Baton: Hurdle
Baton: Hurdle
Baton: Hurdle
Barrier used as an obstacle in certain track events; it is placed at regular intervals on the circuit and its
height varies depending on the event.
Steeplechase hurdle
Hurdle that the runners must clear in the steeplechase event; it is 36 inches high.
Starting pistol
Firearm used by a judge to signal the start of a race by firing blanks into the air.
Small, very light wooden or metal stick that is passed from one runner to the next during a relay race.
Flat circular disk that the athlete throws with one hand after spinning around several times in a throwing
Ball made of a metal such as bronze or copper that the athlete throws with one hand after winding up in
the throwing circle.
Surface on which a baseball game is played; it is in the shape of a quarter circle and is covered with dirt
and natural or synthetic grass.
Implement consisting of a heavy ball attached to a wire; the athlete throws it after spinning around several
times in the throwing circle.
Metal rod shaped like a spear that the athlete throws with one hand after building up speed on the runway.