Homelessness and Mental Health

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As homelessness becomes an increasingly visible problem, the health

care of homeless people is beginning to appear on the agenda of

politicians, health care workers and policy makers. In contrast with
the popular stereotype of elderly alcoholic males or bag ladies that
the word homeless tends to trigger, homelessness affects families as
well as young single people. The health needs of these various
groups are not homogeneous.
This book brings together the experience of mental health care
teams around the world in addressing the problems of mental illness
in the homeless. The difficulties in assessment and service delivery
are discussed at length with an emphasis on application of existing
knowledge in health care. In addressing social policy implications as
well as clinical management, models and definitions of homelessness
in different cultures, this volume will offer a practical support for all
those working with the homeless on a day-to-day basis.

Homelessness and Mental Health


Volumes in this series examine the social dimensions of mental illness as
they affect diagnosis and management, and address a range of
fundamental issues in the development of community-based mental
health services.
Series editor

Professor of Community Psychiatry, St Mary's Hospital Medical School, London
Also in this series



Integrated Mental Health Care

T. S. BRUGHA Social Support and Psychiatric Disorder





G. THORNIGROFT Emergency Mental

Health Services in the Community

H. C. KNUDSEN AND G. T H O R N I G R O F T Mental Health Service Evaluation

J . PARIS Social Factors in the Personality Disorders

R. J . B A R R E T T The Psychiatric Team and the Social Definition of Schizophrenia

Homelessness and
Mental Health
edited by
Institute of Psychiatry
London, UK



Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo
Cambridge University Press
The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK
Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York
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Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521452021
Cambridge University Press 1996
This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception
and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without the written
permission of Cambridge University Press.
First published 1996
This digitally printed version 2007
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication data
Homelessness and mental health / edited by D. Bhugra.
p. cm. - (Studies in social and community psychiatry)
ISBN 0 521 45202 3 (he)
1. Homeless persons - Mental health. 2. Homeless persons Mental health services. I. Bhugra, Dinesh. II. Series.
[DNLM: 1. Homeless Persons - psychology. 2. Mental
Disorders - therapy. 3. Mental Health Services - organization
& administration. 4. Health Services Needs and Demand.
WA305H7655 1996]
RC451.4.H64H66 1996
for Library of Congress 96-3407 CIP
ISBN 978-0-521-45202-1 hardback
ISBN 978-0-521-03773-0 paperback

Dedicated to
Suman and Rajesh and their families


List of contributors

Part I




Homelessness and mental illness: a brief history



Models of homelessness



Young homeless and homeless families: a review



Homeless women


E. J A N E M A R S H A L L

Homelessness and criminality



Part II

Services for the mentally ill homeless




Clinical work with homeless people in the USA

W I L L I A M R.



The severely mentally ill in hostels for the





Old and homeless in London and New York

City: a cross-national comparison




Primary health care of the single homeless



Part III I N T E R N A T I O N A L P E R S P E C T I V E

European perspectives
Introduction to European chapter



Homelessness in Denmark


POVL M U N K - J 0 R G E N S E N

Continental European experience: Germany



Homelessness: an Irish perspective




Lessons from America: semantics and services

for mentally ill homeless individuals
L E O N A L.




Homelessness and mental health: lessons from







Implications of social policy




Evaluating services for homeless people with

mental disorders: theoretical and practical issues




Future directions for homeless mentally ill







Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, Department of Psychiatry,

University of Maryland School of Medicine, Catonsville, MD 20879,

Department of Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, De Crespigny Park,

Denmark Hill, London SE5 8AF, UK

Shelter for Homeless People, 'Sundholm', Sundholmsvej 6-14, DK

2300, Copenhagen S, Denmark

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, The Henry Phipps

Psychiatric Service, 600 North Wolfe Street, Meyer 4-181, Baltimore,
MD 21287-7481, USA

SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn, 450 Clarkson Avenue,

Brooklyn, NY 11203, USA

SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn, 450 Clarkson Avenue,

Brooklyn, NY 11203, USA

Wytham Hall, 117 Sutherland Avenue, London W9 2QJ, UK





Programme for the Homeless, St Brendan's Hospital, Dublin 7, Eire


St Vincent's Hospital, Fitzroy, Victoria 3065, Australia


Paterson Wing, St Mary's Hospital, Praed Street, London W2 1NY,


Department of Psychiatry, Bassetlaw General Hospital, Kilton,

Nottinghamshire S81 OBD, UK

Addiction Sciences Building, 4, Windsor Walk, London SE5 8AF, UK


University of Manchester, Department of Community Psychiatry,

Academic Unit, Royal Preston Hospital, Sharowe Green Lane,
Fullwood, Preston, Lancashire, PR2 48T, UK

The Maudesley Hospital, Denmark Hill, London SE5 8AZ, UK


Institute for Basic Psychiatric Research, Department of Psychiatric

Demography, Psychiatric Hospital in Aarhus, Skovagervej 2,
DK-8240 Risskov, Denmark

CSIRO-Division of Construction and Engineering, Graham Road,

P.O. Box 56, Highe H, Victoria 3190, Australia

Wytham Hall, 117 Sutherland Avenue, London W9 2QJ, UK


Mental Health Services Research Unit, Central Institute of Mental

Health, J5, D-6815, Mannheim, Germany




Mental Health Services Research Unit, Central Institute of Mental

Health, J5, D-6815, Mannheim, Germany

Mental Health Team for Single Homeless People, Fourth Floor,

156-164 Tooley Street, London SE1 2NR, UK


'I had a home once - I had once a husband I am a widow, poor and broken-hearted!'
Loud blew the wind, unheard was her complaining.
On drove the chariot.
The Widow
Robert Southey 1774-1843

Homelessness is a universal phenomenon. Virtually all countries

around the globe will experience some degree of homelessness. The
numbers will depend upon several political, social and economic
factors. The traditional stereotype of a homeless individual as a Skid
Row alcoholic has given way to homeless individuals, young and old,
black and white, male and female with homeless families and
sheltered accommodation of variable quality. Not all mentally ill are
homeless and neither are all homeless mentally ill. However, there is a
very clear association between the two.
The temptation to look at only one module of homelessness and
singular linear causality leading to homelessness must be resisted.
Different countries have different experiences of homelessness and
have devised different methods of dealing with the problems of
mentally ill homeless individuals, but whether all models can be
transported and used across cultures remains to be seen. However, the
need to learn from others' experience, their good models and mistakes
makes it possible to see the problems of mentally ill homeless in a
completely different light.
This is the first volume to bring together authors from different
countries with a great deal of clinical and non-clinical expertise on the
double helix of homelessness and mental illness. I have been very
fortunate in gathering a group of dedicated authors who have not



only offered advice but have delivered their contributions in a way

that made putting this book together a pleasure. I am particularly
indebted to Drs Jane Marshall, Max Marshall and Philip Timms for
their advice and support. I am grateful to Dr Richard Barling and Dr
Jocelyn Foster of Cambridge University Press for their patience and
Dinesh Bhugra



Homelessness and its consequences have become much more visible

on the streets of big cities as well as villages across the globe in the last
few years. In the UK this has been linked with the policy of closing
psychiatric hospitals because there is often a clear association between
mental illness and homelessness, though the direction of such an association may not always be very obvious. Across the world, experiences of poverty, homelessness and mental illness are universal. However, the definitions of homelessness, expectations from the
government of the day and the availability of mental health services
all play a role in the visibility of the homeless mentally ill on the
streets. A large volume of literature on the homeless mentally ill exists
in the USA. The availability of information from our European partners remains somewhat limited, especially in English. The work on
urbanization and mental illness focuses on the internal migration to
big cities in the developing countries. However, the impact of rapid
industrialization, increasing populations and limited availability of
land and cheap housing make overcrowding with its resultant problems a real issue. The impact of these factors varies across nations and
societies. Even though the ideas and reality of homelessness are not
entirely new, their increased visibility in the bright lights of the city
means that across the globe similar experiences are beginning to
emerge. The universal confusion about the definitions of homelessness
makes it essential to try to get an international perspective. Internal
migration, unemployment, closure of casual accommodation and disinvestment in public housing appear to be some of the international
themes. Furthermore, within the UK definitions of homelessness vary
as do housing conditions across different parts of the country, which
makes direct comparisons on the level of homelessness difficult.



The relationship of poor housing, available housing at affordable

costs, unemployment and increasing rates of repossession due to economic factors on the one hand and on the other hand mental illness
resulting from all these factors and often leading to loss of'home' turns
into a vicious spiral. The factors are complex and often very difficult
to tease out. In a survey of homelessness in London carried out in
1961-2 only one London Borough did not advance the view that the
housing shortage was a significant factor in homelessness (Greve et aL,
1971). These authors acknowledged that the Victorian notions of the
deserving and the non-deserving persisted and the judgemental approach continued to flourish in conditions of general housing shortage. Unfortunately these views still persist certainly with politicians,
and to a lesser degree with the public.
Temporary accommodation - regarded as halfway or intermediate
housing by the Councils - reflects substandard housing in which
people wait until normal standard council housing is available or
until they are judged fit or eligible to have it. There may be a complex
procedure of moving people from temporary accommodation to intermediate housing before moving them on to more permanent placement. However, with the rapid reduction in the housing pool and lack
of availability of council properties more and more people are staying
in unsuitable temporary accommodation for longer periods.
The relief of the poor, including the homeless, began as a form of
charity, with government interest arising very gradually (Glastonbury, 1971). The workhouses were the central provision for the
homeless and even then their numbers were not sufficient to cater for
the levels of homelessness prevalent at the time. The separation
within the workhouse was initially according to sex but it changed
according to physical ability as well as age. The major responsibility
for the care of homeless families has largely remained with health and
welfare interests. After the Second World War, there was a massive
upsurge in house building with the local councils leading the way.
However, changes in government policy and political dogma meant
that although the initial aim was to provide cheap, affordable, low
rent accommodation, the properties were sold to owner-occupiers
who were then caught in the vicious grip of wanting to get out of low
quality multi-storeyed tower blocks but there were limited options.
Observing the Skid Row and its occupants in the USA, Bogue
(1963) reported that Skid Row men shared three conditions in that
they were homeless, poor and had a multiplicity of personal prob-


lems, which included poor interpersonal relationships that led to

daily heavy drinking and in withdrawal from conventional family
living. Bogue (1963) went on to outline various problems in identifying numbers of homeless individuals and their needs in physical,
psychological and social spheres. He pointed out that Skid Row
residents are a divergent and depressed group with high rates of
unemployment, incredibly low incomes, irregular employment and
low educational status, and contrary to their reputation they were not
migratory individuals. These residents could be grouped into disabled, resident working men, 'bums', migratory workers, criminals
and workers in illegal enterprises and chronic alcoholics. Runaways
and adventurers, vacationers, young veterans, sexual perverts and
mentally ill were excluded from the data collection. Over the years
the conventional stereotype of the Skid Row homeless individual has
given way to a variety of complex images.
Homelessness through its definition focuses on home or roof or
shelter and ignores other aspects of individual's social functioning
including job, social support, finances etc. (Lipton et al., 1983),
although Wright (1989) defines homelessness as a lack of customary
regular access to a conventional dwelling unit. All components of this
definition can be challenged. The literal homeless with no access at all
to any kind of accommodation need to be differentiated from those
living in temporary housing or marginal housing.
The range of psychiatric morbidity among the homeless population varies according to diagnosis, method of diagnosis and methods
and sources of collection of samples (for a review, see Bhugra, 1993).
Craig et al. (1995) suggested that prevalence of functional psychoses
amongst the users of night shelters could vary between 30% to 50%.
The barriers to effective health care for homeless people according to
these authors were as follows:
1. The major emphasis of modern psychiatric practice has been the
provision of intensive but brief treatment for the acute phase of a
mental illness.
2. Psychiatric services are organized to serve specific geographical
3. A shift in overall health care resources away from people with
chronic severe mental illness.
4. Failure to recognize the high care needs of homeless mentally ill
people who formerly resided in the large direct access hostels.


With an increasing emphasis on care in the community in spite of the

existence of various legislations, identification and management of
mental illness in the homeless population is a problem.
The recommendations put forward by Craig et al. (1995) are useful
for the service providers as well as the clients and government
departments. The political will to bring about a more stable and
permanent change is paramount in providing accommodation that is
affordable and reliable. The provision of services will vary according
to the local needs and the pace at which shift to the community
services occurs (for details, see Bhugra et al.9 1995). This volume offers
a snap-shot view of the relationship between homelessness and mental
illness across the globe. This is not a comprehensive view taking in all
nations or cultures, but a selected few where the literature and
experience of dealing with homelessness is widely available.
The history of homelessness is discussed by Timms in Chapter 2.
His caution that the history of homelessness is affected by the silence
of the homeless themselves is an important one. Access to legislative
historical material can offer only one perspective. Although the
monasteries and houses of religion may have sheltered some who may
have been classified as homeless in other times, the lunatic pauper was
not an unknown figure. Homeless people, as well as the mentally ill
homeless, have been around for several centuries - the lesson being
that their needs may not have changed but both the resources
available and the public perception have changed.
McNaught and Bhugra discuss at length in Chapter 3 the
definitions and problems associated with such definitions as well as
pathways into homelessness. Employment, social support and family
set-up together with social security regulations all play a role in the
process of homelessness, as well as in keeping the individual in the
state of homelessness. Health and social policies impact upon the
process and state of homelessness. The causation of and influence on
the homelessness of the young male will differ from that seen on the
married or single mother with young children or infants (Chapter 4).
The dangers of homelessness vary according to the age, gender and
ethnicity of the individual. The specific gender role expectations as
well as mothering styles and techniques along with public mothering
produce incredible pressures on the young single mother who may
have very temporary or marginal housing, no social support, no
economic benefits and poor role models for mothering. The young
homeless boy may move to the metropolis attracted by the bright


lights and then be forced to earn money as a prostitute with inherent

sexual and physical dangers. The spread of HIV infection may work
as a further complicating factor. The relationship between being
placed in care and subsequent homelessness is fairly well described.
The runaway and throwaway youths may have their own different
sets of problems and worries. Associated sexual, physical and emotional abuse complicate the picture even further. Physical illness in
the homeless may act as co-morbidity with psychiatric illness, but it
may also encourage the homeless individual to seek help. Orodental
problems in both sexes and gynaecological problems have been well
demonstrated and in Chapter 5, Jane Marshall explains the pathways into homelessness of these women. In spite of the age and gender
similarities, these groups are still heterogeneous and their restlessness
with services along with a degree of rootlessness needs to be taken into
account when planning services. A further complication is the
complex interaction between homelessness, mental illness and criminal behaviour. Those homeless individuals who have no mental
illness also have a low level of criminal convictions, whereas with
personality disorders and alcoholism the rates go up tremendously.
Although in at least one sample violence was less likely it was still
higher than expected for the general population. The emphasis on
general materialism can only add to the misery and frustration of the
homeless individual who may resort to criminal activities. As Joseph
suggests in Chapter 6, the involvement of the police simply because of
their availability also means that they are more likely to be involved
in the compulsory detention of mentally ill homeless individuals.
Even court assessments and court diversion schemes pick up elements
of criminal activity among the homeless. As both primary and
secondary care may be blocked in this group the response to the
treatment may be affected too. Long term follow-ups are difficult due
to geographical mobility of the homeless individuals.
The service needs have to take into account the problems associated with sectorization and catchment areas. Although money is
supposed to follow the patient the purchaser-provider split on the one
hand and fund-holding general practices on the other in the UK
make it almost impossible for a needs led service. Furthermore, comorbidity and dual diagnosis complicated with homeless characteristics make it difficult to access sympathetic services. In Chapter 7, Jane
Marshall and Bhugra propose that innovative service provisions are
needed, which will include outreach and engagement in non-


traditional settings, long-term case management at an intensive level,

wide ranging health and housing options and closer links between
non-statutory and statutory mental health services. Similar suggestions are put forward in Chapter 8 by Breakey with the American
experience behind his team. He proposes that an Assertive Community Team with the inclusion of 'consumer advocates' is one of the
many innovative approaches. This coupled with Critical Time
Intervention focusing on medication adherence, money management, substance use management and crisis management show
encouraging results. There are further innovative strategies that
Breakey recommends.
Max Marshall points out in Chapter 9 that the needs of those living
in shelters and those living in hostels are relatively different even
though a degree of confusion may occur in defining these accommodations and describing their functions. There is an element of hostels
being used as stop-gap arrangements initially, but then ending up as
'semi-permanent' placement, but also the findings that earlier rates of
schizophrenia in the hostels may have been reported higher than
some recent ones. Schizophrenia remains the commonest diagnosis
among the mentally ill hostel residents and Max Marshall argues that
this group also shows high levels of socially unacceptable behaviour
including self-harm, violence and sexually offensive behaviour. All
these factors have to be studied and their management added to the
package for the individual's needs management.
Another innovative outreach for the mentally ill homeless patients
is that of Great Chapel Street where the general practitioners provide
an assertive outreach service. In Chapter 11, El-Kabir and Ramsden
emphasize that the reasons for consulting doctors are complex and
are often not taken lightly in spite of multiple social and physical
handicaps. If this consultation process is taken as an enabling process
the help-seeking becomes much more acceptable and the response to
help itself becomes much more useful and workable. The diversity of
the group and the diversity of help available and models available
have to be taken into account. To this end the American, the
Australian and the European experiences outlined in Chapters 12 to
14 provide outstanding models for learning. It is clear from the
Danish example that even in societies with highly developed welfare
systems the problems of homelessness among the young, accumulating severely mentally ill in lodging houses and direct discharge of
patients from psychiatric hospitals to hostels is not unknown. The


impact of political factors is demonstrated by the unification in

Germany, which has been associated with an increase in the numbers
of homeless individuals. While comparing the needs of homeless
mentally ill old individuals across London and New York, Cohen and
Crane observe in Chapter 10 that the pathways into homelessness are
different - the first episode of homelessness may have been triggered
by a specific event although complicating factors related to homelessness may differ in this age group compared to the younger homeless.
Economic downturn in both countries in the early 1980s with the loss
of manufacturing jobs and the shift to service economies produced
similar results. Other welfare factors and deinstitutionalization may
have contributed to the absolute numbers of homeless individuals.
These differences, as well as similarities, need to be remembered when
planning for services for different age groups. Bachrach quite rightly
suggests in Chapter 13 that even after mentally ill individuals have
been provided with housing they may still be mentally ill. They will
require more than a mere residential assignment to deal with their
disabilities (which may be multiple) and multiple interventions at
multiple levels may be needed. The interaction of sociological and
clinical factors may exacerbate restlessness and situational instability
and the clinician will have to plan both types of management
activities. The Australian experience (Chapter 14) suggests that
integration of a state funded mental health care system along with
comprehensive health insurance may lead to the promotion and
support of primary medical practitioners. The use of life charts
enables the clinicians to identify risk factors as well as levels of
disaffiliation - both of which play a role in the prevention and
management of homelessness as well as mental illness. Although the
Melbourne Study defined a substantial core of relatively stable
people, these findings are by no means universal. Very few mental
health facilities have the resources to provide appropriate housing
facilities and similarly very few housing facilities have the resources to
provide appropriate care and support for people with psychiatric
illness especially if the illness is not under control.
This remains a universal observation and only changes in the social
policy may produce changes in the field. Kingdon argues forcefully in
Chapter 15 that housing policies, police legislation and the development of appropriate care facilities are crucial in successfully managing people who may have mental illness as well as being homeless.
These services have to be evaluated to justify their existence and any



improvizations that are made. In Chapter 16 we see that the various

methods of evaluating these services have to be more specific for the
mentally ill homeless individuals.
This volume begins the dialogue on the clinical, social and
psychological needs of homeless individuals in this country with
specific examples from various developed countries. The multiplicity
of needs means that services need to be sensitive in providing
multi-dimensional culturally sensitive services that will also enable
the clinician to stop the revolving door phenomena for patients who
are chronically severely mentally ill.
Bhugra, D. (1993). Unemployment, poverty and homelessness. In D.
Bhugra & J. Leff (eds.), Principles of Social Psychiatry, pp. 355-84.
Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
Bhugra, D., Bridges, K. & Thompson, C. (1995). Caring for a Community.
College Council Report. London: Gaskell.
Bogue, D. (1963). Skid Row in American Cities. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
Craig, T., Bayliss, E., Klein, O., Manning, P. & Reader, L. (1995). The
Homeless Mentally III Initiative. London: Department of Health.
Glastonbury, B. (1971). Homeless Near a Thousand Homes. London:
George Allen & Unwin.
Greve, J., Page, D. & Greve, S. (1971). Homelessness in London.
Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press.
Lipton, F. R. M., Sobatin, A. & Katz, S. E. (1983). Down and out in
the city: the homeless mentally ill. Hospital and Community Psychiatry,
34, 817-22.
Wright, J. (1989). Address Unknown: Homeless in America. New York:
Aldine de Gruyter.

Homelessness and mental illness:
a brief history

The issue of psychiatric disorder and homelessness is widely believed

to be a contemporary phenomenon without historical precedent.
Discussion characteristically revolves around the twin topics of
hospital closure and 'care in the community' policies. However, there
are historical antecedents to the contemporary situation, albeit
poorly documented. To limit discussion to the provision or nonprovision of psychiatric services is to divorce in an arbitrary and
artificial way the history of the homeless mentally ill from the wider
context of poverty and homelessness in the UK.
However, the homeless of past centuries were, in the main, without
a voice and so all that is left to use are details of legislation, court
proceedings, crude occupancy statistics and contemporary mythologies of vagrancy, with the mentally ill mentioned usually only in
passing. There have, however, been two common threads running
through the centuries. One has been the visibility of the street
homeless, leading to the construction of strange mythologies about
Mafia-like underworld societies of vagrants (Beier, 1987, pp. 123
45). The other has been the institution established by the state to deal
with the poor and indigent - the workhouse.

The evolution of the workhouse

Both homelessness and society's responses to it are products of social
conditions. They have been part of the make-up of British society
since the late thirteenth century. The first statutes concerned with the
issue of homeless people, or vagrants, were passed in 1349, 1351 and



Of course, during this period, there still flourished large numbers of

monasteries and houses of religion that provided a widespread system
of relief to the poor. However, the theological landscape was
changing. The teaching of St Francis, that total renunciation of
possessions was part of a spiritual ideal, had produced a relatively
benevolent view of both poverty and of the reliance on others through
begging (Southern, 1970). The subsequent growth of the Franciscan
order and its acquisition of more worldly elements of wealth and
power had produced a more cynical view of this teaching.
The nature of the wandering homeless had also changed. Prior to
this period, charity had been extended to the old, the infirm and those
on pilgrimages. Now large numbers of destitute industrial workers
appeared on the scene and the combination of rising population and
falling wages was driving peasants off the land. This had become
possible because the feudal contractual relationship between landlord and villein, which tied the peasant to his land and his lord, had
begun to break down. This social dislocation was exacerbated by the
profound social disruption of many areas of the country caused by the
Black Death (Trevelyan, 1986).
So, the wandering poor came to be seen, at best, as immoral idlers,
at worst as a threat to the very fabric of society. Punishment was the
mainspring of policy set out in these acts, with the penalty of the
stocks for able-bodied beggars. However, the numbers of homeless
people increased in spite of the rigours of the legal sanctions. With
Henry VIIFs dissolution of the monasteries in the first half of the
sixteenth century, even the limited provision of religious charity
disappeared. The problem, however, remained and so, from 1531 to
1601 the Tudors and Elizabeth I initiated a system of local relief in
which the main provider of care was the local parish rather than a
religious foundation. New institutions, 'Houses of Correction', or
bridewells, were established, the first being chartered in London in
1553. An act of 1576 ordered their establishment in all counties and
corporate towns (Power & Tawney, 1924, pp. 307-8). Some of the
sentiments of this act are current here and in the USA.
to the intent youth may be accustomed and brought up in labour
and work, and then not likely to grow up able rogues, and to the
intent that such as already be grown up in idleness and so rogues at
this present, may not have any just excuse in saying that they cannot
get any service of work
(De Schweinitz, 1943).

Homelessness and mental illness

These were, in fact, the first workhouses, institutions that persisted
up until this century and the descendants of which still survive today
in the shape of Department of Social Security (DSS) resettlement
units. As the extract from the act suggests, they were supposed to train
and rehabilitate through work. However, the aim of punishment was
also stated within this and subsequent acts.
The advantage of devolving responsibility to the local level was
that any response would be responsive to local need and be locally
accountable. On the other hand, no allowance was made for the
ability of a given parish to respond to the demands placed upon it.
The funds available were insufficient to provide a satisfactory service
and by the seventeenth century most were little better than gaols. The
workhouses built in the eighteenth century faced similar problems
and became similarly squalid and punitive.
The next major development of this service was the Poor Law
Amendment Act of 1834, which combined all but the larger parishes
into Unions. This reduced the number of workhouses from 15 000 to
650 and resulted in the building of institutions such as the Camberwell Spike, closed in 1985. The test of destitution was merely the
willingness to enter the workhouse and it was specified that no
resident should be better off than any independent labourer. Conditions were, therefore, made as unpleasant as possible. The works of
Dickens and Hardy are eloquent testament to the rigour with which
this policy was applied and the dread of the workhouse became a
fixed part of the psychological landscape of the English working
classes. It was originally recommended that separate institutions
should be set up for children and the ill. However, with a few
exceptions, General Mixed Workhouses were the rule (Leach &
Wing, 1980, pp. 2-4).
In 1864 the Metropolitan Poor Act ordered the unions to provide
separate casual wards to segregate the vagrant, mobile poor from the
local poor of the parish. In 1982 a 2 day detention system was
introduced, whereby the vagrant inmate was obliged to give 1 day's
labour for 2 nights' board.
In spite of this statutory provision for the destitute, the rapid urban
expansion of the mid-nineteenth century overwhelmed the system
that had, after all, originated in a predominantly rural period.
Organizations such as the Salvation Army, spurred by the appalling
conditions of the workhouses (Booth, 1890), began to see themselves
as providers of superior accommodation for the poor that was




supportive rather than punitive. Commercial providers, such as

Rowton Hotels, saw a niche in the market and developed dormitorystyle hostels.
Punitive attitudes towards those of no fixed abode began to change,
at least in legislation, in 1909 when the Royal Commission on the
Poor Law accepted the principle that society's duty was to help the
vagrant rather than to punish him (or her). In 1919 the new Ministry
of Health assumed responsibility for supervising Poor Law administration but the individual institutions remained under the direct
control of the local Boards of Guardians. In spite of the legislative
changes, conditions in the Casual Wards continued to be grim and
punitive. It was not until the Poor Law Act of 1930 that the
administration of poor relief was taken over by local authorities. A
Department Committee that preceded this act estimated that a
quarter of the users of casual wards were suffering from mental illness,
mental handicap or alcoholism. Separate facilities were recommended for some groups such as women, the sick and the young but none
for the mentally ill (Tidmarsh & Wood, 1986).
The advent of the Second World War in 1939 proved to be a
watershed for the casual wards. Able-bodied men were recruited for
the war effort and the occupancy of casual wards dropped to a few
thousand from a peak of 16911 in May 1932. Post-war social
optimism led to the belief that Vagrancy' could be eradicated,
leading to the establishment of the National Assistance Board (NAB)
in 1948. Its aim was 'to make provision whereby persons without a
settled way of living may be influenced to lead a more settled way of
life'. The Casual Wards were taken over so that the NAB could
'provide and maintain centres, to be known as reception centres, for
the temporary board and lodging of such persons'. However, by this
time occupancy had dropped to levels that rendered most of them
redundant. This was presumably due to high levels of employment at
the time and to the welfare state's newly introduced provisions for
ameliorating poverty and preventing destitution. Thus, the NAB
promptly closed 136 of the 270 centres it had taken over, the number
declining to just 17 in 1970. However, echoes of the workhouse
remained. Instead of a day's work there was a 'work task' that had to
be completed before an individual could leave after an overnight stay.
A study published in 1964 revealed that men dependent on reception
centre food had suffered from severe malnutrition (Ollendorff &
Morgan, 1968).

Homelessness and mental illness


Sick bays were established, visiting medical officers appointed, and

referrals increasingly made to local services (Tidmarsh, 1972).
However, this seemed to make little impact on the high levels of
psychiatric morbidity in such establishments (Edwards et al.> 1968).

The 'lunatic paupers'

A stock character of the Elizabethan and Jacobean period was the
wandering lunatic, the Tom O'Bedlam or Abram Man. Shakespeare
gives Lear a short speech bemoaning the fate of those with 'houseless
heads and unfed sides' and chastises himself, as sovereign, for having
'ta'en too little care of this'. Edgar then enters, disguised as a madman
who calls himself 'poor Tom . . . whom the foul fiend vexes' (King
Lear, Act III, Scene IV). However, the documentary evidence is
scant and contradictory concerning the real-life patterns for this
archetypal character. The names seem to have derived from the
Bethlehem hospital, Abram possibly referring to the name of one of
the wards. By the early seventeenth century it only had between
20-30 beds to serve the whole country (MacDonald, 1981), so it is
perhaps not surprising that ex-patients were to be found wandering
the highways and byways of the land. According to different accounts
they either made marks on their arm or carried a tin plate on their
arm to identify them as ex-patients. This has been interpreted as
amounting to a licence to beg, and there is a recorded case of a false
licence having been bought to facilitate begging in 1598. However by
1675 the practice had presumably died out as the governors of
Bethlehem made a public announcement that people presenting
themselves in this way were frauds (Beier, 1987, pp. 115-17). Licence
or not, in Elizabethan England the standard method of dealing with
them seems to have been that described by Edgar in King Lear:
'Whipped from tithing to tithing, and stock-punish'd and imprison'd'.
One of the first specific legislative mentions of the homeless
mentally ill is to be found in an Act of Parliament of 1714 concerned
with the management of vagrancy in general (Allderidge, 1979). The
'Act for . . . the More Effectual Punishing of such Rogues, Vagabonds, Sturdy Beggars, and Vagrants, and Sending them Whither
They Ought to be Sent'. It specifically forbade whipping for lunatics.
The objects of this act were 'Persons of little or no Estates, who, by



Lunacy, or otherwise, are furiously mad, and dangerous to be

permitted to go abroad'. It empowered two or more Justices of the
Peace to confine such persons 'safely locked up in such secure place'
while 'such lunacy or madness shall continue'. The costs for any such
confinement for paupers would be met by the parish concerned - as
today, the funding was supposed to follow the patient. Failing this,
the act also empowered Justices to return anyone so confined who did
not belong to the parish or town in which they were arrested. An
amendment in 1744 (Porter, 1989, p. 118) was only notable in
providing for 'keeping, maintaining and curing' cure being mentioned for the first time.
There is little evidence of the numbers confined as a result of this
act, or of the situations in which they were to be confined. There was,
after all, only one asylum in the whole country, Bethlem (ParryJones, 1972). Some workhouses, such as St Peter's in Bristol,
separated the 'pauper lunatics' from those of sound mind (Porter,
1989, p. 118). Others did not. In 1812, the philanthropist Sir George
Onesiphorous Paul (Paul, 1812) found individuals deemed mad
'chained in the cellar or garret of a workhouse'. More often they
would be 'fastened to the leg of a table, tied to a post in an outhouse,
or perhaps shut up in an uninhabited ruin; or if his lunacy be
inoffensive, left to ramble half naked and half starved through the
streets and highways, teased by the scoff and jest of all that is vulgar,
ignorant and unfeeling'. It is perhaps worth remembering that his
observations formed part of an argument for the establishment of
separate institutions for the mentally ill.
A House of Commons committee of 1807 reported that there were
1765 pauper lunatics in Poor Houses, Houses of Industry and Houses
of Correction (Porter, 1989). Further evidence that workhouses
continued to serve as repositories for the mentally ill comes from a
comment in a Poor Law Commissioners report of 1842.
From the express prohibition of the detention of dangerous persons of
unsound mind in a workhouse . . . combined with the prevalent
practice of keeping insane persons in a workhouse before the passing
of the Poor Law Amendment Act, it may be inferred that persons of
unsound mind, not being dangerous, may be legally kept in a
workhouse. It must, however, be remembered that with lunatics, the
first object ought to be their cure by means of proper medical
treatment. This can only be obtained in a well-regulated asylum; and
therefore the detention of any curable lunatic in a workhouse is
highly objectionable on the score both of humanity and economy.

Homelessness and mental illness

Again, the possibility of cure is mentioned, with the optimistic
premise that what could not be achieved by the workhouse could be
achieved by the asylum.
This disapproval of the use of the workhouse as accommodation for
the mentally ill was echoed 17 years later by the Lunacy Commission
(1859) who stated 'stringent conditions (to deal with able bodied
paupers of sound mind) are not only unnecessary for the insane but
are obviously very unjust and detrimental to them'.
A further tangential reference is found in the observations made by
a foreign visitor in 1871 on the functions of the workhouse:
The workhouse purports at one and the same time to be: (i) a place
where able-bodied adults who cannot or will not find employment
can be set to work; (ii) an asylum for the blind, the deaf and dumb
or otherwise incapacitated for labour; (iii) a hospital for the sick
poor; (iv) a school for orphans, foundlings, and other poor children;
(v) a lying in home for mothers; (vi) an asylum for those of unsound
mind not being actually dangerous; (vii) a resting place for such
vagabonds as it is not deemed possible or desirable to send to prison
(Webb & Webb, 1929).

The general feeling that the workhouse was not a good place for the
mad resulted in 1875 in a weekly grant to all unions in England and
Wales from the Poor Law Board. Four shillings per person per week
was to be paid towards the extra cost of maintaining pauper lunatics
in county asylums (Cochrane, 1988). As the entire cost would
otherwise fall upon the local parish rates, this was a powerful
inducement and could result in the saving of 60% of a local
metropolitan union's expenditure on such people. However, in 1889
14% (11827) of pauper lunatics in England and Wales outside
London were still confined in workhouses, 8% at home and 78% in
county asylums. However, in London only 2% (275) were accommodated in workhouses, 2% at home and 96% in London City
Council (LCC) asylums. This can be related to the LCC's vigorous
programme of asylum-building, prompted by the expense of paying
for placements outside the LCC area. So, outside London at least, the
workhouse continued to be a substantial provider of shelter for the
mentally ill up until the First World War.
From then until the Second World War very little seems to have
been written on the subject. Even George Orwell does not seem to
have noticed any madness in his perambulations through the world of
the destitute in the London and Paris of the 1930s. To be fair, he was
at pains to stress the ordinariness of the men who found themselves




destitute, to portray them as the casual victims of a callous economic

system. However, he does seem to have noticed that 'there is an
imbecile in every collection of tramps' (Orwell, 1933) - presumably
those who would today be regarded as having learning difficulties.

The hostel closure 'programme5

Much has been written both for and against the closure of mental
hospitals over the last 40 years although the decline in psychiatric bed
numbers began in 1955. Over the last 15 years a parallel series of
institutional closures has been in train, the closure of the traditional
hostels for the homeless. These included not only the DHSS reception
centres/resettlement units but also Salvation Army Hostels, Rowton
Houses and night shelters. There was never any overall, co-ordinated
plan and the closures took place for a variety of reasons, similar in
many ways to those leading to the closures of mental hospitals. Three
of the Rowton hotels precipitated a crisis in 1983 (GLC, 1986), when
local authorities, Camden in particular, started to pressure the
owners into improving the conditions in their squalid establishments.
The company owning the Rowton hotels promptly threatened to
evict all the residents. The situation was resolved by the local
authorities responsible buying the three hostels, with the objective of
closing them within 5 years.
Nationally, the DHSS had a policy of closing resettlement units for
some time in 1975 (Hewettson, 1975), having contracted from 215 in
1948 to 21 in 1970. It was felt that centrally-funded institutions were
inappropriate in view of the responsibilities incumbent on local social
service and housing departments. In addition, large institutions were
viewed as unsuitable places for influencing people 'to lead a more
settled way of life'.
A policy was decided on the closure of all resettlement units and
their replacement by local initiatives, spear-headed by the closure of
the Camberwell reception centre in September 1985. A system of
capital and revenue grants was to be made available to alternative
providers, who were expected to include the voluntary sector and
local authorities. Perhaps significantly, the word 'community' was
used to describe these new hostels. There was to be no overall
reduction in funding, but potential service-providers were slow in
coming forward. Eight such schemes had been approved by 1989, but

Homelessness and mental illness

none had sufficient bed-spaces to replace the units due for closure.
The resettlement agency thus found itself double-funding and the
closure policy stalled (The Resettlement Units Executive Agency,
1991). There now remained 1796 beds in resettlement units, 670 of
which were in London, the national focus of the homelessness
In London in 1981 there were 9751 bed spaces in direct access
hostels, 6000 in large, traditional hostels for the homeless. A report by
the London Boroughs Association (LBA) described them as 'at once a
resource and a problem' (GLC/LBA, 1981). A resource because of the
shelter provided, a problem because of the often appalling physical
conditions and catastrophically inadequate staffing. This same report
recommended the opening of 600 beds yearly to replace the old
hostels, but noted that such schemes were facing financial and
planning difficulties. Belated enforcement offireregulations led to the
contraction of some hostels and the closure of others, most recently the
280-bedded Salvation Army hostel in Blackfriars Road in 1991. By
1985 the numbers of direct access bed-spaces had declined to 4885
(SHIL, 1986) and by 1990 to around 2000 (Harrison et aL, 1992).
The closure of the Camberwell Spike alone, the largest of the old NAB
reception centres, resulted in the loss of 900 bed-spaces. Direct access
reprovision for this institution amounted to only 62 bed-spaces, the
result being in specialist referral-only units.
The Spicer initiative hostels and cold-weather shelters pushed the
number up to 2533 in 1991, but this still meant that there had been a
75% loss of direct-access hostel spaces over the previous decade.

Psychiatry and the homeless mentally ill

The first psychiatrist to address the issue directly was a German
psychiatrist, K. Wilmanns, (1906). At this time in Germany, vagrancy was an offence and those who could not demonstrate that they
had a home to go to could be arrested and confined in the police
workhouse. He noticed that many of the homeless so detained were
transferred to his hospital from the local workhouse. In his survey of
these patients he found 120 homeless men and women who had been
committed with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. American workers Faris
& Dunham (1959) suggested in 1939 that the prevalence of mental
illness was higher in what they called 'the disorganised community'.




Two roughly-equivalent descriptive classifications of the homeless

were constructed, both breaking down the population into itinerant
workers, itinerant non-workers and non-itinerant non-workers. Anderson, an American sociologist writing in the 1920s (Anderson,
1922) called these respectively hobos, tramps and bums. Thirty years
later Henri Ey, a French psychiatrist (Vexliard, 1953), used the terms
errants, vagabonds and clochards to label equivalent groups.
Neither of these served to clarify matters to any degree. More
significantly Bogue, a sociologist, looked at the inhabitants of
Chicago's Skid Row in 1956 (Bogue, 1963). Although alcoholism was
his main focus (and indeed he found a very high rate of alcoholism)
his non-psychiatric researchers noted that roughly one in five of the
men he interviewed were suffering from 'mental illness' or 'mental
and nervous trouble' of some description. He commented that
voluntary agencies should be able to 'recommend a psychiatric
examination' in order to provide this section of the destitute population with an appropriate service.
Post-war interest in this country started with Stuart Whiteley's
1955 review of a series of acute male admissions to a South London
observation ward. He noted that 8% were of no fixed abode, a much
higher proportion than would be expected from the numbers of
homeless men in the local area. He diagnosed around a third as
suffering from schizophrenia, mostly with delusional ideas. He noted
that, compared with homeless men with other diagnoses, those
suffering from schizophrenia tended to be living in the most impoverished circumstances, such as night shelters, rather than common
lodging houses. His view was that, for his patients, 'the main cause [of
homelessness] is the personality defect which does not allow him to
form relationships'. He went on to recommend that
When he falls ill, the down and out should, ideally, be treated in a
separate institution . . . where his environment was as near his normal
habitat as possible. He would then be more likely to stay . . . it would
be an advantage if he could be committed to the institution for a
definite period, and as so many appear in court, this should be
(Whiteley, 1955).

By the time Birmingham psychiatrists Berry and Orwin conducted

a survey of admissions in 1966, 23% of their acute male admissions
were of no fixed abode. In addition, this proportion was rising fast

Homelessness and mental illness

compared with non-urban hospitals in their region. Of these homeless
patients, 74% had previous hospital admission and the authors
commented that 'Their plight is evidence that the initial enthusiasm
evoked by the new act [1959 Mental Health Act] for the discharge of
psychotics into the community was premature and has resulted in the
overwhelming of community services'. They also recognized a
housing issue: 'Redevelopment of the centre of Birmingham has
resulted in a reduction in the number of lodgings available for persons
of no fixed abode'.
Their identification of the themes of inadequate community care
and lack of low-cost housing was prescient, but their recommendation
of further investigation into this phenomenon did not bear fruit.
These first studies of those who had actually managed to come to the
attention of hospital services were followed by more epidemiological
surveys of hostel populations. Griffith Edwards in London was the
first to survey a hostel, interviewing (with a team) the entire
population of the Camberwell Reception Centre on one night in 1968
(Edwards et al., 1968). He found that the proportion of those who had
been admitted to mental hospital, 25%, equalled the proportion of
those with alcohol problems. This was the first epidemiological
evidence to challenge the almost universal stereotype of the homeless
man as drinker.
This evidence for a high prevalence of mental illness in the
homeless population was confirmed by Ian Lodge Patch's 1970
doorstep survey (Lodge Patch, 1971) of two Salvation Army hostels
for men. He diagnosed 15% as suffering from schizophrenia and an
astounding 50% as being personality disordered. As his evaluations
were based on one-off interviews, it seems highly likely that many of
these men were actually suffering from schizophrenia. He again
commented on community care: 'The small number of schizophrenics who were receiving treatment suggests both a failure of
community care and inappropriately early discharge'. These sentiments were echoed by Crossley & Denmark (1969) in another survey
of a Salvation Army hostel which demonstrated a high prevalence of
psychotic illness - 'It is surely not right to unload onto a voluntary
organisation, whose function is not to act as a therapeutic agency,
patients who still need community care?'
Robin Priest's 1976 Edinburgh survey approached the problem in
a more sophisticated fashion, comparing a general survey of the
homeless population with those who were actually admitted to




Table 2.1. British hostel surveys

Edwards et al.
Grossley &
Priest (1976)
Lodge patch
Tidmarsh (1972)

Schizophrenia Alcoholism

disorder (%)

disorder (%)

















N/K, not known.

hospital. He again confirmed a very high prevalence of schizophrenia

in the homeless population (32%), but not surprisingly found that
this prevalence was greater than in the subgroup of the homeless
population presenting to psychiatric services for treatment. The
population outside hospital were more likely to suffer from schizophrenia than those in hospital. This finding suggested that, compared
with men with alcohol-related problems or those with personality
disorders, those with a diagnosis of schizophrenia tended not to find
their way to treatment services (see Table 2.1).
In fact, over the majority of the post-war period, successive surveys
in British hostels, night shelters and prisons (Coid, 1988) have
demonstrated the presence of large numbers of homeless men with
schizophrenia and alcohol problems. There has been a curious
absence of those less-severe anxiety and depressive disorders that
characterize the bulk of the psychiatric symptomatology presenting
in a general practice setting. This may have been due to more extreme
psychopathology tending to mask more affective complaints.

Homeless people, and thus the homeless mentally ill, have been a
constant feature of the English social landscape since the fourteenth
century. The mechanisms for dealing with the problem have been
moulded by the changing tempers of the times. Throughout the
centuries, societal attitudes towards the homeless and the homeless

Homelessness and mental illness

mentally ill have been characterized by a cycle of vacillation between
ideas of punishment and ideas of help.
Although sparsely documented, the presence of the mentally ill in
those institutions set up to deal with the homeless and indigent has
been a recurrent theme since the latter part of the seventeenth
century. Disquiet about this situation was intermittently expressed by
various committees from the mid-nineteenth century. Even at this
time, the heyday of the Victorian asylum, it appears that substantial
numbers of the mentally ill were still accommodated in Poor Law
institutions rather than psychiatric ones. What evidence there is
suggests that the essentials of the situation have remained substantially unchanged over the last 150 years, straddling the period of the
asylum's ascendancy, the era of psychiatric deinstitutionalization and
latterly the era of'community care'. Even when its resources were
apparently greater, certainly in terms of bed numbers, psychiatry had
never really got to grips with the substantial numbers of people with
severe, long-term psychiatric illness who were accommodated in
institutions for the indigent and homeless (Craig & Timms, 1992).
The action taken by government in the 1980s and 1990s in setting
up the Central London Homeless Mentally 111 Initiative was
prompted by the new visibility of the homeless mentally ill on the
streets. In many people's minds that was a consequence of the closures
of psychiatric units. However, the evidence suggests that it had more
to do with the hostel deinstitutionalization of the 1980s than the
decline in psychiatric beds, which had been going on for 35 years.
This suggests the depressing idea that, in spite of recent rhetoric about
community care, society at large has always been intimidated by the
sight of the homeless mentally ill and has always been quite happy to
lock them away. Whether it is in an asylum, a workhouse or a prison
does not really seem to matter. There have been recent efforts to bring
psychiatric and social care to some of these milieux. Only time will tell
if these enterprises can produce a significant shift from the low-cost,
no-care solutions of the past.

Allderidge, P. (1979). Hospitals, madhouses and asylums: cycles in the
care of the insane. British Journal of Psychiatry, 134, 321-33.
Anderson, N. (1922). The Hobo: The Sociology of the Homeless Man.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.




Beier, A. L. (1987). Masterless Men: The Vagrancy Problem in England

1560-1640. London: Methuen.

Berry, C. & Orwin, A. (1966). No fixed abode: a survey of mental
hospital admissions. British Journal of Psychiatry, 112, 1019-25.
Bogue, D. J. (1963). Skid Row in American cities. Chicago: Community
and Family Study Centre, University of Chicago.
Booth, C. (1890). In Darkest England and the way out. New York: Funk &

Cochrane, C. (1988). The Asylum and its Psychiatry. Routledge: London.
Coid, J. W. (1988). Mentally abnormal prisoners on remand. I.
Rejected or accepted by the NHS? British Medical Journal, 296,
Craig, T. & Timms, P. W. (1992). Out of the wards and onto the
streets? Deinstitutionalisation and homelessness in Britain. Journal of
Mental Health, 1, 265-75.
Crossley, B. & Denmark, J. C. (1969). Community care - a study of the
psychiatric morbidity of a Salvation Army hostel. British Journal of
Sociology, 20, 443-9.
De Schweinitz, K. (1943). England's Road to Social Security. Pittsburgh:
University of Pennsylvania Press.
Edwards, G., Williamson, V., Hawker, A., Hensman, C. & Postsyan, S.
(1968). Census of a reception centre. British Journal of Psychiatry,
114, 1031-9.
Faris, R. E. & Dunham, H. W. (1959). Mental Disorders in Urban Areas:
an Ecological Study of Schizophrenia and other Psychoses. Chicago:

University of Chicago Press.

GLC (Greater London Council) (1986). Four Victorian Hostels. London
Borough of Havering: GLC.
GLC/LBA (Greater London Council/London Boroughs Association)
(1981). Report of a Joint Working Party on provision in London
for people without a settled way of living. Hostels for the Single
Homeless in London. London: LBA.

Harrison, M., Chandler, R. & Green, G. (1992). Hostels in London: A

Statistical Overview. London: Resource Information Service.
Hewettson, J. (1975). Homeless people as an at-risk group. Proceedings of
the Royal Society of Medicine, 68, 9-13.

Leach, J. & Wing, J. (1980). Helping Destitute Men. London: Tavistock.

Lodge Patch, I. (1971). Homeless men in London. I. Demographic
findings in a lodging house sample. British Journal of Psychiatry, 118,
Lunacy Commission (1859). Supplement to Twelfth Report of the
Commissioners in Lunacy. London: House of Commons.
Macdonald, M. (1981). Mystical Bedlam. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Ollendorff, R. J. V. & Morgan, A. (1968). Survey of Residents in
Camberwell Reception Centre. Unpublished report to the National
Assistance Board.

Homelessness and mental illness


Orwell, G. (1933). Down and Out in Paris and London. London: Penguin.
Parry-Jones, W. L. (1972). The Trade in Lunacy. London: Routledge.
Paul, G. O., Sir (1812). Observations on the Subject of Lunatic Asylums.
Gloucester: private publication.
Porter, R. (1989). Mind-forged Manacles: A History of Madness in England
from the Restoration to the Regency. London: Penguin.
Power, E. & Tawney, R. H. (eds.) (1924). Tudor Economic Documents, vol.
Priest, R. G. (1976). The homeless person and the psychiatric services:
an Edinburgh survey. British Journal of Psychiatry, 128, 128-36.
SHIL (Single Homelessness in London) (1986). A Report by the Single
Homelessness in London Working Party. London: SHIL.
Southern, R. W. (1970). Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages.
Harmondsworth: Penguin.
The Resettlement Units Executive Agency. (1991). Annual Report and
Financial Statement 1990/91. London: HMSO.
Tidmarsh, D. (1972). Services for the destitute: Camberwell reception
centre. In J. Wing & A. M. Hailey (eds.), Evaluating a Community
Psychiatric Service. The Camberwell Register, 1964-1971, pp. 73-6.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Tidmarsh, D. & Wood, S. (1986). Report to DHSS on Research at
Gamberwell Reception Centre. London: Institute of Psychiatry.
Trevelyan, G. M. (1986). English Social History. London: Penguin.
Vexliard, A. (1953). Le Clochard: Etude de Psycholgie Sociale. Paris: Desclee
de Brouwer.
Webb, S. & Webb, B. (1929). English Poor Law History: Part 2: The Last
Hundred Tears. London: Longmans, Green & Co.
Whiteley, J. S. (1955). Down and out in London: mental illness in the
lower social groups. Lancet, 2, 608-10.
Wilmanns, K. (1906). Zur psychopathologie des landstreichers: eine
klinishe studie. Leipzig: Johann Ambrosius Barth.

Models of homelessness

There is no single definition of homelessness accepted by all who use
this term. Homelessness exists throughout this and other nations as
will become extremely clear in the accounts in this book, and the
homeless population is diverse.
In the UK, the National Assistance Act of 1948 requires every local
authority to provide 'temporary accommodation for persons who are
in urgent need thereof, being need arising in circumstances that
would not reasonably have been foreseen'. Hence, local authorities
have a statutory obligation to provide accommodation to individuals
who are roofless, and have not placed themselves in this state. In
practical terms, this definition of homelessness is probably the most
important one for individuals living in the UK. When these conditions are fulfilled, local authorities have a statutory obligation to act
and provide shelter to the homeless person.
Whether individuals have been 'blameworthy' in becoming homeless, or not, remains an arbitrary decision made by local authorities.
Because resources are scarce, a narrow working definition of homelessness tends to be used. Local authorities are more likely to embrace
the needs of homeless families, rather than the single homeless, hence
the latter group are more likely to be excluded, under the terms of the
Voluntary agencies working with homeless people have tended to
use a far broader definition of homelessness. The charity Shelter
working for the homeless, for instance, extends the definition of
homelessness to those living in very bad housing conditions. Thus
people living in very poor quality housing, or sleeping over with

Models of homelessness


friends on a temporary basis, or squatting in a derelict flat would also

be defined as homeless. The emphasis is on 'home' rather than the
conditions. The limits of such a definition remain unclear.
It emerges that there remains no single consensual definition of
homelessness and that any definition will lie somewhere on a
spectrum between 'not deliberately roofless' to 'all roofless and all
those resident in bad housing'. It is important to bear this debate in
mind while assessing any models of homelessness.
Wright (1989) has stated that to be homeless is to lack 'regular and
customary access to a conventional dwelling unit'. He goes on to draw
a distinction between the literally homeless (those individuals who
live and sleep on the streets), and the marginally homeless (those 'who
have a more or less reasonable claim to a more or less stable housing
situation of more or less minimal adequacy, being closer to the "less"
than the "more" on one or all criteria'.) In attempting to define
homelessness, we have, therefore, concentrated on only one aspect of
homeless peoples' lives - their residential situation. Bachrach (1984)
has stated that 'most current definitions appear to agree, either
implicitly or explicitly, that for homelessness to be present, the
absence of physical residence must occur under conditions of social
isolation or dissatisfaction'. Lip ton et al. (1983) have made a similar
point stating that the term 'homeless' is a misnomer, a catchword that
discounts other aspects of individuals lives (e.g. their employment
status, health, social ties). Pointing out that social isolation is a part of
homeless peoples' lives, does not, however, help us to arrive at a clear
definition of the term.
One question that needs to be considered, if one wishes to define
homelessness is 'how long is someone roofless before they are
homeless?' If someone is without accommodation for one day, are
they homeless? If not, when do they become homeless? Is it a week or a
month or longer? It is obvious that there is no one definition that is
universally accepted, or likely to be acceptable. This is because
different terms reflect, in part, the needs of those giving the definition.
This disagreement and difficulty do hamper research on homelessness
(Bachrach, 1984). Without a single agreed definition, it is difficult to
compare different bodies of research. Often a relatively accessible
group of homeless people (e.g. hostel dwellers) are defined as 'the
homeless' and their characteristics generalized to other groups of
homeless people. It is, therefore, particularly important with any
research or discussion of homelessness to ask who is included and who



excluded by the definition being used, and avoid generalizing

findings to other groups of homeless people to whom they may not
apply (see also Chapter 8).

Within this diversity of homeless people there are, however, subgroups of homeless individuals who share characteristics and may
also share certain needs. Classifying homeless people is of use if
identification of a subgroup of homeless people leads to greater
understanding of how individuals in that group became homeless and
how they can be helped. Classification can be based on aetiology
(how individuals became homeless), on current impairment or on
socio-demographic factors. Classification of any group of people
should, ideally, include all members of the group, in discrete and
readily recognizable subgroups of individuals.
Leach (1979) proposed that homeless people should be divided
into 'intrinsics' and 'extrinics'. 'Intrinsics' were homeless people
whose mental or physical disability was the cause of their homelessness, and had therefore predicted their homelessness. 'Extrinsics', by
contrast, were homeless because of situational factors (e.g. job loss,
poverty etc.). He stated that the two groups would require different
services. Their needs and priorities will differ as will their management.
Morse et al. (1991) proposed a system that focuses on current
psychiatric or physical impairment, regardless of whether such
impairment was the original cause of the homelessness, or not. They
demonstrated that both systems identified subgroups with different
needs, but that their system was superior at identifying groups of
individuals with high levels of service needs. Cohen (1994, and
Chapter 10) suggests that the characterizations of homelessness as a
trait rather than a state reflect the tensions between social justice and
public concepts as well as economic resources.
The UK Royal College of Psychiatrists Working Party Report on
Homelessness and Mental Illness (Bhugra, 1991) recommended that
three categories of homeless people be recognized: the single homeless, young single homeless and homeless families. The single homeless
have been the most extensively investigated group, to date. The
group consists of single men and women over 25 years of age. Wright


Models of homelessness

Social factors
Political economy
Housing policy
Duration and




Homelessness U-Poverty


t \


Other individual factors

Social support eg family
Psychiatric disability
Physical disability
Sexual orientation



Figure 3.1. Pathways into homelessness and types and interaction of various factors.
(1989) argues that subgroups of homeless are very different and they
can be divided according to social origins, background characteristics
and needs. The portrait can be of a pathway into homelessness along
with uniqueness of each group. In addition he challenges the concepts
of deserving and undeserving homeless people. These remain moral
judgements. He classified homeless as homeless families, lone homeless (which were further subdivided into men, children and women),
and then those with special factors like disability, ethnicity, education, geography, criminality, extreme poverty and nature and
reasons for homelessness. In the study conducted by Wright & Weber
(1987) 16-26% belonged to homeless family groups and the rest were
defined as lone homeless. Furthermore, 6% were children or adolescents below 19 years of age, 20% were adult women and 74% were
adult men (see Figure 3.1 for pathways into homelessness and types of
homelessness). This is not a clear, linked pathway and various factors
influence it along the way. The vast majority of the single homeless



are males. The level of psychiatric morbidity in this group is known to

be high. Weller et aL (1989) reported that 4 1 % of a group of single
homeless attending a Christmas shelter gave a history of psychosis
and 72% were psychotic at the time of interview. Previously
published estimates of what Wright (1989) calls ADM disorders
(alcoholism, drug abuse and mental illness) among the homeless have
varied from 10-55% (see also Bhugra, 1993 for a review). It is worth
emphasizing once again that the subset of homeless people who have
addiction problems may need very specialized housing and social
service needs. Substance abuse may be a consequence of homelessness
as observed by Winkleby & White (1992). Alcohol, Skid Row and
single male homeless are inextricably linked in the public consciousness. As Wright (1989) points out this stereotype is not entirely
without foundation and citing data from his studies in New York,
where alcohol abuse among homeless men dropped from 49% in
1968-72 to 28% in 1981-84 suggests that alcohol abuse is not that
unimportant a factor in homelessness but that other factors have
become far more important. As with most of the studies on homelessness, the role of alcohol abuse and definition of alcoholism also varies
and Wright (1989) sets this figure around 40%. It is difficult to know
how these rates measure up to the control (let us say 'normal')
population when the exact rates of alcohol abuse are not clear in this
group. Of a subsample of 204 homeless persons who had an alcohol
problem, among the total of 979, it was observed that they were male,
white and old with more troubled marital histories along with social
isolation, transiency and longer periods of unemployment (Roth &
Bean, 1985). Similar findings emerged from the work of Wright et aL
(1985) as well as from Winkleby & White's (1992) survey. In the New
York survey of Wright et aL (1985), American Indians had the
highest rates and the Hispanics and Asians the lowest - irrespective of
gender. It is worth noting that homeless people may drink or use
chemicals to alleviate the miseries of life and to cope as best they can
in a cloud and haze of alcohol and chemicals.
In this section of the chapter we shall attempt to define some of the
pathways that lead to a person being homeless. Lamb & Lamb (1990)
questioned the underlying reasons for the chronically and severely
mentally ill becoming and remaining homeless. A shortage of housing

Models of homelessness


of course may lead to or cause homelessness among the mentally ill. In

addition problems of resources within agencies providing services,
may add to the confusion in terms of identifying needs and not
offering adequate and appropriate services may well lead to homelessness. Problems of youth, co-morbidity with substance abuse and
laws are said to contribute to homelessness (Gelberg et al., 1988;
Koegel & Burnam, 1988; Koegel et aL, 1988; see also Figure 3.1). The
question that Lamb & Lamb are addressing in their study is to find
out how mental illness contributes to homelessness. Cohen & Thompson (1992) argue that the difference between homeless mentally ill
and mentally ill homeless is not purely semantic. Deinstitutionalization is seen as an important factor in the increasing tide of homeless
mentally ill. These authors assert that homelessness as a problem of
severe mental illness emerged in the early 1980s and the biases were
created by methodological weaknesses in the research. More rigorous
scientific studies have reported much lower rates (see Bhugra, 1993
for a review). Lamb & Lamb (1990) studied 53 consecutive admissions of homeless people (those who were living on the streets, on the
beach, in parks or public places - shelters not included) using a
structured interview. Forty patients were male and 42 had had a
prior psychiatric hospitalization and 87% had manifested major
overt psychopathology at the point of admission. Two thirds were
diagnosed as having schizophrenia. On the other hand a study by
Winkleby & White (1992) reported that of 1399 homeless adults
studied, 45.6% reported no impairments. They were distinguished by
being younger, minority status and lower educational status. In this
study injuries were the commonest physical health problem. They
became homeless at an older age and most had worked full-time
before the onset of the problem. Those who had a history of
psychiatric hospitalization reported high rates of physical and sexual
abuse and foster care placement before the age of 18. Respondents
with multiple disorders on becoming homeless reported the highest
prevalence of divorce and separation. Those who did not have any
impairment at the onset of homelessness developed substance abuse
the longer they remained homeless. This study has some methodological problems but the demonstration of pathways is interesting.
The large numbers of homeless people seen in inner cities has raised
the question of their origin. One popular answer to this is that
deinstitutionalization and inadequate community provisions for
psychiatric patients has led to large numbers of psychiatric patients



now living 'on the streets'. This remains a controversial argument. It

has been demonstrated on numerous occasions that a large proportion of homeless people suffer with severe psychiatric disabilities.
Various studies (Marshall, 1989; Priest, 1971) have reported levels of
severe psychiatric morbidity of between 20 and 40% in homeless
patients in a variety of settings (hostels, street dwellers etc.). However, it is less clear what levels of various psychiatric contact these
patients have had. When the question has been posed only small
numbers of patients have had prolonged previous psychiatric contact. Timms & Fry (1989) reported that 7 out of 124 homeless men
using a London hostel had had psychiatric admissions for longer than
a year, despite the fact that over 50% had severe psychiatric illnesses.
Dayson (1993) reported on the levels of vagrancy amongst patients
with severe psychiatric illnesses 1 year after these patients had been
moved from psychiatric hospitals (where they had had an average
stay of 15.5 years) to community hostels. Of the 278 patients
discharged, only one had definitely, and a further five had possibly,
become vagrants. A further one patient had been imprisoned and 6%
had been readmitted to and remained in the psychiatric hospital.
Susser et al. (1990) point out that various surveys reported from the
USA on the prevalence of mental illness among the homeless have
major problems. They suggest that these surveys should be construed
as 'case surveys' of homelessness since most gathered data on homeless
populations without selecting a comparison (or a control) group.
These authors draw our attention not only to the problems of
definitions of homelessness but also to differences between incidence
and prevalence and problems of sampling. Another caveat in all of
these studies is that of standardized measurement of mental disorder
in these populations since a number of studies present clinical
diagnoses and not operationalized diagnoses. If one was to view the
homeless as a specific culture the measurement of certain aspects of
mental state will be biased towards the category fallacy that anthropologists caution psychiatrists about. Susser et al. (1990) give the
examples of demoralization in the diagnosis of depression. Thus the
'state-dependent' mental state needs to be borne in mind. When
exposed to stressors, normal individuals may feel stress that is often
reversible. However, this may lead to psychopathology, which is seen
to be based on persisting traits of individuals. Susser etal. (1990) draw
attention to the point that intense feelings of distress may well be the
norm when a person is homeless - whether this is reversible or

Models of homelessness


becomes converted to psychopathology is difficult to ascertain. Any

variation in distress may of course result from heterogeneity of stressor
as well as from heterogeneity in individual reactions to a similar
There is evidence, then, that deinstitutionalization does not lead
directly to large numbers of chronically mentally ill people who were
previously in institutions becoming homeless. However, deinstitutionalization may have had an impact on younger individuals
with severe psychiatric illnesses who have not had long periods of time
in psychiatric institutions. Clinicians working in adult psychiatry
complain that it is often very difficult to admit acutely disturbed
patients due to a lack of available admission beds. Such shortages
arise because patients who are no longer acutely ill, remain on
admission wards because of the lack of long-term facilities for them to
move on to (Hirsch, 1992). One consequence of this is that there is an
increased pressure to discharge patients early in their treatment,
perhaps to unsuitable facilities. The Mental Health Act Commission
has expressed concerns that this policy leads to patients being
discharged without adequate aftercare having been organized. Weller et al. (1993) pointed out that cuts in social services have increased
the difficulty in providing adequate aftercare for psychiatrically ill
Leff (1993) has suggested that the 1983 Mental Health Act may be
another reason for the apparent difficulty in admitting acutely ill
patients. This Act, 'while safeguarding patients' own rights, has made
many health professionals reluctant to use its compulsory powers
except in extreme cases'. He further states that the burdens on
families caring for psychiatrically ill relatives can lead to such
'interpersonal protection', that patients leave home without having
accommodation to move into. It appears likely then that deinstitutionalization may lead to some mentally ill patients being
homeless, who would previously have been cared for in long-term or
rehabilitation beds of large psychiatric asylums.
Economic factors also play a large part in the plight of the mentally
ill. Individuals suffering from a chronic mental illness are unlikely to
be able to maintain themselves in employment, particularly at times
of high unemployment. High levels of unemployment have been a
feature of the UK economy over the last 10-15 years. Poverty is
another regular consequence of chronic mental illness (see Bhugra,
1993 for a review). Local authorities' housing stocks have gradually



diminished since tenants have bought their properties under the

government's 'right to buy' scheme - and this has reduced the stock of
cheap rented accommodation. This is the type of accommodation
that is particularly required by impoverished individuals and families. Redevelopment and 'gentrification' of the inner cities has also
decreased the availability of cheap rented accommodation. In
summary, high unemployment and the lack of cheap rented accommodation have combined to make it more difficult for individuals
with chronic mental illness to find affordable accommodation.
Individual factors in addition to mental illness are also important
in determining the pathway into homelessness.
1. Gender. Males are at greater risk of homelessness than females
(Rossi etal., 1987). This is particularly true if one is considering the
single homeless and the young homeless - but not the case with
homeless families, which are usually composed of a mother and her
children (Bassuk et al., 1986). Local authority housing policies
generally prioritize women with children over single men, and this
may be part of the reason why there are more (visible) homeless
men. Schizophrenia has an earlier age of onset in men than women
(Lewine et al., 1981). Some studies (e.g. Augermeyer et al., 1989)
suggest that the outcome of schizophrenia in women is better than
in men. The later onset in women may mean that they have a
longer period, before becoming ill, during which they have
residential stability and build up a network of relationships. These
factors, and the relatively better prognosis, may then lessen the
likelihood of the women who develop schizophrenia becoming
homeless. Furthermore, Bardenstein & McGlashan (1990) have
reported that schizophrenic men are prone to express negative,
defect symptoms (e.g. social withdrawal), demonstrate anti-social
behaviour and misuse drugs and alcohol, all of which would
increase their risk of becoming homeless.
Though males are at greater risk of being homeless than females,
it should be noted that homeless females exhibit higher levels of
serious psychiatric morbidity than males (Marshall & Reed,
1992). They reported that 71 % of residents in a hostel for homeless
women suffered from schizophrenia. An additional factor reported from Canada (Goering et al., 1990) was the demoralization
among the female homeless, although they recognized their needs
for resources and skills and felt that they wanted to maintain their

Models of homelessness


autonomy and have their rights respected. Among a sample of 300

women, Smith & North (1994) reported that those with dependent children under the age of 16 were less likely to have psychiatric
illness, whereas among those with dependent children not living
with them life-time psychiatric illness increased dramatically.
Thus, in planning any services not only is needs assessment vital
but a consumer preference study to ascertain their values and
support is also essential.
2. Substance misuse. Wright (1987) has estimated that the rate of
alcohol abuse is 3-5 times greater in the homeless. Drug abuse, too,
is a common problem, particularly among younger homeless
people (Stark et al., 1989). These problems are likely to worsen the
longer homelessness continues. The rates of substance abuse have
received even less attention. Wright et al. (1985) estimated drug
abuse rate in their sample to be around 13%. The first choice of
37% of the sample was heroin, methadone or crack and 22% used
cocaine. A similar proportion used cannabis and the rest used a
miscellany of street drugs. About 58% of the drug abusers were
likely to be intravenous abusers. Rates were highest among
younger males and the highest rate, unlike that of alcohol, was
observed among black men, followed by Hispanic men then black
women and then white men. It is not surprising to note that the
rates of substance abuse were lower among adult members of
homeless families than among lone homeless individuals. The drug
problem was most pronounced for homeless men in their late teens
and twenties (Wright, 1989). It is again not surprising to find that
a range of problems coexists with drug abuse - these include skin
disorders, liver disease, AIDS, seizure and other neurological
disorders, anaemias and infections with an underlying increase in
cases of tuberculosis.
3. Marital status. Most of the homeless are single or separated (Burt &
Cohen, 1989). This lack of social ties may discourage social
stability and hence increase the risk of becoming homeless. It may
be that the homelessness led to change in marital status even
though the reverse may be true. It is noted that women are more
likely to be in shelter or sleeping on friends' floors (see Marshall &
Reed, 1992) and also in hostels or bed and breakfast whereas men
are more likely to be wanderers.
4. Separated parents and social services care. It appears that a large
proportion of the homeless, particularly the young single homeless



have come from broken homes or out of social services care

(Bhugra, 1993). Such children may have run away from unhappy
domestic situations or have been thrown out because of anti-social
behaviour. Once 'on the streets', they may become involved in
illegal activities, including prostitution and drug and alcohol
abuse (Ritter, 1989). The children or teenagers may be runaways
or throwaways (for details see Chapters 4 and 6).
5. Sexual orientation. Krucks (1991) has reported that young homosexual and bisexual males have become at increased risk of homelessness. They cited prejudice, homophobia and discrimination as the
reasons why young gay and bisexual men are more likely to become
homeless than their heterosexual counterparts. This process of
being thrown out may encourage them to becoming prostitutes.
6. Ethnic grouping. Traditionally the homeless in the UK have
included disproportionately large numbers of men of Scottish and
Irish extraction. A profile of the users of a homeless persons drop-in
centre (Baron's Court Report, 1993) in London, for the month of
February 1993, revealed that 10% of the users described themselves as African or Caribbean, 7% as black British, 3% as Asian
and 20% were of Irish extraction. Leaf & Cohen (1982) in the
USA detailed demographic changes in the population of homeless
men in New York City shelters between 1970 and 1980. They
reported that the proportions of Hispanic and black people
amongst the homeless increased during these 10 years. Among
women, Smith & North (1994) have reported on high numbers of
African American women.
Severe psychiatric illness remains an important factor that may
lead to homelessness. Susser et al. (1991) measured the prevalence of
homelessness (past and present) among 377 patients admitted to a
New York State hospital over a period of 3 months. Of this sample
28% had been homeless at some time during their lives. They tested
for seven proposed risk factors for homelessness in this mentally ill
group: male gender, age under 40 years, black race, urban residence,
schizophrenia related diagnosis, alcohol abuse and drug abuse.
Somewhat surprisingly, the only significant association with homelessness (revealed by logistic regression analyses) was for urban
residence. They concluded that 'the risk factors for homelessness in
psychiatric patients may be somewhat different from those on the
general population'. This research awaits replication.

