Candidate Statemeent 2016

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Stacey Eno

7621 Pitcher Pt, Fountain, CO 80817 - Cell Phone: (989) 387- 0517 - [email protected]

Personal Professional Portfolio:

To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Stacey Eno and I was raised in the small city of Hale, Mi, a community of just over a 1,300 in northern
Michigan. The youngest of my family, I was eager to spread my wings and take my career to faraway places. My
family has been my ultimate support system, and has always taught me that hard work done right will get you
anywhere you want. My father, a general contractor, has owned his own business for 38 years with the help of my
mother who is retired from my hometown school and continues to work for another company to this day. My sisters
- ten and twelve years older - have always inspired me with their ambition and success. Both sisters graduated from
Michigan State University. The oldest is an engineer for the Michigan Department of Transportation, while the
middle sister has her Masters Degree in Counseling and works in a high school. My family has shown me the type of
love that every child should feel, and I aim to love selflessly with my very own students.
I hadnt decided that I wanted to pursue teaching as a profession until I volunteered in a kindergarten my senior
year of high school. I realized that seeing the impact and growth of each student day to day was a feeling that no
other career would allow me to experience. As I entered Alma College and made the decision to officially pursue a
degree in Elementary Education, the first year I was incredibly nervous. Once I spent time in the classrooms locally,
I was re-inspired by the ambition of students to learn. I find the moments that children learn a new concept and
start exploring so refreshing and exciting! As a teacher it is my goal show each child that there is such a greater
world outside of our own small idea of what we see day to day. Growing up I most remember the teachers who
made that real to me, and I aim do the same.
Alma College provided me with countless opportunities to embrace college. I was highly involved with activities on
campus, and always had a job during the summer and the school year. I took on leadership positions raising money
for my sorority philanthropy, and stayed busy with community service with our Alpha Phi Omega chapter. I was
able to reach into the community by being a Big for Big Brothers Big Sisters and also participate in reading nights
for our own Education Club. I worked in many local classrooms as well as national and international settings. I
traveled to Peru with my college to help in preschools, and helped in elementary schools in southern Alabama. Both
of these in experiences allowed me to see that no matter what privileges or disadvantages any individual might
have, the power of love and determination can make anything happen. These children taught me how to love,
appreciate, and communicate in ways that I hadnt known were possible before. Though busy with extracurricular
activities, I managed to stay responsible in the classroom and remained on the Deans List consistently.
After graduating from Alma College with a degree in Elementary Education and a minor in Early Childhood
Education, it was my plan to take my degree to Colorado. I succeeded in this plan by accepting a fourth grade
teaching position in Harrison District 2 of Colorado Springs, CO.
Having now been a teacher for a year, I have learned an extensive amount over this short time. This year has
taught me more things that college could not prepare me for. I have grown to learn how to take on Common Core
State Standards, Colorado Academic Standards, and district curriculum and develop lessons and units that mapped
my year of content. This is a feat that has been the greatest learning experience. Along with this task I have learned
the importance of collaboration and flexibility with teammates and staff. Having strong relationships with my
students has allowed me to continue to have those rewarding experiences we go into the education field for. While I
believe that my management skills have been incredibly helpful, I believe that the challenges faced thus far have
strengthened that skill so much more and created the teacher I am today. I plan on furthering my growth within a
primary setting.
Looking back from my experiences from college up until this point, I still believe that teamwork with administrators,
staff, students, and families will make a program excel and go far beyond goals set. I aim to keep improving and
believing that there are no limits to success.

Stacey Eno

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