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(2004) Rapid Refund Rip-Off

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A report from the ACORN Financial Justice Center

Increasing Incomes & Reducing the

Rapid Refund Rip-Off

Expanding Access to the
Earned Income Tax Credit
for Working Families
While Reducing Reliance
on Refund Anticipation Loans

September 2004

A pilot project conducted by ACORN and funded by the

Marguerite Casey Foundation may be a model both for
increasing the number of eligible households who receive
the EITC benet and for reducing the reliance of lower
income families on high-cost tax preparation services and
expensive products such as Refund Anticipation Loans.

Marguerite Casey Foundation is pleased to support ACORNs efforts to

increase the number of eligible households receiving the Earned Income
Tax Credit. For more information visit us at www.caseygrants.org


Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now

739 8th St. SE, Washington, DC 20003 (202) 547-2500

I have been President of ACORN for some years now, so I have come to know many things about
our work and how we do it effectively. Commonly, ACORN is known best when we unfurl our red flags
and let them wave in the streets with hundreds and thousands of our members behind us. With our red
and black t-shirts we have come to stay in many an office across this great country in our fight for justice
with signs in front of our chests and fists in the air.
Indeed, these images of ACORN in the popular press and the corporate nightmare have much
truth, but in 2004, as leaders we looked deeply at our communities of low- and moderate-income families
in 65 cities across the Untied States. We wanted to try and get our hands around a problem and our feet
moving door-to-door to solve the eligibility gap between those of our neighbors who should be getting
EITC the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Care Credit and those who are not getting it.
With the help of our partners at the Marguerite Casey Foundation, we learned a lot very quickly
in the pilot projects we built in New Orleans, Miami, and San Antonio. We also had mixed feelings about
the lessons we learned and our quick success in developing the number one VITA sites in Miami and
New Orleans and the number three site in San Antonio. The EITC program is not a new entitlement for
our members and our communities, so why had it taken so long for there to be a house to house search to
assure increased participation? This needs to be something more than an ACORN campaign this needs
to be a national crusade! As this report shows, theres too much money being left on the streets unused,
yet desperately needed.
We also learned a lot about some very predatory practices that are picking our pockets even as
we qualify for tax refunds from EITC. These Refund Anticipation Loans (RALs) have become community
gold mines for big and small tax preparers of every stripe. We made progress on some of these abuses
with some companies, but we still have a long way to go. I think you will join ACORN members in shock
and dismay at seeing the amount of precious resources we are losing. Taking advantage of the economic
circumstances of families in our communities is the very definition of predatory practices, and we hope
this report will open your eyes and engage your anger as it has ours.
If we were able to change our ways and means to address this issue in our communities to bring
more resources to bear to trigger more capitalization in our communities, we hope this report will help
others to think of ways that they can join this crusade for full EITC eligibility and this campaign to end
predatory practices around RALs.
Join us, please. We need your help!


Maude Hurd
National President

As our nations economic pressures mount, so too do the strains on working families everywhere. Each year that the
United States allows more than 12 million children to live in poverty will cost our society an estimated $137 billion in
future economic output, as poor children grow up to be less productive and effective workers. In short, our failure to
make necessary community investments today ends up costing society far more in the long run.
Fortunately there are resources readily available to help families lift themselves out of severe financial hardship and
break the cycle of poverty. One of the best such programs is the Earned Income Tax Credit, or EITC. Established
by Congress nearly 30 years ago to offset the payroll and income tax burdens of the working poor, the EITC has
enjoyed broad and deep support from lawmakers and community advocates alike.
In 2003, low- and moderate-income families received more than $36 billion through the EITC, exceeding federal
expenditures for either TANF or food stamps. This unique tax credit program returned an average of $1766 dollars to
each qualifying family, lifting millions of working households above the federal poverty line in the process, while
pumping billions of needed dollars into the economies of low-income neighborhoods everywhere.
Despite these successes, however, the EITC program remains under-utilized by millions of low-income families.
Research by the General Accounting Office and IRS suggest that each year as many as 25 percent of eligible
households who qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit fail to claim it. That means that literally billions of dollars in
available resources are remaining unclaimed by families in need.
Marguerite Casey Foundation is proud to have funded ACORNs development of an innovative pilot program to raise
awareness of the EITC and help thousands of families claim their tax credit for the first time ever.
With the Foundations support, ACORN was able to open and operate Volunteer Income Tax Assistance sites in
three cities (Miami, New Orleans, and San Antonio), processing over 3400 tax returns, delivering nearly $4 million
EITC dollars to working families and neighborhoods, and providing low-income filers with a free alternative to the
costly refund anticipation loans offered by many of the predatory tax return services.
It is a model program which the Foundation hopes to see extended to hundreds of other cities nationwide in the
coming years. Together, grant makers, community-based organizations, and the working families of America can
and will make a difference.
Change is possible!

