Lesson Plan Template: Maemori9@hawaii - Ed U

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Ver. 4.

001 08/22/14

Lesson Plan Template

First Name


Last Name

UH Email

[email protected]






Arts Integration


March 26, 2015
45 Minutes

Lesson Duration

Hungry Caterpillar Change over Time

Lesson Overview
Briefly summarize your lesson plan in a few sentences.

During the lesson students will demonstrate through movement how things
change over time. Students will act the role of the hungry caterpillar to model the
different stages of the transformation from the egg to the butterfly.

Central Focus (Enduring Understandings)

A brief description of the important understanding(s) or key concept(s)

Change is the law of life.

Ver. 4.001 08/22/14

Essential Question(s)
The big idea of the lesson stated as a question or questions
How can we use our bodies to show movement and change?
How can we show waking up in the morning?
What kinds of changes are occurring around us?
How can we express overeating?
Content Standard(s)/Benchmark
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) or Hawaii Content & Performance
Standards III (HCPS III) that align with the central focus and address essential
understandings, concepts, and skills
P.A. HCPS III: Benchmark FA.K.3.1 Perform imitative movements.
Standard 3: DRAMA AND THEATRE: Understand and apply the skills of acting, design,
and technical theatre and understand the role of drama in various cultures throughout
GLO # 3 Complex Thinker (The ability to demonstrate critical thinking and problem
Best Practice #2: Practice and use management tools.
#3: Side-Coach to teach skills and arts vocabulary.
#7: Provide Exemplars and non-exemplars
#8: Performing arts integration is a powerful differentiation strategy.
#9 Scaffold.
#10 Have fun, enthusiasm
# 11 Structure for freedom and creativity
#12 Be prepared think through the lesson
Prior Academic Knowledge and Student Assets
The students prior academic learning and personal/cultural/community assets that will
support their learning
Students have spent multiple weeks prior learning about the days of the week within a
month. Change is a new topic that the students have informally discussed about but
havent focused a unit on it yet. Students have also been asked in many cases to use
their imagination to perform small whole class activities.

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Space Set-up (P.A.)
The lesson will occur in the back of the classroom on the carpet. No furniture will need
to be moved for the lesson.
Focusing Or Attending Cue (P.A.)
The attending cue that I will be using is if you can hear me(touch your nose, clap, sit
criss-cross, etc.) or the use of a well know clapping cue.
Visual Aids (P.A.)
I will be using big chart paper to map out the days within a month and also using visual
labels that my volunteers can hold or wear around their neck so they know what they
will be acting as. I will have the days of the week, the different foods eaten, and the sun
and moon to represent day and night.

Plans for Videotaping (P.A.)

I will be filming my lesson from the front of the classroom. I will get the video camera
from the CCC at UH. I will need a tripod and I will familiarize myself with the camera
before I record in the classroom.

Academic Language Demands

The language function essential for student learning (verb), additional language
demand(s) (vocabulary or symbols, syntax, discourse), and language supports (helps
the student understand and use language)
Arts Vocab.:
Imitate: copy or reenact
Expression: the act of making your thoughts, feelings, etc., known by speech, writing,
or some other method: the act of expressing something
Acting: the art or occupation of performing in plays, movies, or television

Performing: present (a form of entertainment) to an audience.
Butterfly: Egg, Caterpillar, Chrysalis, Butterfly
Pantomime: in drama the physical expression of an idea (no speaking)

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Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks
A description of what the teacher will be doing and what the students will be doing that
1) uses clear steps that convey the use of multiple strategies, resources, and
technology and 2) offers opportunities offered for inquiry, active learning, individual
work, and pairs/small group interactions
Teacher will.

Students will

(10 Minutes)

Students will walk from their

desks to find a seat on the
carpet. Students are expected
to sit nicely and listen to
directions, rules and
expectations. Students will
repeat back the rules and
consequences when asked to
do so.
Students will volunteer
answers of the changes of a
Students will sing along to the
days of the week sound when
requested by the teacher.

