Achievement Level in Physics Using E-Game and Traditional Method in Developed Enhancement Lessons 8

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Physics is the natural science that involves the study of matter and
its motion through space and time, along with related concepts such
as energy and force. However, some students perceived this subject as one
of the difficult and complicated subjects in high school. According to DepEd,
Science obtained the lowest percentage of 40.53% as compared with other
core subjects in the high school in the National Achievement Test in 20112012. It shows that students indeed encounter difficulties in this subject area
resulting to have very low achievement level as far as their academic
performance is concerned.
Some teachers think of variety of strategies in order to cope up with this
kind of problem which is very alarming. They use the traditional method of
teaching, culture-based teaching, teaching with the use of ICT materials and
even combinations of traditional and modern method of teaching which are
incorporated in their developed enhancement lessons in order to adjust with
the needs of the 21st century learner. Tan (2007) suggests that todays
learners prefer activities where they can interact express themselves and get
immediate feedback. Educators need to accept that students of the present
generation are techno-natives who can easily navigate through new
technology on their own.
The rapid penetration of increasingly sophisticated technologies into
every facet of society is causing significant shifts on how, when, and where

we work, how individuals, companies, and even nations understand and
organize themselves, and how educational systems should be structured to
prepare students effectively for life in the 21st century. School-aged children
worldwide are growing up immersed in a media-rich, ubiquitous, always
connected world. Concerns over the need to reform the educational system
to effectively prepare students for a much more technology driven,
interconnected and competitive flat world are being voiced by politicians,
educators, parents, and others across the globe (Reimers, 2008; Burke,
2010). By this aide we can now solve the problem in our country by using eGame Application in Education in order to fulfill the needs of our students in
21st century. Using their skills, strengths and knowledge in gadgets and other
devices we can easily implement the tools needed in imparting or teaching
science subject as well as in other fields of specialization.

Philippines is a developmental country needing an attention in

Education because we are engaged now in ASEAN Integration. Most of the
countries which are members in these associations are more engaged in
Technological Advancement in Education by means of producing competitive
and more productive graduates rather than us. Even though we have the skills
in some fields and aspects, we are still lacking of proper knowledge on how to
use this strengths especially in the field of Education.

Ramirez (2006) cited that many educators claimed that strategy and
instructional materials are indispensable tools in the teaching and learning
process. Maximum use of senses in the educative process proved to ensure

better understanding of lessons. In addition, Sutaria (1990) claimed that
children learn better when they are happy and free to experiment and
discover. She looked forward to seeing innovative and adventurous teachers
who do not stick to the monotonous question and answer technique but
explore new exciting strategies and who no longer resort to regressive feeding
strategies that immobilize rather than develop the childs intellect.

Continuing to provide the same types of education to students as the

world continues to change will not serve them as well. As Bill Gates (2005)
noted in his address at the National Educational Summit on High Schools,
Training the workforce of tomorrow with the high schools of today is like
trying to teach kids about todays computers on a 50-year-old mainframe. Its
the wrong tool for the times. For developing nations, like us who have
historically enjoyed a comfortable relationship between high GDP per capita
and positive educational performance, the 2010 Programmed for International
Student Assessment (PISA) results, which showed the United States as
average in reading and science but below average in mathematics compared
with other countries, serve as a warning and an opportunity. High income
countries cannot take for granted that they will forever keep their comparative
advantage in human capital (Gurra, 2010).

The challenges imposed by the rapid rate of technological change on

society are significant, as the skills and knowledge imparted by a classical
education are no longer seen as adequate preparation for success in life. The
rise of various 21st century skills taxonomies and frameworks highlights the

growing discrepancy between current educational outcomes and the skill sets
needed to succeed in the quickly shifting world. The next generation of jobs
will be characterized by increased technology use, extensive problem solving,
and complex communication (Levy & Murnane, 2004). These are skills that go
beyond typical reading, writing, and arithmetic of years past. Its not only what
students need to learn that is shifting, but also how and when they learn.
Students of today are growing up with laptops, tablets, cell phones, and video
calls, and they expect to use this technology in their daily interactions (NCREL
& Metiri, 2003).

One area of significant promise in this regard is a movement toward

the use of educational video games as learning tools in schools. In response
to this movement, several commercial and custom made video games have
been used in K-12 classrooms across the world to enhance students learning
experience (Wastiau, Kearney, & Van den Berghe, 2009). The 2011 Horizon
report suggests that augmented reality and game-based learning will gain
widespread use in two to three years (Johnson, Smith, Willis, Levine, &
Haywood, 2011). Advocates of game-based learning in higher education cite
the ability of e-Game application to teach and reinforce skills important for
future jobs such as collaboration, problem-solving, and communication. While
in the past educators have been reluctant to use video games or computer
games in the classroom, there is an increasing interest across broad and
varied parts of the educational establishment to look at the use of digital
games as serious learning and assessment tools.

The assumption many are making is that digital e-Game Application
are well suited to improve instruction and differentiate learning while also
providing more effective and less intrusive measurement than traditional
assessments offer. Reeves (2000) highlights the distinct nature of assessment
in traditional classes compared to its embedded nature in online
environments. In traditional learning environments students are usually
assessed after they completed certain number of classes in a semester, i.e.
mid-term exams and finals in essay, short answer or/and multiple choice
formats. In online learning environments, on the other hand, assessment and
instruction are integrated through interactive media simulations. For example,
in a web-based simulation program, learners can encounter several problems
where the program provides them with feedback. Here, while the computer
finds out the improvement in the student performance, it provides the
instructor with performance assessment data as well.
Teaching with the use of e-Game is now being regarded by other
nations to raise the achievement level of students across subject areas like
Science. Some studies have proven that the use of e-Game in class
discussions/ lessons can serve as an aide in increasing the achievement level
of the students in their subjects like Physics.

According to a research about traditional way of teaching that Chalk and

talk teaching might be the best way after all. Seventy teachers from the UK
were sent to Shanghai to study classroom methods to investigate why
Chinese students perform so well. Upon their return, the teachers reported

that much of Chinas success came from teaching methods the UK has been
moving away from for the past 40 years.
The Chinese favor a chalk and talk approach, whereas countries such as
the UK, US, Australia and New Zealand have been moving away from this
direct form of teaching to a more collaborative form of learning where students
take greater control.
Given Chinas success in international tests such as PISA, TIMSS and
PIRLS, it seems we have been misguided in abandoning the traditional,
teacher-directed method of learning where the teacher spends more time
standing at the front of the class, directing learning and controlling classroom
In this idea, the question here is, What is the most effective strategy in
teaching Physics to improve the achievement level of students? The use of
modern method like the e-Game Application or still the traditional way?
Furthermore, the researchers will develop enhancement lessons that will cater
to those two varied teaching methods.
The researchers want to answer those questions and assumptions with
the help of this study in order for us to enlighten our minds as future science
teachers of what is the ideal method in teaching Physics. The researchers are
fully dedicated to conduct this study at Mambulo Nuevo National High School
which is the cooperating school assigned during the Off-Campus Teaching.

Statement of the Problem
This study aimed to determine the achievement level in Physics using eGame Application and Traditional Method in developed enhancement lessons.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:
1.What enhancement lessons may be developed using e-Game and
Traditional Method in teaching?
2.What is the achievement level in Physics before and after enhancement
using e-Game?
3.What is the achievement level in Physics before and after enhancement
using Traditional Method?
4.Is there significant difference in the achievement level in Physics using
e-Game and Traditional Method of Teaching?
Importance of the Study
The result of this study would be beneficial to the following:
The students will become more participative in class discussions
because of learning while having fun atmosphere. Due to the advancement
of technology, e- Game Application was made in order to make the
discussions freely, easy and understandable. It makes the discussion lively
and conducive because of the active interaction happening between the
teachers and students. It avoids too much pressure and boredom to the
students during the discussions because of the good graphics and
presentation that makes it more attractive in learning.

They will be more knowledgeable enough in their field of specialization,
especially in the 21st century skills. It makes the teacher more strategic and
creative in making his/her lessons interestingly because of e- Game
Application in teaching Science subjects. There are lots of new features and
approaches in teaching how the teacher will manage his/her students properly
while learning while having fun. Having this new type of tool in teaching
science subjects will make the teacher more competitive enough in ICTBased education wherein it is needed now in the 21 st century.
The parents can now adapt with the 21st century skills. Rather than
making regrets with their children who are fun of playing computer games
instead of studying their lessons, now, it can build strong relationship because
e-Game Application will serve as their bonding moments using their gadgets
or other devices with the help of the internet. Parents are now more
comfortable with their children to work on their studies while playing. As a
result, it will be easier for the parents to handle their children to be safe and
secure. As parents, it is their duty to monitor their childrens performance in
school. This study would provide them information of their childrens
performance in school based on how the teachers were able to transpire what
they ought to teach.
Cooperating School

The results of the study would give baseline information to use eGames in teaching Physics, thus, if adopted in the school, students and
teachers enhance the teaching-learning process.
Future Researchers
The results of this study will be useful for other researchers especially
to those who would like to explore the methods of instruction that are used by
teachers in Science subjects. Relevant information that will be derived from
the study will provide future researchers the necessary inputs that could
support their studies pertaining to the teaching methodologies that are
commonly used nowadays. This will be another source of information and
idea to future researchers and likewise the methodologies used by the
researchers will be helpful as well.
It will serve as an aide in order to attain the expected outcomes; that our
graduates must be properly oriented in 21 st century skills and in the ICTBased Education because it is the needs of the society and community. And
because of the changing curriculum, our school can offer new courses that
are related to this field, in which it is our advantage and good points to
become more competitive and productive CBSUA. It will lead to the
satisfaction of our constituents until CBSUA can be included to the top 20
performing universities or even the top spot in the ASEAN countries.
Research Objectives

This study aimed to determine the achievement level in Physics using eGame Application and Traditional Method in Developed Enhancement
Specifically, the Objectives of the study were:
1.To develop enhancement lessons using e-Game and Traditional Method
in Teaching Physics.
2.To determine the achievement level in Physics before and after
enhancement using e-Game.
3.To determine the achievement level in Physics before and after
enhancement using Traditional Method.
4.To know the significant difference in the achievement level in Physics
using e-Game and Traditional Method in teaching.
Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study focused on determining develops enhancement lessons

using e-Game and Traditional Method in Teaching Physics. This study
involved the two sections of Grade 10 of Mambulo Nuevo National High
School, namely: Grade 10-Socrates and Aristotle handled by the researchers
during their practice teaching.
Not all topics for the Third Quarter were considered in the study. Only
chosen topics like Electrostatics, Properties of Waves and Velocity were the
focused of the study. The topics were chosen not only due to the availability of
the e-Games in the web but also due to its presence in The Universe and
more website.

