Chapter 8 Homework Problems

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Cae 398 Ghotr igh tec: General Cones Socio 85 Sion 810 ate energy Lewis stoveture Socios 88 one single bond ane ‘double bond Secon 812 triple bond resonenee Secon 89 fone soe localized electron (LE) meget Para ee Tone pair Seon 8.13 bonding par molecular strmetare IneCluss Discussion Questions These questions are designed lo be considered by groups of students i closs. Offen these cussions work wll for ox ducing © particular topic in loss 1, Bxplhinahe clecronegativty trends across a row and down ® column of the pesiodic table. Compare these wends with those of ionization energies and atomic radi. How ae they related? 2. The ionic compound AB is formed. The charges on the jons may be 1, =I; $2, ~2; +3, =3 or even lager, What are the fetors that determine the charge for an ion in an ionic compound? 3. Using only he periodic table, predic the mot stable ion for Na, Mi, Al, 8. C1, K, Ca, and Ga, arrange these fxn lagest to smallest radius, and explain why the radius vavies ab it docs. Compare your pedictions with Fig. 8.7. 4 The bond enesgy for & CH bond ig about 413 ki/mal in CH, tat 380 Ki/mol in CHBrs. Although these values are ‘elaively close in magaitude they are different. Explain why ‘hey are different. Does the fact thst he bond eneray is lower ‘in CHBry make any sense? Why? A blue question or exercise number indicotes thot the answer to thol question or exercise oppears a! the bock of this book ‘ond @ sclaion oppeors ia the Sokiions Guide. Questions 10, Explain the difference between the following pats of terms, «8, Blectonegativity nd elecuon afinity , Covalent bond and polar covslent bond , Polar covalent bond snd ionic bond Us, Define the term isoslecuenic. When comparing szes of ons of elements inthe same period in the petiodic table, why ip i advantageous to compare ioelectonie species? valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) model Tinearstrocture wigonal planar stucure tetrahedsal sinetone luigonal pyramid ‘wigonal bipyrania octahtdral tact square planar siacrure ‘5. Consider the following statemen"Because oxygen vi have @ negative cwo chinge, the second electron aff -moe negative than thefts Indicate everything that fect in this statement. Indicate everything that is ince ‘Conect the incorrect statements and expln, 6. Which has the greater bond lengths: NO}~ or NOs” pin, 7. The following ions are est described with resonance ‘ures. Draw tbe resonance stricues, and using, formal ¢ srgoments, predic the best Lewis srw foreach i a. NCO™ b CNOM 8, Woutd you expect the electronegatvity of tanfom 10 b same in the species 1h, T*, TH, and TH? Explain, 9 The stvond electron affinity values for both oxygen and fur are wofevorabe (endothermic). Explin, 12, Exphin the tems resonance and delocalized elec’ 13, What tno requirements should be satisfied for amet be polar? a 44. Give eratonalizaion forthe octet rele in terns of sisialtade Belen Hig, Wwimout using Fig 8. predict the order of increasing clee- FE Nowesativigy in each of the following groups of elements. -vimoat He ooegativiy in each othe following groupe of elements. * woe soup Ff ihouc ong Fi, 83 pet which ond ineachof the -225 + lowing groups willbe the. most polar Baie con sence? Gh. PC, S—ct SE -c. SE, S—Cl, S—Br 2, TO, SC, Ge—ct thou sing Fig 83, pet which bond in each ofthe fl- “Stoving groups wil be te mos pol Se. CoH, SiH, SH BD. AI-Br, Ga By, Ie—Br, T-Br Bf Repeat Exercises 15 and 17, this cine using the values for los eleeconegavites ofthe elements given in Fig, 8.3. Are here differences in you answers? Repeat Exercises 16 and 18, this time using the values ofthe eletronegatvier ofthe elements given in Fig. 83. Are these “iflerences in your answers? Fi Tiydcogen has an clectonegativiy value Between boron ancl Fp eacbon and identical to phosphorus. With this in ind, canke ank the following bonds in order of increasing ionic char- 0, CR, Br—Br, KI ek Corps Bf8 Wie elect coniguatons for the most stabi on formed a § TE, by cach of the ements Rb, Ba, Se, a1 £2)! Weite clectuoncontiguatons for he most stb ion forme P_by each of the elements Te, C, Sr, and Li. ee 5. Write election configurations for 3 “The cations Me™*, K", end AP*. °F, and Te, Boies 399 36, White elecicon configuctions for a, The cations Se, Cs, In*, and PR b, The anions PP, $8, and Br 7, Which ofthe following fons have noble gas electron contig- veaione? a, Felt, Fe, SeO*, CO bo TH, TE, Cot ec putt, cath Tie a. Ba Fes, Me? ‘Which ofthe follovng ons have noble gas electron conte urstions? a CH, Co, Mint? BH Zn 2 ONE Cot, Mgt, ALY "9, Give thies ions that are iaoelecronie with neon, Place these ons in order of increasing size. 30, Give,three ions that ae isoelectric with argon, Place these ions in order of incresing size. 28, 31. Foresch ofthe following groups, place the atoms andlor ions in order of decreasing sie. a. Cu, Co*, Cu? v, NB, Pal, POF ©, 0,0", 0%" 6. £2, Bult, Gat, yo TOT, Cet, Bat, Lat Foresch ofthe following groups lace he atoms andlor ions in order of decreasing size 2, Ca, Cot, Cot, Colt b.NN N,N eR, Or, Bre a. st, ", KC 2. THY, PPP, Ni, Za “SE, Bredit the empirical formas of the ionic compounds formed from the following pairs of elemenis. Namne eech compound. ‘a. Lind N b. Gaand O . Rb snd Cl 4. Ba and $ Predict the empirical formulas of the ionie compounds formed fiom the following pairs of elements, Name exch compound, a. Aland Ch >. Na and O © Stand F a. Cuand S 35, Which compound in each ofthe following pairs of ionic subs stances has the most exothermic latice energy? Justify your fa, NaC], KCI LR Licl 4. |. | 400 hover fight Sondg: Genel Coes © MglOHa, MgO 4. Fe(OH), Fe(OW)s . NaC}, NaO 1. MgO, BaS i ‘36, Which compound in cach of the following pais of inie sub- ances has the most exothermic lice energy? Tustify your 2. LR CP bb. Noby, Nat ©. BaCiy, BaO 4. NasSg, C2804 & KRKO Li0, NeyS ‘37. Use the fellowing es (o-esimate AHF for sodium chloride, Nao) + $Clte) —> Nac) (Briley fr Ni oe ee te : 138, Use te following data to estimate AH} for barium chlosde “Ba() + Ch(g) —> Buchs) erg sohization energy of Ba Station energy of Ba SMa) 2 Met) + Ma"g) > Mat") +e © Qi) tor >.0°() FO rer > OFM Magnesiim oxide exists as Mg?*O2 and not as Mg*O~ Explain 40. Using data from Exercise 38, calulste AW for the reaction 0G) + 26° 9 OF 1) &=3 ‘51, Rationalize the follwing latice enecgy vale: iat (Gal) : rast © =ajso * " 42, The lace energies of the oxides and chlorides of i ‘and ion() are ~263), ~3865, 3359, end ~14 Eefnol. Match the appropiate forrnala to each latin en Explain. a 2S ood lrrgies 43, Use bond eneepy values (Table 8.4) to estimate AU fr ofthe folloing reactions inthe pas phase. a, H+ Ch > 2HCL b NEN +3 Hp -» 2NKy * Zs # i b. GH, + HOOK — Cu, Cet, 45, Use bond enepes (Table 8.4) to predict Ad for the is ization of metty isoeyanie to seetonitie: CNC) —s CHSC=NG) 46, Acetic seid i responsible forthe sour taste of vinegar. ‘be manufacied using the following reaction ° 1 CHSOH) + C=O(@) —> CHACON ‘Use tabulated vues of bond enesgies (Table 8.4) oes ‘AH for his reaction, to pedict AZ forthe comstion of HCSCH(@) + 30x45) —> 2COa{g) + HO) 48, Estimate AH forthe following rescion using bond ener i H,C=CH, + Oslg) —> CHCH) + 0x8) a LGf Tee bond enecpes (Table 8.4) to estimate AM for the fol lowing reaction CoyOs) —+ WCOx) + 2C1ACHOHD rote (Cell00 is “The sien of el : tH a 0 Meany Kb ou cee n iba The epic shut obiter wiles the oxidation of methyl hy- azine by dinitrogen tetroxide for propulsion SNOM) + ANSHSCHO) > INO) + NAG) + €COLG) Use bond eneraiesto estimate AM for his reaction The sre toes for the reactants ere: ©, ° Ne ea NF ONGN, aes ences o oe’ H SAH tlves alelated for each seacion from standard en thaljies of fofnation in Appenix 4. Do cahalpy changes tated frm-bosd energies pve reasoneble estimate of the sel valves? 