Models of homelessness


As noted above the longer an individual remained homeless, the

more likely he/she is to have such impairments. It is, of course,
possible that these individuals would have developed psychiatric
problems or substance abuse problems anyway, however it seems
likely that the stressors inherent in surviving as a homeless person
were aetiologically significant. Certainly, it seems unlikely that
homelessness per se is likely to be of therapeutic value to individuals
suffering from severe mental illness. This having been said, however,
Marshall (1989) has noted that hostels for the homeless in Oxford
contain a high proportion of mentally ill individuals and tolerate 'a
pattern of deviant behaviour similar to that expected in a ward of
long stay psychiatric patients'. Such tolerance could be said to create
a low 'expressed emotion' environment and may therefore reduce the
risk of relapse in individuals with schizophrenia.
In conclusion, the pathways that lead to an individual being
homeless and severely mentally ill are multiple, indeed no two people
in such a situation have arrived at it by the same route. Social and
macro-economic factors are important, particularly in determining
the overall levels of homelessness. Policy decisions on the management of psychiatric patients are likely to play a role that particularly
affects the severely mentally ill. Individual characteristics predispose
people to becoming homeless. Once homeless one may be at greater
risk of becoming mentally ill and developing substance abuse. The
effects of severe mental illness leave some individuals at greater risk of
becoming homeless. Once homeless and mentally ill, individuals may
be caught in a situation that may be beyond their capabilities to alter.
In summary then, this chapter has highlighted the difficulties that
exist in attempting to define the term 'homeless' and cautioned
against findings on one group of homeless people being applied to
others. We have reviewed some of the classification systems used for
homeless people and in this book we will use a scheme proposed by the
Royal College of Psychiatrists, Working Party (Bhugra, 1991).
Finally, we have attempted to highlight some of the pathways that
lead to individuals becoming homeless and mentally ill. Both conclusions may make the occurrence of the other more likely, however
economic factors (e.g. unemployment levels, accommodation costs),
social and health policies (e.g. deinstitutionalization) and individual
characteristics all play roles in predisposing people to these conditions.



Augermeyer, M. C., Goldstein, J. M. & Kuhu, L. (1989). Gender
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Bardenstein, K. K. & McGlashan, T. H. (1990). Gender differences of
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Schizophrenia Research, 3, 159-72.
Barons Court Report (1993). Barons Court Project - six month
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Bassuk, E., Rubin, L. & Laurant, A. (1986). Characteristics of sheltered
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Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
Burt, M. R. & Cohen, B. E. (1989). Differences among homeless single
women, women with children and single men. Social Problems, 36,
Cohen, C. I. (1994). Down and out in New York and London: a cross
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Psychiatry, 45, 769-76.
Cohen, C. I. & Thompson, K. S. (1992). Homeless mentally ill or
mentally ill homeless. American Journal of Psychiatry, 149, 816-23.
Dayson, D. (1993). The TAPS project: crime, vagrancy and
readmission. British Journal of Psychiatry, 162 (Supplement 19), 40-4.
Gelberg, L., Linn, S. & Leake, B. D. (1988). Mental health, alcohol and
drug use, and criminal history among homeless adults. American
Journal of Psychiatry, 145, 191-6.
Goering, P., Paduchak, D. & Durbin, J. (1990). Housing homeless
women: a consumer preference study. Hospital and Community
Psychiatry, 41, 790-4.
Herzberg, J. (1987). No fixed abode: a comparison of men and women
admitted to an east London psychiatric hospital. British Journal of
Psychiatry, 156, 621-7.
Hirsch, S. R. (1992). Services for the severe mentally ill: a planning
blight. Psychiatric Bulletin, 16, 673-5.
Koegel, P. & Burnam, M. A. (1988). Alcoholism among homeless adults
in the inner city of Los Angeles. Archives of General Psychiatry, 45,
Koegel, P., Burnam, M. A. & Farr, R. K. (1988). The prevalence of
specific psychiatric disorders among homeless individuals in the
inner city of Los Angeles. Archives of General Psychiatry, 45, 1085-92.

Models of homelessness


Krucks, G. (1991). Gay and lesbian homeless/street youth: special issues

and concerns. Journal of Adolescent Health, 12, 515-18.
Lamb, H. R. & Lamb, D. M. (1990). Factors contributing to
homelessness among the clinically and severely mentally ill. Hospital
and Community Psychiatry, 41, 301-5.
Leach, J. (1979). Providing for the destitute. In J. K. Wing & R. Olsen
(eds.), Community Care of the Mentally Disabled, pp. 90-105. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Leaf, A. & Cohen, M. (1982). Providing Services for the Homeless: The New
York City Program. New York: City of New York Human Resources
Leff, J. (1993). All the homeless people where do they all come from?
British Medical Journal, 306, 669-70.
Lewine, R. J., Strauss, J. S. & Giff, T. E. (1981). Sex differences in age
of first hospital admission for schizophrenia: fact or artifact?
American Journal of Psychiatry, 138, 440-4.
Lipton, F. R. M., Sobatin, A. & Katz, S. E. (1983). Down and out in
the city: the homeless mentally ill. Hospital and Community Psychiatry,
34, 817-22.
Marshall, M. (1989). Collected and neglected. Are Oxford hostels for
the homeless filling up with disabled psychiatric patients? British
Medical Journal, 299, 706-9.
Marshall, J. E. & Reed, J. L. (1992). Psychiatric morbidity in homeless
women. British Journal of Psychiatry, 160, 761-8.
Morse, G. A., Calsyn, R. J. & Burger, G. K. (1991). A comparison of
taxonomic systems for classifying homeless men. The International
Journal of Social Psychiatry, 37, 90-8.
Priest, R. G. (1971). The Edinburgh homeless. American Journal of
Psychotherapy, 25, 194-213.
Ritter, B. (1989). Abuse of the adolescent: New York state. Journal of
Medicine, 89, 156-8.
Roth, D. & Bean, J. (1985). Alcohol Problems and Homelessness: Findings
from the Ohio Study. Ohio Department of Mental Health Cleveland,
OH: Office of Programme Evaluation and Research.
Rossi, P., Wright, J., Fresher, G. & Withs, G. (1987). The
urban homeless: estimating composition and size. Science, 235,
Smith, E. M. & North, C. S. (1994). Not all homeless women are alike:
effects of motherhood and the presence of children. Community
Mental Health Journal, 30(6), 601-10.
Stark, C , Scott, J., Etell, M. et al. (1989). A Survey of the "Long Stay93
Users of DSS Resettlement Units. A research report. London:
Department of Social Security.
Susser, E., Conover, S. & Struening, E. L. (1990). Mental illness in the
homeless: problems of epidemiologic method in surveys of the 1980s.
Community Mental Health Journal, 26, 391-414.
Susser, E. S., Shang, P. & Genover, S. A. (1991). Risk factors for



homelessness among patients admitted to a state mental hospital.

American Journal of Psychiatry, 12, 1659-64.

Timms, P. W. & Fry, A. H. (1989). Homelessness and mental illness.

Health Trends, 21, 7 0 - 1 .

Weller, M., Tobransky, R., Hollander, D. & Ibrahimi, S. (1989).

Psychiatry and destitution at Christmas 1985-1988. Lancet, ii,
Weller, M. P. E., Sammut, R. G., Santos, M. J. H. & Horton, J.
(1993). "Who's sleeping in my bed?" Psychiatric Bulletin, 17, 652-4.
Winkleby, M. A. & White, R. (1992). Homeless adults without
apparent medical and psychiatric impairment: onset of morbidity
over time. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 43, 1017-23.

Wright, J. D. (1987). The National Health care for the homeless

program. In R. Bingham et al. (eds.), The Homeless in Contemporary

Society, pp. 150-69. London: Sage.

Wright, J. D. (1989). Address Unknown: Homeless. New York: Aldine de
Wright,]. D. & Weber, E. (1987). Homelessness and Health. New York:
McGraw Hill.
Wright, J. D., Rossi, P., Knight, J. et al. (1985). Health and Homelessness.
Amherst, MA: Social and Demographic Research Institute.

Young homeless and homeless families:

a review

The most alarming increase in the homeless population over the last
20 years has been the dramatic rise in the number of homeless families
with children. The homeless youth have appeared in increasing
numbers on our streets. In England, Shelter (a charity for the
homeless) estimated that 58 000 people were either sleeping rough or
were unauthorized tenants or squatters. Up to another 137 000 single
people were estimated to be living in hostels and lodgings in addition
to 317 000 insecure private tenants and 1.2 million 'hidden' homeless
(Burrows & Walentowicz, 1992). In the USA in 1986 it was reported,
following a survey of 25 cities, that 80% of the sample had reported an
increase in the number of homeless families with children (US
Conference of Mayors, 1986). A year later on average the numbers
had gone up by another one third (US Conference of Mayors, 1987).
Various changes in housing policies and a reduction in available
housing stock available at affordable rents along with low cost new
building are among some of the reasons for this increase (see Chapter
3). For homeless families stresses and coping strategies are different
from those experienced by the single homeless. In homeless families in
addition to individual stress, there is also the impact on the family
unit along with all of the interactions that happen between the unit
members. Within that unit, family homelessness can affect not only
emotional growth but behavioural and nutritional status of the
The stereotypes of homeless youth running away towards the
bright lights does not hold up to close scrutiny. There is no typical
homeless family or runaway or homeless youth. These individuals







Parents -+

Bed and


Other factors

Living with friends

- Educational

Behaviour disturbances

Developmental delays

Emotional disturbances

- Repeated infections
Physical ill health
Poor nutritional status
Figure 4.1. Pathways into homelessness and consequences of homelessness on the

come from a range of socio-economic classes, races, ages, backgrounds, and their needs, whether physical, social, economic or
health, also vary.
In this chapter the needs of homeless families, homeless children
and homeless youth will be addressed and suggestions for identification and management of problem areas will be made.

Homeless families
Over the past decade there has been a large increase in the number of
households in England accepted as officially homeless from 53 110 in
1978 to 145 800 in 1990 (Faculty of Public Health Medicine). The
number of families in London accepted as homeless under the terms of
the 1985 Housing Act increased by nearly threefold.
Figure 4.1 outlines the sequelae of homelessness in families. This
figure is not meant to be comprehensive but indicates many of the
problems of homeless families that need to be assessed multi-axially.
Homeless families in the UK can be divided into those who are

Young homeless and homeless families

roofless and those who live in bed and breakfast accommodation, the
latter being a majority. Homeless families are often housed by their
councils in bed and breakfast accommodation where the conditions
are basic and the whole family may live in one room with access to
communal cooking facilities and toilet facilities shared between up to
30 families.
In the USA McChesney (1992) carried out a study of 80 homeless
mothers in five shelters in Los Angeles County over a period of 16
months from April 1985. Although shelters had been selected to
broadly represent all major areas in the city the women had to agree
to be interviewed. The number of refusals is not reported, therefore
the sample may not be representative. Mothers, and occasionally
their partners, were interviewed using loosely structured interviews
and families were followed for as long as possible. The most basic
problem reported with this group was their poverty, which prevented
them from having 'homes'. Lack of money was an important factor in
their daily existence and they had lurched from crisis to crisis, with
their successes being only temporary and solutions transitory. Victor
(1992) reported similar findings in England. On the basis of the
source of income prior to homelessness and on the characteristics of
the primary earner the following four types of homeless families
emerged: unemployed couples, mothers leaving relationships, aid to
families with dependent children (AFDC), and mothers who had
been homeless teenagers. Although the four groups were distinct
there was considerable overlap. In the first category of unemployed
couples - marginal men were the main wage earners. However, their
ability to support their families depended upon the economic business
cycle. These couples were in their mid-thirties with two or more
children and the wage earner was usually a blue collar worker. These
were seen as traditional families where the husband earned and the
wife looked after the children. Even within the shelter this role
division was maintained. In the second group, of mothers leaving
relationships - the typical mother was in her twenties with one or
more children. She was more likely to have been to high school and
had worked prior to having children. The proximate cause of their
poverty was the break-up of a relationship with an economically
successful partner. Following this break-up the mothers were left with
the children and with no success in obtaining work along with limited
or no access to child care. In contrast AFDC mothers were heads of
households - their male companions were peripheral to the control




unit. These mothers had two or more children, were less well
educated and had limited work experience. The last category
included women who had been abused, were younger (in their early
20's), usually with one child often an infant. They may have had a
history of fostering and may have run away from this placement often
because of sexual abuse. This group was described as having learnt
subsistence prostitution. These mothers were also more likely to need
support and rehabilitative services attached to specialized housing
alternatives (Bassuk et al., 1986). Making facilities for child care
available along with the benefits of voluntary help and voluntary
organizations are important factors in planning their management.
Bassuk et al.'s (1986) sample from Massachusetts included 80
homeless women and 151 children drawn from 14 family shelters.
Women were young and over two thirds came from broken homes.
They had poor work records, few supports and long histories of
residential instability. Nearly three quarters (71%) were given a
diagnosis of personality disorder. Boxhill & Beaty (1990), in a study of
40 homeless women and their children, observed that these mothers
and children were building their relationships in an open personal
space. The authors reported six themes to emerge from their study.
These were: an intense desire to demonstrate internalized values as a
way of asserting self; questioning the certainty of anything and
ambiguity of every thing; conflict over the need for attention and the
experienced demand for independence; public mothering; unravelling of the mother role; external control being placed on this maternal
role. Little wonder that an internalized confusion may arise within
mothers and their relationships. Smith & North (1994) studied 300
homeless women (90% of whom were mothers) in St Louis from night
shelters and day centres. Using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule/
Homeless Supplement, DSM-III R diagnoses were reached. Two
third (67%) of the women had children under the age of 16 in their
physical custody in these shelters. Fifty women (17%) did not have
physical custody of any of their children under 16. Unlike previous
studies this sample was predominantly (76%) African American and
mothers with children were more likely to be unemployed. The
authors suggest that in their sample, women with children had
greater social vulnerabilities (like unemployment and dependent
children) and fewer personal vulnerabilities (substance abuse and
other psychiatric problems). Among those without children nearly
half had a non-substance Axis 1 life-time psychiatric disorder and

Young homeless and homeless families

nearly half reported a substance abuse problem, and combining these
disorders nearly three quarters had a life-time psychiatric diagnosis.
Reasons for family homelessness in this group include break-up of
relationships, poor work record, unavailability of work as well as
child care facilities, sexual abuse, eviction, domestic conflict and
unsafe living conditions (Mills & Ota, 1989). Each family unit will
thus have a different set of problems needing to be identified.
Domestic conflicts also have implications for poor self-esteem and
relationship difficulties (Bhugra, 1993). These may in turn produce
isolation and loneliness and poor social support. Mothers may end up
providing inappropriate models for children who may not, in turn, be
able to form close friendships and trusting relationships. One study in
West London reported that 16% of homeless women were clinically
depressed and another 19% suffered from borderline depression (M.
Tempia, personal communication). Using the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ;12; Goldberg, 1978), Victor (1992) found that 20%
of her sample in West London suffered from significant mental
morbidity. In addition to psychological problems, the physical
problems of living in a cramped space with a lack of adequate
personal, medical and social facilities are bound to contribute to
ill-health. Nearly half (46%) of homeless people reported long-term
illness or a disability lasting longer than a year (Victor, 1992). One
tenth reported an acute episode of ill-health. General practice
consultation rates in this group in the previous fortnight were twice
the national rate of consultation, thereby indicating a large pool of
ill-health. Although bed and breakfast families and sometimes those
placed in hostels in the UK are technically able to register with a
general practitioner not all have access to primary care facilities. In
Victor's (1992) sample in London, 92% of homeless people were
registered with a general practitioner, although 44% of them had
registered only within the past year. Furthermore, 18% lived 8 km or
more away from the surgery, thereby suggesting that some surgeries
may be reluctant to take homeless people on. Some of the management issues related to this group are discussed below and in Chapter
Homeless children
The literature suggests that homeless families typically consist of
women on their own or with their young children who are usually




under the age of 5. In studies from the USA it has been estimated that
on any given night there are 6800 children and youths aged 16 or
under who belong to homeless families (GAO, 1989). In addition a
further 300000 children may be counted as homeless per year.
Furthermore, another 186000 children may be doubled up in
housing shared with relatives or friends. The GAO study reported
that 52% of homeless children in their survey were aged 5 or younger
- nearly two thirds of children aged 16 or under seen by the National
Health Care for the Homeless projects were aged 1 to 5. Most of the
families in the shelter belonged to ethnic minorities (Bassuk, 1987,
Miller & Lin, 1988). As noted earlier, Victor (1992) reported from
London that being female and young was related to being housed in
bed and breakfast hotels. Of the 522 subjects, 207 (55%) had between
one and seven dependent children under the age of 16, most parents
having a single child of school age. Solarz (1992) emphasizes that a
separate group of families and children exist who may survive by
living rough. There is no doubt that in the studies reported so far the
children have borne the brunt of physical and mental health
Bassuk's (1986) work referred to earlier, revealed that only
women's relationships with men were characterized by instability,
conflict and violence. The children from this study had been
administered the Denver Developmental Screening Test to test
developmental milestones in four areas: language, gross motor skills,
fine motor co-ordination and personal and social development. The
children interviewed in the series revealed very high (47% of
pre-schoolers) rates of at least one developmental delay. One third
(33%) had lags in two or more areas. The school-age children
suffered from serious emotional problems. On the children's Depression Inventory and the children's Manifest Anxiety Scale about half
scored high enough to warrant fuller psychiatric evaluation. Almost
all had thought of committing suicide. Most of the older children
were doing poorly in school - one quarter were in a special class and
nearly half (43%) had to repeat a year. In addition some children
were ashamed of their social status of being homeless and kept it
hidden from schoolmates. Furthermore, this group did not generally
contact helping agencies either. Only 14% of children were involved
in day care. The immediate cause of homelessness was housing
Whitman et al. (1990) have also reported language development

Young homeless and homeless families

delay in children of homeless families. Horowitz et al. (1988)
compared three groups of children: 'hotel children' (i.e. those living
in welfare hotels with their families); non-hotel children in an
attendance improvement/dropout prevention programme and nonhotel children in the community. School environment was observed
as a 'facilitator' in hotel children's adaptation to their environment.
Solarz (1992) raised the question of whether these increased rates in
developmental delays and emotional problems are due to homelessness, poor personal space or poverty. It would be very difficult to tease
out these threads especially if research focuses on shelter populations
One study from Boston did not replicate Bassuk et al.'s findings
(Lewis & Meyers, 1989) but they had looked at a sample attending a
clinic, which may explain the low rates. Any minor behavioural,
emotional or developmental delay may not reach the threshold to
warrant clinical intervention and to therefore be seen at the clinic.
However, Wood et al. (1991) reported that 9% of their sample from
Los Angeles had failed two or more sections of the Denver Developmental Screening Test. They also reported more problems with
aggression. Molnar et al.'s (1988) study of children aged between 2\
and 5 reported that these children exhibited a range of problem
behaviours including speech delay, aggression, inappropriate social
behaviour, poor attention span and impulse control. Their relationships with their peers were 'immature'. The authors argue that this
inappropriate behaviour may be one way of coping with the
environment. These children are also more prone to being abused
physically and sexually and to being neglected.
The rates of medical disorders in children in homeless families are
about twice the rates expected for children in the general population. Homeless children are more vulnerable to infections, gastrointestinal problems, higher blood lead levels and nutritional deficiencies (Institute of Medicine, 1988; Miller & Lin, 1988; Wright,
1989). It is possible that these problems are linked with poverty and
poor housing as well as material deprivation. Wood et al. (1991)
reported that although both homeless and poorly housed families
had poor dietary patterns the former were more likely to experience
more periods of hunger and food deprivation. Children's dietary
patterns, availability of cheap, filling, starchy or fatty foods and poor
cooking environment may all contribute to poor nutritional status.
Inadequate facilities for personal hygiene, poor quality of cleanliness




and living in close quarters all add up to increased risks of infection.

Children from bed and breakfast families with 'an address' can
theoretically be admitted to schools. However, rates of attendance are
difficult to obtain. These children are likely to miss school because of
poor health, looking after younger siblings and the transitory nature
of their accommodation. They are likely to perform poorly and have
had previous trouble with school authorities.
Adolescents or runaway youths are, in some ways, the most vulnerable of the 'special' groups of homeless. Unlike the lovable fictional
images of Tom Sawyer, Oliver Twist, Huckleberry Finn and David
Copperfield, modern day runaway youths are often running away
from foster homes or parental homes, violence, neglect, physical and
sexual abuse. The problems this group faces are complex and often
interlinked with prostitution and the inherent risks that this life-style
brings. Adolescence is a period of individuation and individual
growth with the support of the family and society at large. This
individuation thus becomes more complicated for runaway adolescents.
Adolescent homeless have been categorized into runaways, throwaways and the homeless. Runaways were defined as youth who
remain away from home at least overnight without parent or
caretaker permission. Homeless youth are those with no parental,
foster or institutional home and include pushouts (urged to leave)
and throwaways (left home with parental knowledge or approval
without an alternative place to stay). The last group is that of street
kids who feel they belong on the street and have become accustomed
to fending for themselves (Robertson, 1992).
Abrahams & Mungall (1992) defined a runaway as a young person
aged under 18 who has left home or local authority care without
agreement and has stayed away for a 'significant period of time', the
length of time regarded as significant being related to the age of the
runaway. Runaway is a mode of departure and may not necessarily
be equated with a young homeless person. As these authors emphasize, the essence of this definition is being away without consent,
explicit or otherwise.
The UK Department of the Environment (1982), has defined
single and homeless as:

Young homeless and homeless families


1. Being without adequate shelter now.

2. Facing the loss of shelter within a month.
3. Living in a situation of no security of tenure and being forced to
seek alternative accommodation within a time period that the
client considers to be immediate (e.g. potential discharges from
Institutions of all types; living with friends or relatives in overcrowded conditions; illegal tenancies).
4. Those living in reception centres, crash pads, derelict buildings,
squats (unlicensed), hostels, lodging houses, cheap hotels and
boarding houses.
In England and Wales the ages of 16 and 17 remain 'grey areas',
since although parents may legally refuse to allow the youth to leave
home this right is difficult to enforce. In Scotland a 16 year old may
legally leave home with or without parental consent.
Abrahams & Mungall (1992) studied 4 police force areas in
England along with 5 of 75 Metropolitan divisions. They monitored
the lists of reported missing persons. During the study period, 6068
persons had reportedly run away - 70% from home and the rest from
care. When they extrapolated these figures nationally they estimated
that there were 43 000 runaways per year with 102 000 incidents in
1990. The majority of the runaways were in the 1416 age range and
those in institutional care were more likely to run away. Some
institutions were vulnerable and more likely to produce runaways.
Only 2% of cases went far away from their home area. The study
population was predominantly white (58%) but 26% of runaways
from care homes (compared to 16% from homes) were AfroCaribbean. Asians were only marginally more likely (6% compared
to 4%) to run away from home than institutional care. Common
causes for running away were danger to self and other vulnerability
factors such as prostitution, pregnancy, sexual abuse and learning
More recent reports indicate that these numbers are on the increase
in the UK especially among the 1618 year olds the age too young to
be eligible for social security and too old for social services departments, and that nearly half (49%) of the group left or were thrown
out of home as a result of domestic conflict (Wiggans, 1989a).
Raychaba (1989) has highlighted the close links between being
placed in care and homelessness. In a sample of homeless young
people in Greater Manchester, Wiggans (1989a) reported that young



people were more likely to be unemployed, to come from broken

homes and to have been in care. A similar picture has emerged in
Ireland where the homeless youth came from the poorest sections
where important factors included urban deprivation and family
instability, and the group was vulnerable to drugs, prostitution and
the effects of physical hardship (Simon Community, 1983). Harvey &
Menton (1989) conclude that Ireland's young homeless people are
being left by the wayside. In the very first year of a self-help advice
and settlement service, one third of the users were under 20 (Focus
Point, 1987).
There are many similarities between youth from care and homeless
youth (Raychaba, 1989). The former group were more likely to abuse
chemical substances and to exhibit anger, frustration, depression and
self-destructive behaviour. Similar findings have been reported by
Feitel et al. (1992) and Greenblatt & Robertson (1993). More than
three quarters in one sample suffered from 'extreme emotional
depression' and 50% had attempted or seriously considered committing suicide (Covenant House, 1985). Jenkins & Stahle (1972)
concluded that runaways were described most commonly as insecure,
unhappy and impulsive - all attributable to poor self-image along
with feelings of inadequacy and lack of self-confidence. Mowbray et
al. (1985) reported that nearly a quarter of a Detroit sample exhibited
violent disturbed behaviour and 10% were considered self-destructive. Like the younger children from homeless families, and because of
similar reasons of coming into care along with the transitory nature of
accommodation and lack of constancy, this group performs badly in
social and educational areas. This also means that they are unable to
find and keep a job and accommodation. Another complication is
that because of poor social and peer support systems the institutional
'support' ends rather suddenly and the youth are 'extruded' into
appalling conditions.
Prostitution and substance abuse may become a major problem.
Benjamin (1985) observed that many of those children who end up in
juvenile prostitution have been failed twice - once by their family and
the second time by the welfare system. The placements in care
institutions may teach this group deviant values and practices
associated with social isolation; low self-esteem, passivity, a sense of
powerlessness and inability to develop successful, healthy relationships all add up to the possibility that such experiences may
encourage prostitution. The young person leaving care with minimal

Young homeless and homeless families

education and little, if any, employment-related skills is dangerously
prone to enter into prostitution - a specific form of homelessness
(Raychaba, 1989). Male prostitution is primarily an adolescent
phenomenon largely because homosexual clientele may prefer a
young male. The younger a youth appears, the more tricks he can
generate thereby making more money. Males may start to make less
money as they become older and with this they may end up
performing acts they may have refused at a younger age. As their
self-esteem is often linked with the ability to make money they may
become progressively more depressed, suicidal and may turn to other
criminal activity (Price, 1989). Greenblatt & Robertson (1993)
studied 93 homeless adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17 in the
Hollywood area of Los Angeles. One third had had more than 10
sexual partners in the previous year and about a third reported
trading sex for money, food or drugs. Only 31% were girls and 40%
were non-white. For 44% homelessness had been episodic, while 39%
were chronically homeless. A majority of the parents (57%) were
divorced, and family conflicts, physical abuse, sexual abuse and
pregnancy were common reasons for leaving. Boys were more likely
than girls to have had sex at an earlier age (usually before the age of
13). Most identified themselves as heterosexual and 18% reported sex
with intravenous drug users. Although most knew the cause of AIDS,
its spread and prevention, safe sex was still not very common. For
female prostitutes an additional problem may be the role of the
pimps. Initial tricks may be one way of hanging on to their boyfriends
who may then use violence to control them. For many female
adolescents getting pregnant may become a means to escape from one
kind of life-style, but at the same time it starts off yet another vicious
circle. As Price (1989) pointed out, adolescent prostitutes were more
likely to use denial as a form of dealing with risks and some may
concede that they are not likely to live long anyway.
The causes of homelessness in this group remain multiple. Janus et
al. (1987) interviewed 149 youths between the ages of 16 and 21. Of
these, 73% reported physical abuse and 43% blamed their running
away on it. Furthermore, 40% had suffered sexual assaults and rape,
and more than one third (36%) had been forced into sexual activity
against their will, 31% were sexually molested and 5 1 % reported
sexual abuse. The economic structures of a single parent family were
more likely to contribute to their running away. Chaotic, abusive
patterns of interaction and the inability of families to cope with their




children's needs led the authors to comment that the dysfunction

observed in these families was very prominent and serious and the
family members may have higher than hitherto realized expectations
of their children leading to a conflict with 'arrested' psycho-social
development of the youth. Therefore a simple return to the same or
similar atmosphere would never be good enough. If this expectation
of higher achievement than the youths are able to achieve is shown
consistently in other studies it may also raise vital points in managing
these individuals in institutional settings, which lay even stronger
emphasis on communal rather than individual functioning.
As noted above, the mental health of adolescents needs to be
visualized in the context of normal adolescent development. Physiological, cognitive and emotional changes remain inextricably linked.
Adolescence is a period of growth, experimentation and individuation. Separating from the original family and establishing a new
identity, mastering new personal and social skills and forming new
relationships and developing a stable set of values are all part of this
growth. This may be aided by support, guidance, modelling and
consistent help by adults.
Adolescents experience a deepening of their emotions, higher levels
of anxiety and depression and more marked mood swings (Rutter &
Hersov, 1985). Using check lists for assessing behaviour, Wolk &
Brandon (1977) reported that runaways had a significantly poorer
self-concept and were not only more defensive but also had poor
personal adjustment. Similar findings were reported by Schaffer &
Caton (1984). These authors observed that four fifths of their sample
scored at a level of disturbance likely to indicate significant psychiatric disability. One third of the girls had a history of attempted
suicide and 70% of the youth admitted substance abuse. In addition
37% of boys and 19% of girls in this sample had been charged with an
offence - most commonly assault or robbery. Robertson (1992)
argued that such high criminal rates may be a reflection of the needs
for basic survival.
Feitel et al. (1992) reported that 90% of their sample from a shelter
for homeless youth in New York, fulfilled the criteria for an emotional
disorder. Three quarters were depressed and 4 1 % had considered
suicide and more than one quarter had attempted suicide.
Van der Ploeg (1989) studied 212 homeless adolescents in Holland.
Differentiating between street youth and homeless youth (the former
sleeping rough in car parks, on streets, in doorways and the latter

Young homeless and homeless families


wandering around from one address to the next) the author collected
basic information on 212 young people and interviewed 86 at length.
Boys were three times more likely to be homeless and foreign youth
formed one third of the sample. Of the 90% that were jobless about
one third had been unemployed for over a year. Van der Pleog (1989)
characterized these along five dimensions:
1. Negativefamily backgrounds. Nearly three quarters (73%) came from
families where parents had been divorced and 70% rarely kept in
touch with their fathers.
2. History ofprofessional help. Of the sample, 12% had been involved
with seven or more helping organizations, 79% had been in
residential institutions and 21% had been with foster families.
3. Negative experiences at school. Of the youth, 22% were persistent
truants and 70% had changed schools more than once, while 40%
had repeated one or more classes and 10% had changed school
eight times.
4. Few friends. Defining firm friendship as lasting at least one year
only 15% had friends, and 11% had no friends at all. This may
reflect the mobility as well as social skills and poor access to peer
groups for forming friendships.
5. Low self perception. These youths had a positive opinion of themselves and the majority saw themselves as adult, clever, self assured
and cheerful. Van der Ploeg argued that this was a facade and that
these youths had an inadequate self-perception and a poor
perception of their situation. Over 50% believed that their
destinies were determined by factors outside their control. Wiggans (1989b) criticized Van der Ploeg's model on the grounds that
Van der Ploeg had failed to outline the causal model that had been
the original intention and, in addition, the reality of the focus was
on pathology and weakness rather than the individual's strength.

Implications for service

It would appear from the above review that the experiences of
homeless families and children and homeless youth are far from
homogeneous although some common strands emerge. The implications for services are many. The Council on Scientific Affairs (1989)
emphasized that the health care needs of homeless runaways or



adolescent homeless included poor nutritional factors, substance

abuse, mental, physical and sexual health and victimization. Thus,
the care for these groups must research different facets to understand
the true extent of the problem. Firstly, epidemiological studies are
required to ascertain the exact extent of the problem in any
geographical area. Secondly, the needs of such groups and individuals must be assessed and a multi-axial needs assessment programme
has to be developed. The comprehensive, accessible, appropriate,
sensitive and available services must be developed. Both physical and
psychological needs must be documented and management offered.
Reuniting adolescents with their families is highly unlikely to resolve
the problems and may in reality aggravate the difficulties.

For homeless families and children

1. Strategies to decrease family poverty need to be developed. This is
largely a political question, but in smaller communities developing voluntary services and working in partnership with statutory
organizations may help the individual to cope better.
2. Flexibility in providing jobs and shelters will go a long way in
reducing not only the numbers of homeless but also the duration of
homelessness and give a sense of security to the parents and their
3. Flexibility in educational provisions with special emphasis on
enrolling homeless children at the nearest school rather than their
'old' school may make schooling more acceptable, and may
encourage child-parent participation and a sense of belonging
and purpose and provide the child with an improved self-esteem
through peer interaction.
4. Specially targeted programmes that enable a reduction in poverty
to occur along with a reduction in homelessness are more likely to
be accepted. However, this step again is a reflection of the political
will. Low-cost, safe, affordable, well-managed housing even if it
does not encourage families to stay put and settle down may at
least make it more likely.
5. Specific help in the form of shelters and counselling for victims of
domestic violence, sexual and physical abuse, is likely to help those
in the most need.
6. Joint programmes and projects with support from the Departments of the Environment, Health and Education will enable

Young homeless and homeless families

voluntary organizations to tackle the issue even more actively and
For homeless


1. Prioritization of needs at an individual level with joint projects as

suggested above may enable the individual to learn skills and
manage crises and reduce the duration of homelessness.
2. Ongoing evaluation of the services available and continued
research into determining the exact levels of needs will enable the
individual to feel part of the community and enable them to
reduce their feelings of isolation and extrusion.
3. A continuum of facilities from sheltered accommodation to
long-term residential housing and transitional care will enable the
individual to find the support and shelter that matches up with
their needs.
4. Easy accessibility and availability of a range of individual, group
and family work, parenting skills, management of substance abuse
and other special factors will encourage individuals to seek early
and appropriate help and resolution.
5. In cases with co-morbidity and psychological problems case
management may provide an ideal solution.
6. Interagency co-operation and advocacy schemes may lead to a
better quality and acceptability of services.

The underlying causes of homelessness are varied and for the three
groups of homeless families, children and adolescents the individual
needs must be determined, thus allowing prioritization of care and an
early response to reduce the period of uncertainty, anguish and
homelessness. On the one hand homeless children suffer from a
multitude of problems and the educational aspects of their life-style
need to be highlighted. Homeless youth, on the other hand, are more
likely to be the products of broken homes, are as likely to run away as
to be thrown out and are likely to end up in prostitution with its
inherent risks. It is possible that all these factors are interdependent.
The situation is complex but identification of the special needs of
homeless families, youth and children, followed by a clear assessment




of needs and appropriate accessible services along with working

towards cheap, accessible and appropriate housing should go some
way towards controlling stress and reducing psychological distress.

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Young homeless and homeless families


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own with no direction from home. Children and Youth Services Review,
11, 61-73.
Robertson, J. M. (1992). Homeless and runaway youths. In M. J.
Robertson & M. Greenblatt (eds.), Homelessness: a National
Perspective, pp. 287-98. New York: Plenum Press.
Rutter, M. & Hersov, L. (eds.) (1985). Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
Schaffer, D. & Caton, C. L. M. (1984). Runaway and Homeless Youth in
New York City. New York: Ittleson Foundation.
Simon Community (1983). Need for Shelter for Young People in Distress.
Dublin: Simon Community.
Smith, E. M. & North, C. S. (1994). Not all homeless women are alike:
effects of motherhood and the presence of children. Community
Mental Health Journal, 30, 601-10.



Solarz, A. L. (1992). To be young and homeless. In M. J. Robertson &

M. Greenblatt (eds.), Homelessness: A National Perspective, pp. 275-86.
New York: Plenum Press.
US Conference of Mayors (1986). The Growth of Hunger, Homelessness
and Poverty in America's Cities in 1985. Washington, DC:
Conference of Mayors.
US Conference of Mayors (1987). The Continuing Growth of Hunger,
Homelessness and Poverty in America's Cities. Washington, DC:
Conference of Mayors.
Van der Ploeg, J. D. (1989). Homelessness: a multi dimensional
problem. Children and Youth Services Review, 11, 45-56.
Victor, C. R. (1992). Health status of the temporarily homeless
population and residents of North West Thames Region. British
Medical Journal, 305, 387-91.
Whitman, B. Y., Sprankel, J., Stretch, J. J. et al. (n.d.). Children of the
Homeless: A High Risk Population for Developmental Delays. St. Louis:

Office of Mental Retardation-Developmental Disability Resources.

Wiggans, A. (1989a). Youthwork and homelessness in England. Children
and Youth Services Review, 11, 5-29.

Wiggans, A. (1989b). Critique of Van der Ploeg. Children and Youth

Services Review, 11, 57-60.
Wolk, S. & Brandon, J. (1977). Runaway adolescents' perceptions of
parents and self. Adolescence, 12, 175-87.
Wood, D., Valdez, R. B., Hayashi, T. et al. (1991). The health of
homeless children: a comparison study. Paediatrics, 86, 858-66.
Wright, J. (1989). Poverty, homelessness, health, nutrition and children.
Presented at the Johns Hopkins University Institute for Policy
Studies. April. Washington, DC.

Homeless women

The proportion of women amongst the adult homeless population
increased throughout the 1970s and 1980s and is currently estimated
at between 10% and 25%. Women with children are now the fastest
growing segment of the homeless population in the USA (Smith &
North, 1994). Information about homeless women is limited to
studies that have been carried out in accessible settings such as hostels,
shelters and day centres, and cannot, therefore, be generalized. In
studies where homeless men and women have been interviewed, the
numbers of women are small and comparisons between the sexes have
not been made (Arce et aL, 1983; Bassuk et al., 1984; Fischer et al.>
1986; Kroll^a/,,1986).
The current situation and the specific problems experienced by
homeless women in Britain and the USA can be better understood in
the light of historical evidence.

Homeless women in the nineteenth and twentieth

After the Industrial Revolution in Britain, people moved to the cities
and towns to look for work. The increased demand for accommodation caused a housing shortage. Women worked in factories, mills and
shops but their wages were low and their accommodation options
limited. Until the 1880s, when social reformers began to intervene in
the housing crisis, working women could either rent rooms, lodge or



board with a household, stay in common lodging houses or in

accommodation provided by their employer (Watson & Austerberry,
1986). Living-in was a condition of employment in the drapery and
allied trades and in domestic service. Many women resorted to
prostitution in order to earn a living, or to supplement meagre wages
(Higgs & Hay ward, 1910), but then had difficulty finding accommodation because landladies were unwilling to let rooms to prostitutes.
The lack of housing provision led to homelessness in both men and
women. Accommodation for homeless women was provided in
common lodging houses, charitable refuges and casual wards. There
was a great range in the lodging houses available. At one end of the
spectrum were establishments that only took in 'respectable' working
women and at the other end were mixed common lodging houses
where men and women were crowded together. An inquiry in 1886
revealed that of a sample of 597 people in common lodging houses,
176 (30%) were women (Ribton-Turner, 1887). A census of charitable refuges in London in 1891 revealed that 21% of the residents
were women (Tillard & Booth, 1924). The casual wards, administered under the Poor Law Acts, supposedly catered for those out of
work and seeking employment. Anyone taken in for one night was
obliged to stay the next day and night in order to work for their board
by oakum-picking. They then had to move on. Conditions in the
casual wards were unacceptable to most women, who preferred the
lodging houses. In 1886 the ratio of men to women in the casual wards
was 79% to 21% (Ribton-Turner, 1887).
The social reform movement of the late nineteenth century and
early twentieth centuries provoked interest in the plight of the
homeless and led to an increase in provision for homeless women. The
Salvation Army, one of the voluntary organizations founded at this
time, took a sympathetic and less punitive attitude to homeless
women than other organizations and set up shelters for homeless
women, and homes for prostitutes and unmarried mothers.
A London census on 15 January 1909 revealed that 1483 women
were in common lodging houses and 184 in casual wards, many fewer
than the men in either type of accommodation. These figures,
however, were considered to be an underestimate (Higgs & Hayward, 1910). Homeless women found it difficult to find accommodation in common lodging houses because there was a common
perception that they were more difficult to manage than men.
Common lodging house managers would therefore either raise their

Homeless women


prices beyond what the women could afford or would refuse accommodation (Higgs & Hay ward, 1910). Homeless women also eschewed the casual wards because of the punitive treatment meted out
and only used them as a last resort (Higgs & Hayward, 1910).
During the interwar period, homeless women could be divided into
one group that was temporarily stranded and two larger groups that
were permanently homeless (Menzies, 1927). The temporarily homeless included young women who had run away from home or who had
drifted up from the country in search of work, and older women with
a history of'drink and drug addiction, pilfering, evil temper or some
mental twist to account for their plight' (Menzies, 1927). These
temporarily stranded women usually found accommodation in facilities run by charities. The permanently homeless consisted of
(1) unskilled workers, vagrants and down-and-outs and (2) prostitutes. The unskilled workers and prostitutes largely stayed in the
common lodging houses, which remained a major source of provision
for homeless women. The casual wards were a less important source of
accommodation for homeless women and were used mainly by older
women, vagrants and down-and-outs.
In 1925 there were 17 310 places in London County Council
licensed lodging houses, but only 1630 (9.42%) were available for
women and conditions were worse for women than for men (Chesterton, 1926). This was another ploy to turn women away based on the
perception that they were more difficult to manage! For instance,
there was a general lack of washing facilities in womens' lodging
houses, whereas in mens' establishments there were baths. A 1930
census reported that the casual ward population on one night in
London and several other provincial poor law unions was composed
of 2472 men, but only 110 women (Watson & Austerberry, 1986). Of
these women, 56 were aged between 40 and 60 years and a further 25
were over 60 years.
Mrs Cecil Chesterton lived as a destitute woman on the streets of
London for a short period of time and recorded her experiences in a
book entitled 'In Darkest London' (Chesterton, 1926). Her vivid
description of what it was like to stay in Salvation Army and other
shelters, in licensed and unlicensed lodging houses, in doss houses, the
casual ward and also on the streets is still relevant. As a homeless
woman, her life came to be 'governed by an obsession for food and
sleep' and she understood how the destitute experience 'effaces
individuality, weighs down the will, clogs the instinct to do battle



which is the heritage of man'. 'One instinct only remains vital, apart
from the desire for food and shelter, and that is the passionate
determination not to be trapped into an institution', by which she
meant the casual ward. She concluded that women became homeless
because of'poverty, . . . the shortage of housing ..., illness, bad luck,
increase of rent', not because of 'moral delinquency' and that the
accommodation provided for the destitute woman was inadequate
and generally of a low standard. When she returned home she set up
the Cecil Houses (Inc.) Public Lodging Houses Fund and later houses
for homeless single women that were financed by voluntary donations.
After the Second World War the only statutory provision for single
homeless women was the casual ward. These were renamed 'reception centres' and were administered by the new National Assistance
Board. Conditions were less punitive and the aim was to help the
single homeless to 'settle down'. That homeless women did not use the
reception centres was confirmed in a 1952 census, which reported that
numbers rarely exceeded 100 women on any one night (Watson &
Austerbery, 1986). Common lodging houses were declining in number and importance and one study reported that most women in
Glasgow's lodging houses were over 60 years of age and widowed
(Laidlaw, 1956). Privately rented accommodation was the most
important option for single people.
In the 1950s, legislation decontrolling rents and property development, particularly in cities, led to an increase in the cost of privately
rented accommodation and the closure of many common lodging
houses and hostels.
A census of single homeless accommodation carried out by the
National Assistance Board (1966) reported that 29 798 men and 1905
women were living in reception centres, common lodging houses or
hotels, or sleeping rough. The report did not consider why there were
so few homeless women, compared with men, nor did it assess their
characteristics. The 'concealed homeless' were ignored. This census
was updated in 1972 (Digby, 1976) when it was estimated that 23 300
single homeless men and 2200 single homeless women were living in
hostels and lodging house accommodation nationally. But during the
intervening years bed numbers for women had decreased, so that by
1972 the voluntary sector (e.g. Salvation and Church Armies)
provided almost 75% of the total beds for women and the private
sector provided only 14%. There is evidence that many of the women

Homeless women


living in such hostels had a history of psychiatric illness and previous

convictions. A survey of the records of 200 women admitted to the
Southwark Reception Centre in London over a 6 month period prior
to its closure in 1962 revealed that 76 were overtly 'mentally
disturbed' (London County Council, 1962). Of these women, 54 had
a history of psychiatric hospitalization and of this group 21 were
schizophrenic. After the centre was reopened in 1967, the high
psychiatric morbidity again merited comment by the Visiting Medical Officer (McEwan, 1967).
United States of America
There is scattered evidence that homeless women lived on Skid Rows
across the USA in the nineteenth century, many working in brothels.
In Philadelphia, between 1790 and 1870, white women constituted a
substantial minority of those arrested for Skid Row type offences such
as vagrancy, public drunkenness, idleness and disorderly conduct
(Blumberg et al., 1978). However, by 1880, the proportion of white
women began to decline, and by 1920 less than 10% of whites
arrested for such offences were women. This was due to the social
reform movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, which also occurred in the USA. Women were treated as victims
and were more acceptable as objects of charitable giving to social
welfare agencies and church organizations. Although their numbers
dwindled, women did not disappear from Skid Row in the USA, but
they were generally ignored by researchers.
By the mid-1950s two thirds of homeless women in New York were
reported as having severe alcohol problems and high rates of
psychiatric and physical illness (Chase, 1956 and Myerson, 1957
cited in Garrett & Bahr, 1973). Little changed over the next decade
(Garrett & Volk, 1970). Garrett & Bahr (1973) interviewed 52 of the
61 women admitted to the Women's Shelter in New York's Bowery
district over a 2 month period in 1969. The women were younger
than a comparative sample of homeless men and more women than
men were black (44% versus 25%). Thirty three (63%) women had a
drinking problem, but these women did not participate in the
drinking institutions of Skid Row in the same way as men, and were
extremely isolated and disaffiliated.
Blumberg et al. (1978) examined the differences between 4 Skid
Row women, 20 Skid Row-like women and 60 non-Skid Row women



with alcohol problems seen at a Diagnostic and Rehabilitation

Center in Philadelphia between 1963 and 1972. The Skid Row
women were mostly over 50 years, had no families, lived on the street
and were described as 'inadequate persons'. The Skid Row-like
women differed from the Skid Row women only in degree; they were
younger, had no contact with their families and lived in cheap rooms.
A few were prostitutes. All had alcohol problems and the black
women also had drug problems. The non-Skid Row women were
mainly divorced and separated housewives with serious alcohol
problems, who lived with their children and had intact family
relationships. Blumberg et al. (1978) also described other groups of
women living in the slum area near Philadelphia's Skid Row. These
included an 'invisible' group of alcoholic Skid Row-like women in the
3555 age range, living with men as 'housekeepers'; older residentially stable women in cheap accommodation, living on savings and
social security; landladies of Skid Row tenants eking out a living and
not far removed from a Skid Row-like life-style themselves.

Types of homeless women

Homeless women, like homeless men, are a heterogeneous group.
Some attempt at classification may be helpful, in that it highlights the
presence of subgroups within the population, but it is artificial
because some women fit into many subgroups. The presence or not of
children identifies three subgroups: women without children,
mothers with children present and mothers without children present.
Classification can also be according to type, to location or by using a
temporal system (Scott, 1993). Typological classification divides
homeless women into the young single homeless, older single homeless
and homeless women with children. Classification according to
location divides homeless women into those sleeping rough, residents
of hostels, residents of shelters, residents of bed and breakfast hotel
accommodation (largely homeless families in Great Britain) and
other situations (Watson & Austerberry, 1986). Women often manage to conceal their homelessness for as long as possible, either by
staying with friends or by remaining in unsatisfactory relationships
with men. Watson & Austerberry (1986) found that younger,
employed women were more likely to stay with friends or to remain in
unstable relationships when they lost accommodation, but that older,

Homeless women


Table 5.1. Age of homeless women compared with homeless men: British




Digby (1976)
Drake*/*/. (1982)
Herzberg (1987)a
Fernandez (1984)b
Marshall & Reed (1992)a
Adams (1991)
Scott (1991)
James (1991)a





Mean age.
Median age.

married, unqualified women with little knowledge of the housing

system, were more likely to be living in a direct access hostel at the
point of losing accommodation. Thus the type of accommodation
used may be a function of age, and the characteristics of homeless
women will vary according to the accommodation provision sampled. Finally, a temporal system of classification may be helpful in
tracing the pathway to homelessness.

Characteristics of homeless women

Reports indicate that single homeless women are younger and more
socially stable than homeless men (Laidlaw, 1956; Digby, 1976;
Drake et al., 1982; Herzberg, 1987; Burt & Cohen, 1989). However,
studies cannot be compared easily because of differences in definitions
of age, sampling procedures and the location of samples (Table 5.1).
Digby (1976) and Drake et al. (1982) reported their findings in terms
of the proportion of the sample under 50 years and under 30 years,
respectively. Fernandez (1984) and Herzberg (1987) carried out
studies on similar populations of 'no fixed abode5 admissions to
psychiatric hospitals and reported similar results. Four British studies
of homeless women in hostel accommodation in London sampled
women from different age groups (Adams, 1991; James, 1991; Scott,
1991; Marshall & Reed, 1992). Adams (1991) found that 45% of his
sample was under 44 years. The average age in James' (1991)
selective sample of women referred to a visiting psychiatrist was 32.7



Table 5.2. Age of homeless women compared with homeless men:

American studies



Bassuk etal. (1984) n=7S

Arce etal. (1983)
Bassuk etal. (1986)
Breakey etal. (1989)
Lipton etal. (1983) w=100
Smith & North (1994)

83%: 17%

Median age 33.8

47% under 40
Median age 27
63% aged 20-39


years. In Scott's (1991) study, 70% of the sample was under 40 years,
whereas the mean age in Marshall & Reed's (1992) sample was 52.1
Research from the USA corroborates the fact that homeless women
are younger than homeless men (Table 5.2). The homeless women in
Breakey et a/.'s (1989) study were even younger than samples from
Great Britain and Ireland and Lipton et a/.'s (1983) hospital sample
was also younger. Homeless mothers are the youngest group overall
with a mean age in the late twenties (Bassuk et al., 1986; Smith &
North, 1994).
Homeless women are more likely than homeless men to have stayed
on at school, to have obtained job training and to be employed
(Digby, 1976; Drake et al., 1982). They are also more likely to have
maintained contact with their family, to have married and had
children (Digby, 1976; Herzberg, 1987; Breakey et al., 1989). Homeless mothers (i.e. homeless women with dependent children), however, are seldom married, and have poor work histories (Bassuk et al.,
1986; Smith & North, 1994). Often there is a background of family
violence and of abusive relationships with partners. Smith & North's
(1994) study of 300 homeless women from shelters in St Louis found
that 90% were mothers and that most were dependent on welfare.
In British studies the majority of homeless women have been white
(Drake et al., 1982), although more recently this profile has been
changing. In James' (1991) study of 43 homeless women, 15 (35%)
were black. In another study of 2308 pregnant women who booked
into an antenatal clinic at a London teaching-hospital, over a 1 year
period, 185 (8%) were found to be homeless (Paterson & Roderick,
1990). Compared to a housed group, the homeless group included a
higher proportion of Indo-Pakistani women living in bed and

Homeless women


breakfast accommodation. American studies of homeless women

consistently report an over-representation of ethnic minorities on
Skid Row (Garrett & Bahr, 1973; Blumberg etaL, 1978) and in urban
areas (Breakey et aL, 1989). In Breakey et a/.'s (1989) study of
homeless men and women in missions, shelters and jails in Baltimore,
70.3% of the female sample was non-white, compared with 63.1% of
the male sample. In Smith & North's (1994) sample of 300 homeless
women, 76% were African-American.
Homeless women are less likely to have been in prison and
institutions than homeless men (Digby, 1976; Drake et aL, 1982;
Breakey et al., 1989; Burt & Cohen, 1989; George et al.9 1991). Some
surveys suggest that homeless women are more likely to be taken to
psychiatric hospitals than homeless men. Herzberg (1987) found that
homeless women were more likely than men to have been referred for
admission on a Section 136 by the police. Perhaps the police,
confronted by a woman behaving strangely are more likely to initiate
admission to hospital, in circumstances where a man would be
remanded to prison.

Mental illness in homeless women

Studies assessing mental illness in homeless women have largely used
populations from hostels, shelters and no fixed abode admissions to
hospital. Although the prevalence of self-reported mental illness has
been as low as 8% (Drake et al., 1982), the themes emerging are of
high rates of serious mental illness (higher than in homeless men),
with substantial co-morbidity (Table 5.3). While prevalence studies
are not strictly comparable because of the different methods used in
selecting the samples and in the assessment of psychiatric illness, they
add further pieces to the jig-saw puzzle (James, 1991).
Digby (1976) interviewed one in ten residents in all common
lodging houses and hostels. The 172 women interviewed (8.6% of the
total sample of women) were a fairly settled group: 43% had been in
the same hostel or lodging house for over 2 years and 55% of the
women under 60 years were in employment. Over half had some
record of an emotional or psychiatric problem, although only 10%
had ever been an inpatient in a psychiatric hospital.
Brandon (1973) described a non-statutory project in London, run
by social workers that catered for a disturbed population of destitute



Table 5.3. Mental illness in homeless women: schizophrenia


Men: Women



British hostel studies

Adams (1991)
Scott (1991)
James (1991)
Marshall & Reed (1992)




Hospital studies

Fernandez (1984)
Herzberg (1984)




42.0% a

48.7% a

American studies

Bassuk etal. (1984)

Breakey etal. (1989)
Smith & North (1994)


Major mental illness.

Schizophrenia rates differed according to subgroup: non-mothers (6.5%);
mothers with children (1.0%); mothers without children (10.0%); mothers with
children over 16 years (12.5%).

women. A survey of residents on two separate days 4 months apart (46

and 48 women, respectively) found that residents were either young
or old (under 20 or over 50 years) and that many had had psychiatric
treatment. The women who used this project were more unstable
than the women in hostels and common lodging houses.
Four more recent British studies of homeless women in London
hostels reported different rates for schizophrenia: 42% (Adams,
1991); 21% (James, 1991); 19% (Scott, 1991); 64% (Marshall &
Reed, 1992). This discrepancy can be explained on the basis of the
age group studied. In the oldest sample only 16 of the 70 women
(23%) interviewed were under 40 (Marshall & Reed, 1992), whereas
45% of the women in Adam's (1991) study were under 40 and the
proportion was 70% in Scott's (1991) study. In three of these studies
the older women were more likely to be schizophrenic (Adams, 1991;
Scott, 1991; Marshall & Reed, 1992). James' (1991) sample was a
selected one, made up of women referred by staff for a psychiatric
opinion. He suggested that the lower prevalence of schizophrenia in
his study could be due to the fact that the schizophrenic homeless in
the hostel were less likely to present for treatment than other mentally
ill groups and suspected that many of the women who did not present
for assessment were suffering from schizophrenia.

Homeless women


In a retrospective study of'no fixed abode' (NFA) admissions to a

London psychiatric hospital, Herzberg (1987) reported that 41.7%
of the homeless women were schizophrenic compared with 25.8% of
men. Fernandez (1984) reported similarly high figures for psychosis
in a Dublin sample of NFA admissions.
In Bassuk et al.'s (1984) study of a shelter in Massachusetts 65 men
and 13 women were interviewed. Overall 40% had major mental
illness, but the figure for the women was 85%. Breakey et al. (1989)
interviewed a subsample of 125 homeless men and 78 homeless
women and reported high levels of major mental illness, 42% in men
and 48.7% in women. The figures for schizophrenia were 12% in men
and 17% in women. Substantial co-morbidity was also found, 23% of
men and 21.6% of women with major mental illness also having
alcohol misuse. The figures for drug misuse co-morbidity were 9.1%
and 9.5%, respectively.
In Bassuk et a/.'s (1986) sample of 80 homeless mothers, 71% were
given a DSM-III diagnosis of personality disorder. Smith & North
(1994) divided their sample of 300 homeless women into non-mothers
(ft = 31), mothers with children present (n = 202), mothers without
children present (n = 50) and mothers whose children were 16 years or
over (n =17). Mothers without children had the highest rates of
DSM-III-R schizophrenia (10%), generalized anxiety disorder
(16%) and alcohol abuse/dependence (33%), and 72% had a lifetime psychiatric diagnosis.

Alcohol and drug problems in homeless women

Homeless women have a lower prevalence of alcohol and drugs
problems compared with homeless men, but few good studies have
been carried out (see Table 5.4). Although Digby (1976) reported
that over half of the women living in hostel and common lodging
house accommodation had some record of emotional or psychiatric
problems, alcohol problems were not reported on separately. However, these women had a reasonably stable life-style in terms of
retaining accommodation and employment and it is unlikely that
women with serious drinking problems were found in these hostels
and common lodging houses. They would have been more likely to
have been sleeping rough or using the Reception Centres (Otto,
1980). This is borne out by a report from the Central London



Table 5.4. Alcohol problems in homeless women



Adams (1991)
James (1991)b
Marshall & Reed
Herzberg (1984)
Fernandez (1984)
Breakey^a/. (1989)a
Smith & North (1994)



Women (%)


Non-mothers: 19.4%
Children present: 12.7%
Children not present: 33.3%
Children over 16: 12.5%

Alcohol dependence.
Alcohol seen as problem by staff.
Drinking heavily.

Outreach Team (1984), which established contact with 399 people

sleeping rough in London between April and December 1983. Their
final sample of 318 included only 24 women, of whom 19 were
identified as problem drinkers. These homeless women were considerably more withdrawn and isolated than the men and the team was
unable to build up relationships with them. Female drunkenness was
not as acceptable as male drunkenness on the 'sleeping rough scene',
although their drinking was tolerated as part of their overall
eccentricity. The women generally perceived their drinking as a
problem, but only two were referred to the alcohol services for
Drake et al. (1982) reported that only 1% of 122 homeless women
(compared with 3% of 398 homeless men) admitted to any problem
with alcohol and drugs. The low prevalence may reflect the younger
age group of the women in this sample (two thirds were under 30 and
alcohol problems were commonest in the 35-44 age group), and the
fact that self-report data is likely to be an underestimate. While
similar proportions of men and women had taken at least one 'soft'
drug (60% and 58%, respectively), women were more likely to have
used barbiturates or tranquillizers, which they had obtained on
prescription, and more men had used heroin. The most common age
for having drug problems was the 20-24 age group followed by the
25-29 age group. This study was carried out in the late 1970s, and

Homeless women


patterns of drug and alcohol misuse have changed since, thus the
findings cannot be generalized to the present.
In Herzberg's (1987) retrospective study of no fixed abode admissions to a psychiatric hospital, 8.4% of women and 35.5% of men
received a diagnosis of alcoholism. Fernandez (1984) reported similar
figures, 4.1% for women and 46% for men. Breakey et al.'s (1989)
Baltimore sample was assessed almost a decade later. Initially the
Short Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (SMAST: Selzer et al., 1975)
was used to assess 298 homeless men and 230 homeless women in the
missions, shelters and jails of Baltimore and 69% of men and 38% of
women were found to be definite or probable alcoholics. When a
subsample of 125 men and 78 women was interviewed, 56% of the
men and 16.5% of the women fulfilled DSM-III criteria for the
alcohol dependence syndrome (American Psychiatric Association,
Marshall & Reed (1992) reported that 25 (36%) of 70 women
drank heavily and that 7 (10%) admitted to a current or serious drug
problem. Seven (10%) had a history of opiate dependence and three
were injecting at the time of the interview.

Physical illness in homeless women

Physical illness is common amongst the homeless (Drake et al., 1982;
Shanks, 1988; George et al., 1991), particularly in those over 50 years
(Drake et al., 1982). Musculo-skeletal problems, respiratory, skin and
gastro-intestinal disorders and alcohol-related problems have been
reported as the most common problems in a sample sleeping rough in
Central London (Ramsden et al., 1989). Active tuberculosis has
proved difficult to eradicate from the homeless of London and New
York (Ramsden et al., 1988). Unfortunately few studies have incorporated a physical examination in their design and the physical
problems of homeless women are not always reported separately.
Victor (1992) has investigated the health status of a temporarily
homeless sample of 319 men and women in London. The sample was
predominantly female (61%), young and belonging to an ethnic
minority group. It included a large proportion of families with young
children. Rates of both acute (10%) and long-standing (34%) illness
were similar to those for regional residents, but the prevalence of



mental morbidity was twice that for the region as a whole. The
homeless population had higher utilization of general practitioner,
accident and emergency departments and inpatient services.
Herzberg (1987) found no difference in the proportion of homeless
men and women with physical illness in his sample of no fixed abode
admissions, and in Fernandez' (1984) sample of a similar group 1.5%
of the men and none of the women were reported as having 'mainly
medical problems'.
Adams (1991) reported that 8 (12%) of 64 homeless women in a
London hostel had some sort of physical illness, including asthma, hip
pain, epilepsy and deafness. In Marshall & Reed's (1992) older
sample, 19 (27%) of 70 women admitted to physical illness (epilepsy,
4; respiratory, 4; alcohol-related, 2; cardiovascular, 2; diabetes, 1;
other, 6).
In the Baltimore study, Breakey et al. (1989) organized a comprehensive physical assessment of 120 homeless men and 75 homeless
women, using a standardized protocol. This included a review of the
past medical history, a physical examination and laboratory tests (an
electrocardiogram, chest X-ray, blood count and liver function tests,
urinalysis, tests for gonorrhoea and syphilis, tuberculin skin test and
stool examination for parasites). Men had on average 8.3 problems
and women 9.2, and each problem was considered sufficient for
referral to primary care. Problems of the mouth and teeth (orodental)
were the commonest in both sexes. Two thirds of women had
gynaecological problems and some kind of arthritis was diagnosed in
32% of women and 26% of men. Anaemia was found in 35% of
women and 18% of men.

Why do women become homeless?

While it is hard to generalize, women seem more likely than men to
become homeless for social reasons, such as family break-up, marital
and parental disputes (Drake etaL, 1982). Social factors are intimately bound to economic factors such as the lack of affordable housing,
due to a decrease in the supply over the past 30 years, and poverty.
Younger homeless women often have a history of family break-up and
of being in care. Homelessness is not due to just one of these factors.
Often a combination of factors occurring at a critical period precipitates homelessness or causes a further slide down the pathway.