This study focused only on the Achievement level of students in terms
of their scores on the pre-test and post-test on both methods; not including
their insights, feedbacks/comments and recommendations/suggestions on the
use of e-Game application. The researchers did not utilized questionnaires as
research instrument but with the use of Lessons plan (Developed
Enhancement Lesson) using e-Game Application and Traditional Method of


This chapter presents the literature and studies which directed to the
present study and provided background for the discussion and consideration
of findings.
Related Literature
These literature and studies are culled from books, websites/journals
and other references.
Gamification in Education
Gamification is the integration of game dynamics into your site,
community, service, content or campaign in order to drive participation.
Based on this definition our research will focus only to the question How can
we use e-Game Application in Physics in order to attain High Academic
Since the 80s, video game use has risen to the point where 60% of
children between 8 and 18 years old now play them (Rideout, Foerh, &
Roberts, 2010). Pew Internet and American Life Project showed that
recreational use of video games is widespread, with 97% of young people and
53% of adults using them (Lenhart, Jones, & Macgill, 2008; Lenhart, Kahne,
Middaugh, Macgill, Evans, & Vitak, 2008).

Video games are popular mainly because they are fun. Teenagers
intrinsic motivation towards games contrasts with their often noted lack of
interest in curricular contents (Prensky, 2003). Motivation could be combined
with contents in school (Eseryel, Law, Ifenthaler, Ge, & Miller, 2014); thereby,
video games may also have advantages from a pedagogical perspective.
Educational research provides findings that help to determine whether it is
advisable to adopt goals and encourage learning activities that are meaningful
and motivating for students.
Several theorists claim that there is insufficient scientific evidence
regarding the relationship between gaming and learning. There is not enough
research to determine the relationship between video games and learning
(Blunt, 2007, p. 2). There is limited evidence regarding how educational
games can be used to solve the problems inherent in the structure of
traditional K12 schooling and academia (Young, Slota, Cutter, Jalette, Mullin,
Lai, Simeoni, Tran, & Yukhymenko, 2012).
Subrahmanyan and Greenfield (1994) mentioned that there has been
recent research focused on the use of games for reasons other than pure
entertainment. This research was conducted first into the usefulness of
gamification and secondly into more specific concept of games in the learning
Educational video games require a greater foundation in the evaluation
processes. Although a number of frameworks exist that are intended to guide
and support the evaluation of educational software, few have been designed

that consider explicitly the use of games or simulations in education (de
Freitas & Oliver, 2006, p. 262).
Several studies highlight the advantages of game-based learning as
environments that promote student motivation and engagement (Blunt, 2007;
Gee, 2007; Greenfield, 2010); therefore, it is important to confirm advantages
related to this approach in educational settings though educational research.
Some institutions, such as the Sweden educational system, are considering
including Minecraft as an essential tool across the curriculum, even as a
mandatory class (
There are lots of similarities especially the software used in conducting
that research in Education Gamification wherein the main material used is
Game Application but Education Gamification is general research focus on the
General Sciences subjects. In our way we will just focus on the improvement
of this application in Physics since (Universe and Morse) start this research in
Cambridge University and theyve got it correctly. Because of that
achievement and unique type of research we are inspired to start this
research as first step in order to change and enlighten the mind of Filipinos
that we are left behind in ICT- Based Education or in the 21 st century skills.
Since we are involved now in ASEAN Integration we must focus on the things
that we are lacking now and that is Technological Integration in Education
which is the modern type of Instructional Materials in teaching.
Teaching is currently most instructor based, meaning someone is being
taught by someone else. This way of teaching allows for real-time feedback to

the person learning. The main downside of this type of teaching is that it
depends upon the knowledge and skill of the person teaching. Conversely,
computer-based teaching has the same level of knowledge no matter which
computer learner uses. However, real-time feedback cannot be provided.
Instructor and Computer Based teaching can be combined with
Gaming Application. If a Game is created to teach, you get accurate
knowledge and if a gamified layer is added, the learner can get instant
feedback as they will only be able to progress through the game if they are
correctly completing specific tasks (Gamification Wiki).
According to (Gamification Wiki)

if the teacher can teach using a

simple materials having this kind of feed backing if you are an effective
teacher or not. Why not to combine Teacher and Computer Based materials in
teaching? It is possible?
Yes, definitely because computer is considered as best Instructional
Material and if we are taking seriously those hard subjects also our students
will taking that seriously and they may suffer difficulties in understanding the
concepts of that particular subjects. But if we combine Games and Teaching,
what will happen? Lets see
e-Game Application in Physics
Physics can be a difficult subject for people to learn. Gaming
application can be used as learning tool for many subjects including physics
(BBC 2013). Using games in teaching physics allows players view many
experiments that cannot be easily demonstrated in the classroom. For

example, pupils would not be allowed to attach a ball to a rocket to see how
thrust works in a classroom setting. However, through gaming application this
sort of experiment can be easily simulated.
According to the Entertainment Software Associations (ESA), 45% of
game players are female and 36% of games are played on smart phones.
ESA statistics shows that females are increasingly playing games and more
smart phone games are being sold. This means that girls will be able to
access a fun game on the go or in the school learn valuable physics lesson. If
girls start playing early in their lives it may spark an interest for them to take
further and study physics.
In that situation there is a great possibility that gaming application is the
key in order for us to avoid wrong reasoning about the subject physics. We
are starting this research in order to engage our teachers and students in
more easy way of living. Learning while having fun is the best atmosphere
for a teacher and students to have great interactions in the discussion but if
the atmosphere is very serious the tendency of the students is to nap and it
will cause them to feel bored.
By means of e-Game Application in teaching we can now start and
engage our students freely and lively because if they hear Games they are
more attracted rather than saying studying Physics. We will remove this
confusions and wrong beliefs of everybody that Physics, Yes it is but by the
aide of e-Game Application in Physics we will make it easier than you know.


Academic achievement in Physics

Students academic self- concept and its relation with other factors
have been the focus of education and have attracted much attention over the
past two decades.
According to (Abu-Hilal & Bahri, 2000), Academic self-concept refers to
the individual evaluating and judging his/her performance in school
(Shavelson, Hubner, & Stanton, 1976). The notion of academic self-concept
has become increasingly because it recognized as a crucial component of
Academic literacy.
Academic achievement in particular subject or field is very important
especially in Physics students because the researchers believe that if you can
master physics you can easily cope up in different subjects related to it, like
mathematics and other filed in science. Physics is very interesting and one of
the best science in the world. There is no gain saying about the fact that
physics occupies a very sensitive position in physical science and related
discipline. This informs several efforts geared toward studying physics at
higher secondary level of education. Hence, it is one of the science subjects
one must pass so as to qualify to offer some science courses at tertiary level
of education. It is however, very disheartening and heartbreaking that despite
the key role and much emphasis, being laid on physics, students at higher
secondary school level of education are still performing woefully in this subject
has being an issue of great concern to stake holders in education, most
especially those in the field of science.

According to Shamim (2013), it was revealed on their study that the
role of professionally qualified/trained teachers is an important teacher quality
which enhances students academic achievement in physics, teaching
methods adopted by the teachers significantly influence achievement of the
behavior objectives. Several schools in the population of the study lacked
modern instructional materials without which effective teaching and learning
cannot be utilized and teachers experience significantly influence students
academic performance; capacity building programes a major aspect of
teachers experience that is yet to be given adequate attention. Its importance
cannot be over emphasized in view of senior secondary school students poor
performance in both internal and external examinations. Mekonnen (2014)
also argues that Physics as one of the Science subjects remains one of the
most difficult subjects in the school curriculum according to the Nigeria
Educational Research and Devel- opment Council (NERDC). Studies have
revealed that the academic performance of Nigerian students in Ordinary
Level Physics was generally and consistently poor over the years. Physics is
an important science subject that makes immense academic demands on the
students in its learning. The learning of the physics is difficult at best and
almost impossible at worst but because of its enormous importance to science
and technology, there is huge interest in students achievement in physics.
It is essential to research educational video games already in use
(Young et al., 2012, p. 81). Some teachers utilize educational video games in
their daily practice, therefore, analysing their current application would provide
more valuable information regarding how video games influence student

Measuring academic achievement is very hard specifically if you have
no background in the subjects that you are referring to. But because of eGame Application we can easily asses the student attitude and behavior in a
way of making them inspire using gaming application. Catering them to a
good environment with proper assessing of learning that is the best need and
wish of our students. Thus, this study would try to determine of what would be
the academic achievement in Physics of students with the help of the e-Game
Related Studies
To guide the researchers in the conduct of the study, several studies
were referred to and reviewed.
According to Nacario (2014) on his study entitled, Lessons in Science
and Technology III integrating UNESCO ICT-based instructional Materials, he
revealed that education in the country has undergone paradigm shifts and
modification to strengthen and attune it to the changing environment and keep
up with the latest developments in the field, as well as to develop high level of
literacy among Filipino students to enable them to participate actively and
effectively in modern society. Several studies have shown that Philippine
education needs an immediate attention and healing to ensure and sustain
quality education. Science education is no exception. Most often, students
perceived science as a hard and complicated subject.

