Wrestling Nationals

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Four wrestlers head to Nationals

UIndy hosts the two-day Super Region 2 Tournament where seven Greyhounds made it to day two and four will travel to Nationals
By Kylee Crane
And then there were four.
Redshirt senior Josh Kieffer, redshirt
sophomore Nick Crume, redshirt junior
Taylor DeLong and redshirt freshman
Dylan Faulkenberg will represent the
University of Indianapolis at the NCAA
2016 Division II National Championships in the 125, 133, 184 and 285 lb.
weight classes, respectively.
The four earned their trip to Nationals
by placing in the top four at the NCAA
Super Region 2 Tournament. UIndy
hosted the regionals in Nicoson Hall on
Feb. 26-27. As a team, the Hounds finished fourth out of the 14 teams present.
Kieffers first match against the University of Wisconsin-Parksides redshirt
junior Ronzel Darling ended in a 3-2
decision, that sent Kieffer to the finals
match. He then claimed first place in
the 125-bracket with a 3-0 decision over
Tiffin University sophomore Giuseppe
Kieffers two regional titles make him
the fourth Greyhound in the program to
do so. Kieffer also is the third wrestler in
Greyhound history to earn four trips to
Crumes semifinal match ended in a
10-2 major decision against the then No.
8 seeded Derrick Nelson from Coker
College. The win sealed Crumes Nationals fate. With a trip to Nationals already
in hand, Crume went one step further
and earned first at regionals. He beat
Newberry Colleges redshirt freshman
Jordan Simpson with a 9-1 major decision for the title.
Crume said his lack of nerves and
previous experience against Nelson on the
mat helped him earn his semifinal victory.
I wrestled him last year and beat him
pretty handily. This is only the second time
I have wrestled in this weight class this
season, which is why he was ranked above
me, Crume said. I was pretty confident
about that match stepping onto the mat,
which really helped.
DeLongs matches on Friday sent him
to the consolation bracket, but Saturday
he revived himself. DeLong went 3-0 on

Photos Contributed by Laken Detweiler

From left to right, redshirt senior Josh Kieffer, redshirt sophomore Nick Crume, Head Coach Jason Warthan, redshirt junior Taylor DeLong and redshirt freshman Dylan Faulkenberg will travel to Nationals.
Saturday and earned his trip to Nationals.
He opened the day against Coker Colleges freshman Luis Peguero with a 2-0
win. That was followed with a pin against
Shorter University senior Dalton Lane.
DeLong earned a third-place finish in an
11-10 decision over redshirt junior Brandon ONeill from Ashland University.
Faulkenberg opened the day with
a 6-3 decision over University of
Wisconsin-Parkside sophomore Matt
Halverson. The win over Halverson led
to Faulkenberg wrestling the University
of North Carolina-Pembroke redshirt
junior Stuart Nadeau. The match was
decided in the first tiebreaker, resulting in
a 9-6 decision that moved Faulkenberg to
the third-place match. In a close match,
Faulkenberg battled for a 3-2 win in the
second tiebreaker round against junior
Austin Akins from Coker College to earn
his first trip to Nationals.
Head Wrestling Coach Jason Warthan

said that while being fully satisfied with

the Super Region 2 Tournament results
is difficult from a coachs standpoint, the
weekend also was bittersweet.
Its tough [going into regionals],
because you know theres a good chance
that not everyone is going to go through.
So you might be coaching someone to the
last match of their season or their career
and then turn around and have a very
meaningful match and sit in the corner
and get yourself composed. So emotions
are all over the place, Warthan said. I
thought Friday could have gone better.
I thought the seven who advanced to
Saturday wrestled very well, and then
of course the four who are moving on
wrestled very well. Its hard to be satisfied
as a coach. There were a few matches that
I think we could have won that didnt go
our way. But the silver lining there was
that it wasnt a lack of effort or preparation; it was aggressive mistakes.