Homeless women


Psychological factors are also important. There is evidence that

women with psychiatric illness and substance abuse are likely to end
up in hostels because they are unable to cope on their own, or to
secure their own housing (Watson & Austerberry, 1986). Deinstitutionalization, together with the lack of provision of shelters for
homeless women appear to have been factors in the USA (Bachrach,
Merves (1986) described three different pathways to homelessness
for women - the skid or slide, periodical or cyclical homelessness and
critical juncture. Skid or slide is the combination of several events,
leading to a downward spiral. Periodical cyclical homelessness
describes the situation where women are intermittently homeless. A
critical juncture is a major change point where some women choose to
leave home, perhaps in response to domestic violence, in order to take
charge of their own lives. Periodical homelessness is more likely in
younger women and the skid/slide process occurs particularly in older

Services for homeless women

The homeless mentally ill do not access psychiatric services, despite
needing them (Padgett et aL, 1990). Homeless mentally ill women
often avoid services or use them intermittently. This may be due to a
variety of reasons, including negative experiences in the past, lack of
insight, or a refusal to admit to mental illness because of the associated
stigma. However, the literature suggests that they are resourceful in
devising strategies to survive and are amenable to support services
(Grella, 1994).
Few services have been designed specifically for homeless women
but themes emerge from the studies that have evaluated such services.
Homeless mentally ill women can engage in assertive clinical case
management programmes while remaining residentially mobile
(Harris & Bachrach, 1990; Goering et al., 1992). They may benefit
from periodic use of shelters as a respite from the streets and from
daily support services provided by a day centre (Grella, 1994).
Harris & Bachrach (1990) described an assertive clinical case
management programme for homeless women, based in the District
of Columbia, USA. In the first 3 years of the programme, 25 homeless
mentally ill women between the ages of 24 and 66 years were referred.



These women were a very disabled group and had histories of

multiple inpatient admissions; 16 had a diagnosis of schizophrenia
and 13 a history of alcohol or other substance abuse. Homelessness
had been a recurrent theme in their lives and they had frequently
moved in and out of the homeless population, many showing gross
geographical mobility. Despite these problems they engaged in an
assertive clinical case management programme and there was a
significant reduction in their use of psychiatric inpatient facilities.
Although the women continued to be residentially mobile this was
considered to be a restlessness rather than a rootlessness. Harris &
Bachrach (1990) hypothesized that the freedom to move about
among residential settings was instrumental in helping the women to
leave the streets and to become involved in a treatment programme.
Grella (1994) described a combined day centre and shelter
programme, based in Santa Monica, California, which aimed to help
homeless mentally ill women to achieve greater mental stability and
to obtain permanent housing. The role of the day centre was limited
to meeting the basic daily needs of the women, such as food, rest and a
place to wash. It also referred clients on to the shelter, which was more
structured, and operated a case management programme. Four
patterns of day centre and/or shelter use soon emerged. First, a small
proportion of women who could cope with the structure of the shelter,
had insight into their mental illness and agreed to treatment, were
able to move on to stable housing. The second pattern of use included
the majority of women who came to the shelter for periods of respite
and returned to the streets or to an unstable housing situation. These
women had more severe mental health problems for which they
refused help. They also refused to consider housing options associated
with mental illness e.g. group homes, preferring to maintain their
independence. The third pattern included women who used the day
centre but who were inappropriate for the shelter, either because of
overt psychosis and behavioural disturbance or because of alcohol/
drug misuse. Finally there was a group of women who used the day
centre but did not wish to move on to the shelter. These women were,
in many ways, like the women who made the transition, but they
were, in addition, independent and self-reliant loners. Although the
original goals were not fulfilled, the service was very effective in
taking on the role of primary service provider for these women.
Certainly a two-tiered system is one way of expanding the range of
service options available to this population in a climate of limited
resources and large demand.

Homeless women


Homeless women are a heterogenous group, largely younger and
more socially stable than homeless men. Proportionally more have
major mental illness than men. Older homeless women have high
levels of schizophrenia while personality disorder and substance
misuse are commoner in younger women. They are restless rather
than rootless and can engage with appropriate services. Although the
numbers of homeless women are rising, information is still sparse and
more research on their problems and needs is required.

Adams, C. E. (1991). Homeless Women: a Prevalence Study of
Homeless Women in London. Unpublished MSc. thesis. London
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
American Psychiatric Association (1980). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders, 3rd edit. Washington DC: American Psychiatric
Arce, A. A., Tadlock, M., Vergare, M. J. & Shapiro, S. H. (1983). A
psychiatric profile of street people admitted to an emergency
shelter. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 34, 812-17.
Bachrach, L. L. (1984). Deinstitutionalization and women. American
Psychologist, 10, 1171-7.
Bassuk, E. L., Rubin, L. & Lauriat, A. (1984). Is homelessness a mental
health problem? American Journal of Psychiatry, 141, 1546-9.
Bassuk, E. L., Rubin, L. & Lauriat, A. (1986). Characteristics of
sheltered homeless families. American Journal of Public Health, 76,
Blumberg, L. U., Shipley, T. E. & Barsky, S. F. (1978). Liquor and
Poverty: Skid Row as a Human Condition. New Brunswick: Rutgers
Centre of Alcohol Studies.
Brandon, D. (1973). Community for homeless women. Social Work
Today, 4, 167-70.
Breakey, W. R., Fischer, P. J., Kramer, M. et al. (1989). Health and
mental health problems of homeless men and women in Baltimore.
Journal of the American Medical Association, 262, 13527.
Burt, M. R. & Cohen, B. E. (1989). America's Homeless: Numbers,
Characteristics and Programs that Serve Them. Washington DC: Urban
Central London Outreach Team (1984). Sleeping out in Central London.
London: Greater London Council.
Chesterton, C. (1926). In Darkest London. London: Stanley Paul and Co.



Digby, P. W. (1976). Hostels and Lodging Houses for Single People. London:

HMSO, Office of Censuses and Surveys.

Drake, M., O'Brien, M. & Biebuyck, T. (1982). Single and Homeless.
London: HMSO, Department of the Environment Report.
Fernandez, J. (1984). In Dublin's fair city: the mentally ill of "no fixed
abode". Bulletin of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, 8, 187-90.

Fischer, P., Shapiro, S., Breakey, W. R., Anthony, J. C. & Kramer, M.

(1986). Mental health and social characteristics of the homeless: a
survey of mission users. American Journal of Public Health, 76, 519-24.
Garrett, G. R. & Volk, D. H. (1970). Homeless Women in New York City.
New York: Columbia University, Bureau of Applied Social
Garrett, G. R. & Bahr, H. M. (1973). Women on skid row. Quarterly
Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 34, 1228-43.

George, S. L., Shanks, N. J. & Westlake, L. (1991). Census of single

homeless people in Sheffield. British Medical Journal, 302, 1387-9.
Goering, P., Wasylenki, D., St Onge, M., Paduchak, D. & Lancee, W.
(1992). Gender differences among clients of a case management
programme for the homeless. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 43,

Grella, C. (1994). Contrasting a shelter and day centre for homeless
mentally ill women: four patterns of service use. Community Mental
Health Journal, 30, 3-16.

Harris, M. & Bachrach, L. L. (1990). Perspectives on homeless women.

Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 41, 253-4.

Herzberg, J. (1987). No fixed abode. A comparison of men and women

admitted to an East London psychiatric hospital. British Journal of
Psychiatry, 150, 621-7.
Higgs, M. & Hayward, E. (1910). Where Shall She Live? The Homelessness

of the Woman Worker. London: P. S. King and Son.

James, A. (1991). Homeless women in London: the hostel perspective.
Health Trends, 23, 80-3.

Kroll, J., Carey, K., Hagedorn, D., Dog, P. F. & Benavides, E. (1986).
A survey of homeless adults in urban emergency shelters. Hospital
and Community Psychiatry, 37, 283-6.
Laidlaw, S. I. A. (1956). Glasgow Common Lodging-Houses and the People

living in Them. Glasgow: Corporation of Glasgow, Health and

Welfare Department.
Lipton, F. R., Sabatini, A. & Katz, S. E. (1983). Down and out in the
city: the homeless mentally ill. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 34,
London County Council (1962). Southwark Reception Centre Admission of Women with Histories of Mental Disorder. Report
(19.9.62) by the Chief Officer of the Welfare Department.
McEwan, J. (1967). Preliminary Report of Visiting Medical Officer at
Southwark Reception Centre. Unpublished report to the Ministry
of Social Security.

Homeless women


Marshall, E. J. & Reed, J. L. (1992). Psychiatric morbidity in homeless

women. British Journal ofPsychiatry, 160, 761-8.
Menzies, F. N. K. (1927). Common Lodging-houses and Kindred
Institutions. London County Council Report No. 2489.
Merves, E. S. (1986). Conversations with Homeless Women: A
Sociological Examination. PhD thesis. Ohio State University.
National Assistance Board (1966). Homeless Single Persons. London:
Otto, S. (1980). Single homeless women and alcohol. In Camberwell
Council on Alcoholism (eds.), Women and Alcohol, pp. 176-200.
London and New York: Tavistock Publications.
Padgett, D., Struening, E. L. & Andrews, H. (1990). Factors affecting
the use of medical, mental health, alcohol, and drug treatment
services by homeless adults. Medical Care, 28, 80521.
Paterson, C. M. & Roderick, P. (1990). Obstetric outcome in homeless
women. British Medical Journal, 301, 263-6.
Ramsden, S. S., Baur, S. & El-Kabir, D. J. (1988). Tuberculosis among
the central London single homeless. Journal of the Royal College of
Physicians of London, 22, 16-17.
Ramsden, S. S., Nyiri, P., Bridgewater, J. & El-Kabir, D. J. (1989). A
mobile surgery for single homeless people in London. British Medical
Journal, 298, 372-4.
Ribton-Turner, C. J. (1887). A History of Vagrants and Vagrancy and
Beggars and Begging. London: Chapman and Hall.
Scott, J. (1991). Resettlement unit or asylum? Paper presented at the Health
Care Needs of the Homeless session of the Royal College of
Psychiatrists Annual General Meeting, Brighton, 3 July 1991.
Scott, J. (1993). Homelessness and mental illness. British Journal of
Psychiatry, 162, 314-24.
Selzer, M. L., Vinokur, A. & van Rooijen, L. (1975). A
self-administered Short Michigan Alcohol Screening Test
(SMAST). Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 36, 117-26.
Shanks, N. J. (1988). Medical morbidity of the homeless. Journal of
Epidemiology and Public Health, 42, 183-6.
Smith, E. M. & North, C. S. (1994). Not all homeless women are alike:
effects of motherhood and the presence of children. Community
Mental Health Journal, 6, 601-10.
Tillard, M. A. & Booth, C. (1924). Homeless men. In Booth C. (ed.)
Life and Labour of the People in London, vol. I, chapter IV, 2nd edit.,
London: Macmillan. (First published in 1891).
Victor, C. R. (1992). Health status of the temporarily homeless
population and residents of North West Thames region. British
Medical Journal, 305, 387-91.
Watson, S. & Austerberry, H. (1986). Housing and Homelessness: A
Feminist Perspective. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Homelessness and criminality

The relationship between homelessness, mental disorder and criminal behaviour is complex. Although many homeless people are not
mentally disordered and have no criminal history, there is a strong
association between homelessness and mental disorder on the one
hand and homelessness and criminality on the other. The link
between mental disorder and crime is more tenuous and is outside the
scope of this chapter although a comprehensive review is provided by
Wessely & Taylor (1991).
Theories of causation examining homelessness, mental disorder
and crime vary according to ideological standpoint. Whilst criminological theories stress social and economic factors contributing to
homelessness such as unemployment, lack of low cost housing and
poverty, which in turn lead to mental disorder and crime, a
psychological approach tends to focus on individual, intra-psychic
factors, for example the onset of mental illness that precipitates
homelessness and thence crime. Regardless of ideological perspective,
homelessness provides the link between mental disorder and crime,
and once an individual has become homeless, for whatever reason,
the chances of being overlooked by mental health services or
becoming ensnared in the criminal justice system are greatly increased.
This chapter will consider the plight of that most disadvantaged
and chaotic group, namely those homeless people who are both
mentally disordered and criminal. The historical review shows how
homelessness has been criminalized since the Middle Ages as a means
of social control. The review of studies of homelessness and criminal78

Homelessness and criminality


ity supports the strong links that exist with high rates of homelessness
amongst prison and psychiatric hospital populations. Contemporary
problems brought about by changes in mental health care policy over
the last 30 years will be considered, particularly the increasing role of
the policy as the main community response to disturbed behaviour.
Finally some solutions will be offered, which in the light of the UK
Reed Report (Department of Health and Home Office, 1992) will
stress the early diversion of the mentally disordered from the criminal
justice system as the first part of a package of measures in the
community, such as access to primary care and a possible community
treatment order, as a way of intervening in the cycle of disadvantage.

Historical background
The interaction between the law, social policy and public sentiment is
clearly evident in society's response to the single homeless person. The
fundamental quandary is whether the vagrant should be treated as a
pauper or a criminal. Homelessness itself has been criminalized to
varying degrees in the UK since the Middle Ages. Relief for the poor
of the parish has always taken precedence over relief for poor people
coming from outside the community. The poor, whether sick, frail,
old or mentally ill relied on a dwindling proportion of the church
tithes for their relief or on alms given indiscriminately by the wealthy.
To leave the parish was considered a grave threat to society and
attracted punitive legislation. The early statutes aimed to suppress
vagrancy by punishment without any attempt at relieving the
destitution that gave rise to it.
In the wake of the Napoleonic Wars, a combination of returning
soldiers, the profound social changes set in motion by the beginnings
of industrialization and the rapidly rising population, led to a
dramatic increase in vagrancy. Workhouses, which had been set up
sporadically during the eighteenth century were overcrowded and
disease ridden. In 1821 it was estimated there were at least 60000
people perpetually circulating up and down the country (RibtonTurner, 1887, p. 232). The policy of returning them to their parish of
origin under the Law and Settlement and Removal had become an
expensive failure, open to abuse.
The Vagrancy Act 1824 entitled 'An Act for the Punishment of idle
and disorderly Persons, and Rogues and Vagabonds...' abandoned



the requirement that vagrants should be returned to their place of

settlement and instead imposed a summary trial and imprisonment
with hard labour. The two main offences under the Act were begging
and sleeping out, which had thus clearly been made subject to the due
criminal process of law. In 1830s the London Poor Law authorities
regarded vagrants picked up by the police as a criminal concern, but
the magistrates chose not to convict them but to use their powers
under the New Poor Law of 1834 to send them to the workhouses.
As early as 1846 it was said that the Vagrancy Act was out of
keeping with public sentiment. Nevertheless it remains in force today
apart from an amendment of 1935, which abolished the simple
offence of sleeping out. This amendment followed the tragic case of an
ex-serviceman who was arrested and imprisoned for sleeping out
whilst looking for work. He had never been imprisoned before and
suffered a severe anxiety reaction in the prison leading to a fracas with
prison officers that resulted in his death. A public outcry ensued and
the feeling was summed up by Mr Spears MP in the House of
Commons whose private member's bill led to the amendment. He
There never was a more blatant example of one law for the rich and
another for the poor, for if you had money in your pocket and chose to
sleep out as a health giving pursuit, the law would not touch you: but if
you are so poor that you have not the price of a night's lodging in your
pocket, you are a criminal and liable to be sent to jail.
{Hansard, 26 March 1935, col. 1743).

As well as the vagrancy legislation the life-style of the mentally

disordered homeless was also regulated by the Poor Laws and later
the mental health legislation. Initially there was little to distinguish
between the treatment for acute mental illness and the punishment
meted out to vagrants. The Vagrancy Act 1744 excluded pauper
lunatics from punishment and empowered magistrates to order the
confinement of those who were 'too furiously mad and dangerous to
be permitted to go abroad'. This provision was entirely for the
public's protection as few suitable places existed for their confinement
and they usually ended up in gaols or bridewells.
Recorded convictions for begging and sleeping out, offences under
the Vagrancy Act 1824, have varied greatly over the last century,
with the main peak before the First World War. In 1910, the peak
year in London, there were 7322 prosecutions for begging, a third of

Homelessness and criminality


the total for England and Wales. The number prosecuted for sleeping
out increased less dramatically, and tended to average one tenth of
the begging prosecutions. During the 1920s and 30s, numbers were
high and fairly constant, but never reached pre-war levels. A graphic
account of homelessness between the wars has been provided by
Orwell (1933; and see Chapter 2).
After the Second World War, prosecutions dropped markedly and
the numbers of homeless sleeping out almost disappeared, partly due
to the National Assistance Act of 1948. This led the then London
County Council to suspend its annual homeless census. In the 1980s
there has been a reversal of this trend, and although prosecutions for
sleeping out have remained very low, probably due to a deliberate
policy of not arresting those sleeping rough, the number of prosecutions for begging has begun to rise.
Of perhaps more importance is the propensity of the homeless
single person to commit crimes outside the vagrancy statutes. Such
crimes may themselves lead to the breaking of ties with society and the
descent into an unsettled way of life, or they may be encouraged by
this life-style and in either case may hinder escape from it. In earlier
times the bands of 'sturdy rogues' roaming the country, causing
havoc and spreading panic, were a real menace to society, but today's
single homeless person is likely to be a recidivist petty offender.

Studies of homelessness and criminality

Studies of the criminal records of the homeless show high rates of
criminality. The large single homeless persons survey of 1966 showed
that 60% of reception centre residents admitted to a prison record,
with 9.4% having been released from prison in the preceeding two
months (National Assistance Board, 1966, p. 58). Edwards et al.
(1968) found that a similar figure (59%) of their Camberwell
Reception Centre sample had been imprisoned, but noted the longest
sentence averaged 12.4 months with an average of 7.4 sentences,
suggesting multiple petty offences were being committed. More
recently, Marshall (1989) reported that 48% of hostel dwellers in
Oxford had previously been imprisoned.
Tidmarsh (1977) analysed the criminal careers of his Camberwell
Reception Centre residents according to psychiatric diagnosis. Those
with no diagnosis had the lowest rate of previous convictions (38%).



The mentally ill were next with a rate of 55%, followed by those with
personality disorder (69%), and finally the group with the highest
rate of recorded criminality were the alcoholics at 76%. Tidmarsh
also found that the more handicaps suffered by an individual, e.g.
mental illness complicated by alcohol abuse, the higher the rate of
criminality. The most common offences were theft, criminal damage
and vagrancy; violence was much less likely, although higher than
would be expected for the general population.
Tidmarsh then looked at the hospital careers of his homeless men.
He showed that for those with a diagnosis of mental illness or
alcoholism, a history of imprisonment was associated with previous
psychiatric hospitalization. This finding is supported by a study of
529 homeless adults in Los Angeles, where those with a history of
hospital treatment had higher rates of imprisonment and longer
periods of homelessness than the non-hospitalized homeless (Gelberg
etal., 1988).
Further evidence that confirms the close relationship between
homelessness, mental disorder and criminality is provided by those
studies of prison populations that show high rates of homelessness
amongst prisoners prior to their incarceration, and studies of homelessness amongst psychiatric hospital admissions. Turning to the
prison studies first; an early study of prisoners in the south-west of
England found that of 174 sentenced men, 31 % were homeless at the
time of their arrest, and 42% expected to have no home to go to on
their release. Those with no homes were older, more recidivist with
higher rates of unemployment than the rest (South-West Regional
Group Consultative Committee, 1969). A more extensive study
covering London and south-east England showed higher rates of
homelessness (Walmsley, 1972). He estimated that 7000 (58%) of the
12000 prison releases annually were of men who were possibly
homeless. They had either been sleeping rough or in common lodging
houses for part of the year prior to their arrest. The homeless prisoners
were older and serving shorter sentences, they were more likely to be
single or separated and originate from Scotland or Ireland. In
another survey of prisoners, Gibbens & Silverman (1970) showed
that those who were alcoholic had three times the rate of homelessness
than the other prisoners.
Turning to hospital admissions, Berry & Orwin (1966) retrospectively surveyed the admission of homeless patients to a Birmingham
psychiatric hospital between 1961 and 1965. The percentage of male

Homelessness and criminality


admissions who were homeless on admission rose from 8.3% to 13.6%

during that period. The total sample consisted of 105 men and 40
women, of whom 49% were suffering from schizophrenia and 37%
had a criminal record. Of the 107 patients (74%) who had a previous
psychiatric admission, 60% had been discharged within the last year.
Also, 69% of the schizophrenics had been admitted to hospital via the
police or prison. A third of the sample remained in hospital less than 1
month, with little prospect of medical follow-up and rehabilitation.
The authors concluded that 'the initial enthusiasm . . . for the
discharge of chronic psycho tics into community care was premature,
in view of the resources available, and has resulted in the overwhelming of community care' (Berry & Orwin, 1966, p. 1024).
The conclusions of the 1960s have a familiar ring to them and two
studies in the 1980s showed that very little has changed in the
disadvantaged world of the homeless mentally ill. First, Szmukler et
al. (1981) reviewed all compulsory hospital admissions to a London
borough and showed that the homeless were over-represented among
those detained in hospital under both civil and criminal provisions of
the Mental Health Act 1959, in force at that time. They tended to
present management problems, have brief admissions and either
abscond or be discharged prematurely. Secondly, Herzberg (1987)
compared male and female homeless admissions to an East London
psychiatric hospital over a 10 year period. He again painted a picture
of social disadvantage, previous psychiatric admissions and previous
episodes of imprisonment amongst his sample. Only just over a third
were considered to have an improved mental state on discharge.
Herzberg concluded 'It is sad to note the dearth of group home and
small hostel accommodation during the 1970s ... Unfortunately this
situation has not changed in the 1980s (Herzberg, 1987, p. 626).
In some cases hospitals may exacerbate homelessness by discharging patients to temporary hostel accommodation or even to the
streets. Marshall's (1989) survey of Oxford hostel residents revealed
that 48 (32%) showed persistent severe mental disability and 90%
had previously been in a psychiatric hospital, many as long-term
patients. Marshall concluded 'The two hostels, staffed by psychiatrically untrained workers and volunteers were effectively attempting to do the work equivalent to that in two long-stay psychiatric
wards... We are witnessing the inadvertent creation of miniinstitutions in hostels (Marshall, 1989, p. 708: for detailed discussion
see Chapter 9).



Current problems
In England and Wales, a policy of community care has existed for
over 30 years, during which there has been a decline in the mental
hospital and mental handicap hospital population and a rise in the
remand and sentenced prisoner population. From 1962 to 1990, the
combined psychiatric inpatient population fell from 196234 to
87 683, a 55% reduction; the combined prison population rose from
31063 to 47 936, an increase of 54% (Home Office, 1962-1990;
DHSS 19621990). The percentage changes are similar but the gross
numbers differ widely, thus invalidating some of the wilder claims
made about the wholesale transfer of the mentally ill from hospital to
prison (Weller, 1989). However, when one narrows the focus on to the
disadvantaged world of the homeless mentally ill, there is perhaps
justified concern that many, who previously would have been
admitted to psychiatric hospitals, are now becoming ensnared in the
criminal justice system and ending up in prison.
The police are becoming increasingly recognized as an important
community mental health resource, particularly as the focus of
treatment for the mentally ill moves to the community. They are the
only laymen in Great Britain who can act alone, without medical
evidence, to detain a suspected mentally ill person in a place of safety.
This power has existed in statutory form for over 100 years and the
latest version is contained in section 136 of the Mental Health Act
1983, which states:
1. If a constable finds in a place to which the public have access a
person who appears to him to be suffering from mental disorder
and to be in need of care and control, the constable may, if he
thinks it necessary to do so in the interests of that person or for the
safety or protection of other persons, remove that person to a place
of safety...
2. A person removed to a place of safety under this section may be
detained there for a period not exceeding 72 hours for the purpose
of enabling him to be examined by an Approved Social Worker
and of making any necessary arrangements for his treatment and
This power coupled with the police's round-the-clock availability to
intervene in emergencies, makes it hardly surprising that they

Homelessness and criminality


become involved with the mentally ill, whether they see this as part of
their job or not.
There is great variation across the country in the number of police
referrals to psychiatric services. High rates are especially common in
inner city areas and police in London are particularly likely to use
their powers under section 136 Mental Health Act 1983, rather than
rely on the attendance of approved social workers or other mental
health professionals at the police station. In 1986, for example, 47%
of all section 136 admissions in England took place in London. Rollin
(1965) has attributed this excess in London to the city's role as a
'sump ... into which chronic psychotics from all over the United
Kingdom ... are drained'.
The reasons that led the mentally ill to come to the attention of the
police were identified by George (1972) in his study of police referrals
to psychiatric services in west central London. Threatening or bizarre
behaviour leading to public disturbance predominated, followed by
suicide attempts or threats. George showed that those dealt with
under section 136 differed from those admitted compulsorily under
emergency civil provisions, i.e. section 29 of the then Mental Health
Act 1959, which is now covered by section 4 of the 1983 Act. The
police admissions had significantly more often shown aggressive
behaviour before admission and presented more management problems during admission. They were more likely to be of no fixed abode
and socially disorganized. Interestingly, those admitted compulsorily
in the past tended to have been on the same section as the index
Numerous studies have examined the characteristics of police
referred psychiatric admissions in the UK and the USA and certain
conclusions can be drawn. Police referrals have high rates of
chronic serious mental illness, frequently requiring emergency compulsory psychiatric admission (Kelleher & Copeland, 1972). Diagnostically, the majority suffer from a psychotic illness, predominantly schizophrenia. For example, in George's (1972) sample of
856 section 136 admissions collected between 1967 and 1969, 57%
had a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Very few referrals are considered
to have no mental disorder, indeed Rollin (1965), suggested all 75
cases in his study had a psychiatric diagnosis. Other studies suggest
a figure closer to 10% as having no mental disorder (Rogers &
Faulkner, 1987; Fahy et al., 1987). In the USA, Sheridan & Teplin
(1981), have confirmed these diagnostic findings in their study of



838 police referrals to a Chicago community mental health

In view of their serious mental illness, social disorganization and
lack of psychiatric support, it is, perhaps, not surprising that police
referrals do badly as a group following admission to hospital. They
have a high rate of absconding or self-discharge from hospital, and
they are less likely to attend follow-up appointments (Sims &
Symonds, 1975; Szmukleret al., 1981). They are a group to whom the
term 'revolving door' (Rollin, 1969) has been applied to describe
their frequent rotation between hospital, prison and the streets. Ways
of breaking this cycle of disadvantage will now be considered.

Some solutions
Diversion from custody
When criminal proceedings are brought, the defendant who is
mentally disordered has the same right as other defendants to be
released on bail before trial unless one or more of the exceptions
specified in the Bail Act 1976 apply. In practice the presumption in
favour of bail is weakened for the mentally disordered defendant due
to the clause allowing remand in custody for his own protection. This
is compounded if the defendant is of no fixed abode, as 'lack of
community ties' is cited as a reason for forming the belief that the
defendant would fail to return to court. Thus, mentally disordered
homeless defendants charged with minor offences are more likely to
be remanded into custody than others charged with similar offences.
There has been mounting concern over the conditions endured by
mentally disordered prisoners on remand (Herridge, 1989; HM Chief
Inspector of Prisons, 1990). Suicide in prison is a matter of grave
concern; between 1972 and 1989 there were 295 suicides in prisons in
England and Wales with an increase in the yearly rate far in excess of
the rise in the prison population (Dooley, 1990). In order to try and
reduce the numbers of mentally ill prisoners the Home Office has
issued guidelines to all courts regarding provision for mentally
disordered defendants, which includes the statement: 'A mentally
disordered person should never be remanded to prison simply to
receive medical treatment or assessment' (Home Office, 1990).
It is not uncommon for there to be an inordinate delay following

Homelessness and criminality


remand in custody whilst awaiting psychiatric assessment, with no

guarantee of subsequent hospital admission (Bowden, 1978a,b). The
process can be speeded up considerably by arranging for psychiatrists
to conduct assessments at the magistrates' courts rather than in
prison. A psychiatric assessment service based at two inner London
courts was set up in 1989 to facilitate psychiatric assessment and
diversion from custody (Joseph & Potter, 1993a,b). A total of 201
defendants were referred to the psychiatrist at court over an 18 month
period. They were predominantly male, single, of no fixed abode and
suffering from serious psychiatric disorder. The majority had received previous psychiatric treatment often as detained patients.
They typically were recidivists charged with minor offences. Following initial assessment 25% were admitted directly to hospital and a
further 50% were released. The time taken from arrest to hospital
admission was 6 days, a considerable improvement on the figure of 50
days calculated by Dell et al. (1991) for comparable defendants
remanded to Brixton Prison during the same period.
A follow-up was carried out on the 65 patients who were admitted
to hospital. Fifty (77%) derived some or marked benefit from
psychiatric treatment. Those who did badly were more likely to be
homeless, with higher rates of criminality and previous compulsory
admissions to hospital. Absconding was the largest management
problem and 12 months after admission only one patient remained in
The population described bears many similarities to those patients
taken to hospital by the police using their powers under section 136 of
the Mental Health Act 1983 (Szmukler et al., 1981). It also shares
many features of those remanded into custody for medical reports
(Bowden, 1978a,b; Coid, 1988a,b). The notion that these groups
overlap is strengthened by the finding that approximately two thirds
of this sample had previously been remanded in custody for medical
reports or detained in hospital under civil or criminal provisions of the
Mental Health Act or had been subject to section 136. Those with
unsettled accommodation were particularly disadvantaged with
higher rates of criminality and less contact with psychiatric services.
The decision to charge these people with minor offences may be
arbitrary yet once ensnared by the criminal process considerable
delay many ensue, aggravated by the wait for psychiatric assessment,
before diversion from custody can be achieved.
Psychiatric assessment at the Magistrates' Court places an extra



burden on hospital resources both in terms of beds and staff, but

creates savings in prison resources. However, the overall shift from
prison to hospital is small due to the characteristics of the defendants
seen, a group whose chronic mental illness, substance abuse, criminality and especially non-compliance with treatment makes admission to general acute unlocked psychiatric wards unsuitable in the
majority of cases.
Early diversion from custody removes the last bastion of psychiatric treatment for many of this group, namely the hospital wing of
the remand prison. In order to provide alternative psychiatric
facilities there would need to be acute locked psychiatric wards
providing psychiatric evaluations and reports on defendants remanded by the courts for such a purpose. The use of section 35
Mental Health Act 1983 would need to be substantially increased
with treatment given compulsorily if required (Gunn & Joseph,
In addition, for those defendants currently remanded to prison
who do not require compulsory hospital admission, their assessment
could take place at specialist community based bail hostels, managed
by the probation service with access to psychiatric consultation.
Currently both these hospital and community based provisions either
do not exist or are in short supply.
Access to primary care
The homeless mentally ill often suffer from multiple handicaps, yet
there are administrative barriers that hinder their access to health
care. Once homeless the mentally ill are at a serious disadvantage
when they seek medical care. Their lack of accommodation makes it
difficult for them to register with general practitioners and even when
that has been accomplished, the slavish adherence by psychiatric
services to catchment area boundaries may curtail further progress
(see also Chapter 11).
This has been recognized to some extent by the Department of
Health, which provided initial, direct funding for a primary care
medical centre for homeless people in central London (El-Kabir,
1982) where a drop-in psychiatric clinic is attached (Joseph et al.,
1990). The clinic, Great Chapel Street Medical Centre, is a primary
care health centre for the homeless set up in 1978 with direct
government funding. The staff includes an administrator, general

Homelessness and criminality


practitioners, district nurse and community psychiatric nurse, social

worker, dentist, chiropodist and psychiatrists. There are close links
with the local probation service and voluntary sector. Since its
inception the number of patients attending has increased sharply; in
1992 there were approximately 7500 consultations of which 1500
were new patients. The majority of attendees are homeless and refer
themselves, or are referred by the many voluntary hostels and day
centres in the vicinity. Other referrals come from probation and social
Psychiatric consultations account for a quarter of referrals and
form the largest single group attending the medical centre. Diagnostically four roughly equal groups are seen: first the chronic mentally ill,
predominantly suffering from schizophrenia with previous hospital
admissions; secondly, substance abusers, usually alcohol, as there is a
facility for drug users nearby; thirdly, young people often labelled as
personality disordered with a history of broken homes, periods in care
and delinquency, who have gravitated to London, and are at risk of
drug abuse and sexual exploitation. Finally a group of 'others',
comprising situational and neurotic problems in people with inadequate coping reserves. Clearly these broad groups overlap, for
example a schizophrenic patient with alcohol abuse and personality
difficulties. Indeed it is a feature of the homeless mentally ill that there
are often complicating factors that have led to them slipping through
the net of conventional psychiatric care. Two important factors are
non-compliance with medication and a criminal history, over one
half of the psychiatric patients seen at the clinic over the last 10 years
have a criminal record according to the Criminal Records Office
A residential care home, Wytham Hall is a sister organization to
Great Chapel Street Medical Centre, providing 15 beds for homeless
people suffering from a variety of physical and psychiatric conditions.
It has 24 hour medical cover and can provide asylum for those
psychiatric patients who are increasingly refused admission to overstretched inner city psychiatric units or who are discharged precipitously, once their acute symptoms have diminished.
A community treatment order?
Following well publicized cases of psychiatric patients who have
harmed themselves or others following discharge from hospital,



attention has been focused on deficiencies in the government's policy

of care in the community, notably the lack of a community treatment
order to ensure compliance in those cases where compulsory admission to hospital, under existing provisions of the Mental Health Act
1983, is not considered appropriate.
Although community treatment orders are already in use in some
countries, notably Australia and part of the USA, they have been the
subject of little research, despite their widespread occurrence, estimated at 20% of all compulsory psychiatric treatment orders in the
USA (Miller, 1985). Even without a specific community treatment
order, mechanisms currently exist in the UK to ensure an element of
coercion in the community treatment of psychiatric patients.
Examples are a probation order with a condition of psychiatric
treatment or a guardianship order within the terms of the Mental
Health Act 1983. Both these provisions tend to be under-used and the
powers to ensure compliance are limited. However in Jersey, which
has its own Mental Health legislation, the powers of a guardian for
the purposes of a guardianship order are wider, allowing early
intervention to prevent a crisis (Moate et al., 1993). Perhaps the most
effective mechanism to ensure compliance is the power exercised by
the Home Office regarding the supervision of section 41 (Mental
Health Act 1983) conditionally discharged restriction order patients,
but clearly this power is reserved for those who have committed
serious offences or who pose a serious threat to the community, and it
represents a severe infringement of personal liberty.
In England and Wales prior to 1983, the supervision of psychiatric
patients in the community following compulsory treatment in hospital was often ensured by granting the patient leave of absence under
section 39 of the then existing Mental Health Act 1959. This
provision created a 'liability to recall' to hospital for a period of 6
months following discharge, but the power could be renewed for a
further 6 months by simply re-admitting the patient to hospital for a
token 1 night. The arrangement was described by the Mental Health
Act Commission as the 'long leash' relationship and its legality was
challenged in 1985 when the absence of a clear provision in the 1983
Act similar to the previous legislation was noted and the practice
subsequently outlawed. In contrast in Scotland, under the Mental
Health (Scotland) Act 1984, the use of extended leave to ensure the
supervision of a patient in the community continues to be used.
Sensky et al. (1991a,b) used 'extended leave' patients as a starting
point to try and identify those patients who would be considered

Homelessness and criminality


suitable for a community treatment order if it existed. They followed

up those patients who had been on extended leave prior to 1985 and
found that its use had improved treatment compliance, reduced time
spent in hospital and reduced levels of dangerousness. Psychiatrists
who were asked to nominate patients under their care for a community treatment order, chose those, not surprisingly, who were less
likely to comply with treatment and who had a history of recent
dangerousness. It is uncertain how many patients will satisfy criteria
for a proposed community treatment order but it is likely that the
overwhelming majority of patients will suffer from a psychotic illness
and for those suffering from personality disorder, particularly psychopathic disorder, there will continue to be a paucity of community
based treatment facilities.
What has not been adequately addressed is the practical aspects of
such an order and its applicability to homeless people. Although the
Royal College of Psychiatrists support supervision in the community
in their report of 1993, they comment on the undesirability of giving
compulsory treatment in a community setting in the absence of
consent. It is unclear what would happen to those patients who fail to
comply but are not held to be detainable in hospital. The European
Convention on Human Rights (Article 5.1) rules out compulsory
treatment for those not suffering from mental disorder of a degree
requiring detention. It is also unclear how such an order would ensure
the homeless receive adequate support and what steps could be taken
to maintain contact at a specified address. Whilst psychiatrists are
generally enthusiastic about such a proposal there is less support from
other mental health professionals, notably community psychiatric
nurses and approved social workers (Burns et al^ 1993). There are
others, for example Lucy Scott-Moncrieff, who are vociferous in their
condemnation of such an order (Eastman, 1994) claiming that it will
do nothing to stop further incidents of violence by the mentally ill and
that the correct approach is to apply existing legislation properly and
ensure adequate community resources to apply the principles of care
in the community.

When homelessness is placed in its historical context it can be seen
that its relationship with crime has always been close with the fate of
the homeless person entwined with that of the criminal. For many



years the vagrant, whether mentally disordered, criminal or both,

could be swept off the streets into a large institution beyond the public
gaze, but with the closure of long-stay psychiatric hospitals and other
social changes, the homeless have become increasingly visible in
society giving cause for public concern.
Public concern and sentiment is vital to ensure adequate provision
for the homeless but it is fickle and changeable and what is worse,
government policy seems to be overly influenced by changes in public
attitudes. There is a cyclical pattern to the care of the disadvantaged
in society with a tendency to re-invent the wheel (Allderidge, 1979).
It is only to be expected that, as a liberal and humanizing approach is
adopted, the clouds of a punitive backlash are already forming on the
horizon. On the care side, the principles of early diversion from
custody as set out in the UK Home Office (1990) Circular No. 66/90
and the recommendations of the Reed Report (Department of Health
and Home Office, 1992), plus improvements to the prison system, the
Criminal Justice Act 1991, prior to its hasty amendments, the policy
of Care in the Community, rather than its implementation, have all
helped to foster a caring, non-institutional approach to the homeless
mentally disordered, whether or not they are offenders. The Royal
Commission, set up in the wake of the much publicized miscarriages
ofjustice, has examined the rights of suspects in criminal proceedings
(Royal Commission, 1993).
However, the backlash is coming in the shape of disproportionate
concerns about the dangerousness of recently discharged psychiatric
patients, the public perception that people can do anything and not
get sent to prison; or if they go to prison it is now a soft option, and the
increasing emphasis on the infringement of the 'rights' of the victim
rather than the alleged offender.
The direction of future policy will ultimately depend on public
attitudes, which will determine, through government, the balance
that is struck between care and custody, leading to the allocation of
resources to this disadvantaged group. For example, without a
recognition that diversion from custody requires increased funding of
both community and hospital care, the schemes will crumble. As
Rollin wipes the tears from his ageing eyes (Rollin, 1993), I am sure
that he would agree that a return to institutional care is not the
answer and that the only way forward is to resist the forced
polarization between hospital and community, victim and perpetrator, bad or mad, treatment or punishment, which results in policy

Homelessness and criminality


lurching from one extreme to the other, whilst the continual victim,
the homeless, mentally disordered offender, is caught in a locked
revolving door.

Allderidge, P. (1979). Hospitals, madhouses and asylums: cycles in the
care of the insane. British Journal of Psychiatry, 134, 321-4.
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or accepted by the NHS. British Medical Journal, 296, 1779-82.
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Similar Services. (Reed Report). London: HMSO. (CM 2088).
DHSS (Department of Health and Social Security) (1962-1990). Health
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British Journal of Psychiatry, 156, 40-5.
Eastman, N. (1994). Mental health law: civil liberties and the principle
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Edwards, G., Williamson, V., Hawker, A., Hensman, C. & Postoyan, S.
(1968). Census of a reception centre. British Journal of Psychiatry,
114, 1031-9.
El-Kabir, D. (1982). Great Chapel Street medical centre. British Medical
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Fahy, T., Bermingham, D. & Dunn, J. (1987). Police admissions to
psychiatric hospitals: a challenge to community psychiatry.
Medicine, Science and the Law, 27, 263-8.
Gelberg, L., Linn, L. & Leake, B. (1988). Mental health alcohol and



drug use and criminal history among homeless adults. American

Journal of Psychiatry, 145, 191-6.
George, H. (1972). A study of police admissions to psychiatric hospitals.
MD thesis. University of London.
Gibbens, T. & Silverman, M. (1970). Alcoholism among prisoners.
Psychological Medicine, 1, 73-8.
Gunn, J. & Joseph, P. (1993). Remands to hospital for psychiatric
reports: a study of psychiatrists' attitudes to section 35 of the
Mental Health Act 1983. Psychiatric Bulletin, 17, 197-9.
Herridge, C. (1989). Treatment of psychotic patients in prison.
Psychiatric Bulletin, 13, 200-1.
Herzberg, J. (1987). No fixed abode. A comparison of men and women
admitted to an east London psychiatric hospital. British Journal of
Psychiatry, 150, 621-7.
HM Chief Inspector of Prisons (1990). Report. London: HMSO.
Home Office (1962-1990). Prison Statistics, England and Wales. Annual
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Home Office (1990). Provision for Mentally Disordered Offenders.
Home Office Circular no. 66/90.
Joseph, P. & Potter, M. (1993a). Diversion from custody. I. Psychiatric
assessment at the Magistrates' court. British Journal of Psychiatry,
162, 325-30.
Joseph, P. & Potter, M. (1993b). Diversion from custody. II. Effect on
hospital and prison resources. British Journal of Psychiatry, 162,
Joseph, P., Bridgewater, J., Ramsden, S. & El-Kabir, D. (1990). A
psychiatric clinic for the single homeless in a primary care setting in
inner London. Psychiatric Bulletin, 14, 270-1.
Kelleher, M. & Copeland, J. (1972). Compulsory psychiatric admissions
by the police: a study of the use of section 136. Medicine, Science and
the Law, 12, 220-4.
Marshall, M. (1989). Collected and neglected: are Oxford hostels for the
homeless filling up with disabled psychiatric patients? British Medical
Journal, 299, 706-9.
Miller, R. D. (1985). Commitment to outpatient treatment: a national
survey. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 36, 265-7.
Moate, T., Ward, B. & Evans, G. (1993). A community treatment order
in practice. Psychiatric Bulletin, 17, 585-6.
National Assistance Board (1966). Homeless Single Persons. London:
Orwell, G. (1933). Down and Out in Paris and London. Harmondsworth:
Ribton-Turner, C. (1887). A History of Vagrants and Vagrancy and Beggars
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Rogers, A. & Faulkner, A. (1987). A Place of Safety. London: MIND.
Rollin, H. (1965). Unprosecuted mentally abnormal offenders. British
Medical Journal, 1, 831-5.

Homelessness and criminality


Rollin, H. (1969). The Mentally Abnormal Offender and the Law. Oxford:
Pergamon Press.
Rollin, H. (1993). Community care: Italy's 'U' turn. Psychiatric Bulletin,
17, 494-5.
Royal College of Psychiatrists (1993). Community Supervision Orders.
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Royal Commission (1993). The Royal Commission on Criminal Justice Report.
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Sensky, T., Hughes, T. & Hirsch, S. (1991a). Compulsory psychiatric
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community treatment with extended leave under the Mental
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Sensky, T., Hughes, T. & Hirsch, S. (1991b). Compulsory psychiatric
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Weller, M. (1989). Mental illness - who cares? Nature, 339, 249-52.
Wessely, S. & Taylor, P. (1991). Madness and crime: criminology versus
psychiatry. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 1, 193-28.


Services for the mentally ill homeless

As for estimates of homeless populations in various countries (see
Chapters 10, 12, 13 and 14) the estimates of various types of mental
illness and other psychological morbidity in homeless populations
vary. Most of the research so far has been in the 'captive' samples that
are easy to approach and identify and findings from these populations
cannot be generalized. We know from the existing literature that
most homeless individuals do not receive help from any service
agency and their distrust of statutory health services and the
inflexibility of these services in return are important factors in
continuing poor physical and mental conditions.
Between one third and one quarter of the homeless population
suffers from serious mental illness (Tessler & Dennis, 1989; Dennis et
al., 1991; see Bhugra 1993, for a review). The relationship between
homelessness and mental illness is complex and mental illness is only
one of many interacting factors leading to and perpetuating homelessness. In addition, other factors include the reduction in availability of low cost housing, increasing unemployment, loss of the
manufacturing base (in the UK) and closure of direct access hostels,
which traditionally served as asylums for large numbers of the
mentally ill (Craig & Timms, 1992; see Chapters 2 and 3). Cohen &
Thompson (1992) argue that the distinction between the homeless
mentally ill and the mentally ill homeless is not a semantic one but is
vital in terms of addressing needs and in the development of services.
They challenge the assumption that the fundamental problem of the
homeless mentally ill is their mental illness and emphasize that the
conceptual dichotomy between homeless persons with or without



mental illness is purely illusory. 'Not mentally ill' homeless people are
likely to have many mental health problems and the 'mentally ill'
homeless may have non-psychiatric problems that arise from the
socio-political elements affecting all homeless people. Their model
views homelessness as the core element of the broader socio-economic
and political context that in turn becomes intertwined with personal
biography and illness.
Deinstitutionalization is often blamed for the increase in homelessness in the USA, but research data on this issue remain sparse (Fischer
& Breakey, 1986; Dennisetal., 1991; Cohen & Thompson, 1992). The
British experience suggests that adequate follow-up and support for
long-stay psychiatric patients discharged from hospital is critical in
preventing homelessness (Dayson, 1992).
Most studies on the homeless mentally ill have been, until relatively
recently, cross-sectional and lacking in methodological rigour. Longitudinal studies are needed to assess the extent to which individuals
move in and out of homelessness and to evaluate the contributory
impact of mental illness.

Homeless mentally ill and services

The homeless population is heterogeneous, disaffiliated from society
and lacks trust in the statutory services. The homeless have complex
and interrelated needs including food, housing, help for physical and
psychological health problems and for substance misuse.
Studies sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health
(NIMH) in the USA between 1982 and 1986 highlighted the fact that
although the mentally ill and non-mentally ill homeless populations
were similar in terms of age, gender, ethnicity and the extent of
substance abuse the former were more likely to have been ill for longer
periods, to have less contact with family and friends, to be in poorer
physical health, and to be in contact with the criminal justice system
(Tessler & Dennis, 1989). The homeless mentally ill have great
difficulty progressing beyond the homeless state and tend to accumulate in hostels, shelters and lodging houses (Leach & Wing, 1978).
They may not be as geographically mobile as had previously been
thought (Bachrach, 1987) and need an accepting non-judgemental
environment with considerable support so that they can develop
trusting relationships.

Services for the mentally ill homeless


The homeless mentally ill do not access psychiatric and substance
abuse services, despite needing them (Padgett etal., 1990). Breakey et
al. (1989) reported that only 47% of 298 homeless men and 30% of
230 homeless women were able to name a usual source of health care.
However, 20% overall had been hospitalized for a physical illness in
the previous year and 23% of men and 33% of women had been
psychiatric inpatients over the same period. Victor (1992) reported
that 92% of 319 temporarily homeless people resident in bed and
breakfast hotels in North West London were registered with a general
practitioner. This sample was predominantly female (61%) and
young (72% between the ages of 16 and 34 years). One tenth had had
an acute health problem in the previous fortnight, 46% had been
experiencing a health problem for 1 year or more and 34% had a
health problem that had been limiting their daily activity for 1 year or
Factors related to service utilization amongst the homeless are
poorly understood and little research has been carried out in this area.
Higher rates of hospitalization have been reported among homeless
women (Robertson, 1986; Grella, 1994; see Chapter 5). This may be
due to the fact that homeless women are more likely to be admitted to
hospital whereas homeless men in the same situation may be taken to
prison (Herzberg, 1987).

The homeless and their use of mental health

Some homeless mentally ill individuals do not come to the attention of
services because they are withdrawn and isolated (Priest, 1976;
Cohen et al., 1984). Others may refuse services because they lack
insight into their illness (Bassuk et al., 1984), because of negative
experience with the system (Cohen & Thompson, 1992), because
they give higher priority to other basic needs such as food and shelter
(Goering et al., 1990), because of cognitive impairment (Herman et
al., 1993) or because they prefer to stay out of hospital.
Many homeless individuals are willing to accept help from
the psychiatric services, but may find the services inflexible and



inaccessible and unable to meet their multi-dimensional and complex

needs. Many mentally ill homeless people are just too impaired to
deal with the bureaucracy of the mental health services.
Traditionally, the mental health services have tended to 'medicalize' homelessness and have failed to recognize the broad range of
needs of the mentally ill homeless, focusing on their 'psychiatric
needs' and often engendering feelings of humiliation (Cohen &
Thompson, 1992). Help has typically been in the form of inpatient
treatment, often in crisis situations, with little concerted follow-up
after discharge. Indeed, the tendency may be to discharge the
homeless as fast as possible into temporary accommodation so that
they do not 'clog' hospital beds. Follow-up often consists of outpatient
appointments, which are low on the priority of the homeless person
who needs shelter and food. Services have generally ignored the fact
that even overtly psychotic patients may have adapted to life in
hostels and/or the streets and are not in need of acute inpatient care.

Specific problems
Models of mental health care delivery
The emphasis on catchment areas and sectorization within catchment areas not only excludes individuals with no address but also
those who are not interested in long-term follow-up. The geographical mobility of the homeless does not recognize catchment
area boundaries and follow-up between catchment areas is often

Mental health professionals find it difficult to deal with the multiple
complex problems of the homeless mentally ill. Many have been
reluctant to work with the homeless, and the perceived dichotomy of
the 'deserving' and the 'undeserving' poor has led to negative
attitudes. Bachrach (1990) observed that the attitudes of the media
towards the homeless do affect the services. In places where libraries
and railway stations are used by the homeless, joint local planning has
sometimes helped to improve services (Petroskey, 1988). Innovative
and joint working between mental health workers and other organiz-

Services for the mentally ill homeless


ations is also possible. Discrepancies between perceived needs by the

homeless and by mental health professionals can create a dichotomy
that leads to a rejection of the services (Herman et al., 1993).
Homeless women, despite having multiple mental and physical
health problems, have been shown to express a strong preference for a
normal independent living situation (Goering et al.9 1990). They also
opposed being housed in settings with mentally ill persons, substance
abusers and with those involved in criminal activities. Clearly the
preferences and perceptions of the homeless must be taken into
account when planning services. Voluntary organizations often deal
more successfully with this than the statutory ones.

Mental illness: substance misuse, psychosis and dual

Substance misuse and dual diagnosis

Homeless individuals with substance misuse problems are often seen

as 'undeserving', and consequently have been poorly served by
services. Although substance misuse was a prominent finding in
Breakey et al.'s (1989) study, only one third of men and one tenth of
women had recently obtained residential or ambulatory care for a
substance misuse problem. Mavis et al. (1993) used residential
mobility to identify 81 'homeless5 out of a total of 938 subjects.
Compared to housed clients, the homeless were more likely to be
seeking admission to residential substance abuse programmes and a
much larger proportion reported previous treatment for alcohol or
drug problems.
Cognitive impairment is another important factor that is often
unrecognized in the homeless mentally ill. In one study, nearly 40%
of homeless men with a mean age of 55 years had severe or mild
cognitive impairment and more than one in four showed severe
cognitive impairment (Teesson & Buhrich, 1993). Of the group, 15%
had alcohol related problems and 21 % had a diagnosis of schizophrenia. The figures for dual diagnosis were not reported.
Rosenheck et al. (1993) reported that homeless persons with dual
diagnosis appeared especially difficult to engage in treatment. In an
earlier report Rosenheck & Leda (1991) observed that treatment
programmes for homeless populations can be established within
existing mental health institutions if supported with a clear mandate



and appropriate resources. In that study compliant patients had a far

higher chance of receiving services. Hartz et al. (1994) demonstrated
that with decreasing housing stability, alcohol use increases and
heroin use declines. Use of cocaine on the other hand was clearly
linked with being unhoused rather than being homeless in the
broader sense of lacking a permanent dwelling. African-Americans
had higher rates of cocaine use even when housing status was
controlled for. Wasylenki et al. (1993) reported that assertive care
management for homeless mentally ill persons increased residential
stability as well as reduced psychopathology. It is obviously important that the personnel who provide such care are well-trained and
motivated. Specific models may prove to be more successful than
generic ones. Grunberg & Eagle (1990) reported that a shelterization
programme can be made more successful by helping the homeless
person establish positive social networks and affiliation with social
service and mental health providers. In Texas, Berman et al. (1993)
have described a joint public-private and voluntary partnership that
has succeeded in setting up 'work for pay' and substance abuse
treatment programmes for the homeless.
Voluntary services

The vacuum left by the failure of mental health services to cater for
anything other than the narrowly defined psychiatric needs of the
homeless mentally ill has been filled by voluntary groups who provide
shelter, food and support. However, the staff in these agencies,
although qualified in other ways, may have had little training in
mental health assessment or management. Lack of resources (Fischer
&Breakey, 1986) and overwhelming demands (Marshall, 1989) have
often put voluntary agencies under a tremendous strain. In addition,
minimal liaison between various voluntary agencies and between
voluntary and statutory groups has meant that a comprehensive
mental health service for the homeless mentally ill cannot be

What is required?
Community mental health programmes must be adapted to meet the
range of needs of the mentally ill homeless. The degree of disability of
individuals, their personal strengths, vulnerabilities, preferences and

Services for the mentally ill homeless


limited social support networks must be recognized in planning any

services (Breakey et al., 1989). Special characteristics of the homeless
population such as disaffiliation, co-morbidity and poor social
networks should influence what is delivered. Any ideal community
mental health service must be flexible, accessible, acceptable and
widely available. These are also the essentials for the services
targeting the homeless. Staff working on such programmes must have
an understanding of the issues of homelessness and must be committed to the field. Special services for alcohol and drug misuse are
needed. Services must be comprehensive and also provide long-term
housing, support and psycho-social rehabilitation. The judicious use
of resources can affect the housing and the take up rate of services
(Dixon et al., 1994).
Specific issues that need to be addressed in setting up services to
meet the needs of the mentally ill homeless include outreach and
engagement in non-traditional settings; long-term intensive case
management, with smaller loads and increased frequency of contact;
provision of services where needed; mental health and rehabilitation
services; a wide range of housing options; supportive living programmes and links between services and housing (Hopper et al., 1989;
Dennis et al., 1991).
Engagement and outreach
The first step in the provision of services to the homeless mentally ill is
to ensure that they will engage. Engagement is a lengthy, labourintensive process that may have little in common with the type of
service envisaged. The regular provision of food at a drop-in service
may be the first step in the process. The key to engagement is the
building up of trust. Contact with homeless clients must, therefore, be
non-threatening, flexible, repetitive and take place over long periods
and be responsive to their needs (Rogg, 1988). Clinicians must be
prepared to work in an unstructured way and to target individuals
who would not otherwise use the services (Susser et al., 1990). Newly
set up outreach programmes were shown to increase the usage of
outpatients as well as home assessments but did not affect the
inpatient services (Rosenheck et al., 1993).



Long-term intensive case management

Case management as originally described in the Social Services
context has certain advantages but with a group that may be
geographically mobile and residentially unstable, flexibility has to be
maintained. In order to overcome catchment area problems a single
consultant or team responsible for the whole of the district should be
nominated to look after all the homeless mentally ill individuals.
Members with outreach skills from within such a team can then
attempt to make contact with homeless individuals and work as case
managers. It must be emphasized that in order to achieve this a great
deal of time needs to be spent with the individual in the initial stages.
Homeless individuals should have one case manager who facilitates
contact with community resources and often ongoing support. The
case manager should have an understanding of homelessness and
commitment and then intensive and long-term work should be
reflected in a reduced caseload.

Provision of services where needed

The homeless mentally ill are willing to receive services that are
flexible and accessible. In practice, this means that individuals need
to be approached by outreach services and that service providers
must be willing to do street assessments, clinics in hostels etc. (Slagg et
al., 1994). In the UK some innovative schemes are already operating
(see Chapter 11). Whenever possible such services should offer
multi-axial support and management.

Mental health and rehabilitation


Community mental health programmes must be adapted to the needs

of the homeless mentally ill. Essential components include flexibility
in style of service delivery, time to establish rapport, patience and
perseverance. Physical, psychiatric and substance misuse problems
should be tackled together and not by different specialities.
A long-term view is needed in the planning of comprehensive
services for the homeless, as is a willingness to work in non-traditional
ways. Important pioneering programmes can serve as the models. For
instance, the Skid Row Mental Health Service (1986) demonstrated

Services for the mentally ill homeless


how a statutory health service could offer regular consultation and

case management, from a base in voluntary agencies.

Need for a wide range of housing options

Ongoing housing support is an essential part of any service package
for the mentally ill homeless who may find it difficult to maintain
residential stability when they are psychotic or depressed. This is a
constant problem for many because of poor socialization and living
skills. However, many mentally ill homeless individuals can remain in
various types of housing with appropriate support for long periods of

The provision of comprehensive services for the mentally ill homeless
is time-consuming and complex. However, it is also an opportunity to
be innovative and flexible and may, in time, serve to inform the
development of the standard mental health services.
Bachrach, L. L. (1987). Geographical mobility and the homeless
mentally ill. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 38, 2 7 - 8 .

Bachrach, L. L. (1990). The media and the homeless person. Hospital

and Community Psychiatry, 41, 963-4.

Bassuk, E. L., Rubin, L. & Lauriat, A. (1984). Is homelessness a mental

health problem? American Journal of Psychiatry, 141, 1546-50.

Berman, S., Barilich, J. E., Rosenheck, R. & Koerber, G. (1993). The

VA's first comprehensive homeless centre: a catalyst for public and
private partnership. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 44, 1183-4.

Bhugra, D. (1993). Unemployment, poverty and homelessness. In D.

Bhugra & J. Left0 (eds.), Principles of Social Psychiatry, pp. 355-84.
Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
Breakey, W. R., Fischer, P. J., Kramer, M. J. et al. (1989). Health and
mental health problems of homeless men and women in Baltimore.
Journal of the American Medical Association, 262, 1352-7.

Cohen, G. & Thompson, K. S. (1992). Homeless mentally ill or

mentally ill homeless. American Journal of Psychiatry, 149, 816-23.
Cohen, N. L., Putnam, J. F. & Sullivan, A. M. (1984). The mentally ill



homeless. Isolation and adaption. Hospital and Community Psychiatry,

35, 922-4.
Craig, T. J. & Timms, P. W. (1992). Out of the wards and onto the
streets? Deinstitutionalisation and homelessness in Britain. Journal of
Mental Health, 1, 265-75.
Dayson, D. (1992). The TAPS Project. 12. Crime, vagrancy, death and
readmissions of the long-term mentally ill during their first year of
local reprovision. British Journal of Psychiatry, 162(supplement 19),
Dennis, D. L., Buckner, J. C , Lipton, F. R. & Levine, I. R. (1991). A
decade of research and services for homeless mentally ill persons.
American Psychologist, 46, 1129-38.
Dixon, L., Krauss, N., Myers, P. & Lehman, A. (1994). Clinical
and treatment correlates of access to Section 8 certificate for
homeless mentally ill persons. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 45,
Fischer, P. J. & Breakey, W. R. (1986). Homelessness and mental
health: an overview. International Journal of Mental Health, 14, 6-41.
Goering, P. Paduchak, D. & Durbin, J. (1990). Housing homeless
women: a consumer preference study. Hospital and Community
Psychiatry, 41, 790-4.
Grella, C. (1994). Contrasting a shelter and day centre for homeless
mentally ill women: four patterns of service use. Community Mental
Health Journal, 30, 3-16.
Grunberg, J. & Eagle, P. F. (1990). Shelterization: how the homeless
adapt to shelter living. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 41, 521-5.
Hartz, D., Banys, P. & Hall, S. M. (1994). Correlates of homelessness
among substance abuse patients at a VA medical centre. Hospital
and Community Psychiatry, 45, 491-3.
Herman, D. B., Struening, E. L. & Barrow, S. M. (1993). Self-assessed
need for mental health services among homeless adults. Hospital and
Community Psychiatry, 44, 1181-3.
Herzberg, J. L. (1987). No fixed abode. A comparison of men and
women admitted to an East London psychiatric hospital. British
Journal of Psychiatry, 150, 621-7.
Hopper, K., Much, D. & Morse, G. (1989). The 1986-1987 MIMH-funded
CSP Demonstration Projects to Seque Mentally III Homeless Persons: a
preliminary assessment. Rocksville, MD: NIMH.
Leach, J. & Wing, J. K. (1978). The effectiveness of a service for
helping destitute men. British Journal of Psychiatry, 113, 481-92.
Marshall, M. (1989). Collected and neglected: are Oxford hostels filling
up with disabled psychiatric patients? British Medical Journal, 229,
Mavis, B. E., Humphreys, K. & Staffelmayr, B. E. (1993). Treatment
needs and outcomes of two subtypes of homeless persons who abuse
substances. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 44, 1185-7.
Padgett, D., Struening, E. L. & Andrews, H. (1990). Factors affecting

Services for the mentally ill homeless


the use of medical, mental health, alcohol and drug treatment

services by homeless adults. Medical Care, 28, 805-21.
Petroskey, D. (1988). Plan gives vagrants own library. Indianapolis Star,
January 21, pp.Bl, B8.
Priest, R. G. (1976). The homeless person and the psychiatric services:
an Edinburgh study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 128, 128-36.
Robertson, M. J. (1986). Mental disorder among homeless persons in
the United States: an overview of recent empirical literature.
Administration in Mental Health, 14, 14-26.
Rogg, D. J. (1988). Engaging homeless persons with mental illness into
treatment. Alexandria, VA; National Mental Health Association.
Rosenheck, R., Gallup, P. & Frisman, L. K. (1993). Health care
utilization and costs after entry into an outreach programme for
homeless mentally ill veterans. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 44,
Rosenheck, R. & Leda, C. (1991). Who is served by programmes for the
homeless? Admission to a domiciliary care programme for homeless
veterans. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 42, 176-81.
Skid Row Mental Health Service, Los Angeles County Department of
Mental Health (1986). Gold Award: a network of services for the
homeless chronically mentally ill. Hospital and Community Psychiatry,
37, 1148-51.
Slagg, N. B., Lyons, J. S., Cook, J. A., Wasmer, D. J. & Ruth, A.
(1994). A profile of clients served by a mobile outreach program for
homeless mentally ill persons. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 45,
Susser, E., Golfinger, S. & White, A. (1990). Some clinical approaches
to the homeless mentally ill. Community Mental Health Journal, 26,
Teesson, M. & Buhrich, N. (1993). Prevalence of cognitive impairment
among homeless men in a shelter in Australia. Hospital and
Community Psychiatry, 44, 1187-90.
Tessler, R. C. & Dennis, D. L. (1989). A Synthesis of NIMH-funded
Research Concerning Persons who are Homeless and Mentally III.

Washington, DC: National Institute of Mental Health.

Victor, C. R. (1992). Health status of the temporarily homeless
population and residents of North West Thames Region. British
Medical Journal, BMJ, 305, 387-91.
Wasylenki, D. A., Goering, P. N., Lemire, D., Lindsey, S. & Lancee, W.
(1993). The Hostel Outreach Program: assertive case management
for homeless mentally ill persons. Hospital and Community Psychiatry,
44, 848-52.

Clinical work with homeless people in the

Although psychiatric epidemiologists had demonstrated as early as

the 1960s that the prevalence of psychiatric disorders was high among
American homeless people, such as those who frequented the Bowery
in New York (Spitzer et aL, 1969), it was not until the late 1970s that
the issue was compellingly brought to the attention of American
psychiatry (Reich & Siegel, 1978) and not until the 1980s that,
stimulated by the National Institute of Mental Health, significant
programmes of research and service development got under way
(Tessler & Dennis, 1989).
In the past decade the problem of homelessness in the USA has, if
anything, become more severe and there has been little improvement,
overall, in the plight of the homeless mentally ill. After 10 years of
research and programme development, however, the nature and
extent of the problems are better documented and there has been
progress in developing treatment, rehabilitation and resettlement
approaches (Institute of Medicine, 1988; Burt & Cohen, 1989;
Brickner et aL, 1990; Jahiel, 1992; Lamb et aL, 1992a; Robertson &
Greenblatt, 1992).
Nevertheless, homelessness continues to be surrounded by debate
and controversy, even as data on the problem accrue and the general
public becomes increasingly resigned to the sight of homeless people
in the streets and public places. The public perception continues to be
that the homeless constitute a distinct class of individuals, alienated
from the mainstream of society, often threatening to, or challenging,
the general population of domiciled people. Among those who work
with the homeless, however, the notion of an underclass has given
way to a view of homelessness as a state into which people arrive for a
wide variety of reasons. Not only are there many types of people in the

Clinical work with homeless people in the USA


homeless population, but in many respects they are not radically

different from housed people. They are, however, the poorest of the
poor, and often those who are the housed poor this week become the
homeless poor next week, moving along a continuum of residential
stability (Appleby & Desai, 1987; Breakey & Fischer, 1995). Solving
the problem of homelessness will entail addressing the causes of
poverty in the midst of affluence. People with mental illnesses tend to
be poor (Cohen, 1993) and it is their poverty, along with their
disabilities, that places them at enhanced risk of homelessness.
Debate continues, even among those who work with homeless
people, regarding the rights of individuals who are mentally ill and
homeless. On the one hand there are those who adopt a libertarian
view, stressing the rights of individuals, including those who are
mentally ill, to adopt life-styles that are eccentric, or even offensive to
others. On the other hand there are those who stress the parens role of
government and the helping professions and advocate for more
authority to intervene where people are unwilling to accept psychiatric treatment. The issue of involuntary treatment for homeless
mentally ill people has aroused considerable controversy in the USA.
The issue was most hotly debated in New York City. Under New
York statutes, people could only be compelled to accept involuntary
treatment if they were considered to be dangerous to themselves or
others. In the early 1980s, street outreach teams applied this criterion
quite sparingly, so that only 3% of patients evaluated by the Project
HELP teams in New York were involuntarily admitted to hospital
(Cohen & Marcos, 1986). In 1985, the mayor of New York decreed
that because of low temperatures, a 'cold weather emergency5 existed,
and street outreach teams were instructed to apply dangerousness
criteria more liberally, conveying larger numbers of patients against
their will to hospital emergency rooms for evaluation. Advocates for
civil liberties were outraged and a series of court cases ensued. The
issue was whether a mentally ill person's right to independence and
self-determination should be respected even where his or her behaviour is endangering his or her own health and is offensive to other
citizens. Most psychiatrists and others involved in caring for homeless
people believe that existing laws and policies are adequate to permit
action to be taken where a person's life or health is seriously at risk.
Another view is sometimes expressed, however, that restrictions on
involuntary admission should be relaxed, so that seriously ill people
could be more easily hospitalized, that this respects their right to



treatment, even when they are unable to consent to it, and that
admitting a person to a substandard facility is the lesser of two evils,
when compared to having that person stay on the streets (Lamb et al.,
1992b). However, the majority of those who work in the field are of
the opinion that the great majority of mentally ill people can be
treated or sheltered without resorting to involuntary treatment
procedures, and that, instead of looking to institutional models of
care, policy makers' attention should be focused upon the great
poverty of many mentally ill people, the lack of suitable housing and
the need for better community support systems, which might prevent
their homelessness. What is more, Appelbaum (1992) points out that
the literature on involuntary hospitalization provides little evidence
that creating more draconian commitment laws would have the effect
of reducing homelessness among the mentally ill.
The consumer movement has also had considerable impact on
thinking about services for homeless people in recent years, as it has in
other areas of public life and in community mental health. Organizations of homeless and formerly homeless people have had important
roles, through advocacy and confrontation, in sensitizing the public
and those in power to the dilemmas homeless people face. Consumerrun programmes have been able to reach out to homeless people in
ways that may be more effective than conventional professional
approaches (Van Tosh, 1993).

