Distor V Dorado

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G.R. No. 21587, September 13, 1924
J. Villamor

That on or about March 4, 1917, the plaintiff mortgaged said parcels of land to the deceased Angel Distor for
638 cavans and 15 gantas of palay, it having been stipulated that he could redeem them at any time from the
aforesaid date, but must make the redemption within six years from March 4, 1917, the date of the document,
otherwise the plaintiff shall become bound to pay double the amount for which the property was given as
security, that is to say, 1,217 cavans and 5 gantas, one-half of this amount being interest for the six years within
which he failed to redeem.
Another condition of said mortgage is that the plaintiff should remain in order that he might pay the mortgage
debt with their products; but the aforesaid Angel Distor, taking advantage of plaintiff's ignorance of the Spanish
language, drew or caused to be drawn a deed or mortgage in Spanish, wherein he stated, or caused to be
stated, that he should have the usufruct of the aforesaid parcels of land for six years the plaintiff could not
redeem them, both of which conditions are contrary to the true agreement had between the parties the plaintiff
and the deceased.
That said deceased, Angel Distor, succeeded in causing the plaintiff to sign said document of mortgage because
he made the latter believe that he could redeem the four parcels of land at any time and that said plaintiff would
remain in the possession and enjoyment thereof in accordance with what was really stipulated between them; for
had he known at or prior to signing said document that he could not redeem them within six years from the
aforesaid date and that the said deceased should have the usufruct thereof during the time they were not
redeemed, said plaintiff would not have affixed his signature to said document.
That said deed or mortgage is in the hands and possession of the defendant administrators and is a part of the
evidence of the plaintiff.
That the 630 cavans and 15 gantas of palay for which said four parcels of land were mortgaged
were and are the aggregate of the principal, which is one-half, and the interest, which is the other
half, of said quantity of palay.
That the aforesaid deceased, Angel Distor, by virtue of said deed of mortgage, unlawfully and
without justifiable motive, took possession of the aforesaid parcels of land in or about the middle of
March, 1917, and continued in the possession and enjoyment thereof until his death, having
disposed of and appropriated all their products during said period of time notwithstanding the
several demands made upon him by the plaintiff to let him redeem the aforesaid four parcels and to
return said products to him.
At the trial Exhibit A was presented as evidence, which literally is as follows:
I, Mateo Distor, married, of age, and resident of the municipality of Panitan, Province of Capiz, P. I.,
do hereby declare that in consideration of the quantity of six hundred thirty-eight cavans and fifteen
gantas (638.15) of palay delivered to me by Mr. Angel Distor, proprietor, of age, and resident of the
municipality of Panitan, Capiz, P. I., I hereby transfer by way of mortgage of said Angel Distor four
parcels of irrigated, land, having a capacity for the sowing of nine cavans approximately of palay,
situated in the sitio of Maroag, barrio of Bangaan, municipality of Panitan, Capiz, P. I., described as
follows: First parcel. Irrigated land bound on the north by property of Ricardo Derecho; on the
south by properties of Felipe Dizon and Mariano de Ocampo; on the east by property of Angel
Distor, and on the west by properties of Salvador Dimaisip, Pedro Demafelis and Blas Amusing.
Second parcel. Irrigated land bound on the north by property of Roberto Derecho; on the south

by property of Narcisa Distor, on the east and the west by a dry land of the vendor Mateo Distor.
Third parcel. Irrigated land bound on the north by lands of the vendor Mateo Distor; on the south
by property of Angel Distor; on the east by property of Higidia Desales, and on the west by a dry
land of Mateo Distor. Fourth parcel. Irrigated land bound on the north by a dry land of the heirs
of Gregorio Diaz; on the south by a dry land of Fermin Descalzo; on the east by properties of
Arcadio Devilles and Alejandro Altuveros, and on the west by property of Fermin Descalzo.
Provided that if I deliver, or cause to be delivered, to said Mr. Angel Distor the quantity of
638 cavans and 15 gantas of palay after the term of six years from this date without interest, this
mortgage shall become void and of no effect, otherwise it will remain in full force and effect until I
can deliver said quantity of palay, my right of action, or that of my heirs and successors in interest,
never to prescribe, and in the meantime I deliver to him the aforesaid lands in order that he may
enjoy, and dispose of, them as though he were the owner thereof, by transferring or donating he
same to another with the same conditions herein stipulated.
In testimony whereof we executed this document in duplicate, one copy for the purchaser and the
other for the seller, and we, the seller was well as the purchaser, hereunto set our hands at Panitan
this fourth day of March, nineteen hundred and seventeen.
Signed in the presence of:
The trial court rendered judgment, absolving the defendants from the complaint with the costs against the plaintiff
on the ground that the latter had not established by a preponderance of evidence the allegations contained in the
Now the appellant prays for a reversal of the judgment appealed from, assigning thirteen errors in his typewritten
brief. The appellant contends that the contract Exhibit A, which he termed a mortgaged in his complaint, is a
contract of antichresis defined and sanctioned by article 1881 of the Civil Code.
The court hold that the contract although entitled Real Property Mortgage is in reality a contract of antichresis for
the debtor delivered his lands to the creditor in order that the latter might enjoy their fruits, without obligation on
the part of the former to pay interest upon his debt.
But according to the exhibit itself, the debtor, that is the plaintiff, cannot redeem the property given in antichersis
until after six years from March 4, 1917.
There is no use entering upon a detailed discussion of the errors assigned by the appellant, for the reason that,
after examining the evidence introduced in this case, we have reached the conclusion that the plaintiff has not
successfully proven the allegations of the complaint as to the machinations imputed to the creditor in the drawing
of Exhibit A, nor as to the damages and attorney's fee claimed by him.
The contract Exhibit A being valid, is binding between the contracting parties and their heirs.
The judgment appealed from is, therefore, affirmed with the costs against the appellant; it being understood that
to avoid unnecessary litigations, and it appearing from Exhibit A, that, upon the date of the return of the record to
the court of origin, the six years stipulated by the contracting parties shall have elapsed, and in view of the
statement contained in the last page of appellee's brief that they have no objection to it, the appellant may
recover from the defendants the lands claimed by him upon delivering the 638 cavans and 15 gantas of palay or
paying their value, as determined by the court below, should the parties not come to an agreement.

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