Lesson Plan 2 Revised 1

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The lesson plan introduces sight words and has students sort and group them. It provides differentiation strategies.

Students will be introduced to sight words and asked to pick them out and group them through a scaffolded approach.

English Language Arts Standards Reading Standards: Foundational Skills K-5 Phonics and Word Recognition: Grade 2

Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate:

John Adkisson & Sarah McDonald


February 25, 2016


1. Activity Title & Source, &

description of activity:

Sight Word Sort - For our activity, we are going to introduce students to
sight words and have them pick out and group sight words. This will be
done through a scaffolded approach.

2. Class description &

There are 24 students in the class
Differentiation: Describe the
important characteristics of the One student is on an IEP for a learning disability
students that need to be considered This student will be provided scaffolding for the assessment. He will be
in planning & teaching to facilitate given the chunk that he needs to write on his post-it note to copy down.
learning for all students.
Three students have speech impediments

Students' prior These students will be given more time to answer questions out loud
content knowledge,
One student has behavioral issues
language development,
This student will be placed beside one of the teachers in the circle so poor
social & emotional
behavior can be redirected
developments, special needs

Include how you Developmental Levels:

differentiate your instruction
based on this information 1 student in the Early Letter-Name Alphabetic Stage
3 students in the Middle Letter-Name Alphabetic Stage
5 students in the Early Within Word Pattern Stage
3 students in the Middle Within Word Pattern Stage
3 students in the Late Within Word Pattern Stage
4 students in the Early Syllables and Affixes Stage
1 student in the Middle Syllables and Affixes Stage
1 student in the Late Syllables and Affixes Stage

3. Common Core ELA Standards:

Identify strand, grade, number
(e.g. RL4.3) & include entire

English Language Arts Standards

4. Student Learning Objective

(central focus): ABCD

Students will be able to spell, pronounce, and recognize the 20 sight words
and use them correctly in a story they create.

Reading Standards: Foundational Skills K-5

Phonics and Word Recognition: Grade 2
Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding

Audience: Who (the student)

Behavior: What (standard)
Adapted from www.stmartin.edu & Dr. Michelle Cosmah, EDT

Condition: How (strategy/text)

Degree: Measureable outcome

5. Instructional Materials,
Equipment & Technology: List
all of the texts, materials &
technology the teacher & students
will use during the lesson,
including titles & sources (Cite
creator of materials. Where
appropriate, use "Lesson plan or
activity adapted from _____).
Also indicate the level of
technology integration using the
SAMR Model.
6. Academic Language: What
literacy terms will you use to help
the students understand the reading

strategy? Use terms from the

strategy & the standard (e.g.,
predicting, connections, decoding,

-Sight Word Song
-Sight Word Recognition Worksheet
-Lined paper


Highlight words in procedures.

7. Key Vocabulary: List the

vocabulary from the text/strategy

that is at the students instructional
& frustration level.

Sight words
High frequency words

Highlight words in procedures.

Learning Activities: Give detailed, step-by-step instructions on how you will implement the instructional plan in
the procedures below. Describe exactly what you & the students will do during the lesson & how you will
scaffold their learning. Please use a numbered or bulleted list.
In planning your lesson, think about:

The complete step-by-step directions & scaffolding you will provide

What kinds of questions you plan to ask

8. Opening: Elicit students prior

knowledge about concept &
strategy in multiple ways (not just

To open, we will play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idexNu0SZpU

Before the video:
T: Hey everyone! We are going to play this video about sight words for you
today. We know you have been working really hard on sight words so we
want to see which ones you know, and which ones you do not. When you
Adapted from www.stmartin.edu & Dr. Michelle Cosmah, EDT

recognize the word in the song, we want you to make a pair of binoculars
with your hands and put them up to your eyes. Remember to keep your
hands to yourself.
After we play the video:
T: Did most of you guys recognize the words in the song?
(S responds)
T: Okay. Well we are going to practice recognizing even more sight words,
since we see them everyday. To start, we will show you how to do an

Teacher Modeling: This

should describe how you alone
will demonstrate the entire
strategy to the students (no
participation from students)

T: T2 and I wrote two sentences, but we forgot some of the words. *reads
first sentence*. T2, what word do you think would work well here?
(T2 responds)
T: I think that word would work well here too. Also, I just recognized that
this word is a sight word! Its crazy to think about how many sight words
we use every day.
T2: I know! Lets try the next sentence. *reads second sentence* what word
do you think would work well here?
(T responds)
T2: Yeah, I agree. that word definitely works here.

Guided Practice: During this

part of the lesson, the teacher
and the students practice
together. You will assist the
students, takes turns &
participate along with the

T: So now we have a few sentences for you to try with us up on the board.
Can anyone raise their hand and help me with this one?
(S responds)
T: Great! Sight words are very important for you guys to know because we
use them every day. Theyre very important to know for our writing because
they come up in almost every sentence we use. Many sight words are also
what we call high frequency words. That means that we see and use them a
lot in our lives. Lets come up with our own sentence. Does anyone
remember a good sentence from their autobiography they want to share?
(Students have been working on autobiographies for about a week now)
(S volunteers)
T: Are there any sight words in this sentence?
(S responds)
T: Does anyone else think they can recognize more sight words?
(S responds)
T: Awesome! I think we are ready to practice on our own.

Independent Practice:
Release the students to
demonstrate their ability to
complete the activity alone.
Include complete directions
that explain what students
must do to complete the

T: Now that we recognize just how many sight words we use everyday, we
want you guys to write your own story using the words we have been
practicing with. We are going to hand out lined paper and give you 10
minutes to write your own story. Your story can be about anything, as long
as it is school appropriate. Make sure you use at least ten of the words on
the board. When you use them, make sure you underline them so we can see
you recognize it. When you are done, turn over your paper and read silently
Adapted from www.stmartin.edu & Dr. Michelle Cosmah, EDT


at your seat. Are there any questions?

(1 minute left)
T: Does anyone need more time? We will give you one minute to finish up
what you have. If you do not have ten sight words, just try to include as
many as you can, it is okay.

9. Closure: How will the students

demonstrate their ability to meet
the objective, including how you
will measure & document this

T: Finish up your last thought! Now, with one partner we want you to share
your stories. When you listen to your partners story, try and pick out the
sight words they picked. When you are done please sit quietly so we can
collect your stories.

10. Assessment Strategies
How you will document the
students ability to meet the
objective. (Degree) List
quizzes, rubrics, handouts, or
any additional documentation
related to your assessment.
Formative: Measures
process/progress toward
mastery of target(s)
Summative: Measures
outcomes/achievement of

Target-Assessment Alignment Table


must the student
know & be able to

students will be
able to
demonstrate that
they can
recognize, spell,
and correctly use
all 20 of the sight
words in

In this space, describe how you will assess (F&S)
whether students have met this objective.
Formative OR Summative
Formative: We will read the short stories that
the students wrote and use a checklist to see if
they can use all of the sight words correctly. We
will check off the words that they used correctly

Adapted from www.stmartin.edu & Dr. Michelle Cosmah, EDT

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