Universal Design For Learning Lesson Plan: Materials Needed

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Universal Design for Learning Lesson Plan

Teacher(s): Brianna King Date: May 9, 2016 Subject: Math

Materials Needed:

Make sure you have all of your materials collected and organized so

your lesson will flow smoothly. If you are presenting this lesson collaboratively, make sure you know
who is responsible for what.

For students:

Fake coins/ dollar bills

A pencil

Money worksheet

For teacher:

Active board/ smartboard

Fake coins/ dollar bills

Kahoot quiz

Youtube video about money

Lesson Objective(s):

State your objectives behaviorally. For example: Given (state the

condition under which the students will perform the objective), the students will (state an
observable student behavior) with (state the criteria here a statement that specifies how well
the student must perform the behavior) accuracy. An example of a behavioral objective is: Given an
unlabeled diagram of the solar system, the students will label the nine planets and the sun with 80%

Given an unlabeled coin worksheet, students will be able to (see below) with an 85%
success rate.

Identify each coin and their value

Answer word problems about money

Given the kahoot quiz, students will be able to answer the questions about coins
and their value with a 90% success rate.


Are you aligning your lesson with district or state


The lesson will align with New York State standards for Math.

2.MD.8 Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels,
and pennies, using $ and symbols appropriately. Example: If you have 2
dimes and 3 pennies, how many cents do you have?

Anticipatory Set:

How are you going to motivate your students...assess or review prior

knowledge...introduce your topic...organize your lesson for students?

To activate prior knowledge of money students will participate in a whole group

activity. The activity will be done on the active board in the front of the
classroom with the students sitting on the floor. Students will complete a kahoot
quiz of 15 questions. 8 questions will be done as activating prior knowledge, the last
7 will assess the students knowledge at the end of the lesson.
https://play.kahoot.it/#/question?quizId=6c360f6b-5567-4dd6-b9396ce25f7368e6 (quiz)
The motivation for this lesson is that money is something everyone uses. Money is
something everyone uses his or her whole life, it is important to know and
understand it. Money is also something that students see everyday so they can
practice what they are learning all the time.
To introduce the topic I will show the students real coins and real dollars, and let
them touch and feel them. I will also show a money video. Students will also be
given a money worksheet, and they will label the coins after seeing the song.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aajLkveG750 (video)
Small groups and a worksheet will guide the lesson. After completing, the quiz and
video students will break into their tables and complete a money worksheet. Once
students are done, they will come back to the floor and we will complete the quiz as
a whole class. http://www.gscdn.org/library/cms/11/24311.pdf?
_ga=1.58432746.1555670637.1462637685 (worksheet)

Multiple Means of Representation:

How are you going to present your content so

that it meets the needs of all students...is the information represented in different ways? For
example, utilizing guided notes and graphic organizers in addition to a lecture format or having
several books that represent different reading levels.

Guideline 1: Provide options for perception

1.3 offer alternative for visual information: Students listen to a song about coins
and money. They do not have to be viewing the video to hear the song.
Guideline 2: Provide options for language, mathematical expressions and symbols
2.3 support decoding text, mathematical notation and symbols: Students will learn
how to correctly write down the coin value. Students will also understand that
cents and different from dollars and that 100 cents makes 1 dollar.
Guideline 3: Provide options for comprehension
3.1 activate or supply background knowledge: In the motivation part, students take
a quiz based on what they already know, at the end of the lesson students finish
the quiz to reinforce the lesson.

Multiple Means of Engagement:

How are you going to provide multiple pathways for

students to actually learn the material presented? Practice, or active mental/physical engagement,
is required by students to make real learning happen. For example, some students may benefit from
small group learning opportunities; others may require more focused practice with precise
feedback, while others might benefit from working independently. Some students will need to write,
others will need to talk through ideas before they understand, while others may need to physically
represent what they are learning.

Guideline 7: Provide options for recruiting interest

7.2 optimize relevance, value and authenticity: Money is something everyone uses
everyday. Students will get to see and hold and examine real coins and a dollar bill.
Guideline 8: Provide options for sustaining effort and persistence
8.3 foster collaboration and communication: Students will be working in small
groups to complete part of the lesson. Students will also be working whole class on
a quiz, students will have to work together and communicate.

Multiple Means of Expression:

How will students demonstrate what they have

learned? Again, the creation of many paths is key. Some students are good test-takers, while
others are not. Tiered assignments, oral exams, building a model, making a video, using portfolio
assessment are examples of alternatives to traditional paper/pencil tests.

Guideline 5: Provide options for expression and communication

5.1 provide options for expression and communication: Students will be working as a
whole class and in small groups. Students will be working with each other to
complete the worksheet and the teacher to complete the quiz.
Guideline 6: Provide options for executive functions
6.4 enhance capacity for progress monitoring: Students will be able to monitor
their knowledge by completing the quiz before and after the lesson.

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