG 300 and IgM is 67. What is
the most likely Dx?
a- Bruton's agammaglobulinemia
b- Common variable immunodeficiency [Ans]
c- HIV infection
d- Cystic fibrosis
16- highest amount of TAGs in
a- Chylomicrons [Ans]
b- vldl
c- hdl
d- IDL
e- Chylomicron remnants
17- which structure imparts basophilia to the tissue
a- peroxisome
b- ribosome [Ans]
c- mitochondria
d- nucleus
e- golgi apparatus
18- Clostridium are mostly (dont remember the options exactly)
a- Gram negative rods
b- Anaerobic
c- spore forming [Ans]
19- Function of Gulteus medius and minimus is
a- Extention of hip joint
b- Flexion of hip joint
c- Adduction and medial rotation of hip joint
d- Abduction and medial rotation of the hip joint [Ans]
20- Thorn prick...abscess formation..most likely organism
A.Strept Pyogenes
B.Staph aureus [Ans]

C.Pseudomonas aeruginosa
21- A 5 or 6 years child who develops muscular weakness. Anti voltage gated calcium
chanel antibodies are present
A.Myasthenia Gravis
B.Lambert Eaton syndrome' [Ans]
C.Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
D.Beckers myotrophy
22- Resting membrane potential is most likely due to
a- Equilibrium potential of K ions [Ans]
b- Equilibrium potential of Na ions
c- Equilibrium potential of Ca ions
d- Equilibrium potential of Cl ions
e- Equilibrium potential of HCO3 ions
23- human is intermediate host in
B.Haydatid cyst [Ans]
24- A patient presents with enlarged mass in front of the neck. Biopsy of thyroid gland is
performed which reveals no metastatic change. Which type of epithelium is found in
a- Simple squamous
b- Simple striated squamous
c- Simple cuboidal epithelium [Ans]
25- Regarding Popliteus
A.medially rotates femur on tibia
B.Assists in knee extension
C.lies b/w lateral meniscus and lateral collateral ligament
D. Cause flexion of knee joint [Ans]
26- patient with diplopia, when asked to look to the right side his left eyes turns towards
the right but right eyes turns medially, which is damaged?
a- optic nerve
b- trochlear nerve
c- abducens nerve [Ans]
d- occulomotor nerve
27- Damage to penile urethra, urine extravasation into
A.Retropubic space
B.sup perineal pouch
C.medial thigh
D.ischiorectal fossa
e- Scrotum [Ans]
28- Infarction of posterior 1/3 of interventricular septum.artery involed
B.RCA [Ans]
C.Rt marginal branch
E.Rt interventricular
29- Free radicals formed by radiation they will damage
A.DNA [Ans]
B.cell membrane
30- Viruses are carcinogens because they have
a- proto-oncogens [Ans]
b- oncogens
c- chemicals which are carcinogenic

31- A male patient with normal urine osmolality. Most dilute urine reaches at
a- PCT
b- Descending loop of Henle
c- Tip of loop of henle
d- Medullary collecting tubules
e- Macula densa [Ans]
32- A patient with anemia with MCV in normal range most likely cause
a- A pregnant female not taking vitamin supplements
b- Thallassemia
c- Vit B-12 defi
d- After blood loss >2 days [Ans]
33- Apoptosis initiates when
a- Bcl-2 activation
b- Phagocytosis
c- Activation of caspases
34- Right border of heart is formed by
a- right atrium [Ans]
b- SVC
c- SVC+Rt Atrium
d- Rt ventrical
35- GFR is increased by
A.afferent artiolar constriction
B.dec hydrostatic pressure
C. Efferent arteriolar dilatation
D. Afferent arteriolar dilatation [Ans]
36- which is a small blue cell tumour
a- neuroblastoma
b- wilms tumour
c- ?
37- Most common tumour of the epiphysis is
38- Primary cartilaginous joints example is
a- intervertebular joint
b- symphysis pubis
c- costochondral joints [Ans?]
d- chondrosternal joints
39- which of the following prevents muscle tear under high pressure
a- Golgi tendon organ [Ans]
b- Spindle fibers
40- pulmonary atery supply
C.Alveoli [Ans]
41- A patient was admitted in the hospital. He was in supine position and something like
vomiting + . Happened. He aspirated the vomitus. Which segment is most likely
a- Rt upper anterior
b- Rt upper posterior
c- Rt lower basal
d- ?
e- ?
42- sarcoidosis histological picture
A.Ganuloma with asteroid bodies [Ans]
B.non-caseating granuloma

43- cervical metaplasia most likely cause

a- high multiparity [Ans]
b- HPV infection
44- which ulcer is caused by infection by microaerophilic nonhemolytic

streptococci and aerobic hemolytic staphylococci

a- Martonels ulcer
b- Bazins disease
c- Meleneys ulcer [Ans]
45- a young male has azoospermia. Which initial investigation will help in Dx
a- testosterone level
b- FSH level
c- FSH and LH level [Ans]
d- Sperm count
e- Antibodies against sperms
46- Pellagra caused by def of
A.Vit B1
C.nicotinic acid [Ans]
47- A pt with sore throat, cervical lymphadenopathy and .. cant recall at the moment
(its was case of Infectious mononucleosis.)
48- A patient had to undergo amputation of right leg. At the site of amputation ha present
with a mass, biopsy shows haphazard pattern.
a- Neuroma [Ans]
b- schwanomma
c- lymphoma
48- INR is used to monitor
a- Heparin therapy
b- Anti-platelet therapy
c- Oral anticoagulation [Ans]
49- clavipectoral fascia covers
a- clavicle bone
b- pectoralis minor [Ans]
c- serratus anterior
d- serratus posterior
50- Cholecystectomy is done, where to put the drain?
a-Subhepatic space [Ans?]
b-Subphrenic space
c-Rt paracolic gutter
51- Pt with Diabetic















a-- Albumin
b-- Alpha
c-- Hb

a-- chromophobes
b-- acidophills


a-- Dengue
b-- Malaria








a. Chronic
b. smoking
c. lichen


a. Platelets
b. Bacteria
c. Viruses
d. Leukocytes
e. Endothelial

a. Folic
b. Vit
c. Iron
d. Vitamin
e. Ascorbic
a. bulbar
b. seminal
c. ejaculatory



Salivery enzyme kill bacteria by

a. iron binding lactoferin [ANSWER]

b. inhibiting protein synthesis
c. rupture of membranes
=-=12th August 2015

Part A

1-Type of cells in acute viral infection? lymphocytes

2-Myasthenia Gravis is which type of hypersensitivitytype 2
3-how much amount of air is required for pulmonary embolism? (100cc)
4-Facial nerve exits through? stylomastoid foramen
5-Damage to capsule and articular capsule of temporomandibular joint causes damage to which muscle? lateral pterygoid
6-Universal donor-O negative
7-Side effects of chlorpromazine?Dystonia
8-U wave hypokalemia
9-Which structure is formed by the end of first week ? (blastocyst)

10-When does stomach appear as a dilatation of gut during intrauterine life? b.blastocele 4
11-Cause of Pulmonary edema in CCF -Increased hydrostatic pressure
12-How is fat transported from small intestine? b.Chylomicrons
13-Osmosis helps to maintain ? Volume of cell (vol)

14-Involvement of actin, myosin and clathrin. Which type of transport is this? Carrier mediated (Receptor mediated endocytosis /
15.-Characteristics of malignancy ? Invasion
16.-Characteristics of dysplasia Dysplasia is reversible change ,disorderly maturation and spatial arrangement of cells
,pleomorphism and increased abnormal mitosis
17.-Microscopic feature in prolonged use of alcohol? Prolonged use leads to micronodular pattern evolving in late stages to typical
hobnail liver with large irregular nodules
18.-Most common inherited bleeding disorder? Von wilibrand
19.-In case of Vitamin K deficiency which factor is depleted first Factor VII
20.-A person working in some industry .. presented with fev1/fvc less than 75percent ..some values of his previous normal
spirometry were given at presentation total lung capacity 6000 and tital volume 600ml the end it was asked what is value
of his anatomical dead space.. 150
21.-Vessel along left phrenic nerve? a.Internal thoracic artery (Pericardiophrenic)
22-Hemorrhagic shock of 2L of blood. What is expected? Increased TPR
23-Immunosuppressants given after transplant surgery. What is the important concern? Decreased T cells
24-Intake of 140mEq/mL Na with water(Isotonic). What will happen?It should be Inc in ECF volume -(no change in ICF volume
&ECF osmolarity)
25-RTA. Patient in shock. Cause? Profuse blood loss
26-Which of the following is immunostimulant? GH
27-which of the following is assessed in triple assessment for congenital defects? Serum estriol
28-Female gravida 1 is unable to lactate her baby even after her utmost desire ,She has a history of post partum hemorrhage.
cause? b.Sheehan syndrome
29-Bee sting allergy. Most important mediator: a.Bradykinin (if histamine in opt then mark it)

30-Hylaine cartilage is present in which tissue?

31-what type of joint is present between two parts of mandible during 1st year of life?
32-nerve supply of central part of parietal diaphragm phrenic
33-Prolonged use of paraffin leads to deficiency of which vitamin? Vitamin A
34-Hypothyroidism increases? a.Tolerance to cold b.Serum cholesterol c.BMR


35-Hippocrates Oath? a.Confidentiality b.Doctors rights c.Sexuality

36-Patient with atypical TB. He's most likely to be > Resistant to ATT
37-Which nerve arches over the arch of aorta? c.Left recurrent laryngeal
38-Location of geniculate ganglion B medial wall of middle ear - geniculate ganglion is located in
midle ear cavty -petrous part temporal- (Facial canal---petrous temporal bone)
medial wall of inner ear pterygoid canal
39-most common site of abscess in brain ?FRONTAL
40-Where is glabella located? B ex. occipiital. Protuberance (ans)
41-enzyme in salive that prevents utilization of iron by bacteria? a.lactoferin
42-Sequestration of Ca++ ? a.SER b.T tubules c.Trponin
43-Pluropotent stem cells signaled by? a.Bone marrow edothelium
44-Neoplasm is malignant we put in stage 1 -4, stage 1 would b? a.Ca in situ b.No malignant potential
45-Sympethetic effect

Inc heart rate

46-Stress hormone inc in stress Cortisol

47-Adrenlectomy taste inc for Nacl
48-Senario like BT 20 Ct 18 i thnk plt 180,000 disordr
49-Fibrinogen def a.Platelt function disorder


50-Which of the following most likely cause malignancy a.. Haemochromatosis, b. Benzidine

C. Asbestosis

51-Lesion of dorsal column? a.Anesthesia,b.Analgesia,c.Loss of tickling n itch, d.Sensory ataxia,e.Motor ataxia

52-Vibrio cholera diarrhoea mechanism? a.Inhibit Ip3, b.Inhibit cAMP c.Increase Cl channels (by permanently increasing cAMP )
53-most common cause of premalignant change in mouth? a.chronic ulcer , b.lichen planus, c.submucous fibrosis
54-female showing cervical dysplastic changes, etiology? b.grand multiparity,c.HSV ,d.IUCD,e.chronic irritation =metaplasia
55-Conducting system of heart is located in? a.Endocardium, b.Subendocardium,c.Epicardium,d.Myocardium
56-Asthmatic e IHD hypertension intra operatively ? a.Iv nitropruside, b.Iv nitroglycerine,c.Iv hydralazine
57-regarding endotoxin most of patients having endotoxin in sepsis
58-cardiac reserve ? a.decrease in athletes

b.can be used to increase cardiac output (cardiac reserve is the max % by

which CO can be increased above normal)

59-Gaba deficiency in substania nigra nd globus pelidus cause? a)hungtinton (Gaba--huntingtons,Dopa--parkinsons)
60-Pulmonary blood flow lit/min 5 (same as CO)
61-Cause of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy myocyte disarray
62-Scapula ossifies at what age ? Starts from 8th week of intrauterine life....Fully completed by about 20th year of life.
63-What is main adhesion of a cell ? cadherin , integrin
64-Pt ct disturb of a 12 y/o child - pathology behind it ?
65- when fibrinogen is converted to fibrin by thrombin...then most likly fragmnt released measurd in plasma is
a..factor 12 , b..fibrinopeptide A (asim key) c..plasmin,d..thrombin, e..thrombxane A2
66-girl cannot comb her hairs . Nerve damage acessary nerve
67-Lt atrial hypertrophy + inc pcwp + pulmonary odema . Dx ? Mitral Stenosis

68-Nerve to uretheral sphincter? internal pudenadal

69-How much cc will cause embolism? 100 cc
70-Parotid fascia will form what ligament Stylomandibular ligament
71-Why immunosuppressents have disadvantages? a. delay onset, b. recurrent bacterial infections
72-Na is antagonized by which ion Cl
73-Which enchances immunity? Cortisol , acth, growth hormone
74-In mid trimester blood is formed by liver
75-Pseudomonas antibiotic coverage Ciprofloxacin
76-Which hormones stops gastric motality ? Slows? Cck
77-Which agent slows gastric motility ?Suralfate,b.aluminum OH,c. omega MgOH
78- Barbiturates uses what ? Gaba
79-Mural thrombus from which organ Left Atrium
80-Adh syndrome (SIADH) , Hypertronic overhydration

hypotonic overhydration .., (RX OF SIADH Hypertronic Saline )

81-Virtual image : a.Image on microscope ,(cannot be produced on screen ,it is behind a mirror not lens)
virtual image related???

A. inverted

82- Use of atrial neutric peptide in diagnostic in ? Heart failure

83- a patient has ecg which has prolong PR interval and left axis deviation.what is diagnosis?b.unifasicular block,c.bifasicular
84-lt axsis deviation ??? Dx RBBB
85-Sick sinus syndrome? a.Biferengent block,b.uniblock , c.Triiblock,d.complete heart block (AV block occurs)
86-Lesion in rt lower lung lobe . Pt is gardner (a pt has chest pain , discomfort, CXR shows round calcified mass in Rt lower lobe
ASpergillosis 87-Ca store in muscle where ? SR sequestration of ca+ A- SER ( key in past papers) B- sarcoplasmic reticulum
88-decrease in diffusion is due to?
89-Defecation occurs due to? a. gastrocolic reflex , b. Mass movement,c.Mass movement ==cause many reflexs like gastrocolic
Iliocolic etc But defecation occurs only via gastrocolic reflex
90-Patient develop scarlet fever? a.Exfoliation (scalded skin syn), b.Exotoxin
91-Person working in farm develop lesion on foot?Cutaneous larva migrans
92-Young patient burning pain during urination, afebrile, thin yellowish discharge..a.Chlamydia b.HSV, c. gonococci
93-Mother cant lactate her baby hx of pph Sheehan syndrome
94.Pseudomonas doc


95.Inc num of lyphocytes in TB

96.Hay fever eosinphil ,c.Pneumonia neutrophils
97.Chi quare 2*2 table
98.cycloplegic refraction complication ?Shallow chamber (atropine causes cycloplegia and mydriasis)
99-Warthin starry stain used for used fr diagnoses of spirochetes, helicobacter pylori leigionella.
100-regarding MCA? a.supplying inferomedial part of temporal lobe, b.olfactory part of frontal lobe
101-regarding ICA? a.enter in skull through squamous temporal lobe. b.lie on lateral side to ECA at origin n then move medially as
in ascends in skull , c. give ophtalmic branch
102-femoral artery relation with vein? a.lateral ,b.anterolateral, c.posterolateral

103-which physiological function loss in lab test of urine specific gravity? a.concentration,b.filteration,c.secretion
d.blood flow,e.reabsorption
104-trochoma? a.bacterial conjunctivitis caused by chalymdia trachomatis
105-superior thyroid artery is branch of? a.external carotid ,b.interal carotid no br in neck
106-person having systolic pressure 132mmhg. diastolic pressure 66, mean arterial pressure would me..?
a.66mmhg ,b.111mm Hg , c.88mmHg (2/3 diastolic + 1/3 systolic = 44+44 =88)
107-normally physiological functionn of placenta ,is a barrier b/w? a.maternal & fetal blood
108-anterior pituitary tumor will mostly cause damage to which nerve? optic
109-PTH most sensitive to? a. serum calcium (in guyto its written,, even the slightest dec in extracellular calcium causes the pth
gland to increase there rate of secretion,)
110-woman having whiplash injury during PTA, damage C5-C6 nerves, which of the most disability she is having?
a.flexion of forearm, b.extension of arm
111-a new research, study on some therapy regarding smoking, cessation.he divide 40 smokers and on volunteer therapy.after
some time he asked about the daily smoking ciggerates from all 40.what key component is missing?
a.hypothesis, b.random distribution,c.dependent distribution,d.independent distribution
112-thyroid follicles cell releasing thyroxin derived from? a.endoderm ,b.ectoderm , c.mesoderm
Follicular Endo- Parafollicula Ecto ..Neural Crest)
113-in developing sudden exeruciating chest pain, bp 90/50 mmHg with dislocation of crystalline lens, cause? Marfan case
a.mallory-weise syndrome

b.rupture aortic aneurysm

114-regarding heart sounds? a.S2 is usually long? on area of heart valves more precisely
115-cystic fibrosis sweat chloride test
116-what cause gastric emptying metoclopramide
117-female symptoms of hypothroidism n lymphocytes ? a.hashimotos , b.colloid goiter , c.thyroid cA,d.thyroid lymophoma
118.-single local factor for delay wound healing? infection
119-posterior 1/3rd of tongue sensation, nucleus involve? glossopharyngeal (nucleus solitarius)
120- masseteric fascia develop from ? a.superficial layer of deep cervical fascia -b.carotid sheath, c.pretracheal, d..prevertebral
(if buccopharyngeal fascia in option mark it )
121-situs inversus ? kartagenar syndrome
122.Pt taking MAO Inhibitors which could cause HTN crisis ? coffee , Chocolate ,Cola, Pineapple,String beans
Action of MAO inhibitor is potentiated by? Cheese.Tundra fish.Beta blocker,Alpha agonist
123- oral glucose load increase? a.secretion,b.tripeptide
124-fungi causing meningitis cryptococcus
125-aldosteron major action on collecting duct
126-pulmonary blood flow 5lit/min(same as CO)
127-similarity b/w cardiac n skeletal muscle ?a.transverse striations , b.transverse tubules
128-which of following drug cause hyperurecemia PZA
129-enlargement of arch of aorta compresses? a.esophagus , b.lung


130-traumatic lesion at L1, which will affect? a. cauda equina , b. conus medlularis
131-astgmatic pt having high BP during surgery, drugs used will be


132-injury above sacral spinal cord result in ?b. contracted bladder (UMN bladder/ spastic bladder)
c. atonic bladder (Below Sacral segments z LMN BLADDER ALSO CALLED ATONIC BLADDER-> due to lesion of sacral spinal

cord segments or the sacral spinal nerve roots)

133-highest enrgy content ? a.fats 1gm =9kcal,b.proteins,c.carbohydrates, d.vitamns & minerals
134- genu ? a.lateral ventricle (Roof of lat vent is By Body /Trunk Fibres of CC .. Genu Limits / Forms the Anterior wall of Anterior
Horn .. Rostral Fibers Forms the Floor),b.ant horn, c.roof
135-buccinator from pretracheal fascia? (Buccopharyngeal fascia, derived from pretracheal)
136-benzodiazepene least like cause: ? a.hypotension,b.hypovolemia.old age
137-thyroid hormone secreting tumor? a.small call car of bronchus b.squamous cell carcinomma of lungs
138-during short period of ATP is provided by? a.phosho creatine ,b.kreb cycle
139-cvs part solely controled by ANS Sympathetic
140-most characteristc feature of polycythemia:? a.hyperplastic change ,b.>50% in hct
141-active transport require a. pumps

b. carrier protein

142-vascular component of meninges (piamatter)

143-excessive use of liquid paraffin on skin causes? vit A deficiency



144-gemfibrozil? increase TG clearance

Part B 13th August 2015

1-Surfactant Increase compliance
2-Cell mem strcture primarily maintain by Cholesterol bilayr
3-adverse reaction of drug depend upon? a.Small dose small , b.variable

c. site of action

4-Enzyme may b fall in liver injury ?a.Alt ,b. Pseudocholinesterases [decrease in liver disease(hepatitis and cirrhosis)
5-Diarrehea normal anion gap met acidosis
6-Rite kidney ant relation? c.hepatic colonic flexure
7-Loss of memory scenario Temporal lobe(hippocampus)
8-Senario pt having acute appedixitis havin forgetdulness unable to give consent,came wd a wife,take consent from a.Wife
9-after gastrectomy vit b12)
10-fracture neck of fibula peroneus longus Common peroneal nerve and anterior tibial artery - loss of dorsiflexion nd eversion
11-pt cannot comb hair Long thoracic
12-max pressure in aorta during which phase max during slow ejection phase ..

lowest in iso vol ,contraction

13-supply of pericardium pericardiophrenic artery

14-leukocyte adhesion integrin
15- basilar artery divides into two post cerbral arterie
16-cck causes contraction of gall bladder, relaxes sohincter of oddi
17-which antacid dec gastric emptying aluminium OH
18- which part of liver with poor supply? (poor oxygenation zone 3)
19-femoral vien palpated at adductor canal ,

(frmoral artery at mid inguinal point)

20-megaloblastic anemia in 35yrs old man,a.loss of intrinsic factor

21-pregnant woman a spoon shaped nails low mcv mchc
22-trachea is ? has 16-20 incomplete rings


23-what nerve loops around arch of aorta ?a.left reccurrent laryngeal nerve
24-hyper eosinophilia occurs in ? b.hodgkin
25-turner karyotype? a.44 xo
26-kidney activates which of following? c.cholecalciferol
27-pulse pressure max. amplitude in aorta
28-a patient inspired maximally with efforts and expires as usual?
a.IRV (extra volume that can be inspired with full force)
of normal expiration)


(it is the amount of air that remsins in the lungs at the end


29-corticopsinal track ends at which level? d. spinal cord

(If asked anterior corticospinal, they terminate in cervical and uppr thoracic level, if asked lateral corticospinal they terminte in all
spinal cord segments ref snell neuro)
30-warthin starry stain used for spirochete
31. phrenic nerve runs on left side with? c. pericardicophrenic artery
32-after abdominl n gynaecological surgery cause which kind of Infection


33. Which factor def causes thrombosis instead of bleeding ?Factor 5

34. hypovolaemia with hypotension isoflurane shud not be given,why? b/c it is Potent vasodilator
35. Otic ganglion location foramen was asked ? Superior border of foramen ovale ,

inferior border of foramen ovale

36. Rite sided weekness with babinkis positive all UMN lesions no sensory loss whr is the the lesion ?b.left broadman area 4
37. Epitheluim of preterminal bronchiole/ conducting zone Pseudostratified columnar cilliated...with goblets in larger bronchiole)
[ in resp bronchioles> cuboidal, then simple squamous upto the alveoli] {clara cells in terminal bronchioles}
38. Trachea covered by pretracheal fascia
39. Weeknes in abduction of fingers nerve involve is Ulnar
40. Sciatic nerve severed, dorsam of foot supplied by which nerve??

a.saphenous nerve

b.Sural nerve

41. Lidocaine overdose seizures

42. Loss of knee flexion and hip extension muscle involved is ? Semitendinous
43. muscle which causes flexion of elbow and supplied by radial nerve

-> Brachioradialis

44.Breast lower medial quadrant will not drain into ? b.Pectoral nodes c.supraclavicular nodes
45. volume of distribution depends upon lipid solubility of drug
46-a know patient of lumbago, presented with acute chest pain, o/e tenderness found in the left posterior 3rd and 4th intercostal
space, bp normal, pulse normal likely diaganosis ? a.costochondritis,b.
47.-dura matter extension is present b/w
48-hormones during sleep GH increases (During sleep Inc level than awake cortisol)
49-which vascular leison is present in rheumatic fever>
50-Most comman skin cancer in HIV? a.sq. Cell carcinoma , (if Kaposi in option mark it) , b.Basal cell
51-Whch type of joint is it, TMJ? (synovial )
52-whch type of articular cartilage TMJ has?(articular disc is Fibrocartilage)
53-Whch ligament is formed by parotid fascia stylomandibular ligament
54-chest pain and fever not related to respiration ? b.Pericarduim



55-in later stage of pregnancy oestrogen and progesterone produce by ?c.placenta

56-In cardiogenic shock u vl give first ? a.adrenaline(in anaphylactic) , b.dopamin
57-.a pallor child xray skull showing hair end appearance next investigation Thallasemia Hb electrophoresis
58-.true about denticulate ligament a.extension of duramater (pia) b.separate dorsal & ventral roots of the spinal nerves
59- A patient has hypercouagable state having def of .factor v(facror V Leiden)
60-difference BTW skeletal and smooth muscle calmodulin
61-Valve involved in Limb sack endocarditis. Mitral & aortic
62-Abdominal angina cause by obstruction to Sup mesenteric
63-middle colic is the branch of Superior mesenteric artery
64-geniculate ganglion is located in facial canal
65- taste sensation is carried to the cortex throughthalamus
66-folic acid deficiency leads to megaloblastic anemia
67-sphincter urethra is supplied by pudendal nerve
68-two point discrimination merkel disc
Maximim 2 point discrimination at Lips( TIP OF TONGUE BEST IF THERE )
Maximim distance of 2 point discrimination at BACK OR scapula
69-ANP theraptcally useful in hypertension (its is secreted by atrial muscles in cardiac failure..)
70-cephalic vein begins at anatomical snuff box
71- atlantoaxial joint is type of pivot joint
72-atypical lymphosytosis EBV (infectious Mononucleosis)
73-edema of legs after bite histamine from mast cells
74-oesophageal atresia drooping of saliva (indicating factor)
75-AL(OH)2 delays gastric emptying (causes constipation)
76-sternum ossification 21 years
77-mandible symphsis menti join at midline by joint.
78-broca's area area 44 Non Fluent aphasia
79-CSF subarachnoid space
80.-anterior spinothalamic tract ends at (medulla,where nuclues of tract present)
81.-benzidiazepein GABA ((mechanism of actionGABAa frequency)
82-renin activation by (sympathetic activity)or angiotensin
83-dopamin acetycholine intolerance in Parkinsonism (ach,gaba increased), ..dopamine dec
84-adhesion (about lymphocytes attachment to endothelium) integrins
85-carcinoma spread by (By lymphatics...mainly.

.and sarcoma by blood vessels..)

86-femoral pulse at Mid inguinal point-midway b/w ant sup illiac spine n pubic tubercle
87-heparin VS LMW heparin - common function acts on antithrombin III
88- 2 human virus cause cancer EBV , HPV
89.metabolic acidosis with normal anion gap RTA or diarrhea
90.-negative feedback in hemorrhage

91.-cholesterol increases by eating saturated fat

92-decreased cholesteroldec adrenal hormones . (in asim question steroid hormone is answer in tht)
93-level of thyroid isthmus 2,3,4tracheal ring
94-long refractory period = heart
95- increased urea in loop of henle
96- endocarditis in IV drugs abusers S. aureus
97-parasympathetic supply of bronchioles causes bronchoconstriction (sympatheticDilation) ,
98-defeciency of glucose 6 Phosphatase causes - hypoglycemia..
99-Increase GFR causes inc absorption of salt and water from ? PCT
100-The most imp mechanism for the tubuloglomerular feedback is? A. Inc peritubular colloid presure B. Dec peritubular soduim
101-Increase in viscosity of blood? Inc radius of capacitance

Inc radius of resistance arteriole Inc mean arterial pressure

102-infection in cavournes sinus INF OPTH VEIN


103- cause of damage to lateral rectus 6 CN

104-During hysterctomy ureters can be damaged while ligating which artery > uterine artery
105-which one is the DNA virus? Infectious mononucleosis
106-injury to surgical neck of humurus damage to which nerve > Axillary nerve
107- Axillary nerve damage will cause what? Dec abduction 20 -90 degree
108-intermenstural bleeding and post coital bleeding no othr abnormality on per speculum examination.. cervix hyperplasia present..
wat initial test u vl do? a. Colposcopy (after Pap),

b.Pap smear

109-14 yrs old chronic diarhea. bleeding time, CT=50min, diarrhea since 6m,no family hstory?vit k def
110-posterior ventricular branches of RCA, branches number. and area of supply? ( 2 in no. supply diaphargmatic surface)
111- right lung, superior,middle and inferior lobes, no. of segments in each? (superior-3, middle-2, inferior -5)
112- purkunji cells typically present in ? b.cerebellum ,c. cerebellar cortex (if mentioned cerebellar nuclei then mark
113-case with 8% bleed in 30min.response? bleed from vein
114-severe sudden hypovolemic shock effect oliguria
115- mechanism of response in bleeding of finger cut for a few sec vasoconstriction
116-scenario: dec BP and activation of renin angiotensin system, which response will help? Vasocontriction,Thirst, ADH
117- secondary centre of ossification Epiphysis Primary centre of ossification Diphysis
118- most imp factors for metastasis? a. migration of tumor cells b.attachment wid extracellular matrix
119-case of study done in pts with t4N1M1 stage with survival of <50% of 5 years. what will be true ? cachexia
120- epicardium is supplied by coronary arteries
121- a statistical test observed differences b/w 2 means been by chance? a.variance , b.correlation,c.ratio
122- definition of volume of distribution
123-Damage to male urethra below uroginital diaphragm(I,e bulbar), urine will go into ?Superficial perineal space
(1 rupture of memb. deep poch. 2..rupture of bulb..--> superficial pouch.
124-Sartoli cells, most appropriate is ? b.Mentain blood testis barries

3 rupture of penile .--> sacrotum)

125-Rapidly adapting receptors paciniain (& meisner)

{slowly adapting merckle and ruffini}

126- blood supply of prostate--> inferior vesical artery, a branch of the internal iliac artery & middle rectal artery
127-12. dr prescribing ANTICOAGULANTfor a lifetime, before that investigation is important PT
128.., small cell (oat cell) lung ca biopsy will show tumor marker? a. prathormone ralated protein


129.lady has loss of little finger due to weakness of interrossei muscles, nerve involed ?a.ulnar
130- primary esophageal peristalsis is different from secondary due to Presence of oesophageal phase Does not cause LES
131-anomic aphasia (is Fluent) due to lesion of ? Angular Gyrus area 39
132-.posterior intervetricular artery branches:? two in no and supplies diagphramatic surface of ventricle
133- ESOPHAGUS ? a.related anteriorly to recurrent laryngeal b.starts upper border of C6 c.commences at
134-. SCLENUES ARTERY third part sweling will appear in which area ? b.supraclavicular
135- accident, fracture of femur,tibia,fibula, pulse 110/min, bp 110/80 (near normal) BEST managemnt ? a. joint stability (B/C BP
is normal)

b. fluids

136-C5-C6 damage erbs palsy (Arm adducted & internaly rotated at the shoulder and arm is extended & pronated at elbow)
137-horner syndrome, > (ptosis, miosis, anhydrosis)
138-remant of geburnaculum, ( Ovarian ligament and round ligament of uterus)
139-relation of cbd wid duodenum ( first supra then rertro/paradudenal)then behind head of pancreas(infraduodenal) and lastly
140-left renal vein relation to aorta LRV is anterior
141-calculation of GFR(clearence of inulin - Urine vol*Urine conc./ plasma conc.)
142-abdominal oblique digit insertion in which muscle
143-pregnant lady on lateral side to avoid -IVC obstruction
144-cold sensation by A delta , Warm by C fiber,,With cold, cold receptors are stimulated .when body will be cold which one
will be stimulated:,,A - free nerve endings

B- krause bulbs

145- what is true about pseudocoloumnar epithelium: A - All cells are at base,,B- all cells reach apex
146-tail of pancreas goes intoSpleen(Spleenorenal ligament)
147: Insulin secretion increased by GIP
148: Coin lesion on chest x ray of a woman, how to differ btwn granuloma & neoplasia?b.Rapid inrease in size
149.Right main bronchus differs from left one because: (BOTH CORRECT OPTION! But A is BEST) a.Its more vertical, b.Its has
large diameter
150.Most common acquired thrombotic disorder APLA

Congenitally FACTOR 5 LEIDN

151.Individuals have the independent and Same vhance of being selected Random Sample
152.preterm labour caused by : Infections that could ascend to the womb include E-Coli and Group B Streptococcus (GBS),
bacterial vaginosis-most common, chlamydia, trichomona, gonorrhoea, syphilis and HIV (but not thrush)
153.structure similar to labia majora in males : Scrotum -Labia majora , Penile skin- Labia minora ,Penis- Clitoris
154- malar rash, proteins8 albumin 3.5 generalized lymphadenopthy palor ana+ further test a,Hiv , b.C1-esterase ,
155.Blood suply of rectum : Sup rectal- IMA middle internal iliac inf rectal- internl pudendal(int pudendal is br of internal iliac
artery )

156.Ligament which held utererus anteverted & palpated on per rectal examination only
UTEROSACRAL ligamentfrom sacrum to cx.They keep uterus anteverted by keeping the cx in backward pull against the forward
pull d/t round ligament on fundus.
157.spinal epidural space contain.... venous plexus
158.Thirst is stimulated by ---------->angiotensin 2
159.Thirst is regulted by------------->ADH
160.All of the following cause horner syndrome except ? a. Klumpkes paralysis ,b. Cervical lymphadenopathy, c. Syrangiomyelia in
pons ,(All 3 causes horner. The correct option is missing!)
161-Which upper-eyelid structure is considered to be analogous to the capsule-palpebral fascia of the lower eyelid?
c. levator aponeurosis. ans:c. capsulopalpebral fascia of lower eye lid is analogue to levator complex in upper eyelids.
inferior tarsal of lower eye lid is analogue to muller of upper eyelid.
162- pt having 2 liter of blood loss show ? a. dec in stroke vol
163- about stomach ?b. parasympathetic activity increase enzyme secretion
164- pt with SIADH show Hyposmolar overhydration
165.slow growing tumor of thyroid Papillary carcinoma
166.which condition show normal MCV MCHC MCH? a. a pregnant lady taking no vit b. blood loss before 2 days


167.EXCRETION OF DRUG IN OLD PTS IS DECREASED DUE TO? renal failure(Renal clearance Dec in old age.
In old age- Lesser body volume - so lesser volume of distribution )
168.Depression of parasympathetic activity increase pulse rate
169.cardiac cycle if heart rate double? 0.4 sec(normal 0.8 . if HR double it will be half)
170-40 yrs lady hypothyroidism having mass-endrocrinologist advise FNAC, it shows increase lymphocytes
a. thyroid lymphoma (if hashimotos in option select it)
EXP:case likely to be hashimotos ,although on Fnac diffuse sclerosing varity of papillary carcinoma simultate hashimotos.
171.Increase bone growth, irregular thickening due to increase parathyroid hormone

172.SVC commences at lower border of 1 right coastal cartilage by joining of two brachiocephalic veins.-->right border of


sternumat 2 intercoastal cartilage pierces pericardium,lower border of 3 coastal cartilageenters right atrium. behind sterna
angle azygous vein drain into it.
173.vaginal secretion IgA 70%
174.ketamine- emersencedelirum, cvs depression doesnot cause Amnesia
Exp:ketamine is a dissociative anasthsia,in which patient remain conscious,cvs stimulantinc icp,causes amnesia and emergence
reactions(disorientation,hallucination)use preop benzodiazepines
175.Atropine- antagonize acetylcholine by Blocking Muscarinic receptors
176.Regarding swallowing ? C. center located in medulla & lower pons
Swallowing has voluntary,pharyngeal and esophageal stage .PHARYNGEALautomatic bolusphayrnxexcites
involuntary phyranx sensory receptorssoft palate pulled upwards to close narespalatopharyngeal fold approxvocal
cords abductedtrachea closedesophagus opened a fast peristaltic wave initated by nervous system of

pharynxbolus of foodupper esophagus.the entire process in less than 2 sec.swallowing center is medulla+lower
pons.swallowing inhibits respiration for less than 6 sec hardly noticible. ESOPHAGEALprimary peristaltic wave8-10
sec continuation of phyranx waveSECONDARY WAVEINITATED BY MYENTERIC PLEXUSafferent via
vagus(10)medulla9&10 efferent.If vagus nerve is cut or patient has brainstem paralysis,food fed by tube or in some
other way into the esophagus still passes into stomach coz of myenteric plexus.
177.hormone involved in lymphocyte production ? a. zona fassiculus , b.thyroid cells (GH also),IL 13 also involved antihypertensive drug going to be tested by which technique sequential trial ..
179.- direct inguinal hernia protrude through the hesselbach/inguinal triangle
180- hernia after surgery, layer involved fascia transversalis
181- inferior mesenteric artery obstruction, ischemia in descending n sigmoid colon
182-Which of the following increase HR ? a.EXERCISE



EXP:EXERCISE Though all of them .but exercise specifically increases HR. ref gananong table.
16th August 2015
1-Renin is incresed by Increased K
2-Primary esophageal peristalsis is diferent from secondary by ?a.Presence of oropharyngeal phase
b.Doesnt cause relaxation of LES (if gravity is in options then mark it)
3-increase venous return due to thoracoabdominal pump of diaphram during inspiration
4-TCA interaction cause hypertensive crisis
5-middle thyroid vein drains to internal jugular - (

Sup & middle thyroid veins drain into internal

juguler vein
While inferior thyroid drains into bracheocephalic vein)
6- what type of joint is present between two parts of mandible during 1st year of life Symphysis (symphysis menti)
7- A patient with moon facies, hypertension n osteoporosis. Which of following finding will be pr esent??a.Inc BLood Glucose
(Cushing syndrome)
8- A patient with chronic renal failure. Which gland will be hypertrophied Parathyroid
9- ulnar nerve lesion will cause? a.Loss of abduction, b.adduction of fingers

c.hypothenar, all true!

