Professional Goals Plan 1 1

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The document outlines the structure and requirements for creating an effective professional action plan to improve teaching practices and student outcomes.

An effective professional action plan must include specific, measurable goals addressing components from Domains 2 and 3 of the Framework for Teaching. It must identify action steps, required resources, evidence of achievement, and a timeline.

Goals in the professional action plan must be specific, measurable, aligned and attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). They should prioritize components rated as a proficiency of 2 on the teacher evaluation rubric.

Professional Action Plan Goal Form

Directions: Use the Framework for Teaching Reflection Assessment to determine and
develop a Professional Action Plan Goal.
Professional Action Plan Goal Criteria
Is the goal clearly focused on what is to be
Why is this goal important?
Is it based on the Framework for Teaching (or Framework
for Specialist) components and aligned critical attributes?
Can this goal be measured?
Will the teacher be able to collect evidence of
Is this goal based upon multiple sources of data?
Is this goal aligned to district and school improvement
Will resources be available to achieve this goal?
How will this goal enhance teaching/professional
How will this goal enhance learning opportunities for
Can this goal be attained within the required timeframe?

When: Provide time frame for goal process.
Who: List the students or staff that will be involved in the goal.
What: List specific area of teaching/student learning that needs to be improved
Data Source: List data tool(s) that will measure progress of goal. Data tools
include rubrics, checksheets, tests, etc.
Example focused upon 1c Setting Instructional Outcomes, 1e Designing Coherent
Instruction, 2c Managing Classroom Procedures and 3c Engaging Students in
Learning: During 2012-13 (WHEN), the 6th Grade Teacher (WHO) will increase
instructional learning time and student engagement at the beginning of class each day
by 1) improving student-managed procedures at during the first 15 minutes of class and
2) designing and implementing high interest Student Learning Outcome Aligned Core
Content bell work (WHAT), as measured by number of 25 or less tardy yellow slips and
90% of students completing accurate (85% or better) bell work (DATA SOURCE).

Directions for Goal Setting: Candidates must choose

1. A minimum of three goals developed collaboratively between the candidate and
the university supervisor (mentor teacher can be invited to participate)
2. At least one goal that address at least one component in 2a-2d (prioritizing those
components with a proficiency of 2).

3. At least one goal that address at least one component in 3a-3d (prioritizing those
components with a proficiency of 2)
4. A third goal chosen from any domain and prioritizes those components with a
proficiency of 2)

Candidates Professional Action Plan

Candidate Name: Meg Licht

Date: 4/24/16

University: University of Idaho

Domain Two Goal (2a 2d): Identify Component__2c____

Action Steps/Activities




(Specific Teacher or specialist Professional Activities that are part

of this plan.)

(Principal, Staff, PD
or Materials)

(How will you know if this

goal has been

(Timeframe for Action

Steps/Activities to be

1) Improve transitions between activities with the

goal of also having the students get out of their
seats at least once during the period
2)When students are in groups, every member is
responsible for contributing in a significant way
3)There are clearly labeled turn-in boxes for
homework/class work and late work and students are
made aware of them
4) There will be a 5-10 minute activity at the
beginning of each class that relates to the material
being covered so that the teacher has time to take
roll and pass back graded papers

Students and
and procedures
are made clear
at the
beginning of
each semester.

1) There will be
minimal talking
between activities
because there is no
lag time
2)Input from each
student is observed
during the group work
and also in the final
3) Students know
where to turn in work
and it is organized
4) Instructional time
will not be wasted
while taking care of
duties. (Students will
be engaged in an
activity while this is

During the 2016-2017

school year

Danielson Groups New Leaders for New Schools Foundation Observation and Supervision Assignment

page 3

Domain Three Goal (3a 3c): Identify Component__3e___

Action Steps/Activities




(Specific Teacher or specialist Professional Activities that are part

of this plan.)

(Principal, Staff, PD
or Materials)

(How will you know if this

goal has been

(Timeframe for Action

Steps/Activities to be

1) Have extra or backup activities that can be used

to reinforce concepts that students may be
struggling with
2) There will be variety in instruction so that
students continue to stay engaged in learning

Teacher makes
Students are
responsible for
questions if
they do not
understand the

1) Students will have a

better grasp of
concepts because they
are reinforced in a
variety of ways. This
should be evidenced in
test scores.
2) Students will not be
falling asleep in class
and will ask questions
and take initiative
during lessons

During the 2016-2017

school year

Third Goal: Identify Component_1b__

Action Steps/Activities




(Specific Teacher or specialist Professional Activities that are part

of this plan.)

(Principal, Staff, PD
or Materials)

(How will you know if this

goal has been

(Timeframe for Action

Steps/Activities to be

1) Teacher will differentiate instruction so that a

variety of learning styles are represented
2) Teacher will know every student by name
3) Teacher will incorporate examples and activities
that draw on student experience and interest

Teacher with
help from other
staff members

1) Students that are

normally low achieving
will have better
success at
understanding the
material as evidenced
by assignments and

Danielson Groups New Leaders for New Schools Foundation Observation and Supervision Assignment

During 2016-2017
school year

page 4

2) Teacher will be able
to pass back papers
quickly and correctly
and will be able to call
on any student by
name inside and
outside of class
3) Students will be
able to recall examples
and related topics on
tests and in classroom
conversation because
they are linked to
personal experience

I have reviewed the above Professional Action Plan:

Candidates Signature: MEG A LICHT
University Representative:




Danielson Groups New Leaders for New Schools Foundation Observation and Supervision Assignment

page 5

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