Dsib Essay

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Diversity Statement of Informed Beliefs

Sauer, Brittney
Instructor: Dr. LueLinda Egbert
EDUC 204: Families, Communities, and Culture


Statement of Informed Beliefs

All Students Can Learn

All students have the capability of acquiring new information, however the ways of
acquiring the information is different for every student. A childs learning style, a consistent
pattern of behavior and performance by which an individual approaches educational experiences,
is one of the key internal factors (Berns, 2016). The four major learning styles are visual,
auditory, kinesthetic, and read/write. Outside factors, or environmental factors, also impact a
childs ability to learn. This includes the childs community and parents. It is the responsibility of
the teacher to be aware of how your students learn best, and be aware of what impacts them to
learn the way they do.
As a professional educator I will ensure that every student will learn and not be left to
struggle by following the guidelines of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2004 (NCLBA).
NCLBA states that students must be taught by high qualified educators that are component in all
core academic classes. Teachers are held accountable for students achievement outcomes of the
required standardized tests (Berns, 2016). By using several different teaching methods I will
make certain that all the different learning styles of my students are addressed.
Along with being aware of the learning styles and environmental factors that influence
how students learn, it is important to know and understand Lev Vygotskys zone of proximal
development theory (ZPD). According to Vygotsky, A childs ZPD is the area of exploration for
which the student is cognitively prepared, but requires help and social interaction to fully
develop (as cited in Berns, 2016). In other words, it is the difference between what the learner is


capable of doing independently, and what they are able to do with assistance. An effective teacher
provides appropriate independent work, as well as collaborative activities to enhance learning.
A teachers behaviors and expectations directly influence a students outcome, therefore
they should be different for every child, based off that individuals ability. Having expectations
can lead to child- labeling, taking a perceived outlook and relating all positive and negative
actions of that student back to that irrational judgement. Expectations may also lead to student
bias, creating an unfair classroom environment. Both of these effect the learners full potential,
therefore developmental appropriate practices (DAP) should always be used in the classroom.
DAP is the acknowledgement of a childs normal growth pattern, and the individual differences
(Berns, 2016). Every child is unique in the way they develop mentally and physically.
Having educational goals, the objective of a students ambition, is a positive aspect of
expectations. According to John Goodland, schools have four zones of goals. These zones are
academic, vocational, social, and personal (Berns, 2016). The development of these goals lead to
the full potential of an individual. Having the support and guidance from the family, teacher, and
their self is needed in order to successfully achieve these goals because of the interconnection
between them.
Students Social Ecology Theory
Every individual has their own way of socialization, the process by which an individual
acquire the knowledge, skills, and character traits to be an effective member of society (Berns,
2016). An individuals chronosystem, or era they live in, directly influence how they socialize
starting at birth. According to Bronfenbrenners biological theory there are four basic systems,
the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem (Berns, 2016). These systems shape
the course of human development. The microsystem, refers to the small setting of an individual.


This is the relationship between them and their significant others in life. The Mesosystem is the
relationship between two or more of an individuals microsystems. This could include home and
school, peers and school, also their school and the community. Exosystem is the setting in which
a child is not active in, but it affects one of their microsystems. Macrosystem is the society and
subculture the individual belongs to. This is their belief system, traditions, and lifestyle. An
individuals actions influence the multiple physical and cultural ties of the ecology, shaping the
individual for better or worse.
Bronfenbrenners theory also ties into Piagets stages of cognitive development. Piagets
stages of development are broken into four stages based on age. According to Piaget, The stages
in which children, in general, develop a conceptual understanding of the world is based on their
maturation and active responses, (as cited in Berns, 2016). The first stage is infants and toddlers
(ages 0-2), at this stage children understand things in terms of their senses and motor activity. The
second stage is preschoolers (ages 3-5), in this stage children begin to understand relationships
between people, objects and events. The third stage is school- agers (6-11), children can use logic
to understand relationships, but only for concrete objects, people, and events. The final stage is
adolescents (age 12 and beyond), children can now understand abstract and hypothetical
relationships, therefore they are able to solve problems they havent experienced directly (Berns,
2016). The interactions and relationship of these systems can improve or impede learning
depending on how they impact a child.
Discrimination and Learning

In order to have a fair and diverse cultural experience and understanding in the classroom
I will be sure to educate my students on the many different cultures in the world and recognize
the different backgrounds in our classroom. This can be done with activities, stories, and videos. I


will be sure to encompass all cultures and their traditions, so students gain a positive and
respectful understanding of their fellow classmates, and society.
Cultural Assimilation, the process where a minority cultural group takes on the
characteristics of the majority cultural group, was how schools once operated (Berns, 2016).
However, with a diverse cultural in schools, schools are now are focusing on Cultural
Pluralism. This is the mutual appreciation and understanding of various cultures (Berns, 2016).
Both the teachers and school need to appreciate and except the various types of students and their
backgrounds, because it influences the students way of learning. Every culture has different
educational expectations and beliefs, which reflect the students outcomes. Teachers once used
the melting pot theory, which took the different cultures and melted them together to create a
harmonious whole. That theory has now been replaced with the salad bowl theory. In this theory
all cultures keep their induvial traits, but they work together to form a functional and fair society.
This has created a better coexistence between school and cultures allowing students to excel.
Every child deserves to have equal learning opportunities regardless of their background.
Title I of the Elementary and Secondary School Act provides financial assistance to
schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help
ensure that all children meet the state academic standards. This gives many children who may
have to struggle at home, a nondiscriminatory environment at school. The Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is another act passed in order to create equal opportunities
for all students. This act provides federal money to states and local agencies to educate children
with disabilities ages three to twenty-one (Berns, 2016). This has allowed all children to
participate fully in the classroom as a whole. Other programs such as English as a second
language program (ESL) ensure opportunities to English- language learners (ELL). ELL


students are students who are unable to communicate fluently or learn effectively in English.
They often come from non-English-speaking homes and backgrounds. ESL programs provide
them with the skills and materials needed to become fluent in English. By being a competent
teacher I will work closely with my students, be aware of their backgrounds, be responsive, and
communicate effectively.
Equitable Education for all Students

Social, behavioral, emotional, and cognitive learning outcomes are all linked to a students
environment. Parents marital status, their income, and housing situations all impact the learners
environment. Students with mixed backgrounds and disabilities will all be in the same learning
environment and it is a teachers responsible to plan and instruct lessons to incorporate all the
A. With the use of Standardized Testing and Authentic Testing teachers are able to
evaluate how well their students are understanding the material and where they need to
focus more attention on.


Berns, R. (2016). Child, family, school, and community: Socialization and
support (10th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

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