FLNG Compared To LNG Carriers

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FLNG compared to LNG carriers

Requirements and recommendations for LNG production facilities and

re-gas units
Master of Science Thesis

Department of Shipping and Marine Technology
Division of Marine Design
Gothenburg, Sweden, 2012
Report No. X-12/279


FLNG compared to LNG carriers

requirements and recommendations for
LNG production facilities and re-gas units

Department of Shipping and Marine Technology

Gothenburg, Sweden 2012

FLNG compared to LNG carriers

requirements and recommendations for LNG production facilities and re-gas units



Report No. X-12/279

Department of Shipping and Marine Technology

Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Gothenburg
Telephone +46 (0)31-772 1000
Printed by Chalmers Reproservice
Gothenburg, Sweden, 2012

FLNG compared to LNG carriers

requirements and recommendations for LNG production facilities and re-gas units
Department of Shipping and Marine Technology
Division of Marine Design
Chalmers University of Technology

An increasing price and demand for natural gas has made it possible to explore remote gas
fields. Traditional offshore production platforms for natural gas have been exporting the
partially processed natural gas to shore, where it is further processed to permit consumption
by end-users. Such an approach is possible where the gas field is located within a reasonable
distance from shore or from an existing gas pipeline network. However, much of the worlds
gas reserves are found in remote offshore fields where transport via a pipeline is not feasible
or is uneconomic to install and therefore, to date, has not been possible to explore. The
development of floating production platforms and, on the receiving end, regasification
platforms, have increased the possibilities to explore these fields and transport the liquefied
gas in a more efficient form, i.e. liquefied natural gas (LNG), to the end user who in turn can
readily import the gas.
Floating production platforms and regasification platforms, collectively referred to as FLNG,
imply a blend of technology from land-based LNG industry, offshore oil and gas industry and
marine transport technology. Regulations and rules based on experience from these
applications could become too conservative or not conservative enough when applied to a
FLNG unit. Alignment with rules for conventional LNG carriers would be an advantage since
this would increase the transparency and possibility for standardization in the building of
floating LNG production vessels.
The objective of this study is to identify the risks relevant to FLNG. The risks are compared
to conventional LNG carriers and whether or not regulatory alignment possibilities exist. To
identify the risks, a risk analysis was performed based on the principles of formal safety
assessment methodology. To propose regulatory alignment possibilities, the risks found were
also evaluated against the existing rules and regulations of Det Norske Veritas.
The conclusion of the study is that the largest risk-contributing factor on an FLNG is the
presence of processing, liquefaction or regasification equipment and for an LNG carrier it is
collision, grounding and contact accidents. Experience from oil FPSOs could be used in the
design of LNG FPSOs, and attention needs to be drawn to the additional requirements due to
processing and storage of cryogenic liquid on board. FSRUs may follow either an approach
for offshore rules or, if intended to follow a regular docking scheme, follow an approach for
ship rules with additional issues addressed in classification notes.
Keywords: FLNG, FSA, FSRU, LNG, LNG carriers, LNG FPSO, risk assessment.



This thesis is a part of the requirements for the masters degree in Naval Architecture at
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, and has been carried out at the Division of
Marine Design, Department of Shipping and Marine Technology, Chalmers University of
I would like to acknowledge and thank my examiner and supervisor, Professor Jonas
Ringsberg at the Department of Shipping and Marine Technology, for his help and guidance
throughout this project.
I would also like to thank my co-supervisor, Conn Fagan, Vice President, Business
Development, Floating Gas Projects at the head office of Det Norske Veritas in Hvik Oslo
for sharing his knowledge and guidance during this project.
Further, I would like to thank Christian Hertzenberg, Head of Section at the department of
Marine & Process Systems at the head office of Det Norske Veritas in Hvik Oslo for his help
with practical and administrative issues during this project.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone at the head office of Det Norske Veritas who have
helped out in different ways during this project.
All pictures within this report are printed with permission from the copyright holder; the
cover photo is credited to Photographic Services, Shell International Ltd.
Gothenburg, June, 2012
Erik Aronsson


Abstract --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
Preface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ v
Contents ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vii
List of abbreviations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ix

Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
1.1. Background ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2. Objective ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.3. Methodology and limitations ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2


Rules and regulations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3

2.1. Classification in general ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
2.2. Existing rules and regulations pertaining to LNG carriers ------------------------------ 4
2.3. Existing rules and regulations considering FLNG ---------------------------------------- 4


The working principle behind LNG FPSO ---------------------------------------------------- 7

3.1. Structure ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
3.2. Gas processing and LNG production ------------------------------------------------------- 8
3.3. Cargo handling -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
3.4. Transfer systems ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13
3.5. Additional systems --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15


The working principle behind FSRU ---------------------------------------------------------- 17

4.1. Structure --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
4.2. Gas processing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
4.3. Cargo handling -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
4.4. Transfer system ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
4.5. Additional systems --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19


Risks for an LNG carrier during operation -------------------------------------------------- 21

5.1. Historical LNG accidents and hazard identification ------------------------------------- 21
5.2. Risk summation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
5.3. Risk control options and cost benefit ------------------------------------------------------ 24
5.4. Recommendations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25


Risk evaluation of FLNG during operation -------------------------------------------------- 27

6.1. Hazards due to the physical properties of LNG and LNG vapour--------------------- 27
6.2. Identification of hazards --------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
6.3. Check of hazards against existing rules --------------------------------------------------- 30


Discussion-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
7.1. Structure design ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
7.2. Gas processing and LNG production ------------------------------------------------------ 31
7.3. Cargo handling -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
7.4. Transfer systems ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 33
7.5. Additional-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33



Conclusions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35


Future work ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37

10. References ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39

Appendix A. Applicable rules for an FLNG ------------------------------------------------------ A1
Appendix B. Risk Assessment ----------------------------------------------------------------------- B1
Appendix C. Hazard register ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C1
Appendix D. Hazards compared to rules --------------------------------------------------------- D1


List of abbreviations

Automatic identification system

As low as reasonably practicable
Det Norske Veritas
Electronic chart display and information system
Emergency shutdown
Floating liquefied natural gas unit
Failure modes, effects and criticality analysis
Floating production storage and offloading unit
Formal safety assessment
Floating storage regasification unit
Gross cost of averting a fatality
Hazard identification study
Hazard and operational study
Heating ventilation air-conditioning
International Association of Classification Societies
International code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying
liquefied gases in Bulk
International Labour Organization
International Maritime Organization
Liquefied natural gas
Liquefied petroleum gas
Load and resistance factor design
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
Million tons per annum
Net cost of averting a fatality
Potential loss of lives
Quantitative risk analysis
Risk control measure
Risk control option
Rapid phase transition
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea




In the last decades, the international natural gas market has been growing at a very high rate
and continues to increase [1][2]. Traditional offshore production platforms for natural gas
have been exporting the partially processed natural gas to shore where it is further processed
to permit consumption by end-users [3]. Such an approach is possible where the gas field is
located within a reasonable distance from shore or from an existing gas pipeline network.
However, much of the worlds gas reserves are found in offshore fields [4] where transport
via a pipeline is not feasible or is uneconomic to install and therefore, to date, it has not been
possible to develop these fields [2][4].
During the past four decades studies have been carried out on offshore liquefied natural gas
(LNG) production options [4]. This has resulted in a new kind of production facility called
LNG floating production storage and offloading (FPSO). The benefits are a platform which
does not need much external support and which allows for the transformation of gas into a
readily transportable form, i.e. LNG. This also permits more flexibility in marketing the gas,
since LNG shuttle tankers can be directed to where the market price is best [4]. When the gas
field is depleted the production platform can be moved to a new gas field. To date, no LNG
FPSO has been built. However, several concepts exist and have been planned to be built [5]
A further development is the floating regasification units that transform the LNG back to
natural gas at the market location. Such units are called floating storage and regasification
units (FSRU). Many countries are today opting for the floating offshore option instead of
onshore facilities [7]. According to Fagan et al. [3], an offshore unit usually means lower
investment costs, quicker project realisation and avoidance of many permitting issues. A
limited number of FSRUs have already been deployed, for example GOLAR LNG has today
5 FSRUs in operation. The fleet consists of converted LNG carriers [8]. Typically, LNG
FPSOs and FSRUs are collectively known as floating LNG (FLNG) units. In this report,
FLNG refers to both LNG FPSO and FSRU unless stated otherwise.
Concerns about global warming have been raised worldwide and governments are attempting
to find strategies for decreasing emissions of greenhouse gases. When burned, natural gas
emits lower quantities of greenhouse gases and criteria pollutants than other fuels and is
therefore seen by many to have a key role in strategies for lowering carbon emissions [9].
FLNGs could contribute further with a reduced environmental footprint compared to an
onshore LNG plant, with an associated offshore platform, that would require a significant
land-take and possibly coastal dredging. In addition, FLNGs also have the possibility of being
relocated to other locations.

1.1. Background
The FLNG concept is a mixture of technology from land-based LNG industry, offshore oil
and gas industry and marine transport industry. Regulations and rules based on previous
experience within respective field could become too conservative or not conservative enough
when applied to a floating LNG offshore unit [3]. According to Det Norske Veritas (DNV) [2]
an LNG FPSO could be considered as an offshore installation and would therefore follow
offshore classification practice. An FSRU could follow classification according to offshore or
ship classification practice depending on the mode of operation. Alignment with rules for
conventional LNG carriers would be an advantage as this would increase the transparency and
possibility for standardisation in the building of floating LNG production vessel. The inherent

risk of gas treatment and its being stationary, either offshore or berthed close to shore,
compared to the risk on board an LNG carrier may be significant.

1.2. Objective
The objective of this study is to identify the risks relevant to FLNGs, compare them to risks
for conventional LNG carriers and propose regulatory alignment possibilities as input for
future DNV rule development. To find the risks, the study was divided into four sub-targets:

To study existing rules and regulations pertaining to LNG processes and storage.
To perform a risk evaluation of key aspects of LNG production and re-gasification
technology, both safety and regularity.
To report and present the risks specifically related to FLNG concepts.
To propose regulatory alignment possibilities.

1.3. Methodology and limitations

To achieve the objective and identify the risks relevant to FLNGs, comprehensive studies of
the technology involved in both LNG FPSO and FSRU is necessary. In order to perform a
risk evaluation of FLNGs, the formal safety assessment (FSA) method is used as a basis for
the study. The method is chosen since it is used by the International Maritime Organization
(IMO) in their rulemaking progress [10]. The FSA methodology consists of five steps; this
study is limited to the first step, risk identification, due to limitations in knowledge and
experience with the technology involved in FLNGs. As this step does not depend on the
outcome of the other steps it can be performed independently. The IMO describes several
techniques for hazard identification in the guidelines for FSA [10], and, according to Spouge
[11], HAZID is the most appropriate for coverage of the wide range of possible hazardous
events and is therefore chosen as the technique to be used. The risks found in the HAZID are
then compared to the rules and regulations of Det Norske Veritas to investigate if any gaps
exist. To compare the risk of FLNG to LNG carriers, external reports from the research
project SAFEDOR [12] - [14] regarding the risk of LNG carriers was studied for comparison.


