STPM BIOLOGY Photosynthesis

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– The chloroplast of plants capture light energy that has traveled 150 million
kilometers from the sun and convert it to chemical energy stored in sugar and
other organic molecules.
– This conversion process is called photosynthesis.
– Photosynthesis can be summarized as
6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2


– Chloroplast is the sites of photosynthesis in plants.

– The colour of the leaf is from chlorophyll, the green pigment located within
– Chloroplasts are formed mainly in the cells of the mesophyll, the tissue in the
interior of the leaf.
– Chlorophyll is not a single substance, but a mixture of pigments that comprises
chlorophyll a (blue-green), chlorophyll b (yellow green) and some carotenoids
such as alpha-carotene (orange), xanthophylls (yellow) and phaeophytin (grey).
– Chlorophyll a is the most abundant photosynthetic pigment. The molecule of
chlorophyll a has a head called porphyrin ring magnesium atom at its center.
Attached to the prophyrin is a hydrophobic tail, which interacts with hydrophobic
regions of proteins in the thylakoid membrane.
– Chlorophyll b differs from chlorophyll a only in one of the functional groups
bonded to the porphyrin.
– The biochemical reactions involved in photosynthesis can be divided into two
1. Light reaction, which occurs in the grana of chloroplasts and require a
continual supply of sunlight.
2. Dark reaction, which occurs in the stroma chloroplasts and can carry on for
some time in darkness after the light reaction.

Importance of photosynthesis

1. Photosynthesis and metabolism in plants

– The products of photosynthesis can support all metabolic needs of green plants.
1. Photosynthesis and food chain
– Plants are the producer, which provide food required by almost all living
organism directly and indirectly.
1. Photosynthesis and air composition
– Photosynthesis helps to reuse the excess carbon dioxide that released into the
atmosphere daily from respiration and burning of fossil fuel.
– Photosynthesis also releases oxygen.

Light reaction (light-dependent reaction)

– The light reaction pathway involves the following stages:

1. Absorption of light energy and photoactivation of chlorophyll
2. ATP synthesis through photophosphorylation
3. Production of NADPH
4. Production of oxygen from photolysis of water
– The chlorophyll complex is located in thylakoid membrane and is arranged in
groups of hundreds of molecules, called photosystem.
– A photosystem is an assemblage of 200 to 400 pigment molecules together with a
primary electron acceptor and a series of electron carriers.

– There are two types of photosystem: photosystem I and photosystem II.

– Each has a characteristic reaction-center complex – a particular kind of primary
electron acceptor next to special pairs of chlorophyll a molecules associated with
specific proteins.
– There are two types of pigment, P680 and P700. Although these two pigment are
nearly identical to chlorophyll a molecules.
– However, their association with different proteins in the thylakoid membrane
affects the electron distribution in the two pigments and accounts for the slight
differences in their light-absorbing properties.
Photosystem I
– The chlorophyll a at the rection-center complex is called P700 because it most
effectively absorbs light of wavelength 700nm.
Photosystem II
– The reaction-center complex is known as P680 because that pigment is best at
absorbing light having a wavelength of 680nm.
Linear electron flow (Non-cyclic photophosphorylation)

1. A photon of light strikes a pigment molecule in a light-harvesting complex,

boosting one of its electrons to a higher energy level. As this electron falls back to
its ground state, an electron in a nearby pigment molecule is simultaneously
raised to an excited state. The process continues, with the energy being relayed to
other pigment molecules until it reaches the P680 pair of the chlorophyll a
molecules in the PSII reaction-center complex. It excites an electron in this pair of
chlorophyll to a higher energy state.
2. This electron is transferred from the excited P680 to the primary electron
3. An enzyme catalyses the splitting of a water molecule into two electrons, two
hydrogen ions and an oxygen atom. The electrons are supplied one by one to the
P680 pair, each electron replacing one transferred to the primary electron
acceptor. The oxygen atom immediately combines with an oxygen atom
generated by the splitting of another water molecule, forming O2.
4. Each photoexcited electron passes from the primary electron acceptor of PSII to
PSI via an electron transport chain, the electron transport chain between PSII and
PSI is made up of the electron carrier plastoquinone (Pq), a cytochrome complex
and a protein called plastocyanin (Pc).
5. The exergonic fall of electrons to a lower energy level provides energy for the
synthesis of ATP. As electrons pass through the cytochrome compex, the
pumping of protons builds a proton gradient that is subsequently used in
6. Meanwhile, light energy was transferred via light-harvesting complex pigments to
the PSI reaction-center complex, exciting an electron of the P700 pair of
chlorophyll a molecules located there. The photoactivated electron was then
transferred to PSI primary electron acceptor, creating an electron hole in the P700.
In other words, P700 can now act as an electron acceptor, accepting an electron
that reaches the bottom of the electron transport chain from PSII.
7. Photoactivated electrons are passed in a series of redox reactions from the primary
electron acceptor of PSI down a second electron transport chain through the
protein ferredoxin (Fd).
8. The enzyme NADP+ reductase catalyzes the transfer of electrons from Fd to
NADP+. Two electrons are required for its reduction to NADPH (H ion is
supplied by the photolysis of water). This molecule is at a higher energy level
than water and its electrons are more readily available for the reactions of the
Calvin cycle than were those of water.

