Construction Economics

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Construction Economics

The construction industry is sometimes used by the government as an economic regulator.

(1) Discuss how government can implement such a policy.
(2) Discuss the effect it has on
(a) the national economy.
(b) the construction industry.
(1) The importance of the construction industry in the economy is due to three factors:

Its size. In the early 1970s the value of building in the United Kingdom amounted to 12

per cent of the gross domestic product. The labour force employed was in die region of 6 per
cent. The number employed in the repair and maintenance section alone is greater man that in
agriculture, coal mining, shipbuilding and many other large industries.

It provides predominantly investment goods. Construction is an investment industry; its

products are wanted not for their own sake but for die goods or services which they can help to
create. This is particularly true for factory buildings, but it also applies to the majority of other
building types.
(c) Government is a large client. In the early 1970s public building accounted for over SO per
cent of die construction industry's workload. Work undertaken for local authorities, central
government and public corporations falling into this category.
In managing the economy, the government has four main objectives:
(i) The ability to pay its way abroad by balancing die
(ii) An acceptable level of employment of resources, particularly
(iii) An increase in the amount of goods and services produced and consumed, leading to a rise
in die standard of living,
(iv) The control of inflation.

In spite of die damage to efficiency of sudden stops and starts in its workload, because of. its size and
importance die construction industry is a tempting regulator of die economy. Economists, however,
are in some disagreement about whether the industry is ever used as such.
Government measures to control die economy usually affect die industry either directly or indirectly:
by die control of output by increasing or reducing public expenditure, or by a restriction on borrowing
via high interest charges.
(2)(a) The effects of changes in output, employment, incomes or demand in the construction industry
are likely to have repercussions in other sectors of the economy. Thus a decline in construction
activity will have an adverse effect on many other industries.
(b) (i) Government has an important role because public authorities buy over half of its output.
(ii) A steady rather than a wildly fluctuating workload is important if the industry is to plan and
manage its resources properly.
(iii) Government economic policy will either stimulate or depress the construction industry, (iv) The
adverse effects of a depression on the construction industry are as follows:

Unemployment of building operatives.

Smaller firms being forced out of business.

Large firms being reluctant to invest large sums of money in plant and equipment, or to
experiment with new techniques.

Suppliers of materials and components being unlikely to extend their plants.

Recruitment of persons into the industry at all levels being made more difficult.

Lack of continuity of work equals increased costs and reduced efficiency.

What is meant by the term construction economics?

Construction economics is a branch of general economics. It consists of the application of the
techniques and expertise of economics to the particular area of the construction industry. -Economics,
in general, is about the choice of the way in which scarce resources are and ought to be allocated
between all their possible uses. Construction economics is concerned with man's needs for shelter and
the suitable and appropriate conditions in which to live. It seeks to ensure the efficient use of available

resources to the industry, and to increase the rate of growth of construction work in the most efficient
manner. It includes a study of the following:
(1) A client's requirements. This involves a study of the client's wants and needs, and ensuring that the
design of the project is kept within the available funds to be provided by the client. The client's
requirements can be summarized as follows: satisfied that the building meets his needs, is available for
occupation on the specified date for completion, the final account closely resembles the estimate and
the construction project can be maintained at reasonable cost.
(2) The possible effects on the surrounding areas if the development is carried out. This considers the
wider aspects associated with planning and the general amenities affected by proposed new
construction projects.
(3) The relationship of space and shape. This evaluates the cost implications of the design variables,
and considers those aspects of a particular design and their effects on cost. It does not seek to limit the
architect's design skill or the aesthetic appearance of the project, but merely attempts to inform the
architect and the client of the influence of their design on the overall cost.
(4) The assessment of the initial cost. This is the establishment of an initial estimate that is sufficiently
accurate for advice purposes and which can be used for comparison purposes throughout the building
(5) The reasons for, and methods of, controlling costs. One of the client's main requirements for any
construction project is the assessment of its expected cost. The methods used for controlling the costs
will vary depending upon the type of project and the nature of the client. The methods adopted should
be reasonably accurate, but flexible enough to suit the individual client's requirements.
(6) Estimating the life of buildings and materials. The emphasis on the initial construction costs has
moved to consider the overall costs in use. The spending of a little more initially can result in a
considerable saving over the life of the building. However, estimation of building-material life,
interest rates and the economic life of a project can be difficult to determine in practice.

