ASME IX Interpretation-Part4

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The document discusses various interpretations of welding codes and standards. It addresses questions regarding welding procedures, essential variables, thickness requirements, and welder qualifications.

The interpretations cover topics such as overlay welding requirements, A-number categories, minimum thickness qualifications, welding operator qualifications, and advice during welding tests.

Processes and variables discussed include submerged arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding, shielded metal arc welding, and essential and non-essential variables. Thickness and joint geometry qualifications are also addressed.



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Please limit your selection on the search results screen to 10 interpretations.
Standard Designation:
BPV Section IX

Para./Fig./Table No:
Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-214

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: Is it required that the entire bend test specimen for procedure
qualification of overlay (QW-214) be covered with overlay weld metal?
Reply: No.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, 1974 Edition, QW-403.6

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: If the thickness of the test plate or pipe is more than 5/8 in. and
QW-403.6 is specified as a Supplementary Essential Variable, what is the
minimum thickness qualified?

Reply: When QW-403.6 is required as a Supplementary Essential Variable

for notch toughness, the minimum thickness qualified when the test plate or
pipe is greater than 5/8 in. is 5/8 in. The minimum thickness specified in
QW-451 is the minimum thickness qualified, except when QW-403.6 is
listed as a Supplementary Essential Variable.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-422, A-Numbers vs. AWS Requirements

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: Prior to the Winter 1976 Addenda of Section IX, the E8018-C3
electrodes met the A-No. 12 category of QW-442. What is the A-Number
category for this electrode in the revised QW-442 A-Numbers?



Reply: All E8018-C3 electrodes now meet the requirements for A-No. 10 in
QW-442. This was also true in 1976.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-201.1 and QW-201.2

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): Is it the intent of QW-201.1 to list on the Welding Procedure
Specification each essential and nonessential variable required for each
process whether the variable is applicable for that particular process or not?
Reply (1): It is the intent of QW-201.1 as stated: "The WPS information
may be presented in any form, written or tabular, to fit the needs of each
manufacturer or contractor as long as every essential and nonessential
variable required of the appropriate welding process or processes (QW-252
through QW-281) is included."
Question (2): Do the requirements of QW-201.2 on the Procedure
Qualification Record require a similar enumeration?

Reply (2): The requirements of QW-201.2 call for the Procedure

Qualification Record to document the essential variables of the applicable
process or processes required by QW-252 through QW-281.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-305

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: Is it the intent of the Code, QW-305, that if a man qualifies using
a semi-automatic process (submerged arc), is he also qualified using
automatic submerged arc where the arc is positioned via a fully motorized

Reply: It is the intent of the Code that welding operators would be governed
by the requirements of QW-305 which would cover all automatic processes.
Semi-automatic submerged arc process, which would be performed by a
welder, would need to comply with the requirements of QW-304 and QW354.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:
Subject Description:

BPV Section IX
Section IX, Summer Addenda, QW-202.2



Date Issued:


Interpretation Number :


Record Number:


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): Is there a limit on the minimum depth of deposited metal for
repair or build-up welding? Does this override the minimum limits listed in
Table QW-451.1?

Reply (1): If you limit the weld layers to in. or less in thickness, then the
minimum limits of QW-451.1 are overridden as far as weld metal thickness
is concerned. New work has been done on QW-451.1 which will help
clarify this item.
Question (2): Does qualification on test plates/material less than 3 in. thick
allow repair and build-up welding on base material of thickness up to 2t,
with a depth of deposited metal being limited to a maximum of 2t?
Reply (2): Yes.

Question (3): Does qualification on test plates/material 3 in. thick or greater

allow repair and build-up welding on base material of any thickness, the
depth of the deposited metal is limited to a maximum of 2t?
Reply (3): Yes.

Question (4): Is it permissible to perform repairs deeper than 6 in. using for
qualification plate with a thickness of at least one-half the depth of the
Reply (4): Yes.

Question (5): Is it correct to assume that the thickness of the material being
repaired refers to the location where the repair is being made?
Reply (5): Yes.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QB-402.1 and QB-402.2 Material Qualification

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: QB-402.1 and QB-402.2 are Essential Variables for procedure
and performance qualification, respectively, which indicate that a change
from a base metal listed under one P-Number in QB-422 to a base metal
listed under another P-Number or to any other base metal require
requalification. Can a procedure which is qualified using ASME SB-12
Alloy 122 be used for the brazing of ASME SB-42 Alloy 122 (P-No. 107)
material? Can a procedure which is qualified with ASME SB-466 Alloy 706
(similar to P-No. 107 material, SB-111 Alloy 706) be used to qualify a
brazing procedure for joining SB-12 Alloy 122 (similar to P-No. 107
material, SB-42 Alloy 122)?
Reply: The answer to both questions presented is in the affirmative that
qualification with Alloy 122 or Alloy 706, both included in P-No. 107, will



qualify all other product forms of that same alloy. The Committee
recognizes that the P-Number tables of the Brazing Section of Section IX
need revision and updating to cover the other product forms for alloys now
listed. The precedent of permitting other product forms of similar chemistry
materials has been well established in all the book sections of the Code in
their General Requirements paragraphs on materials.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-404.4

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: In the 1977 Edition of Section IX, QW-404.4 stated "A change
from one F-Number in QW-432 to any other F-Number or to any other filler
metal not listed in QW-432, except if otherwise allowed in QW-310." Using
the provision of QW-310.4(a), does a welding procedure qualified with an
F-Number up to and including F-No. 4 qualify welding procedures for the
same or lower F-Number, all other essential variables being the same?
Reply: No. The reference to QW-310 in QW-404.4 was recognized as not
being appropriate as the variable is only for procedure qualification and not
for performance qualification. The last phrase of QW-404.4 has
subsequently been eliminated to prevent such reasoning in the application
of this variable.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-182

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: Do the results of a fillet weld fracture test of QW-182 which has
inclusions and gas pockets meet the requirements of Section IX provided
the sum of these imperfections does not exceed 3/4 in.?
Reply: Yes.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-404.4

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :

Question(s) and Reply(ies):




Question: Is the change from one proprietary brand name filler metal to
another of the same range of chemical analysis specified in the WPS
considered a change of essential variable QW-404.4 (A change from one
F-Number in QW-432 to any other F-Number or to any other filler metal
not listed in QW-432)?
Reply: No.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, Welder Qualification

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: Does a groove in a procedure test coupon of thickness T have to
be filled completely with weld metal to meet the requirements of Section IX
for a groove weld procedure test coupon?
Reply: No.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-201.3 and QW-451.1

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): A welding procedure is qualified on a base material with a
thickness of 1.125 in. Two welding processes are used. The deposited weld
metal thickness for each process is GMAW Short Circuiting Transfer Mode
0.125 in., SAW 1 in. What is the maximum base metal thickness qualified
by this combination procedure?
Reply (1): 1.2375 in. maximum. See QW-200.4 and QW-403.10.

Question (2): A welding procedure is qualified on a base material thickness

of 0.280 in. using the GMAW Short Circuiting Transfer Mode. A second
welding procedure is qualified on a base material thickness of 1.500 in. by
the GTAW and SAW processes. A new WPS is written using these two
procedures, using GMAW Short Circuiting Transfer Mode for the first layer
with SAW balance. What is the maximum base metal thickness qualified by
combining these two procedures?
Reply (2): 0.308 in. maximum. See QW-200.4 and QW-403.10.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:
Subject Description:

BPV Section IX
Section IX, Multiprocess Thickness Ranges



Date Issued:


Interpretation Number :


Record Number:


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): When using individually a process that was qualified in
combination with another process, what benefit is gained by stating a base
metal thickness range that is greater than the deposited weld metal thickness
range allowed?
Reply (1): The thicker base metal thickness range is primarily needed for
combination process welds wherein both base metal and deposited weld
metal thickness ranges must be qualified. But the thicker base metal range
may also be used when welding base metals of dissimilar thicknesses or for
partial penetration groove welds wherein the base metal thickness is greater
than the weld groove preparation and, therefore, is greater than the
deposited weld metal thickness.