2, Compare your ansver fem Bxerise 46 tothe BMF value eae £2 calmed fom standacd ental of fonnation in Appendix 4. EP Eaplin any discrepancies, iP Gompare your answers from parts a and b of Exercise 43 with 4 ' 5, "E5 The standard enthalpies of fumaion for Sta) Fgh SPa(s). and Shale) ate 4278.8, +750, ~775, and ~1209 kfm, respectively, fh, Dee these date fo estimate the energy of an S—F bond by Compare your ealevlatedvaluesto the value given in able 4. What conelsions can you draw? cc. Why are the A147 values for (g) and Fg) aot equat to ‘eto, since solfer and fluorine ae elements? E54. Use ths folowing standard entatpes of formation to est mate the N--H bond energy in smmonia: N(s), 472.7 kfnol, HG), 226.0 ki/nol, NHs(g), ~46.1 kidnol, Compare your value to the one in Table 84. ('S5The standard enthelpy of foumnaton of NHgtg) is ~46 ko Use this and valués for the Ne=N and HH bond energies te estimate the NTI bond energy. Compare this esa wth the value in Table 84. * "The standard enthalpy of formation of NyH4(g) 95.4 Knol Use this and the data in Exercise 5¢ vo estimate the N—N singe bond eneigy. Compare this with the value in Tee 8.4 : €-F fbeuits 401 loos Stateres and Rosorone ‘3h, Wite Lewis struetares that obey the octet rule for ese ofthe following, 2, HCN bi. PHs ©. CHC a. Ni © HCO £ SeFs CO h Op i. HBr Except for HCN and HCO, the first stom listed is the en atom. For HCN and CO, carbon is the central stom. |58, Wiite Lewis structures tat obey the octet mle for each ofthe following molecules and fons. (in each esse the first stom, listed ie the central stom) 8. POCK, SO”, XeO4, POL. C10” bb NBs, SOs, PO3?™, CIOs ©. CIO}, SChy, PC” 4, Considering your answers fo pasts, b, and 6, what con- ‘clusions can you draw concerning the structures of species ‘contiring the same numberof atoms and the same num: ber af valence electrons? Fes Lewis siacutes forthe following molecules or is, ich have central atoms that do not obey the octet rl: DE, Bella, BBs, Bry”, SPs, XeFs, CIPS, and SF (60. CIP) and BEF, axe both vsed to Hucrinate uranium © pxo- ‘duce UF in the processing and reprocessing of nucier fuel ‘White Lewis simctores for CIP and Bry Ei, Wirite Lewis situs forthe following. Show all resonance structures where applisable. 18, NOg" NOs b, OCN™, SCN", Ny (Carbon is the cena atom in OCN™ and SCN") 62, Some ofthe important pollutants nthe atmosphere are ozone (Op), sulfur dioxide, and sulfur tioxide. Write Lowis steve tures for these three molecoles. Show all rezonance structures where applicable 3. Bonvene (Celle), consists of a sixmemberes ring of carbon ‘toms with one hydrogen bonded to each cerbon, Write Lens Structures for beazene, inchding resonance steuctures 64, Borazine (BINGHE), has often been called “inorganic” ben- one, Waite Lewis stuetwtes for borazine. Borazine contains shcmernbefed rng of llenating boron and nitrogen atoms. Zahn important observation suppenting the need for resonance inthe localize electron snodel was that there sre ony thee differen suuctutes of dichlorobemzene (C sbi + HEY 7 ‘write Lewis structures for and predict the molecular strve- fhves and polarities of the ceactants and products in this gg, Wate 2 Lows lcture ao predict the molecule strvctore dhe polity foreach ofthe folloeng ser fuorides: SF Sa. SFe, SiFx (exists as FS—SF), and Sake (exits 65 BIS-SF). Diediet the F-S—F bond angles in each © one 96h coy Fe at we Fi me le Ya 2 ef sgeiyrense Pb ae uel memes pf dipole moments might be used to distinguish among them. : i | ditional Exercises 2 poner of ncssing iain ener. : ‘8, OF" F°, Nat, Mgt fe Per Bo ars 52 92, Some ofthe ingortan popes of font cmpovnds, re EP Mow ete etsy soa es cond tivity in solotion or when molten 4, Relatively high meling and boing points i, Brieness : fi, Solubility in polar solvents How does the concept of ionic bonding discussed in this chap ter account for these properties? to the enorgy given. 2. Laltioe energy of NaCl be, Lattice energy of Nir , Lattice energy of MgS 4. 0-0 double bond energy beginning with Onl) as & 5. Write Lewis stractures for COs”, HCO" When acid is added to an squsons solution containing, ear hone or bicarbonate ions, cetboi dioxide gas i formes. We generally say that earbonie acid (HCO) is unstable, Ure bond energies to estimate OA forthe reaction Gia the gos pase) y+ CO, + HO HyCOs —+ COs + Hy ae Specify a possible cause forthe inssbility of caxbonic acs 96, Which membet ofthe following pairs would you expect 10 bbe more energtiesly stable? Justify each choice - 1, $0, or SOP Mae A Anange vig in ce tioeaing as nd 2) pong non 10. For cach ofthe fllowing, write an equation thet coresponds 92, Galea Pablers 403 Ns or PP ©. OF gor Ske BH, of BRT fe MgE or M0 £. CsCl or OSC g. KBr oc KBr 97, Lewis stvctures ean be wsed to understand why some rke- cules reac in certsin ways, Write the Lewis stractres forthe teactans and products in te reactions desciibed below ‘a. Nitogen dioxide diseiges to produce diniogen tetra: bh Bowoa triftuoride aczepie a paic of electrons ftom ammo- nia, forming BENE, 8, Dislluc dite (52) exists #8 a ving of alternating sulfur Qu possible explanation for why these rwo reactions occ. 9 M7 pnd nitcogen atoms. SaNb will polymerize to polythingy ‘uhich eels 28-2 metalic conductor of electricity slong the palyroer chai, Wee a Lewis stewetare for SON. dy not been observed. Explain. ion are Known the ¥5” fon has Sy @rver Che VSEPR mode core in pedicing that Ce eek Ny is pani, nd HO i bat he model inte simplest foam does aot account fr the Cac tha the nol- teules do not have exactly the same bord angles ( ra cow » drier, +650 MEE, schircHen + 00+ 14 ‘eosin tn ey NO) +10 5s 630, klfmal a +36, Saba ©, 2CifpSCHCH, + INH + 30, GSI + 2CHy=-CHCN + 61,0 4. Is de elevated temperature noted in parts band e needed lo provide energy to endothermic reections? 