Luz A. Vega-Marquis
President & CEO
Marguerite Casey Foundation

1300 Dexter Avenue North, Suite 115, Seattle, WA 98109

(206) 691-3134

Low and Moderate

Income Families Miss
Out On Billions of EITC
Dollars Every Year

he Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is the largest and most effective
poverty reduction program in the country. It is a special tax benefit
designed to improve the financial situation of people who work but earn low
wages. Almost 21 million families received more than 36 billion dollars in
refunds through the EITC last year. These EITC dollars had a significant
impact on the lives and communities of the nations lowest paid working
people, lifting more than 5 million of these families above the federal
poverty line.
In these hard economic times the EITC is even more important, yet millions
of families who are eligible for the tax credit are not receiving it, leaving
billions of additional tax credit dollars uncollected. Research by the General
Accounting Office (GAO) and IRS indicates that between 15% and 25% of
households who have earned the EITC do not claim their credit.
Using the most conservative of these figures would mean that more than 3.5
million (3,689,582) households nationwide missed out on the EITC dollars to
which they were entitled. If the actual portion of eligible families who do not
collect the credit is 25%, then almost 7 million (6,969,116) eligible
households did not claim the credit.
The average EITC amount received per family in 2002 was $1,766. Using
this figure and a 15% unclaimed rate would mean that low-wage workers
and their families lost out on more than $6.5 billion ($6,515,801,812), or
more than $12 billion ($12,307,458,856) if the unclaimed rate is 25%1.
Economists suggest that every increased dollar received by low and
moderate-income families has a multiplier effect of between 1.5 to 2 times
the original amount, in terms of its impact on the local economy and how
much money is spent in and around the communities where these families
live. Using the conservative estimate that for every $1 in EITC funds
received, $1.50 ends up being spent locally, would mean that low income
neighborhoods are effectively losing as much as $18.4 billion.

The average refund of those families who did not claim the EITC may be somewhat lower than the
average of those who did, since the research indicates that childless workers, who are entitled to a
smaller credit, are less likely to claim the credit. On the other hand, immigrant families with children,
who would be entitled to a larger credit, are also less likely to claim the EITC.

Increasing Incomes and Reducing the Rapid Refund Rip-Off

A Report from the ACORN Financial Justice Center

Page 1

In this report, we examine lost EITC money nationwide as well as in more

than 100 individual cities and counties. Viewing the numbers for specific
areas shows the enormity of the impact that these missing dollars could
have on specific cities.
Of the cites examined, the ten with the largest amounts of missing EITC
dollars are listed below.
Ten Cities with Largest Amounts of Missing EITC Dollars

New York
Los Angeles
San Antonio
El Paso

Number of EITC


missing EITC,
based on 15%
unclaimed rate


EITC dollars
lost based on
15% unclaimed

EITC dollars
lost based on
15% unclaimed
rate and



These figures are calculated using the average EITC refund for each specific city.
The amount of EITC money lost multiplied by 1.5 to reflect that the money is spent in and around
the local communities where EITC recipients live.

Increasing Incomes and Reducing the Rapid Refund Rip-Off

A Report from the ACORN Financial Justice Center

Page 2

Losses to High Cost

Bank Products and
Tax Preparation Firms

n addition to the dollars lost because families are unaware of the EITC or
cant get the help they may need to file a tax return, additional dollars
are lost when low-income taxpayers are aggressively and deceptively sold
high cost bank products, including Refund Anticipation Loans (RALs), Refund
Anticipation Checks (RACs), and Assisted Direct Deposit. Billions of dollars
are siphoned off to produce high profits for tax preparation firms and the
banks they work with, rather than going to the low-income working families
who the EITC is intended to help.