In addition, the wider economic aspects are worthy of note. These are:
(1) The role of the surveyors, engineers and builders employed in the industry.
(2) The division of the industry between the design and construction process.
(3) The size of the industry, its relationship to other industries and the national economy.
(4) The types of development undertaken.
(5) The types and sizes of construction firms, and the availability of specialist contractors.
(6) The variations in building costs and factors that influence these variations, such as market
conditions, regional location etc.
The construction industry has characteristics which distinguish it from other industries. These can be
classified as follows:
(1) The physical nature of the product.
(2) The structure of the industry.
(3) The organisation of the construction process.
(4) The method of price determination.
The final product is often large and expensive, and is required over a wide geographical area.
Buildings and other structures are for the most part specially made to the requirements of each
individual customer, although there is the provision for some speculative work, particularly in
housing. The nature of the product also means that each contract often represents a large proportion of
the work of a single contractor in any year, causing substantial discontinuity to the production
Discuss the economic outlook for the construction industry over the next five years.
The answer to this question must largely be of a speculative nature, but nevertheless the
following factors should be considered.
Government policy
Because government is a large client of the construction industry, any change in its policy towards
new buildings or engineering projects is likely to have a considerable influence on the economic

position of the industry. A reduction in housing, educational buildings, hospitals and the road-building
programme will have serious effects on both the professions and the constructors. The trend has been
to spend more upon the rehabilitation and maintenance of works in preference to new projects,
although the actual amounts invested have been inadequate. Government policies in respect of tax
concessions, development grants and interest rates have all influenced the contraction of* the industry.
Industrial activity
Another major client of the construction industry is manufacturing industry. A reduced market both at
home and overseas will only discourage industrialists from expansion into new or enlarged premises.
The effect of a shrinking market has a knock-on effect on smaller manufacturers and other industries,
with a consequent loss of possible new building schemes. This reduction in economic activity has a
far-reaching effect, resulting in a lack of confidence generally on any possible future development.
World economic trends
A world recession affects particularly a country's exporting capabilities. These results in a reduced
home base, which may increase costs and therefore prices charged, because of reduced economics of
scale, resulting in further recession. This can only result in a decline for construction orders in many
areas and types of work.
Political trends
The political influence of a government can have immense effects upon the economic outlook of the
construction industry, and must never be underestimated. For example, a government committed to
increased public expenditure in capital projects is likely to provide a considerable proportion of work
for the industry. However, such a government may be more inclined to develop a public-building
corporation or expand the direct labour organisations, which may thus provide mixed fortunes for the
building industry. In the long term this may not directly benefit the private contractor. Because a large
proportion of expertise lies in the private sector, this may mean the switching of allegiance of many of
the industry s employees. An alternative political viewpoint may favour encouraging the private sector
to expand at the expense of the public sector.