Rules and regulations

Each classification society has its own set of rules covering standard ship construction and
supplements covering the specific application of different ship types and their equipment. The
requirements are formed so that they implicitly describe the hazards. The rules are normally
based on experience and operations within the shipping industry. The shipping industry
traditionally had a prescriptive approach in implementation of new requirements and
regulations. Gas carriers are today governed by essentially prescriptive regulation and class
requirements, which is favourable for ship-owners and shipyards as it provides clarity for
contracting vessels [3]. A tendency to move from the prescriptive regulations to goal-based
regulations with an integration of risk analysis is seen today, and this will facilitate novel
technology and novel ship design [15]. This section briefly describes how classification is
obtained and which organizations that have an interest in the vessel.

2.1. Classification in general

To assure that a ship or offshore structure has an acceptable safety level it has to fulfil several
standards. There are several different organizations that each have their own demands or

Classification Societies issue classification certificates, which certify that safety and rule
compliance is fulfilled. Their validity is five years given that annual and intermediate
surveys are fulfilled successfully. Several parties have an interest in the safety and quality
of a ship and the classification system serves as a verification system to ensure that the
requirements of rules and other standards are fulfilled. Such parties could be, among
others, insurance companies, ship owner, cargo owners and national authorities under
whose flag the ship will sail [16].
Coastal state is the state in which a foreign ship operates when entering a port or
operating in the coastal areas of a country. According to the United Nations Convention
on Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) [17], a coastal state has the right to enforce its own laws
and regulations considering pollution on foreign ships entering their waters. A country
could also act as a port state when a foreign ship enters a port or offshore terminal, and
then the state has the right to detain a vessel and require repairs if the ship is not found to
be seaworthy.
Flag state is where a ship or offshore structure is registered in order to identify it for legal
and commercial purposes. The object does not have to be registered in the same state as
the company and it could be beneficial to register the ship in another flag state for tax
reasons. The flag state is responsible for the ship and it complies with the law of the flag
state. The most significant flag states have implemented the International Convention for
the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and the International Convention for the Prevention of
Pollution from ships (MARPOL) and other IMO conventions into their own laws.
UNCLOS [17] states that the flag is responsible for the seaworthiness of a vessel flying its
flag and that laws and regulations targeted at preventing and controlling pollution are
The United Nations set up the broad framework of the law of the sea, UNCLOS [17], and
to date 162 states or entities have signed the convention. The IMO and the International
Labour Organization (ILO) are the two agencies that they operate through.

2.2. Existing rules and regulations pertaining to LNG carriers

DNV rules for the classification of LNG carriers are found in Rules for Classification of Ships
Pt.5 Ch.5. Liquefied Gas Carriers. In its most general form the Classification of ships is
described in Pt.1Ch1.Sec.1 [16] as:
B 100 General
101 The classification concept consists of the development and application of rules
with regard to design, construction and survey of vessels. In general, the rules cover:
- the structural strength (and where relevant the watertight integrity) and integrity
of essential parts of the vessel's hull and its appendages, and
- the safety and availability of the main functions in order to maintain essential
102 Class is assigned to a vessel on the basis of compliance with the rules. Class is
maintained in the service period provided applicable rules are observed and surveys
carried out.
Ships carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk have their own set of requirements in the International
Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC)
[18], which has been specified by the IMO in cooperation with the International Association
of Classification Societies (IACS). The IGC addresses [18]:

Collisions and strandings.
Cryogenic release.

The IGC code is not mandatory, but most flag states require that the code is fulfilled if the
ship is to sail under their flag. If an LNG carrier is classified according to DNV rules it is also
fulfilling the IGC code:
Rules for Ships Pt.5 Ch.5 Sec.1 [16]
A 100 Application
103 The requirements of this chapter are considered to meet the requirements of the
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied
Gases in Bulk, IGC Code, Res. MSC.5 (48). The following amendments to the IGC
Code are included in this edition of the rules: Res. MSC.30(61) (1992 amendments),
Res. MSC.32(63) (1994 amendments), Res. MSC.59(67) (1996 amendments) and Res.
MSC.103(73) (2000 amendments).

2.3. Existing rules and regulations considering FLNG

DNV have gathered their experience of classification rules for oil and gas carriers and Oil
FPSOs into classification rules of Gas FPSOs. The result is DNV-OSS-103, Rules for
Classification of LNG/LPG Floating Production and Storage Units or Installations [19]. In
addition to the class rules, class notation PROD (LNG) will also supplement rules for the gas

treatment and liquefaction plant. DNV-OSS-103 [19] contains references to the appropriate
offshore standard applicable for the different areas of the unit, see Appendix A for details.
Future rule development could benefit from alignment possibilities from the classification
rules for LNG carriers. However, it is important that the rules allow novel technology so that
future development of technology is not restricted for use due to regulations.


The working principle behind LNG FPSO

This section presents the technology of an LNG FPSO. LNG FPSOs are offshore floating
production units that contain both gas processing and liquefaction equipment as well as
storage for the produced LNG. The unit could have a fixed mooring or be equipped with a
turret, external or internal, that will allow the unit to weathervane. On top of the main deck, a
supporting structure, called the topside, is installed, which contains the gas processing and
liquefaction equipment. The raw natural gas is transferred from the wells in risers and
diverted to the topside through a turret, if equipped with a connection along the side of the
hull. The produced LNG is then transferred from the topside to cargo tanks situated below
deck. The stored LNG is frequently transferred to arriving LNG carriers via offloading
equipment, which could be located amidships or in the aft of the unit. To provide the crew
with living quarters, control room, etc., an accommodation block is needed, and this could be
situated on the deck in front or aft of the topside. Fig. 1 shows a possible layout of an LNG
FPSO and an artists rendering can be seen in Fig. 2. The different building blocks and their
difference compared to an LNG carrier are presented further according to the following list:

Structure (Hull), see Section 3.1.

Gas processing and LNG production (Topside, Flare), see Section 3.2.
Cargo handling, see Section 3.3.
Transfer systems (Risers, Turret, Offloading equipment), see Section 3.4.
Additional systems (Accommodation), see Section 3.5.

Fig. 1. Conceptual layout of LNG FPSO.

Fig. 2. Artists rendering of an LNG FPSO; picture by courtesy of Technip.

3.1. Structure
The main structure of LNG FPSOs will be of similar design as oil FPSOs and oil tankers [2]
and could generally follow the principles of the design of steel ships. Due to similarities to
tankers with regard to structural arrangement, many reliability formulations developed for
ships could be applied to LNG FPSOs [20]. The design of an offshore structure will, however,
have additional requirements compared to a ship [2]. Due to continuous operation and the
absence of regular docking, additional attention needs to be drawn to corrosion prevention. To
ensure the structural integrity, corrosion-protective coating and cathodic protection could be
used. For critical structural members, corrosion allowance should be used as a safety factor in
design [2].
Additional loads on the hull structure from the topside and mooring equipment need to be
accounted for in the design. Depending on the intended capacity of the LNG FPSO the weight
of the topside could exceed 70 000 tonnes for a large production unit producing between 3-5
million tons per annum (MTPA) [2]. Today, there are two different mooring systems in use
for permanently moored offshore structures, spread mooring and turret mooring [2]. The
additional load will affect internal major load-carrying structural elements, such as
longitudinal and transverse bulkheads, and, depending on the system used, the load will be
taken up by different areas on the hull. Spread mooring constrains the vessel in one direction
and is typically equipped with chain stoppers distributed along the main deck of the hull. A
turret mooring system could be fitted externally or internally of the structure and will affect
the structure in its vicinity [2].

3.2. Gas processing and LNG production

Raw natural gas can have a wide variety of compositions [21]. Natural gas is often found
together with oil in the same reservoir. One of the first steps in the process is to examine
which contaminates that are present in the entering gas stream. Therefore, an LNG process
plant can differ between locations depending on the technique used to process the gas to reach
a pure state [9]. A typical processing scheme of an LNG process plant is presented in DNV
Offshore Technical Guidance OTG-02 [2] and can be viewed in Fig. 3. The sub-systems are
presented in more detail below.

Fig. 3. Example of process layout for an LNG FPSO.

When the raw natural gas is brought up from the wells the first step is to separate erosive
solids, water and condensate. Erosive solids, for example sand, could damage or tear piping
and components. The separation could be achieved by three principles; momentum, gravity
settling or coalescing. The technology used is dependent on the composition of the raw
natural gas. Condensate is separated from the gas stream and routed to the condensate
stabilizer [9].
Condensate stabilization
Composition of raw natural gas varies between different locations. Heavy hydrocarbon
components are normally found to some extent in all gas reservoirs in its liquid state. In
underground pressure they exist in a liquid state and will become gaseous at normal
atmospheric pressure. In its liquid state these hydrocarbons are called hydrocarbon
condensates which to a large percentage consist of lighter components. When brought up to
atmospheric pressure these lighter components will flash off and therefore there is a need to
stabilize the recovered hydrocarbon condensate to avoid flashing in storage tanks. Flashing
occurs when a liquid immediately evaporates to vapour undergoing reduction in pressure.
Stabilization could be achieved either through Flash vaporization of Fractionation [9][21].

Flash vaporization: To allow flashing of lighter components, such as methane-ethanepropane, from the condensate, the pressure is lowered progressively through several
stages. The flashing could be done in 2 to 4 stages. The vapour is injected back into the
natural gas stream after recompression or could be used as fuel to on board power
generation. The remaining heavy hydrocarbons are sent to a storage tank [21].

Stabilization by fractionation: Fractionation removes and recovers the light components

such as methane-ethane-propane and most of the butanes from the condensate. The liquid
hydrocarbon from the inlet separation is either preheated or flashed down into a stabilizer
feed drum and then further fed into the stabilization tower. The stabilization tower
separates the lighter components, which are sent to a low-pressure fuel line. The technique
allows the condensate liquid to keep a certain quality, which generates greater revenue
since the condensate could be sold at a higher price [9].

According to Benoy and Kale [21], the Fractionation technique is the least space demanding
of the two types and also requires less compressor power when compared to a three stage
flashing plant.

