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Multi-Application Authentication based on

Multi-Agent System
Somchart Fugkeaw, Piyawit Manpanpanich, and Sekpon Juntapremjitt

Abstract This paper proposes an authentication approach to
support multi-clients in using a multi-application based
environment. The approach is primarily based on the public key
infrastructure (PKI) authentication scheme and the multi-agent
technique. A key pair and a certificate issued by the Certification
Authority (CA) are normally kept in a smart card or a token in
order to enforce two-factor authentication. Both key pair and
certificate are deployed to encrypt/decrypt electronic data or
transaction, or sign/authenticate the sender and the recipient. We
apply the Single Sign-On (SSO) and the Multi-Agent System
(MAS) concepts to facilitate the authentication and the
authorization process in order to work with multi-applications
and multi-clients more dynamically and efficiently. The agent
system is functioned when each client requests to sign on and it is
responsible for validating a client certificate, granting an access
role to the client, and controlling a concurrent use of applications.
Index Terms Authentication, Multi-application, Certification
Authority, SSO, Multi-Agent System.

In general, the authentication within computing systems
authentication, and message content authentication [1]. An
authentication scheme by PKI is a profound technique used in
most web-based applications in which the authentication is
needed to verify the authenticity of clients and entities using the
automated web-based information system. A variety of
methods are available for performing client authentication, and
these methods form the basis for access control systems [2].
Nowadays, distributed system environment may comprise
many system applications to support various business purposes
demanded by many clients. In such environment, a security,
non-repudiation and authentication technique is critically
required. The encryption and password authentication are a
common technique used by most applications. However, the
Manuscript received January 15, 2007. This work has been supported by
Thai Digital ID Co., Ltd.
Somchart Fugkeaw is with the CA Operation Department, Thai Digital ID
Co., Ltd., BKK 10500 Thailand, phone: (66)-2634-3230; fax: (66)-2634-3231;
e-mail: somchart@
Piyawit Manpanpanich is with the CA Operation Department, Thai Digital
ID Co., Ltd., BKK 10500 Thailand. (email: [email protected])
Sekpon Juntapremjitt is with the IT Security Consulting Department,
[email protected]).


security level of the information and application depends on the

value in the business context. The security mechanism may be
developed both at network level and at application level.
In addition to the authentication by Single-Sign on concept
enabling the clients to access various systems by providing a
single credential only one time, an efficient mechanism for
supporting multi-relying party identification and the
multi-application allocation is necessary. In this paper, we
present an alternative design of the multi-application
authentication model based on the multi-agent technique and
Single-Sign-on concept to serve the research goal.
In fact, the multi-agent system (MAS) is a technique in the
artificial intelligence area focusing on the system where several
agents communicate with each other. In [4], multi-agent system
is defined as a loosely coupled network of problem-solver
entities that work together to find answers to problems that are
beyond the individual capabilities or knowledge of each
Technically, we apply MAS concept as a mediator to (1)
perform the authentication control of the relying entities having
certificate; (2) verify the client role and grant the permission to
the legal applications; (3) schedule client requests and allocate
the application services to multi clients autonomously and
Besides, we also point out some implementation issues
related to the real world application and current status of our
ongoing implementation. Finally, we outline some promising
idea for extending the capability of our system model, in the
future work section.
The contributions of the paper are:
(1) a strong authentication mechanism based on PKI and
two-factor authentication;
(2) an application of MAS on SSO
(3) a support of multi-user and multi-application
authentication ;
(4) a trusted agent cooperation;
(5) a practical and flexible model for administration, parallel
computation and resource allocation.
The rest of this paper is organized into five additional
sections. Section 2 presents some works related to our research.

IMECS 2007

Section 3 describes the architectural framework of

multi-application authentication approach based on the MAS
concept. Section 4 details the design and implementation of the
proposed model. Finally, Section 5 summarizes our research
work and suggests the future work.