Energy sources
A large investment has been made in recent years in both the gas and oil industries. Nuclear energy
has also been expanded. Research is currently being undertaken to find alternatives to rapidly
diminishing fossil fuels and to nuclear power (which is fraught with political argument). Whatever
energy sources are used, all involve the construction industry for capital projects.
There has in recent years been an unprecedented attempt to conserve, repair or modernize premises.
This has been particularly true in housing, where the emphasis has shifted away from new construction
and towards the rehabilitation of existing properties. Considerable expertise has grown up around this
work, and this sector of the construction industry is still increasing.
Changes in technology
The construction industry is today still very much a labour-intensive industry. Automation resulting in
reduced labour forces in manufacturing industry has not been matched in the construction industry.
System building, with components manufactured under factory conditions, has moved only a little way
in this direction. Apart from speed of erection, this type of building has disadvantages in cost,
function, appearance, life and recurring costs. Some changes in methods and' materials used for
construction are expected during the next decade. Mechanization of the building site has made some
inroads, but in future this may make an even greater impact.
Silicon chip
The chip has begun to affect the way we run our lives. This could have many diverse effects upon the
construction industry, e.g. greater environmental control of buildings, further automation in materials
manufacture and an influence in the way buildings are designed. The chip will also have far-reaching
effects on the building professions, as we move towards an 'electronic office.

Projects tend to be completed more quickly in the USA than in the United Kingdom. Suggest
some of the underlying reasons for the poor performance of completion times in the UK.
There have been a number of comparisons between the US and UK construction industries over the
past decade. Dramatic comparisons between the time taken to build Sears Tower in Chicago and the
National Westminster Bank Tower in London, and the more serious studies by Slough Estates Ltd., are
two examples. All the work arrives at the same conclusion: that the US construction industry produces
buildings more quickly than the UK. The results of the earlier studies have caused many aspects of the
UK approach to construction to be questioned. Often it has been assumed that there must be a single
simple cause for the inferior UK performance.
There is, however, no general agreement on which factors are important and which are not. There is no
established theoretical framework to guide the study, and the current level of understanding is not
highly developed.
Some of the factors that might be considered when comparing building performance in these two
countries are listed below. They are suggested in the report 'UK and US construction industries: a
comparison of design and contract procedures' published by the RICS. They are not ranked in any
order of importance.
It has been suggested by others that the real difference between the two countries is the absence of the
quantity surveyor in the US, and his important role in the UK. Whilst this fact cannot be denied,
someone in the US must, however, undertake 'quantity surveying* work. From these reports it is
evident that the quantity surveyor is not one of the reasons for our poor performance. Indeed the report
suggests that the US should consider employing quantity surveyors for the good of their construction
A lengthy design process, the necessity for variations, higher standards of quality control, the delayed
involvement of the contractor, restrictive labour practices, less mechanization and a less predictable
workload are probably some of the main reasons. These are now examined in greater detail.

(1) UK clients expect to be able to change their brief both during the design stage and whilst
the construction work is being carried out on site. The US clients know that changes to the
building during the construction phase are very expensive and offer poor value for money, and
are generally discouraged. Changes to the contractor's work programme can be a major factor
causing delay.
(2) UK orthodox procedures are largely determined by public sector insistence on control and
accountability. The US procedures have to respond to private sector demands for speed, and a
clear allocation of responsibilities and risks.
(3) Large technically advanced or risky projects are approached differently. The US clients are
much more prepared to adopt unorthodox procedures.
(4) Any comparison of time and cost must also take into account the quality of the finished
projects. In this respect, it can be argued that US buildings are inferior. For example,
inaccuracies and tolerances in concrete work are much greater than in the UK.
(5) The UK construction industry is very much geared to refurbishment, which provides an
attitude of 'make do and mend'. In the US, buildings decay and are then demolished. This latter
approach of providing new buildings leads to both fast and cheap building performance.
(6) Although US buildings are constructed more quickly than UK ones, there is no significant
difference between the total construction costs of office buildings in these two countries.
(7) The time taken for both the design and construction work is longer in the UK than in the
US. A longer design period is often required in the UK in order to comply with the planning
(8) Office buildings in the UK provide more recreational and social amenities and therefore
less actual office space than similar buildings in the US. The latter are also more intensively
occupied than in the UK, so that the cost to the users is therefore less.

