Socratic Seminar: Practical Method For Applying The Strategy in The Classroom

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Socratic Seminar

Practical Method for Applying

the Strategy in the Classroom

Purpose is to help one
another understand ideas,
issues, and values reflected in
a specific text.
Students are responsible for
facilitating a discussion around
ideas in text
Students work towards a
shared understanding of text

Set Up

Discussion vs. Debate

Step One:
Selecting a Text

Select a shorter authentic

text that allows for
Ambiguous short story
Contrasting primary
documents in social
Article on controversial

Step Two:
Read and annotate text
ahead of time.
Create several open ended
discussion question before
sitting in the inner circle.

Step Three:
Establish Rules

1. Talk to each other, not the

2. Use evidence from text to
support your answer.
3. If confused, ask for
4. Be aware of your air time.
5. Dont interrupt, ever.
6. Dont put down ideas of
another student.

Step Four:
The Socratic Seminar
Discussion leader or
teacher begins with an
open-ended question.
Silence if fine. It may take
a few minutes for students
to warm up.
Fishbowl organization
Duration: 15-30 minutes

Step Five:
Reflect and Evaluate

After seminar, students

evaluate seminar, including
their own participation.
Can be in class or
homework assignment.
Create form to help with
this step

Videos and Materials

A Middle School Socratic Semina
Forms for Socratic Seminar
Pintrest Socratic Seminar Board

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