Question (2): A new WPS is to be written utilizing a multiprocess

procedure GTAW-SAW qualified in combination, and a single procedure
qualified by itself. The multiprocess procedure was qualified using a base
metal thickness of 1 in. The single process procedure was qualified on a
base material with a thickness of in. by the GMAW-S (short circuiting
process). The new WPS will use the GMAW-S process for the root pass and
SAW balance. What is the maximum base metal thickness that can be
welded using this combination of processes?
Reply (2): 0.550 in. maximum. See QW-200.4 and QW-403.10.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-282.4(f)

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: In reference to hard facing weld metal overlay essential variable
QW-282.4(f), does the phrase "... beyond the range specified" refer to the
current range specified in the Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) or the
Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)?
Reply: The range referred to above is that which is listed on the WPS.
Supporting PQR's must be within the specified range.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, Welder Qualification

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :

Question(s) and Reply(ies):




Question (1): A welder was performance qualified with the manual SMAW
process and the semiautomatic SAW process on January 1, 1980. He
welded using the SMAW process on January 15, 1980. Must he weld using
the semiautomatic SAW process on or before April 15, 1980 to remain
qualified with the semi-automatic SAW?
Reply (1): If there is no additional welding after the SMAW on January 15,
1980, the SMAW qualification will expire on April 16. Since the welder is
no longer employed on some other welding process, his semiautomatic
SAW qualification will also expire on April 16.

Question (2): A welder was qualified with SMAW and semiautomatic SAW
on January 1, 1980. He welds using SMAW on March 15, 1980 and May
15, 1980. Must he weld using semiautomatic SAW after July 1?
Reply (2): Yes.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, Welder Qualification

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): Can a contractor who has developed, qualified, and
maintained his welding procedure specification and has qualified his
welders to these qualified WPS's then place the welders' qualification test
papers into a pool of qualified welders maintained by an organized group
(in this case, the National Certified Pipe Welding Bureau) for all member
contractors to use?
Reply (1): Section IX does not recognize or address any organized group
with regard to welder qualification. Section IX is explicit that each
Manufacturer shall certify that welders have been qualified in accordance
with one of his qualified welding procedures specifications in accordance
with the requirements of Section IX.

Question (2): Are the organized group and all its member contractors in
compliance with Section IX if they use these welders described in Question
(1), without qualifying them?
Reply (2): No.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, Qualification of Small Diameter Pipe

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: May procedure qualification for fillet welded socket joints less
than 3/4 in. in diameter be conducted on the test specimen prescribed for



performance qualification, with testing as required for performance


Reply: No. QW-202.2 requires procedure qualification for fillet welds only
to be in accordance with QW-180. QW-181.1 refers to QW-462.4(a) as the
only acceptable way to qualify such procedures.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-300.2

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: May a Certificate Holder subcontract qualification of his welders
to a testing laboratory under the following conditions? (a) the Certificate
Holder will have specific individuals identified in the testing laboratory to
oversee, supervise, and control the qualification test coupons being made;
(b) the identified individual (at the test lab) would be compensated
separately for his services; (c) the welders will weld to the Certificate
Holder's procedures; and (d) the performance qualification test coupons will
be tested using the Certificate Holder's established criteria.
Reply: No.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-303.3

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: A 2 in. NPS pipe is to be welded, without backing, to a flange to
build a nozzle for a Section VIII vessel. The assembly is placed in a
positioner and rotated in such a manner that the entire weld is made in the
1G position (maximum 15 deg. off horizontal). Does the welder have to be
qualified for small pipe diameter less than 2-7/8 in. O.D. per QW-303.3 and
Reply: In the example cited above, the welder would have to be qualified
for small diameter pipe (less than 2-7/8 in. O.D.).

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-452.3

Record Number:


Date Issued:




Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): Do the small diameter qualification requirements of QW452.3 apply to welders who weld small diameter (less than 2-7/8 in. O.D.)
drill through bosses or weld pads that will later be drilled out to form a
branch connection to a pressure component?
Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): If the answer to the above question is yes, how is the wall
thickness determined and what tests are to be performed on the test coupon?
Reply (2): The wall thickness is not a consideration. Refer to QW-452.3 for
requirements based on deposited weld metal thickness.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-451.1

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): A procedure qualification groove weld test is conducted on 2
in. thick base metal. A root pass of 1/8 in. is deposited with GTAW, and the
balance is filled with SMAW. The coupon is sectioned and meets the
acceptance criteria for the required testing. Is this procedure qualified for a
base metal thickness of 3/16 in. through 8 in.?

Reply (1): Yes, provided the thickness ranges for deposited weld metal are
observed. However, for a procedure consisting of only GTAW, the range of
base metal thickness is 1/16 in. through 8 in. with 1/16 in. through 1/4 in. of
deposited weld metal.
Question (2): Is the procedure described in Question (1) qualified for
deposited 1/4 in. of GTAW and 7-3/4 in. of SMAW on 8 in. thick base
Reply (2): Yes.

Question (3): May the PQR described in Question (1) be used to support a
procedure consisting only of SMAW for both base metal and deposited
weld metal ranges of 3/16 in. through 8 in.?
Reply (3): Yes.

Question (4): May the PQR described in Question (1) be used to support a
procedure consisting only of GTAW for both base metal and deposited weld
metal ranges of 1/16 in. through 1/4 in.?
Reply (4): Yes.
Standard Designation:

BPV Section IX

Para./Fig./Table No:



Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-163

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: A recent weld test using dissimilar materials SA-516 Gr. 70 to A
238 Gr. 9 was given a postweld heat treatment at 1350F for 6 hr to meet
the requirements of application for ANSI B31.1, ANSI B31.3, Section VIII,
and welded fittings SA-234 Grade P9. While the tension tests were
acceptable with this heat treatment, the side bends failed with a brittle type
fracture at the interface of the A 387 Gr. 9 plate and weld deposit, with no
visible weld defects. During welding the test coupons were maintained at
400-600F and allowed to cool after welding beneath an insulating blanket.
Since QW-163 does permit cracking if not the result of slag inclusions or
other internal defects, would the side bends be acceptable despite the
complete fracture?
Reply: No.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, Repair Welding

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: Is it necessary to make full thickness butt welds in thick test
materials to qualify for minor surface repair, overlay, or buildup welding on
thick parts?
Reply: The Summer 1980 Addenda to Section IX revised QW-202.3. This
paragraph states in part, "The upper limit for base metal and deposited weld
metal shall be in accordance with QW-451, except qualification on 1 in.
thick base metal will permit welding on unlimited thickness." There is a
conflict between QW-202.3 and QW-202.2 in both the Summer and Winter
1980 Addenda that is applicable to this matter. QW-202.3 is correct and
reference to the 3 in. thick base metal in QW-202.2 should be ignored.
Corrections to these paragraphs will be made by Errata in the Summer 1981

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-305

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: Is a welding operator who is qualified to weld to a WPS in one
process and position qualified to weld to any other WPS in this same
process in all positions?



Reply: Yes.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-403.11

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: When using either SMAW or GTAW, does welding with F-No. 5
(A-No. 8), F-No. 6 (A-No.8), or F-No. 43 filler materials on a P-No. 5 to
P-No. 5 base material (with 3% maximum chromium content), also qualify
for welding with the following base metals (using the same welding process
and filler materials): P-No. 4 to P-No. 5, P-No. 4 to P-No. 4, P-No. 1 to
P-No. 5, P-No. 1 to P-No. 4, and P-No. 1 to P-No.l?
Reply: QW-403.11 allows a procedure qualified with P-No. 1,3, 4 or 5 (3%
maximum chromium content) base metal welded to itself to qualify for that
P-Number base metal welded to each of the lower P-Number base metals.
Therefore, for the example cited above, the following base metal
combinations are qualified (using the.same welding process and filler
materials): P-No. 5 to P-No. 5, P-No. 4 to P-No. 5, P-No. 3 to P-No. 5, and
P-No. 1 to P-No. 5.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-163

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: In QW-163, is the total amount of defect allowed on the surface
of one bend strap a total of 1/8 in.?