The American homeless population

Within the diversity of homeless people, certain subgroups can be
defined, with their own profiles of needs (Fischer & Breakey, 1986).
These include the street people, eccentric and bizarre individuals who
have made the streets their home; chronic alcoholics, whose activities
centre around satisfying the craving for alcohol; situationally homeless
people, whose homelessness has resulted from a change in circumstances, such as unemployment, spousal abuse or urban redevelopment;
and the chronically mentally ill, whose mental illness interferes with their
capacity to solve problems, settle in stable housing and function
socially. Among the mentally ill, the most difficult to treat are those
with co-morbid substance use disorders, often dubbed the dually
diagnosed. Other subgroups are homeless families, now estimated to
comprise perhaps 20% of the homeless population; homeless children

Clinical work with homeless people in the USA


and adolescents, 'runaways' and 'throwaways', living on the streets of

major cities; and people with HIV infection, many of whom are also
substance abusers. These groups are not mutually exclusive. Within
groups, people vary in their educational levels, their personal
strengths and vulnerabilities and the helping resources available to
them, so that the patients of a clinician working with homeless people
are likely to be as varied as any others.
Homeless people frequently suffer from a relative lack of networks
of personal support. Linkages to family, to friends, to neighbours, or
to other occupational or social groupings are lacking or fragmentary.
Disaffiliation and isolation make it more difficult for a person to cope
with life's hardships. In therapy with homeless patients, the lack of
family or other support networks deprives them of a source of support
that is ordinarily available in the treatment and rehabilitation of
other psychiatric patients. What is more, those personal attributes
that impair a person's ability to develop and maintain social networks
also impair the capacity to establish effective therapeutic relationships. Homeless people frequently distrust authority and are suspicious of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals. They
may have had unpleasant experiences with hospitals or doctors,
which lead them to be wary of further involvement. Some former
patients who have experienced unpleasant medication side-effects
choose to stay away from psychiatrists to avoid being pressured into
another course of treatment.
Homeless people, more than most, present to the service provider a
multiplicity of needs. There are very few simple or uncomplicated
cases. Apart from assistance with obtaining shelter, clothing, food,
financial support and other basic needs, their physical health is often
very poor. They not only suffer from the same disorders that affect
others, but also from health problems that are especially common
because of their peculiar life-style. Infectious diseases, parasitic
diseases, respiratory diseases, skin and joint problems are common, in
addition to the results of trauma and the complications of substance
abuse (Wright & Weber, 1987; Breakey etal, 1989; Gelberg & Linn,
Substance abuse disorders are ubiquitous (Fischer, 1990). Any
treatment programme for the homeless must expect that 40-60% of
patients, including those whose primary diagnosis is schizophrenia or
major affective disorder, will have substance abuse or dependence
and should plan accordingly.



The high prevalence of psychiatric disorders in homeless people,

relative to the general population, is well documented (Fischer &
Breakey, 1991; Fischer et al., 1992). The reasons for the high levels of
psychiatric morbidity are several. First, there are the difficult
circumstances of homeless people - poverty and homelessness are
extremely stressful. The streets are dangerous; homeless people are
especially prone to be victims of assault and robbery; some have
become homeless as a result of unbearable relationships or abuse;
others have suffered the indignities of redundancy, unemployment
and eviction. Secondly, many homeless people have become vulnerable, and thus ultimately homeless, because they were already
disabled by mental illness or dependence on alcohol or other drugs.
Although psychiatrically disabled persons are eligible for Social
Security and other income supports, the level of these payments is
insufficient to raise the person out of poverty, and of limited benefit to
a person whose money management skills may be compromised by
illness or cognitive impairment.
Prevalence rates of specific psychiatric disorders vary in different
subgroups, and from place to place, but a broad consensus is
emerging from a series of research studies over the past decade. Of
homeless people residing in shelters, about one third have significant
psychiatric problems. This estimate can be derived from reports that
about one third have been admitted to a psychiatric inpatient facility
at some time, but is documented more precisely by epidemiological
surveys of homeless people using standardized diagnostic methods
(Koegel et aL, 1988; Breakey et al., 1989; Susser et ai, 1989; Smith et
aL, 1992, 1993). Data from the Baltimore Homeless Study are typical
(Table 8.1). Approximately 35% of men and 48% of women were
found to have a major mental illness: schizophrenia was diagnosed in
9% of men and 16% of women, and major affective disorders in 17%
of men and 24% of women. Note that these mentally ill people vary in
their degree of disability, as do mentally ill people in general. If
criteria of extensive histories of in-patient admissions and significant
functional impairment are applied to those patients with major
mental illnesses, the number who are severely mentally ill is many
fewer. It is this group, 17% of men and 24% of women in the
Baltimore sample, who present the greatest needs for treatment and
Alcohol and other drug dependence have traditionally been the
major disorders of homeless people. With attention focused recently

Clinical work with homeless people in the USA


Table 8.1. The Baltimore Homeless Study: prevalence i)

psychiatric disorders
Major mental illnesses
Bipolar disorder
Major depression
Other major mental illnesses*
Substance use disorders
Alcohol abuse or dependence
Other drug use disorder
Dual diagnosis
(major mental illness + substance use disorder)
Other DSM-III Axis I disorders
Personality (DSM-III Axis II) disorders















SMI, severely mentally ill: mental illness diagnosis, with history of extensive
hospitalization and/or severe functional impairment.
Includes paranoid disorder, atypical psychosis, organic hallucinosis, etc.

on mental illness, less public prominence has been accorded to

homeless addicts. Again, data from Baltimore are typical of data from
other American cities in showing that alcoholism and drug use are
extremely prevalent, occurring in two thirds of men and one third of
women more prevalent than major mental illness.
The third major group of psychiatric disorders is the personality
disorders. These conditions are more difficult to document in a
systematic way, based on a single interview in an epidemiological
survey. The Baltimore Homeless Study data, however, suggest that
approximately 40% of men and of women suffer from personality
Co-morbidity is the rule, rather than the exception. Apart from the
many physical health problems, many people have more than one
psychiatric disorder. Substance use disorders occur in mentally ill
people with the same frequency as in those who are free of mental
illness. This 'dual diagnosis' of mental illness and substance depend-



ence, which was found in one quarter of the Baltimore sample, creates
major problems for treatment and rehabilitation.
These data were obtained from men and women surveyed in the
general shelter system and the city jail in Baltimore. Other subgroups
of homeless people may have different profiles of disorders. For
example, a survey of mothers in shelters for families in Massachusetts
revealed a different profile in these young women. Personality
disorders were more frequently diagnosed, major mental illnesses less
frequently (Bassuk et al., 1986). Several studies of women have found
high prevalence rates of post-trauma tic stress disorder (Smith et al.,
1993). Prevalence rates may also vary over time. A recent survey of
homeless women in Baltimore has shown a massive increase in
cocaine abuse between the mid-1980s and the early 1990s, in keeping
with trends in the general population.

Providing services for the homeless mentally ill

Experience in providing psychiatric services for homeless people has
shown that there are four principal stages: engagement, basic service
provision, transition and integration. Engagement, gaining a person's
confidence to the point where he or she will enter treatment, is often a
major issue because of the reluctance of many homeless mentally ill
people to accept help, their fear of being forced into hospital or into
accepting treatment they do not want, or their lack of insight into the
fact that they are ill. It is not sufficient to establish a clinical service
programme and expect homeless people to come in for services. Thus,
health programmes for homeless people are often located in areas
where homeless people already congregate - such as shelters, Skid
Rows, or in mobile units or temporary buildings that can be
strategically placed for maximum accessibility. One of the first
psychiatrists to take seriously the need for special services for the
homeless was Rodger Farr who established a clinical programme on
Skid Row in Los Angeles (Farr, 1986; Lomas, 1992). It was clear that
homeless mentally ill people were not going to come to a conventional
clinic, so he went to where they were. Others have confirmed that the
only way to be accessible to homeless people is to take the services to
those places where homeless people normally congregate. Valencia
and Susser and their colleagues (Susser et al., 1992) work within a
massive shelter in New York, and the health care programme for

Clinical work with homeless people in the USA


homeless people in Baltimore began its operations within two

daytime walk-in shelters. There are many other examples. Still, it is
necessary to reach out beyond the walls of the clinic or shelter. Many
programmes employ outreach workers who go to the streets and
alleys, parks and railroad terminals. Several, such as that in Milwaukee (Blackwell et al., 1990) have developed multi-disciplinary
outreach teams. Outreach is an ideal role for formerly homeless
people, whose knowledge of the territory and ability to establish
rapport with homeless people is frequently superior to that of most
professionals. An outreach worker or outreach team's role is, first, to
establish contact with a person in need, then gain his or her confidence, which may take many contacts over a long period of time,
and then to persuade the individual to accept help. Ovrebo (1992)
notes that professional help may be seen by some mentally ill people
as a direct path to institutionalization, which means loss of autonomy
and self-respect. This is, of course, quite contrary to reality. Lomas
(1992) notes that individuals cared for in the Los Angeles Skid Row
mental health programme are likely to experience less institutional
care than in the period prior to their entry to the programme.
Not all homeless people require long periods of persuasion and
familiarization before they are willing to accept psychiatric help.
Many, who have benefited from previous treatment, are grateful that
services are made available to them. Diagnostic and treatment
services may be brought to a person on the street, or the person may
be persuaded to go to a clinic or service centre, where help is
available. Whichever is the case, a range of basic services will be needed
to assist the individual. Shelter is a first requirement for those who
have been living rough. Income support, clothing and general health
care will be needed in most cases, in addition to whatever psychiatric
treatments may be indicated.
Homeless people themselves are clear about the existence of a
hierarchy of needs. Ball & Havassy (1984), for example, listed the
needs expressed by homeless mentally ill people in San Francisco.
Mental health treatment was far down the list. Herman et al. (1993)
found in a survey of shelter users in New York, that while the
interviewers considered that mental health services were needed by
41% of those surveyed, only 17% of the homeless people themselves
thought that they needed mental health services. First priority in
their minds went to housing, food, clothing and money. It is
unrealistic to expect homeless people to participate in treatment



programmes until their basic needs have been met. Psychiatric

treatment providers, therefore, must work closely in concert with
providers of basic subsistence needs.
Co-ordinating the various social and health agencies is a major
problem. In some cases this may be facilitated by setting up
multi-disciplinary teams of social workers, nurses, psychiatrists and
advocates; basing mental health clinics in centres that provide a
number of services under one roof is helpful; but case management
has come to be the major strategy employed. A case manager's
primary role is to ensure that the variety of services needed by a
particular person are made available. The role involves evaluation of
the individual's particular set of needs, co-ordination of the several
service systems, support of the client and advocacy, where barriers to
service have to be overcome (Billig & Levinson, 1987; Morse &
Calsyn, 1992; Swayze, 1992).
Clinical services needed by homeless people cover the full range of
clinical and support services generally provided by a community
mental health centre. Diagnosis and evaluation, pharmacological
and psychotherapeutic treatments and co-ordination with general
health care providers are first provided at outpatient level. Inpatient
admissions are needed in some cases, and for this, good relations with
psychiatric hospitals or inpatient units are essential. In the American
context, where capacity to pay is very important for gaining
admission to hospitals, and where the patients concerned are not only
very poor, but often considered to be unattractive 'problem' patients,
and where arranging post-hospital disposition is likely to be very
difficult, admission offices may do all they can to avoid such an
admission. The homeless service provider must thus develop good
working professional relations with the hospital staff, so that when an
admission is needed, it can be arranged with a minimum of
The tension between libertarian and paternalistic views of the
rights of homeless people is often apparent when an involuntary
admission is needed. Non-medical colleagues who are generally allies
of the psychiatrist in bringing help to homeless people may become
adversaries when involuntary treatment is proposed. The solution to
this problem often lies in the doctor's role as teacher. Many
individuals who work with homeless people have limited professional
training, or have backgrounds in social sciences, with little appreciation of the realities of mental illness. Working together over a period

Clinical work with homeless people in the USA


of time, and helping them to understand concepts of disease in

psychiatry will reduce misunderstanding and disagreement.
Services must be provided to address some of the peculiar problems
facing homeless people. For example, a mailing address is generally
necessary to receive a Social Security cheque. A homeless service
centre can provide such an address. Purchasing medications, and
storing them safely, can be a major difficulty for a person living on the
street. Providing facilities for storing medicines can be extremely
helpful (Lomas, 1992).
The third stage is that of transition. A programme for the homeless
can not, by definition, provide indefinite care for people. Once they
have been engaged, and their basic needs met, they must be moved
into the mainstream mental health service system. This may take
time, however. The very reason for their being in a special programme for homeless people may have been their reluctance to enter
the mainstream service system (Surber etal., 1988). The therapist will
therefore need to engage the patient, establish trust, and then use this
trusting relationship to enable the transition to another treatment
provider. For a while the patient will become a regular client of the
homeless programme. When the idea of moving the patient to
another setting is broached, it is likely to be perceived by the patient
as yet another in a series of rejections that may have been life-long.
For the therapist, transferring a patient with whom he or she is
working effectively is also a loss, and may be consciously or unconsciously resisted. Nevertheless, mental health programmes for homeless people are generally limited in their resources and unable to care
for very large numbers of people. Patients can generally be helped to
understand this and to accept the need to move on to a mainstream
clinical setting.
The fourth stage and ultimate goal in providing care for homeless
mentally ill people is that of integration. The person moves out of
settings and programmes designed for homeless people, into the
general community, with regular housing and other supports. This is
an area that has been relatively poorly documented. To what extent
can homeless people lose their identity of homeless or formerly
homeless, and what will facilitate this? The success of this final step
depends on the ability of the mainstream mental health service system
to accept and retain patients who may be reluctant participants. Case
managers and clinicians may need to make special efforts to ensure
that the person integrates effectively into the culture of the pro-



gramme and the community, recognizing that formerly homeless

people are more vulnerable than others to slip back into homelessness.

Clinical considerations
What are the practical implications for the clinician? What special
understanding or techniques are needed to work with homeless
people? As the words 'homeless mentally ill' indicate, there are two
broad strategic objectives: to treat the illness and to end the
homelessness. At each stage, both objectives need to be kept in mind.
Without treating the illness, the person is unlikely to be able to obtain
or retain housing; without addressing the housing problem, attempts
at treatment of the mental illness will be futile.
Often a clinician must exercise great patience to establish trust.
Simply offering a friendly word, or some food or clothing, may be all
that is possible at first. Over time, as trust develops, more active
interventions become possible. Susser (1992) took many months to
gain the confidence of both staff and residents of the residence in
which he was trying to provide service. The role he identified as one
that would permit him to move into the hotel and be accepted
initially was that of organizer of a weekly Bingo game. This role was
sufficiently unthreatening to the women in the hotel for him to
gradually gain their confidence enough to move into other areas.
Social workers with Project Outreach at the Goddard Riverside
Community Center in New York were the first to adopt a trustbuilding technique that has since been adopted widely. Each day
they would make trips out into their community with a store of
sandwiches to distribute and to exchange a greeting or engage in a
brief conversation with the men and women they encountered. They
took months on occasion to establish contact with some of the most
timid of the street people; many contacts were often needed before the
individual gained sufficient confidence in the workers to establish
some sort of tenuous relationship.
In many cases, homeless patients are among the most severely and
chronically ill that a therapist is likely to encounter. They are
'treatment resistant' and have minimal resources in material terms as
well as in terms of their social environment. To avoid disillusionment,
it is wise to keep in mind that the prognosis in many cases is poor.
Some homeless people may be reluctant to contemplate change in

Clinical work with homeless people in the USA

their life-style, or may not believe that a better way of life is feasible for
them. For some it seems as if the street offers a haven of anonymity, an
environment to which they have made a bizarre adjustment, but one
that satisfies their needs. Some have developed a routine whereby
their needs are met, albeit at marginal subsistence level, and for them
adjusting to a new, domiciled life-style would be too much to
contemplate. They have achieved a level of competence in coping
with a dangerous, even hostile environment, and to leave that
environment for another, in which their incompetence would be all
too apparent is not an attractive prospect. So when we offer help
along conventional lines, homeless people may reject it (Drake &
Adler, 1984). This should not be a cause for despair, rather a stimulus
to develop more creative or effective approaches. The striking success
that can be achieved with some patients enables us not to be
discouraged in spite of what often seem to be overwhelming odds.
Consultation with shelter providers and others involved with
homeless people is an important function for psychiatrists or other
mental health professionals. Often it is the staff or helpers in shelters
and soup kitchen, police officers or others who are first in line to
provide help for a person with a mental illness or substance use
disorder. Often these people are not well-informed about mental
illness, fearful of the mentally ill, and unskilled in handling the
situations that may develop, often at night, or at other times when
help is not easily available. Time devoted to education and skillbuilding with such people is time well-spent. The increase in
sophistication of these service providers will be repaid in smoother
handling of emergencies and an increasingly collaborative relationship with the mental health team (Susser, 1992).
A consideration of the many tasks and skills involved in providing
services to homeless people indicates the necessity of team work. A
psychiatrist, psychologist, nurse or social worker working alone can
certainly be of assistance to many people, but to provide an adequate
service requires the efforts of a team of specialists who combine their
several special skills.




Programmes, models and service systems



Special programmes are needed for homeless people because of

accessibility problems with conventional services. One set of problems is within the person: a distaste for conventional clinical settings,
an exaggerated fear of how they will be treated, or a level of
disorganization that makes it difficult for the person to get to the
treatment facility. A second set of factors relates to the service
programmes themselves. There may be reluctance on the part of
providers to deal with dirty or bizarre individuals, or a concern that
such clients might scare away others. A clinic or agency may be
located in a neighbourhood that is off the beaten track for homeless
people or the cost or the complexity of its intake and registration
procedures may serve as a deterrent (Stark, 1992). A classic example
of the latter occurred during the 1980s, when the application
procedures for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) were made so
complex that most mentally ill people could not complete them
without considerable assistance. The situation has now changed. Not
only has the procedure been simplified, but a special cadre of staff
from the Social Security Administration now goes out in the streets of
some cities to assist homeless people in making applications for SSI.
Programmes should be situated in areas frequented by homeless
people. Public transport should be available. Buildings should not be
intimidating, as many hospitals are. Facilities should be comfortable
and attractive, as an inducement to enter, and as an indication that
homeless people are respected and that their dignity and comfort are
of concern to the programme providers. There should be signs to
assist people to find the programme, but sufficiently discrete to avoid
stigmatization. The availability of services should be publicized
through all the available media. In particular, other agencies serving
homeless people should be fully aware of the location and hours of
availability of mental health services.

Linkage and collaboration

An individual programme generally is only able to provide a partial
response to the treatment needs of homeless people. This is reasonable

Clinical work with homeless people in the USA


in the light of the slender resources generally available. However, in

the light of the wide range of services needed by many homeless
people, clinicians must take advantage of community service systems
that are already in place. It often requires a lot of diplomacy and hard
work to establish linkages with other treatment or rehabilitation
programmes in the area so that, through active liaison, the combined
resources can be mobilized when needed. Considerable effort often
needs to go into advocacy and obtaining support from state or local
health service administrators.
Even then, the scope of services is likely to be severely limited,
because probably no state has yet provided adequate funds to cope
with the development of community services for deinstitutionalized
psychiatric patients or for the long-term treatment or rehabilitation
of chronic alcoholics or drug abusers. Clinicians must join forces with
advocates, political activists, rehabilitation experts and others to form
coalitions that will bring pressure on policy-makers to develop service
systems adequate for the needs of the nation's most disadvantaged
Dual diagnosis
The treatment of people with both mental illness and substance abuse
or dependence (Drake & Wallach, 1989) perplexes service providers
in community psychiatry programmes generally (Minkoff & Drake,
1991), but especially in those working with homeless people, where
the rates of co-morbidity are so high (Table 8.1). The problems
encountered in attempting to treat dually diagnosed persons are both
clinical and organizational.
The clinical problems arise from the difficulty of dealing with two
types of disorder. The psychiatric treatment of schizophrenia, for
example, will lead to a diminution or elimination of many of the
symptoms of the disease. Rehabilitation of the person, however,
requires a concerted effort on the part of the patient and the
professionals to move him or her in the direction of independence and
self-sufficiency. Substance abuse greatly impedes this process. Conversely, remaining drug and alcohol free is, for an addict, a considerable feat, requiring volition, persistence, resilience and a supportive
milieu, all of which may be lacking for a mentally ill person, especially
one who is homeless. Each condition undermines the treatment of the
other. The organizational problems arise because of the traditional



separation of substance abuse and mental illness treatment services.

This separation is reflected at the federal, state and local levels, where
separate bureaucracies deal with these problems. Planning and
implementing services to bring together treatment for mental illness
and substance abuse is often complex and requires a great deal of
work to overcome organizational, philosophical and professional
Traditional service systems therefore often provide separate services for substance abuse and mental illness treatment, and efforts may
be made to enroll a patient in both. Most often these plans do not
succeed, and it has been found that integrated treatment programmes
are most effective, where treatment for mental illness and treatment
for substance abuse are provided in a co-ordinated fashion, in the
same setting, by the same staff (Ridgely, 1991).
The problems are compounded when the person is homeless
(Minkoff & Drake, 1992). Alcohol has traditionally had an important place in the lives of homeless people (Hopper, 1989) and, for
example, insisting on abstinence from alcohol or drugs as a prerequisite for participation in treatment may be counter-productive.
Treatment programmes for homeless dually diagnosed individuals,
therefore, may have abstinence as a goal to be attained, but accept
individuals who are still drinking or using drugs (Minkoff & Drake,
Federal programmes for the homeless mentally ill
Since the early 1980s, the Federal government has played an
important role in stimulating research and programme development
for homeless mentally ill people, specifically through the National
Institute for Mental Health, and the Center for Mental Health
Services since its establishment in 1993. The Center supports the
development of mental health services for homeless people through a
system of PATH (Program for Assistance in Transition for the
Homeless) grants to states. These grants support a range of services
for homeless mentally ill people in cities across the country, provided
by a variety of non-profit or local government groups.
In 1991 the federal government appointed a Task Force on
Homelessness and Severe Mental Illness, which brought together
senior representatives of the several federal agencies who have roles to
play in combating homelessness, particularly among the mentally ill,

Clinical work with homeless people in the USA


including the Department of Housing and Urban Development

(HUD), the Department of Health and Human Services, the
Department of Veterans' Affairs (VA), the Department of Labor, the
Social Security Administration, the Department of Justice, etc. The
Task Force produced a report in 1992, containing a series of 58
recommendations for steps the several agencies could take under their
existing mandates to ease the plight of people who are mentally ill and
homeless (Federal Task Force on Homelessness and Severe Mental
Illness, 1992).
One specific problem identified in that report is the fractionation of
the service systems and the numerous agencies whose activities need
to be integrated in order to provide homeless people with what they
need. The Task Force report recommended the development of
ACCESS (Access to Community Care and Effective Services and
Supports), an initiative to promote service integration. A series of
demonstration projects have been funded in nine states to test new
models, which include innovations such as inter-agency joint management teams, to co-ordinate the work of the various social agencies;
peer engagement teams, which employ former homeless people for
outreach, support and linkage; multi-service centres, where various
agencies provide co-ordinated services; and the use of advanced data
systems integration, so that consumers do not have to register
repeatedly with different agencies to obtain services.
The Federal Task Force also introduced the concept of Safe
Havens, based on the experience of many workers in the field, that
many homeless people desire, and will accept, little more than a safe
and sanitary place to obtain shelter from the elements and the
dangers of the streets.
Innovative programmes at the local level
Activity at the national level has been matched by creativity at the
local level. A wide variety of programmes have been developed, many
with federal grant support, but also relying heavily on support from
states, local communities and private philanthropy (Center for
Mental Health Services, 1994).
Community Connections in Washington, DC provides clinical case
management to severely mentally ill men and women, many of whom
have been homeless, many of whom are dually diagnosed and
virtually all of whom are at risk of homelessness. A particular set of



interventions is aimed at addressing the deficiencies in the social

networks of many homeless people, believed to be a factor in
precipitating or prolonging homelessness. Their Social Network
Treatment model includes a number of innovative techniques to
assist people in developing and maintaining networks of supportive
relationships (Bebout et al.9 1993).
In Baltimore, a joint project of the University of Maryland and the
city's mental health administration, Baltimore Mental Health Systems, Inc., has adapted the Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
approach of Stein & Test (1985). The mobile ACT Team consists of
psychiatrists, nurses, social workers and counsellors who provide
services, wherever they are needed, for a group of patients who were
homeless at the time of entry to the programme. A particularly
interesting aspect of this programme is the inclusion of 'consumer
advocates', people who have experience as psychiatric patients and in
some cases also of homelessness. Their own past histories provide
them with skills and authenticity that professionals may lack in
gaining the trust of the homeless individuals they are trying to help
(Dixon et aL, 1994).
A group at Columbia University in New York has developed the
concept of Critical Time Intervention (CTI). They believe that the
time at which a person makes the transition from a homeless shelter to
more permanent housing is critical, and that a person is especially
vulnerable to relapse or default at this period in time. A CTI team,
based in a men's shelter, provides case management, treatment and
social skills training to assist individuals who are moving out of the
shelter. The team has identified four major functional areas that are
the focus of the intervention: medication adherence, money management, substance use management and crisis management. For a 9
month period they support and provide continuity of care as the men
settle in their new surroundings and move towards integration in the
community (Susser et aL, 1992). Preliminary data on the effectiveness
of the programme in reducing the probability of return to homelessness are encouraging.
The need for an intermediate level of care for people who are too ill
to care for themselves on the streets or in the shelter system, but not ill
enough to be admitted to hospital, has been recognized in a number
of places. Christ House, in Washington, DC, provides an excellent
example (Goetcheus et al., 1990). While not focusing specifically on
mentally ill people, but rather those with other health problems,

Clinical work with homeless people in the USA

psychiatric care and treatment for substance abuse disorders is
provided to the many residents who need such help. People stay at
Christ House for up to a month as they regain their health and
Another approach to providing a supportive environment for
mentally ill people has been developed in Baltimore. The city's
Mental Health Agency has developed a list of room and board
providers, who are given some basic training in dealing with mentally
ill people, and whose homes are inspected for health and fire safety.
Mentally ill people can rent rooms in these houses, with case
management and other support and treatment services provided by
local community mental health programmes or by homeless health
care teams (S. Diehl, personal communication).
In the area of housing, an approach currently being developed and
evaluated by Stephen Goldfinger and his colleagues in Boston, sets up
'evolving consumer households' for homeless mentally ill individuals.
This concept provides housing for a group of homeless people, with
staff support at the outset, as they establish their household. As the
group becomes more skilled in establishing their own house rules and
managing their own affairs, staff gradually withdraw until the group
is functioning independently. An evaluation, currently in progress,
will determine to what extent mentally ill people can establish
independent households in this way, and what the longer-term
outlook for such households may be (Center for Mental Health
Services, 1994).

The future
Those who engage in providing services for homeless people do so in
the hope that their services will soon no longer be needed, because
homelessness will cease to be a major problem in American society.
However this hope seems increasingly naive. As the years pass, the
numbers of homeless people seeking help from service agencies only
increases. The enormous deficiency in the supply of housing in
America may take decades to remedy. Public opinion is not supportive of significant increases in assistance to the poor. Education for the
masses of young Americans is not fitting them well for employment in
an increasingly technological employment market.
America is struggling to reform its health care system. In spite of




the efforts of the Clinton administration, federal health care reform

remains a distant hope. At state levels, reforms are taking place
piecemeal, but the emphasis is on controlling cost rather than on
guaranteeing health care for all the citizens. Many states, for
example, are radically changing their Medicaid plans to introduce
the methods of managed care. Poor people in some cases are forced
into health maintenance organizations that are not equipped to
provide the types of services needed by the mentally ill or by homeless
people. Health care programmes for homeless people, up to now
supported by a mixture of funds from Medicaid, special federal or
state grant programmes and local philanthropy, view their future
with grave misgivings.
Mental health service providers must focus their energies, therefore,
not only on providing appropriate services for those who are mentally
ill and homeless, but also on prevention. Prevention of mental illness
is still beyond our capabilities, but prevention of homelessness should
be more feasible. As research continues to provide more and more
information about homeless people, it is becoming possible to identify
risk factors for homelessness. Co-morbid substance dependence has
been shown to be a risk factor (Drake & Wallach, 1989). Histories of
problems in childhood, such as foster care placement or running away
from home, are also associated with homelessness in mentally ill men
(Susser et ai, 1991). Risk factors such as these could be used to identify
individuals at special risk of homelessness, who could be provided
with additional preventive interventions. Simply improving the
quality and extent of community mental health services would be of
significant help. Many major cities' service systems are very inadequate to meet the needs of their mentally ill citizens for treatment,
rehabilitation and support. With the knowledge base already existing, a great deal more could be done not only to improve the safety
net that should protect mentally ill people from becoming homeless,
but to greatly increase the quality of their lives.
Whether there is progress along these lines will depend upon there
being sufficient political will to make it possible. For this reason,
psychiatrists and others who are concerned about these issues see it as
important that they involve themselves in political advocacy and
public education, in concert with other groups who are active in this

Clinical work with homeless people in the USA


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mentally ill. In H. R. Lamb, L. L. Bachrach & F. I. Kass (eds.),
Treating the Homeless Mentally III, pp. 203-20. Washington, DC:
American Psychiatric Association.
Tessler, R. C. & Dennis, D. L. (1989). A Synthesis of NIMH-funded
Research Concerning Persons who are Homeless and Mentally III. Rockville,

MD: National Institute of Mental Health.

Van Tosh, L. (1993). Working for a Change: Employment of

Consumers!Survivors in the Design and Provision of Services for Persons who
are Homeless and Mentally Disabled. Rockville, MD: Center for Mental
Health Services.
Wright, J. D. & Weber, E. (1987). Homelessness and Health. Washington,
DC: McGraw-Hill.

The severely mentally ill in hostels for the


The terms 'shelter', 'hostel' and 'lodging house' have been used
interchangeably by most UK commentators on homelessness. Unfortunately the imprecise use of these terms has obscured important
differences between two distinct types of accommodation that have
traditionally been provided for the single homeless in the UK. In this
chapter these two types of accommodation will be referred to as
shelter accommodation and hostel accommodation. If we are to make
sense of the UK studies of homeless people with mental disorder it is
necessary to reassert the distinction between shelter and hostel
accommodation. Consequently this chapter will begin by defining
hostel and shelter accommodation. Studies of homeless people in the
UK will then be classified into hostel or shelter populations. The
findings revealed by this reclassification will then be discussed.
Finally, on the basis of these findings, the size of the mentally ill hostel
population, and the characteristics of its members, will be discussed.
The effectiveness of hostels for the homeless in caring for people with
severe psychiatric disorder is discussed in Chapter 16.

Shelters and hostels

Definition of shelter and hostel


Shelters will be defined as buildings offering emergency overnight

accommodation to single homeless people. Hostels will be defined as
buildings (other than cheap bedsits) offering board and lodgings to



single homeless people. Because of their different functions, shelter

and hostel accommodation tend to cater for different populations.
Shelter accommodation caters for a transient population consisting of
whoever happens to turn up on a particular night, whereas hostel
accommodation caters for a relatively 'permanent' group of 'residents', who will live in the hostel by day and occupy the same bed, or
room, at night. Sometimes both hostel and shelter accommodation
may be provided within the same building, as, for example, in the
now defunct Camberwell Reception Centre (Wood, 1976).
Origins of shelter and hostel accommodation
The origins of shelter accommodation may be traced to the pre-war
casual wards, subsequently reorganized in the post-war period as
'reception centres', under the surveillance of the National Assistance
Board. Although these reception centres ostensibly had a rehabilitative function, contemporary research indicated that for the majority
of occupants they largely provided emergency accommodation,
particularly for 'wanderers' and 'vagrants' (Wade, 1963). The
widespread closure of reception centres in the 1950s appears to have
been followed by the creation of shelter accommodation staffed by
voluntary organizations. Many of these shelters were permanent;
others were opened only during cold weather emergencies or at
Christmas (Weller et al., 1989). Such shelters served not only as
emergency accommodation, but also as 'contact points' where
suitable clients for hostel accommodation could be identified and
assessed (Leach & Wing, 1978).
The origins of hostels may be traced to the squalid privately run
lodging houses of the Victorian era. Concern over conditions in these
establishments led to increasing regulation, and in many cases closure
or rebuilding by local authorities (Laidlaw, 1956). With the introduction of the welfare state the demand for lodging house accommodation dropped. The remaining lodging houses were increasingly run
as hostels, either by local corporations or by religious charities such as
the Salvation Army and Church Army. Many of the residents of such
hostels were 'permanent' and were allocated their own beds, cubicles,
or (if lucky) rooms. Conditions in these hostels were basic, but meals,
cheap provisions and laundry facilities were provided. In the 1950s
about 50% of hostel residents were working men.
The latter part of the century saw further developments in hostel

Severely mentally ill in homeless hostels

accommodation, against a background of further decreases in the
numbers of lodging house beds. First, there was a general attempt by
religious charities to improve the quality of their hostel accommodation by building new hostels in which shared or private rooms
replaced dormitory accommodation. However, despite these efforts
much old-style dormitory accommodation remained, particularly in
London. Secondly, new charitable bodies such as the Simon Community and the St Mungo's community began to set up a network of
smaller scale hostels run as therapeutic communities, where staff and
residents lived together on an equal footing. These new hostels
attracted increasing numbers of mentally ill residents. Under the
pressure of caring for the mentally ill, these organizations tended to
become increasingly bureaucratized, so that by the late 1970s the
distinction between the 'new hostels' and those run by religious bodies
was often blurred (Leach, 1979).

Separating hostel studies from shelter studies

Table 9.1 summarizes the findings of UK studies of mental disorder
amongst the homeless. At first sight the findings of these studies vary
widely, for example Priest (1971) in an Edinburgh study found a
much higher level of schizophrenia amongst the homeless than was
found in a study in London by LCSS (1960).
There is a temptation to consider the findings of these UK studies
as practically worthless, given the wide variations in study design and
sample selection. This temptation is reinforced by the tendency of
some authors to make incredible extrapolations from the findings of
these studies. For example, in a recent review Scott (1993) estimated
that there were 1-2 million homeless people in the UK, 30-50% of
whom were suffering from mental disorder, predominantly 'functional psychosis'. According to these figures, the minimum estimate
for the number of homeless people with 'functional psychoses' in the
UK is 300 000; considerably larger than a generous estimate of the
total yearly prevalence of schizophrenia (approximately 291000;
calculated by taking the maximum estimate of the yearly prevalence
in the UK, 5.3/1000 and multiplying by an estimated adult population of 55 000 000).
However, despite such flights of fancy, it is unnecessarily nihilistic
to accept that no coherent picture can be extracted from the available




Table 9.1. Summary of UK studies of the prevalence of schizophrenia in

homeless populations



Laidlaw (1956)
LCSS (1960)
Priest (1971)
Crossley & Denmark (1969)
Lodge Patch (1971)
Tidmarsh & Wood (1972)
Leopoldt & Lynch (1981)
Timms & Fry (1989)
Marshall (M) (1989)
Marshall (J) & Reed (1992)
Reed et al. (1992)
Stark et al. (1989)
Adams et al. (1996)
Geddes et al. (1994a)
Newton et al. (1994)
Weller et al. (1989)

Various centres
Various centres


Prevalence of
schizophrenia (%)


Note: the date column in the table records the year when the study was begun,
not the year of publication.
N o estimate for schizophrenia was given in this study, but 22% had 'active
psychotic symptoms'.

data. When the findings of existing UK studies are considered in the

light of the distinction between hostel and shelter accommodation, a
more coherent picture emerges. To demonstrate this coherence we
must first reclassify the studies along these lines.
Shelter studies
Two of the studies listed in Table 9.1 are unequivocally studies of
shelter populations: a study of users of an emergency cold-weather
shelter in London (Reed et al., 1992); and a study of users of a
Cyrenian shelter in Oxford, located in an abandoned air raid shelter
(Leopoldt & Lynch, 1981). The study by Lodge Patch (1971),
although conducted on two Salvation Army hostels, is also a study of
a shelter population. In this study the hostels are described as 'large
dormitories', where 'there was no privacy and no room for personal
possessions' (Lodge Patch, 1971). Furthermore, the 'men used the

Severely mentally ill in homeless hostels

hostel for little more than a clean bed ... most of the occupants moved
their beds within the hostel, were transient, or spent periods elsewhere'.

Hostel studies
Eight of the studies listed in Table 9.1 are unequivocally studies of
hostel populations: a study of Glasgow Common Lodging houses
(Laidlaw, 1956); a study of London Common Lodging Houses
(LCSS, 1960); a study of Edinburgh Common Lodging houses
(Priest, 1971); and three recent studies: one of hostels in Oxford
(Marshall, 1989), and the other two of women's hostels in London
(Marshall & Reed, 1992; Adams et aL, 1996). In addition, the study
by Crossley & Denmark (1969) of a Salvation Army hostel, unlike the
study of Lodge Patch (1971), is considered to be a true hostel survey,
because the hostel was 'a full board hostel ... the population being
mainly long-stay'.

Mixed studies
In addition there are three studies that have reported the prevalence
of mental disorder in accommodation that was functioning as a
shelter for some persons and as a hostel for others. The first of these
studies reported the rates of mental disorder amongst casual users and
recognized residents of the Camberwell Reception Centre (Tidmarsh
& Wood, 1972). Recognized residents were said to differ from the
casual users in that residents: had agreed to stay for a period of time;
worked in the Centre (cleaning or preparing food, or working in the
workshops); ate separately from the 'casuals'; and could stay in the
Centre during the day and have a midday meal. The second of these
studies compared the rate of mental disorder amongst new admissions
to a Salvation Army Hostel with that amongst long-term residents
(Timms & Fry, 1989). The third study was a random sample of
residents of nine Edinburgh hostels (Geddes et al., 1994a), in which
approximately 10% of the beds were short-term 'shelter accommodation' (J. Geddes, personal communication). In view of the small
number of shelter beds in this study it will be classified as a hostel




Table 9.2. Summary of UK studies of the prevalence of schizophrenia in

homeless populations, grouped by whether 'hostel', 'shelter3, or 'roofless3
Location of

Laidlaw (1956)
LCSS (1960)
Priest (1971)
Grossley & Denmark
Tidmarsh & Wood (1972)
Timms & Fry (1989)
Marshall (M) (1989)
Marshall (J) & Reed
Adams et al. (1966)b
Geddes et al. (1994a)
Lodge Patch (1971)
Tidmarsh & Wood (1972)
Leopoldt & Lynch (1981)
Timms & Fry (1989)
Reed et al. (1992)
Newton et al. (1994)



Percentage with




63 a






There is some ambiguity about the sample size in the original paper, this figure
may be inaccurate.
Study carried out in women-only hostels. In other studies subjects were
predominantly or entirely male.

Unclassified studies
Three of the studies listed in Table 9.1 cannot be classified as studies of
shelter or hostel accommodation. In one study this is because data
collected over several years from shelter and hostel populations have
been combined (Weller et al., 1989). This study is therefore omitted
from the subsequent analysis. In another study, of the users of
reception centres (Stark et al., 1989), subjects were selected on the
grounds of being 'hard to place', therefore the study does not provide
a representative sample of the users of the centres. This study will also
be omitted from the following analysis. The final study (Newton et al.,
1994) is the only UK prevalence study of mental disorder amongst
rough sleepers. This study cannot be classified as a shelter study, but
its findings are of interest and will be shown alongside the shelter and
hostel data for comparative purposes.

Severely mentally ill in homeless hostels


Trends in the prevalence of mental disorder

amongst users of shelter and hostel
The discussion that follows will focus on the prevalence of schizophrenia because it is more narrowly defined than severe mental
disorder and is also by far the most common severe mental disorder
amongst the homeless (see below). Table 9.2 shows the findings of UK
studies of the prevalence of schizophrenia amongst homeless people,
when these studies are regrouped into studies of hostel populations
and shelter populations.
From this table two findings emerge:
1. With the exception of the study by Geddes et al. (1994a), since the
1960s the levels of schizophrenia found in hostels are consistently
higher than those found in shelters.
2. Overall (with the exception of Geddes et al., 1994a) the levels of
schizophrenia in hostel accommodation appear to have increased
markedly, whilst the levels in shelter accommodation have remained stable.
These two findings will be analysed below.
The higher prevalence of schizophrenia in hostels
The first finding (that the levels of schizophrenia in hostels are
consistently higher than those in shelters) refutes the commonly held
belief that 'the lower the standard of accommodation from lodging
house, to hostel, to reception centre, to the street, the greater is the
proportion of... mentally disabled people found' (Herzberg, 1987).
In fact people suffering from severe psychiatric disorder are much
more common in better quality hostel accommodation. This can be
seen clearly from Table 9.3 in which a weighted prevalence is
computed for each decade from 1950 onwards (calculated by taking
all relevant studies in each 10 year period, multiplying each study
prevalence by the number of subjects in the study, dividing by the
total number of subjects in all the studies in the period, and then
adding together these weighted prevalences). The table shows that
the weighted prevalence of schizophrenia in shelters remained stable



T a b l e 9.3. Estimated mean percentage of hostel, shelter and roofless

subjects with schizophrenia over the past four decades
Hostel (%)
Shelter (%)
Roofless (%)







Mean percentage when data from women-only hostels are excluded.

at about 17%, whilst in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s the prevalence in
hostels was about twice this figure. These findings, the exact opposite
of accepted wisdom (Scott, 1993), are further reinforced by the
findings of Newton et al. (1994) who (using the same methodology of
Geddes et al., 1994a) found a prevalence of only 3% schizophrenia in
their survey of Edinburgh rough sleepers.
There are four possible explanations of the higher prevalence of
schizophrenia in hostels:
1. Hostels offer care that is attractive to persons with severe mental
disorder. Since hostels cater for semi-permanent residents they
tend to have higher staff ratios and better facilities than shelters.
Thus hostels are better placed to provide support to people
suffering from schizophrenia. Such support could include: getting
meals, assisting with personal hygiene and domestic chores, and
obtaining benefits and managing money.
2. Admission procedures to hostels select people with severe mental
disorders. There is a tradition of using shelter accommodation as a
contact service from which those suitable for hostel accommodation are selected. When this occurs those selected are often
suffering from severe mental disorder. For example, a programme
of action research in the St Mungo's hostels found that homeless
men coming from the street tended to remain in hostels for only
short periods of time. To overcome this problem the researchers
suggested that a 'contact service' should be set up to make contact
with, and to assess, potential residents, before a place was offered.
This new approach was highly successful in increasing length of
stay, but an unforeseen consequence was that amongst those who
settled 'psychiatric disabilities were particularly prominent'
(Leach, 1979). Many hostels are associated with shelters that act

Severely mentally ill in homeless hostels


as a contact service in the way described by the St Mungo's

3. People with severe mental disorder find hostel environments
congenial. This suggestion was first mooted in a study of Edinburgh Common Lodging Houses (Priest, 1976). The author stated
that 'many (people with schizophrenia) ... prefer the anonymous
sanctum of their "eight-by-four two bit room'". Other researchers
have noted that hostels 'exhibit two features strikingly reminiscent
of the old mental hospitals: (a) the wide range of bizarre
behaviours tolerated; (b) the general non-intrusiveness of other
residents and staff (Timms & Fry, 1989). The same authors have
suggested that hostels provide 'low expressed emotion' environments where persons with severe psychiatric disorder are less likely
to relapse. It is not yet clear how far these impressions are correct.
Moreover high rates of re-admission to hospital of hostel residents
(Marshall & Gath, 1992) would tend not to support the suggestion
that hostels are low expressed emotion environments.
4. Once resident in hostels, people with severe mental disorder are
difficult to resettle elsewhere.
Mentally disordered hostel residents have limited access to suitable
accommodation in the public or private sector housing. Thus a
follow-up of mentally disordered hostel residents in Oxford found
that only 10 of the 48 residents were rehoused in an 18 month period.
Those residents who were rehoused went either: back to their families,
to private bedsits, or to accommodation provided by the hostels. No
residents obtained accommodation supported by health, social services or housing associations (Marshall & Gath, 1992). This 'log-jam'
phenomenon (Wood, 1976) may make a considerable contribution to
the high prevalence of severe mental disorder in hostels.
The apparent rise in the level of schizophrenia in
The second finding from the reclassified studies was that levels of
schizophrenia in hostels appear to have increased markedly, whilst
the levels in shelter accommodation have remained relatively constant. Before discussing this finding in more detail it is first necessary
to discuss the study by Geddes et al. (1994a), because the findings of
this study are at variance with all other recent hostel studies. This



study is by far the most methodologically rigorous of all UK

prevalence studies. The study was based on a random sample of 198
residents of nine Edinburgh hostels. Subjects were assessed by trained
interviewers using standardized diagnostic instruments. The findings
of the study were compared with the earlier study of Priest (1976)
after suitable adjustment of confounding factors. The conclusion of
the study was not only that the prevalence of schizophrenia in
Edinburgh hostels was much lower than expected (9%), but also that
it had actually fallen since the time of Priest's study which began in
The study has been criticized by some authors (see Connolly &
Crown, 1994; Connelly & Williams, 1994) who have questioned the
validity of the comparison with Priest's earlier study on two grounds.
First, that different standardized instruments were used in the two
studies. Secondly, that only 36% of the population in the later study
(carried out in 1992) came from the hostels surveyed by Priest in
Both criticisms, whilst not entirely groundless, miss the most
important point of Geddes et al.'s study, namely that a very well
conducted survey has established that the true prevalence of schizophrenia in Edinburgh hostels in 1992 was much lower than anyone
(including the researchers) expected. Moreover, whilst it is true that
the comparison with Priest's work has some methodological limitations, the fact remains that two well conducted surveys in the same
hostels 27 years apart appear to show a large fall in the numbers of
residents with schizophrenia (Geddes et al., 1994b).
If, as seems likely, the findings of Geddes et al. are correct, how can
they be reconciled with recent prevalence studies such as those by
Marshall & Reed (1992) and Adams et al. (1996)? A re-examination
of these two studies suggests an explanation - both are studies of
hostels for homeless women. Women make up only a small proportion
of residents of hostels for the homeless, but it is well established that
they are more likely to suffer from schizophrenia than male residents
(Virgona et al., 1993). If these two studies are excluded from the
weighted prevalence in Table 9.3 (see figure in brackets in column 5
(1981-90)) an interesting and unexpected trend emerges - namely
that the prevalence of schizophrenia in hostels for the homeless has
been stable from the mid-1960s to the late 1980s, with a major
increase occurring in the 1950s to early 1960s and perhaps a major fall
occurring in the 1990s.
These findings lead us to question why was there such a steep rise in

Severely mentally ill in homeless hostels


the prevalence of mental disorder in hostels between the 1950s and

mid-1960s? There are two possible answers to this question. The first
answer is that the increase was related to the reduction in the number
of beds in psychiatric hospitals that began in the mid-1950s. The rise
in the percentage of hostel residents with schizophrenia, from 5% in
the mid 1950s to around 25% by the mid-1960s is contemporaneous
with a fall in psychiatric inpatients from 3.5/1000 in 1954, to 3/1000
in 1961, to 2.1/1000 in 1970 (Gunn, 1974). However, if this explanation is correct, it is difficult to explain why the continuing fall in bed
numbers was not reflected in further increases in the prevalence of
mental illness in the hostels in the 1970s and 1980s.
The second answer is that the same period saw an important
change in the nature of hostels, as they moved away from being
residences for poor single working men to becoming places of last
resort for those with disabilities. As the availability of cheap council
housing increased, working men moved away from hostels, leaving
behind the mentally ill and socially disabled. The effect of this
movement, would have been to increase the prevalence of psychiatric
disorder in the remaining hostels without there being any absolute
increase in the numbers of mentally ill homeless people.
In summary, an analysis of prevalence data in terms of hostel and
shelter studies appears to overturn a number of widespread beliefs
about the homeless mentally ill in the UK. First, in UK studies at
least, the proportion of people with schizophrenia or 'functional
psychoses' is considerably lower than the 30-50% generally cited.
Secondly, there is no evidence that the proportion of hostel residents
with schizophrenia has increased since the mid-1960s. Thirdly, the
proportion of people with schizophrenia increases from street to
shelter to hostel - the opposite direction to that widely cited in the

The numbers and characteristics of hostel

residents with severe mental disorders
Estimating the numbers of people with schizophrenia
in hostels
This author's most recent estimate is that there are between 2400 and
8100 persons with schizophrenia living in hostels for the homeless in
the UK. This estimate is arrived at as follows. First, it is estimated that

Table 9.4. Characteristics of hostel residents

Hostel males (mainly)
Organic disorder (%)
Length of stay
Ever admitted (%)
Ever married (%)
Last contact with relatives
Unemployed (%)
Admitted from hospital (%)

Timms & Fry





Geddes ea




Hostel females

Shelter males

Marshall & Reed


Reedea (1992)











Data in italics were derived from a sample of mentally ill residents. Data in normal font were derived from a sample of all
ea, et al.

Severely mentally ill in homeless hostels

there are 27 000 hostel beds in hostels for the homeless in the UK
(based on doubling the accepted figure for London of 13 500 (Balazs,
1993)). Secondly, it is estimated that from 930% of the occupants of
these beds are suffering from schizophrenia. The lower 9% figure is
derived from the recent work of Geddes et al. (1994a), whilst the
higher figure is derived from the weighted prevalence figure for the
1980s (see Table 9.3). Until further data become available it is
difficult to determine which of these figures is most accurate. From
the prevalence data discussed below, we may assume that about 80%
of hostel residents with severe psychiatric disorders are suffering from
schizophrenia, hence the figures for all severe psychiatric disorder are
in the region of 2880-9720.

Social and psychiatric characteristics of hostel

Some of the characteristics of hostel residents are summarized in
Table 9.4 below. The contents of the table are derived from recent
hostel studies only, as it is not clear how far data from studies
conducted in the 1960s can be applied to the hostel populations of
today. For purposes of comparison the findings of a recent study of
shelter users, based on a representative sample, are included (Reed et
al., 1992).
Social characteristics

Hostel residents (including those with mental disorder) tend to be in

late middle age. They have limited social networks in that: nearly all
are unemployed, and only a minority have ever been married. Rates
of imprisonment amongst hostel residents are high, usually for minor
offences. Probably about one in five hostel residents have been in
psychiatric hospitals, with this figure rising to about 90% amongst
those residents who are known to be mentally ill. Mentally ill hostel
residents tend to have lost contact with their relatives, but it is not
clear how far this is true for non-mentally ill residents.
The data from Table 9.4 indicate some differences between hostel
residents (both male and female) and shelters users. Hostel residents
tend to be older than shelter users and are more likely to have been
admitted to psychiatric hospitals. Female hostel residents differ from
male residents in that they are more likely to have been married.




Otherwise the social situations of male and female hostel residents are
fairly similar.
There are insufficient data to reach firm conclusions about the
ethnic composition of modern hostel populations. It appears that
people of Scottish and Irish origin are over-represented. There are
also indications that, in London at least, people of West Indian origin
are over-represented. Little recent data is available concerning the
original social class of hostel users. It is of interest however that
Marshall & Reed (1992) found that the fathers of 32 out of 53 women
in two women's hostels were members of social classes 1, 2 or 3.
There are indications that the health of mentally disordered hostel
residents is poor. Several authors have reported physical problems to
be common amongst residents with mental disorder (Stark et aL,
1989; Marshall & Reed, 1992). High mortality rates amongst
mentally disordered hostel residents were suggested in the Oxford
follow-up study described above (Marshall & Gath, 1992).
Psychiatric characteristics

There is general agreement amongst hostel studies that schizophrenia

is by far the most common diagnosis amongst mentally ill hostel
residents. Thus, for example, a study of Oxford hostels found that 40
out of 48 severely disabled residents were suffering from schizophrenia (Marshall & Gath, 1992), whilst in a London hostel 22 out of
31 mentally disordered residents were given a diagnosis of schizophrenia (Timms & Fry, 1989). Organic brain disease would also
appear to be relatively common. A study of women's hostels in
London (Marshall & Reed, 1992) found that 3 out of 45 women with
schizophrenia also suffered from epilepsy (in two cases the epilepsy
was due to head injury and in one due to a previous leucotomy). The
same study reported that, of 63 women with mental disorder, 6 had
organic mental disorder. Similarly in the London hostel study
referred to above (Timms & Fry, 1989), 3 out of 27 mentally
disordered residents were suffering from organic brain disease (dementia, amnesic syndrome and mental retardation). There is insufficient evidence to estimate the prevalence of other causes of severe
psychiatric disorder, such as bipolar disorder or severe depression, in
hostel residents. It seems likely however that people with these
disorders make up less than 5% of the hostel population.
A further characteristic of mentally disordered hostel residents is
the extent of the social disability caused by their disorder. In a survey

Severely mentally ill in homeless hostels


of two large Oxford hostels for the homeless, standardized rating

scales were used to measure psychiatric symptoms and social disability. Forty-eight residents were found to have chronic disabling mental
disorders (one third of the total residents). Half of these 48 residents,
according to national norms, were as severely socially disabled as the
most disabled long-stay patients in psychiatric hospitals (Marshall,
1989). The same study also showed that mentally disordered hostel
residents showed high levels of socially unacceptable behaviour,
including violence, self-harm, incontinence and sexually offensive
In conclusion, the findings from UK studies of the homeless show a
remarkable degree of consistency once reclassified into studies of
shelters and studies of hostels. Viewed in this light, the findings
contradict two commonplace beliefs: (a) that there is evidence for a
recent increase in the numbers of homeless mentally ill, and (b) that
the proportion of people with mental disorder is greatest in the least
supportive environments, i.e. shelters or the street. The evidence
consistently shows that people with severe mental disorders are most
common where the highest degree of support is offered - in hostels.
The effectiveness of hostels in caring for the severely mentally ill will
be discussed in Chapter 16.

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& Young, G. C. (1994). The mental health problems of the
Edinburgh "roofless". British Journal of Psychiatry, 165, 537-40.
Priest, R. G. (1971). The Edinburgh homeless. American Journal of
Psychotherapy, 25, 194-213.
Priest, R. G. (1976). The homeless person and the psychiatric services:
an Edinburgh study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 10, 233-5.
Reed, R., Ramsden, S., Marshall, J. et al. (1992). Psychiatric morbidity
and substance abuse among residents of a cold weather shelter.
British Medical Journal, 304, 1028-9.
Scott, J. (1993). Homelessness and mental illness. British Journal of
Psychiatry, 162, 314-25.
Stark, C , Scott, J. & Hill, M. (1989). A Survey of the Long-stay Uses of
DSS Resettlement Units: A Research Report. London: Department of
Social Security.

Severely mentally ill in homeless hostels


Tidmarsh, D. & Wood, S. (1972). Psychiatric aspects of destitution. In

J . K. Wing & A. M. Haley (eds.) Evaluating a Community Psychiatry
Service. The Camberwell Register, 1964-71, pp. 328-40. Oxford: Oxford

University Press.
Timms, P. W. & Fry, A. H. (1989). Homelessness and mental illness.
Health Trends, 21, 7 0 - 1 .

Virgona, A., Buhrich, N. & Teesson, M. (1993). Prevalence of

schizophrenia among women in refuges for the homeless. Australian
and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 27, 405-10.

Wade, C. C. (1963). Survey of inmates of a common lodging house. The

Medical Officer, 109, 171-3.

Weller, M., Tobiansky, R. I., Hollander, D. & Ibrahimi, S. (1989).

Psychosis and destitution at Christmas 1985-8. Lancet, ii, 1509-11.
Wood, S. M. (1976). Camberwell Reception Centre: a consideration of
the need for health and social services of homeless single men.
Journal of Social Policy, 5, 389-99.

Old and homeless in London and New York
City: a cross-national comparison

Persons aged 50 and over are estimated to comprise about one fifth of
the homeless in New York City (NYC) and nearly one third of the
homeless in London (Weeden & Hall, 1985; Kelling, 1991). The
proportion of those aged 50 and over living in substandard singleroom occupancy (SRO) hotels or hostels may be even higher
(Keigher, 1991). However, older homeless have been an unwanted
stepchild of both the fields of homelessness and geriatrics. In contrast
to the scholarly literature on younger homeless that has mushroomed
in recent years, there have been relatively few papers written about
ageing homeless (Cohen, 1996). On a service level, most senior citizen
centres have shown little interest in this group, and public shelters
have been typically avoided by older homeless persons because of fear
of aggression by younger homeless, insensitive staff and accommodations that are not suitable for their physical disabilities (Coalition for
the Homeless, 1984). Finally, governmental policy has failed to
recognize the special needs of this ageing group, and even when
statutory entitlements exist, many older homeless have not obtained
such benefits (Kelling, 1991; Crane, 1993).
Although the absolute numbers of homeless persons in London are
lower than in NYC, the former has the highest number of homeless
persons among Western European cities (Adams, 1986; Toro &
Rojansky, 1990; Schmidt, 1992). This commonality of large-scale
homelessness in both cities creates an opportunity to undertake
cross-national comparisons of ageing homeless. Such comparisons
can provide answers to: (a) the proportionate contribution to the
causes of homelessness of individual pathology and behaviour versus

Old and homeless in London and New York


socio-political (structural) forces; (b) the effect of political, economic

and cultural differences on creating policies for the solution of
homelessness; (c) the ability of innovative, model programmes to
successfully address the problems of the homeless, and the effect of
broader structural forces on such programmes.

What is coldy among homeless persons?
For the most part, there has been a consensus in the literature that
studies of 'older' homeless should include persons aged 50 and over
(Gelberg et al., 1990). This is because many of these persons at age 50
look and act like persons 10-20 years older in the general community.
However, there are important differences between the 'younger5
homeless (i.e. ages 50 to 60 or 65) and the 'older' homeless (i.e. ages 65
and over). The latter, especially in the USA, are entitled to
considerably more social and health benefits, and this may have
important implications for their well-being.

What is homelessness?
The definition of homelessness in Britain and the USA has represented a compromise between social justice and social expediency
(Hopper, 1991). Until about 1980, homelessness in the USA included
persons living in marginal housing such as SRO hotels and low-cost
boarding houses (Bogue, 1963; Wallace, 1968). With the dramatic
expansion of homelessness that occurred after 1980, homelessness
became more narrowly defined, sometimes to include only street
persons but usually encompassing those persons living in public or
private shelters (Federal Task Force on Homelessness and Severe
Mental Illness, 1992). In Britain, a broader definition of homelessness
is generally used that comprises persons in hostels, bed and breakfast
hotels, squats and on the streets ('sleeping rough') (Gay, 1989; Gay &
Greener, 1990). However, economic constraints have increasingly led
many local councils in Britain to exclude all the above categories
except street living from the definition of homelessness (Gay, 1989).
Because of some of these problems with definitions, precise comparisons of the number of homeless in London and NYC are difficult.



The number of homeless in NYC of all ages living on the streets or in

public or private shelters is estimated to be 70 00090 000 (New York
State Coalition for the Homeless, 1989). Similarly, the number of
homeless in London of all ages living in unfit housing stock, squats,
bed and breakfast hotels, hostels and the streets is estimated to be
75000 (Greve, 1991). O'Flaherty (1991) suggested that if we viewed
shelters, hostels, hotels and squats all as measures that were defences
against street living, then the number of persons living on the street is
one point of comparability. It is estimated that there are 10 000 to
35 000 street persons in NYC and 1000 to 3000 street persons in
London (New York State Coalition for the Homeless, 1989; Greve,
1991; Havesi, 1991). Therefore, based on estimates that 20% and
33% of homeless persons in NYC and London are aged 50 and over,
respectively, then the absolute number of persons aged 50 and over
living on the streets of NYC are roughly 2-21 times that of London.

Theoretical approach
A cross-national comparison provides an excellent laboratory for
testing a general model of homelessness proposed by Susser et al.
(1993), and its adaptations for use with older homeless populations
(Cohen, 1996). This model theorizes that various background factors
(e.g. gender, race, parental socio-economic status), disruptive events
in youth and adulthood experiences (e.g. occupational history,
physical and psychiatric status, deviant behaviour, social supports)
may predispose persons to homelessness. These predisposing factors
interact with structural forces such as housing and economic conditions. Finally, there may be immediate precipitating events that tip a
person into homelessness. On becoming homeless, a person may
quickly find housing, remain chronically homeless, or alternate
between homelessness and domiciled status. A combination of individual and structural forces affect the ability of an individual to
become successfully re-domiciled.

Methods for comparison

The paucity of data on older homeless persons in the USA and the
UK makes comparisons difficult. Fortunately, there have been a few

Old and homeless in London and New York


reasonably well-constructed studies of older persons in both cities that

allowed for at least some provisional analyses. In NYC, three studies
provided the data base. Two were studies by Cohen and colleagues: a
study of 281 homeless men aged 50 and over living on the streets or in
the flophouses of New York's Skid Row, 'The Bowery' (Cohen &
Sokolovsky, 1989) and a study of 237 homeless women aged 50 and
over living in shelters or on the streets (Cohen, 1996). For clarity,
data from these two samples have been merged, except when gender
differences warranted separation. The third NYC study was by
Ladner (1992) and comprised 353 persons aged 60 or older living in
14 public shelters.
Data on London's homeless were derived from five investigators: a
study of 130 men and women aged 60 and over living on the streets in
London (Crane, 1993, 1994); a series of one-night surveys of 319
homeless persons, nearly all men, living in direct access hostels or on
the streets who had a mean age of 49 years (Weller et al., 1989); a
study of 70 women with a mean age of 52 years living in two direct
access hostels in inner London; a subsample of 58 male residents with
a mean age of 59 years living in a direct access hostel near Waterloo
Station; a subgroup of 55 men with a median age of 70 years living in
a direct access hostel in the London Borough of Camden (Wake,
In addition, review articles of older homeless persons in the USA
and the UK by Cohen (1996) and Kelling (1991), respectively, were
used to supplement the data from the specific studies described above.