4107, Use the following date to estimate AH for the reaction SG) +e~ —» S2°G), Include an estate of uncertainty. vara 800 nnoa 485, 27052 «ai 1949 ao" “i850 382 AW = 277 klimot 200 kimol 5) — St) S@te 3S") AH ‘Ascume tht all values are known to +1 Kimo) ae 108. Many times exteastbiy is characteristic of « molecule 9 {on in whieh resonance is possible. How eould this be wn to explain the acdities of the folloving compounds? (1h, acidic hydrogdn is mated by en estrisk.) Pate shows res ‘onance in the CoM ing. H Lal sredow scm-tcnnd-ens «(CJ promising nev material with great potential 28a fel ‘slid rocket potors is smmonium dinitramide, NHAN(NO3}: a, Diaw Levis structures (inehodingretonsnce forms) for i inate on, NNO 4 roc te bond angles aboot each siuogen ini Sinise en a 110. Draw aLewis structure forthe N.N-dimethyformmi i) cule, The sleleta steuctre is HCH, sons yes of evden le te concsionhat some dae ond characte the C-band, Det og ore snc races ht spot ose JEN=O > NENG: Oo Given the folowing bond lengths, SRS 167 pm neo! ENE 5920 pm NOSE BES oe ae rains he obeervition thatthe NN bord wl 1NjO is 112 pm ond thatthe N—O bond length is 11938 Assign formnal charges to the resonance structures for M2 Can yoo eliminate any of the resonance. siroctures on thes sis of formal charges? Te his comsisem wth ober cho tbe following melee hve cgele momen the molec that are polar inet the polarity of ech and the direction of the net dipole moment of the mol a CHyCh, CHCL, CCle C02, 30 EB. Nis, Ast jrathon Problent F problem is designed to incorporae several concepts ond: ros nio one seaion. Morotbon Problems con be used ee capo dant help fist prblemsoking is Fs entity the ve compounds of H, Nand O dessiedBelow Por cach compound, write « Lewis statue thet is consis rent with the information sven a. All the compounds ace electrolytes, alhovgh net all of mere strong electaytes, Compounds Cand D ae onic ana compound B is covalent ty Nitrogen cecus in ts highest posible oxidation stat in Compounds & and C; sitfogen occurs in ts lowest poss Che oeudation state in compounds C.D, and E The for tral charge on Doth ntrogens in corpoond C is +15 the ‘onmal charge on the only nlirogen in compound B is 0 ce. Compounds A and E exist only i sokwion, Both solutions ihe off gases, Commercially availble conceited £0 eMfons of compound A. ago sominally 16 M. The com- irteal concentrated solusion of compound B is LS Mf eraitn Ptlen 405, amass 1 Commercial solutions of compound B are labeled with & nisnomer that implies tht a binary, gaseous compound ff nitrogen and hydrogen hs gacted with water (9 Bro (uce ammonivm ions and hydroxide tons. Actually, this reaction oecors to only a sizhtextect Compound Dis 43.7% N end 50.0% O by mass, Teor pound D were a gas at STR it would have 2 density of 285 ofl. ‘A fon unit of compound Chas one more oxygen thm ‘ rornula unit of compound D. Compounds Cand A have ‘one oa in common, _ Solutions of eompovnd Cae weakly acidic, solutions of ‘Compound A are strongly acidic; slusons of compounds fb and Bate basi. The vation of 0.726 g of compound B requires 21.98 mL of 100. HCI for complete neu teaization. i \ | | 36 Cryer oe Corl Bondy: ck Ap 4 InClass Discussion Questions to be considered by grovps of These questions are desir : se questions work well for intro: students in class, Ofte ducing a geuticular topic in ds 1, What ace molecolar orbitals? How do they compare with stom orbitals? Can you tl by the shape of the bonding and anitending orbitals Which is lover in energy? Explain [Bapin the difference beeen the and a MfOs for harmon: ‘leat diatomic molecules. How ate bonding and antibonding obit different? Why ace dese two a MO aad ane er MO? Why are the a MOs degenerate? 3. Compare Figs 9.36 and 9.38. Why are they differen? Because By is known to be paramagnatic, he agp ane on» molecular bitals must be switched from the first prediction. Wha isthe ralionale fo tis? Why might one expect the cap to be lower Snenergy than the pp? Why can't we use diatomic oxygen to belp us decide whether the op oF is lower in energy? 4, Which of the following would you expect to be more fave able energetically? Explain. ‘a, An Hy moleeils in which enough energy is added 10 excite ‘one electron from the bending tothe antibonding MO. be. Two separate Hf atoms. 5. Draw the Lewis stucture for HCN, Indicate the hybrid or. bites, and draw a picture showing all the bonds between the ‘tome, labeling each bond as oF 6. What is misleading about the following statement: “The smethane molecule (CH,)is a teshedral molecule because the cenrbon atom is sp? hybridized"? What is» more corres state ment abont the relationship beeen the molecular structure snd the hybridization in methane? ‘A blue question or exercise number indicoles thatthe onswer lo that question or oxercise oppeors of the back ofthis book ‘ond 6 solution eppeers in the Sclutions Guide Questions “1. What axe the welatonships among bond order, bond energy, and bond length? Which ofthese quantities ean be measored? 8, Electcons in o bonding molecular ebitals are most likely to be found in die region between the two bonded atoms. Why does this arangement fevor bonding? In a. antibonding or bite, where ar the electrons most Hkely to be found jn rela on othe nuclei in a bond? 3, Jvhat type of experiment canbe dine to determine if « mate. {ial ie paramagnetic? 10. hat type of molecules exhibit delocelized ar bonding? Ex plain Exercises In this sition siilor exercises are poived. Pectaeed 90 del ot yb Oita faethe lcaied etectom model to describe the bonding 0, 12, Use te Tesined elecnom node to descibe the bong hs fl the lead eectom mae to descr the bonding CO (carbon is he central tom). 14, Use the lead electron raodel to describe the boning Calh (exists a8 HCC}, i a 15, Give the expected hybridization of the cena ato for ‘molecils o ions in Exercises 57 and 61 from Chapter 8 16, Give the expected hybridization of the celia atom for molecules or ions in Exercises 58 an 62 frm Chapter 8 17, Give the expected hybridization of thé Genta) ston for: ‘mnolecues or iens in Exercise 59 from Chaper 8. 538, Give the expected hybridization ofthe, cena slam Tor ‘molecules in Pxercige 60 from Chapisr 8. 19. Give the expected hybricitation ofthe eental atom for molecules or fons in Exercise 77 from Charlee & 20. Give the expected hybridization’ of the eental stom for ‘molecules o ins Sn Exercise 78 from Chap 8 FE Give the expected yin of he eb stein fl mle erin eee rom Chap 8 2, Give te eapeaes hybrid of he eee fe roe nn Bie 99 fon Chap 8 2. For etch of te flowing molecules, wit ie Levis Ep toe), petit te maleclr sete Gel bond ni ve tiespeced hyenas he ces ty, 8 dt the overall pay. 24, For each of the following molecules or fons that contain Cp ter, write ie Lewis sraene(s, predict the moleeuer q- geal . 2 sue Gnetoding bond angles) and give the expected hybrid oF hitls for sof. “Wy mst al six atoms in Calg be inthe same plane? allene molecute has the following Levis structure: ‘all four hydrogen atoms inthe came plane? If not, what s spatial relationship? Explaia : a yl and acetoin ae added to margarine to make it este fore Hike bates. 