10-End stage renal disease with severe anemia. cause of anemia Dec erythropeitin
11-Na absorption in DCT is influenced by Aldosterone
12-Weakest phase in amalgam Sn7-8Hg
13- A paedodontist send a stainless steel crown for repair. the technician was unable to join the fractured parts. The primary
ingredient missing Chromium
14- Corrugated plaque on lateral surface of tongue. a.Hairy Leukoplakia



15- Painles swelling on mid palate. firm non tender? Pleomorphic adenoma
16-Painless hard swelling on mid hard palatepalatine torus
17-anti thrombotic effect of aspirin is by Blocking cyclo-oxygenase pathway
18-venous return decreases in? a. skeletal muscle paralysis

b. femoral arteriovenous fistula

19-decreased ventricular filling in increase HR (stem) due to a/ diastole is decreased more than systole
20-abscess contain? b. dead neutrophils

21-trigeminal nerve? temporalis

22- among following hooks/ arches around the root of left lung? d arch of aorta
(root of the left lung passes beneath the aortic arch and in front of the descending aorta; the phrenic nerve, the pericardiacophrenic
artery and vein) Root of right lung related to vagus nerve--Root of left lung related to phrenic and arch of aorta --Hilum of right lung
to azygous
23-most common cause of fat necrosis in peritoneum ?acute pancreatitis
24-lady has breast implant leakage of implant some lump/ inflamation found, most likely cells to found ?Giant cells
25- most commonly associated with bronchigenic CA ? .tobacco smoke
26- non IDDM woman, had abdominal surgery,8 days after developsy SOB, shock cause of P.E is
a. fat embolism

b. amniotic


27-aphasia , damage in a.parietal lobe b.temporal lobe(Receptive (sensory, fluent, or Wernicke) aphasia:)
c.frontal lobe(Expressive (motor, nonfluent, or Broca) aphasia:)
28-Pt with water deprivation and SIADH. secretion difference will be plasma osmolarity..which is decreased in SIADH and
increased in water deprivation
29- plasma osmolarity will be decreased by injection of ?a.aldosteron b.vassopressin(another name for ADH
remember it causes euvolemic hyponatremiadec plasma osmolarity)
30-in flight fright response dec airway resistance
31- hypermagnesia cause? dec ach release (hypermagnesemia causes hypocalcemia--> dec calcium influx in presynaptic
terminal--> dec fusion of vesicles --> dec ach release)
32- placenta ? removed due to rupture of uterine arteries
33- most common remnant of allontois?.urachal fistula
34-cause of thromboembolism? a. prolonged immobilization ((most common) b. surgery
35- a hypersensitive lady, came with shock, with K 6.1 mmol, mist likely due to? a. renal failure (ARF) , b. diuretic overdose
36- edema in renal failure is due to ? A.hypoalbunemia b. na retention
37- if a drug is transported by simple diffusion, then ? a.its not saturable - b. require energy
38 - regarding statistics ? a. positive showing towards R
39- one molecule of glucose how many ATP molecules > 38, a.32(mark it if 38 not in options) (glycogen 39
40. information cession is? taking informed consent
41- Acidic drugs bind with Albumin Basic drugs bind with alpha 1 Glycoprotein.
42.-pt of acute haemorrhage component which will be replaced in the end ?a. RBC . b. electrolyte , c. plasma volume
Plasma volume first, electrolyte second and RBC at last (B/C first hypoxia will stimulate erythropoietin secretion, which will then
stimulate RBCs synthesis; this process would take time)
43.- FRC is (IRV+RV) a.vol of air remains in lung after tidal vol is expired
44.- commonest cause of shift of K from intracellular to extracellular? a. strenous exercise (releases K from skeletal muscle)
45- in summer, a fasting man has concentrated urine due to? b. inc ADH secretion
46- regarding trachea? b. commence at lower end of cricoid cartilage(

c. inc sweating


47- damage to medulla oblongata during hanging? . odontoid

48- sternocleidomastoid causes movemnt of head in opposite direction against force(resistance)
49-platelets ? a. have half life of 10 days (life span not half life)
50. Count increases after spleenectomy (first effect we see after spleenectomy is Inc Platelet count)

51- lymphocytes ? a. immunity against cancer cells (NK most potent)

52- most severe reaction? a. A+ to O+

b.A+ to AB+

c.O+ to A+

d. A- TO A+

53- CO2 diffuse easily b/c high diffusion co efficient

54- Cell cycle is 24 hr duration
55- highest clearance by kidney? a. insulin,b. PAH (it has Highest renal clearance)
56-rapidly adapting receptors puccinian corpuscle (&meissner)
57- nerve endings are non encapuslated receptors
58- young man , 2 hrs after tonillectomy have tachycardia and hypotension,type of shock hypovolemic
59- about healing ? a. old age after 60 causes delayed healing?b. ascorbic acid deficiency cause delayed healing
60-.ribosomes Organ of protein synthesis
61-Menopause women most likely? a. Inc FSH and LH ,b.Anovulatory cycle
62-2.corpus striatum includes Caudate + putamen +GP
63-Do hypertensive drugs k liye apne hypothesis diya ha.. your research has rejected null hypothesis. what it means?
a.Your hypothesis has been rejected
b.There is no difference between two drugs
c.Your hypothesis has been accepted
(Null hypothesis no diff b/w two
Alternative hypothesis some diff(association))
64-Mifpristone?? it is Synthetic anti progestrone. Used for early termination of pregnancy
65-intracellular buffer is HB(If protein then mark that)
66-12yr old child not respondindg to antidiarrheal treatment have partial villous atrophy with PAS positive macrophages. diagnosis
is e.Whipple
67.-baby observed after birth that no anus present but diaper had stained meconium.diagnosis is ? b.Rectovaginal fistula
68-most reliable investigation/observation for diagnosing tb is? a.AFB , b.Caseating granuloma
69-.classical finding in tb is? a.Epitheliod collection(classical finding in granuloma) , b.Caseating granuloma
70-.hormone for neural/brain development in intrauterine life?TSH
71-12 yr old pale.lethargic.HB.6.TLC 4.8.plt 240.hbF 97%.hba2 is 3%.diagnosis?a.B thalasemia major , b.Thalasemia intermedia

72-for detecting thalasemia in intrauterine life? a.CVS (in 1 & Amniocentesis in 2

73-branch of middle cerebral artery ? a.Posterior communicating(br of ICA)



b.Choroidal artery

74-Common or most likely feature of shock? c.Dec perfusion all over in tissues
75-Septic shock? b.Caused by psuedomonas species
76-urogenital diaphragm is injured which nerve will b damaged?? some thing like ?b.Genital br of genitofemoral nerv
77-Most likely cause of atherosclerosis? b.Cholesteatoma
78. thyroid gland-Cell shape changes with the degree of secretion
79-which carcinogen has its carcinogenic effect after long use or as late complication? a.Benzene, b.Asbestosis
80-Digoxin toxicity causes/ leads to: ? a.Hyperkalemia female pelvis structure between ureter and peritoneum is?c.Uterine artery has vesicular eruption and burning sensation just below clavicle.area is supplied by? a.C3.c4
108-.diminished knee jerk due to injury of ?b.L4 [ The knee jerk reflex is mediated by the L3 and L4 nerve roots, mainly L4 ]

109 Among following most commonly causing hypersensitivity reaction? a. M tuberculosis ,b. M laprae,D.streptococcus pyogenes
110. a person steps on throne, withdrawl reflex is? a.monosyn, b. polysynaptic
111. major phase of ventricular filling (or more flow)? b.rapid inflow (which will 70-80 % ventricles)
113. Mean 80, SD 10 and 70 values accuracy will be? 96 % ,, 84%,, 22%


114. thyroid isthmus lie against 2 3rd 4 tracheal rings

117 botulinum toxin Flaccid paralysis (AFP of resp muscles) (Tetanus spastic paralysis) (both exotoxin mediated disease )
118 pharmacodynamic kind of drug interaction? Procaine with adrenaline,, Aspirin with sodium bicarb
17th plus 18th August
1. 6 weeks pregnancy tenderness in RIF.she tested at home and preg test was positive?b.Ectopic
2 .there is a stone in ureter at pelvic brim which structures surgeon must know are near to it?a.Sigmoid colon (descending colon
continue as sigmoid colon in front of pelvic brim)
3.receptor on adrenal gland d.Nicotinic
4-.skeletal muscle neuromuscular plate? a.Acetylcholenestrase , b.Norepi
5-.breast cancer after menopause Drug give? Tamoxifen (aromatase inhibitor(anastrozole) given to postmenopausal women ,
Tamoxifen, given to premenopausal women or postmenopausal women who are at low risk of recurrance)
6-.NMDA blockade related to a.GABA , b.Glycine , c. Glutamate. d.Serotonin 7.36 a.PCO2 30,b.Bicarb 16 ?(more close to relatively acidic ph as pco2 30 will make PH more towards alkaline.)
8-.patellar tendon hit- a.Quadriceps contracts , b.Golgi tendon ,c.Muscle spindle afferent
9-.sigmoid colon? a.Supplied by left colic (sigmoid branches of IMA) b.At pelvic brim
10-.least malignant? b.Adenoma It is benign)
11-.appendicectomy may damage whic structure--> Ilohypogastric nerve >> deep cirumflex iliac artery
12.processus vaginalis Covers only anterior part of testis
13-.inguinal ligament- b.From anterior sup iliac spine to pubic tubercle
14-.which one in amniotic fluid is specific for diagnosis? Wbcs
15-.flu like illness self limiting ,On gram stain no identifiable organism but neutrophils seen M.avium
16.difference btw plasma and ICF osmolarity a. No difference? B .1 osm
17-.least movable joint during child birth Symphysis pubis
18-. (ovaries are kept in position by the broad ligament and the mesoovarium.)
19-.Gnrh secretes - FSH and LH
20-.initiation of labour-a.Fetal ACTH(Fetal cortisol) , b.Maternal ACTH
21-.GH Half life/time it stays is 6 to 10 min
22-.serum lactate raised ,cardiac output 2 L, cvp 2 Type of shock Hypovolumic
23-.Lateral part of vaginal fornix is more closely related to? a.Uterine artery ,c.Ureter
24-.Urogenital diaphragm laterally attached toischiopubic rami
25-.arteries and veins(coronary) Run in their spaces(A/V GROOVES) on heart
26-.tricuspid valve sound felt at ? Lower border Of sternum on Rt side

27-.rectus abdominous ? (All wrong it originate from sym.pubis and pubic crest inserted into 5 6 & 7 ribs and xiphoid process,
3tendinous intersections present anteriorly o connected to ant sheath but not to posterior...RJ LAST) around anus lymphatic drainage is to Medial group of horizontal superficial inguinal lymph node
29-.scalenus anterior? a.Inserts in ist rib
30-.mcv 58 Ferretin 150 Hypochromic MicrocyticIron def anemia , Thal minor (low MCV Normal ferratin)..(ferritin range :
male...20-300 microg/l, female 14-150 microg/l)
31-.multiple bone fractures history,blue sclera ? Which product's enzyme is deficient a.Collagen (osteogenesis imperfecta
32-.medial part of thigh n sole of foot medial is supplied by which dermatome? (Medial L3 and medial side of sole by L5
Medial part of leg and medial malleolus)
33-.common cause of fatty liver in our population? a.Hep b c , b.Alcohol
34-. Most common cause postmortem in our country? c.Hemorrhage

(MCC of post-partal death )

35-.2nd pharyngel arch forms(2 questions) Stylohyoid ligament-( steps.styloid process. Leser horn of hyoid. stylohyoid ligament
Muscle of facial expression. stapedius , stylohyoid, plastysma Posterior belly of digestric)
36-.regarding embryo of heart- Septum primum n secundum fuse to form interatrial septum
37-.Under action of insulin glucose enters? b.Muscle
38.uterus is supported by ?Transverse cervical ligament Held in position by utero sacral
39-. German measles in mother cause what in babies a.Congenital cataract (most common)
(RUBELLA IN PREGNANCY: 3-4 week cardiac defects

4-7 week cataract

7-8 week deafness) reduce incidence of congenital catarct ? Immunize girls with rubella vaccine
41-T3 is produced by ? a.Principle cells of thyroid
42.In case of factor ix deficiency ? Ffp
43- In AID/HIV patient which skin malignancy occur? B.squamous cell CA [most commonly anal sq cell ca] (MC skin cancer in


44 .in neoplasm which natural mechanism occur- (IS LOST) A. Apoptosis (B/C loss of apoptosis leads to neoplasm)
45-. Arch of aorta compress? A. Left bronchus ,B. Oesophagus,C. Left atrium
46-. Mixed venous blood found at? A. Pulmonary artery,B.Pulmonary vein(only oxygenated blood)
47-. Coronary venous drainage of heart, at coronary sinus greatest ( sum thing like that in question )
A. Greater cardiac vein (b/c Coronary sinus is the continuation of great cardiac vein
48. Fastest conduction/ Myelination at? A. Panic anion corpuscles ?? B. Free nerve ending
49-positive predictive value-All Postives (def: measure of likelihood That a person with positive test result actually has the disease.)
50-.if patient is having fatal disease, Provide info?. in a formal session in exclusivity
51-.a female after child birth is having severe bleeding from vagina. Which drug to be given (first inc dose of oxytocin then
ergometrine, of DM uses daltone(aisa e koi nam tha- galbenclamide ) Also uses drugs for symptoms exagerated which drug
causes interaction
a.B blocker-NO- In asthmatics and diabetics beta blockers are contraindicated
b.Steroids(b/c they inc the blood glucose level symptoms exagerrated)
53-.haloperidol given oral anesthesia....pain n anesthetic effect is achieved but not optimum, What should be added?b.Nitric oxide
54-.lipid soluble anesthetic? a.Spreads rapid (rapid onset of action
55-Derivative of ectoderm ? A. Lens (surface ectoderm),B. Retina(neuro-ectoderm) C. Autonomic ganglia(Neural crest cells)
56-. Trigone of bladder? A. Ureter open as oblique slits.B. Develop from urogenital sinus ,(it develops from lower ends of
mesodermal mesonephric ducts.)

57-. Testicular CA metastasis ? ((para-aortic lymph nodes at L1where testicular artery originate))
58-. Ejaculatory duct open into? A. Prostatic urethra B. Penile urethra ,C. External urethral sphincter
59-. Aphasia due to damage of ? A. Temporal lobe Brocas is in frontal -Wernickes in temporal,difficulty in uttering words,lesion
60-. Silicon breast implant scenario later inflammatory changes? C. Giant cell.
61-pleural effusiin best drained from? a.Upper border of lower rib (in posterior axillary line)
62- Immunological way to attack (some thing) ? a.TB , b.Treponema
63-. Regarding polycytemia Vera? A. Increase blood concentration B. Increase RBC mass
64-. Type 1 hyperlipidemia?A. Defect at HDL surface receptor or antigen , It is also called hyprchylomicronemia, caused by
lipoprotein lipase deficiency, / defective apolipoprotein c2
In type 2a absent / defective LDL receptors
In type 4 hepatic overproduction of VLDL
65-. Most common cause of congenital male infertility ? A. Cryptoradism
66-. Most commonly fractured Carpal bone in hand? A. Scaphoid(also prone to avascular necrosis)
B. Lunate (Most commonly Dislocated Carpal bone)
67-. Ulnar nerve supply ? A. Medial 2 lumberical, B. all Small muscles
68-. Frontal eye field blood supply by ? B. MCA , C. PCA
69-. Thumb n finger representation area? Medial & lateral nucleus cunatous -CUNEATUS FOR-UPPER


70-. Regarding posterior cranial fossa? A. Facial nerve pass through internal acoustic meatus
71-. CO2 diffuses greatly than O2 due to
A. Diffusion coefficient -(Has 20 times more ability to diffuse bcz of high Diffusion coefficient)
(Co2 has more diffusion coffecnt. Co has more binding)
72-. Ribosomes ? A. With ER formed cytoplasmic protein synthesis-B. Protein synthesis
73-. About plasma osmolarity (maintained by)? A. Vasopressin ,B. Hypertonic saline solution
C. Isotonic saline solution ,D. Aldosterone ,E. 20% albumin
74 Which bone formed medial longitudinal arch? A. Tallus. B. Calcaneus
75-. Cavernous sinus thrombosis which vein involve ? A. Inferior ophthalmic vein (IOV)
76-. Most appropriate about diaphragm ? A. Innervated by phrenic n intercostal nerves (ans)
77-A 48 yr old lady c/o inc. weight..TSH=4..T3= 4 'T4=8....? A..hyperthyroid , B..hypothyroid C..over eating , D..hypopituitrism
78-most imp strong exotoxin of strep pneumonia? a.leucocidin,b. Pneumolysin (not streptolysin),c.catalase,
79- hepatic pedicle includes .. bile duct portal vein hepatic artrey
80- muscles o back are supplied by? Post. Spinal Ganglion-(Post / Dorsal rami of spinal nerves supply muscles of the back)
81- which of the following is prevent unwanted transport b/w 2 epithelium of 2 cells Tight junction (Gap Junction helps in
electrochemical transmission)
82- SK muscle neuromuscular plate Acetylcholinestrase
83-.recurrent abortion Lupus (lupus anticoagulant found in patient with APLA syndrome, one of the causes of recurrent
abortions) recurrent abortion due to APLA
84.Cells of simple columnar epithelium are connected by-c-tight junctions only,b-desmosomes only
85.Common complication of diabetic foot A. Dry gangrene(D for diabetes,,, and D for Dry gangrene) B. Wet gangrene

Hypokalemia aggrevates digoxin toxicity

Digoxin toxicity causes hyperkalemia
Hypercalcemia cause pancreatitis
Pancreatitis causes hypocalcemia
Acidosis causes hyperkalemia
Metabolic acidosis causes hyperkalemia
Hypokalemia causes Metabolic alkalosis
Metabolic alkalosis causes hypokalemia
Hypokalemia inhibit insulin releases
Insulin causes hypokalemia
Insulin deficiency causes hyperkalemia
Hyperkalemia causes insulin relaese..
Hypokalemia causes rhabdomyolisis
Rhabdomyolisis causes hyperkalemia
Sodium influx causes depolarization
Potssium efflux causes hyperpolarization



1)After removing fundus of stomach what
will happen ?
A. Decrease receptive relaxation
B. Decrease production of gastrin
2)Regarding IVC most appropriate is?
A. commences at the level of L5
B. has tributries similar to that of aorta
3)Primary esophageal peristalsis is
different from secondary by?
A.Presence of oropharyngeal phase
B.Doesnt cause relaxation of LES
4)Presence of oropharyngeal phase?
A.Doesnt cause relaxation of LES
5)Deficiency of surfactant causes?
A. Decrease recoil of lungs
B. Decrease complaince
6)True for cricoid cartilage?
A. Vocal cords are attached to it
B. Inferior constrictor attached to it

7)After abdominal n gynecological

8)Which factor def causes thrombosis
instead of bleeding?
A.Factor V
9)Hypovolaemia with hypotension
isoflurane should not be given why?
A.Potent vasodilation
10)Otic ganglion location foramen was
A.Sup border of foramen ovale
11)Increase in interstial fluid cause?
A.Inc capillary permeability
12)Right sided weakness with Babinskis
positive all UMN lesions no sensory loss
where is the lesion?
A.left internal capsule
B.left broadman area 4 resection
13)Epitheluim of preterminal bronchiole?
A.Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
14)Mesiothelioma exposure to?
15)Thyroid covers by?
A.Pretracheal fascia
16)Radiation causes cancer after how
much years?
A.5-10 yrs
B.More than 10 years
17)Premalignant lesions are?
A.Metaplasia of endocervix
C.Condyloma, skin
18)Weakness in abduction of fingers

nerve involve is?

19)Sciatic nerve severed, dorsum of foot
supplied by which nerve?
A.saphenous nerve
B.Sural nerve
C.Comman paroneal nerve
20)Lidocaine overdose?
21)Loss of knee flexion and hip extension
muscle involved is?
22)Muscle which causes flexion of elbow
and supplied by radial nerve?
23)Breast lower medial quadrant will not
drain into?
A.Inf phrenic nodes
B.Pectoral nodes
C.supraclavicular nodes
24)Volume of distribution question from
25)Probability of difference between the
two medians questions?
26)Lack of communication and
understanding between doctor and
patient is due to?
A.Doctor not properly listening.
27)Damage to axillary nerve damage will
A.Dec abduction 0-20 degree
B.Dec abduction 20 -90 degree
C.Dec abduction above head
D.Dec flexion
28)Fracture of surgical neck of humerus

A.Axillary nerve damage.
29)Increase of blood viscosity causes?
A.Inc radius of capacitance
B.Inc radius of resistance arteriole
C.Inc mean arterial pressure
30)Rupture to male urethra below
urogenital diaphragm, urine will leak
A.Superficial pouch
B.Retropubic space
C.Ischiorectal fossa
D.Medial thigh
31)Cold sensations from which receptors?
A.Same as hot receptors
B.Different from hot receptors
C.Take sensation at same center where hot
32)which one is the DNA virus?
D.Yellow fever
E.Infectious mononucleosis
33)Motor deficit question?
A.Ant part of post limb of IC
34) ANT DUODENAL perforation where
will secretion go?
A.Right paracolic gutter
B.Left paracolic gutter
C.Anterior subhepatic space
D.Posterior subhepatic space
35)Blood supply of prostate Question?
36)Macrocytic anaemia cause?
A.Intrinsic factor deficiency
37) Regarding trachea?
A.Has 7 rings

B.Posteriorly bounded by Trachealis

38)Chronic gastritis or gastric lymphoma
ka cause?
A.H Pylori
B.Chronic ulcer
39)Intermenstural bleeding and post
coital bleeding no other abnormality on
per speculum examination. Cervix
hyperplasia present. What initial test u
will do?
B.Pap smear
40)Pain, temperature and touch
sensations lost from face where will be the
Trigeminal lemniscus system
TrigrminothAlamic tract
Spinoreticular tract
41)Physiological dead space?
A. Dec in excercise
B. Inc in pulmonary diseases
42)GH secretion stimulated by?
43)Cell injury by which amino acid?
44)Known case of sickel cell anemia
became deep jaundiced HB low which
type of crisis it will cause?
A.Aplastic crisis
B.Sequestration crisis
C.Hemolytic crisis
45)Defeciency of glucose 6 Phosphatase
A.Increase in glycogen storage in liver
B.Increase in glycogen storage in liver

C.Decrease in glycogen in skeletal Muscle

46)Increase GFR causes inc absorbtion of
salt and water from PCT. The most imp
mechanism for this tubuloglomerular
feedback is ?
A. Inc peritubular colloid pressure
47)hormone causing inc arteriolar
A.Angiotensin 2
48)Most imp action of angiotensin 2?
A.release ADH
B.release aldosterone
C.Increase thirst
49)Right eye has difficulty in seeing at
right side where will be the lesion?
A.infection in cavournus sinus?
50)During hysterctomy ureters can be
damaged while ligating which artery ?
A.Uterine artery
B.Ovarian artery
51)Basilar Artery question ?
52)Lambert eaten syndrome scenario?
A.Antibodies at postsynaptic Ca channels
B.Antibodies at presynaptic ach.
53)Regarding Inguinal Canal, the correct
one is?
A. Floor is formed by Fascia lata
B. Roof is formed by Conjoint tendon
C. Absent in infants
D.Extend from the anterior superior iliac
spine to pubic tubercle
54)Total bilirubin was 10 direct was
round about 9 and indirect 1.0?

A.Crigler Najjar
55)middle thyroid vein drains into?
A.Anterior jugular
B.External jugular
C.Internal jugular
56)Regarding IVC most appropriate is?
A. commences at the level of L5
B. has tributries similar to that of aorta
57)Ptosis and miosis scenario cause is?
A.Occulomotor nerve damage
B.Horner syndrome
58)In Rheumativc fever which valvular
lesion is present?
A.Mitral stenosis
B.Aortic Regurgitation
59)Most common skin cancer in HIV?
A.Sq. Cell carcinoma
B.Basal cell carcinoma
C.Malignant lymphoma
60)Collagen tat gives strenght during
wound healing?
A.Type 1
B.Type 3
61)Sertoli cells most appropriate is?
A.Produce fluid rich in glucose and protiens
B.Maintain blood testis barriers.
62)Rapidly adapting receptors ?
B.Free nerve endings
63)What is crown lump lenght at 17 -20
64)Abdominal angina cause by
obstruction to?
A.Inf mesenteric

B.Sup mesenteric
65)Middle colic is the branch of ?
A.Inf mesenteric
B.Sup mesenteric
66)Chest pain and fever not related to
A.Costochondral junction
67)Case control studybig same asim
shoaib scenario.
68)Sarcoidosis findings?
A.Granuloma with asteroid bodies
69)A 60 years old patient having
hypertension, diabetes with
hyperthyroidism, which drug will be safe
for him?
A.Ca blockers
70)How much time digoxin required to
reach at stable level?
A.2 minutes
B.9 minutes
70)Known case of IHD type 2 diabetic
present with chest pain HB is 6 TLC was
normal platelet was normal 120, PT 13
(control 11 ) APTT 23 ( control 21) . What
should be transfused?
A. RBC Concentrate
B. Fresh frozen plasma
C. Fresh whole blood


Medicine & Allied, November 18, 2015 By: Dr. Muhammad Sher Khoh Qaisrani

Dear students! To err is human. Extensive efforts have been done to reproduce these complete 200 BCQs from
CPSP Medicine and Allied Paper I & II and it has been tried to make it error free by consulting different fellows,
books and internet sources; but still errors are possible. Despite the fact, both paper questions are mixed, some of
the statements in purple color are still confusing and no proper answer has been found. Answers for each
statement is given directly after -(hyphen). Opinions and correct answers for any of the following questions are
most welcome if any authentic reference (books with page numbers, URL of the sites and others) is available. I am
thankful to my fellows who helped me in finding some BCQs that were missing. The prominent among these are
Dr. Bushra Anwar, Dr. Syed Khawar Abbas, Dr. Syed Jannat Hussain, Dr. Umair Hassan and some of those guys who
put questions in FCPS batch (2005-10) for consultation. Last but not least, please pray for us, a humble request
from you all. Cheers!
1. Potassium is mainly regulated by - Aldosterone.
2. Tip of scapula at level T7.
3. Oblique fissure of the lung at level - T3 to T6 Costochondral.
4. Decussating of medial lemniscuses - Internal Arcuate Fibers.
5. Superficial temporal artery relation with which nerve - Auriculotemporal nerve.
6. Correct about Thyroid gland - lymph drainage to deep cervical lymph nodes.
7. Anemic hypoxia occur in Methemoglobulenemia.
8. In cerebral circulation brain arteries - Do not anastomose once entered in the brain (controvertial).
9. Phase 1 of transformation of drug metabolism Oxidation.
10. Standard deviation shows - Variability of individual observation.
11. Counseling in patients is - To help themselves.
12. A young girl who is going to die and asks you Am I going to die? Doctor response should be What your
parents have told you?
13. In whole wheat Thiamine.
14. Cholesterol enriched diet Egg.
15. Origin of peroxisomes SER.
16. Organelle where protein combines with carbohydrates, packed and released - Golgi complex.
17. Correct about DNA Euchromatin is transcriptionally active.
18. ADPKD associated with Renal failure (vs) Cerebral haemorrhage (controversial) here most probable Renal
19. Cause of delay in healing Infections.
20. PaO2 decreased, PCO2 increased, hydrogen ion increased; manifestation (looked like kind of COPD)
21. PCO2 31, HCO3 19, pH increased (Metabolic alkalosis scenario) - Hyperventilation
22. Person with tachycardia, and heat intolerance with low level of TSH, on giving TRH; level of TSH and thyroid
hormones increases. Diagnosis Hyperthyroidism with thyroid problem.
23. Origin of oxytocin and ADH Hypothalamus.
24. Difference between systemic and pulmonary circulation - Low resistance in pulmonary circulation.
25. Mean systemic filling pressure is regulated by - Venous return.
26. Systolic pressure is directly related to which one of the following Renin.
27. ADH responds to Osmolarity.
28. Osmoreceptors ADH.
29. Right border of heart on X-ray also visible a part of SVC.
30. In MI sensitive cardio marker Tropinin T.
31. Diabetic nephropathy investigation - Urine albumin.
32. Young boy with generalized edema and proteinuria - Lesion of basement membrane.
33. Lesion of parasympathetic system affects mostly - GI muscles.
34. Stress hormone of our body - ACTH.
35. S2 sound heard on - Closure of aortic and pulmonary valve.
36. A patient with history hemorrhage (trauma) receives a bag stored for 2 weeks mainly contains RBCs.
37. Due to inspiration Decreased negative intrapleural pressure.
38. Important buffer of blood - HCO3-.

39. Max increase in ECF due to infusion of - Hypertonic NaCl.

40. Auscultation of tricuspid valve best heard at Right lower end of the body of sternum.
41. GVE vagus nerve for preganglionic fiber arises from Dorsal nucleus.
42. Thorn prick in left lower limb caused abscess - Staph aureus.
43. Diabetic female after abdominal surgery; dyspnea and cough - Pulmonary embolism.
44. MCC of pulmonary embolism DVT.
45. Typhoid fever 1st week test Blood culture
46. Typhoid fever 2nd week test Blood culture and Widal test.

47. Typical feature of falciparum - Black water fever.

48. Alcoholic patient with deranged LFTs; on biopsy Mallory bodies.
49. Councilman bodies seen in Apoptosis.
50. Natural self-defense against tumors Apoptosis.
51. P53 gene absent results in - cell survival.
52. Pain mediator - Bradykinins.
53. Metaplasia Functional change in cells.
54. Female with infection of HPV, comes after 2 years, Pap smear shows prominent nucleoli and increased nucleus
size Dysplasia.
55. Gas exchange occur - Simple squamous epithelial layer.
56. Patient with granulomatous disease, biopsy done. Microscopic finding that suggests TB Epitheloid cells.
57. The spindle fibers will decrease in discharge of impulses when - Muscle contracts (vs) When efferent gamma
discharge occurs. (controversial) here most probable muscle contracts
58. Diagnosis for leprosy, initial investigation - Nasal scrapping.
59. Benign neoplasm Adenoma.
60. 3 germ layers tumor Teratoma.
61. When adrenalin release from medulla, causes vasodilation by acting on - Beta 2 adrenergic receptors.
62. Increased GFR and increased plasma flow occur due to - Dilation of afferent arteriole.
63. Charateristic of cerebellar lesion - Dymetria
64. Emax of a drug depends on Efficacy
65. Study in which every person of a population has equal chances of being selected Random sampling.
66. Amniocenthesis is done - After 14th weeks.
67. 1st response against acute inflammation in tissue Macrophages.
68. In dark granules containing cells; IgE attaches to Basophils.
69. Opsonization - C3b.
70. Exudate - more than 3g of proteins.
71. About active transport of drug all are true except - All drugs pass via active transport.
72. Pulmonary artery supply to Alveoli.
73. Muscles of back innervated by - Dorsal rami.
74. In young boy dyspnea produced on lying - Retrosternal goiter.
75. Most important cause of bronchogenic cancer Smoking.
76. Edema caused by - Increased hydrostatic pressure.
77. Edema caused by - Lymphatic blockage.
78. BP 210/180mmHg and creatinine 8% damaged part Juxtaglomerular apparatus.
79. Female with blood group A, have 2 children; one with O and other with AB, blood group of father is B.
80. Genetically true hermaphrodite XX/XY.
81. DNA replication occur in Interphase.
82. Glycogenolysis caused by deficiency of which hormone - Insulin
83. Investigation for liver amoebic abscess Serology.
84. Surgery of submandibular gland; nerve damaged - marginal mandibular branch of facial.
85. On posterior surface of oblique and transversalis fascia - Arcuate line.

86. Aspirin overdose causes Coma.

87. Cardiac output measurement via thermodilution Temperature change downstream with CO.
88. Father with defective gene on one autosomal chromosome, develops disease later in his life; chances of getting
disease in children Half of the children will be affected.
89. If left circumflex artery occluded - Infarction of left atrium and left ventricle.
90. MCC of multiple fractures in adult Osteoporosis.
91. Patient with fracture of many bones and low BP immediate treatment - Volume replacement.
92. Most common fracture of long bone - Tibia.
93. Collagen fibers Eosin stain
94. Gamma efferent supply to Intrafusal muscle spindles.
95. Micturition Self generating.
96. Hallmark of HIV Proliferation of virus in T-Cells.
97. 1g protein gives energy 4 kcalories.
98. Isotonic and isometric contraction difference is that isotonic contraction consumes more phosphate bond.
99. Autonomic nervous system parasympathetic increase salivary secretion.
100. Protrusion of mandible Lateral pterygoid.
101. After feeding the baby, diarrhea develops Gastrocolic reflex.
102. Both sides of 5th posterior intercostal spaces is supplied by - Thoracic aorta.

103. 2 years old child with medially rotated arm lesion in - Upper trunk.
104. Female with uterus cancer which travels to labia majora following which route - Round ligament.
105. Pain in epigastrium due to ulcer, transmitted by - Greater splanchnic nerve.
106. Vesicular lesion on the tip of nose and eyelid - Ophthalmic nerve.
107. Patient cant abduct till 30 degree, which muscle is responsible Supraspinatus.
108. Nerve supply to plantar surface of foot - Posterior tibial.
109. Medial arcute ligament Psoas major muscle.
110. Bitemporal hemianopia due to lesion of - Central part of optic chiasm.
111. Ventral spinothalamic tract - Coarse touch and pressure.
112. Dorsal column Proprioception.
113. Vibration and touch via - White matter of posterior spinal cord.
114. Function of notochord - Induction of ectodermal neural plate to produce neural tube.
115. Midbrain reticular system Unusual stimulus causes arousal.
116. Most radiosensitive tumor Medulloblastoma.
117. Hormone increased during sleep as compare to at day wakefulness Cortisol.
118. In Trigeminal neuralgia anesthesia given to block trigeminal ganglion at which site - Pterygopalatine fossa.
119. Patient with intentional tremors and facial paralysis lesion at Cerebellopontine angle.
120. Opioids produces vomiting by acting on - Chemo trigger zone in medulla.
121. Patient working in mine with tuberculin test positive. Cough, fever, weight loss with hilar lymphadenopathy
122. Male working in construct factory with pleural plaques Asbestosis.
123. Neoplastic cells with continuous mitosis due to persistence of Telomerase.
124. During exercise venous return is due to - Contraction of calf muscles.
125. During exercise increased blood supply to muscles - Local metabolites.
126. Action of steroids as anti-inflammatory is due to - Inhibiting phospholipase.
127. Intermediate filaments staining with immunofluorescence to diagnose Carcinoma.
128. VPL nucleus of thalamus when damaged cause somatosensory loss of contralateral body.
129. Thiazide diuretic cause Hypokalemia.
130. Man living on side of a river, got blindness from nematode; organism - Onchocerca volvulus.
131. MCC of HTN Idiopathic.
132. Adult female with breast atrophy due to decrease in Estrogen.

133. Female with hirsutism, galactorrhea, infrequent heavy menstrual cycle. U/S both ovaries with cystic lesions
and LH:FSH :: 3:1 - PCOD
134. Female with hot flushes - Increase FSH and LH.
135. Injection of atropine will cause - Dryness of mouth.
136. Female with severe loss of vibration, Investigation of choice - Stomach biopsy.
137. Child with yellow sclera and colored urine, best Investigation - Bilirubin and ALT.
138. Female with weakness and lethargy with RBCs 5.5 diameter and very thin red line of RBC in peripheral smear Microcytic hypochromic anemia.
139. Monitoring of Hep B Serum glutamate-pyruvate transaminase.
140. Female with reactive anti HBe and reactive total anti HBc along with non-reactive HB IgM and non-reactive
HepBs Ag - Acute recovery phase.
141. Patient with obstruction jaundice; now bleeding cause - Vit K deficiency.
142. Investigation of Hashimoto thyroiditis Antimicrosomal and anti-thyroglobulin antibodies.
143. Cimetidine interaction with warfarin causes - Decrease hepatic clearance of warfarin.
144. Patient using some anti-coagulant, how will you know that anticoagulant is warfarin because it is being
monitored by PT.
145. BP drops from 100mmHg to 70mmHg Decrease in carotid sinus nerve activity.
146. Erythropoietin is secreted via Mesangial cells.
147. Patient with all symptoms of Cushing along with increased ACTH cause - Cushing disease.
148. Child with machinery like murmur PDA.
149. PaO2 is 100% in - Left to right shunt.
150. Kallmann syndrome Gene defect in Kal1 gene.
151. Diplamotoylphosphatidyl choline + carbohydrate + proteins is a content of Surfactant.
152. In asthma - Decrease FEV1.
153. Splenectomy is most useful in - Hereditary spherocytosis.
154. Findings in glycogen storage diseases - Hepatomegaly and hypoglycemia.
155. Corynebacterium diphtheria produces Exotoxins.

156. Common specie of Corynebacterium affecting human is Diphtheriae.

157. Typical symptom of food intoxication by Clostridium botulinum - Flaccid paralysis.
158. CSF with increased proteins and polymorphs with decrease glucose the drug of choice Ceftriaxone.
159. About the pharmacology of Neiserria gonorrhea - Pencilin G.
160. Major histocompatibility is related to HLA.
161. Kidney is transplanted, gets cyanosed in 10 minutes, type of reaction - Antibody mediated.
162. A child with Agammaglobulinemia is prone to - Pyogenic infections.
163. Diagnostic criteria for sarcoma - Increased vascularity.
164. Soldier coming down from height, now with discoloration of fingers, dyspnea - Secondary polycythemia.
165. Vitamin D acts on intestinal mucosa via - expression of genes.
166. Release of neurotransmitter due to - Influx of calcium in presynaptic fiber.
167. Calcium influx via slow channels in ventricle cells causes - Ventricular ejection.
168. Increased a wave in JVP due to - Tricuspid stenosis.
169. Person with HR 80/min, on ECG RR interval would be - 0.75 sec.
170. Class III Antiarrhythmics Amiodarone.
171. Increased ASO titer - Rheumatic fever.
172. In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Myocytes disarray.
173. 5 month of pregnancy, lady with thyrotoxicosis, drug of choice PTU.
174. 30 years old smoker, psychotic, vomiting of fluid with visible peristaltic movements on abdomen cause Pyloric stenosis.

175. Myenteric system of parasympathetic is potentiated by Ach.

176. Pethidine is preferred over Morphine Fast acting.
177. Philadelphia chromosome CML.
178. Male with fever upper lobe consolidation, fever from last 3, productive cough, AST 135 and ALT 111, alkaline
phosphatase normal, bilirubin 10, he died on autopsy weight of liver increase and with fat droplets seen on
hepatocytes. Diagnosis - Chronic alcoholic disease.
179. Alpha 2 macroglobulin inhibit Trypsin.
180. Male with all symptoms of LV failure and pulmonary edema without any previous illness and BP
125/85mmHg, on X-ray cardiomegaly; cause of heart failure - Alcoholic cardiomyopathy.
181. Highest potential difference in the wall of stomach is when Aspirin ingestion.
182. Calculate Alveolar ventilation where Tidal volume is 500ml/respiration. RR 10 - 3500ml/min
183. Calculate Clearance where Urinary flow 20 ml/min, Concentration of substance in urine 10 and Plasma 10
184. Excessive eversion of foot damaged which structure - Rupture of deltoid ligament.
185. About descending aorta - starts at T4 on left side.
186. Counterpart of Mullerin tubercle - Seminal colliculus.
187. Histology of cornea - Stratified squamous non-keratinized.
188. Left shift of HbO2 curve - CO poisoning.
189. Humans are intermediate host in - Hydatid cyst.
190. Clot retraction is mediated by Thrombosthenin
191. In late pregnancy the uterus is most sensitive to Oxytocin.
192. About bicep brachialis muscle attaches to supraglenoid tubercle of scapula.
193. Hyper-resonance is mostly heard at T2-T4 of right midclavicular line.
194. Conus medullaris terminates in neonates at the level of L3
195. Cimetidine is used preoperatively Inhibits H2 receptors competitively.
196. Nursing mother with herpes labialis, drug of choice Acyclovir.
197. PO4 increased, Calcium decreased and PTH increased Chronic Renal Failure.
198. Labetalol acts on Alpha and Beta receptors.
199. Women after delivery, Platelet: 70,000, aTTP normal, PT raised DIC.
200. Between umbilicus and suprapubic rectus sheath behind at its lower limit forms Arcuate line.


