Introduction To Reichsfolk
Introduction To Reichsfolk
Introduction To Reichsfolk
The essence of our distinct Reichsfolk ethos is manifest in: (1) the acceptance
of and the further cultivation of human diversity by noble and reasonable
means, and which means include the establishment of clans and tribes; and
(2) in the ethical principle of personal honour, which implies that we as
individuals should act in a cultured, a civilized, way and thus should have or
according to the principles of honour, loyalty, duty, and reverence for and
respect of Nature.
Thus, Reichsfolk is not a political movement interested in agitating for or
obtaining some kind of political power in some existing nation or State.
Neither is Reichsfolk interested in reforming existing political or social
structures. Instead, we believe that was is important what is ethical are
we, as individuals, reforming ourselves, changing ourselves for the better,
and living in small folk communities where we can establish an honourable,
living a numinous identity for ourselves and live in balance with Nature,
being thus a living nexus between our ancestors and the future of our folk,
and a manifestation of the civilized virtues of reason, honour, and respect for
Reichsfolk thus distances itself from the old ways of impersonal States and
large nations, and from the old ways of political and social strife, seeking
instead to establish a new way of living based upon the establishment of new
tribes and clans, with these new tribes and clans the genesis for new folk
The Way of The Folk
The new, the numinous, way of the folk that is the raison detre of Reichsfolk,
is the way of forming new clans and tribes based upon either (1) the living
culture of our ancestors on that numinosity which lives within us and which
we thus have an ainity for, a natural and often wordless love for; or (2)
establishing or developing a new culture, a new identity, for ourselves, our
family, our small group of comrades.
In the former, there is often an ainity for a particular locality, a particular
small geographical area, which we feel as our ancestral homeland, and
where we desire to live, and where we are most happy. In the latter, there is
a certain ainity for exploration, and thus a pioneering spirit.
For the former, there is thus a continuation of a certain already existing folk
or folk community or folk communities, or the re-establishment of ancestral
communities on or near to ancestral lands. In the latter, there is, over a
certain duration of causal Time, the establishmnt of new folk communities
and thence a new folkish culture in a new area which may well become the
ancestral land of the new folk.
Our new communities begin with ourselves, or with a small group or one
family, deciding to live in accord with the ethos of Reichsfolk and it is this
living with this ethos that is the genesis of a new clan and thence a new
For a clan is simply an extended family, bound by ties of kinship and loyalty,
and thus somewhat small, whereas a tribe is a small collection of clans living
or dwelling together in the same locality or adjacent localities who initially
are bound by ties of loyalty and often by a common need to cooperate (for
reasons of food, or survival, or the sharing of natural resources, or work, for
instance) but who later on also become bound together by ties of kinship.
Thus, clans can evolve to become tribes which becomes a new folk. In the
terms of the old England of Shires, a clan is akin to a farm, home to many
generations of the same family, who may expand to become a hamlet, while
the tribe is akin to a small, rural, self-suicient village of many families,
where there is some specialization of work, for instance, in those olden days,
a farrier, a wheelwright, a miller.
A living in accord with the ethos of Reichsfolk means that we give our loyalty
to our family, to our extended family, to the group of comrades we personally
know, to our own personally-known kindred community since the numinous
way of the folk is the way of not only personal honour but of a personal,
individual, loyalty. For we can only be numinously loyal to a living individual
or individuals we personally know and thus respect and who, as we, uphold
the principle of personal honour.
Furthermore, since we cannot be loyal to those whom we do not personally
know, we cannot be loyal to some abstract authority or some Institution or
even to some already existing nation or State and therefore our duty is
limited to those whom we know, we respect, we trust: our family, and the
extended family that is our clan and the larger tribe to which our clan may
belong or come to be a part of. That is, our duty and our loyalty are limited to
our folk, our new folk and can only be extended to others when we know
these others through a direct, personal, interaction with them on the basis of
honour, and when we make an honourable agreement with these others
because we accept that they, also, are honourable.
It is this combination of a living, a numinous, loyalty based on a personal
knowing with the duty to comrades, to our own folkish clan and tribe,
arising from such loyalty, together with a personal commitment to honour,
which expresses the folkish way of living that is Reichsfolk, and indeed which
expresses the civilized, the cultured, way of our ancestors; a way we have
drifted away from through abstractions such as The State and large nations.
The Way of Reichsfolk
The way of Reichsfolk is the human, the cultured, ancestral way of clans and
tribes, of kindred communities bound by personal ties of loyalty and duty
combined with the new way of such new communities as we establish
embodying the necessary and civilizing virtues of honour and reason, and
thence also the need for individuals to change, to evolve, themselves
ethically in accord with reason and honour. That is, our way is both a
traditional and a new way a conscious evolution of what was good and
numinous in such ancestral ways of living.