According to DepEd,

Science obtained the lowest percentage of 40.53% as compared with other

core subjects in the high school in the National Achievement Test in 20112012. It showed that students indeed encounter difficulties in this subject.

In the TIMSS in 2003 and 2008 results showed that the Philippines
ranked 43rd out of 46 countries in HS II Science and last of the ten countries
in advanced math category, respectively, even with the science high schools
only who participated in the study.
This problem is cause by the inadequate instructional materials use in
teaching science subject. The researcher wants to impose this modern tool
that strengthening the ability of the students to engage their selves in the
subject area. Now, in the 21 st century we have this advancement of
technology that will help us to lift up the status of education in our country.
Using this as our strength with the aide of e-Game Application in teaching we
can create a new world, a new environment for learners that will create a
product of success.
Edutainment defined in the 1980's as the use of entertainment devices
or activities to teach school-based and education subjects or concepts. eGame Application is classified as an edutainment because we are imposing
learning while having fun environment in a classroom settings.
e-Game Application is important in education in two ways. First they are
important because games are a very popular and widespread leisure time
activity for the age groups whom these systems seek to educate.
Through gaming during their leisure time, youngsters informally and
inevitably acquire certain skills, knowledge and values. With digital games
increasing in popularity to such a great extent, it would not be wise for
education systems and teachers to ignore them.
Secondly, digital games are possible vehicles for learning processes of
a different nature. Providing schools with information and communication

technologies (ICT) in the form of computers, software, internet access and
digital content, and providing teacher training programmes for these
technologies, have not proved sufficient for the teaching process to be
transformed. Personalizations of teaching and learning, Trans disciplinary
approaches, meta-cognitive development and learner empowerment, have
not been systematically implemented by bringing ICT into the classroom.
Digital games have the potential to contribute to this renewal, through the
resources and know-how invested in their design to challenge players and
keep them interested.
According to Interactive Software Federation of Europe (ISFE),
commissioned European School net to produce an overview of the use of
digital games in schools in Europe, it was seen as an opportunity for the
education systems it represents to identify and better understand what is
happening on the ground. European School net was, however, not new to the
topic, having already acted as a partner in a project called,
funded under the European Commissions 6th Framework Programme for
Research and Technological Development. This project (2006-2008) was
about learning through games and mobile technology in both school and
informal settings. European School net is also a partner in another two-year
project called Imagine, initiated in late 2008 and funded by the European
Commissions Lifelong Learning Programme. Its objective is to valorize the
outcomes of projects and initiatives to support the implementation of gamebased learning strategies at policy level.
Based from the article above that Comparison of the approaches to
digital games in different education systems brings to light four major

conceptions for their use: support for pupils in difficulty, modernization of the
system, the development of advanced skills, and the preparation of future
citizens who will live in a society increasingly involved in virtual worlds.
The researcher wants to bring this type of new classroom atmosphere
using e-Game Application in teaching Physics subject. We are concern for the
level of education that we have right now; we are left behind by those
countries that are continually progressing in their Educational Achievement
because we are letting the opportunity to escape from us.
e- Game Application is now on the process of enlightening the minds of
the readers on how can we change the status or the level of competency in
the area of Physics. This example of an instructional material is leading to the
cycle of generation that totally changes the concept of Education. According
to Nacario (2014) the use of instructional materials that relate to technology is
a great help to improve the learning of students because they find it more
creative, interesting and easy to recall unlike the traditional way of chalk and
According to Reeves (2000) highlights the distinct nature of
assessment in traditional classes compared to its embedded nature in online
environments. In traditional learning environments students are usually
assessed after they completed certain number of classes in a semester, i.e.
mid-term exams and finals in essay, short answer or/and multiple choice
formats. In online learning environments, on the other hand, assessment and
instruction are integrated through interactive media simulations. For example,
in a web-based simulation program, learners can encounter several problems
where the program provides them with feedback. Here, while the computer

finds out the improvement in the student performance, it provides the
instructor with performance assessment data as well.
Todays learners prefer activities where they can interact, express
themselves and get immediate feedback. Educators need to accept that
students of the present generation are techno-natives who can easily navigate
through new technology. They have been highly exposed to various forms of
media and technological tools, multi-sensorial stimulation, multi-tasking,
instant processes, instant products and a barrage of information from
various sources-both accurate and inaccurate (Tan, 2007).
This is the evidences according to the past researchers about the
integration of technology in teaching and the application part like e- Game
Application in teaching Physics will serve as a great help in molding and
changing the perception of students in Physics subjects. The researchers
believes that the Greater Interaction, the greater the participation and the
greater the enjoyment the greater the retention of learning. As of now
Academic Achievements in Physics of Filipinos citizen is quite good but we
are achieving more for the next generation that this research will be
implemented and use as an Instructional Material for teaching science
Teachers must be prepared to empower students with the advantages
technology can bring. Schools and classrooms, both real and virtual, must
have teachers who are equipped with technology resources and skills and
who can effectively teach the necessary subject matter content while
incorporating technology concepts and skills. Real-world connections, primary
source material, and sophisticated data-gathering and analysis tools are only

a few of the resources that enable teachers to provide heretoforeunimaginable opportunities for conceptual understanding.
Traditional educational practices no longer provide prospective
teachers with all the necessary skills for teaching students, who must be able
to survive economically in today's workplace. Teachers must teach students to
apply strategies for solving problems and to use appropriate tools for learning,
collaborating, and communicating.
The problem is not necessarily lack of funds, but lack of adequate
training and lack of understanding of how computers can be used to enrich
the learning experience.
In the Philippine setting, the effective use of ICTs in alternative learning
systems is based on the need to maximize reach despite limited resources,
and the need to standardize educational content given the presence of
multiple and diverse education providers.
Effectiveness of ICT use for planning and management of education
institutions refers to the extent to which ICT use supports and enhances the
speed, accuracy, and completeness of collection, analysis, and dissemination
of data on which education stakeholders base their decisions. If used
effectively, ICTs enable data-driven decision-making. It minimizes the
guesswork, opinion, and emotions in the decision-making process, and
replaces these with quantifiable proof (American Association of School
Administrators, no date). It also enables educators and decision-makers to
gain informed and thoughtful perspectives of current situations, options, and
considerations before formulating plans of action. (Creighton, 2000) Effective
use of ICTs in education planning and management presupposes that

education administrators and non-teaching staff are skilled ICT users. At the
minimum, they should be able to use a computer to create and process
documents, perform computations, communicate, and make presentations,
following norms for acceptable use. (Commission on Information and
Communications Technology, 2005) Furthermore, education administrators
and non-teaching staff need specialized competencies that enable them to
use ICT hardware and software optimally in fulfillment of their job functions.
Yucel (2007) studied the factors affecting the students achievement in
Chemistry lessons and found that certain factors affect the student
achievement in Chemistry. The study of Yucel is related to the present study
because both focused on the students achievement level. The two studies
differ on the subject matter (Physics vs Chemistry) and on the methodology
used in determining the achievement level of students including socioeconomic factors while this study used developed enhancement lesson
integrating e-Game to gauge the achievement of students in Physics.
Mendevil (2004) combined practical work approach and cooperative
learning to enhance conceptual understanding of the students on topic about
electricity. Mendevils work is similar on the present study because both
focused on the subject Electricity which is one of the developed lessons used
in e-Game.
In the study of Regondola (2001) on the effect of concept mapping on the
achievement level of college students in Chemistry, the effects were
determined in terms of the differences in achievement level between students
who were taught using the traditional lecture method and those who were
taught using concept mapping. The results revealed that students who were

taught using concept mapping had significantly higher post test mean than
those students who were taught using the traditional lecture method. The
present study relates with the study of Regondola since both investigated on
the achievement level of students and significant differences on the control
and experimental groups particularly on the traditional method of teaching. It
differs since Regondola focused on the subject Chemistry and on the effect of
concept mapping on the achievement level of college students while this
study was focused on the effect of developed enhancement lessons using eGame on the achievement level of Grade 10 students.
Castro (2007) worked on the effects of explorative approach as teaching
strategy on the achievement and satisfaction levels in Physics of high school
seniors. It was revealed that the achievement level of the two groups based
on the post test results had significant difference indicating the high
improvement in achievement of the experimental group using the explorative
approach. The work of Castro is similar to the present study since it both
looked on the achievement level of Physics of high school seniors (Grade 10),
conducted post tests, involving two groups (control and experimental groups)
and their significant differences. However, the difference lies on the strategy
used in which Castro used explorative approach compared to e-Game in the
present study and research method in which the present study utilized quasiexperimental method.
Hatid (2000) conducted a study on the effect of CONSTEL on the
achievement of the selected fourth year students in Physics. It was found out
that there was significant difference on the achievement of the group exposed
to CONSTELand the group that was unexposed. The achievement level of

students in the experimental group that was exposed to CONSTEL was
significantly higher than those that were not. The work of Hatid is related to
this study because both worked on the achievement level of fourth year
students in Physics (Grade 10) and the significant difference on the
achievement level of the two groups (experimental and control). That of Hatid
integrated CONSTEL while this study used developed enhancement lessons
integrating e-Game application and traditional method of teaching.
Rebetez (2007) argued on her work of video game (e-Game) research in
cognitive and educational Sciences that video games can have multiple
effects on players and that these effects can be used as educational
potentials. An empirically-based classification of games, depending on their
potential effects for an educational purpose, is strongly needed. This work
reviewed several aspects of the growing research field interested in video
games. First, the evolution of this media in the educational field is discussed.
Three different fields interested in the cognitive impact playing of video games
are reviewed: abilities and skills, attitudes and motivation, knowledge and
content learning. The study of