Comparison of individual characteristics of older

New York City and London homeless populations
Among younger homeless samples in both NYC and London, the
proportion of women has been estimated at 10-25% (Bachrach,
1987; Scott, 1993). This proportion is probably similar among the
older homeless in both cities, although in Crane's (1993) study of
London's street homeless and in Ladner's (1992) study of public
shelter clients the proportion of women was nearly one third.
There are dramatic differences in the racial composition of older
homeless persons in NYC and London. In NYC, roughly half the



ageing street and shelter homeless were non-white (Ladner, 1992;

Cohen, 1996), whereas in London only about 1% of the ageing street
homeless are non-white (Kelling, 1991; Crane, 1993). Minorities may
be more prevalent in hostels; for example, Timms & Fry (1989)
reported 12% of their sample were black. Most vulnerable older
minorities double-up with friends or relatives, although some may be
hidden amongst the shop doorways or clubs in the black community
(Kelling, 1991). In London, the Irish were disproportionately
represented among the older street homeless, comprising one quarter
of the sample (Crane, 1993). In some London hostels, more than one
third of older residents are Irish (Wake, 1991).
The percentage having never married was 36% in Cohen's (1996)
studies in NYC and between 42 and 67% among London's older
homeless (Timms & Fry, 1989; Marshall & Reed, 1992; Crane,
1993). In both cities, women had married more frequently than had
men. Conversely, rates of divorce and separation were higher among
NYC homeless persons (about one half in NYC versus one third in
London); roughly one fifth to one quarter of the homeless in both
cities were widows. By contrast, all groups differed from the general
elderly population in NYC and London, among whom 7-11 % never
married, 3-5% were divorced or separated, 39-41% were widowed
and 4647% were currently married (Gurland et al., 1983).
Kelling's (1991) survey indicated that most older British homeless
have a life-time history of low income. Marshall & Reed (1992) found
that among London women in direct access hostels, 70% had held
unskilled jobs as domestics or factory workers. About one sixth held
white collar jobs (mostly clerical). Very similar occupational histories
were found among older homeless in NYC (Martin, 1982; Cohen,
1996). Approximately three fifths had skilled or semi-skilled jobs, one
fifth had unskilled jobs, and one fifth had white collar jobs (mostly
women who were in clerical or sales jobs). Occupational histories
among the homeless in both cities reflected the relatively lower
educational levels found among the homeless (Cohen, 1996).
Disruptive experiences in youth
A number of investigators (Susser et al., 1993) have identified
disruptive experiences in childhood and adolescence as predisposing
to homelessness. Among NYC homeless (Ladner, 1992; Cohen,
1996), roughly 1 in 5 or 6 experienced disruptive events such as foster

Old and homeless in London and New York


care or institutional living in their youth, and about two thirds were
raised by both parents. Although there are no data regarding foster or
institutional care among London's ageing homeless, Marshall &
Reed (1992) reported that nearly one fifth of their sample had
experienced significant separations from one or both parents and
16% reported an alcoholic parent.
Deviant behaviour
It is difficult to gauge the meaning of criminal arrests among ageing
homeless persons because many were arrested for loitering, vagrancy,
public intoxication and the like. There were considerable similarities
in history of incarceration between the two cities. In NYC, history of
arrests were 49% and 15% for men and women, respectively (Cohen,
1996). In London, arrest rates were 52% for men in Weller et fl/.'s
(1989) one-night surveys between 1985 and 1988 and 30% for
women in direct access hostels (Marshall & Reed, 1992).
Alcohol abuse was a common problem among the homeless in both
cities, with rates among older men being considerably higher than
among older women. Currently, about two fifths of the men in
Cohen's study in NYC and Crane's (1993) study in London were
problem drinkers. A survey of older residents at Arlington House
(Wake, 1991), a large direct access hostel for men, found one third
were heavily 'dependent' on alcohol. However, Timms & Fry (1989)
found only 3% of older direct access hostel residents to be clinically
diagnosable as alcohol-dependent. Among homeless women the
prevalence rate was 8% in NYC (Cohen, 1996) and 0-16% in various
London sites (Marshall & Reed, 1992; Crane, 1993). However, in
both cities, as many as one third of women may have life-time
histories of alcoholism (Marshall & Reed, 1992; Cohen, 1996).
History of substance abuse was less than 5% in both cities (Ladner,
1992; Marshall & Reed, 1992; Cohen, 1996).
Mental health
Mental illness has been identified as a major contributory factor to
homelessness in both the USA and Britain. Between 20% and 70% of
London's older homeless have been found to have active psychotic
symptoms, 'thought disturbances', a diagnosis of schizophrenia, or
prior psychiatric history (Timms & Fry, 1989; Weller et al., 1989;



Marshall & Reed, 1992; Crane, 1994). Rates for women were about
twice that of men. These figures were remarkably similar to those of
NYC's ageing homeless. For example, Cohen (1996) found 54% of
women and 23% of men exhibited psychiatric symptoms or had prior
psychiatric hospitalization; and among shelter residents aged 50 and
over, Crystal (1984) found 27% of women and 12% of men had prior
psychiatric hospitalization.
Prevalence of depression was also very high in both cities. Two
fifths of London's elderly street homeless and one third of NYC's older
street and shelter homeless reported substantial levels of depressive
symptoms (Crane, 1994; Cohen, 1996). This widespread despair was
illustrated by the fact that 30% of NYC's older homeless agreed that
'life was not worth living'. Whether these symptoms correspond to
actual clinical diagnosis is unclear. For example, the prevalence of
diagnosable affective disorders was less than 2% among London's
older hostel dwellers (Timms & Fry, 1989; Marshall & Reed, 1992).
Levels of cognitive deficits differed between the two cities. Moderate or severe cognitive disturbance was found in 39% of London's
street homeless (Crane, 1994), approximately half of whom were
judged to have severe problems. However, fewer than 4% of older
hostel dwellers had clinical diagnoses of organicity and dementia
(Timms & Fry, 1989; Marshall & Reed, 1992). In NYC, 9% of street,
shelter, or flophouse dwellers had moderate or severe deficits, and one
third of these were judged to be severe (Cohen, 1996).
Physical health
In both cities, the ageing homeless were thought to have impaired
physical health. Many suffered from the so-called 'Skid Row Syndrome' of respiratory disease, gastro-intestinal disease, hypertension,
seizures and physical trauma (Feldman etal., 1974; Ashley etal., 1976;
Timms & Fry, 1989). Among London's street homeless (Crane,
1993), 17% of the sample had mobility problems whereas 30% of the
NYC street and shelter sample (Cohen, 1996) had ambulatory
difficulties. Weller et al. (1989) reported that two fifths of London's
homeless persons required medical treatment. Many London hostels
housed very impaired older persons. For example, one hostel reported
(Wake, 1991) that one fifth of its tenants were unable to walk three to
four steps without help or were dependent on a wheelchair, and two
fifths had difficulty with stairs.

Old and homeless in London and New York


NYC homeless had twice the prevalence of somatic symptoms as a

community sample of elderly (Gurland et al., 1983; Cohen, 1996).
Ladner (1992) reported that nearly three fifths of older shelter
residents had current medical problems. Interestingly, ability to
perform daily activities was only slightly worse among the NYC older
homeless versus an elderly community sample (Gurland et al., 1983),
and actually substantially better than a sample of elderly living in
SRO hotels (Cohen et al., 1988).
Although by law persons cannot be rejected by general practitioners (GPs) in Britain because they are homeless, surveys have
found that one fifth of older homeless persons reported such rejections
(Kelling, 1991), and Weller et al. (1989) found half of the ageing
homeless did not have a GP. Consequently, some older persons have
been compelled to seek medical care at emergency rooms and
hospitals, where discharge plans are often poorly arranged. This
resembles findings in NYC, in which most homeless use public clinics
and emergency rooms. Despite these problems, 83% of NYC older
homeless persons had seen a physician in the past year, and half of
these persons had seen a physician in the past month; rates of
hospitalization were very high, with 32% reporting at least one
hospitalization in the past year (Cohen & Sokolovsky, 1989). In the
mid-1960s, Scott et al. (1966) reported that London's Skid Row men
were 'high consumers of hospital outpatient services'. This pattern of
health care utilization seemingly has persisted in both London and
NYC to the present day.
Social networks
There were marked differences between Londoners and New Yorkers
in the percentage of persons having and seeing children and other
relatives. Of the older London street homeless, 34% had children but
none had contact with them; 31% had living siblings or other
relatives, but only 3% of the sample were in contact with them
(Crane, 1993). Weller et al. (1989) found that roughly half of their
homeless sample reported no friends, and Marshall & Reed (1992)
found that only 14% of their hostel-dwelling women were in regular
contact with friends or family. Two thirds had no social contacts
other than with hostel staff. By contrast, 55% of the NYC homeless
had children and 81% had living siblings; three fifths of the NYC
homeless sample had contact with at least one child or relative



(Cohen, 1996). Moreover, older NYC homeless men and women had
mean social networks of 8.5 and 11.4 persons, respectively.
Patterns and pathways of homelessness
There was little evidence in either NYC or London that older
homeless persons were largely dischargees from institutions. Fewer
than 12% had been in institutions prior to becoming homeless
(Marshall & Reed, 1992; Crane, 1993; Cohen, 1996). Among those in
shelters or streets in NYC and London (Crane, 1993; Cohen, 1996)
about two thirds had reported living in apartments or houses and
about one quarter had been living in SRO hotels, hostels, or boarding
homes prior to becoming homeless. In NYC, half reported living
independently and two fifths said they had been living with family or
friends (Ladner, 1992; Cohen, 1996).
Although many persons stated that they had drifted into homelessness, in some instances the first episode of homelessness was triggered
by a specific event. The factors identified by self-report as more
immediate causes of homelessness were similar in NYC and London
(Ladner, 1992; Crane, 1993; Cohen, 1996): (a) financial, e.g. loss of
welfare support when children or grandchildren moved, rent raised,
loss of work; (b) breakdown of relationships due to death of spouse or
kin, conflict, or abuse; (c) eviction, sale of property, fire, or unsafe
conditions; (d) dissatisfaction with residence. Observations by researchers in both cities suggested that alcoholism and mental health
problems such as paranoid ideation also appeared to contribute to
creating homelessness (Marshall & Reed, 1992; Crane, 1993, 1994;
Cohen, 1996). On the basis of a variety of factors such as life-style,
family support and availability of public welfare, women are much
less apt to become homeless (Marin, 1991). Moreover, in NYC,
(Cohen, 1996), there was approximately a 10 year gap in the age that
women first became homeless (early fifties) versus men (early forties).
Those older persons in both cities who lived in the lowest level of
accommodations such as hostels or flophouses were able to develop a
greater level of stability than those in shelters or streets. For example,
the median length of time in flophouses or hostels was 2 years whereas
women in NYC shelters had a median length of stay of 4 months
(Marshall & Reed, 1992; Cohen, 1996). Among the older women in
NYC shelters, three common patterns were discerned: (a) prolonged
homelessness of 2 or more years (37%); (b) usually domiciled except

Old and homeless in London and New York


for a recent relatively brief episode (30%); (c) alternating between

homelessness and being domiciled (32%).
A 2 year follow-up study (Cohen, 1996) of these women indicated
that of 13 variables examined only 2 - psychoses and a prior history of
homelessness of 1 or more years - were significant predictors of
remaining homeless. On follow-up, only 40% of women were
re-domiciled. The data pointed to the inadequate level of low-cost
housing options for older homeless women, especially for those with
severe mental illness.

Structural factors and homelessness among older

In turning to social (i.e. structural) factors, we find that despite retrenchment over the past decade, the British system provides indigent
persons over 60 and those with disabilities levels of income that exceed
the official poverty level of 57 (note: l=$1.50) per week for a
single person (Piachaud, 1992). The poverty level is calculated as half
the average national income after housing costs. The basic weekly
income benefits are 42.45 and 59.15 for indigent persons aged 59
and under and 60 and over, respectively (Camden Welfare Rights
Unit, 1992), which is equivalent to monthly benefits of 183.95
($275.93) and 256.22 ($384.48), respectively. Additional benefits
are available for physical or mental disabilities that can bring weekly
benefits to over 100. Importantly, housing benefits are also provided on a sliding scale to all persons with savings of less than 16 000,
who are in rented accommodation where the rent has been set at a fair
market rate.
By contrast, levels of support for indigent Americans are much
lower. In NYC, which provides some of the most generous levels of
support in the country, indigent persons under 65 receive $358 per
month (approx. 239) for housing and general support, plus $111
(74) in food stamps. For those persons 65 and over or for those with
serious mental or physical disabilities, the level of income support is
$520 (347) per month plus $111 (74) in food stamps. The poverty
level for a single person is $580 (387) per month (Tiadail, 1992),
meaning that most needy New Yorkers receive supports below the
poverty level.
A second structural factor that may reduce the absolute number of



homeless in London is the greater availability of extremely low-cost

housing in London versus NYC. While there has been a loss of
roughly 8000 direct access (emergency) hostel bed spaces between
1983 and 1987 (Crane, 1990), there has also been an increase in
smaller and special needs hostels, that have offset many of the losses
(Gay & Greener, 1990). There are now 18 000 hostel spaces in
London (Gay & Greener, 1990). Moreover, London continues to
have approximately 25 000 spaces in bed and breakfast hotels, of
which one quarter are occupied by single persons (Gay & Greener,
1990). By contrast, in NYC the number of SRO hotel units decreased
from 127 000 to 14000 between 1970 and 1985 (Interagency Council
on the Homeless, 1991).
Both cities have experienced a decline in low-cost housing stock
generated by conversions of rentals to private ownership, the absence
of government support for public rental housing, and the competition
for living space in the central city as these sections were transformed
from manufacturing to service centres (Adams, 1986; Hopper, 1988;
Greve, 1991). However, despite these common trends, London has a
much greater supply of public (council) housing than does NYC,
although both cities now have substantial waiting lists. NYC has
190000 units in public housing and a waiting list of 200000
applicants (Marcuse, 1990). London has 742000 council units and a
waiting list of 306 000 applicants (Department of Environment, 1993;
Greve, 1991). About two thirds of all new council lettings in London
now go to homeless applicants. While there are differences between
council housing in London and public housing in NYC - the former is
often used by the middle class whereas the latter is exclusively for the
poor London does have more opportunities for affordable low-cost
housing. Importantly, in Britain, the Housing Act of 1985 stipulates
that certain groups, including the elderly and those with mental or
physical disabilities, have priority for permanent accommodation
(Gay, 1989). By contrast, there are no statutory provisions for
permanent housing in NYC, and local authorities have been under
judicial decree to provide emergency shelter.
Because the safety net is stronger in Britain for individuals as well as
their families, there is a tendency for families to provide shelter
through doubling-up and the like. In NYC, families often have less
public support, and when coupled with drug problems and other
family strains, older persons, particularly minorities, may not be
housed by children or other relatives. However, older NYC women

Old and homeless in London and New York


generally remain in contact with the family, even if they are living in a
shelter. In Britain, on the other hand, because separation from the
family is rare, when it occurs, it usually reflects a severe rift, sometimes
triggered by an older person's psychopathology. Consequently, the
older homeless in London report few contacts with kin and many
years of isolation.
There are several structural factors that affected older British and
American homeless alike (Hopper, 1988; Greve, 1991). Both Britain
and the USA experienced economic downturns in the early 1980s.
Accompanying this recession was the permanent loss of manufacturing jobs as London and NYC shifted increasingly to service economies. Many persons, especially those who were older and blue collar
workers, were unable to re-enter the workforce during the economic
recovery that ensued.
Secondly, both Britain and the USA have undergone large-scale
release of patients from psychiatric hospitals, although the pace in
Britain has lagged behind that of the USA. Thus, there was an 80%
drop of psychiatric inpatients in the USA between 1955 and 1990,
whereas the British experienced a 60% decrease over the same time
period (Murphy, 1991). In both countries many older inpatients
were 'trans-institutionalized' into nursing homes, although this
practice has been curtailed in both countries. In Britain, for example,
more older inpatients are being discharged to residential care
programmes (Murphy, 1991). Nevertheless in both countries, there is
an inadequate array and supply of residential treatment programmes
that cater to older adults (Lipmann, 1995).
A third important structural factor concerns access to benefits,
health care and housing. Thus, whereas all Britons aged 60 and over
are legally entitled to sufficient income to live above the poverty
level, to health and psychiatric care under the National Health
Service and to priority placement for permanent housing, there is
evidence that the poorest segments of the elderly population do not
always receive these benefits. For example, with respect to housing,
local authorities had varying interpretations of age vulnerability;
they often considered any 'reasonable' offer of permanent housing
to fulfill their obligations; interpretations of homelessness differed
with only 30-40% of authorities considering persons in bed and
breakfast hotels or hostels as homeless; and many authorities were
often insensitive to older persons and perceived them as 'lost causes'
(Gay, 1989; Kelling, 1991). Weller et al.'s (1989) survey found that



one fifth of ageing London homeless persons were receiving no

benefits at all.
Similarly, with respect to health care, homeless persons may be
discouraged from registering with a GP because they are incorrectly
told that they need a permanent address (Primary Care for Homeless
Team, 1991). As GPs are now assuming management of their
budgets, they may be even more reluctant to register persons with
complex needs. Not registering with the GP means that homeless
persons are denied access to medical specialty service, district
nursing, psychiatric care, health visiting services and other community services (Kelling, 1991, 1992). Advocates for the homeless have
contended that many of the increased health problems found among
homeless persons and families such as high levels of tuberculosis,
gastro-intestinal disturbances and low immunization levels - conditions that resemble those found among the homeless in the USA - are
related to the shortcomings of primary care (Access to Health, n.d.).
Finally, access to benefits are often impeded by local authorities or by
the central government. For example, persons with mental illness
frequently have difficulty obtaining additional disability payments,
allowances to establish independent housing, or crisis loans. Many
persons, especially the elderly, are unaware of their statutory rights
(Crane, 1993).
Homeless persons in NYC have fewer statutory entitlements than
those in London, and what is potentially available is often not
obtained. Although virtually all older homeless persons in NYC are
entitled to Medicaid, nearly three fifths were not receiving this
benefit. Similarly, despite eligibility, fewer than one third were
receiving food stamps, and between 40 and 50% were not receiving
supplemental social security or public assistance (Ladner, 1992;
Cohen, 1996). Thus, for example, a recent survey found that fewer
than half of single shelter residents have any form of public assistance
or social security disability despite virtually all being eligible (New
York City Commission on the Homeless, 1992). What is evident in
both countries is that in times of shortage and economic retrenchment, there is little incentive to encourage applications for entitlements. Thus, bureaucratic conspiracy or indifference coupled with
ignorance about benefits have worked to exclude certain segments of
the population from benefits.

Old and homeless in London and New York


Towards a causal model of ageing and

When the cross-national comparison of ageing homeless persons
presented here is tested within the theoretical model outlined at the
beginning of the chapter, our comparison validates the model's
assumption that certain individual factors are associated with homelessness. As summarized in Table 10.1, in contrast to older persons in
the general population, older homeless persons in both countries have
considerably higher levels of social, psychiatric and physical problems. To what extent these factors predispose to homelessness and/or
are risk factors for remaining homeless is unclear. Also, some of these
factors (e.g. depression, diminished social contacts) may be byproducts of being homeless. It is evident from our analysis that older
homeless persons in both cities are remarkably similar. Nevertheless,
the prevalence of homelessness among the ageing is substantially
lower in London. Thus, we believe that the differences in prevalence
can be best explained by the structural forces, particularly the
housing and economic variables, described in the second half of this
chapter. Moreover, the cross-national comparison suggests that
systemic forces are much more potent than individual factors in
determining the extent of homelessness, although individual factors
may have more of a role in shaping qualitative features (i.e. patterns)
of the ageing homeless population. However, the latter still represents
an interplay between systemic and individual elements.

On a broader societal level, there are important differences in how
the British and Americans must approach the problem of ageing
homeless. In Britain, in theory there are a variety of statutory social
programmes that should provide adequate income support, health
care and housing. There are less firm supports for psychiatric
aftercare, but this has begun to be addressed under the new legislation
(Murphy, 1991). In the USA, considerably less statutory support is
available to older persons - especially for those between the ages of 50
and 64 - and what is available may not be easily accessed. Thus, we



Table 10.1. Older homeless and community samples in New York City
and London: individual characteristics

Physical disorders
Activity limitations
Cognitive deficits
Low social contacts
Marital status
Never married
Never had children
Alcohol usec
Poor grooming/
Low skilled
Racial minorities
Disruptive youth
History of


New York City


New York City and

London community*




+ / + + +d







-f + +








Note: For each variable, the lowest score is given a value of ( + ) and the other
scores are approximate multiples of this baseline score.
Gurland et al. (1983).
Women > men.
Men > women.
Street homeless.

find in the USA, those between 50 and 64 years of age have

prevalence rates of homelessness that are proportional to their
representation in the general population (12%), whereas those over
65 have disproportionately low rates of homelessness, i.e. 3% homeless versus 12% in the general population (Cohen, 1996). Therefore,
in Britain, a significant component of the solution must entail linking
older homeless persons with organizations who can advocate on their
behalf. In the USA, while case advocacy is likewise necessary, efforts
must be directed to obtaining more statutory benefits and supports
for older persons, especially for those between the ages of 50 and 64.

Old and homeless in London and New York


In Britain, there seems to be substantially fewer emergency shelters

and drop-in centres for older persons than in the USA, especially
those that cater for women (Kelling, 1991; Crane, 1993). A number of
such drop-in/social centres have arisen in NYC and other large
American cities. While there is a general consensus that these centres
should be age-segregated, there is less consensus about whether there
should be separate programmes for the mentally ill. Our data from a
service programme for seniors in NYC indicate that a generic,
age-segregated programme can be successful in attracting those
persons with serious mental illness (Cohen et aL, 1993). This programme, which revolves around a senior lunch programme, is open to
all persons aged 60 and over. Situated one block from the Bowery, it
attracts many indigent elderly, about one third of whom have serious
mental illness. Once engaged in the programme, those with mental
illness are sometimes willing to seek additional treatment. However,
even among those who do not want specialized services, their quality
of life and well-being have been enhanced by the regular meals, free
clothing, assistance with entitlements and housing, and by the
socialization that they have received.
Although one must be mindful of respecting civil rights, mobile
units of the type used by Project Help in NYC (Cohen & Sullivan,
1990) to involuntarily hospitalize persons may be useful for certain
segments of London's older homeless population, such as persons with
moderate or severe organic mental syndromes. These persons' cognitive deficits usually render them incapable of making informed
decisions about their well-being, and placement in a more supportive
environment is warranted.
Finally, we have no evidence that most older homeless persons
whether mentally ill or not, prefer to live on the streets rather than in
safe accommodation. A range of housing options are needed in both
countries. Some of those with mental illness are fearful of being
segregated with other psychiatric cases. Nearly half of London's
elderly street persons had lived in hostels, but they had found them
too noisy, too restrictive, too violent and lacking in privacy (Crane,
1993). However, nearly two fifths of London's elderly street homeless
expressed a desire to have a room in a home with others, and one third
wanted an independent flat or room. For older women already living
in hostels, Marshall & Reed (1992) found that among those expressing residential preferences, nearly half wanted their 'own place' and
about one third would be content to remain in the hostel if they could



have more privacy. These desires were not dissimilar to those of

NYC's homeless (Cohen & Sokolovsky, 1989; Cohen, 1996). For
example, among older homeless women offered placement from a
shelter, fear of new neighbours or residents, financial concerns and
distance from familiar neighbourhoods were cited as the principal
reasons for not accepting the placement. Likewise, older Skid Row
men were willing to accept apartment programmes that were
relatively close to their former neighbourhoods, convenient to shopping and that afforded independence and security.

A comparison of older homeless in London and NYC indicated the
1. Although personal biography and traits contribute to individual
homelessness, structural forces largely determine the extent of
homelessness and, to a lesser degree, the patterns of homelessness.
2. Statutory regulations are necessary but not sufficient to provide
housing and income support to older persons. In difficult economic periods, governments may discourage persons from seeking
assistance, and strong advocacy is required to secure entitlements.
3. Most older homeless persons in both cities do not prefer to live on
streets or in shelters. However, any housing scheme must recognize
the desire for independence expressed by many older homeless
persons as well as the high levels of physical and mental illness both psychoses and cognitive disorders - that may necessitate
more intensive supervision and care. Thus, any solution must
entail a suitable mix of age-segregated, safe and supportive
housing programmes.

The authors greatly appreciate the assistance of Heather Petch, Mary
Carter, Jay Sokolovsky, John Mason, Kim Hopper, Frank Lipton,
Diane Sonde, Ellen Baxter, Eric Roth, Eugene Feigelson and Carole
Lefkowitz. This work was supported in part by NIMH Center for
Mental Disorders Branch grant no. RO1-MH45780.

Old and homeless in London and New York


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Primary health care of the single homeless

To write about the primary care of the single homeless suggests that
there are particular factors in that population that are in some way
different to the general population, and that these influence care. It is
important to understand these factors if we are to look at primary care
in this setting. To start with, who exactly do we mean and can we
define the population? This is far from straightforward but definitions
should include inadequate accommodation and some degree of
disaffiliation from society. 'Single' homeless usually means those who
are unmarried or divorced and without close supportive relationships, but occasionally married couples are seen within groups
considered to be single homeless. In this chapter, we will look at the
care of a wide and disparate population, living on the streets, in
hostels, night shelters and bed and breakfast accommodation, as well
as those in more permanent accommodation but who have previously
had more tenuous accommodation.

A morbidity profile
A number of studies have described the physical and psychiatric
morbidity of a variety of single homeless populations. In terms of
physical health, frequent infectious, respiratory and skin diseases and
infestations are usually described, along with trauma (Hewetson,
1975; Powell, 1987; Shanks, 1988). Within this perhaps obvious
pattern are more serious diseases, less prevalent in the general
population. Tuberculosis is the best known (Patel, 1985) although
others such as epilepsy are found more frequently than expected.
Over 50% of hostel populations are usually found to suffer from a

Primary health care of the single homeless


600 r

Figure ILL Presenting problems of new patients. Note that 40% of new patients
presented with psychiatric problems.
chronic disease (Scott et aL, 1966). Studies of psychiatric disorders
show wide variations, schizophrenia is common and its prevalence
has been estimated in one study as over 40% (Weller et aL, 1989).
Personality disorder, a term not usually defined precisely, has been
described at up to 50% in some studies (Lodge Patch, 1971). Major
affective disorders are often found to be more common than expected.
Alcoholism is common, as is drug abuse, and often co-exists with
severe psychiatric or physical illness. Figure 11.1 shows the morbidity
pattern of presenting patients at our medical centre in 1992-1993,
and is typical of that recorded amongst homeless populations.
The variation in morbidity patterns reported in various studies is
wide, and in large part reflects the different settings in which the
studies were conducted. This has important implications as the single
homeless are often erroneously thought to be an essentially homogeneous group by politicians and health planners. The studies
showing a high prevalence of schizophrenia, usually with much lower
levels of alcohol abuse, have generally been conducted in hostels or in
ill-defined groups such as those attending the Crisis at Christmas
emergency shelter. Street dwellers are more difficult to assess, but in
our study of those staying at a cold weather shelter in London at a
time of deep snow, the pattern was predominantly that of alcohol
abuse (over 60%) and only 9% were defined as definitely or probably



psychotic (Reed et al., 1992). Whilst the shelter stayed open, the
number of alcoholics fell rapidly due to aggressive and disruptive
behaviour, whilst the number of schizophrenics rose as they were far
easier to cope with. Studies of young homeless people find less severe
mental illness but high levels of anxiety, family problems and drug
abuse. Overall, around 80-90% of single homeless people are male,
although the sex balance is far more even in the younger groups.
There are few studies of older homeless women, but what data are
available suggest a high prevalence of severe mental illness (Marshall
& Reed, 1992). A number of classifications of homelessness have been
described, perhaps the most useful of which is that of Fischer &
Breakey (1986). They recognized four groups: the chronically mentally ill, alcohol abusers, the situationally distressed and street
dwellers. These groups vary in terms of morbidity, age structure and
life-styles. The young (age < 20 years) are more likely to suffer
situational distress, the chronically mentally ill are more likely to
reside in hostels as described, and alcohol abusers on the streets, and
both of these groups tend to be older. One way to look at the
morbidity patterns is to distinguish between those illnesses that are a
consequence of homelessness, and those which may result in homelessness. Surprisingly, the pathways of social, psychological and
medical problems underlying homelessness have received little attention as yet. There is some evidence that schizophrenia precedes the
onset of homelessness, and that the mental, family and social
deterioration that the illness causes underlies the subsequent homelessness (Tidmarsh & Woods, 1972). Similar evidence is available for
homeless people who abuse alcohol (Myerson & Mayer, 1966), and
recently it has been suggested that the social and psychiatric problems
that are more common in children with epilepsy predisposes to
subsequent homelessness, explaining to an extent the excess of this
condition seen among the homeless (Ramsden, 1994). It has been
considered that many of those who previously were in long-stay
psychiatric hospitals would subsequently become homeless although
in contrast to the USA, there is little evidence as yet that this is the
case (Geddes et al., 1994). Tuberculosis in this context is a result of
homelessness: one hostel study from the USA showed that the
likelihood of a positive tuberculin test increased with the duration of
stay at the hostel (McAdam et aL, 1985).

Primary health care of the single homeless


A demographic and psycho-social profile

Reference has already been made to the diversity of the population,
and to some extent the demographic and psycho-social profile reflects
this. However, there are common strands. As mentioned most are
male. The age distribution is wide. In terms of place of origin, there is
a preponderance of people from the north of England, Scotland and
Ireland. Most are white, though increasingly people from ethnic
minorities are being seen. In particular, among the younger homeless, many come from institutional care and many from broken
homes. Educational achievement is usually low and many have not
sustained prolonged periods of employment. Many have prison
records, although often for petty or drink-related offences. Few have
close relationships and many describe intense social isolation. The
picture that emerges is of individuals who have multiple medical and
social handicaps, often beginning early in life, and who are isolated
and disaffiliated from society.

Factors underlying presentation to medical

The decision to consult a doctor is for most people a complex decision
based on an assessment of symptoms, their perceived significance and
the likely effect of consultation, as well as family and peer advice and
pressure. Similar factors affect the decision to seek medical advice
amongst homeless people, although other pressures, such as the need
to find shelter, food and, for some, alcohol may take priority. We often
see people who have ignored illnesses until they are advanced, for
example severe leg ulceration, cellulitis or tuberculosis. Some have
argued that the principal barrier is that doctors discourage the
homeless and discriminate against them. However, in practices that
are freely available and perceived as such, patients often still delay
seeking advice. Projects that have tried to ensure that the patients are
registered on general practitioners' lists find, contrary to received
dogma, that the patients often fail to consult or follow-up, and that
little difference has been made to those the project aimed to help
(Editorial, 1989; Williams & Allen, 1989). The reasons underlying



this are that whilst some of the external barriers to consultation have
been addressed, the internal barriers particularly emotional ones are
ignored. Many patients express guilt at their circumstances and
life-style, and others an expectation that they will be unwell. Some
find sitting in waiting rooms with patients who are not homeless
threatening and humiliating. Nonetheless illness is frequent and may
necessitate consulting a doctor. 'Flu' or leg ulcers or injuries may
make coping with the demands of homelessness difficult, and other
symptoms such as cough or abdominal pain may be understood as
evidence of a life-threatening disease, that the individual feels is the
result and perhaps desserts of social failure and homelessness.

Aspects of the consultation

This emotional baggage is necessarily evident when homeless people
consult with doctors. In many ways the consultation is the doctor's
moment of truth where his authenticity, humanity, understanding,
knowledge and intentions are put to the test. Much has been written
about various aspects of it, particularly by Balint (1964) and
Pendleton et al. (1982), but the particular needs of homeless patients
necessitate a very much broader view of its nature, dynamics and
possibilities. In conventional circumstances, the role of the doctor and
the patient are fairly well defined, and subject to the norms of conduct
that are, generally, accepted within social contexts common to them
both (El-Kabir, 1993). Even in these circumstances grey areas are
encountered, from time to time, where both the doctor and the
patient are ill-equipped - disability, misfortune and infirmity,
degeneration and death for example, or even stresses and disaffections
of daily life. The best that can be expected (and it is good) is summed
up by the old aphorism 'guerir quelquefois, soulager souvent, consoler

toujours' (cure sometimes, relieve often, console always). This, alas, is

not quite good enough for the vulnerable people we describe in this
chapter. Their deprivation firmly puts the onus of what can be done
for them in the lap of the carer.
The consultation cannot therefore be understood in isolation of the
social context and the mores in which it takes place. It represents the
meeting point of two pasts and two presents, and the only way in
which it can have a sustained continuity in the future (and that is
surely a potent index of effectual care) depends on what can be
created by mutual trust.

Primary health care of the single homeless


The first point of contact is the most crucial one, and its model
applies to all subsequent encounters. The role of the receptionist is
therefore, in this respect, crucial in setting the ambience of the
consultation. The aim is the same for all the care workers: to make
manifest one's intentionality, the basic motive behind one's choice of
action. One's perception of another's situation leads to a number of
different options, to which the doctor may not be sensitive, owing to
his own past, or other circumstances of which he may not be entirely
aware. To do that implies a degree of self-awareness that requires
training and development. One has to put across one's humanity
rather than one's sympathy, and also one's desire to understand. A
thorough professionalism and an attention to detail, especially to
shades of meaning and to fleeting impressions, is essential. Someone we wish we could remember who wrote: Ha verite est dans les nuances'*
(truth is in the nuances). How very true. There is no room here for
cosmetics. It is not much use maintaining eye contact if this is
perceived by the other person to reveal a glazed look and an
invitation to collusion. The doctor has a need to feel effective, as much
as the patient has a desire to be reassured. This may lead to short-term
solutions and to superficial insights, a sort of psychological treading
water. Collusion and care can thus become mutually exclusive. The
role of rapport with homeless people has been illustrated by Shanks
(1981). He interviewed a group of his patients obtaining sociodemographic information, this was repeated 6 months later. The
discrepancy in the data was less than 1%. A colleague interviewed a
different group, introducing himself as a hospital doctor doing
research. His data showed over a third of data items were discrepant.
Clearly the responsibility for building up this trust is heavily
weighted towards the doctor. He has more to do, more adjusting of
attitudes to perform than the patient, who is a supplicant with
problems that are both complex and obscure. To understand these
the doctor has not merely to be on top of his metier, but he has to
evaluate the situation that faces him and gauge the appropriateness of
his response to it. It is our belief that people who are deprived or
oppressed are generally very observant and astute as to the personality of the people they deal with. An eminent chest physician who has
been interested in some aspects of the care of the homeless recently
mentioned to us that when he was interviewing homeless patients, he
felt that he was himself being interviewed! It has to be added that this
evaluation is all the more potent because it is invariably wordless.
How is the doctor to survive this appraisal and how is he to establish



his credentials as someone who can be entrusted with the confidence

of those who may be fragile, frightened or simply weighed down with
guilt and shame?
The traditional received formula in such instances is to offer
'reassurance' and 'support' as though these are commodities in the
keeping of the doctor, there to be dispensed as and when necessary
pro re nata. This can become something of a culture, where the whole
concept of what might happen after the consultation, and how far,
and in what spheres, the doctor might influence the future course of
the patient's life is very remote from what the doctor would see as his
remit. Yet this attitude can have the most serious repercussions on the
course of individual treatment, and even on the health of the general
public. Two examples come readily to mind: the discharge into 'the
community' of mentally ill homeless patients, and the notorious
failure of effectively treating tuberculosis among the homeless (Ramsden et aL, 1988), in whom it is prevalent. One can only point out the
dangers, which are now clearly recognized in the USA, of the
development of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis due to multiple
failed treatments to appreciate that a major public health problem
may well face us here as well. One must accept that this is an
illustration of the inadequacies of our health services to understand
the problems of this population or to respond to their needs.
One can think of the consultation as an 'enabling process' as
opposed to a politically correct concept of giving the patient a voice to
state his rights. The lack of distinction between these two seemingly
similar ideas is at the root of what we consider to be the ineffectiveness
of so many projects, voluntary or government funded, to come up
with a convincing model of care in the community for the mentally ill.
The sole purpose of the consultation could be said to lay a sound basis
for the continuity of care, and hence for appropriate care to be
followed through as far as it can be, so that one can be satisfied that it
can be pursued no further by identifying the nature or causes of those
limitations, be they social, economic or political factors, the doctor's
resources, or the patient's personality. Little good is done to the cause
of the homeless by well meaning but simplistic ideas about housing
and integration. More attention needs to be devoted to understanding and addressing the individual needs of the vulnerable.
Clearly the structure of some services, in particular psychiatric,
lend themselves poorly to be seen as a haven of care. A hospital setting
and an appointment system for outpatients is so inappropriate as to

Primary health care of the single homeless


verge on the grotesque. Their hierarchical structure and the constant

change of personnel militate against the sort of continuity that is
needed to build bridges and to lay foundations for a meaningful
relationship between psychiatrist (and even more so, the nurse or the
social worker) and those in their care. At Great Chapel Street
Medical Centre (El-Kabir, 1982), funding had to be sought from a
charity to fund the work of the psychiatrist along the lines we indicate.
It has proved possible to establish continuity of care with many
psychiatrically ill homeless people who had left previous psychiatric
care, particularly those with schizophrenia (Joseph et al., 1990).

The various types of provision of health services

The diversity of age, groupings and life-style suggests that no single
approach to the health needs of the homeless is likely to be universally
appropriate or successful. Historically general practice surgeries and
clinics held in hostels provided medical care for the homeless. More
recently a number of other approaches have been developed such as
specialized general practice surgeries specifically designed to meet the
needs of the homeless. A number of themes run through successful
projects, and each approach has disadvantages as well as advantages.
A variety of outreach services have developed, some with doctors
going to sites where the homeless congregate, and others where social
care and housing workers encourage sick individuals on the streets to
attend local clinics. What has generally not been developed on a large
scale is a planned and integrated arrangement of health care for all
homeless people with effective links to social care and various forms of
housing. Excellent care can be offered to large numbers of homeless
people by general practice surgeries. They can be accessible and may
become the point of access to a large number of services. Some general
practitioners have been said to discriminate against the homeless,
particularly by denying them registration, although in the authors'
experience this is not common. Despite accessibility many homeless
will not use these services for the reasons that have been alluded to
above. There are also a few homeless people whose behaviour is so
disruptive that they are difficult to cope with in a usual clinic setting.
In order to widen availability of health care to those who would not
otherwise utilize it, some general practitioners have for many years
held clinics in day centres and hostels for the homeless. This works



best when there is liaison between the centre staff and the medical
services, and where the support of trustworthy staff can encourage the
use of the services by reluctant people. We have found that patients
will often develop a considerable degree of trust in the individual
clinics, although they would still be cautious of seeing other doctors,
particularly in a hospital setting. Some claim that such services
increase the marginalization of the homeless by restricting their
access to 'mainstream' services, although those who argue this rarely
attempt to address the problems described above. Specialist clinics
have evolved to care for the homeless and can function as a point of
re-entry to services and society as a whole. Some have proved
remarkably successful in gaining the trust of both patients and
homeless networks, and have been able to orientate their services and
style to their needs. For example, Great Chapel Street Medical
Centre in Soho, London has open access to all services, including
psychiatry as well as offering nurse, chiropody, dental and social
work care. The centres can also gain expertise in the best use of social
workers, housing and other resources, which may be needed to ensure
effective care. They are probably most effective where there are
particularly large populations of homeless people, including those
sleeping rough. These conditions are most likely to be found in large
inner cities. Outreach services can meet a further group of homeless
people who rarely use day centres, hostels or other services. One study
from a mobile clinic that visited various sites in London found that a
third claimed to rarely use other services (Ramsden et al., 1989). Once
trust had been established, people started to use the services, and a
third of those visited started to use a nearby clinic for the homeless
staffed by the same doctors within a month of the first consultation at
the mobile surgery. Outreach services are most effective when the
trust and rapport can be developed as a result of their operation
effectively encourages patients to use services, as there are obvious
limitations to the scope of medical care provided on the streets.
Homeless people often consult with a daunting combination of
physical and psychiatric disorders, and on a number of occasions we
have found that treatment is particularly difficult whilst the patient
remains on the streets. Examples include leg ulcers, pulmonary
tuberculosis, psychosis and severe 'flu'-like illnesses. Such patients are
frequently reluctant to be admitted to hospitals, and in some cases, the
hospitals themselves are reluctant to admit patients when 'social
problems' form such a large component of the illness. In 1984 we

Primary health care of the single homeless

started a sick bay, Wytham Hall, to admit such patients. Since then
around 1400 patients have been cared for. It allows the treatment of
complex problems, and many patients react to the relaxed and
protected atmosphere by beginning to discuss their lives and consider
changing the direction of their lives. All are offered housing on
discharge, of a sort which is most likely to support the individual, and 2
years after discharge, about 40% remain in stable accommodation.
The cure rate for tuberculosis has risen from about 25-30% without a
sick bay to between 60-70%. In many ways the sick bay represents a
synthesis of personal care, along with integrated social, housing and
medical resources in a way that is often hard to achieve. Homeless
people often use hospitals for their health care. Casualty departments
particularly are used for primary care, and inpatient beds to care for
those with a variety of conditions, particularly psychiatric, orthopaedic and medical. There is often considerable frustration on both
sides. Hospital doctors may feel they admit because they have no
alternative and cannot make any real difference to the person's overall
life. Discharge is difficult and all too often to inappropriate accommodation, and with poor or non-existant social follow-up. In many cases
patients discharge themselves before treatment is completed. Homeless people frequently find the authoritarian atmosphere and loss of
liberty distressing and even intolerable. A number of hospitals have
started to develop links with primary care centres for the homeless and
housing departments to overcome some of these problems and it is
likely that close liaison between primary and secondary care can do
much to improve the quality of care for homeless people.

Failure of projects
Whilst the above describes many initiatives and areas to develop, a
relatively large number of projects over the past 20 years have ceased
to exist or failed to develop beyond a quite limited scope. A number of
themes underlie the success or otherwise of projects. Failure may
result from a lack of clarity about the aims of the project or non-viable
goals. These projects have suffered through poor groundwork to
establish what resources were needed and have led to the service not
being used by the homeless. Staff may have unrealistic expectations of
what can be achieved, and rapidly lose heart. Some start or become
isolated from others working in primary care and again become




disillusioned. Successful projects usually start from a position of clear

need, and may attract able staff who can carry the project through
difficult times. Adaptation and change are also a feature, along with a
willingness to shed rigid preconceptions about work patterns and job
descriptions. In recent years new government money has become
available for a variety of health initiatives for the homeless, but sadly
it seems that the lessons of previous difficulties have yet to be learnt (or
remembered) in a number of cases.

The need for integration

The starting point for the care of a homeless person begins with the
first consultation. The scope of the consultation has been described
during which areas of potential change in the person's life-style may
be identified. People have problems with housing or may be unable to
utilize available resources. They may need a supportive relationship
to help negotiate difficult life situations. This at a stroke implies that
social support, appropriate housing and psychological help should be
available along with any continuing medical care. Addressing these
broad and varied, but nonetheless urgent problems, is perhaps one of
the weakest areas of our health system, particularly in inner cities
where the single homeless are likely to be. Liaison between social
service departments, general practitioners, hospitals, housing along
with the voluntary sector is at best patchy. Resources are stretched
and time limited. Carers are alas too often imprisoned in their roles
and routines so that creative initiatives involving effective cooperation with other workers or agencies become difficult to initiate.
One of the present ideals of community care is joint planning and the
close liaison between health commissioning agencies and social
services. It is too early to tell where this will lead, but already in some
areas of London professional jealousies are resulting in limited
co-operation with inevitable results. Resources are not the only issue,
and imaginative schemes that break the cycle of ill health and
homelessness are likely to turn out to be highly cost efficient. As an
example, an average of 20 000 per patient (at 1993 prices) had been
spent on unsuccessful hospital care for patients with tuberculosis
subsequently admitted to our sick bay. Clearly the scope for economy
as well as the good care of individuals with tuberculosis is considerable if the cure rate can be doubled, as indeed we find could be the
case at our sick bay.

Primary health care of the single homeless

At this point, perhaps we should describe our own vision of effective
and integrated care. Hopefully it is not too naive. Each geographical
urban area should make an assessment of the numbers of homeless,
their accommodation, meeting points and the existing provision of
care (which is often more extensive than is realized). Areas with high
numbers of homeless, particularly street dwellers, may need a clinic
focusing on the care of the homeless. This clinic should perhaps take
the lead in co-ordinating information, liaising with secondary care
and accident and emergency departments. Areas where care is
efficient may need the encouragement of local general practitioners to
expand their availability or perhaps the introduction of new services.
Links need to be developed between social service and housing
departments and flexible, 'fast track' assessments made possible. The
slowness and formality of some assessments effectively exclude many
homeless from using them, although on paper the services are
available. The voluntary sector has much to offer, including day
centres, outreach work, drug and alcohol support along with housing
and is likely to be provided in a way that the homeless find acceptable.
Some sort of sick bay provision will be needed, as would detoxification
facilities. Finally links with more permanent housing facilities,
particularly supportive housing and community based psychiatric
support should be developed, although our experience suggests that
much remains to be learned before psychiatric teams could be
considered effective. However, perhaps what is needed most, before
such a system could be set up and operate effectively, is the
development of a new culture of care among its providers.

Balint, M. (1964). The Doctor, his Patient, and the Illness. 2nd edit.

London: Pitman Publishers Ltd.

Editorial. (1989). Homelessness. Lancet, ii, 778-9.
El-Kabir, D. J. (1982). Great Chapel Street medical centre. British
Medical Journal, 284, 480-1.

El-Kabir, D. J. (1993). Quelques observation sur les sans-abris. Les

Temps Modernes. Paris. 567, 47-51.

Fischer, P. J. & Breakey, W. R. (1986). Homelessness and mental

health: an overview. International Journal of Mental Health, 14, 6-41.

Geddes, J., Newton, R.5 Young, G., Bailey, S., Freeman, C. & Priest, R.
(1994). Comparison of prevalence of schizophrenia among hostels
for homeless people in 1966 and 1992. British Medical Journal, 308,




Hewetson, J. (1975). Homeless people as an at-risk group. Proceedings of

the Royal Society of Medicine, 68, 9-13.
Joseph, P., Bridgewater, J., Ramsden, S. & El-Kabir, D. J. (1990). A
psychiatric clinic for the single homeless in a primary care setting in
inner London. Psychiatric Bulletin, 14, 270-1.
Lodge Patch, I. C. (1971). Homeless men in London: demographic
findings in a common lodging house sample. British Journal of
Psychiatry, 118, 313-17.
Marshall, E. J. & Reed, A. (1992). Psychiatric morbidity in homeless
women. British Journal of Psychiatry, 160, 761-8.
McAdam, J., Brickner, P. W., Glicksman, R., Edwards, D., Fallon, B. &
Yanowitch, P. (1985). Tuberculosis in the SRO/homeless
population. In P. W. Brickner, L. K. Scharer, B. Gonanan, A. Elzy
& M. Savarese (eds.), Health Care of Homeless People, pp. 155-79.
New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Myerson, D. & Mayer, J. (1966). Origins, treatment and destiny of
skid-row alcoholic men. New England Journal of Medicine, 275,
Patel, K. R. (1985). Pulmonary tuberculosis in residents of lodging
houses, night shelters and common lodging houses in Glasgow: a
5-year prospective study. British Journal of Diseases of the Chest, 79,
Pendleton, D. A., Schofield, T. P. C. & Tate, P. H. L. (1982). The
Consultation: An approach to Learning and Teaching. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Powell, P. V. (1987). A 'house doctor' scheme for the primary health
care for the single homeless in Edinburgh. Journal of the Royal College
of General Practitioners, 37, 444-7.
Ramsden, S. (1994). Epilepsy and Homelessness. MD thesis. University
of London.
Ramsden, S., Baur, S. & El-Kabir, D. J. (1988). Tuberculosis among
the central London single homeless. Journal of the Royal College of
Physicians, 22, 16-17.
Ramsden, S., Nyiri, P., Bridgewater, J. & El-Kabir, D. J. (1989). A
mobile surgery for single homeless people in London. British Medical
Journal, 289, 372-4.
Reed, A., Ramsden, S., Marshall, J. et al. (1992). Psychiatric morbidity
and substance abuse among residents of a cold weather shelter.
British Medical Journal, 304, 1028-9.
Scott, R., Gaskell, P. & Morrell, D. (1966). Patients who reside in
common lodging houses. British Medical Journal, 2, 1561-4.
Shanks, N. J. (1981). Consistency of data collected from inmates of a
common lodging house. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health,
35, 133-5.
Shanks, N. J. (1988). Medical morbidity of the homeless. Journal of
Epidemiology and Community Health, 42, 183-6.
Tidmarsh, D. & Wood, S. (1972). Psychiatric aspects of destitution. In

Primary health care of the single homeless


J. K. Wing & A. M. Heuley (eds.), Evaluating a Community Psychiatric

Service. The Camberwell Register, 1964-1971, pp. 328-40. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Weller, M., Tobiansky, R., Hollander, D. & Ibrahimi, S. (1989).
Psychosis and destitution at christmas. Lancet, ii, 1509-11.
Williams, S. & Allen, I. (1989). Health Care for Single Homeless People.
Policy Studies Institute.


European Perspectives
Introduction to European chapter

Reviews of homelessness and mental disorder in the UK inevitably

draw comparisons with the situation in the USA (for example Scott,
1993). It is often assumed that the findings of any US study of
homeless people (from the level of frostbite in New York to the rates of
drug abuse in homeless women) are unquestionably generalizeable to
UK populations. In fact close comparisons between the USA and UK
are sometimes seriously misleading. In a Western democracy, the
level of homelessness is essentially a product of social policy, and so too
is the level of mental disorder amongst the homeless. In social policy
terms, (for example, in the provision of subsidized housing, free
health care, and state benefits) the UK now stands somewhere
between American and European norms. Thus, the UK resembles
the USA in that it has increasingly adopted a free market housing
policy. On the other hand, the UK government remains committed
(in public) to the European ethos of a national health service, and a
reasonable level of state assistance to the unemployed and disabled.
Mental disorder in homeless women is a good example of an area
where USAUK comparisons may mislead, when differences in
social policy are not taken into account. In the UK, local authorities
are obliged to provide emergency accommodation to homeless
families (usually a lone woman with children), and to rehouse such
families as a priority. Whilst these families may face long periods in
temporary accommodation (bedsits), they are eventually rehoused,
and do not have to make use of emergency shelters or hostels. In the
USA there is usually no obligation to rehouse homeless families.
Hence it is commonplace to find women with children living in
emergency accommodation. This difference in social policy has
interesting epidemiological implications because homeless women



with children are much less likely to surfer from severe mental
disorder than single homeless women. Hence it is difficult to make
comparisons between US and UK studies of the rates of mental
disorder in homeless UK women as the studies draw on very different
The main reason for many specious USAUK comparisons is
similarity of language rather than similarity of culture and social
policy. On these grounds a plausible case can be made that European
studies are of equal or greater relevance than USA studies. Yet UK
commentators have shown remarkably little interest in research
carried out by our European partners. This chapter attempts to
redress the balance by presenting the findings of relevant European
research that has remained largely uncited in English language
reviews. The amount of information presented is small in relation to
that which remains to be uncovered (for English readers). Nevertheless, the limited findings presented here demonstrate both the quality
of the research available, and the potential for furthering our
understanding of the causes of homelessness by cross-European
From Denmark, Brandt and Munk-Jorgensen, present a series of
studies of high epidemiological quality that have not previously been
discussed in the English language literature. From a UK point of view
the research has two interesting messages. First, even in societies with
highly developed welfare systems we see the problems of: homelessness amongst the young; accumulation of severely mentally ill in
lodging houses; and direct discharge of psychiatric patients from
hospitals to hostels. Secondly, unlike the UK, Denmark has not seen a
recent rise in the total numbers of homeless people, perhaps because
the state remains committed to providing low-cost accommodation to
those in need.
From Germany, Rossler and Salize again demonstrate that there is
a substantial body of relevant research that has not penetrated the
literature in English. As the authors point out, the interpretation of
the German findings is complicated by two special factors: the
problems of reunification, and the long-term effects of the Nazi policy
of exterminating people with severe mental disorders. Despite these
complicating factors, and the limitations of the available data, there is
evidence that Germany has seen an accumulation of people with
severe mental disorders in hostels for the homeless. It may be that

European Perspectives: Denmark


Germany is about to embark on a 'community care crisis' of the type

so familiar in the USA and UK.
From the Republic of Ireland, Fernandez shows remarkable
similarities with the situation in the UK. Both countries have seen a
reduction in state provision of housing and both appear to have a
growing homelessness problem. A unique aspect of the Irish situation
however, is the rise in demand for housing caused by the country
ceasing to be a net exporter of people.
In summary, a growing body of high quality research on homelessness and mental illness is beginning to emerge from other European
countries. This research is particularly relevant for the UK because of
its potential for showing how differences in social and community
care policy affect the levels of homelessness amongst the mentally ill.

Scott, J. (1993). Homelessness and mental illness. British Journal of
Psychiatry, 162, 314-25.

Homelessness in Denmark

Today we do not have poverty in Denmark, if poverty is defined as

lack of money for food, clothing, or a place to live. But one of the
consequences of poverty, homelessness, is well-known. It has been
suggested that: 'a high standard of living in a community can produce
its own problems as a by-product of the normal functions of the
community' (Jonsson, 1967). Maybe that is why we find homelessness in Denmark although we are known to be a rich country with a
good social welfare system.
But again it depends on definition. If homeless people are only
those living in the streets, sleeping in parks, on pavements in the inner
city, on railway stations, in basements, staircases, etc, few people are
homeless in Denmark.



In Copenhagen1, the capital of Denmark 2, about 100-500 persons

sleep in such places every night, and only a few of them for longer
Homeless people could also be defined as those who lack their own
home, those living in institutions from where they can be discharged
(i.e. psychiatric hospitals or prisons), or those living with friends for
one or two nights, or living in lodging houses. On an estimate,
10-15 000 persons are homeless in Denmark. Of these 5-6000
homeless people are living in Copenhagen. Therefore, between 0.3%
and 0.4% of the 3 500000 adult inhabitants in Denmark are
It seems that the number of homeless has been stable in the last
20-30 years, however, in the same period the demographic changes in
the group of homeless have been obvious. In Denmark it is still
possible to meet the middle-aged or old alcoholic male, a character
who 20 years ago made up 80-90% of the group of homeless, but
today he is only one out of five. Instead the group has become
younger. Even very young people are seen. There are both men and
women, and in Copenhagen as well as in other capitals or large cities,
you can meet the well-known group of 'bag-ladies'. Some are
mentally ill, and among them are also young schizophrenics discharged from the mental hospitals. Alcohol and/or drug addicts are in
the group, many are 'narco-prostitutes'.

Institutions for the homeless

According to the social security legislation, each county in Denmark
is under an obligation to establish institutions for people 'who are
homeless or not able to adjust to the ordinary way of living in the
community'. These lodging houses are of a very different kind; some
are best named as shelters, others are more like asylums (so called
Torsorgshjem') and finally, some function as boarding-homes.
In the shelters all homeless persons over 18 years can be offered a
bed for a night or more. They do not meet any demands other than a
very small payment for a stay. The staff is usually small and not
trained in mental illness.

Population in Copenhagen County: 603 883 inhabitants; in the municipality of

Copenhagen: 466 129 inhabitants; in total 1070012 inhabitants.
Denmark has a total population of 5.1 million.

European Perspectives: Denmark


Table 12.1. Contribution of very young jolder

homeless men compared to contribution of very
young/older homeless women
24 and under
25 and over







Source: Amstradsforeningeni Danmark (1990).

In the other types of institutions? efforts are made to help the

homeless back to 'a normal life'. In these institutions the homeless are
in some way selected before they are let in. In some institutions they
do not want drug addicts and in others they try to avoid severely
mentally ill persons.
In Denmark there are 2300 lodging house beds, half of them in
Copenhagen. Most of the institutions are run by religious organizations, but financed by the government.

Characterization of the homeless and the

homeless mentally ill
In 1989 a 'one-day survey' was carried out on the initiative of the
County Council Association among 2213 homeless people housed in
lodging houses (Amstradsforeningen i Danmark, 1990). The survey
showed that the largest group of homeless (1100 persons) was 35-54
years old, and that the group of persons aged 18-34 years was sharply
increased from 375 persons in 1976 to 800 in 1989. In the same period
the group of persons aged 54 and over was halved.
The increase in number of homeless women was even more
remarkable than the increase in the group of young homeless. The
percentage of women in the lodging houses rose from 6% in 1976 to
20% in 1989. There seems to be a connection between the increasing
number of young lodging house users and the growing number of
homeless women. The homeless women were younger than the men
(see Table 12.1). It was also in this group of young homeless that a



growing number of persons with major mental disorders was found.

Previously in Danish literature about homelessness most of the
homeless were described as having some kind of mental problems. In
the investigation mentioned above the most common diagnoses were
personality disorder, dementia and alcoholism. Only 2-3% had more
severe functional mental illness.
A current report from a mainly rural county found that only a few
percent of the users of the lodging houses have severe mental illness
(Riis, 1987). But from another county (mainly rural, but including
the third biggest town in Denmark) it was reported that 9% of the
persons using the institutions for homeless were diagnosed as schizophrenics (Fyns Amt, 1991). From Copenhagen figures show that
14% of the users of the municipal lodging houses were diagnosed as
schizophrenics (Brandt, 1987). A survey of 'the new group of
homeless' i.e. the 18-35 year old users of lodging houses, carried out
in Copenhagen in 1989, gave the result that 20% were diagnosed as
having schizophrenia and 20% were diagnosed as having other kinds
of schizophreniformic psychosis. (Brandt, 1992).
In Denmark we have unique possibilities of determining the
number of mentally ill persons in the lodging houses, as all admissions
to psychiatric hospitals and wards are registered in the psychiatric
central register (Munk-Jorgensen et al.9 1993). The present authors
used these possibilities in a study of two Danish counties, namely
Aarhus County, which covers a provincial area with about 600 000
inhabitants, of which about 260 000 people live in the town of Aarhus,
and the county of North Jutland, which is a mainly rural county with
about 490000 inhabitants, of which about 160000 people live in the
town of Aalborg. Furthermore, the municipality of Copenhagen with
about 470 000 inhabitants was included in the study (MunkJorgensen et ai, 1992).
During 1 month in 1990 person identifiable information about all
clients in contact with lodging houses in the two counties mentioned
above and the municipality of Copenhagen were registered, in total
1008 persons. The information was linked with that in the Danish
psychiatric central register, and it was found that 55% had formerly
been admitted to a psychiatric hospital or ward. By way of comparison it may be mentioned that approximately 4% of the total Danish
population has been admitted to a psychiatric hospital or ward (the
figures are not sex and age standardized). No differences were seen
between the clients living in Copenhagen and those attending the

European Perspectives: Denmark


lodging houses in the two counties. Of the homeless formerly

admitted to a psychiatric hospital, 12.6% were diagnosed as psychotics at their latest admission prior to the registration, 6% were
diagnosed as having schizophrenia. By way of comparison, only
0.3-0.4% of the Danish population were admitted due to schizophrenia (the figures are not age and sex standardized). The remaining clients, from 12.655%, were mainly diagnosed as suffering from
alcoholism, drug/substance abuse, neuroses and psychopathia. The
study also showed that 23% of the homeless formerly admitted
(12.5% of all the homeless) were discharged directly from the
psychiatric hospital and wards to the shelters. If the observation
period was extended to 1 month, it was found that 28.6% of the
homeless formerly admitted (15.5% of all the homeless) were
discharged directly from the psychiatric hospitals. It is, of course,
impossible to presume that the homeless persons are actually mentally ill because they previously have been admitted to a psychiatric
hospital, but a substantial number seem to be according to Brandt's
(1992) investigations. Schizophrenia and organic psychoses are
persistent conditions.
If the remarkably high and increasing incidence of psychotic
patients in lodging houses is related to the high incidence of mentally
ill in prisons (P. Kramp, personal communication), and the almost
doubled standard mortality rate amongst newly diagnosed schizophrenics during the last 15 years (Munk-Jorgensen & Mortensen,
1992), mostly due to suicides (Mortensen & Juel, 1993), then it can be
concluded that the organization of psychiatry in Denmark has most
probably caused an adverse development for the mentally ill,
although other factors might have added to this.

The young homeless

The group of young homeless living in the lodging houses in
Copenhagen is the one most comprehensively described (Brandt,
1992). A total of 960 persons aged between 18-35 years (0.6% of all
inhabitants in Copenhagen in the same age group) who, over a year,
used a lodging house were investigated. Of these, 171 (18%) were
women and 789 (82%) men. More than one third 358 (37%) were 26
years old or younger.
The average number of days the group spent in lodging houses was



110 days during 1 year, usually split up in to several periods. It was

estimated that more than half of these young homeless persons were
chronically homeless. If they were not in a lodging house they were
living in the streets, in prison, in hospitals or they slept with friends.
Only 16% received a social pension.
A representative sample of 129 persons were randomly selected
from different lodging houses. They were all interviewed by the same
psychiatrist to identify the kind of mental illness and abuse and to
disclose their life-style and the events causing their homelessness.
Of those interviewed 17% were diagnosed as schizophrenics, and
in all 43% got a diagnosis of psychosis, while 36% were diagnosed as
having a personality disorder. Furthermore, 73% of those interviewed had a diagnosis of substance abuse; 19% were addicted to
alcohol, 29% regularly used heroin intravenously, and 25% were
addicted to alcohol and to different kinds of drugs. A little more than
half of the persons who were diagnosed as schizophrenics were addicts
as well, and nearly all of those with the diagnosis of personality
disorder were addicts.
Four out of five with the diagnosis of schizophrenia had been
hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital or ward, most of them several
times. Besides, nearly all the young homeless had tried some kind of
treatment and several of them had tried different kinds of treatment,
but without positive results. In only 4% of the cases obvious reasons
for the onset of homelessness, i.e. a single social event which led to loss
of home, were found if the homeless persons' life-events just before
onset of homelessness was studied retrospectively. As for the rest, it
was reported that they had had severe psycho-social problems from
early childhood and even sometimes before birth, for example in
connection with alcohol-addicted parents.
It can be concluded that homelessness in youth is not a simple social
problem, but is due to a lack of socialization, which gives these
persons problems living in a complicated community and using its
demand-making institutions.

Psychiatry in the streets

Copenhagen is one of the smaller capitals of the Western industrialized countries. Proportionally, we do not have a large number of
people living in the streets. However, the problems of this group are

European Perspectives: Denmark


very similar to what is reported from bigger cities (Isaac & Armat,
1990), and there will always be about 20-30 persons with severe
mental illness living under very bad conditions, i.e. with dirty clothes,
eating old food from their bags or from litter bins, sitting on the
pavement in all kinds of weather.
In Denmark a debate about these mentally ill homeless people's
right to live as they want has only just been opened. What we
discussed is on the one hand the civil rights of the single homeless
mentally ill and on the other hand the community's responsibility for
ensuring everybody has any necessary treatment and a satisfactory
social standard of living.
Since the beginning of 1992, a programme appealing to the
homeless and homeless-threatened who are severely mentally ill and
who reject treatment has been established in Copenhagen (P. Brandt,
unpublished data). In the first year the programme was in contact
with 37 persons and of these 19 had clearly got a better way of living,
due to the programme.
It is obvious that what these people need is neither simple
sheltering nor ordinary psychiatric treatment. It is also clear that the
homeless psychotics who live in the streets will not go anywhere to ask
for help and they will even usually start by refusing to accept any help
Therefore, the programme is based on field-work in the streets and
includes a wide spectrum of ways to act, including use of the mental
civil law.

Research in mental illness among homeless

Comparison of reports from both Danish and foreign surveys about
homelessness have problems due to a lack of consistency. The
problems arise especially with the definition of homelessness and the
identification of mentally ill persons among the homeless. Most
Danish researchers define homeless people as people living in lodging
houses, but even this causes problems due to the very different kinds of
lodging houses present in Denmark. Also, identification of the
mentally ill differs from one survey to another as the homeless are
interviewed by different kinds of specialized persons, or identified
from registers of formerly hospitalized psychiatric inpatients.
In spite of all the problems that complicate the research, it is



evident that mental illness is common among homeless people and it

seems to be an increasing problem that young chronic patients,
especially those with a dual diagnosis, are left behind as homeless. As
such they are not treated or are only getting a minimum or even
interrupted treatment as revolving door patients. Furthermore, for
some groups, e.g. homeless families and homeless women with
children there has not been any research at all in Denmark.

Amtsradsforeningen i Danmark (The Association of County Councils in
Denmark) (1990). Amterne og videreudviklingen af 105-institutionerne.
(The counties and the development of the Section 105-institutions).

Kobenhavn: Amstradsforeningen i Danmark.

Brandt, P. (1987). Hjemloshed og psykisk lidelse. (Homelessness and
mental illness) Nordisk Psykiatrisk Tidsskrzift, 41, 295-301. (English
Brandt, P. (1992). Yngre Hjemlose i Kobenhavn. (Young homeless in
Copenhagen. Doctoral degree thesis. Kovenhavn University.
Kobenhavn: FadPs forlag. (English abstract).
Fyns Amt (Fyns County) (1991). Psykiatrien, Kommunerne og
105-institutionerne. (The Psychiatry, the Municipalities and the
Section 105-institutions). Kobenhavn: Fyns Amt, Social- og
Isaac, R. J. & Armat, V. C. (1990). Madness in the Streets. New York:
The Free Press.
Jonsson, G. (1967). Delinquent boys, their parents and grandparents.
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 43 (supplement 195).

Mortensen, P. B. & Juel, K. (1993). Mortality and causes of death in

first admitted schizophrenic patients. British Journal of Psychiatry,
163, 183-9.
Munk-Jorgensen, P., Flensted-Nielsen, J., Brandt, P. et al. (1992).
Hjemlose psykisk syge, en registerundersogelse af klienter pa
herberg og forsorgshjem. (Psychiatric patients with no fixed abode.
Registration of clients in hostels and care homes) JJgeskrift for Lager,
154, 1271-5. (English abstract).
Munk-Jorgensen, P., Kastrup, M. & Mortensen, P. B. (1993). The
Danish psychiatric register as a tool in epidemiology. Acta
Psychiatrica Scandinavica, S u p p l e m e n t 370, 2732.

Munk-Jorgensen, P. & Mortensen, P. B. (1992). Incidence and other

aspects of the epidemiology of schizophrenia in Denmark
1971-1987. British Journal of Psychiatry, 161, 489-95.

Riis, A. (1987). Forsorgshjem og distriktspsykiatri. En undersogelse af

klientprofilen pa forsorgshjemmene i Vejle amt. (Welfare homes and
district psychiatry. An investigation of the client profile in the

European Perspectives: Germany


welfare homes in the County of Vejle). Ugeskriftfor Lager, 149,

3216-20. (English abstract).
The authors wish to point out that since the submission of this chapter, there
has been a considerable body of further research on homelessness and related
topics published in Denmark.