(9) Detailed design decisions have a very high impact on costs and time. The separation of
design from construction always involves major time and cost penalties. The US system
involves the contractor's influence at the design stage, when account can be taken of
construction methods. The traditional UK system prevents this involvement.
(10) The incentives offered by the finance and tax structures in the US encourage the faster
completion of buildings. The dominant philosophy in the industry is 'time is money'.
(11) Speed of construction in the US is achieved by different work practices from those in the
UK. Many of these result from the willingness of US engineers and architects to accept
alternative designs from the contractors and subcontractors, aimed at simplifying the building
(12) There is recognition in the US that wet trades in the building process will slow down
progress. They are thus kept to an absolute minimum, and emphasis is placed upon simple
methods of construction.
(13) The US construction worker does not physically work any harder or longer than the UK
counterpart. The higher productivity is achieved partly through less complicated construction
details and the use of more mechanical aids.
(14) Construction plant used in the US is generally larger than that in the UK, where greater
emphasis is placed on selecting the smallest plant which is capable of doing the work. The
tendency is partly due to the fact that transportation in the US is easier because of their much
wider carriageways.
(15) Better welfare facilities are provided by UK contractors, and their safety record is much
better than that of the US construction industry. Overtime in the US is unusual and incentive
payments in the form of bonuses are not paid, owing to the higher hourly rates received by
operatives. There is an ease of 'hire and fire' in the US construction industry, which alleviates
the problems of the US contractor regarding resource levelling. US unions generally are

contacted regarding the selection of appropriate labour. The unions' attitude is generally that if
their construction industry is healthy, then their members will be employed, and they are
prepared to adopt a flexible attitude to ensure that this is so.
(16) There is a more stable and predictable demand for construction in the US, and this
provides for greater efficiency throughout the whole process of designing and work on site.

Cost control
'Cost control of a construction project is primarily the responsibility of the quantity surveyor.
The quantity surveying profession has gradually evolved over the past 100 years, although in more
recent years there has been a rapid expansion of its services into new areas of work. 200 years ago
architects were responsible not only for the design but also for the construction of the works in a more
direct manner, and also for 'cost control'. In addition they often played an important role with
engineering-type projects. Their overall importance, therefore, in the construction industry has
diminished somewhat. Civil engineers used to accept (and regrettably some still do) that quantity
surveyors were unnecessary. This stems largely from a misunderstanding of the work of the quantity
surveyor and the work that he performs. Quantity surveyors, themselves, have often shown too much
preoccupation with building projects at the expense of other types of work in the construction industry,
and so have until recent years left cost control to ill-equipped architects, engineers and builders.
Although these other members of the construction profession should be aware of the effect of their
actions on construction costs, cost control should primarily be the province of the quantity surveyor.
The cost control of a construction project, or indeed any type of project, should start at the inception
stage and not finish until the project is handed over to the client. Even then the final cost is still likely
to be agreed, and there is scope for cost control of the recurring costs in use throughout the life of the


The following factors support the viewpoint that this area of responsibility is naturally that of the
quantity surveyor.
(1) Architects and engineers tend to prefer design, investigation and construction. They are not
generally interested in measurement, valuation and cost control.
(2) Engineers and architects are ill-equipped to deal with the complexities of cost control.
Their training and education for this work is negligible and inadequate.
(3) Quantity surveyors are, by contrast, specially trained to ensure that clients obtain value
for money, and that payments due are the correct amounts.
The efficient system of cost control in the building industry is due largely to the efforts of the quantity
surveyor. The days of the addendum bill have largely disappeared, and where a project is adequately
designed and documented, the problems of claims, accepted in certain quarters of the construction
industry, should not occur. Even amidst mounting pressure and cynicism, the quantity surveyor has
been one of the few professionals in the construction industry to show signs of continuing
The cost control of major building projects has long since been the territory of the quantity surveyor,
and he has an even more important role to play in the administration and cost control of minor or small
works projects. However, the quantity surveyor does not necessarily use die same techniques for
different types of project, but adapts his methods and processes for the type and size of project under
examination. In the area of package-deal projects (which are assumed to be increasing in number), a
wise client is always likely to retain the services of the independent quantity surveyor, not only for
cost advice but also cost control throughout the duration of the contract.
The quantity surveyor is also the more suitable person for the cost control of engineering projects,
such as civil engineering, process plant engineering and mechanical services within buildings. The
argument that is often used for retaining outdated and inefficient methods where they still occur, is that
the majority of other countries appear to 'get by* without the quantity surveyor. In recent years,
quantity surveying and cost control methods have been used more widely (where they were absent
before) in countries like the USA and in Europe. They have for many years been employed in
countries that are members of the British Commonwealth.