The new Reich we seek to establish begins within each one of us by us
valuing our own ancestral culture, by reforming ourselves through the
virtues of reason and honour, and by seeking in an ethical way to continue
this culture in a communal way through association with others of our
kindred. From this, new folkish clans and tribes will arise through people
desiring to live among their own kind according to the principles of numinous
law, and it is these new tribes which will form the basis for a new Reich.
Thus, we do not need emotive speeches, rallies, violence, insurrection, hate,
or any strident propaganda or indeed any political or social agitation at all,
for we are not seeking to sway or persuade people by rhetoric or propaganda
or by appealing to some dishonourable prejudice they may possess, as we are
not involved in some violent struggle for some type of power against some
perceived enemies. For our main enemy is ourself our lack of honour, our
lack of reason; our lack of respect for Nature; our lack of a living loyalty.
Instead of engaging in some struggle with some enemies, we are seeking to
change, to reform, ourselves to ethically establish a numinous, an
honourable, a natural, way of living for ourselves and our descendants, based
upon our understanding, our perception, of Nature and on how personal
honour, a living loyalty and duty to people we know and trust, make us and
keep us civilized and express the essence of our humanity and of that noble
dream and hope of a noble way of living which noble human beings have
carried in their soul for thousands upon thousands of years, and which noble
dream and hope all current nations and all States cannot ever manifest or
bring into being such is their profane, their material, their tyrannical, their
unfolkish, character; a character so evident in their adherence to unfolkish
political and social dogma, in their replacement of personal honour by
abstract laws, and by their demand for an impersonal obedience.
Our aim is thus not to change, overthrow, or replace existing nations and
States or even seek any power and inuence, of whatever kind, within
them. It is to ignore those old abstractions, for they belong to another world
the profane world of the likes of Homo Hubris and of those cabals who
manipulate and who use such de-evolved human beings. A world which will
assuredly, in its own species of profane Time, will decay, decline, and give
way to new forms of living, such as ours. For that old world carries within its
material ignoble ethos within its diseased psyche the corruption, the
psychosis, the diseases, which will ultimately destroy it.
Our duty is not to that old now diseased world or even to some abstract,
manufactured idea, or some political programme, or to some ideal. Instead,
our duty is simply the inner reformation of ourselves, as individuals, through
cultivating and living by honour and reason, and honourably striving to live
in that better, that more numinous, way which is the way of clans and tribes
bound by a shared folkish culture.
Richard Stirling
February 122 yf
The word of a man or woman of honour is their bond for when a man or
woman of honour gives their word ("On my word of honour") they mean it,
What matters, what is important, for Numinous law is the personal honour of
the individual and the right, and duty, of the individual to defend their own
honour. This right and duty cannot be taken away from the individual by, for
example, the State, for that would be contrary to Numinous law, a denial of
the freedom of the individual based as this freedom is on personal honour,
and personal responsibility to defend that honour.
Numinous law thus accepts that a duel, or a trial by combat, is an honourable
way of settling disputes between individuals.
In the matter of duels and trial by combat, Numinous law species that there
must be an independent referee, Umpire or judge, at least two independent
witnesses, and that such duels and trials be conducted in an honourable way
according to custom. Numinous law airms that should any person be
injured or killed in such a duel or trial by combat then that is their own
responsibility. That is, Numinous law considers such duels and such combats
when performed honourably according to custom as honourable deeds.
VI: The sixth principle of Numinous law is that anyone publicly accused of a
dishonourable deed or deeds has a right to either challenge the person
making the accusation to a duel, or of accepting a trial in a Numinous Court
of Law.
Should the person so making the accusation agree to a duel, then the matter
is considered settled, according to Numinous law, by the outcome of that
duel provided it is done in an honourable way.
VII: The seventh principle of Numinous law is that an individual accused of
any dishonourable deed or deeds, who has accepted a trial in a Numinous
Court of Law, can either elect to have their case heard, in public, with
witnesses called, or elect for a public trial by combat between the accused
and a member or relative of the family of the person who has made the
It is up to the Court to ensure that such a combat is fair: that is, that the two
combatants are fairly evenly matched in skill and physical strength.
If the accused accepts a public Court, then they are bound by the verdict of
that Court. That is, there is no appeal. Thus, if the accused is found guilty,
then they must accept exile, or pay whatever compensation is demanded by
the Court. According to Numinous law, failure to pay such compensation
within the time specied by the Court means the immediate exile of the
person, with the type of exile being decided by the Court.
VIII: The eighth principle of Numinous law is that a public trial involves an
accusation made by one individual against another individual before a Jury of
twelve honourable individuals, with their being a presiding Judge. It is the
duty of the Jury to judge the case on the evidence of independent witnesses,
and after hearing arguments from the accused and the person who has
brought the charge. The accusation must be supported by the evidence of
independent witnesses: if there is no such evidence, the case is dismissed. It
to undertake such duties, with this oicial being publicly known for their
honour by their deeds, their work, their service to and on behalf of the