4, -C-C=CHy ec mm Acetcin ince! Complete the Lewis structures, predict values for all C=O bond angles, and give the hybridization ofthe cr ‘Gon atoms in Hise two compounds, Are the four carbons and two oxygens in biageiyl inthe same plane? How many ak en nt in Spot compounds in teh indsty ne aoe eye i) Two ot hem ae mei mec Ine an este Hs HoH Nome wet Wo dc zoxces Q aay N ft ‘Metty| methacrylate ‘Acryloninrite fauces 497 ‘Complete the Lewis suvcwres, showing all lon pes. Give approximate values for bond angles a through J Give they bridization of al iebon sions fn aeeylonitile, ow many of the atom in the moteeae Ye in the seme plne? How many ‘bonds and how many a bonds ae therein ethyl methery- tate and acryloniile? (Bow scve testa resp te wea watt seed mn ll ede (DS sa dine (AZT). Complete the Lewis stare for AZT. How many catbon toms ae op hb? How many eaton alos ae sp? hybridized? De Wich aoc i sp bybcdied? | How many bonds ae inthe molecule? How may arbonds ar i the feolecale? ‘it isthe NNN bond angle in the exide CN) group! Yo tg: What isthe }~-O~Cond ange jie side group attached tote fvemenbeed rng Vos by What i the hybridization of the oxygen atom in the =CHLOH gr0p? 6g ot and spicy foods coNain molecules Gat simulate pin- desing neeve endings. Tho sush molecules ae piperine and capaci: 30. x H H alt H wh P cuieecH— cH CHLON I A WN I HOON F + ony fH h H Piperine ° i CHa, gy CHa JCH, (CH; \ As A>, Weer al cat} c HOH ao nc0.g, xO Cepssicin 438 4-3 Piperine is the active compound in white and black pepper, and capsaicin ste active compound in chili peppers. The ring structures in piperine and eapssicin ate shorthand notation. ‘Each point where lines meet represents a carbon atom, 2 Complete the Lewis structure for piperine snd eapesicin showing all ioe pars of electuons. iow many carbon atoms are sp, sp, and sp? hybridized in ‘each molecule? ‘Which hybrid orbitals ere used by the nitrogen atoms in each molecule? Give approximate values forthe bond angles marked a through Fin the shove stractires oe ine Coe oping: Orb b. a 3 32. i. Two molecules vied in the polymer. industry are ankocar- bonamie and metiy eysnoccrylae. Thfr stctres ace ees e STA paiocatvonamide Methyl eyanaxenive Azidocenbonamide is used in forming polystyrene, When ‘added tothe molten plas, i ecamposes fo nitogen, carbon ‘monoxide, and ammonia gases, which are captured ae babbles in the moten polymer. Methyl cyanotcryate is the main in acedient in wper ghe. As the glue ste, methyl eyanoecryate ppolymerizes across the earbon-eatbon double bond. (See * (Chapter 22) 9, Complete the Lewis structures showing all lane pais of electrons, 2b, Which hybrid obias ace used By the carbon atoms in each molecule and the nitrogen stom in axidecarbonsmide? © Howr many 1 bonds are present in each molecule? 4. Give approximate values for the bond angles marked a through h inthe above sirvtues, ‘The antibiotic, thiawhin-A, was discovered by studying the feeding habits of wild chimpanzees in Tanzania. The stvctre for thiarubin-A is CH '% Complete the Lewis stuetare showing al lone pais of elec trons. 'b, Indicate’ the hybri enbtals used by the carbon and sulfar atoms in thiarvbin, How many and = bonds are present in this molecule? The Mleclor Orit! ted. 33, Which ofthe following are predicted by the molecular eit mode! tobe stable ditonnie species? 8. Ha", Hy Hy, Ha? b, Hey#*, Hey*, Hep 34 Which ofthe following ae predicted by the molecular eri rmotel to be sable diatoms species? 2 NPP, Of", RP . Ben, Ba, Lip 35, Using the molecular orbital model, write electron configu [Cp tions forthe ftlowing diatomic epeces and calla the bis 3 4 orders, Which ones ste pararnagnetc? ai By Bp 36. Using the molecolarenital model, write electron conf EB sions for the following diatomic species end elevate she ‘ouders. Which ones are paramagnetic? Ne vt Ne 37. Using the melesilae omit! model to describe the boning oO 03*, O2, 02, and 0,7°, 7 atv bond lengths for hese four species, How many pa electrons ate preset in each ene? 38, Pace the species, Ns, and Ny inorder of increasing {Op engin and increasing bond eneiy. Use your result em cexce 36 38. Acetylene (Cal) canbe produce fro the redetion of im caste (CaCs) with water, Use both the localized ‘ton and molecule exit rads 1 describe the Donn the aexyliceeron (22") é 40, Consiuct a molecular orbital eneigy lve diagram for tif rolecule, Is Ch expected tobe paramagnetic? ‘Using the molecular obit model, wie electron conf Sons forthe folowing ditomie apecies and ealeaate the ‘orders. Which ones are paramagnetic? ‘ 2 CN non 0 2 ions forthe following diatomic species ad ealeulate the! corders. Which ones sre pavemegnetic? a. Not b NO. © NO™ “83, Place the species CN*, CN, and CN in onder of incie ‘bond length and increasing bond energy. Use your results i Exercise 41 : q~ Mio Eies 439° socket propellants. Draw the Levis structures, predict ihe ox ce the species NO*, NO, and NO” in order of increasing ad tengt and inreating bond energy. Use your results from ‘Tela struetres, andesite the bonding Gn ers of hy brid orbites) forthe following: cise 2. a FIO ‘row hove two 2p tome oxbals con combine to formacer —— FCIO tess hit — Pifbiow, how a hydrogen Us atomic orbital and a fuorine 2. ByCIO senorita overeptoformbondingandantibouding melee. FACIOy {acre ia We dope rie ec Ar BSE 5p 40) a F310 cn tt an a Mati on fxm se siecle trios F5CTO an P10 bet lose reo fra Se ee eee ‘Ede toning moter ola HF pce peer i ob by chen hes oe, <2 Cecon density neath ore Fon? Why? 6) nso iste ye ei cling Hees. The ay Blas vel fom te esentgo ae Ba el 11: Would te boning motecsic obit have greater orae hydrogen Lecharater,ornequalcon- forms inthe eighteenth century. The stvctte ofthe indigo Z* tdbution from both? Way? eae pnd 424.7 kl), espectvey. Assure thal the OH molecle 5/14, ansiogvs tothe HE moles discussed inthe chapter and [hat molecular onitals resol from the overlap of lowe FE Coney pe obi from oxygen With the higher energy 1 0 ital of hydrogen (tho OH bond lis slong thee ax). SA, Which of the two molecular orbitals will have the greater How many a bonds and sr bonds exist in the molecule? hydeogen le character? 1 What sid ocbitals ate used by te carbon atoms in the ©. b, Can the 2p, orbital of oxygen form molecular orbitals with Q indigo molecule? the Is orbital of hydrogen? Explain Using bond energies from Table 8.4, estimate the barrier 1 r0- tation about a carbon-carbon double bond. To do this, con- significantly with the 1s orbital of hydcogen, complete the sider what must hapgen to go frm © oleculr octal enereylvel dingram for OH. Place the ~ FEES conser nanber of zeton inh energy eel ay “i: Estimate the bond order for OH. Fa erect wheter the bond oder ofOi* wb rete then, Wa [225 Rov rth somes tt of Bain LAP Desaite the bonding inthe Oy moles ad the NO>” om xing the leelze electron mot. Hov woul the molecalar 78a model deserts the boning in these two species? Sl;-Desribe the bonding inthe CO}? ion using the localized °F eleton mode. How would te moleever ofbital mods! de 5,4 ibe the ar boning inthis species? in tems of waking and breaking chemical bord; thts, wha rnyst happen in terms of the sr bond? 55, Complete the Lewis stuctures of the following molecules, Pre- \dditional Exercises ict the molecular structure, polarity, bond angles, and hybsid cnbitals used by the atoms marked by asterisks for each mol ) A xaiety of chlorine oxide fluorides end related cations snd eeu, Z taions ae known. They tend tobe powerhl oxidizing and f- ——, COC, orinating agents, PCIO, isthe most stable ofthis group of eom- 1 pounds and hes beon studied as an oxitizing component of i Qo / of “a G-s FAO Chg ine Cott ang Oa, be PN NE © Cos o-cr3, 4. 104 ope 56. Complete the following resonance structres for OPCs Lonel olasote if i a) ® ‘8. Would you predict the same molecular stracture from eseh resooance structure? >, What i the hybridization of P in each strate? & What omits can the P atom use to form the w bond in stractare B? 4. Which resonance strcnure would be favored on the basis of formal charges? 