Medicine n allied paper2

Supply just both sides of post intercostals spacethoracic aorta
Abt Descending aorta strt at T4 on lft side or supply lower 8 intrcostal space (ant or
post)wasnt mentioned
2 yr child vd medial rotated arm .lesion to upper trunk?????????
Female vd uterus cancer which travels to labia majora following which route round
Pain in epigastrium due to ulcer greatr splanchnic nerves
Vesicular lesion on tip of nose .ophthalmic nerv
Surgery of submandibular gland nerve damaged.marginal mandibular branch

Pt cant abduct till 30 degree ,which muscle.supraspinatus

Xcesive eversion of foot cause of sprain ankle ..ruture of deltoid lig
Nerve supply to plantar surfc of foot post tibial??????????
Medial arcute lig ..diaphragm./lumbar fascia/,psoas/quadrates lambrum
On post surface of oblique n transversalis fascia .arcuate line
Histology of cornea..stratified squamous non kertinized
Counterpart or somthng like dat of mullerinappendix or vas defernc
Bitemporal hemianopie due to lesion ofcentral part of optic chiasim
Ventral spinothalamic tract crude touch n pressure
Dorsal column ..propioception
Vibration n touch via.white matter of post spinal ccord
Function of notochord..induction of ectoderm to produce neural tube
Midbrain reticular system ..arousal
Most radiosensitv tumor ..craniophrangion/ganglioglioma/brainstem glioma
Hormone increased durng sleep as compare to at day wakefulness.cortisol??????/
Trigeminal neuralgia .anesthesia to block trigemianal ganglion shld b gvn at ..middle cranial
fossa or pterygopalatine fossa
Pt vd intentional tremors n facial paralysis ..lesion at cerebellopontine
Opiodes produces vomiting bt actng directly on vomiting centre or trigger zone in medulla
Pt working in mine vd tuberculin test positive,cough,fever weight los.vd hilar lymphadenopathy
Male working in construct factory vd plaques ..asbestosis
Neoplastic cells vll cotinue mitosis due to telomeras
Systolic pressure change vd change in venous return/unchang on standing/unchang vd inc in
Durng xcercis venous return iz due ..contraction of calf muscles
During xcercise inc blood supply to muscles.local metabolites
Actn of steroids as antiinflamtoryinhibiting phospholipase

Intermediate filaments staining in inmunflourecence ,.to diagnose carcinoma????????

VPL/..passes contralateral body somatosensation/ipsilateral body somatosensation/taste
Biopsy of lung in a patient with granulomatous disease - diagnosis suggestive for TB:
A. Caseating necrosis
B. Giant cells
C. Epitheliod cells
D. Necrosis
Thiazide diuretic cause
A. Hypocalcemia
B. Hypokalemia
C. Hypoglycemi
Human r intermediate host in hydat cyst
Man livng on side f river ,got blindness frm nematode..organism onchocera
MCC of HTN Idiopathic
Adult femal vd breast atrophy oestrogen
Female vd hirsutism n LH :FSH 3PCOD
Femal vd hotflushes,inc FSH n LH
INJ of atropine vll cause ..dryness of mouth or weakness of all skeletal muscles
Female vd severe loss of vibratiion Ixstomach biopsy/protein in CSF/glucose in urine/Xray of spine
Child vd yellow sclera n coloured urine Ix .Bilirubin N AST
Femal vd weakness n lethargy ,..vd RBCs 5.5 diametr n very thin red line in peripheral smear ..microcytic
hypochromic/normocytic normochromic
Monitoring of hep B .PT/Bilirubin/GGTuctve
Femal vd react antiHBe n reactive total ant HBc alongvd nonreactv HBIgM n nonreactive Ag HABs .acute
recovery phase
Pt vd obstr jaundc now bleeding cause vit K def
Ix of hashimoto .antimicrosomal
Cimetidine interact vd warfarin dec hepatic clearance of warfarin
Patient using some anticogulante ,hw vll u knw dat anticoagulant z warfarin.bcz anticoagulant iz being monitored
by PT
BP drops frm 100 to 70 .inc efferent symp discharge or dec carotid sinus nerve activity
Erythropoietin secreted via .renal tubular cells/PCT/Mcula/JGC
Pt vd all symp of cushing alongvd inc ACTH ..cause ..cushing disease/cushng synd

Child vd machinery murmur..PDA

Pao2 z 100 lft to rt shunt
Kallman syn.lesion of arcuate nucleus
Diplamotoylphospho contentof .surfactant
Lft shft of HBo2 curve..CO poisoning
In asthma..dec FEV1
Splenectomy shld b done in hereditary spherocytosis
Findings in glycogen storage diseaseshepatomegaly n hypoglycemia
Corynebacterium diphtheria.produces exotoxin
Specie of corynebacterium affecting human diphtheria
Typical symp of food intoxictn by clost botulinum flaccid paralysis
CSF vd inc proteins n polymorph n dec glucose DOC ceftriaxon
For niesrria meningitides.pencilin G
HISTOCOMPAtibilty related to HLA
Kidney transplant reject in 10 minutes .antibodies mediated

Pt vd X gammglobulinemia .pyogenic infections

Diagnostic criteria for sarcoma.pleomorphism/high vascularty
Soldier coming down frm height,now vd discoloration of fingers..2dry polycythemia
VitD act on intestinal mucosa via xpression of genes
Regulation of ADH.osmorecptr
Release of neurotrnasmitor .due to influx of calcium in presynaptic
Ca influx via slow channels in ventricle cells causes .ventricula ejection/atrial systole/ventricular filling
Inc in a wave of JVP ..due to tricuspid valve
Person vd HR 80 ECG RR interval 0.75/QRS less than 0.02/PR greater than 0.2
Class 3 antarrytmic amiodarone
Inc ASO titer rheumatic fever
In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy .myo disarray
Drug safe durng pregnancy .PTU
30 yr old smoker,psychotic .vomiting of fluid cause pyloric stenosis/achalasia/stomach cancer

Myenteric system of parasymp iz potentiated by .Ach

Pethidine iz prefferd over morphine less addict/less analgesic.cant recall xact stem
Philadelphia chromosome..CML
ASPIRIN overdose causes alkalosis
Cardiacoutput measurement via thermodilution ..rabia ali MCQ
Male vd fever upper lobe consolidation,fever ,product cough .AST135 n ALT 111,alkaline phosphatase normal
,bilirubin 1,he died on autpsy weight of liver increase n vd fat depositon ..Dxchronic alcoholic/Wilson
disease/def of alpha 1 antitrypsin
Alpha2 macroglobulin inhibit ..amylase/trypsin/zymogen
Male vd all symp of LV failure n pulmonary edema vdout any previous illness n BP 125/85..on Xray cardiomegaly
cause of heart failure bicuspid calcified aortic valve/alcoholic cardiomyopathy/aortic stenosis


Surgery Paper 2 ( November 18,2015)

1.Fracture of surgical neck of humerus which artery damaged
B. Posterior circumflex
C.Anterior circumflex
D. Profunda brachii
E. Brachial
Ans: B
2.which muscle is flexor of forearm and supplied by radial nerve?
B.Flexor Carpi Radialis
D.Flexor Digitorum Profundus
E.Tricep Brachii
Ans: C
3.A 45 year old male had myocardial infarction of inferior wall which artery will damaged
on angiogram.
A. Anterior interventricular artery
B. Circumflex artery
C.Right Marginal artery
D. Right coronaryartery
E. Posterior descending artery
Ans: C
4.A 60 yr Female had discharging sinus in jaw and yellow granules,most likely causative
agent is

B. Pseudomonas
C. Nocardia
D. Actinomyces
E. Staphylococcus
Ans: D
5.Farmer in rose garden has Right lower lobe clacified mass 4x3 cm.
A. Aspirgilosis
C. Blastomycosis
D. Mucormycosis
E. Coccidiodomycosis
Ans: A
6.A Sportsman fell on his Right shoulder he felt severe pain and abduction of arm Upto 40
degree is lost which muscle is affected.
A. Deltoid
B. Supraspinatus
C. Infraspinatus
D. Teres major
E. Subcapularis
Ans: B
7. Lateral quadrant of breast drain into which nodes.
A. Parasternal
B. Posterior axillary group
C. Anterior axillary group
D. Lateral axillary group
E. Infraclavicular
Ans: C
8. Mass of hair shaft is mainly due to
A. Cortex
B. Matrix of nail
C. Bsale
D. Basle plus spinosum
E. Sebaceous gland
Ans: A
9. A 35 yr male usually goes to Dubai and has H/O immoral sexual activities and doesn't
use any protection.He has problem in walking in dark and loses balance,absent light
reflexe,no pain sensation,most likely diagnosis.
B. Tabes dorsalis
D. Syringomyelia
E. Lesion of Visual cortex
Ans: B
10. Pain of ovrian tumor is refered to thigh by
A. Femoral nerve
B. Obturator nerve
C. Sciatic nerve
D. Pudendal Nerve
E. Postrior cutaneous nerve of thigh
Ans: B
11. Neck of bladder and proximal urethra is supplied by.

A. Pudendal Nerve
B. Pelvi splanchnic nerve
C. sympathetic L1-L2 via hypogastric plexus
D. Lesser splanchnic nerve
E. illioinguinal nerve
Ans: C
12.Deep inguinal ring is present in
A. External oblique
B. internal oblique
C. Rectus abdominis
D. Peritoneum
E. Transversalis fascia
Ans: E
13. Vessels of base of bladder lies in which ligament
A. Dosrolateral
B. Ventrolateral
C. Median umblical
D. Puboprostatic
E. Illiofemoral
Ans: A
14. suprficial epigasric artry branch of
A. Femoral Artery
B. External illiac artery
C. Internal illiac artery
D. Abdominal aorta
E. Profunda femoris artery
Ans: A
15. which vein is involvd in portal hypertension
A. esophageal
B. Thoracic
C. Renal
D. Inferior phrenic
E. Inferior epigastric
Ans: A
16. Regarding sciatic nerve true statement is
A. Divides into common and superficial peroneal nerve
B. Passes through lesser sciatic foramen
C. Formed only by saccral segments
D. Present b/w greater trochentar and ischial tuberosity
E. Injury does not affect peroneus muscle
Ans: D
17. Median nerve damaged at carpel tunnel what will occur
A.wasting of thenar muscles
B. Loss of sensations of medial 1/3 of palmar surface
C. Loss of sesation of dorsal surface of hand
D. Loss of wrist flexion
E. Hypothenar atrophy
Ans: A
18. 17 ketosteroid in urine seen maximally in
A. Normal male
B. Normal female

C. Ovarectemized female
D. Adrenalectomizedze male
E. Adrenalectomized female
Ans: A
19. Median nerve damaged which action of thumb will impared.
A. Flexion
B. Abduction
C. Opposition
D. Extension
E. Adduction
Ans: C
20. Lymph from testis will drain into.
A. Internal illiac
B. External illiac
C. Internal + external
D. Paraortic
E. Superficial inguinal
Ans: D
21. sciatic nerve damaged dorsal surface of foot still have cutenous innervation because
A. Saphaneous nerve
B. Sural nerve
C. Common peroneal nerve
D. Tibial nerve
E. No sensations
Ans: A
22. Pulmonary symptoms caused by which parasitic disease
A. Filariasis
B. Ascariasis
C. Cystercercosis
D. Hydatid cyst
E. Trichinosis
Ans: B
23.Primary objective of Screening in cancer is
A. Detect disease which are treatable
B. Detect disease at early stage
C. Socially acceptable
D. Cheap
E. Requires confirmatory test
Ans: B
24. Post PPH, multiple blood transfusions from blood bank,O positive, will lead to
A. Thrombocytopenia
B. Hemochromotasis
C. Polycythemia
D. Thrombocytosis
E. Hypergammaglobinaemia
Ans: B
25. Regarding malignant melanoma cell in chronoligical order which wil present earlier
A. T cells
B. NK cells
C. Monocytes

D. Macrophages
E. B cells
Ans: B
26. Antiobiotic given, patient has deranged PT aPTT and normal platelets what will you
A. Whole blood
C. Cryoprecipitate
D. Warfarin
E. Vit. K
Ans: E
27. Organism which produces flourscent pigments and resistant to antibiotic & antiseptic.
A. Staphylococcus
B. Streptococcus
C. Pseudomonas
D. Mycobacterium
E. Treponema pallidum
Ans: C
28.Post HIV operation theater will be cleaned by.
A. 1% Hypochlorite
B. 2% gluteraldehyde
C. 4% glteraldehye
D. Phenol
E. Soap and water
Ans : B
29. Patient lacks coagulation factor 2,7,9,10 what is deficient.
A. Vit. C
B. Glutathione
C. Vit. A
D. Vit. K
E. Zinc
Ans: D
30. Relation of terminal CBD with head of pancreas
A. Anterior
B. Posterior
C. Medial
D. Embedded in it
E. No relation
Ans: D
31.Relation of Common Peroneal nerve with Bicep Femoris in popletial fossa
A. Lateral
B. Medial
C. Anterior
D. Posterior
E. Proximal
Ans: B
32. Most common Brain tumor of posterior cranial fossa in children.
A. Medulloblastoma
B. Astrocytoma
C. Maningioma

E. Hemangioma
Ans: A
33. which branch of cervical plexus supply posterior auricul area.
A. Auriculotemporal nerve
B. Lesser occipital nerve
C. Greater occipital nerve
D. Supratrochlear nerve
E. Zygomaticotemporal nerve
Ans: B
34. Fracture of which vertebral bone peice damage vertbral coulm.
A. Axis
B. Atlas
C. C5
D. C7
E. Occipetal bone
Ans: A
35. TLC 6 litre, Residual volum 1 litre, calculate vital capacity.
A. 3L
B. 4L
C. 5L
D. 6L
E. 4.5 L
Ans: C
36. Mild transplant rejection myosial biopsy shows.
A. Lymphocytes
B. Aneurysms
C. Antigen antibody complexes
D. Eosinophils
E. Macrophages
Ans: A
37. A patients undergoes Renal transplant ,he is on immunosuppressive therapy and
develops angular chelitis causative agent is.
C. Herpes
D. Candida Albicans
E. Aspergillus
Ans: D
38.In asthma which is increased.
A. Vital capacity
D. Tidal volume
E. All increased
Ans: C
39. At Normal condition both are equal.
A. Venous return and coronary flow
B. Venous return and renal flow
C. Cerebral flow and cornary flow
D. Venous return and pulmonary flow
E. Pulmonary flow and cornary flow

Ans: D
40. Long term memory immunoglobulin.
A. IgA
B. IgM
C. IgG
D. IgE
E. IgD
Ans: C
41. Loop diuretics therapeutic and dangerous effect
A. Acidosis
B. Hyperkalemia
C. Bradycardia
D. Low blood volume
E. Hypernateremia
Ans: D
42.Propofol absolute contraindication.
A. Porphyria
B. Hypertension
C. Hypersensitivity
D. Old age
E. Pregnancy
Ans: C
43. Acetozomalamide(diamox) MOA?
A. H+ absorption, Na K exceretion
B. Acts on Thick ascending loop
C. Acts on DCT
D. Osmotic diuretic
E. Causes alkalosis
Ans: A
44.Cranial nerve 7 9 10 taking taste sensation converge.
A. Medial Laminiscus
B. Solitary tract
C. Lateral geniculate body
D. Nucleus ambiguous
E. Dorsal NucleusI
Ans: B
45. 12 yr old boy brought by mother has yellow discolouration of sclera,anorexi, vomiting
and yellow coloured urine most appropriate test will be
A. Alkaline phosphatase
B. Bilirubin plus ALT
C. HBsAg
E. Liver biopsy
Ans: B
46.Sampling in which everyone has equal chance of being selected.
A. Systemic sampling
B. Random sampling
C. Stratified sampling
D. Biased sampling
E. Case control
Ans: B

47. 15 yr old boy has enlarged posterior cervical Lymph nodes, while taking biopsy which
nerve can be damaged.
A. Vagus nerve
B. Cranial Accessory nerve
C. Hypoglossal nerve
D. Spinal Acessory nerve
E. Glossopharyngeal nerve
Ans: D
48. Alpha receptors abundant in which part of urinary Bladder.
A. Trigon
B. Walls
C. Neck of bladder and proximal urethra
D. Base
E. Apex
Ans: C
49.parasympthetic stimulation causes
A. Bronchodilation
B. Constipation
C. Contraction of Sphincters
D. Increase Salivation
E. Contraction of Radial muscles
Ans: D
50. Viral infection caused by DNA virus
A. Measles
B. Mumps
C. Infectious mononucleosis
D. Rubella
E. Rabies
Ans: C
51. inferior thyroid artery ligation may cause injury to
A. External laryngeal nerve
B. Vagus nerve
C. Superior Laryngeal nerve
D. Recurrent Laryngeal nerve
E. Internal Laryngeal nerve
Ans: D
52. True about Choriostoma
A. Thyroid tissue on base of tongue
B. Pancreatic tissue in stomach
C. Cartilage tissue in lung
D. Is malignant
E. Teeth in dermoid cystcyst
Ans: B
53. After RTA Patient unconcious, on CT scan hematoma compressing post central
gyrus,area affected is
A. Motor area
B. Sensory area
C. Auditory cortex
D. Visual cortex
E. Frontal eyefield
Ans: B

54. In Sickle cells disease protein affected is

A. Albumin
B. Collagen
C. Elastin
D. Beta globin
E. Spectrin
Ans: D
55. Retroperitonial mass, close to psoas, no ocult blood, or intestinal obstruction
A. Adenocarcinoma
B. Liposarcoma
C. Hemartoma
D. Adenoma
E. Choristoma
Ans: B
56. In Iron deficiancy anaemia which is increased
A. Ferritin
C. Iron
D. Ceruloplasmin
E. RBCs size
Ans: B
57.thiazide diuretics act on
B. Collecting duct
C. Early DCT
E. Late DCT
Ans: C
58. Part of Portal system
A. Superior rectal vein
B. Inferior rectal vein
C. Inferior epigastric vein
D. Left renal vein
E. Adrenal vein
Ans: A
59. Circulating tumour cell most widely diagnosed by
A. Tumor markers
C. Peripheral blood film
E. Blood culture
Ans: C
60. A 60yr old alcoholic centrilobular congestion,neck veins distended, fibrosis passive
A. Alcoholic hepatitis
B. Right heart failure
C. Viral hepatitis
D. Fatty liver
E. Autoimmune hepatitis
Ans: B
61. Regarding NSAIDs True statement

A. Chronic use causes liver damage

B. Potent cox inhibiters
C. Cause pulmonary fibrosis
D. Does not cause GI irritation
Ans: B
62.Most rapidly adopting receptor
A. Pacinian
B. Ruffini
C. Free nerve enndings
D. Merkel
E. Golgi tendon organ
Ans: A
63.about veins of thorax
A. Supreme intercostal vein drains into SVC in pericardium
B. Azygous vein drains into SVC inside pericardium
C. Pulmonary vein lies anterior to pulmonary artery
D. Left brachiocephalic vein drains into SVC on left side
E. SVC drains into Left atrium
Ans: C
64. Awkward posture, wide gait,can't perform rapidly alternating tasks,past pointing.
A. Parkinsonism
B. Cerebellar leison
C. Wilson's disease
D. Subthalamic nucleus lesion
E. Huntington Disease
Ans: B
65. What happens to patient of tertiary syphilis
A. Atonic bladder
B. Hyperactive bladder
C. Loss of pain sensations from bladder
D. Resting tremors
E. Intension tremors
Ans: A
66.Grading determines
A. Pleomorphism
B. Metastasis
C. Tissue invasion
D. Degree of anaplasia
E. Size of tumor
Ans: D
67. In pneumothorax.
A.Contralateral chest will spring out and Lung collapse
B. Contralateral chest will spring in and lung collapse
C. Ipsilateral lung collapse and chest spring out
D. Ipsilateral lung expand and chest spring in
E. Ipsilateral lung collaps and chest spring in
Ans: C
68. A 14 yr child presented with bone growth in Diaphysis,radiolucent ,surrounded by
sclerotic bone,most likely diagnosis
A. Osteosarcoma
B. Ewing sarcoma

C. Osteoid osteoma
D. Chondrosarcoma
E. Giant cell tumor
Ans: B
69. Difficulty in breathing on lying down
A. Retrosternal goiterR
B. Toxic goiter
C. Toxic adenom
D. Graves disease
E. Multinodular goiter
Ans: A
70. A fisherman presented with slowly developing lethargy, easy fatigue and palpitations.
His diet comprises of fish and rice mostly. Physical examination showed pallor and loss of
touch sensations in both feet and lower limb. His CBC showed Hb 7.5/dl MCV 132
platelets and TLC normal.most likely causative parasite:
A. Ancylostoma duodenale
B. Diphylobothrium latum
C. Strongyloid stercoralis
D. Echinococcus
E. Tenia saginata
Ans: B
71. A pregnant lady during 5th month of Gestation is case of thyrotoxicosis,most
appropriate drug for treatment is
A. Methamazol
B. Propylthiouracil
C. Thyroxine
D. Propranolol
E. Labetalol
Ans: B
72. Most common position of Appendix
A. Parailial
B. Pelvic
C. Retrocecal
D. Paraillial
E. Subhepatic
Ans: C
73.TPN complication
A. Hypoglycemia
B. Hyperglycemia
C. Hypocalcemia
D. Hyperviscosity
E. Hypophosphatemia
Ans: B
74.INR is used to monitor
A. Heparin
B. Oral anticoagulant
C. Vit. K
D. Streptokinase
E. Enoxaparin
Ans: B
75. A young girl has patechie on body, no H/O of recent illness and drug use,laboratory

investigations show normal Hb and TLC count but platelets are decreased,most likely
A. Leukemia
B. Aplastic anemia
C. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
D. Thrombocytosis
E. Hemolytic anemia
Ans: C
76. True about AV Bundle
A. Only pathway to transmit current from atria to ventriclesO
B. Located in membranous part of interventricular septum
C. Divides into purkinji fibers
D. Is specialized nervous tissue
E. Left division supplies moderator band
Ans: A
77. False about active transport
A. Saturable
B. Occurs for all drugs
C. carrier mediated
D. Requires energy
E. Against concentration gradient
Ans: B
78. 0.5 cm perihilar nodule plus eosinophilia in blood sputum and biopsy?
A. Noinvasiv aspergilosis
B. wegner granulomatosis
C. Candidiasis
D. Blastomycosis
E. Pneumonia
Ans: A
79. Endothelium of vagina and Endometrium derived from
A. Endoderm
B. Mesoderm
C. Endoderm plus ectoderm
D. Mesoderm plus Endoderm
E. Ectoderm
Ans: B
80. Spleenectomy, vassels present in which ligment
A. Gastrospleenic
B. Splenorenal
C. Greater omentum
D. Gastrohepatic
E. Gastroduodenal
Ans: B
81. Rectus sheath true statement
A. Upper intersection near xiphoid process
B. Lower intersection at level of arcuate line
C. Tightly adherent to both layers of rectus sheath
D. Lower intersection at level of pubic tubercle
E. Are 6 in number
Ans: A
82. Regarding isotonic and isometric contraction isotonic contraction

A. More ATP used

B. No work is done
C.Muscle uses high energy phosphate bonds
D. Heat of activation is greater
E. Muscle is less efficient
Ans: C
83. A 12-year-old boy with hemophilia A has had episodes of pain about his knees for the
past 6 years. Over time, there has been an increase in size of his knee joints, with
deformity. Laboratory studies show decreased levels of coagulation factor VIII activity.
Which of the following materials is most likely to be seen within the joint space following
episodes of pain?
A Lipofuscin
B Russell bodies
C Neutrophils
D Cholesterol crystals
E Anthracotic pigment
Ans: D
84. Origin of diaphragm
A. Cervical somites
B. Septum transversm
C. Lateral Mesoderm
D. Thoracic somites
E. Lumber Somites
Ans: A
85. Most common brain tumor
B. Astrocytoma
C. Maningioma
D. Schwannoma
E. Hemangioma
Ans: A
86.Regarding primary peristalsis
A. Esophageal sphincter relaxes ahead of primary peristalsis
B. Sphincter relax when peristalsis reachw
C. Not controlled by autonomic nervous system
D. Are Voluntary
Ans: A
87. Gastric emptying
A. Increased by fatty meal in esophagus
B. Decreased by secretin
C. Increased by CCK
D. Increased by alcohol
Ans: B
88. During inspiration what decreases
A. Heart Rate
B. Venous return
C. Volume of thoracic cavity
D. Negative pleural pressure
E. Volume of arterial pulse
Ans: E
89. Ventral surface of foot is supplied by

A. Superficial peroneal nerve

B. Deep peroneal nerve
C. Saphenous nerve
D. Posterior tibial nerve
E. Sural nerve
Ans: D
90.great cerebral veinof Gallen is present in which Cistern
A. Cisterna Magna
B. Cistern of Ambiens
C. Interpeducullar fossa
D. Pontine Cistern
E. cerebral Cistern
Ans: B
91.Hodgkin's lymphoma,cervical lymph nodes,spleen involved
A. Stage 1
B. Stage 2
C. Stage 2E
D. Stage 3
E. Stage 4
Ans: D
92.In Males LH acts on.
A. Leyding cells
B. Sertoli cells
C. Spermatocytes
D. Spermatogonia
E. Granulosa cells
Ans: A
93.Saphenous vein has velves
A. 15
B. 20
C. 25
D. 30
E. 40
Ans: B
94. which one is first line of Defence in body tissues.
A. Lymphocytes
B. Macrophages
C. Neutrophils
D. Plasma Cells
E. Fibroblasts
Ans: B
93. Which will cause extracellular compartment to increase maximum
A. Hypotonic Saline
B. Isotonic saline
C. Hypertonic Saline
D. Hypertonic urea
E. Distilled water
Ans: C
94. Most common finding in Glycogen Storage Disease is
A. Hyperglycemia,spleenomegaly
B. Hypoglycemia, spleenomegaly

C. Hyperglycemia, Hepatomegaly
D. Hypoglycemia, Hepatomegaly
E. Hyperglycemia,mental retardation
Ans: D
95. True statement regarding Bone
A. Circuferrential lamella arranged around central canal
B. Haversian canals are obliquely placed
C. Lacunae contain osteoblasts
D. Haversian canals do not communicate with each other
E. Collagen fibers impart basophilia to the tissue
Ans: A
96. Increased plasma osmolarity causes
A. Stimulation of osmoreceptors and release of ADH
B. Stimulation of osmoreceptors and inhibition of ADH
C. Inhibition of osmoreceptors and release of ADH
D. Inhibition of osmoreceptors and inhibition of ADH
Ans: A
97. Most commonly fractured carpal bone
A. Lunate
B. Scaphoid
C. Trapizium
D. Hamate
E. Capitate
Ans: B
98. Branch of external carotid atery which arises from medial side, behind the posterior
belly of diagstric muscle in substance of parotid gland is
A. Ligual artery
B. Occipital artery
C. Facial artery
D. Ascending pharyngeal artery
E. Superior thyroid artery
Ans: C
99. A female in day 18 of menstrual cycle,which phase of menstrual cycle will be
A. Follicular phase
B. Proliferative phase
C. Ovulation
D. Secretory phse
E. Menstruation
Ans: D
100. Blood cells able to regenerate beacuse of
A. Growth factors
B. Erythrpoiten
C. Insulin
D. Growth hormone
E. IL- 2
Ans: A
Compiled by: Muhammad Saqlain

Nov 2015

1-- During exercise increased blood supply to muscles is due to

A)Local metabolites
B)Parasympathetic stimulation
C)Sympathetic stimulation

2)Release of neurotransmitter due to A)Eflux of Calcium in presynaptic fibres

B)Influx of calcium in presynaptic fiber.
C)Influx of Potassium in presynaptic fibres
D)Eflux of Chloride
3)Regarding blood supply in the brain?
A. Middle cerebral artery supplies foot area
B. Arteries don't anastomose on the surfac of the brain
C. Arteries don't anastomose after entering the brain substance
D. Internal capsule is supplied by anterior cerebral artery
4)True regarding male reproductive system
A)Sertoli cells have role in testosterone production
B)Testosterone produced by leydig cells of testes.
C)FSH inhibits testosterone release
5--ovarian cancer first metastasize to:
A) par aortic lymph nodes.
B)Superficial Inguinal lymph nodes

C)Deep Inguinal lymph nodes


6- testesA)para aortic lymph nodes

B)Superficial Inguinal lymph nodes
C)Deep Inguinal lymph nodes
7--structure passing through pelvic inlet is:
A - ureter
B- iliacus
C- psoas
8-- Mullerian duct counterpart :
A - ductus deferens
b- vaginal fornices and ureteric cervix
C- rete testis cords
9--common iliac arteries :
A)crossed by ureter at their bifurcation
B)Cross sigmoid colon
10--hypophysectomy effects
A - principal cells of thyroid
B- principal cells of parathyroid

11--Ileococcygeal ligament located at level of:

A - L2
B- S2
C- Coccygeal 1
12- DNA replication occur in:
A - metaphase
B- interphase
C- prophase
13--regarding epithelia and cells:
A - simple squamous epithelium is usually found at places where exchange of gases takes place
14--surface marking of oblique fissure of lung would be:
A - T2 spine around thorax to 5th costochondral junction
B-T2 spine arround thorax to 6th costochondral junction(asim key)
C-T3 spine arround thorax to 6th costochondral junction
15--ovaries can change their position but can't leave the pelvic cavity due to:
A uterus
16-- which of the following is most likely correct regarding lesser pelvic in female:
A - has an outlet bounded by ischeopubic rami and sacrotuberous ligaments (asim gynea bcq#
135 anatomy)
17--secondary oocyte indergoes the 2nd reduction devision:
A - after fertilization- (asim gynea-gynea portion bcq #40)
18-- in which of the following conditions ocps contraindicated:
A - migraine ( gynea-mix portion bcq #5)
19--after 5 years of transplant surgery there is an increase incidence of :
A- lymphoproliferative disorders
B- liver malignancy

20--aorta :gives renal arteries at level of L2
21--12 Years old girl with hb- 6,, mcv-59fl,, mch-15pg:
A - iron deficiency anemia
B- thalassemia trait
22--iron deficiency anemia typical senario
23-- Tx of diabetes in pregnant woman

24--longest incubation period:

A - hep B
B- hiv (ans)
C- Tb D- typhoid
25--primary oocyte surrounded by zona pellucida and zona granullosa and fluid filled spaces is
most likely:
A - 2ndry follicle ( Asim- gynea anatomy bcq# 75)
26--female 28 weeks gestation,, presents with poly hydroamnios:
A - duedenal atresia
A-induces neural tube formation
B-induces overlying ectoderm to form nueral plates
(Asim shoaib gynae page 31)

28- most common fractured bone in lower limb:

Tibia ( rabia ali) #68
29--itra -amniotic infections:IL- 6

30--male pt has nearly transplanted,, is on immunosuppressive therapy, develops headache,

culture reveals gram positive organ with hallow arround nucleus. Cause of meningitis:
A - cryptococcus (asim)
31--which of the following are boundaries of pelvic inlet:
A - pubic crest (ans)
B- pubic tubercles
C- iliac crest
32--pudendal nerve root value:s2- 4
33--collagen fiber:
A - are abudent in ligament flavum
B- stained with eosin dye (key rabia ali)
34-- female with cervical dysplasia, , which test will be 95% reliable:
A - pap smear
35---Pulmonary blood flow hindered by
Pulmonary embolism

36-- prolactin secretion controlled by :

A - prolactin inhibiting hormone
37-- bladder venous drainage:
A - internal iliac vein
A- straight structure
B- s3s4s5 (ans)
39--structure immediately medial to femoral hernia:
A - femoral vein
B- femoral artery
C- lacunar ligament (ans)
40--ligament which held uterus in anteverted position and can be palpated on rectal examination:
A - uterosacral ligament
41--14years old child with 8% creatinine, , bp 180/ 110. structur involved:
A - juxta glomerular cells
42--mother blood group A,, 0ne child 0 nd other child AB, FATHER have blood group:
A - A B- O

C- AB D- B (ans)
E- two childrens have two fathers
43--whole wheat is good source of:
A - thiamine(ans)
B- riboflavin
44--Highest cholesterol content:
A - egg (ans)
B-red meat c- white meat
45--tip of scapula:
A - T7 (ans)
B- T8
46--BREAST atrophy in adult female caused by: A-estrogen B- both estrogen and progesterone
47-- Metaplasia:
A - functional change in cells
B- inc in size and nbr of cells
48--councilmans bodies senario:
A - Apoptosis
49- male pt with dyspepsia and loss of appetite,Alcoholic, finding on biopsy:
A - Mallory bodies
50--c3b is involved in:
A-apsonization ( ans)
51--finding of acute inflammation fluid:
A - specific gravity 1010
B- is known as Transudative
C- protein > 3gm/ dl (ans)
52--female with diffuse cervical lymphadenopathy.He has granuloma on histopathology.which is
the further findi for diagnosis of tb:
A - caseous necrosis (ans)
B- epitheloid cells
53--self replicative organelles. peroxisomes contain oxidase develops from:
A - smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ans)
B- lysosomes

54--pulmonary embolism caused by:

A - left ventricular myxoma
B- deep venous thrombosis of legs (ans)
C- abnormal pulmonary blood flow
55-- Female with arthritis, rashes,, rynouds phenomenon, which is "specifiic" test:
A-anti Ds antibodies(ANS)
B-ANA (sensitive)
56-- which of the following is benign:
A -hepatoma
B-adenoma( ans)
57--tumor with all 3 germ layers:
A - teratoma
58--sensitive marker of myocardial damage:
A - Troponin T
59--Myocardial infarction due to blockage of LEFT circumflex artery, which will be affected :
A - left atrium and left ventricle
60-- WHICH of the following is associated with adult polycystic kidney disease-cerebral
hemorrhage(berry aneurysm)
61- adult polycystic kidney disease:autosomal dominant
62--pt with tachycardia and palpitations, tsh is low but on giving TRH tsh is incresed,, , , where
is the problem:
A - primart hypothalamus (ans)
B- anterior pituitary
63--Multiple fractures occur in which disease:
A - osteoporosis (ans)
B- vita. D deficiency
C- hyperparathyroidism
D- cushings syndrome
64--0ne gram of protein gives
Ans- 4 calories
65--counselling is:helping patients themselves
66-- A girl of 8 years, at terminal illness is asking to you "am I going to die",, your response
should be:
A - what your parents have told you

67--individuals have the independent and same chance of being selected:(was repeated in both
A - random sampling (ans)
B- stratified sampling
C- systemic sampling
68--Adh and oxytocin originate from:
A - hypothalamus (ans)
B- posterior pituitary
69--pt injured in accident, , , multiple fractures, bp- 90/ 60, pulse 12o:
A - fluid replacement
70--chemical synapse most likely:
A - ca uptake and release of Ach into cleft ( please add option)
71--isotonic and isometric cintraction. isotonic contraction is different by:
A - consume more phosphate bonds ( ans)
B- less work load
C- have more energy of recovery
D- heat production
72--major stress hormone:
73-- Major blood buffer is:
A - bicarbonate
74-- epinephrine released from adrenal medulla cause vasodilation by which adrenergic
A - A2
B-B2 (ans)
75--autonomic nervous system:
A- - parasympathetic inc salivary secretions
76-- 2nd heart sound:
A - closure of pulmonary and aortic valves
77-- tricuspid valve auscultation:
A -lower end sternum on rht side
78-- Mean systemic filling pressure:
A -affects mean arterial pressure
B-venous return (ans)

79--anemic hypoxia is caused byA-cynide poisoning

B- methehemoglobinemia ( ( ans )
80-- inc in both renal blood flow d gfr:
A - dilatation of afferent arterioles
81-- ameobic liver abscess diagnosis by:
A - serology ( ans)
82--typhoid 1st week -blood culture
83-- - typhoid 2nd week- blood and widal test
84--thorn prick- s. aureus
85--finding of falciparum malaria- black water fever
86--quartain malaria---p. malarea
87--characteristic finding of c. botulism:
A-flacid paralysis of muscles
88- chronic renal failure cause of anemia:
Erythropoieten dec production
89-- phase 1 biotransformation reaction-- oxidation
90- Protrusion of mandible:
Lateral pterygoid
91--muscles of back supplied by: dorsal primary ramus
92-- cerebellar lesion:
A - dysmetria
93--- Decussating of medial lemniscuses A) Internal Arcuate Fibers.
B)Dorsal external arcuate fibres
C)Spinothalamic fibres
94-- nerve accompany superficial temporal artery:
A auriculotemporal nerve

95--Regarding blood supply of brain:

A - middle cerebral artery supply foot area
96-- x ray anteroposterior shadow of right border of heart formed by:
97-- carbohydrates and proteins combined and secreted from:
A - golgi apparatus
98-- most likely about tbyroid :
A - drain into deep cervical lymph nodes
99--gamma motor neurons:
A - end of intrafusal fibers (ans)
B- central portion of intrafusal fibers
100--pulmonary artery supply:
A - alveoli
101--brochogenic carcinoma most likely associated with:
102-- which of the following mediates pain:
A - bradykinin
103-- lady with major abdominal surgery develops dyspnoea:
Pulmonary embolism
Performed after 14 weeks
105-- local cause of delayed wound healing:
A - infection
106-- large inc in blood volume occur in:
A-hypertonic nacl ( ans)
B- hypotonic nacl
C- distilled water
107-- GVE fibers of vagus arise from:
A- dorsal nucleus (ans)
B- nucleus ambiguous
108-- discharge from muscle spindles decreases when:
A - muscle contracts