Refund Anticipation Loans

Refund anticipation loans (RALs) are usurious short-term loans secured by
the recipients tax refund. With a RAL, low- and moderate-income tax
payers are charged extraordinarily high interest rates to get their own tax
dollars back from the government just a week or so faster than they
otherwise would.
In 2002, the typical charge for a RAL was
$130 in interest and fees, according to a
study by the Consumer Federation of
America (CFA) and the National Consumer
Law Center (NCLC). The $130 cost
represents an APR (annual percentage
rate) of 245% on the average refund of
$2,043, and according to the study some
taxpayers paid even higher APRs of up to
RALs are marketed extremely aggressively
to those taxpayers who can least afford to
lose the money. More than 10.6 million
low-income families received their tax
refund through a RAL in 20024. Using the
$130 cost means that these low-income
families paid a total of almost $1.4 billion

A low -income household is defined as having an AGI (Adjusted Gross Income) below $34,138.

Increasing Incomes and Reducing the Rapid Refund Rip-Off

A Report from the ACORN Financial Justice Center

Page 3

($1,389,022,570) in RAL interest and fees.

More than 7.6 million EITC recipients - or 37% of all EITC recipients
nationally - paid for a RAL in order to get their EITC refund in 2002. Using
the same calculation means that EITC recipients lost one billion dollars to
RALs seem to exist only as a product for, and fee generator from, lowincome households. Low-income families and EITC recipients are the main
users of RALs. Of the 12.7 million RALs made nationwide in 2002, 10.6
million, or 83%, were made to low-income households and 7.6 million, 60%,
were made to EITC recipients.
A significantly higher percentage of EITC recipients in southern cities receive
their refund through a RAL.
The ten cities with the highest percentage of EITC recipients using a RAL are
listed below.
Ten Cities with Highest Percentage of EITC Recipients Using a RAL

Pine Bluff, AR
Birmingham, AL
Portsmouth, VA
Norfolk, VA
Atlanta, GA
Little Rock, AR
Harlingen, TX
Columbia, SC
Jacksonville, FL
Lake Charles, LA

Number of EITC


Number of EITC
Recipients who
received RAL


Percentage of EITC
recipients who
received RAL


In addition to these 10, there were 12 other examined cities in which half or
more of the EITC recipients received a RAL, and 6 of these were also in the
south: Baton Rouge, LA; Baltimore, MD; Indianapolis, IN; Detroit, MI;
Charlotte, NC; Richmond, VA; Dallas, TX; New Orleans, LA; Springfield, IL;
Fort Worth, TX; Cincinnati, OH; and Trenton, NJ.

Increasing Incomes and Reducing the Rapid Refund Rip-Off

A Report from the ACORN Financial Justice Center

Page 4

The ten cities with the most amount of money lost to RALs by low-income
families are listed below. Three of the top five are in Texas.
Ten Cities with Most Money Lost to RALs by Low-Income Families

Number of RALs by lowincome tax filers

Amount Lost to RALs by

low-income tax filers

New York
Houston, TX
Chicago, IL
San Antonio, TX
Dallas, TX
Los Angeles, CA
Philadelphia, PA
Detroit, MI
Atlanta, GA
Jacksonville, FL



Refund Anticipation Checks

RACs are different from RALs in that customers receive their refunds on the
same time line that the IRS direct deposits refunds into personal bank
accounts. With RACs, companies like Jackson Hewitt charge households $65
or more to set up a short-term bank account into which the IRS deposits the
customers refund. The tax preparation company then issues a check, minus
the tax preparation and RAC fees, from this account to the customer.
RACs are often used for customers who dont have upfront money to pay
their tax preparation fees. These customers are essentially being given a
loan of the $125 to $150 charge for the tax preparation, at a cost of $65, an
effective interest rate of over 1,000%!
Jackson Hewitt employees have been caught on hidden camera steering
clients to use RACs, regardless of whether a customer had the money to pay
for their taxes up front and could simply have received their refunds through
direct deposit.
Data from the largest tax preparers in the country further suggest that the
same number of taxpayers receive RACs as RALs. Even if only half that
many people received RACs, this would mean an additional $300 million lost.

