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Jacob Pearson
Ms. Gardner
English 10 Period 4
4 May 2016
Black Market Heart
The black markets GDP collectively accumulates $10 trillion every year. If it were
country, it would have the second largest economy in the world (Capps). The word black market
might instantly draw you to the terms, illegal and abusive, however there is much more to it than
that. The black market is a DIY (Valladares), do it yourself, system that has allowed families
who make less than $5 a day to survive and provide for themselves. Questions arise with the
black marketshould it remain a function for low paying jobs to utilize in order to survive, or let
them starve and die off? However, it is no secret that the black market is also appropriated by
those seeking access to illegal materials, or activities. Drug and gun trafficking are used to avoid
the government, but is necessary for survival. People who have doctorates earn less in one day
than a taxi driver in some cities. How are they supposed to get by in life? Black markets need to
remain functioning in countries because people need it to make a decent income, get food to eat
each day, and provide for their family.
Some may state that the black market is strictly for illegal purposes and avoiding the law.
Others state that businesses conceal 40% of profits and corrupt political agendas (OxResearch).
Additionally health care programs are lost that treat drug abuse (Luna). Overall people think that
the black market is nothing but abuse of law, and a destruction of economies. Ray Turchansky, a
writer for the Edmonton Journal states, The lack of tax collection is perceived as a major reason
Greece now faces a mountain of debt. Many people with education still arent making a living

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wage. Those many more who dont have an education are even worse off. How are people who
are deprived of basic human rights supposed to survive when it is restricted by the government?
People will seek their own way to survive and adapt. There isnt much the government can do to
stop that. While many still focus on the harmful effects of a black market, many miss the crucial
and beneficial facts about them which they were created for.
It is true that the black market is abused for the trafficking of illegal goods. However, it is
important to know the true reason that black markets exist. This reason stands as people live on
less than $3 a day. If you take the average price of water in America it comes out to be about
$1.30 per gallon. Each day we should drink about a half a gallon of water leaving that other $2
for food. No person can live off of $2, and not go hungry. On some weeks payment is refused
leaving the workers nothing (Valladares). How are people expected to provide and care for
themselves and their families if theyre payment is refused-which is a violation of law. These
now unpaid workers are not better than slaves, living off of the table scraps of business owners
and multimillion dollar CEOs. The only way for these slaves to continue living is through
illegal trade and purchases. With 24.4% of people unemployed, people still have to provide for
their families (Minder). With all of these crippling wages, how is it not expected that people find
a way to survive?
Continuing on, how much of this $3 is spent on food? A daily recommended study for the
minimum amount of money someone needs for food in one day is $6. Not even able to provide
for themselves, how can people be expected to pay for family? It is also estimated that the black
market makes up 19.2% of sales for domestic products (Minder). This isnt even 50% of the
nation's income, however it follows the law of impunity (Turchansky), and is a destroyer of
governments. Obviously, people in the black market seek to overthrow the governments that got

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them into this situation through small wages, corrupt officials, and lack of produce. The
government should focus on is reforming the formal economy to make it more efficient and
competitive, suggests International Herald Tribune writer Raphael Minder. Without the black
market many people would starve and die on the account of underpayment. An enormous weight
would fall to the government as it is crushed by activists saying feed the people! and stop the
starvation! If the economy of these countries really is plummeting into double-dip bear
market, why would they want to have more weight on their shoulders? As a result, the economy
of the black market must continue to live on for the sake of everyone, including the millions of
Ultimately it is human instinct to provide for your family. In particular, if the government
cant provide something for you, others will. That is why the black market is an efficient and
effective DIY economy (Capps). In addition to this market keeping families alive and working
for the government destroying them, they are the only part of the economy expanding (Capps).
Reflecting on the facts, without the black market many countries would destroy themselves,
requiring aid from other countries where the market remains functioning. China as a communist
government has strict censorship policies and no tolerance for any illegal goods not personally
checked by them. Yet, take a casual stroll as my father has, through the right parts of Beijing and
Hong Kong and you may happen upon a black market selling luxury goods for cheap prices.
Connecting to these bustling places are markets run by people, not government. No problems
come from these markets as they continue day to day selling products for cheaper and going
home happier. Additionally the economy of China continues to grow every year bringing the
question why change something thats preventing violent social unrest (Minder). Studies also
show that 64% percent of women in the labour force, also work in the informal section

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(Valladares). With this many people working in it, and so many positives, why destroy a system
crucial to life? Therefore, black markets should remain functioning and be able to expand their
trade throughout countries in order to benefit everyone living in them.
Conclusively black markets need to remain functioning in countries because people need
to provide for family, food, and wages. Without functioning black markets millions would starve
and die through faulty economics and governmental failures. Countries would follow, falling into
a depression and losing their controlled part of the economy. This occurs because of corrupt and
unjust governments that do not provide enough food, money, or jobs for people to live off of.
Alongside the people, the worlds second largest economy would disappear. Think of the
detrimental issues that would result from one action. Large amounts of people would for starters,
nobody would like that. On top of that people not even involved with black would feel the
backlash. Prices of simple goods-milk, bread, water-all would increase from inflation and the
large amounts of death. Along with a large number of bodies come disease. What would we be
dealing with then, a large spread plague? By simply passing by without a mention, or even
cooperating with black markets you can help millions around the world live on and improve the
global economy.

Works Cited
Capps, Robert. "Slumdog Economist." Wired. Jan. 2012: 68. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 25
Apr. 2016.

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Luna, David M. "The Destructive Impact of Illicit Trade and the Illegal Economy..." 26 Oct. 2012: n.p. SIRS Government Reporter. Web. 25 Apr.
Minder, Raphael. "In Spain, a Black Market Eases Job Pain." International Herald Tribune. 18
May 2012:2. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 25 Apr. 2016.
"Central Asia: Shadow Economies Hold Back Development." OxResearch Daily Brief Service.
23 Jun. 2011: 1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 25 Apr. 2016.
Turchansky, Ray. "Greece is the Word--For the Perils of an Underground Economy." Edmonton
Journal (Alberta, Canada). 03 May 2010: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 25
Apr. 2016.
Valladares, Danilo. "Central America: Women Eke Out a Living in Informal Economy." Global
Information Network. 17 Feb. 2010: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 25 Apr.

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