The argument that the quantity surveyor is really a cost advisor and does not in practice control costs
is merely a play on words. Quantity surveying is seen as the profession that undertakes the function of
cost control within the building industry. It could be argued that since the designer is responsible for
issuing and approving variations, he dictates the amount of extra works, and looks to the quantity
surveyor for cost advice and for cost records. On the other hand, there is the point that since the
quantity surveyor prepares the valuations for interim payments, he controls the cash flow between
client and contractor. It can also be reasonably argued that during the design process without the cost
'control' from the quantity surveyor the project could get financially out of hand, as often occurred
before quantity surveyors developed cost planning. The same argument would be used in support of
post-contract quantity surveying services.
'The cost control of engineering services in buildings is different from the approach applied to
the other building elements'. Discuss this statement and comment upon the comparative cost
efficiency of die services and building elements.
Engineering services in today's modern buildings often account for over 30 per cent of the initial
project costs. The percentage is often considerably higher than this, as environmental control inside
the building becomes an ever-increasing requirement in the design. As a direct consequence of this
approach, the costs to the owner after completion of the construction contract will represent a
substantial annual charge for running, repairs and replacement charges. These sums will represent a
large proportion of the costs in use for the project.
Traditionally, engineering services are undertaken by specialist contractors, and are therefore often
incorporated within bills of quantities as prime cost sums. The budgets required for the cost plans are
provided by the engineering services consultant. The design and specification (performance
specifications are sometimes used) would also be prepared by this consultant. Bills of quantities were,
and still are, somewhat unusual. The preparation of any other contract documents, inviting quotations,
assessing and selecting tenders would also be undertaken by the engineer. The quantity surveyor's
traditional role was therefore to accept lump sums for inclusion in the bills, allow for interim payments
and adjust the Prime Cost Sum in the final account by means of an invoice.


The quantity surveyor is therefore able to control costs effectively for only about 70 per cent of die
project. It has been correctly suggested that because this work is sub-contracted, so too is the function
of cost control. There has, needless to say, been some rivalry between the quantity surveyor and the
services consultant as to who should undertake the cost control of engineering services.
The ability to control costs can be described as cost efficiency. The whole process of cost planning
developed by the quantity surveying profession seeks to achieve this objective and its efficiency can
be measured by the end product. A sum is allocated as a target for an element, and as the design
develops the quantity surveyor can realistically cost this design and compare it with the element target
cost. In this way the effects on the costs of alternative design solutions can be made. Alterations can,
therefore, be made to the design before the building work is started, in order to avoid abortive designs
and to restrict overspending.
Adopting the traditional system for engineering services, the engineer will predict sums for the various
engineering services based upon previous projects and expected future needs. The work will not be
properly or adequately cost-analysed, and therefore no appropriate cost control can be undertaken until
the design is completed. This may mean that if the final design is too expensive, some redesign will be
necessary, resulting in a less than satisfactory project. Without some detailed form of cost analysis,
design within a cost target will be difficult to achieve. Cost control throughout the contract period is
both minimal and unsatisfactory. Either the contractor is assumed to have included all that was
required, extra work is paid for on the basis of some vague change in the specification, or alterations
are made to the price of the work on an ad-hoc basis.
Because the engineering services represent such a large proportion of the whole contract, if the cost
control of this section is inefficient, then die entire cost control function for the whole project becomes
questionable. There is little real merit in properly controlling only 70 per cent of the contract value, if
the remaining part is not also subject to stringent requirements and accountability.
A more modern approach is to employ the quantity surveyor to undertake full cost control functions
for this work using his already proven system. This has already been the method adopted on some