Increasing Incomes and Reducing the Rapid Refund Rip-Off

A Report from the ACORN Financial Justice Center

Page 5

Tax Preparation Costs

Low-income workers can get free help with tax preparation through a
program called VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance), but less than 1 in
10 EITC recipients use VITA to do their taxes.
Instead of using this free service, according to the IRS, two out of every
three EITC recipients (67%) pay someone to prepare and file their tax
return5. At a cost of $100 to $150 for tax preparation, EITC recipients are
spending over $14 billion for this service.
At a typical cost of $250 for the tax preparation and RAL fees combined, low
income families on average are losing more than 10% of the refund dollars
they have earned. Many families have paid even more, losing $300, $350,
and even $400 to overpriced loans.
In 8 of the examined cities, 75% or more of the EITC recipients paid a tax
Cities Where 75% or More of EITC Recipients Paid a Tax Preparer

Brownsville, TX
Santa Ana, CA
San Bernardino, CA
Los Angeles, CA
National City, CA
Charlotte, NC
Lake Charles, LA
Pine Bluff, AR

Number of EITC


Number of EITC
recipients who paid
tax preparer


Percentage of EITC
recipients who paid
tax preparer


In all of the examined cities and counties at least half of the EITC recipients
paid a tax preparer.

20,907,348 households received the EITC in 2002, and 14,097,714 of them paid a tax preparer.

Increasing Incomes and Reducing the Rapid Refund Rip-Off

A Report from the ACORN Financial Justice Center

Page 6

More About the EITC

and the Families Who
Are Eligible for It

he families helped by the EITC are very much in need of this additional
income. Census data show that nearly one fifth of US workers had
incomes below 200% of the poverty line, and that 24 million Americans live
in low-income working families with children.
Such families must struggle to pay for everyday necessities like rent, food
and clothes. They pay a larger portion of their incomes than higher wage
households in regressive sales taxes. Due to the structure of much low
wage work, they are less likely to be able to take advantage of
unemployment insurance. They are also less likely to be able to take
advantage of tax benefits such as the home ownership interest deduction.
Household income and family size determine eligibility for the EITC and
amount of EITC refund. For the 2003 tax year, the maximum EITC refund
was $2,547 for a family with one child, $4,204 for a family with two
children, and $382 for childless adults, and the upper income limits for
eligibility were $34,692 for a household with 2 children, $30,666 for
households with 1 child, and $11,230 for childless workers. For many
households these EITC payments thus represent an extremely significant and much needed - supplement to their low wage work.
For example, a full-time worker making $7.60 an hour (well above the
federal minimum wage of $5.15) earns $15,808 a year. If such a worker
has three children, they qualified last year for the maximum EITC benefit of
$4,204, increasing their income by 27% and raising them above the federal
poverty line for a family of four of $19,804 a year.

EITC Eligibility Guidelines for Tax Year 2003

Families with one child who earn less than $29,666 in 2003 (or less than
$30,666 for married workers) are eligible for a credit of up to $2,547.
Families with two or more children who earn less than $33,692 in 2003 (or
less than $34,692 for married workers) are eligible for a credit of up to $4,204.
Workers without a qualifying child who earn less than $11,230 in 2003 (or
less than $12,230 for married workers) are eligible for a credit of up to $382.
Investment Income Limit = $2,600.

Increasing Incomes and Reducing the Rapid Refund Rip-Off

A Report from the ACORN Financial Justice Center

Page 7

Helping Low-Income
Families Recapture
EITC Dollars

pilot project conducted by ACORN and funded by the Marguerite Casey

Foundation could be a model both for increasing the number of eligible
households who receive the EITC benefit and for reducing the reliance of
lower-income families on high-cost tax preparation services and expensive
products such as Refund Anticipation Loans.
In three cities this year, ACORN operated its own VITA (Volunteer Income
Tax Assistance) sites offering free tax preparation and filing services and
conducted outreach for the sites. Through unique outreach methods such as
going door to door and using an autodialer, the project demonstrated
ACORNs ability to increase the use of VITA sites and free EITC filing.
A preliminary report from an independent research team on the
effectiveness of the project stated:
It is our assessment that ACORN has applied innovative and
highly effective outreach technologies to the operations of VITA
programs during the 2003 tax season. Using the resources and
organizing strategies of its organization and the support of the
Marguerite Casey Foundation, ACORN has demonstrated, even in
such a short period of time, the potential of its outreach
technologies to dramatically expand the impact of VITA
programs in communities of greatest need.