Acid gas removal

To avoid damages on the equipment further down in the process, sour gases such as CO2 and
H2S are removed from the flow. This could be done with various processes depending on
concentrations of contaminants in the gas and the degree of removal desired, temperature,
pressure, volume and composition of the gas, etc. Two general processes are used for
removal; adsorption or absorption. Adsorption concentrates the impurities on the surface of an
absorbing medium, usually granular carbon solid, while absorption relies on physical
solubility of the impurities into an absorption medium [9]. The collected CO2 could be
released into the atmosphere, but this may not be desired due to environmental policies of the
operator or not permitted by regulations of the site of operation. Re-injection to underground
storage could be an option for the collected CO2 [2].
Dehydration and mercury removal
To avoid freezing damages to pipes and equipment due to the formation of hydrates, water is
eliminated from the flow [2]. The most common techniques to dehydrate gas is by injection of
a solid or liquid desiccant or by refrigeration [9].The technique most preferable for offshore
use is solid bed dehydration due to a relatively small footprint and being unaffected by vessel
motions. If mercury is present in the gas flow it can cause corrosion of aluminium, therefore,
it is also removed to avoid damages. The removal of mercury can be achieved by adsorption
or by a bed filter [2][22].
Removal of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
LPG is a flammable mixture which consists of mostly propane and butane. For offshore use
the preferred method for removal of LPG is fractionation. The amount of LPG presence in the
gas flow will be an important factor. A large amount of LPG products can be produced for
sale or used as fuel for power generation on board. A small amount of LPG in the raw gas is
expensive to remove and could not fulfil the fuel consumption on board or is unprofitable to
sell [2]. The fractionation train normally, depending on the composition of the raw natural
gas, consists of three stages where the lighter product is boiled of in each stage [9].

Deethanizer: In the first step ethane and propane is separated, the ethane goes overhead
and propane and heavier components are extracted from the bottom and sent to the
Depropanizer: In the second step the propane is separated, the propane now goes
overhead and isobutene and heavier components are extracted from the bottom and sent
further to the debutanizer.
Debutanizer: In the last step butanes are separated from the flow leaving natural gasoline
from the fractionation train.

The liquefaction cools the clean feed gas in normally three steps down to its storage
temperature of -160 to -163 C [2][22]. When liquefied the natural gas is equivalent to 1/600
of its volume in a gaseous state. There are three main technologies, mixed refrigerant
processes, cascade refrigerant processes and expander processes [2].

Mixed refrigerant process: A single mixture of nitrogen and hydrocarbons is used as

refrigerant to cool the natural gas. The mixture is composed to match the cooling curve of
the natural gas.


Cascade refrigerant process: The natural gas is cooled in three steps using different
refrigerants for each step. Propane is used in the first step to pre-cool the gas, secondly
ethylene or ethane is used to bring the gas down to its liquefaction temperature. In the
final sub-cooling step methane is used to cool the gas.
Expander processes: The natural gas is cooled in a heat exchanger process with either
methane or nitrogen as refrigerant gas. The refrigerant gas is cooled in a compressionexpansion cycle.

For offshore application, an expander process utilizing Nitrogen as cooling medium would be
preferable due to its small form factor and to its being less sensitive to motion than the other
techniques. Other advantages of the technology are higher safety and that it is easier to
operate compared to the others. Generally, the expander process has a higher power
consumption and poorer economy compared to cascade and mixed refrigerant processes [23]
Power generation
The power demand of an LNG FPSO is large mainly due to the large amount of compressors
involved in the process. Proposed LNG FPSOs have a power demand between 100 to 250
MW [2][22]. Directly driven equipment would reduce the complexity but add even more
layout challenges to the platform. Electrical motors would most likely be the choice for
powering the compressors and pumps, which offers more flexibility in the power supply.
Several solutions for power supply have been proposed. Due to its small form factor and high
power output, gas turbines would be a good choice for powering electrical generators. The gas
turbine could be equipped with a waste heat recovery system utilizing the exhaust heat from
the gas turbines. The recovered waste heat could also be used to generate steam used for
powering equipment and/or used in the pre-heat process. Pure steam driven systems have also
been considered [2].
Cooling water
The different processes on board require a large amount of cooling. Sea water would likely be
used for cooling the medium of a closed loop cooling system. To prevent marine growth and
corrosion, substances such as biocides need to be added to the water. To prevent pollution of
the marine environment around the FLNG the residual of these substances have to be held at a
low level. The amount of cooling water needed for the FLNG could reach levels of 50,000 m3
per hour [24].

3.3. Cargo handling

In marine transportation of LNG the IGC code [18] designates a number of tank types. These
can be divided into two main types, membrane tanks and independent tanks.
Membrane tanks: The membrane tanks are non-self-supported and rely on the double hull
surrounding the tank for structural strength. The tank consists of a cryogenic liner composed
of primary and secondary membrane separated by insulation, which is designed to
compensate for thermal and other expansion. The benefits of the tank system are the high
utilization of space available and the disadvantages are large impact loads due to sloshing
when partially filled. Fig. 4 shows the inside of a typical membrane tank; note the absence of
internal structure which could reduce motions of the liquid. To reduce the influence of
sloshing, large tanks can be replaced by smaller tanks arranged in parallel rows [2][18].


Fig. 4. NO96 Membrane tank system; picture by courtesy of GTT.

Independent tanks: Independent tanks are divided into three types:

Type A Full secondary barrier.

Type B Reduced secondary barrier.
Type C No secondary barrier.

Type B tanks are common on existing LNG carriers and often proposed for use on FLNG,
therefore type A and type C will not be described further [2][4]. Type B can be divided into
Prismatic and Spherical types.
Prismatic type: the tanks, shown in Fig. 5, are built up of a single primary barrier and have an
internal structure with typical ship hull structural elements in a plate stiffener - girder
system. The tank system has a partial secondary barrier in the form of an insulation system
surrounding the tank, and drop trays covering the bottom and side of the tank. The internal
structure will reduce liquid motions and consequently the effects of sloshing, and this,
however, could be significant if not designed properly [2][4].

Fig. 5. IHI-SPB tank system; picture by courtesy of IHI Marine United Inc.


Spherical tank: the spherical tank system, shown in Fig. 6, consists of a primary barrier of
aluminium and a partial secondary barrier made from insulation surrounding the entire sphere
and drip trays beneath. A cargo pump tower is installed reaching from the bottom to the top of
the sphere. Sloshing can be significant but the impact pressure is insignificant due to the
spherical design of the tank [2]. Low utilization of hull space and the absence of deck space
for process equipment makes this tank solution unlikely for use on an LNG FPSO [4].

Fig. 6. Moss spherical tank system; picture by courtesy of Moss Maritime AS.

3.4. Transfer systems

The wellheads are either placed sub-sea directly on the well or on the LNG FPSO. If placed
sub-sea, a flow line transports the raw gas from the wellhead to the LNG FPSO via risers. The
FPSO is usually tied to multiple sub-sea wells. Depending on the harshness of environment of
the intended location and the need to disconnect from the risers, the LNG FPSO could be
equipped with a turret which the risers are connected to. The offloading is an important part of
the LNG FPSO. The produced LNG must be offloaded onto an LNG carrier arriving
periodically. The design of an offloading system can be divided into two main categories, side
by side and tandem.
Side-by-side transfer
Side-by-side transfer, shown in Fig. 7, is carried out by a shuttle tanker temporarily moored
alongside the FLNG. The transfer of the LNG is performed via rigid connection arms located
on the side of the FLNG. The operation is normally supported by tugboats [2]. Up to four
tugboats could be required to get the carrier alongside the FLNG [1]. Calm weather is
required for this offloading system since the loading arms do not allow for a wide range of
relative motion, and this limits the window of offloading for many locations [25]. The
advantage of this solution is that conventional LNG carriers could use their standard
amidships manifold without modification, which minimizes the cost [1].

A novel technology, HiLoad DP [26], originally developed by Remora, utilizes a selfpropelled unit that attaches itself to the carrier. The unit is always connected to an FLNG or
pipeline. Since the unit manoeuvres itself alongside the LNG carrier and attaches itself using
suction, the relative motion between carrier and platform is absent. The possibility of multiple
units increases the offloading capacity and the redundancy of the production unit [26].

Fig. 7. Side-by-side transfer; picture by courtesy of Hegh LNG.

Tandem transfer
Tandem transfer, shown in Fig. 8, is performed from the stern of the FLNG to the bow of the
shuttle tanker. There are several different technologies available. The benefits of tandem
transfer are less influence from relative motion between the FLNG and the shuttle tanker [2].
The tandem transfer technique allows for a more severe sea state than side-by-side transfer,
which makes it preferable if the location of the FLNG is under the influence of harsh weather

Fig. 8. Tandem transfer; picture by courtesy of SBM Offshore.


3.5. Additional systems

There is a need for several different utility systems on board. Some different utility systems
are briefly described below.
Accommodation is needed to provide the personnel on board with living quarters, a control
room, and medical facilities, etc. The location of the accommodation needs to be as far away
as possible from the most hazardous process plant areas as well as the flare [4][24].
Fire fighting system
The required amount of water spray capacity would be larger than for an LNG carrier since
the gas treatment and processing plant need to be covered as well. If the FLNG store
condensates and in addition to LNG, there is a need for different measures for fighting
potential fires. The redundancy of the system must be kept high [2].
Flare and venting systems
During operation, the need for the disposal of gas arises several times. This could be done by
release of the gas directly into the atmosphere, called venting, or burned in a controlled
manner, called flaring. Flaring requires a flaring tower on board the platform. Both options
have advantages and disadvantages and studies need to be carried out for each case [2]. The
location of the flare will have to take the placement of living quarters and process plant into
account [27].
Control and safety systems
To further increase safety on board the vessel, several control systems would need to be
implemented aboard. The complex environment of an FLNG with processing and
simultaneous transfer to shuttle tankers makes an integrated control system necessary.
Normally, the control and safety systems consist of systems controlling the following: normal
process control, interlock and shutdown, fire and gas detection, heating-ventilation-airconditioning (HVAC) and emergency shutdown (ESD) [28]. It is crucial that the software is
designed and meets the requirements of safety, functionality, and reliability [2].




The working principle behind FSRU

The main difference between an LNG carrier and an FSRU is the presence of a re-gasification
plant. The FSRU could either be purpose-built or a rebuild of a conventional LNG carrier,
which is fitted with a re-gasification plant. The FSRU receives LNG from arriving shuttle
tankers via loading equipment fitted amidships or in the aft part of the unit. The transferred
LNG is diverted to the storage tanks situated below main deck. The re-gasification plant
receives LNG from the storage tanks and the vaporised natural gas is fed into a pipeline. The
pipeline could be connected in the turret if the FSRU is equipped with one of these or with
loading arms if the FSRU is moored to a jetty. Fig. 9 shows a possible layout of an FSRU and
an artists rendering can be seen in Fig. 10. The different building blocks and their difference
compared to an LNG carrier and/or an LNG FPSO are presented further according to the
following list:

Structure (Hull), see Section 4.1.

Gas processing (Re-gasification plant), see Section 4.2.
Cargo handling, see Section 4.3.
Transfer systems (Risers, Turret, Offloading equipment), see Section 4.4.
Additional systems (Accommodation), see Section 4.5.

Fig. 9. Conceptual layout of an FSRU.


Fig. 10. Artists rendering of an FSRU; picture by courtesy of SBM Offshore.