Continental European experience: Germany


In Germany, psychiatrists have historically taken an interest in the
origins of homelessness. Early in this century they tended to ascribe
psychopathological reasons for homelessness. In fact, two of the most
famous German psychiatrists of this time, Wilmanns (1906) who
developed the concept of 'Wandertrieb' (migration instinct) and
Schneider (1934) who came out with his theory of psychopathic
personality, were of this opinion. Unfortunately their work was used
to legitimize the murder of thousands of homeless people during the
Nazi regime. It was with this that the Nazis transformed the German
mental health movement, which had it's heyday between the two
wars (Haselbeck, 1985) into a massacre of the mentally disabled.
However, theories of endogenous aetiologies of homelessness managed
to survive the war (Ritzel, 1974; Garcia, 1986). An increased rate of
pathological change in the brains of deceased homeless persons led
Veith & Schwindt (1976) to hypothesize that homelessness was a
symptom of psycho-organic syndromes. This concept was discussed
very controversially (Locher, 1990). The Bodelschwingh institution
in Bielefeld-Bethel, a well established centre for helping the homeless
in Germany, conducted a large interdisciplinary study on aetiology
and phenomenology of homelessness in 1977. Although the scientific
design of this study had promised a profound empirical contribution
to the debate on endogenous versus social factors in homelessness,
there was unfortunately neither interdisciplinary synopsis nor inter-



pretation of the results beyond the level of epidemiological statements. Sociological and medical findings were published separately
(e.g. Goschler, 1983; Sperling, 1985), partly differing in description
and interpretation (Locher, 1990).
Nevertheless at the present time the phenomenon of homelessness
in the Federal Republic of Germany is mainly considered to be the
result of an interaction between poverty, unemployment and
social disintegration. Consequently, the old label 'NichtseBhafte'
(vagrants) is gradually being replaced by the label 'alleinstehende
Wohnsitzlose' (single homeless). According to this concept uprooting, homelessness and vagrancy occur increasingly in times of
economic crises, triggered by growing unemployment, a deficient
housing market and an insufficient welfare system (Deutscher Verein
fur offentliche und private Fiirsorge, 1990). Thus, mental disorders
are currently seen as one factor in a number of interacting variables
resulting in homelessness.
One of the main reasons for the sporadic revivals of the discussion
as to whether homelessness is caused by social or psychopathological
reasons is the lack of valid empirical data on the relationship between
homelessness, social distress and mental disorder. Unlike the UK or
the USA, where research on homelessness and mental health is better
established, the issue is still not adequately perceived in Germany.
But the problem has grown in the last few years. As a result of the
German reunification there are great difficulties in reforming the
antiquated mental health care system of the former German Democratic Republic. In the so called 'new' federal states (of the former
German Democratic Republic) large, insufficiently staffed and
equipped psychiatric hospitals are still treating most of the chronically mentally ill. After being discharged, they do not find outpatient
and rehabilitative services of Western standard (Rossler & Salize,
1994). If the communities fail to establish sufficient accommodation
for these patients, they are at a significant risk of being dismissed into
homelessness. Also the immigrants from Eastern Europe (whose
number is steadily rising) run a heightened risk of social disintegration and mental strain with the worsening of the economic situation
and the lack of cheap flats in Germany.

European Perspectives: Germany

1970 1972











Figure 12.1. Reduction of psychiatric beds in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Historical development
The widespread neglect of the problem of mentally ill homeless in
Germany in the post-war era was a symptom of the overall neglect of
mental health care during this period. The reform of Germany's
psychiatric care system started as late as the 1970s. One reason for this
delay is the macabre consequence of the Nazi regime, where between
90000 and 120000 mentally ill people were murdered (Finzen,
1983). Therefore the large psychiatric hospitals in Germany did not
suffer from overcrowding to the extent that psychiatric hospitals in
other countries did. With a ratio of 1.6 psychiatric beds per 1000
population during the early 1970s the need for deinstitutionalization
was not as urgent. Nevertheless there was a reduction of beds in
mental health hospitals in Germany of approximately 30% within
the last two decades (see Figure 12.1).
While in countries like the USA many chronically mentally ill were
dismissed more or less directly into homelessness (Dennis et al., 1991),
there was enough accommodation for former long-term patients in
Germany during the first period of deinstitutionalization. Frequently




1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987



Figure 12.2. Decrease of mean length of stay in psychiatric hospitals in two federal
states of Germany.
, Hessen;
, Rheinland.

former tuberculosis clinics in the Black Forest, vacant due to

medicine's successful conquest of this disease, were used for this
purpose. These 'new' facilities received the status of homes for
mentally ill, though they still resembled the traditional large psychiatric hospitals with their size and their location far away from the
communities. Since these institutions could not be considered community based, this step of psychiatric reform was more like a
transinstitutionalization than a deinstitutionalization (Kunze, 1977).
Consequently, there were hardly any homeless mentally ill who were
seen in public.
With the next reform steps the establishment of outpatient and
rehabilitative services was intensified. Inevitably the remaining
inpatient facilities had to face growing restrictions in funding.
Between 1975 and 1989 the mean length of stay in psychiatric
hospitals strongly decreased, in some federal states of Germany by as
much as two thirds (Rossler & Salize, 1993; see Figure 12.2). Today
the mean length of stay is approximately 70 days in Germany
(Deutscher Bundestag, 1992).
Because of the dramatically growing inpatient admission rates due
to the decreasing mean lengths of stay, the psychiatric hospitals were

European Perspectives: Germany


forced to cut social care offers for the chronically mentally ill. The
hospitals' asylum function disappeared. One indication of this is the
growing number of chronically mentally ill patients referred from
inpatient treatment to social psychiatric mental health centres. In
some areas this rate now amounts to 1520% of all social psychiatric
mental health centres' patients (Rossler et al.> 1993). Already at
earlier stages of the reform in Germany there had been warnings that
deinstitutionalization might become detrimental especially for the
chronically ill (Kunze, 1977).
In the community, mentally ill patients are more exposed to
economic and social stressors than they are behind the protective
walls of the asylum, at least in this case. If the economic situation of a
country gets worse, the mentally ill are among the first to suffer. The
recent German reunification proved this to be true. In the former
German Democratic Republic, many chronically mentally ill had
opportunities to work in state owned enterprises, known as 'Volkseigene Betriebe (VEB)'. Because of the special conditions of Eastern
Germany's economy VEBs could afford to employ a large number of
mentally ill. When these companies were no longer competitive by
the standards of the Western economy, the mentally ill lost their jobs.
Unfortunately, there are no sheltered workshops or other rehabilitative services to which they can go. At the same time the mentally ill
have difficulty finding housing accommodation since rent in Eastern
Germany is rising at an explosive rate.

Current situation
The problem of the mentally ill homeless in Germany can no longer
be concealed. It is acute. However, it is impossible to know the total
number of homeless in Germany. Assessments have to rely on data
from services for the homeless that record contacts. But only a few
services participate. Moreover, there are homeless people who avoid
any contact with care services. Estimations of the size of this group
range from 'very little' to one third of all homeless.
Available data indicate a significant increase in the total number of
homeless during the last few years. At the beginning of the 1970s,
some 26000 homeless persons were registered by the German
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft fiir NichtseBhaftenhilfe (Commission for
Care for the Homeless). In 1978 the number increased to 32 000

Table 12.2. Studies on mental disorders among the homeless in Germany




Klugc (1972)


n = 1788 home and

shelter users

Stadt Stuttgart (1976)

MAGS (1982)
Sperling (1985)

StoBel & Locher

Kujat (1991)
Rieger & Wessel
John (quoted from
Rieger & Wessel,
Hovelmann (quoted
from Rieger &
Wessel, 1992)
Eikelmann et at.
Trabert (1995)



Former psychiatric
hospitalization (%)

1.3% psychosis




40% alcoholism
44% at risk

Services for homeless, 18%

Services for homeless, 1.8% schizophrenia
4.6% depression
15.6% attempted
Home and shelter
2.9% psychosis
February 1985
users, n 342,
Shelter and homes,
224 beds,
1800 outpatient
In- and outpatient
services for
homeless, Bielefeld
January 1990
400 places, homes
and shelter,
Nov-Dec. 1990
w = 52 shelter, Miinster9.6% schizophrenia
3.8% neurosis/
personality disorder
One and a half /z = 40 males,
5% psychiatric
months in 1989 specialized medical
5% attempted suicide
outpatient service
for homeless, Mainz

56% alcoholism
23.9% alcohol abuse


34.7% alcoholism
32.2% at risk





17.5% alcoholism
25% alcohol abuse
5% drug addiction

European Perspectives: Germany


(MAGS, 1982). These figures, however, cannot be considered as

complete, since they are based on voluntary reports from care
services. In 1989, Iben estimated that 100000 persons in Germany
were without a home (0.17% of the total population of West
Germany, which was not yet reunited with the Eastern part at that
time) and another 200 000 persons were in provisional accommodation. Lately the federal state of Baden-Wiirttemberg projected
16600-17 400 homeless (LWV, 1993), which amounts to 0.170.18% of the total population of that part of Germany, as well. We
can assume this figure to be a valid estimate for the 'old' federal states.
Projections for the 'new' federal states are not possible at this time.
The institutionalized reform of German mental health care did not
focus on the needs of homeless people. The large community support
programmes that carried out an evaluation of mental health care did
not take them into account (Rossler et aL, 1987; BMJFFG, 1988).
Reliable empirical data not being available, the number of
mentally ill among the German homeless people cannot be ascertained. Researchers have only recently conducted a few isolated
studies on mental disorders among the homeless. These studies in
most cases are limited to recording morbidity rates and account for
regional conditions. Table 12.2 summarizes the results of some of
these studies.
All German studies suffer from the same problems that other
international studies on this issue do. Results can therefore hardly be
generalized or compared with those of other studies.
In spite of some studies claiming representativeness (Veith &
Schwindt, 1976; Sperling, 1985) all of them fail to meet this
methodological standard. All study populations are highly
selective, as they include only those homeless who frequent one
or two of all types of services (mainly shelters and homes) offered
for them.
Almost all studies are cross-sectional. Apart from the general
limitations of cross-sectional studies, in this case seasonal variations of service utilization also cannot be controlled.
In many studies researchers complain that the homeless tend to be
unco-operative. Generally homeless people are difficult people
to work with. Being afraid of adverse consequences, the homeless
tend to refuse inquiries or dissimulate problems much more than
other patient groups (especially concerning items such as previ-



ous convictions, psychiatric treatments, venereal diseases, consumption of alcohol etc).

Assessment methods are disparate. Although standardized diagnostical interviews have become generally accepted during the
last few years (Susser et al.y 1989), psychiatric assessment is
frequently still conducted by insufficiently trained interviewers.
Psychiatric morbidity rates in many studies rely only on observations or impressions of service staff members (MAGS, 1982). In
Sperling's (1985) study psychiatric examinations were done by
specialists in internal medicine.
Co- and multi-morbidity has not been sufficiently assessed. Even
data on co-morbidity of mental disorders and alcoholism are
often lacking, as Table 12.2 shows. Methodologically however, it
is even more difficult to assess and interpret coincidences of
physical and mental disorder in an adequate manner. The above
mentioned debate on endogenous versus social aetiologies of
homelessness is continuously stimulated by badly supported or
too extensively interpreted findings in this field.
All studies are below the standards required to use multi-factorial
analysis methods. Many possible influencing factors are often
merely described and not recorded in a standardized manner. It
is therefore not possible to analyze them using multi-variate

The care system for homeless in Germany

The provision of care for the homeless in Germany is regulated by the
federal social welfare law (Par.72 BSHG). The following services are
1. Social welfare offices. The local social welfare agencies responsible
check the legal claim for public assistance of homeless people and
deliver income support.
2. Advisory services for homeless. These services counsel, distribute
clothing and refer to special services if the homeless are in need of
specialized help. In some federal states of Germany, homeless
people can apply for income support at these services, which pay it
directly. Some advisory services offer medical or legal advice for a
few hours every week.

European Perspectives: Germany


3. Shelters. Shelters provide overnight accommodation. This help is

short-term. Shelters only allow homeless to stay nights and their
stay is limited to a few days. Usually shelters offer no specialized
help or advice.
4. Residential homes. These facilities provide long-term accommodation. Residents care for themselves. Institutional care is not offered
except during office hours by social workers.
5. Rehabilitative homes. These facilities are usually run by social
workers and allow homeless people to take temporary residence.
The main purpose is the rehabilitation of homeless people, but
persons with their own income can live there as well, without
having to give up their entire wages.
6. Drop-in centres. Drop-in centres provide meals and a heated
day-room. Some also have showers and washing machines.
Frequently legal and medical advice is offered.
7. Hotels and boarding-houses. Due to the intensified general housing
shortage new institutions have been established all over Germany
that offer simple accommodation for the homeless. These houses
are private and profit-oriented.
This overview shows that mental health care is provided only in a
few institutions and even then only as a part of general medical
advice. In many cases the most care that can be delivered is a referral
to a specialized service. Besides these quantitative deficits there also
exists a qualitative limitation that is a result of the structure of the
German welfare and health care systems. Both of these systems are
strictly separated from each other, and are in themselves dispersed
into a wide range of different small institutions and services. Therefore, the provision of mental health care within the overall service for
the homeless is not only financially, but also structurally limited.
However, medical care in Germany is not restricted to members of
health insurance companies (as it still is in the USA), but is
practically free of charge for everybody. If a non-insured patient is in
need of medical help, all treatment is paid by social welfare. Using
medical care services, however, requires initiative of one's own and
the knowledge that one is in need of help. Unfortunately homeless
people are often lacking both habits.



The problem of mentally ill homeless people in Germany is, above all,
a problem of care. The need for mental health care among the
homeless cannot be quantified due to a lack of information. Nevertheless what we do know suggests that this need is considerable. General
services for homeless people carry the main load of mental health care
of their clientele. However, they are not adequately equipped or
staffed for this purpose. They are not able to deliver any form of care
beyond a subsistence level. So these institutions are in most cases
underqualified when they have to deal with people suffering from
mental disorders. The most urgent problem is the alcohol problem.
However, the idea that present services for the homeless in Germany
can substitute for specialized care in the field of alcoholism amounts
only to wishful thinking (Rieger & Wessel, 1992).
Professionals are conscious of this problem, because they experience it daily (Kujat, 1991). However, most new concepts or plans for
the further development of care for the homeless do not take into
account the mental health of this group (LWV, 1993). If reform plans
refer to this problem, the only recommendation is to improve
outpatient care of the homeless in order to ease the burden of
inpatient services for those with alcohol problems (Deutscher Verein
fur offentliche und private Fiirsorge, 1990).
This is not sufficient. Plans that do not consider mental health
needs will not be effective in helping care for the growing number of
homeless people. Data available indicate even now that there is a
substantial need for mental health care for these people.
Exactly what services the mentally ill homeless need and how they
can be combined with the existing mental health care system and the
care system for the homeless cannot yet be determined with our
present knowledge. Further investigations are needed. The results of
international study on this issue will not fill the gap. The historical
development already described in this chapter suggests that the
mentally ill homeless in Germany might differ from those in countries
such as the USA or UK. We can hypothesize that the rate of persons
directly dismissed from inpatient treatment to homelessness in
Germany is smaller. However, there might be a relatively large group
of persons with mental disorders that reject treatment and avoid
utilizing the welfare and health care agencies.

European Perspectives: Germany


BMJFFG (Bundesminister fur Jugend, Familie, Frauen und Gesundheit)
(State Department of Youth, Family, Women and Health) (1988).
Empfehlungen der Expertenkommission der Bundesregierung zur Reform der
Versorgung im psychiatrischen und psychotherapeutisch-psychosomatischen
Bereich aufder Grundlage des Modellprogramms Psychiatrie. (Suggestions
made by the Federal Government's Commission of Experts on Reform in the
Psychiatric and Psychotherapeutic-psychosomatic Fields as Based on the Model
Programme of Psychiatry). Bonn: BMJFFG.
Dennis, D. L., Buckner, J. C , Lipton, F. R. & Levine, I. S. (1991). A
decade of research and services for homeless mentally ill persons:
where do we stand? American Psychologist, 46, 112938.
Deutscher Bundestag (1992). Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Grofie
Anfrage der SPD zur Situation der psychisch Kranken in der fiundesrepublik
Deutschland. (The Federal Government's Response to the Question
Posed by the Social Democratic Party (SDP) Regarding the Situation of the
Mentally III in the German Federal Republic). Bonn: Drucksache
Deutscher Verein fur offentliche und private Fiirsorge (1990). Hilfefur
alleinstehende Wohnungslose (Nichtsefihafte). (Aidfor the Homeless).
Frankfurt/Main: Eigenverlag des Deutschen Vereins fur offentliche
und private Fiirsorge.
Eikelmann, B., Inhester, M. L. & Reker, T. (1992). Psychische
Storungen bei nichtseBhaften Mannern. Defizite in der
psychiatrischen Versorgung. (Mental disorders in homeless men.
Inadequacy in Psychiatric Care). Sozialpsychiatrische Informationen, 2,
Finzen, A. (1983). Auf dem Dienstweg. Die Verstrickung einer Anstalt in die
Totung psychisch Kranker. (In the Line of Duty. The Involvement of an
Asylum in the Killing of the Mentally III). Rehburg-Loccum:
Garcia, C. (1986). Karl Wilmanns und die Landstreicher. (Karl
Wilmanns and the vagrants). Nervenarzt, 57, 227-32.
Goschler, W. (1983). Die alleinstehenden Wohnungslosen. (Homeless
people). Gefdhrdetenhilfe, 25, 7-14.
Haselbeck, H. (1985). Zur Sozialgeschichte der offenen Irrenfursorge Vom Stadtasyl zum Sozalpsychiatrischen Dienst. (On the social
history of mental health care - the change from urban asylums to
social-psychiatric services). Psychiatrische Praxis, 12, 171-9.
Iben, G. (1989). Armut der Obdachlosen und NichtseBhaften. (Poverty
and the homeless). Blatter der Wohlfahrtspflege, 11/12, 316-20.
Kluge, M. (1972). NichtseBhaftigkeit aus der Sicht einer
Arbeiterkolonie. (Homelessness from the viewpoint of a worker's
commune). Gefdhrdetenhilde, 14, 5-8.
Kujat, H. (1991). Der "immer wiederkehrende Patient" - aus der Sicht
einer Einrichtung der NichtseBhaftenhilfe. (A service for aiding the



homeless and its view on the "perpetual patient"). Sozialpsychiatrische

Informationen, 2. 35-7.

Kunze, H. (1977). Psychiatrie-Reform zu Lasten der chronisch psychisch

Kranken? Entwicklungstendenzen der stationaren Versorgung
chronisch psychisch Kranker in England, den USA und der
Bundesrepublik Deutschland. (Psychiatric reform at the cost of the
chronically mentally ill? Tendencies on the Development of hospital
care of the chronically mentally ill in England, USA and the
Federal Republic of Germany). JVervenarzt, 48, 838.
LWV (Landeswohlfahrtsverband Wurttemberg-Hohenzollern und
Landeswohlfahrtsverband Baden) (1993). Fortschreibung der
Kommunalen Konzeption zur Hilfefur alleinstehende Wohnungslose
( Nichtsefihafte ) in Baden- Wilrtemberg. (More on the Community Concept of
Aid for the Homeless in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany). Stuttgart,

Karlsruhe: LWV Wurttemberg-Hohenzollern/Baden.

Locher, G. (1990). Gesundheits-/Krankheitsstatus und arbeitsbedingte
Erkrankungen von alleinstehenden Wohnungslosen. (The Health Situation and
the Work-related Illnesses of Homeless Persons). Bielefeld: Verlag Soziale

MAGS (Ministerium fur Arbeit, Gesundheit und Sozialordnung
Baden-Wurttemberg) (State Department for Health and Social
Affairs, Baden-Wurttemberg) (1982). Hilfenfur Gefdhrdete und
Nichtsefihafte in Baden-Wiirttemberg. (Services for the Homeless and
Those Threatened with Homelessness in Baden-Wiirttemberg). Stuttgart:

Rieger, J. & Wessel, T. (1992). Ambulante und stationare
NichtseBhaftenhilfe: Endstation Armut - wohnungs- und arbeitslose
Abhangigkeitskranke ohne Chance? (Outpatient and hospital aid
for the homeless: destination poverty. Homeless and unemployed
mentally ill persons suffering from an addiction - have they got a
chance?) In G. Wienberg (ed.), Die vergessene Mehrheit, pp. 159-67.
Bonn: Psychiatrie Verlag.
Ritzel, G. (1974). Entwicklung und gegenwartiger Stand der
psychiatrischen NichtseBhaftenforschung. (The development and
present state of psychiatric research on the homeless). Psychiat. din.,
7, 26-49.
Rossler, W., Hafner, H., Martini, H., an der Heiden, W., Jung, E. &
Loffler, W. (1987). Landesprogramm zur Weiterentwicklung der
aufierstationaren psychiatrischen Versorgung Baden- Wiirttemberg - Analysen,
Konzepte, Erfahrungen. (Programme for the further Development of
Community Mental Health Care in Baden-Wiirttemberg -Analyses, Concepts,

Experiences). Weinheim: Deutscher Studienverlag.

Rossler, W., Fatkenheuer, B. & Loffler, W. (1993). Soziale Rehabilitation
Schizophrener Modell Sozialpsychiatrischer Dienst. (Social Rehabilitation
of Schizophrenics A Model for Socio-psychiatric Services). Stuttgart:

Enke Verlag.
Rossler, W. & Salize, H. J . (1993). Planungsmaterialien fur die psychiatriche

European Perspectives: Ireland


Versorgung. (Data and Guidelines for Planning Mental Health Care).

Weinheim: Deutscher Studien Verlag.

Rossler, W. & Salize, H. J. (1994). Longitudinal statistics of mental
health care in Germany. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology,

29, 112-18.
Schneider, K. (1934). Die psychopathischen Persb'nlichkeiten. (Psychopathic

Personalities). Leipzig: Thieme Verlag.

Sperling, M. (1985). Medizinische Untersuchungen an 109
NichtseBhaften Mannern. (Medical Examinations of 109 Homeless
Men). Medizinische Fakultat der Westfalischen WilhelmsUniversitat: Inaugural-Dissertation. (Medical thesis for Wilhelms
University in Westfalia).
Stadt Stuttgart (1976). Hilfe fur Gefdhrdete und Nichtsefihafte in Stuttgart.
(Aid for the Homeless and Those Threatened with Homelessness in Stuttgart)

Stuttgart: Stadt Stuttgart.

StoBel, U. & Locher, G. (1991). Gesundheit und Krankheit bei
alleinstehenden wohnungslosen Mannern: Eine Sekundaranalyse
von Daten einer diakonischen Einrichtung in der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland. (Health and illness among homeless men: a secondary
analysis of data gathered by a diakonic organization in the Federal
Republic of Germany). Soziale Prdventivmedizin, 36, 327-32.
Susser, E., Struening, E. L. & Conover, S. (1989). Psychiatric problems
in homeless men. Lifetime psychosis, substance use, and current
distress in new arrivals at New York City Shelters. Archives of General
Psychiatry, 46, 845-50.

Trabert, G. (1995). Soziales Umfeld beeinfluflt Gesundheitszustand.

Deutsches Arzteblatt, 92, A.748-A.51.
Wilmanns, K. (1906). Zur Psychopathologie des Landstreichers.
(Psychopathology of Vagrants). Leipzig: J . A. Barth-Verlag.
Veith, G. & Schwindt, W. (1976). Von den Krankheiten der Nichtsefihaften.
(On the Illness of the Homeless). Bielefeld-Bethel: Beitrage aus der
Arbeit der von Bodelschwinghschen Anstalten in Bielefeld-Bethel.
Heft 16. (Number 16).

Homelessness: an Irish perspective


This chapter on homelessness in Ireland is based largely on the study

of and the work carried out among the homeless in Dublin. Although
not typical of homelessness in Ireland, these studies and reports
suggest some common themes applicable to issues related to homeless-



ness across various centres. This chapter does not look at the rural
homeless in Ireland.

Domestic perspectives
Identifying the homeless
Following the implementation of the Housing Act (Department for
the Environment, 1988), an assessment of housing need was conducted by the Department of the Environment in 1989, wherein 987
homeless people were enumerated around the country. Disquiet
among voluntary agencies about this serious undercounting
prompted a refinement in methodology during subsequent assessments. Thus, 2751 individuals were found to be homeless nationwide
in 1991; an increase of almost 180% on the previous figure (National
Campaign for the Homeless, 1992) and 2667 individuals nationwide
in 1993 (Department for the Environment, 1993).
The Republic of Ireland is populaced by approximately 3.5 million
individuals (Central Statistics Office, 1993) and of these 5000 are
believed to be homeless of whom 750 are young people (National
Campaign for the Homeless, 1992). However, this finding excludes:
(a) approximately 7400 travellers who move between halting sites
countrywide (Barry & Daly, 1986) and technically have no fixed
abode; (b) over 28 600 approved applicants on our housing lists
(Department for the Environment, 1993) with approximately 32 000
child dependants; (c) over 4500 long-stay psychiatric inpatients
(Health Research Board, 1993) who meet the criteria for homelessness specified in the Housing Act (Department for the Environment,
1988); and (d) a further unquantifiable number of'hidden' homeless,
e.g. single adults working as live-in domestics.
The present group of homeless includes: adult males and females at
a ratio of approximately 4:1, an increasing number of children at a
ratio of almost 1:1, and occasionally entire families.

Factors contributing to homelessness in the

Republic of Ireland
Social factors
Notwithstanding strategies to down-size public perceptions of the
problem (Gallagher, 1994) the average number of unemployed on

European Perspectives: Ireland


the Live Register in 1993 was around 294000 individuals (Central

Statistics Office, 1994) or over 18% of the workforce, the second
highest unemployment rate in the European Community (Statistical
Office of the European Communities, 1994). Many are long-term
unemployed and this 'subversive level of unemployment' (Connell,
1993, p. 2) is believed to lead to poverty and, in some cases, to

Emigration has for long served as a safety valve for Ireland's
unemployment problem. However, given recent economic trends the
world over, the number of people emigrating from the Republic
(expressed as the net migration rate) has changed dramatically from
minus 46 000 individuals in the year ending mid-April 1989 (National Economic and Social Council, 1991) to plus 2000 individuals in the
year ending mid-April 1992 (Dail Eireann, 1993) leading in the latter
instance to an inward movement of migrants and/or returning
emigrants. This has led to a growing demand for accommodation.

Lack of accommodation
The availability of low-cost rented accommodation is now being
reduced by conversion and refurbishment into high-cost units
(Kasinitz, 1984). People displaced from their low-cost accommodation are forced to consider other residential options. The latter
include emergency accommodation in hostels and night shelters,
sharing with friends and relatives, or 'squats' or 'sleeping rough'.
Some homeless mentally ill are known to show either self-injurious or
property-destructive behaviour to gain admission to hospital or to

Closure of Casual Wards

The closure of 'Casual Wards' in rural areas has also added to the
current homeless problems. County Homes were the progeny of
Workhouses established countrywide, around the mid-1800s. In the
course of their development, an area was set aside in County Homes,
which came to be known as the casual or night-lodgers ward
(Doherty, 1982). As late as 1949, County Homes were used as
repositories for the chronically sick, the aged, mental defectives, the



blind, deaf mutes, casuals, unmarried mothers and children (InterDepartmental Committee, 1949). By the late 1960s, provisions were
made to unscramble the needs of many of the disadvantaged groups
in County Homes. In 1968, recommendations called for the redesignation of County Homes as Geriatric Hospitals and casuals were
excluded from concern. The latter were seen to constitute a 'social
problem ... not an appropriate problem for consideration in connection with the care of the aged' (Department of Health, 1968, p. 32).
Conditions for the homeless did not improve following the reorganization of the national health-care system in the 1970s. The McKinsey Report (McKinsey & Co, 1974), which contributed to this
reorganization made no mention of the homeless and responsibility
for this 'social problem' was allocated to neither the Special Hospital
Care Programme nor the Community Care Programme within the
new area Health Boards.
Disinvestment in public housing
Progressive disinvestment in Local Authority housing is another
factor that has compounded the current problem of homelessness.
Thus, 7002 public housing units were completed nationwide in 1984
compared to 1482 units in 1992 (Department for the Environment,
1991, 1993). The government's decision to raise the level of housing
starts to 3500 a year nationwide - beginning in 1993 - does not reflect
the need of the Eastern Planning Region (including Dublin and its
dormitory surrounds), which contains 38% of the national population (Central Statistics Office, 1993).
Poverty, morbidity and the 'underclass'
The inter-relationship between long-term unemployment, poverty
and physical and psychological morbidity has been documented
(Nolan, 1990; Whelan^a/., 1991) and the evidence augurs poorly for
marginalized individuals. Murray (1984) has promulgated the view
that long-term unemployment and poverty impact on the creation in deprived inner city areas - of an 'underclass' characterized by
widespread drug abuse, casual violence, petty crime, illegitimacy,
child neglect, work avoidance, welfare dependence, apparent contempt for conventional values and homelessness.

European Perspectives: Ireland


Murray's observations (1984, 1989) were confined to developments in the USA and in the UK. However, related concerns are
reflected in a study conducted by McKeown (1991) in the north inner
city of Dublin, wherein it was noted that: (a) the admission rate of
children into care was four times higher than the national average,
(b) the admission rate to public psychiatric hospitals was three times
the national average, (c) the attendance rate for the treatment of
drug abuse was three times the national average per head of
population and (d) the crime rate was four times the Dublin
Metropolitan Area average and eight times the national average.

Homeless children
The Committee on Reformatory and Industrial Schools (1970)
recommended that monolithic institutions then catering for children
who were being reared 'in care' be replaced by smaller home-style
units, with the result that 1500 institutional places were lost by 1983.
Individuals above the age of 16 years were discouraged from leaving
care facilities under the provisions of the antiquated Children Act of
1908. Notwithstanding this, the visibility of homeless children started
increasing, notably in cities around Ireland, and by 1983 it was felt
that a young homeless class was emerging (National Youth Policy
Committee, 1984). The Children Act of 1908 has been replaced by
the Child Care Act (1991) in which the legal definition of a child has
been raised to 18 years and legal responsibility for the accommodation needs of homeless children is placed on area Health Boards. It is
too early to evaluate the impact of this legislation on youth homelessness but the increasing use of 'bed and breakfast' accommodation is
not felt to represent a legitimate response to the needs of this group.
Surveys conducted around the country in 1987 revealed the
presence of 712 homeless children nationwide below the age of 18
years (Streetwise National Coalition, 1988). Media concern about
the lack of detention facilities for juvenile offenders - many of them
homeless is matched by related concern about the lack of adolescent
psychiatric residential facilities for the same population (Streetwise
National Coalition, 1991). However, very little is known about the
prevalence of psychiatric morbidity among homeless children in the
Republic of Ireland.



Homeless females
Females are believed to be victims of their unequal position in society
and homeless females epitomize this discrepant situation (Kennedy,
1985). Older homeless females are known to live in direct access
hostels while younger females either stay with friends or remain in
unstable and unsuitable relationships (Austerberry & Watson, 1983)
until a major domestic crisis and/or repeated physical violence force
them to seek help (Bell, 1989).
Homeless women are known to experience high rates of psychiatric
morbidity (Marshall & Reed 1992; Scott 1991; also see Chapter 5).
In recent years the admission rate of homeless females to urban
psychiatric hospitals has increased; against a background of disproportionate under-provision for this group in direct access hostels,
refuges and night shelters (Kelleher et a/., 1992). It is felt that the
number of homeless females identified in psychiatric hospitals in any
given year is an underestimate. Homelessness in females tends to be
'hidden', as many of them are inclined to stay with friends and
relatives and to use their latter address as one of convenience.

Homeless families
Very little is known about the extent or severity of psychological
distress among homeless families in the Republic of Ireland.

The prison service

There is a consensus that more mental illness is arriving in the prison
system (Royal College of Psychiatrists, 1993). The practice of
diverting mentally ill homeless petty offenders from custody to
treatment, though widely used elsewhere (Joseph & Potter, 1990;
Cooke, 1991), has yet to be accorded formal acceptance in the
Republic of Ireland.

European Perspectives: Ireland


Deinstitutionalization in urban settings

Strategies aimed at rehabilitation and the discharge of patients to
community living were in vogue long before the formal recommendations of successive Commissions of Inquiry on Mental Handicap and
Mental Illness (Department of Health, 1965, 1966). However, the
climate in which The Psychiatric Services - Planning for the Future

(Department of Health, 1984) came to be conceptualized and

accompanying shifts of responsibility to facilitate resource management provided the impetus for 'resettlement' and the present dismantling of antiquated institutions. Unlike the Italian experience
(Endean, 1993) it is not possible to establish a clear relationship
between the discharge of patients from psychiatric hospitals and the
incidence of homelessness, except in Dublin (Leahy & Magee, 1976).
However, from the late 1980s onwards, the waters get muddied
(Fernandez, 1983).
Thus far, policies aimed at dismantling institutions have ensured
that positive bias is exercised in making available such sheltered or
supervised accommodation as exists to the 'new deserving poor5,
namely those old, long-stay patients who are deemed capable of being
relocated outside of hospital. Given this, it is felt that many long-term
homeless mentally ill are forced to resort to emergency social
accommodation for their permanent abode. For the latter, remaining
homeless is a decision mediated not by 'personal choices' but by a lack
of statutory responses to their need. Deinstitutionalization and the
concomitant reduction in bed numbers had led - as elsewhere - to
policies and practices that emphasize preclusive admissions and
accelerated discharges. In consequence, the younger homeless mentally ill of today have long histories of brief intermittent patient-hood
rather than of prolonged institutional residence.
An answer to Leff's (1993) query about where today's homeless
come from could perhaps be found among the foregoing interlocking
structural conditions, which are believed to exacerbate individual
vulnerabilities. Regrettably, some politicians view homelessness as a
psychiatric problem rather than a consequence of policies that
marginalize people and exclude the poor from housing. Psychiatric
services cannot be unconditionally expected to cater for the casualties
of other interlocking systems (Fernandez, 1994). Given this, the issue
of homelessness needs to be locked firmly into the political arena and



psychiatric aspects of this problem should ideally be tackled together

with the general problem (Birley, 1990). Though government must
provide the right framework to facilitate social change, the role of the
churches in Ireland cannot be ignored (Editorial, 1989). Church
leaders have recently begun to question the perceptions of the
government and the laity on social justice (e.g. Connell, 1993), while
reassessing their own role in building family and community values.
Demands from church leaders for the government 'to do something'
about almost everything does not, in the Republic of Ireland, betray
their 'inability to do much about anything' (Editorial, 1989, p. 2),
but will necessitate a focused and concerted lead from the centre.

A survey in Ireland
A prospective survey was conducted from 1 January through to 31
December 1978 in St. Brendan's Hospital, Dublin. A total of 425
psychiatric admissions (313 male and 112 female) were referred for
review but 169 admissions (106 male and 63 female) were excluded,
as they did not meet specified criteria, or had left hospital before they
could be assessed (Fernandez, 1984, 1985). A total of 256 admissions
(207 male and 49 female) were included in the survey. Relevant
findings have been summarized in Table 12.3, wherein the characteristics of this group, including gender-specific differences are evident.

Outcome of the Irish initiative

On 1 April 1979, the Programme for the Homeless was initiated, to
run in tandem with the concurrently established Assessment Service
and Geriatric Service in St. Brendan's Hospital. Operationally is was
anticipated that:
1. Homeless patients who needed help in an emergency would be
screened by the Assessment Service.
2. Homeless females who needed hospitalization, would be treated in
the admission wards of the hospital's three catchment area teams
on a rotational basis.
3. Homeless males over the age of 65 years would be referred to the
Geriatric Service.

European Perspectives: Ireland


4. Homeless males who met the criteria for 'homelessness' would be

referred to the Programme.
5. If admission was considered necessary, this would be to the
programme's Admission Unit.
6. Patients discharged from the Admission Unit would, in the first
instance, be returned to their customary residence in the city's
direct access hostels.
7. Such patients would be offered the option of attending the
programme's Day Centre in the grounds of the hospital. The latter
facility would also be available to those for whom day care was felt
to be more appropriate than hospitalization.
Unless stated otherwise, all hospital based facilities described hereafter and the outcomes specified, refer only to homeless males.
Characteristic problems noted when dealing with homeless persons
include the following:
1. Some patients use aliases when entering hospital, leading to
multiple hospital charts under different names; difficulty in
obtaining medical records from other hospitals and follow-up
problems thereafter.
2. Given the solitary nature of our patients' life-styles and their lack
of social networks, it is often impossible to obtain any collateral
history. Hence, one has to rely solely on any given patient's version
of events, without an opportunity for further validation.
3. Many patients are anxious to leave hospital before their treatment
is satisfactorily concluded; for fear of losing temporary rented
accommodation they may have, or because of equally significant
concerns about an interruption in their welfare entitlements
following hospital entry. For these patients, leaving hospital sometimes against medical advice is often seen by them as a
necessary strategy for survival in the community.

The admission unit: outcome

Figure 12.3 summarizes the impact the hospital based components
have had on the annual admission rates of homeless males from
1979/80 onwards, relative to those over the 4 years prior to the
introduction of the Programme and supporting services.
Table 12.4 summarizes other relevant data relating to:



Table 12.3. Prospective survey of homeless patients (1978)

Main findings
1. Age on entry*
(a) 18-30 years
(b) 31-50 years
(c) 51-65 years
2. Median age on entry (in years)*
3. Marital status*
(a) Single: unmarried
(b) Single: separated/divorced
(c) Single: widower/widow
(d) Married
(e) No data available
4. Having no dependants*
5. Having relatives but no contact with them*
6. Occupation*
(a) Unskilled manual/factory workers
(b) Semi-skilled workers
(c) Skilled workers
(d) Retired from work with a pension/disability
(e) Housewives
(f) No stated occupation (M) or in an
unregistered profession (F)
(g) No data available
7. Currently unemployed*
8. Length of unemployment prior to hospitalization*
Range in months
Median in months
9. Having a current medical card*
10. History of multiple admissions to psychiatric
hospitals in the past*
11. Entered hospital voluntarily 0
12. Compulsorily hospitalized0
13. Stated reason for admission0
(a) Psychiatric problems
(b) Psychiatric + medical + social problems
(c) Medical social problems
14. Primary problem/condition that needed attention 0
(a) Alcohol dependence
(b) Schizophrenic/affective and other psychoses
(cj Mainly social problems
(dj Alcohol + drug dependence
(e) Depressive disorder
(f) Dementia
(g) Epilepsy
(h) Mainly medical problems
(i) Personality disorder (in those not belonging
to any of the above subgroups)














40.5 b










European Perspectives: Ireland

Table 12.3. (cont.)

Main findings
15. Welfare benefits*
(a) On welfare benefits
(b) Not on any benefits
(c) No information forthcoming or no data
16. Length of hospitalizationc
(a) Range of days
(b) Median in days
17. Mode of discharge0
(a) Discharged by staff
(b) Absconded from hospital or self-discharged
(c) Still in hospital during survey
(d) No data available
(e) Died during survey
18. Number of admissions during 1978*
(a) Range of admissions
(b) Median number of admissions
(c) Percentage of patients having only one
admission during 1978















w= 115 male and 28 female patients.

These figures refer to only 14 females. The remaining 14 patients in this group
were excluded (a) by virtue of their being 'housewives' or 'ex-housewives' who
were not in employment since their marriage, separation or widowhood, or (b)
because some patients could not recall when they last worked, or (c) because
some were in an unregistered profession.
w = 207 male and 49 female admissions.

1. The range of annual admissions per patient.

2. The median number of admissions per patient. This shows a
significant drop from the base-line of four admissions annually,
prior to the inception of the Programme (see Table 12.3, no 18b),
but appears to be reverting towards base rate over the latter years.
3. The number of patients who had only one admission annually
dropped from an average of 70% during the first 7 years of the
Programme to 59.06% during the latter 7 years.
4. On average, the Programme had approximately 42 'new contact'
referrals annually who had to be hospitalized. If one excludes
those patients who entered the Programme in 1979/80 when all
entrants would have represented new contacts, the number of new
contacts dropped from an average of 50 new contacts annually


Start of programme


1 175

Annual number of admissions

1 150
< 125

Data not
Number of patients admitted

1975 76 77 7 8 7 9 8 0 8 2 8 2 8 3 8 4 8 5 8 6 8 7 8 8 8 9 9 0 9 2
7 6 7 7 7 8 7 9 8 0 8 1 8 2 8 3 84 8 5 8 6 8 7 8 8 8 9 90 9? 92 1993
Figure 12.3. Annual admission rate (homeless men).

over the first 6 years thereafter to around 25 new contacts annually

over the last 6 years.
When translated into service related issues, the foregoing figures
suggest that the annual number of admissions per patient is increasing, while the number of new contacts is decreasing. The latter
finding is not surprising given the fact that (a) some new contacts
were deflected from hospitalization through our Day Care facility
and (b) the criteria for inclusion in the Programme had to be raised
from the year 1989/90 onwards, to include a stay of 3 months in direct
access hostels in the city, so as to prevent an off-loading (of overnight
or short-stay) hostel occupants on to our Programme.

The day centre: operational aspects

Patients discharged from our Admission Unit are encouraged to
attend at our Day Centre in the hospital grounds, which has full

Table 12.4. Programme for the homeless (admission unit): Audit of admissions (1979 j 80 to 1992/93)

80/81 81/82 82/83








90/91 91/92 92/93










Range of admissions
Median re: admissions
Percentage of patients
with one admission



79.81 76.77







New contacts















58.21 57.38









Table 12.5. Programme for the homeless: Outcome data (114/79 to 3113/93)
Number of patients
(A) Patients serviced
Through Admission Unit and Day Centre
Through Day Centre with no admission
(B) Known deaths
(C) Re-united with family and/or returned to former
(Ireland x 8; England & Wales x 9; Italy x 1;
South Africa x 1; India x 1).
(D) Replaced/retained in institutional settings
(E) Placed in community based supervised settings
(F) Placed in the community ( + Day Centre support)
Dublin Corporation flats
Other city flats/bedsitters
Supervised lodgings
(G) Screening for tuberculosis
Tuberculosis discovered in

589 (1937 admissions)

+ 51
53 (8.28%)
15 (2.34%)

nursing cover from 8.00 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. each day. Facilities and
services available in the Day Centre include the following: meals,
medication, contact with medical staff, follow-up of other outstanding matters e.g. medical tests, appointments in other city hospitals
and contact with welfare agencies, a 'Follow-up Service' in the
community to track infrequent attenders, a 'Money-Management
Service5 for those who are unable to handle their finances, along with
emergency dockets for accommodation in city hostels, facilities for
bathing and 'launderette' facilities.

The day centre: outcome

It was originally intended to cater for 36 attenders at our Day Centre.
However, unanticipated uptake has ensured that the average number of day attenders ranges from 70 upwards and, in more recent
months, this number has risen further. The high and regular
attendance rate endorses the need to ensure that homeless mentally ill
who are being maintained in the community are routinely provided
with access to comprehensive day care facilities; a recurring theme,
made evident by examination of different aspects of the needs of our

European Perspectives: Ireland


Outcome data
Table 12.5 summarizes outcome data relating to all individuals who
passed through the two hospital based components of our Programme. Attention is drawn to the high mortality rate of our patients,
i.e. 8.28%, and this refers only to 'known deaths'. Thus, few of the
homeless patients in our Programme are felt likely to achieve
sufficient seniority to avail themselves of psychiatric services for the
Data presented at (D), (E) and (F) in Table 12.5 represent a
snapshot of placements at the time these were made. The extreme
mobility of our population, even among those retained in institutional settings, does not guarantee their current presence in the stated
locations. However, all attempts have been made to ensure that
patients were not counted-in more than once in the groups reported.

Incidence of tuberculosis
Results of the National Tuberculosis Survey in the Republic of
Ireland indicate that the incidence rate of tuberculosis in the 26
Counties at 21.37 new cases per 100000 population is the highest in
Western Europe and is twice that of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland (Stinson /#/., 1988; Fogarty, 1991). Data presented at (G) in
Table 12.5 indicate that tuberculosis was detected in 2.34% of our
homeless population. When patients are known to be infected and
infective, provisions exist to ensure their removal, but none to
guarantee that they remain in specialist hospitals for treatment of
their condition, until they are free from infectivity. This poses a
particular problem in the management of subgroups of the homeless
mentally ill, notably those with a history of alcohol and drug
High prevalence rates for tuberculosis have also been reported in
the USA among homeless populations; notably among homeless
urban alcoholics. A linear relationship is believed to exist between the
prevalence of tuberculosis and the length of homelessness, with
substance abusers including alcoholics, emerging as the most vulnerable (Brickner et al., 1984).



Community based components

Apart from the two hospital based components, i.e. the Admission
Unit and the Day Centre, our Programme now has three community
components which include (a) a High-Support hostel with 24 hour
nursing cover for ten residents and eight day attenders, (b) a
Rehabilitation Programme that caters for 22 residents and 10 day
attenders and (c) a supervised group home for five residents.
Outcome data relating to our patients over the last 14 years (see
Table 12.5 (D)) indicate that 7.19% of programme participants had
to be retained in institutional settings because of their presumed
'inability to survive' outside of hospital or because of'dangerousness'.
If this decision was appropriate in only 10% of these cases, the
recommended guidelines for 'new long-stay' beds (Department of
Health, 1984), would be seriously breached in urban catchment areas
where the prevalence of homelessness is high.

Day care and accommodation needs

The unexpectedly high attendance rate at our Day Centre has been
mentioned earlier. Likewise, the closure of our hospital's inpatient
unit for those suffering from alcohol addiction, without the parallel
provision of detoxification services for homeless alcoholics, has led to a
situation wherein outpatient detoxification often has to be conducted
in the Day Centre for ex-patients who reside in direct access hostels.
Other difficulties in our Programme relate to the range, the
availability and the quality of accommodation deemed necessary to
cater for existing demands. Night shelters and direct access hostels
offer a necessary, though temporary, solution to the problems of
individuals who insist on asserting their autonomy in a palpably
destructive fashion. Voluntary organizations that provide and staff
the majority of hostel and shelter beds in the country would be among
the first to acknowledge that such hostels are part of the problem of
homelessness and not one of its solutions, since their availability is felt
to deter statutory services from providing appropriate residential
alternatives in the community (Fernandez, 1993).
Nor, for that matter, does a solution to the problem lie in the
provision of unsupervised accommodation, helpful though this option

European Perspectives: Ireland


may be for a minuscule number capable of independent living. For

the majority, it is felt that graded, supervised, sheltered community
settings are necessary, with access to day facilities and a range of
properly funded and co-ordinated ancillary services (Talbot &
Lamb, 1984).
Under the provisions of the Health Act of 1953, area Health Boards
are required to provide institutional assistance, i.e. access to both
hospital and to community based alternatives, to persons who are
unable to provide shelter and assistance for themselves. The Housing
Act (Department for the Environment, 1988) gives Local Authorities
the enabling power - but does not oblige them to provide emergency
and long-term accommodation for homeless persons, as defined by
the Act. This confusion about responsibility for the shelter needs of
the homeless mentally ill needs to be resolved. Likewise, statutory
services would do well to examine the limits of their respective
responsibilities and harmonize attempts at service delivery - lest
Community Care 'deserve the odium now attached to the worst
practices of former times' (Wing, 1990, p. 822).

'Planning for the future5

Planningfor the Future (Department of Health, 1984), which addresses
the present and anticipated needs of the mentally ill in the Republic
of Ireland, devoted a mere 26 lines in its 138 pages to the needs of the
homeless. The conceptionalization offered fuels the unsubstantiated
belief that the local universe of the homeless is populaced mainly by
'vagrant alcoholics' (Department of Health, 1984, p. 111) when there
was compelling local evidence (O'Hare, 1978, 1983) to suggest that in
this group, diagnoses of schizophrenia (33.8%) and other psychoses
(15.6%) outweighed that of alcoholism and alcoholic psychosis
(32.3%). The only recommendations made were that 'Health Boards
should co-operate with voluntary organizations in providing special
services for homeless alcoholics' (Department of Health, 1984,
p. 119), and that 'some homeless people will need to avail [themselves] of the alcoholism service and day facilities provided by the
psychiatric service' (Department of Health, 1984, p. 111).
Changes in legislation catering for the mentally ill and derivative
recommendations are long overdue. Unless there has been a radical
reappraisal of the needs of the homeless mentally ill over the last



decade, it is improbable that initial misperceptions will serendipitously translate into adequate provision.

When Community Care was being proselytized, a theme repeatedly
emphasized was the provision of community based alternatives to
institutional care (Department of Health, 1966, 1984). An equally
important theme, namely the provision of adequate funding to
support proposed developments, was less forcefully presented. The
former theme has now evolved into a major symphonic work
(Murphy, 1991) while the latter is barely audible.
Recent evidence suggests that the percentage of the public health
services budget allocated to psychiatric care in the Republic of
Ireland has fallen from 13.5% in 1971 to 10.1% in 1992 and is
estimated to have dropped further to 9.8% in 1993 (Institute of
Public Administration, 1993). Psychiatrists and their colleagues who
work in the public sector derive comfort from neither the statistical
validation of known misery, nor the curiously confusing commentaries on the funding of services (Editorial, 1990; Walsh, 1994). Public
psychiatric patients have for long been placed on the lowest rung of
the ladder of health-need, and the homeless mentally ill who form a
subset of this group are inevitably left holding the ladder, while their
domiciled and politically more valuable peers are facilitated to
Austerberry, H. & Watson, S. (1983). Women on the Margins. London:
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Birley, J. (1990). Blame homelessness, not the hospitals. The Guardian, 14
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Brickner, P. W., Filardo, T. Iseman, M., Green, R., Conanan, B. &
Elvy, A. (1984). Medical aspects of homelessness. In The Homeless
Mentally III, H. R. Lamb (ed.), pp. 243-55. Washington, DC:
American Psychiatric Association.

European Perspectives: Ireland


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National Youth Policy Committee (1984). Final Report. Dublin:
Stationery Office.
National Campaign for the Homeless (1992). Promises, Promises. An
Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Housing Act 1988 in Housing

Homeless People in Ireland. Dublin: National Campaign for the

Nolan, B. (1990). Public Provision, Insurance and Health Service Utilization in

Ireland. Dublin: The Economic and Social Research Institute.

European Perspectives: Ireland


O'Hare, A. (1978). Mental Illness and the Homeless. Dublin: Simon

O'Hare, A. (1983). Provision of care for the mentally ill homeless in
Ireland. Irish Journal of Psychiatry, 4, 12-23.
Royal College of Psychiatrists (1993). Report on the Position of Psychiatry in
the Republic of Ireland, 1992. CR 23. London: Royal College of
Scott, J. (1991). Resettlement units or asylum? Abstracts of Proceedings of
Meetings of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Psychiatric Bulletin,

Supplement 4 , 6 1 .
Statistical Office of the European Communities (1994). Unemployment
in the European Union. In Unemployment, Monthly, March.
Luxembourg: Eurostat.
Stinson, J., Kelly, P., Howell, F. & Clancy, L. (1988). National
tuberculosis survey (1986). Irish Medical Journal, 81, 7-10.
Streetwise National Coalition (1988). A National Survey of Young People
Out of Home in Ireland. Dublin: Streetwise National Coalition.
Streetwise National Coalition (1991). At What Cost? A Research Study on
Residential Care for Children and Adolescents in Ireland. Dublin: Focus

Talbot, J. A. & Lamb, H. R. (1984). Summary and recommendations.
In H. R. Lamb (ed.), The Homeless Mentally III, pp. 1-10.
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.
Walsh, D. (1994). Letters to the Editor. Irish Medical Times, 11
February, p. 4.
Whelan, C. T., Hannan, D. F. & Creighton, S. (1991). Unemployment,
Poverty and Psychological Distress. Dublin: The Economic and Social
Research Institute.
Wing, J. K. (1990). The functions of asylum. British Journal of Psychiatry,
157, 822-7.

Lessons from America: semantics and services
for mentally ill homeless individuals

It has been noted that, in the practice of medicine, words have a

profound effect on the conceptualization of patients' needs, the
planning of services and the evaluation of programmes and systems of
care (Robb-Smith, 1978). The field of psychiatry is no exception. In
fact, the words used to formulate mental health policy and promote
service planning in the USA often have imprecise referents and
frequently reflect a vagueness of concept that may be harmful to the
care of patients (Hardin, 1957; Campbell, 1981; Bachrach, 1985,
1988b,c, 1994b; Talbott, 1985; Fink, 1988). This has, at times, caused
serious problems for the most severely mentally ill individuals; and it
extends to those within this population who, in addition to suffering
from major mental illnesses, are also homeless.
Following Hardin's (1957) advice that 'language should periodically be put on trial', this chapter discusses some semantic issues that
affect our concepts of treatment for, and our delivery of services to,
these vulnerable individuals. Primary attention is given to those
problems that interfere with our efforts to delimit the mentally ill
homeless population and to provide services that respond to its
unique requirements. Although the major focus here is on service
development within the USA, many of the derivative lessons are
applicable to other countries where, with the implementation of
deinstitutionalization policy, mentally ill homeless people are becoming increasingly visible (Schmidt, 1992).

The meaning of homelessness

The word 'homeless' is often used as if there is agreement about its
meaning, when, in fact, it refers to a variety of events (Bachrach,

Lessons from America

2 31

1992; US General Accounting Office, 1992; and see Chapter 3).

Morrison (1989) has documented some of the confusion surrounding
this word by applying various definitions found in the research
literature to a population of psychiatric patients living in short-stay
residences in San Francisco. His finding that homelessness rates
ranged from 22% to 57% of the total study population depending on
the specific definition employed led him to conclude that 'homelessness is by no means a unitary concept; definition is key'.
Indeed, confusion over the meaning of homelessness is sufficiently
widespread in English-speaking countries that some advocacy groups
in Great Britain have introduced the concept of 'houselessness' in
contradistinction to 'homelessness' (Bailey, 1977). While 'houselessness' may be understood to imply a simple lack of physical residence
such as one might incur if his or her home is destroyed by fire or a
natural catastrophe, 'homelessness' is reserved for conditions of more
generalized deprivation. The implication here is that a simple lack of
shelter is, by itself, not sufficient to render an individual homeless:
that a degree of social isolation or disaffiliation is equally essential to
the definition.
The absence of physical residence thus represents but one part of a
two-part equation that underlies the concept of homelessness; the
absence of resources and community ties - of sufficient social margin
to reverse this physical condition - is the other. In fact, Liebow (1993)
has reported that some homeless persons prefer to consider themselves
'familyless' rather than 'homeless', thus stressing the disaffiliation
portion of the equation over the absence of housing.
Although the vast literature on homelessness in the USA acknowledges in a general sense that both parts of the equation are essential to
the definition of homelessness (Bachrach, 1992), research and other
working definitions found within that literature are somewhat less
fastidious. There is a distinct gap between the theoretical and the
practical; and, generally speaking, working definitions are based
primarily on place of residence. More subtle variables that might
reflect some degree of social isolation are largely ignored, even though
this is a variable that is acknowledged to affect the service needs of
mentally ill individuals greatly (Susser et al.y 1990). In a practical
sense, then, disaffiliation is treated as a minor, if not extraneous, term
in the equation.
This uni-dimensional focus on whether an individual is domiciled
or undomiciled is, however, but one of several difficulties that we
encounter in attempting to define homelessness; the need to establish



temporal parameters is also frequently overlooked. Thus, although it

would seem obvious that we must ask how long the disaffiliation and
absence of housing must endure for a person to be declared homeless,
most working definitions are cross-sectional: they ask whether an
individual is undomiciled at the moment that he or she is being
screened for inclusion in research or is being considered for placement
in a particular programme.
That such inattention to the durational aspects of homelessness
may provide a biased view of the population is reflected in the results
of research conducted in Tucson, Arizona. A study of individuals
using psychiatric emergency services in that city demonstrated that
the number of homeless people in a research population can be
increased by 50% when a slight longitudinal refinement is introduced
into the definition of homelessness (Santiago etal., 1988). Thus, 22%
of people using psychiatric emergency services could be classified as
homeless if asked where they were living at the time of admission, but
33% could be so classified if asked whether they had lived on the
streets, in a shelter, or in an automobile at some time during the
preceeding 3 months. Although the investigators in that study called
for standardization in defining homeless people, little progress has
been made in this regard to date.
To add to this confusion, having a home does not constitute a
variable with binary values: housed or not housed. Rossi et al. (1987)
have, for example, distinguished people who are 'literally' homeless
from those who are precariously housed and thus at immediate risk
for becoming homeless. Roth & Bean (1986) have also developed a
three-part typology of homelessness based on service use patterns
within shelters for homeless people.
It is little wonder that service planners and providers often find
themselves at cross purposes when they speak about the 'homeless
population5! In the USA many conferences have been held, and
numerous grants have been conferred, toward the end of improving
the life circumstances of homeless individuals, with little if any
concern expressed over the subtle differences that characterize the
persons so designated. Furthermore, even though 'homeless' is an
adjective with a variety of referents, policymakers do not appear at all
constrained from planning services for 'homeless people' as if they are
all alike.
Such practical indifference to the diversity of homeless individuals
stands in direct contrast to a basic principle of programme planning

Lessons from America


in mental health: that services must be specifically fashioned for

carefully designated and circumscribed target populations (Bachrach
& Lamb, 1989).

Mental illness and homelessness

These problems that attend our imprecision in defining homelessness
are compounded when we attempt to plan services for the mentally ill
portion of the homeless population; for defining mental illness,
particularly chronic or long-term mental illness, contributes its own
set of special issues. Under the best of circumstances, there is a distinct
absence of consensus regarding who is chronically mentally ill
(Bachrach, 1988b); under conditions of homelessness this problem is
vastly exaggerated (Snow et aL, 1988; Barrow et al., 1989). As Snow et
al. (1986) have noted, certain behaviours and characteristics prevalent among homeless people, such as inappropriate affect and
appearance, depressed mood, agitation and unresponsiveness, may in
fact be 'adaptive responses to the arduous nature of life on the streets
or patterned manifestations of a subculture or way of life different
from the larger normative order'. Moreover, as Baxter & Hopper
(1982) have asserted, it can be extremely difficult to establish the
presence of psychopathology in individuals who are suffering extreme
physical deprivation: with 'several nights of sleep, an adequate diet,
and warm social contact, some of their symptoms might subside5.
Establishing valid criteria for identifying mentally ill homeless
persons is thus an extremely complex endeavour. However, what is
even more damaging to conceptual clarity in this instance is a frank
reluctance on the part of many service planners and caregivers to give
credence to the existence of mental illness as a major variable
affecting the lives of some homeless people (Snow et al., 1986;
Culhane, 1991; Mossman & Perlin, 1992; Liebow, 1993). There is a
widely held perception that poverty is the defining characteristic of
homelessness, and that its ramifications are so powerful that it
somehow neutralizes the consequences of mental illness (Snow et al.,
1986; Adelson, 1991; Enda, 1993). There is also a closely related
notion that separating those homeless individuals who are mentally ill
from those who are not is an invidious process that is tantamount to
'blaming the victim' (Alters, 1986).
Two American psychiatrists, Cohen & Thompson (1992), have



written a Commentary for the American Journal of Psychiatry, in which

they passionately argue that the dichotomy between the general
homeless and mentally ill homeless populations is 'illusory'. Although
I identify with many of the issues of conscience and social responsibility raised by these authors, common sense, and certainly my own
observations of homeless people in different parts of the world both
inside and outside the USA, persuade me that there are dangers
inherent in this kind of inclusiveness. Thus, although on a personal
level I care deeply about homeless people of all descriptions and do
not wish to minimize the needs of any of them, I feel compelled to
separate my professional and personal concerns in order to be
responsive to the special needs of those who are mentally ill. Even
though these individuals certainly share some characteristics with
other homeless people, they possess unique service requirements that
tend to get overshadowed if they are not separated out as a special
population. I believe, moreover, that we do all homeless people,
whether mentally ill or not, a great injustice when we lump them
together and fail to respond to their categorical needs.
This point has been made most persuasively in the popular
literature by Baum & Burnes (1993a,b) and in the professional
literature by Lamb (1992), authors who, in my judgement, present
unimpeachable evidence for the need to differentiate the two populations. However, lest readers of this chapter feel that I am excessively
pedantic in calling for such a conceptual separation, I would note
that there are distinct practical advantages to separating the two
populations that deserve consideration, a point well-illustrated in the
matter of residential service planning.

The goal of stable housing

There is now a substantial literature that emphasizes the notion that
the best cure for homelessness among mentally ill people lies in
providing them with housing, particularly stable housing (Kanter,
1989; Bachrach, 1992; Dugger, 1992). Proponents of this view
basically argue that, once mentally ill individuals have been provided
with permanent residence, their problems will ease, and their life
situations will improve materially.
Now, I appreciate the fact that such a prescription may be
appropriate for those members of the general homeless population who

Lessons from America


have suffered temporary crises or economic set-backs and who

experience a minimum of attendant disaffiliation (although it is
probably more appropriate for some parts of this population than it is
for others). However, when the goal of stable housing is extended to
mentally ill homeless people, it becomes simplistic and, for at least some
portion of the population, potentially dangerous.
The simple and sad fact is that, even after mentally ill individuals
have been provided with housing, they will still be mentally ill. They
require more than a mere residential assignment to overcome their
disabilities and to cope with their problems in living; they also need
an array of other services ranging from psychiatric and medical care,
counselling and rehabilitative interventions to case management,
social support, recreational opportunities and financial planning
(Wolch et al., 1988; Lamb, 1990; Stokes, 1993). Very often, other
basic subsistence requirements, such as access to clothing and food,
must also be arranged for these persons (Belkin, 1992). Although
non-mentally ill homeless people may at times require similar
services, the specific programme content and measures for engaging
the two populations must be quite different (Susser et al., 1990).
It is for this reason that Lamb & Lamb (1990) have written about
the importance of 'coming face to face with the clinical reality 5 of
mentally ill homeless people and about what we must do to provide
these individuals with 'support, protection, treatment, and rehabilitation'. In this catalogue of needs, housing emerges as one of many
service requirements that mentally ill homeless individuals have, one
that must always be integrated with and balanced against their other
service needs.
However, service integration of such complexity requires patience
and imagination, qualities that are sometimes difficult to realize in
goal-oriented societies like that or the USA where pragmatic,
'quick-fix' solutions are often the ordfer of the day (Freedman, 1967).
American mental health service planners are frequently disposed to
reduce complex events to single variables; and historically, housing
has been an area singled out for this purpose. Our early efforts at
deinstitutionalization had a distinctly residential focus: far more
attention was devoted to where a mentally ill persons would live either inside or outside a psychiatric hospital - than to what specific
clinical and supportive services he or she would be offered (Bachrach,
We are once more in the position of understating the critical



importance of interventions other than housing as we develop services

for mentally ill homeless persons, a problem that is fuelled by our
failure to separate these individuals conceptually from those homeless
persons who are not mentally ill. Our current emphasis on providing
stable housing exacerbates the problem, for the very fact of mental
illness may interfere with some homeless people's ability to handle the
kind of permanence that is implied in the concept of stability.

Geographic mobility
There is now evidence that some severely mentally ill homeless people
are highly mobile: they simply move about a great deal (Lamb, 1982;
Appleby & Desai, 1987; Bachrach, 1987, 1992; Mercier et aL, 1992;
Dixon et aL, 1993; Wolch, et aL, 1993). Although some professional
writers appear reluctant to acknowledge the full extent of mobility
within this population (Bachrach, 1987), a number of popular
journalists have reported on the prevalence of this circumstance and
captured its significance (Bachrach, 1990).
In fact, three broad varieties of mobility are found among mentally
ill homeless persons. First, there is substantial movement into and out
of the homeless population, so that some individuals may be regarded
as 'permanently' homeless and others as 'episodically' homeless (Arce
et aL, 1983).
Secondly, there is considerable diurnal and seasonal movement of
the population within circumscribed geographical areas. Although
some mentally ill homeless people live more or less continuously in
one place, many others branch out within the community as services
become available to them or as their specific needs for food, shelter
and health care shift.
Thirdly, many mentally ill homeless people exhibit patterns of
gross mobility over wide geographical areas and move, with greater
or lesser regularity, from one city or region to another (Bachrach,
1987, 1988a).
The antecedents of mobility among these individuals are complex;
inadequately investigated, they are certainly appropriate areas for
intensive study. It appears, however, that some portion of the
restlessness that characterizes mentally ill homeless persons relates to
sociologically entrenched patterns of coping (Stokols & Shumaker,
1982). Some individuals in the population, for example, recall

Lessons from America


childhoods in which the standard familial response to crisis was to

move to a new location (Harris & Bachrach, 1990). For others in the
population the experience of residential mobility during childhood is
positively correlated with adult homelessness (Susser et aL, 1987).
It is likely, however, that sociological factors commonly interact
with complex clinical factors to exacerbate restlessness and promote
residential instability among at least some mentally ill homeless
persons. Corin (1990) has provided a thoughtful description of the
need that some mentally ill individuals have to relate to others
'without having to be personally committed in personal interactions'.
They often desire to be close to other people even as they wish to
maintain a distance from them. Residential instability may be one
means of responding to such a need.
Lamb's (1982) description of patients he has called 'new drifters'
underscores this point. These individuals typically wander from
community to community in search of a 'geographic solution to their
problems; hoping to leave their problems behind, they find that they
have simply brought their difficulties to a new location ... [Some]
drift in the community from one living situation to another, and
some, though they remain in one place, can best be described as
drifting through life'. Lamb has explained the movement of these
individuals as resulting both from a 'desire to outrun their problems,
their symptoms, and their failures', and from great difficulty in
achieving closeness and intimacy.
Indeed, we know that there are some mentally ill homeless people
who remain highly mobile even while they are undergoing treatment
and beginning to get involved with the system of care (Harris &
Bachrach, 1990). An in-depth study of 25 homeless mentally ill
women in the District of Columbia has shown that, after assignment
to a special case management programme, 19 were still in treatment
after 2 years, even though they had changed residences frequently an average of 5.5 moves per woman over the study period. The
median tenure for their residential stays was only 3.8 months, with a
range of 0.7 to 8.0 months per stay. And although many of the moves
were local - perhaps a shift to another room in the same house or to
another residential facility in the same system of care - the goal of
stable housing was not being realized, even though permanent
housing placements were certainly available to these women (Harris
& Bachrach, 1990).
We must thus question the wisdom and validity of using residential



stability as an indicator of programme outcome for mentally ill

homeless people. Planning for this population must be seen as a more
complicated endeavour, a fact that is easily minimized when we fail to
differentiate the general homeless and the mentally ill homeless
populations. Unlike many non-mentally ill homeless persons who
may potentially use stable housing as a stepping stone to societal
integration, a sizeable number of mentally ill homeless people appear
to experience a need not to 'stay put' even under the most benign
clinical conditions, at least at the beginning of treatment (Harris &
Bachrach, 1990).
It is essential that we learn more about both the sociology and the
clinical antecedents of restlessness among mentally ill homeless people
if we are to serve them in a meaningful and appropriate manner.
Until we understand this phenomenon more completely - until we
are able to explain more fully why this apparent restlessness occurs we are well-advised to view residential placements in a broader
context and de-emphasize the primacy of stable housing as a
programme goal.
There is precedent in American mental health planning for
blurring the boundaries of service populations. Dinitz & Beran wrote
in 1971 that American community mental health had moved 'well
beyond traditional mental health's focus on psychopathology' and
become a 'boundaryless and boundary-busting system' with 'a
boundaryless goal: the improvement of the quality of life of the whole
man, and every man, in his total environment'. Unfortunately,
despite its genuine intent to serve the mental health needs of all people
in an egalitarian manner, this conceptual blending led to the design of
community mental health services in which those people who are
generally most in need - those who are the most defenceless - were
often shoved aside in the planning process and left to fend for
themselves (Hansell, 1978; Bachrach & Lamb, 1989; Bachrach,
1994a). We have not yet completely solved this problem, and we run
the risk of compounding it in our service planning for mentally ill
homeless persons today.