Cyclic photophosphorylation

1. Cyclic photophosphorylation involves only PSI.

2. The photon of light strikes the pigment molecules and the light energy is
transferred to the reaction-center complex. Electron is excited.
3. The excited electron of chlorophyll a is transferred to primary electron acceptor.
4. The electron is transported by a series of electron transport chain: Ferredoxin
(Fd), cytochrome complex and plastocynin (Pc).
5. When electron passes through the cytochrome complex, ATP is generated.
6. The excited electron eventually gets back to the reaction-center complex to fill the
electron hole.

Chemiosmosis to produce ATP

– Electron transport is coupled to ATP synthesis by cheiosmosis.

– The flow of excited electrons through the electron carrier chain (cytochrome
complex) causes proton (H+) to be pumped from the stroma of chloroplast into the
thylakoid space.
– The accumulation of proton (H+) in the thylakoid space causes the difference in
the proton concentration gradient between the stroma and thylakoid space.
– Proton diffuses down the proton concentration gradient through the enzyme ATP
– The diffusion of proton out of thylakoid space through ATP synthase induces the
synthesis of ATP from ADP and a phosphate group.
– The process is called chemiosmosis.

Dark reaction (light-independent reaction)

– The dark reaction, also known as Calvin cycle, is a series of light-independent
biochemical reactions that occurs in the stroma of chloroplast.
– The cycle can be divided into three phases: carbon fixation, reduction and
regeneration of the CO2 acceptor.
– ATP and NADPH used is the product from the light reaction.

1. Carbon fixation
– The Calvin cycle incorporates each CO2 molecule, one at a time, by attaching it to
a five carbon sugar named ribulose bisphoshate (RuBP).
– The enzyme that catalyses this first step is RuBO carboxylase of rubisco.
– The product of the reaction is a six-carbon intermediate so unstable that it
immediately splits in half, forming two molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate.
1. Reduction
– Each molecule of 3-phosphoglycerate receives an additional phosphate group
from ATP becoming 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate.
– Next a pair of electrons donated from NADPH reduces 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate
which also loses a phosphate grouo becoming G3P.
– Specifically, the electrons from NADPH reduce a carboxyl group on 1,3-
bisphosphogylcerate to the aldehyde group of G3P, which stores more potential
– Notice that for every three molecules of CO2 that enter the cycle, there are six
molecules of G3P formed. But only one molecule of this three-carbon sugar can
be counted as a net gain of carbohydrate.
– The cycle began with 15 carbons’ worth of carbohydrate in the form of three
molecules of RuBP. Now there are 18 carbons’ worth of carbohydrate in the form
of G3P.
– One molecule exits the cycle to be used by the plant cell, nut the other five
molecules must be recycled to regenerate the three molecules of RuBP.
1. Regeneration of the CO2 acceptor
– In a complex series of reactions, the carbon skeletons of five molecules of G3P
are rearranged by the last steps of the Calvin cycle into three molecules of RuBP.
– To accomplish this, the cycle spends three more molecules of ATP.
– The RuBP is now prepared to receive CO2 again and the cycle continues.


– In most plants, initial fixation of carbon occurs via rubisco.

