Learning Outcomes

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Internships 1 2 - 3

Internship 1

Internship 2

Internship 3

Name: Roy Michaud

Student number: MICR07059004_
Term: __Automn 2015_(09/11/2015; 18/12/2015)_
SCHOOLs: Saint-Arsne; Saint-Barthlmy (CSDM) Levels taught: Grade 1 to Grade 6, Classe langage Grade 1 and
Cooperating Teacher: Cristina Carlomusto
LEARNING OUTCOMES (What I have learned from this internship; include a reflection about the objectives you set in
your action plan)
The thing that strikes me the most from this internship is how every group is different. And every student is different
from another student, of course, but they seem to be different from themselves everyday. An old saying states that a
man never step twice in the same river(Heraclitus), I feel that this principle is true with us teachers. We never step
twice in the same classroom.
Also, I learned how much fun it can be to work with children. I have not spent much time interacting with children in my
life and was asking myself how they would react to my presence, teaching, discipline. My doubts ranged from asking
myself if they would start crying everytime I would tell them something or if they would not care for what I have to say.
No fears have subsisted to this day.
I came in thinking that the students might have been afraid of me, I soon realized it was me that was afraid of them. I
knew nothing about how fun working with children was and was only seeing the dark side.
I never had thought about having to work with special classes. It turns out that these students are some of the most
motivated I have ever seen. They like English so much because it takes them away from their routine and it seems to
them as if they were playing. This yields some pretty good results in the end.
I have learned the value of planning. Now, I am even planning while I am teaching, thinking about where I want them
(the students) to go, to be when we finish, what we are going to use this for. I feel so much safer stepping in front of the
class knowing every step of my lesson beforehand. It enables me to better react if students perform well or not.
While I teach, I now not only teach but I evaluate (the students learning, comprehension, interaction, how the lesson is
going, how they react to what I say), reflect (is this the way I should say this, is there any gesture that could help?) and
teach at the same time. This may take a lot of energy to accomplish but subtle reflections during class can change the
course of the whole lesson and make it a better learning experience.
Action Plan:
I wanted to adress my pronounciation during class. I tend to be a very anxious person and it made me stutter at the
beginning. I now have gained confidence and can better teach with an assured and balanced teaching voice. Practice
makes better.
Laughing fits are something I thought I would have a problem with, but it seems that when I get in my teacher
character, that tendency I have to laugh at nothing for days on disapears. I may smile a bit more but theres always so

much to do in class that I can always shrug it off withing seconds. I really think its better that way, smiling isnt that bad,
losing my focus and serious is.
Concerning classroom management, I wanted to see where I was standing. My fears of having the students cry
everytime I told them their behaviour was not acceptable have not materialised. I am far from perfect but I try really
hard to be less and less lenient, find my own safe and comfortable limits and respect my students as much as myself. I
am learning to be more consequent because idle threats only work once.
I wanted to give attention to all the students and not only the performing ones or misbehaving ones. I find it difficult to
include silent students in my questionning sessions as sometimes asking them a direct question makes them freeze. It
happens even though I know they probably understood the question or even know the answer. I still find it difficult but
when students are working on their activities, I always take time to go and see everyone, ask them a few questions
about how they are doing to determine the level of understanding for the whole class.
The constant use of French to help my students grasp a concept is a problem I will have to solve quickly. I always try to
use French when no other way is doable, but the fact is that I have not enough experience to see that there is always
a way to refrain to use French in the classroom. Circumlocution skills are very useful concerning this particular
I think that my strongest point is the amount of patience I have when it is time to explain something. I will never let go
of my students until I see that the concept is well understood. I wish my students to understand what I am trying to
pass on to them. And I want all my students to understand, even the most difficult ones. These students I will never
give up on.
Students now trust me, they know that I am a rigorous person who will be impatial when it come to conflicts. I always
ask for both sides of the medal and take a decision which can convene to both parties. I take the time to listen to
students, and I think that they feel it. Younger students say things which dont make any sense if you dont try to
understand (especially the younger ones). It is important that they feel like they can talk to me, wether it be to interact
during class or to talk to me about their problems or hopes.
I want my students to have fun in class. I try to have them participate as much as possible. I want my students to
understand that learning occurs better in a safe and joyful environment. I want them to succeed and I want them to
have fun while they are succeeding.

MY ACTION PLAN (strategies for improvement in the next


Patience when explaining something is a good quality.

When it comes to classroom management, patience is not
always the best way to go. I tend to wait too long before I
react to some situations and am way too lenient when it
comes to misbehaviour.

I have to be a strict yet firm teacher. Not being so lenient will

have my students better concentrate on what is happening
and they may actually enjoy my classes more if they feel
that the structure is rigid yet safe.

I have put too much trust in other peoples material during

this internship, it feels less rewarding than creating

This was my first real internship and I felt anxious about the
quantity of material I could/should have created. I


understand now that the material I produce will follow me

during my carreer and that the more I create, the more I
understand how to use it, the more ideas I can get. This is a
snowball effect I did not jump in properly.
I now think that this internship was a practice for what is to
come during my subsequent internships, I did not exploit the
possibility to create as much as I should have. There is a
long road ahead Im afraid.


I can honestly say that my beliefs on primary school have changed. I came in thinking that I would have considerable
trouble working with children and that my carreer would be only spent in high school. This is far from what I believe now. I
would jump on an opportunity to teach in a primary school without even thinking about it twice. It is a very rewarding place
and working with younger students is loads of fun. Of course, I have landed in a wonderful school and this may have
influenced my beliefs. But I would not mind going to work in a tougher place to better grasp the whole spectrum of
teaching in a primary school, and further foster my classroom management skills while doing so.
I think this internship has been a good preparation for the next one. We will understand planning and classroom
management. I am looking forward to the next one as it will be even more difficult and I will be able to fine tune the parts of
my teaching which need improvement.



Internship Supervisor


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