4.1. Structure
The structure of an FSRU will be similar to an LNG FPSO, which is described in Section 3.1.
With conversions of existing LNG tankers to FSRUs, attention needs to be on additional loads
from the topside and the mooring system if the FSRU is equipped with a turret mooring
system [2].

4.2. Gas processing

Different techniques are available for vaporisation of LNG. Land based regasification plants
normally use water heating: Open Rack Vaporization, or fuel-fired heating: Submerged
Combustion Vaporization [2].
Open rack vaporization
An open-loop water system uses sea water to heat the LNG and therefore it requires all-theyear-round warm water to operate and may not be suitable for the intended site of operation,
for example in Arctic conditions where no warm water is available. Since the system releases
water of a lower temperature back into the local environment, and considering the use of
biocides, it has a potential to impact on marine life. A permit from the authorities is therefore
normally needed [2].
Submerged combustion vaporization
Direct fired heaters could be used where warm sea water is unavailable or a cold water release
is not permitted. Natural gas is typically used as fuel to heat the LNG. The burning of fuel
leads to air pollution and production of CO2 and has therefore been questioned for offshore
use [2].
Remote heated vaporizers
An alternative to the two techniques above is the open loop system with an intermediate fluid
to heat the LNG. The intermediate fluid could be glycol, propane or a proprietary fluid. Airbased systems have also been developed [2].

4.3. Cargo handling

The cargo containment systems described in Section 3.3 will also be applicable to an FSRU.
The storage capacity of an FSRU will depend on the designed gas emission rate, which, in
turn, is decided by the market needs and the economic considerations of the project. The
possible calling frequency and capacity of arriving LNG carriers will also affect the storage
capacity needed [4].

4.4. Transfer system

Transfer of LNG from arriving LNG carriers can be performed in the same way as for LNG
FPSOs described in Section 3.4. Offshore moored FSRUs will export the evaporated gas in
flowlines connected to onshore pipeline. FSRUs located near the shore could be connected to
a jetty and use loading arms to export the gas [2].

4.5. Additional systems

Will be the same as described for an LNG FPSO in Section 3.5.




Risks for an LNG carrier during operation

This section presents data and conclusions of a Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) study of
LNG carriers from the research project SAFEDOR [12] - [14]. This can be seen as an
example of how an FSA is carried out, and some of the results are discussed in Section 7.5.
The principles of risk-based design and the FSA methodology can be found in Appendix B.
According to IMO [12], major concerns regarding the safety of LNG shipping have resulted
in the fact that the general reputation of LNG carriers is that they are well designed,
constructed, maintained, manned and operated, with a high focus on safety in every aspect.
LNG carriers are considered to be among the safest vessels in the merchant fleet of today, but
a single catastrophic event could damage the whole LNG shipping industry.

5.1. Historical LNG accidents and hazard identification

According to Vanem et al. [13], the history of LNG trade spans over 40 years and contains
182 events. Of these events, 158 have occurred during regular service. Table 1 shows the
distribution of these events together with the estimated frequency of the event.
Table 1. Distribution of historic LNG accidents on categories [13].
Accident category
Accidents (#)
Frequency (per ship year)
2.8 x10-3
2.8 x10-3
Fire and explosion
3.5 x10-3
Equipment and machinery failure
1.9 x10-2
Heavy weather
3.2 x10-3
Events while loading/unloading
7.8 x10-3
Failure of cargo containment system 27
9.5 x10-3
5.6 x10-3
The first step of an FSA is to identify the hazards and to evaluate them against each other in
which case a risk index could be used. The IMO guideline [10] gives an example of several
available techniques for finding hazards and how the ranking could be achieved. This is
further described in Appendix B.2. The first step of the ranking process is to establish the
probability and consequence of each hazard. In order to facilitate the ranking, the indices of
consequence and frequency are defined on a logaritmic scale and the risk index is obtained
by adding the frequency and consequence indices according to:
Risk = Probability Consequence
Log(Risk) = log(Probability) + log(Consequence)


According to stvik [14], HAZID was chosen as the technique in the study and was
performed in a workshop event with participants from various sectors within the LNG
industry. The result was a list of 120 hazards within 17 different operational categories. The
probability index and consequence index used in the project is shown in Table 2 and


Table 3, and the risk matrix in Table 4. The risk index for each hazard was assigned by the
assessment of the participants in the HAZID regarding probability and consequence.

Table 2. Definition of probability index [14].





Very frequent
Little probability



Very remote

Likely to happen once or twice a week on one ship

Likely to occur once per month on one ship
Likely to occur once per year on one ship
Likely to occur once per year in a fleet of 10 ships, i.e.
likely to occur a few times during a ship's life
Likely to occur once per year in a fleet of 100 ships, i.e.
likely to occur in the total life of a ship's life
Likely to occur once per year in a fleet of 1000 ships, i.e.
likely to occur in the total life of several similar ships
Likely to occur once per year in a fleet of 10,000 ships
Likely to occur once in the lifetime (20 years) of a world
fleet of 5,000 ships

P(per ship

Table 3. Definition of consequence index [14].

CI Consequence



Single or


or severe



fatality or


number of

Cargo /
Monetary Effect on ship party
Negligible release - 30.000
Local equipment Minor
damage (repair damage
pollution - no acute
on board
environmental or
public health
Minor release 300.000 Non-severe ship Signific
minimal acute
damage - (port ant
environmental or
stay required,
public health
downtime 1 day)
impact - small, but
Major release 3 mill.
Severe damage - Severe
effects on
(yard repair
recipients shortrequired,
term disruption of
downtime < 1
the ecosystem
of ship
Severe pollution - 30 mill. Total loss (of, Extensiv
e.g. a medium- e
effect on recipients
size merchant
- medium-term
disruption of the
300 mill. Total loss (of, Major
pollution - longUS$
e.g. a large
term effect on
merchant ship) interest
recipients - longterm disruption of
the ecosystem






Table 4. Risk matrix [14].


Very frequent
Little probability
Very remote
Extremely remote


Severe Catastrophic







The hazards with the highest risk found by stvik [14] are shown in tableTable 5. The values
were obtained as a mean value of the independent score from the participants in the HAZID.

Table 5. Top ranked results from hazard identification [14].

Faults in navigation equipment (in coastal waters)
Crew falls or slips on board
Shortage of crew when LNG trade is increasing
Rudder failure (in coastal waters)
Rudder failure (in manoeuvring)
Severe weather causing vessel to ground/collide (in transit)
Steering and propulsion failure (in manoeuvring)
Severe weather causing vessel to ground/collide (in manoeuvring)
Faults in navigation equipment (in manoeuvring)
Steering and propulsion failure (in coastal waters)
Collision with other ships or facilities (in port)
Terrorist attacks/intentional accidents

Risk Index

According to Vanem et al. [13], the following accident scenarios were chosen for further

Fire or Explosion.
Incidents while loading/unloading cargo.

The choice was based on the historical accidents of LNG carriers, presented in Table 1, and
the top-ranked hazards found in the HAZID, presented in Table 5. Vanem et al. [13] regarded
these 5 accident scenarios are associated with severe consequences in terms of fatalities and
the risk from other scenarios was assumed as being negligible in comparison.


5.2. Risk summation

To determine whether a risk is acceptable, criteria need to be established. According to
Skjong et al. [29], a criterion widely used is the As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP)
principle in combination with the Net Cost of Averting a Fatality (NCAF) and Gross Cost of
Averting a Fatality (GCAF). These are further described in Appendix B.7. ALARP refers to a
level of risk that is neither negligibly low nor intolerably high. Vanem et al. [13] concluded
that the total potential loss of lives (PLL) per ship year with a contribution of the various
accidental scenarios was within the ALARP area, see Table 6. The individual risk was from
ship accidents and contributions from occupational accidents were not included. Even when
the occupational fatality risk, estimated by Hansen et al. according to Vanem et al. [13], was
added to the individual risk it was still in the ALARP area. The risk for crew members is
dominated by the occupational fatalities with a ratio of 3 to every fatality due to ship

Table 6. Potential loss of lives from LNG carrier operations per ship year [13].
Accident category
PLL (crew)
PLL (passengers of other ships)
4.42 x10
1.59 x10-3
2.93 x10
1.46 x10
Fire and explosion
6.72 x10
Loading/unloading events
2.64 x10-4
9.74 x10
1.59 x10-3
Vanem et al. [13] also find that the societal risk is within the ALARP area, as well as
collision, contact and grounding, are the largest contributing factors to the overall risk. Fire
and collision were found to dominate the low-consequence risk contribution in the order of
one fatality.

5.3. Risk control options and cost benefit

According to IMO [10], accidents with an unacceptable risk level, i.e. above the ALARP
limit, need risk control measures (RCM). RCMs should, in general, reduce the frequency of
failure or the severity of an accident. Risk Control Options (RCO) are composed of a limited
number of RCMs and their cost-effectiveness in relation to the benefit of the implementation
is determined. According to IMO [12], as a basis for recommendations an RCO was
considered to be cost-effective if the NCAF and GCAF was less than $3 million each.
Through a brainstorming event, a total of 33 alternative RCOs were produced. To verify the
RCOs, a second workshop was held that reduced the number to nine for further assessment.
Out of these nine, five were considered to considerably reduce the risk in a cost-effective

Risk-based maintenance of navigational systems.

Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS).
Automatic Identification System (AIS) integrated with radar.
Track control system.
Improved bridge design.


According to IMO [12] two additional RCOs were found to be cost-effective but with limited
risk reduction effects:

Risk-based maintenance of propulsion system.

Risk-based maintenance of steering systems.

5.4. Recommendations
The recommendation from IMO [12] was that additional navigational equipment should be
made mandatory in the IMO requirements for LNG carriers. Although some RCOs were
rejected, the IMO [12] states that the rejected RCOs could be cost-effective for particular
ships or particular trades. It is always important that the RCOs are suitable for the intended
site of use or transfer route of a vessel. The three RCOs that were recommended were the

Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS).

Automatic Identification system (AIS) integrated with radar.
Track control system.

To further increase the safety on board LNG carriers, the IMO [12] also proposed the
requirement of a risk-based maintenance plan for critical navigational equipment. The final
proposal was that the bridge design should be beyond the standard/minimum SOLAS bridge




Risk evaluation of FLNG during operation

The first step of the FSA methodology is to perform a risk assessment. This section presents
some of the hazards due to the physical properties of LNG and LNG vapour. The risk analysis
is mainly focused on the LNG FPSO due to its larger complexity compared to an LNG carrier
or an FSRU.