Rebetez is similar to the present study

because all worked on the same theme, the use of e-Game or video games.
However, the difference is that, Rebetez determine the cognitive impact of
playing video games in the students attitudes, skills, motivation and content
learning while the present study focused only on the achievement level in
Al-Shammari, (2015) worked on Designing an e-Game
Program in Mathematics for 5th Grade Saudi Female Pupils: Does Gagnes
Theory Have Any Effectiveness in Developing Their Achievement of

Mathematics? Research results have revealed that there is no effectiveness
of e-Games Program with Gagnes theory as compared with e-Games without
Gagne Theory in developing the Achievement level in Mathematics, and this
result gives an answer to the main research question that designing
instructional e-Games program based on Gagnes Theory doesnt have any
comparative Effectiveness in Developing Saudi female pupils in the
Achievement of Mathematics. This result called for further research on other
learning outcomes of Mathematics learning. Al-Shammari is similar in the
present study in a sense that they both tackled on the effectiveness of eGames in a certain subject, had control and experimental groups to compare
their significant differences, same research method and design (quasiexperimental and developmental) and conducted pre and post tests to
determine the achievement level of students. The difference lies on the
subject area and respondents in which Al-Shammari focused on Mathematics
and 5th Grade Saudi Female Pupils compared to the present study which
focused on Physics and Grade 10 Filipino students.
Panagiotou (2014) also studied on e-Games literacy: Enhancing
learning and experience in Pre-school ages which revealed that digital
technologies have created a new environment for education. Especially in the
field of Pre-school Education, digital technologies and more specifically video
games (e-Games), is a subject of interest regarding the potential role of
computer and video games to support young peoples learning. This is related
to the present study since it both focused on integrating e-Games in teaching
and as an aide in Pre-school students learning. The difference lies only on the

respondents which was composed of Pre-school pupils compared to the
present study which composed of Grade 10 students in the secondary level.
Lopez, et. al (2015) conducted a study on Exploring Application,
Attitudes and Integration of Video Games: MinecraftEdu in Middle School
which revealed that they did not noticed significant improvements in academic
results after using MinecraftEdu from the tests applied and the resulting value
of the Student t-test. Most of the participants thought that MinecraftEdu
enhanced creativity (96.1%), improved learning (83.4%), was fun (98.5 %),
enabled discovery (96.6%) and facilitated learning of historical content
(97.1%). Although there are no significant improvements regarding academic
outcomes and some parents hold negative attitudes, it is noteworthy that the
majority of the sample considered that MinecraftEdu is fun, enhances
creativity, develops discovery and is a good application for creating and
exploring immersive historical environments. The work of Lopez is related to
the study because it also utilised the quasi-experimental approach as the
research method, compared the significant differences on control and
experimental groups and compared e-Game (MinecraftEdu) to traditional
teaching methods. The difference lies on the respondents, the kind of e-Game
application used, statistical tools and attitudes of teachers, students and
parents regarding the implementation of video games. The present study
focused on Grade 10 students only, The Universe and More app was used
and Z-test as the statistical tool. Meanwhile, the work of Lopez focused on
Middle School students, MinecraftEdu was used as the e-Game app and it
utilised T-test to determine the significant improvements regarding academic

The studies reviewed emphasised the big importance of utilising variety
of teaching methods, strategies, assessment techniques and instructional
materials to intensify and continuously improved Science and other subjects
to achieve excellence and sustain development.
Majority of the researches cited were those that determine the effect of a
particular teaching strategy or use of varied instructional materials like the
integration of e-Games to the level of achievement of students. Thus, it is
noteworthy that these various studies and literature underscored the
importance of educational interventions suited to students abilities and
interests proven to improve the academic achievement of students particularly
in Physics.


Theoretical Framework

Cognitive Theory of
Learning (CTML)




Level in Physics


e- Learning theory

Figure 1: Theoretical framework of the study.


This study was anchored on the following theories:

e-learning theory describes the Cognitive Science principles of effective




electronic educational


technology. Cognitive




concurrent multimedia modalities may enhance learning, as application of

several other principles.
Beginning with Cognitive Load Theory as their motivating scientific
premise, researchers such as Richard E. Mayer, John Sweller, and Roxana
Moreno established within the scientific literature a set of multimedia
instructional design principles that promote effective learning. Many of these
principles have been "field tested" in everyday learning settings and found to
be effective there as well.
According to Multimedia principle, deeper learning is observed when words
and relevant graphics are both presented than when words are presented
alone (also called the multimedia effect). Simply put, the three most common
elements in multimedia presentations are relevant graphics, audio narration,
and explanatory text. Combining any two of these three elements works better
than using just one or all three.
e-learning theory has many related theories; however, the researchers only
choose the ones which are related to the topic. The first one is the R.E.
Mayers Cognitive




Learning (CTML)


incorporates several concepts from both the science of learning (how people

learn) and the science of instruction (how to design instruction). It is built on
the philosophy that "the design of e-learning courses should be based on a
cognitive theory of how people learn and on scientifically valid research
studies. In other words, e-learning courses should be constructed in light of
how the mind learns and experimental evidence concerning e-learning
features that promote best learning. CTML is supported by Mayers extensive
research involving testing learning theory while focusing on authentic learning
situations. He calls this approach basic research on applied problems.
Mayers research around CTML gave rise to his 10 principles of multimedia
instruction (Mayer, 2001).
Another is the Online Vocabulary Digital Games Learning which is
based on the study of Online Vocabulary Games for Teaching and Learning
Arabic. It is about learning the Arabic language by the use of games or an eGame application which enhanced and improved language learning and
Lastly is the Digital Game -Based Learning Theory (DGBL) which is the
most popular among those two. DGBL integrates games in class discussions
wherein a certain game like mine craft applies a certain lesson in Physics
(e.g., gravity); games that have a social education component (Johnson,
DGBL started out as an instructional strategy that can be embodied







learning technologies over the years, DGBL now can be considered a standalone learning
learning needs.









Based on the projected primary learning outcomes, three types of DGBL
can be distinguished aiming at knowledge transfer (cognitive learning
outcomes), skill acquisition (skill-based learning outcomes) or attitudinal/
behavioral change (affective learning outcomes). Games that primarily aim at
knowledge transfer are typically implemented in education, in order to teach
math or language for example.
These four related principles interact with one another and will result to
enjoyment, content, and social interaction which will help in increasing
achievement level according to Sahrir (2012).
Furthermore, students are able to gain confidence and interest in learning.









perspective focuses on the emotional aspects of learning, like motivation,

engagement, fun, etc., which is manifested in the use of e-Game applications
and simulations.
The use of simulations and digital games in learning and assessment is
expected to increase over the next several years. Although there is much
theoretical support for the benefits of digital games in learning and education,
there is mixed empirical support. This research report provides an overview of
the theoretical and empirical evidence behind five key claims about the use of
digital games in education. The claims are that digital games (1) are built on
sound learning principles, (2) provide more engagement for the learner, (3)
provide personalized learning opportunities, (4) teach 21st century skills, and
(5) provide an environment for authentic and relevant assessment.

Conceptual Framework

Lessons in Physics
using of e-Game

Level in Physics
Lessons in
Physics using

Figure 2: Conceptual framework of the study.

The researcher made use of the succeeding conceptual framework as

a guide on the conduct of the study. The conceptual framework showing the
relationship between developed enhancement lessons in Physics using eGame App in Physics and Developed Enhancement Lessons in Physics using
Traditional method of teaching as the independent variables and Achievement

level in Physics in terms of test scores (pre-test & post-test) of students as the
dependent variable.
Both variables can affect the test scores/ achievement level of Physics
students in the developed enhancement lessons.
Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarity, the following terms are defined as they were
operationally and conceptually used in the study:
Achievement Level. Refers to how students deal with their studies and
how they cope with or accomplish different tasks. It is the ability to study and
remember facts and being able to communicate your knowledge verbally or
down on paper.
It refers to the Physics test scores of students for the pre-test and posttests that will conducted before and after the demo teachings. The post-test
scores will be compared (difference) for both e-Game and traditional to
determine their achievement levels and which is more effective.
Enhancement Lessons. It pertains to the construction of lesson plans
using the traditional method of teaching and with the use of e-Game
application in Physics for the Third Grading period covering at least four to
three major lessons/topics that will be use in the demonstration teachings in
two sections.
E-game application. It refers to the construction of lesson plans
integrating e-Game application (e-Game app) in Physics covering same

four/three major topics in traditional method of teaching that will be evaluated
as well by five expert Physics professors and instructors.
Traditional Method. It refers to the construction of lesson plans using the
traditional method of teaching covering four /three major topics in Physics that
will be evaluated by at least five expert Physics professors and instructors.
E-Game App. Is a software program that runs on a mobile device, esp. a
third-party program for a smart phone. It is a game that employs electronics to
create an interactive system with which one or more players can play
(Wikipedia 2011). The most usual type of electronic game is the video game in
which a display device is used for interaction with players.
An e-Game application on Physics refers to the game which comes from
the internet (web) which will be used that is related to the lesson.
Traditional method of teaching. Is also known as back-to-basics, chalktalk,


education or customary





established customs found in schools that society traditionally used. In the

eyes of reformers, traditional teacher-centered methods focused on rote
learning and memorization must be abandoned in favor of student-centered
and task-based approaches to learning. However, many parents and
conservative citizens are concerned with the maintenance of objective
educational standards based on testing, which favors a more traditional

It is the common use of visual aids like the Manila paper and chalk for
class discussion. There is no use of media technology and it is teachers
This chapter presents the over-all framework and methodology that the
researchers used in the conduct of the study.
Research Design





methods were utilized in this study. Developmental method was used in

developing Enhancement lessons in Physics using the e-Game application
covering one grading period which includes four to three major topics that
were used in the demonstration teachings.
Descriptive method was used to determine the achievement level in
Physics before and after Enhancement using the traditional method of
teaching and teaching with the use of e-Game application.
Meanwhile, the Comparative method was used to determine the
significant difference/ relationship in the achievement level in Physics
between traditional method of teaching and teaching with the aid of e-Game
app in Physics on the three or four major topics in the two sections.
The Locale