Reply: There may be any number of defects as long as any one defect does
not exceed 1/8 in.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-403.11 and QW-403.12

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: For SMAW, SAW, GMAW, GTAW, and PAW welding
processes, QW-403.11 and QW-403.12 state that for P-Nos. 1,3, 4, and 5
(of 3% maximum nominal chromium content) a procedure qualification test
with one P-Number metal shall also qualify for that P-Number metal



welded to each of the lower P-Number metals (i.e., P-No. 5 to P-No. 5 also
qualifies P-No. 5 to P-No. 4, P-No. 5 to P-No. 3, and P-No. 5 to P-No. 1).
Does this also mean that a procedure qualification test with one P-Number
to a lower P-Number (e.g., P-No. 5 to P-No. 4) will also qualify that
P-Number to lower P-Numbers (e.g., P-No. 5 to P-No. 3 or P-No. 5 to
P-No. 1 )?
Reply: No.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, Welder Qualification

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: Is a welder qualified with backing for SMAW also qualified to
weld flare bevel groove welds, tee fillet welds, and partial penetration
groove welds?
Reply: Yes.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, Thickness Qualification

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): Is a right angle joint between a piece of 3/4 in. thick material
and a 2 in. thick material where there is a "J" preparation in the 3/4 in. piece
considered a groove weld?
Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): What is the minimum thickness of test plate that will qualify a
3/4 in. to 2 in. dissimilar thickness groove weld?
Reply (2): 1 in.; QW-202.4 contains qualification requirements for joints
between dissimilar base metal thicknesses.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-409.8

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :




Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: Is it required by QW-409.8 to list a voltage range on welding
procedure specifications written for manual SMAW and GTAW?
Reply: Yes.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-322

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: A welder has not used a specific process for a period of 3 months
or more, but during that 3 month period has taken and passed a performance
qualification test with a different process. Would this welder's qualification
on the first process be extended to 6 months?
Reply: Yes.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-407

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: Do welding procedures have to be qualified for each different
heat treatment to comply with QW-407 for nonferrous materials of P-Nos.
41,42, 43, 44, and 45?
Reply: Yes.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, Qualification of an Autogenous Seal Weld

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question:Will the following course of action provide an acceptable method
of qualifying an autogenous weld: (a) fuse the root of a groove weld using
the GTAW process with no filler metal added; (b) complete welding of the
joint with the addition of filler metal; (c) perform all required mechanical
testing; and (d) modify the WPS based on the PQR developed as a result of
(c), eliminating all but the fused GTAW root pass from the actual
production weld?
Reply: Yes, provided that the applicable thickness ranges are not violated.



Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QB-422

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): Why are the P-Number groupings in QB-422 changed from
time to time, including elimination of some alloys?

Reply (1): P-Number groupings in QB-422 am changed periodically for a

number of reasons. These reasons include additions or deletions of alloy
types in SA/SB specifications, occasional determinations that certain alloy
types are not brazable, and infrequently, alloys are inadvertently eliminated
as part of the editing and printing process.
Question (2): Can materials that have been eliminated from the P-No. 107
grouping in the Summer 1980 Addenda of Section IX be used?
Reply (2): Materials that have been eliminated from the P-Number
groupings cannot be used unless a Code Case is approved or Errata is
published which permits their use to the Section IX Edition and Addenda
from which they were removed. Alloys C 120, C 122, and C 142 (SB-75)
were inadvertently dropped from P-No. 107 in the 1980 Edition, Summer
1980 Addenda and action is presently in progress to restore them in QB422.
Question (3): Are Alloys C122 (SB-75) and C102 (SB-42) in the temper
drawn condition acceptable when only annealed properties are shown in

Reply (3): Copper alloys in the temper drawn condition are acceptable for
use. Annealed properties are shown in the P-No. 107 grouping because
temper drawn material will be annealed during the brazing operation.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-322

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): In accordance with QW-322, may qualifications of a welding
operator in a specific process be continuously extended by welding as a
qualified welder in the same welding process (e.g., SAW, GMAW,
Reply (1): No.

Question (2): In accordance with QW-322, may the qualifications of a

welder in a specific process be continuously extended by welding as a



qualified welding operator in the same welding process (e.g., SAW,

Reply (2): No.

Question (3): In accordance with QW-322, may both the expired welder and
welding operator qualifications of an employee in a specific welding
process (e.g., SAW, GMAW, FCAW) be re-established if the employee
successfully makes only one test joint using all the variables of the previous
welder test joint for the specific welding process (e.g., SAW, GMAW,
Reply (3): The previous welder qualifications are reinstated, but not the
welding operator qualifications.

Question (4): In accordance with QW-322, may both the expired welder and
welding operator qualifications of an employee in a specific welding
process (e.g. SAW, GMAW, FCAW) be re-established if the employee
successfully makes only one test joint using all the variables of the previous
welding operator test joint for the welding process (e.g., SAW, GMAW,
Reply (4): No.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-462.1

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): Two welders have been qualified for a thickness of deposited
weld metal from 1/16 in. to 3/4 in. for a particular welding process. A third
welder is qualified for a deposited weld metal thickness of 3/16 in. to 1 in.
for the same welding process. A 1 in. thick pipe is to be welded in
production, using a single vee butt joint, with the same process for which
the welders are qualified. Is it permissible for each of the first two welders
to deposit 1/2 in. of weld metal to complete the weld?
Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): Using the same welders and joint configuration as given in
Question (1), one of the welders qualified for a deposited weld metal
thickness range of 1/16 in. to 3/4 in. deposits the root pass. The welder
qualified for 3/16 in. to 1 in. deposited weld metal thickness range
completes the weld. Is a third welder required to deposit the weld
reinforcement, or is it permissible for the welder who completed the weld to
deposit the reinforcement?
Reply (2): The welder who completed the weld may deposit the weld
Standard Designation:

BPV Section IX



Para./Fig./Table No:
Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-451

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: Does qualification of a welding procedure using 1 in. thick
plate qualify for welding up to 8 in. even when notch toughness is a
Reply: Yes, except as further limited by QW-451.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-409.1 and QW-410.7

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): For manual GTAW when notch toughness is a consideration,
QW-409.1 requires requalification of a WPS if there is an increase in the
heat input during production. Does this mean that WPS must be qualified
using constant monitoring devices to establish the voltage, amperage, and
travel speed at any point in time?
Reply (1): No. Constant monitoring devices to establish the voltage,
amperage, and travel speed at any point in time are not required in order to
meet the requirements of QW-409.1 for manual GTAW.

Question (2): For manual GTAW when notch toughness is a consideration,

QW-409.1 requires requalification of a WPS if there is an increase in the
heat input during production. For a multipass weld, must the maximum heat
input be established for each pass by constant monitoring during WPS
Reply (2): No. Constant monitoring to establish maximum heat input for
each pass on multiple pass welds is not required during WPS qualification
in order to meet the requirements of QW-409.1 for manual GTAW.

Question (3): For manual GTAW when notch toughness is a consideration,

QW-409.1 requires requalification of a WPS if there is an increase in heat
input during production. Is it required that an average heat input be obtained
for the full thickness of the test coupon to establish a maximum? If it is not
required, is it permissible?
Reply (3): No. Average heat input is not required to be established for the
full thickness of the test coupon to establish a maximum in order to meet
the requirements of QW-409.1 for manual GTAW. It is permissible to
establish average heat input during procedure qualification as it is
permissible to take any additional data desired by those performing the
procedure qualification.



Question (4): If QW-409.1 does not require that average heat input be
determined, how is the heat input established for multiple pass procedure
qualification? Must it be established for each pass?

Reply (4): QW-409.1 requires requalification when an increase in heat input

occurs over that qualified. Maximum heat input is established during
procedure qualification by determination of the maximum amperage and
voltage in combination with the least travel speed, or, alternatively, the
maximum volume of weld metal deposited per unit length of weld. Heat
input is not required to be determined for each pass.
Question (5): QW-410.7 requires requalification of a WPS when there is a
change in the width, frequency, or dwell time of oscillation. Does Section
IX prohibit the use of manual GTAW when notch toughness is a
requirements since QW-410.7 cannot be complied with?

Reply (5): No. Section IX does not prohibit the use of manual GTAW when
notch toughness is a requirement. The Summer 1980 Addenda to Section IX
is clear that the supplementary essential variable QW-410.7 applies only to
machine or automatic welding.
Question (6): Does QW-410.7 apply to the stringer bead technique or just to
the weave bead technique?

Reply (6): QW-410.7 applies only to machine or automatic welding where

there is a change in width, frequency, or dwell time of oscillation. The
stringer bead technique in machine or automatic welding can be viewed as a
special case of the weave bead technique where frequency and dwell time
of oscillation are at or near zero.
Question (7): The stringer bead technique is defined in Section IX as a
"type of weld bead made without appreciable weaving motion." Industry
practice seems to consider "appreciable" to be no more than two and onehalf times the diameter of the filler wire. Does Section IX agree with this
definition of "appreciable" and, if not, what does Section IX consider as

Reply (7): It is not appropriate to redefine or further define stringer bead

technique in the context of manual GTAW and the supplementary essential
variable QW-410.7. The supplementary essential variable QW-410.7
applies only to a change in width frequency or dwell time of oscillation for
machine or automatic welding. Section IX does not establish or endorse
what may or may not be industry practice.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, PWHT

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): A Manufacturer's WPS to weld P-No. 4 to P-No. 4 metals
specifies a minimum preheat temperature of 150C (302F) with PWHT at
593C (1099F) to 650C (1202 F). The supporting PQR to this WPS



shows PWHT was performed at 700 C (1292F) to 720C (1328F). Does

the PWHT of the PQR support this WPS?