6.1. Hazards due to the physical properties of LNG and LNG vapour
According to the IMO [12], LNG is a colourless, odourless, non-corrosive, non-toxic and
cryogenic liquid, but when vaporized it forms a visible cloud that can become flammable if
the gas-to-air mixture is between 5 15 %. LNG will behave differently if spilled over water
compared to land. When spilled over land, the vaporization will be rapid but decreases as the
ground underneath is cooled down, and therefore the evaporation of the created LNG pool can
proceed during a long period of time. If spilled over water, LNG will float on the surface due
to lower density. In contrast to when spilled on ground, heat will be transmitted through the
water causing the LNG pool to boil and rapidly vaporize. A gas-to-air mixture of 10 % LNG
vapour has an auto-ignition temperature of 540 C [12], and therefore the vapour cloud is
highly unlikely to self-ignite and will dissipate into the atmosphere unless it encounters any
source of ignition.
According to the IMO [12], the main hazards of LNG in liquid or vapour form are:

Pool fires: If the spilled LNG is ignited the mixture of evaporated gas and air will burn
above the LNG pool. The fire cannot be easily extinguished. The heat from the fire may
injure people or property at a significant distance from the fire.
Vapour clouds: The vapour cloud can travel some distance from the spill site before
encountering any source of ignition - the vapour cloud is normally expected to burn back
to its source of spill and continue to burn as a pool fire.
Cryogenic temperature: LNG is held at a temperature of -160C, if human skin is
exposed to this temperature the damage effect will be similar to a thermal burn. If
structural elements and equipment are exposed to LNG and have not been designed to
withstand the low temperature they will most likely become brittle and failure will occur.
Asphyxiation: LNG is non-toxic but can cause death by replacing breathable air if spilled
and could be of significant risk in enclosed or confined spaces.
Rollover: When loading LNG with different compositions, these might not mix at once
but form layers with different density within the tank. After a period of time the LNG may
rollover to stabilize the liquid in the tank. The rollover causes the liquid to give off a large
amount of vapour, which creates an overpressure in the tank.
Rapid phase transition (RPT): When large enough quantities are rapidly spilled over
water the LNG could change phase at such a fast rate that a cold explosion occurs. No
combustion occurs but a large amount of energy is transferred in the form of heat from the
water to the LNG.
Explosion: LNG is not explosive in a liquid state and the vapour is only flammable at
gas-to-air mixture of 5-15%. The only way for LNG to cause an explosion is if being
ignited in an enclosed or semi-enclosed space and at the same time being in the flammable


6.2. Identification of hazards

The identification of hazards was established by a brainstorming event and followed the
guidelines of IMO for FSA [10]. The study was limited to the first step of the FSA, risk
identification. A schematic model of the process of an LNG FPSO can be seen in Fig. 11 and
a schematic model of the process in a FSRU can be seen in Fig. 12. The consequence of a
hazard is normally calculated on computational models of the actual problem. IMOs severity
index, see appendix B.2, was used to give a rough estimate of the consequence of a hazard.
The frequency of an event can be predicted from similar onshore plants or historical data, in
this study the frequency index proposed by IMO, see appendix B.2, have been used to
estimate a rough value.

Fig. 11. Schematic overview of an LNG FPSO.

Fig. 12. Schematic overview of an FSRU.

Table 7 lists the different hazards which were found in the brainstorming event. The hazards
are described in more detail in Appendix B. All hazards listed in Table 7 will affect an LNG
FPSO. An FSRU will be not be influenced by hazards 1 and 2.


Table 7. List of hazards to LNG FPSO.

Hazard 1 Blowout
Hazard 2 Hydrocarbon
release from the
Hazard 3 Hydrocarbon
processing and
release in process
/Regasification Hazard 4 Cryogenic spill in
liquefaction area
plant in case of
Hazard 5 Spill
Hazard 6 Fire/explosion in
process area
Hazard 7 Fire/explosion in
containment area
Hazard 8 Inert gas release
Hazard 9 Sloshing in cargo
Ship collision
vessel 10
Cryogenic leak
during offloading
(loading in case
of FSRU)


Risk level

Frequency Consequence



6.3. Check of hazards against existing rules

To investigate if the current rules cover the hazards found in the risk identification, each
hazard from Table 7 was checked against the rules, and if found to be covered no further
action was made. A summary of the rules that were found applicable to the respective hazard
are found in Table 8. A more thorough description of each rule and the applicable section is
given in Appendix D.

Table 8. Summary of comparison of hazards against rules.

DNV-OS-E201 [30]
Hydrocarbon release from DNV-OS-E201 [30] Classification note 61.3 only
the turret
DNV-OS-C102 [31] applicable for FSRU following ship
CN 61.3 [32]
classification practice
Hydrocarbon release in DNV-OS-E201 [30]
process area
in DNV-OS-E201 [30]
(regasification plant in
case of FSRU)
hazardous DNV-OS-E201 [30]
Fire/explosion in process DNV-OS-D301 [33] Classification note 61.3 only
CN 61.3 [32]
applicable for FSRU following ship
classification practice
in DNV-OS-D301 [33] Classification note 61.3 only
containment area
CN 61.3 [32]
applicable for FSRU following ship
classification practice
Inert gas release in DNV-OS-E201 [30]
containment area
Sloshing in cargo tanks
Rules of Ships, Pt.5, Offshore rules refer to Ship rules
Ch.5 [16]
regarding cargo containment system
10 Ship collision
IGC code states the requirements on
hull strength in case of collision
11 Cryogenic leak during DNV-OS-E201 [30] Rules for Ships only applicable for
offloading (loading in Rules for ships, Pt.5 FSRU following ship classification
case of FSRU)
Ch.5 Sec.6 [16]




One of the most distinct differences between an LNG carrier and an FLNG is the ability to
transport LNG between different locations. While the FLNG could be moored on location for
several years at a time, the LNG carrier is always in transit. This changes the requirements on
service and surveys. An FSRU could have the option to follow a regular service and survey
plan giving it the possibility to follow classification according to ship rules with the
supplement of Classification Note 61.3 - Regasification vessels [32].

7.1. Structure design

On an LNG FPSO, the large topside, which contains the production unit of the vessel, will
have a large influence on the hull structure of the vessel. The additional weight needs to be
considered during construction of the vessel to ensure that no buckling occurs on the hull
structure. The topside support structure will principally be the same as for oil FPSOs with the
exception of deformations of the containment system during loading and offloading in an
According to Fagan et al. [3], the fatigue strength of the hull differs between an FLNG and an
LNG Carrier. LNG carriers are normally designed with a fatigue life of 20 years in North Sea
conditions. If an FLNG follows offshore class, it will be designed to meet site specific
conditions. Some of the proposed locations for operation have a significant wave height of 8-9
metres, which is less than North Atlantic conditions, but, on the other hand, some locations
proposed have a harsher environment. The offshore standard DNV-OS-C102 [31] could give
the vessel class notation FMS, which is based on a design fatigue life of a minimum of 20
years. The data for transit and intended site of use is included in the fatigue life. Ship rules
give a design condition for a fatigue life of a minimum of 20 years in North Atlantic
conditions if the vessel is intended to operate in all seas and follow a regular docking scheme.
It also gives the option to a vessel being moored in one location to be designed for a 100-year
return period at the specific site.
Alignment possibilities with regard to the fatigue life are hard to find for offshore moored
FLNGs. If the site of intended operation has a less severe sea state than the North Atlantic, the
ship rules could be too conservative in some aspects. When following offshore class the
fatigue life would be specific to the intended site of operation for the vessel. For an FSRU it
could be beneficial to follow ship rules if the intended site of operation is near shore or
moored to a jetty and a regular docking scheme is to be followed.

7.2. Gas processing and LNG production

The regulations for the process plant are covered in DNV-OS-E201 [30]. Regulations and
standards are often well established for onshore use of the different technologies involved in
the processing and liquefaction of natural gas, but hazards that occur when placed in an
offshore environment need to be addressed.
The process plant, and, especially, the liquefaction stage are large power consumers. Power
generation on board would most likely be solved by gas turbine driven generators. Todays
rule requirements for gas carriers are restrictive and do not allow the placement of machinery
spaces in front of cargo holds. Attention needs to be drawn to the placement of ventilation to
machinery space considering hazardous vapours. According to Fagan [34], this has been
solved by risk assessment on oil FPSOs and the same approach could be used for LNG

FPSOs. The relative safety of the different liquefaction processes differs. The Mixed
Refrigerant and Cascade process, see Section 3.2, involves large quantities of flammable
refrigerant which circulates through the process lines with extensive overpressure potential in
the event of a leakage and explosion. Facilities for obtaining and storing the refrigerant are
also needed. The Expander process uses nitrogen as refrigerant and is safer due to the inert
properties of nitrogen. Besides the higher safety, the expander process is beneficial due to a
smaller footprint and its being unaffected by motions due to the refrigerant that always
operates in a gas phase [1][35]. However, the lower efficiency compared to other systems
argues against its selection.
LNG carriers are designed with requirements for minimizing potential leakage sources and
with the provision of safety measures in form of protective water spray. For FLNG
applications the potential leak sources will increase. This needs to be addressed and additional
installations of water spray and drip shields for protecting critical structural members should
be implemented in design. With regard to such leakage, experience from oil FPSOs cannot be
used as they do not involve cryogenic leakage, and neither are onshore- based process plants
affected to the same degree as a floating steel structure in case of leakage. A process plant on
land uses typically a safety by separation philosophy. Due to the limitations of space on a
floating unit, more attention needs to be paid to layout and arrangement and to avoid the
congestion and confinement of gas in case of leakage, which could increase the effects of any
fire and explosion.

7.3. Cargo handling

On an LNG tanker, the inspection of tanks could occur during dry-docking since the cargo
system will be fully shut down and the tanks empty. On an FLNG, the shutdown of the
complete cargo system would be too costly and impracticable since it would demand a
shutdown of the process plant at the same time. Therefore, the tank system needs to be
designed to allow a survey of the tanks individually with the remaining tanks fully
operational. This requires modifications to the standard gas ship piping design in order to
permit safe isolation of individual tanks. Attention also needs to be drawn to the offloading
pump system of an FSRU as it involves high pressure cryogenic liquid on the inlet side and
exits the vaporizer as high pressure gas. FSRUs will also involve more pump units than an
LNG carrier or LNG FPSO [28].
Due to the large topside process plant the membrane tank, or the equivalent, would be
favourable compared to spherical tanks due to the availability of a flat deck, which permits
installation on the topside. These tanks are, however, sensitive to additional loads due to
sloshing. During operation of an FLNG, the tanks will be partially filled during the whole
operational time. Classification Note 30.9 [36] should be used to show that the design
accounts for the additional loads due to sloshing.
Offshore rules have generally the same requirements as the ship rules regarding cargo
containment. Partially filled tanks deviate from the normal mode of operation, which demands
a risk assessment to be made in order to investigate the risk. This may result in the
strengthening of standard membrane designs or operational measures to minimize sloshing
loads. The ability to inspect in situ and possible repair procedures need to be considered when
not following a regular docking scheme. Future rules regarding the cargo system could use the
IGC code [18] as a basis and deviations could be verified by risk assessment.


