Bu Nita (Authentic Material)

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Recount Text adalah salah satu dari jenis teks bahasa Inggris yang
menceritakan kembali kejadian-kejadian atau pengalaman-pengalaman di
masa lampau. Tujuan dari Recount Text adalah untuk memberikan
informasi atau untuk menghibur pembaca. Di dalam Recount Text tidak
terdapat komplikasi (Complication) seperti halnya di Narrative Text.
Generic structure Teks Recount
1. Orientation
Orientation atau pengenalan yaitu memberikan informasi tentang
siapa, di mana, dan kapan peristiwa atau kegiatan itu terjadi di
masa lampau.
2. Events
Events merupakan rekaman peristiwa yang terjadi, yang biasanya
disampaikan dalam urutan kronologis, seperti "In the first day, I ... .
And in the next day ... . And In the last day ..." . Di bagian Events ini
juga biasanya terdapat komentar pribadi tentang peristiwa atau
kejadian yang diceritakan.
3. Reorientation
Pada bagian Reorientation, terdapat pengulangan pengenalan yang
ada di Orientation, pengulangan yang merangkum rentetan
peristiwa, kejadian atau kegiatan yang diceritakan.
Example of recount text and the classification of the generic structure in recount text
Diving in Karimunjawa Island

Last year some students of MADRASAH 16 Jepara left Kartini beach Jepara for
Karimunjawa Island. They went there with a group of Jepara drivers. Getting
there by Mutiara Fery.

Event 1

Soon after their arrival at Karimunjawa , they got a general briefing. It included a
description about how to take pictures under water.

Event 2

They saw groups of tiny fish. In order to identify kinds of fish, they needed a good
guide. Without some knowlwdge of their habitat and behaviour, it was difficult to


In summary, the trip was mostly enjoyable. This place is so impressive with its life

Exercise 1


Last week was a terrible day for me. My cousin and I were playing
football in front of the house to spend time with us.
First, it was really fun until I kicked the ball too strong, so the ball
leaded me to the window and broke the window. When we want to escape,
all of a sudden we all heard a loud voice. After that, the owner of the
house came out of the fence, he yelled at us. We are very afraid of her,
but we do not know what to do. Then, one of my cousins told us to run, we
all ran, and suddenly we heard the sound of skin. Then we know that
homeowners allow dogs to chase us. And we were struggling to run as fast
as her as we can.
But, I fell down so the dog managed to capture me and bit my leg. It really
hurts me. Then the dog ran back into the house. My cousin took me to the
doctor and told my parents. In the end, the doctor said that I was exposed
to rabies. Then I was hospitalized for one week more.
That's a terrible day of the week for me, may not happen to me
again in his next week Sunday.

1. What is the title of the story above?

2. When was happening?
3. Why last week was a terrible day for the author?
4. Who is shouting?
5. What is said to be the cousin of the author?
6. Who is pursuing the author and his friends when run?
7. What happens when a dog chasing a homeowner?
8. Who brought author to the doctor?
9. What the doctor said at author?
10. How long author hospitalized?

Exercise 2

Susunlah kalimat-kalimat yang tertera di bawah ini menjadi sebuah cerita

dengan mengikuti struktur recount text!
1. Orientation:
a. I went to the zoo, a place with lots of animals.
b. I went there with my friends and my teacher, Mr. James.
c. Yesterday was a bright sunny day.
d. I saw a lot of animals there at the zoo.
2. Event:
a. It was the tallest animal at the zoo, even taller than me!
b. When I got there, the first animal I saw was giraffe.
c. The fun part was when I get to have a picture with an animal.
d. Then I went to see the lions den.
e. The animal I took a picture with was an orangutan.
f. The lion was sleeping, so I was upset I couldnt get to hear it roar.
g. The orangutan kept hugging me that the zookeeper had to do extra
effort to take the orangutan back.
3. Reorientation:
a. Especially when I took a picture with the orangutan.
b. I wish I spent my time at the zoo longer.
c. That was the most fun part of the whole trip.
d. It was really fun day at the zoo.
e. I cant wait to go there again!

Exercise 3

Last week, my friend and I rode our bikes to the beach. It was
only five kilometres from our houses.
It was quite windy and there was hardly anyone there. It
surprised us because there were always many people coming there
on the weekends. So, we had the beach on our own. We bought
some hot chips, rode our bikes, played in the water and sat under
the trees.
We really had a great time.
1. Where did the story happen?
a. in a house
b. in a water

c. at the store
d. at the beach

2. How did they go to the beach?

a. by bicycles
b. by car

c. by bus
d. by boat

3. Who did the writer and his friend find when they reached the beach?
a. many people
c. almost no one
b. many visitors
d. foreign tourist
4. How did the writer think about the trip?
a. It was an unpleasant trip
b. It was a horrible trip

c. It was a funny trip

d. It was a good trip

5. It was only five kilometres from our houses. (line 1). The word It refers
a. bike
c. beach
b. chip
d. house

I am so glad that today is over. So many things have gone wrong.

For some reasons I didnt sleep a wink last night. I was very tired when
Mum called me this morning. I fell asleep again until Mum called me
again. That snooze made me late.
I did not have time for breakfast. I was starving as I ran to catch the
school bus. I just missed it. Dad had to ride me to school. He was late for
teaching at his school and he was furious with me. He scolded me for
being late.
I arrived at school on time. The teacher asked us to hand in our
homework. My homework was not in my bag. I had forgotten to put it in
my bag the night before. I usually check my bag in the morning. I did not
do this because I was late I had to do extra assignment as a punishment.
After Biology lesson, I did not tie my shoelace properly. I tripped over
it. And fell down the stairs. I hurt my knee and had to have a bandage on
it. What a terrible day! I hope that I have much better one tomorrow.
1. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To explain about something wrong
b. To inform about the writers activities
c. To entertain the readers about the funny story
d. To discus about how to overcome the problem
e. To retell about the writers terrible day
2. The generic structure of the last paragraph is called ..
a. reason
d. orientation
b. re-orientation
e. complication
c. events
3. What made everything went wrong?
a. He got up late in the morning
his teacher
b. His came to school on time
ride him
c. His bag was left at home

d. He got punishment from

e. His father was late to

4. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

a. The writer didnt sleep a wink at that night d. He fell down the stairs
b. He didnt hand in his homework
e. His father rode him to
c. He had breakfast before leaving for school

Answer key Exercise 1

1. Sunday The Terrible
2. Last Week
3. For kicking the ball too strong, so that the ball is kicked into the window
and broke the window.
4. The owner of the house
5. To run
6. dog pawnbroker
7. The dog caught, and biting the author.
8. Cousin
9. The doctors say that the author is exposed to rabies
10. Week
Answer key Exercise 2

Jawaban Soal:
1. c, b, a, d
2. b, a, d, f, c, e, g
3. d, a, c, b, e

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