The researchers conducted the study in the assigned cooperating
school which is the Mambulo Nuevo High School during their practice
teaching. They conducted the demonstration teachings using the traditional
method of teaching and teaching with the use of e-Game application in the
two sections of the cooperating school, namely: Grade 10-Socrates and
Grade 10-Aristotle.
Mambulo Nuevo High School is located in Mambulo Viejo Barangay
Rd, Libmanan, Camarines Sur. Mambulo Nuevo High School teaches
students in grades seventh through tenth in Libmanan, Camarines Sur of
Bicol (Region V). The school has 13 instructional rooms and 2 noninstructional rooms, which are all powered by a power grid. With 562 students,
class size is around 47 students. Nerio Melano M. Sibulo III is in charge of the
school, as the School Principal.
Respondents of the Study
The respondents of this study were the Grade 10 Physics students
from the two sections of Socrates and Aristotle of the cooperating school
Mambulo Nuevo High School in which the researchers conducted their
demonstration and practice teachings.
The respondents were exposed to two methods of demonstration
teachings: traditional method of teaching and teaching with the aid of e-Game
app, respectively. They were given pre-tests and post-tests which determined
their achievement level in Physics.
Sampling Technique

This study utilized one of the kinds of Probability Sampling in which the
population was composed of subgroups defined by a specific characteristic. In
this study, the population was divided into homogeneous sub-groups or strata
which was the star section (1st section) and lower section (2 nd section) for the
assigned cooperating school.
Test questions for pre-test and post-test were made by researchers
and were evaluated by experts professors/instructors in Physics. These test
questions were used to determine the achievement level of students in
Physics (test scores/results) for both traditional method and teaching with the
aid of e-Game application.
Data Gathering Procedure
Prior to the conduct of the study, the researchers downloaded the eGame application in Physics or just looked for a specific e-Game app in
Physics (The Universe and More) which was related to the four/three major
topics, namely: Electrostatics, Properties of Waves and Velocity at Google
play store/internet and tried studying it. Developed Enhancement Lessons
were made for the traditional method of teaching and teaching using the eGame app in Physics. The lessons that were developed in the Enhancement
covered at least four to three major topics for one grading period (Third
Grading) in Physics. These lesson plans were checked and evaluated by at
least five Physics teachers/professors/instructors for recommendations and
feedbacks. Upon checking, test questions were made by the researchers that
were used in the pre-test and post-test, respectively.

The researchers did demonstration teachings in at least two sections,
namely: Grade 10-Socrates and Grade 10-Aristotle of the assigned
cooperating school which is the Mambulo Nuevo High School using traditional
method and another method integrating e-Game app in Physics in the class
discussion. Pre-tests and post-tests were utilized to both methods to
determine the achievement level of students in Physics.
The post-test of traditional way of teaching were compared to the other
method which utilized e-Game app on the Developed Enhancement Lessons
which included the selected three/four major topics in Physics (Third Quarter).
The significant difference between these two independent variables
(Developed Enhancement Lessons in Physics using e-Game and traditional)
enabled us to know the relationship with its dependent variable which is the
Achievement Level (test scores) of students in Physics and leading us to a
conclusion if using e-Game app in Physics can serve as an aide in achieving
higher scores in a test and thus can help in determining the Achievement
Level in Physics. Careful and accurate gathering, analyzing and interpreting of
data were made for the conduct and betterment of the study.
Statistical Tools
Descriptive statistics was used to determine the achievement level in
Physics before and after Enhancement using the traditional method of
teaching and teaching with the use of e-Game application (the pre-test and
post-test conducted during the demonstration teachings). It made use of the
weighted mean and Likert scale to determine the achievement level in
Physics of students in the developed enhancement lessons. The weighted

mean was computed by dividing the sum of all the respondents scores to the
total number of respondents.
Correlation statistics was used to determine the significant difference in
the achievement level in Physics (post-tests scores) using traditional method
of teaching and teaching with the aid of e-Game app in Physics in the three or
four major lessons in Physics by solving first the population standard deviation
using the value of the mean, raw scores, square of the Mean Difference to
find the Z-test (Significant Difference) of the sample. The z-values were
obtained from the table of critical z-value using the appropriate degrees of
These statistical tools determined if Developed Enhancement Lessons
using e-Game app can help in increasing achievement level of students in




This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of

data gathered in order to provide the answers to the problems. Four problems
of the study were given answers and explanations.
Enhancement Lessons Developed Using E-Game and
Traditional Method in Teaching Physics
The researcher developed three major lessons, along: Velocity,
Properties of Waves and Electrostatic. Since the study covered the third
quarter of school year 2015-2016, the researcher chose to develop lessons
along these topics. These topics were part and given emphasis in Universe
and Morse, a website that gives emphasis on Physics Educational Games or
E- Game. These topics were chosen based on the available E- Game
application in the Universe and Morse website. Lesson plans and instructional
materials were developed considering the use of E-Game.
The development of lessons along these areas is in response to the
global call of enhancing the teaching-learning process through the use of
technology, particularly, ICT. The field of education has been affected by ICTs,
which have undoubtedly affected teaching, learning and research (Yusuf, 2005).
A great deal of research has proven the benefits to the quality of education (AlAnsari, 2006). ICTs have the potential to innovate, accelerate, enrich, and

deepen skills, to motivate and engage students, to help relate school
experience to work practices, create economic viability for tomorrows workers,
as well as strengthening teaching and helping schools change (Davis and
Tearle, 1999; Lemke and Coughlin, 1998; cited by Yusuf, 2005).
The Universe and Morse is a website helping Physics teacher to
engage their students in learning while having fun atmosphere classroom
discussion. The materials have many features that can catch the attention of
the students and ensure that the learning is achieved to its full extent. It
contains the following resources: Quizzes and Test, which assess the learning
and understanding of the students in various formats, Games, which shows
the actual animation or process through graphics that can be used by the
students while learning while having fun, Video Clips for additional information
about the topic; Simulation, inputs data to change the variables and observe
changes; Teacher Tools, which assist the students on how they will perform
some work and Tutorial Programmes, which teach concepts and test.

Plate 1: Screen capture of the Universe and Morse Website.


Plate 2: Screen Capture of the E-Game entitled Graphing Challenge

Plate 3: Screen Capture of the E-Game entitled Polarity Shift


Plate 4: Screen Capture of the E-Game entitled Polarity Shift that introduces

Plate 5: Screen Capture of E-Game entitled Wave maker showing the

Properties of Waves.
Plates 2, 4, and 5 shows the screen capture of the following E-Game
Application as found in the Universe and Morse. Plate 2 illustrates the velocity
of a certain object by following the graph to find out what is the initial velocity

and initial position of the object. It enhances the ability of the students to
analyze carefully the data before dragging the slides in order to find out the
initial velocity and initial position of an object based on the data given by the
graph. It can also track the motion of an object. Plate 4 clearly illustrates the
Electrostatic charges with an interactive game and downloadable worksheets
in pdf format file that can be used as quiz, homework or seatwork. Plate 5
shows two pulses those are left and right pulses that can be used to create
different forms of waves at different amplitude.
The E-Game was integrated in the explore phase of Lesson 1. It was
on the explore part of the lesson where specific concepts ought to be learned
by the students were fixed and highlighted. More time was likewise spent in
this part as compared to other parts of the lesson to ensure accurate
understanding of the concept and ideas. The lesson covered describing
velocity, discuss the following factors affecting velocity, solve word problems
involving velocity and cites application of velocity. The science process skills
that were developed in the lesson include: observing, predicting and
In Lesson 2, the E-Game was integrated also in the explore phase of
the lesson. The lesson covered defining a wave, discuss the different
properties of a wave and cite applications of waves in our daily lives. It makes
easier to the students to think and create different types of waves and at the
same time measuring the amplitude, pulses and grid lines of a wave. It looks
like a music or video player that you will select what type of waves you want
to play with.

Finally, Lesson 3 is on Electrostatic charges. The integration of the EGame was also in the explore phase of the lesson. It also offers worksheets
that will guide the learning of the students after which they play the game.
They can choose any type of player it can be an arcade mode, professor
mode or two players at the same time. You will witness how charges interact
with each other. You will protect your walls in order for you to win the game. It
has different stages with different levels and characters. Likewise, it spent
more time in this part as compared to other parts of the lesson to ensure
accurate understanding of the concept and ideas about the topic.
These topics were prerequisite to the students to be able to understand
the succeeding lessons in the grading period. The progression in the
development of the lessons follows 5Es, which include Engage, Explore,
Explain Elaborate and Evaluation phases respectively. According to Nacario
(2014) each of the elements of the lessons represents a dimension into which
one can delve in to develop their enthusiasm and interest in the subject
matter. The students can inquire with the teacher or among themselves into
whether or not they have relevant data and information needed to perform
and complete the activity. Students are also provided with an opportunity to:
consider alternative interpretations of the data and information; analyze key
concepts and ideas; and question assumptions being made. On the other
hand, the teacher can ask students to trace out the implication and
consequences of the students responses and consider alternative point of
As a tactic and approach, this allows the development of the critical
thinking abilities of the students. The contributions from the member of the

