Academic Language and Ells by - U S Department of Education

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Academic Language and ELLs by: U.S.

Department of

The area of academic language has grown in interest over the

course of recent years, but there is not enough research thus far to
clearly state that teaching academic language will result in better
outcomes for ELLs. However, the strong findings have been that the
impact the academic language has on ELLs is positively effective and
allows students to distinguish school appropriate language versus
informal language. As stated in the article, Academic English is the
language of the classroom, of academic disciplines of texts and
literature, and of extended, reasoned discoursemost scholars believe
that instruction in academic English-done early, consistently, and
simultaneously across content areas-can make a difference in English
learners ability to understand the core curriculum. Teaching students,
starting at a young age, the importance of the academic language and
how it can assist in the mastering and comfort in using the English
language will also motivate students to participate in rigorous activities
that will enhance their scholarly experiences.
At times, the difficulties in teaching academic language is the
educators struggles to fully understand academic language and what
aspects are required to be taught to support the students firm
application and understanding of the language. Unfortunately, there

are not a various amount of resources for teachers to utilize when

educating their students on academic language. This can also serve as
a deficit for the instructional processes that are planned for the
classroom. To ensure the success of the children, providing professional
development opportunities will assist in identifying and discussing the
key features and principles of the English language that are to be
addressed and taught in the classroom. Before teaching ELLs reading,
it is important that they are instructed the age-appropriate areas of
English, such as syntax and morphology, that will accelerate their
appropriate use of the language in various academic tasks.
One concept discussed to encourage the direct instruction
portion of the academic language for English learners was to devote a
block of time where the students are solely focusing on the use of the
language. Based on their findings, A recent observational research
study found that students growth in English language proficiency was
much higher in classrooms where a separate block of time was
devoted to ESL or English language development. Using this strategy
to support ELLs production and use of the language will positively allow
the students to use this language development as they incorporate it
into their learning tasks. As educators, it is also their responsibility to
deepen their understanding for the language prior to teaching their
students. This systematic form of instruction will support the students
explicit use of academic vocabulary in their future endeavors.

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