Pilgrim Day 2 Lesson Plan Final Final

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Teacher(s) Name: Lori Love

Group Members: Lori Love, Kelsey Blow, Ayla Lupien, and Alexander Parvaz
Thematic Unit Theme/Title/Grade Level: History and Historical Knowledge/The Pilgrims/Grave level K
Wiki space address: http://ucfgrkpilgrimssp16.weebly.com/
Daily Lesson Plan Day/Title: Day 2: Life on the Mayflower
LearningGoals/Objectives LearningGoal:
Whatwillstudentsaccomplishbeable StudentswillrecognizetheimportanceofThanksgivingasawayof


1. Thestudentwillbeablemakeinferencesaboutthetitleandcoverofthebook
YouWouldntWanttoSailontheMayflower!: A Trip That Took Entirely
Too Long:byPeterCook.
2. ThestudentwillbeabletotellwhypilgrimswantedtovoyagetoAmerica.
3. Thestudentwillunderstandthatthepilgrimsneededamaptogetthemto
4. Thestudentwillbeabletoidentifycardinaldirections.
5. Thestudentwillrecognizethetroublesthepilgrimswentthroughcomparedto



LAFS.K.RI.2.5-Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a

TH.K.S.2.1-Pretend to be a character from a given story.


SS.K.A.2.4-Listen to and retell stories about people in the past who

have shown character ideals and principles including honesty, courage,
and responsibility.
SS.K.G.1.2-Explain that maps and globes help to locate different places
and that globes are a model of the Earth.
SS.K.G.1.3-Identify cardinal directions (north, south, east, west).
SS.K.G.1.4-Differentiate land and water features on simple maps and
SS.K.G.3.3-Describe and give examples of seasonal weather
changes, and illustrate how weather affects people and the
SS.K.A.2.1-Compare children and families of today with those in
the past.
SS.K.A.1.1-Develop an understanding of how to use and create a






Design for Instruction

Ongoing, students will be formally and informally assessed for understanding
throughout the unit.
4-Student can talk about the people and events associated with the first
Thanksgiving in complex detail and understand why we celebrate it today.
3-Students understand why we celebrate Thanksgiving and can easily identify
all the key people and events surrounding it.
2-Students can describe most of the events leading up to the first Thanksgiving
with some detail.
1-Students can describe some of the events leading up to the first Thanksgiving
with limited or no detail.
Transition from day 1 to day 2

Student Activities & Procedures




What accommodations or modifications do
you make for ESOL
and ESE (Gifted/Talented students,
Learning/Reading disabilities, SLD etc.)



Hand out the pilgrim suitcases the students made the day before and
display image of the Mayflower on the interactive white board.
a. https://josettebrouwer.edublogs.org/files/2015/03/IMG_6203-1mgcxnl.jpg
2. Ask students if they remember why they made the suitcases.
Allow wait time for ESOL and ESE students to answer. (1) (4) (3.1)
Offer alternatives for visual information. (1.3)
3. After students respond tell them that today they are going to learn what
the voyage was like on the Mayflower from England to America.
Activity 1: Read aloud
1. Hold up the book You Wouldnt Want to Sail on the Mayflower!: A Trip
That Took Entirely Too Long by Peter Cook.
a. Ask the students if they think that the pilgrims will have a happy
journey to America based on the books cover and title.
b. Ask them to tell you why or why not? LAFS.K.RI.2.5 (4)
i. Allow wait time for ELLs and ESE students to answer.
2. Set the scene by telling the students that they are going to imagine they
are a pilgrim about to set sail. (3.1)
a. Tell students you are going to read a few pages out of the book
to help them understand what the ride on the Mayflower was
3. Read Aloud pages 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, and 20, from You Wouldnt Want to
Sail on the Mayflower.
a. Omit pages 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18.
b. Do not read text under post-its.
i. Content under post-its are above kindergarten level.
4. Stop where necessary to introduce new vocabulary words.
a. Vocabulary words are pilgrims, passengers, vessel, overboard,
course, dilemma. (5) (2.1) SS.K.A.2.4 SS.K.A.2.1


