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443 Case Study

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Table of Contents:

Page 1

Table of Contents

Page 2

General Information

Page 3

Background Information

Page 4


Page 5-11

Assessment Data

Page 12- 15

Results of Appropriate Assessment Measures

Page 16

Instructional Recommendations and Educational Goals

Page 17

Communication Plan for Sharing Results with Parents,

Teachers, Other Professionals, and the Student

General Information:

African American
November 15, 2010 (5yrs old)
Primary language spoken at home and school- English
Pre-school at Morgan Park Academy on the Southside of Chicago, IL
Potentially has ADHD

Background Information:
Ethan was born full term at thirty-eight weeks without any complications via vaginal
delivery. He began walking at nine months, spoke his first words at six months, and was potty
trained at fifteen months. By the age of two he was able to speak and manipulate a tablet
properly. Ethan displays mild signs of aggressive behavior when he doesnt get his way as well
as a mild stutter when he is excited. Ethan was diagnosed with asthma at twenty-two months and
Von Willerbrands, which is a mild form of hemophilia, at the age of three. The agency Ethan and
his family receive assistance from is WIC. Ethan lives with both of his parents; his mother has
asthma and a cardiac condition and his father is healthy with no health issues. Ethan is currently
adjusting and doing well in pre-school.


4:00pm- 8:30pm
3:00pm- 6:30pm

Safari Land ( His Birthday Party)
Uncles Home
Chuck-E-Cheese (Cousins Birthday

Assessment Data:
In this picture Ethan shows that he was able to use art to
spell his name.
4.A.ECe Recognize that letters are grouped to form words
4.B.ECd With teacher assistance, begin to form some letters
of the alphabet, especially those in own name.
4.D.ECa Recognize own name and common signs and labels
in the environment.
25.A.ECd Visual Arts: Investigate and participate in
activities using visual arts materials.

In this picture Ethan shows that h knows how to

socially interact with others by waiting is turn as his
peers play with the truck.
30.A.ECe Use materials with purpose, safety, and
30.C.ECd Demonstrate engagement and sustained
attention in activities.
31.B.ECb Engage in cooperative group play.
31.B.ECc Use socially appropriate behavior with
peers and adults, such as helping, sharing, and
taking turns.

Ethan shows that he

understands the role he plays
as an individual in this group
by collaborating with his peers
but also by not overstepping
his boundaries as they work.
In this picture Ethan is
14.D.ECb Participate in a
demonstrating how he canvariety
of roles in the early
a different type of writing childhood environment.
utensil to write letters.
31.B.ECa Interact verbally
4.B.ECd With teacher
and nonverbally with other
assistance, begin to form children.
some letters of the alphabet,
4.B.ECc With teacher
especially those in own name.
assistance, match some
5.A.ECa Experiment with upper/lowercase letters of the
writing tools and materialsalphabet

The images above show how Ethan is

doing in each developmental domain. A
Scale is also included. For each domain
Etan is either secure or at the highest
form of developing .



Results of Appropriate Assessment Measures (Tests, Inventories, Profiles, etc.)





The results of the TERA 3 show that Ethan is either at or above average in the categories of
alphabet, conventions, and meaning for his age. Not only was Ethan able to answer the questions
asked, but he also went as far as to tell me the answers on the page that I didnt ask him. For
example, if asked what letter is this? Ethan was able to say A! And this is D, and E, and H as

Instructional Recommendations and Educational Goals

Although the assessment sows that Etan has met most of his goals a suggestion I have is
to work ore n reading outside of school. Based on prior knowledge I know that over the past
summer Ethan was able to read and identify certain sight words such as was. However, when
completing the assessment Ethan was unable to identify this word. I am confident that if taking
extra time to work on reading and print conventions outside of school Ethan will be fluently
reading in no time.


Communication Plan for Sharing Results with Parents, Teachers, Other Professionals, and
the Student (if appropriate)
To communicate the conclusion I have come up with to Ethans parents and teacher, I
would send them an email of the report in its entirety in case they want to read the entire report. I
would also attach a brief but thorough summary of everything I did as well as how, why, and
what conclusions, including the recommendations and goals, that I have come up with.


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