class are like many thoughts in the mind. All of the thoughts must to deal with
and they must be dealt with care and fairness. By following up all answers
with further questions, and by selecting questions which advance the
discussion, the lesson leads the class to think in a disciplined way,
intellectually responsible manner, while continually aiding the students by
posing facilitating questions.
The Engage phase starts to link the topic to the students. It aims to get
the attention of the students and test their prior knowledge about the topic by
posting hanging questions using art of questioning, presenting a video
presentation related to the subject matter and performing simple activity that
will engage the students and boost their emotions how the topic will start and
will end. This phase allows the introduction of the topic, it makes the
discussion interested and lively.
The Explore phase allows the students to experience and perform the
E- Game. The teacher explained the plan for the students in order to attain
the objective se for such lesson. This phase of the lesson provides the
students an avenue to participate in the class. It promotes cooperation,
teamwork and the development of the critical thinking ability to perform and
achieve the objective of the lesson. Santillan (2002) conclude that the
combined strategies were effective based on the substantially higher
performance on concept understanding and thinking process of students in
Physics. This is where the integration of the E-Game mostly done.
The Explain phase allows the teacher to clean and answer hanging
questions. It promotes interaction between teachers to students. It makes the
discussion healthy because of the exchange of ideas from both students and

teachers. Using Art of Questioning, it promotes HOTS to the students or
Higher Order Thinking Skills as well as it promotes thinking beyond thinking or
Metacognition to the students. Which help them to analyze and think
creatively and productive. According to the Revised Blooms Taxonomy
(Krathwoll and Anderson, 2001), this phase allows the students to break their
experiences in performing the activity into its constituents parts and determine
how the parts relate to one another and to an overall structure or purpose of
the activity.
The Elaborate phase shows the real concept of the topic. It is the most
important element of the lesson. The main discussion of the subject matter
goes in this phase, this phase inputs the real essence of the lesson by
providing certified facts and evidences how the subject matter important to be
discussed. The teacher should master the topic in order to have productive
outputs and lively interaction and discussion. The application part of the
lesson also found in this phase, how the concept of the subject matter can be
applied in a real-life situation.
The Evaluation phase is the last element of the lesson, it gives an
opportunity to evaluate the learning of the students from the discussion.
Evaluation phase should be anchored to the objectives, the outputs of the
evaluation will tell you if you attained your objectives or not. Also, it serves as
the bases on how the students appreciate the subject taught or if they
understand the concept very-well or not.

In the study conducted by Lea (2009) on the Effect of the Use of

Computer Simulation on the Students revealed a significant improvement in

the academic achievement of the students in the experimental group as
compared to the control group without exposure to computer simulation. It
further enhanced the students interest and attitude towards science. This
shows that computer simulation like E- Game is a good and promising
instructional material that can be used by the teachers.
According to Hollingworth (2002), the rapid advances recently made in
ICT, particularly in the internet, have very important implications to educators.
As the 21st century begins, it is almost impossible to imagine what ICT will be
likely by the end of the century. Advances in ICT will mean an enormous
increase in the amount of information available to our students as they study
their courses and as they move into the workplace, but this must not be the
limit our expectations. If we wish to provide our students with a quality
education in Physics, we must consider more than mere transmission of
information and facts. We must take account of what the educational research
tells us about learning; namely that students learn best by: building on preexisting knowledge; active learning; learning with understanding; and adopting
a metacognitive approach.
Achievement level in Physics before and after
enhancement using e-Game
A teacher made test was administered to the students and their scores
were analyzed to determine the achievement level in Physics before and after
enhancement using E-Game.
Achievement Level

An achievement level indicates the teachers determination of the
degree to which a student has attained a key learning outcome. To make this
determination, teachers collect assessment evidence in a variety of forms,
including notes, observations, checklists, rating scales, marks, and samples of
student work. Teachers use the best evidence rather than an average
when determining a students achievement level.
Table 1. Achievement level in Physics before and after enhancement using eGame





Properties of Waves












Properties of Waves








Legend: Pre-Test
8.01-10.00=Very High (VH)
6.01-8.00=High (H)
4.01-6.00=Average (A)
2.01-4.00=Low (L)
0-2.00=Very Low (VL)

Legend: Overall
24.01-30.00= Very High (VH)
18.01-24.00=High (H)
12.01-18.00=Average (A)
6.01-12.00=Low (L)
0-6.00=Very Low (VL)

Table 1 shows the Achievement Level in Physics before and after

enhancement using E-Game, respectively. It can be gleaned from table 1 that
the students had a High achievement level in the overall rating among the
aforementioned topics, as reflected by an overall rating of 18.39. On the other
hand, it was further shown in table 2 that the Achievement Level in Physics of

the students after enhancement using E-Game was Very High, with an
overall rating of 26.0.
Much research has focused on student views about physics concepts,
with an emphasis on the identification of alternative conceptions, and how
curricula and professional development may ameliorate the situation.
However, there has been little work on determining the extent of, and in
separating, the student and teacher/classroom level variables that may impact
student physics achievement. The study of Lawrenz (2009) examined the
effect of different student and teacher/classroom level variables on student
understanding of physics concepts using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM),
a regression based technique. The data were collected from 68 different
teachers and 3,119 students who were using a reform curriculum, Active
Physics. Teachers and students completed surveys asking about their beliefs,
their classes and their personal characteristics. Students also completed a
physics achievement test. The data show that students of teachers who used
Active Physics for a greater portion of the year scored higher on the
achievement test than did students of teachers who did not use the curriculum
as much. Furthermore, the data show that the achievement gap was
narrowed between boys and girls and between students with different
attitudes toward physics. Additionally teachers who received inservice
instruction on how to implement Active Physics narrowed the gap between
students with different views of their classroom involvement.


Achievement level in Physics before and after enhancement

using traditional method
A teacher made test was administered to the students and their scores
were analyzed to determine the achievement level in Physics before and after
enhancement using Traditional Method.
Table 2. Achievement level in Physics before and after enhancement using
traditional method




Properties of Waves










Properties of Waves






Legend: Pre-Test
8.01-10.00=Very High (VH)
6.01-8.00=High (H)
4.01-6.00=Average (A)
2.01-4.00=Low (L)
0-2.00=Very Low (VL)



Legend: Overall
24.01-30.00= Very High (VH)
18.01-24.00=High (H)
12.01-18.00=Average (A)
6.01-12.00=Low (L)
0-6.00=Very Low (VL)

Table 2 shows the Achievement Level in Physics before and after

enhancement using Traditional Method, respectively. It can be gleaned from
table 3 that the students had an Average achievement level in the overall
rating among the above mentioned topics. However, table 4 revealed that the

Achievement Level in Physics after enhancement using Traditional Method of
the students was High, with an overall rating of 19.5.
According to Baylon (2014) on his study about English and
Mathematics: Determinants of Physics Achievement among Public High
School Seniors in Naga City, revealed that the overall achievement level of
the students in all the areas of Physics was average. These results implied
that the students were average in relating energy, technology and society;
applying the
different properties of light; identifying and analyzing the uses of the different
kinds of mirrors and lenses; describing the different images formed by the use
of mirrors and lenses; explaining the property of magnetism, etc.

These results suggested that these areas in Mathematics were needed

to develop the skills and learning competencies in Physics. As such, the
students success in Mathematics will directly affect the achievement in
Physics or the students must be proficient in the different competencies
in Mathematics to fully understand Physics.

Radho (2012) revealed on his study that boys who had a better
mathematics background at primary school as measured by the quality of
their KCPE Mathematics grades performed better in Physics and the Project
than girls. The study also established that it was more of the effective use
made of learning resources such as textbooks, laboratory equipment and
apparatus that resulted into higher achievement in science. Students who
were frequently given homework and got it marked promptly, given continuous

assessment tests regularly and exposed more to practicals performed better
in physics and chemistry than those who were given less or none of these
learning practices. Also, the students with positive attitudes towards Physics
and Chemistry performed better in the subjects. Finally, the subjects, greater
than those taught by non-inquiry/lecture technique. It is apparent that students
who learn Physics and Chemistry in an entirely investigative manner acquire a
greater understanding of the subjects, greater than those taught by lecture

Significant difference in the achievement level in Physics using

e-Game and traditional method of teaching
The significant difference in the Achievement Level in Physics using Egame and Traditional Method in teaching was determined using Z-Test.
Table 5. Significant difference in the achievement level about the topic
Velocity (Motion) using e-Game and traditional method of Teaching in the
section of Grade 10 Socrates
Post Test

Mean Score

Enhancement Lesson
using E-Game
Enhancement Lesson
using Traditional Method
z-value = -14.29
Formula for Z-Test
Z= 1- 2
12 + 22
n1 + n2
Sample Mean 1=
Sample Mean 2=


Population Standard
() 0.66

() 0.77

Population Standard Deviation 1=12
Population Standard Deviation 2=22
Sample Size 1= n1
Sample Size 2= n2
The computed Z-test which is z= -14.29 is less than at 0.05 level of
significance. Since that is the case, we will accept HA and reject HO. Thus,
There is significant difference in the Achievement Level in Physics with the
topic about Velocity (Motion) using E-Game and Traditional Method of
Teaching in the section of Grade 10 Socrates. In table 5, it suggests that the
Achievement Level in Physics with the topic about Velocity (Motion) using EGame is more effective than using the Traditional Method of Teaching.
Thus, it increased the post tests of the students. Perrotta (2013) once
said that the studies consistently found that E-games can impact positively on
problem solving skills, broader knowledge acquisition motivation and
engagement. All five studies that specifically focused on problem solving skills
found some degree of improvement, and the majority of the studies examining
the impact of E-games on student motivation and engagement found positive
Similarly, a meta-analysis found that significantly better attitudes
towards learning were yielded for subjects using interactive games or
simulations, compared to those using traditional methods for instruction
(Perrotta, 2013).
A similar, and equally popular, theme is that E-games provide virtual
worlds which are effective contexts for learning, because acting in such
worlds allows learners to develop social practices and take on the identities of
actual professional communities. These soft learning outcomes are seen by

many commentators as more useful and worthy than the outdated forms of
knowledge acquired through traditional schooling (Shaffer, 2008).
We also found the work of Bogost (2011) particularly useful to explore a
definition of game- based learning. Bogost is concerned with understanding
the distinctive properties of video games (E-games) as a medium, in order to
examine the implications in a range of social contexts, including education
and learning. He stresses that games are first and foremost representations
that simulate certain behavious and experiences, and use rulesets, role
playing and reward mechanisms to motivate and engage. They offer learners
a way to more fully engage with topics or ideas than they might be able to in
the real world. They can exercise choice and control over (virtual) reality,
without incurring any real consequences. This means that a video game
allows, at least in theory, learners to experience a certain school subject
through interaction and simulation, rather than through the conventional
materials and formats of schooling: textbooks, lessons, assignments and so
forth. Bogost contends that E-games treat topics and ideas not as content to
be communicated or assimilated, but as rules, actions, decisions and
consequences that is, gameplay.
Table 6. Significant difference in the achievement level about the topic
Properties of Waves using e-Game and traditional Method of Teaching in the
section of Grade 10 Socrates.
Post Test
Enhancement Lesson
using E-Game
Enhancement Lesson
using Traditional Method

Mean Score

Population Standard
() 0.66


() 0.81

Z= 1- 2
12 + 22
n1 + n2
Sample Mean 1= 1
Sample Mean 2= 2
Population Standard Deviation 1=12
Population Standard Deviation 2=22
Sample Size 1= n1
Sample Size 2= n2
The computed Z-test which is z= -14.29 is less than at 0.05 level of
significance. Since that is the case, we will accept HA and reject HO. Thus,
there is significant difference in the Achievement Level in Physics with the
topic about Properties of Waves using E-Game and Traditional Method of
Teaching in the section of Grade 10 Socrates.