Reply (1): Yes. However, the WPS must be modified to include the range of
the PQR.
Question (2): When qualifying a WPS, a welded tensile test specimen of
SA-106 Gr. A (48,000 psi UTS) failed at 45,600 psi, which is 95% of the
UTS of the pipe. The UTS of the failed specimen conforms to QW-153(d).
May this WPS be used to weld P-No. 1 to P-No. 1 metals using 70,000 psi
filler metal which is other than the A-Number and F-Number shown on the
Reply (2): No. See QW-404.4.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-462

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): Is "full pipe thickness" of QW-151.2(a) defined as that
thickness which results from the machining (within standard commercial
tolerances) required by QW-462.1(b)?
Reply (1): No. Full pipe thickness is the thickness before machining.

Question (2): Is the 3/4 in. dimension of QW-462.1(b) a minimum or a

recommendation? If it is a minimum, is there a maximum? If it is a
recommendation, is there a tolerance at which the size becomes
unresponsive to the requirements of Section IX?

Reply (2): The 3/4 in. dimension is a recommendation. It is not intended to

be a minimum or maximum. As little material as necessary should be
machined to obtain parallel surfaces for testing.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, Procedure Qualification Variables

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): On the WPS, is it necessary to specify the Group Number
after the P-Number?

Reply (1): The Group Number must be listed after the P-Number when the
referencing book Section specifies impact test requirements for notch
toughness applications.



Question (2): On QW-482, is it necessary to specify the pipe diameter

Reply (2): No.

Question (3): On the WPS and PQR, is it necessary to specify or record the
minimum preheat, maximum interpass, and preheat maintenance
temperatures for materials not requiring heat treatment?

Reply (3): The Code requires all variables listed in QW-250 (by process) be
listed on the WPS, and, therefore, preheat (not less than 100F below the
PQR) shall be listed on the WPS, the preheat maintenance shall be
described (or "none" if not required) on the WPS, and the interpass
temperature (not more than 100F above the PQR) shall be listed on the
WPS when impact tests are required for notch toughness applications. The
Code requires all essential variables listed in QW-250 (by process) be listed
on the PQR, and, therefore, the actual interpass temperature shall be
recorded on the PQR when impact tests are required for notch toughness
Question (4): On the WPS and PQR, is it necessary to specify or record the
PWHT on materials when the Code does not require heat treatment?
Reply (4): When the Code does not require PWHT, the WPS and PQR
would list PWHT as not applicable.

Question (5): On QW-482 and QW-483, does travel speed pertain only to
automatic welding?

Reply (5): Travel speed is only a variable in some applications of the

supplementary essential variable QW-409.1. When the QW-409.1(a) is
employed, the travel speed is an essential variable which must be recorded
on the PQR and controlled in production within the parameters of the heat
input formula of QW-409.1(a) manual, semiautomatic, machine, and
automatic welding applications.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, Welding Positions and Thickness Qualifications

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): When applying QW-405.2 where notch toughness is required,
what positions are qualified by the welding procedure qualification test?

Reply (1): When applying QW-405.2, any position not involving the
vertical uphill progression will qualify for all positions, except those
involving the vertical uphill progression. Any position involving the vertical
uphill progression win qualify for all positions, including those involving
the vertical uphill progression. For example, qualification on a test coupon
in the 2G position will qualify 4G and 5G downhill, but not 3G uphill.
Qualification on a test coupon in 3G uphill progression will qualify 4G, 6G
uphill progression, and all other positions.



Question (2): In cases where notch toughness is required, what range of

interpass temperature is qualified by the welding procedure qualification
Reply (2): When notch toughness is required, the maximum interpass
temperature that may be used in production shall be no more than 100F
higher than the maximum interpass temperature recorded during the
welding of the procedure qualification test coupon.

Question (3): In cases where cavities on base metals or weld metal are weld
repaired: (a) What is the definition of performance qualification thickness
of deposited weld metal qualified for performance qualification? (b) What
is the minimum thickness of deposited weld metal for welder performance
Reply (3): The replies are as follows: (a) The performance qualification
thickness for deposited weld metal for weld repair is the depth of the
prepared cavity. (b) There is no limit on the minimum depth of deposited
weld metal.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-200.4

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: QW-200.4 states, in part: "One or more processes or procedures
may be deleted from a production joint..." In a procedure for a GTAW root
and SMAW fill, can the GTAW root be deleted and the production joint
welded completely using SMAW?
Reply: The joint can be completely welded with SMAW provided this
process has been properly qualified for the deposited weld metal thickness
range to be used in the production joint.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-451

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: When determining the range of base metal thickness qualified for
procedure qualification, is the thickness of the piece after welding or the
thickness tested used? For example, a weldment was made using 3/4 in.
material; however, the actual thickness tested was 0.714 in. Does one use
3/4 in. or 0.714 in. in determining the base metal thickness range qualified?
Reply: The thickness of the test coupon welded is used; therefore, in the
example cited above, one would determine the base metal thickness range
qualified using 3/4 in.



Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-322

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: If welder qualifications are reviewed during the end of each
calendar quarter (i.e., March, June, September, and December), and it is
determined that a particular welder employed and qualified only in one
welding process used that process during the beginning of that 3 month
quarter only, may his qualification be extended to the end of the next
quarter or will his qualification expire 3 months from the date he last
welded with that process in order to comply with QW-322?

Reply: His qualification will expire 3 months from the date he last welded.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-201

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): If a welding procedure has been qualified at one unit of an
international organization, can it be used at another unit of the same
organization in another country without being qualified on site at the second
unit provided that the welders at the second unit are qualified for
performance to the procedure?
Reply (1): Yes, provided the controls required by QW-201 are established
to the satisfaction of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee.

Question (2): Is the purpose of a procedure qualification to prove that a

given set of parameters will produce a satisfactory weld, or to demonstrate
that the parameters plus local conditions (e.g., the efficiency of a stress
relieving furnace, or state of repair of welding plant, etc.) must be proven in
combination to produce a satisfactory weld?
Reply (2): The purpose of procedure qualification is given in QW-100.1.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-462.1 (a)

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :




Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: A reduced section specimen was prepared per QW-462.1(a) from
a plate having a thickness of less than 1 in. The W dimension of the
specimen was measured to be 0.997 in. QW-462.1 (a) states "W = approx.
1 in., but not less than 1 in. if it does not exceed 1 in." Does the specimen
described above meet the requirements of QW-462.1(a)?
Reply: No.


The foregoing Interpretation has been further considered, and the following
corrected Question sent to the inquirer.
Correction Issued: March 30, 1982

Question: A reduced section specimen was prepared per QW-462.1(a) from

a plate having a thickness of less than 1 in. The W dimension of the
specimen was measured to be 0.997 in. QW-462.1 (a) states "W =
approximately 1 in., but not less than 1 in. if t does not exceed 1 in ."
Does the specimen described above meet the requirements of QW-462.1
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-202.4

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: A test coupon is prepared as follows: A 1 in. thick plate has an
1/8 in. step machined from its top. A plate 1/8 in. thick is placed into the
section of the 1 in. thick plate that has been machined and is then butted to
the unmachined portion. This forms a dissimilar thickness joint, which is
welded using the GTAW process. The coupon then satisfactorily passes the
qualification testing. Would the joint described above qualify for a base
metal thickness range of 1/16 in. to 2 in. and deposited weld metal thickness
range of 1/16 in. to 1/4 in.?
Reply: Yes.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-163

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: A side bend test was performed on a procedure qualification test
specimen. The specimen showed open defects exceeding 1/8 in. on the
convex surface after bending. An analysis was made of the defects and
showed them to be caused by slag inclusions and blowholes. Since the



defects can be shown to be caused by the above imperfections, can the

results of the test be considered satisfactory?
Reply: No.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-407

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): What is the critical temperature range for PWHT specified in

Reply (1): For ferritic steels, QW-407.1(b), PWHT below the critical range,
is considered to be a heat treatment performed below the lower
transformation temperature. QW-407.1 (c), PWHT above the critical range,
is considered to be a heat treatment performed above the upper
transformation temperature. QW-407.1(d), PWHT above the critical range
followed by PWHT below the critical range, is a normalizing and tempering
heat treatment which is performed initially above the upper transformation
temperature and after cooling reheated to a temperature below the lower
transformation temperature.
Question (2): QW-407.1 does not mention PWHT conducted in the critical
range. Should we understand that PWHT is generally not conducted in the
critical range, or PWHT above the critical range includes PWHT in the
critical range also?

Reply (2): While QW-407.1 does not specifically address PWHT performed
within the critical range (between lower transformation and upper
transformation temperatures), it is the intent of the Code that when the
specified temperature range of the WPS is within the lower transformation
temperature, a separate qualification is required.
Question (3): QW-407.2 refers to temperature range. (a) What is the
definition of temperature range? (b) What is the allowable difference
between the PWHT of the WPS and PQR?