Activity 2: Timelines
1. Have students pull out their timelines from the day before and add the
date the pilgrims departed, and landed in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
SS.K.A.1.1 (4)
a. The date departed was September 6, 1620.
b. The date they landed was November 9, 1620.
i. Teacher should demonstrate how to on the whiteboard.
2. Have students put timelines back in their suitcases.
Activity 3: Globe
1. After students fill in their dates on their timelines, tell students that they
are now going to see on a globe, how far the pilgrims traveled to
America in hopes of living a better life.
a. Walk over to desk and grab globe. Walk around the room
showing students the path the pilgrims sailed on the globe.
2. Tell the students that the pilgrims had to use a map to help them get to
America from England. SS.K.G.1.2
a. Show students the direction the Pilgrims took and use that time
to identify cardinal directions (north, south, east,
west). SS.K.G.1.3
b. Show the students where land is. SS.K.G.1.4
c. Next show the ocean they sailed across and that it was called
The Atlantic Ocean. SS.K.G.3.2
3. Call a few students up to show the path the pilgrims took to America
from England. (46)
Activity 4: Simulation on the Mayflower
1. Tell students that now they are going to pretend to be one of the 102
passengers boarding the Mayflower. TH.K.S.2.1
2. Tell students to stand up at their desks. They can only pack one
chest/suitcase of things to take on the trip. You cannot take everything
you want. Pretend you are packing. Tell the person beside you what you
are packing in your chest. (3.1)
3. Tell students they may now board the Mayflower. The teacher pretends
to take their chests and then seats the students in the outline of the ship
on the carpet. Tell the Pilgrims that they will ride on the bottom of the
ship. Crowd the students on the floor.
4. Turn off the lights. Tell students that it was dark because the Pilgrims
were riding on the bottom of the ship. There was little air.
5. The teacher will tell the students it is time to eat. Pretend to hand each
student food while calling out, Salt pork for you. It is tough and salty
meat. Hard tack for you. Do you like the hard bread? Here are some
peas and beans, yum-yum! Wait a little while and have students sway
like they are sailing on the water. Then repeat the same lines with the
food several times. The teacher may also add, Oh, be careful and look
for bugs in your food!
6. Tell the students they are getting a little smelly. Then tell them they
cannot take a bath or a shower. They can only wash up with a wet
towel. Have the students pretend to wash with a towel.
7. Tell the students they will have to wear the same clothes for sixty-six


days! They are starting to smell again.

8. Have the students start swaying again as if they are sailing. Tell the
students they are starting to get seasick on the ship. Have them act out
9. Tell the students that after sixty-six days, they have finally made it to
America. Lead the students out of the ship outline.
10. Gather students in front of an easel with chart paper. The chart is titled,
On the Mayflower. Ask students to tell you what it was like on the
Mayflower. Record students answers on the chart, along with simple
illustrations. (1.1) (20)
a. http://www.learnnc.org/lp/pages/2855
Activity 5: Mayflower Craft
1. Show students a finished product of the Mayflower ship they are going
to make.
2. Pass out materials needed for craft.
a. blue construction paper (for water), white construction paper
(6) for sails and bottom of the boat), black construction paper
(3) for ports/windows), crayons, straws, scissors, glue sticks,
tape (The straws, white cutout of the bottom of the ship, 3 black
ports, and white sail cutouts will be in a Ziploc bag. There will
be enough for all students) (7.3)
3. Teacher should model making the ship by completing each step with the
students. (7.3) (8)
4. Students will color the bottom part of the boat brown first. (If you want
to skip this step for lack of time you could use brown construction
5. Then students will take the six white precut sails with two slits in them
out of the Ziploc bag. The teacher will explain to the students that they
are going to write on the white sails before putting them on the straws.
Students are to write a word on each of the six sails describing what the
voyage on the Mayflower was like. This can be used as a form of
assessment. If the students are able to write at least a word on each sail
about the voyage on the Mayflower, they are able to understand what
the pilgrims went through.
a. ESOL students can draw pictures instead of writing sentences.
6. Next the students will slide the sails on their straws (two sails per straw
and are precut to different sizes).
7. Tape the three straws to the blue paper about one inch apart from each
other. Explain that the tape should not be noticed so they do not need to
tape the straw beyond where the top of the boat ends.
8. Glue sides, and bottom, of the ship to the blue construction paper (used
for water) over the straws.
a. Encourage students to draw the setting of their Mayflower craft.
Remind them of what they heard in the book You Wouldnt Want
to Sail on the Mayflower, about the weather changes and setting
aboard the ship. They can draw clouds, a sun, or rainy weather
to show the different seasonal changes during their voyage to
America. SS.K.G.3.3 (6)
9. Have students share their words/pictures with their neighbor. (8.3) (2)
10. Make sure students names are written on each of their Mayflower crafts


and collect them to hang up in hallway or classroom.

If the students do not have enough time to finish their craft, they can finish
it the next day during bell work time.
1. Review with students about the voyage on the Mayflower and how the
pilgrims went through tough times to live a better life. Tell them that
tomorrow they are going to learn about what happened after the
pilgrims landed Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
2. To extend the learning process send home this color-by-number
worksheet of the Mayflower for the students to complete at home. They
can leave them at home.
a. http://www.activityvillage.co.uk/pilgrim-ship-colour-by-number



Interactive white board

Globe (map if globe is unavailable)
Ziploc bags
blue construction paper (for water)
white or brown construction paper (for bottom of Mayflower ship)
white construction paper (for sails)
glue sticks
easel or dry erase board
suitcases made by students from the previous day
Painters tape for the Mayflower outline (I like blue to resemble the color of water
to show the students they will be overboard if they cross the tape, but any color
will work)


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