57. The N20 imolecule is linese and polar ‘On the basis of this experimental evidence, which arrange- ‘ment, NNO or NON, is coxect? Explain your answer On the basis of your answer in part «above, write the Lewis structore of NO (including resonance forms). Give the for. smal charge on each elom and the hybridization of the cen- tral atom. © How would the multiple bonding in serbed in terns of exitals? 58, Describe the bonding in NO*, NO”, and NO using both the localized eleeton end moleevlar orbital models. Aecount for ny discreparcies between the two models, 58, Describe the bonding in the fist excited state of Ny (the one closest in energy tothe ground state) using the molecular or bitad model. Wit ferences do you expect in the properties of the molecule in the ground state as compared to Oe frst, excited state? (An excited state of a molecule comesponds to an electron arrangesent other thn that giving the lowest pos. sible energy) 60. A Lewis siwetre obeying the octet rue can be craw for Op 2s follows: NG ee Gt. Two sinictures can be drawn by cysouic ai Bo Cali cyanamide (CANCR i sed a dea fei, wed i, a ton defn we ‘make cyanamide, dicyandiamide, and melamine Plastics 58 Use the molecular orbital enezgy-level diagram forO, to she that dhe above Levvsstrcture comesponds to an excited sat Challenge Problems HL AStP cpr CathyO4® oo Sp? Fag “ey i 2 dn Ate these two resonance svete ofthe sums molecule Exh, } ', Give the hybiidizain 6 Ue carbon and mitogen ators cach suet 4 bondenizies (Tle 84) 0 petit hich foonisima Heth is, which contains the sbongest bonds? | © Chetest (CilyO) oe he feovng sone: fue City i okt cy $s a nop In ach shorthand stroctues, each pont where lines meet 2 resenls carbon atom ani most H tems are not shown the complete strctare showing ll carbon and hydtogen sto (ere wile foo: bonds to each carbon atom indest carbon atoms vse 57? or sp hybrid ontitals. Are all ca tons in the same plans, a implies by the stveure? ‘Cyanamie(HNCN), an immprtent ida chemin i ‘ued by the following tps CoC) +N) — cantew + cane, ven Cynide myxen “45 Nencant), Diynodiamide NONE Ta? YY “¢ i a 2 My EE Wie Levis simcures for NCR, HRNCN, agent "aide and melamine, inelodingresorancesructues whe 6 sppiopiate Give the hybridization ofthe C and atoms in each species. How many o bonds and how many 77 bonds er in each species? Fe the sng in tain planar? g Tere ate thes diferent CN bond distances in diyan BE dans NeNCOMt, mle atte tron OF BEE sntercionce incr you tev fortis moles ee Gc molec i eeay dinamo sswer He flloing E pesto: he iat inion eregy of Ny (1501 kdl) is “greater than the first ionization energy of atomic nitrogen Gata wien plain Serlk Would you expect Fy to have a lower or higher frst ion- [2 onion crergy tad some ssn? Wy? ae hale tidlns 447 (65, A flask containing gaseous Ny i radiated with 25nen ight Using the following information, indicate what species can form in hie flask during ieadition, Nag) —= 2Nig) AH = 941 kmot Ng) —> NM} +e AH ~ 1501 Kamo NG) 9 NGF AH = 1400 Kft ‘What approximate renge of wavelengths will produce atomic nitcogen in the flask but will not produce any fons? 66. As compared with CO end 0, CS and Sy ace very unstable motecoles. Give an explanation based on the relative eilities of th sulfue and oxygen atoms to form 1 bonds 67, Values of measured bond energies may vary greatly depene- ing onthe molecule susie. Consider the following esctons NCHG) —> NChIG) + Cg) ONC) —> NOG) + Clg) Retionalize the difference inthe values of AA for these tea sions, even though each reaction appears to only invelve the AH = 375 tafenot AH = 158 Winiot breaking of one NCI bond. (Hous Consider the bond order ‘of the NO bond in ONC! and ia NO.) OA Cele liso Se Key Forms Sein 101 Secon 104 condensed sates lowest pecking Jntermodecule frees ipole-cipate attraction hexagonal closest packed (hep) cubic closest packed (cep) hyohogen boxing $end de Lnnon Ospeion forces lay {aban soy sn 182 ot in inet ey cep eon Sioa 105 vieoy eto slid Sen 103 sien eying sold stiete tops Be Tattice amie vite) precpaonl Xray diffraction pene an tae P-type semiconductor ‘molecular solid Bra jonction stone sia fn-Class Discussion Questions These quesions are designed to be considered by groups of students in class. Ofien these questions work well for n= ducing 0 portculor topic in lone, "21 Itis posite to balance paper clip on the surface of water ina beches. If you adda bit of soap tothe wats, howerey, the paperclip sink, Explain how he paperclip can at tnd hy it sinks when sompis eed, 2 Consider a seed contsner baffled with water. Which Stetoment best desribes what acco inthe container? a. Water evapocties oni the ire eat with wate va os. this poi, no mere water evaporates, Water eveportes ni the aes ovely saturated (Soper Saree) wih water, and most of this water recondeses, thiseyele comin wt a essin amount of water vapor is present, and then the ele ceases, & Water doesnot evaporate beavie the container i eed, 4h Wits evaporates, nd then water evepovtes aod recon: dense simuttnecusly ond continvoasly. Water evaporates unt itis eventually all in vapor form Explkin each choice Josity your ebeiee, and for choices you 4 not pick, explhin whats wrong with then, 4. Brplin the following: You dd 100 mL of water 5OOnL round-bottom flask nd heat the water unt tis biting. You Temove he heat stopper te ask, and the boiling stop, You rep 10 =I Seaton 108 vaporization heat of vaporietion enthalpy of veporzation (A yg) 3 ‘condensation equilibrium vapor presure * sublimation Deating curve ‘enthalpy of forion (AF, ‘normal mebing pine normal boiling point supereoced| superbested Secin 109 hase diagram ‘niple point critical ternperature critical pressme critical point ‘ng begins agen. i seems as thovgh you ae boiling wat Aes no wt ek a i 4 Js it possible for he dispersion forces ine paniular stance toe stonge thn the hydrogen boing res ‘er substance? Explain your answer $. Does the nate o ite Stance goes fom 3 Elid to guid, or fom a ligid toa ‘What eauses a subsunce to undergo a phase change? A ble question or exeicise numbar indicates thot th on to that question or exercise oppeors atthe beck of his ‘ond 2 scltion appeos in the Solutions Guide Questions 3 7, Lit the major types of woes fore in ede creasing seats thre seme ovrap? Tat yc Strongest London dispersion forces be greater tan Aipae-tipoefores? Give an example of such nl 8 Des the rdatonhip between ncleclr size a feng of London dispersion force Fonste ogee ree pou at eee Tine a as ay te ee ee [2a ty what ways ace Fiquds similar to solids? In what ways ace FE lies to yes? 7) ams x ssn tachi ost packed snes, ye [Ee csr lowest iced el contain signet nova. Fp ‘of empty space. Why? elf. Define critica temperature and critical pressure. In terms of Fhe kinetic molecular theory, why is it impossible for a sub= ceo eat gtd above is cia epee? CAG Won ho eon even cl empeate and in temo feces se the kine moll hey o epi why agi pts Toole a tery on annie cone, “4. Cojstalline solid and amorphous sold 1 tonic sold and motecuarsotia ~}-e Molecular soli and netwerk eolid 4. Metalic sold and network cok la crysetine solid orn amorphous sold give simpler (OE Koray iffaction patra? Why? £98 it poosble to generalize that amorphous slide slays have {weaker or siongerinterpaticle frees than erysalin solids? "+ Bape, (AY Use the band modelo deseib diterenes among inslaors, SJ conte, an seniondacos. "1 (2L. Use the band mode! to explain why each of the following in- "eases the conductivity ofa semiconductor, 4, Inzeasng he temperate 1 tadiating with ght Adding an impurity £2, How do conductors and semiconductors differ as 1 the ef 5 sft of temperature on electrical condvetvty? Fi Define cech ofthe felowing. Sie Condensation Evaporation EAS Sublimation *@. Supercoced lid eee baies 495 24, Deseibe what is mesat by a dynamic equilibria in terms ofthe vapor pressure of voile Higuid. 