A. Overview of the Proposed Model
Fig.1 presents the conceptual view of our proposed model.


The research work related to the authentication model in the
network and internet based applications have been done so far
by common techniques [8 ,9, 10, 11] such as password based
authentication, token based authentication, biometric based
authentication, and combination of those methods.
To the best of our knowledge, there are very few works
dedicated to the integration issue of authentication model and
secure multi-application management. In addition, the
conventional scheme of the broker authentication has such
many problems as, the administration of a greater number of
anonymous clients, the vulnerability about the non-repudiation
of the entity, an exposure of IDs and passwords.
In [5] a public key based cryptographic protocol for secure
channel protocol using a combination of public key, secret key
and Diffie-Hellman key establishment protocols are proposed
to support in multi-application smart cards. The research focus
is to establish a secure protocol based on the PKI facilitating the
use of multi-application smart cards that is beneficial to
implicitly support the use of a smart card containing the key for
any secure applications. However, it does not address any
authentication scheme for multi-application environment.
The work proposed in [6] really inspires our research idea.
The authors propose an authentication broker model that
integrates the Single Sign-On and Multi-Agent system to
satisfy the security requirements including confidentiality,
integrity, and non-repudiation. The system factor and protocol
of agent creation are presented with respect to the authority
level of the corresponding service. Nevertheless, the clear
function of agents used for delegating application to the
authorized clients is not provided.
Our research emphasizes the effective use of full-fledged
PKI authentication scheme with two-factor authentication and
SSO. We also aim to promote PKI technology in which the CA
is a core entity to provide a key pair and certificate to the clients
to support all security as well as authentication services. The
clients in our test environment need an authorization identified
by the CA and hold the keys and certificate in the form of a
secure smart card or a token. Another focus is to apply the
multi-agent system to control the strong authentication and
flexible use of various applications by many clients.

IMECS 2007

Fig.1: A Framework of Multi-Application Authentication

based on MAS
The system model consists of four main parts:
(1) Client is generally a client who requests to use
application(s). In our system, the clients need to authenticate
themselves by using the certificate securely stored in a smart
card or a token for two-factor authentication before accessing
the application(s). In addition, the single sign-on is required in
this process so that the clients can access several applications
without necessity to be authenticated by each system
(2) Web Server is responsible for accepting HTTP requests
from clients and giving responses along with the data contents,
which usually are Web pages. In our system environment, web
sessions are secured by SSL.
(3) Multi Agent System (MAS) is the core part of the
proposed model. At the MAS server, the key pair and certificate
are installed to further use for securing and authenticating the
communication process among agents. Since MAS is the core
trusted entity, all active agents trust all information signed by
the MAS key.
There are two types of agents:
User Agent (UA) is responsible for validating client
certificates, verifying client requests, and delegating
corresponding application(s) to the client. Each UA will be
dead after a complete logout, or after certain idle period, which
is the SSO session timeout value.


Application Agent (AA) is mapped to a particular

application and functions as the representative of an application
in serving requests from UAs. Its job is to schedule the
sequence of clients connecting to applications, to support the
multiple application selection by clients, and to log on to the
application on behalf of the client. Each AA has its own key
pair and certificate.
(4) Application Server is a server provisioning application
B. Multi-Application Authentication process by MAS
In this section, we describe how the MAS is constructed and

client has successfully authenticated to the system. On this

ground, this newly-created UA is automatically trusted.
[Step 3] Client Certificate Validation: The UA looks up the
LDAP, verifies the authenticity of the client certificate, and
checks its validity against a pre-defined policy (e.g. CRL status,
specific content rules)
[Step 4] Client Capability Identification: If the authenticity
and validity of the client certificate is ensured, the user will be
induced to the profile forming step. From the database in which
the client information has been stored, the UA obtains the user
information from the authorization matrix and form the
capability list, which is securely stored in the UA memory.
Essentially the capability list contains information about the
action/role that the user can do/have on all allowed
Runtime Phase:
[Step 5] Application Delegation:
Once the UA recognizes an application access request
(application and action) from the client, it will verify such a
request against the client capability list (and maybe some
additional policies). If the user is authorized, the UA will then
make a request to an appropriate AA in the scheme detailed in
Step 6 to start the new session.
[Step 6] UA Message Delivery:
The message that UA sends to the AA includes <user_id,
session_id, app_id, role, timestamp> where
- user_id is the id of client or user asking for the request

Fig.2: MAS Authentication Process

Fig.2 presents the MAS process and communication between
user agent and application agent.
In the process, there are two major phases: Setup and
Runtime. Only when a client signs in to the system, the Setup
phase is done for client authentication and UA preparation.
Upon the receipt of an application access request from the
client, the Runtime phase starts for access verification and
application delegation. The process steps are described as
Setup Phase:
[Step1] Two-Factor Authentication: Client uses the smart
card or Token to authenticate himself/herself via SSL to the
Web Server. This step is normally supported by SSL
[Step 2] MAS Construction: After the successful two-factor
authentication, Web Server requests the MAS module to
generate a UA. The UA is mapped to the client for managing all
of its application requests. Logically, the MAS module, a
trusted core component, will generate the UA whenever the