Reply (3): QW-407.2 states "Weldments constructed with P-No. 11 metals

and other P-Number metals for which impact tests are required, a change in
the PWHT (see QW-407.1) temperature and time range requires a PQR." (a)
See A-1 for the temperature range clarification of QW-407.1 which requires
separate qualification. (b) It is the intent of the Code that the PWHT
temperature range used in developing the PQR shall be within the PWHT
range specified on the WPS.
Question (4): QW-407.2 refers to heat treatment of base metals. Should we
understand that: (a) Where the base metal of the fabrication is subjected to
heat treatment (e.g., hot forming in the normalizing temperature range)
before welding, should the base metal used for the PQR test be subjected to
a similar heat treatment before welding? (b) Is (a) above required when the
base metal for the PQR test is a piece of metal removed from the plate or
component to be fabricated, which has been subjected to a heat treatment?



Reply (4): The base metal used for PQR test shall be of the same P-Number
and Group Number that is to be used in fabrication. The procedure
qualification test coupon shall be subjected to heat treatment essentially
equivalent to that encountered in the heat treatment of base metals and in
the fabrication of the weldments, including at least 80% of the aggregate
times at temperature(s).
Question (5): Is there a publication available on the
application/usage/interpretation of QW-407?
Reply (5): No.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-200

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): How does a fabricator specify and qualify an essential
variable consisting of a range?

Reply (1): In cases in which the essential variable consists of a range for
which the party specifying the range is responsible, he is expected to use
judgement in setting the range. This may include prior testing in confirming
this judgement for setting or specifying the range. It is not generally
practicable to have too narrow a range and meet the capabilities of control
and measuring equipment, nor too wide a range and still meet the
combinations of the several essential variables required for the application.
When qualifying a procedure having such variables, the full range of these
variables specified in the WPS need not be tested. The PQR should list the
actual range of the variable as measured during the welding of the
qualification test coupon.

Question (2): A procedure was qualified using SA-240, Type 304, with an E
308-16 electrode. If a procedure using SA-240, Type 316L, with an E316L16 electrode is now required (all essential variables remaining the same), is
a new or revised WPS required and does such a change require a new PQR?
Reply (2): A new WPS or a revision to the WPS would be sufficient to
document this change. Since there is no change of essential variable, no
requalification or new PQR is necessary.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-312

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: When the welder or welding operator is qualified for hardfacing
weld metal overlay in accordance with a qualified hardfacing weld metal



overlay procedure, is he qualified to weld in accordance with all hardfacing

weld metal overlay procedures using the same welding process?

Reply: No. The essential variables for performance qualification for

hardfacing weld metal overlay are identical to those controlling the welding
procedure specification as given in QW-282.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-405.2

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): When notch toughness tests are specified, supplemental
essential variable QW-405.2 becomes a requirement for qualification of
welding procedures utilizing certain processes. QW-120 identifies the
vertical position as the 3G position. Will qualification of a welding
procedure in the 5G position following an uphill progression satisfy QW405.2?
Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): Will qualification of a welding procedure in the 6G position

following an uphill progression satisfy QW-405.2, even though the welding
groove is not vertical?
Reply (2): Yes.

Question (3): If the answers to Questions (1) and (2) are affirmative, from
which coupon should the impact specimens representing the heat affected
zone be taken, upper or lower?
Reply (3): Impact specimens are taken from the areas of maximum heat
input, which are generally about the 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock positions.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-442

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: When welding filler metal specifications, such as SFA-5.28
ER805-D2, for bare solid electrodes for use with the GMAW or GTAW
processes having chemical composition determined by analysis of the solid
wire, how are A-Numbers established for QW-442?
Reply: Where bare solid electrodes are used for the GMAW or GTAW
processes, the analysis shown in the filler metal specification may be used
in establishing the A-Numbers in QW-422. However, if an actual chemical
analysis of the weld metal deposited by either of these two processes with



such solid bare electrodes is made, that analysis shall be employed in

establishing the A-Number of the filler material in accordance with QW442.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, Preamble

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): QW-100.3 states that a Manufacturer may perform any new
qualifications needed for a particular contract to the Addenda mandatory for
the particular contract. These qualifications to previous Addenda may not
be used on new orders. This appears to be in conflict with the Preamble,
which requires all new qualifications to be made to the Addenda mandatory
on the date of qualification. May a manufacturer qualify all new welding
procedure specifications and performance qualifications to the requirements
of the Code Edition and Addenda made mandatory at the date of order?
Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): May a Manufacturer qualify all new welding procedures and
welders or welding operators for a specific job to any Code Edition and
Addenda after the Code Edition and Addenda made mandatory at the date
of order?
Reply (2): Yes.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, Plug Welds

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): A manufacturer has PQR's available from previously qualified
groove weld procedures. Could these PQR's be used to support procedures
written to fabricate plug welds, all other essential variables being the same?
Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): What type of test is required for welder qualification when
plug welds are to be used in production?

Reply (2): The welder should be qualified by a groove weld test joint in
which range of thickness of deposited weld metal qualified encompasses
that thickness required by the production joint.

Question (3): What method of examination should be used to examine the

quality of the production weld?



Reply (3): The method of examination of production welds is specified by

the fabrication code (i.e., Section VIII - Divisions 1 and 2, B31.1, etc.)
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-322

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): Concerning the renewal of performance qualification given in
QW-322, must the welder be in the continuous employ of the
Reply (1): No.

Question (2): If a welder leaves the employ of a Manufacturer and later

returns to that same Manufacturer, can his qualifications be renewed for all
previous qualifications per QW-322?
Reply (2): Yes.

Question (3): When a welder is being tested for renewal of his

qualifications, is it necessary to test him using all the essential variables for
which he was qualified using a specific process?

Reply (3): No. QW-322 allows the welding of a single test joint to reinstate
the welder's previous qualifications for a specific process.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, Visual Examination

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: Is it necessary to achieve complete penetration for single welded
test coupons throughout their entire length, or only where the specimens are
to be removed?
Reply: Complete penetration for single welded test coupons is required
throughout their entire length. See QW-301.2, QW-191.2.2(a)(1), and QW452.1 Note (1).

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:
Subject Description:
Date Issued:

BPV Section IX
Section IX, QW-402.1



Record Number:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: QW-402.1 states, "A change in the type of groove (Vee-groove,
U-groove, single-bevel, double-bevel, etc.)." This variable is a nonessential
variable for SMAW, GTAW, GMAW, and FCAW. Currently, a
Manufacturer states, "All groove designs" under joint design in the WPS. Is
this practice acceptable, or is it required to either include these in the WPS
or reference another document that illus-trates all possible joint
Reply: The practice of stating "all groove designs" on the WPS to satisfy
QW-402.1 is not acceptable. Because the WPS is for the guidance of the
welder or welding operator, a Manufacturer must state on the WPS the
types of joints permitted in production. Alternatively, a reference to a
drawing or other document that describes the allowable production joints is

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-191.2.2

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): Can permissible maximum defect size be measured directly
from the charts of rounded indications in Appendix I of QW-191.2.2?

Reply (1): No. It is not intended that the sketches be sized to determine
acceptance criteria. Criteria for acceptance of rounded indications are given
in the text of QW-191.2.2(b).
Question (2): What is the maximum size of a single rounded indication in
welds of 3.5 mm (0.1365 in.) thickness and 6.0 mm (0.234 in.) thickness?
Reply (2): See QW-191.2.2(b).

Question (3): What is the minimum separation between two rounded

indications, each of the maximum permissible dimension?

Reply (3): There is no requirement in Section IX governing separation of

rounded indications.

Question (4): QW-191.2.2(b)(3) states that rounded indications less than

1/32 in. in maximum diameter shall not be considered in the 1/8 in. or
greater material thickness range. Does this statement override the standards
given in QW-191.2.2(b)(1)?
Reply (4): Yes. It is not applicable for thinner materials.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:
Subject Description:

BPV Section IX
Section IX, QW-404.9



Date Issued:


Interpretation Number :


Record Number:


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: How does QW-404.9 affect the qualification of procedures for
SAW using the various grades (classifications) of stainless steels listed in
SFA-5.9 Table 1?