Discussion and concluding comments

Although this chapter has focused largely on residential planning to
illustrate the importance of viewing the general homeless and

Lessons from America


mentally ill homeless populations as separate entities, other domains

may be used towards the same end. For example, treatment planning,
counselling programmes, vocational skills training and job placements must all be approached differently for these two populations. It
thus appears that, in the last analysis, it helps neither the general
homeless nor the mentally ill homeless population to consider their
differences to be 'illusory'.
There is, in fact, an element of tragedy in the history of policy
development for mentally ill homeless people in the USA. Some
individuals in official positions have at last begun to recognize the
dangers inherent in grouping the general homeless and mentally ill
homeless populations together. However, the process has been long
and arduous, one in which both moral ground and many opportunities for financial support have been lost (Bragg, 1994). Thus, after
many years of federal inattention to the problems of homelessness in
the USA, President Clinton has finally announced a demonstration
initiative to provide categorical funding and resources for mentally ill
homeless people living in the District of Columbia. Because funding
streams will be separated, they will no longer need to compete with
non-mentally ill homeless people for resources (DeParle, 1993). The
problem is, however, that there is far too little money attached to this
initiative to make a difference at this time, a situation that has
prompted Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Cisneros to
assert that the number of dollars spent is 'less important' than the
philosophy that is being put forth (DeParle, 1993).
What lessons, then, may we derive from the observations presented
here? It would seem that the first and most basic lesson lies in the area
of semantics. Not only must we begin to define the general homeless
and mentally ill homeless populations with greater precision; we must
also focus on separating them conceptually as we promulgate policy
and plan services.
A second lesson is that our research and other working definitions
of mentally ill homeless people must be derived from the conceptual
frameworks that we profess. It is not enough to give lip service to the
notion that these individuals are disaffiliated; unless we incorporate
the idea of social isolation into our working definitions of this
population they will continue to be regarded as having a single major
problem: the lack of housing. Had we heeded this lesson in the past,
we might have paid more attention to the fact that engaging in social
network development and repair (Harris & Bergman, 1985) is at least



as important a variable in serving mentally ill homeless people as is

the provision of housing. We might also have been similarly disposed
to regard stable housing as at best a distant, not an immediate,
programme goal for many members of this population.
Finally, we must acknowledge the fact that 'boundary-busting',
however appealing it may be to social activists and idealistic
programme planners, carries certain risks for target populations.
When we fail to define the boundaries of these populations with care,
we are apt to level our service offerings and minimize the needs of
those individuals who are the most difficult to serve. Our decades-old
experience with deinstitutionalization and our more recent efforts in
programme planning for mentally ill homeless persons should by now
have alerted us to the fact that one-size-fits-all approaches do not
work to the advantage of mentally ill individuals, and we must strive
to become more precise in developing programme goals for all in this
population, including those who are homeless.
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(1988). Defining the homeless mentally ill: a methodological note.
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Lessons from America


precariousness of measuring insanity in insane contexts. Social

Problems, 35, 192-6.
Snow, D. A., Baker, S. G., Anderson, L. & Martin, M. (1986). The
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Stokes, S. L. (1993). Telling the Truth about Homelessness. Washington
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mobility patterns of the urban homeless. Professional Geographer, 45,

Homelessness and mental health:
lessons from Australia

The extent of serious mental illness among single homeless people,
broadly defined, is similar in Australia to that found elsewhere in the
Western world (Scott, 1993). During the 1980s in Australia the
problems of ill and disaffiliated people became increasingly apparent
to service agencies. The problems have been less visible than in other
parts of the world, hidden to a large degree in special accommodation
houses, cheap boarding houses and shelters or crisis accommodation
centres (Doutney et aL, 1985; Herrman et al., 1989; Teesson &
Buhrich, 1990, 1993; Virgona et al., 1993). Even so, national reports
estimate that thousands of Australians, and in particular many
thousands of young people, live without adequate shelter (HREOC,
1989; Neil et al., 1992).
A relatively high proportion of homeless people have a mental
illness, but many do not. The problem of homelessness, for those with
or without severe mental illness, is influenced by the social and
housing issues that affect all marginalized people. At the same time it
is important to recognize among the homeless those who would
benefit from psychiatric treatment, and the barriers to care that exist
(Bachrach, 1987). Furthermore, homelessness among mentally ill
people may be seen in part as a reflection on inadequacies in the
delivery of health, welfare and housing services to those with severe
mental disorder, many of whom develop multiple disabilities and
handicaps, and to their families and other caregivers.
Homelessness was defined recently in an Australian government
report as: 'that state in which people have no access to safe and secure
shelter of a standard that does not damage their health, threaten their

Lessons from Australia


personal safety, or contribute to their marginalisation by the absence

either of cooking facilities or facilities that permit adequate personal
hygiene'. This definition gives weight to the absence of the most basic
features of a 'home', and encompasses those living on the street, in
squats, in refuges and shelters. It also encompasses those moving
about between relatives and friends, since 'such accommodation is
necessarily temporary, usually insecure and fails to offer ... protection and support' (HREOC, 1989, p. 7). Those living in rooming
houses and intermittently in small inner city hotels may be considered
homeless if such places fail to offer any sense of 'permanency' or
protection from others. Local authors (Chamberlain & MacKenzie,
1992) have differentiated absolute homelessness, in which people are
without a proper roof over their heads, and several degrees of relative
homelessness. The first relative degree of homelessness is that experienced by people moving between various forms of temporary or
medium-term shelter such as refuges, hostels, or the homes of friends.
The second degree is that experienced by people living permanently
in single rooms in situations in which their personal safety is
threatened, or in which lack of infrastructure may increase their
marginalization. The third degree of homelessness is that experienced
by people who are housed, but inadequately housed in terms of
commonly accepted norms in Australia.
In the face of current trends in the labour and housing markets in
Australia, the housing situation confronting vulnerable people is
likely to deteriorate in the foreseeable future. If this occurs, people
with longstanding mental illness are in danger not only of becoming
homeless, but of being displaced into absolute or first degree relative
homelessness. Melbourne and Sydney are the two largest Australian
cities and each has a population of over three million people. Survey
findings (Doutney et aL, 1985; Herrman et ai, 1989; Teeson &
Buhrich, 1990, 1993; Virgona et aL, 1993) suggest that individuals
who are marginally accommodated have severe mental disorders in
proportions similar to those among homeless people more narrowly
defined, both locally and abroad. In other words, the group of people
who are marginally accommodated in Melbourne and Sydney is
likely to include many people, both with and without mental illness,
who would be shelterless in some of the cities in the USA. Relevant to
this are differences in the Australian social conditions and policies
that affect the supply of cheap housing and access of chronically
mentally ill persons to shelter (Herrman, 1992). The inner-city areas



in Australia still have an adequate supply of cheap housing. In

addition, disabled people receive a pension or benefits sufficient to
allow rental of a room or flat for a single person, unless, for instance,
the person has a substance abuse problem and spends money on
alcohol or drugs. However, economic conditions in Australia are
changing and creating a 'new poor' at risk of homelessness. Areas
with cheap accommodation are being eroded by the development of
housing for the affluent, and government policies are restricting the
eligibility for and levels of benefits. The demand for public housing is
increasing at a faster rate than supply. There is a real danger that
each group in the homeless population may be pushed another rung
down the accommodation ladder, and more of the most vulnerable
people will be left without shelter.
Resultant problems are likely to be exacerbated by the fact that a
reduced provision of institutional care in Australia since the 1960s has
not been complemented by adequate provision of appropriate
housing and community care for those people with mental illness who
have difficulty coping with everyday life. During the 1980s, the
federal government launched a number of policies designed to assist
people with disabilities to stay in the community. However, services
of this nature tend to facilitate care in the home, not care in the
community (Rosenman, 1992, p. 44).
[A]ny movement away from institutional care to community care of
this nature, to be effective, is dependent on there being an adequate
supply of appropriate and affordable accommodation within the
community for those who require some assistance to live
independently. If this is not available, community care offers little to
the person who is inadequately housed, and in need of assistance to
live independently - although the person unable to access affordable
and appropriate accommodation may well be the one most in need of
(Neil et aL, 1992, p. 198)

Some specialized accommodation options exist for those living

outside institutions who are neither living with family nor friends, nor
capable of fully independent living. Such special-purpose accommodation is in short supply, however, and often inappropriate to the
needs or realistic preferences of those without housing. The situation
is exemplified by the struggle to find appropriate accommodation for
a person being discharged from a psychiatric hospital. At the same
time, some state governments are moving increasingly towards
user-pay principles, leading in the current economic climate to the

Lessons from Australia


suggestion that 'it is the articulate, those with higher incomes and
those with less demanding behaviour who have the best chance of
accessing government programs, whilst others of equal need are
forced into substandard private provision' (Victorian Council of
Social Service and the Office of the Public Advocate, 1992, p. 13).
Local economic conditions and social welfare policies may be seen
in this way to create a changeable 'threshold5 for true or absolute
homelessness among isolated people with severe mental illness. This
view is supported by recent work in the USA challenging the
impression that homeless mentally ill people are shelterless by choice.
Two prospective follow-up studies reported good clinical and social
outcomes for individuals provided with accommodation and on-site
mental health care and day care (Lipton et aL, 1988; Caton, 1990);
and assertive case management helped women who wished to move
around to remain in contact with services and be adequately housed
(Harris & Bachrach, 1990). The majority of 208 long-stay patients
discharged from mental hospitals in Sydney and elsewhere in New
South Wales to supported community accommodation between 1984
and 1987 were functioning well and had remained in the accommodation over some years (Andrews et ai, 1990).
In this chapter we will consider factors that may change this
threshold, as well as those that may affect the entry to and exit from a
broadly defined homeless state. Social and housing policies, and the
ways in which services for people with severe mental illness are
organized, are all likely to be relevant. Individuals are differently
affected according to many aspects of their own background,
personality and situation. The needs of people soon after the onset of
an illness and with a close and perhaps affluent family for support, are
different from those of a destitute person alone after several years of
episodically worsening disorder. The management and prevention
strategies possible will depend on the attitude and behaviour of those
working in and planning the services, the resources provided and the
social policy climate.

Contributions of mental illness to the origins and

maintenance of homelessness
Homeless people commonly experience a number of social, health
and criminal problems. Homelessness for any individual may be



determined by a combination of broad social trends, family circumstances and individual attributes (Susser et al., 1988). Post-war
changes in homeless populations are commonly associated with
broad social changes. These include changes in the population
structure, a growing scarcity of housing, increased levels of unemployment and changes in welfare and psychiatric services. The
process of'deinstitutionalization' of the mentally ill has affected each
generation differently over the past 30 years. In Australia, as in other
countries, this process has been implemented overall without adequate treatment or support or residential alternatives, and appears to
have interacted with the political economy to contribute to homelessness among the mentally ill. Policies have taken little account
furthermore, of the needs of families, and of the factors that may
enhance the ability and willingness of families to provide care. The
breakdown of family links tends to increase the chances of homelessness for an individual with severe mental illness.
While wider factors may be involved, attention to risk factors at the
individual level may reverse, or prevent, a drift towards homelessness.
Homeless mentally ill people frequently have a history of childhood
family separation or institutional care (Susser & Struening, 1987),
and are often socially isolated (Thornicroft & Breakey, 1991). A
Melbourne survey of homeless and disaffiliated people found high
rates of overlap in individual respondents between substance dependence and the mood and psychotic disorders (Herrman et al., 1989).
Similar rates of dual diagnosis were found in other recent surveys
using standardized diagnostic instruments (Koegel et al., 1988).
Co-morbidity of mental disorders and of mental and physical
disorders may well be an important factor in the genesis of homelessness, as may cognitive impairment. Over 40% of a cohort of homeless
men resident in a large shelter in Sydney showed at least mild
cognitive impairment and more than one in four showed severe
impairment (Teesson & Buhrich, 1993).
In the relationship between risk factors and homelessness, the
direction of causality may be unclear. For instance, drug abuse, social
isolation and mental disorder are all plausible consequences as well as
causes of homelessness. In addition, it is usually difficult to date the
onset of homelessness for any individual (Susser et al., 1988). In the
Melbourne study, life charts were constructed from the information
obtained at interview, which was often rich although retrospective,
and from state records of service use. For many respondents evidence
of severe mental disorder preceded sustained periods of homelessness

Lessons from Australia


or marginal accommodation, even when residence in these settings

was episodic. Only a small number of respondents appeared to have
become mentally ill after becoming homeless (Herrman et aL, 1992).
The findings support suggestions that the occurrence of one or more
severe mental disorders is a risk factor for homelessness and disaffiliation (Lamb & Lamb, 1990). Homelessness may follow an accumulation of problems, including mental illness, that severely limit function
and choice.
Findings from the Melbourne survey were indicative in a number
of other respects. Almost half the respondents received diagnoses of
current mental disorders and over 70% received diagnoses of life-time
disorders. Women formed a small minority, and the rates of disorder
were at least as high as those for men, consistent with information
available from Sydney (Virgona et aL, 1993) and the USA (Bachrach
& Nadelson, 1988). The prevalence of life-time and current disorders
in all categories was as high in young as in older men. These findings
also accord with widely reported observations that while the number
and proportion of mentally ill people among the homeless have
increased significantly over the last 20 years, the proportion of young
chronically ill has apparently increased as the proportion of older
substance abusers has decreased (Bachrach, 1984; Koegel^a/., 1988;
Scott, 1993). There has been a marked shift in age distribution
towards the young among single homeless people overall (Susser et aL,
1988). The relatively high prevalence of disorder in the younger men
in Melbourne may be related to selective factors in the survey, to a
cohort effect, or to recovery or death of older men with a history of
mental disorder (Herrman et aL, 1990). Important questions remain,
however, about the effects of changing systems of mental health care,
and of welfare and housing policies, on the course and outcome of the
various disorders, and on the likelihood of individuals living impoverished and isolated lives. We do not know how many of the people,
including the young adults and women, represented by those
interviewed will still be living in these settings in 20 years time, and
how this could be influenced by the provision of various kinds of

Provision and use of mental health services

In Australia, the problems of the care of those with severe mental
illness and the direction of changes in service provision are similar to



those found elsewhere in the Western world. A National Mental

Health Policy and Plan were released in 1992 (Singh, 1992;
Whiteford et aL, 1993). They emphasize a balance of community and
hospital care, with enough flexibility and continuity of care to
provide treatment and support suitable for each individual. The
difficulties lie in adjusting services to the needs of the different areas,
and in the provision of an adequate supply and range of accommodation and family support in the community. State governments
fund psychiatric services, increasingly in the 'mainstream' of general
health care, and the Commonwealth government subsidizes consultation fees for private practitioners. A problem for the state psychiatric services, and hence by and large for the services for those with
severe mental illness, is the difficulty in recruiting and retaining
psychiatrists in the face of the opportunities for private practice
(James, 1993).
Good management of severe mental illness is similar in principle
whether or not the patients are homeless; and is likely to contribute to
the prevention of homelessness. At the same time, service providers
need to be aware of factors particular to the management of homeless
people. The provision of a decent place to live is a primary need,
complemented by access to appropriate levels of treatment and
support. While mentally ill homeless people exhibit high mobility
(Bachrach, 1987), the Melbourne study defined a substantial core of
relatively stable people (Herrman et al., 1989), as have studies in the
UK (Marshall & Gath, 1992). Both of these features are relevant to
service provision. Providers may assume that standard care has little
to offer the drifting person for whom homelessness represents some
form of actively sought anonymity. This assumption is likely to
overlook the lack of choice that many people have in this situation
(Burns, 1989; and see above); and to underestimate the influence of
the style and organization of service provision on the accessibility of
mental health care to homeless people.
Studies of service use by single homeless people in the USA have
been concerned mainly with specialist mental health services. Between

20% and 40% of the persons surveyed in these studies have had a past
history of psychiatric hospitalization (compared with 40% of respondents in Melbourne) and another 15% had contact with outpatient
psychiatric services only. The higher rates of hospitalization have
applied in those studies that consider admissions for drug or alcohol
abuse. Very few of the people with a history of hospital stay have had

Lessons from Australia


recent contact with outpatient or community mental health services

(Gelberg et al., 1988).
Homeless people presenting to an emergency service may be
substantially less likely than domiciled people with similar morbidity
to be admitted (Burns, 1989). These observations require replication
in Australia and elsewhere. From the opposite perspective, state
funded psychiatric hospital services tend to have a high proportion of
homeless people among those admitted for acute treatment. In 1991
an Australian researcher interviewed 269 patients newly admitted to
the psychiatric wards at the Royal Brisbane Hospital, which has a
catchment area covering half of the inner city's suburbs. The study
found that 27% (50 men and 22 women) had either used a shelter for
the homeless, had no fixed address, or had had one or more changes of
address in the 3 months previous to their admission. Of the total, 14%
(or almost one in five men and almost one in ten women) had been
shelter users or literally homeless (Quinn, 1993).
It is clear that changes in any single service type or setting, or
provision of health services alone, are unlikely to alleviate the
problems of homeless people with mental illness. One logical response
has been the establishment of specialized service programmes with
potential to 'engage the disengaged' and provide a range of basic and
specialized services (Levine, 1984; Gelberg et al., 1988) including
assertive outreach mental health services. The latter have been
successful in engaging numbers of people in care and in maintaining
adequate levels of housing (see Chapter 11). Outreach services have
developed in areas of Sydney, Melbourne and other cities (Teesson &
Hambridge, 1992; N. Buhrich, M. Teesson & L. Jayes, unpublished
results). In different parts of Melbourne, such services have been
established as specialized mental health treatment teams for homeless
people, and as part of assertive community services for those with
severe mental illness. Assessment is now in progress of how effectively
these different approaches serve the varying needs of the local
The use of primary care services by homeless mentally ill people has
received less attention in the USA where the contribution of this
service sector is relatively small, but more attention in the UK
(Powell, 1988; Reuler, 1989; and see Chapter 11). In Australia a
survey of Sydney boarding house occupants suggested that the
primary care physician was, by a long way, the main carer for many
isolated mentally ill people (Harris et al., 1987). The respondents in



the Melbourne survey of homeless people reported high rates of

current contact with primary and mental health services. We do not
know the quality and frequency of these contacts, but do know that
relatively few people were taking prescription medication (Herrman
etal., 1992).
These observations suggest a different and perhaps complementary response to the provision of services to homeless mentally ill
people. Many of the homeless people surveyed do make contact with
health services. Despite relatively stable location for a sizable group,
many people with severe disorders do not maintain that contact. The
important question then becomes what factors make these contacts
helpful and lasting; both for the stably located groups and for the
probably more difficult to engage transient and shelterless people. It
is likely that doctors and other professionals in primary health care
could have a greater role in management of homeless (and other)
people with severe mental illness than they generally have at the
moment in Melbourne and other places. In particular, these practitioners could become a focus for other services, or perhaps more
realistically link with outreach services, to provide access to a range of
preventive, crisis and support services in a variety of hospital and
community settings. Incentives for primary care practitioners to
participate in this work may be combined with more focused training
in community mental health care at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and with service changes. Access to psychiatric treatment
in local hospital and community settings, and an adequate range and
supply of supported accommodations are the minimum requirements.
However, a number of factors limit access to these service components, including restrictions in the hours of operation, location and
flexibility of the mental health services. Support workers in generic
services lack training in understanding people with mental illness,
and often have little back-up in crisis situations from the specialist
services, especially after hours. This reflects the 'poorly developed
intersectoral links between mental health and general health, social
and disability services present [ing] a range of barriers to continuity of
care... Social justice reforms with social and income support, and
labour market programs which address the needs of people with
disability have only recently recognised the specific needs of people
with psychiatric disability' (National Health Strategy, 1993; pp. 910). Information systems are not sufficiently developed to facilitate

Lessons from Australia


the continuity and integration of service delivery (National Health

Strategy, 1993, pp.10).
The fragmentation of services particularly affects people with dual
disabilities. There is a critical lack of service and care for people with
co-existing serious mental illness and problematic drug or alcohol use.
Of particular importance are the apparently conflicting views of the
problem among service providers in different health and welfare
sectors and the impact of administrative divisions, which increase the
difficulties of people with these dual problems. The social policy of
'harm minimization' may, if developed within the mental health
domain provide a crucial first step in addressing critical needs for
services (McDermott & Pyett, 1994). There is also a need for
culturally-sensitive facilities that cater for the language and cultural
differences of people from non-English speaking backgrounds (Morrissey^fl/., 1991; Minas /#/., 1993;Jablensky, 1994), and Aborigines
and Torres Strait Islanders (McKendrick et al.y 1992).
In addition, there are a number of features of some mental health
services in Australia that specifically affect adolescents, which may
have profound implications for the ability of young people with
psychiatric disabilities to avoid or escape from homelessness. These
include the fact that adolescent psychiatric units often have long
waiting periods, traditionally require the family to be involved, and
mostly require young people to have secure accommodation before
treatment is offered. Many adolescent services do not assist young
people over the age of 16, while adult services tend to be inappropriate for this age group, and state adolescent psychiatric units are often
unable to provide a service for young people with aggressive
behaviour (Hearn, 1993). Young people with severe mental disorders
surveyed in supported housing in Melbourne were mostly out of
contact with any mental health services (Reilly et al., 1994). The
Homeless Agencies Resource Project is the collaborative response of
the youth housing services and adolescent psychiatry services of
north-east Melbourne, taking adolescent psychiatry services information and expertise to youth housing services (Pawsey & Fuller, 1993).



Impact of housing provision and service links

on ability of people with psychiatric illness to
avoid or escape homelessness
These problems have, at best, led to a tendency for people with
longstanding or episodic mental illness to be lost to the system. At
worst, the fragmentation of services has enabled people, especially
those with dual disabilities, to be excluded from services, each service
seeing the provision of assistance as the responsibility of the other.
Lack of continuity of care or, indeed, at times, any care, is likely to
increase the number of people with mental illness who become
homeless or are at risk of homelessness.
The problems of service provision discussed above not only affect
the drift into homelessness, they also make it very difficult for
someone with mental illness who has become homeless to escape.
There is an acute shortage of exit points for homeless people in
general in Australia (Fopp, 1992). The problems are compounded
for people with mental illness by the fact that government and
community groups have never fully resolved the question of who has
the ultimate responsibility for the accommodation of people with
special needs (Neil et al., 1993). Most services for homeless people
are currently managed by community groups. There has, however,
been little negotiation between the community-managed housing
sector and the government concerning the extent to which the
former is now expected to undertake the provision of accommodation to those who, in the past, may well have been institutionalized,
especially where the behaviour of the latter is disruptive or threatening (Neil et aL, 1993). To the extent that the community-managed
housing sector has assumed responsibility for accommodating and
supporting 'difficult' tenants, this has tended to be by default, rather
than the outcome of negotiation, agreement, careful targeting and
Perhaps as a result, no housing sector has been appropriately
resourced to undertake this function. In addition, the social and
community service sector's growth has been such that adequate
training and career paths for staff have not been provided (Nyland,
1992, pp. 1445). Very few accommodation services have the resources to provide appropriate care and support for people with
psychiatric illnesses if their illness is not controlled, and cannot be

Lessons from Australia


expected to broaden their role unless additional resources are

provided (Chesterman, 1988, p. 81).
When people with mental illness are accepted by such services, the
absence of back-up psychiatric services in a crisis can create a risk for
either the client or other residents. Disruptive behaviour may, at best,
be unsettling for other residents (Rymill, 1992, pp. 27-8 and 34-5).
In extreme situations this can lead to people being barred from
accommodation and other services. This means that those with
possibly the greatest support needs may be left to absolute homelessness. There is anecdotal evidence that groups responsible for community-managed medium-term supported accommodation for young
people exclude those with psychiatric disabilities because they believe
that their workers lack the skills to handle situations that might arise.
This same lack of experience makes services unlikely to be able to
differentiate between those people who may display disruptive
behaviour and those who may not, and may therefore tend towards
making a blanket exclusion.
People with psychiatric disabilities may only obtain access to
particular forms of accommodation, generally those without security
of tenure that are least likely to provide an environment that can
facilitate a person's exit from homelessness, and therefore his or her
ability to cope with mental illness. While 'drifting' appears to be
associated with some illnesses, it may well be that a partial explanation of this behaviour is the services providers' selection process,
especially where shared medium-term accommodation is involved,
and other tenants have a say in the selection process.
Even where access to accommodation is obtained, people with
mental illness do not always receive the support they need to live
independently. Co-ordination between agencies offering generic
support and those offering specialist psychiatric support is often poor.
As noted by Neil et al. (1992, pp. 35-6), a number of service providers
are reluctant to acknowledge the probable extent of mental illness in
the homeless population. There is an understandable sensitivity to
blaming the victim, and thereby stigmatizing an already disenfranchised population (Bassuk et al., 1984). However, this outlook,
coupled with lack of training, has at times prevented housing workers
in the social and community services sector from acknowledging the
need of some of their clients for specialist services. At the same time,
partly because of the lack of clearly negotiated responsibilities of
community-managed housing groups in the overall provision of



social services, specialist services frequently ignore communitymanaged housing groups and generalist support workers who may
have contact with their clients, other than to criticize their perceived
reluctance to provide accommodation for people with psychiatric or
drug-related disabilities.
The problems of co-ordination are exaggerated by the fact that
community-managed housing organizations may have to find their
way through a maze of possible services to help some of their clients
access the type of assistance they need. Further, the growth of the
community management of services has led to a degree of conflict
between specialist, professionally-oriented, community-based government agencies and community-managed organizations that
supply generic support. The former are concerned that professional
sensitivities are being ignored, and the latter fear that clinical care
will dominate the life of their clients.
There is now a greater recognition of the need for a holistic
approach on the part of specialist government agencies, as well as on
the part of community-managed housing groups, and therefore of the
need for more intersectoral linkages. However, there is still a general
lack of intersectoral co-ordination, and, indeed, of mutual respect,
common language and level of understanding between generic
service providers and providers of specialist services (Sawyer et al.,

Prospects for the future

Changing policies associated with the provision of
psychiatric services
The National Mental Health Policy statement in 1992 (see pp. 250)
proposed a number of major changes including the development of an
integrated network of specialist psychiatric services and their delivery
within the mainstream system of health care. The policy marks the
health sector's movement away from providing 'whole of life' services.
A community-oriented approach is advocated, involving the establishment of a new relationship between mental health services and the
wider housing sector, an increase in the range and amount of
supported accommodation, and decentralization of the 'main-

Lessons from Australia


streamed' mental health services, so that the removal of people from

community, family and cultural networks is minimized.
If successfully implemented, the agreed national policy promises to
resolve many of the problems of mental health service provision.
These changes could have a profound effect on reducing the
vulnerability of people with mental illness to homelessness. The
mainstreaming of health services in particular could have a number
of significant advantages for people with mental health problems. It
could help overcome the past marginalization and stigma of people
with mental illnesses, and, as well, to break down the perception that
people with severe mental illness are the sole responsibility of the
mental health services. Improved community awareness and access
to community health services could lead to the tendency to seek help
earlier, and thus to better outcome for some people. The impediments
to continuity of care are likely to be reduced, and its acceptability to
clients increased. The tendency may be lessened for people with
psychiatric disabilities to be concentrated in particular residential
locations near the former centralized services. There is likely to be
increased support for carers, self-help groups and consumer advocacy, and access to more support for non-mental health workers.
The restructuring of services that is taking place, however, is by no
means complete. Further, there are dangers that in the process of
implementing these policies, a number of unintended consequences
may emerge that are detrimental for people with mental illness and at
risk of homelessness. A reduction could occur in access to general
health services, including drug and alcohol services. In a number of
areas mainstream services themselves are inadequate. In addition,
the behaviour patterns of some vulnerable people may contribute to
them failing to receive the type of attention they need from busy and
unprepared mainstream services. Equally, homeless people may not
see the mainstream services available as appropriate to their needs.
There is also a danger of an unintended reduction in the relative
funding of services required by certain people with mental illness in
an economic climate that stresses cost-effectiveness.
While the community-based provision of government services can
tend to reinforce existing inequalities unless carefully planned and
resourced (Ife, 1993), the community-managed provision of services
also has its risks. First, it can enable a government to absolve itself
from the responsibility of ensuring social equity. Secondly, the



mistaken belief that community-based provision of services through

the non-government sector offers a low-cost option for the provision
of services can result in inadequate funding, which, in turn, can make
it impossible for such services to succeed. Thirdly, while it has a
number of major advantages, the transfer of responsibility for the
general support services to community-managed organizations can
present a number of barriers to realizing social equity and accountability. These services may be funded on the basis of principles that are
neither well-targeted nor equitable, size may make some smaller
agencies economically inefficient, even in situations where economic
inefficiency cannot be justified in terms of the agencies' social goals
(see Neil et al., 1993), and poor management standards with respect to
both administration and service delivery have been observed in some
community-managed groups. There are also dangers when structural
changes occur at a time of economic recession. The tensions likely
between professional groups and community groups in the process of
increasing the community-based provision of services tend to be
exacerbated. The same tensions are likely to hinder informal coordination between government departments.
These are all areas where vigilance is required to ensure that, as
intended, people with psychiatric disabilities at risk of homelessness
benefit rather than lose from the service restructuring currently
taking place.

Other changes required in the provision of supported

accommodation options to build on service provision
Before significant improvement can be made in helping those who
become homeless exit from that state, negotiation is required between
the community-managed housing groups and the government about
the provision of supported housing. Once the extent to which the
community sector is to assume this role has been resolved, the sector
needs adequate resources, including money, training and sufficient
autonomy, to be able to do the job properly (Neil et ai, 1993). An
important issue that must be resolved is the extent to which generic
service providers are to be given access to clinical information. Then
it is urgent to address the issue of training of generic support workers
for homeless people. It is important for support workers to be able to

Lessons from Australia


recognize those clients in need of specialist services, and to be familiar

with the range of specialist services to which they can help clients gain
There is a need for conscious effort to improve the level of
understanding between providers of generic support to homeless
people and providers of specialist services. Some consideration, for
example, might be given to secondment of health workers to youth
support services, or to an extension of the idea of the guidance of
youth workers by clinicians in rural areas.
There is also a need to rethink rules and policies on access to
accommodation, especially with respect to issues such as drug use on
the part of those with mental illness. Further rethinking may be
required regarding both the appropriate responses to tenants' failure
to meet such obligations as rent payment, and the types of accommodation that should be provided. In particular, there is a need for:

An increase in the number of single bedroom units in mediumterm supported accommodation projects so other tenants already
under stress do not have to accept responsibility in crisis situations
for someone whose behaviour is disruptive or threatening.
More projects that provide accommodation specifically for people
with challenging behaviour, and have limited expectations of the
residents (McDonald, 1993).

Improved and simplified funding policies to allow more flexible

arrangements, and the increased availability of multi-disciplinary
outreach teams from the mental health services appear to be essential.
To ensure that the mainstreaming of services does not lead to the
reduced accessibility of these services for their clients, generic service
providers need to advocate strongly for a growth in the number of
outreach teams, and work closely with such teams where they are
available. The wide availability of crisis services that can provide
accommodation managers with support in emergencies is also essential.
Improved co-ordination between the different sectors responsible
for housing and supporting people with psychiatric disabilities is
important. Australian experience has highlighted the fact that
policies with respect to community-managed social housing should
never be developed without consideration of other social service
provision policies. As Hamilton (1991, p. 14) points out, the sector
'needs to be an equal partner in integrated planning on [a]



regional/demographic needs base'. Once appropriate policies have

been evolved, diverse approaches to the provision of housing are
required, matched to local needs.

Australia has a system of comprehensive health insurance and state
funded mental health services, which are currently being integrated
and linked into local systems of health and social services. Recognition of the plight of homeless mentally ill people has been part of the
impetus for a national approach to reform of mental health services.
However, economic recession and policies of economic rationalism
make the necessary reforms difficult to implement and in themselves
are likely to result in more mentally ill people becoming homeless and
shelterless. The genuine attempts to respond to need and to emphasize preventive approaches continue. Areas of particular interest in
this regard include the promotion and support of primary medical
practitioners in the care of people with serious mental illness, and
recognition of the needs of families and other caregivers.
Vital to service developments at this point are recognition of the
role of community psychiatrists and other key clinicians and support
workers in local service developments, and negotiation of the role and
resourcing of the various housing support sectors. Service research
and evaluation are required. Services need to be responsive to
community needs, and at the same time public education is required
about the scale of the problem, and about the service and policy
changes that are likely to help. Professional advocacy, and support for
self-help and family support groups, are important in the face of the
continuing stigma of mental illness.
Andrews, G., Teesson, M., Stewart, G. & Hoult, J. (1990). Follow-up of
community placement of the chronic mentally ill in New South
Wales. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 41, 1848.

Bachrach, L. L. (1984). The homeless mentally ill and mental health

services: an analytic review of the literature. In H. R. Lamb (ed.),
The Homeless Mentally III, pp. 11-53. Washington, DC: American
Psychiatric Association.

Lessons from Australia


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Burns, T. P. (1989). Community care and rehabilitation. Current Opinion
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Multi-cultural Australia: A National Strategy. A Report by the

Lessons from Australia


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Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 27,



Implications of social policy

Whilst there may continue to be some disagreement about the precise

nature and extent of mental illness amongst homeless people,
commentators generally view social and health policy as playing the
major part in its causation and consequently it has the potential to
alleviate it. Bassuk et al. (1984) have said that explanations for the
marked increase in the numbers of homeless people include unemployment and the economic recession, deinstitutionalization of mental patients, unavailability of low-cost housing, reduced disability
benefits and cutbacks to social service agencies. Policy developments
may be viewed therefore as directly responsible for the increased
incidence of mental illness in homeless people. Alternatively, changes
occurring in society, for example, the reduction in importance of the
extended family and increase in divorce rates, may not have evoked
the necessary policy response to minimize adverse effects.

People with mental illness will be particularly vulnerable to being
made homeless. In a competitive market for homes, those with severe
and enduring mental illness will be disadvantaged by their lack of
employment, disabilities consequent on their illness and stigmatization. Securing accommodation may therefore be difficult and
maintaining it equally problematic for much the same reasons. In
turn, housing difficulties are life events and circumstances predisposing to relapse and persisting disability. Of particular consequence
therefore, has been the availability of low-cost housing in the public
or private rental sector. Both areas are known to have reduced over



the past decade (recently reviewed comprehensively by Everton,

1993). This has occurred in part because of the encouragement of
owner-occupation, now supported in the UK by both major political
parties. The gentrification of urban areas and possibly rising house
and rental prices in the late 1980s may have been other factors. So,
whilst the number of homes has probably increased more rapidly
overall than the population, social changes, particularly the trend
towards smaller household sizes, has led to increases in the numbers
presenting to local authorities as homeless.
Housing policy in most countries has amongst its key aims the
minimization of homelessness. In the UK, the intention to provide for
the vulnerable was embodied in the Housing Act 1967, the Housing
and Homeless Person's Act 1976 and the Housing Act 1985. Part 3 of
this latter Act states that a local authority has the duty to secure
suitable accommodation if someone is homeless, or threatened with
homelessness within 28 days; is in priority need; and is not intentionally homeless. Priority need includes single people who are vulnerable
as a result of mental illness. The Housing Act 1988 increased the role
of housing associations and a new Special Needs Management
Allowance was introduced to enable them to produce a wider range of
special needs housing including that for people with mental illness.

Employment and social security

Employment policy can have effects on the availability of work for
people with mental illness and therefore their ability to maintain or
obtain housing as well as less specific effects on their mental state.
Policy on welfare benefits is also a relevant factor with effects on
homelessness. The National Assistance Act 1948 in the UK set a
framework that considered the needs of vulnerable groups such as
those who were mentally ill. In 1989, hostel residents were transferred
from receiving support payments for 'board and lodging' to a
combination of housing benefit and income support. This brought
homeless people into the same benefits framework as other people but
has proved complicated, in some circumstances (Everton, 1993), to
administer in practice. Similarly, the change in housing benefit rules
in 1988, which affected its availability to those under the age of 25,
has been cited as having diverse effects. Theoretically, this may have
had a tendency to reduce homelessness in promoting more efficient

Implications of social policy


use of limited housing stock and resources generally by discouraging

young people from leaving the parental home until they are in a
position to financially maintain themselves. Alternatively, the view
expressed by homelessness agencies (Everton, 1993) is that homelessness is increasing because young people are continuing to leave home
but the reduction in benefits and the level of unemployment has
meant that they are unable to obtain accommodation. In the USA,
changes in welfare arrangements whereby people with mental illness
became eligible for Aid to the Disabled (now Supplemental Security
Income) in 1963, are believed to have had an impact on the
deinstitutionalization process (Talbott & Lamb, 1984). This was
further accentuated in the USA with the introduction of Medicaid,
which allowed a shift of half or more of costs to federal government
when patients transferred from state mental hospitals to nursing
homes. Similarly in the UK, most patients transferred from hospital
to nursing and residential homes became the funding responsibility of
the Department of Social Security from the early 1980s and this had a
similar effect.
Difficulties met by homeless mentally ill people in obtaining
benefits may result from the complexities of social welfare systems
combined with the cognitive and social disabilities associated with
mental illness. Paranoid symptomatology and the profound distrust
of authority that many homeless people experience, further complicates an already problematic situation. Citizen's advice bureaux,
welfare rights specialists and even computer packages can assist
where available.

Emergency shelters
A response to homelessness over many decades has been the development of emergency shelters. In New York City, Bassuk & Lauriat
(1986) reported there to have been 2 shelters before 1980 and 18 in
1986 and they asked the question: 'Are emergency shelters the
solution?' Their answer was that: 'Emergency shelters are an essential
short-term solution to the plight of the homeless. They save lives. The
trouble is that many shelters do little more ... Shelters [are] becoming permanent institutions that have replaced the almshouses and
mental institutions of past decades' (Bassuk & Lauriat, 1986, p. 134).
Some shelters in the USA have developed 'wards' staffed by psychi-



atrically trained personnel; in the UK, the attachment of community

psychiatric nurses to shelters is increasingly common. In New York
City, the situation has apparently forced the reopening of a decommissioned hospital to provide care to homeless mentally ill people.
The Resettlement Units Executive Agency (RA), part of the
Department of Social Security, is currently responsible for the direct
management of 15 resettlement units throughout the UK providing
1136 bedspaces. These are direct access hostels managed by the RA
under the Supplementary Benefits Act 1976. Their own surveys had
demonstrated a high prevalence of health problems including mental
disorder amongst people using the units. The RA, which used to run a
total of 22 units some years ago, is actively disengaging from the
business and expects to cease directly managing its hostels by 1996.
Instead figures available for 1993 showed that it provided both
capital and revenue funding for a further 1912 bedspaces in various
parts of the country. These additional bedspaces, which are not
directly managed by the RA, are increasing as the RA decreases the
number of bedspaces that it does directly manage.

Legislation and the criminal justice system

Legislative and criminal justice system policies may also have a
significant impact. New York's efforts to remove homeless mentally ill
people from the streets involuntarily to give medical and psychiatric
attention - Project HELP (New York City Homeless Emergency
Liaison Project) - is one illustration of this (Mechanic & Rochefort,
1992) although it must be noted that only 2% of those assessed were
detained. Most state commitment laws use the criterion for detention
that the person assessed must be in danger of causing serious harm to
him or herself or others. In New York, this was interpreted as being
'within the foreseeable future' rather than the standard test of
'imminent danger'. Legal challenges overturned this in a number of
cases and other obstacles to the programme included the overcrowding of municipal units, long lengths of stay and attempts by the city to
transfer large numbers of patients to state facilities at a time when
they were dramatically reducing in number. Finally, community
facilities were not available to provide back-up. Criteria under
mental health legislation in the UK, except for Northern Ireland, is
wider than in the USA as it allows for involuntary admission for

Implications of social policy


reasons of health or safety or the protection of others. This has

recently been reaffirmed in a Government circular and in the revision
of the Code of Practice for the Mental Health Act (1983). However,
in practice, there is little evidence that its use has been any more
widespread amongst homeless people than in other countries with
more restrictive legislation.
Policing policy might also make an impact on street homelessness
but again there is no evidence of changes in policy, although local
interpretation by individual forces may differ over time. Police
involvement with mentally ill people is substantial but underresearched. In Los Angeles 20% of emergency calls to police are
believed to be related in some way to psychiatric problems (Walker,
1991). The police force there developed a 'mental evaluation unit'
that now receives 1000 referrals a month. In the UK, a National
Schizophrenia Fellowship survey in 1990 reported the provision of
care by police to be more highly rated by carers that they received
responses from than that by doctors, psychiatrists, social workers or
community nurses (National Schizophrenia Fellowship, 1990).
Many homeless mentally ill people spend time in police custody
and prison. In the UK, a recent joint Department of Health and
Home Office report (1992) Review of Health and Social Services for
Mentally Disordered Offenders and Others Requiring Similar Services, made a

number of recommendations highlighting the need for local assessment of the service needs of mentally disordered offenders to take
account of the need for local and medium secure hospital provision at
all levels and non-secure provision. This includes efficient development of court diversion schemes and transfer of mentally disordered
offenders, where appropriate, to community support or hospitals and
the general development of links between the criminal justice system
and health and social services. Both appear to be occurring and in
1992/3 transfers to hospital increased substantially.

Primary health care

Most mental illness is managed by non-specialists in mental health.
In the UK, this predominantly means by the primary health care
team (PCHT: see also Chapter 11). Much inevitably depends on the
attitude of PHCTs to how accessible they make their services and how
effectively they provide services for homeless people generally, and



those who are mentally ill in particular. However, some leverage can
be applied through policy and management channels to improve
services and, crucially, develop understanding by PHCTs of the
difficulties faced by mentally ill people when they are about to, or
have become, homeless. Access to specialist care for most people is by
referral from the PHCT and this means that initial assessment,
treatment and emergency care is given prior to contact being
established with specialist services. The PHCT will usually have
records and often acquaintance with the individual that can be a
source of valuable information for specialists. Even more importantly, anxieties about the process of referral to mental health services can
be alleviated and any complications or disruptions in this process can
be resolved. The PHCT in effect acts as advocate and provides an
introduction for the person to services that elicit apprehension in most
people. For those who need it most, people with severe mental illness
who are also homeless, this smoothing of the path into specialist care is
usually not available. Many homeless people are not registered with a
PHCT. Where they are, this is often only temporary, previous records
are unavailable and time or circumstances frequently makes the
development of a positive therapeutic relationship difficult. Contact
with specialist services may therefore occur in difficult circumstances,
through Accident and Emergency services or the criminal justice
In the UK, two pilot projects were established in 1986 in the City
and east London and Camden and Islington areas to improve
primary health care available to homeless people. Multi-disciplinary
teams were set up, each with a salaried general practitioner (GP),
who visited places where homeless people congregated, seeking where
possible to secure admission of homeless people to GPs lists. Evaluation of the scheme in 1989 suggested some drawbacks to this separate
approach to the homeless and modifications have been made to the
scheme, which was expanded in 1991, to integrate it more with
mainstream services.

Mental health services

The rising recognition of mental illness amongst homeless people has
coincided with the decrease in hospital bed numbers. Numbers of
residents in mental hospitals in the USA reached 559 000 when the

Implications of social policy


population was 165 million (339/100000) in 1955 and fell to 100000

out of a population of 250 million (41/100000) in 1987. In the UK,
there were 143 000 mental hospital beds (320/100000) dropping to
20000 (43/100000) mental hospital beds (45000 hospital beds
overall) in 1992. However, much of this drop is accounted for by
trans-institutionalization; in the USA, there is estimated to be 1.5
million people in nursing homes and mental illness amongst nursing
home residents has been demonstrated to be 30-75% (dependent on
definition). Furthermore, 300000-400000 mentally ill people are
housed in non-traditional institutions - halfway houses, board-andcare homes and other community residences. In the UK, rises from
179500 to 289 900 in nursing and residential homes occurred
between 1978-9 and 1990-91 and similar proportions have been
estimated to have mental illness. The numbers in residential accommodation specifically for mentally ill people has risen from 5600
to 12840 over the same period. A recent review (Mental Health
Task Force, 1994) of'bed spaces' in residential and hospital accommodation has found that the overall numbers have remained at
approximately 80000 throughout the 1980s but in about 1000
locations at the start, 2500 at the end, with a marked reduction in the
proportion in mental hospitals. The proportion of those with
mental illness amongst homeless people over 20 years has probably
remained unchanged (Leff, 1993).
Despite public conviction that deinstitutionalization is responsible
for the numbers of people with mental illness amongst the homeless
population, the effects of these changes are certainly not clear cut. The
first publicized closure of a mental hospital in the UK - Banstead,
Surrey in 1986 - did give rise to concern with reports of patients
scattered around the UK including moves to bed and breakfast
lodgings in seaside towns without support being arranged from local
services (Bassuk & Lauriat, 1986). But systematic follow-up studies of
long-stay patients who have been discharged from hospital have
generally shown that very few are added to the numbers of homeless
people (Double & Wong, 1991; Leff, 1993). The reduction of beds
could nevertheless reduce access to patients who have never become
long-stay either because they are of a younger generation or because
short-term hospital admission previously maintained them in hostels
or their own homes. This has been described as a particular problem in
inner cities. The evidence that numbers ofresident inpatients who have
stayed under 1 year in hospital, has remained constant at around



21000 (in England) since 1986 tends to counter this argument.

However, further investigation is to occur as part of the changes being
made to London's health services.
So, much change has occurred in the settings where mental health
services are provided but also the ways in which it is provided. There
have been marked increases in the numbers of staff providing services
- in England, numbers of community psychiatric nurses have risen to
3600 from 1083, and consultant psychiatrists to 1670 from 1174 over a
similar period from the late 1970s to the early 1990s. But, as occurred
in the USA, many of these community based staff have turned their
attention away from the more severely mentally ill. Services also do
not appear to have adequately followed up or been sufficiently
flexible in the care package offered to patients so that severely
mentally ill people have fallen through the safety net of care (Talbott
& Lamb, 1984). The introduction of methods of case management
and assertive outreach have begun to make an impact on this.
Fischer & Breakey (1986) have said that: 'In relation to the
chronically mentally ill, prevention of homelessness seems to be the
key. Mental health services need to be expanded and augmented to
protect patients from falling through the cracks of the system'
(Fischer & Breakey, 1986, p. 28). The degree of mental illness
amongst homeless people could be viewed as one quality indicator for
mental health services. General developments in the integrated
provision of mental health services should make an impact on the
numbers of people who are homeless and mentally ill at least in
theory. In the USA, the extension of coverage under the Health Care
plans being developed by President Clinton for introduction between
1995 and the end of the century are relevant, although how relevant
remains to be seen. In England, the development of the Mental
Illness Key Area prioritized under the Government's health strategy,
The Health of the Nation: A Strategy for Health in England (1992) is

intended to bring about greater focus on the needs of severely

mentally ill people and purchasing of services for them has been
specifically highlighted in guidance to Health Authorities (DH/SSI,
1994). This has been reinforced by the establishment of a Mental
Health Task Force with a remit to oversee the development of
effective and comprehensive local mental health services to replace
the mental hospitals as they close over the next decade. More specific
but concise guidance detailing ways of assessing and meeting the
needs of homeless people has been given by Access to Health (1992).

Implications of social policy


The development of services that are flexible and responsive is a

challenge to all involved in their provision. Case management
methods have been introduced in many services internationally with
this intention. In England, the introduction of the 'Care Programme
Approach' (Department of Health, 1990) for implementation nationally has been designed to reduce the potential for patients
accepted by specialist mental health services losing contact with
services inappropriately. Essentially it requires services to provide
individuals with a 'keyworker' who co-ordinates assessment, management and review of the individual's needs. It promulgates multidisciplinary working and the negotiation of care plans with users of
services and their carers. It also specifically requires health authorities to ensure that appropriate community services, including housing, are available before a person is discharged from a psychiatric
unit. The principles involved are generally accepted; implementation
is gradually occurring as resistance to re-targeting of resources on
those most at need is overcome and clarification of some initial
misunderstandings of the circular's requirements occurs (North et al.,
Housing and other social policies are fundamental to the reduction
of homelessness generally but Bachrach (1992, p. 460) has warned
that: ' . . . residential planning is sometimes raised to such primacy
that the population's other requirements are virtually ignored...'.
Co-ordination of the widely dispersed responsibility for people who
are homeless and mentally ill is necessary although remarkably
difficult. The variety and number of statutory and non-statutory
agencies involved in any one geographical area can be quite
overwhelming to those attempting to co-ordinate policy and far
more to those on the receiving end of it. Planning however, needs to
be for the individual not for an undefined mass, and where they are
not where we want them (Bachrach, 1992). In the USA, a Federal
Interagency Council on Homelessness created an interdepartmental
Task Force on Homelessness and Severe Mental Illness, which
released a national strategy report in 1992 (Hospital & Community
Psychiatry, News Section, 1992). This proposed action in promoting
systems integration; expanding housing options and alternative
services; improving outreach efforts and access to existing programmes; generating knowledge and disseminating information
about the homeless mentally ill population (see Chapter 13).
In the UK, the Department of Health established an Inner London



Homeless Mentally 111 (HMI) initiative in 1990. This followed the

recognition of significant levels of mental illness amongst homeless
people and followed the success of an initial pilot project. Its aim was
to provide specialist mental health services to people 'sleeping rough'
with the intention of bringing them back, as far as possible, into
contact with mainstream services. Five multi-disciplinary teams have
been set-up and seven staffed hostels have been established accepting
referrals from the teams. Accommodation for longer-term support is
being established gradually. A 'Rough Sleepers Initiative (RSI) 5,
commenced soon after the establishment of the HMI by the Department of the Environment, and provides accommodation for street
homeless people generally. Furthermore, 900 additional hostel bedspaces are being directly provided, with around 2900 places in more
permanent accommodation, to which people in hostels can move,
being developed by the Housing Corporation. The RSI is also
funding voluntary bodies to provide outreach and resettlement work.
Both initiatives are being evaluated and lessons learnt as they
progress - initial results have demonstrated that the teams are
making contact with the population targeted. They are engaging and
maintaining contact with approximately three quarters of their
Elsewhere in the UK, specialist mental health teams or posts have
been established, often utilizing the Mental Illness Specific Grant
(available since 1991) in, for example Newcastle, Birmingham,
Cambridgeshire, Essex, Oxfordshire, East Sussex and Newham with
some 1300 homeless people reported to have benefited. Varying
patterns have evolved. In Nottingham, a team provides liaison
between the non-statutory and statutory sectors with a range of Local
Authority, Health Service and Voluntary Sector provision available,
particularly for those with alcohol problems (Nottingham Hostels
Liaison Group, 1991). Development of mutual understanding between statutory and non-statutory sectors has involved the former
developing much more flexible ways of operating and the latter an
understanding that identifying homeless people as mentally ill should
not be viewed as a 'labelling issue' (Bachrach, 1992) but one that
allows appropriate care to be offered.

Implications of social policy


When homeless people have been asked about their needs, food,
shelter and general medical care usually come before mental health
care, if the latter is included at all. Policies need to address these
expressed needs. But there also needs to be provision of appropriate
mental health care designed to prevent people from becoming
homeless and mentally ill and to assist them in maintaining their
independence once other basic needs are being met.
There is a longstanding tradition of local responsibility for care for
the homeless. Such responsibility can lead to services that are tailored
to local need because of more individualized assessment of needs. In
most areas, the local mental health teams are in the best position to
provide the range of services needed by the relatively small numbers
of homeless people with mental health problems in consultation with
them. Policies need to be focused on creating services that recognize
their needs with staff that have the basic level of training needed to
address them. This may involve management specification through
purchasing contracts to ensure targeting of services. In a few inner
city areas specialist workers or teams are needed to reach patients assertively, not aggressively - and reintroduce them to mainstream
services where possible. A few will need continuing support from the
specialist teams or workers. Likewise specialist hostels are needed in
some areas, direct access hostels are essential in the short-term but
cannot be expected to provide longer term mental health care.
Interest in homelessness and mental illness by policymakers has
dramatically increased in the past 5 years (Manderscheid & Rosenstein, 1992). Early signs are that this may be having an impact on
numbers and availability of services. Evaluative studies are underway
and will report in the near future.

Acknowledgements are due to colleagues from the various different
government departments involved for their comments on early drafts
of the above.



Access to Health (1992). Purchasing and Poverty. London: Access to
Bachrach, L. (1992). What we know about homelessness among
mentally ill persons: an analytical review and commentary. Hospital
and Community Psychiatry, 43, 453-64.
Barham, P. (1992). Closing the Asylum. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Bassuk, E. L. & Lauriat, A. (1986). Are emergency shelters the solution?
International Journal of Mental Health, 14, 12536.

Bassuk, E. L., Rubin, L. & Lauriat, A. (1984). Is homelessness a mental

health problem? American Journal of Psychiatry, 141, 1546-50.
Department of Health (1990). Joint Health)Social Services Circular: Health
and Social Services Development: (Caring for People9. The Care Programme
Approach for People with a Mental Illness Referred to the Special Psychiatric

Service. Heywood, Lanes.: Department of Health. (Joint circular:

HC(90)23, LASSL(90)ll).
Department of Health and Home Office (1992). Review of Health and
Social Services for Mentally Disordered Offenders and Others Requiring
Similar Services. Final Summary Report. London: HMSO. (Cm 2088).

DH/SSI (Department of Health/Social Services Inspectorate) (1994).

Health of the Nation. Key Area Handbook: Mental Illness, 2nd edit.
London: HMSO.
Double, D. B. & Wong, T. I. (1991). What has happened to patients
from long stay psychiatric wards? Psychiatric Bulletin, 15, 735-6.
Everton, J. (1993). Single homelessness and social policy. In K. Fisher &
J. Collins (eds,), Homelessness, Health Care and Welfare Provision,
London: Routledge.
Fischer, P. J. & Breakey, W. R. (1986). Homelessness and mental
health: an overview. International Journal of Mental Health, 14, 641.
Hospital and Community Psychiatry, News Section (1992). Federal task
force develops national strategy to improve services to homeless
mentally ill. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 43, 523-4.
Leff, J. (1993). All the homeless people - where do they all come from?
British Medical Journal, 306, 669-70.
Manderscheid, R. W. & Rosenstein, M. J. (1992). Homeless persons
with mental illness and alcohol or other drug abuse: current
research, policy, and prospects. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 5,
Mechanic, D. & Rochefort, D. A. (1992). A policy for inclusion for the
mentally ill. Health Affairs, 11, 128-50.
Mental Health Task Force (1994). Survey of English Mental Illness
Hospitals. London: NHSE (National Health Service Executive).
National Schizophrenia Fellowship (1990). Report of Survey for Department
of Health. NSF News, May 1990, p. 1.
North, C , Ritchie, J. & Ward, K. (1993). Factors Influencing the
Implementation of the Care Programme Approach. London: HMSO.

Implications of social policy


Nottingham Hostels Liaison Group (1991). Mental Health Support Team

for Homeless People. Nottingham: NHLG.
Talbott, J. A. & Lamb, H. R. (1984). Summary and recommendations.
In H. R. Lamb (ed.), The Homeless Mentally III, pp. 1-10.
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.
Department of Health (1992). The Health of the Nation: A Strategy for
Health in England. London: HMSO. (Cm 1986).
Walker, J. (1991). Psychiatric problems of American cities. In M. Page
& R. Powell (eds.), Homelessness and Mental Illness, pp. 35-8.
London: Concern Publications.

Evaluating services for homeless people with
mental disorders: theoretical and practical

This chapter is in two sections. The first section will be a survey of the
types of evaluative studies that have been conducted on services for
homeless people with mental disorders. The survey will pay particular attention to the problems that have arisen in carrying out these
studies. This section will be illustrated throughout by examples of
evaluative studies from the UK literature; where UK studies are
lacking, examples will be taken from the world literature.
The second section will consider how far evaluative studies have
provided evidence for the effectiveness of hostels for the homeless. As
indicated in Chapter 9 the role of hostels in this area is increasingly


Evaluative studies of services for homeless people with mental
disorders can be classified according to design. Such a classification
produces the following broad groupings:

Retrospective evaluations.
Evaluations based on the impressions of a trained observer.
Follow-up evaluations.
Before and after evaluations.
Single case and 'action research' evaluations.
Quasi-experimental evaluations.
Randomized controlled trials.

Evaluating services


Examples of evaluations from each of these groupings will be

discussed below. The discussion will pay particular attention to the
reasons for adopting particular designs and the problems that arise in
implementing these designs with homeless subjects.

Retrospective evaluations
Retrospective evaluations are based on the analysis of routine data
collected during clinical work.

Uses of retrospective


Retrospective evaluations may usefully describe the structure of a

new service and the activities of that service. Retrospective evaluations may also raise questions about the effectiveness of a service.

An example of a retrospective evaluation is the description by
Ferguson & Dixon (1992) of a walk-in psychiatric service in a hostel
for the homeless in Nottingham. An example of a retrospective
evaluation that raised questions about the effectiveness of a service, is
the study by Hamid & McCarthy (1989) of community psychiatric
nurses (CPN) working with 'homeless' and 'home-based5 clients in
Bloomsbury. This study found that homeless clients were less likely to
receive supportive care from the CPN service and were more likely
than home-based clients to be referred elsewhere; even though the
homeless group were more likely to suffer from schizophrenia.

Retrospective evaluations are relatively cheap and fairly easy to carry

Retrospective evaluations are usually based on poor quality information and are prone to many sources of bias. Whilst retrospective



evaluation may highlight problems with a service, they are of little

value in assessing the service's effectiveness.

Evaluations based on the impressions of a

trained observer
An observer is placed within a service for a time. The observer
examines the activities of the service by, for example, attending
management meetings or observing interactions between staff and
clients. The observer then synthesizes his or her impressions into a
report. Such reports are usually, but not invariably, backed up by
interviews with consumers of the service (both clients and representatives of other interested parties), and with more objective data on the
types of patients seen by the service.
Uses of evaluations based on impressions
Evaluations based upon the impressions of an observer can be used to
identify problems with an existing service or problems that arise while
setting up a new service. Such studies have also been used as the main
means of assessing the effectiveness of a new service, but this use is
problematic. A powerful, but uncommon, use of an observer, is to
complement the findings of an empirical evaluation, such as a
randomized controlled trial.

A good example of the use of an observer is provided by a study of the
reaction of agencies to 'difficult to place' homeless clients in Oxford,
most of whom were suffering from mental disorders (Vagg, 1992).
The observer concluded that 'many of the most difficult problems
were picked up by the voluntary sector, which might be characterized
as the only place left to go when statutory agencies decided that
individuals had become too difficult to cope with'. As a result of the
observer's recommendations a care management team was set up to
organize and supervise 'shared care' in the city, between voluntary
and statutory agencies.

Evaluating services


An observer was used to assess the effectiveness of a new service for

the homeless as part of a controversial evaluation (Williams & Allen,
1989) of the work of two multi-disciplinary primary care teams in
London (Tower Hamlets and Camden). The evaluation was based
on observer's impressions, interviews with patients, general practitioners (GPs) and hostel staff, and data on the type of patients seen by
the teams. The study concluded that the teams were ineffective and
should be discontinued. It was suggested that specialized services
would only serve to marginalize those homeless people already on the
fringes of society.

Evaluations based on impressions are relatively cheap, though not as
cheap as retrospective studies. Perceptive observers may provide
information that cannot be obtained from more formal empirical
approaches. For example, observers can detect good or bad practices,
or gain an understanding of the motivations or frustrations of staff
and clients. The findings of observers may lead to hypotheses that can
then be tested in empirical studies. Such findings may also be used to
complement or 'explain' the findings of empirical studies. For
example, a randomized control trial might establish that a new
service was no more effective than usual treatment, whilst the findings
of an observer might help explain why this was so.

The study of primary care teams in London (Williams & Allen, 1989)
illustrates well the problems of evaluating a new service by means of
an observer. Without suitable empirical data to back up the impressions of the observer it is impossible to counter the argument that the
observer's impressions were misleading or biased. The inevitable
result of a negative report will be a wrangle between proponents and
opponents of the service. Thus, observational methods, whilst of value
in identifying problems with existing services, are not helpful when
used as the sole means of assessing the effectiveness of a new service.
This is not to say however that they should not be used to complement
a suitable empirical approach, such as a randomized control trial.



Surveys are based on data collected from a cross-section of the users of
a service. The subjects selected should be representative of the users of
the service (but rarely are).

Uses of evaluations based on surveys

Surveys may be used to evaluate a service for the homeless either by
(a) eliciting clients' opinions about the service, or (b) assessing the
quality of care that the subjects are receiving. Subjects' opinions may
be elicited using standardized instruments, such as satisfaction
questionnaires, or simply by seeking opinions on specific aspects of
care. Quality of care may also be assessed using standardized
instruments, or more simply, by seeking the opinion of a panel of
acknowledged experts. The findings of evaluative surveys are difficult
to interpret unless there is some 'yardstick' against which the subjects'
opinions or the quality of care can be assessed.

Eliciting clients3 opinions

A study of women's hostels in London asked mentally disordered

residents whether they wished to live elsewhere. The study found that
only 16 out of 61 residents (26%) wished to remain in the hostels, and
all of the 16 complained about lack of privacy (Marshall & Reed,
1992). Thus, a majority of the residents did not consider the hostel
accommodation satisfactory.
Assessing the quality of care

The care provided to severely mentally disordered residents was

assessed using the MRC Needs for Care Schedule in a study of two
Oxford hostels for the homeless (Hogg & Marshall, 1992). Standardized instruments were used to measure the performance of 46
mentally ill residents in 20 areas of psychiatric and social functioning.
Ratings of performance in each area of functioning were then
compared with criteria provided by the schedule. If a subject's

Evaluating services


performance in an area fell below the standard set by these criteria

then a problem was present. The authors determined whether the
problem was a need using a list of suitable interventions supplied by
the schedule for each problem area. A problem was identified as a
need when there were one or more suitable interventions that had not
been offered in the past year. Although the authors felt that the MRC
Needs for Care Schedule had many limitations, the study indicated
that there were high levels of need for psychiatric and social care
amongst the residents, on average about two needs per resident.

Surveys are useful in that they provide a good means of assessing the
quality of care being provided by a service at one point in time.
Surveys also permit us to evaluate a service indirectly by providing
information about how the recipients of the service perceive it.

Surveys can be difficult to conduct, particularly when representative
samples are required and standardized instruments are used. Surveys
do not allow us to assess the actual outcome for clients but only the
quality of care at one point in time. Surveys cannot determine
whether one approach is superior to another. Where quality of care is
being assessed, it may be very difficult to find a suitable yardstick
against which the care of the index group may be compared.

Follow-up evaluations
A group (or cohort) of clients receiving a service is identified and
assessed at one point in time and is then reassessed some time later.

Uses offollow-up


Follow-up evaluations may be used to determine the outcome for

those using a service, and by implication the effectiveness of that
service. They are most useful in finding out how clients fare within an
established system of care.



A Bristol follow-up study reported a favourable outcome in 16 out of
48 homeless men who had attended a psychiatric clinic (Tomison &
Cook, 1987). The study concluded that 'psychiatric intervention can
achieve something'. On the other hand, the East London Homelessness Health Team (HHELP), a primary health care team, reported
that only 8 out of 112 subjects of no fixed abode, and 12 out of 144
subjects in unstable accommodation, obtained stable accommodation during their period of contact with the team (Balazs, 1993).

Follow-up evaluations are easier to conduct than randomized controlled trials and quasi-experimental designs. Such studies complement surveys because they assess the outcome of care rather than the
process of care. Follow-up evaluations provide a reasonable indication of how far a service is achieving its goals, and may indicate when
a service is performing poorly.

Follow-up evaluations are difficult to carry out with homeless persons
because the high mobility in this group leads to high drop out rates.
Furthermore good outcome for clients cannot necessarily be attributed to the effects of the service, whilst a poor outcome may reflect
factors outside the control of the service in question. Nevertheless such
studies give some indication of how well homeless people are being
served by the current system of care.

Before and after evaluations

Before and after comparisons are similar to follow-up studies except
that subjects are recruited and assessed before receiving a service and
are then reassessed after a fixed period.

Evaluating services


Uses of before and after comparisons

Before and after comparisons may be used to obtain a preliminary
evaluation of the effectiveness of a service.

The Psychiatric Shelter Program of the Presbyterian Hospital in New
York City was evaluated by comparing the social circumstances of 32
homeless mentally ill men before and after the men were placed by the
programme in community housing (Caton et aL, 1990). Findings
were a reduced level of criminal justice contacts and an increased
utilization of psychiatric after care services.
Before and after evaluations are a useful method of making a
preliminary assessment of a new service when either: (a) more
suitable designs are not possible, or (b) the investigator wishes to
determine whether it is worth proceeding to a controlled trial. The
simple design of before and after studies makes them relatively easy to
There are likely to be high drop out rates in samples taken from
homeless populations. Furthermore, before and after evaluations
tend to over-estimate the effectiveness of an intervention because,
without suitable control groups, it is impossible to rule out the
possibility that changes in the index group were not due to natural
improvements over time (regression towards the mean), or to other
factors that changed during the study. This second confounding
factor can be a particular problem in studies of the homeless because
of the frequent policy changes that occur towards this group.