109-- Crl- 8 weeks

110- before giving sodium valproate:
111- nitric oxide plus 0xygen-good analgesia
112--preterm labour-- b. vaginosis
113-- hcg- maintains corpus luteum ( prevents from involusion)
114-- male access0ry gland-prostate
115-- 45 years old with flushes-- inc fsh and Lh
116--turner karyotype- 45xo
117-- germinal follicles:-A- cortex of lymph nodes
118--24 years old with dysurea and urethritis:
A - chlamydia ( ans)
B- trachomonas vaginalis
C.Ureaplasma urealyticum
D.Mycoplasma genutalis

119-- gold standard for breat cancer:

120-- 53 years old lady admitted in comatose stated, blood sugar 400,,
+4 sugar in urine,, no ketone bodies and albuminuria..
DM- II (I did)
121--iron deficiency anemia in pregnant lady-- TIBC AND IRON
122--Philtrum of upper lip:
Tw0 Medial nasal processes
123--clot retraction:
124-- intermittent pain of small intestine is felt:-Umblical region
125--venous drainage of urinary bladder:-- interal iliac

126-- after 15 days of c- section due to obstructive labour.. pt developed urinary incontinence.
what is the most likely cause:
Vesico vaginal fistula
127-- lymphatic drainage of upper lateral quadrant of breast-- pectoral ( anterior) lymph nodes
128-- breast lobes---separated by interlobar stroma (I did)
Please add options
129--how good is a test at correctly diagnosi diagnosing people with the condition. Feature
Sensitivity (asim gynea bcq# 151)
130--40% receiving hrt,, 20% not- pie chart
131--pO2 is lower in arterial blood than pulmonary blood because-- diffusion to occur ( I did)
132-- nucleoli wala bhi tha not exactly remember please add options:
A- contain DNA
B- contain RNA AND non histone proteins
C- Haematoxylin dye stains nulcleus purple ( I did that)
133- local anesthetic mechanism of action:
A) blocking Na channels
B)Acting ON Pain receptors
134-- lady with back ach on right side,neck of femur fractured due to slipage in washroom.Blood
calcium is raised and calcium appeared in urine,, diagnosis:
A-hyperparathyroidism(I did)
135-- phosphorylase enzyme raised to cause glycogenolysis due to deficiency of which hormone:
A - insulin (ans)
B- glucagon
C- epinephrine
D- cortisol
136-- most common cause of anemia in pregnancy:-hemodilution
137-- enzymes are specific for male and female hormones production,,, enzyme only for female
hormones production:
A - aromatase ( I did)
138-- male pt with severe hemorrhage,presented in unconscious state,, transfused with 2 weeks
old blood.
Blood mainly contain:
A - Rbcs (ans)

B- platelates
C- monocytes
D- neutrophills
139--which of the following environmental factors cause mutation of proto oncogenes:
A - virus
B- radiation( chandkian medicine bcq# 263)
C- chemical
140-- maternal mortality ratio is xpressed as maternal deaths per:
A-100000 (ans)
B- 10000
141-- cells which contain sense granules and have igE antibodies on their cell membrane are:
A - basophills (ans)
B- eisiphills
C- macrophages
142-- child admitted in unconscious state with rapid respiration. Blood ABGs: ph-7. 3 3,, c0220,, hco3- 18.
A- metabolic acidosis (ans)
B- respiratory acidosis
143-- functionalis:
Corpus striatum and corpus
144-- free nerve endings for sensation of:-pain
145--current bone density is assessed by:
A -dexa (asim gynea: bcq# 436)
146--most common cause of gram negative septic shock-Urinary tract ( asim gynea patho- bcq# 6)
147-- tamoxifen effects over- breast
148-- female presented with some epithelial changes nd hpv +ve.Again presents and pap smear
shows large cells with large nucleus.Diagnosis
B- dysplasia(I did)
C- carcinoma
149-- clostridium:
A - spore producing (ans)

B- produces exotoxin
C-gram negative
150--leprosy diagnosis in early stage:
A -nasal scrapings of lepra bacilli ( asim gynea patho bcq#223)
151-- natural defence againt cancer:-apoptosis
152--p53 mutation results:
Cell survival
153--1st line of defe in tissues:
A- macrophages (ans)
B- neutrophills
C- monocytes
154-- few weeks after delivery regression of uterus and breast:
A - lysosomes
155--inc stroke volume is due to:
A - inc heart rate at normal volume
B- large blood volume (ans)
156-- transport of glucose across placenta:-facilitated
157-- transport of local anesthetic across placenta - simple diffusion
158--Most common injured artery during difficult c- section:A- uterine artery (ans )
B- internal iliac artery
C- common iliac
159-- Associatio of smoking with low birth weight and their relation is followed by time,, thiz
type of study:
A - cross sectional
B- clinical trial
C- cohort
D- prospective (ans)
E- retrospective
160-- maximum effect produced by a drug is measure of its:

b(rabia ali)
161-- pulmonary system is cahnge from systemic in:
A)High resistance
B) low vascular resistance
162-- patient has proteinuria > 6gm/ dl.structure damaged:A)PCT
C)Basement membrane
163--cutting of parasympathetic nervous system most likely:A affects pulmonary resitance
B affects sphincteric action
C-affects git muscles
164-- during inspiration what decreases:
A - HR
B- Venous return
C- negative intra plueral pressure
D-arterial pressure
E- pulse pressure
165)On Lumbar Puncture structure damaged:
A-Ligamentum falvum
B-Anterior longitudinal ligament
C-dura matter
D-Posterior longitudinal ligament

166-- vaginal lymphatic drainage below hymen:

A)Medial group of superficial inguinal lymph nodes
B)Posterior group of superficial inguinal ligamnet
C)Deep inguinal ligament

167-- alpha amino group of non essential amino acids is derived from:
A - pyruvate
B- glutamate
C- lactate dehydrogenase
D- acetyl coA
168-- micturation controlled by :
A- Mechanoreceptors in bladder wall.
B-Inhibited by a centre in pons.
C- condition reflex.
D-processed in cerebral cortex.
E.stretch of urethral sphincter...

mechanoreceptors in bladder wall (I did)
169-- pelvic splanchnic nerve:
A - contain postganglionic fibers

170-- phosphodiesterase inhibitors increase cardiac contractility by:

A-blocking adenycyclase
B- inhibition of convertion of ADP to Atp
C- degradation of Camp

171--regarding active transport of drugs unlikely:
A - saturable
B- all transported by this mechanism
172- virus cause carcinomas by oncogenes mutation,, which of the following carcinoma occur by
this mechanism:
A - retinoblastoma
B- hepatic angiosarcoma
C - renal carcinoma
D - T-cell leukemia
173-- cause of edema:
Inc hydrostatic pressure
Dec hydrostatic pressue
174-- cause of edema:
Lymphatic blockage
Dec hydroststic pressure
175-- peritoneum lining abdominal visceras is called:
A - viscral peritoneum (
B- parietal peritoneum
176-- h. pylori is associated with:A-gastric carcinoma

A - DEC urinary osmolality
B- inc urea transport in DCT
C- inc plasma osmolarity
178-- 42 years old pregnant lady,, suggested for chorionic villous sampling.What you suspect:
A - trisomy- 21
B trisomy 18
C- trisomy 13
179--pt with moon facies excessive fat deposition at chest and abdominal areas,, ACTH raised,,
A - cushing disease
B- cushing syndrome
180) A patient presented on 18th day of menstrual cycle.Her normal cycke is such that she
ovulates on 14th day.Which phase will she be in
c)pre menstrual
181--True hermaphrodite
A- xxy
B- xx/xy

182-- lady with low serum calcium and high potassium, high plasma potassium and normal
alkaline phosphatase:
Rabia Ali page 225
183-- standard deviation shows:
a. size of sample
b. reliability of sample
c. variability among individuals
d. validity of conclusions
e. quality of experimental design

184-- inc p02 & dec pC02 resultsA)hyperventilation

185-- Adh acts through-A)0smoreceptors
186-- Best test for diabetic nephropathy??
a serum creatinine clearance
b urinary albumin

187-- child with yellow sclera and colored urine best investigation:
A)ALT & bilirubin

188-- in atopic asthma cells with inc activity-A-mast cells

B- eisinophills
C- macrophages

189- A girl with primary amenorrhea ,, height 5. 4,, weight 60 kg.well developed breasts , small
vagina,, no uteeus on u/s,, genotype xy ( no bar body)
A- testicular feminization
B-adrenogenital syndrome

190)Regarding renin angiotensin system involved in long term regulation of blood pressure bc:
A - Renal effects
B- aldosterone

191In young boy dyspnea produced on lying A)Nodular goiter

B)Retrosternal goiter.
C)Hyperplastic iffuse goiter
192-- Potassium is mainly regulated by

193-- Before giving GA to a patient halothane is combined with
B)Nitrous Oxide
194---The spindle fibers will decrease in discharge of impulses when A)Muscle contracts
B)When efferent gamma discharge occurs
muscle contracts
195) Pars distalis:
A - supplied from superior hypophyseal artery
B- blood supply from hypthalamic hypophyseal system
C- stores hormones in the form of vesicles in herring bodies
D- develops from neuroectoderm
E- Related to neurohypophysis
196-Shigella dysentery effects are due to :
A - endotoxemia
B- mucosal invasion
C - verotoxin
D - neurotoxin
E- inhibit protein synthesis
197)burkits lymphoma is caused by EBV because:
A - it interferes with DNA repair

B- produces toxin against DNA

C- Produces mito mitochondrial toxin
D- Antibodies to viral capsid are present in all individuals with burkitt lymphoma
E- common Africans
198-collecting system of permanent Kidney derived from :
A - mesonephric ducts
B- mesonephric tubules
C- ureteric bud

=-=Surgery 20th November 15

1.internal carotid a damage, bleeding, at what vertebral tubercle u will press to stop bleeding?
2.cysticercosis caused by,,
A. ingesting eggs of tenia solium
b.ingesting cysts of tenia solium
c. eating uncooked meat
d. eating uncooked mutton
3.which drug has more effect on coxII than cox I ?
c. nalproxane
4.Internal oblique muscle aponeurosis?
a.form conjoint tendon
b. post boundary of inguinal canal
c. external spermatic fascia
D.conjoint tendon
5.suboccipital n supply which muscle
b. lattisimus dorsi
c. trapezius
D.rectus capitis post
6.regarding intercostobrchial nerve true is ,,
a. loss of nerve supply side of arm
C. 2nd intercostal sensory
d.loss to preganglionic sympethaetic
7.Normal rasonance are,,
A. rt 2nd to 4th midclvicular line

b.rt 4th to 6th midclavicular asian population most common cause of macrocytosis
A. liver diease
d. alchol
9.RCA after ginving marginal branch obstruction affect ,,
a.SA node
B. AV node
c. apex of heart
d.right atrium
10.penile urethra rupture ,,
A. scortum under colles fascia
b.tunica vahinilis
d.deep fascia
which one is benign tumor,,
A. warthin
11.middle rectal artery branch of, ,,
A.internal iliac
c.common iliac
d. superior mesenteric
12.right testis tumor nodes drain into ,
A. paraaortic
b. righ deep inguinal
c.superficial inguinal
13.Chlamydial infection causing chlamydia psittacosis is,,
A.obligate intracellular
b.DNA derived from host
14.scenerio of granuloma wid yellow pigment ,,
A. actinomyecets
15.painful papule at labia ,,,
a. hsv II
A.hsv I
c. vz
d. CMV
16.most perinium and pelvis nerve supplied by,,
17.maintain flexor tone arm by ,,
c.reticulo spinal
D.rubro spinal
18.lower motor neuron lesion...
A.muscle wasting
c.positive Babinski
d. spasticity
19.hemisetion with total spinal section differentaiad by ,,
a.paraplegia in extension
b. degre of reflex activity
c.sensory loss permanent
D.spinal shock

20.which one is most common exocrine pancreas tumor ,,

A.ductal adenocarcinoma
b.acinar adenocarcinoma
21.delayed action of insulin,,,
a.glucose inside cell
b.potasium inside cell
c.inhibit protein catabolism
d. protein synthesis
E. stimulate mRNA transcription for lipogenesis [confirm it by urslf ]
22.gas having mximum diffusion capacity in body fluids,,,
A. CO2
23.dec PO2 in blood..
a.CO poisoning
d.cyanide poisong
24.A person living on river side since 2yrs, having blindness, opthalmologist indentify which
b. wucheria
c. loa
25.during surgery thyroid nerve present to a distance to superior thyroid artery,
A.externl lyryngeal
b.internal laryngeal
26.antrum of stomach removed wht happen ,
a.dec compliance acid output
c.increase gastrin
27.margins of TB ulcer,
28.ulcer due to hypertension,,
C. martorell
29. PTU:
A. Inhibits synthesis of thyroid hormones homonymous hemianopia
B. Inhibits release of thyroid hormones
30.Right optic tract lesion causes,,
a.right homonymous hemianopia
b.left homonymous hemianopia
31.Internal laryngeal nerve passes through,,
a.Arytenoid n cricoids cartilage
b.Cricoid n thyroid
C.Thyroid n hyoid
32.prgnanacy related senerio, PT and APTT inc (too long scenario but answer DIC :

33 .which is used for screening congenital abnormality,,
34.phenyl over alcohol anaesthesia ,,
a. effect detected soon
B.less painful
c.phenol most potent
35.patient developed hemolysis due toG6PdD deificiency nxt happen,,
A.self limiting
b.hemolysis with G6PD
c.autosomal domint
36.Primitive streak mesoderm cells migrate around the cloacal membrane to form ant. Abdominal
wal cell, if ths migration does not hapen around the cloacal membrane will ruptureand open
caudly as.
A. exstrophy of bladder
b.imperfrate anus
d.ectopic anal opning
37.liver development ,
a.from dorsal mesentry proximal midgut
B.from ventral mesentry proximal foregut
c. from ventral mesentry distal foregut
d. ventral mesentry proximal midgut
38. Saphenous nerve terminal br of
A. femoral
B. obturator
39. Adductor muscle hamstring muscle supplied by which nerve
A . tibial
B. Obturator
D.common peroneal
40.gracillis nerve supplied by ,
A.obturator nerve
b. femoral
c. common peroneal
41. Adductor brevis supplied by,,
A. ant branch of obturator nerve
c.common peroneal
42.Fracture of surgical neck of humerus, artery damaged,
a.axillary nerve humeral
43.common bile duct parts,,
a. omental, retroduodenal, paraduodenal
B. omental, retroduodenal, paraduodenal, intaduodenal
c.retroduodenal, paraduodenal, intraduodenal
44.human intermediate host ,,
A. hydatid cyst
45.loss of small muscle of one hand damage,
A. C8,T1
B. ulnar
D. C5 C6

46.inion landmark for what,

a. glabella
b. pterion
C. extrnal occipital prominence
D. internal occipital groove
47.gastroduodenal artery branch of,
A.right hepatic artery
48.regarding tramadol true is,
a.kappa nd meu
b.strong kappa
c.weak kappa
d.strong meu
E.weak meu agonist
49.ketorolac analgesia most preferable,,
a.Thoractosy patient with ozzing blood from wound
b. hernoraphy wid patient of peptic ulcer
C.Non diabetic cholecyctectomy
D.Asthmatic patient having inguinal hernia repair
50.Radiotherapy most sensitive to,
b.pineal tumor
c.midbrain glioma
D.glial glioma
51.bilateral exopthlmos, antithyroid antibody present,,
52.epitheial changes in endocervix in squamous tissue due to ,,
53.normal rasonance area in,,
A. right 2nd to 4th midclvicular line
b. right 4 to 6 midclavicular
c.left 2nd to 4 mid clavicular
d.left 2nd to 4 midaxillary
54.which one drain into left brachiocephalic vein,,,
a. sup thyroid
b.middle thyoid
C.inf thyroid
d. facial
55.64 year Old man with posterior cervical lympadenopathy which is firm and mobile. Hb 13-14 hct
40 wbc 7230 plateletes 250000 no hepato splenomegaly seen biopay showed numerous small
monomophic lyphocytes,,
a.infectious mononucleosis
b.hodgkin lymphcyte predominant
d.reactive hyper plasia
56.hb 10, O2 sturation 90, PO2 60 , ask abt to calculate O2 contents,,
57.girl with h/o of gum bleeding, giant platelets , plt count 85k, ,,,
b.bernaud solier

c.familial thrombocytopathy
58.required for transport of B12 in blood,
a.intrinsic factor
b.TC 1
C. TC2
d.TC 3
59.terminal ileum removed what happens,,
A.large amount of water in feces
b. decreased amino acid absorption
c.increased bile acid and entero hepatic circulation
d.increased fat absorption
60.protein content less in glomerular filtrate occur due to
A.pore size and negative charge
b.rapid active transport absorbtion
61.35 year old man bilateral crepts, on xray chest heart fills completely,mass in rt ventricl , what
wil b the main cause..
62.flexor hallucis longus,,
a.tendion can be felt immediately post to medial maleolus
b.inserted on first metarsal base
63.superficial parotid painless tumor, psudopoid growth, contain no capsule on histopatho ,,
d.cyst adeno carcimona
64..Reflexes correctly marched,,
A.Bicep c6
b.triceps C8
c.abdominal L5 S1
d.knee L4 L5
65.Rt ovarian vein drains into,,
b.renal vein
66.regarding posterior communicating artery,,
a.connect post cerebral to internal carotid
b.connect post and middle cerebral
c. pass anterior to occulomotor and connect internal carotid with post cerebral
D.Its coonects internal carotid with posterior cerebral
e.connect post cerbellar inernal carotid
67.ADH is inhibited by,
b.increased plasma osmolarity
c.angiotensin 2
d.dec ECF
Q68.large Bolus stuck after eating what will happen next,
a. Its never happens
b.swallowing centre activated
C.secondary persiatlisis will be generayed by intrinsic nervous sytem to remove it
Q69.whn will u do dilaysis whn gfr decreases by %,,
A. 5

70.Death of Gas gangrene is,,,
A.Toxemic shock
b.excessive necrosis
ecrosis i rai
A. Liquefactive
71.infection related to pretracheal layer will spread to,,
A.Ant mediastinum
b.sup mediastinum mediastinum
C. all drugs transported by this mechanism
d.involves cariers
72.organism causing cerebral malaria,,
A. p. falciparum
b.p. vivax
c.p. malaria
73.regarding piturtry gland true is
A.vein drain directly in dural sinuses
b.partly derived from foregut
c.related to ethmoidal sinus
d.optic chiasm lie anteriorly
74.. Patient with fluid loss now show metabolic acidosis e hypokalemia. most fluid loss will be
A. Stomach
B. Colon
C. Pancreas
D. Duodenum
E. Jujenum
75.Anemia wid Blast Cells in peripheral blood:
A. Iron deficiency anemias
B. Erythroblastosis fetalis
C. Folate deficiency
D. Bone marrow depression
76. Closure of lips involve: or unable to close lips which muscle involved:
a. Depressor anguli oris
b. Depressor labii inferioris
c. Depressor labi superioris
d. Orbicularis oris
e. Lateral pterygoid
77. Superior Thyroid artery arise from:
A. First branch of Subclavian Artery
B. External Carotid Artery
C. Internal Carotid Artery
78. Incubation period of which disease is longest:
A. Measles
B. Rubella
C. Chicken pox
D. Infectious Mononucleosis
E. Mumps
79. Regarding CSF true is,, 150 ml
B. production rate 20 ml/hr

C.produced by ependymal cells of choroid plexus

D. Arachnoid villi are visible
80.Age estimation at 5th to 12th week is done through:
A.Biparietal diameter
B. Crown rump length
C. Crown heel length
D. Abdominal circumference
81.Amoeba causes lesions in which part of gut:
A. Terminal ileum
B. Cecum
C. Ascending colon
D. Transverse colon
E. Sigmoid and rectum
82.Buccopharyngeal Membrane:
A. Stomodium from Foregut
B. Nose from Pharynx
83. Shivering center is located in:
A. Anterior hypothalamus
B. Posterior hypothalamus
84.A 30 year old woman in azad kashmir was injured mildly in an earthquake that killed many
people apart from her distant uncle. She would most probably be in,
A. Social crisis
B. Personal crisis
C. Situational crisis
D. Developmental crisis
85. Which ligament supports odontoid process of axis on atlas,
A. Posterior longitudinal ligament
B. Anterior longitudinal ligament
C. Tranverse ligament
D. Ligamentum nuchae
86.. C7 Vertebrae has:
A. Longest spine
B. Broad body
87. conversion of fibronogen into fibrin what will b detected in blood
A. Prothrombin
88. Percentage of Plasma out of ECF:
A. 30%
B. 20%
C. 50%
89. Newborn with a Erythroblastosis Fetalis having Blood group B postive what is best for
A. Any blood with Rhpostive
B. B Negative
90. If a person is taking Protein in his diet which will be necessary:
A. Riboflavin
B. Thiamine
91. Group of young men bathing n beech next day develop blisters on back shoulder limbs region
cause is:
A. Mast cell destruction
B. Endothelium venules destruction
92.Renal Column:
A. Collecting Duct
B. Interlobar artery
C. Interlobular artery
D. Minor calyces
93.Function exclusively linked with vit E:

A.Carbohydrate metabolism
B. Endothelial protection
C. Skin integrity
D. Germinal epithelial protection
94.Deep to post digastric and near palatoglossus a structure runs obliquely upwards,
A.Facial artery
B. Lingual artery
C. Maxillary artery
D. Sup thyroid
95. What is correct about thyroid:
A. Supplied by 3 paired arteries
B. Surrounded by prevertebral fascia
C. Isthmus attached to cricoid
D. Venous drainage in bracheocephalic vein
96.H2O2 found in:
B.peroxisome ANS
c. Lysosome
97.ICAM and VCAM are for:
A. Leucocyte adhesion
Breast atrophy in young female is due to:
A. Estrogen
B. Estrogen and Progesterone
C. Progesterone man causes cancer is:
A. Protooncogen
Essential amino acid:
A. Phenylalanine
99.Regarding sympathetic effects Beta Agonists:
A. Increase HR
A. Anterior horn cell defect
101.Regarding P Value:
A. Checks probability
. 102.Spread of renal tumor will be through:
A. Renal Vein
103.Retention of C02:
A. Respiratory failure
104.regarding Gray matter foot processes:
A. Protoplasmic Astrocytes
Cause of global blindness:
A. Herpes Simplex
B. Rubella
C. Chlamydia Trochamatis
105. Which is normal HB:
A. HbA
B. HbF
C. HbC
106.Thalesemia carrier percentage in Pakistan:
A. 5%
B. 10%
C. 15%
107.Surgery for removal of ovary done which is damaged:
A. Internal Iliac Artery
B. External Iliac Artery

C. Uterine Artery
108.In respiratory Alkalosis renal compensation is:
A. NaHC03 excretion
109.During mitosis chromosomes double in which phase?
A. Prophase
B. Metaphase
C. Anaphase
D. Telophase


Surgery Paper 2 ( November 18,2015)

1.Fracture of surgical neck of humerus which artery damaged?
B. Posterior circumflex
C.Anterior circumflex
D. Profunda brachii
E. Brachial
Ans: B
2.which muscle is flexor of forearm and supplied by radial nerve?
B.Flexor Carpi Radialis
D.Flexor Digitorum Profundus
E.Tricep Brachii

Ans: C
3.A 45 year old male had myocardial infarction of inferior wall which artery will damaged
on angiogram.
A. Anterior interventricular artery
B. Circumflex artery
C.Right Marginal artery
D. Right coronaryartery
E. Posterior descending artery
Ans: C
4.A 60 yr Female had discharging sinus in jaw and yellow granules,most likely causative
agent is
B. Pseudomonas
C. Nocardia
D. Actinomyces
E. Staphylococcus
Ans: D
5.Farmer in rose garden has Right lower lobe clacified mass 4x3 cm.
A. Aspirgilosis
C. Blastomycosis
D. Mucormycosis
E. Coccidiodomycosis
Ans: A
6.A Sportsman fell on his Right shoulder he felt severe pain and abduction of arm Upto 40
degree is lost which muscle is affected.

A. Deltoid
B. Supraspinatus
C. Infraspinatus
D. Teres major
E. Subcapularis
Ans: B
7. Lateral quadrant of breast drain into which nodes.
A. Parasternal
B. Posterior axillary group
C. Anterior axillary group
D. Lateral axillary group
E. Infraclavicular
Ans: C
8. Mass of hair shaft is mainly due to
A. Cortex
B. Matrix of nail
C. Bsale
D. Basle plus spinosum
E. Sebaceous gland
Ans: A
9. A 35 yr male usually goes to Dubai and has H/O immoral sexual activities and doesn't
use any protection.He has problem in walking in dark and loses balance,absent light
reflexe,no pain sensation,most likely diagnosis.
B. Tabes dorsalis

D. Syringomyelia
E. Lesion of Visual cortex
Ans: B
10. Pain of ovrian tumor is refered to thigh by
A. Femoral nerve
B. Obturator nerve
C. Sciatic nerve
D. Pudendal Nerve
E. Postrior cutaneous nerve of thigh
Ans: B
11. Neck of bladder and proximal urethra is supplied by.
A. Pudendal Nerve
B. Pelvi splanchnic nerve
C. sympathetic L1-L2 via hypogastric plexus
D. Lesser splanchnic nerve
E. illioinguinal nerve
Ans: C
12.Deep inguinal ring is present in
A. External oblique
B. internal oblique
C. Rectus abdominis
D. Peritoneum
E. Transversalis fascia
Ans: E
13. Vessels of base of bladder lies in which ligament
A. Dosrolateral

B. Ventrolateral
C. Median umblical
D. Puboprostatic
E. Illiofemoral
Ans: A
14. suprficial epigasric artry branch of
A. Femoral Artery
B. External illiac artery
C. Internal illiac artery
D. Abdominal aorta
E. Profunda femoris artery
Ans: A
15. which vein is involvd in portal hypertension
A. esophageal
B. Thoracic
C. Renal
D. Inferior phrenic
E. Inferior epigastric
Ans: A
16. Regarding sciatic nerve true statement is
A. Divides into common and superficial peroneal nerve
B. Passes through lesser sciatic foramen
C. Formed only by saccral segments
D. Present b/w greater trochentar and ischial tuberosity
E. Injury does not affect peroneus muscle
Ans: D

17. Median nerve damaged at carpel tunnel what will occur

A.wasting of thenar muscles
B. Loss of sensations of medial 1/3 of palmar surface
C. Loss of sesation of dorsal surface of hand
D. Loss of wrist flexion
E. Hypothenar atrophy
Ans: A
18. 17 ketosteroid in urine seen maximally in
A. Normal male
B. Normal female
C. Ovarectemized female
D. Adrenalectomizedze male
E. Adrenalectomized female
Ans: A
19. Median nerve damaged which action of thumb will impared.
A. Flexion
B. Abduction
C. Opposition
D. Extension
E. Adduction
Ans: C
20. Lymph from testis will drain into.
A. Internal illiac
B. External illiac
C. Internal + external
D. Paraortic

E. Superficial inguinal
Ans: D
21. sciatic nerve damaged dorsal surface of foot still have cutenous innervation because
A. Saphaneous nerve
B. Sural nerve
C. Common peroneal nerve
D. Tibial nerve
E. No sensations
Ans: A
22. Pulmonary symptoms caused by which parasitic disease
A. Filariasis
B. Ascariasis
C. Cystercercosis
D. Hydatid cyst
E. Trichinosis
Ans: B
23.Primary objective of Screening in cancer is
A. Detect disease which are treatable
B. Detect disease at early stage
C. Socially acceptable
D. Cheap
E. Requires confirmatory test
Ans: B
24. Post PPH, multiple blood transfusions from blood bank,O positive, will lead to
A. Thrombocytopenia

B. Hemochromotasis
C. Polycythemia
D. Thrombocytosis
E. Hypergammaglobinaemia
Ans: B
25. Regarding malignant melanoma cell in chronoligical order which wil present earlier
A. T cells
B. NK cells
C. Monocytes
D. Macrophages
E. B cells
Ans: B
26. Antiobiotic given, patient has deranged PT aPTT and normal platelets what will you
A. Whole blood
C. Cryoprecipitate
D. Warfarin
E. Vit. K
Ans: E
27. Organism which produces flourscent pigments and resistant to antibiotic & antiseptic.
A. Staphylococcus
B. Streptococcus
C. Pseudomonas
D. Mycobacterium
E. Treponema pallidum

Ans: C
28.Post HIV operation theater will be cleaned by.
A. 1% Hypochlorite
B. 2% gluteraldehyde
C. 4% glteraldehye
D. Phenol
E. Soap and water
Ans : B
29. Patient lacks coagulation factor 2,7,9,10 what is deficient.
A. Vit. C
B. Glutathione
C. Vit. A
D. Vit. K
E. Zinc
Ans: D
30. Relation of terminal CBD with head of pancreas
A. Anterior
B. Posterior
C. Medial
D. Embedded in it
E. No relation
Ans: D
31.Relation of Common Peroneal nerve with Bicep Femoris in popletial fossa
A. Lateral
B. Medial
C. Anterior

D. Posterior
E. Proximal
Ans: B
32. Most common Brain tumor of posterior cranial fossa in children.
A. Medulloblastoma
B. Astrocytoma
C. Maningioma
E. Hemangioma
Ans: A
33. which branch of cervical plexus supply posterior auricul area.
A. Auriculotemporal nerve
B. Lesser occipital nerve
C. Greater occipital nerve
D. Supratrochlear nerve
E. Zygomaticotemporal nerve
Ans: B
34. Fracture of which vertebral bone peice damage vertbral coulm.
A. Axis
B. Atlas
C. C5
D. C7
E. Occipetal bone
Ans: A
35. TLC 6 litre, Residual volum 1 litre, calculate vital capacity.
A. 3L

B. 4L
C. 5L
D. 6L
E. 4.5 L
Ans: C
36. Mild transplant rejection myosial biopsy shows.
A. Lymphocytes
B. Aneurysms
C. Antigen antibody complexes
D. Eosinophils
E. Macrophages
Ans: A
37. A patients undergoes Renal transplant ,he is on immunosuppressive therapy and
develops angular chelitis causative agent is.
C. Herpes
D. Candida Albicans
E. Aspergillus
Ans: D
38.In asthma which is increased.
A. Vital capacity
D. Tidal volume
E. All increased

Ans: C
39. At Normal condition both are equal.
A. Venous return and coronary flow
B. Venous return and renal flow
C. Cerebral flow and cornary flow
D. Venous return and pulmonary flow
E. Pulmonary flow and cornary flow
Ans: D
40. Long term memory immunoglobulin.
A. IgA
B. IgM
C. IgG
D. IgE
E. IgD
Ans: C
41. Loop diuretics therapeutic and dangerous effect
A. Acidosis
B. Hyperkalemia
C. Bradycardia
D. Low blood volume
E. Hypernateremia
Ans: D
42.Propofol absolute contraindication.
A. Porphyria
B. Hypertension
C. Hypersensitivity

D. Old age
E. Pregnancy
Ans: C
43. Acetozomalamide(diamox) MOA?
A. H+ absorption, Na K exceretion
B. Acts on Thick ascending loop
C. Acts on DCT
D. Osmotic diuretic
E. Causes alkalosis
Ans: A
44.Cranial nerve 7 9 10 taking taste sensation converge.
A. Medial Laminiscus
B. Solitary tract
C. Lateral geniculate body
D. Nucleus ambiguous
E. Dorsal NucleusI
Ans: B
45. 12 yr old boy brought by mother has yellow discolouration of sclera,anorexi, vomiting
and yellow coloured urine most appropriate test will be
A. Alkaline phosphatase
B. Bilirubin plus ALT
C. HBsAg
E. Liver biopsy
Ans: B
46.Sampling in which everyone has equal chance of being selected.

A. Systemic sampling
B. Random sampling
C. Stratified sampling
D. Biased sampling
E. Case control
Ans: B
47. 15 yr old boy has enlarged posterior cervical Lymph nodes, while taking biopsy which
nerve can be damaged.
A. Vagus nerve
B. Cranial Accessory nerve
C. Hypoglossal nerve
D. Spinal Acessory nerve
E. Glossopharyngeal nerve
Ans: D
48. Alpha receptors abundant in which part of urinary Bladder.
A. Trigon
B. Walls
C. Neck of bladder and proximal urethra
D. Base
E. Apex
Ans: C
49.parasympthetic stimulation causes
A. Bronchodilation
B. Constipation
C. Contraction of Sphincters
D. Increase Salivation

E. Contraction of Radial muscles

Ans: D
50. Viral infection caused by DNA virus
A. Measles
B. Mumps
C. Infectious mononucleosis
D. Rubella
E. Rabies
Ans: C
51. inferior thyroid artery ligation may cause injury to
A. External laryngeal nerve
B. Vagus nerve
C. Superior Laryngeal nerve
D. Recurrent Laryngeal nerve
E. Internal Laryngeal nerve
Ans: D
52. True about Choriostoma
A. Thyroid tissue on base of tongue
B. Pancreatic tissue in stomach
C. Cartilage tissue in lung
D. Is malignant
E. Teeth in dermoid cystcyst
Ans: B
53. After RTA Patient unconcious, on CT scan hematoma compressing post central
gyrus,area affected is
A. Motor area

B. Sensory area
C. Auditory cortex
D. Visual cortex
E. Frontal eyefield
Ans: B
54. In Sickle cells disease protein affected is
A. Albumin
B. Collagen
C. Elastin
D. Beta globin
E. Spectrin
Ans: D
55. Retroperitonial mass, close to psoas, no ocult blood, or intestinal obstruction
A. Adenocarcinoma
B. Liposarcoma
C. Hemartoma
D. Adenoma
E. Choristoma
Ans: B
56. In Iron deficiancy anaemia which is increased
A. Ferritin
C. Iron
D. Ceruloplasmin
E. RBCs size
Ans: B

57.thiazide diuretics act on

B. Collecting duct
C. Early DCT
E. Late DCT
Ans: C
58. Part of Portal system
A. Superior rectal vein
B. Inferior rectal vein
C. Inferior epigastric vein
D. Left renal vein
E. Adrenal vein
Ans: A
59. Circulating tumour cell most widely diagnosed by
A. Tumor markers
C. Peripheral blood film
E. Blood culture
Ans: C
60. A 60yr old alcoholic centrilobular congestion,neck veins distended, fibrosis passive
A. Alcoholic hepatitis
B. Right heart failure
C. Viral hepatitis

D. Fatty liver
E. Autoimmune hepatitis
Ans: B
61. Regarding NSAIDs True statement
A. Chronic use causes liver damage
B. Potent cox inhibiters
C. Cause pulmonary fibrosis
D. Does not cause GI irritation
Ans: B
62.Most rapidly adopting receptor
A. Pacinian
B. Ruffini
C. Free nerve enndings
D. Merkel
E. Golgi tendon organ
Ans: A
63.about veins of thorax
A. Supreme intercostal vein drains into SVC in pericardium
B. Azygous vein drains into SVC inside pericardium
C. Pulmonary vein lies anterior to pulmonary artery
D. Left brachiocephalic vein drains into SVC on left side
E. SVC drains into Left atrium
Ans: C
64. Awkward posture, wide gait,can't perform rapidly alternating tasks,past pointing.
A. Parkinsonism
B. Cerebellar leison

C. Wilson's disease
D. Subthalamic nucleus lesion
E. Huntington Disease
Ans: B
65. What happens to patient of tertiary syphilis
A. Atonic bladder
B. Hyperactive bladder
C. Loss of pain sensations from bladder
D. Resting tremors
E. Intension tremors
Ans: A
66.Grading determines
A. Pleomorphism
B. Metastasis
C. Tissue invasion
D. Degree of anaplasia
E. Size of tumor
Ans: D
67. In pneumothorax.
A.Contralateral chest will spring out and Lung collapse
B. Contralateral chest will spring in and lung collapse
C. Ipsilateral lung collapse and chest spring out
D. Ipsilateral lung expand and chest spring in
E. Ipsilateral lung collaps and chest spring in
Ans: C
68. A 14 yr child presented with bone growth in Diaphysis,radiolucent ,surrounded by

sclerotic bone,most likely diagnosis

A. Osteosarcoma
B. Ewing sarcoma
C. Osteoid osteoma
D. Chondrosarcoma
E. Giant cell tumor
Ans: B
69. Difficulty in breathing on lying down
A. Retrosternal goiterR
B. Toxic goiter
C. Toxic adenom
D. Graves disease
E. Multinodular goiter
Ans: A
70. A fisherman presented with slowly developing lethargy, easy fatigue and palpitations.
His diet comprises of fish and rice mostly. Physical examination showed pallor and loss of
touch sensations in both feet and lower limb. His CBC showed Hb 7.5/dl MCV 132
platelets and TLC normal.most likely causative parasite:
A. Ancylostoma duodenale
B. Diphylobothrium latum
C. Strongyloid stercoralis
D. Echinococcus
E. Tenia saginata
Ans: B
71. A pregnant lady during 5th month of Gestation is case of thyrotoxicosis,most
appropriate drug for treatment is

A. Methamazol
B. Propylthiouracil
C. Thyroxine
D. Propranolol
E. Labetalol
Ans: B
72. Most common position of Appendix
A. Parailial
B. Pelvic
C. Retrocecal
D. Paraillial
E. Subhepatic
Ans: C
73.TPN complication
A. Hypoglycemia
B. Hyperglycemia
C. Hypocalcemia
D. Hyperviscosity
E. Hypophosphatemia
Ans: B
74.INR is used to monitor
A. Heparin
B. Oral anticoagulant
C. Vit. K
D. Streptokinase
E. Enoxaparin

Ans: B
75. A young girl has patechie on body, no H/O of recent illness and drug use,laboratory
investigations show normal Hb and TLC count but platelets are decreased,most likely
A. Leukemia
B. Aplastic anemia
C. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
D. Thrombocytosis
E. Hemolytic anemia
Ans: C
76. True about AV Bundle
A. Only pathway to transmit current from atria to ventriclesO
B. Located in membranous part of interventricular septum
C. Divides into purkinji fibers
D. Is specialized nervous tissue
E. Left division supplies moderator band
Ans: A
77. False about active transport
A. Saturable
B. Occurs for all drugs
C. carrier mediated
D. Requires energy
E. Against concentration gradient
Ans: B
78. 0.5 cm perihilar nodule plus eosinophilia in blood sputum and biopsy?
A. Noinvasiv aspergilosis

