Linear Lec5

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Lecture 5

Andrei Antonenko
February 10, 2003


Now well start studying new algebraic object matrices.

Definition 1.1. The matrix is a (rectangular) table of the elements of R. (Actually, we can
consider matrices over fields other than R in the future we will work with matrices over the
field of complex numbers C.)
Now well introduce some notation that we will use. We will denote matrices with capital
letters, and the elements of the matrix with same small letter with 2 subscripts, the first of
them denotes the row, and the second one denotes the column. Often we will speak about
m n-matrices, which means that it has m rows and n columns.

a11 a12 a1n

a21 a22 a2n

A = (aij ), A = .

am1 am2


The matrix is called square matrix if the number of its rows is equal to the number of its
columns. For every square matrix we will define its main diagonal, or simply diagonal, as
a diagonal from the top left corner to the bottom right corner, i.e. diagonal consists of the
elements a11 , a22 , . . . , ann . Another diagonal is called secondary. It is used very rarely.
So, we introduced an object. But now we should introduce operations, otherwise the object
is not interesting!


Matrix Operations

The first and the easiest matrix operation is matrix addition.


Definition 2.1. Let A and B are m n-matrices. Then their sum C = A + B is an m nmatrix such that cij = aij + bij , i.e. the elements of this matrix are sums of corresponding
elements of the matrices A and B.
Example 2.2.

1 2 3
3 0 1

2 0 3
1 2 6
1 1 3
4 1 2

Now lets consider the properties of addition.

(A1) Commutativity. It is obvious that for any matrices A and B of the same size A + B =
B + A.
(A2) Associativity. It is obvious that for any matrices A, B and C of the same size (A +
B) + C = A + (B + C).
Here we can mention that we can choose any order of matrices to perform the addition
of 3 or more matrices. For example, we can prove, that (A + B) + C = (A + C) + B.
(A + C) + B = (C + A) + B


= C + (A + B)


= (A + B) + C


(A3) Existence of the zero. There exists a zero matrix

0 0 0

0 0 0

.. .. . . . ..
. .
0 0

For any matrix A we have that A + 0 = A.

(A4) Existence of the additive inverse. For any matrix
that A + (A) = 0. The elements of this matrix (a)ij

Example 2.3. The additive inverse for the matrix

A there exists matrix

= aij .
2 3
1 2
0 1
1 0

A such


Multiplication by a number

For any matrix A and for any number c R we can define the matrix B = cA, such that
bij = caij , i.e. we multiply all elements of the matrix A by the same number c. This operation
has the following obvious properties:
(c1 c2 )A = c1 (c2 A);
(c1 + c2 )A = c1 A + c2 A;
c(A + B) = cA + cB.



The definition of multiplication is much more complicated than the definition of the previous
Definition 2.4. Let A be an m p-matrix and B be a p n-matrix. Then their product is
an m n matrix C such that
aik bkj
cij =

So, we see, that in order to be able to multiply matrices, the number of columns of the first
matrix should be equal to the number of rows of the second one.
Example 2.5.

! 3 0 1
2 1 2

2 1 3
3 0 1
1 1 0

2 3 + 1 2 + (2) 1 2 0 + 1 1 + (2) 1 2 1 + 1 3 + (2) 0

6 1 5
10 1 3
We can see, that we cannot multiply these 2 matrices in different order, i.e. we can not compute

3 0 1

2 1 2
2 1 3
3 0 1
1 1 0

Example 2.6 (Cute example of matrix multiplication). Let and be real numbers,
and lets compute the following product

cos sin
cos sin
sin cos
sin cos
It is equal to:

cos cos sin sin cos sin sin cos
cos( + ) sin( + )
sin cos + cos sin sin sin + cos cos
sin( + ) cos( + )
So,we can see that we get a matrix of the same type, but instead of and we have + .
Now lets consider the properties of multiplication.
(M1) Commutativity. Unfortunately, commutativity does not hold for matrix multiplication. Moreover, for some matrices A and B we can compute AB and cannot compute
BA. E.g., if A is a 2 3-matrix, and B is a 3 3-matrix, then AB is defined, and BA is
not. Now, we can give a counterexample even if both products are defined.


1 0
0 1
0 1
0 1
1 0
0 0
, but
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Moreover, from this example we see that the product of two nonzero matrices can be a
zero matrix.
(M2) Associativity. Associativity holds for matrix multiplication, i.e. for any three matrices
such that all needed products(i.e., AB and BC) can be defined, we have that (AB)C =
Proof. Let A = (aij ), B = (bij ), C = (cij ). Then (AB)ik =

ail blk , and

((AB)C)ij =

(AB)ik ckj =
ail blk ckj

In the same way (BC)lj =

blk clj , and so

(A(BC))ij =

ail (BC)lj =



blk ckj

Now we can change the order of the summation, and see that these expressions are

Here, unlike in the case of addition, we cannot choose any order, since commutativity
does not hold for multiplication. For example,
(AB)C 6= (CA)B,


The order of the matrices one multiplies should be always preserved.

(M3) Existence of the one. There exists an


identity matrix

0 0

1 0
.. . . ..
. .

0 0

This n n-matrix has 1s on its main diagonal. For any m n-matrix A we have that
AI = IA = A.
Proof. Can be done directly from the definition of
check that

a11 a12 a1n

1 0

a21 a22 a2n 0 1

AI =
. . .
. .. .. . .
am1 am2


0 0

the matrix multiplication. Simply can


0 a21

= .
. ..



am1 am2




By the same arguments, IA = A

So, this matrix plays the same role for matrices as a number 1 for numbers. By multiplying
by identity matrix, we do not change the given matrix.
Next lecture we are going to talk about the multiplicative inverse for matrices.

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