- session_id is the id of communication session of the request

(this could be randomly generated at the beginning of the
- app_id is the id of Application which is requested by the user
- role is the function that the user presents himself/herself to the
application, used together with user_id to obtain proper
authorization. This information is optional for many
applications as it could be useless.
- timestamp is the time that UA sends the request
Trust of the UA message is assured by the PKI technique. That
is, MAS guarantees the UA message to the AA by signing it
with its private key. The signed message is then encrypted with
the AAs public key to ensure confidentiality. AA
automatically trusts the message signed by MAS key since the
MAS is a core trusted element. In addition, only legal AA can
use its own private key to decrypt the message. This process is
used to ensure that trust has been thoroughly created in the
agent system.
[Step 7] UA Message Verification:
Upon receipt of a message, AA will acknowledged the UA and
verify the trustworthiness of the message by verifying the
digital signature signed by MAS in the previous step.

IMECS 2007

[Step 8] Multi-Application Control: After the process in Step

7 is done, AA will then be responsible for controlling the use of
multi-application requests by several users (UAs). It manages
the application access queue and does the login task on behalf
of the authorized users.
As a consequence, all processes above achieve the
multi-client and multi-application authentication purpose with
MAS functions. However the issue of the agent, particularly
AA, recovery, complex administration policies e.g. mandatory
access control, quota, concurrent access constraints, priority, as
well as accountability are highly required for our extended
version of the proposed MAS model.

Transparent to clients, the authentication process and

multi-application access management are controlled by the
MAS. If the clients are successfully authenticated, they will be
allowed to traverse to any applications available to them as
shown in Fig. 4 (based on the capability list) and select one(s)
without the need of several sign-in requests. The
communication among client, web server, MAS and web
application are secured by SSL protocol.

A. Overview of the Implementation
We initially prove our proposed idea on how the MAS
supports the multi-application authentication and management.
Therefore the primitive goal of our experiment is to verify that
the proposed MAS module is functionally correct and feasible
to support the authentication of multi-applications and
multi-clients. The test scenario consists of a web server, LDAP
directory, Database Oracle 9i. For the MAS module, we use
Java programming for the development.
In our initial experiment, ten clients are assigned to register
for the certificate and key pair, which are kept in the USB
e-token issued by the certification authority in order to use the
multiple web-based applications autonomously.
The clients need to perform two-factor authentication and
single sign on before accessing to web applications. The clients
will be allowed to get through the corresponding web
application when their authenticity and applications access
right are checked to be valid by the MAS engine.

Fig.4: Application Selection Window

B. MAS Configuration Administration
To provide the effective way in configuring the MAS, the
MAS configuration interface is designed and developed. Fig. 5
presents the MAS configuration screen

Fig.3 displays the screen shot of the client authentication

which is showed up when the clients connect to the web server
with their tokens.

Fig.5: Multi Agent System Configuration

Fig.3: Client Authentication Screen

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From this screen, the system administrator can configure the

system components including web server, LDAP directory,
databases, and application servers. Here, we can add any
applications to the profile list and connect them to the
authentication pool. In addition, we are currently implementing
the key and certificate management function which co-operate
with the certification authority to enable our relying parties to
request for issuance, suspension, revocation, and renewal in a
more feasible way.
To verify the MAS authentication process and current status
of application to which the clients connect, the administrator
can check all activities from the event log as shown in Fig.6.

can save the management cost since the security and

authentication policy and configurations can be made easy.
Finally, we present our ongoing implementation with the focus
on features of MAS.
In our future works, there are a number of issues to be
addressed. Agent recovery is very important for system
robustness. Complex administration policies could be
extensively applied. For example, AA could do security
clearance checks for mandatory access control; quota and
accountability system must be established. In terms of
reliability, the system needs to be tested under a high number of
clients and applications. Moreover, a serious consideration,
evaluation and assessment for the performance and resource
consumption should be done further. For a more advanced
feature of our system, an integration of several types of agents,
e.g. mobile agent can be adopted for future version of a hybrid
authentication model.


Fig.6: Event Log

According to our experiment, the result from the verification
shows that MAS functionalities are correct and robust for all
connections. Empirically, the communication cost outperforms
the several authentication visits and accesses to multiple
We have presented the idea and implementation of how to
apply MAS technique to serve the authentication service in the
multi-clients and multi-application environment. The design of
user agent and application agent is introduced to perform the
client authentication and multi-application delegation. The
combination of two-factor authentication, Single sign-on, and
digital certificate are adopted to reflect the real need of current
distributed applications. Therefore, client convenience is
greatly increased by using our system. Also, the administrator


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IMECS 2007

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