Single case and 'action research' evaluations

In a single case study, data on some suitable index of the service's
performance are collected over a long baseline. At the end of the



baseline period a change in the service is implemented and the effects

of the change on the index variable are observed over a further period
of time. 'Action research' is a special variety of the single case
approach. Action research attempts to achieve some specified goal by
proceeding 'in cycles of evaluation, policy change, re-evaluation and
further policy change' (Leach & Wing, 1978).
Uses of single case designs
Single case designs are particularly useful in situations where the
investigator wishes to evaluate the effect of a change in the way a
service is being provided. Single case designs can also, in principle, be
used to evaluate the effectiveness of a new service.
One of the best known examples of action research was provided by a
team of investigators working with the St Mungo's Community in
London (Leach & Wing, 1978). From September 1971 to August
1976 the investigators monitored the effectiveness of the community
in resettling homeless men. At intervals in the course of the research
the investigators put forward recommendations as to how the
Community's practices should be changed to improve resettlement
rates. The researchers then observed the effects of the changes they
had recommended on resettlement rates, and accordingly made
further recommendations and so on. As described in Chapter 9 the
investigators were ultimately successful in improving resettlement
rates, though with unforeseen consequences for the Community.
Single case designs are a fairly robust alternative to randomized
controlled trials that may be used in many situations where the
former design would not be possible or suitable.
Single case evaluations of services may require baseline data to be
collected for very long periods, as was the case in the study described
above. Where it is important to establish that improvements have

Evaluating services


occurred due to the intervention in question, rather than extraneous

factors, complex designs with multiple 'cases' may be required. Thus,
for example, if a study were being conducted to assess the effect of a
change in hostel policy it might be necessary to collect baseline data
on several hostels and then implement the change at different times in
each hostel in a random order.

Quasi-experimental evaluations
In quasi-experimental evaluations the outcome for an index group of
subjects (who receive a service) is compared with that for a control
group of subjects (who do not receive the service). The allocation of
subjects to index and control groups is not random.

Uses of quasi-experimental


Quasi-experimental evaluations can be used to assess the effectiveness

of a service, or the relative effectiveness of one or more different types
of service. They are most useful in situations where randomized
controlled trials are not possible.

No examples from the literature on homelessness are known to this
author, although such designs have been used in studies of homebased care (Dean et aL, 1993).

Quasi-experimental evaluations avoid the need for randomization,
with its attendant ethical and administrative problems.

Failure to randomize subjects to treatment and control groups means
that differences in outcome between groups may be attributed to
factors other than the intervention. Quasi-experimental evaluations



are prone to bias and their findings are therefore much less robust
than the findings of randomized controlled trials.

Randomized controlled trials

Subjects are randomly allocated to treatment and control groups.
The outcome for subjects is usually assessed after a fixed period of
Uses of randomized controlled trials
Randomized controlled trials are the most suitable method for
determining whether a service is effective. They are also the most
suitable method for determining whether one service is superior to
In an evaluation of the effectiveness of a multi-disciplinary psychiatric team working with the homeless in Lewisham, 95 homeless men
with psychiatric disorder were randomly allocated to receive either
'advice' or 'full case management' (Timms, 1990). After 1 year, 50%
of the advice groups were lost to follow-up as compared to 20% of the
treatment group. Such high drop-out rates make it difficult to
interpret the other findings of the trial.
A more successful comparison of three different treatment approaches was carried out by Morse et al. (1992) in St Louis. A total of
150 homeless mentally ill subjects were randomly allocated to receive
either: outpatient treatment, treatment at a drop-in centre, or
assertive community treatment. At 1 year subjects in the assertive
community treatment group had more contact with their treatment
programme, were more satisfied with their programme, spent fewer
days homeless and made use of more community resources than
subjects in the other two groups.
Marshall et aL (1995) carried out a randomized controlled trial, in
a medium-sized English city, to evaluate a social services case
management team for people with long-term mental disorders.

Evaluating services


Subjects were referred from: hostels for the homeless; night shelters; a
GP clinic for the homeless; the City Council homelessness unit; and
local voluntary sector group homes. Eighty subjects consented to be
randomized to treatment or control groups. At 14 month follow-up
there were no significant differences between treatment and control
groups in number of needs, quality of life, employment status, quality
of accommodation, social behaviour and severity of psychiatric
symptoms. The authors concluded that social services case management was successful in reducing deviant behaviour, but otherwise
made little difference to the lives of the subjects.
The randomized controlled trial is the most robust way of producing
definitive evidence for the effectiveness of a service or for its
superiority over another service.
Randomized controlled trials are difficult to organize under the most
favourable conditions. Unfortunately evaluations of services for the
homeless tend to take place under conditions that are particularly
unfavourable to organizing a successful clinical trial. The greatest
problem is caused by high drop-out rates, either because subjects
have moved away from the area altogether, or have changed
'address' locally and therefore lost contact with the investigators.
Even where an index intervention leads to low drop-out rates, a study
may fail because of high drop-out rates in the control treatment, as
was the case in the first trial described above. The second trial
reported above, attempted to overcome the problem of high drop-out
rates by replacing subjects who dropped out with other subjects
randomly allocated to the three treatment groups (Morse et aL, 1992).
Further problems likely to face those attempting to organize
randomized controlled trials with homeless mentally disordered
subjects are: insufficient numbers of subjects; difficulties obtaining
consent to randomization; and difficulties obtaining co-operation for
randomization from voluntary organizations.




Hostels are caring for large numbers of people with severe mental
disorder. Not surprisingly many have questioned the suitability of
hostels for this role. For example, in a report by a subgroup of the
Working Party on Single Homelessness in London (SHIL, 1987),
hostels were described as 'irrelevant' to the needs of many homeless
people. The report concluded that hostels 'need to go, to be replaced
with a range of... facilities which can meet the real needs of their
current users'. In view of this controversy this section will consider the
role of hostels and will examine the evidence for their effectiveness.

The role of hostels for the homeless in caring for

people with severe mental disorders
Hostels provide four distinct types of assistance to people with severe
mental disorders:


act as a safety net.

provide a place to live.
provide a resettlement service.
are a place where care and support can be provided.

How good are hostels at providing each of these four types of

Acting as a safety net
Hostels are the last resort before the street corner for many people
with mental disorders. The data presented in Chapter 9 leave little
room for doubt about the effectiveness of hostels in this role as a 'safety
net'. Further evidence is provided by hostel surveys demonstrating
that many mentally disordered residents have been abandoned by or
lost touch with, the statutory services (Marshall, 1989; Marshall &
Reed, 1992). Over the past 40 years as 'care in the community' has
been implemented, hostels have absorbed increasing numbers of
people with severe mental disorders, many of whom are extremely
socially disabled. Unfortunately, the loss of hostel beds in recent years

Evaluating services


(7000 in London alone in the past 10 years) has greatly impaired the
capacity of hostels to continue performing this vital role. This has led
some to conclude, not unreasonably, that 'the increasing numbers of
homeless people on the streets have been generated primarily by the
disappearance of direct access accommodation' (Timms, 1993).
The success of hostels as a safety net appears to be for three reasons.
First, large to medium hostels usually have beds immediately
available. Secondly, they do not impose complex referral or assessment criteria before admission and thirdly, they are usually easily
located by potential users.
Providing a place to live
Whilst conditions in some hostels are unacceptable, they are not
invariably poor. Nevertheless the available evidence suggests that
most mentally disordered hostel residents would prefer to live
elsewhere. For example, in a study of women's' hostels in London 16
out of 61 women (26%) expressed a preference to remain in the
hostel; moreover all 16 who wished to remain complained about lack
of privacy (Marshall & Reed, 1992). The author's own work in
Oxford hostels (unpublished results) indicates that less than one in
three male residents with severe mental disorder would prefer to
remain in the hostel. We must assume therefore that many hostel
residents would prefer to live elsewhere.
Providing a resettlement service
There is considerable evidence to suggest that hostels are not
successful at resettling residents with severe mental disorder in more
suitable accommodation. For example, a follow-up of mentally
disordered hostel residents in Oxford found that only 10 out of 48
residents were rehoused in an 18 month period. Those residents who
were rehoused went either: back to their families, to private bedsits, or
to accommodation provided by the hostels. No residents obtained
accommodation supported by health, social services or housing
associations (Marshall & Gath, 1992). In this respect there has been
little improvement from the days of the Camberwell Reception
Centre (Wood, 1976). It would appear however that this failure to
resettle residents is not so much a failure of the hostels as a failure of
the statutory services to support the hostels.



A place where care and support can be provided

There is evidence to suggest that hostels are not succeeding in
providing the care and support that people with severe mental
disorders require. The high levels of need in Oxford hostels have been
described above (Hogg & Marshall, 1992). Other recent hostel
studies have shown that only a minority of residents with severe
mental disorder are in contact with the statutory services. Thus, in
two women's hostels in London, less than half of those suffering from
schizophrenia were in contact with the psychiatric services or
receiving any form of treatment (Marshall & Reed, 1992); whilst in a
representative sample of a London hostel for men (Timms & Fry,
1989) less than half of those with schizophrenia were in contact with
the psychiatric services.
Findings such as these have led to suggestions that mentally
disordered hostel residents have become 'isolated from mainstream
community care'. It has even been suggested that hostels for the
homeless may act as 'traps' for some mentally disordered people.
Thus, a recent report described two cases of men severely disabled by
schizophrenia who had lived in hostels for many years (Marshall &
Sharpe, 1993). For years both had displayed complete incoherence in
thinking and had been incapable of holding a conversation. Both
were without friends or relatives. Neither resident could clothe or
wash themselves and depended on hostel staff to perform these
activities for them. Both residents showed considerable improvements
in their ability to communicate and to care for themselves after
admission to hospital and treatment with neuroleptic medication.
These improvements were maintained after discharge.
The authors of the report felt that the case histories demonstrated a
fundamental problem with hostel care. The problem is that whilst
hostels have developed a remarkable capacity to tolerate deviant
behaviour and to provide support to those incapable of self-care, they
have only a limited capacity to assess the need for specialized
treatment or to provide that treatment. Thus hostels end up
'containing' problems that could be cured or considerably alleviated
by suitable treatment. This unfortunate situation is not the fault of
the hostels; rather it is the fault of statutory services that have
consistently failed to provide adequate liaison services.

Evaluating services


The available evidence suggests that hostels for the homeless are
successful in one major aspect of their role; that of acting as a safety
net for mentally disordered people who would otherwise have
nowhere to go. However, on the other three aspects of the hostels' role
the evidence is not so favourable. On providing a place to live, the
limited evidence suggests that only a minority of mentally disordered
residents wish to remain in hostels, and few find that the accommodation provided is satisfactory. On acting as a resettlement service, the
evidence suggests that hostels are largely unsuccessful. On acting as a
place where care and support can be provided, the available evidence
suggests that hostels are not succeeding.
The limited effectiveness of hostels is not, however, a strong
argument for their immediate closure. By collecting and concentrating people with mental disorders in one place, hostels have provided,
and continue to provide, a useful opportunity for statutory agencies
to fulfil their obligations. The signal failure of statutory agencies to
take up this challenge is hardly the fault of the hostels. What is
required is a much more dynamic and aggressive effort by statutory
agencies to identify, treat and especially resettle, mentally disordered
hostel residents. Until this effort materializes and hostel beds are lying
empty, we should leave the messenger unharmed.

Balazs, J. (1993). Health care for the single homeless. In K. Fisher (ed.),
Homelessness, Health Care and Welfare Provision, pp. 51-93. London:
Caton, C. L. M., Wyatt, R. J., Grunberg, J. & Felix, A. (1990). An
evaluation of a mental health program for homeless men. American
Journal of Psychiatry, 147, 286-9.
Dean, C , Phillips, J., Gadd, E. M., Joseph, M. & England, S. (1993).
Comparison of community based service with hospital based service
for people with acute, severe, mental illness. British Medical Journal,
307, 473-7.
Ferguson, B. & Dixon, R. (1992). Psychiatric clinics in homeless hostels
- your flexible friend. Psychiatric Bulletin, 16, 683-4.
Hamid, W. A. & McCarthy, M. (1989). Community psychiatric care for
homeless people in inner London. Health Trends, 21, 67-9.
Hogg, L. I. & Marshall, M. (1992). Can we measure need in the



homeless mentally ill? Using the MRC Needs for Care Assessment
in hostels for the homeless. Psychological Medicine', 22, 1027-34.
Leach, J. & Wing, J. K. (1978). The effectiveness of a service for
helping destitute men. British Journal of Psychiatry, 113, 481-92.
Marshall, E. J. & Reed, J. L. (1992). Psychiatric morbidity in homeless
women. British Journal of Psychiatry, 160, 761-9.

Marshall, M. (1989). Collected and neglected: are Oxford hostels for the
homeless filling up with disabled psychiatric patients? British Medical
Journal, 299, 706-9.
Marshall, M. & Gath, D. G. (1992). What happens to homeless
mentally ill people? Follow up of residents of Oxford hostels for the
homeless. British Medical Journal, 304, 79-80.

Marshall, M., Lockwood, A. & Gath, D. (1995). How effective is social

service case management for people with long-term mental
disorders? A randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 345, 409-12.
Marshall, M. & Sharpe, M. (1993). Untreated schizophrenia in hostels
for the homeless: a cause for concern? Bulletin of the Royal College of
Psychiatrists, 17, 16-18.

Morse, G. A., Calsyn, R. J., Allen, G., Tempelhoff, B. & Smith, R.

(1992). Experimental comparison of the effects of three treatment
programs for homeless mentally ill people. Hospital and Community
Psychiatry, 43, 1005-10.
SHIL (Single Homeless In London) (1987). Primary Health Care for
Homeless Single People in London: A Strategic Approach. Report of a

Joint working party on single homelessness in London. London:

Timms, P. W. (1990). Psychiatric care of the homeless - a domiciliary
asylum service. Abstracts for the Royal College of Psychiatrists Annual
Meeting, 12-13.

Timms, P. W. (1993). Origins of homelessness specific to the mentally

ill. In K. Fisher (ed.), Homelessness, Health Care and Welfare Provision,

pp. 100-16. London: Routledge.

Timms, P. W. & Fry, A. H. (1989). Homelessness and mental illness.
Health Trends, 21, 7 0 - 1 .

Tomison, A. & Cook, D. (1987). Rootlessness and mental disorder.

British Journal of Clinical and Social Psychiatry, 5, 5-8.

Vagg, J. (1992). A little local difficulty: the management of

difficult-to-place people in Oxford. International Journal of Law and
Psychiatry, 15, 129-38.
Williams, S. & Allen, I. (1989). Health Care for Single Homeless People.

London: Policy Studies Institute.

Wood, S. M. (1976). Camberwell Reception Centre: a consideration of
the need for health and social services of homeless single men.
Journal of Social Policy, 5, 389-99.

Future directions for homeless mentally ill

The lessons from a literature review from around the world suggest
that the definitions of homelessness vary but the association between
homelessness and chronic severe mental illness is fairly well known.
The health services also vary according to the local socio-economic
and political structures, which means that the true assessment of
actual numbers of the homeless and their needs presents a major
problem. In the UK, localized catchment area based community
services may enable a closer primary and secondary care interface as
described in Chapter 11. In the USA, marked reduction in low-cost
housing and deinstitutionalization of state and county mental hospitals have contributed to the problem of social construction of
homelessness (Robertson & Greenblatt, 1992). The global view, not
comprehensive by any means, outlined in this volume suggests that
there are common themes for research, management and social policy
change and that there are also differences in terms of definitions of
poverty and homelessness, which may be inextricably linked, and also
in terms of service provision. If any strategies for change in research,
social policy and management are to succeed there have to be
concentrated efforts on the part of the researchers, clinicians, policy
makers and politicians. As the causes of homelessness are multidimensional, their management as well as social policy changes must
be multi-factorial and multi-dimensional.

Commonalities across the globe

There are common confusions regarding definitions of homelessness,
how people enter the spiral of homelessness and associations with
mental ill-health and vulnerability factors for physical illness.



Many policy makers seem to think that the homeless are a homogeneous group. Many sociologists and clinicians along with epidemiologists have struggled with the diversity of causes of homelessness, types
of homelessness complicating the presence of mental illness. There
needs to be an element of agreement in definitions of homelessness as
well as classification. Leach (1979) had urged a simple intrinsic versus
extrinsic divide - the former including those where the mental or
physical disability antedated their homelessness, whereas in the latter
their homelessness was attributed to situational factors. Leach went
on to propose that the subgroups would need different service
programmes. However, Morse et al. (1991) suggested that a
taxanomic system based on current impairment was superior to the
system based on past history. Obviously the roofless versus shelterless
definitions will vary across countries. Furthermore, the presence of
co-morbidity will affect the definitions and the outcomes. There need
to be multi-centred studies across the globe addressing the issues of
definitions, pathways and antedating factors.

Pathways into homelessness

Pathways into homelessness are many and vary dramatically according to the age of the individual, social support available, local health
and social services, gender as well as race. When the social services
benefits were cut down for the under eighteens in the UK, there was a
marked increase in the number of homeless youth on the streets. In
the past 10 years in the UK, over 1.25 million households have been
accepted as homeless by local authorities - bringing the number of
individuals up to a total of more than 3 million, half of them children
(Burrows & Walentowicz, 1992). The numbers do not tell the full
story - hence the suggestion by Koegel (1992) that longitudinal
life-history type of social anthropological approaches must be used.
Victor (1992) has used a model of pathways into homelessness in her
study in West London but more information is needed to identify the
crisis points in order to make appropriate changes in social policy. In
developing countries these crisis points may be different as the social
support would vary. However, with a change in social milieu
occurring rapidly, the processes of capitalism, industrialization and

Future directions


urbanization and disintegration of family structures and reliance on

nuclear family structures, may bring about changes that may be
worth studying. In the developed countries, the mentally ill homeless
are also likely to have less contact with family and friends and more
barriers to employment even if it is readily available.

Numbers of homeless mentally ill

With co-morbidity of physical and mental illness and substance
misuse becoming an important issue around the globe, the overall
numbers are likely to increase. Outcome studies are rare for these
groups and as the American experience demonstrates that if suitable
programmes are in place that are multi-dimensional, need orientated
and individual focused they are more likely to be successful (Leda &
Rosencheck, 1992). As we know, mental illness, social dysfunction
and homelessness are related problems that exacerbate one another.
Looking at the information available from around the globe the
absolute numbers of homeless individuals are likely to grow - the
proportion of mentally ill in the homeless group may increase, too.
There are no consistent explanations for the observations of increased
numbers and visibility of the homeless mentally ill across the globe.
Successful clinical intervention must target problem areas of social
dysfunction, homelessness and mental illness.
As Leshner (1992) recommended, well-being of the homeless mentally ill is not the sole province of the mental health services and
requires the co-ordinated efforts of many service systems working
This has to be seen as a starting point for successful mutual
collaboration between the housing and social services on one side, and
the statutory health services on the other.

Differences around the globe

Definitions of poverty and the basic poverty line will depend upon the
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the Gross National Product
(GNP) of each country so there may be an element of comparing
oranges with apples. There needs to be an international perspective
on this very important issue.



Definitions of poverty
In the developed countries, where social services exist, the official
poverty line may determine the social services support and benefits.
In less developed countries, these basic supportive networks may not
be present and a combination of poverty, overcrowding and industrialization may lead to child labour as well as to large scale
migrations into urban areas producing large areas of shanty towns.
Here, houses may have nothing more than a basic structure with
walls and a roof, but no availability of basic amenities for clean water
or sewage disposal. Furthermore, the truth behind the definitions
may be used by the policy makers to hide the extreme poverty or
exaggerate it to fulfil certain aims. The men, women and children
who must live on the streets and shelters may find little privacy and
less support. The homeless are only the most visible of the poor. The
much greater number of very poor who cling to vermin-infested
rooms or live doubled and tripled up with relatives are otherwise little
different in the USA (Hilfiker, 1989). Although Hilfiker (1989) goes
on to observe that in the USA the poor and marginalized must fend
for themselves - this is true of most of the globe - certainly from
countries where information is openly available. A lack of resources
and denial of access to these resources compound the problems of
poverty and its impact on people of different ages, ethnicity and
gender. These factors need to be studied in relationship to homelessness.

Relationship of patterns of poverty,

and mental illness


Poverty and unemployment may be linked although the two states

can exist separately. However, poverty can be defined objectively and
applied consistently only in terms of the concepts of relative deprivations where members of the community lack the resources to obtain
the type of diet, activities of the community and living conditions
approved by the society (Townsend, 1979). Specific psychological
impacts of poverty have been mentioned including a different
conceptualization of time restriction of linguistic code and poor
self-esteem, which are well known. Individual differences in the
development and maintenance of low self-esteem are important

Future directions


factors and these would need to be assessed along with the other
vulnerability factors. Lower educational attainments and lack of
financial savings have been suggested to be related to inability to
postpone gratification (see Bhugra, 1993 for a review). The estimates
of psychiatric morbidity in the homeless vary. Co-morbidity of
physical illness, psychiatric illness and substance misuse although
well described does not always translate into an understandable
structural model. In developing countries, for example, physical
illness and chronic infections may lead to poverty, unemployment or
homelessness. However, it is fair to say that the evidence of a
correlation between homelessness and alcoholism or mental illness
and homelessness does not mean that either factor is a cause or
consequence of homelessness (Wright, 1989). In the UK disorganized
schizophrenia is common in homeless populations, it is not clear
whether this is true elsewhere as well. The social substrate of health
perceived by the homeless individual will also affect the relationship
with the therapist.

Patterns of help-seeking
Patterns of help-seeking depend upon the type of illness, the explanatory model used for that particular illness, the types of service
available and accessibility to those services. It would thus make sense
that homeless mentally ill across the globe may have different
patterns of help-seeking. This, when combined with the perception of
social substrate for health, affects help-seeking. The individual may
display a limited trust in statutory services. Furthermore, in the UK,
sectorization and emphasis on catchment area services along with a
perceived rigidity and inflexibility of the health services, especially
secondary care, mean that the homeless mentally ill may not always
be booked into health services. In addition, the theoretical model of
money following the patient after the National Health Service (NHS)
reforms means that any definition of last home may prove difficult
and unacceptable, thereby stopping the 'follow the patient flow' of
the money. If the individuals are not registered with general
practitioners, a hand-over and subsequent continuity of care will
prove impossible. Some homeless individuals blame their nonregistration on their own mobility and the inflexibility of services.
The innovative outreach services can therefore prove to be more
accessible, approachable and therefore successful. In other countries,



the access to services may be more difficult especially if health care is

totally or even largely private.
Socio-political factors
It is apparent that the patterns of help-seeking as well as types and
definitions of homelessness and poverty depend upon the health
structures. The health care system in any country is decided by social,
economic, political, geographical and historical factors. The health
demands of the population along with the epidemiological factors
determine the needs of the whole population along with those of the
special groups. The control by the government over the health service
in the UK was one of the factors in the development of the NHS and
the state became more involved in the health of the population and
the regulation of the medical profession throughout the nineteenth
and early twentieth centuries. The 1834 Poor Law was the first
acknowledgement that government had some responsibility towards
the care of the population (Burns & Bhugra, 1995). These changes led
to a clear identification of the functions of the NHS, which was meant
to provide preventative and curative health care. Similarly in latter
contexts although the so-called NHS reforms have not made it
difficult to seek help for chronic disabling conditions, they have added
further layers of bureaucracy and management.

The physical and political structures of the health and social services
provide help for the homeless mentally ill individual. These structures
of the health care systems also include personal/social and complementary health sectors, which may be used by those needing health
care. In the USA it was estimated that between 70% and 90% of all
illness episodes are treated within the personal/social sectors, which
may be a reflection of the general health care system available. In
other countries, including the UK, such information is not readily
available, but another possible area of investigation across various
centres may well be the extent of use of alternative therapies and other
options. Nevertheless, not having any fixed, easily available, approachable social support, the homeless individual may have to rely
more on personal resources. This may also produce extra stress if these

Future directions


resources, especially physical and emotional, are not good enough.

The structures of existing family and community networks would
need to be studied.

Future directions
There remain several avenues in research that can be followed. There
are two areas that could immediately be researched fruitfully - these
include age-related differences and special needs groups within the
broad mentally ill homeless category. In addition, some further
suggestions are made below.

Impact of urbanization
In less developed countries the impact of urbanization on numbers of
homeless mentally ill individuals as well as social and psychological
stressors and functioning needs to be studied. Although initial
welcome steps have been taken in Latin America, the Far East,
Middle East and South East Asia still need to be studied (for a
discussion on Latin America see Harpham & Blue, 1995). As
Harpham (1993) had previously cautioned, risk factors such as
poverty and poor environmental conditions have been repeatedly
identified as having an independent association with ill-health among
the urban poor in general, but their impact across various cultures
and in various settings is not always very clear. Maternal education,
maternal age, parity and marital status for the women have been
shown to be key features associated with ill-health, and have already
been demonstrated by Harpham in Brazil. Another additional factor
that needs to be assessed is that of intra-urban differences. Social drift
and social residue have been shown to be two possible factors for the
intra-urban differences (Ekblad, 1990). The pull towards the bright
lights of the city and push factors from the rural poverty need to be
studied. It will be worth investigating which of the two factors plays a
more important and sustained role in the genesis and perpetuation of
mental disorders.

European models and their significance

As shown by the European perspectives, the varieties of homelessness
and the state's response to the needs of the mentally ill homeless



individual vary a great deal but there is a lot that can be adapted by
other countries. For the young homeless for example, the model
demonstrated by Van der Ploeg (1989) in the Netherlands suggests
various dimensions of negative family backgrounds, past history of
professional help along with negative school experiences, low selfperception and lack of friends, although reports from elsewhere also
suggest that there may be generalities that are common across
countries and cultures and there are specifics that must be taken into
account. Similarly the models presented in this volume suggest that
not only is there an accumulation of severely mentally ill in the
lodging houses, there is also a possibility of reduction in numbers due
to availability and government commitment to providing low-cost
accommodation to those in need, as demonstrated by reports from
Denmark. Similar numbers in Eire suggest various social factors at
Anthropological approaches
Koegel (1992) argues that the dearth of rich qualitative descriptions
of lives in the processes of homelessness, together with an emphasis on
preoccupation with pathology and disaffiliation, a failure to view the
homeless in the broader socio-economic and situational contexts of
their lives and the absence of longitudinal perspectives make it more
difficult to provide relevant social policy information. He goes on to
observe that the danger in using epidemiological techniques when
focusing on homeless individuals is that such individuals are isolated
from the broader socio-economic contexts that are crucial in shaping
the characteristics, behaviours and choices. Thus, the explanatory
models highlighting critical influences of broader factors, settings and
other people rather than an individual deficit model can give an
insight into the processes of homelessness. Furthermore, studying
individuals over a period of time in an ethnographical context means
that processes and insights into their experiences of double jeopardy
of mental illness and homelessness can work. In addition, the
anthropological method of participant observation moves beyond an
exclusive reliance on self-report by working on the principle that
behaviour is being studied using a blend of both interviewing and
observation (Koegel, 1992).

Future directions


For service provision, the gap between the needs of the homeless
mentally ill and the available resources and services have to be
matched. The multi-dimensional problem needs multi-dimensional
solutions and any medical interventions planned will have to be
highly tailored. Furthermore, housing, welfare benefits and service
delivery have to be interlinked. Joint planning between the statutory
health services and voluntary services may produce unique innovative models of assessment and management. As Craig et al. (1995)
recommend, the needs of the newer subgroups within the homeless
population (younger, ethnic minority and women) should be targeted. There is no doubt that preventative work, especially if it is
multi-disciplinary, will prove to be fruitful.

Bhugra, D. (1993). Unemployment, poverty and homelessness. In D.
Bhugra & J. Leff (eds.), Principles of Social Psychiatry, pp. 355-84.
Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
Burns, A. & Bhugra, D. (1995). History and structure of the National
Health Services. In D. Bhugra & A. Burns (eds.), Management for
Psychiatrists, pp. 3-17. London: Gaskell.
Burrows, L. & Walentowicz, P. (1992). Homes Cost Less Than
Homelessness. London: Shelter.
Craig, T., Bayliss, E., Klein, O., Manning, P. & Reader, L. (1995). The
Homeless Mentally III Initiative. London: DOH.
Ekblad, S. (1990). Family stress and mental health during rapid
urbanisation. In E. Nordberg & D. Finer (eds.), Society,
Environment and Health in Low-income Countries. Stockholm: Karolinska
Harpham, T. (1993). Urbanisation and mental disorder. In D. Bhugra
& J. Leff (eds.), Principles of Social Psychiatry, pp. 346-54. Oxford:
Blackwell Scientific Publications.
Harpham, T. & Blue, I. (1995). Urbanisation and Mental Health in
Developing Countries. Aldershot: Avebury.
Hilfiker, D. (1989). Are we comfortable with homelessness? Journal of the
American Medical Association, 262, 1375-6.
Koegel, P. (1992). Through a different lens: an anthropological
perceptive on the homeless mentally ill. Culture, Medicine and
Psychiatry, 16, 1-22.
Leach, J. (1979). Providing for the destitute. In J. K. Wing & R. Olsen



(eds.), Community Care of the Mentally Disabled, pp. 90-105. Oxford:

Leda, G. & Rosencheck, R. (1992). Mental health status and
community adjustment after treatment in a residential treatment
program for homeless veterans. American Journal of Psychiatry, 149,
Leshner, A. (1992). A new system of care for the homeless mentally ill.
Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 43, 865.

Morse, G., Calsyn, R. & Burger, G. (1991). A comparison of taxanomic

systems for classifying homeless men. International Journal of Social
Psychiatry, 37, 90-8.
Robertson, M. & Greenblatt, M. (1992). Homelessness: a national
perspective. In M. J. Robertson & M. Greenblatt (eds.),
Homelessness - A National Perspective, pp. 339-49. New York: Plenum
Townsend, P. (1979). Poverty in the United Kingdom. London: Allen Lowe.
Van der Ploeg, J. D. (1989). Homelessness: a multidimensional problem.
Children and Youth Services Review, 11, 45-56.

Victor, C. (1992). Health status of the temporarily homeless population

and residents of North West Thames Region. British Medical Journal,
305, 387-91.
Wright, J. (1989). Address Unknown: Homeless in America. New York:
Aldine de Gruyter.


Italic page numbers refer to tables and figures

Abram Man 15
law enforcements 49
ACCESS (Access to Community
low self-perception 53
Care and Effective Services
mental health 52-3
and Supports) 125
negative experiences at school 53
negative family backgrounds 53
cheap rented, diminished stocks
and homelessness 34
definitions 48-9
and psychiatric service, lack of
throwaways and homeless 48
co-ordination 255-6
services to avoid homelessness
supported, and service provision,
changes required for
see also young homeless
co-ordination 258-60
advisory services for homeless,
see also hostels; housing; residential
Germany 204
planning; shelters
affective disorders
address, mailing and GP
amongst older homeless, London
registration 162
and NYC 156
admission unit, outcome, Ireland
in hostel users 22
African-American homeless women
adolescents, homeless 48-53,113
between social security and social
African origin and homelessness 36
department care 49
age and mental illness 249
common causes for running
age factors, homeless women 645,
away 49-53
differentiation between street
see also older homeless
youth and homeless youth
Aid to the Disabled 269
AIDS and homeless adolescents 51
few friends 53
alcohol abuse/alcoholism 112
history of professional help 53
amongst homeless, Denmark
implications for service 53-4,
190, 192, 193
by mentally ill homeless 104
institutional care 49
and criminality 82

alcohol abuse/alcoholism (cont.)
homeless women 69-71
19th-20th centuries 63-4
and homelessness 35
in hostel users 22
older homeless 155
and other drug dependence in
homeless 11415
parental 155
and young homeless,
Denmark 194
as pathway to homelessness 172
in single homeless 171
statistics 30
see also dual diagnosis
aliases used by patients 217
ambulatory difficulties, older
homeless 156-7
America see United States of
amnesic syndrome amongst mentally
ill hostel residents 146
anthropological approaches 304
Assertive Community Treatment
(ACT) 126
Assesment Service, Ireland 21625
asylums for homeless, Denmark
asylums, management of 'lunatic
paupers' 16-18
extra cost for maintaining 17
attitudes of mentally ill homeless
to professional services 113,
attitudes to mentally ill homeless by
mental health professionals
4, 19-22, 102-3
Australia, homelessness, and mental
health 244-64
Baltimore Mental Health Systems,
Inc. 126
barbiturates taken by homeless
women 70-1

'Bedlam' 15
beds (bed spaces)
availability, and discharge of the
mentally ill 33
lack of long-term facilities 33
in direct access hostels 19
begging, prosecutions,
1910-1930s 80-1
behaviour disorders, homeless
children 47
Bethlehem hospital, fate 15
Bethlem asylum 16
bisexuality and homelessness 36
Black Death, cause of social
disruption 12
black men, drug abuse, and
homelessness 35, 36
black people, older homeless 154
black women
drug abuse, and homelessness
35, 36
homeless 66-7
board-and-care homes 273
boarding-homes for homeless,
Denmark 190-1
boarding-houses, Germany 205
Boards of Guardians 14
boundary-busting system, USA
238, 240
bridewells (houses of correction)
first workhouses 13
Britain, homeless women, 19th and
20th centuries, 59-63
broken homes
and family homelessness 44
and homeless adolescents 50
Camberwell Reception Centre 293
accommodation studies 137
Camberwell Spike, closure, effects
cannabis abuse and homelessness
see also 'soft' drugs

Care Programme Approach 275
care system for homeless
Germany 204-5
and homeless youth 50
see also community care; primary
health care; psychiatric
Caribbean origin and homelessness
casual wards
closure, Ireland 211-12
provision 13
reduction by National Assistance
Board 14
renamed reception centres see
reception centres
for single homeless women 62
casualty departments for primary
care of single homeless 179
Cecil Houses (Inc.) Public Lodging
Houses Fund 62
cellulitis, reason for presenting at
medical services 173
Child Care Act 1991, Ireland 213
Children Act of 1908, Ireland 213
children, homeless 458
behaviour disorders 47
classification 11213
developmental delay 46, 47
emotional problems 46
Ireland 213
language development delay
medical disorders 47-8
missing school 48
poor school achievement 46
statistics 456
suicidal thoughts 46
see also young homeless
children of older homeless, contacts
with 157-8
Christ House, programme 126-7
Church Army
homeless women accommodation

hostel accommodation 134
Church leaders and homelessness,
Ireland 216
adolescents 113
runaways, throwaways 48-9,
chronic alcoholics 112
chronically mentally ill 112
dually diagnosed 112
of homeless children 112-13
of homeless families 112-13
of homeless women 645
of homelessness 28-38, 172
in 1920s 20
'intrinsics' and 'extrinsics' 28
see also homelessness, definitions
situationally homeless 112
street people 112
clinical services for homeless people,
USA 110-32
acceptance of the way of living
basic needs 117-18
priorities do not always include
mental health services
clinical considerations 120-1
clinical and support range 118
engagement 116
establishing trust 120
future plans 127-8
prevention 128
giving help and training to
'providers' 121
integration 119-20
in localized areas 11617
peculiar problems for people
living in streets 119
programmes, models and service
systems 122-7
dual diagnosis 123-4
Federal programmes for the
homeless mentally ill 124-5
increasing accessibility 122

clinical services (cont.)
innovative programmes at the
local level 125-7
linkage and collaboration
reluctance to accept change
rights of individuals 118-19
team work 121
transition stage 119
see also primary health care;
psychiatric services
Clinton, President Bill, health care
plans 274
Germany 204
in the homeless 115-16
see also dual diagnosis; physical
co-ordination of services 102,113,
118, 121, 180-1, 255-6, 275,
cocaine abuse
by homeless women 116
by mentally ill homeless 104
and homelessness 35
cognitive deficits (impairment)
amongst older homeless, London
and NYC 156
in homeless mentally ill 103
Columbia University in New York,
programme 126
Commissions of Inquiry on Mental
Handicap and Mental Illness,
Ireland 215
Committee on Reformatory and
Industrial Schools, Ireland
community care
dangerousness of discharged
patients 92
Germany 201-5
local level, services 125-7
police referrals to psychiatric
services 84-6, 271

community mental health
programmes 1045
community-oriented approach for
integrated psychiatric
services 2568
community psychiatric nurse
service 281
community psychiatric nurses, UK,
statistics 274
community psychiatrists, UK,
statistics 274
community treatment order and
subsequent criminality
compulsory treatment 90-1
extended leave patients 90-1
'concealed homeless' 62
County Homes, Ireland 211
crack abuse and homelessness 35
criminal activity and homeless
adolescents 51-2
criminal justice system and
legislation, impact on
mentally ill homeless 270-1
criminality, homelessness, and
mental illness 7895
access to primary care 889
alcohol problems 82
amongst older people 155
community treatment order
diversion from custody 86-8
future provisions 92
historical background 79
psychiatric hospitalization 82,
discharge problems 83
public concern at dangerousness
of discharged patients 92
studies 81-3
see also police referrals
criminality, single homeless 173
Crisis at Christmas emergency
shelter, morbidity studies

Critical Time Intervention (CTI)
custody, diversion from for mentally
ill defendants 86-8
Cyrenian shelter, Oxford 136
dangerousness of discharged
patients 92
dangerousness of street living 114
day centre, St Brendan's Hospital,
Dublin 220-5
community based components
day care and accommodation
needs 224-5
operational aspects 220-2
outcome 222-3
outcome data 223
day centre and shelter for homeless
women 74
definition (meaning) of homelessness
see classification, of
homelessness; homelessness,
as contribution to homelessness
4, 31, 34, 160, 211, 267-8
Germany 199-200, 201
and homelessness 100
and inadequate housing and care,
Australia 246, 248
mentally ill need appropriate
housing 246-7
user-pay principles 2467
numbers affected 2734
and older homeless, London and
NYC 161
and type of service offered 235-6
in urban settings, Ireland
amongst homeless, Denmark 192
amongst mentally ill hostel
residents 146
amongst older homeless, London

and NYC 156
demographic profile of single
homeless 172
Denmark, homelessness 18997
characterization 1913
homeless mentally ill 1913
definitions 189-90
institutions for the homeless
psychiatry in the streets 1945
research in mental illness among
homeless 1956
statistics 190, 191
use of psychiatric central register
young homeless 193-4
Department of Social Security
(DSS) resettlement units 13
depression, amongst older homeless,
London and NYC 156
deserving/non-deserving and
attitudes to homelessness 4
destitution and workhouse
accommodation 13
detention of homeless mentally ill
developmental delay, homeless
children 46, 47
disruptive behaviour, effects on
other residents 259
domestic conflict and homeless
adolescents 49
drop-in centres
Germany 205
for older homeless 165
see also day centre
drug abuse
amongst homeless, Denmark 193
homeless women 69-71
age factors 70-1
and homelessness 35
and mental illness 248
in single homeless 171
statistics 30
see also dual diagnosis



dual diagnosis 112, 123-4, 248

in mentally ill homeless 103
with substance abuse 1234
see also co-morbidity; physical
Dublin see day centre, St Brendan's

introduction 187-9
see also Denmark; Germany;
Ireland; United States of
evaluation of services see services,
'extended leave' patients 90-1

East London Homelessness Health

Team (HHELP) 286
Edinburgh Common Lodging
Houses 141
emergency psychiatric admission
emergency services, use, Australia
emergency shelters
psychiatric services 269-70
emigration, changes, and
homelessness, Ireland 211
emotional disorders and homeless
adolescents 52
emotional problems, homeless
children 46
employment policy for mentally ill
201, 268
amongst mentally ill hostel
residents 146
in single homeless 170
and subsequent homelessness 172
establishing trust 120-1
ethnic background of mentally ill
hostel residents 146
ethnic grouping and homelessness
ethnic minorities amongst single
homeless 173
European models and their
significance for mentally ill
homeless 303-4
European perspectives 187-229
comparison with USA 187-8

families with children, homeless

aid to 43-4
categories 43-5
general ill-health 45
implications for service 54-5
increase in number 41
individual problems 42-5
pathways into homelessness 41-2
sequelae 41-5
special problems 41, 42
UK studies 43
USA studies 42-5
see also women with dependent
families, homeless, classification
family contacts, older homeless,
London and NYC 160-1
'familyless' 231
Federal programmes for the
homeless mentally ill 1245
female prostitution and homeless
adolescents 51
females see women, homeless
flophouses, older homeless 153
New York City (NYC) 158
'flu'-like illnesses, treatment
difficulties 178-9
evaluations of services 2856
failure to comply 102
food, clothing, money and shelter as
priorities 101-2, 113,
functional psychoses, prevalence,
UK studies 135

funding at local level 13
funding policies 259
funding shortages and treatment
future directions for homeless
mentally ill 297-305
future prospects, Australia 256-60

lack of data 198
Nazi massacre of mentally ill
statistics 201-3
studies 202, 203-4
Goddard Riverside Community
Center 120
government programmes for the
homeless, USA 124-5
see also statutory health services
Great Chapel Street Medical
Centre, Soho, London
continuity of care 177
open access to all services 178
primary care health centre for the
homeless 88
guilt at circumstances 174

gender and homelessness 345

general practitioners
clinics and day centres and
hostels 177-8
registration, and mailing address
rejection of mentally ill homeless
rejection of older homeless 157
see also primary health care
'gentrification' of the inner cities
halfway houses 4, 273
and homelessness 34, 268
health care, access for older
geographic mobility see mobility,
homeless 162
health care utilization of older
Geriatric Service, St Brendan's
homeless 157
Hospital, Ireland 216-17,
Health of the Nation: A Strategy for
218-19, 219-20, 221-2,
Health in England (1992)
Germany, homelessness 197-8, 199, help-seeking, patterns 301
heroin abuse
200, 201,202, 203-9
homeless women 70-1
acute problem 201
and homelessness 35
care system for homeless 2045
community care of mentally ill
Hispanic men, drug abuse, and
homelessness 35, 36
historical aspects 4-5, 11-25
current situation 201-4
criminality and mental illness
deinstitutionalization 199-200,
hostel closure 'programme'
employment of mentally ill 201
growing inpatient rates 2001
growing problem 1989
lunatic paupers 1518
insufficient psychiatric services
psychiatric attitudes 19-22
statutes 11-14
workhouses 11-15
reunification 198
HIV infection 113
historical background 197
homeless and mentally ill homeless
historical development 199-201
need two separate services
homes for mentally ill 200
introduction 197-9

homeless mentally ill, and mentally
ill homeless, differentiation
homeless people
acceptance of way of life 120-1
dangerousness of street living
other problems (mailing address,
storage of medicine . . .) 119
programme, Ireland 21620
admission unit 217-20
day centre 220-5
see also Day Centre, St
Brendan's Hospital, Dublin
prospective survey, Ireland 218-19
UK, statistics 135
see also hostels; shelters
homeless population in the USA
see also classification
homeless, single see single homeless
homeless women see families with
children, homeless; women,
classification 28-38
see also classification, of
definitions 26-8, 48-9, 151-2,
230-3, 298
Australian government 2445
commonalities across the
globe 297-9
first, second and third degree
how soon is a person homeless
increased by shortage of funds
and treatment 2546
introduction to the problem 3-9
historical aspects 4-6, 11-25
international aspects 3-4
overview and definition of
clinical, social and
psychological needs 7-9

range of psychiatric morbidity
meaning 230-3
and mental health, Australia
and mental illness, evaluating
services see services,
models 26-40
National Assistance Act 1948
requirements 26, 268
pathways, see pathways into
as psychiatric rather than political
problem 215-16
statistics 152
see also adolescents, homeless;
children, homeless; families
with children, homeless
and homeless adolescents
and homelessness 36
enforced, rights of individuals
of older homeless 157
British, survey of mental illness
and alcoholism 21-2, 22
clients' opinions 284, 293
closure 'programme' 18-19
definition of shelter and hostel
accommodation 1334
direct access
bed spaces 19
UK 270
resettlement units 270
effectiveness 292-4
estimating numbers 143-5
evaluating 280-96
see also services, evaluating
follow-up studies 141
mixed shelter/hostel studies


numbers and characteristics of
residents 143-7
older homeless 158
rehousing 141
psychiatric characteristics

social characteristics 145-6

social disability caused by
mental disorder 146
role in caring for people with
severe mental disorders
acting as a safety net 292-3
place where care and support
can be provided 294
providing a place to live 293
providing a resettlement
service 293
higher prevalence 13941
possible explanations 1401
see also schizophrenia
separating hostel studies from
shelter studies 135-6
social and psychiatric
characteristics 145-7
studies 137
trends in prevalence of mental
disorder amongst users 139
unclassified studies 138
hotels, Germany 205
'houselessness' 231
houses of correction 1213
first workhouses 13
houses of religion, relief to the poor
associations 268
benefits 268
problems 268-9
Germany 200
for homeless, likely to deteriorate,
Australia 245
mentally ill vulnerable 245-6

lack, and definition of

homelessness 232
decline, London and NYC
and homelessness, Ireland 211
reduction of availability 4, 31,
34, 160, 267-8
policies, co-ordination 275
provision, mentally ill homeless
affected by lack of funds and
treatment 254-6
securing for the mentally ill 267-8
shortage, as reason for
homelessness 4
special needs of mentally ill
stable, as goal 234-6
see also accommodation; residential
Housing Act 1967 268
Housing Act 1985 160, 268
Housing Act 1988 268
Housing and Homeless Person's Act
1976 268
humiliation at circumstances 174
income benefits (support) for the
mentally ill 268
older homeless 159
London and NYC 154
problems 268-9
see also statutory health services
incontinence amongst mentally ill
hostel residents 147
Indo-Pakistani women, homeless
inner cities, homelessness 245-6
origin 31-3
redevelopment and
'gentrification', contribution
to homelessness 34, 268
Inner London Homeless Mentally
111 (HMI) initiative (1990)

institutions for the homeless,
Denmark 190-1
integration of services for single
homeless 1801
international aspects 3-4
see also Denmark; European
perspectives; Germany;
Ireland; United States of
intravenous drug abusers, and
homelessness 35
involuntary help for mentally ill,
NYC 270
involuntary treatment (admission)
involuntary treatment for mentally
ill homeless 111-12
Ireland, homelessness 209-29
admission unit, outcome
closure of casual wards 211-12
day centre 220-5
operational aspects 220-2
deinstitutionalization in urban
settings 215-16
disinvestment in public housing
domestic perspectives 210
emigration 211
homeless children 213
homeless families 214
homeless females 214
identifying the homeless 210
lack of accommodation 211
outcome of the Irish initiative
'planning for the future' 225-6
poverty, morbidity and the
'underclass' 212
prison service 214
social factors 210-11
statistics 210
survey 216
tuberculosis incidence 223-4
Irish people

background of mentally ill hostel
residents 146
origin and homelessness 36
preponderence amongst single
homeless 173
proportion of homeless, London
itinerant workers 20
language development delay,
homeless children 467
leg ulceration
reason for presenting at medical
services 173-74
treatment difficulties 178-9
legislation and the criminal justice
system, impact on mentally
ill homeless 270-1
life-time disorders 249
local authority
duty to house the homeless 13,
availability of funds 13
local community level services
local economic conditions and
homelessness 247
see also statutory health services
lodging houses
for homeless, Denmark 190-1
mixed common 60-1
for respectable working women
women considered more difficult
than men 601
London, older homeless, see older
homeless, London and NYC
low-cost housing see housing, low-cost
'lunatic paupers' 15-18
Bethlehem hospital 15
curable, management 17-18
management of the furiously mad
and dangerous 16-17
treatment in asylums 17-18
treatment in workhouses 17-18


'Vagrancy' Act 1714
'wandering' 15


Magistrates' Court, psychiatric

assessment 878
mailing address and GP
registration 162
male prostitution and homeless
adolescents 51-2
marital status and homelessness
more than female, are homeless
proportion of homeless 153
marital status
homeless women 35
and homelessness 35
males 35
older homeless, London and
NYC 154
Medicaid 269
older persons entitlement and
uptake, NYC 162
medical disorders see co-morbidity;
dual diagnosis; physical
health; primary health care
Melbourne, special problems 2456
men see males
Mental Health Act 1959, section 39,
patient leave of absence 90
Mental Health Act 1983
and admission of acutely ill
psychiatric patients 33
section 4, police powers 85
section 136, police powers 84
use of section 35 88
Mental Health Act Commission,
problems of bed availability
mental health and homelessness,
Australia 244-64
Mental Health Task Force 274
mental hospitals
background amongst mentally ill

hostel residents 145

closure programme 18-19
discharge problems 83
past history 250-1
provision of new hostels 18-19
lack of funding 19
release and older homeless 161
residents, statistics and
deinstitutionalization 272-3
see also deinstitutionalization;
psychiatric services
mental illness
before becoming homeless 248-9
contributions to origins and
maintenance of
homelessness 247-9
definition 233-4
and families with children 44^5
as pathway to homelessness see
pathways into homelessness
prevalence rates 114-16
risk factors 248
single homeless 172-3
state of homelessness 232-3
statistics 30
Mental Illness Specific Grant 276
mental retardation amongst
mentally ill hostel residents
mentally ill homeless people
geographic mobility 236-8, 250
see also mobility, geographic
help-seeking patterns 301-2
and homeless mentally ill,
differentiation 99-100
international awareness, future
directions 299-305
need two separate services
separation from homeless 234
service provision and housing
affected by lack of funds and
treatment 254-6
unique requirements beyond
housing 234

methadone abuse, and
homelessness 35
Metropolitan Poor Act 1964 13
missing school, homeless children
mobility, geographic, of mentally ill
homeless 236-8, 250
diurnal and seasonal movement
into and out of homeless
population 236
over wide areas 236
reasons for restlessness 236-7
whilst undergoing treatment 237
mobility problems, older homeless
models of homelessness 26-40
monasteries, relief to the poor 12
dissolution by Henry VIII 12
mood swings and homeless
adolescents 52
morbidity and homelessness,
Ireland 212
MRC Needs for Care Schedule 284
multiplicity of needs 113
see also co-ordination of services
National Assistance Act 1948 26-7,
National Assistance Board
and Casual Wards 14
establishment 14
men/women living in reception
centres, 1966 62-3
networks, lack for homeless people
neuroses, amongst homeless,
Denmark 193
New York, older homeless, see older
homeless, London and NYC
New York City Homeless
Emergency Liaison Project
(Project HELP) 270
night-lodgers, Ireland 211-12
no fixed abode

psychiatric admissions 69
alcoholism 71
women 69
statistics for personality disorders
statistics for schizophrenia 20-2
non-itinerant workers 20
Northern English preponderence
amongst single homeless 173
numbers of homeless mentally ill,
world-wide 299
see also statistics
occupations, older homeless, London
and NYC 154
older homeless, London and NYC
cross-national comparison
access to benefits 161-2
access to health care 162
case advocacy 164
causal model of ageing and
homelessness 163
demographics 153-4
deviant behaviour 155
disruptive experiences in
youth 154-5
drop-in centres 165
emergency shelters 165
family contacts 1601
low cost housing 160
mental health 155-6
methods 152-3
patterns and pathways of
homelessness 158-9
physical health 156-7
preference for safe
accommodation 165-6
psychiatric hospitals, release of
patients 161
social networks 157-8
solutions 163-6
statutory entitlements 162
uptake 162


statutory support 163-5
structural (social) factors
theoretical approach 151
unemployment 161
definitions 151
numbers 150-1
organic mental disorders
amongst mentally ill hostel
residents 146
amongst older homeless, London
and NYC 156
Orwell, George 17-18
relief for poor 79
returning vagrants to 79
PATH (Program for Assistance in
Transition for the
Homeless) 124
pathways into homelessness 29,
30-8, 298-9
contribution of mental illness 31
definition 29, 30-8
deinstitutionalization 4, 31, 34,
160, 211, 267-8
economic factors 33-4
epidemiological difficulties 32
families with children 41-5
individual factors 347
older homeless 158-9
severe mental illness 36-7, 247-9
statistics 29-30
unemployment 33
women 723
personality disorders
amongst homeless, Denmark 192
in the homeless 115, 116
in single homeless 171
statistics 21-2
physical health
homeless children 47-8
in homeless women 71-2
of older homeless, London and
NYC 156-7

see also co-morbidity; dual

diagnosis; primary health
Planning for the Future (1984),

Ireland 225-6
police involvement with mentally ill
people 271
police referrals to psychiatric
services 84-6, 271
characteristics of referrals 85-6
subsequent remand factors 87-8
policies, development of
co-ordinated services
required 275
policy changes and psychiatric
service provision 256-60
Poor Law Act 1930 14
Poor Law administration 14
Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834
Poor Law Commissioners report of
1842 16
Poor Laws, and mentally disordered
homeless, historical factors
post-traumatic stress disorder in the
homeless 116
definitions 300
and family homelessness 42
and homeless families 43
and homelessness 233
Ireland 212
level, calculation 159
and income benefits 159
as pathway to homelessness 33
relationship of patterns to
homelessness and mental
illness 300-1
predisposition to homelessness
preference for safe accommodation
by older homeless 165-6
prevalence rates
schizophrenia 135, 139-41, 171

prevalence rates (cont.)
of specific psychiatric disorders
prevention of homelessness 128,
Australia 254-6
for mentally ill 250
primary health care
access by homeless mentally ill
amongst older homeless 157
medical centres 889
for the mentally ill homeless
251-2, 271-2
for older homeless 162
services, use by homeless mentally
ill 251-2
primary health care of the single
homeless 170-83
aspects of the consultation
building trust 175-6
continuity of care 176-7
demographic and psycho-social
profile 173
doctor's communication with
patient 175-6
engagement with the patient
factors underlying presentation to
medical services 173
failure of projects 179-80
humanity of carers 175-6
morbidity profile 170-2
need for integration 180-1
presenting problems, new
patients 171
registration, GPs attitudes 157,
role of the receptionist 175
various types of provision of
health services 177-9
see also general practitioners
primary health care teams
(PHCT) 271-2

priorities of homeless people 101,
113, 117-18
prison background
amongst mentally ill hostel
residents 145
homeless women 67
homelessness and mental illness
Ireland 214
of reception centre residents 812
single homeless 173
prison population increase since
community care policy 845
prisoners, mentally disordered
attempts to rescue 86
conditions endured 86
Home Office guidelines on
remand 86
remand delays and psychiatric
assessment 86-7
private sector accommodation for
homeless women 62-3
Program for Assistance in Transition
for the Homeless (PATH)
Programme for the Homeless,
Ireland 216-25
admission unit, outcome 21720
day centre 220-5
see also day centre, St Brendan's
Hospital, Dublin
programmes for the homeless
government 1245
see also services
Project HELP 270
Project Outreach 120
prostitutes, women,
accommodation 61
prostitution and homeless
adolescents 501
provision and use of mental health
services, Australia 24953
psychiatric admissions, emergency


psychiatric assessment, Germany
psychiatric assessment service
London courts, results 87
Magistrates' Court 87-8
psychiatric attitudes to mentally ill
homeless 19-22, 102-3
psychiatric central register,
Denmark 192
psychiatric characteristics of hostel
residents 1467
psychiatric hospitals see
deinstitutionalization; mental
psychiatric illness see mental illness;
pathways into homelessness
psychiatric morbidity levels and
homelessness 31, 32-3
psychiatric problems amongst single
homeless 172-3
psychiatric rather than political
problem 215-16
psychiatric services
and accommodation services, lack
of co-ordination 2556
failure to assess broad range of
need 102
insufficient, Germany 1989
provision, changing policies
associated with 256-60
see also clinical services
psychiatry and the homeless
mentally ill, historical
aspects 19-22
psychiatry in the streets, Denmark
psychopathia, amongst homeless,
Denmark 193
among prison population 193
amongst Danish lodging house
residents 193
treatment difficulties 178-9
psycho-social profile of single
homeless 172

public perception of homeless,

USA 110-11
punitive attitudes
to homeless women 60, 61
to poor and homeless 1314
quality of care of mentally ill
homeless, assessing 2845
quasi-experimental evaluations of
services 289-90
racial composition of older
homeless 153-4
randomized controlled trials of
services 2901
rape and homeless adolescents 51
Reception Centre, criminality and
mental illness 812
reception centres, men/women living
in, 1966 and 1976 62-3
receptionist, role in primary health
care of single homeless 175
redevelopment of the inner cities
and homelessness 34
registration with GPs see general
practitioners; primary health
rehabilitation services for mentally
ill homeless 1067
rehabilitative homes, Germany
rented accommodation
conversion to private ownership
4, 34, 160, 268
local council, diminished stocks
and homelessness 31, 34
see also housing, low-cost
research in mental illness among
homeless, Denmark 1956
Resettlement Units Executive
Agency 270
residential care home 89
residential homes, Germany 205
residential planning for mentally ill
homeless, USA 234-9

residential planning (cont.)
idea of social isolation important
mobility of mentally ill homeless
special funding 239
special needs 2356
type of service offered 235-6
see also hostels; shelters
respiratory disease in single
homeless 170
restlessness and mentally ill
homeless 236-8
'revolving door' group 86
rights of individuals 11112,
risk factors and mental illness 248
Rowton Hotels 14
Royal College of Psychiatrists
Working Party Report 1991,
categories of homelessness
runaways 48-9, 113
safe accommodation, older
homeless 165-6
St Brendan's Hospital, Dublin,
survey of 425 admissions
see also Ireland, homelessness
St Mungo's Community in London
evaluation 288
hostel accommodation 135,
St Peter's workhouse, Bristol 16
Salvation Army
description of stay 61-2
homeless women 60
statistics 62-3
hostel accommodation 134, 136
new admissions 137
hostel closure, effects 19
work with poor and homeless
schizophrenia 113

among the homeless, 1900-1960s
in hostel population 22
amongst mentally ill hostel
residents 146
amongst older homeless 155
amongst young homeless,
Denmark 194
female preponderance 345
high prevalence in single
homeless 171
in homeless women 68-9
in hostels
apparent rise in level 141-3
reclassified studies 141-3
estimating numbers of people
143, 144, 145
higher prevalence 139-41
possible explanations 140-1
as pathway to homelessness 31,
hostel accommodation 139-41
UK studies 135
with substance abuse 113,
schizophreniformic psychosis,
amongst homeless,
Denmark 192
school achievement, poor, homeless
children 46
Scottish background of mentally ill
hostel residents 146
Scottish origin and homelessness
Scottish preponderence amongst
single homeless 173
security against violence 147, 165
self-discharge from hospital 217
self-harm amongst mentally ill hostel
residents 147
semantics and services for mentally
ill homeless, USA 230-43
separated parents, and
homelessness 35-6

services 99-109
clinical, for the homeless, USA
see also clinical services for
homeless people, USA
Denmark 189-97
see also Denmark, homelessness
engagement and outreach 105
evaluating 280-96
advantages and disadvantages
281-2, 283, 285, 286, 287,
288, 289, 291
based on impressions of a
trained observer 282-3
before and after evaluations
description 281, 282, 284-5,
286, 287-8, 289, 290
effectiveness of hostels 292-4
see also hostels
eliciting clients' opinions 284
examples 281, 282-3, 286,
287, 288, 289, 290-1
follow-up evaluations 285-6
evaluations 289-90
randomized controlled trials
retrospective 281-2
single case and 'action research'
evaluations 287-9
survey of studies 280-91
surveys 2845
uses 281, 282, 284, 285, 287,
288, 289, 290
factors limiting access 252-3
Germany 197-209
see also Germany, homelessness
and homeless mentally ill 1001
for homeless women 73-4
USA studies 73-4
lack of trust in statutory services
100, 101
long-term intensive case
management 106

mental health and rehabilitation
services 1067
need for unstructured flexible
approach 102-3, 105,
need for wide range of housing
options 107
provision and use, Australia
conflicting views of providers
culturally-sensitive facilities
factors limiting access 252-3
fragmentation 253
'harm minimization' 253
provision where needed 106
psychiatric see psychiatric services
reasons for non-attendance
101-2, 101-2
and semantics for mentally ill
homeless, USA 230-43
for single homeless 177-81
failure 179-80
need for integration 180-1
see also clinical services; primary
health care; psychiatric
specialized, Melbourne 251
specific problems 101, 1024
attitudes 102-3
models of mental health care
delivery 102
substance misuse and dual
diagnosis 103-4
voluntary services 104
use 101-2
what is required? 1047
sexual assaults and homeless
adolescents 51
sexual orientation and
homelessness 36
sexually offensive behaviour
amongst mentally ill hostel
residents 147



shelters 133-48
and day centres for homeless
women 74
definition of shelter and hostel
accommodation 1334
emergency, for older homeless
Germany 205
mixed shelter/hostel studies

older homeless 158-9

origins 134-5
schizophrenia prevalence levels
separating hostel studies from
shelter studies 135-6
studies 136-7
trends in prevalence of mental
disorder amongst users 139
unclassified studies 138
Simon Community, hostel
accommodation 135
single case and 'action research'
evaluations of services
single homeless, primary health
care 170-83
Skid Row 4-5
clinical services 'on site' 116
grouping of 'residents' 5
homeless women, 19th20th
centuries 63
Skid Row, New York, older
homeless 153
'Skid Row Syndrome' 156
skin diseases in single homeless
sleeping out (sleeping rough)
and alcohol problems, women
amendment of 1824 Vagrancy
Act 80
as definition of homelessness 189
as only definition of
homelessness 151

'Rough Sleepers Initiative

(RSI)' 276
outreach and resettlement work
work and development 276
social factors
characteristics of hostel residents
class background of mentally ill
hostel residents 146
disability caused by mental
disorder amongst hostel
residents 146
and homelessness, Ireland 210-11
isolation of mentally ill homeless
239-40, 248
lack 217
of older homeless 157-8
older homeless, London and
NYC 159-62
policy, implications 267-79
security benefits see income
services care, and homelessness
welfare agencies, Germany 204
welfare policies and homelessness
socially unacceptable behaviour
amongst mentally ill hostel
residents 147
socio-political factors and help for
mentally ill homeless 302
'soft' drugs, homeless women 70
Special Needs Management
Allowance 268
homeless women 62-3
mental illness 31
personality disorders 21, 22
schizophrenia 20-1, 22, 143-5,
UK 135
world-wide 299


young homeless 41
statutory health services
entitlements, older homeless,
London and NYC 162
uptake 162
see also income benefits; local
and lack of help for mentally ill
homeless 301-2
and non-statutory sectors,
co-ordination 276
structures 302-3
support for older homeless,
London and NYC 163-5
street living
not preferred by older homeless
as only definition of homelessness
substance abuse 103-4, 113
amongst homeless, Denmark 193
and homeless adolescents 50
and homelessness 35
need for services by mentally ill
homeless 100
see also dual diagnosis
suicidal thoughts, homeless
children 46
suicide attempts and homeless
adolescents 52
Supplemental Security Income 269
Supplementary Benefits Act 1976
see also income benefits
surveys see services, evaluating
Sydney, special problems 2456
Task Force on Homelessness and
Severe Mental Illness 124,
temporary accommodation 4
The Psychiatric Services - Planning for

the Future (1984), Ireland

throwaways 113

tranquillizers taken by homeless

women 701
trans-institutionalization 273
Germany 200
statistics 273
trauma in single homeless 170
treatment of mentally ill homeless,
mobility during 237-8
trials see services, evaluating
cure rate at special centre 179
and homelessness 172
incidence, Ireland 223-4
reason for presenting at medical
services 173
in single homeless 170
treatment difficulties 178-9
'underclass' and homelessness,
Ireland 212
and homeless adolescents 50
and homeless youth 53
as pathway to homelessness 33
United Kingdom see Britain
United States of America
clinical work with homeless
people 110-32
see also clinical services
homeless population 112-16
income 154
homeless women, 19th and 20th
centuries 63-4
low-cost housing decline 160
semantics and services for
mentally ill homeless
individuals 230-43
see also older homeless, London
and NYC
urbanization, impact 303
use of mental health services,
Australia 249-53
see also services, evaluating
'Vagrancy'Act 1714


Vagrancy Act 1824 79-80
amendment of sleeping out
offence 80
vagrants, returned to 'place of
settlement' 80
Victorian era, management of
mentally ill homeless 1119
violence amongst mentally ill hostel
residents 147
voluntary agencies, definition of
homelessness 26-7
voluntary services 104
whipping for lunatics forbidden 15
white men, drug abuse, and
homelessness 35
white/non-white, older homeless,
NYC 154
white women, homeless 66-7
women with children and
homelessness 43-4
see also families with children
women, homeless 59-77
19th and 20th centuries
Britain 59-63
after Industrial Revolution
casual wards (renamed
reception centres) 623
interwar period 61
living-in as condition of
employment 60
lodging houses for respectable
working women 60
mixed common lodging
houses 60-1
temporarily stranded/
permanently homeless 61
Victorian era 60
United States of America
differences in problems 63-4
Skid Row 63-4
statistics 63
age factors 645, 65, 65-6, 66

alcohol problems 69-71
black/white women 66-7
causes 72-3
characteristics 65-7
Denmark 191-2
with dependent children 66
drug problems 6971
higher level of serious psychiatric
morbidity 345
Ireland 214
marital status and homelessness
mental illness 67-9
London, non-statutory project
prevalence studies 67
schizophrenia 68-9
physical illness 71-2
prison/institution background 67
proportion 153
services 73-4
USA studies 73-4
types 645
younger than homeless men
workhouses 4
evolution 1115
beginning of segregation of
sexes and conditions 1314
dread by working classes 13
general mixed 13
houses of religion 12
monasteries 12
punitive attitudes 13-14
expenditure and grants for
insane 17
and homelessness and criminality,
19th century 79
management of 'lunatic paupers'
not considered good for the mad
Working Party on Single
Homelessness in London
(SHIL) 292

Wytham Hall, admission of patients
with complex problems 179
Wytham Hall residential care home
for the homeless 89
young homeless
Denmark 193-4

statistics 41
see also adolescents, homeless;
children, homeless; families
with children, homeless
youth, disruptive experiences and
homelessness when older

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