B. wegner granulomatosis
C. Candidiasis
D. Blastomycosis
E. Pneumonia
Ans: A
79. Endothelium of vagina and Endometrium derived from
A. Endoderm
B. Mesoderm
C. Endoderm plus ectoderm
D. Mesoderm plus Endoderm
E. Ectoderm
Ans: B
80. Spleenectomy, vassels present in which ligment
A. Gastrospleenic
B. Splenorenal
C. Greater omentum
D. Gastrohepatic
E. Gastroduodenal
Ans: B
81. Rectus sheath true statement
A. Upper intersection near xiphoid process
B. Lower intersection at level of arcuate line
C. Tightly adherent to both layers of rectus sheath
D. Lower intersection at level of pubic tubercle
E. Are 6 in number
Ans: A

82. Regarding isotonic and isometric contraction isotonic contraction

A. More ATP used
B. No work is done
C.Muscle uses high energy phosphate bonds
D. Heat of activation is greater
E. Muscle is less efficient
Ans: C
83. A 12-year-old boy with hemophilia A has had episodes of pain about his knees for the
past 6 years. Over time, there has been an increase in size of his knee joints, with
deformity. Laboratory studies show decreased levels of coagulation factor VIII activity.
Which of the following materials is most likely to be seen within the joint space following
episodes of pain?
A Lipofuscin
B Russell bodies
C Neutrophils
D Cholesterol crystals
E Anthracotic pigment
Ans: D
84. Origin of diaphragm
A. Cervical somites
B. Septum transversm
C. Lateral Mesoderm
D. Thoracic somites
E. Lumber Somites
Ans: A
85. Most common brain tumor

B. Astrocytoma
C. Maningioma
D. Schwannoma
E. Hemangioma
Ans: A
86.Regarding primary peristalsis
A. Esophageal sphincter relaxes ahead of primary peristalsis
B. Sphincter relax when peristalsis reachw
C. Not controlled by autonomic nervous system
D. Are Voluntary
Ans: A
87. Gastric emptying
A. Increased by fatty meal in esophagus
B. Decreased by secretin
C. Increased by CCK
D. Increased by alcohol
Ans: B
88. During inspiration what decreases
A. Heart Rate
B. Venous return
C. Volume of thoracic cavity
D. Negative pleural pressure
E. Volume of arterial pulse
Ans: E
89. Ventral surface of foot is supplied by

A. Superficial peroneal nerve

B. Deep peroneal nerve
C. Saphenous nerve
D. Posterior tibial nerve
E. Sural nerve
Ans: D
90.great cerebral veinof Gallen is present in which Cistern
A. Cisterna Magna
B. Cistern of Ambiens
C. Interpeducullar fossa
D. Pontine Cistern
E. cerebral Cistern
Ans: B
91.Hodgkin's lymphoma,cervical lymph nodes,spleen involved
A. Stage 1
B. Stage 2
C. Stage 2E
D. Stage 3
E. Stage 4
Ans: D
92.In Males LH acts on.
A. Leyding cells
B. Sertoli cells
C. Spermatocytes
D. Spermatogonia
E. Granulosa cells

Ans: A
93.Saphenous vein has velves
A. 15
B. 20
C. 25
D. 30
E. 40
Ans: B
94. which one is first line of Defence in body tissues.
A. Lymphocytes
B. Macrophages
C. Neutrophils
D. Plasma Cells
E. Fibroblasts
Ans: B
93. Which will cause extracellular compartment to increase maximum
A. Hypotonic Saline
B. Isotonic saline
C. Hypertonic Saline
D. Hypertonic urea
E. Distilled water
Ans: C
94. Most common finding in Glycogen Storage Disease is
A. Hyperglycemia,spleenomegaly
B. Hypoglycemia, spleenomegaly
C. Hyperglycemia, Hepatomegaly

D. Hypoglycemia, Hepatomegaly
E. Hyperglycemia,mental retardation
Ans: D
95. True statement regarding Bone
A. Circuferrential lamella arranged around central canal
B. Haversian canals are obliquely placed
C. Lacunae contain osteoblasts
D. Haversian canals do not communicate with each other
E. Collagen fibers impart basophilia to the tissue
Ans: A
96. Increased plasma osmolarity causes
A. Stimulation of osmoreceptors and release of ADH
B. Stimulation of osmoreceptors and inhibition of ADH
C. Inhibition of osmoreceptors and release of ADH
D. Inhibition of osmoreceptors and inhibition of ADH
Ans: A
97. Most commonly fractured carpal bone
A. Lunate
B. Scaphoid
C. Trapizium
D. Hamate
E. Capitate
Ans: B
98. Branch of external carotid atery which arises from medial side, behind the posterior
belly of diagstric muscle in substance of parotid gland is
A. Ligual artery

B. Occipital artery
C. Facial artery
D. Ascending pharyngeal artery
E. Superior thyroid artery
Ans: C
99. A female in day 18 of menstrual cycle,which phase of menstrual cycle will be
A. Follicular phase
B. Proliferative phase
C. Ovulation
D. Secretory phse
E. Menstruation
Ans: D
100. Blood cells able to regenerate beacuse of
A. Growth factors
B. Erythrpoiten
C. Insulin
D. Growth hormone
E. IL- 2
Ans: A
Compiled by: Muhammad Saqlain
Rafel Aariq

Air Born Infection is

b TB
C Meningitis
I marked SARS cause The Most recently its Added inthe Airborn Infections

Q Extension of Hip and Flexion of Leg is by ...Semitendinous

Q Long Thoraccic Nerve Supply ..Serratus Anterior
Q Side Effect of Dimercaprol is ..Raised BT
Q During the Proceedure of Esophagectomy , the stomac is Mobilised up to Esophagus ,,
Which artery will be reposible for the Blood Suply of Stomach... Rt Gasroepiploic Artery
Q Correct Sequence of Protien Synthesis is mRNA ,Cytoplasm,Ribosome,tRna, AminoAcids
Q Jejunem is Supplied by SMA
Q Regarding Thyroid True Statement is ..Lymph drainage to deep cervical lymph nodes
Q HLAb27 Ankylosing Spondylytis
Q CerebroVascular Circulation Correct Statement is... Do not anastomose once entered in the
brain Substance
Q All true regarding Breast Peau de orange appearance is .. Orange Brown Appearance is
because of the Necrosis
Q Lady with leg Swelling from last 5 months with no history of fever and cough
but cxr show bilateral peural effusion Derranged Lfts and Rt Heart Enlargement ...Recurrent
Q Estrogen, Progesteron and Testosteron acts Via ...Transcription
Q Complication Associated with Trochanteric Fracture is ..Pulmonary Emolism
Q GVE to palate Muscle is via ... Dorsal Vagal Nucleus
Q Whole wheat is a rich source of ..Thiamine
Q Mean systemic filling pressure regulates ... Venous return
Q S2 sound by ... Closure of aortic and pulmonary valve
Q Max increase in ECF Volume due to .... Infusion of Hypertonic Solution.
Q Auscultation of tricuspid valve best heard .... Right lower end of the body of sternum
Q P53 gene absent results .... cell survival
Q Diagnosis for leprosy by the initial investigation is via ..... Nasal scrapping
Q Investigation for liver amoebic abscess .... Serology
Abhibhi kuch han k main ne likhy thy nhi rahy .. and kuch likhna bhool gaya tha .. but
kal perso tak i will post
Srohaan Jaswal Compiled these ...
internal carotid a damage, bleeding, at what vertebral tubercle u will press to stop bleeding,,
Cysticercosis caused by,,
A. ingesting eggs of tenia solium
b.ingesting cysts of tenia solium
c. eating uncooked meat
d. eating uncooked mutton

Which drug has more effect on coxII than cox I ,,

c. nalproxane
Internal oblique muscle aponeurosis,,
a.form conjoint tendon
b. post boundary of inguinal canal
c. external spermatic fascia
D.conjoint tendon
Suboccipital n supply which muscle
b. lattisimus dorsi
c. trapezius
D.rectus capitis post
Regarding intercostobrchial nerve true is ,,
a. loss of nerve supply side of arm
C. 2nd intercostal sensory
d.loss to preganglionic sympethaetic
Normal rasonance are,,
A. rt 2nd to 4th midclvicular line
b.rt 4th to 6th midclavicular
In asian population most common cause of macrocytosis
A. liver diease
d. alchol
RCA after ginving marginal branch obstruction affect ,,
a.SA node
B. AV node
c. apex of heart
d.right atrium

Penile urethra rupture ,,

A. scortum under colles fascia
b.tunica vaginilis
d.deep fascia
which one is benign tumor,,
A. warthin
Middle rectal artery branch of, ,,
A.internal iliac
c.common iliac
d. superior mesenteric
Right testis tumor nodes drain into ,
A. paraaortic
b. righ deep inguinal
c.superficial inguinal
Chlamydial infection causing chlamydia psittacosis is,,
A.obligate intracellular
b.DNA derived from host
Scenerio of granuloma wid yellow pigment ,,
A. actinomyecets
Painful papule at labia ,,,
a. hsv II
b.hsv I
c. vz
d. CMV
most perinium and pelvis nerve supplied by,,

maintain flexor tone arm by ,,

c.reticulo spinal
D.rubro spinal
Lower motor neuron lesion...
A.muscle wasting
c.positive Babinski
d. spasticity
Hemisetion with total spinal section differentaiad by ,,
a.paraplegia in extension
b. degre of reflex activity
c.sensory loss permanent
D.spinal shock
Which one is most common exocrine pancreas tumor ,,
A.ductal adenocarcinoma
b.acinar adenocarcinoma
Delayed action of insulin,,,
a.glucose inside cell
b.potasium inside cell
c.inhibit protein catabolism
d. protein synthesis
E. stimulate mRNA transcription for lipogenesis
Gas having mximum diffusion capacity in body fluids,,,
A. CO2
Dec PO2 in blood..
a.CO poisoning

d.cyanide poisong
A person living on river side since 2yrs, having blindness, opthalmologist indentify which
b. wucheria
c. loa
During surgery thyroid nerve present to a distance to superior thyroid artery,
A.externl lyryngeal
b.internal laryngeal
Antrum of stomach removed wht happen ,
a.dec compliance acid output
c.increase gastrin
Margins of TB ulcer,
Ulcer due to hypertension,,
C. martorell
A. Inhibits synthesis of thyroid hormones homonymous hemianopia
B. Inhibits release of thyroid hormones
Right optic tract lesion causes,,
a.right homonymous hemianopia
b.left homonymous hemianopia

Internal laryngeal nerve passes through,,

a.Arytenoid n cricoids cartilage
b.Cricoid n thyroid
C.Thyroid n hyoid
prgnanacy related senerio, PT and APTT inc (too long scenario but answer DIC :
which is used for screening congenital abnormality,,
Phenyl over alcohol anaesthesia ,,
a. effect detected soon
B.less painful
c.phenol most potent
patient developed hemolysis due toG6PdD deificiency nxt happen,,
A.self limiting
b.hemolysis with G6PD
c.autosomal domint
Primitive streak mesoderm cells migrate around the cloacal membrane to form ant. Abdominal
wal cell, if ths migration does not hapen around the cloacal membrane will ruptureand open
caudly as.
A. exstrophy of bladder
b.imperfrate anus
d.ectopic anal opning
liver development ,
a.from dorsal mesentry proximal midgut
B.from ventral mesentry proximal foregut
c. from ventral mesentry distal foregut
d. ventral mesentry proximal midgut
. Saphenous nerve terminal br of
A. femoral

B. obturator
Adductor muscle hamstring muscle supplied by which nerve
A . tibial
B. Obturator
D.common peroneal
gracillis nerve supplied by ,
A.obturator nerve
b. femoral
c. common peroneal
Adductor brevis supplied by,,
A. ant branch of obturator nerve
c.common peroneal
Fracture of surgical neck of humerus, artery damaged,
a.axillary nerve humeral
common bile duct parts,,
a. omental, retroduodenal, paraduodenal
B. omental, retroduodenal, paraduodenal, intaduodenal
c.retroduodenal, paraduodenal, intraduodenal
Human intermediate host ,,
A. hydatid cyst
loss of small muscle of one hand damage,
A. C8,T1
B. ulnar
D. C5 C6

Inion landmark for what,

a. glabella
b. pterion
C. extrnal occipital prominence
D. internal occipital groove
Gastroduodenal artery branch of,
A.right hepatic artery
regarding tramadol true is,
a.kappa nd meu
b.strong kappa
c.weak kappa
d.strong meu
E.weak meu agonist
ketorolac analgesia most preferable,,
a.Thoractosy patient with ozzing blood from wound
b. hernoraphy wid patient of peptic ulcer
C.Non diabetic cholecyctectomy
D.Asthmatic patient having inguinal hernia repair
Radiotherapy most sensitive to,
b.pineal tumor
c.midbrain glioma
D.glial glioma
But in paper it was Ganglioglioma and Craniopharyngioma
if thats the case choose Craniopharyngioma
Bilateral exopthlmos, antithyroid antibody present,,
Epitheial changes in endocervix in squamous tissue due to ,,

Normal rasonance area in,,

A. right 2nd to 4th midclvicular line
b. right 4 to 6 midclavicular
c.left 2nd to 4 mid clavicular
d.left 2nd to 4 midaxillary
which one drain into left brachiocephalic vein,,,
a. sup thyroid
b.middle thyoid
C.inf thyroid
d. facial
64 year Old man with posterior cervical lympadenopathy which is firm and mobile. Hb 13-14 hct
40 wbc 7230 plateletes 250000 no hepato splenomegaly seen biopay showed numerous small
monomophic lyphocytes,,
a.infectious mononucleosis
b.hodgkin lymphcyte predominant
d.reactive hyper plasia
Hb 10, O2 sturation 90, PO2 60 , ask abt to calculate O2 contents,,
Girl with h/o of gum bleeding, giant platelets , plt count 85k, ,,,
b.bernaud solier
c.familial thrombocytopathy
Required for transport of B12 in blood,
a.intrinsic factor
b.TC 1
C. TC2
d.TC 3

Terminal ileum removed what happens,,

A.large amount of water in feces
b. decreased amino acid absorption
c.increased bile acid and entero hepatic circulation
d.increased fat absorption
Protein content less in glomerular filtrate occur due to
A.pore size and negative charge
b.rapid active transport absorbtion
35 year old man bilateral crepts, on xray chest heart fills completely,mass in rt ventricl , what wil
b the main cause..
Flexor hallucis longus,,
a.tendion can be felt immediately post to medial maleolus
b.inserted on first metarsal base
Superficial parotid painless tumor, psudopoid growth, contain no capsule on histopatho ,,
d.cyst adeno carcimona
Reflexes correctly marked,,
A.Bicep c6
b.triceps C8
c.abdominal L5 S1
d.knee L4 L5
e ankle s1 s2
{(S1,2 Buckle my shoe (Ankle jerk)... L3,4 kick the door (Knee jerk ) C5,6 Pick up sticks
(Biceps) C7,8 Lay them straight (Triceps)}
Upper abdominal reflexes are supplied by nerve roots T9-T11. Lower abdominal reflexes are
supplied by roots T11-T12
Rt ovarian vein drains into,,

b.renal vein
Regarding posterior communicating artery,,
a.connect post cerebral to internal carotid
b.connect post and middle cerebral
c. pass anterior to occulomotor and connect internal carotid with post cerebral
D.Its coonects internal carotid with posterior cerebral
e.connect post cerbellar inernal carotid
ADH is inhibited by,
b.increased plasma osmolarity
c.angiotensin 2
d.dec ECF
Q68.large Bolus stuck after eating what will happen next,
a. Its never happens
b.swallowing centre activated
C.secondary persiatlisis will be generayed by intrinsic nervous sytem to remove it
Q69.whn will u do dilaysis whn gfr decreases by %,,
A. 5
Death of Gas gangrene is,,,
A.Toxemic shock
b.excessive necrosis
Necrosis i rai
A. Liquefactive
Infection related to pretracheal layer will spread to,,
A.Ant mediastinum
b.sup mediastinum mediastinum
All drugs transported from Placenta by this mechanism
A involves cariers
B Simple Diffusion
Organism causing cerebral malaria,,
A. p. falciparum
b.p. vivax
c.p. malaria
Regarding piturtry gland true is
A.vein drain directly in dural Venous sinuses
b.partly derived from foregut
c.related to ethmoidal sinus
d.optic chiasm lie anteriorly
Patient with fluid loss now show metabolic acidosis e hypokalemia. most fluid loss will be
A. Stomach
B. Colon
C. Pancreas
D. Duodenum
E. Jujenum
Anemia wid Blast Cells in peripheral blood:
A. Iron deficiency anemias
B. Erythroblastosis fetalis
C. Folate deficiency
D. Bone marrow depression
Closure of lips involve: or unable to close lips which muscle involved:
a. Depressor anguli oris
b. Depressor labii inferioris
c. Depressor labi superioris
d. Orbicularis oris
e. Lateral pterygoid

Superior Thyroid artery arise from:

A. First branch of Subclavian Artery
B. External Carotid Artery
C. Internal Carotid Artery
Incubation period of which disease is longest:
A. Measles
B. Rubella
C. Chicken pox
D. Infectious Mononucleosis
E. Mumps
Regarding CSF true is,, 150 ml
B. production rate 20 ml/hr
C.produced by ependymal cells of choroid plexus
D. Arachnoid villi are visible
Age estimation at 5th to 12th week is done through:
A.Biparietal diameter
B. Crown rump length
C. Crown heel length
D. Abdominal circumference
Amoeba causes lesions in which part of gut:
A. Terminal ileum
B. Cecum
C. Ascending colon
D. Transverse colon
E. Sigmoid and rectum
Buccopharyngeal Membrane:
A. Stomodium from Foregut
B. Nose from oroPharynx
Shivering center is located in:
A. Anterior hypothalamus
B. Posterior hypothalamus

A 30 year old woman in azad kashmir was injured mildly in an earthquake that killed many
people apart from her distant uncle. She would most probably be in,
A. Social crisis
B. Personal crisis
C. Situational crisis
D. Developmental crisis
Which ligament supports odontoid process of axis on atlas,
A. Posterior longitudinal ligament
B. Anterior longitudinal ligament
C. Tranverse ligament
D. Ligamentum nuchae
CCC imarked
C7 Vertebrae has:A. Longest spine
B. Broad body
Conversion of fibronogen into fibrin what will b detected in blood
A. Prothrombin
Fibrinopeptides are detected in Blood
Percentage of Plasma out of ECF:30%

Newborn with a Erythroblastosis Fetalis having Blood group B postive what is best for
A. Any blood with Rhpostive
B. B Negative
If a person is taking Protein in his diet which will be necessary:
A. Riboflavin
B. Thiamine
Thiamine for Carbsin Diet
Group of young men bathing n beech next day develop blisters on back shoulder limbs region
cause is:
A. Mast cell destruction
B. Endothelium venules destruction

Q101.Renal Column:
A. Collecting Duct
B. Interlobar artery
C. Interlobular artery
D. Minor calyces
Function exclusively linked with vit E:D. Germinal epithelial protection

Deep to post digastric and near palatoglossus a structure runs obliquely upwards,
A.Facial artery
B. Lingual artery
C. Maxillary artery
D. Sup thyroid
. What is correct about thyroid:
A. Supplied by 3 paired arteries
B. Surrounded by prevertebral fascia
C. Isthmus attached to cricoid
D. Venous drainage in bracheocephalic vein
H2O2 found in:B.peroxisome
ICAM and VCAM are for: A. Leucocyte adhesion
Breast atrophy in young female is due to:
A. Estrogen
B. Estrogen and Progesterone
C. Progesterone
Virused in Human causes cancer via
A. Protooncogen
B Oncogen
BB (Radiations via Protooncogens)
Essential amino acid:A. Phenylalanine True
Regarding sympathetic effects Beta Agonists:A. Increase HR True
Poliomyelitis:A. Anterior horn cell defect True
Regarding P Value:A. Checks probability True
Spread of renal tumor will be through:-A. Renal Vein True

Retention of C02: -A. Respiratory failure

Regarding Gray matter foot processes:-A. Protoplasmic Astrocytes
Cause of global blindness:-Chlamydia Trochamatis
Which is normal HB: A. HbA
Thalesemia carrier percentage in Pakistan: A. 5%
Surgery for removal of ovary done which is damaged:A. Internal Iliac Artery
In respiratory Alkalosis renal compensation is:. NaHC03 excretion
chromosomes double in which phase?Interphase


22 nov-2015,, online
All efforts of dr.muhammad Din ,, who has been kind enough to share questions of
the online attempt,.jazak allah dr muhammad din,, and congratulations on ur success

1.Lateral Colateral Lagament of knee Atachement?

2. Attchment of Popliteus muscle
3. Man got gun shop injury lateral side of Right upar leg, he is unable to
dorsiflex bcz
a. Fracture head of fibula
b. Fractre neck of fibula
c. Fractre shaft of fibula
d. Fractre lat condyle of tibia

4. Radial artery is palpated in b/w the tendons of


Extenser polilis and abductor policis

b. Abductor policis longus and Brevis

c. Extenser policis and addctr policis brevis. There was no option regarding flexers.

5. Homonyms hemianopia result frm damage to

A. Optic nerve
b. Tract
c. Chiasim
d. Geniculocalcrine fibers
e. Cortical fibers

6. Lymphatics folow the artries in hind gut pathology in rectum and sigmoid
colon lyphatics follow the folowing artery
a. Internal iliac
b. Superier colic
c. Inf mesentric artry
d. SMartery
e. Aorta.

7. Lymph drainage of prostate

8. Left hip joint is related posteriorly to
femral nerve
sciatic nerve
oburater nerve

9.Regarding Hyaline Cartilage

itracartilagenus osification
intramembranous ossification
present in epig;otis
present?not present in nasal septum

10. Regarding thymus


11. Relation of phrenic nerve in neck ant to

a. Sup scalanae
b. Middl scalanae

c. Esophagus

12. Midle Meningeal artery ruptre epidura hematoma

13. The most medial nucleus festigeal
14. Organ in the brain recievs excitatory input from cortex but does not send
to cortex is??
A. Thymus
b. Limbic system.
c. Substantia nigra

15. 4th dorsal interosi nerve suply.

16. Most comnn dislocatd carpal bone

17. Most comnly frctrd carpal bone


18.Inf. Epigastric vessel lies

Medial to Deep Ing ring.

19.Rapidly adapting receptor


20.Adult female atrophy def.

f Estrogen and progestrne
estrogen only

21.A female with xxx genotype hw many bar bodies


22.Normal respiraty cycle

2 sec inp and 3 sec exp
2 sec insp, 2 sec exp

23.Submandibular gland recievs secretomotor fiber frm. .

24. Post bely of diagestri suplied by whch nerve?
25.Heinz body

G6PD defiecy

26.Post splenectomy
howell jolly bodies.

27.Whch nerve has nt post cutanes nerve suply

C1 ,,c5,c6,,t1,,l5

28.Tendon palpated post to lat malleolus?

29.Complication of CVP
subclavian vein ruptre

30.Post intrventicular septum suplied by


31.Sterno costal surface formed by.

Right Ventrice

32.Melanocytes derivd frm

neura crest cells

33. Primordial germ cels derivd frm

neura crest cels.

34.Flextion of big toe lost. Which muscl wil be paralysed?

35.Surface area of mitral valva?
4to 6 cm

36.Whch of following septum is in close proxmity with intrvetricular septum?

37.Bundle hiss suplied by whch coronary artery

38.Anerusm of arch of aorta wil comPres wich structre.

Left bronchus

39.Gastroesophageal junction end at

T11 vertbra

40.A patient have dificulty latral movement of left eye, unable to close left eye,
hearing loss in left ear where the damage is
cerebelopontine angle
caverns sinus thrombosis.

41.In cavenus sinus thrombosis whch nerve damaged first


42.Patient unable to open mouth muscle damagd

lat pterygoid

43.Proximal CBD suplied by.

Cystic artery.

44.Portal HTN vein dilated.

Left gastric

45.Auditory area of brain suplied By

Midle Cerebra artery

basilar artery suply only
atachd to medvla by middle celleblar peduncle
lie below tentorium cerebelli

47.Ectopic thyroid
48.Most comon cong anomaly in head n neck??
49.Stab wound
50.Limbic system
Congenital m cystichygroma..

51.Regarding blood suply of bones

. Small bones suplied by nutrient and peri osteal arteries.
Irregular bone suplied by nutrient and peri osteal arteries.
Flat bones bone suplied by nutrient and peri osteal arteries
. Shaft of long bone suplied by Nutrient artery only.
Both ends of long bones suplied by epiphyseal artries.

52.Loss of 15 degree abduction at shouldr by damage to whch nerve

53. Whch of folowing does not dec would healing

54.Medial cutaneus bracheal nerve branch of?

55.Regarding mast cells
contain few granules
same as Eisiophlis
secret heparin histamine and leukotrien

56.marfan syndrome
a.autosomal dominant

a.autosomal dominant
b.autosomal recessive

58.synthesis of two molecules


59.presence or absence of vomiting


60.sickle cell disease

b2 microglobulin

61.phenylalanine converts into


62.most commonly artery injured in mi


63..blood in pericardial sac

cardiac tamponade

64.hla dr4
reuhmatoid arthritis

65. organ rejection mediated by

hla system

66. type 2/3 hypersensitivity

post streptocal glomerulonep

67. a person has cerebral infarction had chest infection as cause of death
brain slice will show
lequificative necrosis

68. mi had 6 hrs back now pericardial sac filled with blood.. autopsy what will u
cardiac temponade

69. question abt reticulocytes

70. pitutary gland related posterosuperior to
sphenoid sinus

71. ivc bifurcated at level of


72. Gestrophageal junction lies at level of


73. stomach nodes at fundus of stomach

celiac nodes

74. in hysterectomy...injury to
uterine artery

75. left renal vein drain into,, ivc

76.there were five questions regard ivc left renal right renal etc etc
77. ascending colon retro peritoneal organ
78.lower airways 21 segments
79. narrowest part of urethra,, external meatus
80. ligamentum arteriosum obliterated
81. structure anterior to head of pancreas is.
right renalvein

82.. hormone delaying gastric emptying


83. cancer has which immunochemical stains


84. A community question regarding who u label as healthy

85.Which is not function of glucagon
86.Muscle having attachment at distal end of femur
1. Propylthiouracil is drug of choice for
A. Hyperthyroidism
B. Thyrotoxicosis
C. Graves Disease
D. Graves Disease in Preganancy
E. Graves Disease in SLE
2. In a 12 years old male, having myoclonic seizures, what will you advice
A. Carbamazepine (Ans)
B. Phenytoin
C. Ethosuximide
D. Phenobarbitone
3. Direction of sound is detected by
A. Organ of Corti (Ans)
B. Basilar Membrane
C. Inferior olivary Nucleus
D. Superior Colliculus
4. Cultural Latah Syndrome
A. Mostly in middle aged females
B. Startle Reaction (Ans)
C. In Middle East Countries
D. Severe disorder
E. Echolalia
5. Gustatory Area is supplied by
A. Anterior Cerebral Artery
B. Posterior Cerebral Artery
C. Middle Cerebral Artery (Ans)
D. Anterior Communicating Artery
E. Posterior Communicating Artery
6. Seizures, 3 spikes per second , management
A. Ethosuximide (Ans)
B. Phenytoin
C. Carbamazepine
D. Phenobarbitone

E. Amitryptiline
7. Epinephrine is contraindicated for treatment of postural hypotension if patient is already taking which of
the following drug
A. Imipramine
B. Amitryptaline
C. Dopamine
D. Atropine
8. Imprinting
A.Only in birds (Ans)
B. Psychological Problem
C. Learning Method
9. Mature defence Mechanism
A. Denial
B. Regression
C. Projection
D. Introjection
E. Altruism (Ans)
10. Patient is having Choreo-athetosis, lesion in
A. Caudate (Ans)
B. Putamen
C. Basal Ganglia
D. Thalamus
11. Ventral Spinthalamic Tract carries
A. Propioception
B. Pain
C. Temperature
D. Itch (Ans)
E. Vibration
12. Complete Brain stem lesion, which is not affected
A. Respiratory Centre response to decrease PCO2
B. Withdrawal reflex to prick on toe (Ans)
C. Babinskis Sign
13. Male, history of progressive memory impairement over 4 months, afebrile, died of bronchopneumonia,
on autopsy brain substance was normal, on microscopy sponging appearance (in formic acid), most likely
A. HIV encephalopathy
B. Herpes Virus Encephalopathy
C. Creudz felt Jacob disease
D. Alzheimer disease
E. Alcoholic disease
14. Neurofibrillary tangles in
A. Picks Disease
B. Hungtingtons Disease
C. Some other form of Alzhemiers
15. Chorea, hereditary disease with CAG repeat, patient is most likely having deficiency of which
A. Dopamine
B. Serotonin
C. GABA (Ans)
16. Brain lesion with Caudate Nucleus involvement, apathy, patient will have
A. Chorea
B. Athetosis
C. Hemiballismus
17. Patient is having complain of urinary retention, abnormal gait, dilated ventricles seen on imaging,
most likely
A. Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus

B. Wernickes Encephalopathy
C. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
18. Neuromodulators
A. Release Directly in blood
B. Release from sites other than synaptic spaces
19. Adaptation phase in which child learn being distant from mother and familiar with surrounding things
A- Oedepial Phase
B- And some other phases
20. Which drug if given IV in clinical dose will cause increase heart rate and pupillary dilation
A. Epinephrine (Ans)
B. Atropine
C. Dopamine
D. Acetylcholine
21. Coordination of visual stimulus and changing it into auditory relative, by
A. Angular Gyrus (Ans)
B. Supramarginal Nucleus
22. Trigeminocortical Fibres relay in thalamus in
A. VPM (Ans)
C. Dorsal Nucleus
23. Feeding centre is inhibited by
A. VPM (Ans)
C. Anterior Hypothalamus
D. Posterior Hypothalamus
24. Severe Hyperkalemia associated with
A. Suxamthonium given in recent burn
B. Metabolic Alkalosis
25. Anion gap decrease in
A. Hypoalbuminemia
B. Metabolic Alkalosis
C. Lactic Acidosis
D. Ketoacidosis
E. Salicyclate Poisoning
26. Hyporeflex of Achilles tendon in
A. Hyperthroidism
B. Hypothroidism (Ans)
C. Lesion of Internal Capsule
27. No motor or sensory loss, no reflex change, lesion in
A. Internal capsule
B. Rubrospinal tract
C. Spinothalamic tract
D. Cerebral Cortex
E. Broadman Area 4
28. Pituitary adenoma, most likely effect
A. Binasal hemianopia
B. Bitemporal Hemianopia (Ans)
C. Homonymous Hemianopia
29. Craniopharyngioma affecting middle of optic chiasma result in
A. Rt nasal and Left temporal
B. left nasal and Rt temporal
C. Bitemporal Homonymous Hemianopia (Ans)
D. Binasal Hemianopia
30. Lesion in Right Optic tract
A. left Homonymous Hemianopia (Ans)
B. Right Homonymous Hemianopia

C. Bitemporal Hemianopia
31. Release of Norepinephrine
A. Most of sympathetic postganglionic (Ans)
B. All post ganglionic sympathetic
C. Presynaptic at adrenal medulla
D. All postganglionic parasympathetic
32. For olfactory stimulus, substance should be
A. Both water and lipid soluble (Ans)
B. Only lipid soluble
C. Only water soluble
D-Have benzene ring
33. Carbidopa, given in Parkinson along with levodopa act on
A. Dopa decarboxylase (ans)
34. Lesion in brain, left hemiplegia, no sensory loss, involve which area of internal capsule
A. Anterior division of posterior limb (Ans)
B. Posterior Division of Anterior Limb
C. Anterior Division of Posterior limb + Genu
D. Genu
E. Posterior division of anterior limb + Genu
35. Lesion in brain, sensory ataxia, recovery with unpleasant sensation, involve
A. Thalamus (Ans)
B. Hypothalamus
C. Amygdala
D. Cerebellum
36. Centre of Fear
A. Hypothalamus
B. Amygdala (Ans)
C. Thalamus
37. Heat Cramps due to
A. Hyperthermia
B. Sodium loss (Ans)
C. Water loss
D. Shivering
E. Sweating
38. Patient with family history of IHD and Breast Cancer want prophylaxis to prevent Osteoporosis, you
will advice
A. Calcium n Vit D
B. Bisphosphonates
C. Combined Hormonal Replacement Therapy
D. Raloxifene (Marked this)
39. To facilitate action of atropine, TCA block which of the following receptor
A. Alpha
B. Beta 1
C. Beta 2
D. Dopaminergic
E. Cholinergic
40. Grinding of teeth by children in sleep is called
A. Bruxism (Ans)
B. Narcolepsy
C. Somnabulism
41. Lady having tremors, problem in writing, family history of similar complain, what u will advice
A. Amitryptiline
B. Ropirinole
C. Dopamine
D. Propranol (Answer, She has Essential Tremors)

42. Patient with K/c of depression, on TCA since 2 years when changed to SSRI, as developed tremors,
showed good response to change of treatment, had 2 sessions of ECT but still having complain of
tremors, what will you give
A. No further ECT ( I marked this)
B. Add Anticholinergic
C. New Combination of SSRI
D. Lower the dose of SSRI
43. Patient presented with complain of tremors, no liver disease, no kayser Fleischer ring, normal thyroid
profile, no neck swelling, no palpitation, treatment
A. Pencillamine
B. Ceruloplasmin
C. Propranolol
D. Benztropine
44. Cause of Priapism
A. Trazodone (Ans)
B. Atropine
45. Drug act on Neuromuscular Junction
A. Cocaine
B. Dopamine
C. Tubocurarine (Ans)
46. Subdural Heamorrhage involve
A. Dural bridging veins (Ans)
B. Middle Meningeal Artery
C. Middle Cerebral artery
47. Na- 155, K-3, due to increase level of
A. Aldosterone (Ans)
D. Angiotensin
48. 20 years old, command hallucinations, apathy, drug advice
A. Olanzapine
B. Chlorperazine
C. Lithium
49. Patient, 40 yrs old brought by his father, complaining son has episodes of rage and mania, followed
by crying and asking for forgiveness, what you will prescribe to stabilize mood
A. Lithium
B. Carbamazepine
50. 25 yrs old mother, delivered mentally challenged baby, most likely due to use of which of the following
A. Alcohol
B. Anticonvulsants
C. Antidepressants
D. Barbiturates
51. Impairement of making recent memory, most likely cause
(hippocampus was not in the option)
A. Tumor in Hypothalamus
B. Hydrocephalus
C. Demyelination of cord
52. Amino acid required for formation of neurotransmitter, deficient in Parkinson disease
A. Tyrosine
B. Histamine
C. Alanine
53. Ph is measure of
A. negative log of H+ conc (Ans)
54. Septum Pellucidum separates
A. fornix , ant commissure , thalamus
B. Fornix, ant commissure, lateral and 3rd ventricle

C. fornix, corpus callosum, ant commissure

D. corpus callossum, ant commissure, thalamus
55. Facial Nerve in temporal bone give
A. Deep Petrosal Nerve
B. Lingual Nerve
56. Dementia and Delirium, common feature
A. decrease in Intelligence
B. Decrease in Memory
57. Patient having 15 years of Diabetes, have decrease visual acquity and white spots and exudates on
retina, most likely cause is
A. Diabetes Mellitus (Ans)
B. Central Retinal Artery Occlusion
C. Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
D. Hypertension
58. Lambert Eaton scenario, diagnosis
A. Antibodies aginst Ca channels
B. Antibodies against Acetylcholine receptors
59. Thyroid hormone
A. Thyroxine bind to thyroglobulin in thyroid (Ans)
60. Regarding segmental demyelination
A. Myelin disappears from nodes of ranvier
B. axon fragments and sprouts
61. Regarding Acetylcholine synthesis
A. from postganglionic sympathetic to sweat glands
62. Which neurotransmitter synthesized from post ganglionic sympathetic
A. Norepinephrine (Ans)
B. Acetylcholine
63. Schwann cells for PNS myelination, For CNS
A. Glial cells
B. Oligodendrocytes (Ans)
C. Astrocytes
64. Left Homonymous Hemianopia cause by lesion in
A. Optic Chiasm
B. Optic tract (Ans)
C. Optic Nerve
65. Medial geniculate body
A. lateromedially to thalamus
B. not related to thalamus
C. attached to main mass of thalamus (Ans)
66. drugs inducing Rapid Eye Movement sleep
A. Benzodiazepines
B. Barbiturates
C. Hypnotics
D. No drug can do it (Ans)
67. A 60 yrs old male, sailor, brought by his wife on return from his visit from far East Asia. Wife
complains he is developing problem in remembering minor things in daily life, unable to recall home
address, most likely he is having
A. Alzhiemers Disease
B. HIV encephalopathy
C. Wernickes Encephalopthy
68. Barbiturates
A. Hepatic enzyme inducer (Ans)
B. Increase REM
69. Treatment of Extrapyramidal Syndrome due to antipsychotics:
A. Benztropine (ans)
70: Question about Pyramidal Tract, what does it contain

71: Question on light reflex, swinging light reflex done, dont remember the entire scenario and asked
damage is where, I thought its due to oculomotor so I marked that.
72: Question on Adrenaline, where is it released from?
Options were: Preganglionic fibers of adrenal medulla, nicotinic fibers, etc
73: Question on hemisection of spinal cord
74: Question on Normal pressure hydrocephalus and asked whether the dementia is reversible or
75: Question on Middle cerebral artery stroke
76: Question on Temp regulation, Post hypothalamus was the answer.
77: Question on the source of ADH and oxytocin.
Ans was hypothalamus
78: Which cells are responsible for K metabolism in brain:
79: Question a structure which induces overlying ectoderm to differentiate into neuroectoderm and form
neural plate:
Ans was notochord
80: where will you find leprosy organisms?
Ans: scrapings.
81: A young man with multiple fractures come to the ER with bp 90/70, tachycardia, what will you do?
A: reduce fractures B: Do CT C: normal saline D:Intubate
Regards Dr. Rida Hanif

=-=Radiology 18th nov 2015,, paper 1,2 mix posterior cranial fossa..
A,,last 3 cranial nerves enter jugular foramen
B facial nerve enter thru stylomastoid foramen
C lesser petrosal sinus groove on tentorium cerebella//
D jugular foramen is part of occipital bone
2 igm protein yields paper 2
A 4kcal ..answer
B 9kcal
C 7kcal
3 type of fibers connecting adjacent gyri in cerebral cortex paper 2
A short association fibers,, answer

B long association fibers

C commissural fibers
4 blockage of artery supplying medulla will cause paper 2
A contralateral hemeparesis
B tongue muscle paralysis
5 termination of primary efferent from thumb and little finger located in paper 2
A lat and medial nucleus cuneatus
B medial and lateral nucleus cuneatus
C Lat and medial nucleus gracilis
6 ant cerebral artery supplies paper 2
A paracentral something
B frontal eye field
C broca s area
D sup auditory area
7 other uses of thyroid hormone paper 2
A inc BMR
B inc appetite
C loose weight
8 mitral valve area paper 2
1-2 cm2..
2-4 cm2,, answer
9 every human in a community has equal chances of being selected paper 1
Random selection,,answer

Stratified random selection

10 which fibers attached to disc of temporomandibular joint paper 2
Ant fibers of temporalis
Post fibers of temporalis
Lateral pterygoid
11 nerve with sup temporal artery paper 2
Buccal nerve
Facial nerve
12 surface ectoderm gives origin to paper 2
13 trephene biopsy paper 2
Aplastic anemia.. answer
14 skin of glans lymphatic drainage paper 2
Superficial inguinal LN..answer
Int iliac LN
15 first heart sound paper 1
Closure of aortic and pulmonary valve..answer
Closure of mitral and tricuspid
Rapid filling
16aortic arch aneurysm will compress paper 1
Left bronchus..answer
Thoracic duct
Pulmonary artery

17 fluid in pericardial cavity, pericardial tap from paper 2
Medial border of4-6 intercostal space
2-4 intercostal space in midclavicular line
18 tricuspid valve paper 1
Lower border of sternum on right side,,answer
Left 5th intercostal space
Left 2nd intercostal space
19 vesicular eruption causing pain in Infraclavicular and suprasternal notch area,,
dermatomes paper 2
20 knee jerk paper 2
21 median nerve paper 2
Gives no main branches in arm
Pass superficial to flexer retinaculum
Injury causes loss of sensation in medial 1 and half fingers

22 about breast paper 2

30-50 lobules
Ducts in dermis
Underlies pectoralis major
Capsule in subpectoral fascia?