– Such plants are called C3 plants because the first organic product of carbon
fixation is a three-carbon compound, 3-phosphoglycerate.
– As CO2 becomes scarce within the air spaces of the leaf, rubisco adds O2 to the
Calvin cycle instead of CO2.
– Thus, O2 becomes a competitive inhibitor of RuBP.
– This process is called photorespiration because it occurs in the light (photo) and
consumes O2 while producing CO2 (respiration).
– However, unlike normal cellular respiration, photorespiration generates no ATP;
in fact, photorespiration consumes ATP and no sugar is produced.
Alternative mechanism of carbon dioxide fixation

– Another pathway for carbon dioxide fixation is the C4 pathway (Hatch-Slack

pathway) which occurs in only C4 plants.
– Anatomical and physiological differences between leaves of C4 and C3 plants.
1. Outer mesophyll cell layer
2. The inner vascular bundle cell layer (bundle sheath)
– These two layers are filled with chloroplasts in C4 plants.
– Unlike C4 plants, only mesophyll cell layer of C3 plants are filled with
chloroplasts but not bundle sheath cells.
– The Calvin cycle is confined to the chloroplasts of the bundle sheath cells.
– However, the cycle is preceded by incorporation of CO2 into organic compounds
in the mesophyll cells.
– The concentric arrangement pattern of these two layers around the vascular
bundle is known as Krantz anatomy.
– The role of mesophyll cells is to provide CO2 in the form of malate to bundle
sheath cells, so that the CO2 concentration is raised to prevent photorespiration.
– Thus, the efficiency of photosynthesis is higher in C4 plants as compared to C3

Mechanism of C4 pathway
1. The first step is carried out by an enzymes present only in the mesophyll cells
called PEP carboxylase. This enzyme adds CO2 to phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP),
forming the four-carbon product oxaloacetate. PEP carboxylase has a much
higher affinity for CO2 than does rubisco and no affinity for O2. Therefore, PEP
carboxylase can fix carbon efficiently when rubisco cannot – that is, when it is hot
and dry and stomata are partially closed, causing CO2 concentration in the leaf to
fall and O2 concentration to rise. Oxaloacetate then is reduced by NADPH to
produce malate.
2. After the C4 plant fixes carbon from CO2, the mesophyll cells export their four-
carbon products (malate) through plasmodesmata to bundle sheath cells.
3. Within the bundle sheath cells, malate release CO2, which is reassimilated into
organic material by rubisco and the Calvin cycle. The same reaction regenerates
pyruvate, which is transported to mesophyll cells. There, ATP is used to convert
pyruvate to PEP, allowing the reaction cycle to continue; this ATP can be thought
of as the “price” of concentrating CO2 in the bundle sheath cells.

CAM plants

– A second photosynthetic adaptation to arid-conditions has evolved in many

succulent plants, numerous cacti, pineapples and representatives of several other
plant families.
– Closing of stomata during the day helps desert plants conserve water, but it also
prevents CO2 from entering the leaves.
– During the night, when their stomata are open, these plants take up CO2 and
incorporate it into a variety of organic acid.
– This mode of carbon dioxide fixation is called crassulacean acid metabolism, or
– The mesophyll cells of CAM plants store the organic acid they make during the
night in their vacuoles until morning when stomata close.
– During the day, when the light reactions can supply ATP and NADPH for the
Calvin cycle, CO2 is released from the organic acids made the night before to
become incorporated into sugar in the chloroplasts.

– Notice that the CAM pathway is similar to the C4 pathway in that carbon dioxide
is first incorporated into organic intermediates before it enters the Calvin cycle.
– The difference is that in C4 plants, the initial steps of carbon fixation are separated
structurally from the Calvin cycle, whereas in CAM plants, the two steps occur at
separate times but within the same cell.

Absorption spectrum and action spectrum

– When light meets matter, it may be reflected, transmitted or absorbed.
– Substances that absorb visible light are known as pigments.
– Different pigments absorb light of different wavelengths and the wavelength that
are absorbed disappear,
– We see green when we look at a leaf because chloroplasts absorb violet-blue and
red light while transmitting and reflecting green light.
– The ability of a pigment to absorb various wavelength of light can be measured
with an instrument called a spectrophotometer.
– A graph plotting a pigment’s light absorption versus wavelength is called an
absorption spectrum.
– A graph plotting the rate of photosynthesis versus wavelength is known as action

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