Desktop Publishing Newsletter Dgreen

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JM Hill Spring 2016

1 February 2016
Hello Everyone,
My name is Danielle Green, and I
look forward to working with you at J.M.
Hill Elementary School! Im a Northampton
Community College transferred student and
currently attending
University. Im
excited about the
future and its my
dream to become
an elementary
school teacher. It
was my first grade
teacher who inspired me
pursue teaching. Her welcoming smile and
positive attitude, was the start of my lasting
love for education. I hope to instill that same
passion into all my students lives. My
favorite hobbies are going on hikes, doing
art projects and cooking.
My Favorite Quote
My favorite quote is one my mother
would say to me all the time, If you believe
in yourself anything is possible. This quote
helped shape me into the driven person I am
today. Hearing her saying this work
encourages me to do the unthinkable. I will
share this quote with others and express to
them that all things are possible for those
who believe in themselves.
Goals For Learners
My goal at the end of this
tutoring experience is for my learners to
gain knowledge about themselves and the
diverse world around them. I hope that they
can achieve this goal through reading books
and using technology. I plan to create
activities that are fun and exciting for my

Vol 1 No 1
Educational Websites
I have a list of websites I love
visiting. I hope these websites are cool and
helpful to you.

My Favorite Subject
My favorite subject is art. Art
class is a time for me to feel free and express
myself in creative and original ways. I love
using different tools and materials to let out
how I feel and my thoughts through my
paintings and drawings. Art class was one of
the classes that I really connect with. It is
through art where I learn the importance of
Helpful Advice
The best way to be successful in
school is to give it your all. Always work to
your greatest potential and show pride in
your work. Never rush through your work,
give yourself examine it over, you never
know when you might catch your own
mistake. You can also help others achieve
their very best by cheering them on. Another
tip is to never be afraid to ask for questions,
your teachers are there to help. Be in control
of your own learning, be curious and have
fun. Enjoy the journey of education as it
changes you for the better. I hope these tips
can be helpful to you, I recommend you
share them with your friends.

Danielle Green
Desktop Publishing Newsletter Project
1 February 2016
Summary Sheet
1. Purpose: The purpose of this newsletter is to professionally introduce myself
in a fun and creative way to my tutees at the J.M. Hill Elementary School. My
newsletter allows both the student and their parents an opportunity to get to
know me and the goals I have set in place for this tutoring experience. I have
also included an advice column, where I gave the students helpful tips for
being successful in school. I find this newsletter to be a useful tool so that I
can effectively delivering information to others in an eye pleasing manner. I
will continue to use newsletters as a great way to communicate with my
students and their families.
2. Audience: The audience consist of J.M. Hill students and their parents. The
students ages range from eight to eleven.
3. Type faces: Times New Roman, a serif font is used for the paragraphs. Ariel, a
sans serif font, used for the headings. Word Art is used for the title of the
4. Design Principles: The dominant element of the newsletter is the image of
the paint palette located in the first paragraph under the heading Hello
5. Legibility: The text I choose is simple and easy to read. The headings are
written in Ariel and the paragraphs are written in Times New Roman. The size
front for the entire document is 12.
6. Alignment: The headings are aligned as well as the paragraphs. The date is
aligned to the left, the volume and number are aligned to the right. The clip
art is centered. The text doesnt come across the image.
7. Grouping: The aspect of persona are grouped together under bolded
headings. My favorite quote and why it is my favorite is explained in the
paragraph under the heading My Favorite Quote. The advice written for the
students is under the heading, Helpful Advice and the pattern continues
throughout the newsletter.
8. Balance: This newsletter is formally balanced because the columns widths is
balances properly.

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