Intro To Energy
Intro To Energy
Instructional Objective: Students will be able to describe the ways in which energy is
transferred between two objects. They will be able to complete a worksheet and accurately match
5 out of 6 key terms with a description/example. Additionally, students will be able to extend
their understanding by conducting their own energy transfer experiments in groups.
Prior Knowledge (student): Students should be able to describe how heating or cooling changes
a substance. Prior to teaching the lesson, students should be taught the term energy to have a
base knowledge of the subject. This will, however, be an introductory lesson to energy.
Content Knowledge (teacher): The teacher should be familiar with the definition of energy and
should have a knowledge of the products of energy transfer (ie. heat and sound). The teacher
should know key questions to ask concerning energy transfer and what can be observed through
senses. The teacher should be familiar with the key terms, examples of them, and their
Accommodations for special needs (individual and/or small group): ELL students will be
provided with pictures on the final assessment to better enable them to match the correct terms.
Translations and explanations of key terminology will be provided throughout the lesson. ELL
students may record information in their science notebook in their native language if appropriate.
Students with specific learning disabilities may receive a modified assessment with less detailed
matching components.
Materials and Technology requirements:
Formative: Students answers and responses to the questions asked throughout the lesson, as well
as their discussion with their peers. Informal observations throughout the lesson will serve as
formative evaluation.
To be completed after the lesson is taught as appropriate
Assessment Results of all objectives/skills:
21st century skills were displayed by all students who participated in the activity. Students
frequently asked questions, participated, and talked with one another during group activities.
Formal evaluation was positive for all student excluding 2 who were non-participatory for the
most part. 12 out of 18 students met the objective by matching 5 out of 6 key terms correctly to
their definitions/pictures.
Reflection on lesson:
This lesson went smoothly and students wrote accurate descriptions in their science journals. I
was unable to teach the extend portion of the lesson plan due to time restrictions, but I feel ask
though more support would have been needed to extend the lesson in the way I had planned. Not
all students met the objective on the worksheet, but all students demonstrated a verbal
understanding of the material. I would have loved to extend this lesson over the course of several