23 loss of abduction of fingers,,injury to paper 2

Ulnar nerveanswer
Median nerve
Radial nerve
24 pat complain of morning headache with papiledema paper 2
Optic nerve injury
Dural sinus blockage
Int jugular vein blockage
25 thoracic duct paper 2
Begin as cysterna chili at t12
Remain on right throuout its course
26 thoracic duct paper 2
Has several valves
27 lower esophageal sphincter paper 2
Relax while eating
Anatomical sphincter..answer
28 dudenal perforation paper 2
29 communication between greater and lesser sac paper 2
Epiploic foramen
30 gastrohepatic ligament contain paper 2
Portal vein ,hepatic artery,bile duct
31 operation for removal of spleen,spleenic vessels in which ligament paper 2
32 blood supply of proximal part of bile duct paper 2

Cystic artery
33 cystic duct blood supply paper 2
Cystic artery
34 which artery in front of head of pancreas paper 2
Sup ans inf pancreatecodudenal
Sup and inf mesenteric arteries
35 gut rotation paper 2
270 degree clockwise
Rotation around sup mesenteric artery
36 hysterectomy,,damage to paper 2
Uterine artery
37 artery remaining in true pelvis paper 2
Middle rectal
38 patient after operation comes with lumbar pain,, injury to paper 2
39 what located between ureter and peritoneum in pelvis paper 2
Uterine artery
40 uterus blood supply paper 2
Uterine artery
Ovarian artery
41 foor eversion,injury to paper 2
Deltoid ligament
42 foot drop paper 2
43 loss of eversion damage to paper 2
44 pillar of medial longitudinal arch paper 2

Med cuneiform
Middle cuneiform
45 most commonly fractured long bone of body paper 1
46 parts of bile duct paper 2
47 trigone of bladder paper 2
Ureter open in an oblique slit
Most sensitive area of bladder than urethra
48 maximun cholesterol paper 1
Red meat
49appendicitis,,pain around umbilicus throu paper 2
Sensory throu t10
Sympathetic thru t10
50parasympathetic action paper 1
Inc gastric motility

Major effect on salivary gland secretions

51 muscle spindle activated when paper 1
Muscle contract
Muscle stretched
52 thoracodorsal artery supplies paper 2
Latismus dorsi
Pectoralis major
53 tip of shoulder at paper 1
54 gamma fibers paper 1
55 extensors of back supplied by paper 1
Post rami..answer
Dorsal root
Ant rami
56 notochord paper 1
Stimulate differenciation of overlying tissue
Extend throuout lenghth of vertebtral column
Neural tube
57 loss of p53 paper 1
Cell survival
58 natural defense against tumour paper 1
59 councilman bodies paper 1
60mallory bodies paper 1
Alcoholic hepatitis

61 thorn prick abcess formation paper 1

Staphylococcus aureus
62 aspergelosis most common presentation
Invasive lung disease
Cutaneous involvement
63 hyperlipemia paper 2
64 receptor causes vasodilation paper 1
65 whole wheat paper 1
66 patient with 8% creatinine.bp 310/210 paper 1
Macula densa
67 mother blood group A, two children with group AB,O,father group will be paper 1
Two different fathers
68 collagen paper 2
Stains light with eosin
excess in lig flavum
69 nucleus paper 2
Purple stain
70 peroxisomes bud off fron paper 1

71 packaging and secretion by paper 1
72 patient with trucal obesitry,thin limbs,rounf face, raised ACTH paper 1
Cushing syndrome
Cushing disease
73 benign tumor paper 1
74 skeletal muscle during exercise,,vasodilation due to paper 2
Local metabolite ,,, answer
75 investigation for liver amaebic abcess paper 1
76 epidydymus paper 2
77 carcinoma prostate affects paper 2
Posterior lobe answer
Median lobe
78 cerebellar lesion paper 1
79 medial lamniscus paper 1
Int arcuate fibers
80 seminal vesicle paper 2

Join ductus difference to form ejaculatory duct

81 CNS blood supply paper 2
Branches of ant cerebral supply int capsule
Does not anastomos on surface of brain
82 difference between isometric and isotonic contraction,, isotonic paper 2
Consume more high energy phosphate
Warm heat,,???
83 during inspiration paper 1
Venous return dec
Heart rate dec
Mean arterial pressure dec
84 thyroid paper 1
Lymph drainage to deep cervical node,, answer.
Move with swallowing due to attachment to prevertebral fascia
Right recurrent nerve directly associated with isthmus
85 max effect of drug can be determined by paper 1
86 most potent stimulator of gastric juice paper 2
87 5 years after transplantation paper 2
Sq cell carcinoma
Lymphoproliferative disorder

88 HIV associated with paper 2

Kaposi sarcoma
Sq cell carcinoma
89 enzyme in crigler nijjar ?? paper 2
Glucronyl d transferase
Gamma glutamyl transferase
90 most commonly fractured bone of hand paper 2
91 first line of defence in tissue paper 1
92 true hermaphrodites paper 1
93major stress hormone paper 1
94content of anterior mediastinum paper 2
95 girl terminally ill,asks abt her illness,her parents told u not to tell her abt her
illness.what would u tell her paper 1
What your parents told u abt ur illness
96 patient with sweating and palpitation,,tsh dec ,but when given TRH tsh markedly inc..
cause paper 1
Hyperthyroidism due to thyroid cause
Hyperthyroidism due to pituitary cause
Hyperthyroidism due to hypothaiamus
Hypo due to pituitary

Hypo due to thalamus

97 surface marking of oblique lobe paper 2
T3-6th intercostal cartilage
98 cholecystokinin function paper 2
99 baby with absent anal opening,, diaper stains with bile,,
Rectovaginal fistula,,answer
Absent anus
100 steroid action paper 1
Leukotrien b4
Leukotrien d4
101 anastomosis around umbilicus.. paper 2
Ant abd wall vessels
102 breast upper outer quadrant lymph drainage paper 2
Ant nodes..answer
Post nodes
Central nodes
103 st elevation on lead 4,, vessel involved paper 1
Ant descending artery..answer
Circumflex artery
104 pulmonary artery supplies paper 1
105 mean systemic filling pressure regulates paper 1
Venous return
106.lady with HPV, after 2 years cell show apical nucleus with numerous nucleoli,,???

107 metaplasia paper 1
Functional change in epithelium
108 GVE of vagus nerve,nucleus paper 1
Dorsal nucleus
109 glycogenolysis due to absence of paper 1
Insulin,,, answer
110 bronchogenic carcinoma paper 1
Tobacco smoking,,answer
111 most sensitive marker of MI paper 1
Troponin t
112 radiosensitive paper 2
113 stab wound chest paper 1
Ipsilateral lung collapse,ipsilateral chest wall spring out
114 gas exchange areas paper 1
Simple squamous epithelium
115 pain meditor paper 1

116 clinical feature of falciparum paper 1

Blackwater fever
117 botulinum paper 1
Flaccid paralysis of respiratory muscles..answer
118 2 week old blood contain paper 1
119max ECF inc with paper 1
Hypertonic solution
120 max inc renal artery flow and gfr.. paper 1
Afferent vasodilation
121 proteinuria paper 1
Basement membrane damage
122 most imp buffer in body paper 1
123 standard deviation taken with mean paper 1
Check variability
Sample size?
124 acute inflammation,fluid exudates paper 1
Protein more than 3

125 edema paper 1

Lymphatic blockage
126 Edema paper 1
Inc hydrostatic pressure
127 DNA replicate paper 1
128anemic hypoxia paper 1
Cyanide poisoning
129 phase 1 drug reaction
130 RTA,, multiple bone fracture,,bp low. Initial management paper 1
Volume replacement,,answer
131 multiple bone fractures paper 1
132 counceling help pt help paper 1
Themselves,, answer
133 potassium main regulation paper 1
134 PCo2 dec,, o2 inc,, this will cause paper 1

135 cause of inc co2 paper 1
Ascent to high altitude
136 origin of oxytocin anf ADH paper 1
Hypothalamus,,, answer
137osmolality increased paper 1
138 diabetic nephropathy paper 1
Urine albumin
139 opsonization paper 1
140 active transport all true except paper 1
141 dyspnea on lying down paper 1
Retrosternal goiter
142 APKD association with paper 1
Cerebral hemorrhage
Renal failure
143 cause of healing delay paper 1
144 deff between pulmonary and systemic circulation paper 1
Dec resistance,,answer
High cardiac output
High pressure
145 right border of heart on x ray paper 1

SVC answer
Rt atrium
146 diabetic female after abdominal surgery,dyspnea and cough paper 1
Pulmonary embolism,,, answer
Pul infarction
147 pulmonary embolism cause paper 1
148 Typhoid fever first week test paper 1
Blood test
149 typhoid fever 2nd week test paper 1
Blood +widal,,, answer
Urine DR
Stool DR
150 diagnosis of tb paper 2
Caseous necrosis
151 initial diagnosis of laprosy paper 1
Nasal scraping
152 tumor with 3 germ later paper 1
153 amniocentesis paper 1
After 14 week
154cells with igE receptors and dark granules paper 1

155 protrusion of mandible paper 1

Lateral pterygoid,, answer
156 clot retraction mediated by paper 1
157 neostriatum paper 2
Caudate plus putamen,, answer
Caudate plus lentiform
Caudate plus globus pellidus
158 during passing cvp line,,pneumothorax paper 2
Subclavian route,,, answer
Int jugular route
Ext jugular route
159 esophagus paper 2
Enter cardiac orifice at t10
Serosal layer is thickened at lower end
160 PAS positive scenario paper 2
Whipple disease
161 prenatal thallasemia diagnosis paper 1
CVS,, answer
Electrophoresis of mothers blood
162 scenario,, hbf raised,, 5 years old boy,, paper 2
B thallasemia major
163primary polycythemia vera paper 2

Due to abnormal proliferation?

Inc rbc mass,, answer
164 drop shaped structure with clefts paper 2
Verrusious cancer
165 to stop process of delivery paper 2
Prostaglandin E2
166 pancreas paper 1
Develop from ventral and dorsal bud
167lymphatic drainage of testes paper 2
168 lymph drainage of glans penis paper 2
Deep inguinal
169 lower airway innervations paper 2
170 lateral boundry of urogenital diaphragm paper 2
Inf ramus of pubis and ischum
171 fundus of stomach initial lymph drainage paper 2
172 philadelphia chromosomes paper 2
CML,, answer
173 man is intermediate host in paper 1
Hydatid cyst
174 ovarian cancer metastasis paper 2
Paraaortic lymph nodes

175 sigmoid colon paper 2

Start at pelvic brim
176 breast atrophy in adult female paper 1
Estrogen,, answer
Estrogen and progesterone
177 APKD paper 1
Autosomal dominant
178 chemical synapses paper 1
Ca uptake and ach release into synaptic cleft
179 low ca ,, high phosphate paper 1
180 coronary sinus drain paper 2
2/3 blood,, answer ?
1/3 blood
181 regarding diaphragm paper 2
Supplied by phrenic and intercostal nerves,, answer
Sympathetic nerves peirce through it
Derived from splanchnic mesoderm
182 mixed venous sample is obtained from
Pulmonary artery.. answer
Pul vein
Basilica vein
183 pt with sore throat and cervical lymphadenopathy,which investigation paper 2
Monospot test,, answer
Lymph node biopsy

184 branch of middle cerebral artery paper 2

Posterior communicating
Ant colloidal artery
Ophthalmic artery
Rolandic artery.. answer
Subcolosal artery
185 regarding cystic fibrosis paper 2
Chromosomal abnormality
Mostly affect pancreas
186 lymph drainageof cervix paper 2
Int +ext iliac ,,, answer
187 falciform ligament paper 2
188 testicular cause of male infertility paper 2
189 bleeding from duodenal ulcer,,vessel paper 2
190 cavernous sinus thrombosis cause periorbital swelling,, vein paper 2
Sup orbital
Inf orbital,, answer??
Sup ophthalmic
191 middle memingeal artery bleeding,,blood in paper 2
Epidural space,, answer
Subdural space
192 neurovascular bundle paper 2

Between internal and innermost layer ,, answer


Shuroo kerta hoo ALLAH k naam se jo bara mehrban hey or reham kerny
wala hey
20th November 2015 Surgery Paper online by RAFAEL ARIQ
Paper was a repeat and mostly BCQ from 20th April paper + Chandkians + 4 bcqs from
Asim (which I marked and now m unable to find them ..AAAAArgh)
Q.1 Air Born Infection is
C Meningitis
I marked SARS cause The Most recently its Added in the Air born Infections
Q.2 Extension of Hip and Flexion of Leg is by ...Semitendinous
Q.3 Long Thoraccic Nerve Supply ..Serratus Anterior
Q.4 Side Effect of Dimercaprol is ..Raised BT
Q.5 During the Procedure of Esophagectomy , the stomac is Mobilised up to Esophagus
Which artery will be reposible for the Blood Suply of Stomach... Rt Gasroepiploic Artery
Q.6 Correct Sequence of Protien Synthesis is mRNA ,Cytoplasm,Ribosome,tRna,
Q.7 Jejunem is Supplied by SMA
Q.8 Regarding Thyroid True Statement is ..Lymph drainage to deep cervical lymph nodes
Q.9 HLAb27 Ankylosing Spondylytis
Q.10 CerebroVascular Circulation Correct Statement is... Do not anastomose once
entered in the brain Substance
Q.11 All true regarding Breast Peau de orange appearance Except .. Orange Brown
Appearance is because of the Necrosis
Q.12 Lady with leg Swelling from last 5 months with no history of fever and cough
but cxr show bilateral peural effusion Derranged Lfts and Rt Heart Enlargement
...Recurrent Thromboembolism
Q.13 Estrogen, Progesteron and Testosteron acts Via ...Transcription
Q.14 Complication Associated with Trochanteric Fracture is ..Pulmonary Emolism
Q.15 GVE to palate Muscle is via ... Dorsal Vagal Nucleus
Q.16 Whole wheat is a rich source of ..Thiamine
Q.17 Mean systemic filling pressure regulates ... Venous return
Q.18 S2 sound by ... Closure of aortic and pulmonary valve
Q.19 Max increase in ECF Volume due to .... Infusion of Hypertonic Solution.
Q.20 Auscultation of tricuspid valve best heard .... Right lower end of the body of
Q.21 P53 gene is absent what will be the results .... cell survival

Q.22 Diagnosis for leprosy by the initial investigation is via ..... Nasal scrapping
Q.23 Investigation for liver amoebic abscess .... Serology
Q.24 internal carotid a damage, bleeding, at what vertebral tubercle u will press to stop
Q.25 Cysticercosis caused by,,
A. ingesting eggs of tenia solium
b.ingesting cysts of tenia solium
c. eating uncooked meat
d. eating uncooked mutton
Q.26 Which drug has more effect on coxII than cox I ,,
c. nalproxane
Q.27 Internal oblique muscle aponeurosis,,
a.form conjoint tendon
b. post boundary of inguinal canal
c. external spermatic fascia
D.conjoint tendon
Q.28 Suboccipital n supply which muscle
b. lattisimus dorsi
c. trapezius
D.rectus capitis post
Q.29 Regarding intercostobrchial nerve true is ,,
a. loss of nerve supply side of arm
C. 2nd intercostal sensory
d.loss to preganglionic sympethaetic
Q.30 Normal rasonance are,,
A. rt 2nd to 4th midclvicular line
b.rt 4th to 6th midclavicular
Q.31In asian population most common cause of macrocytosis
A. liver diease

d. alchol
Q.32 RCA after ginving marginal branch obstruction affect ,, (BRS BCQ)
a.SA node
B. AV node
c. apex of heart
d.right atrium
Q.33 Penile urethra rupture ,,
A. scortum under colles fascia
b.tunica vaginilis
d.deep fascia
Q.34 which one is benign tumor,,
Warthin True
Q.35 Middle rectal artery branch of, ,,
A.internal iliac
c.common iliac
d. superior mesenteric
Q.36 Right testis tumor nodes drain into ,
A. paraaortic
b. righ deep inguinal
c.superficial inguinal
Q.37 Chlamydial infection causing chlamydia psittacosis is,,
A.obligate intracellular
b.DNA derived from host
Q.38 Scenario of granuloma with yellow pigment ,, Actinomyeces
Q.39 Painful papule at labia ,,,
a. hsv II
b.hsv I
c. vz
d. CMV
(HSV I is on lips Face ..)
Q.40 most perinium and pelvis nerve supplied by,,

Q.41 Which of the following Maintain flexor tone of arm mainly

c.reticulo spinal
d.rubro spinal
Q.42 Lower motor neuron lesion...
A.muscle wasting
c.positive Babinski
d. spasticity
Q.43 Hemisetion with total spinal section differentaiad by ,,
a.paraplegia in extension
b. degre of reflex activity
c.sensory loss permanent
D.spinal shock
Q.44 Which one is most common exocrine pancreas tumor ,,
A.ductal adenocarcinoma
b.acinar adenocarcinoma
Q.45 Delayed action of insulin,,,
a.glucose inside cell
b.potasium inside cell
c.inhibit protein catabolism
d. protein synthesis
E. stimulate mRNA transcription for lipogenesis
Q.46 Gas having maximum diffusion capacity in body fluids,,,
A. CO2
AAA (Max affinity is of Co and Maximum Diffusion capacity is of Co2)
Q.47 Dec PO2 in blood..
a.CO poisoning
d.cyanide poisong
Q.48 A person living on river side since 2yrs, having blindness, opthalmologist indentify
which larva,,,

b. wucheria
c. loa loa
Q.49 During surgery thyroid nerve present to a distance to superior thyroid artery,
A.externl lyryngeal
b.internal laryngeal
Q.50 Antrum of stomach removed what will happen ,
a.dec compliance acid output
c.increase gastrin
Q.51 Margins of TB ulcer,
Q.52 Ulcer due to Hypertension,,
C. martorell
Q.53 What is the Mechanism of action of PTU:
A. Inhibits synthesis of thyroid hormones homonymous hemianopia
B. Inhibits release of thyroid hormones
Q.54 Right optic tract lesion causes,,
a.right homonymous hemianopia
b.left homonymous hemianopia
Q.55 Internal laryngeal nerve passes through,,
a.Arytenoid n cricoids cartilage
b.Cricoid n thyroid
C.Thyroid n hyoid
Q.56 Pregnancy related scenario, PT and APTT increases long scenario) DIC
Q.57 Which is used for screening congenital abnormality,,
Q. 58 Phenyl over alcohol anaesthesia ,,
a. effect detected soon

B.less painful
c.phenol most potent
(Alcohol is Very Potent and Excruciatingly Painful)
Q.59 Patient developed hemolysis due toG6PdD deficiency,,What will happen Next ,,
A. Self limiting
b.hemolysis with G6PD
c.autosomal domint
Q.60 Primitive streak mesoderm cells migrate around the cloacal membrane to form
ant. Abdominal wal cell, if ths migration does not hapen around the cloacal membrane
will ruptureand open caudly as.
A. exstrophy of bladder
b.imperfrate anus
d.ectopic anal opning
Q.61 Liver Develops from
a.from dorsal mesentry proximal midgut
B.from ventral mesentry proximal foregut
c. from ventral mesentry distal foregut
d. ventral mesentry proximal midgut
Q.62 Saphenous nerve terminal branch of
A. femoral
B. obturator
Q.63 Adductor muscle hamstring muscle supplied by which nerve
A . tibial
B. Obturator
D.common peroneal
Q.64 Gracillis is supplied by the nerve
A.obturator nerve
b. femoral
c. common peroneal
Q.65 Adductor brevis supplied by,,
A. ant branch of obturator nerve
c.common peroneal
Q.66 Fracture of surgical neck of humerus, artery damaged,

a.axillary nerve humeral
Q.67 Common bile duct parts,,
a. omental, retroduodenal, paraduodenal
B. omental, retroduodenal, paraduodenal, intaduodenal
c.retroduodenal, paraduodenal, intraduodenal
AAA (Bile Duct has 3 parts only RJ LAST )
Q. 68 Human intermediate Host in Hydatid cyst (10 June Paper Bcq)
Q.68 loss of small muscle of one hand damage,
A. C8,T1
B. ulnar
D. C5 C6
Q.69 Inion is a landmark of,
a. glabella
b. pterion
C. external occipital prominence
D. internal occipital groove
Q.70 Gastroduodenal artery branch of,
A.right hepatic artery
Q.71 Regarding tramadol true is,
a.kappa nd meu
b.strong kappa
c.weak kappa
d.strong meu
E.weak meu agonist
Q.72 Ketorolac analgesia most preferable,,
a. Thoractosy patient with ozzing blood from wound
b. Hernioraphy wid patient of peptic ulcer
C. Non diabetic female undergoing cholecystectomy
D. Asthmatic patient having inguinal hernia repair
Q.73 Radiotherapy most sensitive to,
b.pineal tumor
c.midbrain glioma
D.glanglio glioma
Seminoma >> Glial Glioma >> Craniopharyngioma

Q.74 Bilateral exopthlmos, antithyroid antibody present,,

Q.75 Epitheial changes in endocervix in squamous tissue due to ,,
Q.76 Normal rasonance area of Chest is
A. right 2nd to 4th midclvicular line
b. right 4 to 6 midclavicular
c.left 2nd to 4 mid clavicular
d.left 2nd to 4 midaxillary
Q.77 Which one drain into left brachiocephalic vein,,,
a. sup thyroid
b.middle thyoid
C.inf thyroid
d. facial
Q.78 A 64 year Old man with posterior cervical lympadenopathy which is firm and
mobile. Hb 13-14 hct 40 wbc 7230 plateletes 250000 no hepato splenomegaly seen
biopay showed numerous small monomophic lyphocytes,,
a.infectious mononucleosis
b.hodgkin lymphcyte predominant
BBB (Neck is the most Common Site of HL)
Q.79 Hb 10, O2 sturation 90, PO2 60 , ask abt to calculate O2 contents,,
Q.80 Girl with h/o of gum bleeding, giant platelets , plt count 85k, ,,,
b.bernaud solier
c.familial thrombocytopathy
Q.81 Required for transport of B12 in blood,
a.intrinsic factor
b.TC 1
C. TC2
d.TC 3

Q.82 Terminal ileum removed what happens,,

A.large amount of water in feces
b. decreased amino acid absorption
c.increased bile acid and entero hepatic circulation
d.increased fat absorption
Q.83 Protein content less in glomerular filtrate occur due to
A.pore size and negative charge
b.rapid active transport absorption
Q.84 A 35 year old man bilateral crepts, on xray chest heart fills completely,mass in rt
ventricl , what wil b the main cause..
Q.85 True regarding the Flexor Hallucis longus,,
a. tendion can be felt immediately post to medial maleolus
b.inserted on first metarsal base
Q.86 Superficial parotid painless tumor, psudopoid growth, contain no capsule on
histopatho ,,
d.cyst adeno carcimona
Q.87 Reflexes correctly marked,,
A.Bicep c6
b.triceps C8
c.abdominal L5 S1
d.knee L4 L5
e ankle s1 s2
{(S1,2 Buckle my shoe (Ankle jerk)... L3,4 kick the door (Knee jerk ) C5,6 Pick up sticks
(Biceps) C7,8 Lay them straight (Triceps)}
Upper abdominal reflexes are supplied by nerve roots T9-T11. Lower abdominal reflexes
are supplied by roots T11-T12
Q.88 Rt ovarian vein drains into,,
b.renal vein
Q.89 Regarding posterior communicating artery,,
a.connect post cerebral to internal carotid
b.connect post and middle cerebral

c. pass anterior to occulomotor and connect internal carotid with post cerebral
D.Its coonects internal carotid with posterior cerebral
e.connect post cerbellar inernal carotid
Q.90 ADH is inhibited by,
b.increased plasma osmolarity
c.angiotensin 2
d.dec ECF
Q.91 A Very Fat Bofy was eating a burger and a very Large Bolus stuck after eating
..what will happen next,
a. Its never happens
b.swallowing centre activated
C.secondary persiatlisis will be generayed by intrinsic nervous sytem to remove it
Q.92 When will u do dialysis with GFR Decreases to
A. 5 %
b.20 %
c.30 %
d.40 %
e.50 %
Q.93 Death of Gas gangrene is,,,
A.Toxemic shock
b.excessive necrosis
Q.95 Infection related to pretracheal layer will spread to,,
A.Ant mediastinum
b.sup mediastinum mediastinum
Q.96 All drugs transported from Placenta by this mechanism
A involves cariers
B Simple Diffusion
Q.97 Organism causing cerebral malaria,,
A. p. falciparum
b.p. vivax
c.p. malaria
Q.98 Regarding pituatry gland true is
A.vein drain directly in dural Venous sinuses
b.partly derived from foregut
c.related to ethmoidal sinus
d.optic chiasm lie anteriorly

Q.99 Patient with fluid loss now show metabolic acidosis e hypokalemia. most fluid loss
will be through:
A. Stomach
B. Colon (K with Kolon)
C. Pancreas
D. Duodenum
E. Jujenum
Q.100 Anemia wid Blast Cells in peripheral blood:
A. Iron deficiency anemias
B. Erythroblastosis fetalis
C. Folate deficiency
D. Bone marrow depression
Q.101 Closure of lips involve: or unable to close lips which muscle involved:
a. Depressor anguli oris
b. Depressor labii inferioris
c. Depressor labi superioris
d. Orbicularis oris
e. Lateral pterygoid
Q. 102 Superior Thyroid artery arise from:
A. First branch of Subclavian Artery
B. External Carotid Artery
C. Internal Carotid Artery
Q.103 Incubation period of which disease is longest:
A. Measles
B. Rubella
C. Chicken pox
D. Infectious Mononucleosis
E. Mumps
Q.104 Regarding CSF true is,, 150 ml
B. production rate 20 ml/hr
C.produced by ependymal cells of choroid plexus
D. Arachnoid villi are visible
Q.104 Age estimation at 5th to 12th week is done through:
A.Biparietal diameter
B. Crown rump length
C. Crown heel length
D. Abdominal circumference

Q.105 Amoeba causes lesions in which part of gut:

A. Terminal ileum
B. Cecum
C. Ascending colon
D. Transverse colon
E. Sigmoid and rectum
Q.106 Buccopharyngeal Membrane:
A. Stomodium from Foregut
B. Nose from OroPharynx
Q.107 Shivering center is located in:
A. Anterior hypothalamus
B. Posterior hypothalamus
Q.108 A 30 year old woman in azad kashmir was injured mildly in an earthquake that
killed many people apart from her distant uncle. She would most probably be in,
A. Social crisis
B. Personal crisis
C. Situational crisis
D. Developmental crisis
109 Which ligament supports odontoid process of axis on atlas,
A. Posterior longitudinal ligament
B. Anterior longitudinal ligament
C. Tranverse ligament
D. Ligamentum nuchae
Q.110 C7 Vertebrae has:
A. Longest spine
B. Broad body
Q.111 Conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin what will b detected in blood
A. Prothrombin
Fibrinopeptides are detected in Blood
Q.112 Percentage of Plasma out of ECF:
A. 30%
B. 20%
C. 50%
Q.113 Newborn with a Erythroblastosis Fetalis having Blood group B postive what is best
for management:
A. Any blood with Rhpostive
B. B Negative
Q.114 If a person is taking Protein in his diet which will be necessary:

A. Riboflavin
B. Thiamine
Thiamine for Carbs in Diet
Q.115 Group of young men bathing n beech next day develop blisters on back shoulder
limbs region cause is:
A. Mast cell destruction
B. Endothelium venules destruction
Q.116 Regarding Renal Column
A. Collecting Duct
B. Interlobar artery
C. Interlobular artery
D. Minor calyces
Q.117 Function exclusively linked with vit E:
A.Carbohydrate metabolism
B. Endothelial protection
C. Skin integrity
D. Germinal epithelial protection
Q.118 Deep to post digastric and near palatoglossus a structure runs obliquely upwards,
A.Facial artery
B. Lingual artery
C. Maxillary artery
D. Sup thyroid
Q.119 What is correct about thyroid:
A. Supplied by 3 paired arteries
B. Surrounded by prevertebral fascia
C. Isthmus attached to cricoid
D. Venous drainage in bracheocephalic vein
Q.120 H2O2 found in:
c. Lysosome
Q.121ICAM and VCAM are for Leucocyte adhesion
Q.122 Breast atrophy in young female is due to:
A. Estrogen
B. Estrogen and Progesterone
C. Progesterone
Q.123 Virus in Human causes cancer via
A. Protooncogen

B Oncogen
BB (Radiations via Protooncogens)
Q.124 Essential amino acid:
A. Phenylalanine
Q.125 Regarding sympathetic effects Beta Agonists:
A. Increase HR
Q.126 Poliomyelitis:
A. Anterior horn cell defect
Q.127 Regarding P Value:
A. Checks probability
Q.128 Spread of renal tumor will be through:
A. Renal Vein
Q.129 Retention of C02:
A. Respiratory failure
Q.130 Regarding Gray matter foot processes:
A. Protoplasmic Astrocytes
Q.131 Cause of global blindness:
A. Herpes Simplex
B. Rubella
C. Chlamydia Trochamatis
Q.132 Which is normal HB:
A. HbA
B. HbF
C. HbC
Q.133 Thalassemia carrier percentage in Pakistan:
A. 5%
B. 10%
C. 15%
Q.134 Surgery for removal of ovary done which is damaged:
A. Internal Iliac Artery
B. External Iliac Artery
C. Uterine Artery
Q.135 In respiratory Alkalosis renal compensation is:
A. NaHC03 excretion
Q.136 During mitosis chromosomes double in which phase?
A. Prophase
B. Metaphase
C. Anaphase
D. Telophase
E Interphase
Q137 Pain of ovrian tumor is refered to thigh by

A. Femoral nerve
B. Obturator nerve
C. Sciatic nerve
D. Pudendal Nerve
E. Postrior cutaneous nerve of thigh
Q.138 Deep inguinal ring is present in
A. External oblique
B. internal oblique
C. Rectus abdominis
D. Peritoneum
E. Transversalis fascia
Q.139 17 Ketosteroid in urine seen maximally in
A. Normal male
B. Normal female
C. Ovarectemized female
D. Adrenalectomizedze male
E. Adrenalectomized female
AAA (Asim Bcq)
Q140 Sciatic nerve damaged dorsal surface of foot will get nerve supply from
A. Saphaneous nerve
B. Sural nerve
C. Common peroneal nerve
D. Tibial nerve
E. No sensations
AAA (as its a branch of Femoral Nerve )
Q.141 What is the relation of terminal CBD with head of pancreas
A. Anterior
B. Posterior
C. Medial
D. Embedded in it
E. No relation
Q142 Which one of the following is most common brain tumor in children.
A. Medulloblastoma
B. Astrocytoma
C. Maningioma
E. Hemangioma
Q.144 Absolute contraindication of Propofol is
A. Porphyria
B. Hypertension
C. Hypersensitivity
D. Old age

E. Pregnancy
Q.145 Type of Sampling in which everyone has equal chance of being selected.
A. Systemic sampling
B. Random sampling
C. Stratified sampling
D. Biased sampling
E. Case control
Q.146 After RTA a patient becomes unconscious and on CT scan there is a hematoma
which is compressing post central gyrus,in this condition which area will be most
A. Motor area
B. Sensory area
C. Auditory cortex
D. Visual cortex
E. Frontal eye field
Q147 Lutenizing Hormone in males acts on.
A. Leyding cells
B. Sertoli cells
C. Spermatocytes
D. Spermatogonia
E. Granulosa cells
Q.148 True statement regarding Bone (Asim BCQ)
A. Circuferrential lamella arranged around central canal
B. Haversian canals are obliquely placed
C. Lacunae contain osteoblasts
D. Haversian canals do not communicate with each other
E. Collagen fibers impart basophilia to the tissue
Q.149 Cause of Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma
a Hep B and Hep C
b Aflatoxin
c Hep C alone
d Hep D
e Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficinecy
Exact options were these and answer is AAA
Q.150 Regarding Pneumotaxic Centre which statement is true .. Inhibits Respiration
Q.151 During exercise increased blood supply to muscles is via .. Local metabolites
Q.152 Spindle fibers will decrease discharge of impulses when Muscle contracts
Q.153 Drug has more effect on cox II than cox I Celecoxib
Q.154 What is the Difference between systemic and pulmonary circulation ..
Low resistance in pulmonary circulation
Q.155 MOA of steroids in Inflammation is - Inhibiting phospholipase.

Q.156 Soldier Wala BCQ Coming downward Answer Secondary polycythemia.

Q. 157 LH,FSh ,Acts via .. mRNA ( not tyerosine Kinase )
Q.158 Delayed action of Insulin Increase in mRNA for Lipogenic
Q.159 Patient Presented with Chest Pain and Fever from 10 days ,pain is not related to
respiration ..Myocardium
Q.160 10june Surgery Bcq ..Hemolytic Crisis was the answer
Sickle Cell Scenario.. boy having hb 5.6 deeply jaundiced, ,plt 260000 ndtlc 10000)
Q.161 there is a Trauma to upper limb and pt cant feel sensation in little finger and
paralysis of dorsal interossei which nerve is damaged .. Ulner Nerve (10 June Surgery )
Q 162 which hormone causes extrahepatic protein catabolism and hepatic protein
anabolism ..Cortisole
2 Janauary 2016 Evening Medicine
Usman Dar
17 hrs
Let's solve, rectify and complete this.
Medicine n Allied, 2nd jan 2016, evening group
1.NonImmunogenic (amnion)
2. 250 ml /50 ml?? (anatomical dead space )
3. IV fluids (RTA leading shock)
4.Common peroneal N(eversion n dorsiflex inability)
5.Radial nerve (unable to extend hand due to post. Cervial triangle abcess)
5.Pericardiophrenic A.(damaged due to close proximity of phrenic N)
6. Inferior phrenic A.
(first branch of abd. Aorta)
7.Left kidney lower than Right kidney
8. Size of adrenal meduall greater than cortex / adrenal cortex essential for life
(Appropriate about adrenal gland )??
9. NaCl ( post adrenalectomy taste preference)
10.Trigeminal N (Nerve involved in middle Cranial fissa Sensory loss)
11.Basal gangli intiate movement
12.Aspergilosis (gardner with R sided chest pain, white opacity on CXR)
13.Urine for protein (kid with proteinuria)
( major chemical carcinogen )
15.ThromboEmbilism risk
( estrogen containing OCPs)
16.Increase water content of feces (terminal resection of ileum)
17.Intrinsic factor def.
(anemic 35 yr old male, most common cause of megaloblastic anemia)
18.Dec. MCV, MCH & MCHC
(iron def anemia )
(insoluble form of iron strorage in body )
20.Dec. Estrogen and inc. FSH n LH
(post menopause hormonal status)
(Right shift of oxygen dissociation curve due to increased BMR)
22.Left shift or increase O2 affinity for Hb (increase pH means Alkalosis)
23.Congenitoadrenal synd. /congenital adrenal hyperPlasia
(kid with increased sized genitilia n secondary sex characteristics) ??
24.CREST Syndrome
(unable to type on keyboard)
25.Sojgren syndrome (keratitis, xerostomia etc )
26.Anti-Basement Membrane AntiBody
27.ASO titer
28.Ankylosing spondylosis/PeriCarditis
(SLE other complication) ?