25, How does each of the following fect the rat.oF evepors- Vion of a tiquid in an open dish? |. Twermolecular forces tb Temperature Surface sex 26, When wet laundry is hung on 2 clothestine on a cold winter ‘ay, it il feeze bat eventually dry. Explain, 27. Why is busn feorn steam typically meh more severe than «8 buen from biting water? 28, Why isthe entlpy of vaporization for water meh greater ‘an its entalpy of fusion? What dees tis say out changes ‘in intermolecular forces in going fern solid vo Tigi to vapor? Exercises In tis section similor exercises ore poired. Intesmolcer Fes and Physical ets 29. Idetify the most important (ypes of interparticle forces pres- cnt in the solids of each ofthe following substances, 8, BeSO. bibs © Xe a. Galle ect Lh 8 HO 230. Identify the most important types of intexpastice forces pres nti the solids ofeach ofthe following substances. 2. NHC! b, Teflon, CR(CF;CF) CFs «¢, Polyethylene, CHy(CHCH).CH, 4. CHC, fe: NHs NO 2 BF which substance in each of the ellosvng pits would 31. Pr have the greater intermolecular forces, 4. CO, or OCS 1, PE oF PFs © SF or SP 4. 803 or SOz 132, For which molecule in each of the following pains would you ‘expt greater intermolecolar forces? a. CHsCH;CH,NH, or HNCH;CH.NHs 1D. CH,CHy or HCO ©. CHOH or HCO @, HF or HBr A196 Chap Tn thon Sis [e ‘38. Ritionaize the diference in boiling points foreach of the following pats of subtsnees a. mPentine — CHACH,CHACH,CH, us nyc, bs cHocHy 79°C 352°C Neopentane osc 2, Dimethyl ether 25% Ethanol CH,CH0H eHP 20 HCL asc a HCL ~ Bsc Lick 1360°c e mPentane— CHSCH,CH,CH;CHy mPropane — CH,CH,CH; f. n-Propace — CHSCH,CH, Dimetbyl ether CH;OCHS 34, Rationalize the fllowing bailing point, 362°C 3. popen proxi (40, en sya gid with ance “2 & Grostest viscosity: CHSCH;CH,CHs, CHsCH.OR, HOCH,CH,OH Strongest bydcogen bonding: NH, PF, or Sb#y Greatest heat of vaporietion: HiO, HS, or H,Se 1h Smallest emhaipy offsion: 1:0, CO,, or MgO) ‘37, The shape ofthe menisens of water in a glass tbe is itt fen from that of mercury in >ess tube. Why? ‘What would be the hope ofthe meniscus of water in ape ethylene tbe? [Polyethylene can be represented © ‘CHis(CHa),Ca, where nis a lesge number on the owe 10003 38, Wall water rte to & greater height by capillary seton in lass tube or in a polyethylene tbe ofthe same diamelé low vapor presse and a normal boiling point of 152.2% Rationaliz the differences of thete physical properties fi 40. Carbon diselenide (CSe,)is aliquid at room temperature. TL “Ss Tnetch ofthe foloning groups of substances, ick he one "OEY boing point is 125% and the meting pot, ahaa te gives eee ean see ae ~45.5°C Carbon dsufide (CS) aio aliquid atroorte 2. Higher boiling point HCI, At, or Py ‘erature with noumal bailing and melting points of 46.5 1b, Highest fcezing point: Hs0, NaCl, or BE and ~111.6°C respectively. How do the stenths ofthe et reat apa pecee are coe el lespctite forces vary fram CO, to CSy 10 CSeq? Beg Lowen freezing point Na, CO, or O02 " 6. Lowest boiling pon: CH, CHCH, or CHSCELCH, {Highest boiling paint: HF, HC, or BB at © Stcores an opis Sls i & Lowest vapor pressure 25°C: CH,CH,CH, CHSCCHs,, (or CHCH,CH,OH In cach of the folowing groups of substances, pick the one that has the given property. Justify each answer. a, Highest boiling point: Ni, Os, or NO 2, Smallest surface tension: H,0, CHCN, or CRON «, Lowest freezing point: Hy, CHa or CO 4. Smallest vapor pressure at 25°C: C0, 1,0, or $Oy a 41, Xrays froma copper X-ray ube ( 1.56 A) weedeat Ban angle of 14.22 does byw cyl of sion. As ing first-order ciffrection (n= 1 in the Bragg equation), wt is the interplanar spacing in silicon’? - ‘The value of 2afor mica silicate minerat, is 19.93 A (1 A* 10-*9 m), What would be the angle for first-order difracti® (n= 1 in the Brope equation) of X rays from + molybéent Keanysooree (= 0.12.49? i AAG trsestu Slo bares 1st. a Bo ef afe [9 fon jaf a4} 15 1617 | 8 | 19 | 20} 1b. 2,4, 12, and 20: cs There are many possibilities. One exain- ple of each formula is X¥= L411, XW, = 6411, Y= 1 40, X¥;=74 I, and XOYs= 7+ 10; d. 6 es OF 18 133. a As we remove soscsnding electrons, the eleetron being removed is closer to the neleos and there ace fewer electrons left repelling it. The remaining electrons are more strongly atraced 10 the miclews and ittakes more energy to remove these electrons, by For Ig, we begin removing an electron with n = 2. For Is, We removed an election vith n= 3. Ip going from n= 3 01 = 2 there is a big jump in ionizetion energy because the n = 2 elec trons are rich closer tothe nucleus on the average than the 3 electrons. Since the n = 2 elecizons are closer to the muclens, they are held more tighily and require « much larger amount of tencigy to remove them. € Al"; the electron affinity for AI" is [AH for the eaction Aitig) bem 2 APIQ) A= Ie 11,600 40/0} du The greater the number of electrons, the greater the size so. AI < att Ait O-H> N—H > C—H> PoH_ 23. Rb* and SOM: (AN}23d%p6 Bat? and: IRASSadSp& 25, c Mgt: IsP2s!Dp% KM Is?2sphsA3D6 APY: 15225228 b. NI, OP, and Ft 1t2s?2ph Te {Ke]53%40%5p6 27. a. $0; be TEs Cel Ts Be 29, Some posites ae N°, 07>, Nat, Me?" and AD APY < Mgt Nat <0 cut > Cutt; b, Rat > Pat > NIB & OF > 07> 0; de Lett > BY > Gat > Yb; @, Te >I > Cs? > Balt > 1a* 33. 0, LisN (lihiom alidey, bs Gey0a (gli ox- ide); €» RDC (wobidiom chloride; d, BaS (barium eufie) 35. ou NaCl, Na* sinaler han K*; b, Lif, FY smaller than Anew ws hop 8 1"; & MgO, O° greater charge than OH”; d. Pe(OH)s, FO greater charge than Fe2*: e, NasO, 0% greater charge than CI"; F. MgO, Me? smeller than Ba?" and OF” smaller than? 37. Alif= ~412kllmol 39. The latice energy for Mg?tOr 1 be moch more exethermie than for Mg?O~. 41, Ca?* has sreater charge than Na, and Se? i smaller than Te? Since Charge differences affect lettce energy values more than size dit feenees, we expect the tend from mest exothermic 10 least ‘exothermic 1 be: CaSe > CaTe > NaySe > Nase (79s 2 2130-2095) 43, a. —183 kh; by 309K 45. -ADWI 47, 102815 49, 203k) 51. & Using standard enthalpies of formation, ‘AHP = —184 KF vs, ~183 ks from bond energies; b. Using sta ‘Sard enhelpies of formation, AH = ~92T vs. ~109 4 from bond tenéigies, Bond energies give a reasonably good estimate for AH, specially when all reactants and products arc gases. 