Speaking: Useful Language Comparing:: Starting The Discussion

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In the first/second picture, theres....

The first/second picture shows...
Both pictures show....
The second picture also shows...
Similarly, the second picture shows....
Both pictures are quite similar in that they show.....
In the first picture xxx whereas/while/however in the second picture....
Another important difference is....
This picture reminds me of...whereas the other....


It looks as though/if..
They appear to be
They must/may/might be.
I would say he/she is probably
Of course, its also possible that..
Perhaps they are
If I were them, Id probably feel.
Id imagine they/she.....

Starting the discussion

Shall we start with x?

Where shall we start?
Do you mind if I start?
Shall I start?

Giving opinion/agreeing/disagreeing

Thats just what I was thinking

I see what you mean
That may be true, but....

Asking for opinion

Do you agree?
What are your views?
What about...?
Dont you think that....?

Moving on

I think we should..
Lets move on
Lets look at the next one
Shall we move on?

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