I will invite the students to the carpet, and introduce

the lesson. At this time I will explain to the students
that this is a performing arts lesson and I will give
them the rules and expectations for the lesson. I will
ask students to repeat back the rules and
consequences. I will also share with the students the
different criteria from the rubric that they will be
graded on so that they know what is expected of
1. Be an active participant
2. Follow Directions
3. Practice self control
4. Have Fun
1st time = Warning
2nd time = take a break
3rd time = sit out
But I know that all of you will be well behaved today
and no one will need to sit out
Next the students and I will discuss the changes that
the caterpillar goes through.
We will do best to recall back on the different foods
that the caterpillar ate form the story. We will review
the days of the week to be sure that we go in the
correct order.
We will look up at the calendar to see where the
caterpillar starts as an egg.

Ver. 4.001 08/22/14

Instructional Strategies Continued

Teacher Will

Students Will.

(20 Minutes)

During this time the students

will be interpreting and acting
out the stages of a caterpillar.
Students will listen for side
coaching of the teacher for
what to do next.
Students should maintain their
own personal space and be
aware of the space around
them and their other

At this time I will explain to the students how we will

be going through the life of the caterpillar, just like the
one in the book.
I will begin with the morning song and side coach
them what to do along the way.
I will ask for volunteers to represent the days of the
week and the food that is eaten throughout the week.
Together we go along side with the story, and have a
volunteer to be the caterpillar to eat all the food.
I will side coach them to show us what it would look
like if they were VERY hungry compared to what it
looks like if they ate way too much. (facial
expressions and body language. Have the whole
class show me.
After the stage where all the food was eaten I will
remind the students that although this is a fun activity
we need to remember not to get too rowdy.
Have them find their composure and begin the stage
of the chrysalis, where they will twirl to represent a
Two volunteers will represent day and night as the
days pass by before they hatch.
I will replay the morning song as they emerge from
the chrysalis as beautiful butterflies.

Instructional Strategies Continued

Provides an opportunity to summarize the learning and connect to future learning.

Teacher Will

Students Will.

(5 Minutes)

Students will be directed to be

seated on the carpet and
participate in the discussion.

I will direct a closing discussion on the carpet with the

students and ask them
How are you like The Very Hungry Caterpillar?

Ver. 4.001 08/22/14

Are these the types of foods that caterpillars really
What do they really eat?
Can anyone tell me how long a caterpillar takes to
turn into a butterfly?

The tools/procedures to monitor students learning of lesson objective(s) to include
formative assessments applied throughout the lesson and a summative assessment of
what students learned by the end of the lesson (include checklist or rubric)
Formative Assessment: I will check for understanding during the lesson by asking the
students if they have any questions before we begin. I will also check periodically
(between stages) if the students understand what is expected of them by asking the
students to give me a thumbs up if they are doing okay, a thumbs down if they are
completely lost and confused and a thumb to the side if they are in between. I will also
be monitoring the students and their pantomiming and making sure that their actions are
on track.
Summative Assessment: I will assess the students learning by using a checklist. See
___ the student participated in the activity
___ the student showed interest in learning about the caterpillars life cycle
___ the student followed directions as they were told

Differentiation and Accommodations

Instructional strategies and planned supports for individuals, and/or groups of students
with specific learning needs that provide adaptations connected to instructional
strategies, the learning environment, content, and/or assessment/performance task for
individuals and/or small groups (e.g., ELL/MLL, struggling, accelerated, 504/IEP, etc.)


List the type of accommodation or differentiation (learning

environment, content, process, or performance task) and
describe how you will differentiate.

Ver. 4.001 08/22/14

No differentiation needed.




Others (describe)

If a student is having a difficult time completing the assignment

with their body movements they will be provided with extra side
coaching and exemplars. Motivation to try harder and have fun
with it.
Accelerated students will be encouraged to take the activity
further in imagination and will be asked to act out and express
what the caterpillar might be feeling, with the use of
expressions instead of words.
There are no students with 504 plans or IEPs.


Materials (Optional)
Please note and/or paste any supporting materials (i.e., teaching materials, custom
lesson plans, etc.) into the space below. You may use as many pages as needed
beyond the space below to paste your materials.
Music: Morning by Peer Gynt
Gummy bear song by DailyMotion
Signs with inserts from the book, to hang around their neck
Caterpillar antennas

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