Reply: Requalification of a WPS to QW-404.9 is required under the

following conditions: (a) Any change in flux classification listed in an SFA
Specification or a change to a flux not listed in an SFA Specification. (b)
Any change of electrode classification listed in Table 1 of SFA-5.9 that
changes the deposited weld metal chemistry beyond that specified in the
WPS as an A-Number designation. For a change from a bare cored to a
stranded electrode, or vice versa, in the same electrode classification,
requalification is not required.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-452

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): Must a welder be qualified on small diameter pipe (i.e., less
than NPS 2) if he is required to weld the root pass of a set-on nozzle that
consists of a 1 in. double extra strong coupling that is larger than 2-7/8 in.
Reply (1): No.

Question (2): Does QW-452.3 allow a welder qualified on 10 in. diameter

pipe to weld a small diameter (i.e., less than 2-7/8 in. O.D.) set on nozzle to
a shell whose outside diameter is greater than 2-7/8 in.?
Reply (2): No.

Question (3): Regarding performance qualification, are thickness limitations

linked to each position? For example, a welder is presently qualified to weld
unlimited thicknesses in the flat, horizontal, and vertical positions. If a
separate test is given to qualify him for the overhead position, must this test
be given a thickness of in. or greater to qualify for unlimited thicknesses
in this position?
Reply (3): Yes.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, Peening

Record Number:

BC-81-595; BC-81-642

Date Issued:




Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: Is the mechanical removal of slag defined as peening, and must it
be addressed as such on the WPS under Technique (QW-410)?
Reply: No.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-452

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): If a procedure for the GTAW, GMAW, or SMAW process is
qualified in accordance with Section IX, utilizing a 6 in. diameter pipe
coupon with a single vee groove joint, is the procedure qualified for all
diameters of pipe if the essential variables of the procedure remain the
Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): If a welder is qualified in accordance with the requirements of

Section IX on a 6 in. diameter test coupon with a single vee groove joint for
the GTAW, SMAW, or GMAW process, does he require requalification if
the production weld he is making is on a pipe with an outside diameter of
below 2-7/8 in. with a single vee groove?
Reply (2): Yes.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, Welder Qualification

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: Occasionally, slag is trapped between the backing ring or strap
and the base metal during the welding of a welder's qualification test
assembly. When the initial radiograph with the backing in place shows the
above condition, can the backing ring or strap be removed and the weld test
coupon subsequently be resubmitted for additional radiography to satisfy
the welder performance qualification test?
Reply: Yes.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:
Subject Description:

BPV Section IX
Section IX, QW-200



Date Issued:


Interpretation Number :


Record Number:


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): Do the rules of Section IX require that the dimensions of
tensile test specimens be recorded on PQR's or be available as part of the
records, or is it sufficient to only have recorded the tensile strength? This
question is both for the case where procedure qualification was performed
prior to 1962, but met the requirements of the 1962 Edition of Section IX,
and for the case where procedure qualification was performed after 1962,
but met the requirements of the Edition and Addenda in effect at the time of
Reply (1): It is sufficient to have recorded the tensile strength of each test
specimen on the PQR's.

Question (2): For PQR's qualified prior to 1962 that meet the requirements
of the 1962 Edition of Section IX and for PQR's qualified in 1962 and later
that meet the requirements of the Edition and Addenda of Section IX in
effect at the time of qualification, is it required that the following
nonessential variables be recorded on the PQR for the SMAW and GTAW
procedures? (a) voltage (b) current
Reply (2): (a) No (b) No

Question (3): Is it permissible under the rules of Section IX to use PQR's

prepared and certified in 1959 and later to qualify other WPS's prepared in
1981, provided the essential and supplementary essential variables (when
required) specified in the Edition and Addenda of Section IX in effect at the
time the 1981 WPS was written were recorded on the PQR's that had been
prepared and certified at earlier dates?
Reply (3): Yes.

Question (4): When using a PQR prepared in 1959 or later to qualify a WPS
prepared and used in 1981, do the rules of Section IX require a Certificate
Holder to provide to the Authorized Inspector a copy of the original WPS
(dated 1959 or later and no longer in use) as well as a copy of the Edition
and Addenda of Section IX in effect at the time the PQR was prepared?
Reply (4): No.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-214 and QW-216

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): If SFA-5.13 RCoCr-A filler metal is used for weld metal
overlay, what means shall be used to assure conformance with Section IX?
Reply (1): The testing shall be performed in accordance with the
requirements of a hard facing weld metal overlay.



Question (2): A weld metal overlay is termed corrosion resistant, e.g.,

aluminum bronze; however, the overlay material is of a brittle nature and
will undoubtedly break if subjected to the required bend testing. By what
means may conformance with Section IX be assured?

Reply (2): The material is termed corrosion resistant. Therefore, it must be

tested in accordance with QW-214.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-466.2, 1980 Edition With Winter 1981 Addenda

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: When carrying out welding procedure qualification tests per
Section IX for 6 mm thick unalloyed titanium (SB-265, P-No. 51) plates
using GTAW process with filler SFA-5.16 ERTi-1, what is the required
mandrel diameter using the guided bend roller jig according to QW-466.2?
Reply: The diameter of the mandrel of the guided bend roller jig (QW466.2) shall be 8t (see the Winter 1981 Addenda to Section IX).

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-281.2

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): Does a PQR for corrosion resistant weld metal overlay that
utilized an SFA-5.9 E (b R308 filler metal support a WPS that specifies
SFA-5.9 ER309 filler metal?
Reply (1): No. Separate qualification is required for each AWS

Question (2): Does a PQR for corrosion resistant weld metal overlay that
utilized an SFA-5.4 E308-xx filler metal support a WPS that specifies
SFA-5.4 E309-xx filler metal?
Reply (2): No. Separate qualification is required for each AWS

Question (3): Does reference to "...Each AISI type of A-No. 8 or A-No. 9..."
of QW-282.2(c) refer to QW-442 or to base metal specifications?
Reply (3): This phrase refers to QW-442 in Section IX (each "AISI type" is
intended to be "AWS classification").
Standard Designation:

BPV Section IX




Para./Fig./Table No:
Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-153

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: A tensile specimen broke in the weld metal at a tensile strength
below the minimum strength of the base metal. When the requirements of
QW-153.1(c) are not applicable, does this specimen pass the tension test?
Reply: No.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-452

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: Is a welder required to take a small diameter pipe test to weld a
pipe through a plate when the weld preparation on the plate is less than
2-7/8 in O.D. and the welds are reinforced with fillet welds?
Reply: No.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-462.2(a)

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: Is it permissible to use subsize thickness side bends for test
coupons welded in the 1/16 in. to 3/8 in. inclusive range?

Reply: Side bends are only permitted for test coupons 3/8 in. thick and

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:
Subject Description:
Date Issued:

Record Number:

Interpretation Number :

BPV Section IX
Section IX, QW-214, QW-216, QW-407, and QW-492, 1980 Edition
Through Summer 1981 Addenda



Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): QW-216.1 states that the minimum hard facing weld metal
overlay thickness shall be as specified in the WPS. Is the maximum hard
facing weld metal overlay thickness qualification unlimited?

Reply (1): Yes. The minimum thickness qualified is also defined in QW462.5 as the thickness corresponding to the upper surface of the material
used for chemical analysis. The larger of the minimum thicknesses specified
shall govern.
Question (2): The requirements of Section IX do not address the maximum
corrosion resistant weld overlay thickness qualified. Is the maximum
thickness qualified unlimited?
Reply (2): Yes.

Question (3): Neither QW-214 nor QW-281 address the minimum corrosion
resistant weld metal overlay thickness qualified. Is there a minimum
thickness qualification?
Reply (3): Yes. The minimum thickness qualified is defined in QW-462.5
as the thickness corresponding to the upper surface of the material used for
chemical analysis. QW-462.5 is referenced by QW-214.3.

Question (4): For procedure qualification of dissimilar metals, one groove

face has been buttered (as defined in QW-492) with 0.187 in. of weld metal.
Based on this, are the minimum and maximum thicknesses for the buttered
portion unlimited?
Reply (4): The maximum thickness of the buttering is unlimited. The
minimum thickness shall be sufficient to provide a suitable transition weld
deposit for subsequent completion of the joint, as provided in the definition
for buttering in QW-492.
Question (5): QW-407 defines changes in PWHT that require
requalification of procedures. The critical range is referenced in QW-407.1
and QW-407.4 (prior to the Winter 1981 Addenda). Is this critical range
defined as the PWHT range identified in other Sections of the Code (i.e.,
Section III Table NB-4622.1-1)?

Reply (5): The critical range referenced in QW-407.1 and QW-407.4 refers
to the range between the lower and upper transformation temperatures for
P-Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11 materials. This range is not the same as
the PWHT range identified in other sections of the Code.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-451

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): QW-151.1 requires one tensile specimen for thicknesses up to
and including 1 in., while QW-451.1 requires two tension tests for the same
thickness range. Which is correct?