With a two-week break between

the regional tournament and Nationals,
Warthan said that practices will remain
similar to those of the regular season,
thanks to this years Spring Break and
Nationals schedule.
This year is different than the last six,
Warthan said.Nationals is[the] first week
of Spring Break instead of [the] second.
We have the luxury of practicing all the
guys that are healthy, so I want it to be
as normal as possible. As far as lifting
goes and wrestling for two hours, well
cut that back and kind of taper. The guys
will watch what they are eating and watch
what theyre doing and take care of their
bodies, and get rest.
Crume said that he plans to come in
with a much more laid-back perspective, as he did during the Super Region
weekend, but not because of his previous
Nationals experience.
Im coming in with the same mentality

Womens lacrosse falls in

first conference match up

our game plan going into it, Howley

said. We went down [in the score], then
we went up, then we went down again,
so we had to keep fighting back.
The University of Indianapolis
Hannah Burczyk had the game-high
womens lacrosse team opened up Great five goals on eight shots. Morrison had
Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Confer- four goals in the win. Sophomore attack
ence play against McKendree University Anna Rulapaugh was happy with the
on Saturday, March 5. The Hounds fell results of the teams hard work.
16-8 to the Bearcats.
I think the fact that we stepped up
Prior to the McKendree, Head after being down by two in the beginning,
Womens Lacrosse Coach Jillian Howley and being down by two at half, [is good.]
knew competition between the two teams We really stepped up against a team who
would be good.
was out to beat us, Rulapaugh said.They
I think they [McKenwere on a 4-0 run. So I think that the
dree] are actually very
fact we were able to
similar to [the University
pull it [a win] out
of ] Alabama-Huntsville,
is great, because it
but they are more skilled,
shows we can overthey are faster, and they
come a deficit.
are more experienced,
As the HoundsseaHowley said. So,
son progresses, the team
I think it is going
morale is high, said Morrison.
to be a tough one
[We are] definitely getfor us, and it is just
ting to know each other better
[whether] ... we rise
through our games. [That] is
to the occasion.
making us a lot closer. In
Scoring was opened
practices, you dont get to
up by the Greyhounds in the
know someone that well,
first two minutes of play. Junior
Morrison said. Being on
attack Chalane Morrison found
the road a lot, I think we are
the back of the net at 28:07. Five
definitely more supportive
minutes later Morrison assisted
of each other now. And
freshman midfield Erica Bushold
I think that helps [our
for her third goal of the season.
spirit] stay high.
Six more goals were scored before the
Howley feels that
end of the first half, five of which were the
UIndy is supporting
Bearcats. McKendree led 6-3 at the half.
the team very well
After the break the Bearcats scored two
in. Prior to facing off
additional goals before the Greyhounds
against McKendree,
could answer back. Freshman attack Hana
Howley expressed her
Priddy scored one of three goals for the
hopes for a large stuPhoto by Cassie Reverman dent body turnout at
game at 25:12 in the second half.
Also scoring for the Hounds was the game.
freshmen attacks/midfields Sydney
I mean, I am curious to see how
Hauffman and Hannah Burczyk.
many people come out this Saturday to
Freshman goalkeeper Irene Carlquist the double header with the mens team, so
has been in net for the Hounds all season it would be awesome to get an awesome
and made 42 saves.
crowd there, she said. With a double
The Hounds second win of the season header, a lot of our players parents are
was against Alabama-Huntsville on Feb. coming and stuff, so it would be really
27. UIndy pulled out a 14-10 win after cool to get a lot of the student body to
allowing two Charger goals.
be there.
This past Saturday against AlabamaUIndy travels to Florida on March 16
Huntsville, we had to give it everything to compete against the Florida Institute
we had, basically, and really just execute of Technology.

By Mikayla Kleinpeter


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as last year. Switching and not having a

lot of matches in this weight class this
season gives me the opportunity to prove
myself again,Crume said.Im not trying
to take it too serious anymore. In the past,
I stressed myself out too much. And this
year, Ive really been able to zone out,
relax and have fun.
Two wins, whether in a row or with a
loss before or between, are all a wrestler
needs to earn the title of All-American at
Nationals, and Warthan believes the four
wrestlers have the capability of returning
home with at least that.
Is it realistic for all of them to be
All-American? I think so. I think weve
put ourselves in the position to return
with all four of them with at least that
title, Warthan said.
The Greyhound wrestlers will head to
Sioux Falls, S.D., for the 2016 NCAA
Division II National Championships,
March 11-12.

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