29. UniFasicular block

(No LVH on Echo but ECG show delay in PR interval n Left axis deviation) ?
30.ST segment
(phase of complete depolarization)
31.Rapid ventricular ejection
(phase of highest BP in aorta) ?
32.Intraventricular pressure/Local metabolites
(determinant of coronary blood flow) ??
33.Dec. Sodium conc. /hypotension/ Hypoxia (stimulant of renin) ??
34.Local odema - allergy
35.20 ml/min clearance
(urine flow 2 ml/min, plasma conc. 10 mg/ml n urine conc. 100 mg/ml ) ??
36.Urethral sphincter supplied by pudental N.
37.Gama glutamyl transferase
(pregnant women e jaundice)
38.RCA supply nodes, bundle of his n branche of bundle of His
(Appropriate about heart blood supply)
39. Inulin Best indicator of GFR
40.Mid inguinal/mid of inguinal ligament (femoral artery palpation point) ?
41.Tissue dependent damage of irradiated tissue
(chemotherapy leading to reduction in size of tumor e with fragmented cell cytoplasm n nucleus )
43.GABAnergic (Bezodiazipines, Barbiturates mechanism of action)
(side effect of Benzodizipine)
45.Oral (first pass effect -bioavailability)
46.Inhibitory to ADH (ECF expansion /alcohol ) ??
47.EBV (infectious mononucleosis)
48.Kaposi sarcoma
(AIDs associated skin malignancy)
49.Reflexes with rOot value ??
50.Optic tract lesion
(homonymous hemianopia)
51.Frontal bone between superciliary arches/ridges (Glabella )
52.Geniculate ganglion in facial canal
53.Lateral extension of pia
(Dendiculate ligament )
54.Incidences ( new cases within a specific time span)
55.Prevalence (mass study)
56.Helping themselves for better understanding of disease (Counseling )
(imbalance of acetylcholine n dopamine)
58.Sheehan syndrome
(post partum hemorrhage)
59.Suppression of stretch reflex/innervation of alpha n gamma neuron (normal voluntary contraction) ??
60.Ipsilateral loss of all sensation ar level of hemisection of spinal cord
61.Contra lateral Pain n temp sensory loss below level of lesion(another hemisection Quiz)
62.Factor VII
(earlier most depleted factor in Vit. K deficiency)
63. Peri central vein
(Most hypoPerfused part of liver)
64.Acute Viral hepatitis/alcohol (most common cause of deranged LFTs) ?
65.Chronic irritation (most common cause of dysplasia/metaplasia) ??
66.Physiologic jaundice (2nd day jaundice of new born)
67.Lymphoproliferative disorders (common post transplant surgery complication after 5 years)
68.HypoOsmolar/tonic overHydration ??(SIADH)
(cholinergic post ganglionic receptors)
(triple screening something)
71. Papillary CA
(Slowest Growing tumor of thyroid)
(carotid sinus function )
73.Vasodilation/Puupillary dilation (Alpha adrenergic agonist causes)
(Potent stimulator of insulin)
75.TimolOl / Betaxolol- Receptor selective beta receptor??
76.Myenteric plexus (help in motility)
77.Meticlopramide (diabetic gastroparesis)

78.Inc. Hydrolysis of lipoprotein lipase (gemfibrate MOA )

79. Anterior to both aorta & L renal A
(Left renal vein )
80.Phayrnx from lyranx
(Buccopharngeal nembrane separate) ??
81.Posterior fontanelle lesser in size than anterior (there was comparison given n asked to chose appropriate statement) ??
82.Sternal bones are completely ossified by age 21 years
83.Hypokalemia (U-wave of ECG)
(Most likely complication of TPN)
85.Basal Gangli
86.Lumber/thoracic spine (Extend of ant. Cortispinal fibers/tract) ??
87.Spinal leminisci (conscious propiception of limbs ) unable to recall exact stem n options ??
88.Broca area/limbic system (aphasia usually/most likely associated with) ??
89.Temporal/frontal Lobe (Brain abcess likely site)
90.Merkel/messiners (2 point discrimination) ??
91.Dec. Glucose (pyogenic meningitis)
92.Acetaminophen/paracetamol (grade IV enceph)
93.Ciliated epithelium (abundant mitochondria on apical side)
94.Integrin (Ahdesion like molecules)
95.communications b/w ICA n PCA/ MCA & PCA (post. Communicating artey)
96. Ant. Mediastinum (An abcess anterior to pretracheal fascia will spread ) ??
97.Helper T lymphocytes (CD4 +ve)
98. Arterial blood pressure will be increased by -Saralasin/saralasix ??
99. In later stage of pregnancy, maternal blood is separated from fetal blood by - Sybcytiotrophoblast and fetal endothelium
100. Cephalic vein begins in anatomical snuff box??
101. Caseating granuoma on biopsy (definite diagnostic of TB)
102. Metastasis (charteristic feature of malignancy) ?
103. Invasion of adjacent tissue (Microscopic feature of malignancy) ??
104. Hyperkalemia
(retain Na via aldosterone secretion without stimulating glucocorticoid)
105. Wegenr's vasculitis
106. A. Fibrinipeptide
107. Friction cardiac Rub (Pericarditis)
108. Increase motility/Myenteric plexus innervation (Cholinergic drugs) ??
109. In hyaline cartilage
Absent fibers??
110. XO turner syndrome
111. Klinefelter syndr. (Bar body test)
112. Mitochondria (DNA present besides nucleus)
113. Liquefactive necrosis (Brain Infarction)
114. Common source of infection by hbv and hcv - contaminatd needle pricks
115. Max pulse pressure -femoral A (rest options were all with greater diameter vasculature)
116. Thormbotic Emboli/Fat emboli - which embolism causes severe/massive pulmonary infarction and death ?? Pt had stroke
earlier in stem so it shoud be thombotic i gueaa.
117. MCA -supplying Broca Area
118. Council man bodies (CLD) ??
119. Both same action on factor Xa (LMWH n Heparin ) ??
120. Factor VII (not included in intrinsic pathway)
121. C5a -chemotactic
122. Rough endothelium/glycocalyx (Platelets adhesion ) ??
123. Growth Hormone before puberty (immunostulatory hormone)
124. Denial (parents reaction toward incurable/serious disease of their child)
125. Alpha + beta Blocker (pheochromocytoma)
126. Diltiazem/verapamil (CCB given in HOCM )
127.digoxin ( Drug absorbed by enteric diffusion) ??
128. Dec size of pupils -ParaSympathetic effect
129.sublingual/submandibular acini ?? (Mucin rich acini)
130. Submucosal fibrosis (betel Nut n pan)
131. Inc. Blood flow to skeletal muscle at rest (trained athelete)
132. Tryptophan
133. Toxemic shock (gas gangrene)
134. Pretracheal fascia (enclosing thyroid gland)
135. Reid index/serine elastase (ARDs)
136. Pericarditis/ankylosing spondylosis(Malar Rash female)
137. Mysthenia Gravis (chewing difficulty)
138. Beta adrenergic receptors (thyroxine cardiac effect throu)
139. Spleen/liver (site of RBCs production in 2nd trimester)
140. Change of one normal epithelia with other - defination of metaplasia
141. Mefloquine - chloroquine resistant P. falciform malaria

142. P. Falciform - associated e malarial meningitis ??

143. Kala Azar
(army personal in balochistan e Lymphadenopathy, some kind of fly in stem )
144. Neuropathy n microangiopathy -diabetic foot
145. Carbon laden -anthracosis
146. Earth crust -silicosis
147. Excessive sweating - hot sunny day, sudden collapse??
148. Thoracic aorta -post. 5th intercosal A.
149. Myocytes disarray - HOCM related stem ?
150. BT - not in coagulation profile . such was the stem??
151. Atypical CML/ eosinophilic granuloma - Eosinophilia ??
152. Anemia of chronic disease - normocytic normo chromic .. ??
153. IgG anti Rh antibody
154. Rh negative mother pregnant with Rh positive fetua -Rh agglutinin. ??
155. Aluminim hydroxide - antacid causing constipation
156. Cholecystokinin - delay emptying of stomach
157.continous saliva dooling/ regurge on first feed - typical of esophageal atresia
158. Part of foregut - Pituitary gland
159.normal anion gap metabolic acidosis -severe diarrhea
160. Motor sensation - Thalamus??
161. Hypocalcemia -severe dec. In mg causes ??
162. Vital capacity/ RV - max inspiration n max expiration. ??
163. Functional residual capacity/ inspiratory capacity - max inspiration but normal expiration
it wasn't clear whether questions are about respiratory/conducted(inspired/expired) volumes of air or quetions are about left over
volumes of air in lungs.
164. RVH and LVH - Mitral stenosis??
165. 8cm away from median line/plane of body - apex beat
166. Inc. Glucagon dec. Insulin -marathan runner
167. Acetyl coA - fatty acid oxidation intermediate used in kerb cycle
168. Drug over dose / sudden loss of vasomotor tone -Spinal anesthesia
169.digoxin/ ephedrine - Drug absorbed by aqueous diffusion ?
170. Long refractory period - why no tetanic contractions of cardiac cells
171. TPR decreases in exercise by??
172. Ricketsia -Q fever
173. Spirochete - warthin starry stain something ?
174. Microalbuminuria -Diabetic nephropathy
175. Vagus N. / common carotid -- right side relation of trachea in superior mediastinum
176. Hypoglossal -taste sensation carried by
177. Infective endocarditis -IVDA
178. Costochondritis - local tenderness , vitally stable
179. P. Falciparum - black water fever aetiology
180. Myopia/strabismus/ant. Shallow chamber/ accommodative aesthenia -- cycloplegia refraction most dangerous in which co
morbidity ??
181. Left recurrent N. - looping around arch of aorta
182. Pinocytosis -- actin, myosin n clathrin mediated transportation
183. Ciprofloxacin - pesudomonas aeruginosa organism in UTI
184.Fibrinoid necrosis -- PAN
185. Veins n veinules carry the Greatest fraction of blood in body
186. Midthoracic
(Neocorticospinal tract ends at level)


December 2015 Paper by Dr. Saad Ullah Siddique

1. Genotype of Turner. XO
2. Bar body test is most commonly done to diagnose
a. Klienfilter
b. Turner
3.Gardner working in garden. developed chest pain, x\ray showed mass in rt lower lobe
a.receive aa sometic and sensory input

5. Pregnant lady with lethargy koilonycia
b. inc MCV, dec MCH MCH
c dec MCV, inc MCH MCHC
6.Best for measuring GFR
7.Calculate dead space if TV 600
fev 75% saturation 94% one other value was 6000
8.35 yrs old with macrocytic anemia.diagnostic test
a. IF antibodies
b. Pernicious anemia
c. lipid malabsorption
b. dec TC2
9. Regarding stomach
a. pNS effect secretions of enzymes
b SNS effects secrwetions of enzymes
c SNS effects HCL secretions
d. PNS effects intestinal movement
10.Gemifibrozil mechanism of action
A. Oxidation of lipids
B. Vldl hydrolysis or lipolysis
C hdl hydrolysis or lipolysis
d.It causes lipid hydrolysis by lipprotien lipase.
11.Defintion of Incidence
12. Defintion of Prevelance .
but with different wording most closest was affected mass of total
13.30 yrs old pt with BL diplopia BL ptosis muscle weakness
and 4 other syndrome names, never heard of them
14. Triple screening for prenatal anomalies
a. estrone
b. estriol
c estradiol
15. Patient developed uti. and now we see that there is pseduomonas auregonisa and treatment or
antibiotic to be given
A. Co trimazole
B. Ciprofloaxcin
C. Gentamycin
D. Ceftriaxone
16. pt missed periods for 8 months... now most diagnostic FSh dec LH
b. inc FSH LH.
c. dec FSH. LH
d. dec FSH inc LH
e Atrophic uterus
17.causative organism of Q fever
a. tick

b. Rekitssea
c.loa loa
18. 6 yrs old boy with adult size penis and testis and secondary hair growth.
a. adrenogenital syndrome
b. congenital adrenal hyperplasia communicating artery joins
a. post cerebral with middle cerebral
b. IC with basilar
c. PC with MC
d. PC with IC
20. trachea as descends in sup mediatinum. rt to it lies
a. vagua
b. recuurent laryngeal
c. common carotid
d. arch of aorta
e. mediastinal pleura
21.Known case of lumbago with pain in chest and tenderness in posterior 4,5 intercoastal
a. costochondritis
b.ankylosing spondilitis
c. pericarditis
22. antacid causing dec gastric emptying
a. Alum Hydroxide
b. Mag Oxide
c. Ca Bicard
d. Soda bicard
23.tumor secreting ADH causes
a. HYperosmotic overhydration
b. HYperosmotic dehydration
c. HYposmotic overhydration
d, HYpoosmotic dehydration
24. Thirst is decreased by
a. Ang 2
b. alchol
c, renin
25. PPH... leading to no lactation
a. Sheehan Syndrome
26. Actin myosin clarthin transport mechanism
A. Primary Active transport
B. Secondary active transport
C. Simple diffusion
D. Pinocytosis
E. Facilatated diffusion
27.Lady had some abcess in neck triangle than we did incision and drainage .. Than now after that
she is unable to comb her hair as she cannot take her hand above her head
A. Spinal accessory nerve
B. Subscapular nerve
c. suprascapular
d. long thoracic
28. footballer..injury to lateral side of knee. x ray showed fibular fracture.. cant evert and planterflex

a. peroneus longus
b tibialis ant
c tibialis post
d fibular nerve
e common peroneal nerve
29.Person working in hot environment suddenly collapses.serum sodium found to be 120mmol/l
Cause z
a.Excess sweating
b. less drinking
30. Cycloplegic refraction more dangerous in
A. Strabismus
B. Accommodative something
C. Anterior shallow chamber
d. myopia
e. hypermetropia
30. First branch of abdominal aorta,
a. celic
b.inferior phrenic
c. rt suprarenal
31. Warthin starry stain used in
A. Spirochete
B. Chlamydia
c. candida
d. mycobacterium
32. soldier came after many years in sibbi.. hepatosplenomegaly.lymphadenopathy
hx of fly bite low grade fever...
33.Resistent to chloroquine what to give
a. mefloquine
b. primaquine
34. Drug after giving orally absorbed by aquious diffusion
a. benzo
b. pheno
c. ethanol
d. ephidrine
e. chlorpromazine
35. which is correct about csf
a. pyogenic infection.... dec glucose
b fungal.... normal glucose
c. viral...... normal protien.
d. TBM ....... normal lymphocyte
36. Pyogenic abcess in brain . Which lobe most common
a. frontal
b. parietal
c. temporal
37. aphasia caused by destruction of

b. temporal lobe
c. parietal lobe
d. frontal
38 brodmans area 4 supplied by
a. ASA
c. PCA
d ant cruciate artery
e. MCA
39. Leuckocyte adhesion
A. Integrin
B. Selectin
40. Maximum pressure in aorta during which phase
A. Isovolumetric contraction
B. Isovolimetric relaxation
c. slow ejectiond. rapid ejection
41. alpha adrenergic causes BP
42. Cck inhibit what
A. Gastric emptying
B. Contraction of gall bladder
43. Ventricular complete depolarisation occurs during
a. QRS
b QT interval
c. ST sement
44.Femoral artery please note the word Artery palpated in
A. Adductor canal
B. Mid inguinal point
C. Midpoint of inguinal ligament
45. a question about SILICOSIS(from earth crus)
46.PNEUMOCONIOSI( Carbon laiden macrophages)
47. Hemisection od rt spinal cord
ipsilateral loss of pain 2 segments below
48. hemisection of rt spinal cord
contralateral loss of proprioception
49. Hemisection of Spinal cord..
a. ipsilateral loss of all sensetions at the site of leison
50. vertebral dics herniation
a. affects spinal nerve and post rami
b. affects posterior dorsal column
51. urine conc 100 urine flow rate 2 plasma conc 10 calculate clerance
a 200
b 20
c 100
d 10
52. VLooping around aorta
A. Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
53. scanerio of dysphagia finger pain skin deformity

53. thyrotoxicosis scanerio, palpitaion cause

Beta 1 effect
54. Hyper esinophilia
A. Hodgkin lymphoma
B. Heamorrhagic viral fever
C. Eosinophilic granuloma
D. Myefibrol or that near
E. Chronic myeliod leukemia
55. High pulse pressure maximum amplitude in
A. Left ventricle
B. Left atrium
C. Aorta
d. femoral
56. Chemical carcinogen
Alpha 1 antitrypsin
57. plerual plus pericardial effusion..if develope proteinuria whats diagnosis
a. wegners
b. vascular thickening
58. scanerio of SLE malar rash, photosensitivity, renal involvement. whats next
a. pericarditis
b joint ankylosis
c pleural fibrisis
d. pleral hemorrhage
59. Adult man having respiratory distress
60. well trained athlete heart at rest has inc.
a. CO
b. SV
61. Chemotherapy given and now tumor size becoming small and small mechanism
A. Apoptosis
62. benzo..pheno and other antiepileptics act by
b. glutamate
c. ACh
63. grade 4 hepatoencephlopathy caused by
a. paracetamole
2. amphetamine
64. 8 yrs old child with generalized odema. 1dt investigation.
a serum albumin
b. urinary protiens
65. diabetic HTN pt with nephro pathy
a. angiopathy= neuropathy
66. diabetic HTN pt with nephro pathy, investigation.
a. urinary protein
b. serum protein
c. serum creatinin
67. Uremic Nephropathy, cause of anemia
a.dec erythropoitin?

68. Macula densa senses?

a. dec NACL
b. hypotension
c. ischemia
d infarction
69. ionizing radiation, extent of tissue damage
a. duration of radiation
b type of radiation
c type of tissue exposed
d size of tissue
70. intermediate from fatty acid cycle which enter kreb`s cycle
a. acetyl CoA
b. pyruvate
71. a question of MCD..........>defect in Basement membrane
72. Mucin Rich Gland
a. submandibular
b. parotid
c. sublingual
73. Match reflexes
a C6--> Biceps
b. c8---> triceps
c. S2,S3---. Ankle
d. L4,L5 ---> Knee
74.PNS---> dec size of Pupil
75. CCB, given in HOCM
a. verapamil
b. diltiazm
c. nefedipine
d nimodipine
e. amlodipine
75. Pheochromocytoma
a. Alpha antagonist
b. beta antagonist
c. alpha beta both
76. selective action of
a timolol acts on B1
b. butaxalol on B1
c. Levobunolol on B1
d. Levobunolol on B2
e. butaxolol on B2
77. which drug raises BP.
a. Adrenergic Alpha 1 agonist
78. Immunostimulant hormone
A. Acth
B. Cortisol
C. B- endorphin
D. Gh ( till puberty)
e. somatostatin
79. AIDS associated skin CA

a. SCC
b. BCC
c Kaposi
80. platelets adhere to
a. rough endotheliu
b. intact endothelium
81. mitochondria enriched cells in apical part.
a. cilia containing cells
b. liver parenchymal cells
82. DNA containing organele other thn nucleus
a. mitochondria
b. lysosome
c. Golgi
d. Ribosome
e. SER
83. CD4 cells----> Helper T cells
84. Helper T cells.
a. opsonization
b. activates plasma cells
c. already matured in fetal life
85. LMWH and Heparin has in common
a. same action on factor 10
b. same action on prothrombin
c. same action on factor 5
86. After oral antiguagulant which factor inhibited first
a. factor 7
b. factor 11
c. factor 12
d. factor 5
87. Factor not included in intrinsic pathway
a. factor 7
b. factor 11
c. factor 12
d. factor 5
88. the most reliable diagnostic feature of Tuberculosis
a. granuloma
b. caseating granuloma
c. identifying AFB
89. Benzodiazepin..
c.hangover effect.?
d. epileptic fitz
90. Glebella is
a. part of frontal bone
b. part of frontal bone btw supracilliary arches
c. part of frontal bone just below nasion
91. which area of liver has most poor blood supply
a. zone 1

b. zone 2.
c around central vein
b. around permanent cells
92. Slow growing thyroiod tumor---> paillary CA
93. pulmonary embolism, death, nothing specific i could recall. most imp cause
a. fat embolism
b. thromboembolism
c. air embolism
d emboli
94. after 5 years of transplant increase incidence of?
a. cervical dysplasia
b brain tumor
d.liver tumor
e.lymphoproliferative disorder
95.golgi tendon organ.
a.reduces strtch
b. cause relaxation
. cause contraction
96. In hyaline cartilage
a. Collagn fibre visible
b. Fiber absent
c. Elstc fibre visible
d. Both elastic and collagen visible
98. in tissue HB releases O2 by
a. inc temp
b. inc Ph
c inc 2,3,DPG
d. inc CO2
98. right shift of O2 dissociation curve
a. dec temp
b inc Ph
c Alveolar Capillaries (somethign like that)
d. hyperthyroid
99. adult HB....HBA
100. So 5 years old girl in morning PT, has cough and sore throat and in
past complained of wrist pain... Diagnose
A. Aso titre
B. Throat swab
101. Betal nuts---> submucosal fibrosis
102. Thyroid gland enclosed in
A. Pre tracheal
B. Prevertebral
103. Excess stored iron with iron overload
a hemosiderin
b. ferritin
c trnsfrrin

104. catecholamines formed by

a tyrosine
b. tryptophan
c. phenylalanine
a. derived from hypoblast
b. contineus with fetal membrane
c gives origin to vitelline vessels
d. form first pool of blood
106. baby born with esophageal atrisia
a. regurgitate all first feed
b. cough on feed
c. contineus drooling of saliva
107. What is most imp feature of malignacy
a N;C 1:1
b pleomorphism
c. invasion
108. Hypokalemia ----> U wave
109. Hypomagnessia associated with
a. hyper calcemia
b. hypocalcemia
c. hypo phosphatemi
d. hypokalemia
e. hyponatremia
110. Keratititis .. xerostomia and joint pain
A. Sjorgen
111. dopamina Ach imbalance in basal ganglia
a. parkinson
b athetosis
c chorea
112. Basal Ganglia
a. initiate movement
b.movemenet coordination
c. cognitive motor function
113. Post communicating artery connects
a.Internal carotid with basilar
b. Internal carotid with post cerebral
c. Middle with post cerebral
114. Post fontanele
a. Vaginally cannot be palpated in deep transverse arrest
b. in occipito post position can be felt vaginally
c. cant be felt if position is sacropubic
d. closes with ant fontanele
e. larger than ant fonatnele
115. Cardiac muscle contractility is maintained by.
a. local chemical mediators
b. sympathetic afferents
c. parasympathetic afferents
d. superior most nerve from cervical chain

116. during excersize TPR is reduced by..

a. local metabolites from skeletal muscles
b. sympathetic stimulus
c. parasympathetic stimulus
117. polyartritis nodosa------- > Option with fibrosis .. another was Fibrinoid Necrosis
118. famous question of terminl ileal resection
119. question of buccopharyngeal membrane separating stomodium from foregut
120. cardiac muscle cannot be tetanised
a. long refractory period
b. due to automaticity
c. plateu
121. In later stage of pregnancy, maternal blood is separated from fetal blood by
A Syncitiotrophoblast only
B Cytotrophoblast only
C Sybcytiotrophoblast and fetal endothelium
D Syncytiotrophoblast n cytotrophoblast
122 Arterial blood pressure will be increased by
A Saralasin/saralasix
B Spironolactone
C Alpha one agonist
D Phenoxybenzamine
123 Post adrenalectomy taste prefrence will be inc for
A NaCl
B Glucose
124 Inc PR interval with 120/80 bp,
A. Unifasicular block
B. Bifasicular
C Trifasicular
D. Third degree
E Complete Block
125 In pharyngeal phase of swallowing
A laryngeal vocal cords adduct
B larynx move down
C epiglottis does not move
D soft plate moves down
126 Voluntary muscle is contracted
A alpha motor discharge
B gamma motor discharge
C both simultaneously
127 Artery damaged in close proximity of phrenic N.
A Pericardiolhrenic Artery
B Musculophrenic Artery
C Internal thoracic Artery
128 pregnant lady vd cholelithiasis.......GGT
129 Viral hepatits, what should be raised ..ALT
130 chronic hepatitis......fibrosis in hepatocytes
131 Bioavailabity is measured when drug given Oral
132 False about fast pain
A. Medial Leminiscus

B. A delta
C. Ventral column
D. Glutamate
133 Neo corticocervical tract ends at?
A. Upper cervical level
B. Upper thoracic level
C. Mid thoracic level
D. Lower thoracic level
134 In Addition to Steroid synthesis Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum performs following function
Unable to recall the proper question
A Detoxification

2jan 2016 evining pp1 medicine late pregnancy placenta consist of - Synctiotrophoblast+fetal endothelium
2. ADH is inhibited by - Alcohal
3.compression of optic chiasma will cause - bitemporal hemianopia
3.RTA case what will you give first - I/V fluids.
4.insulin secretion is stimulated by - GIP
5.which drug causes Increse LES tone and increase Gut motility - metoclopramide.
6.P falciparum - Blackwater fever.
7. Barrbody diagnostic for - turnur.
8.bioavailability is for drugs that are taken - orally
9.worm coming from nose of child - ascaris.
10. Adrenalectomy will lead to taste pref - Na.
11. Sensory loss in dermatone will occur posterior rami
12.true statement regarding blood supply of heart - LCA gveLad+LEFT CIRCMFLEX
13.renalven is in front of aorta and renl arty
14.infection in front of pretrachialgos to ant. Mediastinum
15. Barbiturates-, enzyme inhibitors
16. Severe Mg defeciency cause hyocalcemia
18. Aldostron is stimulated by - hyperkalemia
19 U wave is sue to hypokalemia
20. Definition of hemosiderin
21. Liquefactive necrosis occurs - brain
22. poor prognostic signs of acute transplant reject 24.immunoglobulin involve in Erythroblastosisfetalis - IgG
25.Mode of transmission of HIV- transmits from mother to baby. 48.typical scenario of measle
26.End arteries are present in vital organ
27.Polyarteritisnodosa pathology- fibrinoid necrosis
28. At end of Marathone raceincrease glucagon decrease insulin
29.slow growing thyroid tumor-papillary
30.most common cause of metaplasia chronic irritation
31.infarct of broca area which artery involvedMCA
32.increase delivery on NaCl to macula densa will inhibit - renin release
33.dfinitioin of vitall capacity
34.pregnant lady presents with jaundice which test to be performed - GGT
35.local cause of edema - allergy

36. 5yr old child presented with generalized edema which test to be done - urine albumin
37.maximumwol of blood is present in veins and venules
38.diabetic patient present with gangrenous foot cause is -angiopathy+neuropathy
39.cause of death in gas gangrene - toxemia
40.Drug absorbed from GIT depends upon its Lipid solubility
41.Blood flow to Heart is controlled by - Local metabolites
42.confirmation of TB- detection of AFB
43.hormone inhibit gastric emptying - CCK
44.which artery is present along phrenic nerve - pericardiophrenic artery
45.apex beat location - 8cm from midline
46.function of dead space - humidifies and warms inspired air
47.which is requied for collagen synthesin - vit c
48.thirst will decrease when - ECF vol increase
49.characteristic feature of malignancy - metastasis
50. the characteristic microscopic feature of malignancy is -- pleomorphism
51.most common source of Hep B and C are contaminated needles
52.patient presented with protienurea which structure is damaged basement membrane
53.chewningbetal nuts will cause submucous fibrosis
54.complication of OCP thromboembolism
55.dfinition of incidence no.of new cases per unit time
56.dfiniton of prevelance mass affectd by diseseae
57.most common reaction of parents in peadiatric ward after hearing morbid illness - denial
58.function of SER Detoxefication
59.DNA is also present in mitochondria
60.true statement regarding pituitary pituitary gland sends its venous drainage to dura space
61.correct combination of CSF finding TBM leads to decrease glucose
62. most potent chemotactic factor C5a
63.Dobutamine stimulates which receptors B1+B2
64.finding in hyperthyroidism decrease TSH
65.apical mitochondria are present in which structure cilia
66.feature that promotes blood clotting rough endothelial surface
67. fatty acid enters kreb cycle as a kreb cycle molecule
68. thyroid is enclosed in pretracheal fascia
69. hormone of slow wave sleep serotonin
70. staging described extent of tumor
71.true statement regarding circle of villus posterion communicating artery connects PCA with
ICA beneath oculomotor nerve
72. counseling is to help people themselves
73. cause of carcinoma benzidine
74.true statement regarding erythroblastosisfetalis immunoglobulins are produced in RH- mother
with RH+ baby
75.findig in sever diarrhea acidosis with normal anion gap
76.administration of which of the following will incease blood flow to Muscle
(a)alpha 1 antagonists
(b) norepinephrine
77.function of basal ganglia initiation of voluntary movements
78.concentration of which hormone does not change in pregnancy
(a) cortisol
(d) PTH

79.6yr male child presented with hirsutism and adult size external genitalia.urinary 17-ketosterods
are elevated.what is diagnosis
(a) adrenogenital syndrome
(b) congenital adrenal hyperplasia
80. abreat fed baby after 2 days of birth develops jaundice, direct=1 indirect=9 diagnosis
physiological jaundice
81.radiation injury depends upon
(a) type of radiation
(b) dose of radiation
(c) type of tissue exposed
(d) dose with shot duration
82.true statement regarding helper T cells.(forgot options)
83. what is correct pairing of reflexes with root value
(a) biceps- C6
(b)knee L4 L5
84. during phonation
(a)vocal cards adducts
(b)vocal card abducts
(c)occurs only during inspiration
(d)occurs only during expiration
(e) occurs during inspiration and expiration
85.allele are identical genes on same locus
86.true regarding posterior frontanelle- area is smaller than anterior frontanelle

=-=1. Recurrent infections, sinusitis, situs inversus Kartegnars syndrome.

2. The disease that involves kidney Wegners granulomatosis (not Buerger disease)
3. A boy suffered group A Strep infection,then developed joint pain and chorea.(They did not tell the Dx
like in the scenario of Post GN, yet the history was going towards Rheumatic fever.) The mechanism was
asked Bypassing low tolerance and cross re-activity. (Confirm this please)
4. Rheumatic fever (scenario) type of hypersensitivity II
5. In Scarlet fever toxin type Erythrogenic
6. A male sexually active without fever and urethral discharge organism found Chlamydia trachomatis
7. The drug that causes hyperurecemia Pyrazinamide
8. Systolic pressure 132 and diastolic 64, what is the mean arterial pressure (calculation) 88
9. The drug that causes increased lower esophageal sphincter tone and facilitates gastric emptying
10. Hodgkins disease Contiguous lymphatic spread (I did) / Extra-nodal spread (dont remember the
exact statement)
11. Polycythemia characteristic feature; increase in Red cell mass
12. Patient taking medicines for prosthetic valve, now begins with bleeding from gums; Plt count
decreased, Hb decreased, BT increased Drug induced (thrombocytopenia)
13. Patient with hyperthyroid signs and symptoms, T3 T4 raised, TSH low. When given TRH all increases

Hyperthyroidism with thyroid problem

14. Patient with Hodgkin lymphoma, fever, and nucal rigidity, germ most likely Cryptococcus
15. A female patient with low Hb and increased reticulocytes + Coombs test positive Autoimmune
hemolytic anemia
16. A person comes in Pakistan first time and started with fever, chills and jaundice Malaria falciparum
17. In medial lemniscuses decussation occurs in Internal arcuate fibers
18. Patient with miosis and cannot gets his pupils widened even in dark, lesion of Sympathetic trunk
19. Patient with dry eyes which ganglion involved Pterygopalatine
20. All modalities of sensations lost below the lesion Complete section of spinal cord
21. A tall man in a circus started with chest pain. Has also dislocated lens in history, chest pain due to
Dissecting aorta
22. Damage to dorsal column medial leminiscus pathway causes Sensory ataxia
23. Nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus damage cause Astereognosia
24. A patient with FEV1/FVC decreased with FEV1 decreased more, dyspnea (emphysema case). The
activity of neutrophil elastase is due to Nicotine
25. A child with arthritis, mucosal ulcers, uveitis and genital lesions Behcets disease
26. HLA B27 positive in Ankylosing spondylitis
27. A farmer with linear pigmented lesion on his foot Cutaneous lower migrance (it was NOT
Cuntaneous Larva Migrans; either spelling mistake or they just made like C. birefrengens type question)
other options were [Cutaneous leishmaniasis, Dracanculus medinensis, Hook worm, Strongyloides
28. In SIADH Hyponatremia (decreased osmolarity)
29. Alpha motor neurons Myelinated
30. Potassium secretion decreased via Aldosteron antagonists (Spironolactone)
31. Chemotaxis means Migration
32. Costocervical trunk 2nd part of subclavian artery
33. First heart sound coincides with Isovolumetric contraction of heart
34. A female with increased neck mass, gain in weight, FNA (fine needle aspiration) done; shows
lymphocytic infiltrates (scenario) Hashimoto thyroiditis
35. Glucose load causes release of Secretin
36. Gastrin release is stimulated by Protein diet
37. Regarding normal heart Right ventricle pressure 25/10 mmHg
38. Maximum absorption by renal tubules Glucose
39. Aldosterone maximum action at Distal tubule
40. Regarding heart sounds 1st heart sound is high pitched (or loud?)
41. Dissociation curve to the right due to decrease in pH
42. Dissociation curve to the left Fetal hemoglobin
43. Ectopic thyroid hormone is produced by Squamous carcinoma larynx (Others were Small cell
carcinoma bronchus, adenocarcinoma stomach, Pancreatic cancer, Carcinoid tumor bronchus)
44. Lesion above the sacral region; effect on bladder Atonic (I did)/ uninhibited neurogenic bladder?
45. Sickle cell anemia defect in Beta globin
46. Cholera mechanism of diarrhea Cl ion secreted inside the crypts
47. About psoas muscles present between lumbar plexus
48. Elbow joint a hinge joint
49. Deep inguinal ring formed by Transverse fascia
50. Whiplash injury to a woman with C5-C6 root damage; disability Flexion of the elbow
51. Rectus abdominus arcuate? (dont remember exactly)
52. A patient on MAO inhibitors, in order to avoid hypertension you would advise not to take Coffee

53. Middle third of oesophagus is supplied by Descending thoracic aorta

54. Follicular cells of thyroid derived from Endoderm
55. Aortic arch aneurism will compress Left bronchus (I did) / Esophagus?
56. Organophosphates Irreversibly binds to organophosphates
57. ADH and Oxytocin produced in (question stem was different) Hypothalamus
58. A tumor of pituitary gland compressing anteriorly to a structure will cause problem in Optic nerve
59. A postpartum lady with heavy bleeding due to uterine atony, drug you would use Ergometrine
60. Patient with asthma, IHD and for control which medication you would use IV nitroprusside
61. Parietal cells Copious eosinophilic cytoplasm and central nucleus
62. A child with petechial rash, bleeding gums and ecchymosis with fever. Most accurate diagnosis with
Bone marrow aspiration
63. Patient with prolonged PR interval and on beta blocker from long time cause Drug induced 1st
degree heart block
64. IV injection of Benzodiazepine causes toxicity ?? Old patient?
65. Diagnostic criteria for soft tissue tumor Rich vascularity
66. Lymphatic vessels related to Cystic hygroma
67. A patient from Cairo comes to a doctor. Cystoscopy revealed a tumor mass inside. Most likely
diagnosis Squamous cell carcinoma
68. Propylthiouracil Decrease thyroid hormone synthesis
69. Labetalol blocks Alpha and beta receptors
70. A patient with 12 hour history of abdominal pain, laparoscopy done serosa of appendix inflamed,
appendectomy done and specimen sent to histopathologist for analysis. Report shows Mild and early
acute inflammation
71. Dialyzing fluid has more as compared to plasma Glucose
72. Patient with food injury and pain, swollen around the ankle, can stand on toes but still hurts
Plantaris tendon rupture
73. Low complement system seen in SLE
74. Back muscle supply Dorsal root rami
75. Lymphatic spread of malignancy from uterus to labia majora via Round ligament
76. Hypertensive patient what to avoid Canned Soup (I did) although Bowl of cereals, Loaf of bread
also causes increase in BP.
77. Pulmonary flow of blood in liters/min 5 liters
78. IgA nephropathy on histology Mesangeal deposit
79. Collagen stains light blue with eosin
80. Increased in resistance to flow Viscosity
81. Early stage of asthma Increased pulmonary compliance (I did)?
82. Chorea and athetosis are the features of Basal ganglia complex
83. Femoral artery position to femoral vein below the inguinal ligament, femoral artery is Lateral
84. Acidosis and hyperventilation, toxicity of Salicilates
85. About spermiogenesis Spermatids are converted to spermatozoa
86. With increase in age decrease in following is observed Vital capacity (I did)?
87. Whole wheat cereal is a rich source of Thiamine
88. In CNS Neurotransmitters travel from soma to axon terminals (I did)?
89. Posterior 1/3 of the taste lost due to a mass, compression of which nuclei will cause this
90. P53 gene mutation results in Cell survival
91. Natural defense against Neoplasm Apoptosis
92. Alcoholic liver disease, councilmen bodies represent Apoptosis

93. Alcoholic liver disease, biopsy done, histological feature reveals Mallory bodies
94. Muscle spindles supply to Ends of intrafusal fibers
95. Muscle spindle firing decreases when Muscle contract
96. Increased H+ in blood acts on Central chemoreceptors on Medulla oblongata
97. Leprosy investigation Nasal scraping for culture
98. Breast atrophy in an adult female due to decrease in Oestrogen
99. The proteins and carbohydrates are assemble and packed for secretion in the organelle Golgi
100. Peroxisomes originate from SER
101. Family history positive, patient with recurrent respiratory infections, sinusitis investigation for
diagnosis Sweat Chloride test.
102. With mean in some research data analysis, investigators also do Standard deviation for To
measure the variability of individual studies
103. In synaptic vesicles about neurotransmitters Ca influx in presynaptic membrane is necessary for
neurotransmitter release
104. Trachoma Bacterial conjunctivitis > Inclusion conjunctivitis
105. Population everyone has equal chances of being selected Random sampling
106. Left circumflex artery MI supply affected to Left atrium and left ventricle
107. Right border of the heart radiologically SVC
108. Anemic hypoxia Methaemoglobinemia
109. Epinephrine released by Adrenal medulla acts on which receptors to cause vasodilation Beta 2
110. Most common cause of multiple fractures in an adult Osteoporosis
111. Man sitting on chair with hands on lateral sides, tips of scapula is at T7
112. True hermaphrodite XX
113. Notochord Neural plate on ectoderm
114. Pulmonary different from systemic circulation Decrease vascular resistence
115. Gamma efferent supply to Intrafusal muscle spindles.
116. Most sensitive plasma serum marker showing the myocardial cell death Myoglobin
117. Carotid artery Located externally at its bifurcation point and then turns medially
118. Oblique fissure of the lung at level - T3 to T6 Costochondral.
119. Superficial temporal artery relation with which nerve - Auriculotemporal nerve.
120. Correct about Thyroid gland - lymph drainage to deep cervical lymph nodes.
121. In cerebral circulation brain arteries - Do not anastomose once entered in the brain (controvertial).
122. Phase 1 of transformation of drug metabolism Oxidation.
123. Counseling in patients is - To help themselves.
124. A young girl who is going to die and asks you Am I going to die? Doctor response should be
What your parents have told you?
125. Cholesterol enriched diet Egg.
126. Correct about DNA Euchromatin is transcriptionally active.
127. ADPKD associated with Renal failure (vs) Cerebral haemorrhage (controversial). It is actually
associated with berry aneurism and subarachnoid haemorrhage occurs due to it. Main cause of death is
Renal failure.
128. Cause of delay in healing Infections.
129. PaO2 decreased, PCO2 increased, hydrogen ion increased; manifestation (looked like kind of COPD)
130. Mean systemic filling pressure is regulated by - Venous return.
131. ADH responds to Osmolarity.