7.4. Transfer systems

The side-by-side transfers offer a great advantage due to the possibility of using conventional
LNG carriers with amidships manifolds without modification. Experience of loading arms is
wide since they are used on onshore terminals and since marine versions are available [1].
Depending on the intended site of operation the side-by-side may not be feasible due to a
limitation of operation at a significant wave height of between 2.5- 3 m [37][38]. Tandem
transfer systems could be possible up to a significant wave height of 5.5 m and would
therefore not restrict the operation as much as a side-by-side would [38]. A side-by-side
would also require the arriving LNG carriers to operate close to the FLNG during a critical
operation [4]. Mooring loads and hydrodynamic interactions between the LNG carrier and
FLNG during the transfer of LNG also needs to be evaluated when a side-by-side transfer is
used to determine the safe operating environmental limits [39].

7.5. Additional
The research from the SAFEDOR project described in Section 5 concluded that 90 % of the
accidents of an LNG carrier occurred during collision, grounding and contact accidents and
their RCOs regarded implementation of several navigational systems to lower the risk of these
hazards. The risk to a moored unit should be investigated by risk analysis with traffic
information for the intended site as a base. The frequent arrival of shuttle carriers also
increases the risk of collision or contact.
The continuous operation involving both the processing of natural gas and the simultaneous
offloading sets high demands on control and safety systems. Fire and gas detection systems
should be based on risk assessment so that even the smallest amount of gas is detected and
proper actions for the prevention of an accident are launched. Due to the complexity of an
FLNG, the regulations regarding the safety systems in todays regulation may not be
sufficient to cover all areas and hazards. Future rules could implement risk assessment to
determine the necessary level of safety systems in order to ensure safety on board.
With regard to the LNG FPSO application, the raw natural gas will (depending on the well) to
some extent contain CO2, which needs to be reduced to a certain level before the liquefaction
process. To reduce the CO2 emissions to air, it needs to be collected and disposed in some
manner and there are several techniques available. One possibility is to inject the recovered
CO2 back into the well. This could also be beneficial as it could improve oil and gas recovery
for an LNG FPSO. The environmental impact of an FSRU could be lowered by not using a
direct fired heater for vaporization.





The risk analysis performed on the FLNG showed a large risk contribution from the topside
process equipment and of fire or explosion in this area or within the cargo hold. The external
FSA on LNG carriers studied showed that the largest risk contributing factors were collisions,
grounding and contact accidents. Although an FLNG will be permanently moored it will still
need monitoring of its perimeters and a high rate of arriving shuttle tankers will increase the
risk of contacts or collisions.
An FSRU may follow ship rule practice or it may follow offshore rule practice. Generally, if
the FSRU intends to follow a regular dry dock scheme similar to a gas carrier, it may follow a
ship class approach. If it intends to remain permanently on location without dry docking it
may follow the offshore approach. Whichever approach is selected needs to be accepted by
the relevant Flag State and the requirements applied should address the additional safety
concerns relevant for operation as an FSRU compared to operation as a conventional LNG
carrier. An LNG FPSO will generally not follow a regular docking scheme and therefore
needs to follow an offshore class approach. Below are listed the differences between an LNG
carrier and an FSRU/LNG FPSO that have been discussed in this report and for which special
attention needs to be drawn:

Additional load from topside and mooring equipment.
Fatigue design life.
Sloshing in cargo tanks.
Venting of cargo tanks.
Access for inspection and repair during operation.
Additional fire and explosion loads.
Additional LNG leakage sites.
Presence of high pressure LNG and high pressure gas.
Proximity of arriving shuttle tanker.
Complex integrated Control System.
Design of loading system.
The list should not be seen as comprehensive. It is important that while Rules for Gas Carriers
[16] may form the basis of an FSRU design, these additional issues, addressed in
Classification Note 61.3 [32], are also addressed. Determining concrete requirements risk
studies will need to be carried out.

Additional load from topside and mooring equipment.
Fatigue design life.
Gas processing and LNG production.
Sloshing in cargo tanks.
Venting of cargo tanks.
Access for inspection and repair during operation.
Additional fire and explosion loads.
Additional LNG leakage sites.
Proximity of arriving shuttle tanker.
Complex integrated control system.
Design of offloading system.

Experience from oil FPSOs could be used with additional requirements to address the safety
concerns regarding processing and handling of cryogenic liquid. Experience from the cargo
containment system of LNG carriers, and thereby the IGC code [18], could form a basis for
the regulations of cargo systems for both LNG FPSOs and FSRUs. However, deviations from
the IGC code exist and could be assessed by risk assessment.



Future work

To fully analyse the risk of an FLNG, a full FSA needs to be performed. Suggestions for the
different steps involved are presented below.

Risk analysis
To be able to perform a real risk analysis of the hazard due to fire and explosion, a detailed
analysis has to be performed. Drawings of the equipment and location in the process plant
must be known or estimated. The risk assessment referenced in this work [13] and performed
on an LNG carrier showed that the greatest risk contributors are collisions, groundings and
contact accidents. To investigate the risk contribution from collisions and contact accidents to
an FLNG, information regarding traffic in the intended area and the frequency of shuttle
tankers arriving also needs to be implemented in such an analysis. The risk analysis could
implement a numerical simulation of gas leakage. In order to analyse the risk in case of a
release event during offloading, a comparison between the different offloading methods
described in Section 3.4 could be made.
Risk control options and cost benefits
The risk found in the risk analysis could be further investigated. For example, for hazard 11,
drip trays could be installed below critical points in the offloading station. Water curtains
could also be installed to decrease the risk of an explosion in case of an LNG leakage. The
different RCOs and their effectiveness should be compared to each other.



10. References










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John Spouge. A Guide To Quantitative Risk Assessment for Offshore Installations.
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[24] Shell. Prelude Floating LNG Project, Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Shell
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[26] Remora website, http://www.remoratech.com/index.php?sideID=38. [Accessed 201205-26].
[27] Design of a FLNG Production Facility, The Journal of Offshore Technology, May/June
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[28] H.Y.S. Han, J.H. Lee, Y.S. Kim. Design Development of FSRU from LNG carrier and
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[29] E. Skjong, E. Vanem, . Endresen. Risk Evaluation Criteria. SAFEDOR Deliverable
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[30] Det Norske Veritas (DNV). Offshore Standard, DNV-OS-E201, Oil and Gas Processing
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[31] Det Norske Veritas (DNV). Offshore Standard, DNV-OS-C102, Structural Design of
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[32] Det Norske Veritas (DNV). Classification Note, 61.3, Regasification Vessel. Det Norske
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[33] Det Norske Veritas (DNV). Offshore Standard, DNV-OS-D301, Fire Protection. Det
Norske Veritas. Hvik, Norway, October 2009.
[34] Conn Fagan. Offshore Gas Terminals Guidance on Design and Construction. OTC
21479, In: the Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, 2-5 May 2011.
[35] Michael Barclay, Noel Denton, Selecting offshore LNG processes, LNG Journal,
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[36] Det Norske Veritas (DNV). Classification Note, 30.9, Sloshing Analysis of LNG
Membrane Tanks. Det Norske Veritas. Hvik, Norway, June 2006.
[37] W. van Wijngaarden, H. Oomen, J. van der Hoorn. Offshore LNG Terminals: Sunk or
Floated? OTC 16077, In: the Offshore Technical Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, 36 May, 2004.
[38] G.F. Clauss, S.A. Mavrakos, F. Sprenger, D. Testa, M. Dudek. Hydrodynamic
Considerations for FLNG concepts. Proceedings of the ASME 2011 30th International
Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Rotterdam, The Netherlands,
19-24 June, 2011.
[39] R.-T. Ho. Engineering Considerations for Offshore FSRU LNG Receiving Terminals.
OTC 19439, In: the Offshore Technical Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, 5-8 May,


[40] Det Norske Veritas (DNV). Offshore Standard, DNV-OS-A101, Safety Principles and
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[46] Det Norske Veritas (DNV). Offshore Standard, DNV-OS-D201, Electrical Installations.
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[48] Det Norske Veritas (DNV). Offshore Standard, DNV-OS-E301, Position Mooring. Det
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[52] Det Norske Veritas (DNV). Offshore Standard, DNV-OS-E401, Helicopter Decks. Det
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[56] The National Archives of UK legislation website,
http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1974/37/contents. [Accessed 2012-05-26].



Appendix A. Applicable rules for an FLNG

If an FSRU unit would be classed as an offshore unit, the rules listed in Table A.1 could be
applicable to the respective area of the unit. For an LNG FPSO the Offshore Standard, which
could be applicable to the respective area, is listed in Table A.2.

Table A.1. DNV Rules applicable to Offshore FSRU.

Safety and Arrangements
Hull structure
Marine Systems
Instr. and Automation
Power Generation
LNG Transfer
Position Mooring


LNG Containment System



Offshore Rule
DNV-OS-A101 [40]
DNV-OS-B101 [41]
DNV-OS-C101 [42]
DNV-OS-C102 [31]
DNV-OS-C301 [43]
DNV-OS-C401 [44]
DNV-OS-D101 [45]
DNV-OS-D201 [46]
DNV-OS-D202 [47]
DNV-OS-D201 [46]
DNV-OS-E201 [30]
DNV-OS-D301 [33]
DNV-OS-E201 [30]
DNV-OS-E301 [48]
DNV-RP-E301 [49]
DNV-RP-E302 [50]
DNV-RP-E303 [51]
DNV-OS-E401 [52]
DNV-OS-F201 [53]
DNV-RP-F201 [54]
DNV-RP-F202 [55]
ships Pt.5 Ch.5 [16]
CN-61.3 [32]

Table A.2. DNV Rules applicable to an LNG FPSO.

Safety and Arrangements
Hull structure
Marine Systems
Instr. and Automation
Power Generation
Process, Pre-treatment and Liquefaction
LNG Transfer
Position Mooring


LNG Containment System


Offshore Rule
DNV-OS-A101 [40]
DNV-OS-B101 [41]
DNV-OS-C101 [42]
DNV-OS-C102 [31]
DNV-OS-C301 [43]
DNV-OS-C401 [44]
DNV-OS-D101 [45]
DNV-OS-D201 [46]
DNV-OS-D202 [47]
DNV-OS-D201 [46]
DNV-OS-E201 [30]
DNV-OS-D301 [33]
DNV-OS-E201 [30]
DNV-OS-E201 [30]
DNV-OS-E301 [48]
DNV-RP-E301 [49]
DNV-RP-E302 [50]
DNV-RP-E303 [51]
DNV-OS-E401 [52]
DNV-OS-F201 [53]
DNV-RP-F201 [54]
DNV-RP-F202 [55]
ships Pt.5 Ch.5 [16]

Appendix B. Risk Assessment

Todays ship safety is well regulated and a tendency to move from prescriptive to goal-based
regulations is seen. Novel technology and on-going research for new ship design requires risk
assessments to be performed in the design process. A risk assessment is used to measure and
quantify the risks that could endanger safety on-board. In prescriptive rule-based design there
is no amount of novel technology; everything is proven and the issues are well understood. By
introducing novel technology the uncertainties occur and the prescriptive rules do not cover
all aspects of the ship. Risk analysis is now needed for evaluating the novel technology and
introducing new regulations to ensure the safety on board [15]. One of the methods for
performing a risk assessment is the FSA methodology. The IMO have developed guidelines
for the usage of FSA [10] in the IMO rulemaking process, the guidelines and the methodology
is described briefly in Sections B.1 - B.7 and if no other reference is given these sections refer
to the IMO guidelines [10].