53. a ‘Using SE date: Dsy = 342.5 Xfm. Using SFe dala: Dep = 327.0 ‘fmol. b. The $F bond energy inthe table fs 327 kno. Te value in the ble was based on the S—F bond in SFg, ¢+ Sig) ant F(Q) ase not the most stable form ofthe element at 25°C. The most stable fonms are Sy(e) and Fg) AM = 0 for these vo species 55, 988.2 Wimol vs. 391 kifmol intext 57a, H-C=N: by ni & nS, Sey a H 85. With resonance all carbon-carbon bonds are equivalent (we indicate dhs witha ice inte ing) giving due differen stoeures Da a a A Localized double bonds give four unique stuctores 87, Bond length: CHsOH > COs? > CO, > CO; bond.steength: CHOH < COs < CO, <0 69. The since Foon W ; den YF oo obeys the octet rule but hes 2 +1 formal charge on the most eles troncgative element (fluorine) and s negative formal charge on a ‘much less electronegative element (boron, 7X. af, and he all have similar Lewis structures: oye eee Fox wy - ves Seeded Beices RAT ‘ [é Foul charges: +4; b. 4256. 43: de He. 42; 44h gh. HL 73. (57) a linear, 180% b. trigonal pyramid, < 109:5% ‘euahedial, 109.5%: d. tetchedral, 109.5%: . trigonal, ptoner 120°; f. V-shaped, 109.3%; g. linear, 180%; h. and is tinea, ‘0 bond angle in diatomic molecles; (61) et. NO}": Vahaped, 120°; NOs" trigonal planar, 120%; b, all ae linea, 180° 75, PFs: trigonal bipyrami, 120° and 90%. Bell: linea, 180% BH, teigonal planar 120% Bry near, 180%; SF: see-sav, 120° and 90"; XeRe squace planar, 90% CPs: square pyramid, 90" SF cetahedeal, 90° 77. a. trigonal planar, 120°; b. V-shaped, <120°_ 79, «a, linear, 180"; b, Tshaped, 90% c. See-eave 120° and 80"; d. ‘cgonal bipyramic, 120° and 90° 81, Belly?” 83. TF, and 1! ey 85.0. 0c | ‘ot ] vestape, pote hi ‘al 1am, (FGF) me somone Betty HOBeHt Linas nonpolar 80, [8] veshaea,potie > of ot (Ove cer esranc sete posse) b. 50, “egonl plans, nonpolar ‘esonance statues posile) NF, “Tegel pptemi polo or, ‘shaped, polar eR “erahedal,aonpole sey Seesaw polar Heh Saune planar, nonpolar AB, tawes Seed Arnsarecs ‘Squace pyramid, polar “Trigonal bipyramid, nonpolar “Trignalbipyramid, nonpotsr Linear, polar Cetahedel, e Z| venues, pte ongear lh | m= 89, ‘The polar bonds are symmetrically arranged about the cen- tual soms, and all the individual bond dipoles eaneel to give no ‘net dipole moment foreach molecule, i.e, the moleevles ate non- pola 91. a. radi: Mg? , TB: P< catty co radius KP SCP NaCl(a)s bs NHeUe) + BCG) > NEB Ha): Mg?*(g) + S7(—) > MaS(); A. Onl) > 2.00) 95. Coz: 1,00, A= ~#3 kf; he carbon-oxygen double bond is stronger than {20 carbon-orygen single bonds 97.2, NO; Na, totherrésonance strctores 0 Ung 8 Oy. 0, ioe Seneca sonnets foe ({S Since NO» has ao numberof valence clears, its impos ble satsty te ett ae for NO. By dimetzing wo form ND, the uxpairedelecwon onto NO molecules ean psirap ving» compound that ean have valid Lewis stot, Ofd eecten species are generally very atv species, b. BF, BF can be considered election deficient. Boron oly has sc ele ‘eons ern i By fomming BFSNHs, the boron fom stisis he ‘ett rule by sharing clcions in foo single bonds, 99. The general stone ofthe tele fons ' ‘Bromine and fone are lege enough and ave low-energy, empty @ ofbitals to accommodate the expanded octet. Flourine is smal fand its valence shell contsin only 2s and 2p cits (4 orbits) fad cannot expand ite octet. The d otbitals in F aed thoy a6 too high in energy compared wth 25 and 2p to be wsed, 107s “Yes, each structure has the me namber of effective pits around the cenal atom. (We count a multiple bond as 2 singe group of eetrons,) 103, a. 120" be 5 i Jew ‘Nonpolar # 105. The CO bond is polar, while the Np bond is nompcat Tis ay lead toa greater reactivity. 107. 5402 5011 109. ‘The most ikely structures ae: ‘i : a a Or aay Formal charges: a 1; b, 42; 6 #3; ed 415 9. #2 be oH 73. (31) a linear, 180%; b, eigonsl pyramid, < 109.5°; tetahedial, 1095°; d. teahedta, 109.5%. tigonal planay 120%; f Veshaped, <1095°, g. inet, 180% hy and i tncar no bond angle in diatoms malecaes; (61) «. NO}: V-shaped, $120"; NOs": teigoal plana, 120%; b, all ae linear 180° 75, PEs tcigaal bipyramid, 120° aud $0%; Belly: linear, 180°; BES, {tigonal planar, 120%; Bry”: Tnear, 180"; SP see sa, “120° ant 90°; Xe square planar, SO"; CIF square pyzemid, ~90"; SF eetahedtal, 90° 77, a. wigonal planar, 120%, b. V.shaped, <120° 79, ax linear, 180"; b. Tshaped, 90"; €. Sov-save 120" and 90%; de "trigonal bipyremid, 120° and 90° BT, © Beth? 83.1, snd IP. 85. a. OCh ic Vshaped, polar [Py] AT tt, ore [Big] inca nonpolar Belly Hi-Be—t” “Liner, nonpolar shaped, pli 65. With resontnce all caibon-earbon bands are equivalent (we indicat this witha cicle inthe ving, giving eee iferent soctnes, — & 66 Loca cote nds ve ow vie sce 67, Bond ngs CHOH > COs» COy > CO bondseng chon < coy" 200, 29 69. The structure q en i BON o © het cet bat hat a+ fa chug onthe ot tonegatve eee (uo nd area frm! cage ona itch ess eeronegtve element at. 71, aif. and hy all have similar Lewis structures: Tshaped, polar “Tetabedal, nonpolar See-sev, polar ‘Square planar, nonpolar Aus ASO ives Sled sis aca Aeexin Rio ne angle 2 120°, angle b = 108.5%, 13 o and 1 w bond 29. To complete the Lewis srctue, a lone pars to complete etetsforeach aiom. a 6; b. 4; c. Theceater Nin group; di 33.0; ©. Sa F YEO g. 108.5% hy sp? aan a HN ic erie -P, oi 8 he foxcn, Nit, ? Aioconnite”— etyhemoneite bb Inszidocarbonamie the two carbon atoms ae 3p? hybridized. ‘The wonitrogen atoms with hydrogens tached are sp" hyteidized and the other two nitrogens ae sp hybsdized. In methyl cyano- cry, the CH eatbon i sp? hybridized, the eavbon with the tsiple bond is sp hybridized, and the oer thee carbons are 3p? hybridized. es Aridocarbonamide contains 3ar bonds and met) syngaciylete consi darbonis, de a. "108.5% 120° c.120° 4. 190" e. 180° f. 120" g, =109.5°h. 120" 33. ca Hot, Ha, Hyry b. He,2* and Hey 38. a. (a,F; BO.= 1s damage netic: by (02)°Com*)(ig B.O. = 3; paramagnetic, & (02)? (00729 (orp)? Comp} Camp": BO. = Ji ciamagnetic 37. Ox": (on) e2s4F (om)? Crap) (ny; BO. = 2.5; 1 unpsned eleo- on; Op: (oa)? (Ori (Cag? (ay (nap: B.O. = 252 vopaized eecions; >": (ta (oa? Comp? (ma)! (mF B.0.=1.5 2 rnpaird lection; 02?" (ony? (0a) (ip)? pl Cong" B.0. = 1; Ounpaied electons: bond enesgy: 2 < Oa” < On < Op; band Iengih: O2* <0 < Oy" < 07" 99. C= has 10 valence elecizons. C=C}; sp Iybsid omitals used; (c2,P(0>,"m, (0%,): B.O, = 3. Bosh give Ue same pict, & ple bond composed of one and wo bonds. Both predic the jon w te diamagnetic. 41. a. (on) orPm)% BO. = 2; Siatnagnetic; be (2,\%ers* Pog) (Onp's BO. = 2.5; netics €. (C.)