Reply (1): Both are correct. The Code distinguished between tension tests
(QW-451.1) and the tensile specimens (QW-150) that are used to make up a
tension test.
Question (2): In the test coupon thickness range of over 1 to 1-1/4 in., how
many turned tensile specimens are required for each tension test?
Reply (2): Two.

Question (3): In performing tension tests on a weldment made with two

processes, is QW-451.1 Note (4)(b) satisfied if a portion of the weld deposit
from each welding process is included in each of the tension tests required
by QW-451.1?
Reply (3): Yes.

Question (4): If multiple turned specimens are used to represent a single

tension test removed from a test coupon that is welded with two processes,
must each turned specimen contain weld metal from each process to satisfy
the requirements of QW-451.1 Note (4)(b)?
Reply (4): No.

Question (5): In the case of a test coupon welded using two welding
processes, is the requirement of QW-451.1 Note (4)(d) that toughness
testing be applied with respect to each welding process or procedure
satisfied with respect to impact test specimens if only a portion of the
impact test specimens contains one of the welding processes?
Reply (5): Yes.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-404.5

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: QW-404.5, which is an essential variable for procedure
qualification, describes requirements for requalification when the weld
deposit A-Number changes. It also states "...In lieu of an A-Number
designation, the chemical composition of the weld deposit shall be indicated
on the WPS..." Does this mean that all filler metals that do not fall within an
A-Number classification of QW-442 require chemical analysis of an
undiluted weld pad, and the results reported on the WPS?
Reply: No. QW-404.5 requires specification of the chemical composition of
the weld deposit. It does not prohibit use of filler metal manufacturer
literature in specifying a nominal deposit chemistry.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:
Subject Description:

BPV Section IX
Section IX, QW-403.9



Date Issued:


Interpretation Number :


Record Number:


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: QW-403.9 states: "For single or multipass welding in which any
pass is greater than 1/2 in., an increase in thickness beyond 1.1 times that of
the qualification test coupon." Does the phrase "...greater than 1/2 in..."
refer to width or thickness?

Reply: The phrase shown in the Question refers to the thickness of any pass.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-407

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): Does QW-407.1(b), per the Winter 1981 Addenda to Section
IX, require a PQR for PWHT of P-No. 8, normally stabilized, at
temperatures corresponding to below the lower transformation temperature
of carbon or low alloy steel?
Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): Does QW-407.1(b), per the Winter 1981 Addenda to Section
IX, require a separate PQR for PWHT for each of the following conditions:
annealing only, annealing followed by stress relief, and stress relief only?
Reply (2): Yes.

Question (3): If annealing is employed as PWHT, is the annealing

temperature that recommended by the Material Manufacturer?
Reply (3): Section IX does not specify annealing temperature.

Question (4): Is the annealing temperature range left to the discretion of the
Manufacturer or must it be within normal operating ranges?

Reply (4): Section IX requires the PWHT temperature range to be specified

on the WPS by the Manufacturer. Section IX does not assign specific
annealing temperature ranges.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-451 1980 Edition Through Summer 1981 Addenda

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): A PQR was prepared with multiple F-Number electrodes
using the SMAW process. The first 1/4 in. was welded with F-No. 3 filler



metal and the remaining 1/2 in. with F-No. 4 filler metal. Does the Winter
1980 Addenda (same as the Summer 1981 Addenda), QW-451.1 Note 4(e)
permit the PQR to support a WPS qualified for a base material range of
1/16 in. through 1-1/2 in. and deposited weld metal range from 1/16 in.
through 1/2 in. with F-No. 3 filler metal and a range from 3/16 in. through 1
in. with F-No. 4 filler metal?
Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): Given the PQR example of Question (1) above, can an
additional WPS be prepared for production welding of base material
thickness from 1/16 in. through 1/2 in. using only the F-No. 3 filler
Reply (2): Yes.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-452, 1980 Edition With Summer 1981 Addenda

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): Considering Notes (1), (2), and (5) of QW-452.1 and QW404.15 in the Summer 1981 Addenda, what range of thickness of F-No. 3
and F-No. 4 is a welder qualified to use in production welding when the
qualification coupon consists of 3/8 in. of F-No. 3 filler metal followed by
3/8 in. of F-No. 4 filler metal in the same test coupon?

Reply (1): The welder is qualified to make production welds from 1/16 in.
through 3/4 in. using F.-No. 4 electrodes. Because of QW-404.15 (an
essential variable for the SMAW process), the welder is also qualified from
1/16 in. through the maximum to be welded for F-No. 3 electrodes.
Question (2): Is it intended by the Notes to QW-452.1 in the Summer 1981
Addenda that substitution of the term "process" may be made for filler
metal F-Number?
Reply (2): No, although sometimes this results because of the essential
variable QW-404.4.

Question (3): To what production thickness is a welder qualified as the

result of welding a 3/4 in. thick coupon by depositing 1/16 in. F-No. 3
electrodes followed by 11/16 in. of F-No. 4 electrodes?

Reply (3): The welder is qualified from 1/16 in. through the maximum to be
welded for F-No. 3 electrodes because of QW-404.15. The welder is also
qualified from 3/16 in. through 1-3/8 in. for F-No. 4 electrodes.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:
Subject Description:

BPV Section IX
Section IX, QW-202.3



Date Issued:


Interpretation Number :


Record Number:


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: Is it permissible to use QW-202.3 on a 1-1/2 in. thick base metal
if a postweld heat treatment will be performed?
Reply: QW-202.3 only covers the deposited weld metal and base metal
thickness ranges qualified. All other requirements of Section IX and the
referencing Code(s) shall also be met.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-192

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: May studs be welded using an SMAW procedure that has been
qualified on a groove weld coupon rather than by the stud welding process?
Reply: Yes, provided all essential variables for SMAW remain the same.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QB-407

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): A test coupon consisting of a socket type brazed joint contains
a preplaced filler metal within a groove. When brazed, uneven flow occurs
in each direction: 0.2 in. toward the base of the socket and 0.4 in. toward the
outside of the socket. Does QB-407(c) apply?
Reply (1): No, QB-407(c) does not apply because major flow has occurred.
Question (2): What constitutes major flow, as referenced in QB-407(b) and
Reply (2): Major flow is the required distribution of the molten filler metal
throughout the joint. When the filler metal is preplaced in the joint using
material such as shims and foils so that the entire joint is essentially
occupied, major flow does not occur during the brazing process.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:
Subject Description:

BPV Section IX
Section IX, QW-202.3(a) and QW-403.6, 1980 Edition With Summer 1981



Date Issued:


Interpretation Number :


Record Number:


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): In the 1980 Edition with the Summer 1981 Addenda, QW202.3(a) states that there is no limit on the minimum depth of deposited
weld metal for repair or buildup welding. Does this also apply for repair or
buildup of base materials subject to notch toughness (impact) requirements?
Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): QW-403.6, which is a supplementary essential variable for

base materials when there are notch toughness requirements, states that for
base material thickness less than 5/8 in., the thickness of the PQR test
coupon is the minimum thickness of base material qualified for production
welds. Is it a requirement of Section IX that the term production welding as
used in QW-403.6 is to include repair or buildup welding?
Reply (2): Yes.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-402.4

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: When a performance qualification test is given for the GTAW
process using a consumable insert, is this considered welding with backing
per QW-402.4?
Reply: No. See QW-404.22.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-403.11

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: An SMAW procedure has been qualified joining P-No. 8 material
to P-No. 5 (Cr-3% max.) material with an F-No. 43 electrode. Per QW403.11, must a new procedure be qualified to join P-No. 8 materials to
P-Nos. 4, 3, or 1 materials with an F-No. 43 electrode?
Reply: Yes.

Standard Designation:

BPV Section IX

Para./Fig./Table No:



Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-200.1(b), QW-451, and QW-452

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): QW-200.1 requires the WPS to list in detail information on
the base metals that may be used with this procedure. What is the range of
thickness that may be encompassed by a single WPS?
Reply (1): There are no limits on the range of thickness that may be given
on a single WPS. However, the range of thickness on the WPS must be
supported by one or more PQR's.

Question (2): Note (1) of QW-451.1 and QW-451.2 make reference to

"...QW-402(.2, .3, .6, .9, .10)..." for further limitations on the range of
thickness qualified. Are these limitations applicable only when listed among
the essential variables or supplementary essential variables (when
applicable) for a particular process?
Reply (2): Yes.

Question (3): What are the tolerances for those dimensions listed without
tolerances in QW-462?