complex engineering services projects, where the quantity surveyor has either been employed in bis
own practice or in the office of an engineering consultant.
Importance of cost research to the profession of quantity surveying
Cost research involves the examination of construction costs from any aspect either through the
client's viewpoint or on the basis of the costs of a contractor's organisation. It also includes their
effects- on the economy and a development of the efficient use of resources. The purpose of such
research is to develop a basic understanding that enables the planning, monitoring and controlling of
all costs to be undertaken more effectively and with greater certainty.
Many quantity surveyors do not see research as a means of development either individually or for the
profession in general. They are not alone in this opinion; it is shared by other professions within the
construction and other industries. It stems from the fact that some research is done simply for its own
sake, without any suggestion of useful practical application. But in even the best research projects, a
large amount of research and investigation is needed to secure only a little progress. It is, however,
generally accepted that research should be more carefully planned and monitored, and this would then
secure greater advantages to the profession.
Cost research is carried out by many different sectors of the profession. A large proportion of research
.work has been undertaken by the universities and polytechnics, and the considerable increase in
quantity surveying research is largely attributable to their staff. In addition, the professional
institutions have adopted their own research programmes, often of direct application to the profession.
However, the profession has not always been helpful in suggesting suitable topics for research, and
there has always been resistance to change. Some professional practices have made significant
contributions towards quantity surveying development, and several of the processes we now use are as
a direct result of their ideas. Several government departments have also formulated their own research
programmes to examine building cost aspects applicable to their own projects but often incorporating
much wider applications. For example, within the Property Services Agency (PSA), a group named the
Department of Quantity Surveying Services (DQSS) has, as part of its function, the investigation of
the cost aspects of construction. There is also the valuable work of the Building Research


Establishment (BRE), or the various trade associations who sometimes undertake cost studies as an aid
to commercial expertise.
Accepting that research will be carried out; albeit by a minority of quantity surveyors, what
advantages can the profession hope to achieve?
Science of quantity surveying
The majority of the other professions have been in existence much longer than that of quantity
surveying. They have therefore been able to establish for themselves an academic basis of
understanding of their subject knowledge. Some quantity surveying procedures have been accepted
without the basic formulation of the principles involved. This is not meant as a direct criticism of the
profession or to invalidate the procedures used, but the present position must be to substantiate the
theories and accepted practices of the quantity surveyor's work.
Understanding the economics of construction has been a new study, developing only during the past
thirty years. The understanding of how costs are incurred is fundamental to a proper and efficient
system of control. The research of the processes used can help us to complete our knowledge. This can
then become the foundation of our accepted and future practices using sound knowledge as a basis
rather than a series of rather general assumptions.
If one examines the processes used by quantity surveyors 100 years ago and compares these with die
methods in existence today we can see a dramatic change. Many of these changes are in the form of
the techniques used, and would not have been developed but for die pioneer work of a few surveyors
who were dissatisfied with old-fashioned procedures. The profession can never stand still, and
increased knowledge can help us to develop new techniques for the future.
Cost advice
One of the quantity surveyor's roles in connection with any construction project is the provision of cost
advice to clients and contractors. A proper understanding of the cost implications of construction will
enable the quality of this cost advice to be improved. This is likely to place the quantity surveyor in