In table 6, it also suggests that using E-game in teaching can improve

the Achievement Level of students in Physics. It also indicates that students
are eager to learn and more interested in the topic. Perrotta (2013) suggests
that in this gamified reality, rules and principles like those used by successful
game designers could make children and young people eager to engage in
educational activities they used to find boring, unrewarding or too difficult. For
teachers, this raises the possibility of using gamification as a strategy to
improve teaching, learning and assessment. At its simplest, this could mean








improvement in the classroom: badges, high scores, leaderboards and so

forth. Similarly, it could mean employing video game language to reframe

traditional school activities for instance, assignments could become
missions or quests.
Taking into account all of the reviewed literature, we could further
describe game-based learning as a form of experiential engagement in which
people learn by trial and error, by role-playing and by treating a certain topic
not as content but as a a set of rules, or a system of choices and
In curricular terms, this means translating an element of a subject
(such as a law of physics or the law of supply and demand) into the
mechanics of a game, which operates within a self-contained system based
on choices and consequences. For instance, in the popular series of
simulation games SimCity, players are tasked with running a virtual city,
managing a number of concurrent activities and priorities to keep the
population happy. According to the creator of the series (Pearce, 2002), the
gameplay in SimCity reflects a specific logic (a model) of city-wide
management. This could be likened to gardening.
if you really think about playing the game, its more like gardening. So youre
kind of tilling the soil, and fertilizing it, and then things pop up and they
surprise you, and occasionally you have to go in and weed the garden, and
then you maybe think about expanding it, and so on (OP. CIT).
In Action Graphing, which is one of the E-games that was used in the
study players act according to the rules determined by this internal logic,
which means that each choice you make in the game has a specific effect. As
such, learning through gameplay in Action Graphing means exploring the
possibilities and the limits that are offered by the underlying model: if you

didnt analyse the graph and the motion of the object, you will not be qualified
on the next level. All this is performed in a safe environment where failure is
not only contemplated but actively encouraged. In fact, part of the fun is the
awareness that mistakes have no lasting or real consequences, but are
simply necessary to improve performance and achievement level (Perrotta
Table 7. Significant difference in the achievement level about the topic
Electrostatic (Electricity) using e-Game and traditional method of teaching in
the section of Grade 10 Socrates
Post Test

Mean Score

Enhancement Lesson
using E-Game
Enhancement Lesson
using Traditional Method

Population Standard
() 0.69


() 1.00

z-value= -3.71
Z= 1- 2
12 + 22
n1 + n2
Sample Mean 1= 1
Sample Mean 2= 2
Population Standard Deviation 1=12
Population Standard Deviation 2=22
Sample Size 1= n1
Sample Size 2= n2
The computed Z-test which is z= -3.71 is less than the 0.1469 at 0.05
level of significance. Since that is the case, we will accept HA and reject HO.
Thus, there is significant difference in the Achievement Level in Physics with
the topic about Electrostatic (Electricity) using E-Game and Traditional
Method of Teaching in the section of Grade 10 Socrates.

Table 7 shows that using E-Game with the topic about Electrostatic
(Electricity) is also more effective compared to the Traditional Method of
Teaching. It means that it will be a great help not only for the students learning
and achievement level but also for the teachers method of teaching. Perrotta
(2013) reiterated that while teachers are generally positive about the use of
video games in the classroom, they would require very strong evidence of
their impact before they replaced more traditional learning styles. Until this
time, they are more likely to use video games to supplement existing practice.

In terms of teacher attitudes to gaming, Kenny and McDaniel (2011)

found that there is a relationship between what teachers believe and their
behavioural patterns in the classroom. The study argues that teachers can be
reluctant to spend efforts learning the gaming medium when they are not
convinced of its impact. The authors believe that a more convincing argument
needs to be constructed before teachers will change their views towards video
games and integrate them into existing classroom practice. An exploratory
study by Williamson (2009), found that 35 per cent of teachers (in English
state primary and secondary schools) had already used computer games in
their teaching and 60 per cent would consider using games in the future. The
most commonly cited reason was to enhance motivation and engagement.
The majority of teachers also believed that gaming could help support
childrens cognitive development, their ICT development, and their higherorder thinking skills. However, the results also suggested that teachers are
more interested in the pragmatic benefits of gaming, for example, to assist

teachers in relating formal schooling to everyday lives and creating social
interaction in the classroom rather than for pursuing educational big ideas.

The studies were wide ranging in their focus and aimed to test a variety of
hypotheses. Most commonly, however, the studies sought to test the impact of
gaming on learning outcomes as measured by academic
achievement/achievement level, cognitive performance, knowledge gain or
skills and performance, such as capacity for problem solving or critical
thinking (Perrotta 2013).
A number of the studies also explored the impact of E-games on motivation
and engagement in classroom activity. A few studies examined the impact of
E-games on student attitudes to learning (in the wider context of school life or
in relation to a specific subject).
Table 8. Significant difference in the achievement level about the topic
Velocity (Motion) using e-Game and traditional method of teaching in the
section of Grade 10 Aristotle
Post Test
Enhancement Lesson
using E-Game
Enhancement Lesson
using Traditional Method

z-value= -7.18
Z= 1- 2
12 + 22
n1 + n2

Mean Score

Population Standard
() 0.59
() 0.84

Sample Mean 1= 1
Sample Mean 2= 2
Population Standard Deviation 1=12
Population Standard Deviation 2=22
Sample Size 1= n1
Sample Size 2= n2
The computed Z-test which is z= -7.18 is less than at 0.05 level of
significance. Since that is the case, we will accept HA and reject HO. Thus,
there is significant difference in the Achievement Level in Physics with the
topic about Velocity (Motion) using E-Game and Traditional Method of
Teaching in the section of Grade 10 Aristotle.

Table 8 suggests that there is a great impact on the achievement level

of students integrating E-game in the lesson compared to the Traditional
Method. In addition to the primary evidence considered above, a metaanalysis was also pertinent to our consideration of the impact of gaming on
learning outcomes. (Vogel et al., 2006) observed significant cognitive gains
across studies utilising games versus traditional teaching methods. This is
believed to support student engagement in learning tasks. However, despite
the assumption implicit in much of the literature that motivation and
engagement created by gaming directly impacts on learning outcomes, this
was one dies that actually examined both factors. Only this and two other
studies (Papastergiou, 2009; Ya-Ting, 2012) reported both an overall
improvement in motivation or engagement and skills acquisition (such as
problem solving).
However, Vogel et als (2006) meta-analysis found that significantly
better attitudes towards learning were yielded for subjects utilizing interactive

E-games or simulations compared to those using traditional methods for
instruction. This meta-analysis is also widely cited because it observed higher
cognitive gains in the interactive games scenario. Given this finding was
based on a number of studies, the authors conclude that this makes the
finding unlikely to be due to chance. It also suggests a possible correlation
between both attitudes to learning and learning outcomes. We should,
however, reiterate that Vogel et al. make no attempt to define cognitive gains
or how this measure has been measured across the studies they included in
their meta-analysis. There was also some evidence that the type of game
can have an impact on outcomes or achievement level. Most commonly,
computer simulation games were compared to simpler drill and practice
games. Fengfeng (2008b) found, for instance, that games are more
motivating and engaging than drills. Meaningful and engaging games, in
which learners are given opportunities to explore, interact and engage with a
complex game world, are more effective than simpler games that rely on drill
and practice.
It appears possible that the impact of E-games can be mediated by the prior
experience or skill levels of students, student and teacher attitude to gaming
in the classroom and the type of game or learning experience promoted by
the game (Perrotta 2013).
Table 9. Significant difference in the achievement level about the topic
Properties of Waves using e-Game and traditional method of teaching in the
section of Grade 10 Aristotle
Post Test
Enhancement Lesson
using E-Game
Enhancement Lesson
using Traditional Method

Mean Score

Population Standard
() 12.53

() 1.00


z-value= -1
Z= 1- 2
12 + 22
n1 + n2
Sample Mean 1= 1
Sample Mean 2= 2
Population Standard Deviation 1=12
Population Standard Deviation 2=22
Sample Size 1= n1
Sample Size 2= n2
The computed Z-test which is z= -3.71 is less than the tabular value which
is 0.1469 under the 0.05 level of significance. Since that is the case, we will
accept HA and reject HO. Thus, there is significant difference in the
Achievement Level in Physics with the topic about Properties of Wave using
E-Game and Traditional Method of Teaching in the section of Grade 10
Table 9 indicates the effectiveness of using E-Game versus the Traditional
Method of Teaching. It means that students learn more on the topic, resulting
to have high grades in their assessment (posttest). Thus, the teacher will be
able to determine the students needs, capabilities, strengths and weaknesses
which are very helpful to the teacher and students.
As supported by Perrotta (2013), E-games seem to allow more
powerful and always-on forms of assessment in which all actions,
interactions, successes and failures can be constantly tracked and logged.
This generates large amounts of data that, if correctly analysed, would allow
educators to make important inferences about learners capabilities, needs
and potentials.