Reply (3): Where the Code does not specify dimensional tolerances, the
dimensions given in the figures are to be considered approximate. They are
not intended to be minimum or maximum values.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, Preparation of Test Coupons

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): How much material may be removed from the surface of a
performance bend test specimen prior to testing?
Reply (1): The minimum necessary to create approximately parallel

Question (2): May hand grinding be used to remove material from a

performance bend test specimen prior to testing?
Reply (2): Yes.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-408.2 and QW-408.5

Record Number:


Date Issued:




Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): A welding procedure has been qualified to weld P-No. 8
material using an open butt joint design with argon backing gas. Per QW408.5, can the argon backing gas be deleted without requalifying the
Reply (1): Yes. QW-408.5 covers the deletion or addition of backing gas
and since this is a non-essential variable for applicable processes,
requalification is not required.
Question (2): Does QW-408.2 refer specifically to shielding gases or all
gases used during welding?
Reply (2): QW-408.2 refers only to shielding gases.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-451

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: Is a Welding Procedure Specification (accomplished immediately

prior to the Winter 1977 Addenda), encompassing a GTAW root pass
followed by SMAW fill, and which is supported by a Procedure
Qualification Record that utilizes tension and impact test data compiled
from specimens that did not include the GTAW portion of the weld, in
compliance with the 1980 Edition of Section IX by virtue of QW-100.3?
Reply: Yes.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, Variable Q-11 of the 1971 Edition

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): Does Q-11 V-10(c) apply to the WPS or PQR?
Reply (1): It applies to the WPS.

Question (2): Does Q-11(b)(5) apply to the WPS or the PQR?

Reply (2): It applies to the WPS.

Question (3): Was it a requirement of Section IX that the maximum current

and voltage and the minimum travel speed of the WPS not exceed the heat
input of the PQR?
Reply (3): ASME Section IX, 1971 Edition, Winter 1973 Addenda, did not
address this matter.



Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-200

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): Is omission of an essential, nonessential (or supplementary
essential) variable from a WPS interpreted to be a negative response for that
Reply (1): No. The Code requires that every variable for the appropriate
welding process or processes (QW-252 through QW-282) be listed on the

Question (2): Given the following situation: Company "A" was purchased
by Company "B," and became a subsidiary of Company "B" on a given
acquisition date. Are PQR's developed by Company "A" prior to the
acquisition date acceptable for support of WPS's written by Company "B"
after the acquisition date?

Reply (2): Yes, provided operational control is in accordance with QW-201

and is established to the satisfaction of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Committee.

Question (3): What support evidence (documentation) must an organization

produce to show that companies of different names have satisfactorily
demonstrated to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee
operational control of welding procedure qualifications?

Reply (3): The quality control system must describe the operational control.
It is expected that the operational control will have been accomplished
when the quality control manual has been reviewed and accepted at the time
of a survey or joint review for new Certificates of Authorization or renewal
of expiring Certificates. At intervals between renewal of Certificates,
proposed changes in the accepted Quality Control System Manual must be
reviewed and accepted by your Authorized Inspection Agency prior to
Question (4): Must a manufacturer or contractor add a specific statement of
Code qualification certification to the WPS?
Reply (4): No.

Question (5): Is the certification of PQR's required by QW-200.2 considered

to meet the WPS Certification required by QW-201?
Reply (5): No, the certification of the PQR is separate from any certification
requirements of the WPS.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:
Subject Description:

BPV Section IX
Section IX, QW-402.6 and QW-402.10



Date Issued:


Interpretation Number :


Record Number:


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): QW-402.6 refers to the term "fit-up gap" and QW-415 refers
to the term "root gap." Are these terms analogous?
Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): Is a manufacturer allowed a reasonable range on his WPS for

nonessential variables QW-402.10 and QW-404.3?
Reply (2): Yes.

Question (3): Can a performance qualification test for fillets be conducted

on thicknesses using 8 gage or 10 gage production materials?
Reply (3): No.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-451

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): A WPS has been qualified for thickness range of 3/16 in. to 8
in. using a pipe coupon 12.75 in. O.D. with a nominal wall thickness of 1.5
in. Can a production weldment using a base material with a manufactured
thickness of 0.178 in. be welded with the above WPS when the nominal
wall thickness for this material was 0.203 in. and the 0.178 in.
manufactured thickness is within the 12.5% manufacturing tolerance?
Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): In accordance with Section IX, does the minimum value of a
qualified thickness range apply to the nominal material thickness or the
actual thickness of the production weldment material?
Reply (2): The minimum qualification thickness value applies to the
nominal thickness.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, Tension Tests

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :



Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: When a reduced section tension test specimen is made in
accordance with QW-462.1(a), may the dimension W be reduced to 1/4 in.



for t greater than 1 in. if the capacity of the test equipment is limited to an
ultimate load that will not test a larger specimen to failure?

Reply: No. W must be approximately 1 in. When the capacity of the testing
equipment is limited, QW-151.1 (b), (c) and (d) allow the full thickness
specimen to be cut into a set of approximately equal strips. That set then
must meet the requirements for a full thickness specimen. Each specimen of
the set need not contain each welding process used.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QB-404.1

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :



Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: QB-404.1 requires requalification when the brazing temperature
is changed to a value outside of the range stipulated in QB-432. What
controls are required under the rule of Section IX to establish the brazing
temperature employed?

Reply: Section IX does not stipulate the method of establishing the brazing
temperature. Such requirements may be specified in a Quality Assurance
Manual or by agreement between the Authorized Inspector and the
Certificate Holder.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-404.5

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :



Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): A fabricator uses a proprietary electrode to weld P-No. 1
materials. Company policy is not to reveal the chemical, mechanical, and
other properties outside the company except on a need to know basis. The
material (E-8018G) contains Cr, Mo, and Ni in small quantities, but less
than the minimums shown in QW-442 for A-Nos. 2, 10, 11, and 12. Can
this material be considered an A-No. 1 welding material?
Reply (1): No.

Question (2): In lieu of listing the actual chemistry of the welding material
used to qualify the procedure, can the company material specification on the
PQR and WPS meet the requirements of QW-404.5?
Reply (2): Yes, provided the requirements of QW-441 are met and the
requirements of QW-404.5 are met to the satisfaction of the Authorized
Standard Designation:

BPV Section IX




Para./Fig./Table No:
Subject Description:

Section IX, Welder Qualification Testing

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :



Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question (1): Welders are to be qualified on 6 in. NPS coupons in the 6G
position using GTAW. The pieces are tacked together and positioned. The
bottom of the coupon is sealed and the gas purge line inserted. The top of
the coupon is then sealed with a perforated plastic cover. The welder being
tested begins welding, while a second welder observes the underside (root)
of the weld through the plastic cover. The observer then advises the welder
during welding (e.g., "slow down, you're not coming through to fuse the
edges," "You're too hot, speed up a little," etc.). Is this practice, called
looking-in, permitted for performance qualification testing?
Reply (1): Such a practice is not addressed by Section IX.

Question (2): What, if any, advice or instructions to the welder are

permitted when he is welding a performance qualification test coupon?

Reply (2): Advice to the welder during performance qualification is not

addressed by Section IX.
Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, Welder Qualification

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :



Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: When the same size tubular structural box members are joined in
a tee configuration, the weld joint formed on the sides most nearly
resembles a flair bevel groove. However, it differs from a normal flair bevel
groove in that the depth the flat side extends into the groove is limited to the
wall thickness of the tubular member. When the radius of the tubular box
corners is larger than the wall thickness, the resulting joint has an open root
(not backed). The root opening is typically about 3/16 in. Given the
condition described above (open root, nonstandard flair bevel groove) and
given that the design requirement is for partial penetration only (first 1/8 in.
of groove is discounted), is a welder, whose SMAW qualification test was
against backing or a GTAW root, qualified to weld this joint using SMAW
Reply: Yes.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:
Subject Description:

BPV Section IX
Section IX, QW-201



Date Issued:


Interpretation Number :


Record Number:


Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: A manufacturer wishes to qualify a procedure under the
following conditions. The manufacturer will use the materials,
consumables, equipment, plant, and testing facilities of another
organization. The welder producing the test weldments is an employee of
the manufacturer who is under the supervision of a representative of the
manufacturer. All required testing is then done by the organization
providing the stated services. Do the conditions described above meet the
requirements of QW-201?
Reply: Yes, provided the representative supervising the welding is an
employee of the manufacturer.

Standard Designation:

Para./Fig./Table No:

BPV Section IX

Subject Description:

Section IX, QW-304

Record Number:


Date Issued:

Interpretation Number :



Question(s) and Reply(ies): Question: Can a welder be qualified with radiographic examination using
GMAW (low-voltage short circuiting type)?
Reply: No.

Copyright 2016 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. No reproduction may be made of this material without
written consent of ASME


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