Increasing Incomes and Reducing the Rapid Refund Rip-Off

A Report from the ACORN Financial Justice Center

Photo Courtesy of Louisiana Weekly

The researchers
compiled data from the
intake forms collected
at the sites and found
that 44% of the
participating families
learned about ACORNs
free tax preparation
from a flyer or home
visit, and that another
30% came from wordof-mouth, indicating to
the researchers that
ACORNs communityPage 8

based and door-to-door approach proved essential.

The report noted the productivity of the ACORN sites, which even in their
initial year ranked first in New Orleans and Miami and third in San Antonio
(behind only the IRS and City of San Antonio sites) among VITA sites within
those cities. Together, the 3 sites prepared 3,481 tax returns and filed for
$3.9 million in EITC and Child Tax Credit (CTC) refunds.
ACORN VITA Site Performance

Number of tax

Amount of EITC
and CTC
refunds filed at
ACORN site

Number of VITA
sites in City

ACORN rank by
number of

New Orleans
San Antonio





The project received strong recognition from IRS staff who noted both the
quality of ACORNs work and the unprecedented productivity for first-year
VITA sites. Ron Smith, the IRS National Director of SPEC (Stakeholder
Partnerships, Education, and Communication), stated that he couldnt ask
for a better organization to partner with and attributed the success of the
project to ACORNs door-to-door outreach.
From a late start ACORN got a first class [VITA] operation up
and running at Palo Alto College. ACORNs Director seemed to
have a very good vision of where she wanted to go and that
made me feel comfortable. It all happened in 8 weeks. Which is
an enormous task to hire, train, get the software, and be ready
for the public on January 15! I was amazed at how quickly she
did it! I am even more amazed at the volume [of returns] they
are doing. I have over 900 returns from ACORNs site. I give
her an A+ for a start-up operation.

Bill Hubbard, Internal Revenue Service, Austin, Texas Area SPEC

Director, regarding ACORNs San Antonio VITA site

Based on this success, IRS staff have expressed strong interest in expanding
ACORNs VITA operations to other cities and states.
According to the report, the intake forms also showed ACORNs success in
reaching its targeted community of people who have not filed taxes before,
have not received the EITC, and have not used VITA services.

Increasing Incomes and Reducing the Rapid Refund Rip-Off

A Report from the ACORN Financial Justice Center

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In conclusion, the report stated that:

replicating ACORNs approach, not to mention its lessons
learned and organizational capacity developed during this past
tax season outreach, location, timing, software, training,
partnering with the IRS and local groups, procedures and
staffing in additional cities in the future should significantly
increase participation and effectiveness of this critical antipoverty program.

Increasing Incomes and Reducing the Rapid Refund Rip-Off

A Report from the ACORN Financial Justice Center

Page 10

ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for

Reform Now, is the nation's largest community organization of
low- and moderate-income families, with over 150,000
member families organized into 700 neighborhood chapters in
60 cities across the country. Since 1970 ACORN has taken
action and won victories on issues of concern to our members.
ACORNs priorities include: better housing for first time
homebuyers and tenants, living wages for low-wage workers,
more investment in our communities from banks and
governments, and public schools. ACORN achieve these goals by building
community organizations that have the power to win changes -- through direct
action, negotiation, legislation, and voter participation. ACORNs website is at
739 8th St. SE
Washington, DC 20003
(202) 547-2500
[email protected]

ACORN Financial Justice Center

757 Raymond Avenue, Suite 200
St. Paul, MN 55114
(651) 644-5061
[email protected]

1024 Elysian Fields Avenue

New Orleans, LA 70117
(504) 943-0044
[email protected]

Based in Seattle, Washington, the Marguerite Casey

Foundation is a private, independent grant making
foundation created by Casey Family Programs to help expand
Casey's outreach and further enhance its 38-year record of
leadership in family well-being. Marguerite Casey Foundations
mission is to help low-income families strengthen their voice and organize their
communities in order to achieve a more just and equitable society for all. The
Foundation supports community-based leadership and promotes education,
activism and advocacy among families, parents, and youth. The Foundations
website is www.caseygrants.org.
1300 Dexter Avenue, North
Suite 115
Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 691-3134
[email protected]

Increasing Incomes and Reducing the Rapid Refund Rip-Off

A Report from the ACORN Financial Justice Center

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