On the one hand, this is part of a data trend in educational assessment.
There is, in fact, a growing interest in the use of automated techniques to
make sense of large datasets about different aspects of measurable
performance. It is also safe to assume that students may benefit from a more
adaptive and fast remedial action, which can be facilitated by the computerassisted analysis of achievement and behavioural data (Perrotta 2013).
Game-based learning offers the possibility of moving beyond traditional
forms of standards- based assessment, to consider alternative dimensions of
performance and achievement. In most video games mastery is not achieved
through knowledge of textbooks or manuals. Instead, what counts is the
increasing familiarity with a proceduralised system of choices and
consequences. Some authors argue that focusing on how learners negotiate
such choices could lead to fairer and more accurate forms of assessment
(Schwartz and Arena, 2013). These authors suggest that the game- based
assessment of choices would allow educators to evaluate more effectively
learning strategies and identify malpractices. For instance, when a student
repeatedly makes the wrong choice when defining a sequence of actions to
solve a problem. As noted earlier on, evidence tentatively suggests that Egames are motivating and support a more positive attitude to learning and
Wastiau (2009) argues that E-games are important for education
systems in two ways. First, they are important because games are a very
popular and widespread leisure-time activity for the age groups whom these
systems seek to educate. Through gaming during their leisure time,
youngsters informally and inevitably acquire certain skills, knowledge and

values. With digital games increasing in popularity to such a great extent, it
would not be wise for education systems and teachers to ignore them.
Secondly, E-games are possible vehicles for learning processes of a
different nature. Providing schools with information and communication
technologies (ICT) in the form of computers, software, internet access and
digital content, and providing teacher training programmes for these
technologies, have proved sufficient for the teaching process to be
transformed. Personalization of teaching and learning, trans- disciplinary
approaches, meta-cognitive development and learner empowerment, has
been systematically implemented by bringing ICT into the classroom. Digital
games have the potential to contribute to this renewal, through the resources
and know-how invested in their design to challenge players and keep them
interested (Wastiau, 2009).
Kearney (2009) argues that all the examples reported and the great
majority of the teachers surveyed confirm that pupils motivation is significantly
greater when computer games are integrated into the educational process.
The pupils seem to appreciate the fact that this approach takes account of
their everyday reality. They like the fact that it gives a concrete purpose to the
work they are asked to do (to learn about a period of history so as to create a
game scenario out of it, for example) and that it enables them to be active in
their learning (as players). They also appreciate the play element of using Egames.
Their previous knowledge of games (not necessarily of the game in
question) gives them the opportunity to guide and help other, less
experienced pupils. With or without previous experience of games, the best

pupils also have the chance to help the others, and they derive satisfaction
from this. In addition, the ways in which mistakes and different learning paces
are managed in a game take the drama out of learning. Such features are in
any case mentioned by the teachers as giving new levels of confidence,
especially to pupils defined as less good by traditional educational criteria
(Kearney, 2009).
Because the games that teachers choose for classroom use are
selected precisely for their pedagogical value, they generally give feedback to
the pupil on the choices made and the strategies applied. This element is
seen by teachers as particularly educative for pupils because it develops their
understanding of their own way of learning. The fact that this feedback is an
integral part of the game and not something separate (as in traditional
teaching) is also seen as very positive by teachers (Wastiau, 2009).
Table 10. Significant difference in the achievement level about the topic
Electrostatic (Electricity) using e-Game and traditional method of teaching in
the section of Grade 10 Aristotle
Post Test

Mean Score

Enhancement Lesson
using E-Game
Enhancement Lesson
using Traditional Method

z-value= -8.33
Z= 1- 2
12 + 22
n1 + n2
Sample Mean 1= 1
Sample Mean 2= 2
Population Standard Deviation 1=12


Population Standard
() 0.55
() 0.80

Population Standard Deviation 2=22
Sample Size 1= n1
Sample Size 2= n2
The computed Z-test which is z= -8.33 is less than the tabular value
which is 1.92 under the 0.05 level of significance. Since that is the case, we
will accept HA and reject HO. Thus, there is significant difference in the
Achievement Level in Physics with the topic about Electrostatic (Electricity)
using E-Game and Traditional Method of Teaching in the section of Grade 10
Table 10 shows the Achievement Level in Physics which is more higher
than those of Traditional Method of Teaching. It will boost the confidence of
the students, help the teachers and the parents who will be proud of their
childs Achievement Level in Physics.
Several examples of the classroom use of electronic games (E-games)
are often accompanied by preliminary information given to parents,
sometimes to the rest of the school community, and especially to the school
management. This is particularly true in the case of the Hjby school and the
Zoo Tycoon project in Austria. Further information is provided throughout the
duration of the experiment. The cautious, even negative attitudes of the
general public towards electronic games, which are often identified with
violent games, partially explain the need for these information campaigns
(Wastiau, 2009).
Kearney (2009) suggests that we should emphasise that when seeking
to use computer games (E-games) as part of the teaching curriculum, we
focus not only on the motivation potential but also, and perhaps even more,
on the educational benefits that can be obtained from it.

Classroom instruction using electronic games (E-games) proceeds
solely via the use of PC games. At first, teaching was carried out in
designated IT areas with desktop computers on a basis of one unit to every
two pupils. Now, all work is done on laptop/portable computers and with a
computer for each student. The teaching is based on commercial leisure
games, as well as free games, which can either be downloaded or played
online (Kearney, 2009).
This report gives some concrete examples of the way these games and
others have been used in an educational context. In order to make our
methods clearer, it is first necessary to describe some of the salient factors
involved. It is important to stress that the essential point of teaching in this
way is to facilitate a greater understanding of the subject being taught and not
of the individual computer games. The planning of the teaching approach,
which is designed to lead pupils towards a designated goal, involves, amongst
other things, agreement on the necessary teaching methods and learning
resources (Kearney, 2009).

According to Wastiau (2009) most of the initiatives that we have

undertaken in the past two years have involved the practical application of
commercial, off-the-shelf games available for the Wii, DS, PS2, PS3, PSP and
the Xbox 360. Many, if not all, of these games have most certainly not been
designed for traditional educational purposes; that are, until you look a little
closer and see the complex and engaging learning environments inherent in
many of them. In fact, if you take a closer look at the world of commercially
available computer games that you can buy from any high street store you

may find yourself disarmingly surprised at how these resources, which are
great fun, are actually designed around the principles that underpin effective
teaching and learning.

This chapter discusses the summary of the study, the conclusions
made, and recommendations formulated based on the analysis and
interpretation of the data derived from the study.

This study determined the Achievement level in Physics using E-game
and Traditional Method in developed enhancement lessons at Mambulo
Nuevo National High School, School Year 2015-2016.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:
1. What enhancement lessons may be developed using E-Game and
Traditional Method in Teaching?
2. What is the Achievement Level in Physics before and after
enhancement using E-Game?
3. What is the Achievement Level in Physics before and after
enhancement using Traditional Method?

4. Is there significant difference in the Achievement Level in Physics
using E-Game and Traditional Method of Teaching?
As a benchmark of the study, a teacher made test covering the core
and complex topics in the prepared syllabus of the curriculum in Physics such
as Velocity (Motion), Properties of Waves (Waves) and Electrostatic
(Electricity) was administered as pre-test to the students respondents to
determine their level of achievement on cited topics.
The dependent variable in this study was the achievement of the
students in the modified selection type of test administered as a means of
measure. It will be measured before and after enhancement using E-Game
and before and after enhancement using Traditional Method. It is integrated in
full classroom discussion to measure the achievement level of each
enhancement. The significant difference in the achievement level in Physics
using E-game and Traditional Method will be compared. An achievement level
indicates the teachers determination of the degree to which a student has
attained a key learning outcome. To make this determination, teachers collect
assessment evidence in a variety of forms, including notes, observations,
checklists, rating scales, marks, and samples of student work. Teachers use
the best evidence rather than an average when determining a students
achievement level.

1. The developed enhancement lessons using E-Game and Traditional
Method in Teaching were Velocity (Motion), Properties of Wave (Wave)
and Electrostatic (Electricity).
2. The Achievement Level in Physics before and after enhancement using
E-Game increased the achievement level of the students from High to
Very High level.
3. The Achievement Level in Physics before and after enhancement using
Traditional Method slightly increased the achievement level of the
students from Average to High level.
4. The significant difference in the Achievement Level in Physics using EGame and Traditional Method of Teaching. The students become more
motivated and interested in learning the different topics in Physics and
the lessons were student centered and engage in competence and
flexibility on the use of computer use on the part of the teacher even
students are more confident enough to use ICT or E-Game


1. The developed enhancement lessons using E-Game and Traditional

Method in Teaching should be utilized and adopted by the Physics
teachers to increase achievement level and develop the science
process skills of the students shoud be provided by giving activities that
promotes such skills and more time should be spent in these activities.

2. Teachers should continue to develop lessons integrating E-Game or
any Educational Games, Media related materials using inductive
method and the 5Es approach in teaching science subjects which
include Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluation phase,
3. Teachers are hereby recommended to use the approach in teaching
other subjects and compare its effectiveness against the traditional
method of teachings.
4. Teachers, administrators, and educators should integrate technology
into instructional settings to understand the issues that accompany
these processes.
5. Further study may be conducted to include the effectiveness of the

lessons in developing critical thinking skills of the students.

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