(on4 Con (Oy) B.O. =; inmagreti bond length, CN~ © CN < CN; bond energy, CN* < CN < CN 45, T 7, «a Tis electrons would be closer to F on the average. The F stom is move cleewonegative thn the H atom, snd the 2p orbital eg OF of Fis lower in energy than the Is entital of Hy f The bonding MO would have more Nuorine 2p character because iti closer in energy to the Mucrine 2p onbitak; <. The antibonding MO wool} place more election density closer to H and would have @ greater ‘ontibution from the higher enecgy hydrogen Ls atomic orbit AQ, Os and NO; hve identical Lewis structures, so we only ced to dizcuss ore of them, The Lewis stracrare for Oy is Hoe of Yo! : Localized electron model: The eenual oxygen atom is «9? hy. briized, whieb ae used co form the two sigma bonds and hold te Jone pair of electons. An unchanged (unhybridized p atonic ar Isl forme the bond wit the neighboring oxygen toms. The x ‘bond etonses between the to positions. Molecular ebital mode: “There are two localized sigma bonds and a m bond that i dete calized over the entre surface ofthe molecule, The éelocalies w ‘bon reslts from ovedap of ap omic onbiel or each oxygen stom in Os: 51.0, BG YVeshaed sp hyd ‘Tigonal pyramid, sy? ‘Tecahedral, 5p? See-say ip? ‘Trigonal bipycamis, dep* 53. a, 33 g-and bonds; b. ANC atoms ate sp? hybridized 55. a, COC, “Giana pln, pb. 120°, £ S ras Nar can also be Nongater ‘V-shaped about both N atoms, 120%, 39? ‘These ave distinct diferent molecules, Pole setae @ hoodies A49 thete are other posible esonance sities, bt these are mest dy uigonal plana, 120°, 3p nonpolar likely. b. ‘The NNW and all ONN and ONO bond angles should be about 120° “tao oa aan ‘We should eliminate N--N==O, since ithas a formal charge of +L 2s near, 180% sp, nonpolar pa ivteideraspaeceeen te senna ae tnt ERAUES ANE oe tem apne aad ca te Shiai oumitbevenssgeen tn ae Zhergy is propostional to bond order. Bond length ? Soversely proportional to bond order. Bond energy and lengih can be measured. 9, Poramagnetic: Unpaired electcons are present Measwie the mass ofa substence in the presence and absence of @ vapor; e+ sublimation: solid > vapor, d. A supercooled Tiguid ie a Jiguid ata temperature below is freezing, point, 25, a. Ae intermolecular forces increase the rate of ‘evaporation deereases, b, ineresteT: increase rate; cx increase surface area: increase rato 27. The phase change, H,O(g) ~> H,0() releases host that can cause dditonal damage. Also steam can be at a tomporature much greater than 100°C. 29. a Tonic; by. dipole, LDF (London dispersion forees); ¢. LDF; d. LDP; fe. ionic; f. LDF; @. hydrogen bonding, LDF 31. a. OCS; 1b, PPs €: SPs de S02 33. a4, Neopentaneis more compact (han m-penlene, peodueing les area of contact besveen neopentane solecues, leading to weaker interparticle forces and a Tower bail ingpoint, b. Ethanol exhibits H bonding; dimethyl ether does no. . HF exhibits H bonding; d. LiC, fone, HCl, weaker dipole forces; ©. n-Pentane is larger so has stronger LD forces; F. Di- methyl ether hes dipole Foress in aiion to LD forces. 35. a. HCI has dipole foeee in addition to LD forces; b. NaCI, suenger ionie forces; es Ly larger molecule so stronger LD forces, d. No, smallest nonpolar compound presem, has weakest LD forces; @. CCH, smallest nonpolar compound present, has weakest LD forces; 4. HR, can form relatively strong hydzogen bonding imtersctions, unlike the ober compoonds; g. CH,CH,CHOH, unlike others, has relatively strong hydrogen bonding’ 37. HO is suracted to glass hile Hi is not, Convex (like Hg in glass). 39. The structure of 1,0) produces greates hydrogen bonding than water. Long chins of nydrogen bonded HO> molecules then get tangled together. 41, 313A 43. 882 pom? 45, 2268 elem? 47, edge, 328 pont radivs, 142 pm 49. 74055 51, Dope with a Grovp 5A, clement (PAs). 53. ptype 55. 5.0% 10? nm. 57. NaCk Nat, ACI"; CsCl 1C5*, CI; Za8: 42n?, 482"; TOs 20, 40%" 59, +6 61, From densvy deta, 42) pm fem ion rai nts, 410. pn the two values agree within3%, 63: @. CO, mol- ceular; b. SiOx: covalent network; ¢ Siz atom, covalent net Anwer clap : work; d. CH: moleclar; €, Rus stmic, metallic fs moe alas, g. KDI: onic; hy HO: molecular, fe NaOH: ini; U: some, metallic: ks CaC03: oni; I PHS: molecular 65. AWN; 67. CaTIOx, six oxygens around veach Tr 69. 0, ‘YitagCj0s, b. The sic ofthis supercondictor mater based onthe second perowite sinetne. The ¥BA3C0y sie tore tee of these cbc perovskite Ui els stacked ontop of each ots. The oxygen ato ie the same places, Cu teks the plice of and two Ca are replaced by Ba ad one Ces elaced by Yee. YBagCng0) 71. Li, 158 kihnak, Ma, 139 Kno Bonding stranger in Li 79. 1.7 atm; 140°C 7. 221 tee 77. Fy betiatet ° 0 9 y Slope 5> sope3> slope 2» . Te 44 xe 2 8 Foo 2 sof, “40 0 eee Fine > 79, 168051 BY. 1490¢ 83. A: solid; B: liquid; C: apor, 1B: solid + vapor; Es solid + liquid + vapar (wipe point; Fig vid + vapor; G: liquid + vapor (estes! point); H: vapo, the fst dashed line (atthe lower ternpecatre) isthe normal melting point ‘and the second dashed ine isthe pornal boiling point. The sod phase is denser. 85. CisH» has the stronger jnfermoleclar forces because it has the higher boiling poin. Even though CsHsa Senonpoar, i isso large thet is London dispersion forces axe meh stronger than the sum of the Landon dispersion and hydrogen bond- ing interactions found in H0. a. be ie SO-H2g) 89, 0.229 om 91. 170, eandcs ele 28 «ls testo ious 93° 46Snghn 95, 2963010" a? 97, 48) Limon SO 99, Th chs vii nla ss (hich MgCl, MAE Mg, A) we a ei ol Sich Se Ch, Fa, PFs, and SF are nonpolar covalent molecules with LDF. PCI, and SCip are polar molecules with LDF and dipole forces. In ‘these 8 molecular substances the interparticle forces arc. weak an ‘the melting points low. AICI, is intermediate. The melting point Ina hve sueger ess preven ay ine ome halides, bot potas strong 2s for en ionic solid. AIC lustraes 9 > tal ate rom oe conten tng fo ne 280 tCamceoldes 101: tetyeonerek 39pm 108. AB Bot pene Linear, polar, 180°, sp f=, dip! 6257. a The NNO sinuctue is comet. From the Lewis siucwes fe would predict bolh NNO and NON to be linear, but NON would Efe nonpolar: NNO is poles Of or Nen—G: 2 HNO: MO oa tA Hw msichnges nance structure on he basis of formal charge. csp hybrid or son the center Noverap wth stamic oxi or hybrid or als) onthe othe tvo atoms to fo tt sigma bonds. The re ining ponbitls onthe contr N oveilap with p orbitals onthe ex N io form ne nbonds. 59. Na (On) eu"? (ra )(m)® round sate, 1.0.= h diamagneis, tet excited state (eud*Con2 79 (Op) Cr B.0. ~ 2, paeamagaetic Qo wm Eprited clectons) 61. es No, some atoms axe alached citer. ‘pall C= ap tact 2: 1 © Dieyendiamide: at N oo on OX Ho iNeCNL 9 2 Frond a Se bytes a shane iH Answers Ftc fase Sled Boies AST bb. NCN?™:C is sp hybsidized. Cannot predict hybies for Nee. ferent for each sesonanee structure), Por the remaining compounds, ‘we will predict hybrids forthe favored vesanance scutes onl Melamine: N ia NE, groups ere lp) hybridied, Atoms in ing are all sp hybridized; cs NCN®™: 2 ¢ and 2 mrbonds; HNN: 4 and 2 w bonds; dicyandiamide: 9 and 3 srbonds, melamine: 15 @ and 3 bonds; d. The esysem forces the ring to be ol nae jst a5 the Benzene fing is plana. ©. The stotase INSCAN, Dentin in H Ww My isthe mest important because it has dee different CN bonds. Tis structure isa favored on the basis of formal chatge, 65. No N,No*, and IN" will all be present Light with wavelengths inthe ge of 85.33 nm< A= 127 nm will produce N but 0 ions. 67, Both reactions appareody only involve the breaking of the N—Cl bond. However in the reaction ONC] —> NO + Cl some ‘enecgy it released in forming the stronger NO bond, lowering the value of AH. Therefore, the apparent N—Cl bond energy ie arti cially low for this reaction. The fist reaction only involves the breaking of the N—CI bond. Chopter 10 7. London dispersion (LDF) < dipole-dipole

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