Lesson Plan 1

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Date: 12-01-2016

Curriculum Focus: Foreign Languages (Spanish Language)

Previous Learning: Some students are joining or have already

joined another Spanish Club. Other students dont have any
knowledge about Spanish Language.

Learning Objectives:
- Get students closer to Spain and Spanish Culture.
- Raise students interest to learn and know more about Spanish Language.
- To identify places were Spanish Language is spoken.
Mental Starter: INTRODUCTION
Time 10min
In that part, students and I sit down in a circle and, one by

Key Questions: Can we know better each other?

one, we introduce ourselves: name, where I am from, my

interests, why I am joining that club, what do I expect
from that club, and what do I think about Spanish
Language (difficult, easy, special features).
Main activity:




LANGUAGE Key Question: What do I know from Spanish Language and


Time 15min
In that part, I will show them a presentation about our
Spanish Club, in which there will be some basic
knowledge from Spain and Spanish Language. Firstly, I will
contextualize them and show Spain localization and the
division of different places within it. Moreover, I they will
see some things and issues that they may know from
Spain (in order to promote interaction and establish a
dialogue). Apart from Spain aspects, I will also present
them information about Spanish Language, remarking
that its not just spoken in Spain but also in different
countries around the world (map support). During the
presentation, they will be constantly asked of what they

know before my explanation, to ensure dynamic and

interactive lesson.

Key Questions: What do I want to learn?

Time 5 min
Students are asked to complete a sheet of paper about
who they are (name, age), their interests and what they
want to learn in our lessons. Finally, they are also asked
for their Spanish Language level.
Differentiation: in this session differentiation is not
worked in an explicit way because I still dont know
students learning characteristics, and the activities done
are planned in order to be reachable and inclusive for all

Attention to diversity: In order to attend diversity, I will use

some participation strategies (learnt from Miss Shields).
Firstly, I will ask students to raise their hands up (to see and
let their interest conduct the session) when they want to say
something or answer a question done. Moreover, the second
strategy prepared will be to take papers randomly with their
names, in order to make them all participate in the interactive
lesson. In that way, I want to ensure all students participation
(always observing if students feel comfortable or not

participating, not to force anyone to participate).

Sheet of paper about My interests.
Speaking and Listening:

Learning Strategies:

In that first session, listening takes one of the most

important roles, but as its an interactive lesson, speaking
is also an essential element in it. In the first part
(introduce ourselves), students have to listen to others in
order to know about their classmates, but also to speak in
order to tell information about them. So, in this part
speaking and listening are constantly mixed.

Visual: visual strategies are mostly used during the Spanish

Club presentation, where students will be able to recognize
the concepts exposed with the support of images, which will
facilitate their understanding and identification of things

Auditory: students are also working auditory strategies as

they are constantly asked for opinion, experiences and
In the second part, during the Spanish Club presentation, knowledge about the concepts exposed.
students will mostly have to listen to what its being
Kinaesthetic: kinaesthetic strategies are not really worked
explained. However, they will have to interact with
during this session, but students will be asked to locate Spain
concepts exposed, so speaking also takes a secondary
in the map showed, and also to stand up and point places
role in that part. Therefore, the constant and mixed
from Spain where they have gone (searching the place in the
listening and speaking in that session evidence the high






concepts map).

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