Graphic Org - Film Techniques Definitions
Graphic Org - Film Techniques Definitions
Graphic Org - Film Techniques Definitions
Diegetic- The actual sound in films, it refers to the sound whose source is visible
on the screen, or whose source is implied to be present by the action.
Extra Diegetic- Sound that are extra in films that dont originate from a prominent
Non-Diegetic- (commentary sound) sound whose source is neither visible or on
the screen.
Theme Music- this music is recognizable which is often written specifically for a
film, it is repeated throughout the film.
Sharp Focus (rack focus)- every item in the film, is clearly visible.
Deep Focus- with long depth of field, an entire scene may be in focus, allowing
only one segment of the scene to be clear and the rest hazy.
Long-Shot The object seems small or is seen from a distance. If a person is in
the shot, it is the entire body and a great deal of background visible.
Extreme Long Shot- the items look small in the fame, all or major parts of
buildings appear.
Medium Shot- the character shown from waist up, medium sized architectural
Close-up- head and neck of character is shown, objects about the size of a
computer fill the frame.
Extreme Close-up- the frame filled with just part of a character or very small
Birds-eye Angle-angles in which the film looks directly down upon a scene.
Diana Cestoni
High angle- the camera looks down upon a subject.
Side Lighting lighting from the side that leaves the subject half in light and half
in the shadows.
High-key lighting- light the produces a uniform look.
Low-key lighting- light the produces shadows.
Bottom lighting- it puts the character in half-light half shadow.
Front lighting- lighting from the front.
Back lighting- light from the back.
Caren Shot- used to signify the end of a film.