B.1. The Formal Safety Assessment method

The Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) is a methodology for assessing risks relating to
maritime safety including life, health, marine environment and property. The method uses risk
analysis and cost benefit assessment as a basis for a decision-making process. This makes it
very well suited as a tool in the evaluation of new regulations or in making a comparison
between existing and improved regulations. The five steps of the method can be seen in Fig.
B.1 and are described in Sections B.2 - B.7.
The process begins by defining the problem. The depth of the investigation is defined and a
coarse analysis is suggested at an early stage in order to include all aspects of the problem.
The human element should be incorporated in the risk analysis since it is one of the most
contributory aspects to accidents, both as the cause of and the avoidance of accidents. Prior to
the risk analysis, the risk acceptance criteria need to be established, and this is described in
Section B.7.

Fig. B.1. Working principle of FSA.


B.2. Identification of hazards

The first step is to identify a list of hazards and associated scenarios. The identification
generally comprises a combination of both creative and analytical techniques. A coarse
analysis of possible causes and outcomes of each hazard should be performed in this step. The
analysis should be performed by a group consisting of experts and specialist from appropriate
aspects of the subject being analysed. To help identify the hazards there are several techniques

Hazard review.
Hazard checklist.
Hazard and operational study (HAZOP).
Procedural HAZOP.
What-If Analysis.
Hazard Identification (HAZID).
Failure modes, effects and criticality analysis (FMECA).
Emergency Systems Survivability Analysis.
Safety inspections and audits.

In the offshore industry, the HAZOP and hazard checklists are the ones most widely used. In
the early stages of design a HAZID is normally used, which is a high level version of
HAZOP. According to Spouge [11], the strengths of HAZID are:

It is flexible, and applicable to any type of installation, operation or process.

It uses the experience of operating personnel as part of the team.
It is quick, because it avoids repetitive consideration of deviations.
It is able to cover low-frequency events, and hence relates better to Quantitative Risk
Analysis (QRA) than most hazard assessment techniques.

The weaknesses are:

Guide words require development for each installation, and may omit some hazards.
Its benefits depend on the experience of the leader and the knowledge of the team.

The different hazards are then ranked to prioritize them against each other using available
data and judgement. The IMO guidelines [10] give an example of how to rank the different
scenarios. To facilitate the ranking and validation of ranking the indices of consequence and
frequency are defined on a logarithmic scale. The risk index is obtained by adding the
frequency and consequence indices:
Risk = ProbabilityxConsequence
Log(Risk) = log(Probability) + log(Consequence)


Table B.1 shows an example of the Severity Index, an example of the Frequency Index is
shown in Table B.2


Table B.1. Severity Index [10].







Severity Index
minor Local
Multiple or severe Non-severe
Single fatality or Severe damage
Multiple fatalities
Total loss

(Equivalent fatalities)


Table B.2. Frequency Index [10].





Extremely remote

Frequency Index
Likely to occur once per month on one
Likely to occur once per year in a fleet
of 10 ships, i.e. likely to occur a few
times during the ships life
Likely to occur once per year in a fleet
of 1,000 ships, i.e. likely to occur in the
total life of several similar ships
Likely to occur once in the lifetime (20
years) of a world fleet of 5,000 ships

F (per ship year)


The combination of Table B.1 and Table B.2 give the risk matrix shown in Table B.3.

Table B.3. Risk matrix for Risk Index [10].

Risk Index (RI)
Reasonably probable
Extremely remote


The output from step 1 is a list of hazards and a description of causes and effects, all ranked
by risk level. According to Spouge [11], the first step is often referred to as the most
important step since it identifies all hazards. If a hazard is missed it will not occur later in the
process and hence will not be evaluated.


B.3. Risk analysis

In step 2 a more detailed investigation of the causes and consequences is performed on the
more important scenarios identified in step 1. By using suitable techniques for modelling the
risk, attention would be focused on high risk areas. A risk tree model could be built using a
fault tree or event tree, which is standard risk assessment procedure. Data from previous
accidents and failures could be used as information when modelling the risk, otherwise
simulations, calculations and/or expert assessment may be used to provide the data.

B.4. Risk control options (RCO)

In step 3 a proposal for effective and practical RCOs is performed. It comprises 4 main steps:

Focusing on risk areas needing control.

Identifying potential risk control measures (RCMs).
Evaluating the effectiveness of the RCMs in reducing risk by re-evaluating step 2.
Grouping RCMs into practical regulatory options, RCOs.

By analysing the different risks considering their frequency and severity of outcome, the risks
with an unacceptable risk level will become the primary focus. Measures that reduce these
risks have to be identified. Probability of the risks should be reviewed irrespective of the
severity. The aim of the produced RCMs is to reduce the frequencies and mitigate the effect
of failures and accidents. Potential RCMs are compiled into groups of RCOs that can focus on
controlling the initiation or escalation of accidents.

B.5. Cost-benefit assessment

The costs and benefits for the implementation of different RCOs, identified in step 3, are
evaluated in step 4. Benefits could include reduction in fatalities, injuries, casualties,
environmental damage, etc. The cost of the implementation of the RCO should be expressed
in terms of life cycle costs and could be expressed in relation to safety of life or property.

B.6. Recommendations for decision making

The final step compares and ranks the different RCOs and their associated costs and benefits.
The final report should be presented in an auditable and traceable manner so it could be
understood by all parties irrespective of their experience in the techniques involved in the
FSA methodology. A method to visually show and compare different societal risk against
each other is the FN diagram, see Section B.7.

B.7. Risk acceptance criteria

There are several different standards for establishing risk criteria. Most of the criteria
normally place the risk in one of the three categories; unacceptable, tolerable and broadly
acceptable. For offshore applications the ALARP, short for as low as reasonably possible, is
often used and refers to the cost-effectiveness and benefits of the solution. The term is derived
from the UK Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 [56]. The risks of the intolerable and
tolerable should be ALARP and have proved to be so. In the risk assessment the individual,
societal and the environmental risks should all be taken into account.
For risks in the ALARP area a criterion is needed to determine when a risk is reasonably
practicable. According to Skjong [29], this is often given in terms of the cost of averting a
fatality normally referred to as Net Cost of Averting a Fatality (NCAF) or Gross Cost of


Averting a Fatality (GCAF). Quantitative values must be set for the optimum/maximum of the
cost of averting a fatality, and the definitions of NCAF and GCAF are:

NCAF = (Cost - Economic_Benefits)/ PLL


With the parameters:

Cost = Marginal cost of the Risk Control Option, see Section B.4
PLL = the reduced number of fatalities
Economic Benefits = the economic benefits of implementing the RCO
According to Skjong [29], the IMO proposed values for the individual risk to be used as risk
acceptance criteria. For a large project exposing a large number of people to risks, the societal
risk criteria is preferable. This criteria is expressed in frequency versus number of fatalities,
but the risks are not as straightforward to develop as the individual risk criteria. In some cases
both societal and individual risk criteria must be complied with. For example, with a
passenger ferry that carries a large number of passengers the risk should be expressed in
societal risk. However, the crew is exposed to additional hazards related to their work and this
should be expressed as individual risk. A technique for presenting risk is FN curves, see Fig.

Fig. B.2. FN-curve.

Different models exist on the inclination angle of the boundary between the ALARP region
and the intolerable. The FN diagram shows the relationship between the frequency F and
accidents with N or more fatalities. The FN curve gives a good overview over accidents
which span from a single to multiple fatalities.



Appendix C. Hazard register

Appendix C contains the hazard register for all hazards identified in the HAZID.

Hazard no
Risk level

Hazard no
Risk level

Uncontrolled flow of well fluid
Pressure failure
Potential economic losses due to downtime of process plant
Hydrocarbon release from the turret
Uncontrolled release of well fluid in the turret
Could be caused by mechanical failure due to fatigue and/or design fault in
the turret
If leakage is ignited it could cause injury or death to personnel in the area.
Severe damage to ship could occur

Hazard no

Risk level

Hydrocarbon release in Gas process area
Gas Process area
Uncontrolled release of hydrocarbon in the process area
Could be caused by mechanical failure or equipment failure. Human error
could also be the cause
If ignited it could cause injury or death to personnel in the area. Severe
damage to ship could occur. Fire and explosion will give different degree
of severity. Fire is assumed in this investigation


Hazard no

Risk level

Cryogenic spill in liquefaction area (regasification plant in case of FSRU)
Gas Process area
Spill of cryogenic liquid (LNG)
Damage to or fatigue of piping and/or equipment, corrosion, thermal
Multiple injuries and/or fatalities among crew, damage to ship could be
severe. Vaporized LNG could cause asphyxiation to crew over the entire

Hazard no
Risk level

Hazard no
Risk level

Spill of hazardous substance
Gas Process area
Spill of hazardous substance used in process
Failure of equipment, human error, dropped objects
Single or minor injuries, only small damage to ship, could be potentially
hazardous to the environment
Fire/explosion in the process area
Gas Process area
Fire and/or explosion in the process area
Ignition of released LNG vapour or hydrocarbon
Depending on the size of the release the damage to crew and ship could be
minor to catastrophic. Severe effect on crew and ship is assumed


Hazard no
Risk level

Fire/explosion in cargo containment area
Cargohandling system
Fire and/ or explosion in containment area due to spillage of LNG
Failure of cargo tank system, collision, process error
The effects would probably be catastrophic due to the contained space
surrounding the cargo tanks

Hazard no
Risk level

Hazard no
Risk level

Inert gas release in containment area
Cargohandling system
Release of inert gas in the containment area
Failure of equipment, mechanical failure, mechanical failure due to fatigue
Cold burns could occur if human skin comes into contact with the inert gas
Sloshing in cargo tanks
Cargo handling system
Sloshing could occur in cargo tanks when partially filled
Partially filled cargo tanks could cause sloshing when the FLNG is under
influence of bad weather
The effects of sloshing could involve damage to cargo tanks and cause
instability to the FLNG causing production shutdown


Risk level

Ship collision
Total ship
Collision with LNG carrier or other ship
LNG carrier drift into the FLNG
During docking the LNG carrier would most likely have a low speed and
the effects would be held at a significant level. Due to the assistance of
tugboats the frequency is assumed low