greater demand, enhance his position and equip him for further roles in the future of the construction
Cost research in recent years has necessarily become more mathematical, often requiring the
knowledge of algebraic and statistical methods and the possible applications of operational research.
Using these methods has meant an understanding based upon empirical tests rather than a simple ruleof-thumb approach. This has allowed the natural use and development of the computer to be harnessed
in the cost planning and cost control function. Research has also helped US to foresee the wider use of
bills of quantities, simplified methods of calculating cost fluctuations, the way other countries assess
building costs, how to reduce claims and the accuracy and reliability of building prices.
Describe the quantity surveyor's process of cost control in connection with a construction
Cost control embraces all methods of controlling the cost of construction projects within the limits of a
determined sum, from inception of the scheme, throughout the design until final completion of the
contract. The cost control of any construction project can be described under the following headings:
Preliminary estimate
This is the first indication of the cost of the proposed project, and is often the amount most
remembered by die client. It should not, therefore, be too low as this may require some explanation as
the design develops, should the cost increase; nor should it be too high as diis may prohibit the design
proceeding further due to the client's lack of funds. Drawings are unlikely to be available and only the
vaguest information may be given.
Preliminary cost plans
These are prepared in order to evaluate the architect's first sketch designs. Sketch drawings of
alternative designs may be available and the quantity surveyor will attempt to select the most
economical or optimum solution. Optimum in this context may mean different solutions to different


Cost plan
Once the architect has completed his final sketch design and this has been approved by the client, the
formal cost plan should be produced. This will be developed from one of the preliminary cost plans
and should now contain sufficient detail and description as a basis for the system of cost control. This
can be a costly document to prepare and therefore it should not be embarked upon until the architect
and the client are satisfied with the basic outline of the design.
Cost checks
As the design develops the architect will begin to produce working drawings. These should be checked
to ensure that they reasonably comply with the anticipated design in respect of cost. The purpose of
cost checking is to inform both the architect and the client of die effect of their design decisions on
cost. The process does not seek to either stifle or dictate the design but hopes to avoid die possibilities
of an abortive scheme. If at some later stage the design has to be revised because it exceeds die funds
that are available, this can be both expensive and time-wasting. The aim of cost checking is to avoid
this happening.
Bills of quantities stage
When the working drawings have been completed, these should be cost checked before bills of
quantities are prepared. This will now become the main cost control document, particularly after it has
been priced by a contractor. The quantity surveyor, in addition to carrying out his normal function of
tender reporting, should also be able to reconcile die tender with bis final cost plan. (The final cost
plan is merely the cost plan that has been checked against die latest design.) If die process has been
carried out properly, only minor modifications should need to be made to die overall cost of the
Post-contract cost control
It is sometimes wrongly assumed that the function of cost control ends with the receipt of tenders. In
order to ensure that the control of cost is maintained, a process should be formulated until the final
account is agreed. There are two methods used for post-contract cost control:


(1) Interim stage. The main process during this period is the preparation of interim valuations on the
amount of work completed. This is in order that payment can be made to the contractor for the work
carried out. In addition, the quantity surveyor should regularly inform the architect and client of the
results of any changes in their design and the likely effect of these on the final account. These
generally take the form of cost reports or financial statements.
(2) Final stage. The main process at this stage is to prepare and agree the final account for the project.
Although some of this surveying work may have been undertaken during the preparation of interim
certificates, the bulk of the work will now be finalised. Adjustments may have to be made to allow for:
(a) Provisional work.
(b) Variations approved by the architect.
(c) Daywork accounts.
(d) Adjustments for specialist suppliers and subcontractors accounts.
(e) Increased costs due to inflation.
(f) Compensation to the contractor on the basis of contractual claims.
In addition to these processes it is usual for the quantity surveyor to provide a cost analysis of the
project based upon the tender sum. This may assist in providing the quantity surveyor with future cost
information for other similar proposed projects.

Prepared by - Dr Sarbesh Mishra

National Institute of Construction Management and Research
NAC Campus, P.O Kondapur
Hyderabad 500 084.
E-mail [email protected]


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