132. Diabetic nephropathy investigation - Urine albumin.

133. Young boy with generalized edema and proteinuria - Lesion of basement membrane.
134. Lesion of parasympathetic system affects mostly - GI muscles.
135. Stress hormone of our body ACTH (controversial because NE, Epinephrine and Cortisol are true
stress hormones) NE and epinephrine were also in the options.
136. S2 sound heard on - Closure of aortic and pulmonary valve.
137. A patient with history hemorrhage (trauma) receives a bag stored for 2 weeks mainly contains
138. Due to inspiration Venous return increases
139. Max increase in ECF due to infusion of - Hypertonic NaCl.
140. Auscultation of tricuspid valve best heard at Right lower end of the body of sternum.
141. GVE vagus nerve for preganglionic fiber arises from Dorsal nucleus.
142. Thorn prick in left lower limb caused abscess - Staph aureus.
143. Diabetic female after abdominal surgery; dyspnea and cough - Pulmonary embolism.
144. MCC of pulmonary embolism DVT.
145. Typical feature of falciparum - Black water fever.
146. Pain mediator - Bradykinins.
147. Metaplasia Functional change in cells.
148. Female with infection of HPV, comes after 2 years, Pap smear shows prominent nucleoli and
increased nucleus size Dysplasia.
149. Gas exchange occur - Simple squamous epithelial layer.
150. Patient with granulomatous disease, biopsy done. Microscopic finding that suggests TB Epitheloid
151. Benign neoplasm Adenoma.
152. 3 germ layers tumor Teratoma.
153. Charateristic of cerebellar lesion Dymetria
154. Emax of a drug depends on Efficacy
155. Amniocenthesis is done - After 14th weeks.
156. 1st response against acute inflammation in tissue Macrophages.
157. In dark granules containing cells; IgE attaches to Basophils.
158. Opsonization - C3b.
159. Fluid due to acute inflammatory process contain - more than 3g of proteins.
160. Pulmonary artery supply to Alveoli.
161. In young boy dyspnea produced on lying - Retrosternal goiter.
162. Edema caused by - Increased hydrostatic pressure.
163. Edema caused by - Lymphatic blockage.
164. BP 210/180mmHg and creatinine 8% damaged part Juxtaglomerular apparatus.
165. Female with blood group A, have 2 children; one with O and other with AB, blood group of father is
166. DNA replication occur in Interphase.
167. Glycogenolysis caused by deficiency of which hormone Insulin
168. Investigation for liver amoebic abscess Serology.
169. Patient with fracture of many bones and low BP immediate treatment - Volume replacement.
170. Most common fracture of long bone - Tibia.
171. Micturition Self generating.
172. 1g protein gives energy 4 kcalories.
173. Isotonic and isometric contraction difference is that isotonic contraction consumes more
phosphate bond.

174. Autonomic nervous system parasympathetic increase salivary secretion.

175. Protrusion of mandible Lateral pterygoid.
176. During exercise increased blood supply to muscles - Local metabolites.
177. Cause of bronchogenic carcinoma Asbestosis
178. Most common risk factor for bronchogenic carcinoma - Smoking
179. Child with yellow sclera and colored urine, best Investigation - Bilirubin and ALT.
180. Patient with all symptoms of Cushing along with increased ACTH cause - Cushing disease.
181. Clot retraction is mediated by Thrombosthenin
182. PO4 increased, Calcium decreased and PTH increased Chronic Renal Failure.
183. Placenta as a barrier - Does not allow maternal and fetal blood mixing.
184. Somatostatins function in pancreatic fistula - Decrease enzyme secretion (I did) / Decrease pH ??
185. Tetrahydrofolate inhibitors - Sulfonamides.
186. Features of a malignant tumor - Invasion.
187. Typhoid fever test you would do in 1st week Blood culture
188. Typhoid fever test you would do in 2nd week Widal and Blood culture
189. Case scenario in which a patient had increased T3 and T4 levels (values and controls were given).
Diagnosis Primary hyperthyroidism
190. Muscle of quiet respiration diaphragm
191. Slow burning pain A delta fibers
192. Simple diffusion Non saturable
193. Absorption from the Ileum-- Vitamin B12
194. Spinal nerves and cranial nerves are - Lower motor
195. Unique type of tissue (that is not like others type tha kuch) - Blood
196. The one that is different (don't remeber the stem) - Neurilemma
197. Food poisoning due to Clostridium botulinum cause - Flaccid paralysis
198. Increase in plasma osmolarity - Increase in volume and osmoreceptor stimulation, increase in ADH
199. Increase in GFR & Blood flow in nephron - Increased afferent arteriolar dilation.
200. Most common infection in hospitalized patients - Staph aureus


1st January 2016 Surgery & Allied Paper 1 and 2 Evening Session.
(By: Dr. Waqar Arif)
1. Which hormone delays gastric emptying? CCK.
2. Nerve damage at surgical neck of humerus? Axillary nerve.
3. A patient is having a swelling in neck. Swelling (mass) is positively stained
with Congo red stain. Thyroid carcinoma is diagnosed. Tumor marker will
be? Calcitonin.
4. The swelling of 3rd part of Subclavian artery will appear in? A) Anterior
triangle B) Posterior triangle (Answer) C) Suprasternal area E) Axilla.
5. Half life depends upon? Rate of clearance.
6. At what rectal temperature, permanent cell injury occurs, if that
temperature remains constant? A) 99* F B) 101* F C) 103* F D) 106* F

(Answer). See Ganong 24th Edition page no. 320 E) No effect even at 108* F
7. Patient is having myocardial infarction. Posterior 1/3rd of interventricular
septum is involved. Which artery will be affected? Right coronary artery.
(This question was given in both paper 1 & 2)
8. A male having MCV 70, MCH 21, serum iron decreased, serum ferritin
decreased and TIBC increased. Diagnosis? Iron deficiency anemia. ( This
question was also given 2 times)
9. Aldosterone causes absorption of? Sodium.
10. Glucose is absorbed maximum in? Proximal convoluted tubule.
11. The fourth heart sound is produced by? A) Closure of aortic and
pulmonary valves B) Vibrations in the ventricular wall during systole C)
Ventricular filling (Answer). Ganong mcq key. D) Closure of mitral and
tricuspid valves E) Retrograde flow in vena cava.
12. Nor-epinephrine released from nicotinic receptors of adrenal medulla will
mediate vasodilation via? Beta 2 receptors.
13. A 50 years old diabetic, smoker and also having hypothyroidism. His B.P is
180/110mmHg. Drug of choice? A) Verapamil B) Captopril (Answer?) C)
14. A smoker patient presents with constricted pupil and having partial
drooping of eyelid. Diagnosis? A) Diabetic opthalmoplegia B) Horner
syndrome (Answer).
15. A boy with progressive muscular weakness. Antibodies against Calcium
channels are present. Diagnosis? Lambert-Eaton syndrome.
16. A smoker patient having round face, abdominal striae, hypertension and
obesity. Which hormone will be raised in his blood? ACTH (As it is a
scenario of small cell lung carcinoma leading to paraneoplasticCushing
17. A 16 years old boy after treated with Co-trimoxazole for some infection
now complaints of dark black urine. Diagnosis? G6PD deficiency.
18. Karyotype of Klinefelter syndrome? 47XXY.
19. Basic drugs bind with? Alpha 1 glycoprotein.
20. Middle colic artery is a branch of? Superior mesenteric artery.
21. Abdominal angina is caused due to involvement of? A) Superior
mesenteric artery (Answer) B) Inferior mesenteric artery C) Celiac artery.
22. Regarding trachea? A) It extends upto T8 vertebra B) Superiorly, it is fused
with cricothyroid membrane C) It has striated trachealis muscle D) Starts
from upper border of C6 (Answer) E) Recurrent laryngeal nerve lies

23. Which structure develops from 3rd pharyngeal arch? A) Stylopharyngeus
(Answer) B) Posterior belly of digastrics.
24. Otic ganglion lies near the anterior border of? Foramen Ovale.
25. Regarding spleen? A) It is normally 12cm in length B) On USG, it is more
echogenic than liver C) Accessory spleen is present in 25% cases D) Lax
ligaments may cause wandering spleen (Answer?).
26. Regarding thymus? A) Supllied by superior thyroid artery B) Single lobed
structure C) Extends from lower pole of thyroid upto 4th costal cartilage
(Answer?) D) Arch of aorta lies anterior to it E) It lies on sternothyroid and
27. Renal clearance calculation. Given values were: U = 100, V = 2ml/min and
P = 2. So applying UV/P = 20ml/min (Answer)
28. Regarding inferior vena cava? Commences at L5 (Answer).
29. A patient having completely injured sciatic nerve. Some sensory supply to
dorsum of foot will be managed by? Saphenous nerve.
30. Flexor of elbow supplied by radial nerve? Brachioradialis.
31. A scenario was given. Tubuloglomerular balance? A) Increase peritubular
blood flow B) Increase renal tubular flow C) Decrease peritubular sodium
concentration (Answer?).
32. Glucose in nephron is absorbed by? Co-transport.
33. Prostate blood supply? Inferior vesical artery.
34. Dorsum of nose is supplied by? A) Anterior ethmoidal branch of
ophthalmic artery (Answer?) B) Lingual artery C) Ascending palatine branch
of facial artery.
35. Pulsation felt at the anterior border of masseter, near jaw? Facial artery.
36. Anatomical structure which characterize conduction of heart? A) Nerve
fibers? B) Desmosomes C) Zonula adherens D) Gap junctions? E) Tight
37. Patient is unable to open his mouth. Paralyzed muscle? Lateral pterygoid.
38. A female patient wearing a revealing dress starts conversation in a
seductive tone. What will you do? A) Refuse to examine her B) Refer to
another doctor C) Call in a nurse (Answer) D) Ask open ended questions E)
Ask about her personal life.
39. Bladder carcinoma. Organism involved? Schistosoma hematobium,
40. Skin cancer associated with HIV/AIDS? Kaposi sarcoma.
41. Renal artery divisions? Segmental Lobar Interlobar Arcuate

42. 11 years old girl has an elbow X ray. Ossification centre will be assessed
at? Lateral epicondyle.
43. From which area of brain, cholinergic fibres of cerebral cortex will mostly
arise? A) Frontal lobe B) Parietal lobe C) Nucleus basalis of Meynert D)
Hippocampus E) Basal ganglia.
44. Platelet rich plasma stored at? 22* C.
45. Gubernaculum remnant in females? Ovarian ligament (Round ligament of
46. Meckels diverticulum? Occasionally contains gastric mucosa.
47. Aplasia? A) Decrease in cell size B) Decreased cell production? C) Failure of
cell production?.... (I think it should be decreased cell production. Failure of
cell production is called agenesis. Needed to be discussed)
48. Adenoma definition/characteristic?? One option contained the word
glands in it That was probably correct.
49. Most common premalignant skin lesion/condition? A) Intradermal nevus?
B) Junctional nevus? C) Seborrheic keratosis.
50. Parts of bile duct? A) Omental, retroduodenal and pre-pancreatic? B)
Omental, intraperitoneal and retroduodenal C) Omental and retroduodenal
D) Supraduodenal, retroduodenal, intraduodenal and infraduodenal E)
Supraduodenal, retroduodenal and intraduodenal.
51. A patient is unable to move his right eye laterally? A) Maxillary sinus
infection B) Cavernous sinus infection (Answer). (No option was present,
directly stating it as 6th C.N palsy).
52. Hypophysis cerebri is posterosuperiorly related to? Sphenoidal sinus.
53. About thyroid? Venous drainage into internal jugular and brachiocephalic
54. Mesothelioma is associated with? Asbestos.
55. Autosomal dominant disorder? Hereditary spherocytosis.
56. A scenario was given. Diagnosis was Multiple myeloma.
57. Diagnostic investigation for multiple myeloma? Immunoelectrophoresis.
58. Nucleoli contents were asked? Options were related to DNA, RNA,
proteins and ribosomes etc
59. A question about cell membrane structure?
60. A 45 years old woman complained of post coital and intermenstrual
bleeding. Abdominal examination was unremarkable. On specular
examination her uterus was hypertrophied. On vaginal examination uterus

and appendages were normal. Most initial lab investigation will be? A)
Diagnostic curettage B) Cone biopsy C) Cervical smear (Answer) D)
61. Fundus and corpus of stomach removed? Loss of receptive relaxation.
62. Trachea length in neonates? A) 2cm B) 4cm (Answer?) C) 6cm D) 8cm E)
10cm. (According to Grays anatomy trachea length in adults is 10-11cm so
we can get an idea from that)
63. Which factor will decrease vital capacity? A) Increase in residual volume B)
Decrease in total lung capacity (Answer).
64. A person developed abcess after a thorn prick. Organism will be? Staph.
65. Neisseria gonorrhea can be most easily identified by? Gram stain.
66. An admitted patient having difficulty in respiration. His tidal volume first
increases and then gradually decreases. Respiratory pattern is? A) Normal
respiration B) Apnea C) Kussmaul respiration D) Chynes stoke breathing
67. Most common circulating phagocytic cells in blood? A) Neutrophils
(Answer) B) Macrophages C) Basophils D) Eosinophils.
68. Urethra ruptured distal to urogenital diaphragm. Urine will extravasate
into? Superficial perineal space.
69. Disease caused by DNA virus? Infectious mononucleosis.
70. Incision given for submandibular gland surgery. Which nerve can be
damaged? A) Facial nerve B) Marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve
(Answer) C) Lingual nerve D) Greater auricular nerve.
71. A patient is suffering from acute inflammation. After 48 hours
predominating cells in blood, will be? A) Neutrophils B) Macrophages?....
72. Facial nerve supplies? Posterior belly of Digastric.
73. Popliteus? Present between lateral collateral ligament and lateral
74. Vibrio cholera causes diarrhea. Mechanism? Increased chloride channels.
75. Major neurotransmitter of basal ganglia? A) GABA B) Dopamine? C)
76. Helminthic infection caused by mosquito bite? Filariasis.
77. Lumber vertebral segment has lost its curvature due to? A) Kyphosis B)
Scoliosis C) Lordosis (Answer).
78. A patient has anterior duodenal perforation. Fluid will go into? A) Right
anterior subphrenic space B) Right posterior subphrenic space? C) Lesser

79. Tail of pancreas lies in? Lienorenal ligament.
80. Aphasia due to defect in? A) Cerebellum B) Cerebral cortex (Answer).
(Specific areas e.g Brocas was not given in options)
81. A patient is on oral anticoagulation. Investigation of choice for
monitoring? Prothrombin time.
82. An old male patient having Reed Sternberg cells in his blood? Hodgkin
83. Phrenic nerve? A) Lies anterior to subclaneus anterior B) Lies posterior to
subclaneus anterior?....
84. Fastest conduction in heart in? Purkinji fibers.
85. Most common method for Tetanus prevention is through? A) Toxoid
(Answer) B) Antitoxin.
86. Virulence of Staph. Aureus is determined by detecting? Coagulase.
87. During calculation of plasma osmolarity, sodium is multiplied by 2 due to?
A) Other cations B) Anions?....
88. A group of school teachers having diastolic B.P measurements (n=75).
Mean was 80mmHg and standard deviation was 10. How many teachers
(percentage) will have diastolic B.P of 70mmHg or more? A) 16% B) 46% C)
84%? D) 96%?....
89. A doctor randomly selects 200 patients of hemorrhoids. 100 patients had
surgery and 100 had high fiber diet. After one year doctor observed that
patients who had surgery respond well with having P<0.01. Study is? A)
Case control B) Prospective cohort C) Randomized control trials (Answer).
90. Primary nerve of peristalsis differs from secondary wave as? A) It has an
oropharyngeal phase (Answer?) B) It relaxes lower esophageal sphincter.
91. Which drug causes thrombocytopenia? A) Thiazides B) Chloramphenicol
92. Thiazides cause? A) Hyperurecemia? B) Hyperkalemia C) Hypercalcemia?...
93. Fibroblasts secrete? A) Only collagen fibers B) Only reticular fibers C)
Amorphous material (Answer?).
94. Child having hemarthrosis, diagnosed as Hemophilia B. Factor 9 is not
available. Next best substitute will be? A) Cryoprecipitate B) FFP (Answer)
C) Whole blood D) Plasma.
95. Aldosterone is functioning normally in a person. Under its action which ion
secretion will be decreased in tubular fluid? Sodium.
96. An old diabetic patient admitted in hospital due to pneumonia and

developing shock like symptoms. Cause will be? Increase vascular

97. External oblique has its upper six digitations fused with which muscle? A)
Serratus anterior (Answer) B) Latissmus dorsi.
98. Lignocaine toxicity? A) Can be prevented by making 2% solution B) Is
treated with hydrocortisone (Answer?) C) Can cause prolonged seizures.
99. A patient having hypovolemia with B.P of 80/50mmHg. Isoflurane will not
be given due to A) It is a halogenated hydrocarbon B) It is a potent
vasodilator? C) It is a myocardial depressant? D) It causes coronary steal
100. A pregnant lady having rheumatic heart disease. Its characteristic
valvular lesion will be? Mitral stenosis.
101. A patient having vegetations on heart valves due to Staph. Aureus
died. On autopsy a tan-white wedge shaped lesion of 1.5 x 3cm is seen with
its base on capsule. Lesion on the spleen can be explained as? A)
Coagulative necrosis? B) Caseous necrosis C) Liquefective necrosis?....
102. A scenario of a lady having swallowing difficulty, hands joints
stiffness with loss of facial creases. Diagnosis? CREST syndrome.
103. Raynauds phenomenon can be seen in? Peripheral arterial disease.
104. A scenario of amyloidosis. On autopsy of the patient heart was
weighed 540gms. This change is due to? Hypertrophy.
105. Drug causes blockage at neuromuscular junction? Curare
106. Regarding internal carotid artery? A) Passes through foramen
lacerum B) It is a content of carotid sheath (Answer).
107. Stress hormone release after surgery? ACTH (Cortisol was not in
108. A lady having O-ve blood. Characteristic? Neither A nor B antigen
109. A patient having prolonged PT and aPTT, diagnosed as a case of DIC.
Which factor is responsible? Thromboplastin.
110. After ventricular ejection? A) Closure of pulmonary valve (Answer) B)
Closure of Atrioventricular valves C) Aortic valves remains open.
111. Regarding ventricular volume? A) 60% ventricular filling occurs in
diastole B) It is maximum in the mid of atrial systole (Answer).
112. Daily requirement of protein in a 70Kg person will be? 50 gms. (Daily
requirement of protein for adults is approx. 0.8gm/Kg)
113. Which vitamin will help in clotting process? A) Vitamin B1 B) Vitamin

B6 C) Vitamin C (Answer) D) Vitamin E. (Vitamin K was not in options)

114. Macrocytic anemia is due to? A) Decrease in production of intrinsic
factor B) Folic acid deficiency (Answer?) C) Iron deficiency anemia D)
Thalassemia E) G6PD deficiency.
115. Most rapidly adapting receptors? Pacinian corpuscles.
116. A patient having loss of motor tone in his right arm and leg with
increased reflexes and positive Babinskis sign. Lesion will be at? A) Left
Broadman area 4 (Answer?) B) Left internal capsule C) Medullary pyramid
117. A patient has lost pain, temperature and crude touch sensations.
Which tact is involved? Anterolateral column.
118. Which factor increases the secretion of growth hormone? Exercise.
(In this question, Sleep was not given in options)
119. Same stem as Q 118 with slightly different options? A) Exercise
(Answer) B) REM sleep. (NREM sleep was not given in the options)
120. Surfactant deficiency (in respiratory distress syndrome) will lead to?
Decreased lung compliance.
121. Molecule present on WBC? LFA-1.
122. Most common site involved in Osteoblastoma? Diaphysis.
123. A lady has bleeding nipple discharge from her right breast. ON
examination, no swelling is palpable. Diagnosis? A) Intraductal papilloma
(Answer) B) Fibroadenoma C) Fibrocystic disease. (intraductal carcinoma
was not present in options)
124. A lady has type of growth on her outer/lateral part of nipple.
Lymphatic drainage will first goes into? A) Anterior axillary (Answer) B)
Apical C) Central nodes.
125. Regarding medial geniculate body? A) Associated with visual pathway
B) Attached with thalamus (Answer?) C) Present on ventrolateral surface of
126. A patient presents with weight loss, tremors and exopthalmos. His
T3/T4 is high and TSH is low. Anti thyroid antibodies are present. Diagnosis?
Graves disease.
127. Left renal vein relation? Present anterior to aorta.
128. A female patient having fever for 10 days now complains of chest
pain unrelated to respiration. Structure involved? Myocardium.
129. Femoral artery is palpated at? A) Mid inguinal point (Answer) B)
Middle of inguinal ligament.

130. Cause of edema in heart failure? Increased hydrostatic pressure.

131. A scenario in which patient has decreased tone in his arms but legs
are normal. Biceps reflex is absent. Which spinal segment/s involved? C5,
132. Most important distinguishing feature between benign and
malignant tumor? Metastasis.
133. Child suffering from terminal illness. Parents reaction will be? Denial.
134. Most elastic fibers are present in? A) Aorta (Answer) B) Femoral
artery C) Renal artery.
135. Highest concentration of antibody in plasma? IgG.
136. Insoluble storage of iron, increased in iron overload? A)
Ferritin(Answer?) B) Hemosiderin.
137. Metabolite of vitamin D most commonly assessed in laboratory, to
rule its deficiency? A) Cholecalciferol B) 25 hydroxy Vit D C) 1,25 Dihydroxy
Vit D?....
138. Effect of sympathetic stimulation on glucose metabolism? A) Beta
agonists inhibit insulin secretion.
139. Boundary of posterior triangle of neck includes? Base is formed by
middle third of clavicle.
140. Prolong use of OCPs lead to? Deep venous thrombosis.
141. Emboli from deep veins of leg first lodge into? Pulmonary
142. CD4 cells (Cluster of differentiation) are associated with? MHC 2.
143. NK cells? A) Directly kill virus infected cells without prior sensitization
(Answer) B) A type of cytotoxic T cells.
144. ADH secretion is increased when? Decrease in plasma volume.
145. A woman having serum osmolarity of 300mOsm/L and urine
osmolarity of 1200mOsm/L. Diagnosis? A) Diabetes inspidus B) SIADH
(Answer?) C) Pure water deprivation D) Nephrogenic diabetes inspidus.
146. Dorsal rami supply? Extensors of trunk.
147. Pseudomonas causes disease by secreting? Endotoxin.
148. A scenario of Wilson disease was given. Viral markers are negative.
Initial lab tests were inconclusive. Investigation of choice? A) Serum
ceruloplasmin B) Liver biopsy?....
149. Shallow breathing will cause? A) Decrease oxygen delivery B)
Decraese in dead space volume C) Deacreased amount of air reaches to

150. A boy has partially patent processus vaginalis now developed a

testicular swelling with all the coverings of spermatic fascia. Diagnosis?
Indirect inguinal hernia.
151. Outermost layer of nerve fiber? Epineurium.
152. A patient has constant contracted state of muscles suddenly
decreased and presents with sustained oscillations/contractions? A) Clasp
knife rigidity B) Clonus (Answer) C) Tetanus.
153. A patient has developed altered blood coagulobility, altered blood
flow and alteration in vessel wall? Virchows triad.
154. Excessive tissue fluid in? A) Hypogammaglobulinemia B)
Lymphangitis (Answer).
155. Obliteration of uterine cavity is due to? Options were related to
deciduas basalis and capsularis, myometrium and endometrium
156. A lab test which correctly identifies all true negatives show?
157. A question in which they either asked max concentration of
hemoglobin in RBC or max production of hemoglobin in RBC, at which
stage? A) Pronormoblast B) Late normoblast C) Reticulocyte. (Max
concentration is in reticulocyte)
158. Maintenance of ECF potassium by? Na-K ATPase pump.
159. Regarding newborn? Options were about orbital and maxillary
diameters/heights, vault and facial bone ossification.
160. Reflex innervation of heart is for? A) Control of arterial pressure.
161. Which of the following is a tumor suppressor gene? P53.
162. Which hormone will maintain or increase the growth of corpus
luteum? A) Estrogen B) Progesterone? C) Beta Hcg?....
163. A scenario of liver cirrhosis. Patient has dilated around umbilicus.
Which vein is involved? A) Hepatic veins B) Inferior vena cava (Answer).
(Portal vein was not given in options)
164. Drug of choice in systemic fungal infections? Amphotericin-B.
165. A patient after RTA now complains of loss of memory. It is due to
lesion in? Hippocampus.
166. A question related to Aspirin toxicity.
167. Irreversible cell injury includes? Karyolysis.
168. Most dangerous effect of Diptheria toxin will be on? Heart.
169. A child suffering from sickle cell anemia having jaundice. His
hemoglobin is markedly decreased, WBC and platelet counts are normal.

Which crises? Hemolytic crises.

170. After 1 week of surgery, patient complained of sudden chest pain,
dysnea and hemoptysis. Diagnosis? Pulmonary embolism.
171. Most common cause of infection after abdominal and gynecological
operations? Bacteroides.
172. About skeletal muscles? A) Multiple peripheral nuclei? B) Increase
intracellular calcium?....
173. A patient is unable to flex his leg and extend his thigh. Muscle
involved will be? Semitendinosus.
174. A smoker patient having dysnea has pH 7.4, pCO2 31mmHg and
HCO3 19mmol/L. Diagnosis? Compensated respiratory alkalosis.
Remember me in your prayers

1st JANUARAY 2016 online morning shift SURGERY

paper 2

It has been tried to make it error free but still

errors are possible

1- Eating undercooked and raw meet can cause

infestation by...
dracunculous medinesnsis
echinococcus granulosis

liver fluke
tape worm

2- Iodine which is not used in the thyroid hormone

syntheseis is secreted from body via

3- Gustatory sweating is caused by

Superficial Parotidectomy
Diabetes Mellitus
4- Mass movement is affected in colon due to
problem in

Auerbach plexus
Submucosal plexus

5- In an adult Ileactomy and jejunectomy has been

done. He has diarhoea and 15-20 bowel sounds per
minute. The most likely cause of this decreased
transit time in the intestine is due to

secreroy plus osmotic {not sure}
High concentration of bile salts in the colon

6- treatment of vWD

Vit K
Aminocaproic acid

7- The head of femur in adult is supplied by

Anterior circumflex artery

Sciatic artery
Femoral artery
Medial and lateral circumflex artery
posterior circumflex artery
8- Head of humerus is supplied by
Anterior circumflex
posterior circumflex axillary

9- In acute pancreatitis, fluid will most like

accumulate in

a) Gutters

b) Subphrenic space
c) Retroperitoneal space
d) lesser sach {not sure}

10- Washed RBCs are indicated to

a- avoid ABO conflict

b- Avoid Rh conflict
c- avoid fever after transfusion
d- avoid hypersensitivity reactions
13. A man having recurrent bacterial infections with
streptococci also having diarrhea which
on examination showed giardiasis, urther exam
revealed normal T cells but B cells levels of
igM,igG and igA were given

A. Diabetes
B. Altered immunodeficiency
C.Bruton's agammaglobulinemia

12- highest amount of TAGs in

a- Chylomicrons
b- vldl
c- hdl
d- IDL
e- Chylomicron remnants
13- Function of Gulteus medius and minimus is
a- Extention of hip joint
b- Flexion of hip joint
c- Adduction and medial rotation of hip joint
d- Abduction and medial rotation of the hip joint
14- Thorn prick...abscess formation..most likely
A.Strept Pyogenes
B.Staph aureus
C.Pseudomonas aeruginosa
15- A 5 or 6 years child who develops muscular
weakness. Anti voltage gated calcium chanel
antibodies are present
A.Myasthenia Gravis
B.Lambert Eaton syndrome
C.Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
D.Beckers myotrophy
16- A patient presents with enlarged mass in front
of the neck. Biopsy of thyroid gland is performed
which reveals no metastatic change. Which type of
epithelium is found in
a- Simple squamous

b- Simple striated squamous

c- Simple cuboidal epithelium
17- Infarction of posterior 1/3 of interventricular
septum.artery involed
C.Rt marginal branch
E.Rt interventricular
18- Right border of heart is formed by
a- right atrium
b- SVC
c- SVC+Rt Atrium
d- Rt ventrical
19. which is a small blue cell tumour asociated with
large amount of catecholamines in child
a- Neuroblastoma
b- wilms tumour
20. Most common tumour of child in epiphysis is?
A.Eving sarcoma
21- which of the following prevents muscle tear
under high pressure

a. Golgi tendon organ

b- Spindle fibers

22- cervical metaplasia most likely cause

a- high multiparity
b- HPV infection
d, HPV

23-Which of the following ulcer is caused by

synergistic infection by microaerophilic non
hemolytic streptococci and aerobic hemolytic

A. Bazon ulcer
B. Marjolin ulcer
C.Meleney's ulcer
D.Venous ulcer
E .Arterial ulcer

24- a young male has azoospermia. Which initial

investigation will help in Dx
a- testosterone level
b- FSH level
c- FSH and LH level
d- Sperm count
e- Antibodies against sperms

25- A pt with sore throat, cervical


Infectious mononucleosis.

26- INR is used to monitor

a- Heparin therapy
b- Anti-platelet therapy
c- Oral anticoagulation

27- clavipectoral fascia covers

a- clavicle bone
b- pectoralis minor
c- serratus anterior
d- serratus posterior

28- Cholecystectomy is done, where to put the

a-Subhepatic space
b-Subphrenic space
c-Rt paracolic gutter

29-Esophagectomy done stomach is mobilized to

upper portion of thorax ..To anastomosis with
phayrnx, Which artery is responsible for
stomach supply now

a.left gastric
b.Right gastric
c.Left gastroepiploic
d.Short gastric vessels
e.right gastroepiploic artery {not sure}

30-Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

a.chromosome 9&22

31-common Postop infection in hospital cause by

which organism:
a.Staph Aureus

32-clawhand produced by unopposed action of

a.flexor digitorum longus and flexor digitorum profundus
b.extensor digitorum longus and extensor digitorum
c.extensor digitorum and flexor digitorum profundus

33- Which drug cause tachycardia in therapeutic


34-Recurrent renal stone associated with which

amino acid abnormality:

A. Tryptophan
B. Lysine
C. Glutamate
D. Alanine
35- nerve supply of extensor digiti minimi
a.deep radial nerve
b.superfcial radial nerve

36- Rotator cuff is formed by

a.supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and

37- Biguanides side affects:

b.Elevated ALT

b.diarrhea and flatulence

38- A middle aged woman presents with writing

movements of arm ,was daignosed to be suffering
from athetosis which nucleus of basal ganglia is

b.globus pallidus {asim shoib anaesthesia book)

39-If FACTOR IX not available:

d.whole blood

40-which of the following drain into superior

mesenteric lymph node?

b.4thpart of duodenum
c.Desending colon

41- The muscle that causes eversion of foot.

a.Tibialis post
b.peroneus longus
42- Parotid gland
a.Lat pterygoid lies anterior to pterygoid
b.ext carotid and the fascial nerve passes through
superficial gland
c.facial nerve supplies it separated from the mandibular gland through a fascia
43-Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
A.Anesthesia of thenar muscles
b.wasting of thenar muscle
c.Injury to ulnar nerve
d.Injury to radial nerve
44-A pt with history of bleeding gums n wounds
prolonged bleeding time and PT 28SEC (control
12sec) wats the diagnosis?

c.won wiliband disease
d.factor 7 deficiency
45-Drug which is strong analgesic but not a good
c.nitrous oxide
46- A young male comes to Pakistan for the first
time, after 2days he has fever, altered state of
consciousness and goes into Coma. Hb is low, PLTs
low and neutrophils(dnt remember).
Most like diagnosis
a- Dengue
b- Malaria falciparum
47- axon arise from conical shape part of neuron
cell body called.
b.axon hillocks
48- peptic ulcer profusely bleeding from posterior
wall of duodenum...which artery involed?
49- Epithelium of kidney (glomerulus is mentioned in
brakets specifically) derived from
A.endoderm only

b.ectoderm only
c.mesoderm only
e.ectoderm + mesoderm
50-Deep inguinal ring is present in
a.transversis abdominis muscle
b.transversalis fascia
c.internal oblique muscle
51- parathyroid glands are developed from
a.1st pharyngeal pouch,
b.2nd pouch
c.3rd pharyngeal pouch
d.4th pouch {not sure}
( superior parathyroid and 3rd pouch gives thymus and
inferior parathyroid)
52- In IV drugs abusers there is increased risk of:
A.Libman Sacks endocarditis
b.bacterial endocarditis
c.Mitral valve carditis
d.Rheumatic fever or heart disease
53- true abt vertebral column
A. Cervical nerves originate above corresponding
vertebra {not sure}
B. Vertebral artery arches ant part of post arch of axis
(Xcept C8 cervical nerve which is below C7 vertebrae ,
and all Spinal nerves also originate
below the coressponding vertebrae

A is not the answer as C8 is a cervical nerve and does not

originate above the corresponding vertebrae. (Somebody

correct me if I am wrong) Cant recall the

Option which looked to suit the best!
54- papillary carcinoma of thyroid in children may
occur due to
d.Mulitnodular Goitre
55-Seminoma is a tumour in male, its equivalent
when occurs in ovary then its called
a.yolk sac tumor
b.embrynal tumor
d.Hydatiform mole
56- Which of the following is mostly premalignant
in the oral cavity?
a. Chronic irritation
b. smoking
c. lichen planus {not sure}
57- A female pt was having generalized pain, and
has been taking NSAIDs for a long time.
Now developed swelling n big toe, wht will b
present in fluid aspirate?
a.mono sodium urate crystals
b.Calcium pyruvate
58- Ductus deferens terminates into:
a. bulbar urethra
b. seminal vesicle

c. ejaculatory duct
59- lidocaine mechanism of action
a.blocks na channels
b.block k channels
60- there was a question regarding CORPUS
CALLOSUM lies betweet

a.join 2 hippocampus
b.posterioly forms a ridge
c.join parts in same cerebral hemisphere
61- About small intestine true is
a.valvae connivents most numerous in ileum
b.mesentry start from the rite of L2
c.valvae connivents 5mm wide
d.small intestine 6--8meters long
62- 230. Lysosome has secretion against bacterial
iron because they contain:
B. Oxidases
63. Compression effects on esophagus by which
organ enlargement:
A. Aorta
B.Left Atrium
C. Pulmonary artery
D. Right atrium
E. Left ventricle
64. Prostatic carcinoma spread to skull bones
A. Internal carotid artery

B. External carotid artery

C. Vertebral plexus
65. A Person wid malignant melanoma. Risk factor:
A. Xeroderma pigmentosum
B. Prolonged sunlight
66. Urethra is narrowest at:
A. Pelvic brim
B. Prostatic part
C. Membranous
D.External meatus
67. A man goes to a high altitude 02 delivery to
tissues is maintained by:
A.Hb conc is increased
B. Po2 is normal
C. Hypercapnia
D. Pa02 is higher than normal
68. Regarding indication of furosemide:
B. Acute pulmonary edema
69. A patient was brought to the hospital after a
roadside accident. On examination he was
pale with low blood pressure and fracture of left 10th
rib. Which organ is most likely to be
A. Kidneys
B. Liver
C. Pancreas
E. Stomach

70. Cholangiocarcinoma caused by:

A. Schistosoma Hematobium
B. Schistosoma Mansoni
C.Cholonorchis Sinensis
71. Farmer wid migratory lesion on foot:
A. Leishsmania
B. Strongyloides stercoralis
C.Cutaneous Larva migra
72. Ligament that prevents anterior dislocation of
femur on tibia:
A. Collateral
B. Anterior cruciate
C.Posterior cruciate
72. Scrotum drains to:
A. External Iliac Nodes
B. Internal Iliac Nodes
C. Superficial Inguinal Nodes
D. Deep Inguinal Nodes
73. True about Thoracic duct, drains into:
A. Right brachiocephalic
C. At Confluence of left Subclavian and left Jugular
74. About Posterior Triangle of Neck what is true:
A. Apex is mid of clavicle
B. Formed by ant border of sternocaleidomastoid and ant
border of trapezius
C.Contains subclavian , three trunks of brachial
75. Nerve loss in urogenital triangle which nerve

A. Pudendal Nerve
B. Obturator Nerve
76. About Quadrate lobe, true is:
A. Functionally part of right lobe
B.Drains by left hepatic duct {not sure}
C. Lies between IVC and Ligamentum venosum
77. Isoniazid causes side effects which can be
prevented by taking which vitamin:
A. B12
B. Riboflavin
D. Folate
78. About Trichomonas vaginalis what is correct:
A. Can b a commensal in vagina
B. Is sexually transmitted
C. Is treated wid Quinolones
79. Athetosis is due to defect in:
B. Putamen
C. Globus pallidus
D. Subthalamic nucleus
80. Main class associated wid antigen presenting
C.Gamma interferon
D.Alpha interferon
81. Diabetic pt came to ER insulin given what change
will happen in blood: K in blood

B.increased ketogenesis
C.increased pH
82. If circumflex branch of left coronary artery is
blocked which area will b effected:
A. Anterior surface of left ventricle
B. Posterior surface of left ventricle
C. Interventricular septum
83. Potassium will be lost mostly frm which segment
following dietary irregularities:
A.straight proximal tubule
B.convoluted proximal tubule
C.distal tubule
D.thin descending limb of loop of henle
E.thick ascending limb of loop of henle
84. Main diagnostic feature of DIC:
A.raised aptt
B.raised pt
C.presence of D dimers
85. CO poisoning,methemoglobulinemia,anemia dont
result in hyperpnoea..this is because
A.carotid bodies are stimulated
B.aotic bodies are stimulated
C.Po2 remains normal
(Anemia- Pa02, Sa02 - Normal
MethHB and CO Poisoning - Pa02 - N, Sa02

86.Burkitt lymphoma cause is

87Bitemporal hemiopnea
Pituitary Adenoma
88. Subdural hematoma due to:
a) leakage of cerebral vein
B) Diploic fructure {this may also right]

89.Penetrating injury in left intercostal space just lateral

to sternum will demage which of following structure
intercostal membrane demage

90.young patien with history of taking some drug

with anemia, HB is 8 ,WBC 9000 and platele is
240000 and PERIPHERAL blood shows IMMUTURE
B.aplastic anemia
C.Heamolytic anemia

91.NON LETHAL MI what haffen within

Carridiac arrthemias
completly recovery

A.lung collapse chest inward
B.lung collapse chest owtward

93.difereence between primary wound healing

and secondry wound healing
Granulation tissue
94.1. Hx of chest infection 10 days back. otherwise
she is fine .Presented with petechiae and
echymosis. Investigation
C. PLATELET COUNT {not sure}
95. posterior relation relation of left kidney is

96 .during inspiration
greater decrease in intrapleral pressure than

alvelor pressure
97.young girl HB 5,MCV LOW ,MHCH LOW,and
abnormal morphology of RBCS
HB electropheresis

98.if head is tilted to

A.Perilymph/lymph in horizontal canal move in opposite
B.Sterocillia move away from kinocellium
99- Pt with Diabetic ketoacidosis pt managed Bt
died. Most likely infection is
100Dead organisms in vaccine:

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