Hazard no
Risk level

Cryogenic leak during offloading (loading in case of FSRU)
Deck of FLNG
Rapture of loading arm or other mechanical failure of offloading system
Mechanical failure of offloading system
Severe fatalities and severe damage to hull

Hazard no


Appendix D. Hazards compared to rules

Since most hazards in Table 7 concern the process plant and its equipment DNV-OS-E201 OIL AND GAS PROCESSING SYSTEMS [30] will be applicable. The objectives and scope
can be seen below:
DNV-OS-E201 Ch.1 Sec.1
A 100 Introduction
101 This offshore standard contains criteria, technical requirements and guidance on
design, construction and commissioning of offshore hydrocarbon production plants and
associated equipment. The standard also covers liquefaction of natural gas and
regasification of liquefied natural gas and also associated gas processing.
102 The standard is applicable to plants located on floating offshore units and on fixed
offshore structures of various types. Offshore installations include fixed and floating
terminals for export or import of LNG.
103 The requirements of Ch.2 relate primarily to oil and gas production activities. Ch.2
Sec.11 provides additional requirements to LNG terminals and should be read as a
supplement to the other sections in Ch.2.
104 The standard has been written for general worldwide application. Governmental
regulations may include requirements in excess of the provisions of this
A 200 Objectives
201 The objectives of this standard are to:
- provide an internationally acceptable standard of safety for hydrocarbon production
plants and LNG processing plant by defining minimum requirements for the design,
materials, construction and commissioning of such plant
- serve as contractual a reference document between suppliers and purchasers
- serve as a guideline for designers, suppliers, purchasers and contractors
- specify procedures and requirements for hydrocarbon production plants and LNG
processing plant subject to DNV certification and classification.
A 400 Scope and application
401 The standard covers the following systems and arrangements, including relevant
equipment and structures:
- production and export riser systems
- well control system
- riser compensating and tensioning system
- hydrocarbon processing system
- relief and flare system
- production plant safety systems
- production plant utility systems
- water injection system
- gas injection system
- storage system
- crude offloading system
- LNG Liquefaction system
- LNG regasification system
- LNG transfer system.


Ch.2 Sec.1 states:

A 100 Overall safety principles
101 Hydrocarbon production systems shall be designed to minimize the risk of hazards to
personnel and property by establishing the following barriers:
- preventing an abnormal condition from causing an undesirable event
- preventing an undesirable event from causing a release of hydrocarbons
- safely dispersing or disposing of hydrocarbon gases and vapors released
- safely collecting and containing hydrocarbon liquids released
- preventing formation of explosive mixtures
- preventing ignition of flammable liquids or gases and vapors released
- limiting exposure of personnel to fire hazards

Deviations from DNV-OS-E201 [30] or hazards which are not covered are shown below:
Hazard 1 - Blowout

Following rule is applicable [30]:

DNV-OS-E201, Ch.2, Sec.1
A 100 Overall safety principles
A 400 Scope and application

Hazard 2 - Hydrocarbon release from the turret

In addition to E201 the structural design load is also considered in DNV-OS-C102 [31]:
DNV-OS-C102 Sec. 12
C 100 Mooring loads
101 A unit may be kept on location by various methods. These methods may include several
different types of station-keeping systems such as internal and submerged turret systems,
external turret, buoy, fixed spread mooring and dynamic positioning. Each mooring system
configuration will impose loads on the hull structure. These loads shall be considered in the
structural design of the unit, and combined with other relevant load components.

To ensure the fatigue life the following rule is applicable [31]:

DNV-OS-C102 Sec. 12:
G 400 Areas to be checked
401 Fatigue sensitive details in the hull and topside supporting structure shall be
documented to have sufficient fatigue strength. Particular attention should be given to the
following details as described in Table G3, but not limited to:
Table G3 Areas to be checked

main deck, including deck penetrations, bottom structure and side shell
longitudinal stiffener end connections to transverse webframe and bulkhead
shell plate connection to longitudinal stiffener and transverse frames with special
consideration in the splash zone.
hopper knuckles and other relevant discontinuities
openings and penetrations in longitudinal members



toe and heel of horizontal stringer in way of transverse bulkhead

bilge keels.
attachments, foundations, supports, etc. to main deck and hull
topside stools and supporting structures
turret and supporting structures
riser interfaces
crane pedestal foundation and supporting structures
flare tower foundation and supporting structures.

Classification note 61.3 for the Regasification Vessels [30]:

9. Arrangement for submerged turret offloading

The design of submerged turret offloading system is to be in compliance with DNVs Rules
for Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.3 Sec.14. In addition, the following apply for Submerged
Turret Loading system (STL) intended for export of high pressure natural gas:

Explosion design loads due to explosion overpressure to be quantified and specifically

designed for with respect to STL trunk and explosion relief arrangement.
The STL room to be fitted with two independent means of escape.
It must be ensured that positive isolation of regasification from STL can be provided, as
well as positive isolation of regasification from the pump in the cargo tank. The isolation
valves to STL to be remotely operable and fitted with position monitoring, which
interfaces with STL depressurization and purging cycle monitoring.
It must be ensured that PSD is immediately activated if green line signal in STL is lost.
In case of differential pressure between sub-sea pipeline and regasification export pipe,
it should be ensured that pipeline and buoy valves cannot be opened until the pressure
difference is equalized.
It must be ensured that the pipeline and regasification system will shut down upon
positive confirmation of gas detected in the turret compartment.
Prior to disconnecting the STL piping must be depressurized and purged.
Depressurization and purge cycle to be completed and confirmed, as part of the STL
logic before next step can be initiated.
Buoy and sub-sea valves should be fitted with proximity switches or similar for positive
confirmation of connection/disconnection.

To ensure the fatigue life the following rule is applicable:

CN 61.3, Ch.8

8.1 Environmental conditions

A vessel intended to operate in all sea areas should be designed, with regard to structural
strength, for the environmental loading in the North Atlantic conditions with a return period
of 20 years.
For vessels located continuously at one location design should consider environmental
conditions for a 100 years return period at the specific site.
For fatigue the basic requirement is 20 years design life based on a scatter diagram for
worldwide operation or at designated operation site as applicable.


Hazard 3 - Hydrocarbon release in process area

Hazard 4 - Cryogenic spills in liquefaction area
Hazard 5 - Spill of hazardous substance

All above applicable by [30]:

DNV-OS-E201, Ch.2, Sec.1
A 100 Overall safety principles
A 400 Scope and application

Hazard 6 - Fire/explosion in process area

Hazard 7 - Fire/explosion in containment area

For offshore hazards related to Fire the following rule is applicable [33]:
DNV-OS-D301 Sec. 9:
A 100 Introduction
101 This section gives fire technical requirements applicable to oil production and storage
units. The requirements are to be applied supplementary to the requirements given by Sec.1
to Sec.5.
102 For specific requirements for ESD and fire and gas detection systems, see DNV-OSA101 and DNV-OS-D202.

For an FSRU unit classed according to Ship and Classification Note 61.3 [30], fire is
regulated through a risk assessment which has to be performed in order to establish the risk:
CN 61.3 Sec.5:
5.1 Risk assessment
A risk assessment should be conducted, preferably in the early phase of the project, and
should include at least assessment of the following:
-fire- and explosion
-dropped object
-cryogenic leakage.
The findings from the risk assessments carried out are to be considered in the design phase
and addressed in the documentation submitted to class. The risk assessment should comply
with the principles outlined in DNV-OS-A101 App. C. Design loads and recommendations
from the risk assessment are to be addressed in the final design.


Hazard 8 - Inert gas releases in containment area

The following rule could be applicable [30]:

DNV-OS-E201, Ch.2, Sec.1
A 100 Overall safety principles
A 400 Scope and application

Hazard 9 - Sloshing in cargo tanks

Offshore rules [19] refer to Ship rules [16] regarding cargo containment systems:
DNV-OSS-103, Ch.2 Sec.4
C 200 Supplementary technical requirements
202 Containment systems may in general be designed using the methodology described in
DNV Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.5 Gas Carriers, provided the loading
conditions and operational modes for an offshore application are taken into account.
Guidance note:
Aspects such as the actual site-specific environmental conditions, partial filling
modes, project-specific accidental loads, provision for in-situ inspection for units not
intending to dry-dock will need to be specially assessed.

In Ship rules sloshing is considered in [16]:

Rules of Ships, Pt.5, Ch.5,
Sec. 5 Scantlings and Testing of Cargo Tanks
A 800 Sloshing loads
801 When partial tank filling is contemplated, the risk of significant loads due to sloshing
induced by any of the ship motions mentioned in 703, shall be considered.
802 When risk of significant sloshing induced loads is found to be present, special tests and
or calculations will be required.
Guidance note:
For membrane cargo tanks reference is made to Classification Note 30.9; Sloshing
analysis of LNG membrane tanks.

Classification Note 30.9 [36] supplements the rules as to how the additional loads due to
sloshing should be accounted for.


Hazard 10 - Ship collision

The IGC code [18] states the following:

3 Severe collisions or strandings could lead to cargo tank damage and result in uncontrolled
release of the product. Such release could result in evaporation and dispersion of the
product and, in some cases, could cause brittle fracture of the ship's hull. The requirements
in the Code are intended to minimize this risk as far as is practicable, based upon present
knowledge and technology.
Chapter 2 Ship survival capability* and location of cargo tanks
2.1.1 Ships subject to the Code should survive the normal effects of flooding following
assumed hull damage caused by some external force. In addition, to safeguard the ship and
the environment, the cargo tanks should be protected from penetration in the case of minor
damage to the ship resulting, for example, from contact with a jetty or tug, and given a
measure of protection from damage in the case of collision or stranding, by locating them at
specified minimum distances inboard from the ships shell plating. Both the damage to be
assumed and the proximity of the tanks to the ships shell should be dependent upon the
degree of hazard presented by the product to be carried.
2.1.2 Ships subject to the Code should be designed to one of the following standards:
.1 ' A type 1G ship' is a gas carrier intended to transport products indicated in chapter 19
which require maximum preventive measures to preclude the escape of such cargo.
.2 ' A type 2G ship' is a gas carrier intended to transport products indicated in chapter 19
which require significant preventive measures to preclude the escape of such cargo.
2.2.2 The stability of the ship in all seagoing conditions and during loading and unloading
cargo should be to a standard which is acceptable to the Administration.

Hazard 11 - Cryogenic leaks during offloading

For offshore use regarding the transfer of LNG the following rule could be applicable [30]:
DNV-OS-E201, Ch.2 Sec.11
C 500 LNG transfer
For the transfer of LNG the following rule in Ship rules could be applicable [16]:
Rules for ships, Pt.5 Ch.5 Sec.6
C. Cargo Piping Systems
If the transfer system is intended to be placed in the bow or stern [16]:
Rules for ships Pt.5 Ch.5 Sec.6
E. Bow or Stern Loading and Unloading Arrangements


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